A musical education FF/f

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A musical education FF/f

Post by SheTies »

It’s been a while since I wrote here, but I got some time to share a really memorable experience that happened over a weekend. There are tie-ups involving my sister Emma and her friend Kaitlyn who’d already tied me a couple times. I thought their fun was over but no, especially because of a big disagreement we had.

Music taste is a big part of who you are as a teenager. I guess I kinda knew that when I started making fun of the music Emma and Kaitlyn liked - one of their main things was liking a certain singer (let’s call him Justin) who I thought got by mainly on good looks. They obsessed over him, memorized his biography and discography and acting. I thought I was a tough 15 year old and sneered at it all. We had some bad arguments, and what probably capped it was spraying Emma’s favorite poster with bleach. It was lightly dotted with white, but Emma actually cried. I had to pay for a replacement, but that was nothing.

Their plans hit the second time my parents went off for a weekend trip. Last time Emma and I had warily co-existed, greased by the lack of rules and presence of pizza money. Not this time.

Shortly after my Mom and Dad left, Kaitlyn showed up unannounced. She had her backpack and was wearing a white hoodie with Justin’s face on it, and “future Mrs. ____” underneath. I was mocking it when Emma came downstairs with a matching one. Guess they made them. I was provoked and we had another musical argument. I stormed off to listen to some “good music”. I think this was all on purpose.

I should say I was 15 or 16, straight dark blonde hair, grey/green eyes. Emma had about 5 inches and a few pounds on me, more muscular. Her hair was more wavy and solidly brunette. Kaitlyn was about the same size, not as strong as Emma. Her hair was brown too, really curly.

I had headphones on to listen to my music, so I didn’t hear the girls sneak in. Since Emma was older than me and played field hockey it was easy for her to yank one arm behind me, and Kaitlyn to get the other. Kaitlyn had begun lashing my wrists together by the time I realized something was up. I kicked and bucked, but they hung on till my arms were trapped behind me.. “I taught you some stuff Emma, but I think for this weekend it really be necessary for me to do most of the tying.”

“This weekend?” I asked, but didn’t get much of an answer.

“Yep….we’ve decided you need an education,” Kaitlyn said again. She was the bad influence from the last couple times, but I had no idea. She was at this point sitting on my back, facing away from me as she corralled my knees together. It was a rather indepth tie. “I always wanted to try this one on someone…” she said.

I probably would have paid much more attention to what she was doing if I hadn’t been so intrigued by Emma’s actions. She was re-arranging my room, but I wasn’t sure why. She was taking chairs from the kitchen and putting them around my bed, and a table at the foot of the bed right in front of me. Nobody was interested in listening to my questions. In fact, I found Emma’s actions so interesting I barely registered that Kaitlyn was under the bed for a bit. When she was next to me again, though, I did very much notice.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” Kaitlyn snickered. I was worried because she was pushing my hair aside, and the gentle but odd tug was clear...she was pulling the rope through the hoop earring I was wearing! She crossed over to the other side, and did the same with the other ear. “Don’t move until I get this right, or it’ll hurt.” Meanwhile, Emma had started taking some blankets and draping them over the chairs.

Well, it didn’t take long for her to get it right, I guess. “Turn your head,” she said.

And I tried. From what I could tell, this is what she had done. My knees were tied together, but my ankles separated, tied by a rope passing under the bed. I couldn’t gather my feet. If I tried to turn my head to the right, say, my left earring tugged badly, and I felt it pull on my right ankle and my wrists. In short, it hurt. Moving or lifting my wrists somehow tugged on both my ears. If I had to guess, the ropes connecting each earring to the opposite ankle went through my wrists.

“I can’t.” I said.

Kaitlyn smiled. “Perfect.”

At this point I had no idea what they were up to...I was lashed onto my bed, and stuck looking forward. Emma thankfully tucked a couple pillows under my chin, and soon I was stuck staring straight ahead. With a smile, Emma then put her laptop on it, plugging it into the wall.. “We got a lot to do, so let’s start.”

