The Brotherhood - Riverdale Tales (MM/MM) (ILLUSTRATED) -- Updated chapter 19 5/12/24

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The Brotherhood - Riverdale Tales (MM/MM) (ILLUSTRATED) -- Updated chapter 19 5/12/24

Post by Carnath »

Hi folks,

Here as a sequel to my story "The Brotherhood", this time also featuring some characters from the TV Show "Riverdale".

I don't think it's necessary to have seen the shows to and enjoy this abduction and bondage story, nor to understand the plot or the characters.

“Oh man! This is not mom’s pie, but this milk-shake rocks!” Dean enthusiastically said, contemplating the huge milk-shake which had just been brought to his table. “You sure you don’t want it?”

“Nah, I’m good!”, answered Sam.

“Come on, you just ate a salad. You’ll have to eat, Bigfoot!”

“And you just ate the biggest burger I’ve seen in months! Maybe you’ll have to eat less!”



“Your loss, then!”, said Dean with a huge grin as he literally started to suck his milkshake up.

Sam chuckled, and gave a look around him. “Pop’s”. An improbable diner in a godforsaken hole, who served surprisingly delicious dishes. Dean always had a nose to find places like these.

“I hope we won’t get too noticed here”, Sam said.

“Uh? What do you mean?” Dean said, a line of ice cream on his upper lip.

“Look around you. There’s only truck drivers here, or the local high school students. And we are neither of them.”

“Precisely”, Dean said, still smiling. “We’re the exact mix of the two”.

“Come on, you know what I mean. It’s a small town, everyone knows everyone...”

“Come on, you worry too much!”

Sam sighed. Maybe he did. He turned around in his box and gave another look. His attention was attracted by the two teenagers sitting right behind him. They were hard to miss, as they were talking quite loudly, discussing something like a video game.

Sam got a good look at the first one. Typical american stud, wearing the typical blue and yellow jacket of his high school football team club. Must have been quarterback or even captain of his team, considering his broad shoulders. But his bright reddish hair gave him an uncommon handsome look. Quite a hunk, Sam thought.

The other one was turning his back to Sam. He couldn't see his face properly but could tell he was skinnier. Rather the nerdy type. His mass of black hair was partly concealed by the odd beanie he was wearing.

“Teens don’t know what to wear to make themselves interesting”, Sam reflected. Daydreaming, he looked more closely at the beanie. It was more complex than it first looked. It had little spikes circling around the head.

Almost like a crown… made of wool…

Sam snorted. Whatever, his thoughts drifted back to the Brotherhood. He wasn’t comfortable with the last events. Not comfortable at all.

“Hey Dean?”

“Huh?” He said, mouthful.

“Don’t you think we should have warned something of our location? We practically fled like thieves…”

“Sam”, he gulped, “what did I just say before?”

“I… what?”

“About worrying too much?”

“Oh! But don’t you think…?”

“Relax, little bro! First, they perfectly know how to join us. Second, why would they? They left us without affectation, and we’re not prisoners, are we?”

“But concerning Luke and his friends…”

“Ok, I punched him, so what? He attacked us first. You’ll back me on that, so it’s our word against his. Plus, dad will always support us!”.

“Maybe… I don’t know. Dad has changed”.

“Has he? I don’t think so!” Dean shrugged, and turned his attention back to his cup.

Sam was out of rational arguments, but couldn’t chase this persistent feeling… that something’s there is wrong. He wished to be as carefree as Dean was.

The two guys behind him were suddenly leaving. With a loud burst of laugh, they stood up. Sam could clearly hear their conversation, without even eavesdropping.

“The whole week-end with the whole house to yourself without your dad will be so cool”, said Beanie, enthusiastic.

“We’re really gonna beat the game this time!” Redhead answered.

“You said it, Red Paladin!”
Sam instantly started.

“Dean? Did you…”

No need to finish the question. Obviously Dean had heard it too: one moment ago he was focused on his milkshake like an eight-years old boy in a candy shop, but now he had his eyes locked on the two teenagers. Sam knew those eyes: these were those of the hunter who just spotted his prey.

“Sam, “ he said, “did you notice his hat? Like a…”

“... woolen crown?”

The two brothers exchanged glances. Then, without further concerting, they stood up as the two teens exited the diner, Sam tossing some bills on the table, quickly following their preys into the night.
Twenty minutes later, Sam and Dean were in the Impala, deciding on their plan. They had followed the two lads discreetly in the Impala; when they had splitten up, they had decided to follow Redhead and were now in front of his house. After a few minutes, only one room remained lit up, presumably his room.
“So” Dean said, “what do you think?”

“Maybe it’s just a coincidence… but we have to get to the bottom of this. The odds of hearing of a red paladin the same day we got this prophecy are too… odd!”

“Agreed. At least we should interrogate him”.

“Imagine if we actually came back with the Red Paladin himself? That would sort out our reputation within the Brotherhood”.

“Easy, Sam”, Dean tampered. “For now, he’s just a random teenage boy doing some roleplay with his friends. But like we said - he was readjusting his gloves, giving them a nice crack - we’ll go to the bottom of this. Too bad we didn’t refill our supplies… I used all the chloroform on this jackass Luke…”

“I took care of it. I went to the lab this morning, grabbing a fresh bottle. And other stuff. Everything’s in the trunk”.

“You’re the best brother!”

“Wait”, Sam said while taking his cellphone. “Can you say that again? For the record”, he added with a broad smile.

Dean leaned forward to speak directly to the microphone. “Sam Winchester makes me all tingly!”

Sam laughed. “You jerk!” He added more seriously: “By the way, why this concern about chloroform? You weren’t fond of this last time we had to snatch a kid”.

“Yeah, I changed my mind. Let’s try to be less messy this time”.


Both exited the car. They went to their trunk; Dean took the chloroform bottle and some coils of rope he looped around his belt; Sam chose a pair of handcuffs and a roll of the extra-strong silver duct tape. Both took their Brotherhood cloaks and fastened them around their necks, making them one with the night as they headed towards the backdoor.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

[mention]Carnath[/mention]...I love your stories! :D

Like Dean, I love milkshakes, too! 8-)

This looks like the beginning of a good story!! :)
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Post by Carnath »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago @Carnath...I love your stories! :D

Like Dean, I love milkshakes, too! 8-)

This looks like the beginning of a good story!! :)
Thanks man. Stay tuned for the next chapter :)
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Post by blackbound »

Ooh, any chance of a Chuck Clayton appearance?

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Post by Carnath »

blackbound wrote: 2 years ago Ooh, any chance of a Chuck Clayton appearance?
Not planned in a near future, I'm afraid... but the story's far from over ;)
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Chapter 2

Archie Andrews was happy. He had spent almost the whole summer helping his dad on the family construction sites, thus gaining some muscles, but he was glad it was over. Now that the school year had just begun, everyone was back in town and he could hang out with his friends again. Especially Jughead. Archie felt that was mutual; his childhood best friend didn’t often speak about his family, but Archie knew his father often gave him a hard time. The kid basically raised himself.

Archie got rid of these thoughts as he entered his room. The mood wasn’t grim; it was the opposite. He had the whole house for himself since his father was off to finish another construction; so he had invited Jughead to drop by. They might finally end this game of gryphons & gargoyles. Archie wasn’t as fond of role playing games as most of his friends but he definitely was well into this one.

Kevin was to join them too. He was the rpg-geek number one in Riverdale. As soon as he’d heard of a whole week-end game, he almost begged Archie to join them. Archie had enthusiastically accepted; Kevin was a nice guy, and the more the merrier.

The future was bright, thought Archie, as he removed and hung up his new Riverdale High jacket. He had just been accepted in the high school football team; and given his popularity and his summer “training”, some were saying it wouldn’t be long before he’d claim the captain title.

Archie was tempted to go back to the garage and grab his guitar. He also intended to go back to music this year, more seriously than before. In fact, he had already composed a few songs, yet he didn’t dare to show them to his friend and even less to sing in public for now. He lacked practice. The idea was tempting, but it was already late in the evening; despite the soundproof patches his dad had fixed on the garage wall, he still might annoy some neighbors.

It wasn’t that late though. Not enough to go to bed, anyway. Out of options, Archie crashed into his soft deep chair, grabbed his gamepad and started his PlayBox console.

Yeah, life was good.

Sam and Dean progressed to the house’s backdoor, looking like mere shadows in their cloaks. Arriving at the door, Dean took a pin from his pocket and prepared to force the lock, while Sam was watching the surroundings. But he noticed at first touch that the door was unlocked

Dean smiled. All of this was too easy.

The two brothers carefully entered the house. The first floor was plunged in darkness. But a ray of light was visible at the top of the stairs.

Sam and Dean tried to remain as stealthy as possible; their boots, yet heavy, also had rubber soles less noisy than they looked. But the narrow wooden stair leading upstairs was a problem; it was impossible to take it without making any creaking sound, even if they had been barefoot.

Suddenly, they heard the rather loud sound of a TV…some sort of loud war music, then the sound of gunshots. The kid was obviously playing some kind of video game.

The Winchester shared a smile. This was definitely too easy.

Archie was deeply focused on his game. Call of Honor was his favorite video game, a popular first person shooter simulating a modern war in the Middle east. Archie liked to set the difficulty to reality mode, which was the hardest setting: any bullet could kill.

