Bound in Byzantine Bonds: A Simon DuWright Adventure (MMM/MMM) Updated with Chapter XVIII 12/31/22

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Post by george_bound »

Well well well things are setting up nicely, it was great to get a re-cap of all the predicaments the guests find themselves in, especially Johnny and Bucky :twisted: And also to see Pendrith's soft side for Eddie, will that end up being a liability for the overall plan? It seems Simon and Hugh are aware there's something amiss but is there anything they can do to stop it (let's hope not :twisted:)?

Looking forward to Simon and Johnny's reunification as well as Hugh and Danny!
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

Pardon my late reply! I like to savor the chapters you post - so damn good, I never want them to end. Anyway, wow! Pivotal developments and an interesting revelation! Fun joc(k)ular banter between Simon and Hugh in the elevator. We’ve known DeVere was wrestling with some feelings about Eddie and clearly he has now made a decision. The scene in Eddie’s cell was a really nice set-up, reestablishing him as a three-dimensional character with his own conflicted feelings. You gave yourself room there to make whatever happens between Eddie and Peter seem plausible and real (without becoming Stockholm syndrome). Nice! The final scene where DeVere watches Simon and Hugh trying to hide themselves in the garden, however, was a smooth reminder that this man is himself a full character and we should not make any assumptions about how he is going to pursue his own agenda – not necessarily to the benefit of Simon and Hugh! Heh heh heh…. And bringing back Penrith was great. Now we have tension on multiple fronts!

Of course, the scenes on the monitor with Johnny and Bucky… whew, hot as always (I could happily watch those two helplessly rub along until their brains melted)... and damn you with your teasing of what phase two in the captivity of all these hot studs is going to be! I'm about to burst in anticipation and can’t wait to see what you have in store once Richelieu and Mazarin get busy!!! (That Norwegian skater at the party gave us a a provocative window into what may be in store – perilous and nefarious indeed... and rather titillating!)

Thanks for another great chapter. I bet writing this one took a lot of mental energy with so much that had to be carefully thought through in transition to what comes next. Yes, you've got me on the edge of my seat!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

[mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention] was incredibly kind to put together a picture of Inspector Simon DuWright of the RCMP, the hero of my tale. I couldn't ask for a better likeness. He also did a mock-up of a back cover that offers a good summary of this saga!

You're the best, [mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention]! :D :D


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Post by george_bound »

Well that's just awesome!
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Post by kankuro10 »

Incredible picture and back cover, for this incredible story.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Well that's just awesome!
Incredible picture and back cover, for this incredible story.
Thank [mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention], [mention]george_bound[/mention]!

[mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention] certainly pictured Simon perfectly, [mention]kankuro10[/mention], and thank you.
More More More Please.
I've been busy with work and other writing, [mention]privateandrews[/mention], but I am about halfway through the next chapter.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

This is the first of two parts to this chapter. Sorry, that it has taken me a long time to write, but life gets in the way sometimes. I hope you enjoy it! Special thanks to [mention]kankuro10[/mention], [mention]privateandrews[/mention], [mention]george-bound[/mention], and especially to [mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention] for your comments and support!

Chapter XVI: Restrained Reunions, Part One

Monday Evening, 7:30 pm : On the Grounds of an Estate in Westmount, Montréal, Québec

Once they had made it to the cover of the trees beyond the gardens of Michael Palaiologos’s Estate, Simon and Hugh took a moment to get their bearings. Luckily, clouds had rolled in to cover the moonlight, so detection of them was that much harder – but Simon and Hugh now had to adjust themselves to the darkness. Behind the trees and shrubbery, both men crouched low on their haunches to look back at the mansion. They could hear the string quartet commence once again and the murmur of conversations from the terrace and inside the house drifted towards them. And now Simon had the chance now to survey the exterior of the residence. Two wings extended from either side of the center of the home of Georgian design. The east wing to the right in their view was where Price Archer had been escorted from the reception. Simon could see lights from a cellar underneath the main floor, but more interestingly, it appeared that there were levels under that cellar, which were built inside the hill on which the mansion sat atop. Without speaking, he nudged Hugh, pointed to the east wing of the house, and motioned to Hugh to follow him. Stealthily, they edged their way eastward and before long the ground began to slope under them.

When they were parallel to the end of the east wing amid the stand of trees, Simon and Hugh saw a private road ahead that snaked down from the house to further below. Again, Simon silently motioned for Hugh to follow, and they turned in a southerly direction and hiked downward, keeping the road in their sights, but being careful to remain as hidden behind the trees and shrubbery as possible. After twenty minutes or so, Simon held up his left hand to signal Hugh to halt. Putting his right index finger to his lips, Simon crouched down low behind the foliage. Hugh followed suit. What lay before them was an entrance beneath the depths of the compound.

Simon and Hugh viewed a tunnel leading into the hill under the estate. There was a loading ramp and dock at the entrance. The tunnel was well-lighted from inside, but only two lights illuminated the opening outside. There were no signs of guards about, but Simon and Hugh spied CCTV cameras at either side of (and above the way into) the tunnel. They looked about the trees to find other cameras, but they saw none. Simon nodded at Hugh to follow him, and he was about to move in closer toward the entrance, when they heard a car approach and headlights soon illumined the entrance. Both hurriedly ducked down as low as they could.

As a limousine pulled to the entrance, a trio of black, tactical-gear uniformed men emerged from the tunnel. One pushed a wheelchair to the back passenger door of the car. The driver got out and opened the door for the man. The car’s light was not strong enough to illuminate the face of the man pushing the wheelchair, but Simon had a flash of thought that he had seen him somewhere before. Could it be?

Simon could not quite shake the suspicion that he had encountered that man once before, but he could not identify him from his vantage point. Simon tried to concentrate on the unfolding scene. Both he and Hugh watched, as the other two men carried a comatose Price Archer from the backseat of the limousine and deposited him in the wheelchair. The trio of men then wheeled Price Archer away from the car, up the ramp, and into the tunnel. Who is he? I know him! The driver got back into the limo and drove back up the road. Hugh noticed Simon’s disquiet.

“What’s wrong, Simon? We knew they were abducting Price Archer.” Hugh hurriedly and softly uttered.

“It’s nothing,” Simon pushed his suspicions away, “We’ve got to get in there, now. Come on.” Simon edged through the shrubs and trees. Hugh followed closely behind him. They were soon parallel to the entrance. Simon surveilled the site. The CCTV cameras pointed at the front of the entrance and light from the tunnel cast light at the front, but either side of the entrance remained in shadows and darkness. If they kept to those shadows, Simon believed, he and Hugh could get to the tunnel without being detected. Once there, they’d have to make sure the entrance was clear before proceeding into it.

As Simon was reconnoitering, Hugh did as well, but his thoughts drifted to the feelings he had begun to develop for Simon. Get a hold of yourself, Hugh. You’ve got to maintain your professionalism. For the sake of getting Danny and the other men back – for the sake of stopping Palaiologos and whatever diabolic designs he has planned. You can’t be thinking about Simon. Fer Chrissakes, Man! Simon has a boyfriend, and I’ve told Simon that I understood that. But I can’t turn off my feelings for him so easily. He’s the perfect copper. He handled Palaiologos so well – while I fought hard to maintain my cool with that bastard! Now – Simon is going to crack this case. But one of the men who came out to take Price Archer rattled Simon – and he’s always so cool. You’ve got to keep your head straight, Hugh – focus on the mission – And not on the fact that I want Simon DuWright to fuck my brains out!

Simon turned to Hugh. “Follow closely behind me on three, Hugh. Got it?” He whispered.

Hugh gave a thumb’s up sign that he understood. Simon nodded back. He raised his right hand. As clouds completely covered the moon and cast the surrounding area into further darkness, Simon lifted first one, then two, and on lifting his third finger, he emerged from the foliage and shrubbery and sprinted in a low crouch toward the wall of the near side of tunnel’s entrance. Hugh mirrored Simon’s every movement. The two men were soon beside the tunnel’s entrance with their backs flat against the wall and their heads turned toward the opening. Simon did not dare turn his head for fear of alerting anyone to their presence. He trusted Hugh was right beside him and had his back. Hearing Hugh’s even breaths confirmed this.

Simon paid close attention to hear if anyone was close to the entrance of the tunnel inside. He heard nothing, so he carefully inched closer to the lip of the opening. Hugh moved in lockstep beside Simon. Simon warily crouched lower and peered into the passageway. There appeared to be no one close by. He could see metal packing cases aligned against the walls of the passageway – perfect cover for Hugh and him to conceal them once inside.

“There’s a crate next to the wall. I’ll go first. Wait ten seconds then follow me in.” Simon instructed Hugh in a murmur.

Simon slipped inside and crouched low behind a crate. Ten seconds later, Hugh was crouching down next to him. Both men remained motionless listening to make sure no one had noticed them enter. There appeared to be no one in the passageway. They moved quietly but purposefully further down the course. With very little idea what or who lay ahead, Simon and Hugh continued along. Just as they saw a doorway up ahead, they heard footsteps and voices coming from the far end of the tunnel. Luckily there was a space between the containers, which they ducked into. Simon and Hugh each held their breath as the steps and voices drew closer and clearer.

“The Master’s reception is ending. His guests have begun to depart.”

“Brother Penrith has assigned us to attend to the Master’s latest acquisitions once they’re prepared under Dr. Richelieu’s direction in the laboratory on Level One. That gives us a few hours to rest in preparation for what lies ahead.”

Simon and Hugh heard the footsteps turn into the doorway ahead from where they hid themselves. A door opened and shut, and once more all was silent in the tunnel.

“I’ve got an idea. Follow my lead.” Simon whispered. Simon with Hugh following crept up to the door.

When they got to the door, both men stood up.

“Just follow my lead. Be ready to use your training. We’re going to take them out.” Simon instructed Hugh ever so quietly. He turned the knob and opened the door. It was a small room with a table and two chairs in the middle of the room, bunk beds to one side, and metal storage lockers on another side. Two men were standing by the table in the middle of the room. They were taking their fitted, military-style, tactical Elite Ops shirts off, as Simon and Hugh entered.

“Uuuhhh…that food was awful – let’s hope this is the loo.” Simon said, as he entered –doubled over and holding his stomach.

“Take it easy, pal.” Hugh played along and stayed close behind him, while patting him on his back.

The men were taken completely by surprise.

“What are you doing in…”

Before the man could finish his sentence, Simon and Hugh stood before the two sentries, and in unison they delivered strong chops to the side of the men’s necks. The men crumpled to the floor completely unconscious. Simon doubled back to the door, closed, and locked it.

“We don’t have much time. We’ve got to get them out of their uniforms, tie them up and gag them.”

“What will we use to tie them up?” Hugh asked.

“Are you serious?” Simon chuckled. He walked over to the storage locker and opened it. The shelves were stocked with black rope, black kerchiefs, duct-tape, leather muzzle gags, and other assorted shackles. “This crew always has a ready supply of restraints, ropes, and gags on hand.” He grabbed a bundle of black rope, some kerchiefs, and two rolls of duct-tape.

Simon and Hugh got to work. They quickly stripped the guards of their black, tactical boots, Elite Ops trousers, and UA compression, sleeveless tee shirts – leaving them only in their jockstraps. Rolling the men over onto their stomachs, Simon and Hugh quickly lashed their wrists together behind their backs and then lashed their ankles. Next – they bound the men’s legs further above and below their knees, pinioned their arms to their sides by winding the black rope around their upper arms and across the men’s backs and chests carefully tying the knots away from the men’s fingers. Lastly, they immobilized the two members of that odious Order further by tying lengths of that baleful black rope from their bound wrists to their equally bound ankles, circling sections of the rope around the binds above and below their knees. The effect was not a hogtie, but a very taut and tight binding that made sure any attempt at escape would result in the rope digging uncomfortably into the crevices of each man’s bountiful buttocks and between his legs.

Simon and Hugh gently rolled each of the bound but still unconscious men back onto their backs and got a good look at their faces. Both were conventionally good-looking men with dark hair cut short, dark eyes, straight noses, thin lips, and strong jawlines. Both men appeared to be in the mid-twenties, but one was definitely older than the other. Simon peered closer at the two.

“They’re brothers.” He said to Hugh.

Hugh bent down for a closer look. “You’re right.”

Simon looked over at the bunk beds. He went over and pulled the covers, blankets, and top sheets down to the foot of each bed. Walking back over to the bound twosome, he said to Hugh. “Come on, I’ve got an idea. Help me lift this one onto the upper bunk.” Simon nodded over at the older of the two. With Simon lifting him by his shoulders and Hugh his feet, together they carried the man over to the bunk beds, and they placed him on the top bunk.

“Now – for his younger brother.” Simon said. Soon, the other man was on the lower bunk.

Simon searched through the pockets of the men’s clothes. He found what appeared to be identification/access cards. The men were indeed brothers – Matías and Alejandro Osuna. He then grabbed much more rope from the storage locker, and he began to secure the man on the top bunk -- Matías Osuna – to the bed. Observing how he tied the man down, Hugh gathered more rope and bound Alejandro Osuna on the lower bunk to his bed in a similar manner. Soon, the two brothers were fastened strongly to the beds. And just in time – the men were slowly coming to. Simon grabbed a bunch of the black kerchiefs and handed a couple of them to Hugh.

“Be ready to stuff this in the younger guy’s mouth in case he cries out.”

Hugh got down on his haunches and leaned over the head of Alejandro Osuna on the lower bunk.

“Uh…Uh…uh…” The two moaned, as they slowly awoke. They were soon awake and testing their bonds. Simon and Hugh had made sure their squirming would be to little effect. The men stared defiantly at Simon and Hugh.

“You may have taken us, but you will not get far.” Matías Osuna firmly declared to Simon.

“We only need to get so far.” Simon replied to him. Simon held the man’s gaze. He then added in a measured tone, “We only need to get to the Doctor’s Laboratory on Level One.”

And there Simon saw it – a hint of questioning in the man’s eyes – just how did Simon know where the laboratory was, Matías wondered?

“And we shall find the men we’re looking for.” Simon added.

Again, almost imperceptibly, Matías Osuna’s eyes betrayed him.

“That’s all we need to know.” Simon affirmed.

The man’s eyes narrowed, as he glared at Simon.

“You may think you know what you are doing – but you have no idea what awaits you.” He warned.

Before he could say anything more, Simon stuffed a balled-up kerchief in Matías’s mouth.

“Uugghh!” He grunted as the cloth cut off further speech. Simon next cleave-gagged him with another black kerchief, before adding another over his mouth. Simon finished by wrapping black gaffer tape around Matías’s head several times, pressing the cloth down and sealing his lips into silence. Matías grunted and groaned in vain.

When he was done, Simon focused his attention on the man in the lower bunk. Hugh was at the head of the bunk – but Simon motioned him over to the side out of earshot of the brothers.

“Watch over the older of the two,” Simon instructed Hugh quietly. “Keep your hand over his mouth to muffle him further. I want to see what I can get out of the younger brother. His cockiness may get the better of him, and his brother will try to alert him to keep his mouth shut.