She tapped at it, and a song from Jusin came on, not one I’ve heard before. It was lame and forgettable, a whiny love song I thought. Emma then leaned down next to me, tilting the laptop screen to be square on in front of me, and a slide show started of Justin. “Enjoy!” she said, “it’s like a home theatre!” She and Kaitlyn put a blanket over the chairs at the foot of the bed. It wasn’t pitch black, but it was basically dark except for the lap top screen. I heard them leave the room, laughing.

I tried gingerly to see what I could do as soon as they left, but I quickly realized I was stuck on my stomach, unable to turn my head. Any attempt to escape tugged on my earlobes. I couldn’t block the horrible music, so I did what only made sense - I closed my eyes against the photos and decided to wait it out. As the song ended, I hoped against hope that was it, but no...the same song began again.

“Grr” I said, shaking my head a bit - which just reminded me of my predicament. I started counting the number of times I heard the song. It was at 6 when Kaitlyn came back in, peeling back a blanket to sit next to me. Even the bed sagging made me uncomfortable, as much as I appreciated the fresh air.

“Pretty great, isn’t it?” I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable, but I knew the right answer. I started to nod. That was a mistake. “I’m so glad you wear those earrings,” Kaitlyn said. “But anyway, now that you’ve heard it a couple times, it’s an amazing song, huh?”

“Six times,” I said through gritted teeth. Whatever it would take to get out of this.

“And doesn’t Justin look great in that tux?”

See? I thought. One question and they’re on about his looks. “Yeah,” I said.

Kaitlyn smiled, and I realized too late I’d been tricked. “There were no pics of him wearing a tux. It’s like you didn’t watch the slideshow!” Kaitlyn got up and walked over to the laptop. “So I’m going to run through the slide show some more, and then I’ll have some questions about it. If you get them right, I’ll let you out of that tie.” With that, she lowered the blanket again and left me.

More to come.
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Post by Dpsiic »

An excellent start, looking forward to more ❤️
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Post by Flyingvulture »

That tie!

Your description of it was amazing, I hope it didn't hurt much.
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Post by Nexus »

Ouch. This sounds painful physically, and as a fellow fan of “good music”, the mental torture is also brutal! Curious to see how this unfolds.
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Post by SheTies »

Thanks for the comments! In terms of the tie, it only hurt a little because I got sore. I was at times imagining what would happen if I fell off the bed or something and tore my earring out, and was so angry I almost wished it would. Things were pretty secure though.

Now to continue...

You can bet that I watched that slideshow intently for the next several go-rounds, then. Couldn't go anywhere else! I was starting to feel sore, and thinking about the bathroom, and memorizing the slide show was the way out. At least I was somewhat comfortable.

I don’t know how long it was before Emma and Kaitlyn came in, letting fresh air back into my blanket cave. I wasn’t thrilled to see the sheet of paper in Emma’s hand.

She started asking questions about the slideshow, I don’t remember them all. There were now ten of them, and I remember some just felt unfair. I got three wrong.

“Three wrong, Gina, that’s going to be a penalty.” Emma laughed. “From now on if somebody asks, ‘you like Justin, don’t you?’ you’re going to respond with ‘yes! And someday I’m going to marry him!’ “

I glared at Emma, but I knew when I was beat. “Okay,” I muttered. I wondered where Kaitlyn was, but I would find out soon enough.

“Geez, Gina, you sure like Justin don’t you?” Emma asked, affecting innocent curiosity.

I gritted my teeth for a second. “Yes, and someday I’m going to marry him!”

“More enthusiasm, Gina, and I want you to really emphasize marry, okay?” We practiced a second time, and a third before she was happy. I thought it was just for her to make me say it, and I would learn later I was wrong.

“We’re gonna do the other thing, now?” Kaitlyn asked. Emma nodded.

“Are you still into Shawn?” Emma asked. I wasn’t about to tell my older sister about my attempted love life, especially when tied on my bed in front of her. I just stared at her. “I asked a question,” Emma said. “I can just tickle it out of you…” The idea of trying to stay still when tied like this caused my eyes to widen. I’m severely ticklish and didn’t want to rip open my earlobe.

“No!” I responded.

“No you don’t like Shawn anymore or no don’t tickle you?”

“No to both!” I responded with a bit of urgency.