“A soldier’s life must be thrilling”, thought Archie as he shot a bunch of evil terrorists. He sometimes contemplated the idea of enlisting, though he knew it wasn’t a realistic option. At 16, his future was already mapped out: finish high school, then step into his dad’s shoes and take part in Andrews construction. The family business.

Some people would say that Archie was too kind to be a soldier anyway. But those who knew him really well knew that he always had had a huge fighting spirit and a high sense of justice. If Archie saw something’s wrong, he wouldn't hesitate to start a fight to correct it. Especially if it involved protecting the weakest.

At the top of the stair, the Winchester carefully slipped to the door left ajar, where the light came from. Carefully, Dean opened it.

The boy was there, sitting in front of his video game, turning his back to them.

Dean carefully stepped inside the room, followed by Sam. The boy didn’t notice them, he seemed highly focused on his game.

Dean took hold of his chloroform vial. With his other hand, he extracted a heavy cotton pad from his back pocket.
The mission was almost complete. Only three terrorists remained. If Archie passed that level, he would beat his own record. In fact, he didn’t know anyone in Riverdale High who had reached that far in the game.
Dean turned the amber glass bottle over the cotton pad and lightly shaked it as a wet mark was expanding on the pad, wetting it completely after a few seconds.

Sam moved slightly, positioning himself on the other side of the door; he grabbed the pair of handcuffs attached to his belt. One of the cuffs was already opened, ready to snatch the boy’s wrist.


Only one enemy left to shoot. Archie’s hands tensed around the controller; he was so close, but he was still in danger till the end.

Focused as he was, his brain barely noticed the strange and strong sweet chemical smell coming from behind.

YES! The last enemy was here, hiding behind an angle.

Archie quickly moved behind him and sniped him from behind.


Archie let out a little victory cry as the screen displayed “MISSION COMPLETE!” in golden letters. Archie was standing up, reaching for a victory stance….

...but a strong hand coming from behind clamped firmly on his shoulder and pushed him back in his chair.

No more than a half-second later, as he was still trying to figure out why he wasn’t standing up, he felt a damp, cold, large cotton wad being applied over his face.
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Chapter 3

Archie needed a few seconds to figure out what was going on. Out of surprise, he quickly inhaled some of the fumes coming from the damp cloth smothering his face. The sweet scent surprised him; he could feel it going though his nose and then his lungs since it was followed by a burning sensation. The gas triggered a coughing reflex.

Almost immediately, without even thinking, he tried to pull the wad off and to shake his head to escape it. But his hand met the strong leather of a glove; and he had barely started to move his head when he felt another leather-gloved hand pressing hard the back of his skull, forcing his face to plunge even deeper into the reeking cloth.

Archie raised his eyes and caught another man’s eye. Two green eyes were looking at him; they belonged to a strong young man with short chestnut-brown hair.

That’s only when Archie truly realized he was being attacked.

Adrenaline instantly pumped in his veins. Archie wasn’t a brawler, but he surely was strong enough to pick up a fight when being provoked, or seeing his friends or a weak one in trouble. After a whole summer on the sites, he might actually have been the strongest lad of the high school.

But he had not the advantage here. His assailant was using his own weight to force him to keep a sitting position, thus depriving him of any leverage or effective hold. Archie tried to grab his arm, using all his might to pull his arms away from his face, but he was holding tight.

Archie blocked his respiration as he felt the first fumes running through his chest, but was soon running out of air. Giving up conventional fighting, he fiercely tried to scratch his assaillant; but his clean-cut nails were barely making any damage as the supple yet strong leatherish fabric of the glove was efficiently protecting Dean’s hand.

“WHHAAMMMM MMMMEEE PPMMHHUUKK? MWMMOOOO AAHMMM MMMOOUUU??” Archie yelled at his attacker. But the thick wad was also covering his mouth, yet rendering his offended screams and interrogations hardly intelligible.

That’s when Archie caught another silhouette coming from the other side of the room. They were two of them.

Another man was standing in front of Archie. Very tall. Long dark-brown hair. Archie had time to notice he was wearing some sort of black cloak strapped at his neck. But he was focused on what the man was holding in his also-gloved hand: a pair of shiny silver-chrome handcuffs. One bracelet was open, obviously ready to snap around the boy’s wrist.

Sam stretched his arm in order to catch Archie’s hand. But Archie’s legs were free: with one fiercely kick, he hit Sam right in the crotch.
Archie was still wearing his sneakers, his favorite blue high-top Converse. They had supple soles, not anything like a military boot. Yet the kick was strong enough to hit Sam’s balls hard; the young Winchester let the handcuffs slip out of his hand; the strong pain caused him to bend over and he couldn’t refrain a small yelp of pain.

This victory was short-lived though. First, Archie still had the wet reeking cloth pressed over his face. He hadn’t really realized it yet, but the chloroform on the cloth was already producing its first effects. If Archie hadn’t been entirely focused on the fight, he would have noticed that his eyes had gone dry, causing discomfort in his eye globes. And then the vibrating sound in his ears, going louder and louder.

Second, his bold move had triggered a reaction from the eldest Winchester.

“You son of a bitch”, Dean hissed. Then, he suddenly put all his weight to the left side, causing Archie to fall from the chair, face-first on the ground.

The shock stunned him for one second. The good news was that Dean had felt too, thus removing the reeking cloth from Archie’s face. The boy took advantage to take in a full breath of fresh air.

“aaahhh… mMMMMPHHHH ”: his breath was abruptly interrupted by Dean firmly applying the chloroform over Archie’s nose and mouth again. He eventually inhaled more chloroform than fresh air, and was even coughing due to the sudden unexpected drug rushing into his lungs again.

Archie tried to stand down but Dean was quicker, sitting on his back. While Dean’s right hand held the compress, his other hand took hold of the back of Archie’s neck, forcing him to inhale the chloroform despite his attempts to shake his head.

Archie’s hands seized Dean’s arm again, attempting to break his hold. But something was wrong. Archie felt strangely weak; he was not shaking, nor did he feel any pain. It was just as if his brain was somehow being disconnected from his members.

A hint of panic seized him. Archie trusted his body; his muscles saved him from many tough times; the fact that they were betraying him now was utterly disturbing.

Archie finally made the connexion with the strange sweet smell he was inhaling for more than thirty seconds now. Desperately, he tried to remove Dean’s arm, but his fingers slipped over his assailant's tight black gloves, and he lacked the strength to ensure his grasp. Almost desperately, he flailed his still free legs in the air, maybe trying to kick his aggressor in the back, but to no avail.

Archie couldn’t ignore the buzzing in his ears anymore. He then realized that his arms were going numb too, and he had now trouble focusing. As if all his senses were shutting down.

His flailing and bucking went weaker and weaker any second. His hands couldn’t maintain their hold around Dean’s arm anymore. His gruntings and occasional screamings were turning into more muffled and high-pitched whinings.

Dean smiled as he felt his prey gradually losing strength below him. The thought of a rodeo crossed his mind.

“Chloroform’s kicking in”, he announced to Sam.

“About time! You sure you dosed it well?” replied Sam, still short-breathed.

“Have faith, bro! At the end, this stuff always wins!”.

Archie barely heard them because of the vibration in his ears. But his brain caught the word “chloroform”. Archie knew this word. But it was an old TV show meme, such a thing doesn’t exist in the real world. Or does it? Yet he had been breathing it for almost a minute now, why…?

His brain became foggy. Archie realized in horror that he had trouble following a simple thought now.


“Let’s put him on the bed, it would be easier to tie him up,” Sam said.

Archie heard them talking, but couldn’t figure out what they were talking about. However, he felt Dean standing up; he tried to pick himself up, but realized his muscles were barely responding anymore.

He felt someone grabbing his feet, and a strong arm around his waist. One moment later, he was lying face down on his bed. The chloroform compress hadn’t left his face.

“He’s almost out”, Dean commented.

“mmph”, Archie meekly “said”.

“Don’t worry boy, just one or two nice deep breaths more”.

Archie didn’t hear what he was told. His right arm was maintained by Dean, but his left arm was dangling out of the mattress, completely limp.

He vaguely felt someone seizing his legs, then bringing them together, and then something being wrapped around his ankles. Soft but firm. Rope?

Archie didn’t have time to think further. He suddenly felt himself falling backwards, in a long, long endless fall.

His eyes were already half-closed and hazy for a little while. His blinking was going slower and slower, until his eyelids finally shut down and didn’t reopen.

Archie Andrews had been chloroformed.
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Post by Mummybag »

Damned…. Great story so far!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Sweet Dreams, Archie!

Those summer workouts paid off. Sam and Dean had better use a stronger dose of knockout juice next time. 8-)
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 4

The boy had been still for almost thirty seconds when Dean finally withdrew the chloroformed sponge from his face. He then took one of Archie’s arms and put it in the air before watching with satisfaction as it fell over the edge of the bed, completely flaccid.

“He’s out”, Dean announced. “The chloroform did its job”.

“At last”, grunted Sam, as he tightened and knotted a rope going around Archie’s ankle.

“You okay?”

Sam shrugged. “Of course I am! Why do you ask?”

“Well, from what I saw, the boy hit a critical spot!”

“Shut up!”

Dean chuckled. “Sam Winchester. Slayer of countless ghouls, vampires and werewolves. Defeated by a high-school stud! What an epitaph, eh?”

Sam rolled his eyes as he grabbed another coil of rope.

