Part-Time Bondage Model (multiple M/M)

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Part-Time Bondage Model (multiple M/M)

Post by Writer »

Alright, just remember. Just gotta get through this till I pay off rent... and that speeding ticket.. maybe a few new shoes..

Ivan Yang was not exactly in the worst financial situation that one could be in. But he did have it rough. The 21 year old college junior had just gotten caught speeding 100 mph down a what - in his defense - thought was a clear drive down the California I-5 from foggy San Francisco to Southern California. He had just gotten situated in his new home away from home off-campus, the first time he's moved away from his parents, and an incoming transfer student to a new public university in the city. Not to mention the cost of rent and the obscene amount of parties and clubs he had gone to (pre-pandemic times, of course), he had pushed himself into a fiscal corner fairly early on in his new life as a bachelor.

When he was about to give up he came across a flier in one of the bars he frequented: "Wanted: Male Models for Adult Photography Sessions".

So what made it "adult"? Would I be naked? Would this be safe? Ivan was no doubt confident in his physique, having the broad shoulders and slim waist of an ex-swimmer. He had a sharp face and short jet-black hair and a jawline that his ex-girlfriends would describe as jaw-dropping (ba-dum-tss). It's not like anyone would recognize me, right? It even says here that photos retain the model's anonymity...

Already a few beers in, Ivan sent an email to the contact on the flier, along with a few photos of him at the beach rocking just his swim shorts and his natural outline and completely forgot about it until the following week. As his Friday classes ended, he found a message in his inbox:

"Hey Ivan!

Thanks for the interest in becoming one of our models. We've gone through several applications and we'd like to follow up with you. Can you meet up with one of our photographers at this cafe tomorrow at noon?"

Ivan suddenly perked up. He mustered whatever courage he had, and threw away what pride he had into securing the funds he needed to truly start anew without having to worry his parents about completing his degree debt-free.

Chapter 1: You Want Me to Do What?

Ivan sat at a corner table in a local cafe, dressed in a light blue tank, some green shorts and flip flops, perfect for the southern Californian autumn weather. Soon after noon struck, a man dressed in a casual blue button up and grey slacks came up to him.

"Hey Ivan, right? Steven, nice to meet you."

"Likewise. So, is there anything particular about this photoshoot that makes it so.. adult?" Steven laughed at Ivan's concern.

"Well, it was rather vague in our ads," Steven inched in a bit but luckily for Ivan, the cafe was relatively empty save for the baristas who were busy dealing with togo orders to pay attention. "Our current photoshoots that seem to have had a hit lately with customers deal with models in.. well, bondage."

Ivan's interest was piqued. Had he ever been tied up before, or even had those fantasies? Honestly, no. The thought of being potentially kidnapped by people claiming to be simple photographers definitely raised some red flags in his head. "Hey, just to let you know we're not some shady business out to steal your kidneys, kid. We use an actual studio space and everything." Ivan's fear was overpowered by his need to pay off his debts.

"... So, there's like.. safe words and stuff right? Like if I want out?"

"Oh yeah, kid definitely. Of course, we'll pay you for the more intense positions if you can hold out for us. We'll go by your comfort level." Ivan was still really unsure about this but he had very few other options to earn the rates that Steven was providing that quickly. Ivan looked over a detailed contract stating the terms of his participation - essentially signing a waiver.

And so a deal was struck. Steven asked him if he wanted to try modeling that afternoon, just for the experience.

"Oh, I didn't bring anything really fashionable to wear," Ivan said flopping his feet in his sandals.

"Don't worry, this is just to give our rigger some inspiration. We can worry about the clothes another time."

Steven gave Ivan a ride to the studio which was just a few blocks from the cafe. The studio was filled with a lot of natural lighting as well as a black curtain used for backdrop purposes. Inside was another man, about Steven's age Ivan presumed. "Ivan, I'd like you to meet Don. He's our trusted and experienced roper."

