Adventures in Babysitting F/F

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Adventures in Babysitting F/F

Post by drgoremd »

**This story is based on a request from Credit to him for the concept.

Jenna and Maria were two best friends in high school. They had known each other since they were in the first grade, and they shared a lot of interests. They both loved reading books, writing fanfiction, and watching movies together. They were almost inseparable, and they did everything together.

One day, Maria asked Jenna if she wouldn’t mind babysitting her 11-year-old sister, Emma, for a few hours. Maria's parents were going out for dinner but she had wanted to go on a date with her new boyfriend and had so they otherwise had no one to look after Emma. Jenna had been crushing on Emma ever since the first time Maria had shown her a picture of her little sister on her phone. Emma was a cute as a button blonde who was active in dance and gymnastics; she had stunning blue eyes and a warm smile that Maria found irresistible. She saw this as an opportunity to get closer to her and perhaps make a move.

A few days later, Jenna hummed to herself as she brushed her hair, feeling a flutter of excitement in her stomach. Today was the day she had agreed to babysit little Emma, and she couldn't wait. She knew she shouldn't be feeling this way. Emma was just a kid, after all. But Jenna couldn't help the way she felt.

Jenna shook her head, trying to focus on getting ready. She slipped into a comfortable outfit and checked herself in the mirror. She didn't want to look too overdressed, but she also wanted to make a good impression on Emma.
As she gathered her things and headed out the door, Jenna felt her heart racing. What if Emma didn't like her? What if she was a terrible babysitter? What if she couldn't control her feelings around Emma?

She took a deep breath and reminded herself that she had done this before. She had babysat for other families before, and she had always been good with kids. And as for her crush on Emma... well, she would just have to keep that under wraps.

Jenna however couldn't help but think about all the fun games they could play together. Maybe she could convince Emma to play a tie-up game with her. She imagined what it would look like if Emma was wearing one of her black dance leotards too, and was tied up with ropes and gagged with a scarf. She pictured Emma trying to get loose, struggling and squirming in her bonds. The thought of it made Jenna's heart race. She wondered if Emma would be into that kind of game. The thought of it made Jenna's heart race. She wondered if Emma would be into that kind of game. She knew it was a bit risky, but she couldn't resist the temptation.

The thought made her heart race with excitement, and she couldn't wait to see if Emma would be up for it. She grabbed her backpack and headed out the door, eager to see her and make her plan a reality.
As she arrived at Maria's house, Emma ran to her with a big smile on her face. Jenna felt her heart skip a beat as Emma hugged her tightly.

As the day went on, Jenna couldn't stop thinking about the tie-up game she had thought up. Finally, she worked up the courage to ask Emma if she wanted to play.

"Hey Emma," Jenna said, trying to act cool. "Are you ready to have some fun today?"
Emma nodded eagerly. "Yes! What are we going to do?"

Jenna grinned. "Well, I had an idea for a game. Do you like playing spies?"

Emma's eyes widened. "Yes! I love spies!"

"Great," Jenna said. "How about we play a game where you're a spy who gets captured by the enemy, and you have to escape?"

Emma's face lit up with excitement. "That sounds awesome! How do we play?"

Jenna explained the rules, feeling her heart race with anticipation. She couldn't wait to see Emma in her black leotard, tied up with ropes and trying to escape. The thought made her feel giddy with excitement.

A few minutes later, Emma was dressed in her black leotard and tights, ready to play their spy game. The two started playing a moving game of hide and seek as Emma snuck through the different rooms of the house trying to avoid Jenna who was playing the part of the villain.

Emma had run through the living room, jumped over the sofa, and ducked behind the curtains. She had even managed to outsmart Jenna a few times, using her agility and quick thinking to escape.

But eventually, Jenna had Emma cornered in the kitchen. She had her toy gun pointed at Emma, who was backed up against the counter, breathing heavily.

"You can't escape me now, spy," Jenna said, trying to sound intimidating.

Emma raised her hands in surrender. "I give up," she said, laughing.

