The Son She Never Had (F/M) (On Hiatus)

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The Son She Never Had (F/M) (On Hiatus)

Post by banshee »

Edit: This story is on a hiatus, I don't really feel like continuing it, or at least not at the same rate I used to do it. I'm extremely sorry for all of the readers who liked the story but I can't keep it going and have it be of the quality you deserve.

Part 1: Welcome Home

Damon opened the gym’s door and was struck by the cold wind of the winter night, he had quite long walk ahead since he was going to his father’s house which after he moved that should be a whole neighborhood away from where he was, but he liked walking and he could stand the cold.

As Damon walked through the dark streets of the city he thought about his life as of lately, it was that or counting his steps since his phone was out of battery. Of course the first thing he thought about was how tired he was, not only had he just come out of the gym but he also had a full day of school that same day, thankfully it was Friday so he’ll have weekend to rest.

But more than resting Damon wanted to see his father, ever since he and his mother broke up he had seen him less and less and he didn’t liked that. His father was a busy man that rarely had time for him, he spent a lot time in business trips and that was partly why he and his mother ended up divorcing, thankfully he had his word this time that this weekend he’ll be at his new home, probably alone. “Probably alone” that didn’t sat quite right with Damon, the thing is, unlike his mother, his father had engaged again and with quite a woman for the matter.

Damon’s father had engaged with a woman near her 50s by the name of Catherine, who on the surface was a smart and successful woman with a prestigious carrier as a lawyer, she was a widow and from what she and her father had told him she had daughter of about his age that he hadn’t gotten to know. She seemed perfect for his dad, but it wast how well fitted for his dad she was that bothered him, it was how fitted she was for him.

He had been with Catherine sometimes, maybe more than with his father, and she always seemed... weird. The way Catherine looked at Damon made him feel strange, like if he was prey being stalked by a predator in plain sight, sometimes he recalled having her touching his legs underneath the table when they were having dinner, or giving a poke to his ribs by surprise to tickle him not to mention the very long, drawn out and uncomfortable welcome hugs and kisses.

But that being said, Damon had to admit something and it was that his dad was either the luckiest man on the planet or the reincarnation of casanova. Catherine was the most beautiful woman of her age Damon had ever seen, she was tall, slender, kept an almost unspoiled pale skin and pitch black short hair and had skill for makeup that most girls his age would pay for.

That being said Damon was unable to look at Catherine in any other way that wasn’t as “His father’s weird but hot partner” not only was she literal years ahead of him, enough to be his mother, but currently Damon had eyes for only woman, his girlfriend.

Ever since Damon had started exercising and took some healthier habits he had gotten quite more attention from the opposite gender and he couldn’t help but get it. As a not so straight man Damon could see how his body was becoming more attractive, his pale skin had gotten softer, his shoulder long blonde hair was no longer greasy nor messy and his body had gone from squishy and bony to toned and slim, he even felt taller since last time he saw his father.

But to his girlfriend, after Damon had a not so happy break up with a girl that wasn’t very good for him he had found found his new girlfriend, he felt happier than ever with her and that was part of why he wanted to see his father, to let him see that he was no longer the sad shy dude he used to be.

When Damon finished his daydreaming, reflection and over-thinking he already stood in front of the house his father had told him to go and he was gratefully surprised. Until now his father had lived in a small apartment, it wasn’t like he could afford something bigger but he had no reason to since he lived alone but the house Damon stood before now was a mansion to his standards, two stories and apparently an attic, all in the middle of a well kept garden.

Damon made his way through the front yard awkwardly, he had started to doubt whether this house was actually the one his father meant and he still would feel embarrassed if it turned out that this was not the house and he had to do the explaining to some stranger.
Damon ringed the doorbell and a familiar face opened the door, it wasn’t his father but Catherine.

- Hello there - Catherine greeted.

- Hello - Damon replied awkwardly, he wasn’t expecting to be received by her.

- Come in, it’s freezing out here - Catherine made space for Damon to get in.

Damon entered the house and looked around the living room he was in, the house was as impressive on the inside as on the outside. Catherine sneaked behind Damon and almost hugged him but he moved away and avoided her.

- I’m pretty sweaty - Damon excused himself - I should shower before any hugs.

- Uh - Catherine overacted disappointment - Don’t worry dear, I’ll take you to the bathroom and you can shower.

Catherine lead Damon through the house’s corridors to the bathroom, Damon remained astonished to the luxury of the house, he knew his father had money, especially because of how much went to his mother but he didn’t knew he had this many, and he had no idea how much Catherine had.

- Leave your dirty clothes in the basket, I’ll get you some clean ones - Said Catherine.

- Thanks.

Catherine then left the room and Damon was left on his own, he undressed and got al glimpse of his body in the mirror, he hated to boast but he knew he looked good. The hot shower was very welcomed by Damon after his long walk in the cold night.

Damon heard Catherine entering the room and leaving some clothes for him, even though the shower’s bulkhead and the steam which made his vision somewhat blurry he managed to see Catherine looking at him through the bulkhead, it was uncomfortable, but he remained silent until she left.

Damon got out of the shower feeling renewed, he dried himself up and then dressed in what Catherine had brought him, it seemed like they were doing something tonight since she hadn’t brought him his home clothes but a pair of dark tight jeans, a red t-shirt and a green jacket.
When Damon was dressed he went back to the living room where he found Catherine sitting on a couch with her legs crossed drinking tea. Catherine was dressed casually in but appealingly, she had put on a modest black dress and had a white furry coat on her, probably because of the cold Damon thought, although inside the house the temperature was quite comfortable. The way she was sitting made it possible to see her beautiful legs clad in dark pantyhose, hard for Damon, or any straight man for that matter, not look at.

Damon sat on the bigger sofa by Catherine.

- Good to see you again - Said Catherine - Do you liked the clothes I picked for you?

- Yes - Damon replied - Are we doing anything tonight?

- Your dad is going to take us to a restaurant - Said Catherine as she sipped her drink - It is his way of welcoming you.

- Cool... - Damon wasn’t sure of what to reply.

- Tea? - Catherine offered

- Sure.

Catherine poured red tea on a small cup and extended it to Damon, it was hot but he drank it anyway.

- By the way - Damon took a sip at his drink - Where is he?

- Oh, he took some extra hours at his job to get the weekend off - Catherine took the last sip from the tea and laid the cup on the table - He’s eager to spend time with you you know?

Damon blushed, not out of shame but out of happiness, it felt good to know that his dad was doing so much for him.

- I’ll go to do something upstairs - Said Catherine as she got up - Your dad will be back in an hour or so, so don’t get impatient.

Damon finished his drink and was ready to get up and find a plug to charge his dead phone but he felt tired, too tired to even get up, it was strange because a few minutes ago he felt completely fine but now even getting up was an exhausting task.

Damon looked at his hands since he had stopped to feel them and realized how blurry his vision was, it was like putting on a myopic’s lenses, before Damon could try anything or call for Catherine he fell soundly asleep on the couch.

It took some time for Damon to wake up from his sleep, he was very confused. His head ached, his mouth was dry and he wasn’t laying on the couch where he remembered to fall asleep in and as his vision became clear to him that he wasn’t even in the living room. He seemed to be in a low ceiling room, it seem unkempt, dusty and messy, boxes and furniture covered in dusty old blankets were spread around the coroners of the room, there was also a window but Damon had no angle to see through it. The little light that came through the window was what let Damon see his situation, the light was dim and yellowish so Damon couldn’t get much detail about the place he was in.

Once his headache easened a bit he examined his situation further, he ceased to look around at where he was because it was already clear to him that this place was unknown to him, so he looked down at himself, he saw his body sitting on a wooden chair and... ropes were around his waist? Was he tied up?

Damon had little experience with being tied up outside of kids play, one could say he had a bit of a trauma because of some things her ex-girlfriend used pull on him that involved having him restrained.

There was only one way for the dizzy Damon to found out if he was tied up and it was to try to move and indeed he was tied up, probably more securely than ever. His hands were tightly tied behind his back and the chair’s, parallel to each other, and so were his ankles, to make matters worse both bindings were tied to each other underneath the chair so his feet weren’t even touching the ground and like he had seen he was tied to the chair with rope by his waist.

The first reaction of Damon once he found out he was tied up was to struggle and scream, his restraints allowed for some degree of struggling but hi found the later thing quite hard to do. Damon realized that he was gagged, something was filling his mouth, of course he tried to spit it but he found it impossible, turns out his mouth had been duct taped shut, he was effectively gagged.

Damon was freaking out, he didn’t knew where he was, he didn’t knew what had happened to him, he even didn’t knew who had done this to him, he didn’t have any enemies that he knew of, maybe his ex girlfriend but he recalled to be in his father’s house, how could anyone sneak up on him there without him noticing? He couldn’t comprehend how he could end up like this if he was alone in there. Maybe Catherine had done this to him? He asked himself, but as unlikely as he thought that to be it was much more desirable than being actually kidnapped, but even he who thought of Catherine as a weird woman doubted that she would do this to him.

Damon was forced to cease his struggles, they were tiring and he still hadn’t completely recovered from whatever had put him to sleep. Not only that but his struggles were completely futile, the knots were as secure and tight as they were when he woke up and and he had quickly realized that he had no way of reaching none of the knots that restrained him.

As Damon slowly regained his breath he became able to hear something over his heavy breathing, something hitting the floor and then footsteps. Damon became scared, he had no idea what was coming neither where it would come from, the room had no visible door but he was sure that the steps were approaching.

Before the unbelieving Damon a trapdoor in the floor opened and a very familiar figure entered the room, although he couldn't get any details of her he was already sure of who he was, and he didn’t knew whether to be relieved or worried.

This not so mysterious figure turned on the lights and Damon suspicions were instantly confirmed but that only lead to more and greater questions. This figure was like Damon expected Catherine, still dressed as he had last seen her, she was looking at him, with a smug smile on her face.

- You woke up - Said Catherine as she got by Damon - How wonderful.

Catherine caressed Damon’s face, moving his hair out of the way and running her hand through his duct taped cheek. Damon looked at Catherine, he was even more confused than before, she didn’t looked like another captive coming to rescue him, she looked like his captor.
Damon moved away his head to avoid Catherine’s touch, the woman seemed disappointed.

- There’s no point in resisting young man - Said Catherine - The sooner you accept that, the better, for both of us.

The idea of Catherine being his captor began to make sense in Damon’s head, why would she talk to him like that otherwise? And on top of that, she was the only one at the house at the moment he was knocked out and that tea she offered him was growing to become very suspicious in Damon’s mind. But he was still unbelieving, he knew Catherine was weird, especially when it came to him but this? This was something he didn’t even considered her capable of.

Damon thought about Catherine’s words and nodded in agreement, maybe it would be better to comply with her.

- Good - Said Catherine - Do you want me to ungag you?

Damon nodded again, being gagged was something his ex-girlfriend had taught him to hate not to mention that whatever was stuffed in his mouth had drained all of his saliva so his had a dry mouth.

Catherine grabbed one end of the duct tape.

- This may hurt - Catherine adverted.

Of course Damon wasn’t fond of being harmed but it wasn’t like he could avoid it nor resist to it.

Catherine then ripped out the silvery duct tape out of Damon’s face, as she adverted it did hurt but Damon could take it, he only grunted lowly in response to the pain. He spat out what was filling his mouth and saw a big sponge, dripping in saliva fall from his mouth to the floor.
Damon caught his breath, breathing only through his nose while struggling at full strength had made him miss that.

- Is that better? - Asked Catherine.

- What the fuck are you doing? - Asked Damon bluntly in response.

- Manners Damon manners! - Replied Catherine, ignoring his question.

- What do you mean manners? - Damon asked angrily - Where am I? Why am I tied up?

Catherine was quick to grab Damon by his checks and force him to look up to her, her grip was strong, stronger than he imagined her to be and definitively strong enough to prevent him from keeping talking.

- Listen young man, you’re the one tied up here - Said Catherine intimidatingly - So advice you to behave.

Damon was unable to talk but his look was still defiant and Catherine didn’t liked that one bit.

- Understood? - Catherine got her face very close to Damon’s.

Damon was still thinking what to do, he didn’t want to comply to Catherine’s intimidation but she was right in pointing out that he had no option so he swallowed his pride and once again nodded.

- Good - Replied Catherine.

Catherine violently released Damon’s face from her grip.

- Catherine... - Damon tried to draw his stepmother’s attention.

Catherine’s response was to once again get a hold of Damon’s face.

- Damon when you’re tied up you’re not allowed to speak, you’re not allowed to scream and you’re definitely not allowed to say my name - Catherine was even more intimidating than before - Understood?

Now Damon had gotten genuinely scared, he had never heard this voice coming from Catherine before and it was scaring him out. Having Catherine talk to him like that revived the long dead fear of being scolded by his mother that every child has and he dreaded it.

Damon nodded frantically, not wanting to keep seeing this side of Catherine.

- Oh sorry, did I scare you? - Catherine said as she released Damon from her grip.

Damon was to scared to reply.

- Sorry - Said Catherine as she began to pat Damon on the head - I forgot this is your first time.

Catherine grabbed something from atop a blanket covered box, it was water bottle.

- Are you thirsty Damon? - Asked Catherine - I think so, that gag I used on you makes people very thirsty.

Damon stopped himself right before he replied with a yes and limited himself to nod.

- Poor guy - Said Catherine - I’ll give you some water, just be careful, I don’t want you to get wet.

Catherine gave drink to Damon and he was very relieved about it, not only was he thirsty even before he arrived because of the exercise but the sponge that had been in his mouth for how long he didn’t knew didn’t helped one bit.

When Catherine took the bottle out of Damon’s mouth he gave a sigh of relief. He then saw Catherine bring a chair that stood against the rooms walls and put it front of him, Catherine cleaned the dust off the chair with her hand and sat on it, she now faced Damon eye to eye.