Kaitlyn was removing the blankets and had moved the table with the laptop over. She sat in a chair she’d put in its place, sitting in front of me to watch this.

“Who then?” Emma followed up, making wiggly tickling motions with her hands and leaning over me..

I did feel a bit of panic. “Ryan! Ryan!”
Neither had any idea who Ryan was, but that didn’t matter. They needed a name. With my head basically immobile, I could do nothing to keep Kaitlyn from again producing a black marker and writing on first one cheek than the other. I felt her draw a couple lines beneath before taking out the digital camera.

“We can’t keep you tied up all the time, as much fun as it would be,” Kaitlyn said as she snapped a couple pictures. “But there will be plenty of other times.” This time she showed me the photos.

“Nooo,” I whined a bit. I won’t spell it out here, but on my face was written an invitation to Ryan I wouldn’t be offering anyone for years.

“Yeessss,” Kaitlyn imitated. “You know what happens if you take advantage of the freedom we’ll be offering you for a bit.” At that, she carefully began to unbind me, though when I swung my feet around, grateful to stretch, I realized my ankles were connected by rope passing around several times over. I could step about 2 feet, but that was it. Of course, while Kaitlyn did this, she did a few times ask me my feelings on Justin. That didn’t help my mood as I explained my plan to marry him.

I shuffled to the bathroom. I sat there trying to think of an escape, but I knew even if I untied my ankles quickly enough, Kaitlyn still had that horrible picture. And that stupid song kept going through my head. Looking at myself in the mirror was a reminder of that. I took as much time as I could but Kaitlyn knocked on the door. “Don’t be so slow, we have a lot to do, and it’s almost dinner time!”
My hunger and her reality reminded me. Looking at the backward writing on the mirror, I yelled out, “Can I wash my face?”

“How do you feel about Justin?”

Sigh. I responded as expected, and got permission to wash my face and came downstairs, carefully descending the stairs with the rope limiting my steps.

Emma was waiting in the kitchen for me. “Okay, being a fan isn’t all about looking at pictures, you know!” I sat in a chair at the table, and Kaitlyn went to work.

That’s how I ended up at the kitchen table, facing the back door. My ankles were still hobbled by about a two-foot separation, but worse was that my wrists were tied to the arms of the chair. Kaitlyn had kept it simple this time, tying a couple loops over my left elbow and wrist, then my right elbow, then winding the rope between the wrist and the chair, then a slat holding up the arm. The loose ends were tied behind me. I could move and lift my right hand, but not by much.

“Homework time!” A magazine devoted to Justin, one of those glossy ones with tough questions about favorite colors et cetera was slapped down in front of me. I scooched the chair a bit, and with some straining I could flip the pages. It was unspoken, but I fully expected to be quizzed on its contents. I could move my hand a little, but certainly not reach any knots. Once in a while I would try to wriggle my legs or something, but it was no good.

It was probably about half an hour of being stuck there, learning something I didn’t care about, when the doorbell rang.

I looked up as Kaitlyn came into the room. “Dinner’s here!” she said.

My head probably snapped around “What?”

“We ordered pizza. Emma, help me out!”

I nearly panicked as the doorbell rang again, and Kaitlyn shouted “coming!”. She and Emma pushed the chair into the table so the arms went underneath. Pushed in, it wasn’t visible that I was tied to the chair, but nonetheless I couldn’t imagine someone seeing me like this. Emma opened the door. It was the pizza delivery guy.

“Come in, I gotta get the money,” she said, smiling evilly at me. There I was, staring at a magazine while roped to a chair. I just avoided eye contact and waited for this guy to get out of here. I figured he just wanted the tip.

Emma made a show of opening the envelope, then looking toward me. “Gina, are you reading that magazine again?” Her acting was horrible, but my face was turning red anyway. Looking at the pizza guy, she said, “my sister is just obsessed with Justin. Sings his songs 24/7. Complete fangirl,” She glanced at me and I realized what was coming. Oh God, no. “You really like Justin, don’t you Emma?”

In a half-second we communicated so much. I pulled at my wrists and ankles. Nothing going anywhere. I looked and got a slight nod from Emma. This was on purpose. I didn’t know the guy at all, but this was as low as I thought I could get.

