Trapped in Yannick's Parka (m/m)

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Trapped in Yannick's Parka (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Where we left off in my last story, Yannick and I were on our way to his house to have lunch. It was the winter of 1987. Yannick was 15 years old - almost 16, while I had just turned 14 a few weeks before. We had the day off from school and had the house to ourselves for the day. He had spent a good chunk of the morning tied up, trapped in a sweatpants/armbinder contraption of my own invention. But he had been a good sport about it: after all, he had won our wrestling match and as the winner, he had asked that I tie him up.

Two minutes later we arrive at his house, a two floors 1950's gabled-cottage, very similar to my family's. Originally, when they were built, our houses were identical. Over time, the various owners had made different changes and renovations, so whenever I went to his house it felt a bit like I was in an alternate reality : it looked similar as my own house, but not quite the same.

We took our winter clothes off. Yannick was wearing cargo pants, a cream-colored Scandinavian wool sweater, while I was dressed with a Vuarnet t-shirt, a zip-up olive-green Roots hoodie, grey sweatpants and grey sports socks.

We went to the kitchen and got pizza pockets out of the freezer. Pizza pockets were the epitome of a cool lunch for 1980's teens. I believe they might be called Pizza Pops in other countries. Basically it's like a mini calzone, filled with cheese and peperoni, that can be microwaved. So we get a couple of pizza pockets each, with cans of soft drinks - something we never had at my home.

Once lunch was over, Yannick suggested we go hang out in his room for a while. While my bedroom was in the finished basement of my family's house, Yannick's bedroom was on the second floor. It was rather small, as it was in the gabled part of the house, but the space was well organized. There was his double bed, a small armchair, a desk and a dresser. His bed was along one of the walls and was full of pillows and cushions, so we used it as a couch.

I sat down on his bed while he opened the door of his wardrobe. I watched as he got a terry cloth bathrobe sash, a couple of old karate belts and a gym bag which was filled with ropes and bandannas. He brought everything to the bed. I knew what was coming.

"Ok!" Yannick started, cheerfully. "Your turn to get tied up!". These things were always so simple with him.

"Oh come on!" I protested, even though I wanted him to tie me up. I don't know why I did that. I didn't want to appear too eager I guess.

"Don't try to pretend you don't enjoy this" he replied while sorting his ropes and bandannas. "I know you do".

I blushed instantly. So maybe he had noticed. I was too stunned to say anything. I couldn't deny it, getting tied up did have a predictable physical effect on me.

"Don't worry, I enjoy this too", he quickly added, to make me more comfortable I guess. I just grumbled something that was meant to sound like "yeah".

"Ok, lie down on the bed and put your hands behind your back." he quickly continued, not giving me much time to reflect on anything.

I lied down on his plush bed cover and obediently put my arms behind my back. Yannick seized my arms and pulled them together. He took the bathrobe sash and expertly tied my wrists together, cinching every second turn or so and ending with a knot that was out of reach of my fingers.

He then took a karate belt and slipped it under my pectorals, so that I was lying on it and that the ends lied on each side of me. He took one end and looped it around my arm at elbow level, and did the same with the other end to my right arm. He then pulled the ends and tied them together, pulling my elbows closer to each other.

"Comfy?" Yannick asked. "It doesn't hurt?".

"No, it's tight, but I'm good" I replied.

"Good", he exclaimed. "Time to shut you up!"

"But I wasn't even talking!" I replied.

Yannick didn't answer but opened the top drawer of his dresser. He rummaged through it and pulled a pair of brown hiking socks. He turned them inside out so that the fuzzy part was on the outside. He took one and tied it into a big chunky knot in the middle part of the second one.

"Open up!"

My head was resting sideways on his bed. He inserted the knot in my mouth and slipped one half of the sock between my face and the bedcover. He stretched the sock and tied both ends behind my neck. I moaned.

He ruffled my hair - he knew I hated this - and grabbed a bandanna that was folded into a thin band. He used it as reinforcement of the sock gag, cleave-gagging me with it, going around my head and double-knotting the ends tightly over my mouth, pushing the sock ball a bit further in.

I tried pushing on the sock ball with my tongue; it stayed firmly in place.

"Ok stand up", Yannick said as he grabbed the karate belt that was holding my elbows together. He pulled me off the bed so that i was now standing up. "There's something I want to try on you, but we've gotta go in the basement". He grabbed the remaining ropes, and guided me out of his room.

We made our way downstairs to the furnished basement. Like at my family's house, Yannick's had a living/play room downstairs. There was one bedroom that they kept for guests, and one storage room.

He went to the bedroom and I followed him.

"I was tempted to blindfold you first," he said, grinning, "but I want to see your reaction to my idea".

