Camping Buddies (M/M) *NEW CHAPTER - OCT 25*

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Camping Buddies (M/M) *NEW CHAPTER - OCT 25*

Post by sock_gagged »

Camping Buddies
By sock_gagged
Chapter 1
Tom and Henry first met in the 7th grade. Tom and his mom had moved to Aurora, Illinois from the Ozarks after his dad had passed away. They had just settled in with his mom’s sister when the school year started and Tom found it quite the culture shock when he arrived on the first day of school. Growing up in the boondocks of southern Missouri hadn’t prepared him for a life in the upper middle class suburbs of Chicago. His new classmates had shown up in their trendy new back-to-school clothes and Tom couldn’t help but stick out in his worn, faded jeans, simple t-shirt, scuffed work boots, and dirty blond mullet. It also didn’t help that even at 13 years old, Tom was a gangly 6 foot with size 13 feet. All these differences between him and his new peers was like blood in the water for a middle school full of sharks. By the end of his first week Tom had been labelled “Hick,” “Hillbilly,” “Cletus”, and “Redneck.” Luckily his towering height and constant scowl had dissuaded any bully from taking physical action against him but the taunts still hit their target as intended.

On the Monday of his second week, Tom was sitting alone in the cafeteria and angrily eating a PB & J when someone approached his table. To his surprise it wasn’t one of his tormentors, but a smaller quiet boy who was in a couple of his classes. They stared at one another, each expecting the other to make a smartass remark, when the other boy asked, “Can I sit here?”

Tom almost told the twerp to buzz off but he hesitated. He gave the kid a quick look over. He was about 5 foot 6 and skinny as a reed with bright red hair, large expressive green eyes, and a constellation of freckles across his face. His clothes were nice but extremely nerdy - a button-up plaid shirt, tucked into nice freshly pressed jeans and simple sneakers. Tom guessed that before he had shown up, this kid had taken the brunt of the bullying from most of his current tormentors in the prior years.

“Sure,” Tom replied.

The redheaded boy’s face broke into a wide grin and plopped himself down into the seat across from Tom. He stuck out his hand and said, “I’m Henry.”

Suddenly for the first time since he had left Missouri, Tom was smiling too. He clasped Henry’s hand and replied, “Tom.”

That was all it took. Despite their immense differences in personality, from that point on the two boys became inseparable. Tom learned that Henry’s mom had passed away when he was a baby and his father was the town’s librarian who had raised him as a single parent. Henry had obtained a love for books from as early as he could remember and devoured volumes on subjects ranging from French history to at-home gardening. Once he got going on a subject there was almost no stopping the deluge of seemingly infinite random facts and trivia. In spite of himself, Tom found Henry’s incessant chattering amusing and became a regular patron at the library much to his mom’s amazement. Whenever Henry really got on a blabbering streak, Tom would simply clap his hand over Henry’s mouth and bring the subject to a close. By the time they graduated from middle school both Tom and Henry were at the top of their class.

In return Tom took on the task of turning Henry into a true outdoorsman. He taught him how to whittle figures out of blocks of wood, set traps for rabbits, identify birds by their call, the best lures to use when fishing, etc. He even tried to teach Henry how to wrassle like a country boy but it always ended with a grinning Tom sitting astride Henry’s chest in a schoolboy pin while he struggled and shouted curses from underneath. On warm Summer afternoons they’d hike to a secluded pond deep in the nearby woods and spend hours swimming and fishing, their barefeet dangling in the water. This part wasn’t Henry’s favorite though as Tom seemed to never change his calf length white socks and the sweaty, acrid scent of them always wafted from where he wadded and stuffed them inside his boots.

Freshman Year of high school both boys experienced major changes. After a rowdy session of wrestling (though it involved more Tom pinning Henry and tormenting him) Henry’s dad suggested Tom look into the wrestling team. And after watching Tom struggle to catch Henry when he had drawn a mustache on his face with a marker when he fell asleep watching TV, Tom’s mom suggested Henry tryout for the track team.

In a reversal of their middle school years, Tom and Henry found themselves slowly becoming two of the most popular guys in the entire school. Tom spent Freshman and Sophomore year bulking up and being trained by one of the best wrestling coaches in the state. Junior Year he won the state’s wrestling tournament in his division and by Senior Year he was being courted by the best college wrestling programs.

