Science Fair Project (mmf/fff) (Finished)

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Science Fair Project (mmf/fff) (Finished)

Post by banshee »

This is a story request made by user [mention]Sociopath3[/mention] so I hope he enjoys it.

Like in all of my stories I want to clarify that I'm not a native speaker, so grammar mistakes and whacky dialogue may be found in this story due to that.

Part 1

Once classes were over was the best time for some students to meet with their friends who were usually split apart by classes. Such was the case for James, Mathew and Lucy, who were usually split apart during class hours.

“So, have you two watched that show I told you about?” Asked Lucy.

Lucy was a rare sight for many, she was girl but her interest were mostly shared by men, that had lead to her being rather tomboyish. Her black hair was cut short and, was rarely seen wearing girl’s clothes and unlike her pair of nerdy friends she was no stranger to the outside or sports, which didn’t made her any less nerdier than her friends but it did gave her a nice figure and tanned skin.

“Invincible? Nah, I don’t think I need another superhero show, there’s already too many of them” Mathew yawned, he was tired, one would think that it was because of hours of school but he was just tired of superhero stuff.

Mathew was like most people expected a Nerd to look like, chubby, pale, with big glasses and had a poor beard that he insisted on growing. He was nice most of the times except when it came to movies and tv shows, then he became the most pedantic and annoying human being someone could ever meet.

“But it is different I swear!” Insisted Lucy.

“Well I did watch it and I can confirm that, when I finished the first episode I was sure that it wasn’t an ordinary superhero show” James intervened

James was a shy and introverted guy that rarely talked, even when among friends. He looked like one would expect someone like him to do, he was slim, pale, had long black and messy hair that usually covered his pale face and tired blue eyes.

“You did? Then tell me, what do you think of it?” Asked Lucy.

“I mean, I knew I was in for something different once that moustache dude killed...”

Lucy would’ve stopped her friend herself to prevent him from spoiling the show to Mathew, but he was stopped by someone else. Like they were used to, an annoying trio of popular girls were mocking them as they walked past them on the opposite street.

That trio was almost like the antitheses of them, it was conformed by three popular and privileged girls, so much so that they could probably be considered so even among the rest of popular and privileged people at school. They had parents with money and were very pretty, that allowed them to get away with all types of shitty attitudes.

Hannah was the most unassuming of the three, she had medium length brown hair and eyes of the same color, being the least striking of the three didn’t meant much, she was still extremely pretty, but it was widely known that she had to put a lot of work to look like that because unlike her two friends she hadn’t been so blessed with the genetic lottery of beauty. When around her two friends all she did was agreeing with them, which lead to some people refereeing to her as a lap dog of the other two.

Chloe was tall and slim, but years of practicing sports had given her a very nice figure, that made her incredibly desired among men and more women than she knew of. Although she was quiet, those who knew her could be certain that she was as cruel as her two friends, she just liked to be so in private.

Finally was Jessica, kind of the leader of the group. Like it should be expected she was also the prettiest and her parents were nearly rich, which always made him egocentric and condescending towards everyone. Appearance wise she was average height, long blonde hair, immaculate white skin and big blue eyes that always seemed to be looking down on everyone.

“I fucking hate them” Muttered Lucy while the trio kept mocking them from the distance.

“Lets get going already” Said James, like always trying to avoid the situation as much as he could.

“I’m tired of this you know, I’m tired of them” Lucy said angrily.

“I’m sorry you have to endure this, its our fault for being with you” Mathew tried to calm down his friend.

“You have nothing to apologize for, I don’t need you to apologize!” Lucy nearly shouted “At this point what I need is just revenge!”

But when she was finished saying that the annoying trio had already walked past them and were nowhere to be seen. Without them near it was easier for James and Mathew to calm their angered friend down.

“Ugh, anyway, is the movie night still up?” Sighed Lucy.

“Of course” Replied Mathew “My house tonight!”

The trio made their way to their respective homes and didn’t do much more for the rest of the day until it was time to go to Mathew’s house. Like every Friday they met in someone’s house and it was Mathew’s turn to host the movie night.

Having the movie night be at Mathew’s house meant that they were probably going to watch something that only he liked, a movie too complex to watch while eating pizza. But this particular night Lucy managed to be convincing or annoying enough to let them watch the superhero show she told him about, a rare concurrence when it came to him.

As annoying as it was to watch the show with Mathew pointing out every single thing he didn’t liked, he ended up agreeing to watch the next episode, only after he made sure to specify that it ‘just for curiosity’ and ‘absolutely not because he had liked a superhero show’, an act none of his two friends bought.

“The next episode comes out next week” Lucy explained “Its a weekly release”

“What are we watching then?” Asked Mathew after being left baffled for a few minutes.

Both James and Lucy shrugged, they were too used to Mathew choosing the movies that they couldn’t come up with anything.

After a while the three settled on an obliviously cheesy movie of the early 2000’s that none of them really cared about, it was just background noise for their conversation.

But near the end of the movie a particular scene caught the attention of the trio, especially Lucy’s. It featured a female character, probably the love interest of the movie’s bland protagonist, tied to chair. She had been kidnapped by the movie villains and now was struggling fiercely to get free.

Despite her restraints looking pretty fake, the scene of the character struggling dragged on for a while and eventually the movie villain entered the scene and had brief talk with the prisoner, but it wasn’t the talk what interested Lucy, it was how it concluded.

Once the two characters had nothing else to say the villain ordered some henchmen to gag the prisoner, they did so by forcing a piece of cloth between her teeth which rendered all of her words to unintelligible mumbles.

“She could totally speak with that” Lucy spoke once the scene was over.

“Really? What makes you so sure?” Asked Mathew.

“I mean its just a piece of cloth, its not like she has anything inside her mouth” Lucy replied.

“Well they’re actors after all so...”

It seemed like James’ comment killed the conversation because everyone went quiet after it.

“Actually that scene gave me an idea” Lucy said.

James and Mathew looked at their friend awaiting her idea, they never knew what to expect from her.

Lucy explained her idea, as surprised as her friends were they were kind enough not to interrupt her, but their response was sharp once she was finished explaining.

“No way we do that” Said Mathew.

“Yeah... Sorry but too dangerous” Added James.

“What? Really?” Asked Lucy.

“You’re basically asking us to kidnap someone, you’ve made us do a lot of crazy stuff but there’s no way we do that” Said Mathew.

“Really? Do you even have an idea of how I feel about all of this!?” Lucy asked with disappointment.

“We’re willing to listen” Mathew replied as he crossed his arms.

Lucy sighed, she was in for a long explanation but she was willing to give it.

“I used to be friends with those three you know? Chloe, Hannah, Jessica..”

Mathew and James nodded, they were familial with that and often wondered why if Lucy used to be friend those three why were they so mean to her now.

“Like you know they cut me off, but they didn’t do it right away” Lucy said with awkwardness “Last year they invited me to Jessica’s house like we always used to do, I thought everything was going to be fine but...”

Lucy took a moment, it was the first time she told someone what had happened to her that night, but she wanted to continue the story.

“They tied me to a chair, tortured and humiliated me, all because I was friends with you two and they didn’t wanted to be friends with someone who was friend with you” Lucy explained with a shaky voice “Please don’t feel guilty about it”

Both James and Mathew knew that she meant it, but it was hard to not feel guilty after what she had just told them.

“They gave me two choices, i could stop being friends with you or they would cut me off their lives” Lucy made a pause and looked at her friends “Guess what I chose?”

Both Mathew and James hugged Lucy, what they were just told had been moving.

“Are we really going to do something crazy because of you again?” Asked James, still hugging Lucy.

“Seems like it” Said Mathew.

The rest of the night went on with the trio discussion Lucy’s revenge plan, a long and winded conversation that was surprisingly triggered by a mere scene in a cheesy and somewhat old action movie.


Monday was the day the trio had settled to enact their plan, it was anything but simple and it had involved a lot of work during the weekend, but chances of success were high.

It involved James hacking into the school’s network which was easy for him. The software was outdated and it was rarely checked on by school staff. Once that was done everyone in school was informed that PE classes would be suspended for the next week, everyone but the trio of popular girls.

Once that was done Mathew and Lucy would wait at the school gym for their victims while James waited outside in Lucy’s dad car, he was only one of the bunch that knew how to drive, and their plan needed a car to work.

“Who did we told to come first?” Asked Mathew.

“I think Hannah” Replied Lucy.

For the sake of their plan the three girls were given different hours to arrive, alone they would be easier to deal with. With that and the gym being deserted discretion was a non issue for the trio.

“Shh, she’s coming” Whispered Mathew after receiving a text message from James, who was outside the gym looking out for their victims.

“Hello?” Hannah’s soft voice echoed throughout the massive building, and nobody replied.

Either intrigued or scared, Hannah started to walk around the place, looking out for one of her classmates and she looked at her phone many times to make sure that she arrived at the right time, but that only left her more confused.

Hanna’s fatal mistake was to look inside the gym’s warehouse, there she was not met by just the sports supplies that she expected, she was jumped on Lucy and Mathew, who easily overpowered her and put her to sleep with chloroform.

Then they took her with James to the car, which was more of a van with a spacious trunk where they placed her while James took care of her. To take care of her, James had to tie her up, something that he had been practicing the whole weekend to ensure that the plan went well. Hannah’s hands were tied behind her back, her legs were tied together and she was also blindfolded, it was time for Mathew and Lucy to wait for the next one, Chloe.

To capture Chloe, Mathew and Lucy hid behind the entrance door and jumped on her after she closed it, but Chloe put up much more of a fight than her already captured friend. She was bigger and stronger, on her own she would’ve been able to overpower Lucy had it not been because she had her friend’s help.

After some screaming and thrashing the chloroform took its effect on Chloe which allowed the pair of friends to take her to the car, where james applied the same treatment to her that he had already applied to her friend.

The last one to come was Jessica, even when casually entering the room she still had that aura that only people like her seem to have, but for the first time Mathew and Lucy saw that aura disappear. What made the so called aura disappear was being jumped on by the pair of kidnappers trying to chloroform her, she could only come of as condensing, egocentric and cruel when she was free and with her two lackeys, once asleep, tied up and on the back of the car she looked just as helpless as the damsel in the movie.

“What now?” Asked James with a shaky voice, the torrent of adrenaline and fear going through him was something that he had never felt before.

“We proceed with the plan” Lucy said between breaths, all of that struggling had been worth it, but it had left her tired.

“What if we get caught?” Asked James.

“We’re not going to get caught, don’t worry” Mathew calmed him down.

“And even if we get caught it’ll already be too late, so keep driving!” Lucy said jokingly.

But James wasn’t in the mood for jokes, so he took the order pretty literally.

