Silence of the Sea (FFM/MFF, MM/FF, M/F, F/F, F/MF, M/FF) -- Updated Jul 25

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Silence of the Sea (FFM/MFF, MM/FF, M/F, F/F, F/MF, M/FF) -- Updated Jul 25

Post by DarthRevan3994 »

Hello, everyone. Here's another story for everyone. This one is set in a historical fantasy setting very similar to our colonial era/Golden Age of Piracy. I will be shifting perspectives as the story continues. The name of the character who is telling that particular chapter will be listed near the chapter name. As always, let me know what you think!


Bound to the Sea -- Jacques

When I first heard all the stories pertaining to the seas and oceans, I heard stories of beautiful women, though they weren’t actually women, luring sailors to their death. Sirens they called them. I heard stories of large, monstrous creatures living under the sea capable of devouring ships. I heard stories of high waves and fast winds forever enslaving sailors to the ocean. Hearing these stories, I imagined the sea would be a loud, dare I say barren place. But the reality is, the sea is a calm, quiet place. Sure, she can be wild. She can be treacherous. She can be deadly. But she is nonetheless rational, calculated, logical. People disturb her more than she disturbs herself. And I should know, I speak from experience.

My name is Jacques. And I’m a Sailor of sorts. My story began when I was First Mate on board the Lawbringer. We were in an unofficial war against the pirate states. And Fate would have us create a terrible enemy. Pirate Queen Anne. She was the First Mate on board her ship, and loved her captain. We ended up capturing them and executing the captain. I persuaded my captain to show mercy to the rest of the crew, put them on trial. Anne would end up escaping and seeking revenge. She would end up defeating my crew, making me her prisoner. She spared me because I showed her mercy. I’m the reason she lives. I’m the reason my crew is gone.

I stand at about 5’9. My skin has a dark tan and I have shaggy black hair. I have blue eyes that I’m told matches the beauty of the ocean. I have an average athletic build. I wear precisely what you’d expect of a privateer: off-white shirt, brown pants, red sash, musketeer boots, the iconic hat.

Anne stands at about 5’6. She has long, wavy blonde hair and green eyes. She has an average build and wears the off-white shirt and a red coat. She has dark pants and pirate-style boots that have thick heels on them. She wears a flamboyant pirate hat with a feather plume in it.

She is joined by her First Mate Jess. She has dark brown hair that extends about half way down her neck. She has a dark tan. She has hazel eyes and wears an outfit very similar to my own, just significantly more elegant. She stands around 5’5 and her boots also have heels on them, adding to her height a couple inches. She has an average slim, but still somewhat athletic build.

My story continues on one Fateful day that Anne would end up raiding a ship that the Lieutenant Stryker was seeking passage on.

Lieutenant Stryker is a unique special forces unit who conducts solo ops. He has dark hair that could be considered long for a guy and has hazel eyes. He too stands at about 5’9 and has a average athletic build. He wears a uniform you would expect of a colonial regular, with some modifications: a red regimental coat with gold facings, a tricorn hat with a feather in it for a plume.

He seemed to be escorting two ladies: Sarah and Elise. Sarah has shoulder length dirty blonde hair that extends just past her shoulders. She has beautiful blue eyes and has a rather slim build; but I could tell, she knew how to defend herself when she absolutely needed to. She too is wearing the off-white shirt, blue pants, brown boots with thick heels on them. Brown gauntlet gloves with a matching iconic pirate hat, and a red sash tied around her waist. She stands at about 5’4 when not in heels.

Elise joins Sarah with her shoulder length dirty blonde hair. She has brown eyes and has a slim, athletic build. She is wearing darker clothes that are stylistically similar to Sarah’s and her boots are flat. Though she stands a bit taller, at about 5’7

When Jess brought Stryker, Sarah, and Elise on board the Revenge, Anne’s ship, they already had their hands tied behind their backs, wrists crossed with the rope running vertically and horizontally around them. I’m guessing Elise attempted to troll them or something, for she was already gagged with a rag stuffed in her mouth secured with a cleave gag. I could only pray Jess used one of the clean rags. Stryker and I met eyes instantly, we recognized each other, but made no indication as such. The two ladies tied with him, I hadn’t met before then.

“Queen Anne, I have a gift for you!” Jess announces.

Anne approaches the prisoners. “Well, well, well. I recognize those colors. You’re THE Lieutenant Stryker, aren’t ya?”

Stryker simply smirked. He knew we all knew who he was. No point in trying to hide it.

“And who are these two lovely ladies?” Anne continues.


Anne, annoyed by the one-way conversation, grabs Stryker’s throat pushing him back a bit. “Let’s get one thing straight. THIS is MY ship. THESE are MY waters. You will pay me the RESPECT I DESERVE.” She then starts laughing rather maniacally. She aims a pistol at Sarah who attempts to plead before Jess stuffs a rag in her mouth. “Of course, if you have an issue with that... well, it’d be a shame to hurt such a beautiful creature.”

“Capitan, if I may....” I start

Anne, shifting her aim at me, interrupts “What...?”

Unfazed by her reaction to me speaking up, I continue “...These hero types, they break faster when you don’t acknowledge their defiance. It’s best to ignore them. Let them consider their predicament. If the rumors of Lieutenant Stryker are true, then no doubt after several days, he will begin to be a bit more cooperative. For the sake of his companions.”

The truth is, Queen Anne is a bit crazy. I suspect we destroyed whatever compassion we had left when we executed her old captain. I'd sympathize, but she is a pirate. If these three prisoners and I were to make it out intact, I had to play it safe with Anne. Manipulate her to think she is winning, when in reality, we are getting closer and closer to achieving freedom.

Anne, lowering her pistol, says “Fine. You can take care of them then. Tie them to the mast.... oh, and their food and water comes out of your rations.”

“Capitan....” I begin to protest.

“I made myself clear.”

“Yes, Capitan.”