Henry grew another 4 inches, packed on lean muscle to his previously slim frame and was soon running circles around the rest of the track team. Junior and Senior Year he led the track team to their first victories in Cross Country and Relay Race. Suddenly, Henry had just as many offers from top colleges all across the country.

By spring semester Senior Year, Tom had committed to Penn State and Henry was heading to Stanford. Both had been excited to share their news with each other but after their initial celebrations they realized that soon they would be separated - starting new lives on opposite sides of the country without their best friend. It was a sobering realization and the young men suddenly felt awkward and hesitant around each other for the first time in their friendship. Henry felt sick and worried that Tom was starting to pull away in an attempt to ease their parting but he was surprised when a few days before Spring Break Tom surprised him with an announcement.

“We’re going camping!” cried Tom as he burst into Henry’s room.

“What? When?!” exclaimed Henry, laughing at his friend’s return to his usual energetic self.

“We’re heading out Friday after school, just you and me. I’ve got the tent and supplies already squared away,” Tom boasted. “I’m finally going to get you down to the Ozarks and show you how a real country boy lives.”

Henry was thrilled and that Friday they set off first thing after school. Tom’s mom had lent him her car for the week and it was packed full of camping gear, fishing equipment, and enough food to feed a group of 7 for a week. Strangely there was also a duffel bag full of rope and duct tape and when Henry asked its purpose, Tom winked and said, “For climbing and emergencies.”

The 18 year old boys talked and joked throughout the car ride as they travelled south into the deep rich forests of Missouri, each unaware of how their lives would change in the coming week…


This is my first attempt at writing a story so please let me know what you enjoy so far and any recommendations for improvement. I love a good backstory so hope you guys stick with me as there will definitely be more TUG action ahead ;)
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Post by Volobond »

An absolutely adorable beginning! It's fun to see how these two became the best of friends - and a little bit of kinky foreshadowing with how Tom likes to cover Henry's mouth, hmm?

I'll be here looking forward to the next installment! And it's great to see someone breaking into the writing side of this site with such aplomb! :D

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Post by RopedBud »

I'm definitely curious to see where this goes! Can't wait for the next chapter!
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Post by cj2125 »

So far like how you introduced us to Tom and Henry's friendship. I'm interested in seeing what'll happened next
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Post by bondagefreak »

For "climbing and emergencies" indeed...

Well done [mention]sock_gagged[/mention]! And welcome to the awesome world of TUG writers!
I can't wait to see what you have in mind for these guys and their upcoming camping trip.

A smelly socked wrestler and an athletic track team runner.
Awesome combo, mate!

Can't wait to see the rope and tape come into play.
Nothing mixes better than camping and smelly socks 8-)

Anxiously awaiting the next part.
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Post by Socksbound »

Firstly congrats on joining the TUG writers group.

Great start, really interesting introductions that set the story up to be a great read.

‘For climbing and emergencies’ yeah right...

Looking forward to seeing how the camping trip unfolds.
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Post by Boundcurious »

What an excellent entrance, they’re so sweet! And I’m looking forward to what comes next. Covering his mouth to end conversation indeed :D
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Post by sock_gagged »

Thanks for all the reviews! Was excellent incentive for me to finish the next chapter ahead of schedule.

Chapter 2

Tom and Henry arrived at the campsite Saturday morning after spending a cramped night sleeping in the car. Henry was amazed by the endless trees and beautiful lakes they passed as they entered the Ozarks. He and Tom had gone camping before but had always been near large towns or tourist attractions. Out here they were truly on their own.

They parked the car in a lot and started on a dirt trail into the woods. The air was warm and humid and with their heavy backpacks and camping gear it wasn’t long before both boys were soaked with sweat. Tom took off his shirt and tucked it into his shorts. Henry couldn’t help but notice his strong muscular arms and shoulders as he led them further along the trail. After about an hour of hiking they came upon a small, grassy clearing hidden amongst the trees.

“This is the perfect spot, we’ll set up camp here,” Tom declared.

“Finally,” complained Henry. “We’ve been walking forever and you packed too much crap.”