After a long drive that seemed much longer than it actually was the trio arrived at Lucy’s dad house, the reasons for choosing that house were many. It was the house furthest away from everything, which meant that the screams of the girls wouldn’t be heard by anyone, there was nobody there to question them since both of Lucy’s dad was working away from the city and whenever the time came for the parents of the girls to know that their daughters wouldn’t be returning home, they would be much more inclined to believe that they were at Lucy’s house than anyone else.

“So, what now?” Asked James as he unlocked the car’s trunk.

“Just follow the plan, take them downstairs, put them in chairs, you know the rest” Lucy explained.

The trio entered the house carrying their captives, Mathew had both Hannah and Chloe on his shoulders which was extremely tying and Lucy was personally carrying Jessica on her arms. Having nobody to carry around James made sure that he had made no scratches to Lucy’s dad car, thankfully he had not.

After an excruciatingly long walk, because after all the girls they were kidnapping were no feather weight, they got to the basement. There they had already set three chairs, a few benches, a lot of rope and other tools that they had prepared for the occasion.

“Okay, you do Hannah” Lucy ordered to James “You do Chloe...” She ordered to Mathew “And I’ll do her” She concluded as she looked down on the bound Jessica.

Each member of the trio grabbed rope and tied their respective captive to the chair with ease but also with care. Their hands were tied crossed behind the back of the chair, they were pinned to the back of the chair with rope running around their abdomen from their waists up to below their breasts, rope was ran over their lap to pin them to the seat and finally her ankles were tied together.

“Well, this part is over” Sighed Lucy as she walked up to a table where they have laid their tools “Which one do you think we should use first?”

“I think we should start by something like what they used in the movie” Said Mathew as he grabbed a handkerchief that had been laid on the table for that specific purpose.

“To think that it was just that scene that got us to do all of this craziness” Sighed James.

“Don’t act like you didn’t agreed to it!” Lucy said jokingly.

The three prisoners were gagged just like the girl in the movie that they had watched on Friday was, but there was a much bigger difference, unlike the actress in the movie their prisoners were properly, tightly and securely tied up.

“Do you think the gags you’ll work?” Asked Mathew.

“I guarantee that they’ll not” Lucy replied “Believe me, these three tried to used that same gag on me last year and I just kept screaming”

“Are you sure nobody will hear them then?” James asked nervously “Because the point of a gag is to keep them quiet”

“They’ll be able to scream just fine and they’ll probably do, but don’t worry there’s nobody around to listen to them” Lucy calmed down her nervous friend “Why do you think we go to my mom’s house whenever you come to my house, this place is far from everything!”

After that remark James felt pretty stupid, unless the neighbors had super hearing or the animals could speak and tell someone what they were doing, they shouldn’t worry about being discovered in that way. The house of Lucy’s dad was closer to the countryside than to the actual city.

After the trio was done with everything in the basement they went back upstairs, expecting their three captives to be waking up anytime soon, but that didn’t happened. Since the house was big and expensive, it also had an expensive security system, which was why Lucy’s dad felt so comfortable leaving his house for so long, through that security system they were able to look at the three of sleeping beauties, seeing their subtle movements and breathing was strangely comforting because it assured them that they hadn’t killed them.

“I assume all of this recordings are going to be deleted before your dad comes back” Said James as he sat on one of the big couches “I know that I have never seen your dad but I don’t want him to see us taking his car to kidnap some girls”

“I was counting on you to delete it” Replied Lucy.

“I guessed” Sighed James.

“You know what? I think you should invite us here more often!” Mathew said cheerfully as he walked around the place “I don’t care if it’s far away, this place is awesome, why didn’t you told us about it?”

“I don’t want people thinking I am, you know, like them, an entitled asshole with rich parents” Said Lucy as she pointed downwards “And also, I don’t think my dad would like it if I brought in two male friends”

“Well that sucks” Sighed Mathew

“But since he’s not here, why don’t we have some fun?” Lucy quickly said after her friend.

That was something everyone could get behind, but the sudden excitement brought over by the prospect of having fun in the massive house they were in was interrupted by a unusual, yet recognizable noise, that came from the security system screen.

“Mphghghgh!” Chloe had been the first one of the captives to wake up, and was now struggling fiercely on the chair she was tied to, making a futile attempt at getting free of the ropes.

Lucy, Mathew and James ran downstairs to the basement where even before opening the door they already heard enough screaming to be able to tell that the gag really didn’t worked like the movie portrayed it.

“Well guys, remember the plan and stick to it” Lucy said as they stopped in the anteroom to the basement.
Last edited by banshee 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great start, excellent writing style (even if English is not your mother tongue).
Looking forward to the next chapter...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Nainur »

Very good read, IMO.
Just one remark:
the personal descriptions of the captives had been provided, but what are they wearing when captured? I suppose that 'PE' might stand for physical exercise, but even this leaves enough open...
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree! Excellent start! Caryy on!

Post by Sociopath3 »

Great so far, looking forward to the future parts.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Nice, nice, nice...

A good touch to give the nerds some background, as they are not doing this just for the fun, but also kind of a revenge. It's always good to read those, it gives the story more depth.

Looking forward to next chapter.
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Post by banshee »

Thanks to [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] (Who will be pleased to know that there's more clothing description in this part) [mention]Caesar73[/mention] and [mention]Minerva[/mention] for all the kind comments! I hope you enjoy this new part.

Part 2:

Jessica was woken up by all the moaning and thrashing of Chloe and the sobs of Hannah. In the few minutes she had been awake she’d had time to inspect her situation. From what she had gathered, she was tied to a chair, with her hands behind her back, her chest pinned to the backrest and her lap pinned to the seat and her feet were tied together.

But the first thing Jessica had noticed was that she was blindfolded, it was easy to tell. But according to what she heard, she guessed that her two friends were with her too, most likely tied up just like her.

“Whpp Haphend?” Jessica tried to speak but quickly she noticed that she was gagged, but all her gag did was making her feel uncomfortable and make her speech just a bit harder to understand.

“I domph kpph!” Chloe replied with her speech as unintelligible as Jessica’s.

Jessica found herself in an undeniably scary situation, but she kept her cool. According to what she knew she and her friends were unharmed, and despite not knowing what to expect she wanted to believe that it wasn’t a serial killer who had kidnapped them.

The sound of a door being opened echoing through the room brought both Chloe’s and Hannah’s whining to an undisturbed silence, something that pleased Jessica who could no longer stand the loud noises of her scared friends on top of her already horrible situation.

After some silence during which only some whispers from what Jessica assumed to be her captors and some objects being moved were heard, Jessica as well as her two friends had their blindfolds removed.

Now able to see Jessica was able to discern much more about her situation. She was in some kind of closed room that lacked windows and was only illuminated by a dim light hanging from the ceiling. As for her captors, it took some time for Jessica and her friends to find all of them but after inspecting their room from their precarious position they were able to find them all, there were three of them.

But before she saw her captors Jessica and her friends were able to take a look at each other. Like Jessica expected they were all tied up and gagged in the exact same manner and they were still clad in their tracksuits that they had on when they entered the school gym, they even still had their shoes on so it was clear that their captors were not interested in stealing from them, because otherwise they’d have already taken their expensive clothes.

One of their captors was a big man who was working with a camera and a tripod, the other one was behind them, a small guy with long hair that was doing something on a computer. Their third captor was standing right in front of them with her hands on her hips, the black clothes she had chosen revealed a feminine figure but her face was, like the face of her companions, covered by a mask.

The three kidnappers were clad in black clothes and had their faces covered by masks, the kidnapper with the cameras had a mask like a skull, the mask of the kidnapper on the computer seemed like a bandaged face but the female kidnapper had just covered her face with a black face mask and a domino mask of the same color.

“I know you’re all scared, and nervous and all of that, but if you stay quiet I’ll explain” The female kidnapper said.

The prisoners looked to each other, they were puzzled by what they had just heard. Both Hannah and Chloe expected Jessica to reply and so she did, Jessica nodded affirmatively in response to her captor.

“Good, I want you all to know that we don’t want to hurt you or steal from you, so you don’t have to worry about that” The kidnapper explained.

Her explanation was met with silence from her prisoners, but it wasn’t the same kind of silence that filled the room when they came in, it was a very different type of silence.

The expressions on the face of Jessica and her friends no longer showed fear, or at least not the same kind of fear that was scripted in their faces before.

“Luphpy?” Asked Jessica as she took a closer look at the kidnapper standing in front of them.

The kidnapper gulped and suddenly started to appear much more nervous before her captives. She bowed forward to remove Jessica’s gag but neither Jessica nor her friends showed any fear of being approached by their kidnapper.

“Say that again...” The kidnapper asked after gently removing Jessica’s gag.

“Lucy!” Jessica screamed once her gag was removed “What the hell are you doing!?”

Lucy’s heart dropped as she heard Jessica say those words, was her disguise that bad? Apparently it was but either way she was not ready to have the prisoners find out about her identity, at least not so early.

“Wait do you really...”

“Of course I know its you, and I don’t know if you could tell but they had already found out too!” Shouted Jessica “What’s more, I’m pretty sure that those two over there are your nerd friends aren’t they?”

The feeling that had just overwhelmed Lucy quickly overrun both James and Mathew, who like their friend didn’t expected to have their identity revealed.

“What were their names again?” Jessica asked, enjoying to see how much her words seemed to upset her once scary kidnappers.

“Uh.... We have to leave” Lucy said nervously as she walked up to Jessica again.

“What were you even thinking Lucy?” Jessica asked when Lucy was close enough “Did you really think kidnapping us was a good idea? Now you all are in deep trouble!”

“Shut up” Lucy said as she pulled up the the cloth that hung around around Jessica’s neck and shoved it back between her teeth.

But Lucy’s tone was so nervous that it didn’t manage to scare Jessica or her friends, what’s worse, when Lucy and her friends left the room and closed the door behind them, the three kidnapper could hear the three girls laughing at them through their gags.

“What the hell was that?” Asked Lucy as she removed her mask.

“Well I think its pretty obvious, we’ve been discovered” Said Mathew.

James remained silent because he was too busy having a breakdown about how everything had gone wrong, he could not imagine how they could continue with this, and his mind was already creating the posible scenarios.

“What do we do then?” Asked Mathew after a brief silent, we clearly can’t let them go.

“Wait wait, I think I know what we should do” Lucy replied.

“Last time we did what you told us we ended up like this!” Shouted James “I’m done with this!”

“You wait here bandage man” Said Mathew as he grabbed James by the shoulder “Like it or not we’re in this together,so you’ll hear what Lucy has to say without hesitation”

Mathew nodded towards Lucy to signal her to start explaining once James stopped trying to get out of his grapple.

“Remember that we took their phones right, don’t you think that those wold make the perfect blackmail tool?” Asked Lucy.

“We already checked them! They have passwords! This whole thing is...” James was stopped by Mathew who smacked him in the head to get him to shut up.

“As much as I want to disagree with him he has a point” Mathew said once James was no longer screaming “What do you plan to do about the password thing?”

