Christopher : 01 - The Kidnapping (F+/M)

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Christopher : 01 - The Kidnapping (F+/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Christopher's stories
01 - The Kidnapping
Story index at the bottom

By Christopher

2000-08-31 04:49:32



Christopher 20 years old, 5'9", 180 lbs. with brown eyes and black hair was a freshman at MacMaster University in Hamilton and planning to major in Computer Information Services. It was my first time away from home, which is located in the quiet small town of Erin. I had gotten a scholarship from McMaster due to my high marks and had acquired a reputation as a brainer.

Jeannie, a 20 year old, 5'4", 116 lbs., 36-25-34, was a first year business student who came from Stoney Creek and lived two houses down from Peggy and Kathleen.

Kathleen, a 18 year old, 5'7", 150 lbs., 38-28-36, grey eyed blonde was also a first year student majoring in nursing. Kathleen was full-figured, muscular without being muscle bound, but wore size 12-14 outfits and also came from Stoney Creek.

Peggy, 19 years old, 5'8", 140 lbs., 36-22-36 was also a freshman majoring in business. Peggy was the older sister to Kathleen.

Faye, a 20 year old, 5'3", 108 lbs., 36-24-34 green eyed brunette was in her 1st year majoring in hospital management. Faye also came from Stoney Creek and lived across the street from Peggy and Kathleen.

A graduate had warned me, that my good looks well built thighs and broad shouldered build might cause me to be a prime 'Hell Week' victim. The graduate explained that groups of co-eds at MacMaster had the right to go after and capture any male they desired, capture him and keep him bound and gagged until he was presented, in the same state, before the judges. He stated that any capture could not be done in public and warned me which areas at MacMaster to avoid being captured. When I arrived at my dorm room I did not know that I had already become a desired target of several female groups but now became THE PRIME TARGET of one particular female group after one of their number noticed me in the office where she worked.

On Monday morning, of the second week, I went to the 'Computer Advisors' department make an appointment to see my academic adviser Mr. John Saunders. The first person I met was a Peggy Paul who worked as one of Mr. Saunder's assistants. Her job was to assist freshman entering the computer course in filling out the necessary forms before their interview with their academic adviser.

"Hello" Peggy said with a big smile when I walked in "Can I help you?"

I looked at Peggy, who stood up from her desk, and was dumbfounded. I had met many women but no one especially dressed like her. She was wearing a yellow halter, that hardly contained her 36" breasts, skin tight blue jeans with the legs covered by a pair of white, knee high, 3" vinyl boots.

I continued staring as Peggy walked toward me her perfume overwhelming my senses.

"Didn't your mommy ever tell you that it was impolite to stare at ladies?" Peggy said with a smile. "I'm sorry," I said.

"That's ok" Peggy giggled as she held out her hand to me "All you new country boys are the same my name is Peggy."

"Christopher.....Christopher Dean" I said as I took Peggy's hand and kissed it.

"How gallant" Peggy exclaimed then as she led me over to her desk asked "Do you always greet women this way?"

"My parents taught me that a woman should be treated royally no matter who she is" I replied.

"Your parents taught you good.....Christopher" Peggy answered as went over to the desk. When we reached it Peggy said "Take a seat Christopher."

"After you" I responded.

"Chivalrous as well as gallant' Peggy replied "a rare combination" as she helped me fill out the forms then said "Christopher, within the next few days you will receive a letter from Mr. Saunders telling you when to come in for your interview."

As I got up to leave I noticed a pair of black leather gloves and asked Peggy "Are these yours?"

"Yes Christopher, they're mine. Why do you ask?"

"I've always liked gloves on a woman.....especially ones that go about 2-4 inches past the wrist and are skin-tight. Would you mind putting them on for me?"

"My pleasure Christopher" Peggy replied and put them on both hands.

"How do they look?" Peggy quipped as she held both gloved hands out to me.

"They enhance your beauty" I replied as I took both her gloved hands and kissed one then the other.

"Why thank you! I'll have to add charming to chivalrous and gallant!!" Peggy replied with a smile then coming up to me seductively asked "Is there anything else that you like a woman to wear?

"A few very special things... but if I revealed that information then it wouldn't be a would it?" I replied. After I left she quickly picked up the phone and dialled her home number.

"Tell Kathleen and Jeannie I found our victim" Peggy excitedly said to Faye when she picked up the phone.

"Who is he?" Faye asked.

"His name is Christopher Dean" Peggy replied

"Christopher Dean" then she paused before saying "You did say Christopher Dean."

"That's the name I gave. WHY? What's so special about him?"


There was a brief silence as Peggy groaned then asked quietly "Is this the same Christopher Dean that is on the most wanted female hit list?"

"One and the same" Faye replied then asked "Peggy how could let him get away?"

Peggy replied "He came in and charmed me so that I forgot why he was wanted. You're right Faye...I am an idiot. I'm so sorry."

"No harm done Peggy. He's gotten quite a reputation here as a ladies man and he's charmed other girls the same way but we'd better move fast or we won't capture him" Faye replied "He's still number 1 on every girl groups' hit list. In fact two groups almost killed each other 2 days ago trying to catch him and several other groups have been trying all week but to no avail."

"How has he been able to escape being captured? No male has survived this long." Peggy asked.

"You're not going to believe this but the consensus among the girl groups' is that someone's tipped him off because he knew exactly what areas to avoid and has this uncanny ability to smell a trap to speak." Faye replied then added "He's been able to successfully nullify every attempt to capture fact some of the groups' are giving up."

"He can't be that good!!! Is he?" Peggy asked

"The word 'good' doesn't apply here Peggy" Jeannie replied then continued".....'Expert, cunning and superb' are the words I'd use. None of the others know this but I looked in his file and found out that he has a 3rd Dan or 3rd degree black belt in Karate and had been in the Air Force Reserve for seven years. I passed myself off as a university reporter and phoned the local newspaper. I found out that he was undefeated in every karate match and every girl felt protected when they were with him. In fact some of the local toughs found out just how good Chris's karate was...........the hard way. One of the girls, at the paper, let it slip that she and other girls had tried to bed him but found that he would never violate any girl's integrity. I also phoned his base and was told that he was the best reserve officer they ever had. I also was told that he had taken an E & E course 2 years ago and achieved the highest marks ever given. In fact, his score has never been broken and he was the only reservist not to get caught." Faye replied.

"E & E?" Peggy asked.

"Escape and Evasion course" Faye answered "It's designed to help aircrews who get shot down get back to their lines without being captured while living off the land."

"No wonder he's an expert with that kind of training" Peggy replied then asked "but how does that training apply here?"

Faye replied "Here's how it applies and I'll give you three examples. First : one of the groups actually trapped Christopher in a room, on the third floor. They had the most seductive girl, on campus, con him into allowing her to handcuff his hands in front to a bar holding a window open then he allowed her to shove a ballgag in his mouth.

You don't mean Shannon O'Connor? The one that every male lusts after and wants to fuck?" Peggy asked incredulously.

"Yup Peggy, Shannon O'Connor" Faye replied "but let me continue before I forget. As she went to tell the others Chris got a bobby pin and used it to unlock the handcuffs. Then as they arrived they saw the open handcuffs and the ballgag, on a desk, with a note saying 'MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES FOR NOT HANGING AROUND BUT AN EMERGENCY CAME UP'. They quickly ran to the window saw Christopher standing on the sidewalk then he smiles, blows them a kiss, waved then casually walked away.

Talk about humiliation! How did he get the handcuffs off? What is he??? an escape artist. How did he jump without hurting himself?" Peggy asked.

"He's an escape artist for sure, as I found out, but, I also found out from his school that he was also the top gymnast and never lost a competition which is why he didn't hurt himself when he jumped out the third floor window" Faye replied.

Peggy said "continue Faye, I'm all ears." of the girls in a girl group asked Christopher if he could get her biology book from the second floor classroom. Her group had girls stationed at all the exits and one outside the classroom. What they didn't know was, as I found out later, that Christopher is also an expert at picking locks, which explains how he got out of the handcuffs. He unlocked the side door and enters, climbs the stairs and walks right through the unguarded second classroom door, you know each classroom has two doors, and gets the textbook. Then, to add insult to injury, taps the girl on the shoulder, softly says 'pardon me' then after saying 'thank you' says ''ve been a big help' and gives her a soft, slightly open mouthed kiss. She begins to weaken and Christopher, always the gentleman that he is, quickly takes a chair out of the classroom and, while still kissing her, slides the chair under her then leaves via another side door. He walks around and hands the book to the girl then taking her hand kisses it saying 'the pleasure was all mine' and walks away. By the time her friends arrive he is casually strolling down the sidewalk then turns, smiles and waves good-bye to them. They run upstairs to find their lookout sitting with a dazed look on her face and murmuring over and over 'he kissed me... he kissed me'."

"You have to admire him, Faye. He certainly has the guts and balls to pull these stunts off" Peggy replied then added "How did they take being humiliated?"

"They were furious but helpless and BOY.....did it get around the campus. Most of the guys think he's a hero and several girl groups feel totally helpless, discouraged and depressed. In fact several groups have been giving me tips on how Christopher operates and if he eludes us as he has them for one more week then he's home free also...............Anyway let me get onto point 3...and this is unbelieveable. Chris was walking towards the campus library when he saw a girl being tied up and gagged by a group of 5 girls. What Christopher didn't know that it was all staged to catch him but it failed. Using his E&E training Chris walked up to the tied girl unseen and cut the ropes then quietly disappeared. The other girls were still waiting for him when they saw Chris walk up and say 'I already freed her so you can take her home now.' Their mouths dropped open and before they could do anything he turned on his heel and walked casually away."

"Is there anything he can't do" Peggy asked?

"Every girl agrees with you and are out of ideas on how to capture Chris" Faye replied " but I have an idea on how to..."

Peggy interrupted "By the way I also found out that he likes a woman to wear skin tight, black leather gloves that go past the wrist. He saw my pair on the desk and asked me to put them on. When I did he took my gloved hands and kissed each one saying 'They enhance your beauty'."

"He does?" Faye cried out "That's great Peggy. I'll tell the others to wear any black leather gloves they have."

"That's not all Faye" Peggy replied "I tried to charm him by asking him if there was anything else he liked a woman to wear he replied 'a few special things...............but if I revealed that information it wouldn't be a mystery now would it?' He seems to be immune to feminine wiles."

"All the more reason to capture him to find out what he likes and doesn't like. By the way aren't you full German, maybe you should interrogate him" Faye responded.

"You mean like this" Peggy said then going into a fake German accent said "You have resisted our attempts to make you tolk......Herr Dean. Ve vill have to employ very special means to find out what you like in vomen and vhen ve are finished you will tolk, Herr Dean.............this I promise" as both collapsed in laughter.

"That was great Peggy" Faye said "but let me get to the third point before I forget" Faye continued "Remember Howard last hard it was to capture him and how he eluded the groups for three days...mostly running and hiding. do I say this.....Christopher's ability to avoid capture makes Howard look like a toddler and his brains are in the right place....if you know what I mean."


"Everything's set. Kathleen and Jeannie are standing by" Faye replied.

"Then we make our move this Saturday morning. Have the van running while Kathleen, Jeannie and I go to Saunder's office in the accounting building as that's where he'll be. Remember be sure to tell the others about the gloves.....they have to wear them!"

"Roger" Faye replied and hung up.

"Christopher" Peggy said quiet grimness, after hanging up, "you may have been able to escape the other girl groups but you won't be escaping us or your fate." Then Peggy again went into her German accent saying "Herr have vays of finding out vhat you like in vomen and you vill tolk vhen ve are finished vith you" then she giggled.

Later that day Peggy typed a letter to me on John Saunder's letterhead setting up my interview for Saturday, a day that she knew John Saunders would not be in. Peggy used his signature stamp to sign the letter. Later that day she gave the letter to Kathleen who placed it in my mailbox where I picked it up later that day.

Dear Christopher Dean,

Welcome to the MacMaster University. As your Academic Advisor I would like to meet with you Saturday September 28 at 10:30 AM to discuss your curriculum.


J. Saunders
Dean of Computer Studies

On Saturday September 28 I walked through the halls of the deserted hallways of the Computer Information Systems building. When I reached John Saunders office I saw a lengthy note addressed to me taped to the door. As I was concentrating on reading it I did not hear Jeannie, Peggy and Kathleen sneaking up behind me. Jeannie was wearing a white long sleeved, scooped neck spandex top with a red heart on silver wings across her chest. She was also wearing super-slimmed blue jeans covered by knee-high, black vinyl boots and carrying a black latex hood in her above-the-wrist length, black leather gloved hands.

Kathleen was wearing a sleeveless, spandex stretched, black demin dress cut 2" above her knees, black pantyhose and knee-high, black leather riding boots and above-the-wrist length, black leather gloves. She had a 6-foot long black satin scarf wrapped around her neck that was knotted a few times in the middle. Peggy was wearing a back baring, black halter bodysuit with a generously layered bustline which revealed ample cleavage covered by a pair of white, knee high, 3" vinyl boots. She had inserted a pair of handcuffs inside her belt and had, in her above-the-wrist length, black leather gloves held a choke chain which went around the neck and had a clip on the free end that hung down below ones shoulder blades.

Kathleen was to pin my arms while Jeannie placed the spandex hood over my head. As Kathleen held me down Peggy would handcuff my hands while Jeannie would take the choke chain from Peggy and place it around my neck. She and Peggy would then push my handcuffed hands, up to the small of my back, and connect them to the clip dangling below my shoulder blades. I had just finished reading the note when suddenly Kathleen wrapped her powerful arms around me from behind, pinning my arms to my side and pulling me back tightly against her 38" breasts.

"Gotcha!!!" Kathleen cried.

"NO!" I cried out and started to struggle but seconds later everything went black as Jeannie pulled the latex hood over my head.

I quickly planted my feet and spun my body around and around then reversed my motion attempting to break Kathleen's grip. Within seconds Kathleen felt her feet leave the floor and her grip slipping. Realizing that I was breaking free she cried out "QUICK.....DO SOMETHING.....HE'S STRONGER THAT WE THOUGHT!"

Before anyone could react my desire to break free caused me to fall on the floor breaking Kathleen's grip. A stunned Kathleen and Jeannie watched as I quickly got up and groped for the bottom of the hood. Suddenly Peggy aimed a well-placed booted kick at my balls and as she connected I staggered with pain but continued to pull the hood off my neck. The others watched in amazement as Peggy connected with a second booted kick sending rockets of pain through me. As the pain forced me to my knees, Kathleen who now had recovered knocked me to the floor quickly while Peggy tightly wrapped her arms around my upper legs and her booted legs around my lower legs. With my legs tightly pinned Kathleen quickly wrapped her arms around my elbows bringing them together and managed to keep her grip on me. I could feel her above the wrist black leather gloves on my arms.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE...DO SOMETHING!!!" Peggy and Kathleen both yelled to a frozen in place Jeannie as they were now barely managing to keep me down. Despite the pain in my balls I was still thrashing my body side to side and back and forth causing both Peggy and Kathleen to be thrown around. As the choke chain went flying they still managed to hang on and Jeannie, coming out her stupor, ran over and grabbed the choke chain. Seeing that Peggy and Kathleen had their hands full, she moved quickly clamping one gloved hand tightly over my covered mouth while pinching my covered nose with the other gloved hand. As she pulled my hooded head back I heard her command "quit struggling or I'll cut off your air!!!" I quickly realized that I was getting no air into me and as I relaxed I felt Kathleen retighten her grip on me.

"Cuff his hands tightly!" Jeannie commanded while still tightly plugging my nose and mouth. No matter which way I moved my head Jeannie's grip was like iron and moved with me.

With Kathleen holding my arms in a vicelike grip and her left knee on my back Peggy took out of her belt the chained handcuffs and securely handcuffed my wrists.

Jeannie, seeing that Peggy was done released her grip on my mouth and lifted the hood, just enough, so my mouth was exposed. As I gasped for air Jeannie yelled to Kathleen "Get the scarf and securely gag him!!!!! We don't want him to even squeak!!!" I was rolled on my side as Kathleen quickly unwrapped the 6-foot long, knotted, black satin scarf from her neck and pushed the knotted part into my mouth. The knotted part completely filled my mouth as she brought the ends around my face, tightly knotting them at the back of my neck. Bringing the ends forward Kathleen double knotted them tightly inside my opened mouth. Then Jeannie brought the hood down re-covering my face and unpinched my nose.

Jeannie then said, "Secure his wrists to his neck" as Jeannie gave Kathleen the choke chain. Kathleen slipped choke chain around my neck and buckled it securely while Peggy firmly held my handcuffed wrists. Peggy unexpectedly pulled up on my handcuffs and snapped the chain clip to the link joining the handcuffs together. My hands were now totally and completely immobilized at the small of my back.

"Let's get the fuck out of here before we get caught!!" Jeannie cried.

"Amen to that!!!!!" Kathleen and Peggy exclaimed.

Kathleen, Peggy and Jeannie propelled a now passively bound, gagged and hooded me down the hall, out the back door and towards the 1994 red Chevy van where Faye was waiting.

Faye was wearing a yellow wrap around a body-molded top with off the shoulder sleeves, yellow-pleated shorts and knee-high, black PVC boots. Once Kathleen, Peggy and Jeannie got me into the back of the van and closed the van doors Faye took over. With Kathleen sitting on my chest Faye removed my shoes and socks off my feet quickly got a set of legcuffs and tightly legcuffed my right ankle. She threaded the chain through the handcuffs then also tightly placed the other legcuff on my left ankle. As they rolled me onto my side Jeannie used a knee-high stocking to tightly tie and cinch my knees together while Peggy used another knee-high stocking to tightly tie and cinch my handcuffed hands to my waist. Faye quickly got into the driver's seat and gunned the van out of the campus. After they finished a small smile crossed my gagged mouth as I heard the following comments.

"We did it!!!" Peggy laughed.

"It worked perfectly" Jeannie said.

"Yeah it worked alright" Kathleen wearily said then continued "He put up one hell of a fucking fight. this guy strong or what?"

"I still don't believe what I saw back there" Peggy cried "It took two solid kicks in the balls to weaken him and he was still able to resist. What's this guy made of......................tempered steel?

"No Peggy.....not tempered steel but we better strip him to see if he was wearing a crotch protector" Kathleen replied with Jeannie wearily saying "yeah.....but we finally got him."

"This guy must be worth it and I believe that we've picked a winner............a prime, grade A, #1 stud!!!" Kathleen rejoined as the others nodded in agreement.

"He might break free, make sure he's secured!!!!!" Faye called out.

"He's cuffed, hog-tied, gagged, hooded and totally helpless" all three replied in unison.

I quickly discerned that there were three women attending to me in the back of the van but could not identify any of the voices as I felt all three cut my clothes from my body with HEAVY DUTY FABRIC scissors, that Faye had procured. Within minutes I was completely naked as Kathleen removed the black latex hood from my head and Peggy removed the knotted, black satin scarf gag from my mouth. It took me a minute to adjust my eyes and then I saw them.

"Well...he wasn't wearing a crotch protector" Peggy commented as they looked at my crotch.

"This guy is no wimp or wuz for that matter .....that's for sure" Jeannie said.

"He's a real man alright not like the others who think they are" Kathleen said.

"Just remember what I told you about Christopher" Faye chimed in.

"We won't forget Faye" Peggy replied then mused "I wonder if his staying power in sex is as good as the fight he put up."

"What's going on?" I demanded.

"Just a little kidnapping" Peggy said giggling.

"A WHAT??? YOU'RE KIDDING...........JUST A LITTLE KIDNAPPING?" I cried then quickly collecting myself and my wits calmly said, with a smile, "Look.....Ladies.....Are you sure you girls have the right victim?"

"Oh.....we know who we've kidnapped alright" Jeannie replied then added "But you're starting to ask too many questions and we can't have that. Besides our slave should be seen and not heard."

"Too many questions??? Slave???" I calmly replied "But I've only asked "MMMFPHPHFFMMM" but was cut off as Kathleen shoved an oversized ballgag into my mouth buckling it tightly at the nape of my neck. She securely adjusted the chinstrap then brought the third strap over my head also buckling it at the nape of my neck.

"MMMFPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMM" I cried out as best as I could through my gag and continued to struggle then felt a sharp pain as Jeannie's gloved hands squeezed my balls painfully.

"Better relax and get use to it...honey" Jeannie said with a smile, as I painfully looked at her "YOU'RE OURS NOW."

While Peggy ran her gloved hands lightly through my hair while Jeannie started to caress her gloved fingers around my nipples pinching them playfully. Kathleen's gloved hands started to massage my soft manhood as I moaned through my ballgag and started to breathe heavily through my nose while squirming. With my hands and feet tightly hand- and legcuffed, my knees tightly tied and cinched, hog-tied and my mouth securely gagged there was not much that I could do. Try as I might I found no give in the knee-high stockings binding my hands to my waist and my knees together I realized that I was too well tied. After a few minutes of Kathleen's soft but determined massaging of my penis I started to respond, despite my attempts at controlling my penis, and after several minutes felt himself coming but could not as Kathleen gloved hands gripped the head of my penis hard and squeezed. Soon my penis was again soft and flaccid resulting in a little fluid coming out.

"Did you really believe we were going to let you come and enjoy yourself at our expense?" Kathleen laughed, wiped my cock then placed the breathable black latex hood over my head.

"Oh shit!!!! We have a cop tailing us!" Jeannie warned as she looked outside the rear window of the van.

"What's he doing?" Faye replied as she spotted him in the outside left rear-view mirror.

"He wants us to pull over" Peggy replied.

"Make sure Christopher is silenced and immobilized" Faye ordered.

"Already on it" the three replied in unison.

Hearing the siren I gave out a loudly muffled "MMMFPHMMMPHFMMM" which was quickly cut off as Kathleen squeezed by balls so tightly that I became paralyzed and silent. As the cop approached the van Peggy and Jeannie helped to immobilize me. Jeannie sat on my chest pinning my body while Peggy held my head firmly with her knees on either side covering my ears and preventing me from moving my head as I was desperately hoping he'd search the van. After giving Faye a warning the cop rode away not even suspecting what they had done or who they had in the van.

What seemed like hours but was really only twenty minutes they arrived at their destination. Faye backed the van into the attached garage of the house where they lived. Kathleen grabbed me under my arms while Jeannie grabbed my legs. As they carried me into the house Faye and Peggy scooped up my clothes and followed them. I was carried into a bedroom and placed on a bed where I was uncuffed untied then two of them placed a leather mitten over each hand securing them then spread-eagling my arms, to the max, and attached rope to the D-rings at the tip of the mittens. My arms were then securely to the farthest ends of the headboard. While this was happening the other two girls spread eagled my legs, also to the max, and tied each ankle to a spreader bar then looped a rope around the spreader bar pulled and tied the ends to the bottom baseboard. When they had finished my latex hood was removed and I was able to adjust my eyes to the glare of the room. As I saw my captors each girl kissed me on the cheek and left me to think about what had happened with Faye running her gloved hand along my cock as she left. I was now alone securely tied spread-eagled and gagged with the oversized ballgag.

As I looked around the room and I could tell it was a woman's bedroom. On the pink wallpaper to my left was a large mirror and in front of me were two windows with white lace curtains one of w


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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-08-31 08:37:55

As I looked around the room and I could tell it was a woman's bedroom. On the pink wallpaper to my left was a large mirror and in front of me were two windows with white lace curtains one of which had an air conditioner. To my right was the door through which my beautiful captors had just brought me through and through which they had departed. To the left of the mirror was a vanity with make-up, perfume and other women's items on top and to the right of the mirror was a set of dresser drawers with dolls on the top.

After about thirty minutes Peggy came back into the room and was wearing only a pair of red panties and the same pair of above the wrist, skin tight black leather gloves. Her perfume again preceded her into the room as she walked over to the bed and sat down on the bed next to my head.