“Are you whining already?” Tom laughed. “We’ve still got a whole week ahead of us. Don’t go wussing out on me now.”

Henry muttered something under his breath and Tom flashed him a cocky grin as they set the supplies down and began setting up the campsite. Once they finished, Tom suggested they go check out the lake.

“How far away is it?” asked Henry.

“About 3 miles,” said Tom as he turned towards the trail.

“What?!!,” cried Henry. “We couldn’t have set up camp a little closer?”

Tom turned back and crossed his arms, frowning at Henry. “You know for someone who was supposedly excited about this trip you’ve been doing nothing but complain.”

Henry flushed and was about to apologize but Tom kept talking. “In fact, I don’t think you’re being very appreciative of the time we have left together. Maybe you should take this time to relax and really learn to enjoy my company,” he said with a slowly spreading grin.

Henry was well aware of that look on Tom’s face after years of friendship and immediately spun around and broke into a run as Tom suddenly lunged forward trying to grab him. Henry had never been able to beat Tom at wrestling but he could certainly outrun him. He dashed through the trees and began weaving through the woods as he heard Tom barreling through behind him. Despite his achievements as a runner, Henry was already tired from the long hike of carrying the supplies and knew he wouldn’t be able to keep ahead of Tom indefinitely. He darted behind a collection of thick tree trunks and when Tom ran past without seeing him, he doubled back to the campsite.

Henry chuckled to himself as he strode back into the camp clearing. Tom would probably spend the next fifteen minutes running in circles and by the time he made it back he’d be too exhausted to be any threat. For a moment, Henry worried that Tom wouldn’t stop running deeper into the forest and would get lost. However Tom had grown up out here and probably still knew the area better than any -


Henry pitched forward with a startled yelp as Tom and his 185lbs of pure muscle tackled him from behind. The two boys rolled through the grass with Tom ending up on top of Henry’s back. Henry immediately tried to slither out from underneath but Tom slipped his arms under Henry’s armpits and locked his hands behind his head effectively trapping his upper body.

Henry wheezed as his friend’s pinned him with his entire body weight. The ripe, musky scent from Tom’s sweaty unshowered body and pits overwhelmed Henry as he wriggled helplessly underneath.

“You tried that loop back move last time I had to whoop your butt after you snuck blue food coloring into my shampoo, you little twerp,” Tom said laughing at his friend. “I figured you would pull the same crap at some point this week, so I made sure to come prepared.”

With that Tom released one of his hands from Henry’s head and grabbed his sweat soaked shirt that still hung from his shorts. He placed his knee into Henry’s back, grabbed his arms and quickly tied Henry’s wrists tight together behind his back with the shirt.

Henry was shocked. All the times they had wrestled in the past, Tom had never gone so far as to tie him up.

Tom jumped to his feet and pulled Henry up with him, quickly placing him into a headlock with his face firmly pressed into Tom’s sweat soaked hairy pit. Henry screamed into the armpit as his nose and mouth were assaulted with the ripe, unfiltered musk of Tom.

“Have a good whiff my man!” taunted Tom. “I haven’t showered since the night before we left and I’ve worked up quite a bit of sweat and stink already.”

Henry tried to plead for mercy but his face was pressed so firmly inside the rank armpit all that came out was a muffled “MMMMPHHH!!!”

“Ha! You love it! In fact I’ve got quite a bit more in store for you. You’ve given me quite a bit of grief over the years with your pranks and that mouth of yours. So I figured some well deserved revenge would be a great bonding experience,” said Tom as he pulled Henry over to where they had left their bags. With his free arm he opened up the duffle bag from earlier and dumped out the rope and duct tape from earlier.

Henry’s eyes went wide as he peeked through the headlock and saw the gear laid out in front of them. It dawned on him at once - there was never going to be any climbing. Instead Tom was going to tie him up! A whimper escaped through his smothered mouth and Tom smiled even wider. There was going to be no escape…
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]sock_gagged[/mention] that was awesome love the buildup really excited to see the twerp bound and the mercy of Tom. Sounds like he’s got loads of things planned for Henry. Can’t wait to find out what it is.
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Post by cj2125 »

Love it! Had fun seeing Henry trying to outsmart Tom, now that he is at his mercy I'm lookign forwards the see what Tom has planned!
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Post by Boundcurious »

I hoped for a well written continuation and you delivered 😊 I do like a good smothered mouth!
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Loving this!!! Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
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Post by Volobond »

Nice capture - poor Henry too late understanding the true use of the rope!