Simon crouched down on his haunches next to the bunk and peered over Alejandro.

“As my brother told you, you won’t get far.” Alejandro spoke with confidence and with more than a bit of bravado.

Simon decided to work that bravado to his and Hugh’s advantage.

“What makes you so certain?” Simon asked.

“For one – you won’t get past the cameras at the end of the corridor outside.”


Matías sought to shut Alejandro up, but Hugh was quick to clamp his hand down on his already well-gagged mouth reducing his muffled warning to the roar of a mouse. Alejandro’s pride was too much, and he remained unaware of his brother’s attempts to quiet him…

“Level Two is well guarded – you will not breach those secure areas.” Unaware, Alejandro had just given up a key secret. Simon was now sure the kidnapped men were kept there.
Matías seethed in rage at his brother’s unwitting betrayal. The utterly bound and tightly gagged man’s hot breath puffed out from his nostrils on Hugh’s hand, as the Mountie pressed down strongly against his captive’s sealed lips. Harshly harnessed as he was and firmly fastened to the top bunk, Matías could hardly budge a muscle to warn his younger brother against revealing further secrets to Simon. And – try as he might – he could not shake Hugh’s hand from its chokehold over his muzzled mouth. Matías ultimately sank his head further into the pillow in defeat.

“The two of you will be easily captured by the patrols.” Alejandro continued to boast and unsuspectingly provide Simon and Hugh with more intel.

“Well, we’ll keep an eye out for them.” Simon answered him.

Alejandro gave Simon a puzzled look, and then his eyes betrayed him – widening in surprise. Alejandro suddenly realized that he had revealed too much.

“I…mmmppphhh,” he began to say.

“Here – chew on this.” Simon took the opportunity of Alejandro’s open mouth to stuff a wadded, black cloth into it –completely filling its cavity. Simon next twirled and twisted a second, black cloth to fashion into a cleave-gag, which he then used to secure the stuffing and knotted tightly behind Alejandro’s head. A third black kerchief went over the cleave-gag and was similarly fastened at the back of Alejandro’s head. Finally, Simon took a roll of black duct-tape and plastered it over the young man’s muffled mouth and circled it around his head several times until he was satisfied that any sound from Alejandro would be no more than a muted murmur.

“It’s time for you and your brother to sleep tight and not let the bed bugs bite.” Simon informed Alejandro, while lightly patting him on his cheek.

Simon pulled the top sheet and thin blanket over the solidly bound and soundly gagged man up to his neck. He then tightly tucked Alejandro in. Likewise, Hugh did the same to Matías in the top bunk. Simon returned to the storage locker and removed a bundle of black, webbed straps. Tossing a few to Hugh, Simon told him to strap Matías further to the top bunk, while he did the same to Alejandro in the lower one. Soon, the two brothers were snug as bugs in a rug, tucked and belted to their bunks at their chests, waists, thighs, and ankles. Neither could budge an inch.

“Shall we kiss them ‘Good Night’?” Hugh cheekily suggested.

“Only if you wish?” Simon jauntily answered.

“Why not?” Hugh retorted, as he bent over Matías, first, and then, Alejandro to buss them on their foreheads.

“Sweet Dreams!” He wished to both men. They both shot daggers at Hugh, as he did so. Alejandro remained silent, while Matías feebly fumbled a curse at Hugh.

“mmppffuucchh uu.”

“Better watch that muffled mouth. The Sandman may bring you nightmares, if you keep talking like that.” Hugh scolded Matías, as he gave him a wink.

“Come on, we need to get changed.” Simon bade Hugh over to the men’s discarded uniforms, as he crouched low to unlace his boots.

Hugh joined him, and they worked quickly and silently, as they stripped off their own clothes and redressed in the tight-fitting uniforms of the brothers.

The Mansion Above in the Study of Michael Palaiologos

While Simon and Hugh were disguising themselves as sentries of the Order of the Black Rope, the reception had ended in the mansion above. Michael Palaiologos sat in his study, sipping a Remy Martin, thinking over the evening’s events and his plans going forward. The last of his guests had departed – all except for one whose stay was not entirely voluntary and a couple others who would not be leaving either for some time, or ever if Palaiologos’ scheme went according to design!

There was a soft knock on the door.

Herein.” Palaiologos bade the caller enter.

Peter deVere came into his master’s study and crossed the plush Persian carpet over to the fireplace by which Michael Palaiologos sat enjoying his cognac.

“Have all the guests left.”

“Yes, Master. Except for those whom you desired to remain your ‘guests’.”

“And did that go as planned?”

“Yes, Master. We slipped a sedative in Price Archer’s drink that disoriented him and made him appear intoxicated. As Mr. Archer became befuddled, two novice brothers came to escort him away.”

“Did anyone observe them?”

“The two Mounties, Master – Simon DuWright and Hugh Warwick – came to Archer’s aid, but I deterred them from doing more. The attendants led Mr. Archer away without further interference.”

“And the two attendants – were they the men we agreed to perform the task?”

“Yes, Master. I made sure one of the two novices was your protégé.”

“And did Inspector DuWright notice him.”

“Yes, Master. The Inspector recognized him.”

“As I expected – I knew Inspector Simon DuWright would be a worthy opponent. It will make it all the sweeter taking him down and bending him to my will. Did he take the bait?”

“Yes, Sir. He did. DuWright and his colleague, Hugh Warwick, left the reception to discover a way into the mansion from below.”

“Ha ha! So, our intrepid inspectors do not disappoint us. Did DuWright and Warwick find their way to the backdoor – as it were – to the base of our operations.”

“Yes, Master. They did. Unbeknownst to the inspectors, two of our finest trackers tailed closed behind them. DuWright and Warwick evaded the cameras, but our trackers observed them entering the tunnel to our facilities below the mansion, after they had seen our reception for the baseball player, Price Archer.”

“And where are they now?” Palaiologos asked his chief aide.

“They have continued to evade detection from the cameras, Sir. We believe they are still on the ground level.”

“Inspector DuWright is a very resourceful man. I have no doubt that he and Inspector Warwick will soon find their way to the upper levels. Make sure that they get to Dr. Richelieu’s Laboratory on Level One.”

“Yes, Master.”

There was another knock at the door to the study.

Herein.” Palaiologos commanded.

Patrick Penrith entered, walked across the expanse of the room to stand beside his fellow Brother deVere. Peter barely noted his presence.

“Brother Penrith, does all go well in the laboratory?” Michael Palaiologos asked.

“It does, Master.” Penrith replied.

“Is Dr. Richelieu there now?”

“He and Dr. Mazarin are inspecting Price Archer in preparation for transportation tomorrow morning to your South American operations.”

“And how are they preparing our prized, good-looking and muscular American outfielder?”

“Master, the doctors quickly stripped and washed him. They are now putting Mr. Archer through the first ropes of bonding – as it were. They have bound him to an examination table. When the doctors are finished examining him, they will mummify Mr. Archer with tape treated with the Paste of Palaiologos.”

“Before they gag Mr. Archer, I want his mouth stuffed – as our other “guests” have been.”

“Of course, Master. And whose musk, Sir, do you desire to scent the cloth we use to fill Mr. Archer’s mouth?”

“If our contacts in Major League Baseball are correct, rumors have quietly circulated in clubhouses for some time about Mr. Archer’s sexuality. As a matter of fact, Mr. Archer – according to our most well-placed source – had planned to come out of the closet this coming season.”

“Well, it appears he will remain closeted from the world before he had a chance to step out of the closet as a gay man, Master,” Peter deVere quipped.

Michael Palaiologos laughed at his aide’s little joke. Patrick Penrith merely sniffed.

“Ha, yes, he will. But…” He paused, deep in thought. He turned to Penrith. “As to muffling our prized catch tonight, it would be appropriate to intoxicate him further with the manly aroma of a fellow American ballplayer – my “guest” Tommy Neville will supply it. We’ve kept Mr. Neville – as we’ve all my “guests” – in a state of perpetual but unrelieved arousal, since their arrival at the estate to heighten their senses to touch, to increase the volume and quality of their ejaculate, and thus to improve the level of their testosterone. Mr. Neville is now mesmerized to his attendant, Brother Conyers. His bouquet should be very redolent to Mr. Archer of the men with whom he has played on the diamond and with whom he has shared locker-rooms in clubhouses since his school days. Neville’s snuff will ignite a fire in Mr. Archer’s loins which will be impossible to extinguish.”

“As you command, Master. There is another matter which needs to be brought to your attention, Sir.”

“Yes. What is it, Brother Penrith?”

“During your reception, Sir, after the Slobobian chauffeur dropped off Inspectors DuWright and Warwick, he presented gifts to you Master from his Master in gratitude for guiding them to the abduction of the remaining members of the RCMP tennis squad, their coaches, and the two Canadian naval officers.”

“Is that so, Brother Penrith? What type of gifts?”

“The well-packaged kind, Master – of exquisite beauty, if I may be so bold as to render judgment.” Penrith answered eagerly.

Michael Palaiologos smiled – intrigued at Penrith’s zeal. Peter deVere merely listened, not wishing to display any emotion or utter a word that might betray his contempt for Penrith.

“One is the son of the Greek-born owner of the limousine company. The other is a Canadian policeman, who appears to have stumbled upon the Slobobians as they executed the kidnapping at the hotel earlier this evening. They are both exceptionally beautiful men, Master.”

Peter deVere raised an eyebrow. This is no coincidence. A cop at the same hotel as DuWright? I can’t let him be linked to me – or else all my plans are for naught. Think, deVere – think! If the Slobobians found anything on him, they would hand it over to us –

“Is it wise to have accepted a policeman as a gift to our master? It may bring unnecessary scrutiny to our master’s operation.” Peter asked in a barely restrained snarl.

“You forget, Brother deVere, there is a police officer amongst our master’s guests already – the man whose identity I assumed to monitor our master’s primary target and ascertain the extent of his knowledge of our illustrious Order of the Black Rope. And, now, we have that primary target – Inspector DuWright – within our grasp. I’ve played my part in this operation very well if I do say so myself.”

“We’ve all played our parts, Brother Penrith.” Peter spat back.

Michael Palaiologos sat back, watching his two, top aides-de-camp sparring with each other. He took pride in the fact that neither man could stand the other. Contempt bred initiative. And the Order needed creativeness. Penrith and deVere could go far within the Order. They had such skill. And each owed so much to him. He had overseen their progress since their introduction to the Order. Of course, Penrith’s family had served his ancestors well. It was natural for him to enter the Order’s service, but Penrith was such a rash, hotheaded, young man. Michael Palaiologos had to make sure that anger and ambition were channeled properly. His kidnappings thus far were successful, but Palaiologos thought Penrith may be too sadistic at times. Still…

As for deVere, Palaiologos took pride in the fact that he had molded him into the man he was today. Peter had shown such initiative and discretion some years ago, when he came upon the English rugby player – who had come to Canada for university – in the storeroom of the nightclub where he worked. The bungling fools who had drugged and tied the Englishman up almost let him get away. He had gotten lose. And if it were not for Peter, the man may have escaped. Peter knew how to tie a man up so that he could not get loose. After making sure he re-tied and re-gagged that prize stud well and tight, he simply walked away and kept his mouth shut about the operations at the nightclub. Palaiologos knew then he had potential. Peter deVere had the ability to detach himself emotionally from his work – not like Penrith whose anger needed focus on more useful directions. It wasn’t that deVere was cold – no, Palaiologos thought – he was simply indifferent to the fates of the men he had kidnapped – unlike Penrith. Peter would make a worthy successor to him – or so Palaiologos thought.

“Brother deVere makes a good point.” Palaiologos interrupted the men before their exchange became too testy. “We need to make sure all attention is on the Slobobians for our operation’s success. The abduction of Price Archer, the multi-million-dollar contract outfielder for the Philadelphia Franklins, will bring enough attention to us, as it is.”

“The plan to explain his disappearance – or more precisely, his demise – is complete, Sir.” Peter announced.

“Yes, Brother deVere. Did our decoy arrive at Price Archer’s hotel?”

“Yes, Master. Our decoy – the spitting image of Mr. Archer – arrived at the hotel, where numerous hotel guests and workers observed that he was quite visibly drunk. About an hour later, several people witnessed “Mr. Archer” get behind the wheel of his Porsche 718 Spyder and drive off. The charred remains of the car will be later found at the bottom of a ravine.”

“And the driver?” Penrith inquired.

Peter ignored the man, but not the question.

“We have arranged with contacts in the Montreal morgue for a body similar in build to Mr. Archer to be found in the driver’s seat of the car. Of course, it will be burned beyond recognition. That corpse – of an unknown, young man like the real Mr. Archer in height, weight, and other particulars – will be found in the wreckage.”

“But they can identify bodies through DNA samples – even charred remains.”

Palaiologos took pleasure in the squabbling that had begun to erupt once more between the two men. Much as this back and forth amused him, Palaiologos interrupted them.

“Brother Penrith – allow Brother deVere to finish.”

“Yes, Master.” Penrith looked chastised.

Peter dared not smile, but he was glad to see Palaiologos put Penrith in his place. He continued.

“Dr. Mazarin has taken blood and DNA samples from Mr. Archer. Our contact in the city morgue will make sure they will be used to identify “Mr. Archer’s” remains.”

“It’s good that you though of everything, Brother deVere.” Penrith scoffed.

“It is.” Palaiologos remarked, putting an end to the squabbling. “But we cannot keep Price Archer as a guest – much as I enjoy keeping professional athletes of his caliber bound and gagged in myriad restraints, sacks, and cages. His attendance at tonight’s reception will bring the Montreal police to my doorstep, as it is. If his “death” is to be believed, all trace of the real Price Archer must be gone from this continent.”

“As you so order, Master.” Peter said and then asked, “So, he will not be going to South America?”
“No – I have communicated with two fellow priors of our illustrious Brotherhood of the Black Rope – Leopold de Châtillon, Comte de Dunois, and his younger brother Guy. I am selling Price Archer to them.”

“So, Mr. Archer will depart for France, Master?” Peter asked.

“No. The brothers have an extensive estate in New Zealand – a stud farm of sorts.” Michael Palaiologos paused and sat for a moment. A slight grin crossed his face, as he thought about what occurred there on the Châtillon estate, as well as at the brothers’ ancestral seat in France, Chateau Dunois. He went on, “They are starting a collection for their own operation – it is like mine. They already have a French rugby player along with the captain of a pleasure boat and his son, and perhaps more men. The brothers wish to increase their stock of world class athletes and others who will serve the needs of their project.”

“And the other two – the police officer and the limousine company owner’s son?” Peter inquired.

Michael Palaiologos grew silent once more, as he mulled over the latest developments. The Slobobians took a great risk kidnapping a Montreal police officer. Although they claimed the cop and the Greek-Canadian were gifts, he did not trust the Slobobians. Yes, he did them a favor by providing them with the RCMP men’s tennis squad and the naval officers. And they could simply have presented them with the abducted two in gratitude. Still – the Slobobians were always trying to work an angle to their advantage – Just as I hoped to throw the scent of suspicion onto them when I entrap that snooping Mountie DuWright and his red-headed companion, so might they have shifted the trace back to me. No, I cannot keep the two.