"How are we doing, sweetheart?" Peggy asked as she leaned down and kissed me on my forehead leaving a red lipstick impression on my forehead. Then sitting on my chest dangled her breasts in front of me.

"MMMFPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMM" I responded through my gag. "Oh you poor, poor baby" Peggy teased "You can't talk or suck these boobs. What a shame!!!" Then seeing me contorting my mouth, Peggy firmly gripped my chin and forcing me to look at her harshly said "Don't bother trying to dislodge the gag Christopher. It's a deluxe locking gag, which consists of a leather plate with a short rubber post coming out of it. The oversized ball is mounted on the post and fits all the way into the mouth forcing the chin downwards. The leather plate is mounted onto a leather strap, which buckles quite securely around the head with a roller-locking buckle. The third strap going on either side of your nose and over your head ensures that the gag stays put and there's a 2" wide chinstrap attached for extra security. As you can see your lower jaw can't move up or down as the ball completely fills your mouth and it forces your lower jaw downwards nicely fitting the chinstrap but no further. The roller buckle will also work without the padlocked but we used the padlock on you. If you are a real good little boy we may take the gag out later." Then leaning down she cooed into my ear "Wouldn't you like that.........sweetheart? Wouldn't you like to really kiss, fondle, lick and nuzzle us?"

"MMMFPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMM" I responded quietly through my gag.

As the others came in, dressed the same way as Peggy Faye commented "Does he know why he's here?"

"Not yet" Peggy replied "Who wants to explain it?"

Kathleen approached me and, while Peggy lightly ran her gloved hand through my hair causing me to relax, said, "You're a very lucky man Christopher that we got to you before the others did."

"Lucky as a cat has nine lives" Jeannie caustically said then stated "Christopher!!! Did you know that you are on the 'MOST WANTED MALE' list of every girl group."

"MMMFPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMM" I replied with a questioning look on my face.

"Don't play the innocent victim with us, Christopher" Faye retorted "We know that someone warned you because no male has ever been able to elude any girls' group for this long and that E & E course you took helped immensely. But that's all over now and we'll be declared the winners after we present you securely bound and gagged, of course, in front of the judges. Afterall.....those are the rules and we have to prove to everyone that you really are OURS.

"That's not all we have in mind for you" Peggy said as she caressed down my neck then pressed her gloved thumbs into my throat at my Adam's apple. I started to struggle as Peggy watched then cooed "Ooohhh're so cute and vulnerable anyone of us could choke you to death with our bare hands so you better be an obedient and good little boy and do everything we say."

As the others laughed Kathleen said "We'd better leave and get his belongings as he's going to be staying here. Rumours are flying around the campus that we have Christopher."

"Have you been able to defuse the rumours?" Faye asked.

"So far Jeannie and I have pleaded innocence but it won't hold up for long. The pressure building and I think someone saw us. It's going to get harder and harder for us to keep claiming that we know nothing about Christopher's disappearance" Kathleen replied.

"We're going to have to keep playing dumb because we can't get Chris's stuff yet" Jeannie interjected "not until we present him to the judges on Monday."

"Jeannie's right Kathleen" Faye replied then looking at my naked body mused "you know.......he doesn't really need any clothes until Monday."

"Then he have to wear some of our clothes" Kathleen stated as she saw me recoil.

Peggy, also seeing my recoil, said "Why don't we do that and take a few pictures. It would make Christopher become more....uh.... submissive and vulnerable as I'm sure that he wouldn't want anyone to see him dressed as a woman. Afterall the other girls believe he's a real man which he is........... ........not like the other so-called he-men on campus."

"Conference time......girls" Kathleen said as they left me and went to the far corner of the bedroom and talked so quietly I could not make anything out. I tried again to free myself and was starting to get some slack in the rope holding the spreader bar in place when Faye, seeing my struggles said "hold those thoughts...I have to tell Christopher something." She came over and, squeezing my balls so hard that I froze, commanded harshly "Look at me Christopher.....LOOK...AT...ME..." As I looked at her Faye let go of my balls and retying the rope connecting the spreader bar more securely commanded "READ MY LIPS ...GIVE IT UP, CHRISTOPHER HONEY.... GIVE IT UP!!!!!!!! You're trying to break free of the bonds and are failing. You cannot escape from your new role so accept your fate as there's now no escape for you until graduation."

"Then it's settled" Jeannie declared as Faye returned "We'll have him wear the fake bust that's in the closet."

"I'll get my strapless red satin gown and put it on him. He'll look so adorable" Kathleen piped up then giggled.

"I'll get my up-to-the shoulder black satin gloves and put them on his hands and up his arm but someone's going to have to stroke his cock to keep him distracted. Who's going to un-mitten and then re-mitten each hand?" Peggy chimed in giggling.

A giggling Faye quickly following the others saying, "He can wear my black leather, up-to-the-knee, 4" high heeled boots."

"I'll get my blonde, blunt cut, bob style wig. You know the one whose thick hair comes down covering only the ears" Jeannie replied also giggling.

"After I get the gown on him I'll take a mitten off each hand, pin each arm while Peggy puts the gloves on him. Then Jeannie and I use a knee-high pantyhose to secure each gloved hand to an end post of the headboard instead of re-mittening each hand then Peggy can pull the gloves up his arms. you want the honour of keeping him distracted?" Kathleen asked.

"I thought you'd never ask!!! Count me in!!!!!" Faye replied excitedly.

"Good!!!..." Peggy said "Then we can camcorder him and take pictures of him dressed and made up as a women while tied up and gagged then later strip and keep him naked, except for the gloves, and restrained until Monday. Afterall I'm sure that Christopher will be able to satisfy all of our desires." Then coming over and sitting down beside me, as the others watched, Peggy softly said as she caressed my face with both gloved hands "every man's dream is to have women admire and touch his physique and don't worry about meals or the toilet. We really do care about you Christopher and you will be well cared for."

"PHPHFMMMMMMFPHPF" I replied with a look of confusion on my face and Peggy seeing it replied "That right Christopher, my love, we'll make arrangements to move your belongings in with us so you won't have to pay room and board. We have big plans for you and one thing we want you to do is to help us get good marks. We all want to graduate magna cum laude and we need all the help we can get and that's were you come in. We know you received a 4-year scholarship to MacMaster and the word around the campus is that you are an expert on every subject taken here. You don't have to worry about missing classes, as the pictures we'll be taking of you are only to ensure that you will be staying here. You'll be able to attend your classes and get those high marks so you can graduate.

We'll explain later as to what else we want from you but unfortunately you have no say in the matter, not now nor in the future. As you're so efficiently bound and gagged will continue to be securely gagged and/or bound in some form when in this house so you can't now and in the future try to escape. By the way honey.......we will have to have you bound and gagged at certain times and keep you hidden, depending on the situation or who visits us, but the number of times will depend on how you behave."

As the other girls left Peggy moved her fingers to my chest where she began to roughly massage my nipples and pinched them painfully. When she worked her hands down to my belly where she slapped it hard and giggling said "Kind of flabby we'll have to toughen it up although your chest and those broad shoulders are real manly. Those thighs of yours are the envy of every girl on campus. No wonder every girls' group wanted you and I can see why every girl, in your high school and at McMaster, wanted to get you into bed with them. Unfortunately, they'll never get that opportunity but we will and face it my prince........anyone who can withstand 2 kicks in the balls must be prime grade no. 1 stud material and I know that the others will agree with me that your knowledge of karate will be a great source of comfort and protection to us."

Then Peggy got down to my cock and balls she started to massage them with her gloved hands.

"MMMFPHPHFFMMM MMMFMHPFMMM" I cried several times through my gag and squirmed as my cock started to come to life. When it was half erect Peggy ministrations caused it to expand faster and when it was at full mast she alternated between my balls and penis moving faster and faster with her hands. l could only squirm and moan and just as I was about to come Peggy, sensing this, quickly pulled away and squeezed the head of my manhood hard preventing anything from coming out.

"MMMFPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMM" I groaned as my body heaved and shook for several minutes.

"You really thought I was going to let you come. Didn't you?" Peggy wickedly laughed "Well maybe later......after you've satisfied us."

Once my penis had shrunk to normal size and some fluid came out Peggy, got a Kleenex and cleaned my cock area. After finishing she stroked my hair, looked at me, and said "You'd better get some rest,'re going to need all your strength. You're going to be doing alot of serving of our needs, both now and in the future and we promise to make it worth your while; but we'll talk about that off to dreamland. I'd love to give you a deep mouth kiss but the gag must stay this will have to suffice."

Peggy gave me a tender kiss on the cheek then walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. I closed my eyes in complete frustration and once more tried to free myself. I found my hands were too far apart to untie each other and the spreader bar connecting my legs kept my legs apart. I found that there was no give in the rope that was tied to my mittened hands then tied to each end of the headboard and as my hands were enclosed in the mittens I could not unbuckle the leather mittens around my wrists. I tried again to get some slack in the rope around the spreader bar but Faye had done too good a job of retying tautly the rope connecting the spreader bar to the bottom baseboard. I now realized that they had made the bonds and the gag so secure and that, like it or not, I would be with them helping them in their courses and doing whatever else they wanted until they and I graduated. With that final thought I took Peggy's advice, closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-09-02 18:47:02

To Dash and Bondage guy: There was too much to put into part 2 and so I probably will have about 4 or 5 parts to this story. Thank you again for your support


I was still in a sound sleep when I heard, in a dream, several female voices saying:

"AWWWWWW...isn't that sweet...our Christopher sleeping like a baby"

"Seeing him sleep wants to bring the mothering instinct out of you...doesn't it.

"He looks so cute and adorable...just like a baby. He looks so soft and cuddly"

"Enough talk ladies...time to wake prince charming up"

My dream was broken by a glass of water being slowly poured onto my face. I woke up sharply and discovered the girls looking down, with Peggy holding an empty glass, at me then realised that I was still bound and gagged.

"Time to wake up sweetheart" Kathleen said "you've been asleep for about 4 hours but now we have to get down to business. The business of dressing you as a girl.

"MMMMMMMPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMM" I muffled loudly while trying to get off the bed. The girls watched for a few minutes then went to get the items and when they came back I saw Jeannie holding a corset with D-size cups attached, Kathleen holding the red satin strapless prom dress and Peggy with a pair of up-to-the shoulder black satin gloves. I also saw Faye holding a pair of black leather, up-to-the-knee, 4" high heeled boots and Jeannie with her blonde, blunt cut, bob style wig whose thick hair comes down covering only the ears.

As I looked at the ensemble Kathleen seemed to read my mind and said "Yes Christopher, we decided to use this prom dress instead of a gown so your boot legs would show and you should be dressed up as if you were going to the prom. Also we decided to put a corset on you with the cups included and after pulling it tightly around'll have an adorable waist"

As planned Faye started to caress me down below putting me into a state of relaxation. One hand was released by Kathleen who held my mid arm firmly as Peggy put a glove on my right hand then Jeannie retied my right hand to the far right bedpost with a knee-high pantyhose. They did the same thing to my left hand and after securing it to the far-left bedpost Peggy then smoothed the gloves up my arms to the shoulders. While Faye kept distracting me she could see me in a state of euphoria as the fake corset was placed around my body, secured and when I was told to inhale tightened. My legs were untied from the spreader bar and the strapless red satin dress was put onto my body and pulled up over the corset and zipped up by the three ladies who then placed a nerfball in each cup of the corset. My legs were encased in the knee-high 4" heeled boots then retied securely to the spreader bar then lifting my head the blonde, blunt cut, bob style wig whose thick hair comes down covering only the ears was firmly placed on my head and smoothed and combed in place. When finished they smoothed the dress down.

I tried to shake the wig off but gave it up as Faye's caressing of my cock was causing me become more sexually active. When Faye saw them coming back with the camera and movie camera; she quickly left me as they started to film me and my desperate actions to get free as well as my frantic angry muffled sounding "MMMFPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMM". After 10 minutes of filming and picture taking Jeannie leaned over to me and said quietly "we'll let you see yourself very soon after Kathleen does the developing."

I lay there frustrated as hell as they took the dress, corset and wig off me making sure that only one arm or leg was free at any one time. I again tried to bridge my body but failed as Faye straddled me pinning my body to the bed. I kicked my mind into neutral and could feel my member getting soft and Faye feeling it too commanded "GET IT UP CHRISTOPHER, WE'RE NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET" then started to rub herself on me. No matter how I tried to shut off my mind; it finally kicked over into sexual mode and I was hard. Seeing this each girl decided to make out with me while giving me just enough time to recover. When they were done they encased my cock with a sheath dildo secured it tightly and turned it on; as it did its work I was almost in a state of sexual euphoria and stayed this way for the rest of the night.

The next morning I and my cock were released while Peggy pinched my nose and had my gloved hands cuffed tightly behind my back then my booted feet were hobbled with legcuffs, which limited my ability to walk. I was led over to the dining room table where a big breakfast had been prepared. As I sat down my right hand was released but my left hand was cuffed to the chair then gag was taken off me and I was able to finally converse with them.

"Did you have a good nights sleep Christopher?" Faye asked.

"Well, if you call a restrained position comfortable I would say that I did but I still don't know why you lovely girls decided to kidnap me. There is something you're mot telling me and you only hinted last night...didn't you" I replied with a smile.

"Your reputation precedes you Christopher you are as smart and perceptive as we've heard; but you'll just have to wait. How's breakfast?" Peggy replied.

"Very good and my compliments to the chef; but I am finding it a bit hard to cut through the back bacon one handed."

"Here...let me do it for you" Kathleen said, with a smile, as she cut the back bacon while the others laughed. Then Jeannie said, "It's nice to see you still have your sense of humour Chris after all you've been through but one thing "" THE KIDNAPPING (PART II) ""you wouldn't be thinking of leaving us so soon, would you? Do you really want to be on your own or would you prefer to be with and be catered to by us?"

"You've been very wonderful to me so far and I thank you for the wonderful reception even though the invitation was one I couldn't refuse." More laughter "I don't think that I could escape but why don't you answer two questions for me 1) How did you know so much about me and 2) tell me about yourselves. After all if I'm going to be your servant, which I believe I am right, then shouldn't I learn as much as possible about my four beautiful, attractive, sensual and sexy mistresses?"

"Flatterer" they responded in unison causing them to laugh again then they each told me everything about their lives and how they had secured my info from my home town. As I continued to eat the bacon, fried eggs, hash browns, tea (I can't drink coffee), toast and jam I was looking at them but decided to hold off escaping until I had mentally memorised the layout of the house. I decided to be their captive until the time to escape was right.

After breakfast I asked if I could help them with the dishes explaining if I was to serve them I'd better get to know the routine which caught them by surprise.

"You want to help with the dishes?" Faye exclaimed in shock.

"Of course, after all if I am to serve you shouldn't I start my training early?"

"You've got something up your sleeve...don't you Christopher" Peggy said.

"Just my arm" I replied laughing.

"Why not" Jeannie said "but were going to have to keep your hands cuffed but in front."

"Agreed but please don't gag me" I replied.

They uncuffed me from the chair and cuffed my hands in front then led me to the kitchen where Kathleen had the dishes in the water. I knew that there was no chance of escaping, as my feet were legcuffed so I helped Kathleen by washing as she dried. Looking at her lovely body I was getting hot then decided to kiss her. As she was still drying the dishes I dried my hands then went behind her and put my arms over her head and pinned her. She turned around quickly and said, "What are you doing?"

"Kissing you" I replied as my lips met her lips opening them slightly. As I continued I could feel her weakening and I knew that if I continued she'd be helpless to prevent my escaping. Unfortunately Faye rounded the corner and immediately pulled my head back and clamped her hands over my nose and mouth forcing me to release Kathleen. As I tried to wrench Faye's hands from my nose and mouth Kathleen recovered then punching me hard in the groin said "YOU BASTARD."

I groaned as Faye let go of me and as I stood there gasping for breath she said, "I thought he'd try something like's not your fault Kathleen. The reports I got from his girlfriends' back home were he's has this special ability to kiss a woman long enough so she'll do anything he says. I just wanted to tell you that Peggy and Jeannie went to the campus and should be back in about 3 hours and that..."

Suddenly the door flew open and Peggy and Jeannie rushed in frantically shouting "Quickly... we've got to bind and gag Christopher securely and hide him. We've got company coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"What happened" Faye asked as she and Kathleen pinned me to the wall. Kathleen covering my mouth with her hand.

"We got to the campus and got what we wanted when we were confronted by two girl groups demanding to see Christopher. We told them that we had no idea what happened to him. They said that they were coming over to our place to see for themselves so we hightailed it out of there and came here" Jeannie said breathlessly.

"You and Peggy get the equipment... the special equipment while we hold Chris here" Kathleen ordered. I tried to struggle but was pacified by Faye pinching my nose as Kathleen kneed me in the groin. Kathleen's hand went over my mouth like a piece of tape moulding itself firmly to my face. I could not break her grip, which was like iron.

Soon they came back with an armsheath, a hood and thigh to ankle cuffs. I saw that the leather bondage sleeve had laces on one side and a zipper on the other which went up the arms to the shoulders. It had two straps, which went over the shoulders, chris-crossed in front, went under the armpits and buckled at the back. It also had a set of straps at both sides which, when buckled at the waist, pinned the sleeve to the body. The leather hood had a 3" wide leather strap that slid down covering the eyes and had a large round gag mounted behind the mouth of the mask which would fill my mouth. When they applied over my head, they would first have to have the ball gag already inserted into the mouth tightly and securely. Then the hood could be pressed against the face and fastened securely by a zipper pulled down the back, which could be padlocked, and the ballgag could not be pushed out once the mouth zipper was also zipped and padlocked. What I didn't know was they had bought a vibrating expandable butt-plug, which could be inflated by a squeeze pump once inside the anus and would vibrate the prostrate gland at 3 different speeds.

"Peggy, keep a lookout and tell us when they'll be here" Kathleen cried then looking at me said, "You're going to regret what you did to me" then pinched my nose as Faye took the handcuffs off. Within minutes Faye, Kathleen and Jeannie had the armsheath up my arms and secured to my body. The straps felt cold against my still nude body as Kathleen unpinched my nose then they pushed the ballgag into my mouth then pulled the hood over my head causing it to conform to my face. As they padlock it Jeannie said "Kathleen, what did Chris do to you?" To which Kathleen replied curtly "I'll tell you later Jeannie".

Having secured the upper half of me they unlegcuffed me and forced me to the cellar where there was a hidden room. The former owner as a hideaway had built it for him and his wife to have fun. They pushed me into the room turned on the light and forcing me to my knees attached one cuff to the right ankle and the other cuff to my right thigh. They did the same to my left ankle and left thigh then inserted the butt plug and turned it on high. Taking 2 hasp locks they brought both sets of ankle and thigh cuffs together and hasp locked them ensuring that I was not moving from the pillow underneath my knees. I could not move my ankles or thighs apart and could not stand up and was in sexual agony. Lastly they looped a rope around the ring, at the end of the armsheath and pulling my arms upwards attached them to a ceiling hook.

Just then Peggy yelled down "they're here" and hearing that Jeannie pulled the blindfold over my eyes then left the hideaway with Faye turning off the light and locking the door. I could hear voices arguing and footsteps running throughout the house and when I heard someone coming down the basement I tried to scream but my cries were too effectively silenced. I heard 5 girls walking around and 2 of them talking outside the hideaway room and no matter how I tried they couldn't hear me. I couldn't bang on the floor or move anywhere then after what seemed to be hours it became very quiet I heard the door open and the light go on.

I felt the hood and gag being removed and 4 pairs of angry eyes looking at me. I was in deep do-do and was prepared to expect the worst. I looked up at Kathleen and said, "Well, it was worth a try. Now what."

"Do you really want to know?" Kathleen replied "You still owe me!!!!!"

"After what you did to me it can only be worse and I do deserve it" I countered.

"Were you trying to escape?" Peggy asked "and if so why...aren't you happy here?"

"I'm sorry but it is going to take a little time to get use to this environment. I feel like a prisoner here and felt an obligation to escape as a prisoner is expected to do" I answered then said "Kathleen, I deeply apologise for taking advantage of you with that kiss but I'd like to make two requests."

"Apology accepted Christopher and what are your two requests?" Kathleen replied.

"The next time any of you want to make love to me can I be a willing participant and not a captive one and 2) if you're going to use me for sex...can it be one at a time with a longer waiting time between sessions. Do this and you'll get a better response from me. Now can I please go to the men's room before I do it in my pants?" I asked.

"Of course you can relieve yourself" Jeannie laughingly replied "but of course we have to sadly decline your offer of freedom during love making until we can be assured of your continuing to stay with us. We decided this time not to show the pictures or movie of you in woman's clothes but try to escape again and we will...THAT'S A PROMISE!!!!!!" Everyone agreed on this?"

"AYE" came back the chorus of consent.

They removed the butt plug, unclamped my legs and ankles then hobbled my feet with a 3" length of rope. They removed the armsheath and cuffed my hands in front and walked me to the washroom. I was surprised when they uncuffed me and recuffed one hand to a wall hook so I could wipe myself. When I finished they walked in and I saw them looking at my naked body and saw Jeannie holding a pair of leather thumbless and fingerless mittens. After taking the cuffs off me she pulled a mitten over each hand securing them behind my back with a padlock through each ring of each mitten. For the rest of the day I guided them in their subjects, helping with their assignments, showing shortcuts they could use and being rewarded with occasional kisses, hugs and my rear end squeeze and whacked as well as my cock being played with which played havoc with my concentration. Lastly I was allowed my left hand free to do my own school work which I finished quickly then they fed me a sumptuous dinner and I started to realise that maybe it was better not to try and leave and to enjoy their company. That night they tied me spread-eagled to the bed then forced a gag into my mouth that had a penis on each side. As one rode me down below the other rode on my face and after a 1-hour recovery time the other two gave me the same treatment. As I was exhausted after these sessions they each gave me a kiss on both cheeks and turning out the light let me sleep. Monday morning was not going to be a pleasant day as I knew I'd be presented in front of the judges... bound and gagged.

The next morning I was awakened by a soft gloved hand caressing my face and opening my eyes I saw Jeannie smiling at me. Then I saw the ensemble I was to wear and recoiled. It was a latex and lycra body suit completely in black, long sleeved and long pant legs and was skin-tight. I saw a pair of white up-to-the shoulder lycra spandex gloves and thigh-high black PCV boots with a 5" heel and a corset with filled D-size cups. I groaned in the gag as they untied me pinched my nose and placed the corset around me tightly then got me to step into bodysuit pulled and zipped it up.

It was tight as a rubber band and constricted my body quite effectively as the corset was doing its job in compressing my waist. They place the gloves on me and pulled them up over the sleeves of the body suit so they rested securely at the shoulders. I was helped by them into the boots and felt their tightness as the boots went over the bodysuit legs and clung to the bodysuit. I realise that this was just as effective as being tied up but they went one further. Faye undid my gag as Kathleen got a ballgag that they had used on me when we were in the van and after inserting it into my mouth buckled the straps more tightly than she did in the van. I looked at her and caught a smug look of satisfaction and revenge as Peggy came back with a handcuff-legcuff chain. When these were put onto me my gloved hands were handcuffed behind my back, and as the chain connecting the handcuffs and legcuffs together was lowered my ankles were legcuffed. I now had limited movement but the chain prevented me from moving the handcuffs upwards. Then the wig was placed on my head and combed into place with eyeshadow and mascara place around my eyes.

"Shall we go Christopher, sweetheart but first do you want to look in the mirror?" Peggy cooed into my ear. I was led to the mirror and almost choked as I saw not a man but a voluptuous woman with an hour glass figure that many women would envy. I groaned again shaking my head as I was led out the door and placed into the back seat of the van.