“Yes!” I heard myself say, “and someday I’m going to marry him!” I carefully said this to Emma, wanting no eye contact with the pizza guy. I don’t even know how he reacted, and I’m sure my face was red as an apple.

He left, and I looked at Emma. “You’re cruel,” is all I could say.
Any further conversation was interrupted when I felt Kaitlyn tying down my right hand. “How am I going to eat my pizza?” I asked. Kaitlyn quickly had my right hand lashed to the chair.

“Oh, we’ll feed you,” she said. “Assuming you get to eat pizza.”

“What the hell?” I asked, still squirming a bit.

Emma reached into the back of a cupboard, back to me. I heard a snick sound as she opened a jar.

“You’ll earn pizza,” she said as she went to the silverware drawer. "Or maybe earn this." She put the jar under my nose and it smelled horrible. I almost wanted to retch.

“What is it, vomit?”

“Baby food. Um, turkey, it says. So I hope you studied!”

I don’t know exactly how many questions I got wrong but it was 2 or 3 I think. Let’s say I really regretted every question I got wrong, not least of all because Kaitlyn in particular seemed to enjoy “missing” my mouth and getting baby food on my lips, cheeks, and even nose on the way to my mouth. I barely kept it down and was thankful for every question I got right. The pizza was much better, though Kaitlyn managed to get some tomato sauce on me as well!

Naturally, the results of all that were photographed, too.

Aside from having my ankles tied, I was left alone for the rest of the night after dinner. I never was so happy to brush my teeth. The girls debated tying me up in bed, but decided it wasn’t worth it. The camera and all the phones in the house were very well-hidden, though, I was promised. Any relief I felt left when Emma said, “rest up for tomorrow, Gina. It’s a big day...or should I say THE big day!” I drifted off to sleep with that same damn song playing in my head.
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Post by rash357 »

Cute stories! Your sisters friend is quite imaginative - and both are quite cruel!
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Post by ticklescare »

Wow great story, a good detail in your writing. Hope to see more from you as I agree, imaginative and a bit cruel indeed :twisted: :D
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Post by Nexus »

Nice continuation! I’ve always had a slight fantasy to do something similar. Have my bound and gagged damsel tied just out of the pizza guy’s view as we make the exchange. Then feeding her and re-gagging her. Ah, someday!

Anyway look forward to reading about “the big day”!
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Post by sian26uk »

Last edited by sian26uk 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SheTies »

Part 3 of 4

At least I got out of bed on my own. Emma and Kaitlyn didn’t ask me to wait on them or anything, I wasn’t tied up at all, which all combined to make me more nervous. What did they have in store?

“So, did you learn how great Justin is?” was one of the first things Emma said to me when I saw her that morning.

“Yeah,” I answered. Now, even if I had been enthusiastic and perky with my answer I think the day would have gone the way it did anyway, but Erin pouted, and said I clearly had to learn more. I wasn’t sure what they meant, though I was told to shower and look good, like I was trying to impress someone. That alone made my heart pump fast enough to make putting on eyeliner a challenge, and this was at that cringey stage when I wore WAY too much eyeliner. I wore bell-bottom jeans and some sort of black and pink top, I think.

Kaitlyn took over the duties, bringing me to the “couch”. The couch was actually two side-by-side recliners in front of the tv, which would be a problem for me. I was told to sit in the middle to begin, and once I sat down Kaitlyn put up both foot rests. I admit I was kind of interested in a worried way as I watched Kaitlyn begin by putting a tight rope loop on my right hand with both ends trailing, then had me scooch over to the right side of the couch, bringing the ends down into the mechanics of the footrest to tie them there. Now my right hand was tied next to my waist. Kaitlyn did about the same thing with the left, except my left arm was now held out straight, angled downward by the ropes attaching it to recesses by the left arm of the couch. Kaitlyn finished by cinching a last loop around my waist and again into the depths of the recliner, keeping me stuck on the right side and unable to really make use of the slack in my right arm. I did seriously think about closing the footrest while she was down there to give her a good pinch or bonk on the head, but decided not to. She wouldn’t tell me what she was up to as I sat there, not able to move much, with my left arm held out and angled downward.