"Hey Ivan, how're you doing?" Don seemed like a pleasant dude. The way he spoke put Ivan at ease. "So you're gonna model for us, is that right? Awesome. I've been thinking up new patterns for a shoot idea, but for today I just kinda want to see what material would suit you, and what kind of poses you'd be willing to do. And just so you know, my knots aren't fake - once you're tied, you're tied up good. No one's ever gotten out of my ropes."

"Dude, don't scare the newbie," Steven joked. "He talks big, but he's a big softie. Even his ropes have a lot of care put into them - you'll be able to move comfortably, but he's not lying when he says you won't be able to get out."

"Sounds more like a challenge," Ivan retorted.

"Hey, I like that idea," Don said, " precocious college kid struggles to get loose". Don walked over to his stash of equipment and pulled out a few coils of red cotton ropes. "Alright Ivan, go ahead and sit on that chair."

Ivan slowly complied, wondering about how this was all going to play out. If he didn't like it or if he felt like he was in danger, ... well, he knew some kung fu he saw in movies.

"We're just gonna start off nice and easy with a basic chair tie," Don held both of Ivan's arms behind his back as he coiled the rope around his wrists, creating a simple square knot. Surprisingly, Ivan felt rather comfortable with the feel of the ropes. He didn't notice Don doing the same to his ankles until he yanked a rope from his ankle bindings to his wrists, effectively hogtying him in a sitting position. It wasn't tight enough that his back arched, but his feet were raised off the bottoms of his sandals, exposing his arched soles. His pecs were also jutting out of his tank top, exposing just a hint of his side nipple. This was further accentuated with Don adding a few chest bindings to his upper chest.

"So Ivan, how does that feel?" Don took a step back to admire his work. "Try moving around, it's not too uncomfortable, is it?" Ivan set to sifting back and forth on the chair, as well as attempting to dislodge his wrists from the bindings. But every pull on his arms meant a tug on his legs. He didn't want to show it.. but he was getting quite stiff from the whole experience.

"It's.. professional. I can't really move, but it's kind of like being in a sleeping bag - not a lot of space, but still breathable" Ivan gave a few more involuntary tugs before accepting his current state.

"You definitely already look pretty decent in that getup - too bad we're not shooting today." Steven came up and inspected the work. He took a look at Ivan's raised soles and ran a finger through the grooves of his feet, much to Ivan's dismay.

"Hey!!" Ivan gave a chuckle and quick jolt as he tried to move his feet away.

"Haha, my bad, kid! Couldn't resist. Gotta think of what angles we could get the most interesting shots. Alright Don, get him out of it." Don got Ivan untied as quickly as he had been tied up, so quickly that Ivan thought that there must have been some hidden slipknot. His excitement in his groin had subsided for now as he was excited about the next pose he might get to try.

Before the afternoon was over, Ivan was hogtied regularly on the floor, frogtied, tied in a line with his hands attached to his side, and tied to a bed frame. Each time, Don was quick in his work, and each time, Ivan had to hide his evident excitement. At the end of the session and an exchange of thank yous between him and Don, Steven gave Ivan a ride back to his apartment, but not before giving him an advanced payment for his services today.

"Huh? But you didn't even get any shots of me," Ivan asked.

"Well, you indulged us in figuring out what kinds of ties we can try out for next time. Plus, you gave Don some practice time! He used to practice on me, but I'm not exactly the most flexible person. Ah youth, to be young and full of energy in your limbs." Ivan and Steven shared a good laugh as Ivan exited the car.

"Thanks for today, Steven. Can't wait to be working with you for the shoot," Ivan said.

"No worries, and thank you Ivan. We'll keep in touch at the end of next week with details of the shoot!" Steven drove off, leaving Ivan to his thoughts. That night, he had a hard time getting to bed. Since he was a thorough researcher, he spent the latter half of the evening viewing sites of men in bondage... purely for research purposes only....

And so did Ivan's junior year of college kick off to a knotty start.

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Post by ShortSocks »

Nice start! I have a similar story idea on the backburner! I will be interested to see how this goes for Ivan!
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Post by blackbound »

This sounds very promising - let's see how far Ivan is willing to be pushed.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That's quite a promising beginning. I'm looking forward to see what awaits Ivan inhis bondage modelling carrier.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

As much as part of me was hoping for Ivan to be kidnapped, I'm actually really happy about how this turned out and the way it seems to be going! I can't wait to see how Ivan deals with the next shoots and how into his "research" he ends up getting...