"You look adorable and soooooooooo cute" Faye said and turning to the others said "Don't you girls agree?"

"No doubt about it" Kathleen said "He's one to be desired" as Jeannie piped in softly "Christopher darling, I don't know how to say this but YOU'RE RAVISHING, BEAUTIFUL, FULL-FIGURED AND A WOMAN ANY MAN WOULD WANT!!!!! She yelled.

As we pulled up to the campus I noticed a crowd in the centre square and a headline, in the campus paper, caught my eye which said, WHERE IS CHRISTOPHER? 'Where am I?' I thought, 'I'm stuck here in this van bound gagged and looking like a woman' as the van stopped and I was pulled out and paraded before the judges.

I heard several people praise the fact that I had done such a good job and several girls fuming with anger at being conned by my female captors. The head judge raised his hand and silence fell as he intoned, "Hear yea, Hear yea, Hear yea... let it be known that Christopher Dean has been finally caught and captured by the team of Peggy, Kathleen, Jeannie and Faye. As it is the custom the captured individual has the opportunity to either live in his own quarters or stay with his captors. What do Christopher's captors say?"

"Christopher has agreed to stay with us, your honour" Peggy replied.

"Do the members of your team agree?"

"We agree with Peggy, your honour" Kathleen, Jeannie and Faye replied in unison

"And what does Christopher say about this. Remove his gag so he can speak freely"

As Kathleen was unbuckling the gag she whispered into my ear "remember the pictures and the movie" then removed the gag out of my mouth. It was decision time for me. Was I going to be able to be free and risk exposure due to the pictures and movie and face the humiliation of having people look at me in a different unfavourable light? Or was I going to concede defeat and live with my captors enjoying all the benefits they could give but lose my independence, as I would be serving their needs. All eyes as well as the three judges were on me as I massaged my mouth and looking at the judges stated in a loud and clear voice.

Your Honours, I stand before you bound but not gagged as according to the rules of this contest. I have put up a good fight and was able to elude capture for 2 weeks until last Saturday when I was trapped and caught. Cheers rang out from the girls and a few expressed sympathy at my plight. As the cheering died down I continued "As my captors will vouch I was not easily subdued and it took a few unorthodox methods to keep me a captive." Shouts from the guys: YOU SHOWED THEM CHRIS. WE'VE HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE HOLD OUT AS LONG AS YOU. YOU'VE PROVEN THAT A MAN CAN BE A MAN WITHOUT PROVING IT. As the shouts died down I said, "I do not know whether my captors have broken any rules but I can and want to compliment them on the planning and execution of this operation. I wish to make it crystal clear that they have agreed to let me have the freedom to persue my studies as long as I remain at their residence and, in conclusion, I will be staying there until they and I graduate." A few gasps went up from the audience and some people cried "UNFAIR...UNFAIR" but they were soon drowned out as I finally said "this was not an easy decision for me to make but having made it I am honour bound to keep it. I was raised to value integrity above all else and that a man's word is his bond. But let it be said that they will have quite a time keeping me there and although I am chained in your presence I AM STILL FREE IN MY HEART AND THAT CAN NEVER BE EXTINGUISHED!!!!!!!!!!!"

A round of applause and cheers erupted and as I looked around and saw the grimness of my captors and knew that it was not going to be pleasant for me. I had acceded to their blackmail but they knew that they would have to watch me more carefully. So I thought...who is really in captors or me.

"Silence, silence" cried the head judge who had been listening to me and had conferred with his colleagues. He then stood up and declared "As we have heard what Christopher Dean has said I hereby agree wholeheartedly with his decision as I can see the integrity and honesty within him. Now with the permission of his captors we wish to invite Christopher to a party in his honour. Is that acceptable to his captors?"

"We bow to your Honour's request" Peggy replied with the others nodding their accent.

"Then it is settled...this court stands adjourned"

I was regagged securely by Kathleen was hustled quickly over to the van and pushed into it. As the others watched I was sped away and after reaching my new residence I was forced into a chair where they tied my elbows, knees and feet tied securely to it and removed the gag.

"What the hell were you trying to pull Christopher" Jeannie asked angrily.

"Absolutely nothing, my dear Jeannie" I replied in a calm voice then felt Kathleen wrap a rubber tube, the kind used for blood taking, tightly around my neck and tighten it constricting my breath.

"Now Christopher honey," Peggy sweetly said, "We know that you've got a plan worked out but I should tell you that Kathleen is an expert in getting people to talk. Do you know what is wrapped around your throat?"

"A piece of rubber tubing that is used for the taking of blood and is designed not to slip when knotted" I replied.

"Good Christopher very good and now if you don't tell us what you meant by that remark Kathleen is going to tighten the tubing a notch at a time" Peggy said

"What remark...I said quite a few remarks in front of the judge"

"YOU DAMN WELL KNOW WHAT REMARK I MEAN" Peggy screamed then signalling Kathleen who tightened it a notch. My throat now was really constricted.

"I think I know what remark you are referring to" as I managed to gasp out the words.

"Would you like to tell us or shall we signal Kathleen to tighten it even more" Jeannie remarked.

"Is it the remark about my heart being free?" I gasped.

"NO IT ISN"T THAT REMARK!!!!!" Jeannie yelled as Peggy signalled Kathleen to tighten the tubing another notch, which she did. Now I was barely getting any air into my throat.

I was in a real dilemma and my training to resist torture was helping but I had never had this kind of treatment before. I knew that I would black out first before cracking but realised that these girls were deadly serious. I steeled myself for another tightening of the rubber tubing when Faye came and said "That's not going to work with Christopher but I know what will."

"Is there something you'd like to tell us now that you forgot to tell us earlier" Peggy replied sarcastically.

Faye ignored Peggy and continued saying "You're right, I forgot to tell you this because I just found out myself. I called the air base Chris was with and they told me that he has undergone extensive torture treatment. He was given the full treatment because he was being groomed to take over the intelligence branch of the Air Force Reserve. I found out that he never cracked and actually went unconscious a few times rather than reveal any information. They said that he doesn't have a weak spot but I phoned his mother and after telling her how wonderful her son was and how skilled I asked if he had a weakness. She told me that he has one weakness and told me what it is but it will take time to wear him down."

"Why don't you tell us what it is" Jeannie said.

"Better than that you can watch for yourself. Now take the tubing off his neck and get the hood gag and blindfold and put it on him."

As they did I realised that Faye knew my deep dark secret of mine and was going to exploit it for all it was worth. Before the blindfold was lowered over my eyes I caught a glimpse of Faye smiling smugly as I now was bound gagged and blindfolded securely.

"Now what?" Kathleen asked.

"Watch and learn Ladies" Faye replied and got a cassette recorder with earphones and a roll of wide medical tape. She then said "Unzip the blindfold at the back and Peggy, you and Jeannie put both earphones through the hole in blindfold part then place an earphone into each ear and secure it with this tape while Kathleen holds his head still."

I tried to struggle but it was useless and soon found myself hooded with the cords of the earphones coming out of the blindfold. As they finished zipping it back up Faye said loudly "Christopher's weakness is a certain piece of isn't it Christopher Dear."

"MMMMMFPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMMMM" I screamed and struggled like a fanatic but the gag, cuffs and rope were too secure.

As the others listened Faye continued saying "Christopher's struggling shows that he knows that I know his secret weakness. The piece of music he hates is a composition by Ravel and is called Bolero. As this walkman is auto-rewindable and auto-play Christopher will be hearing the same music over and over and over again. Bolero is the only song that plays the same set of notes about 20 times and has hypnotised or driven people mad. Christopher will not go mad but this will hypnotise him to the extent that his resistance will be worn down so much that he'll do anything or say anything to have it stopped. Apparently it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours for a person to break down so we can outwait Christopher and find what he meant by that remark. By the way set the movie camera up and film this for use later on" with that she turned it on and they left me alone.

As the music played on and on and on, hour after hour after hour I was getting more and more and more agitated. The music was affecting my nerves and I let out quite a few muffled screams that were barely audible and struggled to get the earphones off my head. I was failing and my steel reserve was now coming unglued as the music continued to play its hypnotic effect into my mind.

Tears were starting to come down my face and Faye coming in saw this and said "Kathleen, Peggy, Jeannie come here and look at this."

They came and looked in amazement as Faye said, "As you can see by the tears Christopher is close to being broken but it has taken not 6 but 7 hours to do this. Take the hood and the attached gag and blindfold off him, he'll tell us now what we want to know and shut off the camera."

My mouth, eyes and head were now free and Faye comforted me by she caressed my face with her gloved hands and kissing me (she was wearing the black skin tight leather gloves which came just past the wrists).

I was sobbing then she said, as she wiped my tears with a hankie, I'm sorry we had to do this to you my love but you left us no other choice. Now why don't you tell us what you meant by that remark and you'd be able to be free from this chair and be able to enjoy our company again. You don't want to have us do this again and we don't want to do it either as we want you to be the man that we know you are."

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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-09-02 18:53:01

I looked at her then at the camera and at the others then looking straight ahead said "it was the remark which went like this ' But let it be said that they will have quite a time keeping me there.'"

"Now that we know what the remark was why did you say it?" Faye asked.

"The reason why I said it was that since coming here you four have given me a challenge that I cannot refuse and have not had for quite sometime. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, which no girl ever gave me in Erin, and that is the matching of my wits against the wits of you four. I gave my word that I would be here but also have the desire to see if I can somehow get out of this house without you knowing it and if I am caught trying to get out of here then I expect to be severely punished.

Faye looked at me and smilingly said, "if I didn't know better like to be bound, gagged and dominated by a woman. Now don't you?"

I smiled back and said "I must admit that it gives me the sensation of excitement, exhilaration, humiliation, fear and the desire to get myself free, which I haven't been too successful thus far. You are also right Faye in that it is pleasurable to be serving women like you, Peggy, Kathleen and Jeannie and being dominated. I've never had such as thing done to me before and I didn't know that there were women who could tie and gag effectively and dominate."

"Just don't try to escape Christopher" Jeannie said as she looked me in the eye "if you try I can promise you that what we did just now will feel like child's play compared what we will do to you."

"Jeannie's right Chris" Faye said "We know your weakness and will use it again if necessary but we want you to be a part of this household and enjoy all the benefits that we can give you. Let us train you in servitude and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams but try to escape and what Jeannie said will come true. Now it's 7:30pm and we have to get Chris ready for the party in his honour."

"One last thing" Peggy interjected "Are you going to try and escape tonight?"

"WHAT!!!! And lose the pleasure of the adulation I'll be getting plus your company which is desirable" I exclaimed.

"Peggy, are you forgetting that Christopher is a man of his word and after what he said publicly today I can't see him going back on his word" Faye said "and I believe him. What do you think Jeannie?"

"I agree with Faye. What do you think Kathleen?"

"Christopher has more than his arm up his sleeve and I'm leaning to Peggy's side"

"What's your opinion Peggy or do you agree with your sister?" Faye asked.

"I don't know really but I'll defer reluctantly to your judgement Faye" Peggy replied.

"I'll defer to yours and Jeannie analysis," Kathleen also said reluctantly.

As we got ready to go out I realised that they did not know the military tactic I had used on them. DIVIDE AND CONQUER and I knew that soon I would be controlling them, a prospect devoutly to be wished.

The party was a smashing success and being the guest of honour I made sure that my captors shared the limelight with me and save the best dances for them. In between dances with what seemed like every girl there I was asked by certain girls just how I was able to escape for so long and as the guys wanted to know also I shared the information with them thus raising my stock in their eyes. I was given offers by some of the girls but asked for a rain check while treating with chivalry and gallantness as all the girls enjoyed my kissing of their hands and the royal treatment I was according them. The party wore on until daylight broke through and everyone went home. As I laid naked on my bed, with a vibrating dildo over my manhood, now handcuffed to the headboard and legcuffed to the baseboard I knew that Faye was the smartest of the four and therefore the most dangerous. I could see a possible split with Peggy and Kathleen on one side and Jeannie and Faye on the other side if I could widen the split then I could control them but it would take a long time. As I had 4 years to do this I closed my eyes and went to a deep alcohol
induced sleep.

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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-10-20 17:28:44


Part IV will be posted on this site the last week of October with part V coming the meantime enjoy.

The time went by quickly through the year they saw their marks increase rapidly through my tutoring. In the meantime I was continually surveying the house mentally keeping track of possible escape routes to be used later on.

During the rest of the first year I was slowly being given more and more freedom. I let on that I enjoyed the role of a servant but was forced to see the movies and photos they had taken, with my hands tied of course. Seeing my subservience they inadvertently revealed to me more of their inner selves. Peggy had always an inferiority complex as she envied her younger sister's popularity in high school thus I could boost up her self esteem to my advantage. Kathleen enjoyed the attention she was getting on campus and desired more; so with her I could use flattery but only in careful doses. Jeannie was pretty self-assured but always liked and wanted to play the leader role so it seemed fitting to defer to her so-called leadership ability without being condescending. Faye was the inscrutable one and she hid everything very well in fact I would say superbly well as my attempts to get to know her better were continually met with walls and barriers. No sooner than I'd figure out one aspect of her character then a whole new set of traits would be revealed.

Unfortunately, around March (there was no March break in my day), they decided to accelerate my training as a slave by trying to humiliate me as I overheard the following dialogue while bound spread-eagled on the bed on my stomach.

"I know Chris is conning us about servitude and we have to find a way to break him" Kathleen said.

"I agree with my sister" Peggy said "He's up to something and we have to find out what."

"We could use the Bolero torture again" Jeannie suggested.

"Do that too many times and we won't have a Christopher anymore" Faye warned.

What do you have in mind Faye or has someone else got a good idea," Jeannie asked.

"I do" Kathleen said, "follow me I think I have just the equipment we need. Oh, by the way, how is Chris tied?"

"He's spread-eagled on the bed on his stomach but not gagged" Jeannie replied.

"Good" Kathleen replied "then that will make this so much easier. Peggy, get the ballgag."

The girls watched she went to the closet and pulled out an X-frame welded in the middle with 4 swivel leather cuffs at each end...2 wrist and 2 ankle.

"I got this and some other items at a bankrupt bondage shop for a song. We can use this on him and there's no way he can move except by crawling. I call it the worm game." she continued.

They came into my room and laid the X-frame over my back as Peggy shoved the oversized ballgag into my mouth buckling it tightly at the nape of my neck. She securely adjusted the chinstrap then brought the third strap over my head also buckling it at the nape of my neck as they forced me to stay on the bed. The pantyhose ties were removed as Kathleen put a corset around me and pulled the laces tightly compressing my waist about 2 inches as Faye, Jeannie and Peggy held a struggling me down. My waist was now neat and trim, due to the tight compression of the boned, black satin corset I was wearing, and its D cup falsies were filled with silicone, which jiggled and swayed sexually and seductively with every movement. Jeannie and Faye put a swivel leather cuff on each ankle and wrist as I now could only use my upper legs and body then Jeannie got a thin leather strap. Before they lifted me off the bed and carried me into the living room Jeannie attached one end to the D-ring at the top of the ballgag. Pulling hard on the strap she forced my head upward with Peggy keeping it there as she tied the other end where the two rods crossed. As I was laid on the floor Faye leaned down, smiled at me, and said "NOW WORM...CRAWL TO US...IF YOU DON'T WANT THIS" as she smacked my rear end hard with a leather gloved hand. I began to struggle frantically crying a loud muffled "MMMMMM" but realized that it was useless as no one would ever hear me and felt, for the first time, the kind of complete helplessness that a woman could go through when confronted by certain events.

I crawled as best I could while they kept taunting me and slapping my now stinging butt when I didn't move fast enough. I noticed that as I got closer to one girl she would step back and then I would try to move to a girl who had moved closer then she to would back up. As I got more and more frustrated they increased the taunts and whacks.

"Over here worm...over here" Kathleen said as I moved toward her.

"No, no...over here worm!!! I'm closer," Peggy cried moving closer.

"Move to me...Worm...move to me!!! I'm so close you could touch me.....come here little worm come here to Jeannie. If you can touch any of us you'll be free to leave."

As they chuckled and laughed at my futile efforts Peggy commented "I hope that this is teaching Christopher a lesson about servitude and we were right he's going to be a hard nut to crack."

"It will Peggy it will" Kathleen said "Did you see the frustration in his eyes?.....Jeannie, Faye, did you?"

"I did Kathleen.....I did! I believe we're getting through to him." was Jeannie's rejoinder while Faye stood there observing and quietly said "I wonder... I really wonder."

After three hours of this crawling while being filmed my ankles were freed but my hands were still locked to the X-frame behind above my back and firmly pinned.

"Mmmmmm MMMMMMMMMM Mmmmmm" as I gave a muffled scream resulting in getting a hard punch in the stomach by Kathleen who commanded "SHUT THE FUCK UP CHRIS." As Jeannie put the clothes peg on my nose Faye came around and caressing my face with a gloved hand said, as Kathleen and Peggy got the clothes, "it's time for you to be trained as a slave. The fun's over Christopher and now you'll have to pay for your defiance. Afterall, it's time for spring cleaning as it's March" Kathleen and Peggy took the swivel cuffs off my hands and I was forced to stand still as they put on a shiny black, polyurethane French maid uniform that was trimmed with white lace around the scooped neckline. White lace also trimmed the short puffed sleeves and hem of the very short skirt, which was held out at a wide angle by stiff, short, white petticoats. A white taffeta, full bibbed apron lay on the front of the dress, and appeared like a pinafore due to the wide lace ruffles that trimmed the straps over my shoulders, and met at the rear waistline in a large bow. The falsies gave me a bust most women would kill for and with the corset I looked like a full-figured voluptuous, sexually desirable woman.

They placed on my legs thigh-high stockings then pulled thigh-high, shiny black, patent, PCV leather boots up my legs whose heels were indeed FIVE inches tall and would cause me to have my feet perched on heel tips smaller than a pencil eraser. I was forced to wear shiny, to-the-shoulder length, non-slipping black PCV gloves that clung tightly to my hands and arms and didn't slip down. My gloved hands were handcuffed in front and connected to legcuffs by a connecting chain. Lastly I was being fitted with a jet-black, thick hair down to the bottom of my neck, blunt cut style wig on my head then had the clothes peg taken off. A shiny black polyurethane cap was now pinned into the straight mane of my thick, neck length black hair.

Thus my servitude continued unabated for the rest of the day and for the weekend including serving them their meals among other needs. While, at anytime, being pulled to anyone of them by the leash and collar attached to my neck, to serve their noticeable "PERSONAL/SEXUAL" desires. I WAS NOW MORE THAN DETERMINED TO ESCAPE IF ONLY TO SPITE THEM, PROVE THEM

As the Canadian thanksgiving was coming up (the 2nd Monday in October) Faye and the others told me that it would be in my best interests to return to them. I was ordered not to tell my parents anything about what had happened or they would use the pictures and the three movies to embarrass me. I agreed and went home for thanksgiving and dutifully returned with my escape plan ready to go. But deferred it, until the 2nd year, as I noticed that they were keeping too close a watch on me and besides, if I could give the performance of a lifetime here I'd be sure to win an academy award, con them and in the process eventually control them.

When I returned to McMaster for the 2nd year they were there to greet me and we were catching up on what each other did before my routine started. I was not yet back to the tutoring, catering to their desires but was refining my plans to escape, which I had practised on during the summer. One day as I came out of the shower wearing boxer shorts and a see-through shirt Peggy rounded the corner and stopped as her mouth dropped open.

"My God" Peggy exclaimed, "What have you done to your body?" as the others came running.

"Nothing much Peggy, just decided to go through the refresher course in body building and stamina" I replied "Doesn't it look good?"

"It doesn't look good it looks superb. Let me see it!" Kathleen replied as she ripped my shirt off with Peggy's help.

"You know ladies, my mom isn't going to be to happy about this shirt getting wrecked" I commented dryly.

"Don't worry Christopher" Jeannie replied "We'll buy you another one that looks the same."

As they admired me I could see and feel 4 pairs of eyes scanning me up and down and focusing mostly on my groin. I felt a bit embarrassed but proud that the callisthenics had built up my body so the muscles were showing more but not showing me as muscle-bound.

Faye came up to me and gently stroking Wilcock (that was the name they assigned to my manhood in the first year) said "and has this exercise increased yours and Wilcock's staying power and stamina?"

"Why don't you find out Faye. I'm gamed if you are" I replied.

"If you don't take him up on his offer, I will" Jeannie replied quickly.

"And if you don't Jeannie, then we will" chimed in both Peggy and Kathleen giggling.

"Then it's settled" Faye responded "First we get Chris settled in then we have fun with him."

That night was a night to remember and all of us felt sexually satisfied even to the point that they left me untied and ungagged. Each girl, to her credit, allowed me a 45-minute recovery before being assaulted by the next one. All in all I was one totally exhausted man and still had thoughts of putting my plan into action but decided to gain their trust more and if I didn't escape while free then they might let their guard down.

The next morning Kathleen came rushing into my room, expecting me to be gone and, opening one eye quickly, I saw her mouth dropped as she saw me still sound asleep on my back. I quickly closed it as she came over and was bending down to kiss me when I reached up and pulling her down to me said "hi sweetie. Did you miss me?" as I gave her a tender kiss on the mouth. She started to respond when the others arrived with Jeannie icily saying "How about us? Don't we get a turn?"

I looked at them and thought that Kathleen would owe me one as I said "Actually, Kathleen came in to see if I was still here and I was as you girls decided not to confine me then I guess her mothering instinct took over. There is nothing going on between us and I'd never come between you ladies."

"Alright Chris, we'll take your word for it" Peggy replied coldly as Kathleen blushed and quickly exited the room. I later heard angry voices and realized that my plan was starting to work but decided to still wait until it was the right time to implement my escape.

Basically my escape plan was very simple; all I had to do was to jimmy the window in such a way that I could get out while they thought it was still locked. As they decided to give me more and more freedom (as Kathleen said "DUE TO VERY, VERY GOOD BEHAVIOUR") I found myself not being restrained as thoroughly as before and could now sleep with my feet free but my hands were still inserted into mittens and padlocked in front of me. By going to the bathroom I was able to procure a heavy-duty bobbypin and also some chewing gum at the campus store.

I had to be very careful as one of them might decide to have sex with me on the spur of the moment and sometimes this happened. While they were using Wilcock and me they knew I loved gloves and wore different pairs, from opera length to wrist length and all lengths in between with material ranging from suede to cloth to leather, for me. It was very frustrating, as my hands were mitten cuffed in front or cuffed to the headboard or behind my back and I could only use my mouth to satisfy them. As they saw that my tutoring had made them achieve the dean's honour list every semester, they allowed me to roam around the house unrestrained but when I went out one or more would accompany me.

Other co-eds were slipping me little notes of invitation while my captor was or captors were occupied then it was back to the house for my normal routine.

One day I was brought into the living room, with my hands tied in front with a plastic tie, where I saw my captives had dressed in rompers, which revealed all their charming attributes.

"Christopher... we're overjoyed that you seemed to have adapted to your new quarters and status and we thank you for improving our marks so quickly" Kathleen said.

"It's nice to be on the Dean's list every semester," Jeannie said as the others agreed.

"It was my pleasure to help you attractive ladies after what you've done for me and especially you Kathleen. Oh by the way, did you do something with your hair? It looks different" I replied with a smile.

Kathleen flushed quickly and primping her hair replied "You like it, I really didn't do anything to it" as I caught some annoyance from her roommates.

"It frames your face beautifully" I replied seeing that I had been right. She was a sucker for compliments.

"Chris" Peggy asked, "you seem to be able to read people easily. Do you really know that much about us?"

"Let me prove it to you Peggy. No tricks and the others are watching me so could someone free my hands?"