“We will have to dispose of the policeman and the Greek-Canadian chauffeur.” Palaiologos announced to his underlings.

“My policeman – no!” Penrith gasped.

Peter deVere turned his head towards Penrith and raised one eyebrow in astonishment.

“Your policeman?” Michael Palaiologos growled. “What do you mean, Brother Penrith – “your policeman?” He hissed contemptuously.

“Master – I meant no disrespect. Please – it is only that the cop is of such exquisite beauty and appears so spirited. It would be such a pleasure to break him.” Penrith sniveled his explanation.

“How do you know he is spirited? You do not know him. Or do you?” Peter asked, secretly enjoying making Penrith squirm.

Penrith shot Peter a dirty look, before turning to Michael Palaiologos to answer.

“I assisted Dr. Mazarin in unbinding him from the other man – the Greek-Canadian chauffeur – then to free them from their individual bonds to undress them and prepare them for processing. Once we had untied them from one another, we started on the other man first, who had already awakened from the narcotic the Slobobians used to knock him and the cop out. As we began to untie him to strip him of his jockstrap – the only article of clothing he wore besides his black dress socks – the young man began to fight us. His resistance to us was strong. As he fought against us, the cop came to and began to thrash about wildly in his bonds. It took me, along with four attendants, great effort to hold him down and to further restrain him. While this occurred, the other cried out to him – calling him by his first name. And we could make out the name of the Greek-Canadian under the cop’s gagged mouth, as he flailed under us. It became obvious to us that they knew each other.”

“And their names?” Palaiologos demanded.

“Inspector Felix Bergeron of Montreal’s Special Crimes Unit – SPVM. And Costas Papas. The Slobobians gave us his police badge, wallet, and iPhone. The iPhone is locked with a code. Bergeron refused to give us the code, and Dr. Mazarin would not let us threaten Papas to loosen the cop’s tongue, so our technicians are attempting to access its contents.”

“I am sure they will succeed at that. And then we can find out for certain if it was just a coincidence or not that Inspector Flix Bergeron was at the hotel. He may have seen the Slobobians abduct Papas. They also kidnapped Papas’ father and brother, who should be on their way to Slobobia at this very moment together with the teammates and coaches of the RCMP tennis team, as well as the Canadian naval heroes. My plans are for the Canadian authorities to believe that DuWright and Warwick are among those kidnapped by the Slobobians. That is why we cannot afford to keep Inspector Felix Bergeron and Costas Papas. They must depart with Price Archer for New Zealand.” Palaiologos averred.

“But – my cop –” Penrith muttered.

“WHY DO YOU INSIST ON CALLING HIM YOUR COP – YOU INSOLENT DOG!” Michael Palaiologos roared at Penrith, as he rose from his chair and appeared ready to strike his brazen subordinate.

“Forgive me, Master.” Penrith pleaded, but stood his ground as Palaiologos got right up into his face. “I only meant that he and Papas would make such fine additions to your collection. I will not lie – I looked forward to breaking the police inspector to the will of the Order – deploying the full range of rope, chains, shackles, hand- and ankle-cuffs, gags – tape, cloth, and muzzles – at our disposal.” Penrith bowed his head low to Michael Palaiologos. “Master, I never meant to question your intentions or presume to think any of these men are mine. Forgive me, Sir.”

Peter deVere watched as Penrith tried to dig himself out of the hole that he had dug himself into. Peter took no pity on him, but he took heed of the anger of Michael Palaiologos. I cannot afford to have my plans found out. I need to get Eddie out. Penrith’s fuck-up can work to my advantage. I just need to make sure he never gets out of the holes he’s put himself into…

Palaiologos walked away from his aides to stand before the large picture window with the views of his gardens. Peter sensed he was calming himself. He and Penrith remained silent – awaiting his orders, and carefully avoiding each other’s eye.

“I will send the Montreal Police Inspector and the Geek-Canadian to Leopold and Guy de Châtillon in New Zealand along with Price Archer. They have promised to pay me handsomely for that baseball player -- $15,000,000 American.”

Peter deVere and Patrick Penrith now looked at each other in astonishment at the price tag for the MLB star. Palaiologos noticed their amazement and smiled, seemingly forgetting his anger at the insubordination of Penrith. He went on.

“I will call the brothers back and tell them for such a price they’re paying, I will throw in a few extra amenities to the athlete they’re acquiring. Such spirit the cop and his companion showed will appeal to the Frenchmen. It will give them great pleasure to break the two men alongside the baseball player. They may even push Price Archer into greater resistance, making it all the sweeter when he breaks to the brothers’ will. And, of course, Leopold and Guy de Châtillon will profit greatly from all three men – the stud fees for Archer alone will be astronomical. And the Canadian cop and his Hellenic comrade will fetch pretty prices for their own man-cream!” Palaiologos smiled broadly, thinking of the dollars the Frenchmen would fetch for the nectar from the men’s nuts. He continued…

“And the three studs will serve the ultimate purpose of the brothers – a project much like my own. So, they will leave on a company jet bound (in more ways than one) for New Zealand.” Palaiologos thought for a moment.

Mmmm…Bound in more ways than one, he thought.

“Brother Penrith…”

“Yes, Master?”

“You shall attend to Dr. Richelieu and Dr. Mazarin in the laboratory, as they proceed with Archer, the cop, and his companion. After their examinations, rebind them. Give them a taste of the variety of trusses that await them – but do not pack them yet. Keep them naked with their heads and wrists in stockades, their ankles shackled to spreader bars, their mouths ball-gagged, and then suspend them from the ceiling facing each other. Cleanse them inside and out. Once the effects of the narcotics wear off, do not sedate them again and do not inject with amorous drugs. Let them hang in anxious anticipation of what will happen next. I wish to observe their spirit, once we begin to wrap them up. And I want our Mounties – DuWright and his cohort Warwick once they’ve fallen into our trap – to witness them being enveloped in bonds and made ready for their flight. But – on no account – do we let any of them know where they’re being sent. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

“And as for their packaging – I want them mummified up to their necks – but with their arms strapped across their chests in very tight, black neoprene bondage sleeves beforehand. And keep their Johnson and cojones exposed. Next, I desire to have them sleep-sacked in equally restrictive black neoprene. Use the model that gives easy access to their equipment. When you position them into the sleep sacks, lace them up very tightly – I want them to experience from the very start how restricted their movements will be henceforward.”

“And as for their gags, Master?”

“Black leather combination Devonshire/Breather gags would do nicely for them. They have center holes through which tubes can be attached. The three will need liquid nourishment and water throughout the flight, but I want gags which – when inflated – can fill their mouths. Each man will learn how to suck properly. This will provide a tutorial for what awaits them under the supervision of their new, French hosts. And, of course, very tight, black neoprene “Cocksucker” hoods will go over them.”

Michael Palaiologos pictured in his mind, how the abducted men would look, and he imagined what they would think of what was happening to them. The men would be unable to move much – a wriggle there -- a squirm here. He would have to make sure to eliminate even that if he could – Yes, A sarcophagus-like container would do nicely – one that would conform to an athletic and fit man’s body shape concealed within a chest containing Byzantine Exports sports equipment. Entombed in a coffin – Archer and Bergeron the cop would have the discipline to steel themselves to withstand being sealed within , but would – what’s his name? Oh, yes – Papas – Would he turn to putty before he’s unwrapped in New Zealand? Could I – Michael Palaiologos – A Grand Prior of the Brotherhood of the Black Rope – be so cruel? Mmmm…yes, I could. But I’ll show mercy and give orders for them to be unsealed from their sarcophagi once they’ve left North American air space – but not taken out of their sleep sacks, muzzles, or hoods. A passenger – even a packaged one – needs stretching during a flight that lasts more than a day. I want them to experience the terror of another man taking control of their lives. I suspect all three – yes, even the Greek-Canadian – after all, like me, he has Greek blood – will have the stamina to hold up under their initial restraints. It will be the right of Leopold and Guy de Châtillon to bend them to their will. Oh – how I envy them!

Penrith and deVere stood silent, while Michael Palaiologos lay deep in thought. Penrith stole an anxious glance at his rival, but Peter deVere had no intention to show Patrick Penrith sympathy, after witnessing their Master tear him a new one. Peter assumed a blank look, but all the while the gears of his mind turned – calculating how he could use Michael Palaiologos’ anger and suspicion of Penrith to his advantage. All I want to do is get Eddie away from this. And the others – or as many as I can! Eddie changed me. I want to be a better man because of him. What I’ve become involved in is madness! I’ve got to make it right. This Montreal cop – I don’t know who my contact was – but if it were he, I must make sure that Penrith is fingered as the turncoat – not me. The techs will unlock the cop’s iPhone. I cannot let them trace any calls back to me. Peter knew he needed to remain calm and betray nothing. Penrith had already begun to give Michael Palaiologos enough rope to hang him. Peter just had to make sure that noose went around Penrith’s neck – and not his own.

“Brother Penrith…”

“Yes, Master?”

“You have disappointed me. These men – my “guests” – are not yours. They belong to the Brotherhood now – and I decide their fate. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Master. Forgive me, Sir, I only meant to…”

Palaiologos cut him off before he could finish.

“I care not a farthing for your regrets, Brother Penrith. Devote yourself to me and to the Brotherhood – Do your job.”

“Yes, Master.”

“And do not anger me again.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Return to Drs. Richelieu and Mazarin in the Laboratory. I’ll send them my orders about the way I wish them to bundle and silence my latest guests in preparation for export. Make sure the police officer and his companion are secured on the second level – away from our courageous constables creeping their way about. I don’t want Inspector DuWright and his sidekick Inspector Warwick to stumble onto them. We will present Felix Bergeron, and Costas Papas to those meddlesome Mounties all in good time – and then introduce DuWright and Warwick to my other guests – one of whom that nosey nemesis of the Order will be very surprised to find here, when he believes he’s safe – bobsledding in Lake Placid!!”

“Yes, Master.” Penrith answered.

“Let the snooping detectives first come across my very first guest – Arvid Christian Olsen, the Norwegian speedskater. I suspect DuWright has already surmised what happened to him. And then you, Brother Penrith, may have the pleasure of corralling Inspectors Simon DuWright and Hugh Warwick of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I’ll leave you to the details of bringing that about. Make sure Dr. Richelieu and Dr. Mazarin are privy to those details. And use Price Archer as bait – but on no account do you damage him.”

“I understand. Thank you, Master.” Penrith bowed low.

“That is all. Now, go.”

“Yes, Sir.” Penrith turned around and made his way out of the study.

“Oh, Brother Penrith…” Michael Palaiologos stopped him before he reached the door.

“Yes, Master?” He turned and asked.

“Don’t screw this up – I won’t be as forgiving, if you do.” Palaiologos warned.

“Of course not, Sir. You and the Order can rely upon me.” He bowed his head once more at his master, turned, and left.

Peter deVere was left alone in the study with Michael Palaiologos.

“Brother Penrith concerns me, Brother deVere.”

Peter remained silent. Let him hang himself. He doesn’t need my help. And don’t let him pull you down with him. Peter reminded himself.

“Should I have concerns about you, too?”

“No, Master.”

“Brother Penrith came to see me before the reception tonight to tell me that you had developed feelings for the hockey player – Eduard Marbot. Is this true?”

I cannot lie. Tell the truth – just not all of it! Peter braced himself.

“Master, I cannot abide needless and sadistic cruelty to your guests. The Order teaches us that we must bind men to our will. We must also muffle them in submission to the dictates of our Order. As a servant of the Order, I bound Eduard Marbot to our will by compelling him to submit to you, Master, through his submission to me. I care what happens to all your guests, Sir. We are firm in tethering them to us, but we should never take undue pleasure in making these men suffer. That is what separates me from Brother Penrith, Sir.”

Palaiologos looked intently at Peter for a few moments without speaking.

“And Marbot?”

Don’t lie. Build a story around the truth.

“I have seen something in him, Sir, that I’ve never seen before in any other man I’ve kidnapped for the Order. He has a resilience, Sir, that cruelty will not break. Penrith’s methods will not break him. They will only make Eduard Marbot more resistant to us.”

Palaiologos listened carefully to Peter’s explanation. When Peter was done, Palaiologos scrutinized him and then turned and walked over to his desk. Peter followed him at a respectful distance. Once Palaiologos seated himself behind his desk, he looked up at his aide de camp.

“You are still a very shrewd judge of character, Brother deVere. And you are careful not to let your passions rule you. I trust you. Brother Penrith is allowing his jealousy of you to guide his actions, and he needs to learn to control those passions – or else. Let us see how he receives the two Mounties – that darned DuWright and his sidekick. Assemble a small team. Brother Penrith may bait the trap, but he will need others to help him capture those two. And I wish to be present when the trap is sprung.”

“I will see to it immediately, Master.” Peter bowed and turned to leave.

“And Brother deVere…”

Peter turned.

“Yes, Sir?”

“The technicians will – I am sure – be able to unlock the phone of that Montreal cop – Bergeron. It was no mere coincidence that he was in the hotel garage when the Slobobians hijacked the tennis team. He knows the other man – Papas, and I believe there must be a connection between him and DuWright. And we may discover there may be a connection between them and someone here at my estate. If there is – woe be the man who has betrayed me and the Brotherhood.”

Peter merely bowed without answering and left.

It cannot be linked to me!

End of Part One of Chapter XVI: Restrained Reunions
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Post by kankuro10 »

OMG! New chapter! Once again, I loved the bondage parts. The plot and the characters are so interesting (and exciting), that I cannot stop reading.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

OMG! New chapter! Once again, I loved the bondage parts. The plot and the characters are so interesting (and exciting), that I cannot stop reading.
Thank you, [mention]kankuro10[/mention]. Glad you're enjoying the tale.

Would love to hear from others!
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Post by stimle »

Ahhhh.... savoring this chapter again over a couple cups of coffee on a hazy, lazy Saturday morning. I love the all the fine details and plot twists. My only complaint (if it can even be called that) is you don't write faster! I'm looking forward to our hapless heroes soon becoming helpless heroes!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I love the all the fine details and plot twists. My only complaint (if it can even be called that) is you don't write faster! I'm looking forward to our hapless heroes soon becoming helpless heroes!
Thank you, [mention]stimle[/mention], for taking the time to read the latest chapter and post a comment. The comments are always helpful. The hapless heroes are becoming helpless, but life has a way of turning everything hapless! I hope to get the next chapter up soon.

Again, thank you and to all who comment.
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Post by privateandrews »

What a great chapter (aren't they all). Love how our handsome Heros are being lead to there own capture. The scene with the guards and the bunk beds was so very horny. The writing in this story is so well executed and i always get a faster beating heart when i see the next chapter is up and ready to read. thank you.
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

Whew! A lot happened in this first installment of Chapter XVI – loose threads brought together and the stage for the climax starts to get set!