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Post by Trickster »

Excellent and exciting start. Looking forward to where you take the story next.
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Chapter Two: Say "Ahh"

Ivan's week passed by in such a normal fashion, that he was starting to feel slightly ejected: Steven had not reached out to him since they last met on the weekend. Ivan's desperate requisite for rent slowly started to outweigh his urge to continue his exploration into his modeling career.

Honestly, I should just be thinking about school. I can take out a few loans here and there and it'll be fine.

A few vibrations from his phone snapped him out of his thoughts. He casually took out his phone during his lecture class and reacted as one does when receiving a text back from a crush - ecstatic, excited, and with just a hint of anxiety.

Hey Ivan! It's Steven. Well, hope you know that since I was hoping you'd save my number into your phone by now. Gig's still on for this Saturday. Sending you the time. Location's the same as last time.

This was it! Ivan breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he glossed over the rest of class. As soon as he was finished for the day, he decided to hit the gym to tone up as best as he could. Every muscle counts, he assumed.

Saturday rolls around and Ivan finds himself outside the studio from last week. As he knocks on the door, he notices a familar face call him from behind.

"Hey Ivan! Good to see you again." It was Don. He was carrying a small black backpack. As Ivan's gaze turn to it, Don explained. "Oh, this? It's what you'll be wearing today! Don't worry, you'll see when we get in. I mean, that's part of the surprise factor, in my opinion; makes for some more candid reactions when photographing."

Don opens the door to the studio. Steven was already waiting inside, reading over a few papers while sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Hey man, glad you could make it!" Steven was as enthusiastic as the first day they met. "So here's how it's gonna go down, I drafted up a contract for each gig that we give to our models. You can technically do them day by day, but if you agree to a set amount of gigs, we bump up your commission. Obviously, if you're a no-show, you don't get paid. Worst case, you pay us a penalty fine - but it usually doesn't come to that. Again, we work on your schedule. Take a look and see what you're game for."

Ivan took a glance at the contract for today's gig, as well as a contract signing him on for 5 sessions. Both of them read roughly the same: each session was 4 hours long, ample time to get the model ready and to change positions, rigging, etc. There was a disclaimer that some photos would be in the nude, but in those cases, the model's identity would always remain anonymous by covering up the face. Videos may sometimes be taken (bonus commission for those) and uploaded to certain sites approved by the agency.

At the very bottom there was another disclaimer - in any event where the model is aroused to the point of possible orgasm, the staff have permission to do the following:
in a checkbox fashion it read - [ ] rope caging, [ ] handjob, [ ] sounding, [ ] blowjob by other model, [ ] waxing, [ ] none of the above

"Hey, Steven..." Ivan asked concerned. "About this last portion."

"Oh yeah. Remember how I did say this was an adult photoshoot? Well, some people really go all out for content of models that... relieved themselves during the session. Obviously we'd need to manually cause the orgasm if you don't get aroused. Also, we pay you double for the times this happens, as compensation. Sometimes clients are satisfied just seeing the arousal take place.. well, to each their own I guess."

Ivan took another look at the list, and thought long and hard.. until he saw the flat rates per session, which started at $[redacted]/hr. Shit, that's enough for my ticket, my rent... and then some... He checked off everything asides from sounding and gave the signed form back to Steven who reviewed it and gave his official stamp of approval.

"OK kid, let's get you into wardrobe and get this party started! Don?"

Don opened up the small backpack Ivan saw earlier. He pulled out, to his earnest surprise, a bright red jockstrap, with black elastic bands, and one equally bright red ballgag harness. "Ok Ivan, go ahead and change out of your clothes into this jock. You can use the bathroom over yonder. Oh, also take these socks also." Don handed Ivan some long white soccer socks, with red stripes accenting the tops.