“That’s when our initial plan comes into play” Said Lucy, her words made the look in her friends’ eyes sparkle.

“Keep going” Mathew encouraged her.

“I think trying to get their passwords out of them one by one using our initial plan” Lucy explained “Maybe that would make our plan even better, because we now have a reason to torture them”

Even for James it was hard to disagree with Lucy’s plan, she was proving to be truly cruel when it came to the treatment they were going to give the three prisoners. So Lucy went upstairs to get the three phones.

“I think we can leave out the masks then” Said Mathew as she laid the skeleton mask on a table.
“I guess so” Said James as he removed his.

“Who were you even supposed to be anyway?” Asked Mathew.

“Luther Strode, you know, the one from the comic I told you t read and you never did” James said sarcastically.

“I did read it, and I’ll tell you that you do look like Luther, but before his transformation” Mathew teased.

“Ouch” James replied “Well, then who are you supposed to be?”

“Dokuro no Kishi, the guy from berserk” Replied Mathew.

“Ugh just call it Knight of the Skull you weaboo” Sighed james “And I must say, you’re kinda fat to pass like him anyway”

Both Mathew and James shared a laugh together and soon after Lucy arrived holding the girls phones.

Jessica, Chloe and Hannah saw the three kidnapper come back into the room, but now their faces were uncovered. They kept laughing at them while they walked up to walked into the room, to them they looked just ridiculous.

“Well girls you better shut up because I have news for you” Lucy spoke as her friends went back to their positions.

But her words were only met with more mocking laughs, which deeply angered Lucy.

“Girls..” Lucy said containing her anger as she showed the phones to her prisoners.

That gesture owned Lucy a much more pleasant response from her captives. The three girls got silent and serious as their phones were shown to them, and that was exactly the reaction Lucy wanted from them.

“That’s right, you stay quiet” Said Lucy “Now that you know who we are, we have to make sure that you stay quiet about this, here’s where is your phones come into play, understood?”

Lucy ungagged Jessica to be able to properly understand her response.

“They have passwords, you’ll never get anything from them” Jessica replied with a serious tone.

“We know” Lucy said shortly after “And that’s where you come into play”

Lucy was fetched some rope by James and then crouched in front of Hannah, who was being the most docile of the three prisoners. She grabbed her bound feet and extended them in front of her, resting them in a small stool that had been put in front of the chair.

“What are you doing?” Jessica asked as she looked at was being done to her friend.

“This is all part of a little experiment” Explained Lucy as she tied Hanna’s feet to the stool “I’m sure you don’t want to tell us the passwords to your phones, that’s fine, we weren’t expecting you to do it anyway, so we have our methods to make you speak”

“You said you wouldn’t harm us, and if you do you’ll be in much more trouble than you already are” Jessica said as she looked at Lucy tying her friends feet.

“I know what I said, and I’ll stand by it” Said Lucy as she stood back to look get a better look at her three prisoners “So you can asume that our methods will leave you unharmed”

Lucy then started to untie the shoelaces of Hanna’s shoes, something at which both Hannah and her friends looked with confusion. Then Lucy removed both of her shoes, revealing her feet clad in black socks underneath.

“Apart from getting revenge for, you know, everything you did to us, we also want to test a few things with you” Lucy said as she stood back to look at Hannah’s new restraints “And you three are going to be our test subjects”

“I don’t know what you’re planning, but I can already tell that it is stupid” Replied Jessica.

“Oh shut up” Said Lucy as she put Jessica’s gag back in place and tightened it behind her head “Lets begin already”

With all of the prisoners silenced, Lucy explained what will be of them. She and her friends wanted, apart from revenge, to test which gag was the most effective out of all.

“And to test that, we’re going to have to make you scream” Said Lucy as she rolled up her sleeves.

The three prisoners would have been lying if they said that what Lucy had said wasn’t at least a bit scary.

“As much as we’d like to, we can’t hurt you but we’ve though of something better” Said Lucy as she crouched in front of Hanna’s feet “This!”

And without warning, Lucy started to relentlessly tickle Hannah’s feet, who was apparently vert ticklish and started to thrash and struggle with desperation as she screamed through her gag, which did a very poor job at silencing her.

“Exactly, we’ll tickle you to death, and by that I mean until you tell us your phone’s password” Said Lucy as she stood back up.

The reactions were mixed, Hannah was visibly scared, Chloe nervously tried to make herself comfortable in the chair she was tied to but Jessica didn’t seemed to care.

“We’ll start with you Hannah, since you’ve always been the bottom of this trio I think its okay to start with the worst and leave the best for last” Said Lucy as she looked at Jessica, who looked back at her with defiance “However, that was just a test, the real experiment starts now”

“Fuphg you!” Cursed Hannah through her gag.

“Lets see how long you keep up that attitude”

From behind her, James put on a pair of headphones with microphone on Hanna’s head, then started a recording on the computer almost at the same time that Mathew started a recording on the camera. None of the prisoners seemed fond of being recorded.

“Like we expected, you seem to be the weakest of the group, so remember that you can make this stop whenever you want by just telling us the password” Lucy said as she crouched in front of Lucy again.

Then the tickling started again, It had just been a few seconds and Hannah was already convinced that she couldn’t take it any longer, Lucy was relentless and she was powerless to stop her. Hannah struggled so much that the headphones fell to her shoulders whiles she shook her head pleading Lucy to stop.

“Yup, this gag is shit” Said James from the computer desk.

“I told ya, ready to change it?” Asked Lucy.

Everyone agreed to Lucy’s suggestion. Hannah took that chance to catch her breath, she rested her head on the chair’s backrest and breathed heavily, she just couldn’t take the tickling. Lucy proceeded removed both of Hannah’s socks which terrifying Hannah who saw more tickling ahead.

“Wanna take this chance to tell us the password?” Asked Lucy after removing Hannah’s gag.

Hannah herself was ready to spit it all out, but she received a stern look from both of her friends, a look that told her that she wouldn’t fair well with them if she spoke.

“Never” Hannah replied.

“Playing tough huh? That’s funny” Said Lucy as she bowed before Hannah to get closer to her face “We should have expected you to do just as your friend said, no matter how much you want us to stop you just can’t ay no to them”

“Shut up, once we get out of this you’ll...”

Hannah was interrupted by Lucy shoving her socks inside her mouth, surprised by this Hannah tried to spit them almost immediately but Lucy covered her mouth with her hand, preventing her from doing so. The socks were small, barely reaching ankle height so Lucy had no problem fitting them both inside Hannah’s mouth.

“Lets see if this changes things a bit” Said Lucy as she reapplied the handkerchief to Hannah’s mouth, tying it tightly behind her head and between her teeth.

“Remember, it only takes a very simple thing to make us stop” Said Lucy as she got ready to tickle Hannah’s feet.

When the tickling began the effectiveness of the new gag was put to the test, and the kidnappers were pleased to find out that when Hannah’s mouth was stuffed, the cleave gag was much more effective at keeping her quiet. Of course some moaning got through the gag, and it wasn’t as muffled as they would like it to be, but at least her words were now unintelligible.

Once the tickling stopped Hannah was tearing, and Lucy was pleased to see her in that condition, not only she was tied up and gagged, she was also exhausted, taking heavy deep breaths as she rested her head on the chair’s backrest.

“Ready to talk now?” Asked Lucy.

Closing her eyes to prevent herself from looking at her friends, Hannah nodded tiredly, she knew that her friends wouldn’t approve of what she was doing but she simply couldn’t take the torture anymore and would do anything to stop it, even giving their kidnappers what they wanted.

Hannah told them the password once Lucy had ungagged her, she still tried to avoid looking at her friends but she got a glimpse of the look they were giving to her, and it was not a pretty one.

“Okay, since you’ve been a good girl I’ll let you choose how you’ll be gagged for the time being” Lucy said as she went to the table where they had laid the gags “What do you choose”

Hannah was faced with many options, once was the gag that she was just been removed from her mouth, other were tape and another handkerchief.Hannah would rather have something that she knew to be bad than chose something different and find out that it was worse, so she picked the handkerchief and Lucy cleave gagged her again, thankfully for her there was no stuffing inside her mouth this time.
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Post by Nainur »

Lovely new chapter, well done! Love the uncertainty of the kidnappers, how easy they were rattled... very realistic.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 3 years ago Lovely new chapter, well done! Love the uncertainty of the kidnappers, how easy they were rattled... very realistic.
Indeed :) Nicely done!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 3 years ago Lovely new chapter, well done! Love the uncertainty of the kidnappers, how easy they were rattled... very realistic.
Indeed :) Nicely done!
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Post by banshee »

thanks to [mention]Nainur[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention] for the comments!

Part 3:

“Now its your turn” Said Lucy as she walked up to Chloe “Lets see how tough you really are”

“Mpghg!” Chloe grunted in response as she struggled fiercely.

It was a hassle to to get Chloe’s feet on the stool and tie them, but after a lot of struggling and some help from Mathew Lucy managed to get both of Chloe’s feet tied to the stool in front of her. But even after being secured Chloe kept struggling and since her force was much greater than Hannah’s she was more of a problem.

“If you insist on being a pain in the ass we’ll have to take some measures” Said Lucy as she removed both Chloe’s shoes and socks and then grabbed a thin length of rope.

Struggling to keep Chloe’s feet together, Lucy managed to tie together her thumbs with the rope she’d just grabbed, which render the struggling on her feet much easier to deal with.

“Since we’ve already tested that gag we’ll change it, want to tell us what the password is already?” Lucy said as she removed Chloe’s gag.

“Hell no!” Shouted Chloe “Who do you think I am? I won’t tell you shit, I don’t care if you torture me, I’m not ticklish anyway” Chloe replied angrily.

“We’ll see about that” Said Lucy as she went to get Chloe’s new gag.

Lucy grabbed a roll of silvery duct tape, just like the one that it was used for gagging people in movies.

Although Chloe tried to move her head backwards, she couldn't do much against being gagged by Lucy so soon enough she had a long strip of tape over her mouth, running along her face from ear to ear.

“Lets find out if you really aren’t ticklish” Said Lucy as she crouched before Chloe’s feet to begin the torture.

James left the headphones hanging around Chloe’s neck, knowing very well that they would fall if he put them on her head. Then he started a new audio recording while Mathew started a new video.

Lucy started slowly, running her finger slowly across and along the soles of Chloe’s feet. At first it would seem like Chloe was indeed telling the truth, but Lucy could see through her lies, they were friends, Chloe’s breathing had gotten slightly heavier and until not so long ago and Lucy remembered clearly how vulnerable Chloe was to being tickled.

“Do you really think I’ll fall for this?” Lucy asked after she stopped her tickling “I hear your breathing, you’re clearly suffering”

“Mphgh!” Chloe grunted defiantly at Lucy.

