Septimus7 : Friday night (F/M)

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Septimus7 : Friday night (F/M)

Post by Soraka »

By Septimus7 » Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:06 pm

He stood on the door step, unsure of what to do now. Half of him felt like bolting and running for his life, the other half wanted to hurry inside as fast as he could.

“””” “” “” “ “” “”” “”” “””” “””

Theo had come to high school three years ago, from another city. In that time, he had kept reasonably under the radar. He didn’t do any sports, though he played the clarinet in the school’s band, and he pursured visual arts, chiefly drawing, as an elective interest. He managed a B average, with no clear idea of what he wanted to do with his life.

Though he did hope to explore one aspect of high school. Girls had transformed in front of him. Girls who had earlier obsessed about dolls and had reeked of cooties were now rapidly maturing into young women. Their breasts swelled as the years went by, and their legs grew longer and sleeker. Even their hair seemed to shine. Maybe because Theo couldn’t help but notice the changes. Now in Grade 11 at 17, Theo was filled with desires he dared not voice aloud. He remembered back in elementary school when to have a crush on someone meant public humiliation. He had once given a girl a Valentine card in Grade 6, only to hear the “Kissing in a Tree” song for the rest of that year. It had been a thoroughly awful experience, and Theo was warned against it entering high school.

But God, how could he not notice how beautiful some of these girls were? They smiled and giggled in the hallways talking amongst themselves, they batted their eyes as they talked with their boyfriends, they constantly adjusted their shirts despite showing even more cleavage in the process. The very thought of them had filled Theo’s mind with thoughts so daring and lustful that he would feel himself become aroused in class, taking quick glances at those around him.

Of course he was aware of feminism, and the rights of women. He had been raised on that stuff, and tried his best to treat all girls with respect. But he had also knew he was a young man growing up, and testosterone pumped through his veins as easily as blood. He had watched his first porn at age 14, and he had a list of girls at school he would have loved to see naked.

But there was something else he would have loved to do. It had started from when he was a child, seeing the cartoons of his youth and seeing the girls captured by the bad guys. Trussed up, gagged with a handkerchief, the image continued to come back to him even then. It had settled into his mind, and when at 15 his porn viewing really got going, he would look specifically for bondage images. He had been momentarily checked by sadism. The sadistic sites had thrown him off. He got no pleasure out of watching girls in pain, preferring the simple sights and sounds of their struggles, their muffled anger or defiance. Later on he wondered about tickling and ice, but mostly he wondered if he would ever be in such a situation at all.

All this he kept hidden from his friends. But one eventually found out. Rebecca had been one of the first people he’d befriended in high school. She was his height, had long black hair, and her half-Asian looks had made look especially exotic even in Grade 9. She loved rock music, Shakespeare, and did two different sports. She and Theo had started hanging out, watching films, and becoming friends. It had been such a relaxing step into high school for Theo; no pressure of having a crush or being laughed at for playing with girls. High school started off great.

As high school continued, however, Theo had found himself giving Rebecca longer looks after he had made her laugh with a joke. Her bosom, unlike most other Asians in the school, grew to an impressive C size, and while her Oriental features were not as evident, she looked positively stunning. Theo felt ashamed to admit it, but he felt himself growing attracted to her. He feared Rebecca getting a boyfriend, for he didn’t know how he’d respond to it. Thinking of someone else receiving her affection nearly drove him wild, and while he tried to hide it, he could feel himself feeling very possessive of her. Luckily, she never seemed to notice.

One autumn day in Grade 11 though, Rebecca found out about his secret love for bondage. He had forgotten that she was going to come over for a study project and had just finished with a new drawing on his desk. She had come to the door just as he was heading to the bathroom. He quickly let her in, and she, being a regular visitor to the house naturally made herself at home in his bedroom. Just as he had come back from the bathroom, she had noticed his drawing.

“What’s this?” Rebecca asked. Theo was confused, but then as he noticed the drawing, he visibly paled in horror.

It was a picture of her. She was wearing a tight superheroine costume, shaping her breasts so much that her nipples made lovely little points in the latex. A stylish blue R was on her belly, and she wore a cape (Theo had always loved the idea of girls wearing capes). She was also tied up. Her eyes, with the traces of the Orient so lovingly drawn in by Theo, stared defiantly from under her well groomed eyebrows. Her mouth was covered by a small strip of tape, leaving her hair free. Her arms were tied behind her back, pinning her cape to her back. More rope had been tied around her midriff to keep her arms in place, and her long legs exposed except for a long pair of boots, were bound together. Theo had always been a good drawer, but now the inspiration of the portrait was holding the picture in her hands, looking at him expectantly.