I escort Stryker, Sarah, and Elise to the center mast of the ship. I begin with Stryker, forcing his back against the mast as I tie his ankles together cuff-style. I do the same to Sarah, then Elise, having Stryker between the two ladies. With all three of them having their wrist and ankles bound, I then tie them to the mast wrapping three separate ropes around them at their ankles, waists, and chests. Being forced to be in this position for the foreseeable future; I felt bad for the captives. Especially Sarah, who would be in her heeled boots for that same duration. At least it was a warm evening so far. Figuring that a gag is pointless when in the open sea, I move to ungag Sarah and Elise, when....

“What are you doing, Jacques?” Jess questions.

“Taking their gags out. They...” I try to explain

“Keep them all gagged. If we want them to talk, the gags will come out. Until then...” Jess counters.

“By your command,” I sigh.

I secure Sarah’s and Elise’s gags and gag Stryker. The three of them all have rags stuffed in their mouths held in place by a cleave gag. I stared at each of the three captives, sending a silent apology to each of them. And they seemed to understand, which I was thankful for.

Then the cannons fired, ensuring the ship Anne had just raided would sink. If Stryker was on it, it had to have been a royal ship to some capacity. Which means Anne is responsible for yet another innocent crew. We have to stop her. Whatever the cost.

It was already late evening when Anne took them captive. Looking off into the distance, I could see a storm rolling in.

“Capitan!” I call out.

“What now?” Anne answers.

“Storm is brewing! We should move the prisoners below deck!”


“Capitan, if they’re exposed to the storm through the night, they’ll likely get sick. If they get sick....”

“Fine. Only one. Choose wisely. And you can share your quarters with them.”

I stare back at the three captives. It’s amazing I persuaded Queen Anne to let me humanize one. But it seems I have to play favorites now. Do I choose Stryker that we may strategize an escape plan? Or do I go for the gentlemanly route and help one of the ladies? If the latter, do I choose the mysterious Elise? Or should I help the innocent Sarah?
Last edited by DarthRevan3994 2 years ago, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Very interested in this! I really like pirate stories and I just love the idea of a pirate story with bondage. You did a great job with this small first chapter and I'm very eager to know how this continues.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like this first chapter very much! I do love Pirates of the Carribeans and stories located in this Period. The first part sets the stage perfectly.
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Post by DarthRevan3994 »

Thank you for all the kind words [mention]banshee[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention]

I certainly have a special affinity for the colonial era and pirates make all around good stories for bondage no matter the era. Pirate themed stories were some of the first bondage involved stories I ever read, especially when it came to Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus' Fanfiction stuff. Certainly helped to foster my interest in bondage.

But, without further ado, Chapter 2:
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History is Written by the Victors — Anne

“Capitan!” Jacques calls out.

“What now?” I answer

“Storm is brewing! We should move the prisoners below deck!”


“Capitan, if they’re exposed to the storm through the night, they’ll likely get sick. If they get sick....”

“Fine. Only one. Choose wisely. And you can share your quarters with them.”

When I was a little girl, I believed the truth was written in history. But to say history is the truth is to say the biggest lie ever. History very much is written by the victors. And these so called civilized, noble, legitimate nations have been the victors for far too long. Using propaganda to call us murderers, thieves, criminals. Sure, we adopted the name pirates, because it sounds nice, but we’ve only ever defended our waters. We own these waters. I own these waters.

Jacques would lead you to believe that he and his terroristic friends are the heroes of the story. But I know the truth. I am defending my people. I am fighting the invaders. I am the hero of this story. And Jacques made a mistake when he followed his captain to conquer us. I still remember that day vividly.

It was a bright, sunny day. The cool sea wind was a nice relief from the hazardous rays of the sun. The smell of sea salt providing a nice calming distraction from the labor of being Mary’s First Mate. Pirate Queen Mary was a kind Queen, fair, just. I loved her more than anything. We sunk any and every ship that invaded our waters. That was until Captain Turner, Jacques, and the Lawbringer disgraced our waters with their presence.

They took us by surprise. I mean, we knew an engagement was imminent, but we didn’t expecting a ship employed under the Royal Navy to be coming for us. Their firepower outmatched us tremendously. Mary called a surrender believing our enemy would be willing to par lay, to show us mercy. Jacques ended up being the one who tied Mary and me up.

He approached Mary, his rapier drawn, and pointed it at her.

“Pirate Queen Mary? I hereby place you and your crew under arrest by the authority of Capitan Turner of the Lawbringer and Her Majesty’s Royal Navy. Please, turn around, hands behind your back. You have my word, you and your crew will be treated fairly,” Jacques declared. I was stupid enough to believe those lies.

Mary agreed to his demands, believing it would ensure the well-being of her crew. Jacques bound her, tying her hands as well as mine quite tightly behind our backs with our wrists crossed. I knew he had done this before. I’ve done this before; these were professional knots. It would take quite some time before Mary and I would even be able to fathom an escape. But we remained vigilant. For the sake of the crew, and each other, and in part to give ourselves a bit of hope. But there was no hope.

Jacques took us before the infamous Captain Turner, forced us to kneel before him as though we were peasants, nothing. Captain Turner then began his evil “monologue”:

“Pirate Queen Mary. ’Tis an honor to finally meet you.”

“I wish I could say the same,” Mary replied defiantly. We both stared daggers at our two captors.

“Now, now, no need to be rude. No need to forget our hospitality and manners in a time of war. Especially during a time of war. You’ve been a thorn in the side of Her Majesty’s side. She has given me the authority to declare unto you a verdict based solely upon your crimes. You are wanted for several counts of piracy, murder, kidnapping, among many other violations of the law. But I do not want it to be said that I did not offer an officer the chance to argue their case. How do you plead?”

“Plead?! I will not plead before you! You speak as though I am a criminal, as though I am in the wrong here! These are our waters! I do not raid ships near your coast! You are the invaders! I am defending my people!”

“You attacked without provocation many merchant ships filled with innocent, defenseless people, Mary. It is as such that I must find you guilty and shall have you walk the plank with your crew.”

Then Jacques spoke up, “Capitan, if I may, Mary is guilty, aye, but we should not punish her crew for her choices. We know not why they followed her. I advise we take them back to the mainland. Let them have a fair trial there. It is the right thing to do. And it will look better for your record.”

