Émilie helps me study (f/M, F/M)

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Émilie helps me study (f/M, F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

[mention]Gemscot[/mention]'s "Homework" post reminded me of something that happened to me.

Keep in mind that the original dialogues happened in French; I did my best to translate them.

The first part of the story is PG, but gets "adult-oriented" when my girlfriend gets involved...


This was in the winter of 1994 and I was 20 years old. My girlfriend Jessica and I had just moved into an apartment a few months before.

Jessica's sister Émilie was visiting us. She was 15, four years younger than my girlfriend. Émilie enjoyed our company, and it was reciprocal, it was fun to have her around. She sometimes came to stay with us for the weekend and this was such a time.

The sisters' parents lived in the suburbs, while we lived in one of Montréal's cool neighbourhoods. The way our apartment was set up was typical for Montreal. The entrance was outside, on the second floor. The entrance lead to a long corridor. To the left was a "double room" which included our bedroom and an office. Further along the corridor, you entered the living room, which you had to cross to reach the kitchen/dining room. It was small, but cozy and perfect for a young couple of university students.

I was sitting at my desk, trying to study. I had an important exam coming up and I told the sisters that I had a hard time concentrating. Everything seemed more interesting than macroeconomics.

"Maybe we should tie him to his chair? That would help him concentrate".

My ears perked up. I turned around and looked at Émilie. It was her that had suggested this. She had sly grin and sparkling eyes. While my girlfriend Jessica was athletic and had the toned physique of a snowboarder/swimmer, Émilie was a bit taller and had more of a feline grace. She was clad in a soft, oversized irish cableknit sweater that somewhat hid her shapes, and a pair of black leggings. Her long light brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. She had stretched her sleeves to cover her hands.

Émilie was like a cousin or younger sister to me. At that point I had known her for about five years. She and I often had tickle fights, we had fun play-wresting and grappling. She sometimes asked me to help her practice her self-defense moves on me. She'd ask me to try and grab her from behind, and I would end up with an arm twisted behind my back. Or she'd manage to grab my leg and make me fall back. Fun times. Seriously! And sometimes, we even tied each other up, always playfully - which will be the subject of future stories. Jessica, my girlfriend, knew about our tie up games, but didn't mind. She trusted both her sister and I. And after all she and I had plenty of more tugs together, both of the playful type and the "adult" variety.

"I'm busy, I have to study too", Jessica replied. She was a medical student. She was wearing a turquoise zipped-up polar fleece hoodie and sweatpants. Her dark brown hair was tied in a ponytail. "But If he doesn't mind, go ahead and tie him up!" she added before leaving for the dining room, her favourite studying spot.

I would have liked - no, loved! - to have both sisters team up to tie me up. But this was still turning out like a much more entertaining afternoon than I had anticipated.

Émilie turned towards me with a grin.

"Would you mind if I did?" she asked.

My skin tingled at the prospect of being tied up. I loved being tied up - just as I enjoyed tying others up. I was just glad Émilie couldn't see my predictable biological reaction to her question.

"I'll get free in no time anyway, go ahead!", I replied, knowing full well that this was a lie. I just wanted to provoke her a bit and to make sure that her bonds would be unescapable. The previous times she had tied me up, I had to wait for her to untie me; there was no way I could get free by myself.

"Stay here, don't move, I'll get stuff to tie you up with", she said.

I was really hoping that my excitement wasn't too obvious. Getting tied up always had that effect on me. I was wearing sweatpants, which made these things a bit too obvious to my taste. But my zipped-up hoodie covered the budge, so I hoped it would go mostly unnoticed.

Our apartment wasn't that big, and Émilie stayed at our place frequently, so she knew where to find what she needed to tie me up. She rummaged through the wardrobe, while I watched her from my desk. She got two terrycloth bathrobe belts, a braided leather belt and a couple of ties. She then went to her sister's dresser and got a pair of her hiking socks.

"Do you have any bandannas?" she asked.

"I'll get them for you", I replied, figuring out that they would be used to gag me.