“Say, why don’t you check the house, see if you find something useful or interesting. Or a place to interrogate him. If he screams here, the whole town will be alerted”.

“You sure you’re safe staying alone with him?”

“Dean”, Sam said sternly, “he’s completely out cold, and with this dose of chloroform, he should stay under for at least 15 minutes. Plenty of time for me to truss him up, and furthermore…” Sam broke off as he saw Dean’s smile going wider and wider.

“Sarcasm, Sammy!”, he said as he burst out laughing.

“I hate you!”

“Love you too”, he said as he passed in front of Sam, ruffling his hair.


“Be right back”, shouted Dean, already on the stairs.

Sam cursed as he wounded more rope around Archie’s legs, over and below his knees. He loved Dean, he’d kill and die for him, but sometimes he was just a pain in the ass.

Sam cinched the rope and made the knot before sitting his victim on the bed, preventing it from falling by positioning himself behind his back. Archie’s feet, now completely bound, were dangling from the edge of the bed.

Sam took another coil of rope and began working on restricting his prey’s upper limbs. Despite their training at the Brotherhood having been shortened, he had learned one thing or two in the art of truly restraining people. He had realized that before his training, his knots were quite messy and he didn’t really know how to bind someone securely. Handcuffs would be the easy way, but he knew how easy it can be to get rid of regular cuffs with a few tricks. He’d always trusted rope more, but had never really thought about his practice. Previously, he would have just crossed the boy’s wrist and wrapped rope around them.

But now, he knew better. Before working his rope, he positioned Archie’s forearms behind his back, parallel to one another, and only then started to wrap rope around the boy’s slender wrists. He bound them in tight rope cuffs, before securing his rope work by cinching the knot. He then used two more coils to immobilize the boy’s arms, wrapping them both below and above Archie’s pecs, thus circling the boy's entire chest and arms. A coil of rope was then passed between the torso and each arm, further tightening the rope around Archie’s chest; that last rope rope also passed behind the jock’s neck, reenforcing the whole boxtie and preventing it from falling in case of too intense wrigglings.

This position had two main advantages: it completely blocked the victim’s arms and upper body and not only its hands, while putting the knots out of reach of the victim’s finger.

Sam was making the final knots in Archie’s back when Dean returned.

“Hey Sam, good news! The kid’s apparently using the garage as a music studio”.

“So?” asked Sam. “It’s not really a good time to learn guitar…”

“Nope, but he probably has pissed off the neighbours… because there are huge pads of soundproofing stuff fixed on the walls”.

Sam raised his head and smiled.


At the same moment, Archie emitted a faint, barely audible moan; his mouth slightly opened, revealing a drop of saliva ready to fall. His eyes remained shut though.

“He’ll wake up soon!” Sam observed.

“Yeah”, Dean said, quickly scanning the room, then grabbing a white sock that had been lying near the bed and rolling it up in his gloved hand. “We’d better gag him as a precaution”, he added as he unceremoniously forced the balled-up sock into Archie’s mouth. It wasn’t an ankle sock but a thick training crew sock; it filled Archie’s mouth completely, Dean even had to push it with his finger so that it went properly behind Archie’s teeth.
“Is it a clean sock?” Sam asked as he cinched the final knot in the rope harness.

Dean shrugged as he grabbed the roll of strong silver tape he had kept at his belt. “Who cares?”, he asked, tearing a strip of strong tape from the roll. He then plastered it over Archie’s mouth, smothering the tape with his gloved fingers to ensure its stickiness.

“Let’s blindfold him too”, Sam said.

“Why? We’ll just take him downstairs”.

“For disorientation. It’ll ease the interrogation, trust me”, said Sam as he pulled a dark piece of cloth from his pocket, unfolded it and wounded it over Archie’s closed eyes.

“Isn’t that the thing you use for cleaning the Impala?”


“Is it a clean rag?” Dean winked.

Both brothers laughed as Sam knotted the blindfold behind Archie’s head.










Jughead Jones slammed the door of his father’s house. Or rather, the dirty busted mobile-home that had been serving as his house.

Once again, Jughead had gone back home only to find his father drunk after he had hung out in bars with his biker gang. Once again, they had ended up bickering about nonsense. And once again, Jughead had left the house after being hit by his father.

Jughead looked around him. It was around midnight and he haddn’t had the chance to take any of his stuff. Going back to his father’s wasn’t an option, so he now just had to decide where he would spend the night.

Jughead had already slept under the stars in a park or in the forest; he even had come to like it sometimes, but this could only be bearable during summer. ‘It was almost autumn and a cold breeze was already making him shiver, since he was just wearing a T-Shirt under his light jacket.

He thought of going back to Riverdale high; he knew a way to sneak into the closed college and had already used the gymnasium to sleep on a gym mattress and the locker room to get washed; but it was Friday night, and no one would be there for the whole week-end.

The solution was obvious in fact. He was supposed to spend the Saturday and maybe the whole week-end with Archie and Kevin playing G&G. Kevin was living with his father but Jug didn’t know him so well. Archie, on the other hand, had been Jug’s best friend since childhood and his dad was off town. It was obvious to Jughead that Archie would be eager to accommodate him.

Clenching his jacket, Jughead started the 30-minutes walk separating his father’s hovel in Southside from his best friend’s house in Northside. With a little chance, he would get there soon enough not to wake him up.
Sam transported his victim over his shoulder, like a mere sack of potato, Archie’s head dangling over his shoulder at each step he took. He soon felt the boy was starting to wake up though. The bound jock first emitted several soft grunts behind his gagged mouth, and shortly after Sam felt his muscles were starting to stir behind their rope encasement.

The two brothers quickly arrived at the garage. Dean signaled Sam to sit Archie on a stool he had previously positioned in the center of the large studio; this was the place where Archie used to play his guitar. Sam nodded and sat the awakening boy. This seemed to definitely take the lad out of his lethargy: he jumped all of a sudden, so vigorously that Sam had to grab his shoulders to prevent him from falling head first on the floor.

The boy seemed to discover his predicament as he was obviously trying to flex his muscles, only to discover he was stuck in place due to his strict bondage. Some soft moans, then a cry of confusion, and finally real muffled shouts followed by the shaking of his head let the Winchester know that he had understood he had been gagged as well.

Sam withdrew, leaving the boy in a precarious balance on the stool. Archie almost fell trying to escape his predicament; Sam caught him at the last moment before silently withdrawing again. The bound jock seemed to get the message: “Settle down or you’ll hurt yourself”, and slowly calmed down, breathing loudly, his nostrils quivering because of the tapegag preventing air from passing through his mouth.

“He’s ready”, Dean declared as he was sitting in a comfortable yet worn out armchair. “Let’s begin”. Sam quickly reached for Archie’s mouth, ready to rip the tapegag off.

The interrogation was about to begin.
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Post by AbductedAddiction »

Fantastic writing! I loved your story plot and the twists and turns!
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Post by Carnath »

AbductedAddiction wrote: 2 years ago Fantastic writing! I loved your story plot and the twists and turns!
Thanks for the appreciation [mention]AbductedAddiction[/mention] . Here's the next chapter.

Chapter 5

Archie’s slumber had not been tranquil. The drugged boy had not really dream; nor had he experienced an actual nightmare. But he definitely had felt some sensations. Feelings of choking, of being unable to catch his breath because something was obstructing his mouth, sensations of his limbs being manipulated… He also had heard some noises, some voices talking around him… but in his state, he had only caught some distant, smothered buzzing.

It was as if he had been trapped underwater, unable to swim, unable to reach the surface.

But his senses started to come back little by little though.

The first thing Archie became aware of was a sensation of movement. Not something fluid like when one was sitting in a car; something more abrupt, in fits and starts.


Archie grunted, as if he was in his bed, emerging from a deep slumber. He had not realized yet that his grunts were barely audible since the sock in his mouth blocked his tongue and the strip of tape plastered over his lips prevented them from moving.

The movement continued for a while. Archie was beginning to realize that he wasn’t actually in his bed. He tried to open his eyes. His eyelids were heavy, his eyes were dry. But he finally made it.

Nothing but darkness.


Archie now realized something was wrong with his mouth. He felt the large mass of cotton invading his mouth and blocking his tongue. He also noticed that it had quite a nasty taste as he explored it with his tongue. He tried to spit it out, but the stuffing was so massive he had difficulties even moving his jaw muscles. He finally realized that something was obstructing his lips which remained glued together.


He tried, almost by reflex, to reach his mouth and his eyes with his hands, to check what was wrong. But he discovered with horror that his forearms were locked alongside behind his back. He gave his wrists a little tug, then a firmer one, to no avail. He only felt a burning sensation on his wrist… where something linked his hands together.

All of a sudden, he became aware of all the ropes constricting his body, not only his wrists, but also the two sets of coils locking his arms to his chest, and also the ropes binding his ankles, his legs and his thighs.


Archie suddenly felt a change in his balance. He felt himself being lifted, then his butt met a hard surface. He realised he had just been put in a sitting position… which meant he had previously been carried over. Hence the movement.


The boy was now almost fully awake. The sitting movement had revived him, he remembered in a flash all of the events of the past minutes. The attack, his struggling, and this damp big cloth over his nose that had knocked him out… the chloroform!

Archie went mad. He started to screamed muffled unintelligible shrieks of outrage behind his gag, and he struggled mightily, but as he wriggled his chest, he suddenly lost his balance, and started to fall face first… but a strong hand clamped over his shoulder and put him back in his initial position.