- You must have so many questions - Said Catherine after looking at Damon in silence for a whole minute.

Damon wasn’t sure about how to respond, his head was indeed filled with questions but he didn’t knew how much Catherine was willing to tell him. The only reply Damon gave was a shy nod.

- Don’t worry, I’ll answer them - Said Catherine - Well, the first thing you may be asking yourself is, why am I here?

She was right, Damon nodded again to reply.

- Remember that tea I gave you? - Said Catherine almost confirming Damon’s previous suspicions - It was drugged, don’t worry about it, it just makes you somewhat dizzy and sleepy, as you could tell - Catherine made a pause - You may also want to know why you’re tied up, and were gagged a few minutes ago, well you should know why, the fact that the first thing you did when you woke up was to struggle like a beast should tell you why I did that to you.

Damon almost had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from replying, of course he struggled, he woke up in a strange place after mysteriously falling asleep, what did his captor expect?

- And the most important question that I’m sure you want to ask, why did I do this to you? - Catherine asked rhetorically with overacted dramatics - Well you see Damon, grown women have hobbies too, and mine is to dominate and bound young guys like you, and I’ve been deprived of practicing it for too long.

Damon was surprised but some things started to make sense for him now, how her weirdness, her touching and tickling, the way she looked at him, it seemed everything was part of this “hobby” of hers.

- Oh don’t give me that look Damon - Said Catherine - I’m just having fun, I’ve never gone against you when you try to enjoy yourself - Catherine made a pause and got close to Damon’s ear - Even when I found you masturbating.

Chills went down Damon’s spine as he realized that that time he thought Catherine had seen him masturbating in his father’s apartment bathroom he didn’t just thought it, it actually happened.

Catherine went back to sit normally in her chair.

- So it’s only fair that you let me enjoy myself when I want to - Catherine made a pause and crouched a bit to get a closer look at her prisoner - And enjoy you.

Damon couldn’t believe his situation, it was the whole speech his ex girlfriend had given to him last year and remembering how that horrible relationship began was mortifying. The worst part about it was that now he wasn’t being dominated and bound by an equal, he was being bound and dominated by his stepmother.

- Now Damon - Catherine got Damon back to reality - When I snap my fingers you’ll be allowed to speak freely, something I rarely do so, so be thankful - She readied her fingers to snap - And of course, you’re not allowed to scream, do so and face the consequences.

Catherine snapped her fingers and Damon was quick to jump to action.

- What do you think you’re doing? - Asked Damon - My father will return and he will kill you if he sees what you’ve done with me.
- Dear your father is in a business trip - Catherine replied - He’s not coming anytime soon.

- But... He told me that - Damon said as anguish took over his, he had come to spend time with his father and ended up tied up by his stepmother.

- That was me on his phone - Said Catherine - But if you start being more compliant with my games I wont have to lie to you anymore.

- You can’t do this to me! - Said Damon angrily - I want to go home, untie me right now!

- You are in your home dear - Said Catherine as she caressed Damon’s face - And we have the whole weekend ahead of us, isn’t that wonderful?

- Hell no! - Damon shouted - You’re not gonna have me like this the whole weekend.

- Well I thought I would untie you to shower and eat but don’t try me Damon - Replied Catherine.

Damon began to struggle as he started to realize how bad his situation was, a whole weekend at the mercy of this woman was the worst type of weekend he could ask for. But as he struggled he once again realized how futile it was which only made him more desperate and the more desperate he got the more he struggled.

- Stop that Damon, you’re hurt yourself - Said Catherine.

- Please don’t do this to me - Damon’s tone was suddenly more scared as he realized that he wasn’t escaping.

- Damon you can’t deprive me of having fun while I can! - Catherine said as she grabbed Damon which ceased his struggles a bit - You see Damon, one day both of us will be too old for this, so it won’t be forever, don’t worry.

- Please please just... - Damon was genuinely scared and in despair, so much that he couldn’t finish his sentence - You don’t have to do this, I don’t get why...

- Didn’t I told you why I do this? - Asked Catherine in a serious tone.

- Ye... Yes - Catherine’s change in tone scared Damon enough to have him back down on his struggle and begging.

- I like to tie up and dominate young guys like you - Said Catherine.

- But why? - Asked Damon.

- You see Damon - Said Catherine - I’m into younger men but I don’t have the age to get along with them so I have to make do with men my age - Catherine made a pause - I wanted to have a son for this reason but sadly, I can’t have children anymore - Said Catherine as she rubbed her hand against her flat belly - So you Damon, you’re the son I never had - Catherine grabbed Damon by his thighs and squished them with force - So let me enjoy you while I can Damon, let me enjoy your youth.

The revelation left Damon as surprised as scared, this made every piece in the puzzle of her weirdness fit and the whole picture was even scarier that the parts on their own.

- I... I will tell this to my father - Said Damon as a last resource to be freed.

- No you wont - Said Catherine - I even dare to say that by Monday you’ll already miss me.

Damon was confused, was she implying that he would enjoy being her prisoner for the whole weekend? No way! He thought.

- I have to leave now Damon - Said Catherine as she got up from her chair - I’d like to be able to trust on you enough to left you ungagged while I’m out but sadly I can’t.

- You can! - Said Damon who didn’t wanted to be gagged again - I swear I wont scream, please don’t!

Catherine sighed, she knew that the fact that Damon had to plead only made him more likely to scream for help as soon as she left the room.
- I’m not falling for that Damon - Said Catherine as she grabbed a clean sponge from a pocket in her jacket - Open up, I’ll ungag you when I return.

Damon refused to obey, he closed his mouth shut and wouldn’t open it, being gagged was one of the things Damon hated the most and the gag that Catherine had used on him and was about to use again was even worse than the ones he had experience with.

Catherine didn’t like Damon’s resistance one bit and proceeded to grab his nose and then poke his ribs to get him to open his mouth for air. And so he did, Damon’s mouth was rapidly filled with a dry sponge and before he could even think about spitting it he heard the noise of duct tape being ripped and quickly enough taped to his mouth by Catherine.

Three rolls of silvery duct tape that ran almost from ear to hear sealed Damon’s mouth, it adhered to his face like glue and no matter how much he tried to move the sponge in his mouth he barely could do so.

- Goodbye Damon - Said Catherine as she walked away - If you need anything my daughter will arrive in an hour or so, she may see you through the cameras so try to signal something to her - She pointed at a discrete small camera in the ceiling.
Then Catherine turned off the light and closed the trapdoor behind her. Once again Damon was left alone in the darkness of this room, tied up and gagged.

Damon had already realized that struggling was of no use but he still tried, maybe to feel like he was doing something to resist more than to actually try something because he was slowly coming to terms that his restraints were unescapable.

Was this what awaited him for the whole weekend? Damon couldn’t stand the very idea of it, being tied up and gagged was probably one of the things he hated the most and being tied up and gagged at an unknown place by his strange stepmother.

If Damon had any hope right now would be in whoever Catherine daughter was, she surely can’t be okay with what his mother is doing to him he thought. But for now all he could do was wait until something happened, whatever that was.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 20 times in total.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Great start, and of course well written like always Banshee! Keep up the great work, and Im excited for the next chapter!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Fantastic start! Love mom/step mom stories! She can adopt me if she wants another son!
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Post by Red86 »

Poor Damon, something tells me Catherine's daughter won't be to surprised if she sees him nor is she likely to help him. Especially if Catherine is mentioning to try to get her daughters attention if he needs something.

Good start. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Wow! This story hopefully continues ASAP!
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Post by alkaid_ »


catherine is an amazing and also malevolent woman... the deserves keep Damon for a whole weekend like his captive.
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Post by banshee »

First thanks for all the feedback, I'm really glad to see that you're enjoying the story.

Chapter 2: Like Mother Like Daughter

Damon was left alone in the dark room, he couldn’t tell how much time had passed but every minute was excruciating, unable to do nothing about his situation he had to force himself to just stare at the walls but that got old quite quickly.

Of course he tried to struggle, he tugged and pulled the ropes with all the strength he had, but he kept getting surprised at how unescapable the restraints were. He was quite flexible for a man but he had no hope to reach the knot that restrained his wrists he didn’t even knew where it was, and the same went for his waist restraints and course his ankle restraint. Having his legs tied up was also a big deal in making his situation unescapable, if he was tied to a chair in any other manner he would at least try to move the chair and make it fall, but he had not hope of doing that with his feet hanging over the floor and attached to his wrists.

The more time Damon spent struggling against the ropes the more he realized that he had no chance at escaping. Damon had to cease his struggles from time to time because of how exhausting they were, with his gag making him thirstier every minute and only allowing him to breathe through his nose the exhaustion was pretty hard to recover from.

But Damon kept fighting, even when he knew that his chances of escaping were nearly nonexistent. Every time he stopped to catch his breath he ended up remembering his stepmother’s words, she lied to him about his dad, she kidnapped him and she’ll have him like this the whole weekend, and that reignited his rage and strength to fight back.

Even when his chances were as little as they could be he still fought with all he had, maybe not to actually escape but to do something about it, to at least feel like he wasn’t being subdued without giving a battle first, to signal that his domination wasn’t with his compliance, to feel like he still had some sort of agency in all of this.

Damon didn’t knew how much time it had passed when he decided to surrender, he was devastated and no illusion of fighting back would fix that, he thought that he had a chance at escaping, maybe a very little one but a chance nonetheless, but even that was out of his reach. He may had teared up a bit as he thought again and again of what awaited him and how little he could do about it at this point, but his anguish was cut off by the sound of someone walking downstairs.

The room he was in, which he was nearly sure was the attic, had pretty good noise isolation but some noise from downstairs could be heard although very lowly, but it wasn’t like Damon heard much noise apparat from his breath.

Damon was nearly convinced that it was }Catherine’s daughter, this got some hope to him although not much. The only thing Damon knew about Catherine’s daughter was that she was about his age, he had never seen her, not even in a picture, or talked to her.

The idea of “screaming” for help was tempting for Damon, although his gag muffled most of his screams he was sure that if he tried hard enough he could manage to make a noise loud enough to get to the house’s upper floor downstairs. But as tempting as the idea was the fact that he didn’t knew Catherine’s daughter one bit was really daunting, being found in what he considered the most humiliating of the situations was not something he was fond of.

The question was posed in Damon’s head, did he preferred to remain here until Catherine came back and did who knows what with him or try to ask for help to someone he didn't knew? It was a hard question and he could only rely on himself for an answer.

To Damon’s surprise he found that being tied up allowed him to think quite straightly, he didn’t have anything to distract himself with and for someone as spacey as him it allowed him to think in detail about both of the options he had. Maybe he was coping with the fact that he hated to be tied up but he had practically surrendered to it, but he couldn't deny that it had it’s “benefits”.

But eventually fate decided for Damon, he had become so familiar with the room that he instantly noticed when a little red light on the ceiling camera turned on. He knew that this meant that someone was looking through it, so whatever he wanted was probably about to become inconsequential.

The light turned off and Damon had a another period of darkness and silence, maybe Catherine’s daughter didn’t saw him somehow and wasn’t coming or maybe she got to scared and called for help. Damon thought about every possibility he could think of, even the most unlikely ones but his thinking was stopped by recognizable loud noise.

The noise of something hitting the floor, probably the attic’s stairs, followed by footsteps approaching signaled to him that someone was coming. Damon readied himself for whatever was coming but when tied up and gagged there was little preparation he could do for anything.

But no amount of preparation could prepare him for what happened, after the trapdoor was violently open he saw a familiar silhouette approaching, he told to himself that it couldn’t be her, that his luck couldn’t be so bad, but the distinctive voice of his ex girlfriend Chloe reached his ears and filled him with fear.

- You gotta be kidding me - She said as she entered the room - You can’t really be my stepbrother.

Damon’s ex turned on the light and Damon could get a clear picture of her, she was a tomboy-ish girl with shoulder long messy hair that still had some red spots from the time she dyed it when they were together, she looked maybe even fitter than the last time she saw her and she was decked in her winter sporting uniform.

- It has been some time hasn’t it? - She asked.

Damon was visibly shaking at her presence, he never expected to see her again, let alone becoming her stepbrother and being found tied up and gagged by her in his father’s house.

Chloe started to encircle Damon, she creeped her hand over his shoulder as she did, Damon did his best to avoid her touch but he could only do so much when tied to a chair.

- I see you’re still as much of a pussy as when we broke up Damon - She said as she sat in front of him.

- Mpgh - Damon moaned shyly under his gag in response.

- Uh!? - His ex got her face very close to Damon’s, the hadn’t been this close since last time they kissed - Speak up Damon! I can’t hear you!

Damon was to afraid even to moan again in response, he limited himself to look down and avoid looking at her eyes.

- Look at me when I’m talking you - She said as she grabbed Damon by his hair and forced him to look at her - Didn’t I taught you that?

She had indeed “taught” him that, she used to get really angry at Damon when he looked away when she wanted his attention and not obeying that got Damon tied up many times.

Damon nodded frantically in response, the pull on his hair by Chloe was painful and he feared her enough to plead and left all pride behind.

- I though so - Said Chloe as she let go of Damon’s head violently.

Chloe sat on the chair that was in front of Damon and looked at him with a sadistic smile on her face. Damon’s heart was pounding rapidly as tried to calm down and assimilate what was happening to him.

- Remember last time we were like this? - She asked as she leaned back on the chair - You tied to a chair and I being able to whatever I want with you.

Damon indeed remembered that time, it was one of the nails in the coffin of him breaking up with her.

- Doesn’t this brig back many memories? - Said Chloe.

It did, not so pleasant ones but it wasn’t like he could reply.

- How about we catch up? - Said Chloe - I’m sure you have a lot things to tell me... Like your girlfriend.

Damon was suddenly even more scared and nervous, he didn’t expected her to bring up his girlfriend and he had no idea what she wanted to with that.

- You seem so happy together... - Chloe made a pause - It’d be a shame if some pictures of the two of us reached to her.