Ivan nervously walked to the bathroom and changed into his "uniform". While he did so, he took some time to admire his image in the mirror - his barely defined abs and flat stomach lent itself well to the tightness of the jockstrap. This was the first time Ivan had worn one.. the sensation felt very secure.

Ivan walked out into the studio and found Don and Steven setting up the equipment against the black curtain. "Wow man, looking good!" Don was really laying on the compliments. "Ok, so the first pose is a bit simple, we're going to take your arms behind your back like so" he reached one arm behind his back from the top and crossed it with his other arm, as if stretching his triceps. Ivan imitated the pose, exposing his lightly hairy armpits.

"Yes, just like that! Just hold it there while I coil the ropes." Don started at Ivan's wrists, locking them together behind his back. He then wrapped ropes around both of his elbows, preventing his arms from being able to come in front of him. "Perfect. So I want you to sit down on the floor here - no not criss-crossed - bend your right leg in front of you and then extend your left leg so your feet are pointing in the same direction.... there! The purpose is to make it look like you can't get up" which Ivan actually couldn't at this point.

Steven shot a few pics of him in this pose. Every now and then he would ask Ivan to look into the camera, with a hint of rebellion in his eyes. "Alright Don, keep going."

Before he knew it, Don approached Ivan from behind, and told him, "Alright. Say 'ahh!'"!"

"Aahh-pph??!" Ivan instantly freaked out, as Don buckled the red ball gag in place in Ivan's mouth.

"Whoa! Easy, it's just a gag. I'll take it out in a few minutes. But for now I'm gonna need you to just relax." Ivan stopped resisting, partly because he knew he would fall over if he kept struggling. Steven snapped a few more shots of Ivan with the gag. He particular started to zoom in when he noticed a trail of drool start to form, much to Ivan's embarrassment. Oddly enough, the more he drooled, the harder he could feel his erection coming in. He had never felt such a rush of helplessness before.

Fortunately enough, Steven noticed the bulge starting to grow in Ivan's groin. Ivan was soon ungagged, his spit wiped off by Steven. "Ok dude we have a few options based on how you signed the contract. Obviously, you're enjoying this; don't worry we all went through this before at some point. Honestly, most of our recent models haven't been as engaged in the shoots as you have, and definitely not as excited. So this would be a good opportunity for some nude shots.. maybe even a cumshot vid if you're okay with that"

Ivan thought about it for a second, but with each one, he felt an increasing urge to blow his load. "Alright I'm game. You guys are gonna mask my identity anyway, right?" Don produced a black bandana folded just to fit over Ivan's eyes.

"So now we'll give you a choice too - gag on or off?"

".... on." Don and Steven happily regagged Ivan with the same red ballgag, and this time added the black blindfold. The lack of sight only furthered Ivan's own ambition. Don undid his arms and allowed him to stretch before slowly sliding the jockstrap off Ivan's legs. His long soccer socks were kept on, albeit a bit sagged on each leg.

The instant it exposed his member, Ivan could feel the spring as his dick was freed from its tiny cloth protection. Don wasted no time in lashing up Ivan's arms behind his back. He helped him to the ground as he tied both of his knees to his thighs, individually, essentially hogtying him.

"Ok now stay on your stomach for a few shots..." Steven got a few pics and physically pushed Ivan to his side, exposing his dick front and center, the drool still falling down the side of his mouth. Each shutter of the camera resulted in Ivan's dick twitching ever so slightly.

Then came the stroking. Ivan couldn't tell who it was, or if the camera was rolling. He started to moan into his gag, his legs attempting to open up into full butterfly positions as he still laid on his side. Slow strokes were accompanied by quick sudden jerks. A few head polishes and high pitched moans later, Ivan felt his dick close to bursting. He soon started thrusting to the motions of the stroking until

"A-a-aughhhh" Ivan winced under his blindfold as his healthy long member produced a stream of healthy white ejaculate. Ivan was left panting on the ground, and slightly convulsing to cover and curl in. He had never had such release, not even when he was with his ex.

"How are you feeling, Ivan?" Steven reached out and removed his gag and blindfold.

"T-that.. was definitely something new. How do the shots look?"

"Amazing! We got a lot of good content. We'll make sure to send you proofs before we publish them anywhere."