Archie realized he wasn’t sitting on a chair, but on a more precarious stool… and that his feet were not on the ground, but on a mere bar.

He explored his bonds more carefully this time, wriggling and squirming here and there, but he only discovered his bonds were merciless; they didn’t harm him, yet they were very snug and definitely secured; he tried to wriggle his shoulders but the torso ropes didn’t move an inch; he tried to reach some knots with his finger, but they all were out of reach; his legs were fused together without any hope of freeing them. This was a shock for the strong lad. Archie had never really been tied up before; he had once when he was a kid and played Cowboy & Indians with Jughead and his mates, but the ropes were sloppy, it was nothing serious. Being truly immobilized was another thing, and Archie had never really thought it was something possible. Until now.

The struggling had quite exhausted Archie, who was now sweating and panting behind his gag.

“Gggrmmmp…. mmpphhgr…. mmmphhggr”

“He’s ready. Let’s begin”, he heard a voice say. The voice of one of his captors, he recalled.

A strong hand suddenly ripped out the sticky piece of tape which had been glued over Archie’s lips, which caused him to let out a little cry of pain and surprise, still muffled by the rolled-up sock in his mouth. Archie tried to expel the wadding now that his mouth was free, but before he could really use his jaw muscle, he felt the same hand extracting it.

“MMpphhaaaa. Gah. What the fummmmmmhh??”

Archie’s ability to speak was quickly suppressed again by the strong hand handgagging him. It clamped over his mouth so hard and so suddenly that he lost his balance again, but his assailant's other arm held him by the shoulder again. It wasn’t a bare hand, Archie could feel that his captor was wearing some glove… something like leather, but softer and more supple… Anyway, it worked well to seal his mouth again.

“Listen boy”, his captor said for the first time. Archie identified the other voice. “We’ve got you good. I think you understand now that you’re not going anywhere until we let you free. So here are the rules: we have questions for you, you’ll answer them, and you’re not speaking if you’re not spoken to. Nod if you understand”.

Archie’s first reaction when discovering his predicament had been anger. He wasn’t used to being manhandled and had developed a strong-willed character; he had always been ready to fight for what he stood for.

But being attacked, chloroformed, tied up, gagged, blindfolded, captured, had made him experience another feeling. One he had not met for years.


So Archie nodded.

“Good”, Sam said, withdrawing his hand. He then noticed that Archie’s blindfold had slightly slipped in the hussle. As he was adjusting it, Dean said:

“I changed my mind, Sam. I want to see his eyes during the interrogation. He already saw our faces anyway.”

Sam shrugged. “Fine”, he said, as he lowered it and left it dangling around Archie’s neck.

Archie blinked. Free of his blindfold, he now could have a good look at his captors. He considered himself strong, but he had to admit these two guys had easily beat him. They were older than him, the one facing him was a true giant, and the other one sitting in his old armchair was quite a butch too. But Archie’s fear grew again when he noticed the black cloaks they were both wearing over their shoulders.

Who the hell were those guys?

At least he was still in his house. Archie recognised his music studio in a blink. But his father had him sound-proof the room. Even now that he got rid of his gag, screaming for help won’t be very useful.

“So boy, first question”, Sam announced, pointing an inquisitorial finger at him. “An easy one. What’s your name?”

“Uuuuh… Archie. Archie Andrews”.

“How old are you?”

“I’m… I’m sixteen”

“So what do you do in life? Still at school?”

“Uh, yes, at Riverdale high”

“And apart from that?”

“Uuuh… what do you mean?”

“Any… extra curricular activities?"

“Uuuhhh… I…. I like music, and football… Look, Sir, if you’re looking for money, we don’t store much cash here...”

Dean loudly sighed. “This is going nowhere”, he said.

“Fine. Let’s be more direct then. Who is the Red Paladin?”

Archie shuddered in his bonds. He wasn’t expecting that.

“Well?” Sam insisted. “I can see you know what I mean!”

“But… It's me!” Archie replied, now even more deeply confused.

“What?” Sam said, eyes wide. “So you admit it?”. Dean was listening from the chair, now all his attention focused on Archie too.

“Admit what? I don’t understand…”

“You just said you are the Red Paladin. So you know about the prophecy?!”

“What prophecy?”

“Don’t test me boy”, said Sam threateningly.

“Woah”, Dean thought, he’s really into it";

“But I don’t know what you’re talking about. Honestly”, said Archie, completely lost in this dialogue. Those guys are clearly not robbers, and this is too elaborate for a prank… So what is this?

“So”, Sam resumed. “What does this expression “red paladin” mean to you?”

“It’s my… class”

“What do you mean “class”?”. It was now Sam’s turn to be puzzled.

“In Gryphons & Gargoyles”, Archie said. A gap. “The role playing game”, he insisted.

Another silence. Then Dean bursted out laughing, in a nervous way.

“Oh boy. All this for a fucking rpg??”

Sam didn’t reply, but he reached in his pocket for his smartphone, and started to tap away.

“Look, Sir”, Archie tempted, “obviously there’s some kind of misunderstanding here. Just untie me and go away, I won’t send the police after you”.

“Yes we shall go. But we’ll let you here, nice and tied, boy… someone will eventually find you, but we’ll be far away”.

“Hold on, Dean”, Sam said. “I can’t find any occurrences of this game on the web. What does that mean?”

“It’s only in Riverdale, I guess”, said Archie.

“How so?”

“I don’t know… the box game just popped up in our lockers at Riverdale High a few weeks ago… Now everyone’s playing it. Must be kind of a promotional event before a larger release”.

“Hmmmm…” Sam said, dubiously. “By the way, what’s your friend's name? The one you were with this evening in the dinner”

“It’s YOU!” Archie finally recalled. “You were there! In the booth behind us!”

“Answer the question, boy. Who was with you?”

“You mean Jughead?”

“What kind of name is that?”

Archie shrugged in his bonds. “I don’t know. Everyone has called him Jughead since ages”. Why did they suddenly take interest in Jughead, Archie wondered.

“And his real name?” Sam insisted.

“uuuh…. Forsythe Pendleton Jones.The third”.

Dean chuckled. “Oh boy, his parents must hate him”.

“And what about his beanie?”

“His what? What kind of question is that?” Archie said, resuming a little - and vain - struggling in his bonds. The readhead now feared that he was now captive of actual madmen.

“His woolen beanie”, Sam asked again. “Where does it come from? For how long has he had it? Why is it shaped like a crown?”

Archie now started to panic anew. Clearly they had left the domain of rationality.

“I DON’T KNOW”, he almost screamed“He had it since I remember being his friend. And we were 5 years old. This is a little community here. Look, Mister” Archie wriggled his torso once more. “Could you untie me please? These ropes hurt”.

“They don’t, I know my ropes, boy. But last question”. In the background, Dean started to lose patience too. “Your friend plays your rpg with you, right?” Archie nodded. “What’s his class?”

“Huh… He always plays the hellcaster”.

Dean jumped on his feet. Sam addressed him: “So, an unknown game popping out of nowhere close to Greendale; it’s an rpg when you beat supernatural creatures; our pal Archie here plays the red paladin and his best buddies - who appears to wear a woolen hat shaped as a crown - plays Hellcaster. How much of a coincidence is that?”

“Too much”, Dean replied. “Let’s bring him back to the Temple. The mystic brothers will know what to do with him”, he added as he leaned forward to pick up the discarded sock gag.

“Bring me where?” Archie asked, in a more high-pitch voice than usual. “What are you do…?” he stopped as his eyes followed Dean’s hand picking up the gag. Archie didn’t pay attention but he now recognised what he had had in his mouth… one of his crew socks from yesterday. He had this bad habit of letting his dirty laundry lying around in his room. Hence the foul taste of his gag.

No way he’s tasting that again! But Dean, still speaking with his brother, just ignored his shriek.

“No! NonoNONOPLEAAMMMMMPHHHHH”, Archie screamed as Dean casually force the sock back between his teeth. Archie tensed, tried to pull back, and almost lost his balance again, but Sam was there, keeping an hand over his shoulder, preventing him from falling.

“That’s it. We’ve no more questions for now”, Dean grinned to Archie as he was pinning his tongue with the sock.

“MMMMPPPHHHHMMMPP! MMMMMMRRRUUUUUPPPHHMMM!” Archie said. He could still produce some noise, but intelligible speech was now out of the question. He tried to spit the sock out, but Dean swiftly handgagged him with his large gloved palm. Archie’s tongue was efficiently blocked, the foul taste returned.

Sam got the roll of grey tape in his hand. Archie tried to protest anew, but the two brothers just completely ignored his muffled shrieks.

“I think we won’t fail our reputation here”, Dean said. “24 hours after the call, and the Winchester brothers are coming back with the red paladin all trussed up”.

“You shouldn’t give our names, Dean” Sam said as he was ripping a sticky piece of tape in front of Archie.

“Relax”, Dean said, “look at him all trussed up. What could happen?”

Sam shrugged, cut the piece of tape and approached Archie’s lips. Archie had been screaming the whole time in Dean’s hand, but the brother just didn’t pay any attention to his garbled pleas. Being ignored like that added to the humiliation of having his own sock forced deep inside his mouth.