Captain Turner nodded in agreement to that idea. He then proceeded to gag Mary with a simply knotted cleave gag and blindfold her. Mary kept her vigilant, defiant look, fearless of what was to come as he did so. Meanwhile, Jacques was forcing me towards the brig. I started cursing out the entire crew of the Lawbringer, prompting Jacques to shove a rag in my mouth and secure it with an OTM gag. The gag didn’t stop me from letting out more profanities, albeit they were muffled and intelligible. The last I saw of Mary was watching Turner bind her legs with her ankles crossed.

Jacques forced me into the brig, where there was a spot with four shackles attached to the wall of the ship, one for each limb. He forced my back against the wall as he shackled my ankles. He untied my hands and I tried to fight back, but to no avail. I was fighting with raw emotion. He was calm and calculated. He easily overpowered me and forced my wrists to be shackled up as well, forcing my arms to be stretch over my head apart from each other. With me all locked up and gagged, we stared into each others eyes and if a look could kill, Jacques would’ve been dead right then and there. Instead, he tries to make a little small talk with his gagged damsel.

“You loved her, didn’t you.”

I stare intensely, trying to pierce his heart with my gaze.

“I know it’s pointless, but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. You have my word that I’ll give a testimony at your trial to work at your benefit. I wish it didn’t have to end like this….. I’ll check on you and what’s left of your crew frequently in the coming of days.”

And I was stuck there for the next couple of days, shackled up with a rag stuffed in my mouth for most of it. Unable to move, to speak, forced to ponder. Forced to listen to the creaking of the ship as she sailed. The waves clashing against her hull. Thinking of Mary. It was a long, lonely, depressing couple of days. Each minute eating away at me. Jacques stayed true to his promise for a couple days before his duties as First Mate required someone else be assigned to be the warden. Jacques was intelligent; this new guy was not. I easily manipulated him and escaped with a small fraction of my crew. I didn’t see Captain Turner at all during my escape, but Jacques stared at us as we rowed away on a small lifeboat. He was…. Unresponsive. Just watched us as we escaped. And that is why I spared him.

He and Jess were the only two comforts I had with everything. Jess would become my First Mate, and I suspect that she has a crush on me. But in all reality, I couldn’t care less what happens to either of them. Mary was all that mattered. But if I do get to choose, I would enjoy seeing Jacques turn on what he vowed to protect. And his choice in who to take to his quarters would be a true test of where his loyalties lie.

If he chooses Lieutenant Stryker, I know he is still and will forever be my enemy, plotting to undermine and defeat me. If he chooses the one they call Elise, I know he is a crafty little trickster. From what I heard from Jess, Elise has some secrets of her own. Secrets that would make us wise to keep her trussed up. And if he chooses the one they call Sarah, then perhaps he could be redeemed. Sarah even looks the part to be part of my crew. She would make a fine addition.

So, choose wisely Jacques. I’m watching.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good idea to change the perspective, so we get to know the other side of the story!

Good Question: Who will Jacques choose?
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Post by banshee »

Good to see Anne's side of the story, I guess we'll see Jaques choice next chapter
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Post by DarthRevan3994 »

I'm glad you guys like the shifting perspective. I do apologize for essentially using the exact same cliffhanger on both chapters, but I figured that this point would fit best for Anne's origin story and would add a bit more anticipation for Jacques' choice. If you ever have any suggestions or something you would otherwise like to see, I'll be more than happy to take it into consideration and improve my writing!
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A Relationship Sets Sail — Sarah

I stared at the deck of the ship. My hands are bound behind my back, legs tied together, and I’m tied securely to the central mast of the ship. And I was gagged, unable to even make conversation to help pass the time. Even if I could call for help, who would even be able to hear? We’re in the middle of the ocean! But here I was, totally helpless as the crew of my captors worked hard to keep the ship going. I’ve… admittedly been in situations like this before. Well, not precisely like this, but my friends and I pulled pranks on each other all the time that resulted in at least one of us getting tied up.

Then this pirate, Jacques—that name sounds familiar—is what they’re calling him, wants to take us inside to take shelter. But his “capitan” will only allow him to take one. Joy. Looks like I’ll get to remain out here then.

Then he says, “Alright, lass, looks like you’ll be spending the night with me.”

He says that to me. I look at him with curious eyes, wondering why on earth he’d choose me. I mean, yes, I’ve only known him for a little while—at least I think—but it’s obvious he isn’t like the others. He seems more like a prisoner than anything else. Or, I suppose slave is a more proper term, but still. Lieutenant Stryker has the military expertise and Elise… Elise also has a particular skillset that would be useful in a situation like this.

As I was pondering his decision, he had untied us from the mast and helped Lieutenant Stryker and Elise sit down. I continue to watch him curiously as unties my ankles.. He gently pulls me away from the mast a bit before he reties Lieutenant Stryker and Elise to the mast once more, wrapping the rope across their chest, securing them nice and tight to it.

“Come, lass…” He… orders? He was rather apologetic in that order.

He escorts me to his “quarters”. Which happens to be the brig. It seems they removed one of the cell doors and made them his makeshift quarters, which is outfitted with only his bed. Seems he truly is as much a prisoner here as I am. He helps me get into his bed, which is surprisingly big enough to fit two, though they’d have to be comfortable enough to cuddle up a bit.

He remains standing, looking towards the stairs leading up to the top decks.

“Hmnmn uhnmgh mnehngph?” I attempt to ask, reminding myself of the rag impeding my ability to ask a simple question.

He looks at me, “I know, you want to be untied and ungagged, but Anne or Jess will be down here within the next hour or so to check on me… Best they don’t find you with your basic freedoms…”

“Mnmnghmn…” I nod in agreement.

A few moments of silence pass. Jacques continues to stare at the stairs. I continue to watch him with innocent, curious eyes. Until he eventually breaks the silence with a sigh.

He looks at me, “You have my word, lass, I’ll get you and your companions out of this… just need time…”


More moments of silence pass with Jacques looking at the stairs, me staring at him. Until eventually Anne comes down.