Now Damon was getting not only scared but angry, Chloe was threatening not only him but also his relationship with his girlfriend and he wasn’t having it.

- Mpgh! - Damon tried to say something to his captor as he struggled.

- What is it Damon? - Asked Chloe teasingly - Angry? Good, you can’t do anything about it.

Damon’s struggles were again futile, but he kept struggling out of anger and to show Chloe that he’ll be no submissive prisoner again.

- Well that’s new, you barely dared to squirm last time I tied you up - Chloe chuckled, she found Damon’s struggles funny - Now Damon, how about I ungag you and you tell me a thing or two? I think you spent so much time gagged when we were together that I’ve forgot your voice!

Damon thought about Chloe’s proposition and it didn’t took him long to nod in agreement, talking to her was daunting but any minute he could spend ungagged would be welcomed.

Chloe ripped the tape from Damon’s face violently with little regard for how much pain it caused him. Damon contained his complaints, he knew that even a low grunt may earn him torture by Chloe so he limited himself to spit the sponge soaked in salive and took a deep breath through his mouth.

- Still a big complainer huh? - Said Chloe - It isn’t like you couldn’t breathe with that on.

Damon leaned back on his chair and assumed a right posture, he was trying to hide his fear but to also show at least some degree of defiance.

Chloe kicked of her shoes and rested her feet on Damon’s lap as she laid back on her chair. Her feet stank as much as one would expect to after hours of exercise.

- Anything you want to tell me Damon? - Asked Chloe - I may not show it, but I really missed you.

Damon wasn’t sure of what she wanted him to say, he was afraid it was some kind of trap and that she would flip out as soon as he said anything, so he remained silent.

- If you’re not talking I’m gagging you again - Said Chloe - I’ve no time for whatever you’re trying to do.

What do you want me to say? - Asked Damon, it seemed keeping quiet wouldn’t do it for him.

- I don’t know - Replied Chloe - Maybe how the fuck you ended up here like that.

- Your mother... - Said Damon.

- Damn she really went easy on you didn’t she? - Asked Chloe.

- Easy? I’ve been like this for hours! - Replied Damon, unbelieving on her words.

- Well that’s because she’s really good at tying people up - Replied Chloe - And because you couldn’t escape from shit even if you tried as hard as you could but that’s obvious.

As much as Damon would’ve liked to reply he knew it wasn’t the wisest of choice, it would get worse for him if he did so.

- How is she when she doesn’t go easy? - Asked Damon, he knew that maybe he didn’t wanted to know the answer but he had to keep talking.

- I think she prefers to show you herself - Replied Chloe - Tell me what she did to you to get you like that, and please don’t tell me she seduced you to tie you up.

- Of course not! - Replied Damon, he was angry at Chloe thinking that he’d fall for that - She drugged me, I feel asleep and I woke up here.

- Not my favourite of methods - Said Chloe - But hey, everyone has their preferences, I’m sure you remember mine.

- I do... - Replied Damon angrily - How can you be okay with your mother doing this to me?

- Well it’s not like I haven’t done this to you too so... - Said Chloe as she smiled - Maybe I’d defend you if you were still my boyfriend but you know...

- Are you trying to win me back? - Asked Damon in disbelief - After what you did to me you have no chance with that.

- I don’t need it - Replied Chloe - We’re step siblings now, we’ll spend a lot of time together.

She was right and he couldn’t take it, now every time he wanted to see his father he’ll have to be with her, it didn’t mattered if he wanted it to or not.

- And it would be kind of weird if we were dating don’t you think? - Said Chloe.

- What will you and your mother do with me? - Asked Damon seriously but worried about the answer.

- Well I don’t think my mom will be too harsh on you if you behave - Said Chloe - But don’t try her, she can be even worse than me.

Even worse than her? That was enough to scare Damon, he already thought that she had pushed he too far when she scolded him but knowing this and that she had gone “easy” on him was enough to have him in complete fear at Catherine.

- And you? - Asked Damon.

- Well you should already know - Replied Chloe - You may even remember some things I did to you.

- I do...

- Don’t ask stupid questions then - Said Catherine.

- You’ll be like that every time I’m with you? - Asked Damon.

- Probably - Replied Chloe with no shame - Tying you up and torturing you is just too much fun for me to ignore it.

- And what are you going to do with me now? - Asked Damon fearful of the answer.

- What? You’re horny or something? - Chloe replied teasingly.

Damon blushed in embarrassment at Chloe’s response, of course he didn’t found her, nor the situation he was in, appealing in any way but any justification he could give now would only make him sound worse, Chloe could even take them as he wanting to be played with by her, which he didn’t wanted.

- Oh you’re blushing! How cute - Chloe saying that only made Damon blush even more - Now before you blush to death let me answer you that question you have - Chloe leaned forward to get closer to Damon - I’m gonna take a shower, so I’ll have to leave you gagged, so I hope you don’t mind.

Damon gave no response.

- Its not like you can do anything about it - Said Chloe - Now do you remember my sock gags, I think you loved them.

- Please don’t do it - Damon was not afraid nor ashamed of plead for this, he remembered her sock gags and if could do anything to prevent being gagged with one he’ll do it.

- I like your begging Damon - Said Chloe as she took of her socks - But it wont do it for you this time.

Damon continued to plead but his words were met by laughter and mockery by Chloe who found it really funny and kind of cute when Damon pleaded thinking it would do something for him. Chloe finished taking off and balling up her socks and stood in front of Damon, leaning forward to be closer to his face.

- Enough of your begging Damon, open up - Said Chloe as she showed Damon the balled up socks.

Damon thought about resisting, he shut his mouth but he was afraid of resisting, maybe even more than of complying.

- Damon do you remember what happened last time you tried this? - Chloe said threateningly.

As much as he would like to forget it Damon remembered what had happened quite clearly and he wasn’t going to experience that again just to delay his fate a couple of seconds. So Damon opened wide and felt the socks being forced into his mouth, they barely fitted and one was half outside, he could already imagine how much pain in the jaw this would cause him.

Since the socks weren’t completely in his mouth and were on the verge of coming out Chloe had to be quick to tape them in place. Chloe was quite reckless with her use of tape, she encircled Damon’s face with the silvery material but was at least kind enough to move his hair out of the way.

- Be thankful I was careful enough not to tape over that hair of yours - Sad Chloe as she left the room - I’m sure your girlfriend loves it too.
Chloe turned off the lights and closed the trapdoor behind her, and once again, Damon was alone in the darkness.

Damon knew that it Chloe’s care with his hair was no coincidence nor an act of kindness, he knew that his hair was one of things Chloe liked the most about him so it was no coincidence that she had been careful with that.

Time went back to it’s slow course and Damon had to suck it up. His jaw was already beginning to hurt as he expected, but the fact that he knew that it’d happen didn’t make it any less painful. What Damon couldn’t bare was the smell and taste of the socks, he remembered that they stunk and tasted horrible but not this bad, although that may have to do with him spending more time without a sock gag on rather than with the smell of the socks getting worse.

His bonds were of course, still unescapable, Damon just stopped trying after one attempt he made a few minutes after Chloe left the room which made him realize that it wasn’t a very good idea. Although he still had some energy and nothing to do with it but struggle the effort made him breath heavily and the only air he could get was infested with the smell of the socks that protruded from the gag and grazed his nose. The graze of the socks on his nose had some other consequences, like making him sneeze and causing itching which he of course couldn’t get rid of while tied up like he was.

Damon could do nothing more than looking at the walls and ceiling and think about something to distract himself from his situation, but he couldn’t get much distraction when his mind was filled with the overbearing feelings that being tied up brought him. Somehow everything he could think of went back to him being tied up, Catherine and his new found stepsister, if he thought about something related with his friends he could only think of how good it’d have been to spend time with them if it wasn’t for the fact that he’ll spend all weekend tied up, if he thought about his girlfriend he thought not only about how he wouldn’t be even able to answer her messages if things kept going like this but importantly, about how Chloe was willing to threat his relationship with her.

Time slowly passed by and Damon managed to hear something downstairs, probably Chloe getting out of the shower since the noise of water running had stopped. Now Damon had to ready himself to whatever awaited him once Chloe returned.

The already recognizable noise of the attic’s stairs hitting the floor was heard by Damon and then the trapdoor was opened and the light turned on by Chloe who entered the room smiling smugly at Damon. She had changed her clothes and was now dressed in the old stretched clothes she slept in, her black hair was still wet and she still carried a towel on her shoulders.

- Ready to have some fun Damon? - Asked Chloe rhetorically since Damon couldn't even talk.

Chloe moved behind Damon, he tried to see what she was doing by looking at her over his shoulder but he couldn’t see much. It turned out that she was untying Damon, but not freeing him of anything.

- I’ll untie you from the chair but don’t try anything stupid once I do so, understood? - Said Chloe before undoing the knot that pinned Damon to the back of the chair.

- Mpgh - A very muffled moan and a nod was the closest that Damon could get to say yes.

Chloe then detached Damon’s wrist bindings from his ankle bindings, freeing his legs. Damon was eager to stretch his legs but he was too afraid to do anything that Chloe could take as him “not behaving” let alone stand up.

- Come on, stand up - Said Chloe before moving in front of Damon.

Damon obeyed and stood up with some difficulty brought by his ankle restraints and cramped leg muscles.

- Keep still now, I want to see if I can still do this - Said Chloe as she stretched out his arms exaggeratedly, like if she was getting ready to exercise.

And exercise she was about to do for she lifted Damon from the floor and carried him bridal style downstairs, it was quite an effort for her but she was a sucker for athletic efforts.

The feelings that being carried by Chloe gave Damon were weird at best and humiliating at worst. She used to do it to him when they were together and he never quite liked it, it felt like being treated like a child at best and an object at worst, in fact, one of the reasons Damon started exercising was because of how uncomfortable his girlfriend being stronger than him made him. Needles to say Damon was not only embarrassed at the treatment but suddenly intimidated by Chloe’s strength, he knew she was strong but it seemed like she had gotten stronger.

Chloe nearly threw Damon to the wooden floor when she got downstairs, it was easy to tell that it had been tiring for her but she had a big smile on her face.

- You’ve gained weight haven’t you? - Asked Chloe as she breathed heavily - Hope it’s all muscle, I’ve seen you at the gym so don’t disappoint me.

Chloe turned the attic’s light back off and putted the stairs back in place and now was looking down at the tied up Damon smugly with her hands on her hips.

- I hope you’re not expecting me to carry you everywhere - Said Chloe - Get up Damon!

Chloe poked Damon’s ribs with her foot which got quite a squirm out of him and some chuckles of of her. Damon had to obey Chloe’s orders as hard as they were, it turned out that getting up with his hands tied behind his back and his ankles bound together was quite hard but after many kind of painful squirms Damon managed to get up.

(Author’s note: I tried this myself to verify it was posible lol)

- Now hop behind me Damon, I’ll take you to my bedroom - Said Chloe as she started to walk away.

Damon hopped and hopped behind Chloe, he wasn’t dumb so he knew very well that this limited movement give him no chance of escaping at all so he just followed her lead. Damon was about to fall many times but managed to keep in balance, every time Chloe saw that she couldn't help but laugh.

After many exhausting hops that forced Damon to breath the smell of the socks he ended up in Chloe’s bedroom which looked exactly as he expected it to look, like a dude’s bedroom and not a clean dude’s, the bed was unmade and the two desktop chairs filled with dirty clothes, the desk itself filled with empty drink cans and the only thing that seemed clean was the computer. But those aspects weren’t what surprised Damon the most, what did surprise him were the many lengths of rope that were scattered around the floor and the too many rolls of duct tape that were on the desktop.

- Do you like it? - Asked Chloe - I hope so, because we’re going to spend a lot of time here.

Chloe took the clothes off one chair and tossed Damon on it, the wheels on the chair made it move until it was stopped by a wall. She was quick to grab a roll of duct tape and encircle Damon’s body with it by rolling the chair, effectively securing him to the chair.

- I’d like to go off on you and tie you to that chair like you can’t imagine but I want to do some things with you first - Said Chloe as she moved Damon’s chair near the desk.

Chloe sat on the other desktop chair and turned on the computer, Damon looked at her intrigued, he wondered what she was thinking and hoped for the best, even when he knew that whatever the best was would still involve him suffering to some degree.

- I want to show you something - Said Chloe when the computer finished turning on - You see Damon, when we were together we only scratched the surface of my kinks and fetishes so I was left wanting more.

Damon knew what she was talking about and he didn’t liked it one bit, to him she had gone quite far with her bondage stuff when she was her girlfriend, he could not fathom what she was talking about right now, especially when she referred to what she had tried on him as “scratching the surface”.

Chloe moved through folders on the computer’s archives until she arrived to a specific one, it was filled with pictures and she immediately opened the first one an looked at Damon as she waited for the picture to load.

Damon should have expected the picture’s contents, it was a drawing, a quite erotic one for the matter, of a man tied up to a post with his hands behind it and over his head, his torso tied to the post and his legs tied together in a permanently knelling position. The man was blindfolded and crouching in front of him was a voluptuous woman quite literally jerking him off.

- Like I told you that time, I’ve been into this for quite a long time so i have quite a collection of pictures like this - Said Chloe as she pointed at screed Damon was looking with fear at - I’ve always wanted to show them to you but I never got the chance when we were together, never thought I would get another one.

The picture got Damon looking in disbelief at his captor, did she really wanted to do that to him? He couldn’t believe it, she had tied him in similar ways in the past but that looked painful and... did she really wanted to do “that” to him?

- Don’t worry I won’t do “that” to you - Said Chloe as she rolled her eyes - That’s your girlfriend’s territory, but hey, maybe if she allows it.
Damon looked angrily at Chloe, he hated his girlfriend being brought up into question, especially by her and especially when he was tied up.
- Jeez I was just joking - Said Chloe - You act so stupid when I bring her up, makes me want to beat the shit out of you.