He opened the wardrobe and grabbed a dark blue parka. I looked at Yannick quizzically. The coat was 3/4 length, and had a fur trim around the hood. It was meant to be worn in very cold conditions. I knew that Yannick's father enjoyed winter camping with his friends, so I figured that it must be his. Parkas were not as common back then as they are nowadays. Now they're very common and fashionable, everyone has a Canada Goose parka or something similar, but back in the late 1980's, they were reserved for outdoors enthusiasts.

Yannick spread the puffy coat over the bed and unzipped it. I looked at the coat : the interior of the hood was lined with sherpa wool. The hood's fur lining was made of very thick grey fox fur.

Yannick took a coil of white cotton rope and unrolled it. It was very long. He took one of the parka's sleeve and inserted one end of the rope through it. He caught it again by pulling it from the interior of the coat, and then inserted it in the second sleeve. Basically, there was now a rope threaded through the parka's sleeves. Yannick arranged it so that there were meters of rope trailing from each sleeve.

"Ok", Yannick said. "Lie down on the coat".

I still didn't understand what he was going to do with the parka.

He helped me sit down on the bed and pushed me so that I fell on the coat, on my back, trapping my tied hands behind me.

He got on the bed and straddled my thighs. There were drawstrings inside the coat at the waist and he pulled on them to make the coat tighter. He then started zipping up the coat, passing over what must have been a noticeable budge while zipping up the coat.

"Having fun?" he said casually and proceeded to continue zipping up the coat, all the way up to my face.

There was no point denying that I was enjoying this, but taken by surprise I only mmpphh'ed.

Once the coat was fully zipped up all the way to my chin, the parka's hood had the shape of a snorkel and only left a small fur tunnel for me to look out of. The snorkel seriously limited my field of vision and and the sherpa wool lining the hood limited my hearing - every sound became a bit muffled.

Yannick seized the front of the coat and lifted me up. My arms being trapped inside the parka, there wasn't anything I could do to stop him. He made me stand up beside the bed.

He stood behind me and I felt him reach for the ropes that were hanging out from the parka's sleeves. I now understood their purpose... He crossed the parka's arms in front of me, like a straightjacket. He pulled on the ropes, crossed them in my back, and then pulled them the other way. He then took them to my chest, crossing them again, and pulling them the other way. It was basically a very amateurish version of a rope harness, but it worked well.

"There-you-go!" Yannick said while tightly knotting the ropes together. "Now get out of that!". He was finally done, he had wrapped the ropes around the parka about 10 times, completely restraining my torso, pinning my arms in my back, mummifying me inside the parka.

He then tackled me and I landed face-first on the bed, with him on top of me, taking my breath away in the process. As the fur-tunnel in front of my eyes was quite narrow, I couldn't see much ; Yannick grabbed the sides of the hood with a hand and held them together, completely blocking my sight. This also resulted in the fur being pushed on my face.

"I don't think you're getting out of this any time soon" Yannick said, gently shaking the parka hood just to annoy me. "I think I'll just leave you like this for now".

He got off me and I while I struggled to get in a seating position. I heard him leave the room and close the door.

I stood up and thought about my options. I tried to shake off my bonds, but I was tied way too securely to make any progress untying myself. I was trapped in the parka, my arms were pinned behind my back, and I could only see through a small tunnel of fur a few centimeters wide.

I could hear that Yannick had turned on the tv in the family room. I approached the door, but that's when I realized I had a problem. Two, actually. One : To see where the door knob was, I had to bend down, because my field of vision was limited. Two : Even after I located the knob, the way I was tied inside the parka, I couldn't grab it and turn it to open the door! I was pretty much trapped inside the bedroom until Yannick would come and open the door. I let out a frustrated sigh. Yannick just laughed on the other side.

I fought my bindings without relief for several minutes but I was unable to break free.

I realized there wasn't much I could do, so I sat down on the bed and waited. After a while I swung my legs over on the bed, lied down, and relaxed.

Since my arms were behind my back I figured I'd be more comfortable lying down face down on the bed. I rolled over, but then my plan hit a snag. When I turned my face so that it would lie sideways on the bed, the hood, which was a bit rigid, didn't follow! So I ended up facing the sherpa wool inner lining of the parka's hood, while the opening of the hood remained on the bed. Not for the claustrophobic! But I relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of being restrained and not being able to do anything about it.

After a maybe 15 minutes, I figured I could try to get Yannick to open the door by banging on it with my feet. So I got up from the bed, with some difficulty. I approached the door and knocked on it with my feet. Every 5 seconds or so I banged on a door.

"Knock it off!" I heard Yannick say. Of course that only encouraged me to increase my efforts.

THUD-THUD-THUD-THUD . I just increased the pace of my banging on the door.

After a minute, the door suddenly opened. Through the small fur tunnel that was in front of my eyes, I saw a smiling Yannick. He was holding ropes in one hand and a long knitted blue scarf in his other hand.