“We’ll see about that, now the really suffering is about to begin for you” Lucy threatened as she cracked her knuckles.

Then Lucy started to rapidly tickle Chloe’s soles, the prisoner remained quiet for a few seconds but before anyone could fall for her bluff she started screaming and thrashing, showing how truly weak she was when tickled.

“Oh, I thought you weren’t ticklish!” Said Lucy without stopping the tickling.

“AHhaha stop!” Chloe screamed, apparently she had managed to remove the tape from her mouth and her screams were now loud as they could be, not held back by anything.

“Well well, look at the not ticklish Chloe begging me to stop tickling her!” Said Chloe.

“AHhaha stop! You bitch!” Chloe said between so may screams and laughs that it was hard to understand.

“You can make me stop” Lucy said a she started to tickle the sensitive instep of Chloe’s feet “You just have to tell us...”

“Never!” Chloe screamed.

That made Lucy stop, but it wasn’t because she had surrendered, she had stopped to go get more tape and to grab Chloe’s socks that she had laid on the gag table.

“Since you refuse to talk but insist on screaming, I think this is the best chance to test a new gag” Said Lucy as she approached Chloe with tape and socks in her hands.

Having already seen what Lucy planned to do with those socks, Chloe shut her moth and moved her face away from the socks, in no way she would let those socks be shoved inside her mouth. But Lucy was prepared for that, she never expected her prisoners to willingly accept their gags in the first place.

Lucy pinched Chloe’s nose preventing her from breathing unless she opened her mouth, it took some time for Chloe to realize what Lucy was doing, but once she did she started to struggle and moan to get free, she felt so impotent and powerless to stop Lucy that she felt beyond frustrated.

Eventually Chloe was forced to open her mouth to breath and instantly Lucy shoved her socks inside, filling her mouth with her sports kneesocks was impossible, even if Chloe hadn’t been fighting back to spit them, the socks just wouldn’t fit in. So half of the second sock was left hanging outside of Chloe’s mouth.

Knowing that Chloe would try to spit them, Lucy was quick to reapply tape to her mouth, but this time she did not limit herself to lay a single strip over Chloe’s mouth, she encircled her whole head with may layers of tightly wrapped duct tape that kept the socks inside her mouth. Chloe could only be thankful for having her black hair short, otherwise the tape would’ve made a mess out of her hair.

“Lets see how that gag does” Said Lucy as she started to tickle Chloe’s feet again.

Apparently Chloe didn’t got tired of struggling, she kept thrashing and fighting her restraints with so much tenacity that during some brief seconds Mathew and James became afraid that she would escape.

It didn’t take the audio recording software that James was using to be able to tell that the gag that Lucy had used on Chloe was really effective. The once incredibly loud screams of Chloe were now as muffled as regular speak, she was really having trouble to even make her screams louder than average.

“Okay, I think that’s enough for now” Said Lucy as she stood back and stopped the tickling, she had been at it for at least ten minutes when she stopped “Ready to talk?”

Chloe was too busy catching her breath through her nose, which took much longer and was much more difficult than doing it through her mouth, so she remained quiet aside from the heavy panting.

“I won’t ungag you this time, I don’t want to undo all of the work of getting those socks inside your mouth and wrapping the tape around your head for you to say ‘no’” Said Lucy seeing how awfully quiet Chloe was getting “So just nod for yes, shake your head for no”

Chloe nodded and Lucy started to remove the tape around her gag. Chloe’s hair may have been short but that did not meant that getting it out of her hair was not painful, because it was, but it was worth the relief of having the pair of socks outside of her mouth at least for a while.

“So, what’s the password?” Asked Lucy after she had removed Chloe’s gag.

“Did you really thought I would tell you? Chloe asked defiantly.

Lucy felt as if her blood had started to boil within her, being mocked by Chloe even when she had her tied up at her mercy was even more enraging than being mocked by her in the regular like she was used to.

“Oh did I disappoint you? I bet that mphhhgh!”

Chloe was interrupted by here socks being shoved inside her mouth again by Lucy, who didn’t even asked questions before violently shoving the socks inside her mouth. Chloe struggled but tied up as she was she couldn’t do much, so Lucy didn’t had much trouble when re-wrapping Chloe’s face with duct tape until she couldn’t even try to push the socks outside of her mouth.

“What you did right there got me quite mad, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure you regret it” Said Lucy as she finished wrapping the tape around Chloe’s face “

“Mpghghg!” Chloe moaned, the gag had been wrapped so tightly around her face that it was almost hurting her.

“Maybe your feet are too easy of a target” Lucy said as she started to run her hand through Chloe’s abdomen “Maybe I’ll have to get a little more creative with you”

Unadvertised Lucy opened the zipper of Chloe’s tracksuit and laid her hands over the shirt below it, already being able to feel Chloe’s abs. Chloe knew very well what was coming next, and she hated even thinking about it, but she would not humiliate herself to the point of trying to ask Lucy to stop, even less when she was gagged and could not utter a word.

“Oh look at that six pack” Lucy said as she lifted Chloe’s shirt and looked at her abdomen “It is quite tough, I bet you could break a thing or two with this”

Lucy started to run both of her hands through Chloe’s abdomen, already seeing the effect it was having on her captive. Chloe tried as hard as she could to suppress her instinct to struggle, she controlled her breathing and closed her eyes like if was going to help her, but she couldn’t lie, even that slight movement that Lucy was doing was tickling the hell out of her.

“But I think I know something that this muscles wont be able to stand, and I think you know what that something is” Lucy said as she stopped the movement of her hands.

And without warning Lucy started to relentlessly tickle Chloe’s abdomen, and Chloe was unable to resist any more, she started to struggle and thrash against all of the ropes binding her. Chloe’s struggles were so fierce and relentless that James and Mathew feared that she would break free.

But Chloe never stood a chance of getting free and she could tell, whenever she struggled all she accomplished was making the bindings tighter and the rope dig deeper into her skin.

“Oh and don’t even think that I’m finished” Lucy said ignoring all of the muffled complaints of her victim “Hand me the feather!”
Approaching the scene with fear because of the fierce struggles of Chloe Mathew handed a white feather to Lucy and once she had it she moved her hand with her feather down to Chloe’s feet height.

“Remember, you can get me stop at any minute you want!”

With that said Lucy started to tickle Chloe’s foot with the feather all the while she still had her other hand tickling Chloe’s abdomen. Both of her hands moved like spiders over he body.

“Come on...” Lucy teased “You know you want me to stop!”

The tickling was so relentless that Chloe was brought down to tears, she was no longer struggling because she wanted to get free, she knew very well that it was imposible, she struggled because it was her instinctual response to the torture she was being put through.

“For how much long do you want to take this?” Lucy asked “Because I assure that it can get worse!”

“Mpghg!” Chloe moaned through her gag without any intent of revealing the password to her captors.

"Fine, let's knock this up a notch shall we?" Lucy left the feather and moved her tickling efforts to Chloe’s abdomen “Any of you two want to take care of that?” She asked as she looked at her friends.

Having Lucy tickling her abdomen with her two hands wasn’t any better than having her tickling it with just one hand, the only relief Chloe felt was the one on her feet that were no longer being tickled, but that relief didn’t lasted for long.

Thorough her tears Chloe saw that Mathew, who she only saw as Lucy’s fat nerd friend, had gotten to her feet and was relentlessly tickling them with his hands and the feather that Lucy had left for him.

“Mpghgh!” Chloe tried to scream so loudly that she felt her throat hurting.

Chloe was trying to spout all that she wanted to say to her captors, an endless tirade of insults and threats that were reduced to unintelligible muffled grumbles that only proved how good and effective her gag was.

“Haven’t you gotten enough Chloe!?” Asked Lucy, she was not feeling frustrated by Chloe’s resistance, much to the contrary she was actually getting a kick out of it.

“Mpghghg!” Chloe looked at Lucy in the eyes with the best defiant expression she could make.

“Next step then!” Lucy said “Get over here James, we need you”

Shyly and kind of scared James left the computer and walked up to the scene of Chloe’s torture, he knew what he had to do but he was still scared of doing it, seeing his fear Lucy was quick to reassure him.

“Lets what you think after this”

Just after Lucy said that James started to tickle Chloe’s sides, running her fingers through her ribs and obliques. Chloe’s agony reached another level when she felt the lanky hands of Damon poke her sides, that was probably her most vulnerable spot and it was being targeted along her abdomen and feet!

“Come on Chloe....” Lucy said as she intensified the tickling on Chloe’s abdomen, something that Chloe didn’t even thought possible.

This time Chloe didn’t moaned back at Lucy, she just kept thrashing and struggling against her restraints while her muffled laughter continued to fill the room.

“Is that a yes!?” Lucy asked as she got her face near Chloe’s.

Chloe couldn’t even look at Lucy in the eyes, she was just resting her face on the chair’s back while her gaze remained lost.

“You hear me!?” Lucy asked as she grabbed Chloe by the hair and forced her to look at her while she kept tickling her abdomen with her free hand.

“Mpghg!” Chloe panted as she nodded.

“Good” Replied Lucy as she went to the table “I’d ask you to tell the truth this time, but we’ll make sure that you do”

At first Chloe didn’t understood what Lucy was talking about, but she quickly realized it. James and Mathew didn’t stopped her tickling after Lucy left, they just kept tickling with the same relentless enthusiasm that they had before.

Lucy cut Chloe’s gag with a scissor and then yanked the tape out of her face, causing great pain to Chloe who spat the saliva drenched socks as soon as she could.

“Ready to talk!?” Lucy asked as she got ready to keep tickling Chloe’s feet.

“Its 1902!” Chloe screamed “Just please stop this!” Chloe begged with no regard for her pride.

Lucy grabbed the phone and crouched aside Chloe, getting face really close to her captive’s and she quickly lad her free hand on Chloe’s abdomen, already getting ready to start tickling again.

“Sorry I didn’t quite got that” Lucy said in the most purposefully annoying way she could “I think you’ll have to spell it out for me”

“1902! You heard it bitch! Stop this already!” Chloe shouted.

“You’re not a position to make demands my friend” Lucy replied “So be a good girl and spell the number out for me”

Chloe would have loved to put up fight of some sort, it was what her pride asked her to do, she’d never succumb to such humiliation, or that was she thought. After what seemed like hours of tickling, Chloe had no more fight in her, so as humiliating as it was she ended up deciding to comply with her captors orders.

“One” Chloe said trying to contain her laughter.

“Got it” Replied Lucy as she typed the number.

“Nine” Chloe said with the same intent of holding her laughter but already failing.

Lucy nodded in response while she typed the number.

“Zero” Chloe was only barely holding her laugh.

Lucy replied affirmatively again.

“Two!” Chloe screamed before breaking out laughing, she wanted nothing but her torture to stop.

Lucy finished typing the password and she was pleased to know that it was correct.