Chloe’s words calmed Damon down a bit, although he wasn’t fond of her jokes he would much rather have her joking about it than actually meaning it. And he didn’t brought into question the fact that she could give him quite a beating if she wanted to, especially if he was tied up.
- Look closely at these so you get some ideas of what I want to do with you.

Then Chloe started to pass through the pictures, they were all of various bondage scenes of both men and woman tied up by either men and woman, this didn’t really surprised Damon because he knew that previous to him Chloe had a girlfriend.

Damon looked bewildered at the pictures, most depicted scenes and postures in which he could not imagine being in and that got him quite afraid of how Chloe planned to get him in them.

Before Chloe could start to explain a picture in particular the sound of a car pulling up in front of the house was heard by both of them and Chloe closed the picture and files.

- Mom... - Chloe muttered.

Damon didn’t knew if Catherine coming back was good or bad for him, he didn’t wanted to spend any more time with Chloe but neither did he wanted to know what Catherine was going to do with him.

Chloe grabbed a pair of scissors from the desk and got them dangerously close to Damon’s face, scaring him immensely.

- Calm down - Said Chloe angrily - I’m just going to ungag you so stay still.

Damon obeyed and got as still as he could when he was shaking out of fear but true to her word Chloe ungagged him, cutting the strips of duct tape that run across his face and ripping them of violently.

Damon would have screamed in pain if it wasn’t for the socks in his mouth which he immediately spat after the tape was removed. Chloe kicked the balled socks under her bed as soon as they hit the floor.

- If you dare to tell my mother about the gag I’ll kill you - Threatened Chloe as she grabbed Damon by the neck.

Damon nodded in agreement out of fear, although he didn’t knew what would happen if he did tell Catherine about the gag he wasn’t going to run any risks, especially if Chloe was involved.

Damon and Chloe waited in awkward silence for Catherine to come and following the steps they heard outside the room the door opened and Catherine entered the room.

- Hello - Catherine greeted - Good to see you two “bonding”.
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Post by banshee »

Had to edit this because I posted chapter 2 twice by mistake
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Awesome continuation and great explanation of a backstory with a neat twist too! I really like it and can't wait to read more!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by scarfgagged »

Great story!
What's wrong with Damon????
I'd be sooo happy to be in his place!! lol
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by alkaid_ »


I'm really know what happened with Damon an Chloe when they were boyfriends...

What Chole did whit him???
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Post by banshee »

scarfgagged wrote: 3 years ago Great story!
What's wrong with Damon????
I'd be sooo happy to be in his place!! lol
Thanks! I just think it's more fun if he is unwilling.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 3: Family Dinner

- Hello mom - Said Chloe - You didn’t told me that he was my new stepbrother.

- Anything wrong with him? - Asked Catherine - I think you’re enjoying him quite a bit.

- It’s just that... - Chloe made a pause - Let’s say that we have kind of a history together.

Catherine then turned to Damon and inspected him carefully, after making sure his restraints were secure she ended up grabbing him by his face and looking at him in the eyes.

- How has he behaved? - Asked Catherine as she turned her look to Chloe.

- I’d say that pretty good - Replied Chloe.

Catherine then moved behind her daughter and grabbed her by her shoulders as she looked at Damon.

- And since you’re ungagged Damon - Said Catherine - Why don’t you tell me how she behaved?

Damon wasn’t ready for such question nor did he have any idea of what to respond, of course having him tied up and gagged most of the time they were together wasn’t his idea of behaving good but none of her captors seemed to care about that.

- I think... good? - Replied Damon awkwardly.

- So she didn’t pulled any of her tricks on you didn’t she? - Asked Catherine - No disgusting gag, no punching, nothing?

Chloe stared daggers at Damon and he remembered what she had told him, it seemed that the reason why Chloe wanted him to remain silent about the sock gag had something to do with her mother probably not liking them so much.

Even though Damon thought this could be an opportunity to get even with Chloe he feared her retaliation more than he wanted to get back at her, so he did as Chloe wanted him to.

- No - Replied Damon.

- Good - Said Catherine as she caressed Chloe’s cheeks - I’m glad to see you leaving those things behind.

- Yeah I’m too old for that - Said Chloe jokingly as took her mother's hands off her face - Plus, he’s too cute for me to do that to him.

- Anyway - Said Catherine - I’ll go make dinner downstairs, help him to get there when it’s ready.

- Will he eat tied up? - Asked Chloe.

- We’ll see - Said Catherine playfully as she left the room and closed the door behind her.

When Catherine’s footsteps were no longer heard Chloe gave a sigh of relief and stared again at Damon.

- Damn Damon - Said Chloe - You better keep that up if you know what’s good for you.

- Are you threatening me? - Asked Damon.

- Yes - Said Chloe smugly - What are gonna do about it?

- Tell your mother what you did to me - Said Damon jokingly.

Chloe was quick to grab Damon by his clothes violently enough to get him to look away in fear of what Chloe was about to do to him.

- What did you say again!? - Asked Chloe.

- I... I was just joking - Replied Damon with fear in his voice.

- Sure? - Asked Chloe - So you think you can just joke with me?

- Sorry... - Damon begged - I promise I won’t do it.

- Don’t joke with me like I was your girlfriend - Said Chloe as she violently released Damon - You missed that chance.

Damon gave a sigh of relief as Chloe released him, he somehow came out unharmed out of that.

Chloe calmed down and looked at the time on the computer.

- We still have some time before mom is done cooking - Said Chloe - Why don’t we do something together Damon?

- What do you want to do with me? - Asked Damon as he prepared for the answer.

- I don’t know - Said Chloe as a smile appeared on her face - Maybe try some of the things I showed you as a bit of a punishment for what you just did.

- Do I really deserve to be “punished”? - Asked Damon.

- You don’t get to chose Damon - Replied Chloe - But maybe if you stop complying it won’t be so harsh you know.

- Whatever - Said Damon as he leaned back on the chair.

Chloe opened the picture folder again and started to scroll through the pictures again.

- Look Damon - Ordered Chloe.

Damon obeyed and looked at the picture, it was one of a tied up man in a bed, he was familiar with the way he was tied, in fact Chloe herself had tied him like that many times in the past. The man in the picture had his wrists tied behind his back and his ankles tied together much like Damon with the only difference being the man in the picture had both restraints attached to each other, Damon even remembered the name of that position.

- Do you think you can still handle that? - Asked Chloe as she pointed at the screen with her thumb.

- You want to tie me up like that? - Asked Damon.

- Why do you think I’m asking? - Asked Chloe - Of course I want!

Damon further inspected the picture, to try to find anything to complain about but there wasn’t anything, he being flexible and of rather narrow shoulders had the perfect complexion to handle that sort of position. What’s more is that he remembered that Chloe liked to go much further with her hogties, but since there weren’t any crazy restraints on the picture he assumed that she wouldn’t go so far now.

- Yeah I can - Said Damon.

- Great - Said Chloe as she grabbed a the pair of scissors again - Let’s get you out of that chair then.

Chloe cut the strips of duct tape that pinned Damon to the back of the chair and tossed it to the floor, Damon was starting to see why her room was so messy.

- Hop to my bed Damon - Ordered Chloe - I’m not carrying you anymore.

Damon obeyed and hopped to Chloe’s unmade bed, once he got there after two jumps he sat on it’s side.

Chloe followed Damon and sat behind him, then she grabbed him tightly by his arms, Damon looked at her over his shoulder.

- You know what’s next - Said Chloe.

Before Damon could answer he was shoved down the bed violently, he was now laying on his stomach, just like Chloe needed him and wanted him.

Chloe grabbed one of the ropes that laid on the floor and tied Damon’s hands to his ankles, she didn’t went to far with it, last time she tried she had managed to get Damon’s hands and feet touching but she didn’t knew if he retained that flexibility. That and she didn’t wanted to go all in from the beginning, she liked to start things slowly and since Damon was now her stepbrother she was in no rush to get Damon in heavy bondage.

- How’s that? - Asked Chloe.

- Just like I remember it - Replied Damon reluctantly.

- So you remember then? - Asked Chloe.

- The things things that you did to me are kinda hard to forget - Replied Damon.

- Just how I like it - Said Chloe smugly - That’s enough talking from you by the way.

- Great - Said Damon sarcastically.

The only gratification for Damon was that his new gag was a knotted cleave which was a clean sock, now he was tied up and gagged again.
- It doesn’t seem like mom is finished with the food - Said Chloe - How about we play something in the meantime?

Damon gave no response, it wasn’t like he could.

- Tell me Damon - Chloe made a pause - Are you still ticklish?

Of course he was, that isn’t something he could get rid of, he hoped that Chloe didn’t remember it but not so deep inside him he knew that in no way she could forget it.

- Of course you are Damon - Said Chloe - But where should I start?

Damon looked over his shoulder at Chloe in fear of what she was about to do, he was pretty sure that she she remembered all of the weak spots he hated being tickled in.

- How about your feet? - Asked Chloe as she carefully took off Damon’s shoes.

Chloe ran her fingers through the soles of Damon’s feet, the only thing he could do in response was to squirm but not too much, he didn’t wanted to make Chloe mad and make his situation worse nor did her tickling had gotten bad enough for him to want to struggle.

- Do you like it? - Asked Chloe.

Damon rolled his eyes, he knew very well that Chloe was only playing with him and being played with by her was something he didn’t wanted to relive. He may be lying to himself but he thought that he’d much rather have Chloe go all in with him and start spanking him already than having her playing this whole warmup thing on him.

- What should I do next Damon? - Asked Chloe as she grabbed Damon by his arms - Your sides? Your armpits? Continue with your feet?

Being talked to and asked questions while gagged made Damon especially angry, Chloe’s condescension was unbearable, especially when he knew how much she loved to hear him try to speak under his gag which of course was what she was trying to get out of talking to him.
- You’re not gonna answer? - Asked Chloe - You really don’t know what’s good for you.

With that being said Chloe grabbed Damon by his sides, poking his ribs with all of her fingers. Damon could no longer play tough against Chloe, there was no way in which he could stand it without hesitance. Damon struggled and although he tried to keep it down not to anger Chloe he was not fooling anyone, he was madly trying to get out.

- Come on Damon, I’ll stop if you ask me - Said Chloe.

- Mphggg! - Damon moaned under his gag, careless of how it made Chloe feel.

- Speak up Damon! - Said Chloe as she tickled him even faster - I didn’t get it.

- Mphggg! Mphggg! - Damon’s moans were getting louder and louder as he pleaded Chloe to stop.

- Jeez not so loud - Said Chloe as she slowly released Damon from his grip - I’ll have to add something more to that gag, let me see...

- I’m afraid you’ll have to leave that for later - Said Catherine who was standing in the door.

- Wait, when did you get here? - Asked Chloe surprised.

- I’ve been here for a while now - Said Catherine - But I didn’t wanted to interrupt your fun.

- Well I assume food is ready - Said Chloe as she got up from the bed.

Damon made an effort to roll over and look at his captors, it seemed that Catherine was quite interested in him.

- Chloe what did you gag him with? - Asked Catherine, dead serious.

- It’s clean mom - Said Chloe tiredly - I swear.

- Bring that gag to me - Ordered Catherine.

- But...

- You’ll have to ungag him anyway for him to eat.

Chloe snorted but obeyed and ungagged Damon who was now allowed to catch his breath much more easily. Chloe then took the gag to her mother and held her to her height, Catherine proceeded to sniff the sock.

- I told you - Said Chloe.

- I still have my reasons to distrust you on this.

- Anyway, shouldn’t we get downstairs?

Both Chloe and Catherine turned towards the tied up Damon.

- Untie his legs - Ordered Catherine - I don’t want him to fall down the stairs, and carrying him upstairs was enough of an effort.

- Don’t worry about that - Said Chloe - I’ll carry him downstairs.

- Are you sure? - Asked Catherine - Believe me, he’s quite heavy.

- Don’t worry, I know - Said Chloe - How do you think I got him here?

- I see you don’t want him untied any second - Said Catherine as she lovingly stroked her daughter’s hair - Neither do I.

Damon couldn’t believe what he was hearing, neither could he believe that this was will be his whole weekend.

Chloe untied Damon’s feet from his hands.

- Come on Damon, start hopping - Said Chloe as she tossed away the rope - I’m not carrying you the whole way.

- Why won’t you simply untie my ankles? - Asked Damon as he sat on the bed’s edge - I really don’t like the whole jumping thing.

- It’s not about what you like Damon - Said Chloe.

- It’s about what we like - Catherine completed her daughter’s phrase.

Something was becoming clear to Damon, it was that maybe he could expect Catherine to be less cruel than her daughter, at least she seemed to dislike dirty sock gags, but in no way he could expect her to be different in any other way, they were mother and daughter in the end and it seems that they were similar in many ways that Damon was not expecting.

Damon snorted and complied, getting up and looking at his captors with a not so well disguised anger. Catherine and Chloe smiled at each other smiled at each other and started walking to the stairs, Damon was forced to hop behind them until they got there.
- Are you sure about this? - Asked Catherine as they looked downstairs.

- Totally - Replied Chloe.

Chloe grabbed Damon and carried him downstairs like last time, Catherine, who walked down the stairs behind her daughter slowly clapped at her daughter’s feat.

- I didn’t knew you were that strong - Said Catherine.

- It’s quite useful when it comes to things like this - Said Chloe - It’s quite tiring though.

- You could have just untied my feet - Said Damon as Chloe put him on the floor.

- Yeah I’m not falling for that - Chloe replied - Hop to the table now.

Chloe poked Damon on his ribs and he was forced to hop to the dinning table where he sat on a chair as soon as he could to rest from the jumping.

- Secure him to the chair while I bring the food Chloe - Said Catherine as she tossed some rope she got from a drawer to her daughter.
- Do you have rope everywhere? - Asked Damon surprised.

- It’d surprise you - Said Catherine - Stop asking questions now, you’re making me miss that gag.