While I got her two of my bandannas - contributing to my own kidnapping - she dropped everything on the bed and then went to the corridor near the entrance. She came back with two plaid lambswool winter scarves that she had picked up on the hooks on the wall. One was hers, the other one was her sister's. She added the scarves to the pile of tie up equipment.

Émilie grabbed a bathrobe belt, looped it around her wrists, and stretched it a couple of times while looking at me menacingly, biting her bottom lip.

"Ok, mister, let's do this. Stand up so that I can tie your hands behind your back"

I complied, stood up and crossed my wrists behind my back. But I was surprised when I saw her red plaid lambswool scarf fly by my eyes.

"I don't want you to see how I'm tying you up", she explained while blindfolding me by wrapping her soft scarf twice around my head, and tying the ends behind my back.

I stood there, awaiting her next move. She took my wrists and crossed them behind my back. I felt the bathrobe belt encircling my wrists comfortably, but firmly. She wrapped them doing "8" figures. She cinched them at the end, and tied the knot somewhere out of reach of my prying fingers. I knew right away that this was serious business. I was quite sure I could not get free by myself, I'd have to wait until she would decide to untie me. And that was fine with me!

I tested my bonds a bit.

"I think I'm stuck already. I don't think I can get free", I told her.

"Good. But I'm not done yet!", she replied.

Next thing I feel is the second bathrobe belt being looped around my arms at elbow level. She pulled on the ends of the belt so that my elbows would come closer together, but not to the point that they would touch. She knotted the ends together, took the excess lengths and did "8" figures again around my elbows, ending with another knot. At that point my arms were useless.

"Now that I think about it, how am I supposed to be studying with my hands behind my back?" I wondered out loud.

"I'll turn the pages for you. But first I think you need a break from studying". I heard her going a few steps away, presumably to the pile of tie up "stuff" that was lying on the bed.

"Now my favourite part" I heard Émilie say behind me.

"What's your favorite pa-mmffphhh!" I tried to ask. But, as you probably guessed, she had seized the opportunity to insert one of her sister's hiking sock in my mouth. It was turned inside-out and folded in two, to create a thick pad. She had inserted the middle part in my mouth. It was quite big so she wasn't able to push it all in, and both ends were sticking out, below and above my mouth. She held it in place with one hand for a moment while I only struggled mildly. She then cleave-gagged me with what I guessed was a rolled up bandanna, to hold the sock in place and tied the ends behind my head.

"It'll be easier for you to concentrate if you can't talk", she said while tying the ends of the bandanna behind my head. "And more fun for me!", she added with a playful tone.

I wasn't sure about my ability to concentrate at this moment; however important it was, studying wasn't what I really wanted to do by then. I was having a blast, this was way more fun than studying.

"Mmmmpphhh!" I replied, mostly to humour her.

But she wasn't done with the gagging. She took what I guessed was Jessica's soft lambswool winter scarf - a 50cm wide and 2m long monster - , folded lengthwise, and used it to cover the cleave gag and hold it in place, covering my nose and my mouth. It was so long that she was able to wrap it around my head three times. She knotted the ends behind my head, tightly. Basically my whole head was mummified.

I tested the gag with a few grunts and muffled sounds, but it was very effective. But I knew that already, as Émilie and her sister, had used similar gags on me before - and me on them too.

"There!" she laughed. "Let's see you get free!"

"JESSICA! COME AND SEE THIS!" she shouted, while holding my arms behind my back and pushing me towards the chair, on which she made me sit.

"OK, I'LL BE THERE, JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE" Jessica replied from the other end of the apartment.

While we were waiting for Jessica to come, I felt something being wrapped my upper body. I quickly understood that Émilie had taken the leather braided belt and was now using it to tie me to the back of the chair. She then buckled it at waist level, almost like a seatbelt. And coming very close to an area where my excitement might have been visible. But to my relief, she didn't say anything about it, so maybe she hadn't noticed.