The scene of Simon and Hugh’s entry into the tunnel did a nice job of channeling classic television crime dramas (the old Mission Impossible came to mind), particularly where the villain is aware of the hero(s) movements so that we await the potential trap! Simon’s sense that he has seen one of the assistants before, but can’t place him, was a nice touch, baiting us for the moment he does realize who that assistant is! The scene with the Osuna Brothers was tantalizing, especially the little details – Matias’s nostrils puffing out hot breath onto Hugh’s hand and the hilariously inescapable bondage!

Palaiologos’s caution and competitiveness regarding the Slobabians, along with his interest in being supportive of the French brothers in New Zealand, gave us another glimpse into the nature of the Order, keeping it feeling human rather than like some faceless organization. And of course, the use of “Herein” was a fun history game… the German legacy in Greece.

Love the idea of Archer being erotically bound by his senses to Neville. Bats and balls should be stored together and it will make things interesting since Archer is actually gay and Neville is straight. Does this mean that eventually Neville will also have to go to New Zealand? And will Archer see Neville before he is packed off so he has an image of the man whose scents he has become addicted to? Or will Neville’s scent simply fuel an attraction to the odors of the lockerroom? In that case, I suppose the French brothers will need a special set-up to drive Archer into top production.

And then…. DeVere vs Penrith. The last half of this part of XVI really moved the ball down the field. We have known DeVere had a change of perspective (and heart) and is now working to help the captives (along with Eddie). Dangerous stuff! The setup with Penrith brought the tension. It will be fun to see how DeVere uses his position and Penrith to try to rescue as many of the captives as possible. Will he succeed? Will he end up a captive himself? Will Bergeron’s phone give all away?

And now that the action moves to the laboratory, it looks like we will finally meet Richelieu and Mazarin. Seeing the handiwork of these men promises to be a thrill for the senses and another window into Palaiologos's operation!

So much to happen in XVI, Part Two and the following chapters!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Palaiologos’s caution and competitiveness regarding the Slobabians, along with his interest in being supportive of the French brothers in New Zealand, gave us another glimpse into the nature of the Order, keeping it feeling human rather than like some faceless organization.
Thank you, [mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention], for your comments. They're spot on, as always. And I'm glad you noticed the internecine conflicts and rivalries in the Order.
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Chapter XVI: Restrained Reunions, Part Two: Into the Labyrinth of the Lab
Far Below in the Depths of the Palaiologos Mansion

Simon and Hugh finished dressing in the uniforms they had stripped from Matías and Alejandro Osuna. The clothes fit snuggly on the two muscular men, especially Simon. There were two military-style caps which went with the kits. Simon and Hugh donned them and pulled them down low on their foreheads. Once they were finished dressing, Simon took Matías’ digital identification card and gave Alejandro’s to Hugh.

“Let’s hope these cards give us access to the level above and into any room. They won’t protect us, if anyone asks to see them, so we’ll need some luck on our side.” Simon cautioned.

“I’m willing to risk it all to free Danny and the other men.”

“We’ll get Danny, Hugh – and the other men. Do exactly as I tell you. If we cannot get them, we’ll need to get out of here and contact the authorities. Luckily, Felix Bergeron knows the general outline of what we were going to do tonight, so there’s someone on the outside in case we get into any trouble. Are you ready, Hugh?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be with you at the helm, Simon.”

Simon clapped Hugh on his shoulder.

“Good man. Let’s Rock ‘n Roll.”

They looked over at the bunk beds where the Osuna brothers lay bound, gagged, tucked under covers and strapped tightly in each berth. Both Simon and Hugh noticed the covers pitching slightly upward from each brother. Hugh chuckled softly.

“Well, will you look at that, Simon? Pitching tents – the two of them!”

“As securely as we bound them, it’ll be a while before they can beat those off!” Simon cheekily responded.

Simon opened the door slightly and listened to hear anyone outside. Satisfied the coast was clear, he motioned for Hugh to follow, and they quickly exited the room. Simon closed the door behind them, making sure it was locked, and listening to hear any sound from the bound and gagged brothers left inside. Satisfied that he and Hugh had muffled the two men into almost complete muteness, he motioned Hugh again to follow, and they walked assuredly further down the tunnel into the bowels of the mansion. They encountered no one along the way, and Simon and Hugh soon found themselves at the end of the corridor where there was a freight elevator and door at its side – an entrance to a stairwell. The elevator and door had an electronic access box next to each.

Simon whispered to Hugh. “Chances are there are security cameras both in the elevator and the stairwell, but we can avoid detection better taking the stairs, where – by keeping our heads down – it’ll be harder to identify us.”

Hugh nodded in assent.

Simon took the digital identification card and inserted it into the access box next to the door to the stair well. The door lock clicked open, and Simon and Hugh entered to find themselves at the bottom of the stairwell. Simon glanced quickly around and found the security camera. Away from camera’s view, he motioned with his finger to Hugh almost imperceptibly. Hugh immediately understood, and they walked up the staircase, keeping their faces from camera lens as best they could. Ascending two flights of stairs, Simon and Hugh paused at the door to the next level. Simon knew that if they paused for long, whoever manned those security cameras might grow suspicious. So, while ascending the flights of stairs, Simon had instructed Hugh in a barely audible murmur – “Follow my lead.”

Simon opened the door with purpose and stepped into another corridor, running perpendicular to the tunnel below. Hugh was at his heel. At one end of the corridor, they saw a group of men dressed exactly as they were. One sat at a desk, while the others stood at attention along the walls nearby. The man at the desk looked up and nodded at Simon and Hugh. Simon gave a short nod to him in reply. He and Hugh then walked in the opposite direction away from the group towards the end of the hallway where – before reaching its end – there were double doors at one side of the corridor. Neither Simon nor Hugh dared to speak. As they got closer to the doors, Simon took out the identification card once more to access the doors. This had better work. He prayed that it would. He inserted the card in the electronic box next to doors. It clicked open. Thank you. He thought in gratitude.

Simon and Hugh pushed open the doors. Once inside, the doors closed and locked behind them. Each took in their surroundings. The Mounties beheld a laboratory before them worthy of the greatest research institutions of the world. Neither man was expertly versed in science, but each could tell the equipment in the facility was state of the art. The surfaces of the tables were immaculate. On them were beakers, centrifuges, and flasks of glassware all containing various substances and liquids, some of them bubbling quietly in their containers. There were several computers on the tables as well. A number of examination tables stood at one end of the laboratory. They were the type you would find in any physician’s office or morgue. However, your typical internist or mortician did not shackle his or her patients or corpses to their consoles. The cold, metal benches in this facility had belts, handcuffs, and all types of irons attached to them to restrain a man. Apart from the bubbling beakers, the lab was quiet – no one was about.

“My God, Simon,” Hugh gasped, looking around him. “It has the makings of a diabolical, torture chamber straight out of a Gothic Horror Tale.”

“I don’t like the looks of this, Hugh, It’s too quiet.” Simon declared. “We need to be ready for any surprises.” Simon looked around. The lab was very spacious, and it appeared that it was larger than they observed. Another set of double doors was set against one end of the room.

“Come on, let’s see what’s beyond,” Simon suggested and motioned for Hugh to follow him.

The two men walked to the end of the first room. Simon waved to Hugh to indicate that he should stand beside the doors, while Simon looked through their porthole-like windows to see if the coast was clear before he used the access card that he had taken from Matías Osuna to gain entry. Hugh did so, placing his back flush against the wall to one side of the doors. Simon did the same on the other side, then he crept slowly forward to peer through one porthole window. He could see that the room was much like the lab they were in, but larger. And, again, no one appeared to be about.

“The coast is clear,” he said to Hugh. Simon then inserted the ID card into the access box. When the doors opened, he and Hugh entered with the doors closing and locking behind them.

What lay before them was a much larger laboratory than the first. Again, there was all types of scientific and technical equipment, including laptops at various stations, and examination tables with restraints situated about the chamber. This one also had various restraints, manacles, and chains hanging from the ceiling. At one corner, manacles hung low from the ceiling above drainpipes alongside showerheads and water hoses. The two Mounties walked through the facility amazed at the array of accoutrements of abduction and apprehension at the disposal of these despicable denizens of depravity! After a quick perusal of this paraphernalia of imprisonment, Simon drew Hugh’s attention to the steel vault-like doors arraigned along one side of the laboratory. There were six of them. One of them had doubly enforced glazed windows, and it appeared to be the only one into which Simon and Hugh might gain entry, as it had two access monitors on either side of its heavy metal door. The two men walked over and stood before the chamber. They could not see clearly what lay inside through the doubly enforced glazed windows, but an eerily green glow radiated through the thick glass. Simon examined the access monitors.

“It looks as if might get in, if we both simultaneously use the cards of Matías and Alejandro Osuna to open it.” Simon said.

“You’re brilliant, Simon.” Hugh replied - still trying to suppress that puppy dog crush he had on the Vancouver veteran of this criminal cabal of kidnappers.

Simon gave Hugh a smile in reply but returned to the mission at hand.

“On three, Hugh.”

“I’m with you, Simon.”


Each man inserted the access cards they had taken from the Osuna brothers.

A hydraulic system engaged, and the heavy, steel doors slid sideways into the walls. Simon and Hugh walked into the chamber.


The heavy, steel doors rolled back and locked behind them.

“Shit! What do we do now, Simon?” Hugh asked.

Either Simon did not hear Hugh, or he ignored the question. All his attention was on the object in the chamber that was the source of the enigmatic, green glow that had emanated from the room. Simon beheld a life-size, test tube-like cylinder raised on a platform in the middle of the space. The source of the glow was a green, gel-like substance that filled the tank. But what riveted Simon to the tube was not the green goo but what he saw amidst the substance within that life-sized container –

There was a bound and gagged man inside.

Hugh had been looking at Simon for an answer to his query, but when he saw him staring at the full-scale vessel. Hugh looked up…

“Saints preserve us!” He murmured.

Simon stepped up onto the platform, and Hugh joined him. They peered closely through the heavy glass into the tube at the man.

The man was naked, and he appeared comatose. He was tied up in an elaborate web of black rope from his shoulders to his ankles, binding his arms to his sides with his wrists bound behind his back. Black tape covered his mouth and coiled around his head. Breathing or feeding tubes extended from the top of the cylinder into his nostrils. The man appeared to be in his mid-twenties, 6’ 2” in height, and approximately 190lbs. in weight. He had the muscular build of an athlete – and as Simon and Hugh walked around that titanic, teratoid, test tube – they noticed his strapping torso, brawny biceps, lissome abdominal muscles, willowy waist, tree trunk thighs, massively muscular hindquarters, and well-built calves – all encased under rolls of that repulsive rope...

Just then – from the bottom of the Tartarean tank – a sea serpent of sorts emerged and snaked its way up the man’s trussed up legs to his well-endowed manhood. Simon and Hugh stood in shock – unable to help the man and unable to avert their eyes from the unfolding scene. The serpent opened its mouth wide and consumed the poor man’s penis and testicles, forming a vacuum seal covering his pubic bone and perineum under his scrotum. The creature’s head changed shape and seamlessly fitted to the size and outline of the man’s genitalia. Simon and Hugh witnessed him grow erect as the repugnant reptile began to suck.

At that moment the man’s eyes opened, almost causing Simon and Hugh to fall backwards from the platform, so shocked were they to see him awaken. The expression behind his eyes at first was impassive. As the vision before him came into focus, however, he regarded Hugh and then turned his gaze towards Simon. He then glanced down to see the snake engorged on his prick and nadz. His eyes rolled back seemingly in ecstasy for several moments, and he thrust his trussed-up hips forward in erotic anticipation of what was to come. As the sea monster milked him, the man returned his gaze to Simon and Hugh. His expression suddenly turned from rapture to dread. His eyes pleaded with them for help, as his bound body began to buck back and forth in the green gunk surrounding him. A moment later, his eyes once more rolled back into his head, as the creature was about to have its fill of him. His convulsions returned, and it was obvious to the two Mounties – mesmerized and unable to look away from this sadistic tableau – that the man was shooting his splooge. Once it had fed from him, the sea snake disengaged from the man’s manhood and slithered downward and disappeared into the depths of the deep tank. The man stood rigid and closed his eyes, and he returned to his catatonic state.

“Dear God, Simon, what’s going on in here! We need to get this man out of there.” Hugh demanded. “Who is he, Simon?”

“Don’t you recognize him, Hugh? You saw a man who looked exactly like him earlier.”

Hugh examined the man’s face more closely. He gasped.

“Good Lord, Simon – he was one of the men who took Price Archer away – after they gave him that incapacitating agent in his drink.”

“Yes, Hugh.”

“But he can’t be.”

“This confirms the suspicions I told you about earlier upstairs, after our encounter with this man’s twin.”

“You mean…” It suddenly began to dawn on Hugh.

“Yes…the man chained in this calamitous conduit for a vile viper to leech his semen is none other than Arvid Christian Olsen, the Norwegian, Gold Medal-winning speedskater from the Lillehammer Olympics…”

“In 1994.” Hugh finished Simon’s sentence.

“Yes. The world believes he walked away from fame to pursue a life working anonymously for the good of humanity. That is wrong. Now I believe our host tonight – Michael Palaiologos – arranged his kidnapping after the Winter Games that year, and he has kept Arvid Christian Olsen here against his will ever since.”

“For 27 years, Simon?” Hugh could hardly grasp the idea. “Inside this peccant pipe with that sea snake milking his man milk from him?”

“I fear so, Hugh. Look at him. He’s a 25-year-old man still, when his actual age is 52. This green fluid must provide eternal youth.”

“And the others – Danny even – My God…”

Simon grabbed Hugh by the shoulders and looked him squarely in his eyes.

“We will get Danny and all the others out, including Arvid Christian Olsen, Hugh. You need to stay focused on that and remember your training.”

“Yes, Simon.” Hugh asserted.

“And we will bring Michael Palaiologos and his odious Order down, Hugh.”

“They’re devils we’re up against, Simon.”

“And we will exorcise these demons.”

Simon stepped down from the platform and walked over to the heavy steel doors. Hugh followed him.

“Okay then. I doubt whether the Osuna brothers or the other goons about this place can operate a facility such as this or conduct such sinister experiments on their own. Palaiologos must have scientists working for him. They control this diabolical device entombing Arvid Christian Olsen, that semen-swallowing sea serpent, and the constraining contraptions outside this crypt. We need to find them.”

“The door locked behind us, when we entered, Simon. And there are no access monitors corresponding to the ones that got us in here. How are we going to get out?”

Simon began to scan the doorway and run his fingers along the edges of the heavy steel door to the chamber. “There must be a sensor nearby, which will open the doors. All we have to do is…Aha!”

The door clicked and slid open. Simon and Hugh took one last look at Arvid Christian Olsen – comatose inside that felonious, human flask –

“We’ll be back for you, Arvid.” Hugh said.

“You bet we will, partner.” Simon agreed, as he clapped Hugh on his back.

Hugh looked at Simon and smiled, proud that he had called him “partner.” I won’t let you down, Simon!

They exited the chamber, and the heavy steel door again slid shut behind them.

