new_tie : 03 - The DIY Straight Jacket (F/M)

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new_tie : 03 - The DIY Straight Jacket (F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

new_tie's stories
03 - The DIY Straight Jacket
Story index at the bottom

By new_tie

Mon May 14, 2007 1:40 am

The DIY straight jacket

Hello all, I'm back again.

This story took place only a couple of days ago. I hope you like it.

For a little while now I've been looking for something a little different to add to the bondage games that my girlfriend and I play. Don't get me wrong, I like them all just the way they are, but I have a curious and somewhat fickle nature, so anything that ads variety is good in my eyes.

The first thing I thought of was inspired by another poster on this board, Andie Eldridge. Andie, if you read this, I have to say I really like your idea of opening up yourself to challenges- it sounds like fun and takes a fair bit of courage! I was very close to doing something like that myself, asking people to make up ways that my girlfriend could tie me up and consequences if I don't get out and the whole bit (she wasn't too keen on doing it the other way around), but then I thought it's already been done and I don't want to steal Andie's idea. (though if you don't mind, let me know- it still might be fun for a later day)

I then thought maybe a new piece of bondage equipment could be fun. I have a fair sized collection, but most of it is simple stuff like scarves, rope, things from my laundry bin, etc. I took a little looksee online just to see if there was anything that caught my interest. I have to say I really like the look of a big red ballgag, and the thought of Em wearing it really gets me going, but its something I just never got around to getting. I have a homemade one that's just a whiffle ball and a shoelace, but it isn't quite the same (though I like how it makes the wearer drool, hehe)... maybe one day I'll get around to getting one.

Anyway, to get to the story, my real insertion came when Em brought home a new sewing machine. I use the term "new" relatively, as she got it from her mother who said something about getting it back in the 70's or something. maybe its not that old, but it definitely had a few years behind it and had probably seen better days! Em was using it because she wanted to try making some new dress she liked the pattern for. She had never made a dress, and it was kind of a new hobby for her, but I found it interesting to watch her progress. While she was no Georgio Armani, she didn't do a half bad job for a first timer. (I guess... I've never made a dress, but it looked good to me!) Seeing her do all that stitching and double-cross-whatevering that those things do gave me an idea- I wanted to make my own straight jacket! That could be just the thing I was looking for!

I decided to convert an old jacket into one, and with the sewing machine I thought it would be a piece of cake. The coat I had in mind was an old canvas jacket that I had used for working outdoors. It was rugged and held up very well to all the strains of manual labour that I put it through, but it was also not that thick, meaning that I could (hopefully) sew through it. I managed to find all the supplies I thought I would need in one quick trip around town- some buckles, some extra fabric, a couple of old canvas belts and the like. With Em's help I set out to sew it all together.

I cut off the collar of the jacket and sewed the sleeves shut at the ends. Em did a lot of the stitching actually as she was a lot better with the machine, but I knew how I wanted it to turn out. We fastened straps to the sleeves, buckles around the back and (on Em's insistence) made a nice crotch strap (shaped like a Y) that would be sure to be tight around my, erhem, manly bits, but might just also do the trick for her. The coat was meant to be worn backwards, with the zipper in the back and the the arms crossed in front. I have to say it looked pretty damn good after a couple hours of work.

"Well, lets try it out!" said Em after it was done. Of course I thought this was great, and reached over to grab her and the jacket almost simultaneously, but then she stopped me. "No, not on me, honey!" she exclaimed, "this thing was your idea, so if anyone is going to be the guinea pig it should be you! After all, I did most of the work, so I should be the one who gets to test it out on you!" I couldn't really make much of an argument.

"Ok, fine." I said, mocking a little frustration, but actually I was kinda excited to try it out. I stretched out my arms in resignation like one of those prisoners on cheesy cop shows that finally gives in to being arrested.

"Uh, hun? There's still something wrong here." Em said back. I looked around at the jacket and to see if something had come undone, but it seemed fine. I didn't clue in to what she was talking about. "You still have your clothes on, silly! C'mon, you know I know I don't tie anyone up unless they're at least in some state of undress!" This was also true, and Em definitely does have an underwear fetish. Truth be told, I do too... though more for her in her underwear than me in mine, but she indulges me, so... down went the pants. And then off went the shirt and the sweater. I was left standing there in my undies and socks. "That's more like it!" she said, and set to work.

I slipped my arms into the jacket as she stretched it out in front of me. She zipped it deftly up the back and wasted no time in crossing my arms across my belly and securing them in to the buckles in the back. It was starting to feel really good! it was very tight. The sleeves were a little bit small and the jacket didn't have too much stretch to it, making things a little bit awkward, but all in all it was alright. She left the crotch strap till last, and with a glint in her eye, wrapped it very snugly over my underwear clad groin and tightened it up in the back. It certainly was a tight fit! The Y shape it had really cupped my goods closely, and, though not really uncomfortable, was tight enough to make my junk bulge out somewhat. I suppose the fact that I was having a good bit of fun helped it to bulge a bit more also...