“Good, you can stop now boys” Lucy ordered.

Chloe fell limp on the chair, the only thing preventing her from falling to the floor were the ropes that held her prisoner.

“I’ll get you for this” Chloe said between breaths, she was beyond angry.

“Whatever” Lucy said as she grabbed a gag from the table “Lets see what you think once we have full access to your phone.

Chloe did not pose much resistance if any when Lucy gagged her again, it wasn’t like she had the energy to do so. In no time she was cleave gagged again.

Jessica glared at her two friends for a second, they had disappointed her and they could tell, that was why they were so actively avoiding to set their eyes on her.

“And we finally come to you” Lucy said as she stood in front of Jessica “I hope you’re ready”
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Post by Caesar73 »

I enjoyed the tickle torment very much :) Fine Chapter!
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Post by GreyLord »

Lucy has the fury of a women scorned and her former friends are now feeling her pain. You have taken a kidnapping, generally considered to be over the top, and somehow defused it. Good detail bringing your readers into the scene. I'm looking forward to reading more.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by banshee »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago Lucy has the fury of a women scorned and her former friends are now feeling her pain. You have taken a kidnapping, generally considered to be over the top, and somehow defused it. Good detail bringing your readers into the scene. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Thanks for the comment! And yes, lucy is indeed pretty mad at her captives.
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago I enjoyed the tickle torment very much :) Fine Chapter!
Then I think you'll love this chapter!

Part 4:

“Before we tickle you to death, wanna reconsider doing this the easy way?” Asked Lucy as she stood in front Jessica, her final and most awaited challenge.

Seeing how Jessica wasn’t going to even try to talk through her gag, Lucy ended up removing the cloth from her mouth.

“Sorry, forgot about this” Said Lucy as she threw the cleave gag away “So, what do you say”

“What do you think?” Jessica questioned calmly “Of course no”

“Let’s see how that plays out once we get started with the tickling” Lucy said as she started to tie Jessica’s feet to the stool in front of her “Your friend Chloe said the same thing and look at how she ended up”

“You said basically the same thing to her” Jessica replied “You’re getting repetitive, and I don’t fear you at all”

Being mocked by her captive in such a casual way felt incredibly insulting, what gave Jessica the confidence to mock her captors even when she was at such a disadvantageous position? Lucy did not know and that pissed her off.

“You know what Jessica, I think I’ve had enough of your talking” Lucy snapped.

“Oh you’re going to gag me?” Jessica asked rhetorically “Scary”

The audible sarcasm in Jessica’s words was enraging and Lucy, already being angry at her had to keep herself from getting violent. Instead she crouched until she was at the height of Jessica’s feet and removed her shoes.

“Oh you’re going to tickle me too?” Jessica asked with the same sarcasm that she had used before “Scary, but seriously Lucy, please tell me that this wasn’t your idea”

Lucy tried to ignore Jessica, she knew that she wanted to make her angry and she was doing a great job at it. To hide the fact that Jessica was being successful in angering her Lucy tried to hide her face behind her feet which were now only covered by a pair of white socks.

“I always thought you were kinda smart, maybe as smart as me but come on” Jessica said as she twitched her toes in front of Lucy’s face “This has to be the idea of one of those two idiots, I refuse to believe that you came up with this”

“Leave them alone” Lucy said as she rose up and before any of her friends could correct Jessica in her assumption.

“Well, either you’re really fucking attached to that pair of freaks or this was your idea” Jessica said afer seeing Lucy’s reaction “And frankly I don’t know what’s worse.

“Could you shut the fuck up!?” Lucy was now visibly loosing her temper.

“Wow, so you’re literally kidnapping me and my friends and torturing us for information to blackmail us, and I can’t even get a little rough with you?” Jessica asked “You’re all a bunch of looser really, you included Lucy”

“Oh you’ll see” Said Lucy as she went towards the gag table and grabbed something “You’ll see”

“Bring it on then, it is taking you awfully long to get started” Jessica replied.

Lucy grabbed a gag from the table and showed it to Jessica, it was weird and very unlike what the other two were gagged with. It was a red ball, apparently hollow and with a couple of holes, but it also had two black leather straps that ended in buckle.

“What you’re seeing right here is a ballgag, which we trust to be very effective in silencing your creams” Said Lucy.

“Yeah I know what it is, the only question I have is how the hell did you manage to get your hands on one” Jessica interrupted her “But the fact that you have one tells me that either you or one of those two weirdos is into some kinky shit”

Jessica was completely unshaken, it did not scare her like they expected to do, even worse, it laid the ground for her to keep mocking them.

“But if I had to guess I’d probably say that it is you who is into kinky shit Lucy” Jessica continued “I mean, if you were the one that came up with this whole ‘tying us up’ idea you completely are...”

Jessica’s speech was interrupted by Lucy recklessly shoving the ballgag inside her mouth and rapidly moving behind her to tightly buckle the straps behind her head.

“Much better” Said Lucy after she was done gagging Jessica.

“Mpghg” Somehow Jessica’s moans still carried a mocking tone with them.

Chloe and Hannah had been watching the scene carefully and in complete silence, unconsciously expecting her friend to get them out of the precarious situation they were in. But once the red rubber ball filled Jessica’s mouth that subconscious desire only became even more tangibly impossible to fulfill.

“So, now that we have you all trussed up an quiet” Lucy said with a special emphasis on the word ‘quiet’ as she moved in front of Jessica”Why don’t we get started”

Lucy crouched in front of Jessica and removed her socks from her feet, she wouldn’t give her the slightest of protections against the relentless tickling she was planning to put her through.

“Unlike your two friends, I’ll give you no chance to regret not choosing the easy way” Lucy said as she cracked her knuckles “I’ll just tickle you for how long I want”

Lucy began to tickle Jessica’s feet without warning, but Jessica’s reaction was completely unexpected. Lucy as well as her two friends were surprised to see and hear from Jessica nothing at all, no moaning, no struggling, no nothing, she just remained completely still. And it wasn’t like Lucy’s technique was worse, in fact she was being harsher on her than on any of her friends, neither was Jessica faking her reaction, there were none of the light movements or heavy breathing that Chloe presented when she tried to fake not being ticklish.

“What are we supposed to do now?” James whispered at Mathew’s ear.

“Shut up, I don’t know” Mathew replied with a not so quiet whisper.

Being beyond nervous, Lucy stopped her tickling and looked behind her to take a look at her friends only to found them as confused and nervous as her. Then the trio moved their gazes to Jessica, and they could swear that she was smiling smugly at them through that gag.

Jessica looked at them with the greatest feeling of power that she had felt on a while, even while tied up and gagged she could still look at that trio of ‘loosers’ and smile smugly at them. Moreover, that feeling of power that she felt only made it easier for her to ignore the uncomfortable gag that she had on her mouth and how much it was already making her drool.

While the trio whispered nervously at a safe distance from their prisoners Jessica took the chance to look at her two friends, who seemed to admire her. It was easy to forget that Jessica was not ticklish at all, it only came up occasionally when someone decided to playfully poke her sides only to find out that it produced no reaction at all other than an awkward situation.

“We’re leaving for now” Lucy announced as stood apart from her friends “But we’ll come back, and when we do you can be sure that we’ll that password out of you!”

Lucy, Mathew and James left the room and slammed the door behind them and from the chair she was bound to Jessica laughed at her captors, after being tortured her friends didn’t had the courage to do it but being impervious to the torture Jessica had nothing to fear.
“What are we supposed to do!?” Shouted James as they arrived to the living room.

Unlike the previous nervous questions that James had asked his friends, this one received no answer from his friends other than blank cold silence.

“You do realize what will happen if we don’t solve this do you?” James added.

Again, cold, blank silence was the response he received.

“Do you!?” James shouted again.

“Shut up” Lucy said coldly, she didn’t rose her voice, she just spoke with frightening coldness and that was enough to make James shut up.

It was rare to see Lucy angry, James and Mathew couldn’t remember the last time they had seen her angry and that only made her more intimidating.

“First of all, do any of you have an idea?” Lucy asked as she sat down on the couch.

James shook his head but apparently Mathew’s case was different.

“Maybe we should not focus on her but on her friends” Mathew began to talk but Lucy replied with a weird look, so he decided to elaborate “Maybe if she’s not ticklish she will talk if we torture hr friends enough”

Lucy pondered the idea for a few seconds, as good of an excuse as it was for getting even with the other two girls she didn’t deemed it useful, and she could tell that James wouldn’t feel good about torturing that pair even more, he didn’t even liked the how the whole plan and she was considered enough to not make him go through torturing Chloe again.

“That wont work” Lucy replied “It would work if Jessica wasn’t a heartless bitch, but you have already seen how she reacted to us tickling her friends”

“I guess that I’m out of ideas then” Mathew sighed.

Lucy slouched on the couch and looked up at the white ceiling, expecting some idea to come out of the white void that she was seeing, and eventually and idea came to her head.

“Maybe her feet are not her weak spot” Lucy said without stopping to look at the ceiling.

“Are you saying that maybe her sides or belly are more ticklish like with Chloe?” Asked Matherw.

“Maybe that’s the case, but there’s also some other spots were people are ticklish in that we haven’t yet tried” Said Lucy.

“Like?” Mathew asked.

“Behind the knees, neck, armpits” Lucy said as she turned to look at her friends “Also, we should get some more tools”

“What do you mean by ‘tools’?” Asked Mathew.

“I mean more stuff like the feather” Said Lucy “Hairbrushes, toothbrushes, I think they are a few electric ones here, and also more rope to put her into a more restrictive position if needed”

“Sounds right then, should we get those things?” Mathew asked.

Lucy replied affirmatively.

“Guys don’t you think that they must be tired of being tied up?” James asked shyly “I know that they are a bunch of petty bitches and all but I don’t know if they deserve what we’re doing to them”

Mathew was ready to point out to James how stupid what he was saying was, but Lucy stopped him.

“Actually that gave me a great idea James” Lucy said “Of course we’re not going to untie them, otherwise our plan will crumble, but we’ll show them a small sliver of kindness”

James and Mathew looked at Lucy awaiting for her explanation.

“We can give them water, maybe food, but just to Chloe and Hannah” Lucy said “That ballgag must have already made Jessica drool a lot so she must be thirsty, I doubt that she’ll tell us the password just to get some water but I wont mind messing with her like that”


Being left tied up and gagged with just her friends was no near as fun for Jessica as it was being there with her captors. If they were there she could at least look them in the eye with a smug smile on her face, but if she was alone she only had the silent company of her miserable friends who, unlike her, had succumbed to the torture. At the moment Jessica was nothing more than a bound and gagged pretty girl, and she hated being reduced to that.

“Mpghg” Jessica audibly complained. The restraints were getting awfully uncomfortable and on top of that she now had to bare the rubbery taste of her new gag in her mouth that made her drool in a very gross and humiliating way to the point that there was already a stain of saliva on her lap because of how much she had drooled.