“Hmm, well you certainly know how to treat a lady… Make sure she stays tied up.”

“By your command, Capitan.”

Anne then grabs Jacques’ throat, “And know that should you ever try to suggest weakness in me again, you will be taking a trip to Davy Jones’ Locker.” She releases him.

“Of course, Capitan. My apologies.”

Anne begins to head back up to the Captain’s Cabin, but she stops suddenly, “And Jacques, remember that she and her companions are the enemy. We will use Stryker to send a message to the continent. I trust, for your sake, you’ll make the right decision when the time comes.”

Anne then leaves us to ourselves. A few more moments pass with Jacques staring at the stairs as I stare at him. As soon as those moments conclude, he comes over to me and for a brief moment, we stare into each other’s eyes.

He removes my gag and explains, “Anne or Jess will come down early in the morning to check on us once more. I’ll need to retie and regag you before then. But at least you’ll have a few hours to stretch and rest soundly.”

Once my gag is removed I blurt out, “Keep me tied up!”

“Uhm, I think I misheard you, lass….”

“Keep me tied up through the night! It’ll be easier that way! And… And I… I don’t mind….”

“….As you wish”

“And tie my legs together!”


“You wouldn’t want your prisoner to attempt to run, would you?” I taunt him. Little does he know, I quite enjoy this. Assuming that my captor isn’t a psycho.

I managed to get a brief chuckle out of Jacques, “No, I suppose not.” He starts to tie my ankles and just below my knees together cuff-style. “You certainly are a unique lass, aren’t ya?…. I’ll grab you some water real quick.”

Jacques leaves his quarters momentarily to get me some water as I test out his rope work for fun more than anything else. When he comes back, I tease him, “So, has anyone ever told you that you say captain weird?”

“Have you ever considered that you say capitan weird?” He retorts. “After all, I have naval experience. I’m more of an expert in this regard.”

I giggle. “Suppose we’ll just have to agree to disagree.” He offers me the water, and I take a very refreshing sip.

“Well, lass, if you need anything throughout the night, please do not hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you,” I pause for a long moment before, “You can call me Sarah…”

“Aye? Alright…. I’m sure you’ve heard my name mentioned, but I’m Jacques.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard the others say it… I feel like I heard that name mentioned before. And its not a very common name back home.”

“Aye, I served under Capitan Turner on board the Lawbringer before Pirate Queen Anne became a thing.”

“Oh…. You… served under my father….”

“Hmm? Oh?! You’re THAT Sarah. Aye, your father talked about you all the time, Ms. Turner. My apologies for not initially recognizing you. He loved you very much. He died a hero. I… I fa-…. I wish he were still with us…”

Tears started to fill my eyes, which Jacques noticed almost instantly. He sat down right beside me and started wiping away any tear that tried to escape and run. His touch was so tender, so gentle, so soft; it was as if he truly cared about me.

“He spoke highly of you when he was home, Jacques. Said it was a huge honor to have you on board his ship.”

Jacques pulls me into him for a hug, his embrace warm and comforting. Despite everything that was happening, he made me feel safe. I wish I could’ve returned the hug, but the rope wrapped around my wrists made it difficult. I managed to give him a quick kiss on the cheek as he was letting me go prompting him to stare into my eyes as he was probably trying to make sense of that kiss. He… has really captivating eyes.

He then breaks the “awkward” moment, “Anyway, you should get to sleep, Ms. Turner. It’ll be a long couple of days as we try to get you and your companions out of this mess.” He then get’s up and finds a new seat on the floor against the hull of the ship.

“Aren’t you going to get some sleep as well?” I ask.

“Aye, I will.”

“Well, it’s not going to be very comfortable there…”

He chuckles. “None to worry; I’ve slept in worse conditions.”

“Ugh, don’t be stubborn and join me! It’s not like we’re going to do anything! And it’ll be more comfortable! For both of us!”

“By your command, capitan.” He teases me. Well, I can’t let him have the last laugh.

“‘By your command, capitan’” I mock him. “I like the sound of that. I now know what it feels like to be my father. I’ve always been told I take after my father a bit. Perhaps I should start ordering you around more often. You seem like the kind a guy who’s submissive to strong, powerful females.”

I managed to get him to chuckle, “It’s not wise to mock your captor, Ms. Turner. Especially since I can easily gag you again and torture you. You seem like the kind a girl who’s ticklish. Especially when it’s a strong, powerful male doing the tickling.”

“That sounds like a good time, not torture,” I reply without hesitation. A moderately sized length of staring and silence follows as Jacques raises an eyebrow at me. As I realize what I had said, my face grows redder and redder. I squirm in a vain attempt to hide my embarrassment causing Jacques to chuckle. I’ve admitted far too much enjoyment to being tied up.

“None to worry; your secret is safe with me. Adventures where you surrender power and freedom to someone you care about, or vice versa, are calming, fun, entertaining. I share your interest. No need to be embarrassed.” Jacques really knows how to reassure a lady.

Jacques climbs into the bed with me. As he does so, I immediately try to nuzzle into him. Understanding my desire, he pulls me in closer. I once again find his embrace to be warm, comforting, cozy. I feel bad that Elise and Lieutenant Stryker will have to suffer the storm, but I know they are strong and can hold their own. They’ve been in situations like this. I haven’t. And I’m scared. But Jacques is giving me hope. I believe that with Jacques, we might actually have a chance.