Jenna grinned and walked closer to Emma, holding out a pair of ropes. "Now, I need to tie you up so that you can't escape again."

Emma's eyes widened in surprise. "What? You're going to tie me up?"

Jenna nodded. "It's part of the game. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Emma hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head, trusting her friend. She allowed Jenna to tie her hands behind her back with the ropes, and then her feet. At first she giggled but she felt some concern as she felt the ropes tightening around her wrists and ankles, securing her in place.

"Jenna, I can't move," she said, her voice rising in panic.

Jenna chuckled. "That's the idea," she said. "Now, you're a captured spy.”

She stepped back to admire her work, pleased with how Emma looked all tied up. But then, she remembered something else. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have to gag you too so that you can't call for help."

Emma's eyes widened again. "A gag? What kind of game is this?"

Jenna laughed. "It's a spy game, remember? You have to be realistic."

Jenna took a scarf and tied it around Emma's mouth, making sure it was tight enough to keep her from speaking. Emma's muffled protests were barely audible.

“Jenna, wait, no -mmph!”

Jenna stepped back again and admired her work. Emma was now tied up and gagged, just like in her fantasies. She couldn't believe that she had actually made it happen. But now that it had, she was feeling more aroused than ever.

Emma squirmed and struggled against her ropes, trying to break free. Jenna watched her for a moment, feeling her heart race with excitement. She wondered if Emma was enjoying this game as much as she was.

With Emma being tied up and gagged as part of their spy game, Jenna decided to take it a step further, pretending to interrogate her for information.

"Now, Emma," Jenna said, pulling the gag from her mouth, "You need to answer my questions."
Emma glared at her, her eyes narrowed. "Jenna, this isn't funny anymore," she said, her voice low and angry. "Untie me right now."

Jenna ignored her, pressing on with her interrogation. "Who are you working for?" she demanded. "What's your mission?"

Emma's eyes flickered with annoyance. "Jenna, this is ridiculous," she said. "I'm not a spy, and I don't have any information to give you."

Jenna's grin widened as she reached for the scarf she had brought with her. "Nice try Agent Emma, but I think you do, and I’m going to keep this gag on you until you agree to cooperate" she said, using the scarf to gag Emma once again.

"And I'm going to make sure you tell me everything."

Emma struggled against the ropes, trying to break free. But Jenna's knots were too tight, and the ropes were digging into her wrists and ankles. Emma glared at her, her eyes flashing with anger. But as she looked around the room, she realized that there was no way out. She was stuck there until Jenna decided to let her go.

Taking a deep breath, Emma decided to play along with the game. She imagined herself as a spy, captured by the enemy and forced to withstand interrogation. She nodded her head saying “Ok, Ok” behind her gag.
Jenna removed her gag.

She let out a fake laugh. "You'll never get anything out of me, Jenna," she said, trying to sound confident. "I'm a trained spy, remember?"

Jenna just grinned at her. "We'll see about that," she said, picking up a scarf and using it to gag Emma once again.
Emma rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. It was now like she was in a movie, playing the role of the brave and fearless spy who refused to give in to her captors.

As the game continued, Emma found herself getting more and more into it. She answered Jenna's questions with clever lies and pretended to be shocked when she was "discovered" by her captors.

By the time Jenna finally untied her, Emma was laughing and joking with her. She had realized that sometimes, the only way to get through a difficult situation was to play along and make the best of it.

As the game ended and Jenna untied Lily, she felt a mix of emotions. She was excited to have played the game, but also a little nervous about how Emma had reacted to being tied up.

To her surprise, Emma seemed to enjoy the game as much as Jenna did. She hugged Jenna tightly, a grin spreading across her face.

"That was so much fun!" Emma exclaimed. "We should do it again sometime."

Jenna couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Emma had enjoyed being tied up, just like Jenna had imagined. She knew that their relationship had taken a new turn, and she was excited to see where it would lead. Hopefully she would find out the next time she babysat for her.
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Post by »

Wow, that was awesome! Thank you very much! Excelent job!!
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Post by CrazyCharlotte »

I liked it the most e or Emma stopped stuggling
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