Parker : 01 - Bondage Bonanza (F/F, M/FFF, FFF/M)

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Parker : 01 - Bondage Bonanza (F/F, M/FFF, FFF/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Parker's stories
01 - Bondage Bonanza
Story index at the bottom

By Parker

Tuesday, February 22nd 2005 - 07:14:57 PM

Sup y'all!

Still lots of good comments and stories on this website. Not visited in a long time but glad to see this site is still up and running.

The reason I checked up on the site now is because I had the great fortune of accidentally finding myself in a bondage bonanza the other week there!!!

Im a quiet guy in all honesty and like to keep myself to myself. I dont like going out much and when I do I usually stick to the places I know best and Im comfortable with. Most of the time I just go round to my friends houses and have a drink and a laugh with them.

Which brings me to the point.

Last week I was heading round to my friends house for a drink. There was supposed to be quite a few of us but only 6 turned up. It was still a good laugh. We drank ourselves senseless and smoked shit loads of weed. At about 1am I fell asleep on the couch in the living room. When I woke up 2 hours later my mate Daz had gone home with one of the 'easy' girls leaving me and three other girls.

Descriptions of the 3 girls:
Ashleigh - 17, slim, red hair, milky white skin, blue eyes.
Karen - 17, very skinny, black hair, tanned.
Bianca - 18, average, black hair, slight tan, green eyes.

I know them all from school and get on brilliantly with them all. I've been with Bianca and Ashleigh but have never really had a thing for Karen. On this particular night it was pretty obvious they were all stoned out of their minds (as was I). Bianca was almost asleep but Karen and Ashleigh were gabbin on the couch next to me. They were talking about shoes or some random pointless crap like that.

Unbelievably the conversation quickly led onto bondage. They started chatting about what it felt like to be tied up and how cool it was to be kinky. Ashleigh has been with me before so I know she knows what it feels like to be tied up. She was talking about it to Karen and it was clear that Karen hadn't been tied up. Such phrases as ''I havent been tied up'' sort of gave that away. She caught my interest when she said she would like to know what it was like.

Ashleigh then said she would show her and the next thing I know they are both leaving the room and heading off into Bianca's room. When they left Bianca came over and sat next to me. If it had been any other night me and Bianca would have got it on there and then but I just couldn't get it out of my mind that Ashleigh and Karen were in the next room tying each other up. When Bianca asked what was wrong I told her what they two were up to.

She smiled at me, the sort of smile that says ''oh really?'' like the devil. She suggested we should go and join them. So I said ''f*%k it, why not?''. We quietly sneaked through to Bianca's room and peered through the door. Sure enough Ashleigh had Karen hogtied on the bed. They were DEFINATELY enjoying themselves. I know I cant say what I saw but I'm sure you can guess.

Me and Bianca just strolled in and got on the bed with them. At one point I had all three of them tied up and at one point they all had me tied up. It was probably the drink and weed acting but I don't care because it was an amazing night. I wish I could go into all the details but I doubt this site would allow it.

Eventually I got home at about 8am. Amazingly me and Karen are now going out with each other. It's not really serious right now but we are definitely having a good time so far.

Cheers for reading.
Best regards,


Parker's stories
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