dreadnaught3200 : 01 -Ghost Stories (m/f, mm/fff)

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dreadnaught3200 : 01 -Ghost Stories (m/f, mm/fff)

Post by Canuck100 »

dreadnaught3200's stories
01 - Ghost Stories
Story index at the bottom

By dreadnaught3200

Fri Jun 26, 200Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:48 pm

Hey Everybody

I've put together another little tale to add to my series, starring the usual group of teenage TUG enthusiasts. Nothing too fancy, but hopefully enjoyable. As usual there are probably lots of grammatical errors and other problems that I didn't notice when I was editing, so please bare with me.

So, here it goes.

Ghost Stories

"And none of the crew were ever seen again? Never?" Sarah asked, leaning inward toward Xander.

"Nope. No one who was on the Mary Celeste was ever seen again, the ship was found off the Azores islands completely abandoned, completely undamaged, lifeboats missing, and enough food and water in the hold to last for six months." He replied quietly, barely louder than whispering.

His four comrades all leaned back onto their various couches or armchairs, suitably creeped out by Xander's story.

The five friends were all sitting in Justin's living room, around one AM on a cool, June Friday night. Moonlight streamed through the floor to ceiling windows nearby casting eerie shadows across the room. They had been watching a movie for the previous two hours, but when it was over, Becca remarked on how spooky the room looked in the low light, and they decided to scare themselves by passing ghost stories around. Xander had just finished telling them about the ghost ship 'Mary Celeste'.

The months that had passed between then and December were some of the most grueling and menial that the group had ever experienced. Though it wasn't without its upsides. Becca and Justin had grown into a well-known couple around their grade, and every now and again would accidently grace the school with a public display of affection. Though Xander or Sarah usually managed to stop them before too long.

The group had also gained a new member, by the name Maya. She had transferred to their school in February, and like most new students, had some trouble fitting into the social structures of high school. Sarah was assigned to work with her on a group project in History, and the two got along very well. So well, that she invited her to come and eat lunch with her group that day. She turned out to be a natural fit.

Maya was around Sarah's height, with long brunette hair that dropped well past her shoulders, grayish blue eyes that were usually behind a pair of sleek glasses, with a very thin build.

Justin and Becca had played a few tie up games on their own since the incident, involving Sarah and Xander in a couple, but they had yet to introduce Maya to the concept.

Back in the living room, Xander's story was supposed to be the last, all five having told one previously.

"Ok seriously though, there is no such thing as ghosts." Maya reasoned.
"I don't think so." Sarah agreed.

Justin thought about it.

"Well... you never know." He said finally.
"What makes you say that?" Maya asked.
"Do you think that there would be stories of ghosts in every culture, and almost everybody having some kind of experience with it if there wasn't an element of truth to it?"
"Or it could just be that everyone gets scared, and is trying to explain things they don't understand." Sarah objected.
"Could be." Xander agreed.

They stayed silent for a moment.

"Besides I've never had an experience with it." Becca said.
"Haven't you ever been to that house on Douglas road?" Xander asked her.
"No, why?"
"It's supposedly our town's resident haunted house."
"Oh that really broken down one on the edge of the marsh?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah that's the one." Justin said. "Supposedly the original tenant who built the house was a shopkeeper in town when it was first being established. It was back in the 1870's I believe."
"Yeah, it's right by the old village museum." Becca remarked.
"Uh huh. I heard that he was an alcoholic and a pretty violent one. When he got drunk he would abuse his son. After a while he couldn't handle it anymore, and the son shot the guy in the middle of the night. He was sent to jail and hung for murder. Since his mother didn't have any other kids she moved to the other side of the country. Really sad story."
"Yeah." Maya agreed.
"The house went from owner to owner but none of them have lasted long, until the last owner foreclosed in mid nineties and it was never bought."
"So the house is haunted by the shopkeeper and his son is that what your saying?" Sarah asked.