"Ok, time to make you stop doing this, it's annoying!". Yannick tacked me on the bed and rolled me over so that I was lying face down on it. The world went black around me as the hood's opening was on the bed, and the hood wouldn't follow my head's movements ; if I turned my head sideways, I faced the sherpa wool lining.

I then felt a weight on my legs. Yannick had straddled them and was now tying my ankles together. Once he was done, I tried bending my legs, but was unable to : he had connected my bound ankles to the bed's footboard horizontal metal bars. He got off my legs and tied another rope just above my knees, cinching it by sliding his hand between my thighs and picking it from the behind my legs, repeating the process a few times, and knotting the ends together.

"That should hold you for a while" I heard Yannick say.

I rolled over so that I would lie on my side. Because of the narrow fur tunnel in front of my eyes, I had to bend my whole body in order to see Yannick. But I didn't see him for long, as the next time I saw was him holding his scarf and approaching my face.

"No more peeking!" he said while wrapping his scarf around the parka's hood. He didn't tie it very tight, but just enough to close the opening, pushing a wall of fur in my face. I could still breath easily through the fur, but I couldn't see anything. I grunted and wiggled my legs in frustration.

There was a pause of maybe 30 seconds, but I could feel that Yannick was still sitting on the bed beside me.

I suddenly jumped when I felt a finger poking the back of my knee.


Then another poke, this time on my thigh, followed by wriggling fingers. I groaned into my gag. I knew what was coming... I had tickled him after tying him up in the morning, he was going to get his revenge. I wriggled on the bed, trying to get away from him. He pulled me closer to him and straddled me.

"Can't have you fall off the bed, can we?"

And then, he attacked. Pretty much like I had done to him in the morning, he tickled my feet, the back of my knees and my thighs - the rest of my body was inaccessible anyway as it was covered by the parka. I screamed of laughter. I bucked crazily, as much as my restraints allowed me, trying to get him off me, but it didn't work, his tickling attacks continued.

After two or three of the longest minutes of my life, he thankfully stopped. I lay there, panting, exhausted from the tickling and fearing a second round was about to start. But fortunately it didn't come. These short tickle torture sessions were becoming a "classic" of our tie-up games. They were fun in small doses like this.

The struggling had been quite a workout and being tied inside the parka had made me quite hot. I had worn myself out from the struggling. I tried to relax as much as I could to cool myself down. Meanwhile, Yannick was on the bed right beside me. He also seemed to be out of breath. Tickling can be a workout for both the person tied and the person doing to tickling. We lay there silently for a little while.

"Hey did I tell you that I have a date with Geneviève this weekend?", Yannick said. Geneviève was his latest crush. He proceeded to tell me all the details about how he scored that date with the brown-haired beauty he had met through friends, and what his plans were for the date, where he was going to take her and what not. Of course, being gagged, I couldn't contribute much to the conversation so I listened to him, acquiescing to his questions by a grunt from time to time. "You should ask Jessica out, it's sooo obvious she's into you", he told me. "Stop being a p*ssy and call her up!" His monologue went on forever while I lay bound, gagged and blindfolded beside him, having no choice but to listen to him. But I didn't mind. As usual, I was enjoying my predicament.

He kept talking about school, our respective love life, our friends and other subjects for a while while I quietly struggled, but to no avail, I remained firmly immobilized. Eventually, Yannick's monologue died down, probably because of the involuntary lack of retroaction on my part, and it was quiet again.

He got off the bed and returned a few seconds later, presumably with something to read as he plopped himself on the pillows and remained quiet. I couldn't hear much as the parka's hood muffled the sounds.

After a while, I tried kicking my legs, just to get a reaction out of him, but the rope that was linking my ankles to the bed's footboard prevented me from moving them more than 20 cm. I lay on the bed sideways, facing Yannick, breathing slowly through the fur and the scarf, still cocooned in the parka.

The beginnings of our tie ups seem to be action-packed, but things seem to quiet down for the second half. The captor just enjoys his success, while the tied up person (me, in this case) just enjoys the sensations of being tied. So that's basically what we did for the next 30 minutes.

"SHIT, MY SISTER IS BACK FROM SCHOOL!" Yannick suddenly said, making me jump. His sister came back from school at around 3:30pm, so I had been tied for a while already. I had not heard her come in the house, but then the sounds were muffled, so I couldn't tell if it was a joke, like when he had tied me up at the cottage in the country, or if he was being serious.

I mmmpphhhed nervously, panicking, suddenly very anxious to get out of Yannick's bonds.

"I don't have time to untie you" he told me softly. "I'll go upstairs and handle this, just be quiet until I come back". I felt him get off the bed, leave the room and close the bedroom door behind him. I struggled as much as I could, but the bed squeaked if I struggled too much and I didn't want to be too noisy, for fear of attracting her downstairs.