Theo had never before been so scared. He couldn’t speak, knowing that she was about to start screaming in anger or horror. He stuttered a subdued apology, so ashamed that he couldn’t even look at her.

Suddenly he heard giggling. He looked up in astonishment. She was giving a knowing smile at him, “You serious, Theo? You think I’d let myself get tied up and gagged?”

Theo was so astonished he could only shrug awkwardly.

Rebecca’s smile was still friendly, “Yeah it’s really creepy if it were some stranger I didn’t know, but it’s actually pretty nice to find out about your little crush.”

Theo felt blood rush to his face as he still couldn’t think of what to say.

Rebecca’s gave a mock pout of sympathy for him, “Aww, are you okay?” Theo could tell that Rebecca knew she was in complete control. She was toying with him now, because she knew him enough to know that he was deep down a sweet guy and wanted to be the gentleman, but it also showed somehow in her expression that she had known about his feelings for a while.

Theo felt himself redden still more, not just because of his emotions being read so easily, but also because Rebecca looked so goddamn bewitching. Her long lashes over her narrowed eyes, her lips, the smile she had, her long hair loose on her shoulders... God it drove him crazy even as he stood in front of her. Did she know that? Probably.

Rebecca finally took mercy on him and handed him the drawing, “You’re a great artist. You make me look quite pretty in that costume.”
Theo suddenly spoke up in a very muted voice, “It wasn’t hard to do that...”

Rebecca gave a sudden squeal of laughter at the clumsy compliment, “Aww poor you.” She patted him on the shoulder, “Are you free Friday night? ‘Cause I wanted us to see that new Johnny Depp film.”

Theo was surprised that Rebecca was just going to move along from all this like it was nothing, but he nodded.

Rebecca smiled with something that bordered relief and anticipation, “Great. Meet me at my place at 7:00.” And in that sudden twinkle in her eyes, Theo suddenly wondered what was going to be waiting for him.
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Post by Soraka »

So now he stood in front of Rebecca’s house. Her parents’ car wasn’t in the driveway- they usually went to see relatives socially on Friday nights. That didn’t make things any easier for Theo, though. He wondered what the heck Rebecca had planned for him. It clearly wasn’t a movie, Theo knew Rebecca too well to figure she’d just let something like this slide. Something within his mind made him very nervous of walking up to the door and knocking.

Suddenly his cell phone rang. It shocked him out of his thoughts and he quickly answered, “Hello?”

“Hey! Where ARE you?” It was Rebecca, “We’re gonna be late for the movie!”

Theo was suddenly very confused. She sounded so confused and irritated that he hadn’t shown up. But he was right here at the house! How could she not see him?

“Where are you?” Theo asked, “I’m standing outside your house!”

Rebecca suddenly started laughing, “Didn’t you get my message? I took Daddy’s car out to the cinema. I texted you to hurry right over instead of meeting me at home.”

Theo suddenly felt relaxed. Rebecca had clearly not meant anything at all with this; he felt like such a goof for standing out here paralyzed with the jitters.

“Hey, are my parents still home? ‘Cause I forgot to sneak in a Pepsi.”

Theo laughed; Rebecca always liked to sneak drinks into the movie theatre rather than pay for them there. He looked at the windows, “Yeah the lights are still on.”

“Great. Can you go in and bring me a can of Pepsi?”

“Sure.” Theo said, and he heard Rebecca hang up on her end.

No longer scared or confused, Theo walked up to the door, knocking a few times. He had met Rebecca’s parents many times; they were very well mannered and appreciated those qualities in others. Theo naturally behaved well around them, and he had become a regular visitor now thanks to his friendship with Rebecca. Lately his feelings for Rebecca had made him feel a bit awkward around them, as though they might see how he felt about their daughter, but they never seemed to notice.

“Come in!” a muffled voice called from inside the house.

Theo frowned a bit. Rebecca’s mother sounded a bit odd, like she had a cold or something. He shrugged it off and opened the door, stepping into the hall.

As he did, his thoughts drifted back to Rebecca, and the picture she’d discovered. Clearly they would have to talk about this. There was no getting around it. What would she say about his crush on her? Did she feel the same about him? Would they just stay friends?

Even as he thought that last part, he called out, “Hello, Mrs. Cheng.” (Rebecca’s mom had kept her maiden name rather than change it to Rebecca’s father’s surname). “Rebecca asked me to get her a Pepsi, she wanted it for...”