A devious look crossed Xander's face.

"We should go have a look at that house." He said.
"No way!" Becca yelled.
"Why not?" He asked.
"It's a creepy house! Why would we?"
"But if there's no such thing as ghosts, what do you have to worry about?"

Justin smiled.

"I think we should go." He agreed. "It might be fun."

Over the next ten or so minutes, the guys worked to convince their female counterparts to go with them on their little paranormal adventure. Maya agreed within a minute or so, ready to meet Xander and Justin's challenge. Becca and Sarah however, took a bit more convincing.

Finally, after resorting from dares, to bets, to pleading, they finally managed to convince them. They decided to go the next night around midnight when the moon would still be out and equally as creepy.

With that all set in place, they decided it was time to part company for the night and head home. Justin walked everyone to the front door, and everyone gave everyone else hugs as they walked out. Maya and Sarah left soon after, but Becca took longer considering she had to give Justin a long kiss before she left. Xander simply waited for them to leave, Justin sensed this and closed the door.

"Going to the house wasn't all of my idea." He announced quietly.
"Really? What did you have in mind?" Justin asked.
"What do you say we force the girls to have some one on one time with the ghosts?"

Xander chuckled. Justin nodded slowly.

"Ok let's do it. What's the plan?"

He and Xander began plotting how they would capture their friends and what they would do to them afterwards. After a good half an hour they finished and Xander finally.

They both couldn't help but laugh. Neither of them actually believed in ghosts.

Saturday was a pretty quiet day for the most part. Maya worked a six hour shift at her shoe store job, while the other four enjoyed their new found summer vacation. The day was mostly clear with a few passing clouds, and as the day began to end the weather remained much the same. Perfect weather for creepy shadows and scary excursions to abandoned houses in the middle of the night.

At eight o'clock the group convened at Justin's place again, some of them eagerly anticipating and some of them dreading their upcoming expedition.

After spending a couple of hours talking and joking, the guys decided it was time to go. The five rose from their seats in the living room and all piled out the back door. Justin and Xander having both picked up their backpacks on the way out.

Justin drove himself and Becca, while Sarah drove Xander and Maya the twenty-minute trip over to the Douglas road park, where they left the cars. They then walked over to Douglas street. As they walked, the houses on either side became separated further and further, until there was only one every few hundred meters.

After walking for twenty minutes, they finally saw the dark shape of the house looming in the night.

A nudge of trepidation began building in all of them.

Justin and Xander were both concerned that there might be a homeless person squatting there, or some other person that might pose a threat to the girls. Consequently Xander had swung by earlier that day, and found no signs that anybody had been in that house for weeks, if not months. But there was no way to be totally sure.

The girls on the other hand were simply scared of walking into the building.

Almost fifteen years of vacancy had taken their toll on the old building. Most of the paint was peeling off the outer walls. Several of the front windows had been smashed, parts of the ceiling were beginning to slide out of place, revealing the wood underneath, and the front door had long since been broken down by other kids trying to scare themselves. What had once been a garden in the front had become and overgrown mass of weeds and vines, some of which snaked up along the front wall of the house, and others that moved out and consumed what was once a well-tended lawn.

It was enough to scare even in the most the stoical person.

"I'm just going to say it again, I do not want to go in there." Sarah announced.
"Come on, you'll be ok." Xander assured her, putting his hands on her shoulders.
"So who goes first then?" Becca asked.

There was a brief silence.

"I will." Maya said finally.

Flashlight in hand, she approached the old broken door. After hesitating for a few seconds, she reached out and pushed the door open, revealing the dark and shadow laden interior of the house. Sweat began to appear on her forehead, but determinedly she stepped forward into the foreboding interior of the house.

Impressed by Maya's courage, the guys followed her inside, with Sarah and Becca trembling behind them.