As I fall asleep in Jacques’ arms, I continue thinking about him and my father. My father spoke highly of him and wanted me to meet him. Jacques and I are about the same age; him being 24, me 23. I suspected my father hoped we would engage in a romantic relationship. After tonight, I can see why. Jacques is different from most other men. It’s clear he served his country out of love for the people. I suspect I might end up falling in love with him. And… I’d wish for nothing different.
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Post by banshee »

Great chapter, I'm really liking Sarah as a character
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Post by Caesar73 »

You tell a good story here [mention]DarthRevan3994[/mention], the frequent change of Perspective is a good idea!
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Post by DarthRevan3994 »

banshee wrote: 3 years ago Great chapter, I'm really liking Sarah as a character
I'm glad you like Sarah and the way she tells the story!
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago You tell a good story here [mention]DarthRevan3994[/mention], the frequent change of Perspective is a good idea!
Thank you kindly! I'm glad the shifting perspective is working out well enough!
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Post by DarthRevan3994 »

A Night to Remember — Stryker

I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea how to get out of this one. This is a first. Just to be clear, not the first time I’ve been tied up, but it is the first time I’ve been tied up at sea and had to worry about three other individuals. I just hope Jacques has some idea how to get out of this bloody mess. I’m really thankful he chose Sarah. She’s the least experienced of all of us, I doubt she’s even endured conditions even a fraction as bad as this. Hopefully he will be able to take care of her and protect her. As I watch him escort her to his quarters, I recall how this chapter of my story started.

I was attending a banquet. And I was wearing exactly what I am now: off-white breeches, off-white shirt, off-white waist coat, red regimental coat with gold facings, black shoes, black gaiters, a black tricorn hat with a white feather in it, and a red and gold sash around my waist. My general was also in attendance and I was spending most of my time with him.

Just for some context: I’m Lieutenant Stryker. I’m a special forces unit that conducts solo operations. As such and against my will, I’ve become something of a legend to the people. It’s not uncommon for me to see ladies, and gentlemen for that matter, eyeing me up. But I’m not really interested in a relationship. I prefer motivated, strong women — the kind that knows how to wield a blade and fire a musket — but they seem to be few and far between.

After I managed to escape most of the crowd, I approached my general at the banquet, “So, general, enjoying the night?”

“Of course. And what of you? I’ve noticed that lass over there glancing at you through the night,” my general made a minimal motion towards the lass.

I take a glance in her direction without being too obvious about it. “You sure she’s not more interested in you, sir?”

He briefly chuckles before continuing, “I recommend you go talk to her. She’s a nice lass; I know her.”

“Hmm. By your command, general.” I start to make my way over to the lass.

“And Stryker. Remember: nothing in this world is ever as it seems.”

I stop and stare at my general at that rather ominous reminder. Unable to determine what he could’ve meant, I continue towards the lass.

As soon as I near her, she immediately starts in a flirtatious tone, “So, you’re THE Lieutenant Stryker, huh?! It’s a true honor to have you before me! I’ll bet you know how to have some real fun! And how to properly treat a lady!” Her mannerisms as she said that were awfully seductive. She was playing with her hair with her finger, she was clearly trying to accent her chest, pretty much doing everything that a lady would do when talking to a guy she likes. Yet, it’s not the first time I’ve dealt with this nonsense.

I glance back at my general who gives me a nod with a smirk. It’s clear he has something planned with this lass? But what? If he knows her, he could’ve told her that this “girly” behavior is not all that impressive. But I digress.

“Yes, Lieutenant Stryker, at your service, M’Lady,” I give a slight bow. “And it would seem my new assignment is to give you some company for the remainder of the night.”

“You have training quarters in this building, right? Would you be willing to give me a private tour? I’ve always been fascinated by the military! And I bet you could show me a thing or two!” She seems very excited. Perhaps the general knew she and I may very well be compatible. But I suppose we will have to wait and see what occurs between us.

I glance back at my general who nods. Does he actually know what she just requested? It’s almost as if he is here in our conversation. But he has never given me a bad order before, minus well trust him still.

“It would be my pleasure. Shall we, M’Lady?” I offer her my arm to escort her to my training quarters.

As we make my way to my training quarters, I notice the crowd in the banquet is paying me less attention. Most likely due to me being occupied with someone else. It’s quite nice to not be in the spotlight for once, even if for a mere moment.

As soon as we reach my training quarters, her personality instantly changes. “So, Lieutenant Stryker, I hear you’re pretty good with a sword.” She now sounds focused and disciplined. What was with the theatrics out in the banquet hall?

“Yeah, you could say that…” She tosses me a sword from a nearby rack, a real one might I add, not a training one, and takes one for herself. We begin to circle each other. She analyzes me as if I’m her prey, I watch trying to figure out what’s going on. My general recommended I talk to her. But she doesn’t seem to have the best intentions with me as of current.

A brief moment of us eyeing each other up passes before she lunges at me, our swords clashing against each other. As we fight, our conversation continues.

“Your general ever tell you that ‘nothing in this world is ever as it seems’?” She asks.

“He’s mentioned it.”

We continue clashing. I begin to feel a slight sweat coming through. She certainly knows how to wield a sword, but how? I certainly have to keep on guard to avoid defeat.

“Well, considering we are simply sparring, you’re certainly fighting hard,” she teases.

“I aim to impress. Care to tell me who you are?”

“Who I am is not of importance, but what I work for. I work for an organization known as the Court. Much like yourself, we defend the people. Unlike yourself, we defend the people of the world, not solely a single nation.”

I manage to disarm her, forcing her against the wall, my blade to her throat. I do so more out of the heat of the moment as opposed to an actual threat.

She clears her throat. “That’s not very gentlemanly of you, Lieutenant Stryker” she taunts. We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment before she continues her explanation of what’s this all about, “Your general is one of us, as was the late Captain Turner. But before I continue on any longer, you’ve just defeated me. I’m your prisoner now. It’s only proper you tie me up so that we may continue this interrogation.”

I raise an eyebrow to her, “As you wish.” I direct her to a chair where she sits down. I grab some nearby rope and tie her hands behind the chair with her wrists crossed. I then tie her torso to the chair, wrapping the rope just above and below her breasts, placing the knot behind the chair. I then tie each of her front legs to the front legs of the chair securing her ankles tightly in place. “Satisfied?”

She takes a moment to squirm around in her bonds finding herself stuck in place. “Very much so. I can tell you’ve done this before,” she teases me with a devilish smirk. “In either case, your general speaks very highly of you and recommends you to join our ranks.”

“So, you’re recruiting me to join this ‘Court’?” I ask the most obvious question of all time. To be fair, I’ve never been recruited for anything with an initial perceived threat to my life. At least, not one I hadn’t agreed to prior.