"Sorry Christopher" Jeannie replied "No can do. But go ahead and prove it"

"I defer to your wisdom and leadership Jeannie" I countered seeing Faye show a flash of anger and Jeannie beaming a big smile.

I took Peggy into my arms and said "Peggy sweetheart, something terrible happened to you in public or high school and you've been suffering ever since in your self confidence. You are comical, witty, smart, diligent and crafty" as I gently kissed her on the mouth causing her to respond fiercely and passionately forcing my mouth to open even more.

As we continued to kiss I heard Faye say, "Okay you two lovebirds, can it" as she grabbed my balls and squeezed causing me to let go of Peggy. Peggy recovered and looking at me said "thank you Christopher for the boost of confidence" as Faye let go. I knew that I was right in my findings on Jeannie and Peggy. If I could acknowledge Jeannie instead of Faye as the leader I would be able to split them apart and with Peggy and Kathleen I might be able to get them on my side.

They all gave me a sweet smile then I thought 'Oh... Oh... something is rotten in the state of Denmark' and I was right when Faye dropped the bombshell by saying, "After looking at you Chris we've decided that you're putting on weight so we thought that some exercise was in order, afterall you must keep that fantastic figure. Kathleen get the outfit and my boots and Chris you better fucking well put them on." My reaction was one of shock when I saw Kathleen bring the outfit because it was a one-piece black, skin-tight, latex rubber outfit, which completely enclosed the entire body leaving only the front of the face visible. Kathleen handed the suit to Faye then quickly clamped her right mid-arm length, leather gloved hand tightly over my mouth and wrapped her left arm tightly around my waist preventing very little body movement. Moving quickly Peggy put her gloved hands on either side of my arms and immediately kneed me in the balls causing my body to collapse as the pain rocketed through me.

Peggy put a clothespin on my nose the three of them helped me into the outfit and pulled it up to my waist as Kathleen moved away. She still kept me silent by keeping a gloved right hand clamped tightly over my mouth and quickly placing her left gloved hand firmly at the back of my neck preventing me from moving my mouth away from her hand. The plastic tie was taken off and my hands and arms were forced into the enclosed sleeves. The outfit was pulled up securely and smoothed at the same time. The front was zipped up as the hood was placed on my head and my entire body was now enclosed in an outfit with the latex rubber clinging tightly to my fingers, hands, arms, legs, feet, thighs, waist, bust and neck, much like a diver's wet suit only more snug.

Faye's shiny black, patent leather, up-to-the- thigh, 5" high heeled PCV leather boots were put on my feet and the boot drawstrings were pulled and tied tightly at the front, just under the knees. Then my hands were handcuffed tightly behind my back by Jeannie as Faye tightly legcuffed my feet with the chain attached to both handcuffs and legcuffs as Peggy removed the clothes peg.

As Kathleen removed her hands from my mouth and neck Jeannie inserted a bit and bridle gag into my mouth and tightly secured it with the reins coming down my back. Then as Jeannie, Peggy and Kathleen went outside Faye finished by putting a leashed collar around my neck then blindfolded me. The collar was shaped like a tapered belt with the front part being 5 inches wide while the back was 3 inches wide. The sides on either side of the neck came up and rested beside each lower jaw. This collar would forced my chin upwards and prevent me from moving my face from side to side. Yanking on the leash Faye pulled me out to the back yard and after taking the blindfold off I saw that Jeannie, Peggy and Kathleen each were dressed in a riding outfits and wearing leather gloves and boots. They each had a riding crop in their gloved hands and were hitting the crop tips into their other opened gloved hands. As Faye turned and faced me I saw that she too had a leather-riding crop and was hitting the crop tip into her open gloved hand. I realized that they had devised the worst torture that could be ever inflicted on any man and I was totally helpless unable to even beg for leniency, as the expressions on their faces spoke physical exercising or torture had just begun. I also saw that the fence was high enough to prevent anyone from seeing us and there were no houses bordering the back yard.

Faye strolled up to me saying "Christopher, honey... we are going to build that body of your up even better; although you've already done a good job on it we feel that it needs little improvement. By the way we hope you don't mind the heat, the temperature is 95F but with the humidex it's 104F."

"Or 35 Celsius and hunidex of 40 Celsius" Peggy responded.

'Don't mind the heat they say' I thought sarcastically 'with this outfit on?'

Ladies...are we ready?" Kathleen intoned solemnly as I was led into the middle of the back yard and Faye took my leash while Peggy held the movie camera.

"Start prancing, Christopher" Kathleen said as she grabbed hold of the reins and with the riding crop started to hit my rear end hard and continuing to exhort "Knees higher, get those knees higher". While Faye, standing still, held my leash as I went around and around in a circle with Peggy recording my activity with Jeannie watching. As I went around and around the heat was starting to get to me as the sweat was pouring out of my body and getting trapped in the latex outfit making my entire body itch. My legs were tiring as the 5" high heels of the boots kept sinking into the rain soaked ground and the boots were now feeling like a ton of bricks. Peggy took over from Kathleen who watched as Jeannie replaced Peggy and ran the movie camera. Peggy, whipping my rear end hard, continued the exhortation "c'mon Chris...we have to get those pounds off, get those knees higher...that's my Christopher." I don't know how many circuits I ran but as I was ready to drop when Jeannie replaced Peggy who watched as Kathleen continued to film my prancing.

Jeannie immediately began to run me even faster as she hit my ass several times, in quick succession, and saying "you did well for Peggy and Kathleen; so do well for me. Faster Christopher faster, faster, faster!!!" After more running I fell down on my face gasping for air and looking at the girls with pleading eyes but getting no indication of pity or sympathy. I was picked up off the ground and taken to the sunroom which doubled as a greenhouse then the leash was put over a cross beam, pulled and secured not allowing me to move very far in any direction. It was hotter in the greenhouse than outside, which caused me to sweat even more in the latex outfit.

As I stood there unable to kneel or sit, I also realized that women could be more ruthless, more cruel and more callous than any man by the fact that no one would ever suspect them of doing any of these things let alone even thinking of such actions. With this advantage I could see now why women were indeed the superior sex and no man could withstand any woman as women knew by instinct how to control a man. The only advantage I had was that they needed me more than I needed them. It was after this experience that I put my escape plan into operation and it entailed going out certain nights to the campus, helping some of the co-eds in certain matters that they had suggested in their notes to me and to enjoy a little of the campus life and the bedded company of some of the girls.

The first thing I did was to chew a piece of gum and taking it out of my mouth inserted it into the window latch of my bedroom preventing it from locking. As I closed the window the gum acted like a sealant but not enough to prevent my escape. Second, I put a bobby pin that was thicker than the regular bobby pin halfway up on my arm and into the inside of my sleeve, after adapting it to be a lockpick. As they were now securing both hands together instead of separately I was now able to more easily manipulate the bindings and succeeded in getting out in practice runs by reaching down and taking the bobby pin out of the slot inside my sleeve and unlocking the cuffs. The plastic ties were more of a challenge but I was able to insert the bobbypin into catch and pushing downwards was able to loosen the tie. When I heard them come back I would hide the bobbypin and recuff myself. With rope I found that I could use the same procedure and then tie a slipknot, which fooled my captors. Now was the time to test out my theory.

One night they left me tied up and gagged as they retired for the night, as it was 10PM. After a half an hour of waiting I uncuffed myself and opening the window climbed out and did the first of many outings thoroughly enjoying myself. The co-eds were wonderful and I enjoyed the their company alone and attended some of the campus events and around midnight I was back into my bed securely bound and gagged believing that they were none the wiser...BOY, WAS I WRONG!!!!!!!!!!

The next morning I was uncuffed and told to get showered and shaved as they were planning a trip. As I emerged naked from the bathroom, something dark and heavy came whooshing down over my head, as Kathleen's voice cried, "Gotcha!"

They had pulled some kind of bag over my head. "Hey!" I shouted, "What the...!" I struggled to get it off, but it covered me to my hips, and I couldn't get a grip on it from the inside.

The girls hurried to buckle the straps over the outside. Kathleen laughed as she pulled and buckled a strap up through the left of my crotch.

"OW!" I exclaimed, "be careful! What are you trying to pull?" Kathleen smiled and exclaimed, "I'm pulling this!" as she tightened another leather strap to the right of my crotch. "And I'm pulling this!" Jeannie replied pulling another strap around my left side to my back. "And this is what I'm pulling!" Peggy added as she pulled the other strap around the right side to my back.

Inside the bag, I was running out of room to struggle. I could hardly move my arms now, and my breath started to come in gasps. The interior smelled strongly of leather.

I forced myself to be calm and asked "Let me out, ladies PLEASE," I cried but to no avail then fresh air and light streamed in through a sudden opening. I saw Faye's smiling face through the zipper as she said, "Now we can't have you suffocating, can we? So I'm opening the zipper under your nose so you can breathe. Since you demonstrated your eagerness to escape and enjoy yourself without us or our permission we decided to use your favourite punishment on you" as Jeannie snugged up another strap just under my chest, taking the last of the slack out of the body binder.

I couldn't escape and could no longer move my arms as the straps on both sides of my crotch prevented me shrugging off the bag or whatever it was. It covered my head too and, as Faye talked, she did something that tightened the leather compressing my face and head tightly. I realized that it was difficult now to even open my mouth. "All right," I mumbled through the leather, "I'll go along with it."

"As if you had any choice" Peggy snorted then they turned me so I could look in the bathroom mirror. "Now aren't you a pretty package?" Jeannie asked. I looked at my reflection and saw that I was bound in a torso-shaped leather binder, like a straight jacket without sleeves and it covered me from my head to my hips. There were several heavy leather straps, across the back and sides, that had pulled the bag tight, and two straps that went through the crotch and buckled tightly in the back. I saw the straps that had compressed the leather tightly against my face as both came under the chin and one was fastened at the left side of my neck and another strap was fastened at the right side of my neck. As I stared out through the eye zipper in the attached helmet I saw that my arms had been forced up to cross in front of my chest and I couldn't budge anything above my hips. I also saw that the nose zipper had been opened fully to let in all the air I needed.

Peggy fondled Wilcock for a moment, and despite my resistance, I found myself growing hard. Then they shoved me towards the bed as Jeannie said, "Why don't you just rest here while Peggy gets you your surprise?" She gave me a shove as I fell helplessly onto the mattress. Immediately Kathleen and Jeannie tied my feet to a spreader bar and secured it to the baseboard.

Faye closed the zipper, shutting off my vision then I heard the swishing of water and a moment later Peggy undid the zipper over my mouth.

I felt Peggy push something deep into my mouth, with her gloved hands, as the whole ball felt big, medium hot and very, very wet. I sputtered and tried to object, but she kept pushing until my mouth was full then Faye quickly straddle my chest as the others watched and clamped a right-gloved hand tightly over my unzipped mouth preventing me from spitting it out as I continued screaming and struggling but could not get any leverage to get her off me. Kathleen handed Faye the 4" Elastoplast tape, as Jeannie unzipped the eye zipper, and placing the tape in front of me, so I could see it, and pulling it out she raged. " I'M GOING TO SILENCE THAT FUCKING MOUTH OF YOURS SO GOOD THAT YOU WON'T EVEN BE ABLE TO PEEP. BY THE TIME I'M FINISHED YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO CRY OUT FOR HELP UNTIL WE DECIDE TO UNGAGGED YOU. WE'RE GOING TO ENJOY THIS CHRIS!!! I MEAN REALLY ENJOY DOING THIS!!!!!"

Kathleen put a gloved hand on my chin and pushed upward kept my mouth shut. Peggy held my head firmly and Jeannie tightly squeezed my balls as Faye cut, tightly stretched and smoothed strip after strip after strip of tape over my mouth and both cheeks until my mouth was completely covered from the bottom of my nose to the bottom of my chin. After Faye finished smoothing the tape, with her gloved hands, she said sarcastically "THAT SHOULD SILENCE YOUR RANTINGS" then closed the mouth zipper. I immediately tried to spit it out, but the tape securely kept the ball in and the helmet helped by pressing too tightly over my mouth.

Something about the ballgag didn't seem right as I was getting a weird taste. When I recognized the taste as soap I started struggling furiously while giving out continuously loud and angry muffled sounding "MMMMMMMPFHPFHMMMMMMMPFHPFH MMMMMMM" "MMMMMMPFHPFHMMMMMMPFHPFHMMMMMMPFHPFHMMM."

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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-10-20 17:31:54

Faye leaned forwards and unzipped the eye zipper then as the others watched she put her face within inches of my face and cupping my face gently, with her gloved hands, softly taunted me saying "Go ahead Chris honey.....I want you to scream because no one's going to hear you. You know that ballgag Peggy put into your mouth was not an ordinary ballgag but a large round bar of wet soap that had been sitting in hot water for about 5 minutes. As I said before your mouth is now not only silenced but the arrogance and deception inside it is now being washed out by the soap melting in your mouth. Every second, every minute, every hour we keep that soap in your mouth the water on the soap and your saliva will guarantee that you won't be getting rid of the soap taste for days. That burning soap taste, that's slowly, every so slowly but surely trickling down that throat of yours is going to give you the desire to scream and scream loudly but you won't be heard. Your mouth won't be kissing soft with that soap smell but as the French say 'C' EST LE VIE'."

"MmmmmmmmpfhpfhmmmmMFPHPHFMmmmmmmpfhpfhmmmmmmpfhpfhmmmmmpfhpfhmmmmmmpfhpfhmmm" I cried out but soon found that she was correct. I could barely hear myself as the water and my salivary glands were working overtime on that bar of soap. I felt my mouth and throat burning as it was now dripping its contents into my mouth and down my throat as the tape covering my mouth from the bottom of my nose to the bottom of my chin kept everything inside.

They watched me struggle some more then as each one patted me on the head Jeannie said "Now that did the trick.....didn't it. Now do be a good little boy and don't go away as we've got many things to do before we get down to the business of you and your defiance."

I kept trying to get loose but was too well bound and gagged as Peggy looked over at me and said, "You certainly do look helpless on the bed Chris. What a shame you can't go anywhere" then continuing said "since you don't know what we're going to do I can tell you that we're going to have some fun with you. You showed how good you were at getting out of restraints but now you can't get out or do anything or say anything in the can you honey. But if you have any objections, please feel free to express them and we'll be glad to listen and take them under advisement" as they all laughed.

"Just to make sure that you are still horny when we come back, I got another surprise for you" Faye said as she pulled out an unusual device that looked like a small cylinder, opened at both ends, with two metal rings connected by four metal rods that came up on all four sides. It also had a third ring connected by 2 leather straps, on either side, with 2 straps that hung down and could be buckled together as well as padlocked.

"What the fuck is that!!!" Jeannie asked, as the others looked puzzled.

"Why don't you know my dears" Faye said pressing her gloved hand against her bust in mock horror, "it's a cock restraint. I conned Christopher into telling me what his cock size was during the bolero punishment then I went to the store and bought it with the other items and it will do the job... believe me. You put the restraint on when Wilcock is soft by securing it to the balls and the base of the cock with the straps and/or padlocks. When Wilcock expands due to some sexual stimulation, like our touching or the battery operated dildos, which will either fit inside his ass or activate the prostate gland or fit securely over the cock, above the restraint, the restraint starts working. As Chris's Wilcock is 5 inches round expanded while this little cock restraint measures 3 inches round and is 1" in diameter. It will fit snugly over Wilcock with the head exposed for dildos and he can still urinate but once Wilcock is excited the rings will prevent him from expanding to full size causing a lot of unpleasant pain."

"My God Faye...that's going to be torture on him" Jeannie said and Kathleen chimed in "Faye, I didn't know you had it in you." Faye smiled and while holding the cock restraint said "Oh I forgot to mention one thing that the salesgirl said 'it can be adjusted for comfort'." She paused while the others waited anxiously and with bated breath "but he would have to use his hands to do it" causing all four girls to laugh again.

Faye gave the restraint to Kathleen saying "Kathleen, do you want to do the honours? Peggy, why don't you show us how it works? Kathleen mounted my chest and helped Peggy secure the cock restrainer on me then Peggy started to caress my cock which quickly got larger causing severe pain as it could not expand past the restraint.

Peggy reached into her pocket, brought out a dildo and showing it to me with a look of contempt unsympathetically said, "you should look these my darling Christopher." Then removing her right glove and stroking my ass with her hand continued "I got them adjusted so that they will either fit right inside your baby soft ass and it is baby soft or with attachments they will fit over that lovely, desirable Wilcock of yours." Then putting the glove back on her right hand callously said "Jeannie...squeeze his balls, Kathleen...get off Christopher and use your knee to pin his chest and Faye lift his head so he can see what I am doing. This may take a few minutes but the results will be marvellous."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" I cried as I saw Jeannie sitting on my crotch using her gloved hands to squeeze my balls and Kathleen keeping my chest down with her one knee forcing me to stay on my back. Faye's gloved hands firmly held my head upwards so I faced my feet while Peggy placed the dildo securely over my cock. Then after re-adjusting the cock restraint she pulled down the outer layer over the restraint, securing it with an elastic band, then activated the dildo. My cock started to expand rapidly, due to the dildo's vibrations, and soon was straining against the cock cage restraint, which again was causing me severe pain. As Faye closed the zipper covering my eyes again she asked Peggy "how long will this dildo last?"

"Until the battery wears down, he'll have hours of wonderful torture" replied Peggy as Faye let my head fall onto the bed.

I was now in complete agony as Faye came in with a tape recorder and earphones and again unzipping the zipper over my eyes said "Christopher... Baby... Sweetheart... Look what I have. It's your favourite recording 'BOLERO'!"

"MMMMPFHPFHMMMMPFHPFHMMMM" I cried long and loud and thrashed around desperately trying to get off the bed but that was scotched by Peggy as she took another piece of rope doubled and looped it around the D-ring at the back of the collar and pulling hard caused the rope to become taut as she tied it to the headboard. I was now effectively immobilized as my arms and hands were tightly encased in front of my chest. My mouth was filled with the ball of soap, with wide strips of tape holding it in, which caused untold agony by the still burning sensation as it continued to drip slowly down my throat. My head movements were severely limited due to the rope around my neck and my feet were spaced apart and immobilized. To make a long story short................I was prepared like a turkey for the plucking and anything else for that matter and the spreader bar keeping my spread legs apart urged inviting.

"Now Christopher" Faye said, as she gripped both sides of my face, "you know that this is for your own good. Do you remember what Jeannie said after the last time you listened to Bolero? You've forgotten... then let me refresh your memory she said 'if you try to escape again I can promise you that what we did just now will feel like child's play compared what we will do to you.'"

I looked at her as the fear mounted inside but managed to keep my eyes controlled showing no emotion. I knew what was coming and tried to steel myself against this torture as Faye said "Jeannie...I want you to put an earplug into his left ear and hold his head securely. put the other earplug into his right ear while I tape the Walkman to his chest. Be sure to thread the plugs through the nose opening as the tightness of the hood will keep the earplugs from falling out."

After they were finished Faye pushed the play button on and said "CIAO BELLA... We'll be back in about 5 hours. So relax and enjoy the show and Wilcock should be enjoying it too" as they all left the room.

The music started and once again played on and on and on, hour after hour after hour and I was getting again more and more and more agitated. I FELT THAT THE MELODY WAS DRIVING ME INSANE WITH ITS DAMN CONTINUOUS REPETITION. It wasn't just the music this time but the PLEASURABLE dildoed sensations and the pain all combined into one. The music was affecting my nerves, the dildo was giving me pleasure while the restraint was creating constant agonizing pain and my brain was unable to concentrate on anyone of them. As it continued I let out MANY muffled screams of agony, anger and pleasure in random order that were barely audible and struggled to get the earphones off my head. Again I could feel myself failing FASTER and my steel reserve was now QUICKLY coming more and more unglued as all three were continuing to play havoc with my mind.

By about the 5th hour I was starting to lose all control of my faculties and had begun a series of muffled cryings when I heard the music being shut off, the dildo being taken off along with the cock restraint. The eye zipper was opened by Kathleen who said "Are we comfy?.....Do you have any complaints?.....What would you like us to have room service bring for you?.....It's nice to know that you approve of the accommodations, afterall we did all THIS for you." I saw all 4 girls looking down at me as the tears were flowing freely and copiously then I felt the straps being loosened, the bag taken off and my feet freed. Lastly the tape over my mouth was painfully removed and I was allowed to spit out the soap ball.

I immediately rolled into a fetal position with my body trembling, my mouth burning and dry with that soap feeling inside it then I felt 4 pairs of hands caressing and holding me tenderly as I sobbed uncontrollably. I felt my face being turned and saw Peggy looking at me with compassioned eyes as Faye cradled my head touching my hair while Kathleen and Jeannie watched. She said, "Please accept our apologies Christopher. We feel guilty Christopher about what we did to you and we don't want to do it ever again but you must promise us, on your word of honour that you will never leave again without our permission. If you ever do this again we WILL break you completely and we will also use the pictures and the movies to ruin you if you do anything else that we don't like. THAT'S A PROMISE AND WE ARE NOT BLUFFING!!!!!!!!!!" as the others nodded in assent.

"You have my word of honour I will not attempt to leave without your permission I replied in a quiet but trembling voice, looking at them. I now knew damn fucking well that they would keep that promise but also knew that I now had no choice but to resort to the divide and conquer strategy. It was going to take longer as I now knew that it would take a long, long time for me to regain their trust. I had moved too fast and they had known all the time what I had been doing but let me use just enough rope to hang myself. I realized that I had been really stupid to underestimate them and vowed to use the same wiles on them that they were using on me.

I was helped up as my arms were numb and was escorted to the bathroom where all four decided to have a shower with me. As the water felt soothing and their bodies even more wonderful to touch my body finally stopped shaking and I slowly felt the old Christopher Dean coming back. After I toweled dry each of them while kissing their body parts that were still wet Wilcock came to attention and was noticed by Jeannie who said "It's good to have you back Wilcock... ready for some action?"

"He'd better be ready" Kathleen replied "He's going to serving me a long time tonight"

"He'll be ready" Peggy replied "I want a shot at him too. I want the same as you're getting Kathleen."

"We'll all get our turn" Faye said "But first we'd better get Christopher's strength up so Chris, why don't you take a 45 minute break to recover and there's plenty of beer or juice in the fridge to get rid of that soap taste."

Then looking at me said "By the way slave Christopher, what's for dinner? I'm famished as I'm sure the others are too."

I looked at them and said "there are steaks in the freezer and I thought a barbecue would be in order along with some corn. Is that agreeable with everyone? I'll do the barbecuing and how does everyone like their steak?"

"Well done to burnt" Peggy said with Kathleen saying "Make mine well done."

"I take mine medium rare" Faye replied as Jeannie said "Just make mine medium."

"Just where did you learn to barbecue, Christopher?" Kathleen asked.

"In the reserves, Kathleen; I use to do the barbecuing for my company" I replied.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Jeannie asked.

"Several things but none that I can think of at the moment; but you ladies should know me by now or do you?" I replied.

"Enough of the chatter slave... Just get the supper going!!!!" Jeannie commanded giving a swat on my rear end.

"Yes Mistress Jeannie" I replied causing her to smile then turning to Faye said "By your command, Mistress Faye" causing both girls to glare daggers at each other.

After my 45 minute break as I found that tomato juice worked the best on soap taste in the mouth I was forced to stand still while they put a corset and a one piece black lycra romper on me. The falsies again gave me a bust most women would kill for and with the corset I looked like a full-figured voluptuous, sexually desirable woman.

They also, once again, placed on my legs thigh-high stockings then pulled the thigh-high, shiny black, patent PCV leather boots up my legs. Faye and Peggy put onto my hands and arms the shiny black, to-the-shoulder length, non-slipping PCV gloves that clung tightly to my hands and arms and didn't slip down. My gloved hands were handcuffed in front and connected to legcuffs by a connecting chain and lastly I was again being fitted with a jet-black, thick hair down to the bottom of my neck, blunt cut style wig on my head then had the clothes peg taken off. I was now a maid as well as a cook and somehow managed to cook and serve the food and drinks while walking around with the thigh-high, shiny black patent PCV leather boots.