Maya was almost relieved once she'd stepped inside. She'd assumed that the interior would only look scarier when viewed from the inside, but it wasn't. Gaining confidence she walked strait down the front hallway where it ran into a wall and split into two directions. She turned right into the old sitting room.

A single old couch full of holes and a disheveled were the only objects in the room. The last occupant having taking most of their furniture with them.

Leaving that room she lead the group around into the old kitchen. Most of the old appliances had been left there, though they were all as decrepit as the house they were in.

The five congregated there and stood in a circle.

"This isn't too bad." Maya said.
"No." Sarah agreed.

Justin and Xander both smirked.

"Hey Becca, why don't we uhh... go upstairs... for minute?" Justin suggested.
"Oh, sure." She immediately accepted.

Becca began climbing the stairs and Justin followed close behind her. Once they reached the top they made a left turn and disappeared.

"They have to have a makeout session right now!?" Sarah exclaimed.
"Yeah I guess so." Xander said, laughing.
"Well let's keep looking around in the meantime." Maya suggested.

Continuing from the kitchen they entered the study. The floor was a nice but very old hardwood that had fallen into disrepair, though the walls were in better shape than most.

Walking over the creaky floor, the three entered another carpeted room, though this one was completely empty. Beyond that, they found themselves back at the front entrance again.

They found themselves walking through the other side of the house again and arrived back at the kitchen. Though when they arrived, Justin and Becca were still nowhere to be seen.

"They're still not done?" Maya asked.
"No." Sarah said.
"You know what, who cares, let's go." Xander finally said.

Sarah and Maya agreed, and the three climbed the stairs to the upper floor and found themselves in a narrow hallway. All of the doors were closed except for the one at the end of the left hallway, which was cracked open. Seeing this, Xander let Sarah and Maya pass him as they walked to the door.

Sarah pushed it open and entered the room beyond.

Becca lay face down on the floor, her hands bound behind her palms inward with white nylon rope, her ankles tied together and a rope running between them, pulling her into a hogtie. She squealed at her friends through the stuffing cloth and white cleave gag she was wearing, but it was too late.

Justin sprang out from beside the door and took hold of Maya while Xander seized Sarah from behind.

"Oh no! No! No! No! Not here!" Sarah yelled.
"What are you doing?!" Maya exclaimed. "Are you insane?!"

Justin dragged Maya over to his opened backpack on the floor nearby and pulled out another coil of the white rope. He grabbed her hands and began wrapping it around her wrists and cinching it off in the usual way.

Sarah resisted futilely as Xander escorted her to a structural pole that ran from floor to ceiling in the corner of the room. After struggling with him for nearly a minute, she recognized she'd lost and backed against the pole. Xander wasted no time in opening his backpack and retrieving a rope and using it on her hands. Remembering what had happened last time he'd tied Sarah to a pole, he was careful to tie a more secure knot, away from the reach of her fingers. Once he was done with that, he pulled out two more ropes. The first he used on Sarah's torso, wrapping it around her and pole just below her breasts, and the second on her ankles, much to the protest of Sarah's kicking feet.

As miffed as Sarah and Becca were at their predicament, Maya was completely overwhelmed. The two only looked annoyed at their predicament, so Maya knew that Justin and Xander meant her no harm. But at the same time, she'd never been tied up before, and she would never have expected it to happen in a million years.

Justin sensed this and whispered to her:

"Don't worry it's just a prank."

Once her hands were tied securely, Justin helped her down to the floor and began tying her ankles. Once those were secure he took another piece and tied it just above her knees. When he brought out the next piece, she expected he was going to hog tie her like Becca, but once Justin had tied one end around her ankles, he didn't move toward her hands but instead to the door knob of the nearby closet. After pulling the rope tight enough to lift Maya's legs into the air, he secured it onto the knob.

"You sons of bitches! I'm going to kill you both!" Sarah yelled.
"Ok that's enough." Xander said coolly.

He pulled out two white cloths, and quickly jammed one into Sarah's open mouth before tying the other one around to hold it in.