“Precisely so, Lieutenant Stryker.”

“And do all your recruiting interactions occur like this?”

“No,” she says matter-of-factly.

I nod as if to say, ‘Well, at least you’re somewhat sane’.

But then she continues with her answer, “I’m usually gagged for part of it… Or in the majority of cases, I am the captor.”

I stare at her in disbelief for a good couple minutes before I clear my throat, “Well, then, I’ll need more information before I join this organization. I wish to ensure it truly has the best of intentions of the people, including and especially Her Majesty, the Queen.”

“Well, you have my word that we all only care for the people, and will serve and protect them whatever the cost… And Her Majesty is one of the fairest, most benign rulers of the continent.”

We continue discussing her organization in depth before I finally agree to join.

“Very good,” she says. “Our first assignment is to escort Sarah Turner to a compound up north. One that is only reachable via the sea. We will have to sail through Pirate Queen Anne’s territory. Sarah is the priority; we are to protect her whatever the cost.”

“Understood. But if we’re to be working together, I ought to know your name.”


It was at this precise moment, that the general came in to check on us. He looked unamused, but also unsurprised, seeing me standing before a bound Elise, “Stryker….”

“She started it!” I protest

“I did not! I am but a helpless lady, underserving of such dastardly behavior!” She retorts in one of those stereotypical damsel-in-distress tones that occur in all those plays, and theater in general.

“Permission to gag her, sir.”

The general lets out a long, disappointed, and rather obnoxious sigh, “Granted….” He then leaves us to enjoy Elise’s predicament.

I stuff a cloth in her mouth and secure it with an OTM gag as she watches me with excitement in her eyes. I take a step back to glance at her entire situation. She continues to stare at me with her eyes sparkling for her excitement.

“This will be a long journey,” I mumble causing her to giggle, somewhat evilly, through her gag.

That encounter with her was a little over a week ago from when we were captured by the Revenge, Anne’s ship. I’ll admit, Elise has grown on me. But I beg you, please don’t tell her that. She’d never let me hear the end of it.

I look over to her as we are both bound to the central mast of the ship and gagged. Soon enough, just as Jacques had predicted, it begins to rain. ‘Yup, this will be a long journey…’
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Post by Tapedupcouple »

Loving this story, great stuff!
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Post by DarthRevan3994 »

Tapedupcouple wrote: 3 years ago Loving this story, great stuff!
Thank you kindly! Glad you're enjoying it!
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Post by DarthRevan3994 »

A New Day — Jacques

As I open my eyes, I find myself cuddling up to a dirty blonde, rather beautiful girl. And she’s tied up…. Her wrists are bound behind her back and legs bound together. She’s still sleeping soundly. I recall all the events of last evening and make a vow to Capitan Turner to protect Sarah, whatever the cost. But I must gag her now. Anne commanded that Sarah remained bound and gagged through the night. Sarah volunteered to remain bound, but being gagged while sleeping can be especially dangerous. As an internal war occurs in me as to whether or not I should wake her to do what’s needed, I work hard to convince myself that waking her will protect her from Anne’s wrath, and thus, is the morally sound choice. And so I gently shake her.

“Ms. Turner…”

She slowly stirs awake, “Hmm???”

“Forgive me, Ms. Turner, but Anne or Jess will be down here soon. Best we prepare for them….”

She nods sleepily in agreement.

I get up and gather a cloth and a neckerchief. I move over to Sarah and stare deep into her eyes for a moment, sending a silent apology for having to do this to her. I tenderly stuff the cloth in her mouth and secure it with a cleave gag using the neckerchief.

I find a seat at the foot of the bed and wait in silence, listening to the creaking of the ship as she continues to cut through the sea, waiting for Anne or Jess to come down. And Jess eventually comes down.

“So, Jacques, enjoy your date?” She inquires.

“In a sense…” I avoid specifics. Jess and I stare at each other as Jess tries to gauge and read me, but to no avail. Jess was no doubt trying to find any indication of scheming. But my apathetic emotions obscure my true intentions. I can only imagine what was running through Sarah’s mind during this little interaction. She probably perceived a lot of tension just then, not knowing what, if anything, might go down.

Eventually, Jess continues, “In either case, take her to Anne’s quarters. Anne wishes to have a private audience with each of our guests, beginning with her. Understand?”

“Yes.” Well, that’s probably not good. Anne has never requested a private audience with prisoners before. But, hopefully she’ll be distracted well enough for me to formulate a plan of attack to get out of this mess. If there’s one thing my love for the sea has helped me with is that I know just about everything about her. I know where she’s most calm. I know when and where she’s most angry. But most importantly, I know where all her islands are. I will be able to devise a plan to escape Anne well enough.

I look over to Sarah and she stares back at me. She’s doing her best to look brave, look fearless. But her eyes do betray her. Looking into them, I can still see fear. She’s scared. Understandably so. Well… we’re all scared. It’s only natural to be afraid. I’ve been desensitized by everything I’ve seen with our war against these pirates and even I still somehow feel concern for Sarah and her companions.

I untie Sarah’s legs and help her stand up. Jess and I march her back up to the top deck. I’d estimate it quit raining approximately two hours ago. Which means Stryker and Elise had to contend with it for anywhere between four to five hours. Pour souls. Stryker no doubt managed. But I still knew little of Elise at the time.

Jess goes off to do her duties as First Mate as I escort Sarah into Anne’s quarters where she had already set up a chair for Sarah to be tied to. Anne was not in the room at present. I help Sarah sit down in the chair and begin binding her to it. I tie each of her legs to each of the forelegs of the chair, wrapping the rope around them several times before cinching and knotting the rope. I then untie her hands so that I may tie her wrists to each of the arm rests, abiding by the same style I used for her legs. I’ve… regrettably done this before. I know Anne loves it when her victims squirm. She prefers them to have no bonds binding their torso to the back of the chair. So, Sarah’s bonds are complete. For now.