Suddenly, Dean forcibly pressed over Archie’s jaws to have him close his mouth around the sock. At the exact same time, Sam pressed his piece of tape over Archie’s lips, keeping his hands over it like a vicious handgag. Archie could feel the extra stickiness of the tape; he could feel the glue taking hold over his lips. Sam pressed hard on the tape with his hand, one time, two times, then withdrew when he was satisfied. The shiny tape didn’t have any creases.

Archie Andrews had been tapegagged again.


“He’s feisty”, Sam said, as he untied the blindfold scarf hanging on Archie’s neck.

“Yup. We’ll have to chloroform him again for the trip”, Dean answered.
Jughead had been walking for a half hour now as he reached Archie’s street. He had tried to warn his friend about his arrival, but his cellphone didn’t pick up. Jughead had not gotten alarmed though; it was almost midnight, maybe Archie was already asleep, or maybe he’d left his phone in buzzing mode.

But as he approached the house, Jughead noticed some oddities.

There was light in Archie’s room on the top floor. But there was also light coming from his garage.

Jughead stopped. Archie never played music that late, even if his garage was soundproof. Did he forget to switch off the light? Why would he go in the garage in the first place.They were together just a few hours ago.

Then Jughead noticed something else. An old Cabriolet was parked in front of Archie’s house. A 1970’s chevy Impala. With a texan plate reading “KAZ-2Y5”.

Jughead knows Riverdale as his pocket. He was sure he had never seen that car before. And now there was this odd car in front of his friend’s house, who didn’t answer his phone but the lights were on.

Jughead’s instinct was telling him that something was off. And Jughead always followed his instinct, even if that should make him paranoid.

He resumed his walk, but now went along the walls. Instead of directly ringing the bell, he decided he would have a look at the garage first...
Last edited by Carnath 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 6

“We’ll have to chloroform him again for the trip”, Dean said.

“Sure”, Sam shrugged. “That should ease things”.

“MMMPHHMMMOOOOO”, Archie “said” beneath his gag.

Like before, Dean simply ignored him and searched into his pocket for the chloroform vial and a brand new thick cotton pad.

“While you do this, I’m gonna bring the car closer”, Sam said. We can’t carry him unconscious in the street, even if this is the middle of the night”.

“Okay”, Dean said, as he uncapped the chloroform bottle. “You do that. Don’t mix first and reverse!”, he winked.

“Oh, come on!”, Sam said, then turned back and went to the door. It happened when they were ten years old. John was teaching Dean how to drive, and Sam wanted to try it too… and the car nearly crashed down in the river.


Archie was still trying to manifest himself, groaning loudly but unintelligibly behind his gag. The ginger boy couldn’t believe his two captors were casually discussing his own kidnapping.

Oblivious to his muffled pleas, Dean tilted the chloroform bottle over the wadding pad. Archie could watch in horror the narcotic staining the pad, and then the stain expanding, until all the cotton was completely damp, looking like a big wet sponge.

None of them had noticed the dark-haired boy with a funny beanie looking at the whole scene through the window.

Satisfied, Dean capped the bottle back and stored it away in one of the deep pockets of his cloak. He then turned to Archie, who was vainly twisting and turning in his ropes.

“MMMGNNOOO! MMGNNOO!! MPPGGNNOOOOO!!!!” he “said” as Dean was coming closer. Despite the muffling effect of the gag, his protests were quite obvious.

Dean stopped almost face to face with him.

“Come on boy, you know how it works now!”, he said as he was raising the chloroformed pad to Archie’s face level. “Just a few deep breaths!”.

“MMMMMMMPHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”. This time, Archie bucked so hard in a desperate attempt to avoid the sickening smelling rag that Dean couldn’t react in time: losing his balance, Archiefell from the stool which ended up knocked over with him. He hit the floor pretty hard with his shoulder.

For a couple of seconds, Archie was a little stunned by the shock, the sudden change of perspective and the loud noise the stool made when falling over. But he quickly realized that the ropes had held steady and that he was still as securely bound as before.

“Mmhh! Mmhhh! Mmhh!”

Still in panic, and being absolutely unable to stand up, Archie began to crawl on his belly, squirming on the floor like a worm, emitting soft grunts muffled by his still sticky gag. He was acting blindly, so desperate to do anything to avoid being chloroformed again that he didn’t even realize he had been crawling in the opposite direction from the exit.

But he did hear Dean’s chuckle.

“And where do you think you’re going like that?” he mocked.

In his panic state, Archie almost didn’t pay attention.

But he definitely felt Dean’s weight when he suddenly sat on his back, pinning him mercilessly on the ground.

One second later, the anesthetic pad was firmly applied over his face, covering his nose and already gagged mouth.

Archie Andrews screamed, like he had never screamed before in his life. But the damp moisted sock inside his mouth was blocking his tongue, the sticky piece of tape glued over his lips was preventing him from opening his mouth, and the thick pad pressed over it was muffling his pitiful screams even more.

Noone could hear him.

Archie struggled, bucked, and shaked his arms vigorously… or rather, tried too. The ropes held fast, the bondage was inextricable, and Dean’s weight prevented him even from moving an inch. He tried to kick with his feet, but his legs were still tightly bound together and he had no leverage to even try to hit Dean’s back.

The only result of his vain struggles was that his breathing accelerated. Each breath, he was breathing in more and more chloroform. He was thus receiving a lot of the drug, very quickly.

The first time he had been chloroformed, an hour back, he had the reflex to block his breathing and attempted a valiant fight.

But now? He stood no chance.

Due to his quick breathing and to the first dose he had already received previously, the chloroform took hold quickly. After ten seconds, he was already feeling the buzzing in his ears and the burning in his eyes going dry.

He was doomed, and he knew it.

So did Dean.

The elder Winchester was having a blast.

He was a hunter.

And the ginger boy was his prey.

He was sitting on him, pressing the narcotic-laced pad over his face.

He had his prey completely in control, and he loved it.

He was even more aroused when he felt Archie struggling below him, sensing his muscles tensing and flexing, his legs agitating… all in vain.

The boy tried to buck his head, to avoid the rag; he tried to scream and groaned, but Dean maintained his hold easily.

And then it changed. The struggling was becoming more erratic, less focused, and also less strong. The panicked muffled cries were now rather pleading whimpers - still completely unintelligible though - the gag did its job.

The chloroform was kicking in quicker this time.

Dean leaned forward and turned Archie’s head to the side. He was almost lying over him but he wanted to look at his prey in the eyes as he was going under. He grinned at Archie as he finally caught his gaze.


“Don’t worry boy, you can’t escape us… just relax and breath deep”

“Mpph… mmmphh…… mm….”

“That’s it. Good boy!”, Dean said as he ruffled his red hair with his free gloved hand.

This was humiliating, but Archie didn’t care anymore. The drug was too strong, and his mind was already clouded.

Dean’s grin went even wider when he saw Archie’s eyes. No more sign of defiance in them, only distress. And they were losing their focus too, they seemed to be more and more staring into space.

Being concentrated on his victim, he didn’t notice the faint bang coming from the outside.

The rodeo had almost ceased now; Archie was no longer struggling, just having some disorientated random movements; a few seconds later, Dean felt his prey slumping below him. Dean didn’t breach eye contact, but now Archie’s eyelids were almost close.

“That’s it boy. We’re gonna take care of you, don’t worry. A whole new life awaits you!”

Archie’s answer was nothing more than a faint sigh.

After a few more seconds, his eyes shut down completely and his whole body became limp all of a sudden.

Archie Andrews had been chloroformed again.

Dean kept the cloth under Archie’s nose a few moments more for potency. He let out a little moan. He had trouble controlling his arousal - in fact, he even realised he was having a boner. Being aroused like that was something he already had experienced in his hunts; the excitement of a fight, becoming an excitation when he found his prey cornered, and the climax when he finally slaughtered it or captured it. But it usually happened when hunting supernatural beasts and beings, not humans.

“I am so twisted”, he thought, as he finally withdrew the chloroform pad and tossed it away. He realised that Archie’s struggles had not been completely in vain: the strip of tape holding his gag was partially ripped off, and even let the sock inner gag be seen.

“Well, it’s strong but one single strip is not enough after all”, Dean thought, as he completely ripped the piece of tape. He was thinking of applying fresh bands of adhesive, but remembered that Sam took the roll of tape.

A completely new gag was in order. Dean extracted the sock from Archie’s mouth, then reached into one of his pockets for the leather plug gag he had been carrying. It was generally considered as more severe than a simple tapegag, especially because of the big silicone bulb going into the victim’s mouth and the supple yet thick leather panel applying over his lips. But Dean decided that Archie’s struggle and attempted calls for help earned him such treatment.

With one gloved finger, he opened up Archie’s mouth by pressing on his lower lips, while with his other hand, he pushed the gag into his mouth, far beyond his teeth. The plug slid in with no resistance. Dean then buckled the gag tightly by locking its straps being Archie’s head, causing the leather panel to tightly seal over his mouth.

Archie had no reaction during the process. “The chloroform really did a great job”, Dean thought, “we should have used this stuff more often”.

Dean took one more moment to admire his limb prey, gagged and completely encased in meters of ropes. He then seized Archie and took him in his arms, emitting a small grunt at the effort. Archie was not a lightweight, but Dean’s condition was perfect, and he had already carried far more heavy stuff - or beasts.

He smiled as he walked towards the door, the unconscious boy in his arms. The future was bright: the Winchester brothers would make a triumphal return to the Brotherhood’s temple. And when they announce they have captured the red paladin, all these morons would have to admit their superiority.

