Boywonder : 01 - Boywonder Caught & Tied (FF/m)

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Boywonder : 01 - Boywonder Caught & Tied (FF/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Boywonder's stories
01 - Boywonder Caught & Tied
Story index at the bottom

By Boywonder

Wednesday, March 1st 2006 - 01:30:39 AM

Just wanted to write to say how much i enjoyed reading all the great tie up/bondage stories posted my folks in here and hope to post a few of my own real soon. I noticed a few of the stories centered around superhero themes but not as many as I thought I might see. A lot of my childhood adventures of being tied up or self bondage centered around my love of Batman, specially of the classic TV series and the comics. So the stories I hope to post will be centered around my adventures of being tied up while playing Robin the Boy Wonder.

Boywonder Caught & Tied

Well as I mentioned in previous post I am a huge Batman fan and most of my tie up games/experiences centered around my playing out my Boy Wonder in peril fantasies and the following story was one of those many experiences being tied up as Robin when I was a boy/teenager.

This story took place when I was about 10 - 11 and Batman was al the rage in my neighbourhood and me and my friends watched the classic old Batman TV show religiously and played Batman all the time and I always played Robin when we did because I was small for my age and most importantly, I had a cool Robin costume made for me by my mom for halloween. It was close to the one worn on the tv show, red vest with "R" insigna, green briefs, little yellow silk cape, black mask and little green boots. I loved dressing up as Robin and even sometimes did self ties as I loved the sensation of being tied up and helpless in my little Robin outfit and imagining I had been caught and tied up by the villain's henchmen.

I had a young aunt, she was about 29 - 20 who was a tall very attractive blonde haired woman and she lived alone in a huge house. I used to like to imagine she was secretly a criminal and used her house as her hideout. She had a friend named Cathy, also in her late 20's who was sometimes there when I visited my aunt's house and she too was a very attractive woman. I loved exploring her big house specially her basement which was full of old crates and furniture etc. and i imagined it as the perfect "villain's hideout" and I fantasized about being caught snooping around there in my Robin costume and getting caught by my aunt and her friend - my aunt's name is Liz by the way - I never imagined I would actually get to live out my fantasy but it happened one weekend while I was spending the whole day at my aunt's.

I had secretly brought my Robin costume this time in my big backpack and I had planned to slip into it if my aunt left me alone for any length of time. My chance finally came after working hard all morning helping her in her garden when she went in after hearing phone. She came back out and told me she was gonna go pick up her friend Cathy and then stop for some cigarettes at store. And that she would only be 20 minutes or so. I told her I would "guard her place". That made her laugh and she said ok as long as I stayed in house and kept doors locked. I promised and the instant she was out front door I was at my backback and hurriedly changing into my Robin outfit. I started to explore her place, my heart pounding. I ended up in the basement and was hoping to find some rope to tie myself up with and play out my Boy wonder being captured fantasy when to my delight found a big wooden box full of all kinds of ropes.

I found a good spot sitting down on an old wooden trunk and quickly tied my ankles together with a long length of cotton rope then pulled out a small scarf I had brought with me out of my belt and cleave gagged myself with it, then crudely tied my hands behind my back. I sat there struggling and imagining my aunt and her friend laughing at me and taunting me as I squirmed and struggled, when to my itter horror I heard the front door shut and my aunt yell out she was home. I froze for a heart almost pounding out of chest. Then quickly got myself untied just leaving the ropes lying on floor as i dashed to bottom of basement stairs and listened. Heard my aunt call my name. I didn't know what to do. I cursed myself for not bringing my street clothes down with me so I could change out of costume in the event I did get caught. Suddenly I heard voices coming closer and the basement door swung open!

I froze in place again and saw my aunt looking down at me at bottom of stairs and then her friend Cathy appeared behind her. They at first both just stared then my aunt seemed to be supressing a big laugh and asked what I was doing. I am sure I was beet red and mumbled something about just playing around. My aunt started to come down along with her friend. I backed up a bit and felt like such an idiot standing there in my little Boy Wonder outfit. My aunt and friend just stood there looking me over as I stared at my feet with utter humiliation. But then my aunt said something like..."So you are the Boy Wonder eh? I thought so and now we have caught you snooping around our hideout Robin!" (I couldn't believe what I was hearing and looked up to see Cathy whisper something in her ear and they both laughed softly).

"Well Boy Wonder now that you know the location of our lair we are gonna have to keep you and tie you up."

I couldn't believe it my fantasy was actually coming true..thought I was dreaming and was gonna wake up at any minute.

My aunt spotted the ropes I had left when I scrambled to get untied. She smiled and grabbed them and ordered me to turn around and I did what she said and her friend Cathy helped spin me around and I felt a rope being looped around my wrists and I looked up to see Cathy pull a pack of cigarettes from her jean's pocket and light one. She seemed to be enjoying watching my aunt tie my hands. I was trying to control my excitement. I felt my aunt finishing off her tying and she came around to look at me again. I stood there looking a bit sheepish I am sure and tugged lightly on the rope around my wrists. Cathy offered the pack of cigarettes to my aunt and she took one and accepted a light. They both stood smoking and staring at me. My aunt teased me about being caught so easily and I blurted out something like "You won't get away with this you fiends!" or some cliche superhero in peril comment like that and that caused them to both laugh heartily.