I felt her hand ruffle my hair - she knew that I hated that!

"There you go, now you'll have to study until I decide you've had enough".

I was still blindfolded, so I wondered how effective this study session would be. While my legs were still free, I felt really, really helpless. But I was loving the sensation.

Two minutes later, I heard Jessica's footsteps approaching, a pause, and then a burst of laughter.

"Oh mon dieu! I didn't think you'd tie him up so well" she said between fits of giggles. "I thought you'd tie his wrists to the chair or something! And how is he supposed to study?".

"I'll remove the blindfold and I'll turn the pages of this book when he grunts", she told her sister. "Like those old Disney Read-Along records that came with a story book, you know, where you had to turn the page when Tinker Bell rang her little bells - except it won't be Tinker Bell's bells that will tell me when to turn the page, it will be Canuck's grunts!".

They both laughed at this, and I did too, chuckling in my gag.

"Ok, I'll let you manage his study time. You'll be ok Canuck?" Jessica didn't wait for a reply that wouldn't come anyway. "Have fun!"

I grunted through my gag, but I'm sure she could tell I was having fun. You can tell by the tone of a grunt if the person tied is enjoying the situation. And I was, for sure!

Émilie was behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"I guess I should remove the blindfold so that you can study". I felt her untying the scarf that blindfolded me, and I regained my sight. She wrapped the scarf around her own neck. "I might have to re-use it later on..." she added, fiddling with the ends. "So, what do you need to study? Is this the right page?" she asked while pointing at my macroeconomics book that was on my desk.

"Uh uhhh" I nodded. I couldn't believe she was serious and thought I would study while being bound and gagged.

"Ok, read the page, and grunt twice when you want me to turn the page. Let's practice!". She leaned on my back, wrapped an arm around my neck and reached for the book with her other hand. "Grunt twice!" she asked, her face beside mine.

"Mmffph, mmffph!". This was fun. And exciting too.

"See, I'll turn the page when you need me to do it". She put me in a headlock and ruffled my hair again with her free hand. "See? It's easy! Is there anything your favorite sister-in-law wouldn't do for you?! Alright, I'll let you study now". She grabbed my Discman (that dates me!), plopped herself sideways on the armchair near my desk and put the headphones on.

So she was serious? She really expected me to study!

I turned around to take a look at her, but she was now ignoring me, listening to her - well, my - music. But I spotted a subtle grin - she knew I was looking at her. I decided I might as well try to read and get some studying done.

I took me a few minutes to read the two pages that were in front of me and to understand the concepts and formulas. But now was the time to turn the page.

"Mmffph, mmffph!".

She got up, came over, leaned on my back, licked a finger seductively and used it to turn the page. She grinned and then went back to the armchair.

For the next 20 to 30 minutes, we went through the same cycle : I grunt - she gets up and turns the page - she goes back to the armchair.

"Ok, time for a break!" she said as she got up and approached me. She unwrapped the scarf from around her neck and proceeded to blindfold me with it, despite my grunts of moans of protest and me shaking my head. She knotted the scarf behind my head, took the ends and reinforced my gag by tying an additional double-knot over it.

"I'm going shopping downtown with my friend Catherine, and I'm meeting her in 15 minutes at the métro station, so I have to get going. Now I'll make sure you're comfortable and that you don't disturb Jessica while she is studying".

I felt her wrap something around one of my ankles. Next thing I know she pulls it off the ground, under the chair, and ties it to one of the back legs of the chair. I then felt her move to my other side, where she did the same thing to my other ankle. I was totally, utterly helpless! And I was having a whale of a time.

"I'm leaving now, I'm sure Jessica will come and untie you... eventually! Oh, I used my scarf to blindfold you, hope you don't mind that I borrow one of yours? It's ok? Perfect, I'll see you later!" she said, giggling. Then I heard her leave the room and close the door behind her.

And then... nothing. It was a thorough job. I really felt helpless. I could not move much, and certainly not escape or yell for help. Émilie had tied the gag so tightly that I could not shake it off. But at the same time, I was in heaven.