He opened the door with his boot.

“Hey Sam, do you mind…?”

He never finished his question and stopped dead in his tracks.

He wasn’t talking to Sam.

Instead, he was facing the other boy, the one with the funny hat.

And he was pointing Sam’s gun at him.
Last edited by Carnath 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by george_bound »

Just now got a chance to read through this story, mate! I love the witty banter between the brothers (just as Sam and Dean typically are) and especially the highly detailed chloroform scenes, you don't often get that level of chloroform detail in stories so thanks for that! Wow, you definitely left us on a cliffhanger there, Archie bound, gagged, and knocked out in Dean's arms while Sam is out cold on the ground and Jughead is armed with his gun... how is this going to play out :shock: Hopefully we get an update soon to relieve the suspense... I'm definitely hoping for a lot more ropework :twisted:
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Post by Carnath »

[mention]george_bound[/mention] Thanks for your very nice comment :D Glad you enjoy my writings.

A new chapter is indeed planned to be released soon. Stay tuned!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I really love your illustration, [mention]Carnath[/mention].

The comic book effect is fantastic, because it's through comics that I got into TUGs as a kid. But the stories kept me coming back, and your story keeps me wanting to come back for more!
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Post by Carnath »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago I really love your illustration, @Carnath.

The comic book effect is fantastic, because it's through comics that I got into TUGs as a kid. But the stories kept me coming back, and your story keeps me wanting to come back for more!
Thank you :)

Just to be clear, they are made by Bowen12a, on my commission.
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Chapter 7

5 minutes before

Jughead moved back with horror. Although he had smelled something fishy, he certainly did not expect to see his best friend completely tied up on a stool, being interrogated by two strangers… wearing black cloaks!

Due to Archie’s father, the garage was soundproof, so Jughead couldn’t hear a single word of what they were talking about inside; Archie was turning his back to the window and Jughead’s angle of view prevented him from reading on their lips.

The interrogation quickly came to an end. After only two minutes of observation, the short-haired captor produced a cloth he forcibly showed into Archie’s mouth, before the giant one with the long hair apparently gagged him with a strip of duct tape.

Wild guesses ran through Jughead’s mind. But considering Archie’s struggling, one could eliminate the early Griffons & Gargoyles setup with some surprise guests. This could have been a homejacking, but the attire of the two burglars was just too odd.

None of this made any sense.

Jughead couldn't hear a sound, but the two captors were obviously in an animated conversation. Then suddenly, they seemed to have made a decision: short-hair was taking something out of his pocket - a white cloth, it seemed - while long-hair was heading towards the door.

Jughead moved quickly. The door was on the same wall he had been standing by - he needed to scram if he wanted to remain unseen. He passed the corner of the garage at the exact moment the door opened.

He had to think quickly. Perhaps they would just leave, but they didn’t seem like ordinary burglars, rather some sort of weird cultists… which meant they were not here for anything valuable, but for Archie himself. Which meant they were not here for a robbery, but for a kidnapping!

“But why Archie?” The question could wait though, the urgency was to save his friend.

Jughead swiftly headed for the shed behind the garage. If he remembered correctly, Archie kept some old stuff there which could prove useful…
Sam opened the door and relished the fresh air of the night. He walked straight away to the Impala, which Dean had left parked back on the street.

While he was starting her up, he started to think about the evening’s events. Of course Dean was right: there were too many symbols referring to the prophecy here to ignore them. But on the other hand, the kid seemed genuinely oblivious to any of those. He needed to be interrogated, for sure, but maybe they shouldn’t have rushed things up like this; after all, the Brotherhood liked to study their targets carefully…

As Sam parked the Impala by the garage, he realized all of that was too odd… maybe the kid was the actual Red Paladin from the prophecy, but what were the odds to just run into him after driving randomly for three hours?

“Yeah”, Sam thought as he exited the car. “Maybe we should have told the Elders first. Maybe there’s another entity at work here. We’re not far from Greendale…”

Sam opened the hidden trunk, dropping here the roll of duct tape he had been carrying. His eyes caught the reflection of Dean’s gun, which was laying in a corner alongside his own. Sam smiled. That was against the Brotherhood rules and their “no harm to humans” policy, but Dean had never been eager to follow the rules. “Still”, Sam reflected, “I should have a conversation with him. We just can’t treat other brothers like shit; even if dad protects us, we’re supposed to be part of their community now, we just cannot act like irascible loners anymore…”

Sam caught the noise of rushed steps behind him too late. Before he could turn around, a blunt yet hard object exploded over his skull, and then everything went black.
Jughead looked down at the younger Winchester, ready to strike again. but apparently, the first knock had been enough: Sam had immediately collapsed with a merely faint grunt. The car had cushioned his fall and he was now completely limp, half sitting against the car. For one second, Jughead feared that he might just have killed him, but then noticed he was still breathing.

The boy sighed in relief. “Glad Archie kept his old baseball bat even after finally choosing football”, he thought. Jughead laid down the bat and stepped forward, looking at the inside of the trunk Sam had just opened. Jughead gazed in disbelief at the Winchester’s bondage material: handcuffs, miles of rope, duct tape, even a white straitjacket - yet Jughead didn’t identify it as such.

“This is seriously messed-up”, he thought, shocked. Then his eyes caught the reflection of Sam’s gun. “Now that’s interesting…”

Dean opened the door with his boot.

“Hey Sam, do you mind…?”

Jughead’s heart was racing as he pointed Sam’s gun he had just collected as the second kidnapper. Dean stopped dead in his tracks, an expression mixed with surprise and shock on his face. Time seemed suspended for a few seconds.

Almost as shocked as his opponent - but determined to put a brave face on - Jughead noticed the kidnapper was carrying Archie in his arms. But something was wrong. No, several things were completely wrong. First, Archie was not reacting at all, he seemed unconscious in his arms. Second, he was severely tied up, brown ropes were constricting his body in every place - Jughead could see Archie’s arms folded in his back, ropes circling his chest and his legs. And third, Archie had something over his mouth… a dark pad… Jughead couldn’t see what it was exactly but it’s function was obvious: it was a gag of some sort.

Jughead knew he had to take advantage of the situation quickly.

“You”, he shouted out to the captor, “turn around and go back to the garage! Slowly!”

Not complying, Dean took instead a step forward, displaying a faint smile.

“Look, kiddo”, he said, getting a hold on himself. “You’d better not play hero here and toss that toy away, you…”

The click made by the cock when Jughead lowered him stopped Dean again.

“Oh don’t worry, I can tell the difference between a fake gun and a real one. And yes, in case you wonder, I know how they work. The safety’s off now, so I just have to pull the trigger to have your head explode”.

“It’s empty”, Dean tempted.

“No it’s not”, Jughead countered immediately. “I checked the barrel”.

“You won’t dare”, Dean replied, now clenching his teeth. He quickly looked down at Archie, still unconscious in his arms. “You might hit your friend”.

“I’ve got a pretty clear shot on your head. And it seems you just kidnapped my friend after breaching into his house, so I have legally all the right to shoot you. So TURN AROUND! NOW!”

Dean stood still for a second, then slowly turned around and stepped back through the garage’s door.

“Shit”, he mumbled as he was passing the threshold.

Jughead followed him at a safe distance.

“Stop. Drop Archie down. There, against the wall. Slowly!”.

Dean had no choice but to comply. Slowly, almost reluctantly, he bent down, dropping Archie at the spot Jughead was pointing at with the barrel of the gun.

“Now kneel, hands behind your head, fingers crossed!” Jughead ordered.

With a grunt, Dean obeyed slowly. He checked out his options, but with that kid pointing Sam’s loaded gun in his back, they were limited. “And he knows how to handle a captive”, Dean thought as he was interlacing his gloved fingers behind his head, thus preventing any possibility of sudden movement. The fabric of his gloves was making a faint rubbing move in the process.

Dean hated being in such a submissive posture.

Suddenly, he felt a tight metallic bracelet quickly closing around his left wrist, then the boy seized his arms and forced them behind his back, and before Dean fully realized it, the second bracelet of the handcuffs was ratcheting around his other wrist. As the boy stepped back, Dean let out a faint exclamation, of surprise rather than pain: though the boy had ratcheted the cuffs quite tight, he had put them above his gloves, which was mitigating the pain.

Dean tested the cuffs. He quickly found out that they were not the classic model; it was his extra-secured speedcuffs, with a rigid bar in the middle rather than a short chain. They were designed to impair movement greatly, and couldn’t be removed without their special key. The boy should have found them in the Impala with Sam’s gun.

That was bad. Really bad.

“Archie? Archie?! Wake up, dude!” Jughead turned his attention to his unconscious friend on the floor, still pointing the gun at Dean though.

“If only he could forget me just for one second”, Dean thought. “Even handcuffed, a well-placed kick could give me the advantage, I must be a better fighter than an average teenager…”

But despite being tempted to kneel alongside Archie to shake him more vigorously, Jughead resisted the urge. Instead, still looking at Dean, he gently pushed on Archie’s shoulder with the tip of his boot, calling him anew, louder.

Still no reaction.

“What did you do to him?” he angrily asked Dean.

“Relax. He’s just asleep”.

“Yeah. Rather drugged. Let’s see…” he replied as he started to search Dean, starting with his pants, then feeling his cloak. He quickly found the CHCl3 labeled bottle.

“What’s this?” he mumbled for himself.