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Post by Tsuhaya »

I'm really enjoying the direction this story is taking, keep up the good work.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Great story.
I love the idea of being tied with a shirt.
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Post by socjuc »

Ummmm Love it from the get go! Great descriptions throughout to get the reader i wonder if all that reading in the library influenced Tom leading to the tie up of Henry :lol:
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Post by sock_gagged »

In honor of my birthday, my gift to you all is my favorite chapter yet. Enjoy!

Chapter 3

Henry’s struggling became more intense after seeing the rope and duct tape Tom had dumped out of the duffel bag. He now realized that there was never any intention of climbing and that Tom was about to tie him up for who knew how long. He tried to plead with Tom but with his face still trapped in Tom’s sweaty armpit, all he got was another inhalation of his noxious body odor.

Henry had always made fun of Tom’s innate ability to pour out sweat and work up a stink within hours after a shower. Now with his face stuck in one of the ripest parts of Tom’s body after days without a shower and hours of hiking, he was convinced he’d never get the strong unfiltered musk out of his nostrils.

Suddenly Tom released Henry’s head and swept his leg behind his knees, dropping him to the ground flat on his back. Tom quickly rolled him over and pinned his size 13 booted foot on Henry’s back before he could wriggle away.

“Alright you’ve made your point!” gasped Henry as Tom pressed him down into the ground, “Get off me and we can go to the lake like you plann- MMMPHHH!”

Henry’s protests were cut off as Tom clamped his large strong hand over his mouth. Tom leaned down and smiled at the wide-eyed Henry whose muffled pleadings vibrated into his sweaty palm.

“Sorry buddy, but it’s far too late for that. If I were you, I’d think about being a little less mouthy and quit moving around or this could get a whole lot worse for you,” Tom said cheerily as he playfully ruffled Henry’s ginger hair.

Henry was only able to give a small moan of consent and satisfied that his captive wouldn’t fight him through the next part, Tom released Henry’s face and quickly went to work with the rope. He took the first piece and wound it tightly around Henry’s wrists just below the makeshift knotted t-shirt. Tom’s fingers moved quickly and efficiently as he bound his friend’s hands together in a simple yet secure knot. Satisfied that Henry wouldn’t be able to slip free, Tom removed his sweaty t-shirt from his wrists and tossed it aside. He moved down to Henry’s feet, removing his hiking boots and sweaty white crew socks, before repeating the process of binding his ankles tightly together.

Henry was surprised at how quickly and securely Tom had managed to tie him up. Guessing at his friend’s astonishment, Tom said, “In case your wondering, I learned this handy skill from a book I got at the library on sailing knots. You were right, ‘The Library really is an excellent place to better yourself.’”

Henry was about to shoot back a withering retort when he suddenly gasped as Tom slipped the third piece of rope between his bound hands and feet and pulled it tight. Henry’s feet were pulled off the ground and towards his hands, while Tom put the finishing touches on the knot holding the strict hogtie all together.

Satisfied that Henry wouldn’t be getting free anytime soon, Tom stood up and took a step back to admire his handiwork. He burst into another cocky grin as he saw his troublesome friend in all his glory - laying chest down in the grass, his hands pulled behind his back and soft, sweaty, pink size 10 soles of his feet in the air as he glared upwards at Tom.

“Cheer up!” Tom jeered down at Henry, “We’re finally going to take it easy and relax like you wanted.”

“Not what I had in mind,” muttered Henry as he struggled to keep his face out of the dirt and grass.

“In fact,” continued Tom, an evil glint flashing from his eyes, “I think I’ll kick back and relax with you.”

Tom sat down in front of Henry’s prone body and begun calmly unlacing his boots.

Immediately Henry began to panic and started violently struggling against the ropes binding him together. “No no no no! Dude do not take those boots off! Tom, I’m serious!” he begged.

Unsurprisingly Tom ignored him and proceeded to slip his hiking boots off, revealing the sweatiest, smelliest, most revolting socks Henry had ever seen.