I sigh, “I… will be honest with you, Ms. Turner: this is highly unusual, even for Anne. I genuinely have no idea what precisely Anne wishes to do to you, but you have my wo-“

“Having a loving conversation?” Anne opens the door and comes in. I stiffen up as if I was back at boot camp.

“No, Capitan…”

“Sure sounded like it. Care to explain what you were talking about?”

Shite. As I said, I’ve been desensitized from my experiences, but I nonetheless went a *little* cold right then. “I… was just... expressing….”

“You like her, don’t you?”

“…Yes… Capitan…”

“And why’s that?”

Shite, shite, shite. I have to think fast if I’m to save this. Otherwise I’ll be joining Sarah, Elise, and Stryker to the mast. Thankfully, Anne suggests:

“Is it how beautiful she is? How cute she is trussed up? Is it that you lust after her?”

Well…. Looks as though I’ll have to lie a rather large lie. But I care little for how others perceive me. Sarah’s safety is all that matters. “Yes, Capitan. I just thought-“

“You have nothing to fear, Jacques. I’ll return her to you in more or less the same state as she is currently. Once I’m done with her, I’ll want my private audience with the other lass, then Stryker. While I meet with this beautiful lass, you may feed and tend to the other lass, let her stretch her legs some even. But should anything happen,” Anne grabs my throat and pushes me back to the closest wall of her quarters, “I’ll hold you responsible. Understand?”

“Yes… Capitan…” As I stare into her eyes, I see no humanity. She is the devil. And I’m to leave Sarah in here with her. Well, I’ve always had keen ears…. Guess I’ll just have to listen for if she screams. Despite her gag, I should be able to hear her. Hold tight, Sarah, you’ll be ok. I leave Anne alone with Sarah once Anne releases me.

And as Anne does whatever she wishes to Sarah, I’ll get to formally meet Elise.

I return to the central mast of the ship where Stryker and Elise sluggishly sit. They definitely didn’t get much rest if any. Did… I make a mistake choosing Sarah? Sure, she was the best to spare from the elements the Sea likes to send at ya, but sleep deprivation can be dangerous. You don’t always make the best decisions. And Stryker needs to be in as best a state of mind as possible. Especially if Anne is going to interrogate or otherwise torture him. Hmm…

I begin to untie Elise from the mast, leaving her hands bound together behind her back and her gag in for now. As I do so, I explain, “The Capitan has allowed me to feed and otherwise tend to this lass. You’ll have to wait, Stryker.” Then I mouth, “I’m sorry.” To which Stryker simply gives me a nod indicating he trusts me, he understands what must be done to maximize our probability of success.

I escort Elise below decks where we keep our food and drink and eat. I ungag Elise then move to untie her hands, but before I can even reach the knot, I hear Jess.

“Jacques! She stays bound! If she didn’t need her bloody mouth to eat, we’d keep her gagged!”

“By your command!” I respond.

Looks like I’ll quite literally have to feed Elise. Wasting no time, I offer her some water, giving her as big a drink as she needs. Once she finished her drink, I used a cloth to wipe away any water that attempted to flee to her chin. I then begin feeding her my breakfast, which consisted primarily of biscuits and some salted pork. After a few bites in, Jess leaves us.

“We will have to remain hushed, but we can talk now. I… apologize for what’s happened to you,” I begin.

“I know you’re as much a prisoner as we are. I do not blame you in the slightest, Jacques…. I was a close friend of Captain Turner…. Good man…. My name’s Elise…. You needn’t worry about me, I can hold my own.”

I continue feeding her once she finishes her introduction, taking into very close consideration all that she had said.

“Does the phrase ‘Nothing in this world is ever as it seems’ mean anything to you?” I ask.

She stares at me.

“I thought so. You’re part of an organization that defends the people, aren’t ya?… I’m in.”

She stares at me for a moment longer before she lets out a smirk, “Welcome aboard.”
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Post by TimChimp »

Just read the 5 chapters and all I can say is that I am really liking the story, it has a very original setting for the site's standards and the characters that have already been presented are pretty interesting, especially Sarah!
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Post by banshee »

Great chapter, I'm very interested in wht Anne has in for Sarah
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Post by Caesar73 »

banshee wrote: 3 years ago Great chapter, I'm very interested in wht Anne has in for Sarah
Indeed! Anne strikes me as psychopath.
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Post by Nainur »

Only now started reading, took a bit of time, had to repeat a few passages, but weighing the anchor was a good idea to follow you on this journey, matey! ;)
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Post by DarthRevan3994 »

TimChimp wrote: 3 years ago Just read the 5 chapters and all I can say is that I am really liking the story, it has a very original setting for the site's standards and the characters that have already been presented are pretty interesting, especially Sarah!
I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and Sarah certainly is a cutie!
banshee wrote: 3 years ago Great chapter, I'm very interested in wht Anne has in for Sarah
Thank you! Luckily, you'll find out this next chapter instead of me using the exact same cliffhanger for 2 consecutive chapters!
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago
banshee wrote: 3 years ago Great chapter, I'm very interested in wht Anne has in for Sarah
Indeed! Anne strikes me as psychopath.
Yeah, she certainly has a *couple* screws loose!
Nainur wrote: 3 years ago Only now started reading, took a bit of time, had to repeat a few passages, but weighing the anchor was a good idea to follow you on this journey, matey! ;)
I'm really glad you're enjoying the journey!

And as a whole, thank you kindly, everyone, for all the nice words! It truly means a lot!
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My Private Audience — Anne

As I approached my quarters, I heard Jacques talking. He may have been quiet enough so that I couldn’t hear precisely what he was saying, but I knew the general idea. Time to make him sweat.

“Having a loving conversation?” I ask as soon as I open the door.

“No, Capitan…” Jacques lies.

“Sure sounded like it. Care to explain what you were talking about?”

“I… was just... expressing….”

I couldn’t help but find great amusement, great satisfaction, great pleasure from watching him struggle with his words.

“You like her, don’t you?” I ask.

“…Yes… Capitan…”

“And why’s that?”