"Mmmmmph!" Becca yelled.
"Mmmmmph!" Sarah answered.

Maya nervously awaited her turn. Being tied up for the first time was bad enough, but gagged too?

"You ok?" Justin asked her, genuine concern in his voice.
"I guess." Maya answered breathlessly. "Should I be?"
"Yeah, is this too much for you?"

Maya took her time in answering.

"No, I'm ok." She decided, wanting to play along with what her friends obviously did to each other.
"Good, then open wide."

Justin shoved a black cloth into her mouth, followed by another that he tied tightly around her head.

The two guys both walked over to the door and looked over their bound and gagged friends.

"Don't they look pretty all tied up like that?" Xander asked flippantly.
"They sure do!" Justin replied, staring strait at Becca.

She couldn't help but giggle.

"Well, now that's done, let's go." Xander announced.

All three girls squealed in unison.

"But before we do..." Xander started as he reached into his backpack. He pulled out a candle on an old brass candlestick. Setting it down on the floor, well away from any of the bound girls, he pulled out a box of matches and lit it.

"There you go." He said.
"You gals have fun with the ghosts!" Justin yelled.

True to their word, the two guys turned around and left the room. The girls listened as their footsteps creaked down the hall, descended the stairs, pushed open the front door and closed it again.

Sarah drew her feet back and pushed herself up the pole into a standing position so she could see out the window, and watched as the two walked away from the house and back toward the cars.

She dropped back to the floor again in disbelief. How could they actually leave them here?! And for how long?!

Not wasting any time she began struggling against the ropes. Remembering how she escaped in the costume loft the previous November, she tried to pull the rope binding her hands closer to her fingers. But Xander had learned from his mistake and made the rope tighter and tied the knot more securely on the opposite side. So try as she might Sarah couldn't touch the knot with more than the very ends of her fingernails.

Becca struggled violently against the hog tie. Leaning herself over onto the floor, she pulled and flailed her arms back and forth, the movement of which spun her around on the floor. In frustration she grunted and screamed into her gag, knowing she was making no progress.

Maya pulled against her bonds half heartedly, but was smart enough to analyze the bonds she'd been put in to, and knew that she had no real way to escape them. The knots on her wrists were out of reach of her fingers, and with her legs elevated the way they were, she had no way to move herself. She was stuck.

Suddenly, all three heard a creek from the lower floor.

This startled all three, abruptly stopping their struggling. Though after a minute they were able to shrug it off, it was an old house, old houses make noise.

Maya gave up on any possibility of freeing herself and wondered if there was any way to get to Becca. Looking over to her, she noticed that Becca could still somewhat propel herself.

Maya mmphed to get Becca's attention. Once she looked over, Maya shook her bound hands up and down, beckoning Becca to untie them. Once she understood Maya's signal, Becca turned so her hands were facing Maya and she began to very slowly drag herself across the floor to her bound friend.

The minutes passed as she crawled across the floor.

Stopping for air, Becca looked back to Sarah to see if she was making any progress. But Sarah had stopped struggling completely, and instead stared, transfixed at the candle Xander had left.

Becca and Maya both looked over to it.

The candle had only burned a quarter of the way down, but was flickering wildly. The flame dropped from side to side and sputtered.

Maya tried to rationalize it. It must have been the wind. But she couldn't help but notice, all the windows in the room were intact and there were no vents. Nonetheless, the flame flickered, sputtered, and disappeared. Leaving only a pitiful column of smoke where it should have been.

The three girls all froze in fear.

They watched for a moment as the thin column of smoke rose from the wick of the candle until it stopped. Casting the room back into the eerie stillness of moonlight.

After waiting another minute for any more noises, Becca resumed her struggle across the floor, desperately trying to drag herself over to Maya.

None of the girls had a watch, nor had any idea what time they had arrived, but they could all tell that at least half an hour had passed since Justin and Xander had left the house. Sarah pushed herself up the pole again, in an attempt to look out the window. Justin and Xander were still nowhere to be seen.