Although I was tied up very securely, I was tied very comfortably. All I could do was wait until Jessica would come and untie me. And wait I did. I waited, and waited. I had no way to know how long I had been tied up. I just savoured every moment and made multiple scenarios in my head of what would happen when Jessica would finally decide to untie me. I tried making noise through my gag, but apparently Jessica decided to ignore me and didn't come to the room where I was tied up. Or as was her habit when she studied, she was listening to music and just couldn't hear me.

Minutes go by slowly when I'm tied up. But it always feels like the experience ends too quickly.

After what seemed to be a long, long time, I heard the door open.

"What?!? I can't believe Émilie left you tied up like this! She left what... 45 minutes ago!?!" Jessica said. So I had been tied for about an hour and a half. Not that I would complain! I just shrugged my shoulders. "Ooooh... you've been enjoying this, you naughty boy!" she said as she placed one hand on the bulge between my legs and gently squeezed it, sending waves of pleasure through my body. "You're happy to see me?". It wasn't really a question, so much as a statement. I nodded enthusiastically.

"I still have to study for a bit, soooo... Do you want me to untie you now? Or would you prefer that I keep up tied up while I finish studying, and then take good care of you?"

My preferred option would have been for her to take good care of me right here, right now, but it wasn't part of the choices she gave me. Between the two choices, I was definitely most interested in the second option. So I grunted twice. She understood and laughed.

"Ok then, I'll untie you from the chair and take you to the living room, closer to me! I'll be able to keep an eye on you, and you'll be more comfortable", Jessica told me. Our living room opened to the kitchen/dining room area where she studied. She proceeded to untie my legs from the chair legs and unbuckle the belt that kept my torso affixed to the chair. She helped me stand up, and as I was still blindfolded, she guided me to the living room, where she pushed me face down on the couch. She straddled my legs and I felt her tie my knees with rope. Then she moved a bit further down my body and tied my ankles together. She stood up, gave my behind a soft slap, and went back to the kitchen table, to study I presumed.

I struggled, my soft moans smothered by the thick gag. My excitement, which had not subsided for the past hour and a half, was maintained by my struggles against the couch cushions beneath me. I resisted as much as I could the temptation to continue my struggles with the same intensity, knowing full well what would happened if I wriggled long enough; I was being careful not to end the fun prematurely, preferring Jessica to be involved in the final fireworks. I managed to resist for a good 15 minutes, but my groans and moans seemed to distract Jessica.

"Oh stop it! I can't concentrate!" Jessica said with a playful tone from the kitchen table. I heard her chair being pushed - then nothing.

I mmmphhed and struggled a bit, paying attention to any sound and trying to guess what she was doing. Having scarves wrapped around my head muted the sounds, so it was hard to follow her movement around the room.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my behind - I was still face down - and another one slide between me and the sofa. She gave my hardon a tight squeeze through my sweatpants, which made me jump and gasp.

"Move over" she said softly as she lied down between me and the back of the sofa. I couldn't move much, so she had to push me a bit to make room for her. Her body spooned mine, her firm breasts pressed against my back. She unzipped my hoodie, slid her hand under my t-shirt, gently rubbing my pecs and teasing my nipples. I craned my neck so that my face would be beside hers and moaned. She bit my shoulder softly.

"Having you as my prisoner is fun. We should do this everyday" she said playfully. She then pushed me so that I now lied on my back, my hands trapped behind me. "But I'll want to have my turn too!". A request I would be happy to oblige - eventually.

Her hand slid into my sweatpants. She pressed her body against mine and started stroking me. After such a prolonged period of hardness and excitement, I wish I could say that I lasted another 15 minutes, but in all honesty, her expert ministrations caused my entire body to jolt after only a minute or two. I tensed and fought against my bonds, which only made the final explosion more powerful. My body kept convulsing for another minute while her stroking slowed down and finally stopped. I laid there in postcoital bliss for a moment.