The rest of the session went on with normal poses. Ivan was dressed back in his provided jockstrap and took photos in his most natural standing and sitting poses, holding a baseball bat, and other provocative poses.

As the session ended, with a lot of thank you's from Don and Steven, Steven produced for Ivan his first up front paycheck. "And a little bonus for the extra work you put in today." Steven winked.

That night, as Ivan was studying in his apartment, he received a few emails from Steven, which included the photos from today's shoot, as well as a few videos of him struggling, and being milked in nothing but his soccer socks. The sight was enough for Ivan to relive the events of today with vivid memory.

Suffice it to say, Ivan masturbated hard twice that night before retiring his thoughts to slumber.

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Post by TightsBound »

Loving this story so far! It makes me wish I could be a bondage model 😁
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Post by Volobond »

TightsBound wrote: 3 years ago Loving this story so far! It makes me wish I could be a bondage model 😁
What a coincedence! Makes me wish I could be a bondage photographer! :D

Don and Steven are awesome, and the description of the shoot was lighthearted yet arousing! Loving the story!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm really enjoying the lighthearted tone of this story. Also Ivan's outfit in this chapter really was... wow. :shock:
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by RopedBud »

I'm actually really enjoying this story! While I feel the natural route would be to include some kidnapping or something along those lines, I like the approach of just a guy trying to pay his way through college. Keep up the good work!
Last edited by RopedBud 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ShortSocks »

Good start in chapter 2! Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
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Post by jackroper »

This is a great story--light-hearted so far with the potential of a darker turn down the road. Please do continue!
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Post by Bradboi »

Awesome so far !
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Post by Trickster »

That was a wonderful 2nd chapter. It was very sexy and I like how it subtly hints at some future menace to come and face Ivan. I am really looking forward to the continuation of this story!
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Post by Writer »

Chapter 3: Laugh for Me

Following Ivan's orgasmic photo session, he was finally able to pay off his speeding ticket, as well as pay for part of his monthly rent. Luckily for him, consenting to the extra footage and pics nabbed him some "well earned" leisure bucks, which he spent haphazardly on a few drinking sessions with his buddies following the end of midterm season.

"So Ivan, dude" his friend Kayden asked during a night on the town. "Me and the guys got this sick trip planned for winter break - a grand tour of Southeast Asia! Island hopping in the Philippines, luxury chilling in Bali, weebin' it out in Japan, whaddya think?"

"I think you must be made of money, cuz there's no way in hell I can afford all that," Ivan claimed. Despite his newfound cash flow, he was still frugal about some of his purchases.

"Hey, I know you're working some kind of part time gig, considering you always ask us to come through every weekend. Just save up a bit and lay off the booze for like a month. And maybe ask your parents for some help?" Ivan definitely didn't want to burden his parents anymore with finances. But then again, he also didn't want to miss what could be one of the last trips in his college career that he could spend with his best buds..

Like clockwork, the next day Ivan's phone received a more than welcome text message.

"Ivan! We got a client that's really interested in you being their model. They're sending out a photographer to our studio today and we were hoping you might be able to swing by for a session. Me and Don have some other shoots we're doing rn but we'll catch up when we're done. Comp's big this time around. Can you do it?"

Well, it wasn't like Ivan had much studying to do post-midterms anyway. He responded that he'd be there asap, quickly put on a light tee, some shorts and his flip flops and rolled out.

When he got to the studio, a slender, younger man was there to greet him. He didn't look that much older than Ivan, and had a handsome looking face with piercing brown eyes. "Ivan, right? I'm Sam. I work in the same agency as Don and Steven. They probably gave you a little run down but I'm trying to shoot some new clips for our website and I saw your work with them so I asked for some assistance."

"I'd be down - can you explain what's the setup?" Sam handed him the terms of agreement. Standard fare, with the bottom listing out a few considerations: "model to be subject to some, if not all, of the following: gags, blindfolds, sensual stimulation, and long duration bondage."

"I'll be taking a video basically of you struggling to escape your bondage predicament. All the while taking photos of some choice moments on set. Regarding clothes... I think just take off the shirt and be in your khaki shorts and that should be pretty hot enough." Hot?