Simon and Hugh stood outside the chamber. The other chambers alongside it remained securely locked and inaccessible to them. The other kidnapped men, Simon suspected, might be in those chambers, but he and Hugh had little time at present to find a way into them. The more time they spent looking about increased the chance of their discovery. Their best option for rescuing the abducted athletes was either to communicate with their Montreal police contact Felix Bergeron or to find one of the masterminds behind this vile venture in dude duplication – the scientists themselves. Simon thought that they may still be at work, since Price Archer had only been brought down to join the other caged, competitive chaps in this criminal cavern only a short time ago. And he was sure that where they were manhandling Archer would not be far from the contemptible capsule that encased and assailed Arvid Christian Olsen.

Simon and Hugh had concentrated on end of the laboratory, after seeing these heavy steel doors to one side. Why were the others inaccessible to them? Why was it possible for them to access only the cell that constrained Arvid Christian Olsen? Simon began to believe they were led to that cell.

“They may be onto us already, Hugh. It is surely no accident that we could enter this chamber and not the others. We have to be careful.”

“Of course, Simon. You can count on me. I won’t let you down.”

“It’s too quiet in here. I don’t like it.” Simon took his iPhone out. There was no reception. It was blocked. “Our cells are being jammed from within the complex. We cannot call for back-up. We are on our own. And we do not have our service revolvers, but we may need some type of weapons.”

Simon looked around the laboratory and spied tasers on a nearby lab bench. He went over to the bench, picked two up, and handed one to Hugh.

“These have enough juice in them to knock a strapping and stout man out like a light. I assume you know how to use one.”


Both men attached the lasers to the belts of their tight-fitted trousers.

“Okay. We need to head out of this wicked and wrathful workshop, back into the corridor and head further down that hall. I suspect we’ll find an examination room on the other side of these chambers. I did not see one in Arvid Christian Olsen’s cell, but I’d bet my farm that there was a doorway concealed on the opposite side from the entrance here. We may encounter some unwelcome company. There were guards at the other end of the hallway. Don’t let your guard down, Hugh – We must remember our duty – our RCMP motto – Maintiens le Droit –Uphold the Right – we’re sworn officers of the law, Hugh. We need to defend these abducted men and bring their atrocious abductors to justice. We need to press on with our mission. We owe it to those poor guys, and we owe it to the law.”

“You can count on me, Simon.”

Simon gave Hugh a wink. “Let’s rock ‘n roll once more, partner.”

Simon and Hugh made their way back to the first laboratory, making sure to stay alert to anyone – or anything – they might encounter. They were soon back at the entrance to the lab. They used the pilfered identification cards to return to the hallway outside. Looking to their left, they saw the men had left the station at the end of the corridor. Simon and Hugh were alone.

“This doesn’t feel right.” Simon confessed.

“We can’t bail now, partner.” The confidence of the more experienced Mountie was beginning to build Hugh’s own.

“Yes – Come on.”

Simon proceeded down the corridor. Hugh followed closely behind. They soon reached the end, where it led off to the right. Still, they met no one. There was another set of doors along this second passage. Checking around one last time before they used the identification cards, Simon and Hugh positioned themselves at the access monitors on either side of the door.

“Maintiens le Droit,” Simon murmured before he and Hugh inserted their cards into the access monitors.

It was another laboratory – like the second room of the first. Unlike the first laboratory, however, Simon and Hugh did not find this one empty. Upon entering, they saw an older man in a white lab coat bent low over an examination table. He ignored Simon and Hugh as they entered, because all his attention was on what – or more precisely whom – he was examining. Secured to the examination table in a seated position with his legs spread, splayed, and strapped in stirrups as the older man examined his nether regions was a very naked Price Archer.

The Major League outfielder was out of it. Although Archer’s eyes were open, his thoughts were obviously scrambled – from the looks of it, he alternated between understanding and incomprehension. His towering frame and athletic build dwarfed the examination table. They had strapped his head to the headrest with a leather strip across his forehead. Other leather belts restrained Archer across his chest, on his wrists to the side of the table, and across his very flat and muscular abdominal region. Leather belts held his legs in the stirrups across his muscular thighs, his sinewy shins, and around his sturdy ankles. His captors had buckled a Devonshire gag onto Price Archer – a firm leather square sealed his lips while a solid rubber pecker filled his mouth – and reduced his protests and yelps for help to garbled gurgles. The gag was wide and completely covered his mouth, but Price Archer’s trademark beard was still visible – peeking out under the wide leather muzzle.

The older man in the lab coat had Price Archer’s balls in one hand and his cock in the other. He was gauging the weight of Archer’s nuggets and measuring the size of his flaccid tool. When he had recorded the dimensions in his laptop, the malicious maven began to stroke and caress the outfielder’s toolbox to full arousal. Simon and Hugh tried not to stare at this strong-armed slap around, but instead drew closer to the man manipulating the Major Leaguer’s manhood. He paid them no heed, as he assessed and awakened Archer’s assets – until he suddenly stood, turned to face them, and addressed them.

“You’re late. You were supposed to have been here some time ago.”

The man was tall. He had a full shock of hair on his head that was white as snow. His face was withered and creased with age. His eyes were blue behind the thick lens of his spectacles. His neck and hands were as lined with age as his face. He had obviously been a handsome man in his youth. The man stood upright, but you would not refer to him as a distinguished, older gentleman. His wizened features and sullen, grimacing bearing gave Hugh the chills. To Simon, the man looked sinister. The decaying, depraved doctor turned from them just as quickly to resume his pernicious probe of Price Archer.

“We were unexpectedly detained, sir.” Simon improvised, as he took the taser from his belt.

“See that it does not happen again.” The man responded, still not looking at the two Mounties.

No sooner had the creepy consultant gone back to his inspection, then Simon grabbed him in a chokehold, drew him back from Price Archer, and pressed the taser against his neck.

“What the…” the doctor had little time to react.

“I would address you as “Doctor,” but I use that title in respect of the individual holding it. You deserve no respect for what you are doing here.”

“Oh, what a righteous riposte, Inspector DuWright.”

“Huh!” Hugh, standing behind Simon, let out a gasp of surprise. How did he…?

“Yes…we have been expecting you, Inspectors DuWright and Warwick.”

The doors to the lab swiftly opened from behind them, and a group of men rushed in to surround Simon and Hugh.

“Yes, Inspector DuWright, we were expecting you.” One of the men said.

It was not necessary to see him. Simon immediately recognized the man from his unctuous voice, thus confirming Simon’s earlier hunch that he knew one of the men at the tunnel entrance. With his arm still holding onto the scientist, Simon greeted the two-faced lickspittle as he stepped into view.

“Reginald Percy – I figured you were a rat fink.”

“Pleasure to see you again too, Simon. And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Inspector Warwick.” Patrick Penrith welcomed the two, pointing a Sig Sauer .45 pistol at them.

“Hugh…this Quisling is Inspector Reginald Percy of the Metropolitan Police Mounted Branch, London – But – I have my doubts that’s who he is. Whatever his name is – he’s merely a loathsome lackey serving a malignant master.”

“And you, Simon, are merely a straitlaced Sherlock Holmes who will soon find himself laced in lengths of lanyards – Enough of this idle chitchat – We have you outnumbered and surrounded. Unhand Dr. Richelieu and put those tasers down.” Penrith raised the pistol higher. “It is not only I who am armed. My men have similar weapons aimed at you and Inspector Warwick.”

“And I have no doubt that you wouldn’t hesitate to use those weapons, but I set this taser at its highest level. If I tased this so-called “Doctor,” there could be serious effects on him – given his age.”

“Don’t let him tase me.” Dr. Richelieu warned Penrith.

“Simon, you’re weak – too principled – you are not a man to harm needlessly. You won’t tase the Doctor.”

“Needlessly – as you said – But I may find the need.” Simon shot back. Simon was surprised how strong the doctor was, as he kept up a rigid resistance against him. The doctor’s face and hands may have appeared aged, but his body had the strength of much younger man. Simon kept hold of him with some difficulty.

“Well then, I will have to persuade you that it is in the best interest of you to surrender those tasers.” Penrith turned to one of his men. “Open Chamber One.” He then returned his attention to Simon and Hugh.

“Perhaps this, Inspectors, will change your minds.” With a wave of his hand, Penrith bade Simon and Hugh to watch as one of Penrith’s underlings opened the first chamber.

Hugh and Simon with Dr. Richelieu in tow still hovered near Price Archer, who could not comprehend the scene unfolding around him. Simon was careful to keep the taser pressed to Dr. Richelieu’s neck. Hugh stood behind them. Hugh’s right hand gripped his own taser. Like Simon, he had turned it to its highest setting – to render a man unconscious. Hugh’s adrenaline was through the roof. Everything was happening so fast. He was breathing hard, and he was trying to remember the exercises they taught him at the RCMP Academy – “The Depot” in Regina, Saskatchewan – for situations like this – keep your mind focused on the task at hand, have confidence in your team leader, and follow him. Hugh’s task was to support Simon, he had confidence in Simon, he’d follow him through the Gates of Hell and back.

And we’re at the Gates of Hell itself, but I’ve got your back, Simon – partner!

Still – Hugh’s thumb tremored over the trigger of the taser.

Simon was correct, there were access doors to the chambers from this wing of the laboratory. Unlike the heavy steel doors on their other side, the entrance to the chambers here was the wall itself. He and Hugh stood astonished, as the wall began to slide open part way to reveal the first chamber. They were soon even more amazed at what they beheld within that chamber.

Seated in the center of the chamber were two men strapped to heavy wooden chairs – similar to electric chairs – one man was larger than the other. Simon and Hugh could not tell who the men were, because extremely tight, neoprene-like skinsuits completely sheathed every inch of the men’s bodies from their necks down to the soles of their feet. And each had very tight black lycra hoods covering their heads completely. And like Scuba divers who – when not diving – often dangled their face masks from their necks, these men had bands around their necks. But rather than attached to face plates or lens and hanging loosely like face masks, these straps held tight around their necks and had small – and what appeared to be electric – monitors attached onto them. The restrained, rubber-suited men looked as if they were cowled Suba divers awaiting execution.

A chill went down Hugh’s spine. Dear God! One of them is Danny – I know it – Please, let me be wrong!

Stay strong! Simon steeled himself, as he clutched Dr. Richelieu tighter – and had confidence Hugh would hold up as well. We’re Mounties! We will free these men! Although Simon could not see Hugh (who remained behind him), he knew that if he maintained his resolve, Hugh would as well.

Penrith walked into the chamber and stood beside the larger of the two men. The man turned his hooded face towards Penrith, and he began to make subdued squawks of sass, while he fought against his fetters. The smaller of the two sat silently– as if he were enveloped incommunicado and had no sense of what or who surrounded him.

Penrith grabbed the bottom of the hood at the larger man’s neck near his Adam’s Apple and yanked it roughly off him to reveal the his identity. He was a Black man with black duct-tape rolled over his mouth and around his head to gag him. He fought fiercely against his bonds and shouted fruitlessly through the strips of tape suppressing his speech.


“May I introduce Inspector Reginald Percy of the Metropolitan Police Mounted Branch, London – Reggie, as I came to know him.”

“You double-crossing knave!” Simon cursed Penrith.

“A knave? Why Inspector DuWright, why not call me a bastard – as Inspector Percy here no doubt is calling me? Or is cursing not part of your straight-laced savoir-faire? But I am knavish. Ha! As for double-crossing – well to you perhaps, Inspector DuWright – and to Reggie here maybe – but not to the Order I serve.”

“So, you kidnapped this man, pretended to be him, and kept him a prisoner – all to serve a company of cinching criminals who continue to kidnap other men.” Simon declared.

“I could not have said it more harmoniously myself. Thank you, Inspector.”

“You can save your compliments after I arrest you.”

“So – you think you hold a trump card with the good Doctor, Simon?”

“He may be the key to your operation here,” Simon shot back, gripping Richelieu tighter as the man struggled.

“Hurry up, Penrith,” Richelieu advised impatiently.

“Ah – so that’s your name, you scoundrel.” Simon stated.

“Yes, Patrick Penrith,” he acknowledged, as he walked over to the other shrouded man bound next to the kidnapped London inspector.

Reggie grew still, as he witnessed what was unfolding before him. His breaths were becoming less labored, as he attempted to assess what was going on…

Only a few hours earlier, attendant-guards had entered our cell and forcibly stripped me and Danny, swabbed lubricant all over our bodies, and forced us into these skin-tight skinsuits. They frog marched us into the laboratory – only to lash us into another pair of accursed electric chairs awaiting us in this new cell. After gagging me, I watched hopelessly as they filled Danny’s ears and forced silence onto him once more. After gagging and blindfolding the poor lad, they slipped a lycra hood over his head and attached that dreaded “Collar” around his neck. Turning their attention back to me, they warned me not to resist or they would take it out on that vulnerable lad. A lycra hood went over my head and they fixed another “Collar” around my neck. They left and sealed us into the new cell. Their cruelty knows no bounds –

“Now that I have introduced you to Inspector Percy of the London Mounted Branch – whom we so meticulously mounted, solidly secured, and unflinchingly bridled, may I reveal my master’s other guest,” Penrith now stood by the other man, who remained still – unlike Reginald Percy – until Penrith pinched the man’s hood with the fingers of his right hand ready to reveal his identity, when he began to struggle against his bonds.

“Inspector Warwick – I am so glad we could arrange this reunion.”

Hugh looked on aghast. Please Dear God! He awaited the worst.

Penrith pulled the hood off, revealing the man to be Hugh’s younger brother. Danny swiveled his head from left to right, unaware of what was going on around him – deafened and blind to his surroundings. Penrith stroked the swimmer’s reddish-brown hair and patted his tape-gagged cheek. Danny pulled his head this way and that in vain attempts to escape the ceaseless and cruel caress of his captor.

“Danny…” Hugh cried out. His thumb twitched over the trigger of the taser in his hand.

“Easy, Hugh.” Simon encouraged his partner. And Simon continued to keep Dr. Richelieu constrained. The scientist struggled against the stranglehold – his strength still surprising Simon.

Hugh’s got to keep calm and focused on the mission. I’ve a hard enough time keeping hold of Richelieu here. Simon kept his eyes trained on Penrith. What is this quisling up to?

“Well, Inspector Warwick, your brother has made such a welcome addition to my master’s guest here.”

Unbeknownst either to Simon or Hugh, Michael Palaiologos with Peter deVere at his side had entered an observation room above the laboratory some moments after Simon seized Dr. Richelieu. There, they quietly observed what was happening. Palaiologos chose to remain above the fray for now – content to allow Penrith to orchestrate an end to the ensuing standoff.

“Is that Danny, Hugh?” Simon hurriedly asked his backup without looking back.

“It is. I’ve got to get hm out of here.” These monsters will pay – Hugh was itching to jump right in and free his kid brother.

“We will, Hugh, we will.” Hugh’s got to keep it together. I need him to have my back.

“Danny – It’s me, Hugh! We’re here to get you.”