The girls thoroughly enjoyed the steaks and corn and the three wine bottles I had procured. They were stuffed when I brought out a platter of chocolate éclairs, which were wolfed down, and as the wine started to take effect I could see the girls slowly becoming inebriated and somewhat sleepy. As the night wore on I eventually helped or carried each of the girls to her bed and later proceeded to make love to each of them in a very, very special way, which I will reveal in PART IV sans explicit graphic details.

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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-11-18 22:53:28


As we last left PART III I was helping the girls to their beds and desiring each one of them in an unusual way.

The first was Faye who was close to being three sheets to the wind. I picked her up and was carrying her when she said "Christopher, how did you get to be so smart? Were you born that way and what are you going to do now?

Do you really want to know, Faye?" I replied.

"YESH, CHRSH" she cried out in a loud voice then putting her arms around me loudly said "MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A WOMAN!"

I stood her on her feet and started to slowly undress her while trying to keep her from falling. I could not help but admire her well formed and taut body and after laying her on the bed I placed on her hands and arms, up-to-the-shoulder Plastic Coated Vinyl gloves then put the thigh high Plastic coated Vinyl boots on her feet.

As she raised her head and saw what she was wearing she looked at me and said "and what are you up to you naughty boy" then fell back on the bed. I took a piece of rope and tied her gloved hands securely together then to the headboard. As she struggled feebly I spread her legs and tied each one to the baseboard. I leaned down and gently kissed her mouth while gently touching her body and felt her arching her thighs towards me.

She opened her mouth wider anticipating another kiss when I pushed a ballgag into her mouth securely buckling it at the back of her neck. Faye let out small muffled sounding "MMMMMPFHMMMMMPFHMMMMMPFHMMMMMPFHMMMMMPH FPFHMMMMMPHMMMMMPFHMMMMMPFHMMMMM" as I said "Don't go away sweetheart; I have to get your friends" as I took a penguin dildoe and inserted the dildoe into her turned it on then used tape to secure it.

I left her and going back saw that Kathleen and Peggy were lucid but Jeannie was nodding off so I took her and carried her into her bedroom as she looked at me with have sleepy eyes. As I stood her up she put her arms around me and declared loudly "SLAVE CHRISTOPHER...I AM YOUR MISTRESS AND I COMMAND YOU TO TAKE OFF MY CLOTHES AND MAKE LOVE TO ME!!!!

By your command...oh Mistress Jeannie" I replied as I divested her of her clothing and laying her on the bed put on her hands and arms, up-to-the-shoulder black, leather gloves then put knee high black Vinyl go-go boots on her feet then turned her onto her stomach.

As I kissed her shoulders and neck I gently took her arms placed them behind her then procuring a wrist and arm binder I strapped her wrists together then strapped her gloved arms together making sure that her arms were not touching each other. After all what woman can enjoy love making if she is in pain.

I placed her at the foot of the bed and spreading her booted feet tied each one separately to the headboard as she sleepily said "Christopher...what are you doing to me?"

Why Mistress Jeannie, I'm going to give you the ride of your life" I replied then said, "Now open wide."

"CHRISTIMMMFPHPHFFMMMMMMFMHPFMMM" as I put a cockgag into her mouth buckling it securely behind her neck. The penis attachment prevented any words or loud noises from coming out and looking at Jeannie I gently kissed her neck several times seeing that her body was on the chunky side but WHAT A BUST. Then I inserted another penguin dildoe into her turned it on then used tape to secure it saying "And now for the others" as I left the room.

I came back and saw Peggy had closed her eyes and Kathleen close to sleeping so I took Peggy whom looked up as I carried her and said, "Where's Jeannie and Faye?

"Having the time of their lives" I replied as I carried her into her room then gently kissing her said "Let's get those clothes off and put on the items on the bed."

"Ooohh, this looks like fun." Peggy exclaimed as she took her clothes off and lay down on the bed loudly saying, "DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH ME, CHRISTOPHER."

"As you wish Peggy" I replied then put on her hands and arms, up-to-the-shoulder blue, velour gloves then put above-the-knee blue suede boots on her feet then spread her arms so they were 90 degrees to her body. As Peggy watched I took a pair of white pantyhose and after tying one end tightly to her left wrist, threw the pantyhose under the bed, pulled and then tightly tied the other end to her right wrist.

I took a pair of black pantyhose and after tying one end tightly to her left leg, above the knee, threw the pantyhose under the bed, pulled and then tightly tied the other end to her right leg, also above the knee.

As I gently caressed the inside of Peggy's thighs and saw her move towards me I reached down and got a pantyhose gag. It consisted of a pair of pantyhose with a ball situated in the crotch and tied there with the two legs just above the ball. This still left a lot of the panty section to be used as a hood, which is what I did by putting the hood over her head. I pushed the ball deep into her mouth knowing that the hood would prevent any choking, then pulling each pantyhose leg firmly tied it once behind her neck. Pulling again I tied it once in front below the ball and continuing to pull on both legs tied it once again in the back and then with a final pull tied it twice above the ball. There was no way to push or work it out as the hood effectively prevented Peggy's tongue from being used and she could only give out muffled sounds and not very loud ones at that.

Once again I inserted another penguin dildoe into her turned it on then used tape to secure it saying "And now for Kathleen." I turned to look at her long, slim body then left the room hearing Peggy's muffled sounding
getting fainter and fainter.

Just as I was leaving Peggy's room Kathleen came in and looking at Peggy said "Christopher...what are you doing with Peggy? I just saw Faye and Jeannie in the same state and they seem to be enjoying it.

I thought that it would be nice change of pace for you four to be bound and gagged and enjoy my sexual ministrations without feeling guilty." I replied.

Looking askance at me and leaning against the wall Kathleen nodded in agreement then said loudly "DO IT TO ME CHRISTOPHER BUT LEAVE ME TO THE LAST!!!!

As you wish Kathleen" I replied then taking her to her bed which was in the same room as Peggy's I helped her out of her clothes and into a pair of knee-high black cloth boots that laced up the front and up-to-the-shoulder white, cloth gloves.

I fastened a leather cuff onto each gloved wrist and booted foot then connected the right-gloved hand to her right booted foot by the use of a double hasp lock. I took Kathleen's left-gloved hand and connected it to her left booted foot the same way. Now Kathleen legs were bent at the knee with the knees pointing towards the ceiling and as I started to suck and lick certain strategic areas she let out several low moans which were reduced in volume when I inserted the same ballgag she used on me in the van. I then took a piece of rope and looping it around Kathleen's neck secured it to the headboard.

As I looked down at her muscular, full-figured body I took out the 4th penguin dildoe inserted it into her taped it securely and turned it on.

(If you are wondering what a penguin dildoe is; this dildoe is like any ordinary dildoe except that when you push it into the vagina the penguin's beak is resting on the clitoris. After turning it on to high speed the penguin dildoe started to do its work as the Penguin's beak is vibrating the clitoris at high speed causing uncontrollable writhing.)

As I went from room to room, touching and caressing and teasing, I heard not loud and angry muffled screams but four combined, audibly muffled, pleasurable soft sounding
MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" of sexually ecstatic but not simultaneous sounds of each girl rising and falling in volume. I could also see each girl desperately trying to get away from her dildoe's effect but to no avail. Thus I felt that it was my duty to sexually please them and let them know who was in charge.

With no further ado I proceeded to pleasure their bodies touch all and every area going from room to room until they had hit quite a few climaxes. I continued to tease them then gave them relief by taking out the dildoe, after asking then hearing and seeing each girl's frantic replies. Then I proceeded to control my desire to end it, as I would not have been fair to any of them. After doing this for about 2 hours I released each girl from her gag as she responded fiercely by raising her head and returned my kisses with desperate passion while I continuing to please her.

Faye was the first girl I released from bondage and now found myself now being attacked by her as she wrapped herself around me and wouldn't let go. I was able to get her to another climax before she collapsed on the bed and I was able to extricate myself and go to Jeannie, Peggy and Kathleen, in that order. I found the same thing was happening to me with the other three girls, as each didn't want me to leave her.

Five months later, after another round of what was previously mentioned above, at about 3 AM I was completely exhausted and collapsed onto the bed and quickly fell asleep only to wake up 10 hours later bound and gagged securely with 4 pairs of eyes looking at me. I looked down to see a corset with filled D-size cups on me as well as pantyhose with re-enforced waist and toe.

"Christopher...those were some fucking good stunts you've pulled off in the last five months and what amazes us is the way you manipulated us so nicely as to let you tie us those seven times then have your way with us." Peggy said, "Slaves aren't suppose to have such privileges; now are they Kathleen."

"No, Peggy they aren't so we thought that we should return the favour as you looked dead to the world and since you never entered us all those times we felt that we should finish where you left off" Kathleen rejoined.

"You're suppose to please us not us please you and besides, we have all afternoon as it is only 1PM" Jeannie interjected.

As I tried to get free Faye moved closer to my face and said "Don't bother trying to get free Christopher as your gloved hands are securely buckled and connected to a collar that has a set of leather cuffs attached to a leather strap. The wrists can be separately cuffed in the front, but as we prefer, be separately cuffed in back of the body and the cuffs, collar, and connector strap are all adjustable for that perfect fit. The wrists can be positioned higher or lower to suit our tastes and as you can feel Chris we pushed your gloved hands, as far as possible, up your back where they were securely positioned and held there. Therefore Christopher, my love, you cannot move them up and down or free them as they are cuffed securely, tightly and I should add separately."

Faye caught her breath then said "the gag which you have in your mouth is an inflatable rubber bladder gag with a squeeze ball, a chin strap and a third strap comes up on either side of the nose going over the head and buckles at the back. We quickly stuffed the flaccid balloon-like bladder into your mouth while securing the 2" wide buckled strap tightly behind your head. Then Kathleen squeezed the ball very quickly and as you may have noticed that the balloon bladder inside your mouth has expanded to a size larger than any ball gag you've had experienced. This gag will keep your mouth wide open with no movement possible and the bladder fills your entire mouth pinning your tongue and your cheeks are bulging like a chipmunk storing nuts. Lastly, it was a good thing that you were dead to the world; it made our job of putting on the shiny black, to-the-shoulder length, non-slipping PCV gloves, the thigh-high shiny black patent PCV boots and securing you that much easier."

Peggy sat next to me and pulling a strap on my waist said "Chris, see this strap that's just under your fake bust. This strap is buckled in front which pins the strap holding your gloved hands and arms to your back. If this strap was not there Chris you would be able to move your gloved hands and arms outwards giving you more leverage to try and get free and this we can't allow."

Jeannie concluded the one-sided conversation by saying "We'd better let you relieve yourself as we have to go out for some food later on and we'll get some of your favourites. Now Christopher let's finish what was started" as they all sexually started and used me until I was exhausted.

Having finished they left me securely bound and gagged for a few hours until I heard the door open and turning my head saw the girls returning with several bags. As they came over to me I thought they were going to free me until Faye said "Christopher, you're not going to believe this but we've just been invited to join the most exclusive sorority on campus and the price of their membership is to bring you along for their enjoyment. We talked about it at great length and wondered if you could stand the rigours of this initiation. After what we've seen you do we feel you can and it would be a great service to us if you could and also you are to be the star attraction." Then as I saw 4 captivating smiles and eight pleading eyes...I weakened and nodded my head in agreement

But I groaned inside as I realized that once again I was going to be the unwanted center of attraction. Then I got a further shock as I was told that I would be dressed once again as a sexually desirable woman and would be ordered to be subservient.

"MMMMMPFHFHPMMMMMFPHHPFMMMMMFPHPHMMMMM" I cried out in protest but Kathleen gripped my chin firmly and interjected by saying bluntly "I strongly suggest that you fucking wear the outfit." Turning to Jeannie, Faye and Peggy said cheerfully "Let's get him dressed, I'll pinch his nose so he complies. We didn't think that you'd mind going without underwear."

While Kathleen pinched my nose, I stepped into the strapless, silver satin, formal gown. As it was brought up my body and secured I felt the air going up inside me and saw that it was opened at both the front and back, from the hem to the crotch area. The boots were taken off and a pair of opened toe, silver back strap, 3" heeled shoes were put on my feet by Peggy while Jeannie and Faye placed the blonde, thick hair, blunt cut, bob style wig onto my head then combed the hairs in place. Peggy applied my makeup as Kathleen released my nose then after the make-up Jeannie re-pinched my nose. As the gown went to my feet, no one would be able to see or hear the legcuffs as Faye was taping the chain to my calves while Peggy clipped diamond earrings onto my ears. The taped legcuffs prevented me from taking any normal steps thus hobbling me and as my tied-gloved hands were secured to the strap and the strap to just under my fake bust so I could not move them up or down.

Jeannie unpinched my nose as I was led over to the mirror and I did not believe what I saw and neither did the girls for the fake breasts and corseted waist make my figure look like a voluptuous woman with everything that a man could desire. The blonde, blunt cut, bob style wig coming down and nicely covering my ears with its thick hair making me look more sexually desirable. Peggy, playing the part of a man, ran her gloved hands up and down my curved body and said "I wish I was a man right now" as Kathleen filmed the action. I noticed that each girl was wearing a pair of black skin tight leather gloves, which came just past the wrists.

"Amen to that" Kathleen said with Jeannie rejoining "what a figure, I'M JEALOUS" which caused the girls to giggle then putting a black cape over me, which had five clasps down the front completely hiding my tied gloved hands and the strap down my back. While Kathleen still filmed, they took me to the car and putting me inside with Jeannie on one side and Kathleen on the other as Faye drove off to the Hanrahan's where the sorority sisters were gathering.

As we got out of the car, around 6:00pm three other girls met us and after looking me over; the leader, a buxom 6 foot tall woman named Sue said, "So this is the great Christopher Dean, the Don Juan, Casanova and Cyrano de Bergerac all rolled into one that we've heard so much about. He doesn't look all that impressive but he's nicely bound and I love the gag, by the way you will get it back. Did Christopher put up any resistance in anyway? I must admit that you did some nice bondage and he'll suit our purposes fully. He looks helpless but is he really secured as we've heard a rumour that he is another Houdini.

Yes and no" Faye replied "He had an exhausting night with us and slept like a babe which allowed us to dress, tie and gag him easily. But I feel that I should warn you girls that you should know two thing about Chris...1) don't free some of his bonds too soon as he is good at escaping just like Houdini and 2) he's an expert at getting women to do what he wants. Aren't you sweetie" as she gave me a tender kiss.

"Thanks for the warning" Sue replied "by the way this is Gail and this is Sheila, my assistants"

My captor's acknowledged the introductions of Gail, who was 5' 10 and well built, and Sheila, who was 5'8 and very well proportioned. Then Kathleen ominously said to Sue "A word of warning...He's ours and we don't want to see him crippled or have any lasting bruises and if you go too far you'll answer to us! We don't mind what you do to him as long as there is no extreme sadism...fair enough"

If I didn't know better I'd say you were in love with him" Sue replied caustically.

"No I'm not in love with him but I'm fond of Christopher as are the others" Kathleen retorted as Faye, Jeannie and Peggy nodded in agreement.

"Fair enough" the Sue said then turning to the others coldly commanded "Gail, you hood him, and make sure the hood is tied securely while Sheila you hobble him. Don't worry girls...your MAN is safe with us!!!!!!"

"One last thing" Jeannie said, "Christopher is already hobbled if you look under the gown."

Sheila looked under and said, "You're right he is hobbled but we'll just make sure he's hobbled further and I have just the thing.

Now what do we do? Faye asked

Absolutely nothing, you girls go on in now and thoroughly enjoy yourselves as everything is on the house. We'll take it from here" Sue said as Gail slipped a hood over my head and drew the drawstrings tightly around my neck. Sheila took a pair of leather cuffs wrapped one around each ankle them then fastened the cuffs together with a double hasp lock allowing only 1-1/2 inches of space hobbling each ankle. As I was led stumbling away I gave out a few muffled
"MMMMMMMPHPHFFMMMMMMMFMHPFMMM" that only got me a hard punch in the stomach with a retort "Shut up, you're ours now until we give you back to your owners'."

As the girls went inside Faye turned to Kathleen and said, "I don't like this...I don't like it at all. I don't know how you others feel about it but if things get too bad we pull Chris out and abandon the membership for the sorority. Agreed?

Agreed" the others chimed in as they sat down at a table each ordering and drinking a pitcher of beer.

Faye suddenly jerked upwards and quietly asked "Did anyone tell them about the bolero torture and his ability to withstand conventional torture?

"I didn't mention the Bolero torture but I think that they know how much he can stand. It did get around the campus during the contest" Kathleen replied as the other chimed in with the same reply.

"Good" Faye replied "I feel a lot happier about that and I have a feeling that Christopher is going to pass this with flying colours."

Then scanning the multitude of girls Faye loudly said "Anyone want to bet against our Christopher winning hands down"

"Not from us" several girls chimed in giggling while others said, "We'll wait until the main event."

"Suit yourself ladies then let's enjoy the show... BARKEEP, ANOTHER ROUND!!!" Faye cried out.

As the night wore on they brought out one hooded man after another. When the hood was taken off each man was wearing a female outfit that he had arrived with and, in accordance with their outfits, the sorority sisters had the men perform different humiliating acts so they would make asses of themselves. While the men performed the female audience hooted and/or jeered and/or cheered each performance. It seemed that the more resistance a man put up the louder the cheers went and the longer the humiliation was continued until he was finally broken.

After each man was done he was handed back to his girl friend or girl friends after they were told to come onto the stage. She or they were told to perform a final humiliation on their boyfriend to gain admittance to the sorority. If they succeeded in the humiliation then they received membership and their man was set free but if membership was denied...WOE TO THAT MAN WHEN HE WAS ALONE WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND OR GIRLFRIENDS.

Meanwhile, behind the stage at Hanrahan's, I was being outfitted with a collar that had a D-ring at the front and one at each side. It was shaped like a tapered belt with the front part being 5 inches wide while the back was 3 inches wide. The sides on either side of the neck came up and rested beside each lower jaw. This collar forced my chin upwards and prevented me from moving my face freely from side to side. Gail wrapped it securely around my neck then pulling tightly placed the D ring through the last slot padlocking it. My face was now securely locked and fixed in one position but I still felt a little slack in the collar.

As the gag was taken off me Sue said, "Any words slave before we gag you again?"

"I'm just making sure that you know who and what you're up against because you will lose" I replied as I returned her look with a steely-eyed gaze.

Sue seeing this determination said, "you're a fucking, arrogant bastard... aren't you? It's going to be a real pleasure humiliating and breaking you. One last thing, I've never failed."

"Promises, promises... always promises that are never carried out" I replied in a bored voice to Sue who then ordered me to stick out my tongue and when I refused Sheila pinched my nose until I was forced to open my mouth. As I did Gail clamped a pair of needle nosed pliers onto the tip of my tongue and pulling hard enabled Sue to thread a bamboo clamp, over and under the pliers and onto the top and bottom of my tongue then screwed the upper and lower parts tightly together. The top and bottom pieces were long enough that when I tried to pull my tongue back the bamboo ends stopped at the corners of my mouth. Satisfied with the results Sue moved away from me and out of earshot called Gail over and asked, "What do you really know about Christopher?"

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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-11-18 22:54:52

Gail had just tightly buckled a blindfold over my eyes cutting me off from all sight then coming over said "From what I have been able to find out, which isn't much from the rumour mill, he can resist torture very effectively and can outlast a woman. He has this ability to charm any woman and he will, if the incentive is right, put on a good show for his owners' but to break him, while that's another story. His captors' aren't too forthcoming with this information nor are they telling us all they know."

Then they both heard Sheila retort "THAT'S REALLY NOTHING BUT FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!!" as she put the hood over my head again and pulled the drawstrings tightly. "Christopher is like any other man we've seen TONIGHT, weak, useless and controllable, and with the right tools he'll crack like a fresh egg. Anyway it's time to get him on stage and what props are you going to use Sue?

You'll see very soon Sheila...very soon. After all we can't let our distinguished VIP know...Now can we?" Sue replied with a smile as the girls hooked a leash onto each D-ring. As Gail and Kim each took an arm they guided me up the stairs and onto the stage wings.


Cheers and gasps went up from the audience and even from Faye, Kathleen, Peggy and Jeannie. They could see the blindfold on me and the agony on my face the gag was causing me then as Peggy started to rise from her chair Kathleen pushed her back down into the chair saying "Have some faith in Christopher, Peggy. He won't let us down."

"But it's so painful" Peggy replied "Can't anyone see that he is in pain?"

"They can and we can Peggy" both Faye and Jeannie replied. Then Faye continued "but we must agree with Kathleen as we all know that Christopher is no wimp and the goal here is the more resistance your boyfriend puts up the faster you get into the sorority. You see Peggy Chris will get us into this sorority, in record time, and we all know that he can't be broken by any conventional means."

"You're right Faye but I still wonder if Chris can hold out?" Peggy replied fearfully.

"I have the same fear as does Kathleen and Jeannie but we can't let anyone see it." Faye replied and as Peggy looked over she saw that they had the same concerns.

"After this is over, we'd better make it up to him in spades. Everyone in agreement?" Peggy asked.

"You got my word on it." Faye said "What about you Jeannie and Kathleen."

"You've got our word on it too" they acknowledged together.

"One last thing" Faye said "Who's going to do the final humiliation on Chris. It has to be someone who hasn't had too much experience in this field and that leaves only one person Jeannie."

"Me?" Jeannie replied "I don't see how I could pull it off?"

"You're the best one as you haven't really hurt Christopher and no one knows you on campus that well" Faye replied. "Besides you're going to have to role-play and act as if you're going to humiliate him. To make it easier try to get close enough to tell Chris "to play along."

"Alright...I'll do it" Jeannie said "but my stomach is going to do somersaults."


There was silence then a girl stood up and said, "Why not start with some boot and toe-licking."

Another one stood up saying, "after we do that then let's give him the old sorority tradition."

Another one said "since we talking about courses why not let PHASE III be the main course.

"An excellent idea for an appetiser and the sorority tradition for the side dish but as far as the main course is concerned he won't make it that far" Sue replied. "But first we have to make fucking sure that Christopher is more subservient" as she took a bag like device with connecting wires out of her bag of tricks. It looked like a small cylinder, opened at both ends, with two metal rings connected by four metal rods that came up on all four sides. It also had a third ring connected by 2 leather straps, on either side, with 2 straps that hung down and could be buckled together as well as padlocked.

Showing it to the audience Sue said "While my two assistants hoist up Chris's gown I'm going to attach this device to his genitals, which should make him more agreeable and controllable."

A cheer went up as I struggled trying to turn my body but was soon subdued by Gail pinching my nose while Sheila went behind me and pulled back the gown enabling Sue to fasten the bag over my genitals tying them securely. I felt the wire cups inside and knew what its purpose was. It had been used before on me in the reserves and I had been able to withstand all but the highest setting.

"This is called a penis cage" Sue said "You put the restraint on when the cock is soft by securing it to the balls and the base of the cock with the straps and/or padlocks. When the cock expands due to some sexual stimulation, like our touching or battery operated dildoes or as this particular model has attached to it a small controller so if your man does something you don't like can do this." As Sue pushed a button suddenly I felt a surge of intense pain run through my penis and scrotum that almost doubled me over. As she turned the controller off Sue continued saying "The controller has 5 settings and the restraint will fit snugly over a man's cock with the head exposed for dildoes. He can still urinate but once his cock is excited the rings will prevent it from expanding to full size causing a lot of unpleasant pain."