Jessica and Chloe were more calm after seeing how Jessica had resisted the torture, the fact that their captors may not get what they wanted in the end made them more hopeful.

Boredom was getting to the prisoners heads, sure it was better than being tortured but at least when their captors were around something was happening, without them there was nothing more than an uncomfortable silence that was only occasionally interrupted by a muffled complaint of one of the girls.

Of course they tried to escape, being left alone for so long was the perfect chance to do it, but they found no success. Brute forced had showed itself to be nothing against the ropes when Chloe struggled as hard as she could when she was tortured and archived nothing, so they decided to try something else only to be met by the same lack of success. Moving the chairs around was impossible because of how their captors had bound their feet and getting a hold of any of the knots was completely imposible, those nerds knew how to tie a knot.

“Hello! good to see that you haven’t moved” Lucy said as she entered the room with her friends.

Mathew and James were carrying a few drinks with them, seeing that only made the already thirsty prisoners even more thirsty, but they doubted that it was for them.

“I assume that those gags must’ve left you very thirsty, I should know because I had one in my mouth” Said Lucy.

It had been easy for Jessica and her friends to forget that they once had Lucy in the same position they were in right now, to some degree they regretted it, they could tell that what they did was wrong but after going through what Lucy and her friends were putting them through they just wanted to kidnap and torture Lucy again as revenge.

“Mathew and James are going to give you something to drink” Lucy explained “But not to you Jessica, ungagging you is unless you tell us the password”

Jessica remained silent, despite that it was easy to tell what her response was.

“I expected that” Lucy said after seeing Jessica’s response “What I’ll do with you instead is look for another, lets say... weak spot”

‘Good luck with that’ Jessica said to herself, perfectly knowing that Lucy would find no success.

Chloe frantically refused to accept James offering of water, struggling and shaking her head as she told James to her away from her through her gag, James didn’t insisted and left Chloe alone. Hannah showed none of hat resistance and simply accepted the offering in silence, she was no more or less thirsty than Chloe, she simply was less stubborn.

Meanwhile Lucy was fining no success in her task, it was decided that it should be her to try in which part of her body Jessica was ticklish in because it would be weird if James or Mathew stared to touch Jessica all of a sudden, and they had refused to do it while Lucy had no problem with it. Poking Jessica’s sides produced the same none reaction that tickling her feet did, the same case applied for her belly, behind her knees and between her legs, it was like tickling a corpse.

While Lucy became more nervous with her lack of success Jessica continued to stare at her smugly, knowing that continuously failing was making Lucy frustrated beyond belief.Or such was the case until almost by accident Lucy barely touched Jessica’s armpits, which made the prisoner gasp and everyone else in the room gasp.

The silence that followed Jessica’s sudden reaction was tense, the room was ruled by the type of tension that felt like it could be cut by a knife. Everyone knew what Jessica’s gasp had meant, but it was hard to process.

“What was that?” Lucy asked as she approached her hand to Jessica’s armpit.

Jessica tried to remain as calm as possible, but it was hard, she was so confident in her facade of being impervious to torture that she didn’t knew how to react when that same facade fell apart.

“Are these by any chance...” Lucy made a pause to bury her fingers between Jessica’s arms and her armpits which got quite a squirm out of her captive “Your weak spot?”

A sadistic smile drew itself on Lucy’s face while a mixture of fear and anger appeared on Jessica’s.

“Alright boys, i know what I we need to do, just hand me some rope” Lucy spoke as she walked away from Jessica.

Jessica shouted something through the gag which allowed her captors to tell how effective the gag was, it was great at making speech unintelligible but not so good at muffling sounds. Her screams were still loud and the holes that meat to help the one gagged breathe did not helped.

“Actually I’ll need something more than just a few more rope” Lucy added “I think we’re about to create the ultimate gag.

What followed was hard for Jessica to keep track of, she was so nervous about what torture she was going to be put through that she couldn’t think straight. The next thing she knew after her breath had gotten faster an heavier was that her hands had been untied.

There mere second that she noticed that her hands were free she started to try to escape, but her efforts were met by James and Mathew grabbing her arms with force. She hadn’t heard the guys’ reasoning for untying her arms but she didn’t cared for it, she just wanted to try to escape if if she had the smallest of chances.

“Remember, put her hands in front!” Ordered Lucy who was still standing in front of Jessica.

“Mpghg! mpghgh! pghghg!” Jessica moaned as she fought her captors, even though her struggles were of considerable for she was still outnumbered and could do nothing against the movements that were being forced on her body.

After the ropes that pinned her arms to her sides Jessica’s hands were out in front of her and then tied tight in that place, she had no idea of what their captors were planning but she was completely certain that it wasn’t good.

After Lucy was done tying her hands in front of her Mathew and James forced her hands over and then behind her head, and at that exact moment she realized what her captors were doing, and she was hating it. She struggled with all of her might but she could do nothing against the combined force of her three captors and before she could tell the trio got off her, her arms had been securely bound behind her head and pinned to the back of the chair, leaving her armpits completely exposed to the torture.

“Well well well” Lucy said those words with incredible pleasure, it was such a villain thing to say “Here we have our biggest pain in the ass of the last year, completely exposed for us to have our revenge”

Jessica’s struggles didn’t stopped but by the point she was it it was obvious that they were beyond futile, she was stuck and she wouldn’t be able to do nothing against the torture she was about to be put through.

Chloe and Hannah didn’t knew how to feel about what was happening to her friend, they didn’t knew if they should feel bad for her, Jessica didn’t seem to care much for them when they were tortured, but one feeling that the three captives shared and showed was fear of what was going to happen.

“Prepare everything guys, I’ll prepare that ‘ultimate gag’ thing I told you about’ Lucy announced.

While Mathew prepared the camera and James prepared the audio equipment Jessica was forced to stare at how Lucy prepared the so called ‘ultimate gag’, she grabbed socks and tape before coming back before Jessica and removing her ballgag.

“Please don’t do this!” Jessica pleaded, leaving aside all sense of pride that she previously had “I’ll do whatever you want!”
“Not going to work, maybe you should’ve tried that before we got to this point” Said Lucy “The best thing you can do now is sit tight and open your mouth”

“Please” Jessica begged.

“Beg all you want, I love to see you humiliate yourself” Lucy said.

Jessica had realized that what Lucy was saying was true long before she had said it, but she had little else to other than humiliatingly beg but being called out made her stop. But stopping talking didn’t meant that she closed her mouth, she was forced to keep her mouth open by Lucy, who grabbed her by the cheeks and started to push her socks inside her mouth.

“Mpghg!” Was all that could be heard from Jessica after she had her socks shoved inside her mouth. The socks were small, barely reaching the height of her ankles so Jessica had no problem fitting them inside her mouth.

When Jessica tried to spit the socks she was impeded by the ballgag being shoved back inside her mouth again and then buckled behind her head with excessive tightness. She was not spiting the socks any time soon.

“And now for the last part” Lucy said as she unwrapped the roll of duct tape.

Jessica shook her head frantically, she did not need to experience the feeling of having duct tape ripped out of her face to know that it wasn’t good, but Lucy grabbed her by her hair and held her still.

“If you don’t like this you should’ve thought about stopping messing with us” Lucy said as she looked at her helpless captive in the eyes.

Lucy had the kindness of not wrapping the tape all around Jessica’s head like she did with Chloe, but seeing how effective her gag already was there wasn’t much of a need for it. Lucy instead laid three strips of duct tape over her mouth, two on a cross like pattern and the other one horizontally across her face.

“Now, lets start with the fun part!” Lucy said as she opened Jessica’s tracksuit zipper and revealed the pink short sleeved shirt underneath “This will leave you pretty vulnerable”

Under Lucy’s orders the audio and video recording were started, the torture was about to begin and that had Jessica on the verge of tears but she was holding them back, at least for now.

Lucy walked behind Jessica, having her behind made Jessica unable to see what was about to happen to her and that just made everything worse, but when the tickling started Jessica realized that there was no way that she could have prepared for it.

Even though Lucy’s technique wasn’t as harsh as what she had used on Chloe, Jessica was suffering more than any of her friends, from the very second that the torture began she was certain that she couldn’t take it anymore yet Lucy didn’t stopped.

Jessica thrashed and struggled but more importantly she screamed and that made it clear that Lucy’s so called ‘ultimate gag’ was extremely effective, the room was nearly silent because of how muffled Jessica’s speech was and it was beyond telling that none of her words could be understood.

Jessica could not hold back the tears anymore, she cried as she laughed because of the torture and that was all that she could do, the ropes were too tight and every time she tugged them with her struggles she made them tighter, she was stuck in that torture with nothing to do about it.

“That was fun, ready to tell us the password?” Asked Lucy

Jessica nodded frantically, she was ready to tell Lucy whatever she wanted if it meant that she would stop torturing her.

“That’s great, hope you don’t forget it after the next torture” Lucy said as she went to the table to pick something up.

“Mpghgh?” Jessica didn’t gave credit to what she heard.

“You heard me right?” Asked Lucy “I’m not torturing you because I want the password, you’ll tell me that anyway, I’m torturing you because of all the shit you did to us during all of these years”

Jessica struggled against the ropes and she also struggled to speak, she wanted to plead for Lucy to stop, she’d do anything to get her to stop at this point. But even if what came out of her mouth weren’t heavily muffled moans Jessica doubted that Lucy would have cared.

“Lets rise the stakes just a bit!” Lucy said as she showed a pair of small hairbrushes.

“Mpghgh!” Jessica shouted as she saw what was coming next.

She was powerless to stop Lucy from torturing her, the countless appendages of the hairbrushes were relentless when Lucy ran them through her armpits, tickling them without stopping.

Captors and captives alike were were surprised by how effective the torture was being, Jessica moaned and thrashed without stopping and without caring of how pathetic she looked or how much the ropes harmed her body, she continued to fight until Lucy stopped. She stopped not because she cared for Jessica, that couldn’t be further from the truth, she stopped because she wanted to make Jessica’s suffering even greater.

“And now for the last act” Lucy said as she grabbed the last tool that they had elected for the job, a pair of electric toothbrushes.
Seeing Jessica plead again made Mathew and James want to stop their friend but Lucy was getting so much into it that they were afraid of angering her, and in the end it wasn’t like they felt bad for Jessica.

Against everyone’s expectations, Lucy didn’t just ran the toothbrush against Jessica’s armpits but instead she taped the toothbrushes to her armpits making use of the plentiful tape that they still had at their disposal.

“I’m kinda tired of torturing you so I think I’ll just leave it to these to do the work for me” Said Lucy as she finished taping the toothbrushes “How long do you think you can stand having them on?”

Jessica shook her head, she had had enough and if she could have answered she wold have told Lucy that even a second with those things in her armpits would be too much.