Danny Warwick – encased in the skin-tight one-piece suit, strapped to the heavy, wooden chair, tape-gagged, blindfolded, and deafened with goop in his ears – sat impervious to his brother’s words of comfort. His companion in captivity, the real Reggie Percy, squirmed and struggled strongly when Penrith turned his attention to the unfortunate lad.

“It’s a pity your brother has no idea you’re here, Inspector Warwick. It must be horrid for you to know that you were unable to protect him.” Penrith taunted and turned to motion to Reggie. Penrith continued, “But – as you might be able to tell – Inspector Percy has developed a certain level of protectiveness over your brother – willing to sustain our punishing ways for him.”

“It’s because he’s a true policeman – caring more about the safety of others than for his own. You could never imitate that.” Simon said dismissively.

“You Bastard!” Danny spit back at Penrith.

“So, they say!” Penrith smirked and jabbed at Hugh. “I’m happy to hear at least one of you intrepid inspectors is not above using salty language. Or are you not as committed to the ideals of your esteemed police force?”

“Pay him no heed, Hugh.” Simon encouraged his cohort. Come on, Hugh. You’ve got to retain your resolve!

Penrith then trailed his fingers around the choker affixed to the bound swimmer’s neck. “Inspectors, we’ve locked very special devices around the necks of young Danny Warwick here and Inspector Percy. We find that they are good instruments to maintain discipline among my master’s guests. We call the device – “The Collar.” Some of the guests here at the estate can withstand the “kiss” of “The Collar,” so we’ve adjusted its use. When a guest needs discipline, we activate “The Collar” on another guest. The guests do not wish to cause pain to another man, so they quickly modify their behavior. As a demonstration of its effects for you – please observe Inspector Percy.”

Penrith went back to the strongly bound and severely gagged Reggie, who was grunting ineffectually and straining against the straps holding him in the icy embrace of that cold, wooden chair.


Penrith stroked Reggie’s cheek. “I’ve missed you too, Reggie. I enjoyed fucking you – and then fucking you over.”

“BBHHHUUUSSTTHHUURRDDHH!” Bastard! Reggie glared at the man who had used, betrayed, and kidnapped him.

Penrith winked at Reggie, then turned his attention back to Simon and Hugh.

“Please observe how “The Collar” works.” Penrith took a small device from his pocket and pushed a button on its control panel.


Reggie started to shake uncontrollably, held only in place by the straps restraining him to the chair – the jolt of the charge to “The Collar” contorted his face in pain.


His cry of pain – even through the layers of tape gagging him – reverberated through the laboratory.

Simon’s firm chokehold held Dr. Richelieu back, but it did not prevent the evil scientist from speaking. He stated quietly but firmly to Simon – just loud enough for Hugh to hear.

“Are you sure you want “The Collar” used on that young man, Inspector? Your English counterpart might have the discipline to withstand pain, but can a young swimmer show the same resolve?” Richelieu’s voice dripped with sadistic carnality.

I can’t let Percy – I mean Penrith – do this to Hugh’s brother or to the English inspector again! I’ll have to end this. Simon thought.

I can’t let Danny go through that pain! Hugh grew worried, as his thumb itched over the Taser’s trigger.

As the real Reggie Percy – sinisterly strapped and banefully bound to that outfitted armchair – shook from the aftereffects of the voltage, the man who had stolen his identity – Patrick Penrith – took a moment of perverse pleasure to gloat over him, before walking over to stand next to Danny Warwick, who sat imprisoned -- shrouded in shadowed silence -- ignorant to the fate awaiting him...

Will this terror ever end? Who are these monsters who kidnapped me? Christ! Focus, Danny, Focus – I need to find that inner place to preserve my sanity. Focus on what’s important – getting out of this. You know you will. And Chase will get out of this too! Focus on that love you have for that guy. With that I can survive anything! Hugh’s out there looking for me – I know he is – He’d want me to stay strong. He’s always told me that he’ll watch over me – no matter what. Stay strong for him. The man next to me has proven a lifesaver. That first night when he pressed his arm against mine to let me know I was not alone – And since then trying as best as he can to protect me – God! He reminds me so much of Hugh…He must be a police officer. Hugh has told me often that police officers always put the welfare of others before their own. And this man – Reggie – he has put my well-being before his own so many times. Some time ago, the monsters frog marched us out of the cell into another off the laboratory. They store my speedo off and ripped Reggie’s jockstrap off him. They then forced us into these skin-tight scuba suits and bound us again to these execution chairs. They poured that deafening goop into my ears, gagged me, and blindfolded me. I have no freakin’ clue what’s going on – but someone’s been touching me like I’m some pet. Wait – What’s this?? I can feel someone pulling the tape off around my eyes. The light’s getting brighter – Oh! God! It’s do bright I can’t see – but at last I’ll soon discover what new nightmare I’ve been thrown into…

Penrith started to peel the tape from around Danny’s head.

“Inspector Warwick – shall we let your little brother enjoy this reunion?”

Hugh looked on as Penrith unrolled the layers of tape. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts – his desire to protect his kid brother started to cloud his judgment as a police inspector.

I’ve got to get Danny away from here. Does Simon know what he’s doing? Does he have a plan? Or is he winging it? Hugh’s fingers continued to itch – now more nervously – over the trigger of the taser.

Simon glanced over at Hugh and saw sweat trickling down his forehead, and his eyes glued to his brother, as Penrith removed the tape that blindfolded him. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold tight onto Dr. Richelieu, whose pressure against Simon’s chokehold increased by the moment, if he could not completely rely upon Hugh.

Hugh’s emotions are running too high, as Penrith now threatened Danny. I cannot let this go on. I can’t let Penrith harm those men – My God! How long has that poor Englishman been held captive by this infernal brotherhood!

As Penrith peeled the last layer of tape from around Danny’s eyes, the 24-year-old man blinked his eyes then shut them completely. After being kept blindfolded for such lengths of time, he was so sensitive to the brightness of the lights in the laboratory. Reluctantly Danny opened his eyes and focused on the scene before him. He was utterly startled to see his big brother.

My God! Can it be? Hugh!!! How did he – No! I knew he’d find me. What is he doing? Why is he dressed like one of these goons? He’s standing behind another man, who’s holding that mad scientist. And – My God! These goons have kidnapped another man. What is going on? I can’t hear a thing. Are Hugh and the other man using that evil doctor to get me out of here? Reggie – the man who’s been my protector – what’s he doing? He’s thrashing around! Doesn’t he know they’ll zap him with “The Collar!” Omigod – No – No, Hugh! Don’t Hugh! No – DON’T!!

Danny could only watch in horror at what his brother was about to do. Unable to communicate, he shook his head from side to side frantically to try to stop him, as he watched his brother –

Simon knew he had to put the taser down and release Dr. Richelieu. I have no other choice – I cannot let this mountebank Penrith harm Danny, the Inspector, or any other man. Hugh and I will have to surrender – Our only hope now is Felix Bergeron. He’ll know where to find us –

Simon began to remove his thumb from the trigger of his taser.

Hugh’s thumb still twitched over the trigger of the taser in his own hands. Danny is in such grave danger. I’ve got to get him out of here. Please – Forgive me –

Hugh moved forward and raised his taser up. Simon was just about to lower his own taser and loosen the grip of his chokehold around Dr. Richelieu – Hugh’s with me – He’s got my back …


“Argh… Argh!!!”

The laboratory grew silent – everyone seemingly in shock of what they had just witnessed –

Falling to his knees, Simon cried out in pain, as Hugh tased him where his right shoulder met his neck. Simon’s taser fell to the floor, and he lost control of Dr. Richelieu, who rushed away to safety. Two guard attendants swiftly fell atop Simon. Two others grabbed Hugh – forcing him to drop the taser still in his hand – and held him in armlocks, while he watched hopelessly at what he himself had wrought. Dazed and in pain as he was, Simon fought back. He attempted to get to his feet, but two guards grabbed each of his arms and applied pressure to keep him down. They stretched out Simon’s arms and pulled them back. Simon winced in pain, feeling as if they would rip his arms from their sockets. Suddenly – from somewhere deep inside him – Simon found strength. The guards felt him pushback against their vice-like grips on him. He let out a battle cry…


Simon swung his arms inward, and the two guards smashed face first into each other. Free of their hold, Simon made it to his feet. More guards came forward and dropped onto Simon. And still, Simon fought, but he was no match against superior numbers. Forced to his knees once more, the guards held him down, as a man in a Lab coat – Dr. Mazarin – came forward with a hypodermic syringe. Another attendant was at his side.

“Hold him still.” He ordered the men. They did so with great difficulty.

Nodding to one guard the size of a brute who was at Simon’s right side, Dr. Mazarin demanded, “Pull his head back.”

The brute yanked Simon’s cap off. He grabbed a cluster of Simon’s full brown hair and drew his head back towards him.

The doctor worked quickly. He motioned for the attendant at his side to swab the base of Simon’s neck right above his right collar bone. After the attendant wiped the area with rubbing alcohol, Dr. Mazarin injected the needle into Simon and pushed down releasing the contents of the syringe into the big, brave, brawny, and bold bull of a man. It took only moments for the drug to work its effect on him. In those instants before he slipped into unconsciousness, Simon spied Hugh.

You were supposed to have my back, Hugh…

In that instant, Hugh saw such letdown in Simon’s eyes. Ashamed of his betrayal of the man who had given him a second chance – who had promised to rescue Danny – the man who had expected Hugh to have his back, Hugh averted his eyes from the man who had called him partner. Disgusted by his own duplicity, Hugh hung his head in shame, as Simon slumped stuporous in the cinches of this man-snatching sect.

During the fracas, Penrith remained above the fray. He now stepped towards his captured prey, taking his cellphone from his pocket. He keyed in a preset number and waited.

“Master – I have caught the fox. He awaits your inspection.”

Penrith ended the call. With his cellphone still in his hand, he walked over to Hugh Warwick. Guard attendants remained on either side of him, keeping him restrained.

Maintiens le Droit – Uphold the Right – well, well, Inspector Warwick, you’re certainly upholding the ideals embodied in the motto of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. You’re a credit to the Force.” Penrith said so sarcastically.

Hugh did not respond. He looked past Penrith to the chamber where his kid brother Danny sat so perniciously pinned, malevolently muffled, and despicably deafened. He caught Danny’s eye. Danny looked back with such a pitiful gaze. He too is mortified at what I did to Simon. Hugh looked back at Penrith.

“Release my brother – let him go.”

Penrith guffawed in response.

“I did what your people asked of me. You have Simon – and you have me. You don’t need Danny. Let him go.”

Penrith laughed louder and looked down at Hugh with disgust.

“You fool! Did you really think we would let him go? Such a clod of a cop you are, Warwick. You both shall remain here forever!”

Rage built in Hugh – mixed with the loathing Hugh had of himself for stabbing Simon in the back. He could stand it no longer –

Breaking free from the guards holding him back, Hugh lunged for Penrith.

“You Dirt Dealing Drudge!” Hugh took a swing at Penrith and threw an uppercut with his right arm. It landed squarely under Penrith’s jaw and sent him careening backwards.

The cellphone in Penrith’s hand broke free in the dust-up and skidded along the floor of the lab. It came to a halt before the entrance, just as the doors opened to allow entry to Michael Palaiologos with Peter deVere at his side. When he saw the phone on the floor, Peter crouched down to pick it up. Since all eyes were glued to the scuffle, no one noticed Peter place the phone in his pocket and palm his own phone from the comparable pocket.

To Be Continued…
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kankuro10 »

This chapter was perfect. Really. So many exciting moments. And the ending. Wow. I wasn't expecting THAT cliffhanger. But it makes sense with Hugh's predicament (and his introduction in the story).

This chapter had Warwick brothers reunion! I can't wait for Simon and Johnny reunion.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

kankuro10 wrote: 2 years ago This chapter was perfect. Really. So many exciting moments. And the ending. Wow. I wasn't expecting THAT cliffhanger. But it makes sense with Hugh's predicament (and his introduction in the story).

This chapter had Warwick brothers reunion! I can't wait for Simon and Johnny reunion.
Thank you, [mention]kankuro10[/mention]!

Simon may get more than one surprise in the next chapter, as I wind down to the ending. :evil:
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

Whoa! I 90% didn’t see that coming. Hugh’s constant affirmation that he had Simon’s back was a bit of a red flag that, well, he might fold when the going got really tough. Damn, I like Hugh, but yes, his actions, apart from being understandable in the situation, provide a nice complicated twist at a crucial moment – a little emotional drama before Simon gets slammed with his own when he finds out Johnny is in the compound. The complication of Simon being very disappointed and frustrated with Hugh, but forced at some level to come to grips with it and still figure a way to get everyone out, saves events at this point from being too simple. (And of course we needed Simon and Hugh to get captured to see what Polaiologos and company have in store for our heroic beefcake!) The lab scenes were fun. The nefarious schemes of Polaiologos are now evident, and Simon knowing exactly what the mastermind of the Order of the Black Rope is up to makes him a big problem.

Naturally, with this big cliffhanger, I can’t wait to see what happens next! What devilishly delectable devices await Simon and Hugh? How will Simon escape (and how is he going to feel about helping Hugh?) What happens when he finds out Bergeron has also been captured? When will he find out that Johnny is there too? And what has happened with Johnny since we last saw him at his capture near Lake Placid? When will DeVere jump into action? He is surely now key to anyone getting out of Polaiologos’s tight grip. How many will make it out of the compound? And who won’t? So many questions to be answered!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you, [mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention], for leaving comments on the latest twist in this saga. You're always generous with your compliments and critiques.

I cannot just have Simon and Hugh wing in and save the day. Happy endings with all loose ends tied up are just not to my style. I've really enjoyed these chapters, and in some of them I've laid the groundwork for at least two or three more stories.

Stay tuned!!!
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Post by Donbrown »

Just finished reading the story. At first I was intimidated by the length of the chapters, but I got used to it, eventually. Took me a while, but once I started, I couldn't stop it. It turned out to be one of the best, if not the best story I've ever read featuring bondage, romance and adventure altogether. It has everything one might think of when it comes to tie-up stories: pirates, businessmen, police officers, athletes... Every chapter is a beautifully-written masterpiece and the whole plot is thick, with playful twists and unexpected turns. I loved every single second reading this story and I can't wait to see what happens next!
(My favourite couple of this story is Eddie and Peter. I love their twisted romance tale and I would love to see those two lovebirds in a happy ending. There is something about Peter's regret and Eddie's doubts about his captor and former lover that makes their relationship so cute, despite not having openly expressed their feelings yet.)
When will the next chapter be released?
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you,[mention]Donbrown[/mention] for your kind comments.

I center each chapter around a theme to make it easier to read, and I divide the chapters into parts, if that helps.

I really enjoy writing the parts about Eddie and Pete. Their relationship is complicated. Stay tuned for more...

I've written about a quarter of the next chapter. Believe me, [mention]Donbrown[/mention], your comments and interesting in the story inspire me. So, again, thank you!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

It has been a long while, but I have completed the next chapter to this tale. To all the readers of it, and especially to those who have taken the time to leave a comment, my sincerest thanks. It is my hope this chapter was well worth the wait!