Kathleen looked at the other in horror and saw the same reactions on their faces but they quickly changed to poker typefaces as other people were starting to look at them. I couldn't see them but heard Sue command "Down on your knees slave and lick my boots as your tongue is already out!!!!!!"

I stood my ground and planted my feet firmly then I felt someone kick the back of my knee knocking me to the floor. My chin hit the floor hard partially stunning me then felt a boot on my tongue and Sue saying again "lick my boots slave, it will go easier on you if you do."

I backed away and somehow got onto my knees and looking up
to where her voice was shook my head no managing to somehow
move the collar a little bit from side to side.

"NO???.. DID I SEE YOUR HEAD SHAKE NO!!!! !!!! Sue screamed then said "SEE IF YOU LIKE THIS, YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A MAN" then turned the control lever from level 1 to level 3. The pain shot through me and I started to writhe around on the floor for what seemed like minutes then as the pain was stopped I heard loud and prolonged cheering.

"I'm so proud of Christopher" Jeannie said "Don't you agree?"

"I don't know how he's doing it but he is everything we thought" Kathleen echoed.

"The question is how much longer can he hold out?" Peggy asked

"From what his Air Reserve base told me, Sue is going to be in for a long, long session." Faye replied looking at them with a grin.

Sue was getting visibly angry and ordered me to be put on my feet then instructed Gail to take the blindfold off me and as Gail did I blinked at the lights then saw my captors' sitting in the front row. As they looked at me, I gave them a wink, which elicited smiles from them and heard more cheers.

Sue, seeing this, came up to me and quietly said, in my ear, "Your friends' are going to be denied membership if you keep this up so why don't you make it easy on yourself and give in." Gail unzipped the genital bag and started to caress my manhood while Sheila caressed my balls as each whispered into an ear "you could and can have everything you want here and be a privilege slave of the highest rank if only you'd just give up this resistance.

'A trap if I ever saw one... do they really think I'm that naive' I thought then decided have some fun by verbally twisting the knife in them even deeper by humming an old song that I knew would drive them up the wall. I started by humming, in a loud voice, the COLONEL BOOGEY MARCH or known better as THE RIVER KWAI MARCH (from the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai starring Alec Guinness) which caused gales of laughter from the girl-dominated crowd and more cheers only louder. Faye, Jeannie, Peggy and Kathleen had broad smiles on their faces and cheered the loudest. Then I heard the sounds of rhythmic clapping which gave me a sense that I was winning.

Sheila was seething with rage and slapped the blindfold back on me buckling it even tighter on me than before as Sue, catching me off guard, hit me hard in the solar plexus doubling me over and causing me to stop humming then zipped up the genital bag again. As Sue kicked me hard in the balls and seeing no results an enraged Gail yanked the controller from Sue's hands and setting the lever to 5 turned it on screaming "YOU FUCKING DUMB MALE BASTARD. YOU THINK YOU'VE REALLY WON!!!!! YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN OUTLAST US WOMEN!!! WELL MR. CHRISTOPHER DEAN... LET'S SEE HOW YOUR SPERM COUNT SURVIVES THIS JOLT OF ELECTRONIC VOLTAGE."

I cried out in loud agony as the pain rocketed through my genitals causing them to feel as if they were on fire. This was the setting that I had endured, at the base, but not for long as my feet started to turn to jelly and I began to collapse slowly to the floor then I felt my tongue being stepped on by Sue's boot. The pain continued as I tried to think of other things anything but finally ended up licking the soles of her boots then LICKED Gail's and Sheila's toes.

"You see Ladies that even the greatest man on campus can be beaten and now he will do anything we say" Sue crowed turning off the controller and looking at my captors' said "If that's the best your Christopher can do then you aren't worthy of membership."

"Christopher's not through yet" Faye retorted "Look for yourself, Sue."

As Sue turned around she saw that I had rolled painfully to a pole on the stage (which I had spotted before being blindfolded again). As I gripped the pole with one hand I slowly got to my feet and hobbling towards her voice stood there in a defiance stance, feet hobbled together, shoulder's back and head held high. An eruption of cheers filled the hall and Gail quietly said to Sheila "Better tell Sue to get to PHASE II, he's winning PHASE I."



Another girl stood up and said, "C'mon Sue... Why not just concede the point THAT YOU'VE LOST!!!!! This man, who's owned by Faye's party over there, is besting you at every turn. Do you know how many women here would love to have a man like this in bed with them? Even you'd want that Sue so don't deny it!"

Remember Joy, your boyfriend didn't even make it through
but there's always next year!!!!" Sue said and laughed wickedly.

"That's right" Joy shot back then said "and right now my money's on Christopher and it's going to be a pleasure to see you and your assistants being taken down by a 'WEAK AND CONTROLLABLE MAN', YOUR WORDS SHEILA, and I can't wait to see him in PHASE III" as more cheers and applause went up.

"Oh my God" Peggy said, "What is PHASE III?"

Another girl seated close to Peggy leaned over and said to them "Nobody knows what PHASE III really is but Sue, Gail and Sheila and they keep changing it every year. I have a feeling that your Christopher may not survive it but I must admit though you girls picked the right man and I just wish my man had the same guts and stamina... any chance of borrowing yours?"

Sorry, no can do but thank you whoever you are for the compliment and the info" Peggy said.

Just call me Rose, Rose Carovillano and my offer still stands, even if it is for a night."

"When Christopher passes PHASE III then we will talk about your offer Rose" Faye replied.

"Thank you, Faye" Rose answered as she cheered and clapped loudly.

"Now that our so-called illustrious man has survived PHASE I we now go to PHASE II and give him an old sorority tradition. Gail and Sheila uncuff his legs and use the spreader bar on him while I keep his cock busy with a level 2 pain" Sue ordered.

With the pain being continuous I could not resist as they got the spreader bar and placed each foot at either end then getting another length of rope they fastened it around my collar. They hoisted onto a hook, suspended from the ceiling, pulled hard causing me to be stretched so my toes barely touched the floor.

"Now that gag looks a little loose on you so let's tighten it abit" Sheila said as she tightened the screws on either side of my tongue compressing it even more. Now the pain was almost more than I could bear and even with the cock pain turned off I was starting to feel my stamina slowly breaking down. Sue took off the cock and ball restraint then attached a 5 LB weight to my balls saying scornfully "Now Mr. Christopher Dean let's see you lift that weight." I winced in pain as I felt my balls being stretched downwards.

The crowd watched as I struggled to maintain my composure and managed to block out most of the pain by thinking of how I made love to my 4 captors. As 10 minutes went by Gail and Sheila hoisted me a little higher then after 15 minutes a little higher still and after 20 minutes even higher until I was about 2 feet off the stage floor. As the pain increased on my neck, caused by the collar being strained, I was starting to feel light headed but still fought to stay conscious. Sue, Gail and Sheila seeing that I wasn't cracking under the strain then decided to use psychological tactics on me. As they lowered me until my feet were on the floor I heard Gail say that I had been on the stage for 40 minutes not counting the 20 minutes off stage.

The cheering and clapping continued as they now started to get the equipment ready. Then it happened quickly and without warning as I heard one of them announce "Now Christopher, in order to begin PHASE II of your punishment I'm going to introduce you to one of our old sorority traditions." As Gail removed the blindfold Sue showed me two paddles with holes in them and a riding crop. As I felt the back of the gown being lifted up and pinned I knew that the holes would give the paddles little air resistance and would sting more than non-holed paddles. Before I was blindfolded again I saw Sue give a paddle to both Gail and Sheila while keeping the riding crop for herself. Suddenly I was given a rapid succession of hard whacks with wooden paddles as each girl hit me in turn causing my seat to redden while Sue, non too gently, flicked my genitals with the crop. As I was blindfolded I could not anticipate when the whacks would come as they continued on an irregular basis but the accumulation brought tears to my eyes and a frantic, pleading MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM." I moaned, now resigned to my fate as this spanking went on for what seemed to be over an hour but was, in reality, only 20 minutes until they were finished. At that point my ass was in such excruciating pain and I was very thankful that I wasn't sitting down. My bound arms were getting numb my feet were killing me and I didn't have much energy left to keep my head upright. To make matters worse the stage lights were so hot that the sweat rolling down my face and body was tormenting me. Being kept helpless and whipped had me in such terrible pain as my penis strained against its cage and caused me even greater pain in my groin.

It was now becoming apparent that PHASE II was not working so Sue turned to the audience and said "Sorority sisters, we are in a dilemma and I need your help to solve it. We stand a chance of having a man beat us and come out not humiliated and not broken. If this happens then every man will gain new strength and resolve from Christopher's example. I propose that we proceed onto PHASE III, but there is the choice here. As our new potential members cannot vote this is the choice you sisters must make DO WE GO ONTO PHASE III OR DO WE FORGO PHASE THREE AND ACCEPT CHRISTOPHER'S CAPTORS AS MEMBERS AND SWALLOW THIS HUMILIATION. This will be done by a show of hands:

Who wants to forgo PHASE III and accept Chris' captors as members and have this sorority humiliated?"

Thirty-nine girls raised their hands

"How many want to see Christopher go onto PHASE III?"

Ninety-eight girls raised their hands

"Then it is decided that PHASE III will be used on Christopher and if he passes he will be the first man to do so and his owners will be automatically accepted as the highest ranking sisters in this sorority. It is now 8:30PM and we will take our captive to the special place designated for PHASE III. As far as his owners' are concerned they must agree to be bound and gagged so they cannot rescue or give any verbal help what-so-ever."

Then turning to Faye Sue said, "as you are the leader you must decide with the others to this proposal. You have 1 minute to talk it over then we must have your answer."

The girls huddled together and had the following conversation.

"We can't let Christopher down after what he's done for us," Jeannie said

"Agreed" replied Kathleen "and if it means being bound and gagged to help Chris and get into this sorority. Then I'm for it."

"I agree with Kathleen's and Jeannie's statements" Peggy declared.

"Then it's settled" Faye said, "we allow ourselves to be completely helpless and trust Christopher to come through for us. But we'll demand to ask Christopher first."

"Have you reached a decision?" Sue asked.

"We have but we want to see if Christopher agrees if you care to take the gag off" Faye replied.

"Very well" Sue said reluctantly then turning to Gail said "remove the gag but he has only 30 seconds to reply as his tongue may be affected."

As Gail removed the bamboo gag, I felt my tongue slowly come back to life then gave my reply in short but stirring words (spoken by John Paul Jones when asked by the British Naval captain to surrender his almost sinking ship) "I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!!!" And no sooner than I had spoken the bladder gag was quickly placed in my mouth by Gail who tightened it much harder than Faye did and pumped the flaccid bladder in my mouth to a size that was worse than when Kathleen had done it. My mouth felt like it was going to burst and the pain reminded me that a mouth could only be stretched so far.

After being gagged the blindfold was taken off briefly and I saw each of my captors' wearing black, opera length, cloth gloves and their gloved hands being bound securely behind their backs with a length of white, 1/2-inch nylon rope. I saw two of the sisters push each of my captors' bound gloved hands up their backs while the bondager brought the rest of the rope up and under each of their left armpits around the back of their necks down and under their right armpits securing the end to their bound gloved hands. This resulted in Faye's, Peggy's, Jeannie's and Kathleen's bound gloved hands being positioned 90 degrees to their bodies. I saw them place ankle cuffs on each of my captors' ankles and secure them with double hasp locks. As the blindfold went back on quickly I saw each of them being gagged with a harness ballgag that had a strap that went around the back of your head. It had a strap that would go under your chin, and around the top of your head. I realized that my captor's were now totally helpless and I knew I was the key to them obtaining membership.

As I was led off the stage and down the stairs to ground level (with my left gloved arm held by Gail and my right gloved arm held by Sheila on each side to prevent me from falling) I heard the chilling tone of Sue's voice as she said "IT'S NOW 8:45PM AND WE STILL HAVE PLENTY OF TIME FOR PHASE III. GAIL, SHEILA HAVE CHRISTOPHER FOLLOW ME AND HE'LL RIDE WITH US AND KEEP HIM FROM HURTING HIMSELF AS HE WILL NEED ALL THAT RESERVE STRENGTH OF HIS. OH AND BY THE WAY BRING HIS OWNERS' AS WELL AND BE CAREFUL WITH THEM. THEY CAN RIDE WITH THE ONE'S SUPPORTING THEIR ARMS AND WE WANT THEM TO BE AROUND TO SEE THEIR MAN FAIL WHEN PHASE III BEGINS.


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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday December 15th 2000 10:37:03


As I was being escorted down the stairs and out the side door I felt a somewhat cold breeze hit me and shivered abit Gail, seeing this, said, "Is the great Christopher Dean a little cold? I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that."
"He's survived so far" Sue replied as she caught up to them.

Remember Chris, PHASE III is not a cakewalk and you'd better be up to it as we've designed it to be the toughest yet" Sheila said.

'The old psychology tactic' I thought 'didn't that go out after the Korean War?'

We got to the car and the door was opened very fast hitting me in the groin. I winced as I heard Sheila say, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry Christopher. Did I hurt you?"

I turned my body to the voice and said "uh, uh."

"Get him into the back seat and be careful with him. We don't want to be accused of ruining his chances by hurting him." Sue said.

"Lower your head and let me turn your body so you can get in easier" Gail softly said. Then as I got into the car she said "Now swing your feet over... Good boy."

The cars started going and soon we were heading out of town and as I cocked my ear to pick up noise Sue got a set of headphones placed them on my ears taping them into place saying "Sorry Chris, honey... we can't let you figure out where we're going."

I felt a hand go up my gown as Sue played with Wilcock after taking the weight and cock restraint off me. I heard Sue's voice again whispering very seductively, as she partly removed the right earphone, saying "That is one nice manhood there and I can see why your captors want to keep you all for themselves. If you survive PHASE III and your captors are admitted you are going to serve me first and after all I've heard about you I'm anxious to see if the rumours are right and you have the right stuff. I'm very hard to please and no man has satisfied me yet" then re-taped the right earphone.

As she kept caressing me I was getting excited despite trying to block it out of my mind and thought 'she must be one sexually repressed and frustrated woman.'

"Sheila, keep your eyes on the road and not in the rearview mirror" Gail admonished then looking at me then Sue's expert ministrations said "I think you're getting to Chris Sue he seems to be arching towards you. Why don't you take the headphones off as we're now out of the city?"

"Why not" Sue said then, after taking them off, whispered "all I want you to think about in your mind is me... only me and not PHASE III or your captors. I want you to feel and think of what I've been doing to you and what I can do for you."


Gail, seeing this said quietly to Sheila "If Sue keeps this up Chris is bound to fail PHASE III."

"I wonder if it is going to work on Chris" Sheila replied "you know the reports on him said that he was immune to feminine wiles."

"Time will tell Sheila, time will tell" Gail said then turned to face the windshield.

Meanwhile, my captors (who told me later what had happened to them) were each riding in a separate car. In Faye's car two sisters were asking Faye questions about me and Faye was answering by nodding or shaking her head. Some of the questions asked were:

"Is he really that good at sex?" Faye nodded her head YES.

"Does he have a weakness?" Faye controlled her reaction and shook NO.

"Is it true that he knows how to do everything in the kitchen?"

Faye nodded her head YES.

"Can he be made submissive?" Faye realized that she had to be careful about this question and after thinking about it lied by shaking her head NO.

The other girls were peppering Peggy, Kathleen and Jeannie with the similar questions and to each of my captors' credit they answered along the lines of Faye. Thus the sisters never really got what they wanted.

We turned off onto a dirt road and came to a stop. Sue covered up my genitals with the gown and helped Sheila and Gail get me out of the car.

I felt the wind lift up my gown and felt the cold air hit a now soft wilcock. With Gail and Sheila holding an arm I was led away from the car and had the blindfold taken off me and after getting use to the night I saw what was before me and after looking I let out a soft groan.

I looked over at my captors and saw the fear in their eyes as they saw what comprised PHASE III. They were held too tightly with a sister holding each arm and as they tried to free themselves they found their bindings were too tight. They tried to work the gags out of their mouths but everyone only heard the loud frantic muffled sounding "MMMMMMMMPFFFPHMMMMMM" "MMMMMMPFPFHHMMMMMM" "MMMMMMPFHPFHMMMMMM" "MMMMMMMPFHPFHMMMMMMMMMMMM" that came from their securely gagged mouths.


Then looking at Gail and Sheila Sue said, "So that Christopher has a better chance... Sheila, Gail take off his gown, the wig and shoes and the corset as we don't want to damage or dirty them. Take the cuffs off his feet and untape the legcuff chain from his legs." As they did there were gasps, cheering and clapping as they removed the above items and folding it carefully placed it into a garment bag and I felt the taped chain suddenly come loose. Sheila look at the four bound women and said "I don't know whose these are but they will be given back."

Then turning to two other sisters she said "keep the legcuffs on his feet, free his hands from the armbinder and take off the gloves so he can get the circulation back into his hands and arms. Lastly take the collar off his neck and remove the armbinder but tie and cinch his elbows securely together."

As they did the above I could feel the soreness in my muscles but quickly felt my elbows being tied and cinched securely. My shoulders were already in pain and this intensified the pain but the worse was yet to come. Sue removed the genital bag from her handbag and fastened it onto my crotch area and I saw, for the first time, that the remote was cordless and recognized the model as the same that had been used by the Reserve intelligence and had a range of 50 feet.

For the first time I felt fear rising inside me and managed to force it down but it came up again and again. Then Sue got up and cried, "LET PHASE III BEGIN"!!!!! WILL THE BUCKET BRIGADE COME FORWARD."

I turned my head to see 10 girls carry 5 buckets of water and realized that I was about to have a bath. As bucket after bucket was poured over my nude body I involuntarily shivered as it had gotten colder. After they had finished Sue looked at me and said "Christopher, there are 5 tests that you must pass to ensure your captors membership, 2 here and three at the sorority house. Fail any of the five and your captors' application for memberships will be rejected but pass all 5 and theirs and your reward will be substantial. You have some time to finish the tasks and this is your first trial:

They took me over to a trench that had been gouged out by a construction backhoe but had not been filled in. This was because it had rained the night before and that day filling the hole and creating gooey mud. As I estimated the length to be about 10 feet and I knew, from experience, that the depth would be no deeper than 5 feet. Then Sue cried, "YOUR MISSION CHRISTOPHER, SHOULD YOU DECIDE TO ACCEPT IT, IS TO MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE LENGTH OF THIS DITCH AND TO DO SO IN UNDER 10 MINUTES. TO SPUR YOU ON A LEVEL 4 PAIN WILL BE APPLIED."

I looked over and seeing the worried looks on my captor's faces I gave them a wink then was pushed in by Sheila. As I hit the mud headfirst I felt both myself sinking and the pain being applied. I forced myself to ignore the pain and coming out of the mud I managed to straighten my body upwards. I started to kick my legs dolphin style causing me to go forwards while balancing my body with my hands. As I continued I still felt the pain in my groin disappear as each foot was passed and could hear the cheers continuing. When I was almost at the end I felt no pain then realized that the mud was acting as an insulator and knew that I would make it without pain. As I reached the other side I heard a voice call out "6.9 minutes" then as I bobbed up using the mud as leverage I was able to grip the side of the ditch but could not pull myself up. I lay there desperately getting air into me, still gagged, as the mud was starting to cake on the inside of my nose. I forced myself to stay calm and gripping the top of the ground pushed myself up then using my body as a prop managed to roll out of the ditch.

I looked up from the ground and saw Sue looking down at me with anger while Gail wiped the mud out of my nose, as the air felt wonderful. Sue pushed the remote button to level 5 but nothing happened as the mud had coated the metal wire cups. Sue reached down and taking the penis cage off me and walked away muttering "why isn't it working? It's always worked before."

I knew why but I wasn't going to tell her or anyone else, except Faye, Kathleen, Peggy and Jeannie, for that matter.

Gail and Sheila got me to my feet and bringing me towards Sue I saw looks of relief on my captor's faces. Sue turned around and seeing me hissed "My congratulations for passing part 1 of PHASE III. Now we have a standard for future trials. Then lowering her voice said seductively 'don't you want to quit now. Do you really think you can pass the next 4 parts?'"

I nodded my head YES and got a rousing cheer from the girls. Then Sue said "Get Chris ready for part 2"

As I was being led off into the woods I felt my elbows being untied then my wrists placed around a tree and tied securely. As my feet were spread then tied apart I also felt the ropes go around the tree. I knew that the tree was quite large, as my hands were not touching each other then I heard Sue say, "In part II Christopher you are to endure the trial by paint. Each sister is to compete to see who can hit closest to the bulls-eye" as Gail taped a sign, to my navel, saying "BULLS-EYE, THIS WAY" with an arrow pointing down to my crotch.

I saw Gail and Sheila giving each sister a balloon filled with a very diluted black paint and realized that I was going to be blackballed in a very innovative way.

"Are we ready, sisters?" Sue cried and receiving assent said "One at a time let 'er rip!!!!"

One by one I saw the balloons flying towards me and, to the sisters' credit, almost all of the 140 balloons hit their target. I had never been splattered so much in my life and my genitals were now totally black. I knew that this was a prelude to something worse happening and I was right. After the balloons were finished Sue came up to me and said "Nice colour, it does become you Christopher.

"MMMMMMPFHPFHMMMMMM" I replied angrily causing Sue to give me a ringing slap across the face saying, "CHRISTOPHER THAT'S NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR SUPERIOR. Gail, Sheila untie Christopher from the tree and bring him over to the circle."

AS I was led over to Sue with my hands, legs and mouth still secured. I felt a poncho being placed over my head and around my body. Sue looked at me then said loudly, "We decided Chris to make part 2 easy for you but now comes the next three parts and I hope that you'll have the stamina for it. We'll take you back to the sorority house where your captors will be freed and have been told what to do so they can prepare you for the next 3 ordeals."

As they went to the cars I was led back to Sue's car and on the ride there Sue tried again to get me to concede but only getting a head shaking NO. Upon arriving at the house I was blindfolded and led downstairs then the poncho was taken off me and I was left alone.

The blindfold and gag were taken off and my hands and feet freed. As I looked I saw my captors facing a large bathtub filled with soapy water. I saw the looks on their faces and the looks spoke volumes.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Peggy said as she put her arms around me.

"Fine, I'm fine. I just feeling weak" as my voice trailed off and I collapsed into Kathleen's arms.

"Let's get him into the bathtub fast we've only got 10 minutes to get him ready" Jeannie cried out as they pushed me into the tub. Once I hit the hot water I quickly woke up and, looking at them said, "Gee - it's nice to see you four again but why am I sleepy?" as I closed my eyes.

"After what you've been through Chris, I'm not surprised" Faye said then slapping my face hard commanded " " WAKE UP...IT'S NOT OVER YET! CHRISTOPHER...WAKE UP!!! "

My head shot upwards and then looking at them said, "I'm sorry...this initiation has taken more out of me than I thought. So what am I doing in the bathtub?"

Cleaning you up for parts 3-5" Kathleen said as she and the others scrubbed me down and seeing that the water was now a muddy colour I said, "Did I do this?"

"You did that and more and the paint on your genitals is water based so we are getting it off" Peggy said.

Okay" I said "Now what?"

"Just let us handle it Chris and enjoy" Jeannie said as Faye said "get him into the shower, we've got 5 minutes to towel dry, powder and dress him."

Within 5 minutes they had finished and wrapping me up in a Roman slave outfit presented me in front of Sue who was enthroned with Gail seated her left and Sheila seated on her right.

Gail, seeing me, leaned over and whispered "he looks beat, tired and about ready to collapse. What do you think Sheila?

"If he survives the next three parts it will be a miracle of biblical proportions" Sheila replied.

"Well, there goes my faith in the almighty" Sue said as she rose from her seat and cried in a loud voice, CHRISTOPHER DEAN, ARE YOU READY FOR PART 3 OR DO WISH TO CONCEDE DEFEAT NOW."