“Oh, it’s a powerful tonic!” Dean quickly said. “Have a good sniff and you’ll feel very strong!”

“Just how dumb do you think I am?”

Dean shrugged. “They call you Jughead, don’t they?!”

“Just shut up!”, he said, as he cautiously uncapped the bottle, and took a small whiff. The aggressive sweet smell caused him to back up immediately. “Of course”, he realized, “chloroform!”

“How do you… nevermind”, Dean said. He tried to think quickly. The boy had leverage but Sam remained. He understood that his brother had been knocked out but he would wake up, his wound didn’t seem serious, there was no blood on the bat. So all he had to do was to keep the boy busy, he didn’t seem eager to call the police, so…

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he felt a damp cloth being applied over his face. The chemical smell instantly rushed into his nose as he took a breath in surprise, leaving a burning sensation in his nose and lungs.

Dean’s eyes widened as he realised the boy was intending to chloroform him!


“Noo! Hghoch ghhagh! Hegh ohh!” he tried to scream, but the boy pressed hard, almost gagging him, at least rendering his speech unintelligible.

“What? Don’t like the taste of your own medicine?” Jughead angrily taunted him.

“No! Hon oh a highch! Hucch ohh!” he “replied”', as he tried to stand up. But Jughead's other hand firmly pressed over his shoulder.

“Easy now! I still have the gun”

“HUCCH”, Dean exclaimed. Then: “HAAAANH! HAAANH! UUACHE UCH! I NEEN YOU!"”

Jughead casted a worried glance behind his shoulder, but the elder Winchester still seemed to be unconscious. No help was coming from there.

“Fuck”, thought Dean. All of this was too familiar. His desperate cries for help made him inhale far too much chloroform, his head was spinning, his ears were ringing… and the boy didn’t give up. With a gun against his head and his arms locked in rigid handcuffs, he couldn’ do anything.

“Hucch”, he exclaimed once more. He coughed one or twice, but this didn’t lead Jughead to withdraw the cloth. He felt his muscles in his arms and legs weakening.

“That can’t be”, Dean thought, as he felt his consciousness giving in. “I am the hunter! I can’t be the prey! I am Dean fucking Winchester! I…. how…”

Almost unconscious, he felt himself falling onto the floor; Jughead almost carried him and was kneeling alongside him. He was now lying, the chloroform pad didn’t leave his nose.

“hm”. With a last faint, the elder Winchester gave in and went to sleep. The last thing he saw was his former prey, still unconscious, lying parallel to him. How ironic…

Jughead kept the cloth over Dean’s mouth for at least 30 more seconds. He wanted to be sure his victim wasn’t faking it. Then, reassured, he finally withdrew the cloth, looking at his prey, then at Archie, both lying alongside each other.

He had just chloroformed Dean Winchester.
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Post by george_bound »

Carnath wrote: 2 years ago “Now kneel, hands behind your head, fingers crossed!” Jughead ordered.

With a grunt, Dean obeyed slowly. He checked out his options, but with that kid pointing Sam’s loaded gun in his back, they were limited. “And he knows how to handle a captive”, Dean thought as he was interlacing his gloved fingers behind his head, thus preventing any possibility of sudden movement. The fabric of his gloves was making a faint rubbing move in the process.

Dean hated being in such a submissive posture.
Love this tables-turned sequence in the story... when the aggressor realizes he has no choice but to become the captive... and the audial reference of the gloves rubbing as he interlaced his fingers is really a hot detail :twisted:

Looking forward to seeing how Sam and Dean are treated... or if they can somehow get the upperhand again :P
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Post by gag1195 »

Missed the last couple of updates and finally caught up! Love the twists and turns of this story! And now Jughead has three beautiful bound guys. If I were him, I don't think I'd let any of them go! :lol:
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Post by stimle »

Oh my gosh! What a fantastic turning of the tables, and on Dean no less!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Wow! Love this turn of events!! :o
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Chapter 8

Jughead took a moment to get back on his feet. His heart was racing as he looked at the two unconscious men lying at his feet - his best buddy, still completely tied up and gagged, and his assailant, merely handcuffed, clad in a black cloak and black gloves.

“This is seriously strong stuff”, he thought as he tossed away the damp rag soaked with chloroform he still had in his hand. His friends were considering him as a “badass”, and he had had his good share of school bullying and domestic violence, but he had never engaged in such serious troubles with strange kidnappers before.

His rational mind got the upper hand though. He couldn’t neglect to check on the other lad he had knocked out outside; in his rush to grab the gun and face his other opponent, he had not even had time to handcuff him. He quickly went out of the garage. To his relief, Sam was still exactly where he had left him, unconscious, leaning back against the Impala.

Jughead quickly glanced at the trunk again. “This is the fucking Ali Baba’s cave”, he thought as he contemplated again the whole bondage material it contained. He started to reflect on his next move. Sure, the wisest thing to do would be to call Sherif Keller and let him deal with them. But on the other hand, Jughead’s detective instincts had instantly kicked in; before giving these guys to the authorities, who will do god-know-what then, he desperately wanted to straighten this whole scheme out.

One way or the other, he couldn't just let this giant in plain sight. He quickly understood there’s no way to carry him, like the other kidnapper had been carrying Archie: he was clearly not strong enough. So he seized him by his armpits and started dragging him back to the garage. The soles of his boots made a scraping sound as he was being dragged on the ground.

With difficulty, Jughead managed to get him to the threshold of the garage. As he dragged the younger Winchester inside the room, Sam finally emitted a little groan. That was barely audible but it alarmed Jughead, as he dropped him to the floor, next to his brother.
“I should’ve handcuffed him first too”, he thought.

“...nng?” (1)

Jughead almost missed this faint mumble. He realized it was coming from Archie, whose eyes were beginning to weakly blink.

His awakening was good news, but he was pressed for time.

“I’ll be right back”, he quickly said to him as he went out once again.


Archie was lost in a black sea of confused sensations again. His mind had gone completely out after Dean chloroformed him, but the fact of being dumped on the hard floor triggered Archie’s slow awakening.

At the verge of consciousness, he had heard some undistinguishable sounds, had felt someone or something touching his body… but he had remained utterly paralized, his brain had not been able to decipher anything.

Slowly, really slowly, his sight was beginning to restore. All he saw at first was a sea of blurred colors, then his vision slowly adjusted, though he didn’t understand what he was seeing. A limp shape on the ground… then some motion at his peripheral vision.

The blur slowly faded. He recognized Jughead, apparently carrying something heavy…

Wait…? Jughead?

He tried to call him, but Archie immediately felt that something was wrong. Not only was his voice very feeble but his voice also seemed muffled, even to his own ears. Jug had heard him nevertheless since he turned his head in his direction. He said something, though Archie couldn’t really answer, his answer seemed muffled to his ears too, as if he was underwater.

He saw Jughead exiting the room again, but Archie felt stronger and stronger with every passing second. He tried to flex, but realized he couldn’t move… but this time, that was not because he still felt really sleepy… this time, he could feel something blocking him. Something constricting his wrists, arms, and legs… Archie slowly moved his legs in order to look at them. He saw the brown coils of ropes tightly wrapped around his ankles, his shins and his calves.

All became clear again all of a sudden. Archie remembered everything: the kidnapping, the bondage, the interrogation, even his second chloroforming… but wait! He was still in his garage. Wasn’t he supposed to be brought somewhere else? And the sensation in his mouth… he was gagged again! But this wasn’t his sock he had had in his mouth this time… his tongue carefully explored the mass invading his mouth. This was more like rubber… or plastic… of a bulbish form.

In disgust, Archie realized the plug forced him to suck on it to swallow his saliva, as he was already almost drooling. He felt the humiliation like he was sucking on a pacifier… or doing a blowjob. And the bulb was huge. This gag was more severe than his sock taped in… and even more disgusting, in its way.

As Archie cleared his mind, he became aware of his surroundings, and saw the two Winchesters lying unconscious on the floor. All the bricks of the puzzle were assembling: Archie realized that they had been surprised by Jughead who, god-knows-how, had managed to subdue them.

Archie was vainly trying to sit up, a task far from easy considering he couldn’t move his arms which remained folded in his back. He then saw Jughead returning in a hurry. In his right hand, chrome metal twinkled - another pair of handcuffs! He quickly snapped them around the tallest kidnapper. Though Archie could see that Jughead was ratcheting them tight, the unconscious man only emitted a soft grunt, not waking up though.

Jughead dumped on the floor several coils of ropes he had just fetched too. His eyes crossed Archie’s.

“Glad to see you’re back, buddy! I was starting to worry they had really put some nasty stuff on you!”

“Gmnn phn phmm mnn phnn hnnnm!” (2)

“Hold on, I’ll help you!”

Jughead went behind Archie and lifted him by the armpits, finally allowing him to reach a sitting position, back against the wall. Archie stretched his still bound legs in front of him.

A hand on his shoulder, Jughead invited him to bend a little forward. Archie complied, as all the knots were in his back, Jughead needed to have access. His friend gave a good look at the complex knots intertwining the ropes holding Archie’s back and torso…

“Ok”, he mumbled, “I see. I can do it!”

“Gnnn” (3), Archie “said”.

“Thanks”, Jughead said distractly… and left Archie against the wall, turning his back to him and went for the ropes he just left!