My aunt's friend asked what they were gonna do with the "little caped snooper". She smiled and said they would have to tie me up tighter for sure. I let out an internal cry of joy at hearing that but continued to play the part of the caught superhero and struggled harder tirn, spinning from side to side as i tried to loosen rope around my wrists. The two women seemed to enjoy seeing me struggle. My aunt came over and walked me over to a broken wooden chair. the back of the chair was broken off but it was still strong enough to be sat on and she forced me to sit down and ordered me to sit and not move in a stern voice and did as I was told. She grabbed a long length of rope and Cathy came over to help her. I couldn't believe I was being tied up by two pretty women and blurted out "Batman will be looking for me and then you will be sorry!" Cathy mentioned they should shut the little brat up and she went and found a bag of old scarfs and came back over. My aunt told her that was a good idea and it was time to gag the Boy Wonder. Cathy pulled the scarf between my teeth and tightly tied it off behind my head as my aunt started to tie one of my feet to the leg of the chair.

My aunt tied off the rope to the one leg of the chair while her friend Cathy took the extra rope slack and started to tie my other foot to the left chair leg and then snacked the rope over my thighs and passed it to my aunt who tied it off to the rear leg. I was now securely bound to the chair. I grunted through the scarf and continued to tug on the rope around my wrists but my aunt had done a good job binding my wrists. She taunted me saying it was hopeless and I would never get loose. She and her friend continued to just stand and watch me squirm. They both seemed to be really enjoying the fact they had the Boy Wonder tied up and helpless. I was in heaven and wondered what they had planned for me next and was hoping they wouldn't get bored with having me tied up and just untie me and let me go. I was getting really immersed in the whole fantasy of being caught by these two pretty women.

My aunt then stubbed out her cigarette and told me to sit there and behave. That they had to plan their next criminal scheme and decide what to do with me. they both laughed and went back upstairs and left me sitting there tied and helpless.

I sat there for a long time making half hearted attempts to get loose but then I thought it would be cool to really get loose and allow myself to get caught by my aunt & her friend Cathy again. I concentrated on my wrists and started to feel the rope loosen while I kept my ear cocked for any sounds of the women coming back. I wondered what they were doing upstairs. I finally managed to work the rope around my wrists loose and quickly and excitedly untied myself from the chair. I crept over to the stairs still very much in my Boy Wonder fantasy. I quietly made my way up the basement stairs and peeked out into the hallway but saw no one and started to quietly walk down the hallway which led to my aunt's livingroom, when suddenly an arm snacked out of a doorway and around my neck and another hand cupped tightly over my mouth. It was my aunt's friend Cathy! I pretended to struggle a bit but really didn't want to get away. She yelled out for my aunt who came out of the livingroom and smiled when she saw me in her friend's clutches.

"Well well thought you could escape did you brat?" she laughed. "Lets bring him into the livingroom" she suggested and together they walked me into the livingroom as I put up some token resistence.

Cathy plopped down beside me and put me in a tight bear hug and my aunt produced a small dish towel and shoved it over my mouth.

"This chloroform will take care of you Boy Wonder"

I struggled a bit and played my part, hummmphing through the towel before pretending to pass out and felt myself being allowed to collapse back onto the couch and my aunt perfecting a smokey, low evil laugh which I loved. I heard her tell Cathy to go get some ropes and heard a match strike and could smell a cigarette and felt warm smoke being blown over my bare legs. I loved the sensation. I was so excited to hear her say "get some ropes" and was so happy that they planned to continue our kidnap game and planned to tie up the Boy wonder again. I concentrated on pretending on being knocked out but mind was racing and again couldn't believe this fantasy was actually really happening and playing out.

I cracked my eye open when I heard Cathy coming back and watched her drop several long lengths of rope on the art deco style glass coffee table beside the couch I was lying on. My aunt Liz suggested tying me up on the coffee table and of course I was delighted by that idea. I felt a pair of hands slipping under my back and another pairs of hands grabbing my legs and felt myself lifted up and then plopped down on cold glass. I loved the sensation of the cool glass coffee table on my bare legs. I decided to pretend to start to wake up as I heard my aunt tell her friend to do my arms and felt my arms being pulled above my head. I moaned softly as I felt my wrists being tied together again and opened my eyes and looked down to see my aunt starting to tie my ankles together with a long length of white rope, a cigarette dangling from her lips. She saw me open my eyes and laughed. She told me I had to be tied up again and I won't escape this time. I strained to arch my back and look back to see Cathy tying the excess rope that was around my wrists to one of the legs of the big coffee table I was stretched out on and then my aunt finished tying my slender ankles and did the same pulling the rope taunt before tying it off on a leg of the table.