Five minutes later Yannick came back. Alone, fortunately.

"We're ok, I can keep you prisoner a bit longer", he said cheerfully. "She just left her schoolbag here and went to see your sister " - our sisters were best friends - "So we should be good until my parents come back from work". I knew his parents only came back from work at around 5:30. As much as I enjoyed being tied up, another 2 hours cocooned in the parka seemed like a bit much, so I grunted and struggled to show my disapproval. Yannick grabbed the fur hood and pushed it on my face. "What? You want me to untie you? Just say so if that's what you want.", he said. If he could have seen my eyes he would have seen me roll them. "Nah... I'll just keep you tied up for a little while".

That "little while" ended up being another 15 minutes, which I spent relaxing in my bonds, breathing slowly, almost falling asleep.

I was taken out of my slumber when Yannick started untying me progressively, starting by my legs, followed by the rope "harness" that held me in the parka . When he unzipped the coat, a wave of heat must have hit him. My t-shirt and my hair were soaking wet. He turned me over and untied my hands. He had left my gag until last, I untied it myself.

I congratulated him for his creativity. It had been a very interesting experience, that I was hoping to repeat eventually. Meanwhile, I would have to plan my "revenge" - but can we call it revenge when your friend enjoys being your captive? There were further tie ups with Yannick, and more stories to tell.

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Last edited by Canuck100 2 years ago, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by mikeybound »

Honestly, I love these stories. Just nice bondage. What would you say your relationship with Yanick ended up being? It seems to be more than friends?
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for this. [mention]Canuck100[/mention] .
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Post by Canuck100 »

mikeybound wrote: 3 years agoHonestly, I love these stories. Just nice bondage.
Thanks, glad you like them!
mikeybound wrote: 3 years agoWhat would you say your relationship with Yanick ended up being? It seems to be more than friends?
If our adventures had happened in our more open-minded era instead of the late 1980's, they might have lead to something else and more... experimentations? But as it was we were just very good friends, completely comfortable with each other.

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for this. @Canuck100 .
Thanks to you!
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Post by Axeljohansson »

Thanks again for another excellent story. And you're telling us there's coming more? I can't believe it, this is tooo good :D
I like to be blindfolded when I’m tied up :)
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Post by Canuck100 »

Axeljohansson wrote: 3 years ago Thanks again for another excellent story. And you're telling us there's coming more? I can't believe it, this is tooo good :D
Thanks Axel. With your profile picture, I figured you'd enjoy my story. ;) Yes, more stories are coming up!
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Post by Killua »

Thanks for posting that. It's a great story and experience you had back then. You can't imagine how jealous I am :lol:

I really enjoy reading your stories. It is very well written, like your other stories too. I still love it how detailed you write it. It would be absolutely great to read more about your games. But holy cow, you guys were really creative back then.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Killua wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for posting that. It's a great story and experience you had back then. You can't imagine how jealous I am :lol:

I really enjoy reading your stories. It is very well written, like your other stories too. I still love it how detailed you write it. It would be absolutely great to read more about your games.
Thanks [mention]Killua[/mention], much appreciated.
Killua wrote: 3 years ago But holy cow, you guys were really creative back then.
Yes, we tried to outdo each other and come up with creative ways to tie each other up, to surprise each other. But we did use some of our tie up techniques multiple times - we both had our favourite ways to tie and be tied up. Fun times!
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Post by xler479 »

Playing it bold and risky by getting tied up in a parka after eating a Hot Pocket lol!
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Post by slackywacky »

Great story, thank you for writing. Now I have to go back and read the other parts as for some reason I missed them.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by Fleece0123 »

Just wow! What a great story, honestly my dream! I really enjoy fur and fleece and the like do u think you or your friend also enjoy that or was it purely just for restraints? I’d let anyone do that to me ngl 😂
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Post by Canuck100 »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Great story, thank you for writing. Now I have to go back and read the other parts as for some reason I missed them.
Thanks [mention]slackywacky[/mention], hope you'll enjoy my other stories as well.
Fleece0123 wrote: 3 years ago Just wow! What a great story, honestly my dream! I really enjoy fur and fleece and the like do u think you or your friend also enjoy that or was it purely just for restraints? I’d let anyone do that to me ngl 😂
Glad you liked it! I also enjoy this stuff - winter clothes makes tie ups cozy and comfy, and they hide rope marks too! I'm quite sure Yannick enjoyed this stuff too, but we never really talked about it specifically.
xler479 wrote: 3 years ago Playing it bold and risky by getting tied up in a parka after eating a Hot Pocket lol!
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Post by Fleece0123 »

It’s awesome u like that stuff to, feels so rare that I meet people who do! 😁
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Great story. Again with Yannick's "cream color Scandinavian sweater", although this time he doesn't use it.
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