“I still don’t want to kill you so...” Lucy scratched her chin and looked up to the ceiling “How about five minutes?”

Jessica shook her head with even more vigour, if Lucy didn’t wanted to kill her that was exactly what she should not do! But it was obvious that Lucy didn’t cared.

“Sounds like you’re okay with it, set the timer then!” Lucy ordered.

A timer was set in Chloe’s phone in a place where the three captives could clearly see it and James waited for Lucy to turn on the toothbrushes to start the count. Lucy was about to turn both toothbrushes on but she was interrupted not by Jessica’s complaints, those she was already used to and were barely audible, but by the complaints of her two friends.

“Are you really going to do this?” Asked Lucy.

“Mpghgh!” Was the response she received from her captives.

“Do you really want to end up gagged like your friend over here!?” Lucy was getting genuinely angry.

Even that didn’t worked as a deterrent for the other two.

“Consider this” James jumped in unexpectedly.

Everyone was so surprised by his intervention that they made silence to hear him.

“Did Jessica do the same thing you’re doing now when Lucy tortured you?” James asked rhetorically and made a brief pause “Yeah, I know, so think about that before you keep doing that and end up gagged like she is”

Surprisingly James’ words worked better than Lucy’s threats, Chloe and Hannah fell silent and Jessica was left alone in her complaints.
“Good” Lucy said as she turned back to look at Jessica in the eyes and sadistically smile at her “I hope you’re ready because I’ll turn them on in three, two,”

Ignoring her own countdown Lucy turned on the toothbrushes and then walked away from Jessica, who immediately fell into a desperate struggle after the toothbrush started vibrating.

“We’re leaving for now, see you in five minutes!”

Lucy, Mathew and James left the room, leaving behind a very desperate Jessica who didn’t stopped struggling or moaning even one second.

“You saved me a lot of duct tape with that, thanks” Lucy said after closing the door behind her.

“I was surprised that it worked too, but I won’t complain” Replied James.

“Do you think its safe to leave her like that for so long?” Asked Mathew.

“Yeah she’ll be fine, its just five minutes” Lucy replied “Once we’re done she’ll tell us the password and we’ll get ready for the fun stuff”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Great chapter [mention]banshee[/mention] Jesssica may deserve payback, but Lucy has lost her marbles too
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Post by GreyLord »

Red hot, [mention]banshee[/mention], red hot! I hope that Lucy has not pushed Jessica over into that space where she can continue resisting. That would put them all in a tough position. Interesting psychology here.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by banshee »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Great chapter [mention]banshee[/mention] Jesssica may deserve payback, but Lucy has lost her marbles too
Thanks for the comment, Lucy really stepped out of the line a bit in the previous chapter
GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago Red hot, [mention]banshee[/mention], red hot! I hope that Lucy has not pushed Jessica over into that space where she can continue resisting. That would put them all in a tough position. Interesting psychology here.
Thanks for the comment, you'll see in what state Jessica has been pushed into in this chapter.

Part 5:

“Hello Jessica” Lucy said as she came back to the room “How are you doing”

The response that Lucy received was nothing more than loud screaming that, although muffled because of the gag, could easily be heard.

“Are you ready to talk now?” Asked Lucy.

Jessica nodded frantically, she’d have been ready to speak even without the five minutes of torture but with them Jessica was beyond ready to talk, she’d tell Lucy much more than the password to her phone if it meant that her torture would stop.

“Then I’ll remove this so try to make yourself understood” Lucy said as she started to ungag Jessica.

Jessica couldn’t believe the toothbrushes weren’t going to be turned off, she already had enough tickling but apparently Lucy wasn’t ready to stop it.

With each layer of the gag that was removed Jessica’s screams became louder, but she stopped screaming after the ballgag was taken out of her mouth and she could spit the socks inside it. Jessica ceased her nonsensical screams for a few seconds to shout the password to Lucy.

Unlike what she had done with Chloe, Lucy stopped the tickling once she had the password, as much as she hated Jessica she understood that there was no point on torturing her for any longer. With the toothbrushes off Lucy cynically thanked Jessica and left the room, leaving the three girls alone.

Jessica had been left ungagged but her friends still had cloths on her mouths, so after catching her breath she decided to have a few words with her friends.

“You know, I was wrong” Jessica spoke “I thought that you two were being pussies, but after being tickled by that bitch myself I no longer think that”

She received no response from her friends, they weren’t going to try to make themselves understood through her gags but within them they were glad that she was understanding now.

“I guess that all we can do is wait for whatever those weirdoes plan to do with us”

Time kept passing for the bound prisoners at a snail’s pace until the trio of nerds arrived came back at the room.

“I hope you have taken this time to rest because we have a lot of things to tell you”

The three prisoners settled on their restraints, ready to hear whatever Lucy had to tell them.

“Good, first of all we want you to know that we already have everything saved on your phones, everything from the pictures you wouldn’t want anyone to see to the chat logs that could make you loose half of your friendships” Lucy explained.

The three bound girls complained, some in silent by just changing her expression but hearing that made Chloe angry enough to insult Lucy through her gag and tug her restrains a bit more than she had already had.

“And considering that that’s a great leverage to have on you, we decided that we’re going to use you three of a project we have!” Lucy announced ignoring the complaints from the girls.

“What!?” Jessica asked, unable to believe that their kidnapping had yet to end.

“I assume that you’re aware of many film students attend the science fair every year, and like you may also know many of them film a lot kidnapping short films for their classes” Lucy explained.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Jessica said as she pulled herself forward against the ropes.

“We do dare, we’re going to expose you all tied up and vulnerable to tickling for everyone to be able to test first hand which gag is the most effective” Lucy explained “Everyone who has to film a short where someone is gagged will be very interested, and there are plenty of people who have to do that”

“We wont let you!” Shouted Jessica.

Jessica’s struggles and complaints were joined by her friends, who also didn’t wanted to be exposed in such a way in front of so many people.

“And what are you going to do to stop us?” Asked Lucy.

She received no response other than silence.

“Exactly, you can’t do anything” Lucy said in response to the silence “We’re ready to get going, we’re going to have to chloroform you again, so calm down”

None of the girls obeyed but it wasn’t like her struggles could get them away from anything. Lucy was handed the chloroform drenched cloth and approached Jessica, who due to being ungagged was being the most problematic when it came to put her to sleep.

“It’ll be easier if you just breathe” Lucy said once she had noticed that Jessica was resisting the drug.

But like anyone, Jessica could only hold her breath for so long until she was forced to inhale deeply, and that natural reaction was the demise of her resistance. Inhaling the drug made her immediately fall asleep.
“Great, you two are next!” Lucy said cheerfully as she approached the Chloe.

Chloe tried to resist the drug with as much as Jessica and to a greater effect, she practicing sports made her have greater control of her breathing but in the end she fell to the same fate as Jessica like everyone expected. Having seen how pointless and tiring fighting the drug was,Hannah decided to just let herself fall victim to it, it wasn’t like it would change anything.

As Lucy knocked out each of the prisoners James and Mathew took care of untying them from the chairs, but they left their hands and feet bound and with Jessica in particular they moved her hands to be tied behind her.

“Done!, lets take them to the car and get going” Lucy said as she picked up the bound and asleep Jessica to take her to the car.

Once the three girls were on the car the trio entered the vehicle too, the girls were on the back seats of the car and under Lucy’s supervision while the front seats were occupied by her Mathew and James.

It didn’t took long for the girls to wake up, when they did they found themselves with their hands tied behind their backs and their ankles and knees bound together. They found themselves cleave gagged with a few clothes between their teeth and tied behind their heads. It also didn’t took them long to notice that they were on car.

“Look who decided to wake up!” Lucy said as she grabbed Jessica by her cheeks “Did you enjoyed your sleep?”

Jessica was still recovering from the disorientation that the drug had left on her so she did not took it kindly to have Lucy jerking her face.

“How about you? Did you sleep well?” Lucy said as she repeated the process with Chloe, who was sitting on he other side.

Seeing how the girls were being anything but talkative, silent even when accounting for their gags, Lucy decided to spice things up and started to poke Chloe in the ribs and Jessica under her armpits. This the girls did not liked that at all and they started to struggle against it as well as to complain through her gags.

“Stop that! You’re making them kick me!” James complained.

“Sorry” Lucy apologized “I think they’ll have enough tickling once we arrive so I’ll stop for now”

That did not calmed the prisoners, even if they were to be safe from Lucy’s tickling while they were in the car they couldn’t be sure of how bad it was going to be once they arrived to the science fair where the nerds were taking them.

The travel went on for a few more minutes until it ended when James stopped the car in front of the school where the event was going to be held. Jessica and her two friends had been dreading that moment since they were told that it was going to happen, they couldn’t believe that they were about to be taken bound and gagged into the school.

“Okay girls, since we don’t want literally everyone to be seeing you all tied up like this we’ll propose something to you” Lucy spoke “We’re going to untie your legs so you can walk, but your hands will remain tied and the gag will stay on”

Lucy untied the girls’ legs who still didn’t understood what Lucy meant by what she said, if they had to go by what they had heard they were still going to be seen tied up and gagged by everyone.

“To help keep your ‘image’ which I know you care a lot about, we can offer you this clothes” Lucy said as she retrieved a few big jackets and scarves from behind the car “You can either wear this to hide the act that you’ll still be tied up and gagged or you can chose not to do it, either way we don’t care”

It wasn’t a hard choice for any of the girls, the three decided that they wanted the clothe on and so it was done. Lucy putted them on the big trench coat like jackets and looped the scarves around their faces, hiding both gags and ropes in the process.

“And just in case you thought of running away” Lucy said as she grabbed more rope from the back of the car.

Lucy started to loop the pieces of rope around the girls’ waists, leaving a lot of rope hanging free that she could grab to lead the girls around, making an improved leash of sorts.

“Weren’t you going to tie it around their necks?” Asked Mathew who had initially really liked the idea of carrying the girls in leashes.

“I though about it and I think that it is a bad idea, if they try something they could strangle themselves and that’s not a problem I want to deal with” Lucy explained as she finished tying the rope around Jessica’s waist “Anyway, ready for a walk girls?”

The trio then left the car and each of the nerds lead one of the prisoners with a leash, with Mathew carrying Hannah, James carrying Chloe and Lucy carrying her favourite prisoner of the three Jessica.

Thankfully for the girls nobody seemed to recognize them, Lucy had been kind enough to put the scarf high enough up their faces that it left them mostly covered. What some people could tell but the girls preferred to ignore was that they were being lead around in leashes.

Eventually the girls were walked to the backstage of the gym where everything for the science fair was being set up. A lot of people that the girls would’ve called nerds were there, but what they worried about was that there was also a big amount of people that they knew, and they would rather be seen tied up and gagged by every nerd in the school than by someone they knew.

“I have to take them to the locker rooms now so you two can go get the place ready” Lucy said to her two friends.