I was now tied, stretched out fully and helpless. The women sat down on the couch beside me to check out their rope work and Cathy lit another cigarette and put her shoeless, silk stocking feet on the table right beside my head. My aunt brought a big glass ashtray over and put it down in the middle of the coffee table. She told her friend they would have to use more ropes on me but first it was time to have a cigarette break and interrogate their prisoner, find out "how much the Boy Wonder knew about their criminal schemes." I was beside myself with joy and excitement as I squirmed and struggled mightly on the glass table. The women enjoyed their cigarettes and watching me squirm in my little Robin outfit. Cathy commented how cool it was to see Robin all tied up in their clutches.

I remember wishing and praying they would keep me tied up the rest of the day and again wondered what they might do with me next. My aunt taunted me again asking where Batman was and why he hadn't come to save me yet. I glared at her and told her he would be here soon and they would then be sorry which of course made them both laugh. Cathy suggested they should "silence the brat" again. My aunt nodded and went off out of my line of view again.

My aunt returned shortly with a roll of black duct tape and tore off a small strip and sat on the edge of the table and taped my mouth shut then playfully ran her finger tips over the tape gag.

"There that should keep you quiet boy blunder!" she said in a playful tone.

She sat back on the couch and got her still lit cigarette from ashtray. She took a deep drag and let the smoke blow over me which I admit I loved and prompted me to tug at ropes and squirm some more and pretend to cough from her smoke. I mumbled thru the gag.

"Well Boy Wonder we have to decide what we are gonna do with you. Have to come up with a cool demise for you, a good way of disposing of you. You see how bad being a little snooper can be?"

I looked at her with wide eyes behind my mask. I knew she was kidding about getting rid of me and I played the part of the scared superhero.

Cathy whispered something again to my aunt. She smiled and told me Cathy suggested keeping me in their lair for a day or two to amuse them and have some fun tormenting me. I of course mmmph'd through the tape gag and tried to look defiant and distressed once again making them both laugh.

My aunt then announced she wanted to tie the "Boy Wonder up even tighter." She got up and grabbed some more the rope Cathy had brought in. She grabbed a long 12 - 15 ft length of thick black rope and started to snake it over my thighs and under the bottom of the coffee table several times before tying it off. Cathy just sat on the couch watching my aunt tie me tighter and finishing her cigarette. My aunt stepped back again to check me out then grabbed one more long length of rope and started to wrap it over my chest and around the coffee table tightly tying my chest to the big table. I was now totally helpless and could barely move. My aunt smiled and said, "There now you will never escape little Robin." "Holy Helpless!" chimed in her friend Cathy and they both giggled. All I could do is pretend to look angry and glare at my aunt then turn and look over at her Friend.

"Time to find out how much the little caped snooper here knows about our operation.", announced my aunt in a mock serious tone. She sat down beside me and peeled off my tape gag.

My aunt then went and grabbed a feather duster from a closet and laid it on table and knelt down at end of table and pulled my little green boots off. I struggled to look down my chest to see what she was doing but then realized what she had in mind. I gulped loudly again. I had very sensitive feet and was only place where I was really ticklish! She looked up at me and grinned.

"Gonna tell us what ya know Robin or are we gonna have to torture you?" she said in a slow, drawn out sexy villainess voice.

I just swallowed hard and lay my head back down with an audiable "thump" on glass table. My aunt laughed and slowly started to rub the bottom of my feet with big feather duster making them twitch. I surpressed a laugh and bit my lip. But then she started to shove the duster between my toes. Cathy sat watching. Looking very amused.

"C'mon Boy Wonder. Make it easy on yourself and tell us how much you and Batman know about our criminal operation" she stated in a kinda of a flat voice as she lit another cigarette.

"Yes Robin", my aunt stood up so she could see my face while still rubbing my feet harder with duster, "Talk Boy Blunder!" (sounding more stern now like Cathy)

I did my best to resist my aunt's tickle torture but was soon laughing so hard I was tearing up. She started to shove the duster between my toes making me scream with laughter even more and I was now gasping for breath when she suddenly stopped and glanced at her watch. She informed me that she had promised to have me home for dinner and nodded at Cathy and they together started the long task of untying me. I was grateful to escape the ticklish torture but very disappointed that my tie up fantasy was coming to an end.

After I had reluctantly changed back into my jeans and t-shirt and was being driven home by my aunt she suddenly turned to me and told me she hoped she never caught the Boy Wonder snooping around again or he would face a worse fate the next time. She said that with a wicked smile on her face and I smiled back.

This would be my first of many tie up perils as the Boy Wonder I enjoyed with my aunt her friend Cathy and some other friends of hers and will post more in the future. Thanks for taking the time to read this one.


Boywonder's stories
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Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

I absolutely love this story. Barefoot hands, and feet, of two older women. I hope he did write more.
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Holy cow! I remember these stories! Boywonder was legendary as the victim at the hands of his aunt!

Great find! I know there are more out there. I am going to see if I have any of his stories.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Mommy's Naughty Boy wrote: 3 years ago Holy cow! I remember these stories! Boywonder was legendary as the victim at the hands of his aunt!

Great find! I know there are more out there. I am going to see if I have any of his stories.
I’m archiving the stories chronologically. I’ll post his other stories soon.
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

This will be great!!
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