Things go weirder when Emma brought out a pair of jeans, maybe our dad’s, maybe from some guy. It was weird because they’d been stuffed with pillows so they looked like almost a scarecrow, and they stank of Axe or something like that. She put the jeans on the couch next to me, sliding them under my arm.

“Wait...what is going on here?” was all I could ask. I was told any other questions would end up with me gagged. They hadn’t done that to me, but I was willing to bet they would. So I shut up.

The mystery was kind of solved when Emma returned with a sweatshirt, from who knows where. She sat it up on the couch. Now I was sharing the couch. Yay.

“Ready for the best part?” Emma asked.

“Ready,” I said. I thought.

“Gee, Gina, you really like Justin don’t you?”

I took a deep breath. I didn’t want to be gagged. “Yes, and someday I’m gonna marry him!”

And that’s when the plan was complete, when Emma took out a balloon from behind the couch. On it was taped the face from the poster I’d sprayed with bleach. “That’s what gave us this whole idea!” Emma said, smiling. She carefully placed it on the top of the sweatshirt’s neck hole. “A couple last things.” She put a small remote control car next to my left wrist, then a blanket over our laps.
Of course, Kaitlyn had the camera. “Smile...or else!” I smiled, and had to sit there while she laughed at the photo (the idea of seeing a photo right after taking it was still pretty new). Emma laughed too, and she took one.


Finally they decided to show me. It was pathetic...I was sitting next to a set of clothing, all made up cute, as if I were so desperate I was pretending that I was on a date with Justin. Worse still, the way my arm angled down under the blanket, as if it were reaching toward...
“Oh God!” I would have covered my face if I could have. And that’s when they turned on the remote car. The noise really killed the vibe, but the movement right next to my wrist make it look as if I wanted to be sure Justin REALLY enjoyed the date.
“Here’s a movie for your date,” Emma said. “Feel free to lean onto Justin if you want!” They both laughed as they put the laptop in front of me. If it were today, I probably would have been stuck with YouTube documentaries on Justin, but that wasn’t really a thing yet. I watched some movie, I can’t even remember what, trying hard not to think about how pathetic I looked, or how much my arm hurt. Once in a while Emma or Kaitlyn would come by making kissing noises, or leaning over to rub “Justin” onto me. They did succeed at getting a little of that spray onto me, which just made it worse.

I must have sat there for 30 minutes after the movie ended before Kaitlyn and Emma came by. At least I was able to scooch just a bit and rest my left elbow on the pants. “Oh, done? And you’re not even cuddling?” she asked with mock surprise. I just stared.

“You do like him right?” Kaitlyn asked.

I bit back a sigh. “Yes, and someday I’m going to marry him!”

“Really?” Kaitlyn leaned in.

“Yes,” I growled.

“Okay, then ask him.”

I looked at Kaitlyn then to Emma, then back again. “What?”

Emma pointed at the dummy.

“Oh Jesus,” I mumbled.

“Look at him in the eyes!” Emma commanded. Looking at that dumb poster, I tried to contain my sigh.

“Will…..will you marry me?” I asked the poster.


“He said yes!” Emma exulted.

I leaned my head back. This day couldn’t get any worse, I figured. I prayed. I was wrong.
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Post by Jon2525_99 »

She tied you to the bed in such a clever intricate way. Glad that it did not hurt too much!
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Post by SheTies »

This story seems to have run its course, and that's fine. Just to finish up, I did have a fake "marriage" to the Justin cardboard standup, and the video from that kept me from doing anything about this weekend - or ever complaining about his music to my sister - again.
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Post by BlueKK »

Reading that story makes wish like I was not an only child. It would be so much fun to have a sibling around for this.
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Post by handcuffed_boy »

Hi. I really wish you had been able to get one of the Justin girls on her own and tie her up and play proper music at her. It seems their general behaviour is more loserish than yours, and that the one who listens to good music should not be ganged up on! Wish you had not been outnumbered there
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Post by TheOfficeOrc »

The earring tie and all the humiliating antics are just brutal :twisted:

Sadistic siblings are one thing, but sadistic and creative. Ooft, tough break! Great story!
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