“Nng! Nng, mmhnph phhm fnch??!? Nnphnm mm! Nnmm!” (4)

“Huh?” Jughead replied, as he was taking a first rope, unfolding it and forming a loop,”oh, sorry Archie, but I don’t know for how long they’ll stay unconscious, and I don’t want to leave them only in handcuffs, they seem far too dangerous. I saw your ropes were tight but surely you can endure it a little longer”

“PHhnph nnmphn'ph mnhm phmnphm! MMm cnn gn gnnchmr nf mmm'rm phmmn". (5)

“Oh come on, you’re a tough guy, and these ropes don't seem to cut your bloodstream or put you in danger now”, Jughead replied, busy unclipping Sam’s cloak, and obviously misunderstanding his friend.

“Nph mmnphph rmmnfm mm gng!” (6)

“Come on Archie, I need to focus right now!”

Archie had no choice but to grunt in frustration and watch his friend practicing his bondage work. He had to admit that Jughead was doing well; he had always knew he was skilled with the ropes, but Archie was nonetheless amazed at how he managed to replicate the same bondage he was in on his kidnapper. Soon, Sam’s torso was bound almost exactly like Archie’s, two sets of coils holding his arms to his chest while another rope went around his shoulders, securing the harness. Jughead grabbed coils after coils and soon, Sam’s legs were mercilessly bound too.

That still wasn’t enough for Jughead. Grabbing a final rope, he started to link Sam’s booted ankles to the handcuffs and the rope holding his chest. Then, giving a firm and strong tug on the rope, Jughead managed to put him in a tight hogtie. He tied the final ropes extra tight, almost pressing Sam’s ankles over his butt.

“There”, Jughead said, satisfied. “That should prevent him from moving at all, even if he’s an escape artist”.

That’s the moment Dean chose to manifest himself. He let out a quite loud grunt, then started to move his legs a little.

“Nng! MMnphch nnph! Hm'ph cnmnng phn hnph phmnphmph!" (7)

“Yeah I see. Fuck… what to do?”

Jughead looked around him, and then saw not far from Dean’s head the rag that had been used to chloroform him. Jughead took it in his hand and quickly took a whiff. Nothing.

“Damn”, he mumbled as he reminded his chemistry classes, “chloroform does evaporate quickly. Fuck, no choice”, he said as he took the chloroform bottle from his pocket, then doused the rag again with the stuff, in front of an incredulous Archie. Jughead placed the newly-wetted rag under Dean’s head. It seemed to work: Dean let out one single loud sigh but within one minute, he stopped moving completely, and his breathing resumed a soft regular pace.

“MMhnph phhm fnch? Nf mnn hnfm chmnrnfnrm, mmhm nnnn'ph mnn nphm nph fnrphph nn phhmm nnn nnphnm mm?” (8)

Jughead ignored Archie and started unclipping Dean’s cloak, then stood up and went to fetch more ropes.

“NNG! PHHNPH'PH MNNNGH! CNPH MM MNNPHM NNMM! N'fm hmmn chmnrnfnrmmn phmmncm, phhm rnpmph hnrphph, N hnfm pnnph nnn nmmnmmph nn mm mmgph, nnn N cnn'ph phphnnn phhnph gng nnmmnrm. NNPHNM MM! NNMM!” (9)

Jughead turned his head at Archie, looking at him quizzically.

“You realize I can’t understand you, right?”

“Fnch! NN-PHNM MM! N..." (10) Archie’s tirade was suddenly interrupted by a disgusting suction sound.

He tried to ignore the gag to attract Jug’s attention, but by trying to speak, the inner plug filling his mouth made him salivate a lot, and he realized he had to suck on it if he didn’t want to start drooling like a madman.

“Look, Archie, I’ll untie you in a moment. Right now I want to finish these two, I’ll feel far more comfortable when this one’s restrained too!”
As if he wanted to support Jughead’s speech, Sam chose this moment to start to regain consciousness.

“Oooh…. what the…. fuck?”

Sam’s eyes rose slowly, as he became aware of his environment. He gave a small tug to his arm, then a firmer one, then to his legs. His eyes widened as he realised he couldn’t move anymore and that his legs were strictly fused and folded. Meanwhile, Jughead was reaching for his cloak, attempting to tear it. With difficulties, he finally managed to rip a strip from it.

“HEY, What is that? Who anrm mnn?” Swiftly, Jughead stuffed the strip of cloth into Sam’s open mouth, instantly silencing him. Sam immediately tried to spit it out, but Jughead saw that coming and handgagged him right away, while he reached for the roll of tape he had previously gathered with the ropes. He quickly strapped four strips of tape over Sam’s mouth, one over his lips, two criss-crossed, and one final horizontally on top of that. The tape seemed strong enough, it would serve at least as a temporary gag.

“Sorry”, said Jughead as he pressed his hand on Sam’s cheek and mouth to straighten the gag, “we do have a lot of questions, but they’ll have to wait a little bit”.

Sam grunted in response, then his eyebrows raised as he realized Dean was lying unconscious at his sides. He looked even more worried when he saw Jughead beginning to wind ropes around his torso, understanding that soon enough, Dean would be tied up as strictly as he was.

“Mnn fnchmr! Nnphph mmnnph phnmm N'm gmphphnng frmm, N phmmmnr phn mnn, mnn'rm gnnnn hm phnrrm fnr nphphnnmphnng mm. Fnrphph mmm'mm mmnfm mnn phphmmm mnhm phhnph fnr n mnmmnph, phhmn mnn'rm gnnnn phmmm nph mmhnph phhnph nph nmm nhnnph, nnn nfphmr phhnph mnn'rm gnnnn hm mnchmn nn nnnm mmnphh mnnr pnm fnr n fmmmmrm mnng phnmm, phrnphph nph!” (11) Archie mumbled.

Sam looked at Archie while he was uttering his unintelligible monologue, but didn’t dignify him with an answer. Instead, he casted a full glance over his surroundings, and watched carefully Jughead as he was tying his brother up. Jughead noticed that.

“He’s not trying to fight the gag like Archie. He understands his predicament and is already looking for a way out. That’s a good thing I tied him up so tight, and I bet his accomplice is no different”, he thought as he cinched the knot binding Dean’s arms to his chest.

5 minutes later, Dean was in a hogtie just as strict as Sam’s. During the whole process, Archie hadn’t stopped mumbling or groaning threateningly at the two villains. Out of patience, he loudly banged his feet on the floor as Jughead was finishing tying Dean’s hogtie, as much as the ropes allowed him.

“You got a cramp, Arch? Ok, it’s up to you now. Let’s start with the legs then!”

“Nn! Nn crnmp! Nnphph gmph mm rnn nf phhnph fnchnng GNG!” (12)

“Hold on! These knots are tight”, Jughead replied as he tackled the rope binding his legs together. Archie grunted anew in frustration; it was hard to tell if it was intended for Jughead or the Winchesters though.
As the coils of rope binding Archie’s legs felt one by one on the floor, it was Dean’s turn to slowly come to his senses, as he started to mumble and slowly swing - at least as much as the hogtie allowed him.

Finally, Jughead went to the back of Archie’s head and unbuckled the tight gag. The plug slid out of Archie’s mouth full of saliva, and made a popping sound as it passed through his lips. It carried a trickle of drool which landed on Archie’s chin.

“Finally”, Archie croaked rather than spoke. “You could have ungagged me earlier, at last!”

“I’m sorry”, said Jughead, contemplating the discarded gag on the floor. “I was in a rush, and I didn’t realise there was a plug inside it… and that it was so… thick”.

“Nevermind”, Archie replied. “Just finish untie me, would ya?”

“Sure. Bend over, the knots are in your back, and they’re quite tight”.

It took five good minutes for Jughead to untie Archie’s chest harness, and two more to finally manage to undo the final knot binding his wrists. Archie greeted his restored freedom with a loud sigh of relief. As he was rubbing his sore wrist and whipping his chin with his sleeve, his eyes went on Dean, who had now almost recovered completely from the chloroform but was still figuring out his predicament.

A spark of anger passed in Archie’s eyes. He contemplated Dean, then the discarded plug gag on the floor.

“It’s you and me now, asshole!”

Gag talk translation

(1) “...jug?”

(2) “Glad to see you too, buddy!”

(3) "Good!"

(4) “Jug! Jug, what the fuck??!? Untie me! Now!”

(5) “That doesn't make sense! We can go quicker if we're two".”

(6) “At least remove my gag!”

(7) “Jug! Watch out! He's coming to his senses!"

(8) “What the fuck? If you have chloroform, why didn't you use it first on them and untie me?”

(9) “JUG! THAT'S ENOUGH! CUT ME LOOSE NOW! I've been chloroformed twice, the ropes hurt, I have pins and needles in my legs, and I can't stand this gag anymore. UNTIE ME! NOW!”

(10) “Fuck! UN-TIE ME! I..."

(11) “You fucker! Just wait till I'm getting free, I swear to you, you're gonna be sorry for assaulting me. First we'll leave you stew like that for a moment, then you're gonna tell us what this is all about, and after that you're gonna be locked in jail with your pal for a veeeery long time, trust us!”

(12) “No! No cramp! Just get me rid of this fucking GAG!”
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Post by gag1195 »

How the tables have turned! Can't wait for Archie to get some revenge against Sam and Dean! Thank goodness Jughead is a quick study with those ropes, though part of me wanted him to leave Archie restrained just a bit longer! :D
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Post by Carnath »

Thanks for your nice comment :)
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