"NEVER" I replied in a calm but wearied voice.

"Then let the food tasting begin. Bind Chris and bind and gag his owners."

I didn't resist as I felt my hands being leather cuffed behind my back and padlocked while my feet were also leather cuffed and hobbled by a dual hasp lock. I heard scuffling in the background as my captors were being handcuffed and gagged. I turned quickly around to see four sisters securing each captor as they struggled in vain. Two sisters had each arm pinned behind a captor's back while a third handcuffed the hands. The fourth had a right hand clamped tightly over a captor's mouth and had placed her left hand firmly at the back of the neck preventing my captor from moving her mouth away from the hand.

As two firmly held each captor one girl forced open and pushed a cloth into then secured each mouth with tape while the fourth girl kept each captor's nose pinched until the gagging was finished.

We were led into a spacious bedroom where a very beautiful woman lay waiting for me wearing a low front and low back cut gown with a slit going up each side. She was wearing a pair of shoulder length, white cloth gloves that looked soft.

Kathleen was led struggling over to a chair and forced to sit as additional rope was used to tie her. One girl pulled Kathleen's arms over the back of the chair making her breasts stick out and held them there as another one tied some rope above and below her breasts and secured them to the chair. While this was going on a third and fourth sisters took some more rope and tied Kathleen's ankles to each chair leg and lastly each arm was secured to back chair rung. I look and saw the same was being done to Faye, Peggy and Jeannie then all four were positioned so they could watch me on the bed.

As this gorgeous woman came towards me I thought 'she looks familiar' then it hit me... ' SHANNON O'CONNOR, THE GIRL THAT HAD BOUND AND GAGGED ME IN THE BUILDING!!!!!!'

"Hello Christopher" Shannon sensuously said, "How are you doing? It's been a long time; in fact too long" as she caressed my face.

"Fine, just a little tired and I do apologize for not greeting you in my customary way" I replied.

"No problem Christopher... go ahead anyway but can you kiss both sides? Your captors' won't mind, will you ladies?" Then getting bitchy said "Oh... I'm so sorry, I forgot that you girls can't do or say anything about Chris kissing my hands and being with me as I see that you're all too securely bound and gagged."

She extended both of her gloved hands and positioned both up to my lips as I bent down and kissed one then the other, on both sides, hearing a chorus of angry muffled "MMMMMMMPFHPFH MMMMMMM" coming from 4 helpless girls.

"Did they tell you what you'd be doing here?" Shannon asked as she reached down and touched my manhood.

"No Shannon, they didn't" I replied trying not to get excited.

"Well then Christopher, tonight I am going to feed you until you can't take anymore then feed you some more" she replied then firmly taking my arm said "up on the bed and lie right here" as she patted a part of the bed.

As I got onto the area she indicated she lay beside me and bringing her gloved arm behind my neck firmly cupped her left gloved hand around my chin and rested my head in the crook of her arm. I realized that there was no way to break free as she could easily hold me there with just her left gloved arm alone then bringing her head down gently started to deep kiss me. I started to respond oblivious of the frantic angry muffled screams of my captors' then with her right-gloved hand she reached over and pulling a fruit basket towards her started to feed me grape after grape after grape.

The faster I chewed and swallowed the grapes the faster she popped one into my mouth so I couldn't speak. When I tried to shut my mouth she pull her gloved hand, on my chin, downwards forcing my mouth open and pushed another grape into it. BOY, WAS SHE STRONG! With my hands tied I couldn't get enough leverage to get off the bed and with my feet hobbled I was forced to stay put.

I stopped chewing and clamped my jaws together but she just looked at me and shaking her head said "Now Christopher, sweetheart ... Why are you resisting? If you don't chew and swallow I'm going to have to do this... ." as she pinched my nose causing me to chew and swallow more quickly.

I decided to try and spit a grape out but failed when she said, after clamping her gloved hand tightly over my mouth and nose, "You're getting me very, very upset, YOU NAUGHTY BUT DARLING LITTLE BOY, and if you try to spit out your food again, like a bad little boy, I'm going to punish you like this... " as she squeezed my balls hard, very hard causing me pain. Then as she caressed Wilcock all my captors' heard were pleasurable muffled MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" coming from my still hand-gagged mouth.

As I look at my helpless captors and saw that they had those worried looks again I decided to endure this pleasant torture but I was now getting sick of being forced-fed and Shannon helped my chewing by moving my chin up and down. I tried to get up using my stomach muscles but couldn't get any leverage as she clamped my head tighter into the crook of her arm forcing me back then smiled at me as she now shoved olive after olive into my mouth.

For about 30 minutes this went on, as I was force-fed until it felt like my stomach was going to burst. I struggled again then heard Shannon seductively say "Christopher, all you have to do is concede defeat and you won't be forced-fed anymore and you will be able to enjoy my company. I've always want to make love to you, as you are the only man I know who has successfully resisted all my advances."

I shook my head NO and Shannon said "Too Bad, Christopher. You don't know what you're missing" as she continued to forced-feed me, but as the grapes and olives were now gone, jujubes were now being used and were being put into my mouth at a faster rate. I was now half-chewing; half swallowing the jujubes and my captors' looked at me with disbelief as I somehow kept up the chewing marathon interspersed with deep kissing, caressing and seductive words.

After one hour Shannon left me on the bed and going over to the door told Gail to get Sue. As Sue arrived Shannon told her what had transpired and Sue thanked her. As Shannon left Sue came over to me and said "Congratulations Christopher, you've just past part 3. The test was to see if you could resist the charms of the most attractive girl on campus and keep being forced-fed or submit to her sexual charms and not be forced-fed. In one hour you're the only man who has successfully been able to frustrate Shannon who is a member of our sorority" as the girls looked at Sue with amazement. Sue seeing this replied "that right ladies, Shannon is a member of our sorority and she devised this trial and your man passed her test with flying colours."

Calling in some girls Sue said "untie and ungag them but keep Chris tied up and gag him securely" as I felt the bladder gag go into my mouth buckled tightly and the bladder pumped up.

Faye and the others were set free and Sue, looking at them, said curtly "Follow me!!!!!!" Then turning to the girls with me said "we'll be back in about 15 minutes; in the meantime, he's yours to do with as you please. But no rough stuff" as she winked.

As they left a beautiful 5' 6" brunette came up to me smiled and said "Welcome Christopher it's a pleasure to have you here. I'm Irene and this is Leslie, Trish, Doreen, Linda and Alana. We have been picked to give you any kind of pleasure you desire. Even though you can't say anything or touch us just relax and let us take over. I can promise that you won't regret a second of it" as they slowly took their clothes off. As I looked the girls cut off my slave tunic until I was totally naked then started to tease, torment, caress and play with me as if I was a toy.

As the fun continued I found that when I resisted the treatment got worse and when I submitted then the treatment became favourable. It was a combination of pain and pleasure being administered by about 6 naked girls who, like 99.9% of women, knew how to get a man to do what they wanted.

It was taking all my willpower to resist their sexual ministrations but also I knew that I was losing the battle as my stamina and my endurance were rapidly going downhill. I couldn't use my hands to fend them off and my feet were hobbled so I couldn't run. I couldn't talk and try to reason with them as I was still gagged while they continued to keep me on the bed pushing me one way then the other way while giggling at my discomfort. They were winning and I knew it as I started to give out muffled screams of frustration causing me to roll towards them and not away. They were working in 2 shifts of three girls per shift, which gave me no time to recover, and Wilcock was taking a beating as well as my body from the caressing, sucking, kissing, hugging and cuddling that I was getting.

Then Alana, a perky blonde with a bob style hairdo lay down beside me and caressing Wilcock said quietly "Christopher, which girl would you want to fuck you first. You have your choice of 6 attractive and beautiful women and we all know about your sexual prowess. We'd like you to prove it to us whether you're a real man or not. You can have one or some or all of us. We'll even free you so you can pleasure us too... would you like that?"

I saw that it was really another trap and if I succumbed to them then I would have to admit defeat and Faye, Kathleen, Peggy and Jeannie would never receive their memberships. I looked at the 6 girls, with their enticing smiles and seductive eyes, and shook my head NO and said "MM-MM" through the gag.

As they looked at me in surprise Alana said, "I don't believe what I just saw and heard. Just what do your captors' have that we don't have for you to turn down our offer." A few minutes later the door opened and Sue, Gail and Sheila came followed by Faye, Peggy, Kathleen and Jeannie.

"Did he succumb?" Gail asked.

"No he didn't" Alana replied.

HE DIDN'T??????" Sheila yelled.

"No he didn't and we've never seen anything like it. He prefers his captors over us!!!!" Doreen replied testily as the others nodded in agreement and I saw Faye, Peggy, Jeannie and Kathleen smile.

"Thank you sisters, you can leave now" Sue replied and as they dressed and left Sue looked at me said "You just passed PART 4 and now PART 5 is coming. I don't know how you are doing it but you may truly be the first man to survive and win. Which would be a travesty for this sorority and I want you to think about that Christopher and think very hard about making a farce of this sorority. PART V involves your captors and what they do to you and how you respond will determine their membership. Do you understand what is expected of you, slave Christopher?"

I nodded my head YES then was roughly picked up by Gail and Sheila and dragged out of the room. As Faye saw me leave she asked Sue "alright Sue... and just what is involved in PART 5?"

Sue looked at them and said "that depends on what you do and how you get Christopher to obey. If you succeed then you're in.

And how do we know it's not a trick?" Jeannie said.

"Don't you girls trust me?" Sue replied smiling.

"In a word Sue, 'NO'" Peggy replied.

"Likewise Sue" Kathleen said "I'd trust you no further than I could throw you."

Suit yourselves" Sue replied haughtily then walked out the door saying "remember, what you do and how Christopher reacts will determine your acceptance. I will tell you this that 50% of the admittance is based on imagination, so think about it."

"'So think about it' she says. Who does the bitch think she is anyway?" Peggy angrily cried out.

"A bitch who's presented us with a puzzle and doesn't want us to solve it" Faye said.

"Any ideas anyone" Kathleen said.

"I think I know what she is referring to," Jeannie said.

"Tell us Jeannie... don't be shy" Faye said.

"Sue said that 50% was based on imagination so we have to come up with a subservient act that will bring the house down. It's as simple as that."

"Possibly" Peggy replied "but something just doesn't add up and we can't get any advice from anyone as we're isolated."

"No you're not," a voice behind them quietly said and as they whirled around they saw Rose and Joy standing there.

"How did you... " Kathleen began. "SSSSSHHHHHHH" Rose replied.

As Kathleen and the others shut up Rose continued saying, "It doesn't matter how we got in but listen very carefully because if we're caught none of you will gain membership and we'll never get ours. Besides us there are a lot of other girls that have been waiting for months to see a man take Sue and her assistants down AND DOWN HARD and Christopher has the best shot at it. What Sue is referring to is where you play out a scenario that is so unusual that Christopher will have no choice but to comply and the KEY WORD is COMPLYING. You have to somehow get word to him to play along and not to capitulate too soon" Rose said.

Joy added "Rose is right but right now, they've holding Christopher incommunicable and will be trying to persuade him to throw your membership. From what we've seen your man is holding out magnificently but it's wearing him down and he's becoming too vulnerable. It won't take Sue long to figure out his weak point then use it to win him over as he has, so far, thwarted every plan she's come up with." Then Joy smiled saying "By the way, I've got a hundred dollars riding on Christopher and I mean to collect and that's not all; twelve other sisters are also betting on Christopher."

"Your right Joy" Rose said "why Chris hasn't given in is beyond my understanding but I saw him too and he is on his last legs and Sue knows it. That's why she pulling out all the stops, she doesn't want to lose." Then looking at Joy said, "You only bet $100.00 Joy? I've got $200.00 riding on Chris.

"Thank you Rose for the info" Faye said "and you too Joy. After this is all over, anytime you girls want Chris, feel free to ask." Then looking at the girls incredulously asked, "You've got money riding on our man?"

"You bet Faye and we and the other 12 sisters want to win as the odds are now 4-1 against Chris winning and before this happened they were 11-1 against. Then Joy said, with a skeptical look, "did you really mean that Faye about your group loaning us Chris?"

"She means it Joy" Rose said, as Faye nodded, "but we can talk details later. Right now let's get out of here before we ruin it for Faye's party."

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday December 15th 2000 10:45:06

As the two left, Kathleen angrily said "Great, fucking great Faye... and are we now selling Chris to the highest bidder?"
"No Kathleen, we're not" Faye retorted then said "but if they're wrong they'll never have Chris even for a minute. But right now we have more pressing problems... like a game plan. How much time do we have?"

"About 15 minutes" Jeannie said looking at her watch.

"How about this idea we hitch Chris to that chariot prop we saw and ride in it with him pulling us" Peggy said.

"Are you sure that the chariot works?" Faye asked, "and where are we going to get another bit and bridle gag as ours is at the house.

"Scratch that idea" Kathleen said bitterly.

"Then we have only one option left and that's Bolero" Jeannie said.


"NO I'M NOT TRYING TO FUCKING KILL HIM" Jeannie shot back. "What I'm trying to say is that we can use the Bolero torture on Chris just enough so he can play along at being broken. Look... we know that it takes between 5-7 hours to break him and all we've got is about 2 hours left. I'm sure that Chris can hold out for those 2 hours or less... Agreed?"

"You've made your point, Jeannie and we'll implemented it but who's got the tape and a Walkman with earphones?" Faye asked.

"One Walkman with earphones and one Bolero tape coming up" Jeannie said as she pulled a cassette out of her left pants pocket and the Walkman out her right zippered leather jacket pocket.

"Great!!!!!" Peggy exclaimed, "Now there's one thing that worries me."

"What's that sis?" Kathleen asked.

"What are they doing to Christopher right now?" Peggy replied as she looked at the others and saw 3 worried looks.

After being dragged out of the room, I was taken to a small anteroom placed into a chair and tied. A rope was placed around my chest and my feet were pulled off the floor and tied with a rope attached to the chair back. As I looked I saw Sue approach and sitting down, in front of me, gripped my chin forcing me to look at her.

"Christopher, you know and I know that this has got to stop. I'm getting fucking angry about what you are doing. I want you to concede defeat in part 5 and do it quickly because if you don't your captors' will never gain membership. I'll see to that!!!!!!!!"

Then releasing my chin Sue leaned back and looking at me said "Every man has a breaking point and all we have to do is tap into it but, and I must admit this, you've hidden your breaking point well. In fact, so well that the sisters are wondering if you really can be broken." Then leaning forwards and caressing my face with her hands said seductively, "Now Christopher, all you have to do is to tell us your weak spot and you'll be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. I can tell you what one reward would be and that is: TO BE MY VERY OWN PERSONAL SLAVE AND ACTEON UNTIL YOU GRADUATE."

Taking a breath she continued as she caressed Wilcock saying, "Everyone here, at the sorority, has the greatest admiration and respect for you as a man, even me, and we've never seen anyone hold out as long as you have. We've seen men, who we thought were strong, break within an hour but unfortunately, you're proving us wrong."

As she continued to touch Wilcock Gail came behind me and gently stroked my hair, causing me to relax even more, saying, "I agree with everything Sue said Chris. You have thrown this sorority into chaos and if you win then it will be a humiliation for us and we really don't want that. Can't you see that we only have your best interests at heart and that all we want is the best for you? I'm going to take off the gag so you can talk to us and tell us what you'd really like but you must promise that you will not scream as people will be able to hear you and if you agree then nod your head."

"He doesn't keep his word" Sheila retorted "Men never do!!!!"

"Christopher has proven that he is a man of his word Sheila and you know that" Gail retorted as I nodded my head then Gail deflated the bladder and took the gag out. Once out I looked at Sheila and asked "Sheila, why do you hate men?"

Sheila looked at me and said scornfully "You men don't know how to treat a woman. You don't now and never will and besides you are just like any other man... vain, arrogant, selfish and believe that you are God's gift to women."

"Do you believe that I am that way Sheila?" I asked.

"You're a man... Aren't you? Isn't that proof enough?" Sheila retorted.

I looked at her and said, "As you can see Sheila, I am completely naked and helpless in this chair. I want you to straddle me, put your arms around me and let me kiss you the way you've always wanted to be kissed. C'mon Sheila, what can I do to hurt you? You've already been hurt enough and you are scared to be hurt again. That's the real reason, isn't it."

Sheila looked at me skeptically then coming forward straddled my lap and felt Wilcock bunting up against her. As she leaned forwards and I did the same I gave her the same, slightly open mouth kiss that I had given Kathleen the first time I kissed her. I could feel Sheila responding to my kiss and was now forcing my mouth open to deep kiss me. I opened one eye to see Gail's and Sue's mouths drop open then closed my eye to concentrate on Sheila. As we continued to kiss I could feel Sheila's passion starting to gain the upper hand then it was broken by Sue tapping Sheila on the shoulder saying "You know Sheila, we'd like to kiss Christopher too."

Sheila stopped deep kissing me and when I looked at her I saw a softness in her face as she said, "You are everything they say you are Christopher. I have to concede that you know women better than any man I've known and all the rumours we heard about you are true."

Then turning to Sue Sheila said "Sue, it's time to stop this initiation. If Christopher can make me feel better as a woman then just think of what he can do for our sorority."

Sue looked at Sheila and said "and just how do you propose to change the rules as all our sister are expecting Chris to pass part 5? Have you thought of the repercussions this will have on our sorority and that we will be made a laughing stock of the campus? No I can't allow that and I know that Gail agrees with me."

"Actually Sue, I don't agree with you and Sheila is right" Gail replied.

I could see a fight brewing and not wanting to be the cause of it said "I have an idea as to how you and your sorority can save face."

They looked at me as Sue mockingly said "and what idea has the great Christopher got?"

Ignoring the insult I said "look... This sorority means a lot to you girls, doesn't it?" As they nodded I continued saying "why don't we do this, let me go through part 5 and give your sisters something to remember. If I am not mistaken, you girls haven't had this much fun in years."

Gail looked at me and smilingly said, "you're right Christopher it has become pretty boring and you have spiced things up."

"Continue Chris" Sheila said.

"This sorority you call 'THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN' is dedicated to Venus and Diana the Huntress. It's membership includes the following female roles; Goddesses, which, in this case, is you Sue. The priestesses below you are Gail & Sheila then huntresses, which are the sisters who have been members over a year then the votaries or the new members."

Taking a breath I continued "the men are put into four classes: Slaves then when you are satisfied that he has been an obedient slave he is promoted to a supplicant. IF he proves himself in servitude he is then he is promoted to hound and if he is really good and is worthy then he becomes a stag or ACTEON. He was the fellow, you remember, that saw a bit too much of Diana and was turned into a stag by her and that is the role you offered me Sue when you said you wanted me as your own personal slave.

"You three know that I've survived longer than any male so far and you know, deep inside you, that I will win. I am not going to bargain but if we go through with this plan then your sorority will come out of this smelling of roses. Am I right?"

All three looked at me with astonishment, as Sheila demanded, "WHO TOLD YOU ALL THIS AND HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT 'THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN'?"

"No one told me" I replied "as I have done a great deal of research on Greek mythology."

"FUCK" Gail said, "it's true what they say about you Christopher you can see right through anything and you are as perceptive as you are smart."

"Thank you Gail. As I've said before I read a lot and have a photographic memory.

"Are you psychic?" Sheila asked.

"No Sheila, just observant" I replied.

"And what are you going to do Chris?" Sue asked

"Give your sisters a performance that they will never forget and by the time I'm through everyone will know how good your sorority is and I can guarantee that you'll have more members than you can shake a stick at."

"You're willing to do all this for us? What's the catch?" Sue said.

"Just admit my owners and you'll also get me in the bargain" I replied.

Sue took her assistants aside and said "Is Chris on the level? What do you think? Gail? Sheila?"

"He's on the level alright" Gail said, "one thing I did find out about Chris is that his word is his bond. Remember what he said in front of the judges?"

"I remember" Sheila said "But I thought that it was all hype."

"Then you think that Chris's idea will not hurt the sorority. I'm not use to trusting men," Sue said.

"Why don't we ask Chris?" Gail said.

As they came over Sue stood in front of me and said, "how can we know we can trust you Christopher. We've been burned too many times by men."

"I know that" I replied then said "if you can't trust me Sue then what man can you trust? Have I not already shown you what I can endure and if I have survived this long then what's another trial."

"How do we know that you aren't going to take a dive?" Gail asked

"That's not my style and if it was would I have lasted this long? Just leave it in my hands and you won't be disappointed." I replied.

As they thought it over Sue looked at Gail and Sheila then at me and said "Okay Christopher, we agree. Now how do we go about this?"

A sense of relief came over me as they now would never find out my weakness and replying said "you just continue with what you're doing and leave the rest to me."

"Open wide sweetie" Gail said as she approached with the gag.

As I responded Sheila stepped in front of Gail saying, "before you do I want another kiss."

Gail glared at Sheila then heard Sue say "Sorry Sheila, you had your kiss and now it's time for Gail and I to get ours."

Gail sat down on my lap and started to kiss me. As I responded she suddenly kissed me harder as her hands now firmly gripped my head. As she continued I realized that her passion had increased, to say the least, then I felt her let go and looking at me said one word "WOW!!!!!"

As she got up Sue approached me and pulled out a pair of black leather, skin tight gloves that went 2 inches past the wrists. As she pulled them onto her hands she looked at me and said, "I've heard a rumour that you really like a woman to wear gloves Christopher. Is that true?"

"It's true" I replied.

"That's wonderful Chris honey" Sue replied as she straddle my lap and playing with Wilcock said, "I love this member and who he's attached to but I have a request to ask of you Chris. Could you kiss both my gloved hands, back and front?"

I'd be happy to Sue," I said as she brought both pairs up to my mouth allowing me to kiss the fronts and backs of her gloved hands.

As she continued to caress Wilcock with a right-gloved hand Sue placed a left-gloved hand behind my neck firmly and started to caress the back of my neck. Soon I felt myself starting to like it as my eyes were starting to close and as my head drooped forwards and rested on her shoulder Sue said softly, "Chris sweetheart, lover... do you like what I am doing to you?"

"MMMHHH" I replied with my eyes still closed.

"Would you like more of this, Christopher sweetie?" Sue asked.

"MMMMMMMM Yes" I responded.

"Do you have a weakness Christopher?" she asked.

"Yes" I quietly replied again.

"You look tired and weary Chris. Would you like to be made love to by the three of us and then rest in the bed you laid on before as long as you like?" as Sue leaned forwards to kiss me.

"A consummation devoutly to be wished" I replied as I leaned forwards to her.

"Shakespeare" Sue said "it's from Hamlet isn't it."

"Yes�����.Hamlet's soliloquy����..ACT III, Scene I when the King and Polonius hide while entreating Ophelia to bring Hamlet back into the fold" I replied as we kissed.

I could feel Sue putting everything into this kiss and I responded in kind. Wilcock was standing at attention waiting for a command as Sue kept touching him while kissing me. As we parted lips Sue said, "you are one hell of a kisser Chris and you know Shakespeare like the back of your hand. Is there anything you don't know?"

"There is much I do not know" I replied as Sue smiled then kissing my neck and face said "you could have fooled me but couldn't you please tell me what your weakness is?"

"I can't Sue and even if I did, it wouldn't be fair to the sorority and would you want me to betray the standards of this sorority" I murmured softly.

"I understand Christopher" Sue said then brought her right gloved hand to my mouth touching my lips saying "SSSSSHHHHHHH... Just relax sweetheart." As I relax even more she positioned her left gloved hand firmly behind my neck she suddenly clamped her right gloved hand over my mouth tightly and firmly then yelled to Gail "BLINDFOLD HIM TIGHTLY AND SECURELY SO HE CAN'T SEE IN ANY DIRECTION."