Chloe got hands on restraining Damon, she moved Damon’s arms over the chair’s back and tied him to the back of the chair.
- Is this really necessary? - Asked Damon as he felt the ropes being tightened.

- Didn’t you heard my mom? - Replied Chloe - Shut up.

- But really, you don’t have to do this.

- Yeah I know - Said Chloe as she finished the restraint and tightened it strongly - But I don’t care.

Damon was eagerly awaiting to have his hands untied, he hoped that maybe if they wanted him tied to the chair it was because they will release his hands for him to eat but his hopes were killed when he felt rope being run through his hand restraint to his ankle restraint.
- Seriously? - Asked Damon angry - You’re gonna make me eat like this?

Chloe tugged the rope as soon as she heard that, making Damon’s feet hit the underside of the chair.

- Yes Damon, now shut up before I get any crazy ideas of what to with you - Threatened Chloe.

Damon snorted and closed his fists in anger but made no effort to escape, it would be futile and he knew it, that and he didn’t wanted to test Chloe and how far she was willing to go to get him to shut up.

Catherine returned brought the food to the table and Damon was quick to notice that the food in his plate had been sliced in small pieces, he knew what his captors were up to and he didn’t liked it one bit.

- Come on, you’re going to feed me like a baby? - Asked Damon.

Chloe gave no response, or at least no verbal response, she just slapped Damon in the back of the head.

- Would you rather not eat Damon? - Asked Catherine.

- Well... No - Damon replied awkwardly.

- So you better be more thankful - Said Catherine - Keep in mind we could have left you in the attic.

- And we can put you back there if you don’t behave - Added Chloe.

Damon shrugged and sighed, they were right and although he wouldn’t be in any way thankful he would at least try not to get put back on the attic before eating anything.

- Come on Damon, open up - Said Catherine as she got a piece of steak near Damon’s face.

Dinner continued like that for Damon, being humiliatingly fed like a baby by Catherine, with which he coped thinking that at least he was eating, and Chloe poked him on the ribs from time to time, just to annoy him and to get a reaction out of him which he managed to not satisfy her with.

After a while, and it really was a while since Catherine had taken her time to feed Damon after every bite she took and in the same time Chloe ate about two full plates, Damon as well as her stepmother and stepsister were done eating.

- What do you think Damon? - Asked Catherine.

- It was great actually - Even when practically kidnapped Damon could appreciate a well cooked food.

- Thank you - Said Catherine as she took the plates back to the kitchen.

- It’d have been better if I wasn’t tied up - Said Damon.

- That’s cute Damon - Replied Catherine - But you should be getting used to it by now.

Catherine left the dirty plates on the kitchen and returned to the table were Damon was, of course, still tightly tied up and Chloe was slouching on her chair while checking her phone.

- Chloe - Catherine drew her daughter’s attention - Can you help me to get Damon to the guest room?

- You want him all to yourself huh? - Asked Chloe playfully.

- You had him for some time too - Replied Catherine - it’s only fair that I get to be with him now, don’t forget that I’m the one who got him like that in the first place, I’m letting you play with him out of kindness.

- Yeah yeah whatever - Replied Chloe as she got up from her chair - If you feel kind again make sure to lend him to me.

The language Catherine and Chloe were using to refer to him was downright offensive to Damon. He didn’t appreciated one bit being referred to as something to be played with and be lent to.

Chloe untied Damon’s hands from his feet and his abdomen from the chair Damon knew very well what was coming so he stood up.
- Did I asked you to stand up Damon? - Asked Catherine.

- No but you were about to - Said Damon.

- That doesn’t matter - Said Catherine with a more serious tone - Did I asked you to stand up?

- Ugh - Damon sighed - Well, no...

- Then why did you do it!? - Said Catherine as she shoved Damon back to his chair by surprise, he had no hope of keeping balance so he fell back on the chair with no fight.

- Ugh, why did you that? - The fall had been a bit hurtful for Damon.

- Didn’t I told you Damon? - Asked Catherine as she crouched to look at Damon in the eyes - Everything you do here, must be under my authorization, will you obey me?

- Well that doesn’t justify you... - Damon tried to dodge the question but a slap on the face by Catherine interrupted him.
- Will you obey me or not Damon? - Asked Catherine intimidatingly.

- Ye... Yes... - Damon was surprised by Catherine’s slap, it wasn’t that painful but he didn’t expected her to go that far, he kind of knew what to expect from Chloe but he had forgotten that to him Catherine was unpredictable.

- Now get up and hop to the stairs - Ordered Catherine.

Chloe was holding back laughter as she saw the whole scene and she still was when she saw him hop to the stairs. This time Damon hoped by himself as Catherine looked at him with her arms crossed from the opposite end of the room, Chloe looked at Damon and laughed at his situation from beside her mother.

Damon was joined by his captors when he reached the stairs and as he was catching his breath Chloe picked him up once again and carried him upstairs.

- Hop to the guest room Damon, I’m done carrying you for the day - Said Chloe.

- I’ve no idea where it is - Replied Damon.

- Just follow me - Said Catherine.

Damon was hopping behind Catherine to get to the room and Chloe walked behind him. Catherine opened the room’s door and lead Damon inside, as she turned on the lights Damon saw the room, it was plainly simple. A double bed with night tables beside it, a drawer, a chair and a mirror were the only things that filled the room. Damon was pushed inside the room while his captors blocked the door and looked at him.
- Are you sleeping in that Damon? - Asked Catherine as she discretely pointed at him.

- Do I have a choice? - Asked Damon.

- Actually you do - Said Catherine as she pointed to some clothes on the bed, Damon’s pajamas.

- You’re not expecting me to change like this don’t you? - Asked Damon.

- Actually no - Said Catherine - I was planning on untying you.

- What’s the catch? - Asked Damon.

- Nothing - Replied Catherine - You’ll just have to do it in front of us.

Damon blushed and looked Down, it wasn’t like they hadn’t seen him like that before, Catherine had saw him in swim shorts in summer and Chloe had seen him naked as much as he would like to forget it but the prospect of undressing for his captors was quite embarrassing for him.
- It’s that or you’ll sleep with those clothes and that ropes on - Said Catherine.

- Whatever - Said Damon as he turned his back to Chloe and Catherine - Untie me already.

- That’s no way of speaking to your captors Damon - Said Catherine.

- How I’m supposed to speak? - Damon was unbelieving of Catherine’s words.

- Definitively not like if you were in charge - Said Catherine - But that’s okay for now, I’ll teach you.

Catherine signaled her daughter to untie Damon and so she did, as soon as his hands were freed he moved his numb arms and rubbed his wrists, he’d have liked to sit down but after what happened downstairs he wasn’t going to risk it.

- Don’t get too used to it - Said Catherine - Start undressing before I regret untying you.

Damon reluctantly obeyed and started to undress under the gaze of Chloe and Catherine which he could feel as daggers against his body every time he showed them a little skin.

When Damon finished undressing and was just in his tight boxers he managed to get a look at his captors, Catherine was looking at him judgmentally while Chloe was doing so in an almost lustful way.

- It seems being weaker than me has made you really insecure - Said Catherine as she gave a step forward to get a closer look at Damon’s toned body.

Damon blushed in embarrassment and stepped back to reach for his clothes.

- Hey, as long as you get like that - Added Chloe.

- Stay where you are Damon - Said Catherine.

Damon obeyed again and stood still before Chloe as he saw in fear how Catherine handed her a length of rope.

- Tie him up - Ordered Catherine.

- With pleasure - Replied Chloe getting Damon’s hands behind his back.

- Wait what’s this? - Asked Damon indignant - You said I could get dressed!

- You should have behaved Damon - Catherine gently shook her head - Should have behaved.

Chloe was already running the ropes through Damon’s wrists and managing to get a touch of his back or butt but her mother stopped her.

- Actually Chloe, tie them in front of him - Ordered Catherine.

- Pansy - Replied Chloe.

- Chloe...

- Sorry, sorry - Chloe idly apologized - Right away mom.

Chloe tied Damon’s hands parallel to each other in front of him between pokes to his abdomen.

- His feet too? - Asked Chloe.

- Fine - Replied Catherine.

In the end Damon was left with his wrist tied together parallel to each other in front of him and his ankles bound together, he had barely spent a few minutes free of restraints and the most important thing, he was now on his underwear.

- You can leave now - Said Catherine.

- You’re so screwed - Chloe whispered to Damon’s ear.

- What? - Damon asked in fear.

- Have fun! - Said Chloe, ignoring Damon’s question and leaving the room.

When Chloe closed the door behind her Damon and Catherine were left alone in the room, Damon was as blushed as he could be not to mention that he was fearful of whatever his stepmother was about to do. Catherine looked down on Damon like she was doing before, she had her arms crossed and a serious face.

- I hope you’ve come to terms with your situation Damon - Said Catherine after a drawn out awkward silence.

- That I’ll be tied up by you and Chloe the whole weekend? - Asked Damon defiantly.

- It’s more than that - Replied Catherine - But don’t worry, you’ll get it soon enough.

- What are you going to do with me? - Asked Damon.

- You’ll see...

Catherine took a big length of rope from one of the drawers and stood in front of Damon, she was face to face with him. Then she ran the rope through Damon’s hand restraint, then she tugged from it, forcing Damon to hop to get her and not fall.

Damon was confused about what Catherine was doing but she was giving him no word and he wasn’t going to ask any questions. Even if he did, his questions would soon be answered when Catherine ran the rope through a small hook that hanged from a rope in the ceiling, it seemed that it once was the place for a lamp.

Once Catherine had ran the rope through the hook she tugged it until Damon was standing on his toes, he made some grunts of discomfort as he felt his body being pulled upwards but Catherine ignored them completely. Once Damon couldn’t be lifted anymore without being lifted off the ground, which thankfully for him Catherine didn’t wanted to, Catherine tied the end of the rope to one of the bed’s legs, so Damon was staying in place.

- So, Damon - Said Catherine as she stood back to admire her work - Shall we begin?
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Post by Killua »

Poor Damon, I feel sorry for him. Maybe he finds a way to enjoy his new role someday. Anyway, great story so far.
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Post by harveygasson »

Wow interesting story so far
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Post by alkaid_ »


Damon gonna have a long long weekend...

wow...he need to be very strong to endure Chloe and Catherine
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 4: Sweet Dreams

- What are you doing? - Asked Damon as he tested his unescapble bonds.

Catherine didn’t replied and just looked at Damon struggling, it was a wonderful sight for her.

- You’re going to just look at me? - Asked Damon.

- Have some patience Damon - Said Catherine - And don’t give me reasons to gag you.

Damon snorted angrily at his captor and his predicament. He was finding it hard to balance while tied like he was but since he was hanged it wasn’t like he could fall.

- Okay Damon, i think I’ve had enough of your struggles - Said Catherine - Let’s begin already.

Catherine encircled Damon and stopped behind him.

- Tell me Damon - Catherine said on Damon’s ear - Why did you lied to me?

- What? - Asked Damon.

Catherine smacked Damon’s butt which made him squirm a bit.

- Why did you lied to me? - Catherine repeated with seriousness.

- What do you mean?

- Don’t be foolish - Said Catherine severely - I already know so if you tell me things may get better for you - Catherine made a pause and touched her lips with her index finger - Or at least not so bad.

- Catherine I really don’t know - Pleaded Damon, he was the one who most wanted things to get better - Whatever you know I promise you I don’t know it.

- I know you have something with my daughter but if you think that defending her will get her to come to your rescue you’re so wrong - Catherine grabbed by his cheeks tightly - In this castle I’m the evil witch, you’re my sweet captive prince and there’s no princess to save you, not even Chloe.

- Wait are you talking about...? - Damon was interrupted by his stepmother.

- I know Chloe gagged you with her socks - Said Catherine - Why didn’t you tell me.

Damon remained silent, he had no idea of how Catherine knew that.

- Are you defending her? - Asked Catherine as she grabbed Damon by his sides.

- No... - Damon replied in fear of Catherine’s plans.

- Then why didn’t you tell me?

- She threatened me... - Said Damon.

- Are you afraid of her? - Asked Catherine.

- Yes... - Replied Damon ashamed of being so.

- And I thought you were counting on her to rescue you - Said Catherine - I’m rarely surprised but this is genuinely surprising.

Damon blushed deeply and looked down as he heard Catherine’s remark, the fact that she thought that he and Chloe were something more than bitter exes made him ashamed of himself and the relationship he used to have with her.

- But I understand, for someone like you she must be really scary - Said Catherine - But you must know that I’m the one you must obey here.
- Okay...

- Then apologize Damon - Said Catherine.

- Why? - Asked Damon, unbelieving.

Catherine smacked Damon in the butt again, this time a bit harder than before which made Damon squirm and swing.

- Okay okay, I’m sorry - Said Damon, who understood perfectly well what Catherine tried to say.

- Good - Said Catherine as she helped Damon get still.

- Can you release me from this already?

Another smack was received by Damon’s butt.

- I thought you already knew that you don’t get to decide that - Said Catherine harshly.

Damon prevented himself from speaking, he feared that anything he said may turn into him getting smacked by his stepmother again like if he was a child.

- Now Damon - Sad Catherine as she stood in front of her prisoner to get a better look of him - I wanted to talk to you about something.
Damon looked at Catherine with intrigue but didn’t said anything.

- I wanted to know if you have assumed your position from now on - Asked Catherine.

Damon looked at her smug captor looking down on him and with her arms crossed, the view made him want to resist but what could he do? He dangled from the ceiling with his hands and feet tied together, he was in no position to defy anything.

- Will it really be like this? - Asked Damon as he looked down in shame.

- It doesn’t have to - Said Catherine - It’s like this now just because I don’t take kindly you lying to me.

- I don’t know how me being your toy can get any better - Said Damon.

- You can learn to enjoy it - Said Catherine - I can teach you to enjoy it.