“Sound like a plan, we’ll wait for you there” Said Mathew before leaving with James.

“There’s a big surprise waiting for you in the locker rooms but before reacting wildly to it remember that we have these” Lucy said as she showed the girls their phones, which made them silently grunt in anger.

The girls had no idea of what could be awaiting them in the locker rooms and they would rather not find out, but once Lucy had walked them inside they realized that their surprise was far worse than whatever they could have imagined.

A cheering group of people consisting of a lot of their friends was waiting for them inside the locker rooms all apparently very happy about seeing them.

“So you did come! I was getting worried!” One of Jessica’s friends spoke.

“Just like I told you, the girls told us that they wanted your help with dressing and stuff so I’ll leave that to you” Lucy replied.

“That’s great!” Another girl added.

“It so nice to see you reconcile, i always thought that you were good friends and was worried when you stopped talking to each other” The girl that had spoken first said.

“Yeah I’m very happy about it too” Lucy replied with a nervous chuckle “Can I have a few words with them before I leave to help the others?”

Everyone agreed so Lucy took the girls to one of the private lockers and whispered to them.

“Remember what will happen if you don’t play along” She whispered as she showed the girls a screen capture in her phone of a chat log where the girls said a lot of nasty things about the girls outside.

Not adding anything else Lucy removed the coats and scarves from the girls, leaving their gags and restraints exposed, and after that she left the private locker, leaving the door open behind her.

“All yours girls” Lucy said as she walked away.

All of their friend’s gazes turned towards the three bound girls that were blushing deeply because of their embarrassing situation.

“Can’t believe you already tied them up!” One of the girls laughed.

After being left alone the girls were taken care of by their friends, at first the prisoners didn’t knew what was the plan they had but they still played along because of their fear of the consequences. After a few minutes of chatting with their friends the prisoners were able to find out what the idea was.

Apparently Lucy’s plan was to get their friends to get the girls in fitting clothing and makeup for the kidnapping scenario that they wanted to play out in their stand at the fair. Their friends took care of getting them old torn clothes and putting messed up makeup on her eyes which meant that after approximately and hour the girls looked like they had actually been kidnapped, which unbeknownst to their friends wasn’t far from the truth.

The only relief that the girls got from their friends was that they untied and ungagged them, being ungagged didn’t meant much when they couldn’t tell the truth about what had happened but being free from ropes was a great relief. After so many hours tied to the chairs in Lucy’s basement they were tired and their muscles were cramped.

“Okay I think we’re done” A girl said “Should we take them to Lucy?”

“I think we’re missing something”

Apparently the only ones that caught on to what the second girl had said were the prisoners, and they couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

“Do you really think its necessary?” Asked Jessica trying to get away with her persuasion at least once during the day.

“You don’t get to chose girls! Remember, you’re captives” The girl said with a chuckle.

The sheer irony of the girl’s words made the prisoners sigh and just allow themselves to be tied up again, they couldn’t believe that they were doing it, being so defeated was utterly humiliating but at the point they were in they were tired of even resisting.

The girls were walked to the stand of the nerds by their friend in their weird kidnap victim attire. Jessica’s clothes consisted of an old red dress, old formal shoes and a torn pantyhose. Chloe had been dressed with an old shirt with some holes and a pair of very torn tight black jeans. Hannah was dressed with an old school uniform that was just as torn as her friend’s clothing, the uniform had a white shirt and a blue skirt and she was the only of her friends to stay barefoot, which her friends justified by saying ‘you wont have those shoes on for most of the time anyway’.

Of course they were also tied up, but unlike the nerds’ restraints that were inescapable the ones that they had been put in now were nothing out of the ordinary and the didn’t escaped them just to play up their role. They had their hands tied loosely in front of them and were being lead around by the girls grabbing the remaining rope that was left after the knot had been tied.

Thankfully for the girls they were taken through the nerds stand through the gym’s backstage, so they weren’t seen by many people yet they could only hope that they few people that had seen them hadn’t recognized them.

“Here we have your prisoners!” The girl who entered the nerds’ stand with the girls said jokingly “We’ll come back here once you open to test your project!”

The stand consisted of a big wooden cabin of a type that was given to those who wanted to expose something that could be enhanced by some privacy or darkness, and considering that an old lamp was the sole light source of the room the place really looked like where three kidnap victims would be kept.

“Take a seat girls” Lucy ordered after the girls’ friend had left the room.

The girls obeyed in silent and the sat on the three chairs on the middle of the room. Jessica sat in the middle on a modern chair with a metal frame and a comfortable velvet seat and backrest, Chloe, who was to her left, sat on a big old wooden chair with big legs and armrests, Hannah was left with the cheap wooden Chair at Jessica’s right, a wooden chair that looked like it could fall apart at any minute.

“And for the last part!” Lucy removed a blanket that was laying over an object before the girls to reveal three stocks, each one with two holes perfect for each of the girls to fit their ankles through “You know where your feet go”

Reluctantly, each of the girls put their feet on the stocks which were then locked with a padlock, leaving their feet utterly trapped.

“Grab some rope boys” Lucy ordered.

Each of nerds was tasked with tying one of the girls up Mathew tied Hannah, Jacob tied Chloe and of course Lucy tied Jessica. To ensure their collaboration Lucy reminded them again of what they had found in their phones and what they could do with it.

Hannah’s tie was a simple one, her hands were tied behind the back of the chair and rope was used to tie her lap to the seat of the chair. To add something else and not just replicate the tie that Hannah had already been in Mathew decided to tie his prisoner to the chair more profusely, using rope around her waist to pin her to the chair as well as above and below her breasts to pin her arms to her body.

James tied Chloe with fear because he knew that she could overpower him if she wanted to, Chloe avoided looking at her captor because that same fact made her ashamed of herself. James was quick to tie Chloe’s arms to the armrests of the chair at her wrists and below her elbows, he also pinned her lap to the seat and her body to the back with rope around her waist and above and below her breasts.

“Perverth” Chloe grunted though her gag as James finished tightening the rope above her breasts.

James blushed but just stood aside in silent, not wanting to confront his prisoner.

Lucy took great care in tying up Jessica, she first tied her body to the chair, she tied her thighs together to then tie them to the seat of the chair, the looped rope around her waist was then tied to the chair’s backrest to pin her lower back to it and she used the same technique above and below her breasts. Finally she tied her hands behind her head and tied them to the restraints of her waist, making it impossible for her to raise up her hands and leaving her armpits completely exposed.

“Now, a few last words from our prisoners before we put their definitive gags on them” Lucy said before ungagging Hannah “Anything you want to say Hannah?”

“I’m sorry about what I did to you” Hannah spoke after a brief silence.

Although her response was unexpected it did not spare her from Lucy shoving her pair of small socks inside her mouth and use a cloth to cleave gag her and keep the socks inside.

“Now to you Chloe, anything you want to say?” Asked Lucy.

“When I get out of this you’lll.... MPGHG!”

“Yeah sure” Lucy said after interrupting Chloe by shoving her socks inside her mouth “Pass me the tape already, I’m not interested in her threats”

After the lower part of Chloe’s face had been wrapped with duct tape Lucy moved to her last and favorite prisoner.

“How about you Jessica?”

“We’ll get our revenge” Jessica said without emotion, more as a statement than as a threat “You can gag me already, i don’t care”

Jessica’s response was unnerving for sure, but the trio stopped worrying about it once she had a ballgag buckled behind her head and trapped behind her teeth, then it was easy to dismiss her words as a last ditch effort to scare them.

Once the three girls were effectively bound and gagged they were explained how the stand was going to work, people could enter and after being shown a diagram of how each of the gags worked and how effective they were, which they could hear in the recording from their kidnapping, they’ll have one minute to test each of the gags by themselves by tickling each of the girls.

That was enough to get a few struggles and complaints from the girls, but not nearly as many as when the stand opened and they saw the line of people waiting to come in and try out the experiment. It was a very long one and the worst part was that they could recognize a lot of people in it.

After hours of relentless tickling by people they knew and by people they had no idea of the fair was finally closed and it was time for trio to call off the experiment, which like their revenge had been a great success.

“Thanks for your collaboration girls, I hope this teaches you not to mess with us again” Lucy said after closing the entrance door to the cabin.

She received no response other than the heavy breathing from the exhausted prisoners who had just been forced to endure hours upon hours of tickling, at the point they were in they Chloe and Hannah were barely able to feel the soles of their feet and there was no words to describe how Jessica’s armpits felt.

To give credit to their kidnappers they weren’t all evil when taking care of them, they stopped those who tickled more than they should and they also stopped the ones doing the tickling when it was easy to see that the girls couldn’t take it anymore. They also made some brief pauses between turns to give the girls some time to relax. But none of their apparent kindness could hide the fact that they had just spent almost all day tied up and tortured by those three nerds.

Seeing how the girls were pretty silent Lucy decided to get over with the deal already because she and her friends were tired too. Inadvertently she walked behind Jessica and untied her hands from the restraints on her back, leaving them to be just tied in front of her.

“This should be enough to allow you to escape, if it isn’t your friends will come pick you up in like half an hour, they said that they wanted to go out with you to celebrate me and you getting back together” Lucy said jokingly, the fact that Jessica’s friends were under that impression was very funny for her “in case you manage to get out by yourselves the key to the stocks is on the padlock”

After sharing a laugh and taking a few pictures of their prisoners the trio left the room, leaving the three girls behind to fend for themselves.

Making use of her hands being tied in front of her Jessica removed the ballgag from her mouth, leaving it hanging around her neck.

“I swear we’ll get back at them” Jessica said with a tired yet filled with anger voice.
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Post by GreyLord »

"Revenge is a dish best served cold." Lucy has had a fine run. I know in my heart that Jessica is going to have hers. I'm hoping for a sequel.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago "Revenge is a dish best served cold." Lucy has had a fine run. I know in my heart that Jessica is going to have hers. I'm hoping for a sequel.
Me too :) This was a great final. So Lucy and her friends had her revenge, surely not in a way that will lead to reconceliation :) Jessica want to have her revenge - and in some ways I unterstand her. This form of revenge was kinda extreme - and while I understand Lucy and friends, they overdid it. The description of the tickling was extremely well written!
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Post by slackywacky »

Great read, very enjoyable. And as GreyLord said, I would not mind a sequel.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by TimChimp »

Wow I really did overlook this, this was a fun ride through the chapters with great tickling sequences and pretty fun characters, especially the nerd trio.
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Post by King321 »

You made quite the bold transition from revenge kidnapping to science fair, and it was fun all the way!
I do wonder though why the trio couldn’t just test the gags on themselves? It would be a much more controlled experiment that way. :D
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Post by Helena14 »

Great story :)
Though I echo some of the above. We need a sequel, Jessica and her friends need their revenge. Especially poor Chloe...
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