Tom was known for always wearing the same brand of white athletic crew socks wherever he went. It wasn’t uncommon for him to wear the same pair to school, to wrestling practice, and for long hikes with Henry. In fact, Tom would go days wearing the same pair of socks without ever changing or washing them. He seemed to take pride in how sweat-soaked and stinking he could get them. He liked to say it gave him an added advantage when wrestling as his opponents would get overwhelmed by the cheesy, vinegary scent that wafted from his wrestling boots and help him secure an easy pin.

Henry had always known that Tom had the worst socks of anyone he’d ever met but this pair was unlike anything he’d seen before. The once white socks were now a dingy grey from constant wear, the once dry fabric was completely soaked through with sweat, and the buildup of sweat stains and foot gunk on the soles had formed a perfect outline of the large, size 13 feet they covered.

“Oh good,” Tom said with obvious relish as he watched Henry’s jaw drop in horror at his socks, “I’m glad you’re fully appreciating these bad boys. I’ve been working on them for over two weeks now just for you. That’s two weeks of wrestling practice, gym workouts, helping my mom clean out the garage, and now a long hike. They should be just about perfect now, what do you think?”

With that, Tom stuck both his feet forward and pressed them into Henry’s face. The instant the socks touched him, the sweat soaked material molded over his entire face like a wet sponge, squeezing out vile foot juice into his nose and mouth. Henry screamed into the hell that was Tom’s feet and tried to roll away but found he had no way to maneuver in the tight hogtie. Tom responded by flexing his socked toes in Henry’s forehead and placing soft but constant pressure into his friend’s face.

“Oh yeah,” said Tom cheerfully, “This is going to be our best trip yet.”
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Post by socjuc »

[mention]sock_gagged[/mention] Happy Birthday dude! Excellent continuation....Exactly what I hoped Tom would do to Henry! :lol: I hope Tom has plenty of things he picked up at the library that he may be dying to try out on someone :mrgreen:
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]sock_gagged[/mention] im working on that birthday present we discussed as we speak will be a ripper present for next year :lol:

As for the story this is perfect. I do want to be in Henry’s position right now. Tom’s socks sound vile and I bet Henry will not enjoy what Tom has planned. This is going to be the best camping trip ever. :D :twisted: ;)
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Loving where this story is going!! Henry being hogtied and barefoot, forced to smell Tom's smelly socks...I wonder where those socks will end up ;) ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Like I once mentioned to [mention]Volobond[/mention], [mention]Socksbound[/mention] and [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention], I think we're gonna have to assemble all the Doms in our M/M stories and grade them on that sock smell-o-meter I have going.

From the looks of it, it sounds as though Tom's stinkers would rate pretty high up there!
I'd love to see the likes of Tom's socks, pitted against Arden's, Jake's, Will's, Ryan's, Shawn's, Zack's...etc

In any case, fantastic writing my friend.
I've already wished you a happy BDay by PM, but I'll say it again.
Happy Birthday, bro ;)

I do have one problem, or should I say, one critique that I need to point out.
Your writing is great and the characters are superb, but in all honesty...I think Henry's being too noisy.
That needs to be fixed, lest his annoying complains attract wild animals and whatnot 8-)

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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]SockGagged[/mention] OMG . That story is so hot so far . The armpit sniffing and the sock chewing . So hot .
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Post by sock_gagged »

Thanks for all the reviews and kind words! I didn't realize how much fun it could be actually writing a story. I've finally gotten around to starting the fourth chapter and hope to have it posted in the next few days.
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

What a great story!

Welcome as a writer [mention]SockGagged[/mention] - really a great first attempt!

I especially like how you took a whole chapter of explaining how these two guys crossed ways and what the background is.
Excellent work. Can't wait to see those bad stinkers of Tom in action again!
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Post by sock_gagged »

Chapter 4

Henry couldn’t believe his current predicament. He had been expecting a week of hiking, swimming, campfires, and bonding with his best friend. Instead, he had been chased, tackled, and trussed up within moments of setting up camp. Now he was choking on the sweaty, stinky fumes of Tom’s giant size 13 socked feet as he pressed them into his face.

“Man my feet were killing me,” sighed Tom happily, “It’s good of you to help a buddy out and provide a massage.”