"Oooo, I like this!" Em said with excitement. She stepped back and looked me over. "Not bad, if I do say so myself!" She walked around me as I stood still. She came up from behind me and cupped my ever enlarging crotch, whispering seductively "This is my favorite part..." She had me going like you wouldn't believe. She walked back to the front and leaned in to give me a big kiss. I couldn't believe how sexy this felt. She led me over the the couch nearby and had me sit down. She sat down right in my lap and started kissing me while using her hands very, uh, effectively Wink. But then she all of a sudden stopped.

She stood up and walked across the room. I was aghast! I really wanted things to keep going! Em was the worst (or possibly best) tease ever, and she knows just how to build people up without giving them what they want. "Sorry babe, but I got some other stuff I gotta do! Why don't you test out this thing's strength and we'll play later."

"Aww, c'mon! You can't stop now!" I stammered. But yes, she could and she did. I was left there sitting on the couch.

"Oh wait!" she said, "there is one thing I forgot!" I looked hopefully up at her. "we need to tie you up proper so you don't go anywhere!" I groaned a little, but soon enough she had some rope and was binding my ankles and knees very tightly, making sure that I wouldn't get very far if I tried to get off the couch. "Ok," she said "you be a good now. I'll just be in the other room if you need anything, so don't be afraid to holler... just don't expect me to do anything if you do holler. What would be the fun in that, right?!" and with that she walked off.

I struggled around a bit in my bonds. They sure did feel pretty good and solid. If I moved around too much the crotch strap would start to dig in, and even without that it didn't feel like I could undo the straps in the back to get my arms free. I resigned myself to stretching out on the couch and waiting for Em to come back in. Sure enough she came back in about 15 minutes. "Hows it feel now, babe?" she asked.

"uhh, pretty good. It definitely feels solid, that's for sure. The crotch strap is a little tight though..."

"Well it would fit just fine if you weren't so horny, sweetie." I blushed a little. Its true, I was very turned on and I was straining a little behind my briefs (and, of course, the crotch strap). "But I know what can help with that" she said, with an evil look in her eye. She reached down to my feel and peeled off my socks.

"Oh no! This was supposed to be just a test! Hey! that's not fair!" I yelled and she started to rake her nails up and down the soles of my feet.

"Not fair? Well, maybe not.... but what are you going to do about it?" She replied devilishly, all the while increasing the intensity of the tickling. I started yelling out for her to stop (not really, of course. She knew I was having a great time... again, probably from the evident bulge in my knickers!) "Oh no, honey. We can't have that now! Someone might hear you!" Actually, nobody would. I knew for a fact that her neighbors were away on vacation, but it just kept with the mood. "I'll tell you a secret," she whispered, leaning in close, "I know your turned on by this, but really, that's nothing compared to how hot its making me!" I was stunned at what she did next. She stood up next to my head, lifted up her skirt and dropped her panties right there. I could see that she was getting very wet from the experience! She reached down, grabbed them and balled them up. "This should keep you quiet now" she said, as she insistently forced her very wet panties into my still gaping mouth. She then reached down and grabbed my socks, tying a square knot between them at the toes and tied them around after, effectively sealing the panties in with a sock-ballgag. I didn't even stop to care that they were not clean, I was so turned on.

She then returned to my exposed feet. All I could do was squirm a little as she sat on my legs and etched her nails up and down my soles. I mmmphed into my gag. I really do love that sound, even when I'm the one making it, so I do it a lot if I'm gagged. "MMMmmmpphhh!" Apparently Em likes it to, it just seemed to make her go at it harder. She was getting really into teasing me and I could tell she was getting herself off. She turned around, still sitting on top of me, and started to kiss me over my gag. Again, "mmmppphh" was my reply. And then she popped. She was getting so into it she got (what seemed to be) a raging orgasm without me even doing anything to her. I just sat back in still-very-turned-on-awe. It seemed like one of those porn orgasms, with the flipping hair and white-knuckle fists and the whole bit. It as amazing. After a minute of panting she stopped and looked down at me. "Thanks babe. I needed that." she said, giving me an appreciative pat on the cheek. But then she just got up and started to walk away!

"MMMMMmmmph" I let out a protest from behind my gag. I was still very much revved up and rearing to go! I couldn't believe that she would just leave me like that after getting herself off!

"Oh sweetie," she cooed playfully, "I'll come back for you!... well, maybe. We'll see how we go later. Kay babe? G'night!" she said as she flicked off the light and walked out the door into the next room, leaving me in complete, incredibly horny, inescapable-bondage filled darkness.

P.S- please let me know if you think this one was too long or to explicit or anything like that. Any (constructive) suggestions would be great. I want to find out exactly how you want to hear a story so I can tell mine the way you like it!

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