The set with the black curtain had just one prop, which was a wide table with four metal rings at each corner. "By the way, I'll be both the rigger and photographer today. I'm gonna tie you up spread eagle, so whenever you're ready just take off your shirt." Ivan complied and took off his shirt. He was instructed to lie down on the table face up. He spread his extremities out in all four intercardinal directions. Sam took no time tying all four of his limbs to each of the posts on the table. "Wow dude, you look really hot spread out like this."

"Haha, thanks" Ivan was used to compliments, but for some reason, this made him just a tad uncomfortable.

"Ok, once I gag and blindfold you, I'll let you know when I start filming. I want you to pretend that you just woke up from some sort of nap and you're finding yourself tied up like this. Struggle like hell to get out - not that you can, mind you, with the way you're tied lol." Ivan nodded his head, and with that Sam produced a leather blindfold, and what looked to be some sort of leather plug, which was to serve as the gag. Sam went right ahead and walked towards Ivan's head, and fastened the blindfold on his eyes. Ivan swallowed hard before letting in the phallic-looking gag into his mouth. The sensation wasn't unwanted or uncomfortable, but it was definitely a new experience for him.

"Ok Ivan, I got that camera rolling in 3.. 2.. 1.." A small beep was heard, and Ivan began to struggle. Initially he was just testing out the bonds, acting as if he was surprised to have been caught in some sort of web of ropes. Then, he really went to work tugging at each direction, trying to find any give. He gave a few playful grunts and moans, befitting a kidnapped hottie. He heard Sam's footsteps slowly walk up his side. "Don and Steven really went soft on you your first time," Sam's fingers lightly brushed up the side of Ivan's stomach causing him to jerk, before they ended up lightly brushing his right nipple.

"The stuff they did was so tame.. granted it was your first time, but today... let's consider this your true initiation into the team." Ivan had no idea what Sam was talking about, but his playful tugs quickly turned into more earnest ones, as he felt both of Sam's hands begin to feel up his exposed chest.

Then, out of nowhere, it happened. As Sam's hands were caressing the sides of his chest, they suddenly dug deep into Ivan's armpits and began to squirm erratically in the crevices. Ivan lost his composure and howled into his gag as hard as he could. Whichever way he twisted, he locked in one of Sam's hands.

"Hahaha, there we go! That's an honest reaction! Keep it up for me, Ivan!" Sam worked his way down Ivan's body, sliding his hands everyhwere as he descended. "Oh my, look at these slender foot arches." Sam held Ivan's bare left foot in his hands, and ran his fingers down his perfectly arched feet. Ivan began to thrash as his most exposed weakness came into light; he began to speak into his gag, begging for some sort of release.

"Sorry, no can do Ivan, you signed the contract. Remember? Sensual stimulation? This here is allll part of it! Just grin and bare it, cutie!" Sam's tickle torture continued for the next ten minutes, within such time Ivan found his shorts unbuttoned and his dick catching an unexpected draft. "Wow, look at this big boi. Let me fit it with something sexy." Sam pulled out a vibrator, attached to a silicone cap, which he slipped right on top of Ivan's exposed penis. The tight sensation caused him to exclaim in shock.

"Have you worked with one of these before? No? Good." Sam flipped on the switch and let the vibrations do their magic. In a few seconds, Ivan's dick was pulsating with both electrical vibrations and blood pumping through his dick's veins. Sam took the time to rub his hands in an oily lotion, which he used to lather onto Ivan's feet. By the end of it, Ivan's soles were bright and shiny. Sam continued his assault on his arches using just his index fingers for each foot.

Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down.

The agony was catching up to him. Ivan had never been this sexually stimulated in his life. Right when Sam stopped stroking one foot, he moved to playing with Ivan's nipples, causing them to harden and send him into a state of euphoria. "Ah Ivan, I have a confession - ever since I saw Don and Steven publish your pics, I just knew I had to try and dominate you at some point. You're so hot and sexy, and honestly just a treasure to have on the team. Oh, don't worry you're gonna get that commission.. but I'm gonna make sure you're paid for every service you provide today!"