"MMMMMMMMPFFFPHMMMMMM" "MMMMMMPFPFHHMMMMMM" "MMMMMMPFHFHMMMMMM" "MMMMMMMPFHPFHMMMMMMM" I screamed in anger BUT NO-ONE HEARD and I tried to move my head but could not as Sue's gloved hands prevented any great movement. No matter which way my head moved Sue's gloved hands followed as Gail tightly secured the blindfold.

"Hold his head securely Gail and Sheila gag him with that special gag we have" then looking at me said "I almost had you Chris but we now know you have a weakness. You are going to tell us that weakness in the next 10 minutes" as Sheila came forward with the gag.

Gail held my head firmly and Sue kept her gloved hand TIGHTLY over my mouth then reaching down, with her left-gloved hand, squeezed my balls as Sheila tightly secured the gag on me as soon as Sue took her gloved hand away from my mouth. My screams were now muffled sounding "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" as the gag quieted me completely.

The gag that was put into my mouth was an open holed gag with a hard plastic cylinder on the inside, attached to a wide black mouth cover and a plug on the outside attached to a chain. After inserting the gag Sheila brought a goblet of wine as Sue pinched my nose then Sheila put a funnel into the hole and poured the wine down my throat as Gail held my head firmly by my hair. As Sheila pushed the plug back into the hole they released my head and nose then Gail said "Christopher, your resistance level is still too high and we needed to get that resistance down to a level that's low enough so you will succumb quickly and lose. That goblet of wine Sheila brought has been liberally laced with just enough liquid Chloral Hydrate to make you very drowsy but not enough to knock you out."

"I can't believe that you fell for our little scenario Chris" Sheila crowed as I tried to break loose of my bonds while giving out loud sounding muffled "MMMMMMPFHFHMMMMMM" "MMMMMMMPFHPFHMMMMMMM" "MMMMMMM PFHPFHMMMMMMM."

Gail came around to the front and looking at me said "quite a fighter, isn't he. He just doesn't know when to quit."

"He's a fighter alright and truer words were never spoken Gail" Sheila replied then pinching my nose, so I could pay attention, said "LISTEN UP SLAVE... There's no way to free yourself so you might as well give it up. We've tied men up before and know how to keep them helpless. With your ability to escape we made doubly sure that you were tied up securely and also made sure that your mouth was bound so securely that you'd find it useless to scream, as no one will ever hear you outside this room."

As Sheila unpinched my nose Sue got off me and attached the penis cage to Wilcock saying "I finally figured out why it wouldn't work outside but it will now after cleaning the mud off the contacts."

I look up at them and knew that I had been conned then getting angry I steeled myself for the jolts of electricity. Sue smiled as she deliberately moved the controls from levels 3-5-4-3-4-5-3 with the jolts varied from 10-15 seconds. I gave out muffled screams and bit down on the hard plastic cylinder as the electrical charges continued to come. As the minutes ticked by Sue, seeing that I was weakening, kept switching the level until I could hardly move.

"TELL US YOUR WEAKNESS CHRISTOPHER... FUCK YOUR STANDARDS, TELL US. JUST NOD YOUR HEAD WHEN YOU WANT TO TELL US" Sue screamed as I somehow continued to hold out while still screaming.

"We've been at it for 10 minutes and we only have 3 minutes left Sue" Gail said "we're going to have to give it up and get Chris out onto the stage or we'll lose big time."

"ALRIGHT... ALRIGHT!!!" Sue screamed, as she removed the penis cage, and looking at me said "I fucking hope for your sake that your owners' have a good humiliation planned. Untie him from the chair but keep him bound, gagged and blindfolded as we take him to the sisters. The Chloral Hydrate should, by NOW, have taken effect and Chris's resistance should, by NOW, be down to zero."

'CHLORAL-HYDRATE' I thought then remembered that it was one of the oldest sleeping drugs still in use. It could be prescribed in liquid or pill form but if used in liquid form it had to be well mixed with fruit juice, ginger ale or water to mask its bad taste. When taken it caused the body to relax but when taken with alcohol, the alcohol causes the Chloral Hydrate effects to quickly increase resulting in the person falling asleep and/or nullifying any resistance that the body may put up. I knew now that I was in DEEP, DEEP, DEEP SHIT.

I was untied then lifted out of the chair by all three girls. A hobble skirt was put around me and I was forced to take stumbling baby steps coming out of the anteroom and onto the stage. As I came out cheers erupted and now feeling weak I collapsed to the ground then felt 2 strong pairs of hands pull me up. The blindfold was taken off and after blinking a few times saw Peggy and the others looking at me with a mixture of horror and concern.

Sue came forwards and cried, "Sisters this is the final test and Chris's owners have come up with a humiliation that should guarantee their acceptance into this august sorority."

Looking at me then at Faye said "Go ahead and see if your humiliation can break him and how long he can resist."

Faye and the others mounted the platform and looked me over as Peggy grabbed my head then whispered in my ear saying quickly and quietly "Play along Chris���.we'll be using Bolero."

I looked at Faye but only heard the word "BOLERO" as the fear started to build inside me. I was completely helpless and the drug was now working very effectively as it had sapped almost all my willpower. All I wanted to do was to collapse, to sleep, perchance to dream and to surrender.

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Friday December 15th 2000 10:51:42
"Slave Christopher Dean" Faye commanded "are you prepared to serve and acknowledge Jeannie, Peggy, Kathleen and myself as your masters and are you prepared to concede that we are the superior sex? YES or NO Christopher, that's all we ask."
"NO" I said in a clear voice, as I was becoming sleepier.

"Then prepare to be broken Chris" Kathleen said as Peggy and Faye held me while Kathleen and Jeannie taped the earphones into my ears then taped the Walkman to my chest. I feebly struggled but being so damn tired I was ready to collapse when the music started.

When I heard the first notes; I planted my feet and stood defiant for about 3 minutes then everything went to hell. The music started to pound in my ears like a jet engines and I fell suddenly and quickly to my knees then rolled on the ground struggling frantically to get free from the refrain as it was already affecting my nerves. Unknown to me the Choral Hydrate was multiplying the effects of the music as I started to bang and rub my head on the floor hoping to dislodge the earphones. I couldn't get them out of my ears; the tape was too secure and I could feel every nerve screaming for relief. The girls, Faye told me later, were opened mouthed and astonished as they saw what I was trying to do.

A loud cheer went up as I continued to fight but after 5 minutes I was so weakened that tears came to my eyes.

Sue, Gail and Sheila looked at each other in amazement as they now saw me crying uncontrollably as I rolled into a fetal position despite being bound, gagged and with a hobble skirt around my legs. My cries sounded unreal as I gave out muffled screams of agony.

10 minutes later, Jeannie had been timing me (as I was told later); I was literally a bundle of nerves. The previous trials and what Sue and her assistants had done to me with the drug; had sapped my resistance so much that I had no defense against Bolero.

"What's happened to Chris, Kathy? Is he faking it? I've never seen him react like this to Bolero" Peggy asked.

"I don't know" Kathleen replied then looking at Faye and Jeannie saw they had astonished looks on their faces as well.

15 minutes into the torture, I gave out muffled pleas for mercy and was rewarded by Faye taking out the earphones.

"Would you like to change your answer Christopher?" Faye asked as Jeannie ungagged me.


"Christopher, are you prepared to relinquish your role as a superior male and serve the females of this sorority?


Are you satisfied Sue?" Peggy asked sarcastically as she and Kathleen removed the hobble skirt, untied my hands and feet and with Faye's and Jeannie's help got me onto my feet. Everyone now saw my body trembling with fear and the tears flowing copiously as they wrapped a toga around me.

Sue looked at Gail and Sheila then to the crowd and said, "the decision is yours sisters. How do you vote?

Gail said "how many vote to let Chris's owners join our sorority?"

Every hand went up.

"How many do not want Chris's owners to join?" Sheila asked.

Not a hand was raised.

Sue saw the results then turning to Faye bitterly said two words "YOU'RE IN." Then turning to the crowd said "By unanimous consent������..Faye, Peggy, Kathleen and Jeannie are now full members of this sorority."

A wild cheer went up as the girls mobbed Faye, Jeannie, Kathleen and Peggy who somehow managed to get me over to a chair. As I sat down I had stopped crying and now really felt the drug taking effect as my still trembling body keeled over onto the floor. Immediately Kathleen picked me up and with Peggy's help got me back on the chair. Sue came over and looking at me said, as I looked at her, "I didn't think you could do it Christopher but you've set a standard that will never be equaled. Let me ask two questions 'you didn't like what I did to you and I know that you really despise me enough not to help me out with any request?'"

"Truthfully Sue," I replied sleepily "You did the right thing with what you did to protect this sorority but that's over now and I'll be happy to help you out in anyway. You have my word on that."

"Thank you Christopher" Sue said then turning to Faye asked, "What was that music you played to break Chris so quickly and so thoroughly? I tried, Gail and Sheila tried Shannon, Leslie, Irene, Trish, Doreen, Linda and Alana all tried and we came so close but we failed.

That's our secret Sue" Faye replied as Sue glared daggers at her and stalked away. Gail came over with Sheila and Peggy and Kathleen seeing them moved protectively towards me. They stopped then Sheila said to Faye "You've got nothing to fear from us and you've one hell of a man there and boy does he know how to kiss." Then sitting down in front of me said "Sheila and I want to apologize for what we put you through Chris and we'd like to have your help with our academic studies.

Consider it done ladies and for extra-curricular and sorority activities of course" I sleepily said with a smile.

"You're too smart Chris" they replied as Faye said, "I promise we'll let you know later." Then they looked at me and said "Truthfully speaking Christopher... We didn't mind being bested by you" as they both kissed me then departed.

Just then Joy, Rose and 12 other girls came over and putting their arms around me, one after another, hugged and kissed me saying "You did it Chris, you did it. We bet on you and you came through.

Thank you" I replied then I fell onto the floor again. As the girls picked me up and put me on the chair again Joy bent over and looked at my face. Then quickly getting up and pulling Faye away from the girls said quietly "Faye, I need to talk to you."

Faye had been besieged by several girls enquiry's about using me for various purposes so Faye wrote down their names and the dates they wanted me then deferred their requests pleading to have some time to look the requests over and organize them. She asked Jeannie to take over the writing of the requests and following Joy, faced and heard her say, "Christopher's been drugged and it looks like Chloral Hydrate but don't tell anyone as Sue will deny it anyway. Whatever you do don't tell your roommates until you get home. Now we have to get lots of coffee and make him drink it as it will somewhat nullify the effects of the Chloral Hydrate as two of the symptoms are the dilation of the pupils and glazed covering on the eyes."

"Christopher can't drink coffee," Faye said causing Joy to reply "OH SHIT, then let's find some tea."

"How do you so much Joy?" Faye asked.

I'm in my third year of nursing" Joy replied.

Faye was smoldering with rage and anger towards Sue as my captors and their sisters started to give me hot tea, lots of hot tea, as I felt my stomach was going to explode but the tea would nullify some of the drowsiness thanks to the caffeine.

As the party went on into the night, still more girls inquired about using me for various purposes as Faye wrote down their names and the dates they wanted me then again deferred their requests pleading to have some time to look the requests over and organize them. All this time I was finding it harder and harder to stay awake even though I sleepily accepted congratulations, kisses and hugs. One of the girls gave Faye back the clothes and bondage equipment I had come with.

Finally they got me home and, after putting the clothes and bondage items away, got me totally undressed, into bed and under the covers. It felt warm in the bed and as they saw me snuggle into the covers asked me what the other tests were, what Sue had done to me and why I hadn't failed. I sleepily described the trials and what Sue did that they had missed then looking at them said "I declined their offers because I wanted to be with you four and knew how badly you wanted to join. I didn't want you to think I was a quitter or weak willed.

You're not a quitter or weak willed and we know that Christopher" Kathleen said, caressing my hair, "we were prepared not to join if it became too much for you but you came through royally and we owe you a debt of thanks.

Christopher, I was really worried about you. I'm so glad you had the guts to go through those trials for us" Peggy said as she caressed my face.

"In fact Christopher" Jeannie said, holding and caressing my hand, "We knew you'd pull through but we didn't realize just how good you really were."

We're fucking lucky to have you as our MAN!!!!!!!!!" Faye said, taking my other hand and kissed it as the others nodded.

Thank you but if you don't mind I'd like to get some sleep... I just can't stay awake any longer.

"Always the gentleman" Jeannie said.

Go ahead and sleep as long as you like Christopher. Tomorrow is your day" Faye said as she gave me a tender lingering kiss on the mouth. As my eyes closed the others also tenderly gave similar kisses on the mouth and left the room turning off the light. Then, as they got together around the dining room table, Faye dropped the bombshell.

"I don't know how Christopher did it but I know why he succumbed to Bolero faster than normal. He was drugged.

HE WAS WHAT!!!!!!!!!" Peggy screamed as the others showed shock on their faces and I woke up with a start then the desire to sleep took over and I didn't hear Faye but was told later what she said

"It's true Peggy Christopher was drugged by Sue and her assistants. Joy is in her third year of nursing and she saw it in Chris's eyes. She thinks that Sue somehow got Chris to drink this drug called Chloral Hydrate and that's why Joy had us pump tea into Chris so the caffeine could partly offset the drug's effects. In order to get this drug completely out of his system we have to let Chris sleep it off, as that's the least we can do for him. Remember what we promised you Peggy... if Chris got us into the sorority, we'd make it up to him in spades and that's what we'll do. Tomorrow is his day to be catered to by us, in any way he desires, as he deserves that much and more after what he went through for us."

"What is Chloral Hydrate?" Peggy asked.

"Let's ask Christopher tomorrow. I'm sure he can tell us. Now about catering to Chris's every desire tomorrow everyone in agreement?" Faye replied.

The others nodded as Peggy went to my bedroom and saw me in a deep sleep then she turned and said in a quiet voice "You know Faye Chris looks like a lost little boy when he's sleeping. This probably will sound corny and stupid but I think I'm falling in love with Chris.

You're not the only one who's falling in love with him Peggy" Jeannie and Kathleen replied together then looking at each other giggled.

"I have to admit I'm falling in love with him too" Faye said "Imagine all four of us in love with the same man and what are the odds of that happening. Anyway we'd better get to bed as we've got a long day tomorrow and thank God tomorrow's Sunday. It's now 2 in the morning."

With that they retired to their beds as I continued to be enveloped in a deep, REMMED sleep completely unaware of what had been said until they told me the next day.

That was PART V as I again apologize for the delay. There is a part VI and part VII if anybody is interested but would it be possible to have some positive feedback on the above story or previous stories or on whether parts VI & VII should be posted. It would be appreciated, as I am still a long ways from being an expert, like Doug is, in writing stories.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Saturday, December 4th 2004 - 01:41:58 AM


The next morning Faye woke to the smell of bacon being fried & getting out of bed stumbled into Kathleen & Peggy who were up as well. Turning they saw Jeannie was also up & around & wondering what the hell was going on.

"I thought you were cooking Kathleen" Faye said as the smell of the bacon was getting to her.

"I'm not & Peggy certainly isn't & if Jeannie's right here then there's only one person left." Kathleen replied.

"CHRISTOPHER" they responded in unison & hurried downstairs to the kitchen with Peggy saying "I thought that he'd still be sleeping with all that Chloro-hydrate in him."

"Once again Christopher springs another surprise on us" Kathleen said.

"And just when we thought we had him all figured out" Jeannie rejoined.

Rounding the corner they saw me standing at the oven then as I saw them said, "Breakfast is almost ready. Now if everymmmmmmmm" came out as a hand clamped over my mouth while two hands pinned my hands behind me. All four propelled me into the dining room where I was quickly secured to a chair then my mouth was freed as Faye said "Now Christopher... you can have 2 choices: either stay bound & gagged to the chair for the day or let us cater to you for the next several days as payment for getting us into the sorority. Now what will it be?"

"I'll take the latter if it's alright with my mistresses" I replied then untying me they proceeded to tell me about their conversation last night & what was Chlorohydrate which I answered. Unknown to us while we enjoyed our meal as I was being waited on hand & foot Sue, Gail & Sheila were fighting for their sorority positions as word had gotten around regarding their defeat & many of the members now wanted to turf them out. Later as we arrived at the campus I was congratulated on once again surviving the hazing & several girls made plays for me when my owners were being praised & not looking my way.

The first night was Jeannie's night & as the others left the house we had the whole night to ourselves. As Jeannie entered my room I could not believe the vision of loveliness that I saw before me. She was wearing a long satin black negligee with above the elbow black cloth gloves with a satiny push up bra & panties, both in black & wearing black thigh high boots. She undressed me then pushed me onto the bed & tied my feet securely to the bottom bed frame. She quickly mounting me as she leaned over & taking out a blindfold secured it around my head saying "Just relax lover boy & enjoy... this is one night you'll never forget" then started to get me excited by caressing my chest while kissing my body, neck & mouth. As she reached down to stroke wilcock I moved my hands upwards to feel her breasts & was caressing them when I felt something go around my wrists pinning them then felt them being tied to the headboard.

"That should keep your hands out of the way until I'm through with you," Jeannie said as she continued to sexually frustrate me by bringing me close to orgasm but never allowing me to cum. As I let out loud cries of pleasure Jeannie clamped a right gloved hand tightly over my mouth while still caressing wilcock with her left gloved hand enjoying my stages of frustration. Then I heard her say, "Now that you are completely helpless Mr. Dean, I'm going to make sure that you are going to give me baby as I've always wanted one" then laughing wickedly steered, with her left gloved hand, my cock into her pussy & rode it and placed the other gloved hand over the gloved hand sealing my mouth as I frantically tried to buck her off but found I couldn't move my bound feet & hands then I tried to move my mouth away from her gloved hands while emitting loud frantically muffled sounding "MMMMFFFF..... OOOOPPPPP... MMMMFFFFF" which Jeannie ignored. Her grip over my mouth was like a vice as her gloved arms pressed down on either side of my face preventing my face from moving side to side & upwards then I felt myself coming. I tried to block it out of my mind but Jeannie looked then taunted me saying "Please continue to struggle my lovely Christopher & do continue to scream as no one will ever hear you... Christopher, my love, you can't escape your destiny as a father & I can feel you coming." Then hearing my muffled cries of pleasure & seeing me bucking & thrusting yelled "TOO LATE CHRISTOPHER MY LOVE... GIVE ME ALL OF THOSE LITTLE GUYS...MY EGG WILL MAKE THEM WELCOMED... OHHHH YES...YES..YES...The joy the ecstasy...AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAA" as she let out a long cry of orgasm then felt me relax.

Leaning forwards she whispered in my ear "Just kidding sweetheart... I'm not ovulating & there is no baby. I just wanted to see your reaction & it was wonderful." As I let out a muffled cry of relief she took her hands off my mouth & asked, "How was the performance sweetie?"

"It was damn good," I said "too damn good. You had me going there & I was taken in by you" then Jeannie untied me & flopping onto the living room floor I held her in my arms as we cuddled & kissed by a fire. Soon the others came back & had a good laugh as Jeannie described how I had been taken in then I heard Faye say "Just wait until Wednesday night Mr. Dean" as we prepared for school the next day.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sunday, December 19th 2004 - 12:48:30 AM

As promised Joruas

Wednesday night came very quickly and after I came home Faye immediately ordered me to change into a chauffeurs uniform with grey suede gloves & knee high black leather boots. When I re-appeared she had on a dress military uniform with white dress gloves & taking my hands securely tied them behind my back. Then hoisting them upwards wrapped the rope over my left shoulder across my chest then tying it around my hands then wrapped it over my right shoulder across my chest & knotted it securely to my bound gloved hands. Bending down she leg-cuffed my feet & secured a ballgag into my mouth ensuring that I would emit nothing loud.

Taking me out to the van she placed me in the back seat & after seat belting me in got out a sleeping blindfold & placed it over my eyes. I heard the van start to move & could only wonder what Faye had in store for me but would soon find out as we came to a stop after about an hour of driving. Hearing the side door open Faye loosened the seat belt then forced me out of the van. As I struggled I heard noise of people talking then heard her greet each person by name while escorting me to my final destination. I was beginning to get a bit fearful as I wondered just who these friends of her were & why no one made any comments.

Taking me over to a tree Faye had me sit down on the ground & tied my knees together then tied a rope tightly around my neck lasso fashion & securing my neck to the tree then set up a movie camera on a tripod.

"Now we have a man that is ripe for the fucking & look carefully & learn as I'm only going to show this once. First we undo his pants & pull them down then his underwear & if he objects just do this" as she hit my balls hard "and he'll become very compliant & co-operative."

"MMMMFFFF..... OOOOPPPPP... MMMMFFFFF" came my muffled reply as Faye continued saying "ust ignore his pleading as secretly a man loves to be at a woman's mercy...don't you sweetie?" as Faye kissed me on the forehead then removing her panties lowered herself onto Wilcock & soon was crying in orgasmic delight. When she had finished she untied the rope around the tree & off my neck then helping me up said good-bye to all her friends by name then whispered "They all want to see those big beautiful brown eyes" then removed the blindfold. As my eyes adjusted to the light what I thought were her friends turned out to be a gaggle of geese who had sounded like humans. Laughing so hard Faye took the movie camera, untied me & went back home where everyone had a good laugh. When the film was developed they & I broke out in laughter seeing me in my situation.

Finally as we went to bed Kathleen came up to me & gripping my chin with a gloved hand menacingly said "Just wait until I get my hands on you Christopher" as she squeezed my balls hard.

3 days later I was returning home & upon entering the door felt gloved hands clamp themselves over my mouth & nose then heard a sultry voice say "Kick your shoes off slave then undo your pants & step out of them" as I felt my breath become more laboured & hastily complied. Then taking a gloved hand off my nose Kathleen said, "Now put your hands behind you & no funny business" & as I did I felt handcuffs placed around my wrists then bending down Kathleen placed legcuffs onto my ankles. I was blindfolded & led shuffling into the bedroom & forced to kneel then I felt a warm cunt pressed against my mouth. A voice said "Please me slave until I tell you to stop" upon which I began to suck her for a long time until she pulled away then forcing me to the bed I was laid down & bound spread-eagled. Taking the blindfold off me Kathleen clamped a left-gloved hand tightly over my mouth pinning my neck at the crook of her elbow. Leaving my cock alone she said, while looking over at Peggy, Faye & Jeannie & turning my head forcing me to see as well, "Look at those lovely ladies all bound & gagged awaiting to please you & they're so lonely.....perhaps we should finish this slave.....then you can have them for your very own. Now slave Christopher fuck me and make it good and let me hear those pleasurable sounds and remember they want to hear them too" just as the girls frantically gave out loud sounding "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"
but were completely helpless. I saw that they were wearing above the elbow gloves & their gloved hands were tied in front & to their waists & soon I was pleasing Kathleen until I came inside her then getting off me took a dildo & secured it to my balls turning on the vibrator. Now my cock was going to be erect for quite sometime as Kathleen led Peggy over to me & smacking Peggy's rear end with a riding crop made Peggy face sit me. As her pussy covered my mouth I instinctively began to suck as Peggy was getting a look of sexual excitement then I felt another gloved girl impale herself onto Wilcock & begin riding him. I was surprised that no one heard the cries of orgasmic delight as Peggy & Jeannie were emitting as they rode me. Soon Kathleen ordered them to get off me then ordered Faye to facesit me while Peggy now rode wilcock & again I was hearing their cries of pleasure until Kathleen placed Faye onto wilcock & place Jeannie over my mouth. By the time we were finished I was one very exhausted man as were the girls but unknown to me they had filmed the entire event. Finally they untied me & after we cleaned up I thanked them for the present causing them to giggle then laugh then Peggy looked at me & said "Now it's my turn Christopher & have I got a surprise for you."

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