Becca was making progress, and no more than a couple of feet from Maya's outstretched hands.

A door at the end of the hallway began to creek, sending icy chills up all their spines.

Sarah let out a low moan in fear. There was no one else in the house.

Rather than idly sit, Becca redoubled her efforts, and began grunting in her meager attempts to escape. But Maya had stretched herself out as far as she could, and Becca wasn't moving any faster.

Sarah had never felt so incredibly helpless in her life. Try as she might she couldn't get herself out of her bonds, and her only chance of escaping her terrifying predicament lay with someone else in a slightly more escapable situation.

The door at the end of the hallway closed itself again.

Becca grunted and groaned, she was only a few inches away.

Sarah couldn't stand doing nothing any longer, she started struggling wildly against the ropes. Though she knew it wouldn't make a difference.

Finally Becca was able to reach the ropes around Maya's wrists, and she frantically began pulling on the ropes, hoping to find the knot and undo it.

Steps began to echo down the hall outside the door. Slowly the approached the room, each footstep slightly louder than the one before it. The three girls all struggled furiously.

The doorknob turned.

The door opened only a crack at first, but slowly pushed itself farther and farther.

"Hey there!" Justin said.

Maya, Becca and Sarah all let out the biggest sigh of relief they'd ever breathed.

"You have a fun time?" Xander asked flippantly.

Sarah fingered him from behind the pole, as she and the other two mmphed their wishes to be untied.

Justin set to work releasing Becca and Maya, while Xander took care of Sarah's pole predicament.

"I'm glad to see I tied it better this time." Xander said.

Sarah responded with an angry grunt. Noticing this, Xander undid the cleave gag and she spat out the cloth, giving way to a flood of curses and threats.

Before long all three were untied and standing on their own two feet.

"Now I think it's time to go." Justin announced.

He didn't have to say that twice, the three girls bolted for the door, and ripped down the stairs and out the front the door. They ran over to the sidewalk before the stopped and looked back at the decrepit old building.

When Xander and Justin caught up, Sarah and Becca stared them down angrily.

"Who's idea was that?!" Becca demanded.

Xander sighed: "Mine."

Sarah walked up to him and punched him on the chest as hard as she could.

"I suppose I deserved that."
"Yes you did!" Becca confirmed.
"Can we go now please?" Maya asked.

Once again, they didn't need to be told twice. The five half walked, and a half ran back to the cars and tore down the road back towards home. Sarah didn't usually have a lead foot, but that night she decided to make an exception.

Twenty minutes later they found themselves back in Justin's kitchen.

"I thought you guys might need this." Justin announced as reached into his fridge, pulling out a bottle of rum.
"Give me that!" Sarah demanded.

She took the bottle, undid the cap and took a swig. Becca took it from her and took smaller drink.

"My turn." Maya announced, taking the bottle.

Maya took a bigger drink then both Becca and Sarah combined, and looked completely unfased.

"Wow." Xander remarked.

She just nodded with a smirk.

"So that really freaked you guys out obviously." Xander remarked.
"No shit." Sarah said.
"I mean, it was relieving when we saw you guys though."
"So we would untie you?" Justin asked.
"No, so you would stop making all those noises and freaking us out." Maya said.

Justin and Xander looked at each other.

"What noises?"
"You know... the creaking, and the door opening and... the candle..." Becca sputtered.
"We left the house and went for a walk, we came up to let you guys out as soon as we got back." Justin said.

They all looked back and forth at each other.

"Let's not tell any more ghost stories for a while ok?" Becca said.

They all nodded.

Thanks for reading, and do leave a comment!

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Post by Larzade »

It's a great story, here are the rest of the author's stories:

Clash of the Divas

Story moved here
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Post by Larzade »

Tough Love

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Post by Larzade »

Up at the lake

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