Ivan persisted through another 20 minutes of tickle torture and edging until the door of the studio swung wide open.

"Sam!!" Ivan couldn't see, but he heard Steven's frusted voice ring in the room. "What the fuck do you think you're doing??"

"What does it look like? I'm breaking your model into shape." Sam retorted.

"You're fucking breaking him! He's literally a newbie at this and you're going overboard. This is how you scared off our other models!"

"Hey it's not my fault that they couldn't follow up with their contracts. And look, I think little Ivan's really enjoying himself."

In reality, Ivan was barely hanging onto the conversation. His body was ripe with sweat for the tickling session Sam administered, and his dick was stick throbbing with potential energy, just waiting to bust. All he could focus on was his breathing, and his rhythmic moaning.

"Sam, leave. We'll talk about this later."

"Alright, but make sure to look at that camera later; I got a shitton of content from today-"

"GO!" Ivan could hear Sam grumbling.

"Bye bye, Ivan! We'll play again soon~" Sam's voice drifted away.

"Ah shit dude, my bad," Steven apologized profusely to Ivan while beginning to release Ivan from a near hour-long session... in more ways than one. "Hold on dude, I'm going to take off this vibrator from your di-"

The moment the silicone cap left his penis, it brushed lightly against the head. which was the final push it needed to unload a stream of cum all over Ivan's exposed chest. By the end of it, Ivan was convulsing and gasping for air underneath his gag. A lite trail of saliva could be seen trickling from the side of his mouth.

After Ivan was properly cleaned up (the bathrooms in the studio kept a stock of towels for just such an occasion), Steven resumed his barrage of apologies.

"Ivan I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Sam is one of our... veteran photographers. He started off as a model himself actually. He's known as a real brat when it comes to domming in his sexual life, so he really did take advantage of you back there. He's done that to all of the models that he finds attractive, so I guess you can take his actions as a compliment to your good looks? Haha bad joke, sorry."

"So, did he really cause the others to quit?"

"He definitely comes off as very strong when he's on duty. But like I told you, other guys just didn't like the kind of style we do here. Judging from your little finale earlier, I assume you're at least somewhat enjoying yourself here." Steven wasn't wrong - Ivan really did enjoy the helplessness he felt at Sam's mercy, but he didn't want to fully admit it then. "If we ever do anything that intense again, we're gonna let you know in advance.. and we'll make sure we work up to it."

After Ivan had calmed down, Steven offered him a ride home. As he dropped him off, he said they would contact him next week with another job - this time with him and Don for sure. Just as Steven's care drifted out of sight, Ivan couldn't help but give a little chuckle.

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Post by Volobond »

Definitely really sweet how Steven is so committed to caring for his models. And thank goodness Ivan enjoyed himself. Not gonna lie, though, Sam may have gone overboard but he must have gotten some amazing content.

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Post by fruityguy »

This is a great story! It's nice that Ivan's enjoying himself through everything ;) . Can't wait to see what you post next!
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Very nice story! I really like how you can already see the different personalities of everyone, especially with this fast-paced tempo. Ivan's reluctance but also his curiousity is quite nice to see! That friendly banter and competition between him and Don would make for very natural and dynamic photos, I think, so I can see why they like him. Sam I find a bit sleazy, not really knowing the boundaries between sexual and professional activities, but he did still give Ivan a enjoyable session, even though it was way too heavy way to quickly. It did apparently learn Ivan something about himself, and also got Steven to show his caring side, so maybe it was a good jump-start, even if it was quite unethical.

Keep up the good work, I'm very curious where it goes next!
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Post by Jb99 »

Looking forward to the next chapter!
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Post by Killua »

Normally not the kind of story I'm reading but I really enjoyed it. Great work so far!
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Post by szlm1515 »

Awesome story so far😋😋😋
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Post by MaxRoper »

What a great way to earn a little extra for college. I wish these guys had been around back in the day.
This is a good tale, well told. I'm definitely looking forward to wherever you choose to take it.
Thanks for posting!
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