He was still saying those last words as the lights in the hallway were switched off. Surprised by the sudden darkness, Theo blinked at the light still coming from the kitchen at the end of the hall. It was the only light in the house, though, and his eyes were not yet used to the dark.

Suddenly someone came up behind Theo and covered his mouth with a heavily perfumed hand. Theo was so stunned that he barely reacted before the person wrapped their other hand around his chest so that she (based on the swell of her breasts) pressed herself against him, making it hard for him to move forward.

Theo attempted to scream in shock, but his mouth was tightly covered. He flailed out with his arms, only to have each grabbed by two more hands. Shrieks of laughter pierced the dark, and Theo realized he had fallen into a trap.

His arms were forced behind his back, and Theo struggled to writhe out of their grip. He had not been a very athletic person, but he was still strong enough to hold his own. He tried to step forward, forcing his right hand free. He immediately started clawing at the hand covering his mouth. The perfume was being inhaled into his nostrils, and the tantalizing scent was affecting his clear-headedness.

He felt all three of the attackers use their combined weight to cause him to lose balance and fall. His free hand kept him from falling flat on his face, but the three attackers squealed in delight. One knelt beside him and used the their body weight to hold his arms behind his back. Another covered Theo’s eyes with their hand. The third sat on his legs to prevent him from kicking.

Theo opened his mouth and started to yell out, but before he could utter a single sound, a wad of cloth was forced into his mouth. He almost choked at the suddenness of it, but could not spit it out because the attacker was holding it in with her hand over his stuffed mouth.

“Mmmmph!” He called out, humiliated by his own stupidity. Of course Rebecca had planned something, and he had been such an idiot for falling for her call.

“Quick! Hurry this up, Jen!” one of the attackers said to the other. Theo suddenly recognized the voice; it was Emma Lange, and Jen must be Jennifer Song. Both were from the high school volleyball team. Rebecca was on the team too. Theo suddenly felt his face go red in the dark, and strangely the thought of being captured by these three athletic girls, all of whom were quite pretty, didn’t seem so bad as he first thought.

Two of the girls began tying his hands together with what felt like strips of cloth. Both girls worked quickly and together. They made the knots strong enough to resist any attempts to loosen, but not enough to cut the blood off from Theo’s hands. He attempted to wriggle out of their grasp, but the girl gagging him put her free hand between his shoulder blades and pushed down, ending his struggles.

After his hands were bound, the two girls shifted to his legs, tying his feet together but leaving his thighs free, presumably so he had room for his groin. But Theo was far from grateful. The sudden reality of bondage forced upon him had made him forget about his fantasies and desires and he furiously vented out his embarrassment and rage. But the third girl had a tight grip over his mouth, and the wad filled the inside of his mouth very well.

When the two girls were done tying his feet together, Theo heard Rebecca’s voice, “Okay Jen, I’m good.” Jen’s hand suddenly left Theo’s mouth, but before Theo could spit out the wad, a bandana was wound around his mouth, tied tightly at the back of his skull.

He was now completely captured, writhing on the ground, unable to move properly. He heard Rebecca, Jen and Emma laughing at their handiwork, and the sound of his own embarrassed ‘mmphs’.

The lights were switched on and Theo was pulled up so that he was on his knees, feet and arms tied, gagged, and staring at his captors.

Jen was one of Rebecca’s good friends, and unlike her was fully Asian in her ethnicity. She was short, lithe, with very strong Oriental features. She wore a lot of make up to emphasize her facial features, adding to her already good looks. She was wearing the bottom half of her volleyball uniform, along with a plain blue t shirt, and had tied her hair up in a tight bun.

Emma was a tall white girl, and another close friend of Rebecca. Like Jen, she never talked much to Theo, moving in completely different circles. Emma had average sized breasts, and a very toned athletic physique. She never had a boyfriend, preferring to focus on her school work or sports team. Now she stood in front of him wearing jeans and a buttoned-up green shirt.

Rebecca was dressed in a casual grey t-shirt and short shorts. Her hair was smooth and silky, spilling down onto her shoulders as always. Her beautiful face was glowing with sweat from having to wrestle Theo to the ground, but also triumph at capturing him. Theo noticed that she had picked a t-shirt that exploited her cleavage, and he tried not to stare for fear of his half-erection becoming visible.

Rebecca glanced at Jen, “Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be.”

Theo attempted to curse but could only ‘mmph’ at her.