No doubt that caused him to have an internal bombardment, but I’d rather wait. I can go in for the kill later. I love to watch my prey squirm. And I suspect I have found Jacques’ weakness. So, I offer:

“Is it how beautiful she is? How cute she is trussed up? Is it that you lust after her?”

“Yes, Capitan. I just thought-“

“You have nothing to fear, Jacques. I’ll return her to you in more or less the same state as she is currently. Once I’m done with her, I’ll want my private audience with the other lass, then Stryker. While I meet with this beautiful lass, you may feed and tend to the other lass, let her stretch her legs some even. But should anything happen, I’ll hold you responsible. Understand?”

“Yes… Capitan…”

Jacques leaves me alone with Sarah. When he chose her, I genuinely had hoped he could be redeemed. Instead, he has shown me his weakness. He has shown me that he will forever be on the wrong side of this war. I know Jacques learned his mistake in letting me go free, instead of alerting his crew. I know it was a mistake to spare him. But at least this way, he will suffer before his story ends. He will feel true pain as I felt watching my love be dragged to the plank all tied up, unable to fend for herself. So, Jacques, you better watch yourself. Because this story only has one ending.

I turn to the lass I have tied to the chair. She’s watching me with fear in her eyes. She’s pleading for me to let her go. I go to ungag her.

“Well, I suppose we should get the pleasantries out of the way first, aye? I am Pirate Queen Anne, and I would like to formally welcome you on board the Revenge. What’s your name?” I ask.

She remains silent.

“Do you know how many ways there are to kill someone? To torture them?” I ask as I wander around my cabin, seemingly paying her little attention. After a brief pause, I continue, “I’m asking a legitimate question, I wouldn’t know, I lost count. Funny, ain’t it? How the brain will forget something like that even though you enjoy doing it. There’s just so many juicy methods, I wanted to keep using them. And I just lost count. Ya know?” I sigh.

I turn back to look at her and I can see her trembling. She’s squirming in her ropes. She’s radiating fear. I smirk. The sight of her as she is unsure of what might go down right now is very amusing for me, very enjoyable. I grab my pistol and begin loading it.

“But you know, the simple methods are always the best. The fun part is discovering someone’s limit, finding out when precisely they’ll break. And it’s never where you expect. Most last nowhere near as long as what I’d hope, other provide a pleasant surprise.” I begin priming my pistol. “So, I ask again: what’s your name?”

“S-Sarah….. Sarah Turner.” She finally answers, breathing heavily. She’s still shifting in her bonds, no doubt trying to figure out how to escape before I would be able to do anything to her.

Once I finish priming my pistol, I pull up a seat next to her so that I am facing her. “Good! Now we are making progress; all I want is to have a friendly conversation. And-“ I stutter a bit as I determine the route I wish to drive this conversation. “Be honest, I’ll know if you’re lying and I HATE liars, do you think me the villain?”

She pauses for awhile before she finally says, “Yes….”

“I thought so! No doubt when they tell this story, many are going to think me the villain! Probably might think me insane! But they are ignorant, perhaps even arrogant. But I think you intelligent, Sarah. I know you’ll see the truth. And it’d be my honor to have you a part of my crew.”

“I’d…. I’d… I’d never join you! You’ve murdered and raided, you deserve to be brought to justice!” She’s gaining confidence. Good. I like it when they resist.

“And you think Jacques and Stryker to be the heroes? I know you like Jacques. What I don’t understand is why? He’s the one who allowed your father to die. Jacques cares naught for you nor the people, I do. I care for my crew, I care for my people, I care for my allies. He killed my love, my captain, my Queen in cold blood. Your father fought and died with honor. And he wouldn’t have had to if Jacques cared for him, and for you.”

Sarah and I stare at each other for a little while. I reckon Sarah was trying to gauge whether or not my manipulation had truth in it, which it did. It was all true. As I said, I HATE liars. And I do care for my crew. As a whole. Each individual is expendable, but the crew itself is a necessity.

I get up and set my pistol down. I intimidated her well enough, and got all I needed from her for now. I simply needed to plant seeds for her redemption, which I did. I pour a glass of wine.

“As a show of good faith unto you, Sarah, allow me to offer my finest wine on board the Revenge.”

I offer her a drink, which she reluctantly accepts. More likely out of biological need to drink than anything else, but nonetheless, she accepted it. I help her drink the wine and once she finishes, I set the glass aside and wipe away any wine that tried to escape down her chin.

I replace Sarah’s gag, stuffing the cloth back in her mouth and securing it with a cleave gag. As I go to summon Jacques to bring me the other lass, I stop and look back at Sarah.

“I know you will choose the right side, Sarah. Jacques is not your friend, I am.”

When I open up the door of my quarters, I see no sign of Jacques nor the other lass, but I do notice Jess wandering about fulfilling her First Mate duties.

“Jess!” I call out.

“Yes, Captain?!” She replies, stopping her current task.

“Fetch, Jacques. Tell him to bring the other lass.” I command.

“Yes, Captain!”

Jess goes to fetch Jacques and within a couple minutes, I have this other lass tied to the chair in place of Sarah, bound exactly as Sarah was bound: arms tied to the arm rests of the chair, legs tied to the forelegs of the chair, gagged with a stuffed, cleave gag.

As Jacques took Sarah, I already noticed she was holding him in a much different regard. I smiled at that vision. When this story ends, Jacques will fall by Sarah’s hand. Sarah will become my third in command. But for now, I get to watch Jacques squirm as Sarah slowly turns against him. She is his weakness. And it is only just to exploit it.
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Post by banshee »

Interesting turn of events, definitively not what I was expecting but that makes it even better.
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Post by Nainur »

Indeed: stunning.
However: Sarah might be a better poker-player than Anne might even guess or reconsider? Very intriguing stuff anyway!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 3 years ago Indeed: stunning.
However: Sarah might be a better poker-player than Anne might even guess or reconsider? Very intriguing stuff anyway!
Indeed, I think Anne is underestimating Sarah and is a little to full of herself. Underestimating the enemy is never wise - but if you are blinded by hate and grief it is difficult to keep a clear head, I grant Anne that.
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