Catherine got up close with Damon which took him by surprise since he was looking down, she hugged him gently and he felt the touch of her breast in his chest, he couldn’t lie to himself, it felt good.

- I have a girlfriend... - Was the first thing Damon came up with to say.

Catherine stepped back and smacked Damon in the face which made him grunt in pain and try to struggle which made nothing for him since he was not only tied up but also dangling from the ceiling and standing on his toes.

- I don’t mean that you pervert! - Said Catherine - I’m married to your father if you don’t get it yet.

After a moment of silence between captor and captive Damon gathered the courage to speak.

- Just what do you want? - Asked Damon, having not fully recovered from the smack.

- I want you to be more of an active part in this - Said Catherine.

- How can I be an active part if you want me tied up? - Asked Damon as he tugged his hand restraints to remind Catherine of his situation.
Catherine facepalmed and sighed.

- It seems you have to learn a lot - Said Catherine.

- I just don’t get it - Said Damon.

- I’ll make sure you do - Replied Catherine - For now, I think you have spent enough time like that.

- Really? - Asked Damon unbelieving of Catherine’s sudden generosity.

- No - Said Catherine bluntly - But I’m too tired to keep playing with you.

Catherine untied Damon from the ceiling, he welcomed not being stretched anymore. Once untied Catherine forced him to hop to the bed which he accomplished in just one jump.

- I’m going to untie you Damon - Said Catherine as she moved onto the bed with her prisoner - Can I trust you to behave or I have to call Chloe?

- I’ll behave - The prospect of Chloe coming as backup was enough to deter Damon from trying anything stupid.

Catherine released Damon’s hands and feet and then left for the wardrobe to get something.

- Will I sleep untied? - Asked Damon as he rubbed his wrists with ropemarks, he was still surprised by Catherine’s behaviour.

- No - Said Catherine, instantly killing all of Damon’s hopes - But you’ll have a comfortable night don’t worry.

When Catherine turned back to face Damon he saw her holding even more rope, he sighed and relaxed his body, the only thing he could do to prepare for whatever she had planned for him.

- Lay down Damon - Ordered Catherine - And don’t move.

- Okay... - Said Damon awkwardly.

Catherine began by grabbing Damon’s right foot and tying it to the right of the corner of the bed, the rope was soft and the knot wasn’t tight but Damon could already tell that he wasn’t getting out of it, as Catherine applied the same treatment to her left foot he gave a discrete tug and could tell that if he did so the knot became suddenly very tight, but he couldn’t try much since he didn’t wanted to drew Catherine’s attention.

Catherine tied Damon’s hands were tied to their respective bed corner with the same knot that she had used in his feet, Damon had looked at her and his ever more so restrained body during the process and he didn’t needed to struggle to tell how securely bound he was.

- In case you’re asking yourself, I’ll let you sleep ungagged because it might be too dangerous for your first time - Said Catherine after finishing her ropework - But don’t think I don’t want to.

Catherine got up from the bed and Damon gulped as he heard her words.

- Do you want a blanket? - Asked Catherine.

- Yes please - Replied Damon after a brief silence.

Catherine covered Damon with a blanket and sat by him.

- I’ll leave this here in case you need to go to the bathroom - Catherine showed Damon his dad’s phone and left it on the nightstand - I know the knots in your hands get very tight when you struggle but I’m sure that you can reach for it.

Damon tried to reach for the phone and he he indeed could but as Catherine adverted him and he expected the tightness of the restraints did increase as Damon struggled and their grip only got easier once he returned to his original position.

- Goodnight Damon - Said Catherine before kissing Damon in his cheek.

- Goodnight - Said Damon as he blushed.

Catherine turned off the lights and opened the door to leave but she stopped and slightly turned her head to look at Damon.

- Tomorrow I’ll begin teaching you some things, so you better sleep tight.

Before Damon could even come up with an answer and not a question to ask back Catherine closed the door behind her and left him in the utter darkness of the room and his thoughts.

Damon still wanted to get out of his situation so once some time passed since Catherine left he reached for the phone hoping to get some solutions, sadly for him, once he did he realized that there was little he could do with his dad phone escape wise. None of the people he could call seemed like a reasonable option, his dad’s friends were a big no for him and so was his mother, calling her would only worsen the situation between her and his dad and as bad as being his stepmother’s prisoner was he wasn’t going to do that.

Once Damon realized that calling for help was not an option, which he suspected since it would be beyond embarrassing to explain his situation even to his friends, Damon tried to look for some way to undo knots in the internet but it seemed like Catherine had prevented that and disconnected the phone from the house’s wifi and since Damon didn’t knew the password this already wacky plan of his was foiled.
With his plan of using the phone failing Damon merely stared at the ceiling thinking of what to do next, and a simple and maybe dumb idea came rapidly across his head.

After minutes of nothingness Damon began to struggle, he thought that since he was alone again and tied in a different way that he maybe had a chance of escaping. He began with light tugs to the restraints but his struggles got stronger and stronger as time passed by.
The more Damon struggled the more he realized that he had no chance of escaping or at least not in this way. The only response the ropes gave to his struggles was a tighter grip that harmed Damon wrists and ankles.

When Damon couldn’t bare the hug of the ropes any longer he ceased to struggle and sighed deeply, he couldn’t believe that he was still trapped. Deep within him Damon knew that he had no chance of escaping at any moment, he couldn’t have known that the tea was drugged, he couldn’t get out of the chair, he couldn’t overpower Chloe when she untied him and he had no intention of trying to fight his stepmother to get out of her clutches. Yet he blamed himself for his situation, which only made it worse, the impotence of being tied up combined with the guilt of blaming himself for it was unmatched by every other feeling of anguish and anger Damon had ever felt.

The next thing to do in the small list of things Damon was able to do was trying to sleep. The trying part is very import as Damon was finding it very hard to sleep while laying on his back and tied up spread eagled. He was an uneasy sleeper with the habit of turning to lay on his side regularly which he obviously couldn’t do while in his situation.

One of the times Damon tried to turn to his lay in side only to remember that he was tied up he noticed something in his left wrist restraint. An loose end of the rope hung out of the knot and maybe, just maybe, he could manage to reach it.

Damon had no reason not to try, he wouldn’t get out in any other way so he started trying. His fingers struggled to reach the loose end, he had to twist his hand a lot to even grasp it but after many attempts and a considering to give up Damon managed to grab it.
With the loose end in his hand Damon followed the rope as much as he could until he managed to comprehend the knot and he did after some time and once he did it he knew exactly where to pull the rope from to get untied.

It took him long, longer that he spent struggling, but it was worth it for in the end he had his left hand free of ropes. With his left hand free Damon had little to no problem untying his other hand and feet and although the knot technique did surprise him it did not surprise him as much as his ability to escape from it.

In the end Damon sat free of restraints in the middle of the bed he could not believe it, he had spent so much time tied up that he had forgotten how it felt to be free and after so much time tied up it felt amazing. Damon rubbed his harmed wrists and ankles, he had struggled so hard during the day that even the soft rope Catherine and Chloe made use of had left marks on him.

The next thing Damon had to do was to get out of the house, he checked his phone and it was 11:10 pm, it wasn’t that late and it wasn’t like he minded walking during the night if it meant getting out Catherine and Chloe.

Damon turned on the lights and got on the clothes he was dressed with before, now he had to get out of the room. Damon hesitated before opening the door, he feared being caught and the punishment he may receive for doing so but he knew that there was no way that Chloe or Catherine would go get him out of the house, and he doubted that he couldn’t be able to get out of the house with both of his captors sleeping.

Damon revised the house’s layout in his mind and got ready to get out, the door creaked as he slowly opened it the sound was only made louder by the utter silence that filled the house but thankfully for Damon nobody seemed to notice. Damon gave a sigh of relief and slowly and silently made his way through the hallway, he had gotten his shoes out so he wouldn’t make the wooden floor creak under his footsteps. Damon hid on a corner and looked down the stairs, nobody was there and the door was only a room away, he only had to go downstairs walk a few meters and he will be free.

Damon began to walk faster as he reached the lower floor, he walked through the dinning room to the main hall only hearing his footsteps and the blood pumping through his ears as the tension he was in made his heart beat faster than ever.

Damon finally got to the main door and turned the latch but the door didn’t opened, it was locked. He should have expected it but the tension he was in didn’t allowed him to, he began to shake and contemplate crazy alternatives like breaking a window to get out but his nerves were partially put down when he saw a key chain filled with keys in the coffee table that stood near the main door.

Damon grabbed the key chain and was partially relieved but not so much as he still had to get the right key to get out and trying was hard since he kept shaking which made him miss the keyhole and loudly turn the keys which got him even more nervous and therefore made him shake even more.

- Well well - Said Chloe with her recognizable tone from behind Damon - What do we have here?

Shivers ran down Damon’s spine as he turned back to see who he expected to be just Chloe, but like if that wasn’t bad enough for him Damon saw no only her but also two of her friends, Emily and Claire, with Chloe standing in the middle of the two.
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Post by I_Will_Tie_You_up »

I am really enjoying this story. Only hope he gets to have his revenge at some point.
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Post by Therightdude2000 »

This story is great! Eagerly waiting for the next part
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Post by Red86 »

There's an old saying, jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Damon has literally just done that, he should have probably just stay put for the night :lol:

From what Damon has put from Chloe, it would be nice to see him get some revenge on her. I guess time will tell!
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 5: Girl's Night In (Part 1)

Damon did his best to get the keys through the lock but none was working and his nervousness didn’t made it any easier.

- Quit it already - Said Chloe - It isn’t there.

Damon ignored Chloe’s orders and kept trying but the shock of being grabbed by Chloe by the shoulder from behind scared him enough to drop the keys and turn to face his stepsister.

- I told you to quit it - Said Chloe as she strengthened her grip on Damon’s shoulder.

- If I go back to bed... - Damon spoke in fear.

- No, you’re not getting out of this - Chloe cut him rapidly - So why don’t you introduce yourself to my friends over here?

Damon looked at Emily and Claire who were standing a few meters behind Chloe, he had seen them before but didn’t really knew much about them and that made the prospect of explaining anything even more daunting than it already was.

- Hi - Said Damon as awkward and shy as he could be.

Chloe and her friends cruelly laughed at him, he could tell how much malice was intertwined in their laughs.

- Why don’t you come to the living room with us? - Asked Chloe as she moved Damon by the arm - Surely we can have a lot of fun together.

Not being able to actually fight back Damon let himself be moved around by Chloe who took him to the living room with and shoved him onto the couch.

- He hasn’t changed one bit hasn’t he? - Asked Claire.

- Just on the surface maybe - Said Chloe - He’s still kind of a bitch inside.

Chloe’s friends laughed at her remark.

From the couch Damon got a better look at his situation, from the mess that had been made out of of the sofas and cushions as well as the movie selection on the TV’s screen Damon could tell that Chloe and her friends had a long night planned and that sadly for him, he will be involved in it now.

- Well Damon, why don’t you tell us what we want to know? - Asked Chloe after a brief whispering with her friends.

- What are you talking about? - Damon asked Back.

- Do I have to hit him already? - Asked Claire, the biggest of the three girls which made her threat much more frightening for Damon.

- No! - Replied Emily sounding almost offended.

- Calm down girls - Said Chloe in response - We’re not laying our hands on him... yet.

Claire snorted, she was clearly getting a kick out of seeing Damon scared of her and Chloe’s words seemed to cut her mid ride.

- Now if you’re less scared Damon tell us, otherwise I’ll have to consider Claire’s offer - Said Chloe.

- But I really don’t know what you’re asking me - Said Damon in fear - But if you tell me I will...

- Claire! - Called Chloe, cutting Damon off.

- All right - Said the redhead as she got by Chloe - How are we doing this?

- I don’t know... - Said Chloe with a finger on her lips - Any ideas?

- Stop this! - Shouted Emily as she interposed herself between Damon and the other two girls.

- What are you doing? - Asked Chloe in confusion.

- Can’t you tell? - Asked Emily rhetorically - He really doesn’t know!

Chloe and Claire rolled her eyes at Emily’s gesture, they clearly weren’t fond of it.

- They want you to tell them how you escaped Chloe’s mom - Said Emily as she turned back to look at Damon.

- Do you mean how I...?

- Yes we mean how you got out whatever crazy bindings she put you into - Chloe said cutting Damon.

- Well... - Replied Damon awkwardly as he scratched his head - She left some knot kind of loose so I...

- Now that’s weird of her - Said Claire.

- Definitely - Added Emily - That or he’s an escape artist.

- Nah he couldn’t escape even if we made it easy for him - Replied Chloe - Mom most likely did it on purpose.

- But why? - Asked Claire - I thought she always made her knots unescapable.

- Most of the times that’s the case - Said Chloe - But I think she wanted to try something with him.

- What? - Asked Emily - Is she that interested in him?

- I told you she was into dude our age - Replied Chloe - But I think what she’s trying to do with him is making sure he has submitted to her.

Damon gulped at the remark, fearing Chloe’s intuition may be right.

- I don’t get it - Said Claire.

- Think about it - Said Chloe - Once someone fully submits to you you don’t have to worry about tying him very securely or even tying him at all, is that right Damon? - Asked Chloe as she looked at Damon directly in the eyes forcing him to remember the times he submitted to her to such degree.

- So I assume she still has a lot to teach him - Said Emily as she looked down to Damon.

- What do you say about we help her with that? - Asked Claire.

- Yeah I think she’ll like that - Said Chloe - And If I can count on you for this one it will be better, what do you say?

- Count me in - Said Claire confidently.

- Guess too - Added Emily awkwardly.

- Can you please... - Damon tried to plead with Chloe and her friends.

- Shut up Damon - Said Chloe - You only have a few time before we gag you so make good use of this time.

- Really I can’t go back to the bedroom and pretend like this didn’t happened? - Pleaded Damon.

- If you really wanted to be in the bedroom you’d have stayed there - Said Chloe - So suck it up and shut up.