Rebecca smiled almost apologetically at him, “Come on, Theo, you honestly thought I would let you get away with that?”

Theo knew she was right. Rebecca always had a creative side for practical jokes and carrying out her own sense of justice. Theo had always thought it had been funny, but now he was on the receiving end, and he suddenly felt all the fear return to him as he wondered what she had in mind.

Rebecca noticed his facial expression change, and she laughed. Turning to her friends, she remarked, “Let’s get started.”
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Post by Soraka »

The three girls picked Theo up from where he was kneeling. All of them were good athletes and Theo was not a heavy person, but he suddenly gave them a lot of trouble by writhing in mid-air, struggling against the tight bonds and firm gag.

Rebecca, who was trying to get a grip on his bound feet, cursed as she almost dropped him, “Theo if you keep this crap up, I swear to God you’re gonna be sorry.”

Theo, who knew he was done for anyway, struggled all the more fiercely, causing Rebecca to accidentally let go of his feet.

Rebecca suddenly smiled, “Okay, Theo, you asked for it.” She headed off to the direction of the kitchen.

Theo looked wildly at the other two, silently pleading with them to let him go.

Emma smirked, enjoying the look on his face, but didn’t say anything.

From Theo’s angle, he found himself noticing the swelling of Emma’s breasts against her shirt. Worried that his being caught staring would get him into worse trouble, Theo looked away, trying instead to focus on loosening his bonds.

Rebecca’s voice suddenly rang out in a falsely sweet sing-song voice “Hey Theee-ooo”.

Theo redoubled his efforts, breathing heavily in his panic. Jen and Emma, sensing something hilarious, quickly held him down as Rebecca came back into the hall. In her hand was a small cup. Theo suddenly realized what she’d brought and he stared in horror at her.

Rebecca looked back at him, her expression so innocent and happy, “Something wrong, Theo?”

Theo knew he was doomed, but it didn’t stop him from trying to plead with her.

Rebecca smiled, and her face gave off an expression of juvenile mischief, “You asked for it.”

She quickly approached him, shoving little ice cubes down the front and back of his shirt, despite his muffled bellows and his suppressed struggles to writhe away.

The cold feel of the ice cubes maddened Theo as he had no choice but to hope for them to melt soon.

Rebecca placed her face in front of his, her eyes bright with excitement, “I’ve got more ice in the freezer, and some other forms of torture unless you do what we tell you.”

Theo resented this helplessness, but nodded meekly all the same.

Rebecca smiled, and the three girls resumed carrying him into the dining room, where a chair had been placed apart from the others. The chair had no armrests, it was more like a stool with a backrest. Ropes, cloths, and rolls of tape, and some small grocery bags lay around the chair. Theo knew he was in for it.

Rebecca and the others untied his arms quickly, Jen and Rebecca each holding onto one of his arms. Emma, still holding him by the feet, helped them plop him onto the chair.

“Hang on,” Rebecca smiled as she pulled off his soaking wet t-shirt, “Okay that’s better.” Theo groaned through his gag.

Emma suddenly looked at Rebecca, “So what if he tries to kick us or something?”

Rebecca looked at Theo, back at Emma, and suddenly gave a knowing smile, “How about one of us holds him down while the others tie his arms and everything?”

Jen shrugged, “Sounds good.”

Rebecca gestured for Emma to hold Theo’s arm, and to Theo’s horror, sat on his lap, facing him. She wrapped her legs around the chair legs for balance, resting her forearms on the armrests.

Theo felt himself redden. He didn’t even notice that the others were tying his arms and his torso behind the chair. All he was aware of was Rebecca. Due to her being his height, her eye-line was above his own, so that he could stare just a few inches down at her bountiful cleavage, only a few inches from him. He felt her weight on his lap, and strands of her silky hair tickling his chest. When he looked up at her face, he saw in her eyes a teasing look that knew exactly what she was doing by this action. He knew in the back of his mind that she was tormenting him in the best way she knew how. And it was working. He felt himself harden, swelling in his pants. His desire for her swamped his mind, and he barely noticed the sudden taunts from the other two about his obvious erection. All he had eyes for was Rebecca.

Who then got up from his lap and winked at the other two, “What did I tell you two? He wasn’t gonna do anything.” The other two giggled, while Theo could only long for her to sit on his lap again, if anything to delay whatever they had in mind now that he was bound to a chair and totally in their power.
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Post by Soraka »

“Good God, Becky, you just gave him the night of his life,” Emma remarked, mercilessly poking fun of Theo as he blushed in embarrassment of his erection.