“A-mmmmph- massage?!!” Henry sputtered as Tom continued to knead his sweaty socked feet into his face. “This -mmmph- qualifies as - ughh - cruel and unusual punishment!”

“Oh come on,” laughed Tom, “It’s just a good old fashioned stink facin’! Back when I used to live out here, I’d go on long hikes with my buds. Whoever was the slowest or biggest whiner would get jumped and hogtied. And the boy with the stinkiest socks would get the honor of providing the ‘fragrance.’ I don’t mean to brag but I was almost always the one who got to give the stink face with these bad boys. Haven’t done this since I moved and forgot how fun it is.”

As he spoke, Tom began pressing more firmly into Henry’s face. He pushed the heel of his right socked foot firmly against Henry’s lips and Henry gagged as his mouth was wedged open and the salty-foul wet material of the sock made contact with his tongue.

“That’s right buddy,” Tom said, “Get a taste of those nasty sock- OWWWW!!!”

Tom let out a loud yelp as Henry suddenly bit down on the plump sweaty heel that had been shoved into his mouth. Tom pulled his feet back from Henry’s face and looked in astonishment at his captive friend who smiled back at him with satisfaction.

“You bit me?!!” said Tom, sounding more shocked than angry.

“What did you expect me to do with those nasty stinkers in my fa- MMMPHH.” Henry had started to retort but was cut off mid-sentence as Tom leaned forward and clapped his strong sweaty hand over his mouth.

Tom brought his face within inches of Henry’s and to his surprise, he saw that Tom was smiling again.

“Oh man, you’re really in for it now. I was inclined to go easy on you and even considered letting you out after a good sniff session,” said Tom “But since you’ve decided to continue being a brat, I think it’s time you got better acquainted with my socks.”

Tom released his handgag and began peeling off the sweaty, stinkin socks that had been shoved in Henry’s face moments before. The first sock was peeled off and revealed a large, size 13 foot glistening in sweat. Tom then turned the sock inside out - revealing the dark gray, soggy, sweat-soaked interior of what had been a clean white sock weeks ago.

“Wow, these are actually really disgusting. No wonder the guys on the wrestling team never want to practice with me,” said Tom taking a whiff of his sock and making a disgusted face, “I mean, they really stink. I’ll bet they taste even worse.”

With that, he suddenly shoved the balled up sweat sock forward into Henry’s face. Henry tried twisting his head but couldn’t avoid the damp, rancid material as it pressed firmly against his nose and lips. He clamped his lips together as he felt Tom try to shove it into his mouth.

“Uh-uh, no fighting me on this,” taunted Tom. “Time to take your medicine.”

Tom took his other hand and pinched Henry’s nose closed. Henry held his breath for almost an entire minute before the need for air overwhelmed him and his mouth opened wide to gasp. The second his lips parted Tom began stuffing the foul sock completely into Henry’s mouth.

Henry’s face twisted up in disgust as the acrid, cheesy, vinegary taste of the sock assaulted his tastebuds. The sock had lost none of its sweaty moisture during the airing out on his face and sweat squeezed from the material into his mouth.

“MMMMPPPPPHHH!!” Henry screamed into the sock.

“That’s right! I know you love it,” chuckled Tom, “Let’s not forget the other one.”

Tom put his hand back over Henry’s mouth, keeping him from spitting out the sock as he peeled off the second one. He repeated the process of turning the sock inside out before carefully stuffing it into Henry’s mouth as well. When he was finished he saw Henry’s face - red and sweaty with embarrassment and cheeks bulging out. Only a small end piece of one of the socks stuck out comically from between his lips.

“Honestly buddy, I don’t think you’ve ever looked better,” said Tom cockily as he playfully patted Henry’s cheek several times.

Henry could only mumble a series of unintelligible curses through his severely stuffed mouth. The socks completely filled his mouth and despite his best efforts, he couldn’t dislodge them.

“What? Trying to spit my socks out already?” cried Tom in mock admonishment. “You need more time to really savor them.”

With a flourish, Tom revealed the silver duct tape from behind his back and pulled a wide strip from the roll. Henry’s eyes went even wider and he couldn’t help but whimper into the nasty socks. Somehow things were about to get even worse for him…
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