Theresa : 01 - My tie up game (M/F)

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Theresa : 01 - My tie up game (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Theresa's stories
01 - My tie up game
Story index at the bottom

By Theresa

Tuesday, February 10th 2004 - 06:50:13 PM

My tie up game

I have to admit, people I am envious of people like Tammy and can't believe that she is complaining about her Andy. Honey, if he ever leaves you send him over to me!

My first tie up game occurred while I was in college. I was seeing a guy named George. One night he told me that he had a fantasy but George was having a difficult time to admit it.

Finally he said he had always wanted to tie up a good looking girl. Said he had played tie up games as a child with his little sister and some neighbors but never as an adult.

I was surprised and excited. Bondage was something I enjoyed as well, only with guys that I knew well. It added spice. My introduction was from a relative who bought the book 'The Joy of Sex". There is a whole section there on bondage and fetishes. What I had done up to this point however, was very mild bondage, but even so, it was very stimulating to me.

So I told George, yeah, let's go for it. But what do you have in mind?

George suggested a few tie up games for fun (up to this point we hadn't had any sex) and that perhaps it could lead to something more only if I consented.

Now I was really interested! George was a good guy. He was athletic. Played football and basketball. Played tennis and jogged. He was also a good student and a nice guy. I knew him well enough to trust him. What I didn't know, was that until this nite he was still a virgin. But was anxious to change that.

To help George out (he was shy despite his many endowments) I rented a movie Bolero and placed my copy of The Joy of Sex on the tv table where George could easily find it when he came in.

I told George it would be better if he came to my dorm since my roommates would be out and I had some tools that we could use. George was ecstatic!

George being the gentleman came to my dorm with flowers and a card. Inside the card he said, "I want to bond with you" then parentically added "hint, hint, ha, ha"

He was ready.

George sat down by the tv and of course saw the book but pretended not to see it. He just made it a quick glance.

I was preparing a supper for us and had the table set up with candles and wine glasses to set the mood. I was ready!

To break the ice with George I told him about the book and that a family member had shared this with me many years before. I opened it to the section of bondage and handed the book to him.

While preparing supper, I glanced over at George and saw that he was enthralled with this tome! His eyes were glued and I could tell that he was already getting excited.

After enjoying a very nice candlelight meal with fine red wine, I moved George over to the couch and put in the movie Bolero. Surprised, George had watched this movie with his buddies but never with a female before. I could tell he was getting really excited.

There is a part in the movie, although brief, where Bo Derek is gagged. But of course, that is not the best part for guys. I stopped the movie at that point and rewound it (this was before dvd's, tivo and other more sophisticated stuff that we have today) and wanted George to see Bo Derek gagged again. His eyes got huge. Something else was already huge from other scenes.

I told George that I had been tied up before but never gagged. Wasn't comfortable with it...until now. Then I moved George to the bedroom.

When he walked in he was more than a little surprised. I had a mirror on the ceiling and leather straps attached to the bed. I also had a ballgag, scarves and duct tape. I also had some "teasing" devices.

I wanted it. George wanted it...but was little uneasy, at first.

I told George that we would be all alone for the whole night. This is your fantasy and it is also mine, I told him. Let it roll.

George started making out with me as usual and started to unbutton my top while moving me toward the bed. Once down he half heartily moved my right hand into one of the leather cuffs and then with more gusto did the same with my left hand. Then he pulled the bottom of my pant suit off and proceeded to cuff both of my feet to the leather cuffs.

George just stared at me with a combination boyish and fiendish grin. He looked almost like he was salivating. George picked up the ballgag and asked me if this toy was any good. I responded of course. For some reason, he wasn't too impressed.

I was beginning to wonder if he was going to back down. He had me, but was hesitating. I was starting to lose my excitement and was about to ask him to release me. Then he came over to me and started making out again. He gently moved his hands over my breasts while kissing me. Then he moved his lips to my breasts while putting his hand over my mouth. He was getting into it! He read the book.

He then put his other hand in my fuzzy area and started to massage that, then moved his mouth to mine while rubbing my breast.

The guy had broken out of his shell. He was loving it and so was I.

George went over to his jacket and pulled out a blue bandana. Rolled it several times and then proceeded to gag me. Utopia! I was really turned on. I looked at George and he was very turned on.

George and I went at it for about a hour. I had no desire to be let go, although I let go like never before in another way and George was in no hurry to release me either.

I have no idea where George is anymore. That was my first time getting the full treatment. Unfortunately, the guy in my life does not share my excitement for bondage although he is great in so many other ways.

ANYWAY, that is my story. Hope it helps.


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