"Oh my god, it got close to your chin!" she said as she wiped her hand on my T-shirt. It had been one of the most intense experiences of my sexual life. She snuggled against me as I lay there, panting into my now very soggy gag, recovering from my powerful orgasm.

After a few minutes she stepped over me and went to the bathroom to clean herself up, while I lay on the couch patiently. She came back and I felt her cleaning me up gently with a towel.

She helped me sit up and - finally - undid the knots that held the scarves that Émilie had used to blindfold and gag me. Jessica then undid the bandanna and pulled the soggy hiking sock out of my mouth.

"Thank you. I love you Jess, that was amazing!" I whispered with a voice that was a bit hoarse due to the long period I was gagged.

She smiled.

"Wow. Émilie really gagged you well. No wonder you didn't complain much!" Jessica said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I'll have to get back at her sometime. But it did have a very good happy ending for me, so maybe I should thank her instead!" I added as Jessica was untying my ankles, then my knees. She then finally proceeded to untie my wrists, which took a bit more time due to the multiple knots Émilie had used.

Once I was finally free, I stretched, rubbed my wrists, hugged my girlfriend and kissed her deeply.


Later in the evening, Émilie came back from her outing with her friend.

"Awwwww.... you untied him?" Émilie said, pouting. "You should have kept him tied up all evening!"

Jessica and I smiled at each other.

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Post by rash357 »

Thank you for sharing Canuck! Great story - looking forward to more!
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Post by Canuck100 »

rash357 wrote: 3 years ago Thank you for sharing Canuck! Great story - looking forward to more!
Thanks for commenting, glad you liked it!
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Post by Axeljohansson »

This is a such a great story, I love it! More stuff like this :)
I like to be blindfolded when I’m tied up :)
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Post by Canuck100 »

Axeljohansson wrote: 3 years ago This is a such a great story, I love it! More stuff like this :)
Thanks Axel! Glad you liked it.

I have a few more stories on the way. The next one will be about how my friend Yannick and I started doing Tugs. In one my next stories with him, we used a parka quite similar to the one you have on your avatar... ;)
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Post by Axeljohansson »

Canuck100 wrote: 3 years ago
Axeljohansson wrote: 3 years ago This is a such a great story, I love it! More stuff like this :)
Thanks Axel! Glad you liked it.

I have a few more stories on the way. The next one will be about how my friend Yannick and I started doing Tugs. In one my next stories with him, we used a parka quite similar to the one you have on your avatar... ;)

That I'm looking forward too :D
I like to be blindfolded when I’m tied up :)
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Post by Flyingvulture »

Love how she did please you. What a wonderful afternoon you guys had!
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Post by Killua »

That's a really great story/experience you had there. I still hope I have that much luck and find a girlfriend like yours back then.

Did you get back at Emily or thanked her in the end? :lol:
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Post by Canuck100 »

[mention]Flyingvulture[/mention] it was indeed a wonderful afternoon

[mention]Killua[/mention] yes, I did get back at Émilie. Not sure if it counts as “revenge” when someone actually enjoys getting tied up though! 😁

Glad you enjoyed the story guys!
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Post by Killua »

If she enjoyed it, it might be more a "thank you" than a revenge though :lol:
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Post by dezz »

Thank you, please continue... :)
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Post by Canuck100 »

Killua wrote: 3 years ago If she enjoyed it, it might be more a "thank you" than a revenge though :lol:

[mention]dezz[/mention] Thanks, , there will be more stories, hopefully soon.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Killua wrote: 3 years ago If she enjoyed it, it might be more a "thank you" than a revenge though :lol:
dezz wrote: 3 years ago Thank you, please continue... :)
There will be more stories involving the sisters, hopefully soon.
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Post by mikejones12989 »

Looking forward to hearing more!
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Post by cp927 »

Great story ! fun !
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Post by Canuck100 »

[mention]mikejones12989[/mention] [mention]cp927[/mention]

Thanks guys!

I'm working on another story that involved Jessica, hope you'll enjoy it too!
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