Damon bit his lips to prevent himself from saying anything that would make his situation worse than it already was.

- Come with me Emily - Said Chloe as she signaled her friend to follow her to another room - On the meantime, can you take care of him Claire?

- Gladly - Replied Claire as she smugly grinned.

Damon gulped as he saw Chloe and Emily left the room and Claire sat by him, she violently grabbed him by the neck with her strong arm and slouched on the couch.

- So - Said Claire - You’re Chloe’s mom plaything?

Damon didn’t replied, he was too afraid to do so. Unlike Chloe he didn’t knew what to expect from Claire and from what she had shown she was clearly even less hesitant to get physical with him. That and the most obvious fact being that she was massive, she was taller than Damon and he was no dwarft, and her grip let him feel her strength, she was clearly above him on that regard.

- Not gonna answer? - Claire pressed as she squished Damon with her arm - I can take care of that.

- I’ll answer - Said Damon as he heard the threat - Just tell me what do you want me to tell you.

- Well, how is it like? - Asked Claire.

- How’s what?

- Don’t be stupid - Said Chloe as she rolled her eyes at Damon - How is it like being Catherine’s plaything?

- Well... - Damon made an awkward pause to think of an answer, this was certainly an uncomfortable topic he didn’t liked to talk about, let alone talk about it with a stranger - I haven’t got much experience so...

- Don’t play with me - Said Claire - Chloe has told me about how your day has gone so you’re not getting away of explaining anything.

Damon was surprised by how openly Chloe seemed to be with her friends regarding this weird side of her mother and how it involved a third party like him, especially when that third party was noticeably unwilling.

- Well she drugged me, I fell asleep... - Damon awkwardly started his story under the intimidating gaze of Claire - And when I woke up I was...

- Tied to a chair in the attic - Claire finished his sentence - Yeah I know that part.

- Then what do you want me to tell you? - Asked Damon, unknowingly showing a bit of anger towards Claire attitude.

- Watch your tone Damon - Said Claire in a serious manner - I don’t want to start things too early.

Damon backed down from the defiant stance he had unknowingly assumed after hearing Claire’s threatening words.

- Now what I want you to tell me is what Catherine did with you once you were hers - Ordered Claire.

- Well after I woke up she went to the attic with me...

- How did that felt? - Asked Claire, sounding genuinely intrigued.

- I don’t really remember, at first I was... - Damon thought with care as he found himself surprised by Claire’s intrigue - Surprised, I knew that she was weird with me but not to this point....

- And then? - Claire abruptly interrupted him.

- Then I felt... Scared - Damon was still surprised by Claire’s attitude towards his experience - I didn’t knew what she was going to do with me and that felt...

- Tell me - Said Claire as she hugged Damon strongly - How did that felt?

As Damon struggled not to succumb to Claire’s grip and find an answer that would satisfy her at the same time he found his salvation in the form of Chloe and Emily coming back.

Of course this wasn’t really a salvation of any type, but the arrival of her other two friends made Claire cease her crushing hug and move her attention from Damon to Emily and Chloe.

- How did he behaved? - Asked Chloe as she approached to the couch.

- I think good - Said Claire as she went back to look down on Damon again - But it can always be better can’t it?

Emily and Chloe were carrying a box each and once they laid them on the floor Damon could clearly see their contents, it wasn’t like he didn’t expected it but the confirmation of seeing two boxes overflowing with with ropes like they were snakes was unmatched.

- I see we have plenty of stuff to work with - Said Claire as she looked at the boxes’ contents.

- Indeed - Replied Chloe - So how about we get to work?

- What are we going to do with him? - Asked Emily as she and her friends looked down on Damon.

- Don’t you have any ideas? - Asked Chloe.

Unlike Chloe and Claire Emily seemed much less confident in what she and her friends were doing but Damon made sure not to get his hopes up, he knew that if she was a friend of Chloe she couldn’t be much better than her, only less bad.

- How do you think we should do this? - Asked Claire.

- I think that chair would be a good place to start with - Said Claire as she pointed to one of the bulky chairs of the room - Perfect to continue my interrogation.

- So you two were up to something? - Said Chloe - How naughty of you.

- I was just starting - Replied Claire - Let’s get with the ropes, I think he has enjoyed enough freedom for now.

Emily was ordered by her friends to get the heavy chair near the couch and so she did, although with some effort for the chair was as heavy as it seemed. Then there was a brief silence between Damon and his captors.

- What are you waiting for Damon? - Asked Chloe teasingly - Get going!

- Maybe he wants you to carry him again - Said Claire, making herself and her friends laugh.

Damon ignored the teasing and carefully moved to the chair making sure not to do anything that could piss off his captors which was hard because he had no idea what could make them angry at him which only made him more nervous and scared.

Damon sat shrunken in the big chair, laying his back straight against the chair’s, holding his legs together and with his hands on his lap while doing his best not to look away from his captors.

- Are you scared Damon? - Asked Chloe as she bowed forward to get her face closer to Damon.

Damon nodded shyly in response, he was afraid and he was very sure that he had reasons to.

- You should be - Added Claire.

Claire and Chloe got hands on getting ropes from the box, lengths upon lengths of it came out of the boxes to the point Damon wondered how much were they willing to put him on.

- Again what are we going to do with him? - Asked Emily who had stood behind her friends during this process.

- Don’t you get it yet? - Said Claire as she rolled her eyes.

- We’re tying him up - Said Chloe nonchalantly - Care to help?

- Uh.... Sure - Replied Emily with a noticeable hint of doubt in her voice - But I don’t really know how to do it.

- Just watch - Said Claire - Chloe, how are we doing this?

- Like always let’s take care of his hands first - Said Chloe as she inspected Damon - We should tie them to the armrests, the chair is too wide to tie them behind his back and it’s too good a chance to miss it.

- Yeah I think I never got to tie someone like this - Said Claire as she yanked Damon’s left arm and posed it on the chair’s left armrest with no resistance from him.

While Claire tied Damon’s left arm to the respective armrest Chloe did the same with is right arm, his arms were tied at the wrists and below the elbows and securely enough for him not be able to move them from the armrests they were tied to.

- Now what? - Asked Claire.

Chloe scratched her chin and looked around, she inspected Damon, the remaining ropes which were many and eventually found out that Emily had went to lay on the couch, something that had gone unnoticed to her and Claire as they were distracted tying Damon.

- We’re not done yet! - Said Chloe.

- But I thought... - Emily excused herself.

- You’ll be able to tell when we’re done - Said Claire - Now get back here.

Emily got back by the chair and looked at Damon in detail, she was amazed by the scene she stood before but she remained unsure about her involvement in it.

- Well I don’t think he’s escaping - Said Emily after a brief silence - At least not anytime soon.

- Of course he’s not - Said Claire.

- This isn’t about preventing him from escaping and just that, that would be too easy - Chloe made a pause - And boring.

- Then why are we doing this? - Asked Emily.

- It’s just fun - Said Claire - And not something we usually get to do, let alone do it together.

- If you don’t get it why don’t you try tying his legs? - Said Chloe as she tossed a length of rope to Emily’s hands.

- But I don’t know how to... - Said Emily as she backed down.

- Don’t worry - Said Claire as she knelled and grabbed Damon’s left leg by the ankle - Just do as I do.

Claire began to tie Damon’s leg to the left leg of the chair by the ankle and then by the knee, her restraints were as strong and secure as the ones she had applied to his arms. While Claire tied his left leg Emily awkwardly did the same which his right leg, which didn’t meant that she was doing a bad job at it, Damon could tell by the strong hug of the ropes and the way they were being twisted against his skin that the knots she was applying were no joke.

Meanwhile Chloe worked on Damon’s chest, tightly tying it to the chair’s back, running ropes below his armpits above and below his pectorals and across his flat abdomen. Chloe’s restraints surely were uncomfortable but they were aesthetic and Damon could tell by the way she looked at him that she was liking her work.

- Let’s see how you did there - Said Claire once she and Emily had finished tying Damon’s legs.

Claire checked the restraints Emily had a applied, running a finger between Damon’s skin and the restraint.

- Quite good - Said Claire as she tightened the ropes a bit more, maybe too much for Damon’s taste - Didn’t you say that you didn’t knew how to do this?

- Well... - Emily said awkwardly as she scratched her neck - Maybe it’s just natural talent.

- Everything Done? - Intervened Chloe after she finished tying Damon’s abdomen.

- I think so - Said Emily awkwardly as she stood back to get a full picture of Damon - Just look at him.

- Actually we’re missing something - Said Claire.

Claire and Chloe shared a mischievous look and Damon sighed, the three of them knew what they were missing and Damon would have liked them not to remember it.

- Would you do us the honors? - Said Chloe as she handed a roll of red duct tape to Emily without even moving her gaze away from Damon.

- Oh, we’re gagging him right? - Said Emily as she looked at the roll of duct tape she had just taken.

- Of course we are - Said Claire - Or do you want to hear him plead and scream?

- Will he? - Asked Emily as she turned towards Claire.

- We can make him if you want to - Replied Claire - But get to work now, or I’ll gag him myself.

Emily received a pat on the back from Claire and awkwardly moved forward. After a step or twos she stood in front of Damon and looked at him in the eyes and and by the look he was receiving Damon could tell that although Emily seemed much more innocent than Claire and Chloe she was still enjoying this, although in a more innocent and less sadistic way.

Emily snapped back to reality and cut a strip of the red duct tape and readied herself to gag Damon. She bowed forward and grabbed the strip by it’s tips but the strong voice of Claire got her out of her trance before she could lay the tape on Damon’s lips.

- What are you doing? - Shouted Claire, interrupting Emily before she could gag Damon.

- Gagging him? - Asked Emily rhetorically.

- Just with a strip of duct tape? - Asked Claire - Seriously?

- How am I supposed to do it then? - Emily asked back, a bit angry about being interrupted.

Claire sighed and got by Emily and Damon and her presence made Damon suddenly much more intimidated. She then got behind Damon which made him even more scared since because of the shape of the chair and the way he was tied to it he could not look back to see what Claire was up to.

- If you’re going to gag someone with tape - Said Claire as she laid her hands on Damon’s shoulders, scaring him greatly in the process - First you need to fill their mouth with something.

- I though It was just about keeping his lips shut - Said Emily - I mean that’s how they do it in movies and such.

- Yeah but this is no movie and we’re not acting anything - Said Claire as she caressed Damon’s shoulders - We really don’t want him to speak, do we Damon?

The question angered Damon because he knew that there was no right response he could provide so he planned to just suck it up and keep quiet but Claire had different plans.

- Do we Damon? - Repeated Claire as she grabbed Damon by his face by surprise.

The fear and surprise made Damon shake his head in denial frantically, or as frantically as Claire’s grip allowed to, in response to the question.

- That’s what I thought - Said Claire as she violently let go of Damon’s head - Now Emily, what are you going to stuff in his mouth?
- I don’t know... - Said Emily as she looked around - What can it be?

- Anything you want - Said Claire - That’s why getting to gag him is the best part, you get to stuff whatever you want in his mouth and he can’t do shit about it.

- Remember girls, no dirty stuff! - Added Chloe who until then had remained silent as she watched the scene unfold.
- Ugh come on, really? - Asked Claire, noticeably disappointed.

- Mom’s rules - Said Chloe - And I’m not fighting her.

- Well - Said Claire - You told us that...

Chloe stared daggers at Claire, a stare that gave chills to even Damon, and Claire seemed to get the clue.

- Fine, no dirty stuff then Emily - Said Claire who then went to lay on the couch.

- I wasn’t planning on using anything dirty though - Said Emily.

- Coward - Said Claire sarcastically.

- And I still don’t know what to use - Emily continued.

- Well you have plenty of stuff to chose from - Said Claire - Just make sure to do it quickly, I don’t want him to start talking anytime soon.
- But he hasn’t talked... - Said Emily - Can’t we just leave him like this?

- Of course no! - Said Claire unbelieving of Emily’s words - Just gag him already.

- Well If you can’t tell me how I’m supposed to do this I’ll just ask him now that he can talk - Said Emily tired of the discussion.

- What? - Said Claire surpised.

- What did Chloe’s mom used to gag you? - Asked Emily with unfitting naivety.

- A sponge... - Said Damon very awkwardly, he was practically choosing his gag, pretty humiliating even by the standards this day had set for him.

- A sponge it is then - Said Emily - Chloe can you get one?

- Sure - Said Chloe who then went to the kitchen to look for the item.

Emily and Claire were left alone with Damon in silence, Claire did nothing but look at who knows at in her phone while she laid on the couch, Damon couldn’t do much, he was so securely tied to the chair he was practically attached to it.

Emily could have done as Claire and ignore Damon but instead she sat on a nearby chair and rested her head on her hands while she looked at Damon intently, her gaze made Damon feel something of course, but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it and he had gotten kind of used to be tied up at this point to care or do something about his situation.

- I can’t believe you let him chose the gag - Said Claire - That’s unheard of.

- Well you didn’t helped with it - Replied Emily.

- You should have figured it out yourself - Said Emily - But hey, maybe you really are new to this after all and those knots you pulled on his leg were just luck.

- Well at least we can know that the gag will work - Said Emily, ignoring Claire’s last remark - I mean, If Chloe’s mom used it I’m sure it works.

Chloe got back from the kitchen and handed a dry yellow sponge to Emily “All yours” were the only words she said to Emily and then she went to the couch with Claire.

- Can he really fit this in his mouth? - Asked Emily as she looked at the sponge in her hands.

- Of course he can - Said Chloe tiredly - Just gag him already.

- Sorry - Said Emily.

Emily bowed forward with the sponge in her hand, ready to shove in Damon’s mouth when she came across her first obstacle, Damon’s mouth was shut.

- Uh... - Emily stuttered awkwardly - Can you please open your mouth?