Chapter XVII: Trapped – Is There No One To Save The Day?
Far Below in the Depths of the Palaiologos Mansion

Michael Palaiologos walked over to the unconscious Simon DuWright, who lay sprawled between two guard attendants. The Grand Prior of the Order of the Black Rope beamed like a triumphant Roman emperor prepared to inspect the captive king he had just defeated in battle. His aide, Peter deVere, followed at his side. Like the adjutant of a Caesar, Peter maintained a stoic mien. He glanced over at Patrick Penrith, who was holding his chin in one hand, as two guards helped him to his feet after Inspector Hugh Warwick had delivered a knockout blow to him. Serves him right! Peter thought, as he kept a hand in his pocket on the cellphone he had just scooped up from the floor. Palaiologos and he soon stood in front of the vanquished Vancouver Inspector, who stayed insensate to their sneers.

“Hold him up.” Palaiologos ordered.

The attendants did as they were told. They stood Simon up and held him between them. Simon’s head lolled on his chest, unaware of the fate yet to befall him.

With a tap of his index finger, Palaiologos pushed Simon’s head backward.

“Take hold of his hair, so that I might study my prized quarry.”

One of the guards took hold of Simon’s hair and pulled his head up and back, so Palaiologos could more closely examine the athletic, beautiful, and courageous deputy of the law, who lay immobile in captivity yet still maintained his nobility against these nefarious nabobs of impressed men! Palaiologos commenced to poke, prod, and prick the pulchritudinous policeman to his hardened heart’s content. He caressed Simon’s cheeks and traced his fingers around the comatose cop’s strong jawline and down his sinewy neck. Palaiologos next pawed Simon’s pectoral muscles and brushed his brawny biceps before spooning his smooth stomach muscles. In a final moment of celebratory carnality Palaiologos clutched Simon’s cock and batted his balls under the poor man’s tight-fitted trousers.

Restrained by other guard attendants close by, Simon DuWright’s erstwhile ensign, Hugh Warwick – still reeling from his own betrayal of the man who had shown him nothing but support and understanding – let out a grunt of disgust, as he watched the Master of this cruel cabal grope Simon so possessively.

“Get away from him, you ignoble villain.” Hugh growled.

Michael Palaiologos stiffened at the insult to him. His right hand still cupping Simon’s crotch, he turned his head to look over at Hugh. Palaiologos observed the Manitoba Mountie with a mixture of contempt and covetousness. He uncupped Simon’s pride and joy and walked over to Hugh with Peter trailing close behind. The guards on either side of Hugh strengthened their hold on their prisoner, twisting his arms behind him to make sure he did not lash out at their Master, as he had done with Penrith. Hugh gritted his teeth – careful not to show any pain, lest Danny – who lay bound motionless alongside the real Reggie Percy – lose courage as he prepared to give more lip to the leader of these lassoing loons. Danny – please don’t judge me too harshly. I’m doing this all to set you free, Laddie!

“Inspector Warwick, you now show such concern for Inspector DuWright – how surprising!” Palaiologos goaded Hugh with his condescension.

“He’s a far better man than you’ll ever be.” Hugh snapped back.

“Ha!” He laughed. “This – coming from the man who just betrayed him!” Palaiologos dismissed Hugh with a wave of his hand.

“Yes – to my everlasting shame – I did betray Simon DuWright. I told him I had his back – and I proved myself disloyal.” Hugh confessed.

“Everlasting – well, you will live with that, Inspector Warwick – I’ll make sure that shame will be with you forever.” Palaiologos continued to play with Hugh.

Hugh looked over at his bound and gagged kid brother. Danny looked back at him, and although he could not hear a word of the exchange between Hugh and that cruel master – Danny knew Hugh was here for him.

Hugh – I knew you’d come. But why did you tase the other man with you? Danny wondered.

“Let Danny go. You have me and Simon – Release my brother.” Hugh pleaded before adding in little more than a whisper, “I beg of you – let him go.”

“How touching, Inspector Warwick. Such concern for your brother and so little concern for your partner –”

“Partner,” Hugh repeated, glancing over at Simon – knocked out and hanging between two goonish guards. Will you ever understand why I did it, Simon? “I’m not fit to shine Simon DuWright’s boots – let alone be called his partner anymore.”

“Yes, Inspector – partner. Or do you want to be more to him?”
Hugh shot his head up to look at Palaiologos, then looked over at his courageous confederate out cold to the conversation. Emotions washed over Hugh – shame, guilt, tenderness – What else? Hugh hesitated to give what he was feeling for Simon thought. He turned his gaze away from Simon – so brave, so trusting, so good – to look once more at the cruel CEO of this kidnapping corporation. They looked intently at each other. Palaiologos leered at Hugh. Hugh held the stare for a moment, but Simon caught his eye once more.

How could I have betrayed him?

And Hugh cast his eyes and head downward once more.

“Ha! I thought so.” Palaiologos mocked Hugh. “We have observed your interactions with Inspector DuWright since we brought you together. Inspector DuWright treated you like his equal – taking you into his confidence and relying upon you to support him in his mission.”

“How could you?” Hugh asked.
“The Order sees everything.” Palaiologos answered assuredly. “We’ve observed how you have come to admire Inspector DuWright – look up to him…”

Hugh remained silent. He looked past Palaiologos and over at his fallen friend – the man he had deceived.

“But it’s more than that, isn’t it?”

Hugh remained silent.

“I am seldom wrong in reading a man’s mind. I saw this evening – as I talked with Inspector DuWright and you at my reception upstairs – the way you looked at him. You’ve fallen in love with him, Inspector Warwick, haven’t you? It confirmed what we earlier suspected. Simon DuWright is an extremely good-looking and athletic man. But his charm is more than physical. Simon DuWright is intelligent, charismatic, and considerate. And that last quality of his was what you needed most, when you found yourself ensnared by the Order to do its bidding.”

Hugh looked over at his brother Danny, so cruelly constrained to that chair and his mouth mercilessly muffled – and to the similarly secured and silenced man next to him, who was a real police inspector. That man acted like a protector to Hugh’s kid brother –

And what have I done? I crumpled, and I failed the one man I could trust completely, Simon, I am so sorry – And Danny, can you ever look up to me again?

Hugh said nothing – so many conflicting emotions, thoughts, and doubts coursed through him – fear for Danny’s safety, his duty to the Force, his admiration for Simon – and, yes – his growing awareness that he felt something more for the man. All that dashed because of his own doubts of Simon’s capability to see the mission to a successful completion.

Hugh’s eyes flicked over once more to his vanquished comrade.

“You are in love with him.” Palaiologos stated and stared at Hugh. Hugh returned the stare but remained silent. For some moments all stood still in that abominable laboratory – the only sounds coming from bubbly brews in beakers awaiting analysis on abducted men – twisted transfusions for tied-up dudes. All eyes were fixed on the exchange between Palaiologos and Hugh from the two sinister scientists to the spiteful sentries, to the secured and silenced sureties. Yes – even Reggie and Danny – restrained and deterred as they were – watched Michael Palaiologos toy with his latest hostage. Only two men remained ignorant of this exchange. The abducted Ballpark Major Leaguer Price Archer – fettered, muffled, and baffled – stayed confused as the conversation between his captor and his would-be rescuer continued. And the man at the center of it all – Simon…

Palaiologos looked from Hugh to Simon then back to Hugh. He stroked his beard and a mischievous smile spread across his face.

“Inspector Warwick – how versed are you in ancient Egyptian history?”

Hugh dug deep into himself. He held his head high and looked Palaiologos straight in the eye. He may have handed over Simon DuWright, betrayed everything he stood for as a Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman. He may have let down Danny. But he’d be damned if he’d cede any more ground to these pinioning pilferers of strapping swains.

“I studied ancient history in college before joining the Force – what of it?”

“Are you familiar with the history of Amenophis XIV of the eighteenth dynasty?”

“Why should I be?” Hugh scoffed, not once flinching.

Palaiologos took Hugh question as a sign of disrespect, and he lost his composure. His raised his right arm, and he backhanded Hugh across his face. The force of the blow goaded Hugh to retaliate. He struggled against the guards’ hold on him, but their grip was too strong. Ceasing his struggles, Hugh stood his ground against this malevolent master of muffling and manacling men with his own inimical mien.

“Your insolence, Inspector, will have a price. And it is one for which your brother will pay dearly.” Palaiologos knew Hugh’s weakness all too well.

“Leave him alone. Take out your revenge on me.”

“Rest assured, Inspector, you will feel the sting of punishment, too. But yours will be the sting of unrequited love.”

Hugh remained defiant.

“Amenophis XIV was a great ruler of Egypt. According to the Greeks who later wrote his history, He was a charismatic king, physically imposing, and pleasing to the eye. He relied upon two chief advisors – Kanefer, the general of his armies, and Inyotef, his Grand Vizier, who were also very charismatic and physically attractive men. Both were utterly devoted to Amenophis. Kanefer was also, according to the Greeks, Amenophis’s lover. But they kept their relationship secret – save for a few trusted servants. Kanefer achieved great victories in the field and in the bed of his pharaoh. Under the rule of Amenophis, Egypt had become a strong and prosperous kingdom. But Amenophis had rivals – his brother Perneb chief among them. After discovering his brother’s true relationship with his general, Perneb plotted to usurp the throne from Amenophis. He did so by turning his brother’s Grand Vizier against him. Perneb played Inyotef by planting jealousy in his mind. Perneb knew all too well the Grand Vizier was in love with the pharaoh, but the pharaoh was in love with Kanefer. That jealousy grew so strong that Inyotef decided he needed to eliminate Kanefer.”

The master of this baleful bundle of abductors paused in his story to jeer at Hugh. Hugh saw the revolting relish in Palaiologos’ eyes that he took in relating this story and humiliating him further. As Hugh began to comprehend the analogy between Palaiologos’ tale and his and Simon’s quandary, he sunk deeper in misery at the thought of his betrayal of Simon. Palaiologos continued…

“Working with Perneb, Inyotef arranged a meeting with Kanefer in the Valley of the Kings where Inyotef oversaw the construction of Amenophis’ tomb. At that very same moment in the pharaoh’s palace, Perneb double-crossed Inyotef and told Amenophis that his vizier was plotting against him at his tomb. The pharaoh with Perneb at his side rushed to the tomb and confronted Inyotef. There Amenophis ordered his servants to seize the traitors. But unbeknownst to the pharaoh, those servants were men completely loyal to Perneb. They seized Inyotef – and Amenophis as well! Perneb watched with great satisfaction as he oversaw the mummification of the pharaoh and his Grand Vizier. When the two were completed mummified to their necks and gagged with strips of cloth treated with a sticky aphrodisiacal resin, a special sarcophagus awaited them. It was large enough – just barely – to hold them both. Inyotef went in first before the traitorous servants placed their pharaoh on top of him. Before covering their faces with Death Masks and sealing the sarcophagus, Perneb explained to his brother that he would spend eternity with the man who had stabbed him in the back – at his back!”

Palaiologos watched as Hugh fully grasped the analogy between this traitorous tale and his own. What awaited him and Simon filed him with dread.

“And Kanefer – the pharaoh’s general and lover?” Hugh asked.

Palaiologos smirked silently at him in answer.

“My God…” Hugh gasped.

“Take them away to the laboratory above.” Palaiologos commanded with a sweep of his hand.

The attendant guards dragged the still comatose Simon off. Their counterparts led Hugh away with him. Hugh had sunk so far into dejection from defeat and his own duplicity that he made no attempt to resist. He barely looked at Danny, who maintained a passive demeanor for his brother’s sake – even though he ached inside for his hero. Danny knew Hugh only tased Simon because he wanted to get Danny free. Hugh would never betray his ideals if he didn’t have a good reason. But Danny could do nothing but remain brave before this base band of abductors!

Palaiologos turned his attention from watching from his men take the captive inspectors to the younger of the two scientists.

“Dr. Mazarin?”

The tall, muscular, extremely good-looking doctor with dark, wavy black hair and beard, piercing blue eyes, a high arched nose, high cheekbones, and full, sensuous lips stepped forward.

“Yes, Sir?”

“Take the Inspectors to your laboratory Please prepare them for their confinement. Make sure that Inspector Warwick is treated with the particular paste that bears my name.”

“As you command…and Inspector DuWright? Do you wish for him to sample the bawdy balm that shares your sobriquet as well?”

Michael Palaiologos thought for a moment before responding.

“You were able to meddle with the mind of the rancher – Bucky Johnson – isn’t that so?”

“Yes – through suggestion aided by a dosage of a hallucinogen that is similar in effect to peyote.”

“Ah! Peyote – the name derives from “caterpillar cocoon.” How apropos – in consideration of the means by which Inspector Simon DuWright shall be sheathed!”

Dr. Mazarin smiled at Palaiologos’ joke.

“Yes, Doctor. Use this hallucinogen on Simon DuWright, as you prepare him for his restraints. But I want him in full possession of his faculties, as I introduce him to the fate awaiting him and my other guests, including the man whom DuWright thinks remains free from the web of our Order. I want him restrained naked in our signature black neoprene straight-jacket. Inspector DuWright escaped from bonds the Slobobians trussed him in. I will not make the same mistake. As for his legs – you may tether them together with our emblematic black rope. As for Inspector Warwick – Swathe his naked body with the Paste of Palaiologos before binding him. First, secure his arms behind him with black leather shoulder to wrist restraints. And then use our black rope to enfold him in a rope harness from his shoulders to his ankles. Muffle him securely with a gag of your choice. I want no communication between him and DuWright. Later, I will oversee him stifled with much more inebriating gags – a roll of cloth that smells and tastes of Inspector DuWright’s aroma – a balmy blend of his perspiration and his pheromones – will do nicely for a start. Then I intend to tape-gag him with the Paste of Palaiologos. Those gags will drive Inspector Warwick wild with lust for Inspector DuWright.”

“And so, it shall be done.” Dr. Mazarin promised.

“If my hunch is correct – and my suspicions are seldom wrong – Hugh Warwick has developed strong feelings for the very virile and charismatic Simon DuWright. Warwick’s desire for him will come against his feelings of guilt for betraying him. It should prove a stimulating synthesis of sensations – and delightfully devious!”

“And it my choice of gag for Inspector DuWright?” Dr. Mazarin wanted to make sure he understood the Grand Prior.

“Do you have any in mind?”

“A front buckle gag that is locked will do nicely for now.” The fetching doctor answered.

“Yes. I want our lionhearted law enforcement officer to know that the Order of the Black Rope controls his every movement and utterance from this moment onward. I will bring that home to him, when I unfasten the padlock to his gag and permit him to speak. And as for his other movements – when he and his sometime stalwart but now specious sidekick are singularly snarled, slip and spoon them both into our especially outfitted neoprene sleep sack designed to hold – just barely – two men. I want Simon DuWright to know that the man he thought would have his back – but proved to be the one who stabbed him in the back – is right behind him. I want Simon DuWright to feel a prick –the prick of betrayal plunged into his back with the hard prick of Hugh Warwick pressing into his backside! Ha Ha Ha!”