“So what are you going to do now? When do your parents get home?” Jen asked.

“They’re gone for the whole night. They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.” Rebecca answered, smiling.

Theo froze. He was going to be tied up like this all night?

Emma was thinking the same thing, “So you’re just gonna keep him here all night?”

“Oh no. He’ll be outside, I think. I heard it’s gonna rain.” Rebecca remarked, laughing.

Theo looked at Rebecca in complete horror at the sheer maliciousness she was unleashing upon him.

Jen frowned suddenly, “What’s to say he’s gonna keep quiet about this?”

Rebecca grinned at Jen, “Well think about it. We’re not going to tell anyone, but imagine how it would look on him if we told everyone that we had him tied up for a whole night?” Seeing the implications of this, the other two girls laughed.

Theo shuddered, moaning through his gag. All this because he’d been stupid enough to let Rebecca see his drawings of her.

“’Kay, well I need to bail for now,” Jen remarked.

“Me too,” Emma said, “That essay’s due Monday. But this was fun, Becky.”

“Have a good night, Theo,” Jen called cheerfully, pinching his cheek like he was a little infant. It didn’t help to lighten Theo’s mood.
Rebecca laughed, “Thanks, you too. I’ll talk to you later this weekend.”

All three left the room, Rebecca presumably going to open and close the door for her friends. This left Theo to think about his predicament, cursing the day he had ever made those goddamn drawings.

Just when he was entering the height of his self-loathing, Rebecca came back into the room.

Theo looked at her warily as she walked towards him. However, to his shock and amazement, Rebecca took out his gag and simply pulled up a chair to sit next to him. As if this was just another day of hanging out!

“Okay, let’s talk about this,” Rebecca remarked, and though it was lightly given, Theo could tell she was serious.

Theo, however, had a sudden urge to laugh at the strange twist of events, but the urge to laugh died quickly as the facts of the situation sank back in. He looked earnestly at her, “So... yeah. I know what this was all for...”

Rebecca blinked in surprise, “You do?”

Theo nodded, “Yeah, I know I deserved this abduction after you caught me with those perverted...”

“...Wait wait, Theo.” Rebecca interrupted, her voice relaxed and amused again, “You seriously think I did this to torture you?”

Theo raised an eyebrow skeptically. Rebecca laughed, “Okay, maybe a bit, but if I really wanted to get back at you, there’s a thousand better ways to have done it.”

Shifting against his bonds, Theo hesitantly asked the question that was on his mind, “So... what about... I mean... what happens between us since you... found those...drawings...?”

Rebecca paused for a moment, then a big smile started spreading across her face. A smile that, in truly Rebecca-style, captured not only a mock patronizing of Theo’s awkward approach, but also completely fawning over his being so ‘cute’.

And without a warning, without any other reply, Rebecca simply leaned forward and kissed him.

Theo’s eyes widened in shock at first, but the feeling of her mouth locked over his caused him to close his eyes and simply take in the experience he had long fantasized about. Their kiss seemed to go on for hours, as far as Theo was concerned. Once, he dared open his eyes to see what was happening, but Rebecca’s eyes were closed, and Theo could tell she was as lost in the embrace as he was.

Finally, Rebecca broke the kiss, both of them breathless, Theo noticing the burns he was getting on his limbs from straining against them.

“You’ve liked me all this time?” Theo gasped out.

“It took about the same time as for you, I’d say,” Rebecca replied, proving how she continually had something clever to say in any circumstance.

“But you decided you’d have some fun teasing me for a bit more,” Theo remarked.

Rebecca giggled, “Come on, it was too easy, and would you really expect anything different?”

No, Theo thought happily, that’s the part of her that won’t change. And I’m glad it won’t change.

Rebecca suddenly got up and began untying Theo’s arms and torso. When she was finished, Theo grinned ruefully in thanks, massaging his sore wrists.

Before he could untie his legs, however, Rebecca sat on his lap again, the way she had tempted him before. Just as last time, Theo began losing himself to the moment, awash in the intimacy and attraction.

Just as their mouths locked again, Theo wondered just how in the hell someone could be so lucky as he was at this moment.
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Post by Soraka »

Will fix the encoding when I'm on my Windows OS.
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Post by Sureni »

Nice story :) I like this ;)
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Love this story, please make a continuation or 2 XD
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Post by Canuck100 »

I fixed the encoding and the formatting of the story to make it much easier to read.

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Post by TiedupNick »

This is an incredible story!
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