“Your methods are captivatingly creative, Sir.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”

“I will attend to your directions, presently.” Dr. Mazarin vowed and then turned and left to direct the chaining of the captive cops.

“Dr. Richelieu…” Palaiologos beckoned the senior scientist over to him.

The older man had recovered from any effects of the earlier altercation, and he appeared impatient to return to his execrable examination of Price Archer, who still lay pinioned to the examination table and remained senseless to his straits.

“I must return to my work – I need to prepare this priceless specimen of manhood.” He eyed poor Price crudely.

“Of course, Doctor. Please make sure the snooping policeman and the chauffeur are also made ready for transportation to New Zealand alongside our brawny baseball star here. Theirs will be a very long journey. They will be taken out of their packing crates inflight to their destination, but do not pack them away yet. I want to see Simon DuWright’s reaction when I exhibit the Montreal policeman to him. I strongly suspect they were working together, and I fear they have a mole in our Order. I need to discover who that might be.”

“I will look after their hobbling, as you wish. When do they depart? And are your suspicions of a traitor in our organization correct? I cannot believe any of our men would turn against the Orde”

“Price Archer and the two men will depart for New Zealand within the next couple of days. And as for the turncoat – Well, woe be to him who dares to betray the Order of the Black Rope!”

Michael Palaiologos turned to his aide-de-camp.

“Brother deVere, get the suspension and extraction chambers ready for my guests.”

“Yes, Master.”

Peter deVere turned to leave, when he saw Patrick Penrith getting up from the floor with the help of two guard-attendants. He was still massaging his chin. Hugh Warwick had delivered quite a haymaker to him. As Peter passed him, he took a cellphone from his pocket.

“I believe you dropped this.” Peter said, as he handed the phone to a still tender Penrith.

Penrith took the phone without saying anything.

As Peter left the lab, he betrayed no emotion. He set about attending to the preservation and extraction chambers to get them ready to receive the kidnapped men.

Dr. Mazarin’s Laboratory: A Few Hours Later

Once inside his laboratory, Dr. Mazarin ordered the guard attendants to strip Simon and Hugh of the uniforms they had taken from the Osuna brothers. The guard attendants removed the tight-fitting uniform from the still unconscious Simon, while their colleagues forced Hugh at taser point to shed the uniform he wore. When Hugh hesitated at his briefs, one guard attendant barked,


Hugh slipped his briefs down and tossed them with his right foot onto the pile of other discarded pieces of clothing. He cupped his hands over his ample cock and balls. Two guard attendants pushed him at taser point while two others carried Simon toward a Shower Room. At the entrance, a guard attendant slipped handcuffs onto Hugh’s and Simon’s wrists. There were four other guard attendants in the Shower Room. They were dressed in nothing but tiny, black Speedo-like swimming briefs with the signature emblem of the Order – crossed wrists bound with rope – emblazoned on their beefy backsides. The men were brawnier than the soporific-laden Simon. But – if he wakened, Hugh thought, Simon might give these Budgie-Smuggling behemoths a bruising, but it might prove bootless.

Yet again, Hugh expressed doubt to himself in Simon’s resourcefulness.

My doubt in Simon landed us here, you fool! Why can’t I trust Simon without question?

Hugh sunk deeper into despondency – so much so he had no fight left in him as two speedo-clad sentries manhandled him into the Shower Room and under one of two large showerheads. Their speedoed comrades hauled Simon over to the adjacent showerhead. Hanging above them were chains attached to some pulley system. Once the sentries had placed High and Simon under the showerheads, a sentry lowered the chains at the end of which were secure hooks and winches. The sentries attached the fasteners to the handcuffs on each Mounty and then began to hoist their arms above them. Once they had fully extended Simon’s and Hugh’s cuffed arms above their heads, the sentries forced Hugh to spread his legs out. They then manacled each of his legs to bolted rings on the tiled floor. Hugh looked over and saw they had done the same to Simon. When they had finished, the sinister sentinels stepped away as very warm water cascaded over the restrained duo. Simon remained unconscious even as the water drenched him. His head hung piteously down on his chest.

Once the water stopped, the sentries stepped forward with loofahs and liquid soap in hand. Hugh and Simon had two sentries each to scrub them down, and the sentries neglected no part of their bodies. They paid particularly close attention to Hugh’s and Simon’s junk – carefully lathering their cocks and balls with the soapy loofahs. All the while, Hugh remained indifferent to their squeezing, scrubbing, and soaking. Activating the pulley system, the chained men were bent at the waist to allow the sentries to wash their backs and muscular hindquarters. With lathered loofahs, they scoured the Mounties’ backs, and then grappled their glutes. Hugh stirred little, even when he felt a frothy finger foray into his manhole, so lost was he to his pangs of guilt. Out of the corner of his eyes, however, Hugh saw that the sentry fiddling his foamy finger around Simon’s sphincter sported quite a cock rocket under his black speedo. The sight only increased Hugh’s self-reproach as the author of Simon’s downfall. When the sentinels had thoroughly cleansed the backsides – inside and out – of Hugh and Simon, they shampooed the hair on each man with a coconut scented concoction. Only then were the chains tethering them pulled to force their bound wrists upward until the pair hung upright.

The sentries stood back, and warm water cascaded over the cleansed cops to rinse off the soap. When the water stopped, the sentries returned to the duo – this time armed with charged trimmers. Although neither Simon nor Hugh was hirsute, their captors meticulously trimmed their hair to an even length from head to toe. They paid particularly close attention to pruning the pubic hair of their man bushes, the hair on their nut sacks, across their taints, and the hair bordering their arseholes. Water washed down upon Simon and Hugh once more, when the sentries had finished. Warm air then blew from fans positioned above the showerheads to dry them. Afterwards the sentries applied a heady musk-scented oil all over the men’s bodies.

Simon began to stir from his forced slumber.


“Gag Inspector Warwick!” Dr. Mazarin ordered. Hugh had not noticed that the younger of the two sinister scientists had earlier appeared at the entrance to the Shower Room.

Before he could react, Hugh had a ball-gag shoved into his mouth and strapped tightly behind his head. A large strip of black tape was plastered over it, effectively stifling his speech.

“Take Inspector Warwick to Room B. Strap him to the examination table. I will attend to him after I’ve attended to Inspector DuWright.”

Following Dr. Mazarin’s orders, the sentries worked like clockwork in releasing Hugh from the chains and dragged him away from Simon before Simon fully awakened and Hugh had a chance to beg his forgiveness. It was the last Hugh was to see of his stalwart superior before both men were reunited in the cruel cocoon Michael Palaiologos had conceived as their eternal torture chamber!

“Ooohhh…” Simon slowly came more to his senses…

“And bring Inspector DuWright to Room A,” The doctor directed, before Simon could fully recover.

Dr Mazarin watched as the sentries hauled the 28-year-old, brown-haired, blue-eyed, 6’1” tall, 185 lb., languid lawman past him to the preparation room. He savored the thought of what awaited Michael Palaiologos’ prized pawn in the Order’s end game.

Simon Sacked
Simon had lost all measure of time after he was tasered and tranquilized, and as he regained consciousness, he remained somewhat disoriented. He tried to calculate how much time he had been out – he estimated it was for about two hours. Taught to establish control of his position, Simon surveyed his surroundings. Unfortunately, Simon had little – if any – command of his situation. He found himself shackled naked to an examination table. His ankles were held in leather cuffs and secured on either end of the tabletop. Larger leather straps fastened his thighs higher up to the table’s sides. Leather belts and cuffs at his wrists and biceps held Simon’s arms fast to his own sides and also restrained tightly to the tabletop. More leather bands across his waist and chest lashed him down. Simon’s head lay on a headrest, but he could not move his head Latigo leather fastenings at his neck and forehead belted Simon’s head firmly to the cushioned support. Lastly, speech was impossible. A latigo leather panel buckled tightly behind his head gagged Simon. At the back of the front plate of the gag was a large, solid, silicone pecker – that Simon now bit down on – filled his mouth.

The glow of the overhead lights gave the room an anodyne quality, but it helped Simon to focus. Bound as he was, there was not much Simon could do but gather his thoughts on the events of the past few hours. He needed to compartmentalize – prioritizing what was important and what he could deal with later. His number one priority was the mission – to free the abducted men from the brutish blueprints of Palaiologos’ perverse plans. He would cope with everything else – including Hugh’s actions – afterwards. Simon believed a momentary weakness had overcome Hugh – his concern for Danny’s welfare clouded his judgment, but – well, Simon needed his full attention on getting out of his current predicament and back onto the mission. He had to admit – the situation looked dire –

Simon was not alone. The younger of the two scientists was with him. Although he could not move his head, Simon followed Dr. Mazarin in his peripheral vision. The malefic MD stood by a cabinet nearby, readying instruments – Simon spied a hypodermic needle and a vial among them – and reading charts. They must have run some tests on Simon while he was still unconscious or lethargic. When Mazarin was done, he carried a tray with the needle and various other objects on it over to where Simon lay bound and gagged. After putting the tray down on a medical cart by the side of the examination table, Mazarin peered down at Simon and gave him a portentous smile. He picked up a remote-control panel attached the examination table. Pushing one of the buttons, Mazarin raised the table to a 25º angle. He then pushed another button to turn the table, so all Simon could see was the stark white wall of one side the room. The effect was completely banal – the whiteness of the wall accented the sterility of the light fixtures above.

“I hope you’ll enjoy this, Inspector DuWright. I know I will,” he said quietly.

Mazarin opened a package containing an alcohol-swab pad, which he then used to disinfect Simon’s fibrously muscled triceps of his right arm. He then filled the needle with a clear liquid from the vial. Once again smiling piteously down at the bound and gagged Mountie, Mazarin pricked Simon with the needle and injected him with the unknown substance.

“Just relax…” He advised.

Simon’s vision began to blur…

The room grew brighter – no – more colorful – What’s going on? Simon wondered benumbed.

Focus! Keep focused – I’ve been drugged! Fight it – Fight it!! Simon battled to keep a clear head.

It was a losing battle.
Who is that?

Mazarin? No – Johnny? Or is he Hugh?

Stay focused! Fight it!

Images floated through Simon’s head. Snippets of conversations, the men and women he loved and admired, past events – and more recent ones – drifted in and out of Simon’s mind as various people dear to him appeared next to him…

Johnny –
“Reginald Percy – He’s charming…maybe too charming. Funny, all this time asking about our backgrounds, we don’t know much about him.”

“Maybe you’re just jealous.”

“Come back to my place tonight, Cubby Bear,”

“Yes Sir, Inspector.”

“Keep a place next 2 u warm 4 me.”

“Ruv Roo, SDW”

“Ruv Roo 2, Cubby Bear”

Hugh –

“You’re very desirable, Hugh, but I love another man.”

“We know what we have in each other.”

“I don’t know what happened. You’ve been so – Simon – you are incredibly good-looking and sexy.”

Mrs. G –

“Good Luck, Inspector DuWright.”

“Luck’s always on my side, Mrs. G!”

“I know, Simon. Still my boy…be careful.”

Gramps –

“A man needs to be always upright, Simon. And he needs to care more for people than possessions. Still, there are times when some things make a man stand taller. I wore this jacket proudly in the defense of my country. Now I pass it on to you, Simon, as a reminder to serve your country proudly when your country calls on you.”

Superintendent Cabot –

“Canada needs you, Inspector DuWright.”

Simon tried to call and reach out to each one of them, but he could not – the gag and straps silencing and securing him held him back.

A shadow cast darkness over Simon. His mind momentarily cleared, and he saw Dr. Mazarin over him. The devious doctor smiled and brushed Simon’s cheek just above the straps of the muzzle gag.

“Enjoy the ride, Simon.” Mazarin unbuckled the gag a pulled it gently from Simon’s mouth.

“Enjoy…the…ride…” Simon repeated languidly.

He stared quizzically at the doctor, but. he found it hard to focus. It was so confusing. Mazarin’s face contorted and changed. Simon could no longer recognize him, and he felt so warm.

“Who…are…you?” Simon asked lethargically.

“Who do you think I am, Simon?” Mazarin asked, as he began to caress Simon’s cheeks and then drew his hand down to stroke the bound Mountie’s flank from his collar bone downward, admiring the sinewy and hard muscles of his shoulder, arm and obliques. He looked up and saw that Simon did not need much prodding. The drug was already having the desired effect. The size and girth of Simon’s cock – half erect as it was – grew, earning the lascivious esteem of the scheming scientist.

What an army awaits the Order! Mazarin mused to himself.

Simon shivered. He looked over at Mazarin. He appeared so out of focus. Then – there were two of him standing over Simon.

What’s going on? I’ve got to stay focused!

“You know who I am, don’t you, Simon?”

“You’re Mazzhharrinnn…” Simon slurred.

“Am I, Simon?” The malevolent man of medicine asked.

Simon tried to concentrate on the man standing beside him, but he was so disoriented and dizzy from the effects of the drug Mazarin had administered to him. Somewhere in his clouded mind Simon knew it was Mazarin before him, but he still wasn’t sure...

Mazarin continued to brush his fingers gently up and down Simon’s side. Then, he began to graze those fetid fingers across Simon’s muscular pectorals, pausing to pluck his nipples to arousal. The restrained Mountie softly moaned and struggled slightly against the bonds tying him down to the table.

“Aaahhh…aaahhh…aaahhh...” Simon gasped and attempted to focus his eyes on the face looking down at him.

He’s the younger scientist – isn’t he? Or is he – No! He can’t be – He’s safe in Lake Placid!

The drug addled Simon’s thoughts. He could no longer hold out against the powerful narcotic. And the straps holding him down were so tight. Simon tried straining against them, but it was no use. His bonds were like tentacles of an octopus squeezing the life from him. Simon grew ever wearier from fighting the drug and the bonds, as they both took hold of him. He could no longer think straight, and his strength waned from him. With no resistance left in him, Simon lulled into submission. All he now felt was the caresses of the man standing over him. His touch was soothing and seductive. Simon gazed up in shadowy sight –

Those fingers – Can it be? Is he here?

Simon surrendered to the damnable dosage. His bonds became a warm embrace, and Simon’s thoughts soon turned elsewhere – making it easier for him to believe that the man standing next to him was…


“Is it I, Simon” came the reply.

“Uuu…” Simon’s eyes lolled back into unconsciousness.

Dr. Mazarin beamed in depraved amusement, hearing what he wanted to hear.
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bradstick »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago @Muscle-Flex was incredibly kind to put together a picture of Inspector Simon DuWright of the RCMP, the hero of my tale. I couldn't ask for a better likeness. He also did a mock-up of a back cover that offers a good summary of this saga!

You're the best, @Muscle-Flex! :D :D
I haven’t read this story yet but that brief summary was really helpful! It looks like a great concept, I’ll definitely give this story a look when I get some time!
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Post by Guardianbound »

This update is well worth the wait. Not sure if Simon will eventually find his way out of his predicament but I'm rooting for our hero!
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