It was easy to tell that she was very uncomfortable with what she was doing but to her surprise Damon complied with no hesitance. Damon was willing to show enough defiance not to open his mouth to be gagged at the first sign of that happening but he wasn’t willing to show the defiance that resisting being gagged would be.

Emily pushed the sponge into Damon’s mouth and then cut a new strip of tape to finish the gag, Damon could have spitted the sponge in the meantime but he knew that it wasn’t in his best interest.

A red strip of duct tape was laid from ear to ear by Emily on Damon’s face over his mouth, Emily took special care in making the gag look good, not letting any air between the tape and the skin which made her need to rub her hands against Damon’s face over the tape many times, quite a weird sensation for both of them.

She was asked by Claire and Chloe to add more than one strip becasue according to them, that will make the gag more effective. So the process was long and uncomfortably drawn out for the two parties involved considering how much care Emily took every single strip of tape looking as good as possible but in the end Damon was left gagged with a sponge in his mouth and three strips of red duct tape over his mouth.
- Are you done? - Asked Claire.

- I think so - Said Emily as she stood back to admire her work.

Chloe and Claire got up from the couch to get a better look at Damon, they seemed pleased with Emily’s work although they had done most of the work themselves.

- Let’s see if it works - Said Chloe - Claire?

- Right away - Said Claire before approaching Damon.

Claire getting close to him scared Damon immensely, especially because he had a rough idea of what they were about to test and he didn’t liked it.

- What are you going to do? - Asked Emily.

- She’ll make sure the gag works - Replied Chloe - I think you know how she’ll test that.

- Is she gonna hurt him? - Asked Emily scared.

- Well no - Replied Chloe - She’ll just give him some reason to make noise so we can test the gag, that’s all.

- Can’t we just ask him to make noise? - Asked Emily.

- Don’t be stupid Emily - Replied Chloe - If we do so he’ll remain quiet, he wouldn’t want us to know if his gag doesn’t work.

- Sorry it’s just that... - Emily struggled to continue.

- Don’t worry about him - Said Chloe as she laid her hand on her friend’s shoulder - I’m sure you’ll like it.

- Mphgg!

Emily and Chloe were interrupted by the muffled moan made by Damon after Claire did who knows what to him, but it seemed that it served it’s purpose since she smiled at Damon’s lament.

- Well I think it works - Said Claire.

- What did you do to him? - Asked Emily.

- I just persuaded him a bit - Said Claire - But he has gotten enough attention from us for now, let’s move on for a bit.

- Yeah don’t let him think we care too much about him - Added Chloe.

- We’re just gonna left him like that? - Asked Emily.

- What? Afraid of him getting away? - Asked Claire teasingly.

- If that’s the case I have more rope laying around, but you’ll have to do the tying - Chloe joined the teasing.

- No it’s just that... - Emily interrupted herself - You know what, let’s move on, he can wait.

- It’s not like he has another choice - Added Chloe.

The girls laughed at Chloe’s remark while Damon stared in silent, this night will be even longer than he he had expected, if that was even possible.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 6: Girl’s Night In (Part 2)
The night went on and Damon was forced to stare at the girls in silence while they they did their stuff. He heard them chatting about their life, some things they talked about where interesting enough to make Damon disregard the fact that he was tied to a chair and gagged, others were so excruciatingly boring that he could only wish that he was sleeping tied up upstairs on the bed Catherine had put him on.

Of course Damon got the ocasional tease from the girls, although his situation made it easy to ignore him the girls had no intention of doing so. Once in a while the girls, especially Chloe and Claire, said some provoking stuff to Damon, trying to get a reaction he couldn’t give or got by him to poke his sides or yank his hair, just to remind him of his position.

Emily didn’t really seemed to like her friends’ attitude, when she drew her attention to Damon it it was merely to look at him closely and some of the times she got close to him she inspected his restraints or stroked his hair, Chloe, Claire and even Damon struggled to understand why she was being so gentle with him, especially when compared with her friends.

After hours of sitting by hearing the girls talk their conversation seemed to shift towards relationships, from what Damon overheard, Claire had a girlfriend and Emily had recently broke up with his boyfriend but when it was Chloe’s turn to speak all of the girls looked at Damon.

- Yeah I think you know how I feel about this - Said Chloe.

- Haven’t you gotten over him? - Asked Claire.

- Of course I have! - Replied Chloe - It’s just that without him I had to let go of some things...

- Like what? - Emily Asked awkwardly.

- Don’t worry about it - Replied Chloe - It seems I got it back.

- I see - Said Claire.

- I don’t get it - Said Emily

- She’s talking about tying him up and stuff - Said Claire at Emily tiredly.

Chloe walked up to Damon, stood at the side of his chair and grabbed him by the jaw, forcing him to look at her in the eyes.

- Wanna know something about him? - Asked Chloe.

- Sure

- He has a girlfriend! - Said Chloe with acted cheer.

- I wonder how she treats him - Said Claire as she walked up to Damon and Chloe.

- Probably not like me - Said Chloe - He was trying to get away from my games when he broke up with me.

- Too bad that you ended up becoming her stepsister isn’t it? - Said Claire.

- Yeah poor him, but I’m hard to get away from.

Emily seemed to be left a bit stunned after hearing her friend’s words so she remained in the couch, away from Damon and her friends.

- Don’t stay there - Said Claire as she saw Emily still in the couch.

- Sorry, I got distracted - Said Emily as she went by her friends and Damon.

- Have you gotten any ideas of what to do with him? - Asked Claire.

- Actually no - Replied Emily.

- Really? - Claire pressed further - You’re telling me that after all that time looking at him like you did you don’t have any idea of what to do with him?

- Yes.... - Emily replied awkwardly, everyone including Damon could tell that she wasn’t speaking the truth.

- You don’t have to be shy - Chloe intervened - What are you even shy about?

Emily shook her head and stepped back.

- You see girls I don’t know if we should be doing this - Said Emily.

- Why not? - Asked Claire - Do you feel bad for him?

- No, I mean... - Emily quickly realized how Damon could feel about she saying that, he could feel exactly how he didn’t wanted him to feel - Well what I mean is that I think this could mean trouble.

- Why? He’s tied up, he wont give us any problems - Said Claire.

- It’s about his girlfirend isn’t it? - Asked Chloe.

- Yes - Replied Emily shyly.

Claire and Chloe sighed as nervousness, anger and fear grew intensively inside Damon, his girlfriend being brought up was something that made him incredibly angry but his anger wasn’t going to do anything for him in his current situation, so the only thing he could do sit down and look angrily at his captors.

- You shouldn’t worry about it - Said Chloe as she grabbed Damon’s face - Is that right Damon?

- I don’t get it - Said Emily.

- Do you think he wants his girlfriend to know what we’re doing with him? - Said Claire.

- Well i....

- Of course he doesn’t! - Claire interrupted.

- Is he into this? - Asked Emily, confused.

- It’s hard to tell since he’s too much of a coward never admit it - Said Claire - But even if he was he wouldn’t tell her.

- I don’t know... - Said Emily - This seems very sketchy to me.

- Claire do you want to give him a reason to keep quiet? - Asked Chloe as she gave look to Claire.

- Sure - Replied Claire as a grin appeared in her face.

- Want to help us with this Emily - Asked Chloe as she turned her look towards Emily.

- I really don’t know - Emily said as she steppe back from the scene.

- Don’t be shy - Said Chloe - It’s just one little thing.

- What will it be? - Asked Emily.

- Kiss him - Said Chloe as she forcefully turned Damon’s look towards Emily.

Emily’s expression changed to one of genuine surprise as she blushed deeply, Damon meanwhile gave a muffled moan of anger and surprise, he really didn’t liked this idea.

- What do you say? - Asked Claire - He has no say in this so choose what you want.

The blushed Emily was struggling to come up with an answer between all the embarassment she was feeling, so she gave no response.
- It’s either you or one of us - Said Chloe - So don’t loose this chance.

Damon gave another angered groan which his gag muffled greatly, he didn’t wanted to be kissed by anyone in this room, especially since he knew that they all had some other nefarious purpose behind it but being kissed by the sadistic Claire or Chloe was far worse than being kissed by the seemingly much more innocent Emily.

- We saw how you looked at him - Added Claire - We know you want this so don’t be shy and do it already.

- Uh... - Emily was still struggling to reply - What if someone finds out?

- Nobody will - Said Claire - Do it already.

- F... Fine - Replied Emily before she sighed.

Emily moved forward and Damon began to struggle as much as his restraints allowed him to which was little but his light struggles got him a smack on the head by Chloe.

- Behave Damon! - Ordered Chloe - You’re about to be kissed.

Damon obeyed, in the end he was smart enough to recognize his struggles as useless so he just waited still.

Once Damon stopped moving Emily looked at her friends bot of them nodded to her. Emily bowed forward, posing her hands on Damon’s bound wrists, and after an intense gaze between her and Damon she kissed him through the gag. The kiss felt weird for both of them, they could feel each other’s lips through the tape but only to a certain degree, not to mention all the motion was made by Emily while Damon’s lips remained still.

The kiss felt like it went for much longer than it should, like if time had slowed down as soon as Emily laid her lips on Damon’s gagged mouth, but just as it slowed it resumed it’s course as soon the sound of a picture being taken with a phone filled the silence.

- Hey what was that!? - Shouted Emily at Chloe who still had her phone in her hands.

- Hey chill - Chloe attempted to calm Emily down - It’s just I picture, I’ll explain.

- Delete it now! - Emily didn’t calmed one bit.

- Why? - Chloe turned her phone and showed the picture to the Emily, Damon and Claire - You two look lovely in it.

- I don’t care I just don’t want someone to see that! - Emily kept screaming at her friend.

- Don’t worry - Chloe kept her calm tone - Nobody will.

- Then why don’t you delete it? - Asked Emily, still uneasy.

- Well - Chloe put her phone in one of her pants pockets - Nobody other than us will see it.

- Why did you do that? - Asked Emily, no longer screaming.

- We need something to make sure he’ll remain silent about this once we remove that gag - Said Chloe - And a picture of him kissing another girl is a perfect to use as blackmail.

Damon angrily grunted under his gag.

- And it seems it’s quite effective - Said Claire - He’s already angry about it.

- But you wont show that to anyone wont you? - Asked Emily.

- Of course not - Said Chloe - Unless he opens his mouth about this, which I doubt.

Emily nervously turned to look at Damon, she wanted that picture to remain hidden as much as he did.

- Can you please remain silent about this? - Emily pleaded to Damon - I know you’re probably angry at me but...

The laughs of Claire and Chloe interrupted Emily’s pleads which made her look at her friends in confusion.

- This is so ridiculous - Said Claire between laughs.

- Yeah you’re not supposed to do that - Said Chloe - Or at least not like that.

- Do what? - Asked Emily.

- Plead to him - Said Chloe.

- Why not? - Said Emily - I really need him to...

- Yeah I get it - Said Chloe - But you have to understand that you’re the one in control here, you’re not supposed to plead to him, he’s supposed to plead to you.

- What I am I supposed to do then? - Asked Emily - I don’t get it.

- Do you want him to keep quiet about this? - Asked Claire.

- Yes...

- In that case I may have a few interesting ideas - Said Claire.

Whatever Claire’s “ideas” were the mere prospect of them being applied to Damon was enough to scare him, he had already gotten the clue that she was much more reckless than Chloe when it came to dealing with his resistance so he had reasons to be scared.

- What are this ideas? - Asked Emily.

- Well I have plenty - Said Claire - We could hang him from the ceiling, tie him spread eagled on the kitchen table...

- Wait wait wait - interrupted Emily - Don’t you think that’s too harsh?

- I don’t think so - Said Chloe - But this is my house so we should tone some things down.

- Really? - Asked Claire in disappointment - Like what?

- Maybe mom would allow me to tie him to the kitchen table but I don’t think so - Said Chloe - And I don’t want to risk breaking anything from the ceiling just by hanging him.

- What a disappointment - Said Claire - But there’s still a thing or two we can try on him.

- I don’t want to hurt him... - Said Emily.

- We’ll do it if we need to - Said Chloe - I too have some things that I want to get out of him.

Emily gave a worried look at Chloe after she heard her words.

- But not too much, don’t worry - Said Chloe.

- You told us he’s ticklish didn’t you Chloe? - Said Claire.

- Indeed - Replied Chloe - Are we thinking the same?

- Pretty sure - Said Claire.

- Are we going to tickle him? - Asked Emily.

- Don’t underestimate the power of tickle torture - Said Chloe playfully - Especially when used against someone like him.

Damon gulped as shivers ram down his spine, he was filled with fear and he couldn’t think of anything that would save him from this prospect, deep inside him he knew that he could think all he wanted because no idea o his was getting him out of those three.

- Watch - Said Chloe as she moved behind Damon.

Claire could already make out an idea of what Chloe was about to do so she watched calmly with her arms crossed, Emily looked at the scene much more intently, awaiting it’s outcome with intrigue.

As much as Damon had tried to mentally prepare for what was to come when Chloe began to run her fingers along his neck he could do very little other than hold his laughter for a few seconds and then start to give muffled moans through his effective gag. Damon could never get used to being tickled and since this night was the first time he was tickle tortured since he broke up with Chloe the little tolerance he had produced in the time they were together was no longer there to save him.

- I think he’s suffering - Said Emily as she looked at Damon struggle as much as he could.

- That’s the point dummy - Said Claire after chuckling a bit.

- I don’t know if I like this.... - Said Emily as her gaze remained stuck in the scene.

- Well that’s how we get him to keep quiet about this - Said Claire - If that’s what you want don’t complain about the methods.

- There has to be another method - Said Emily.

- Sure, we could try spanking - Said Claire.

- No! I was talking about another less violent method! - Said Emily, nearly offended by Claire.

- Like what? - Asked Claire - Are you just going to talk it out with him and expect him to obey you.

- That’s certainly better than torturing him and expecting him to do the same! - Replied Emily.

- Okay - Intervenid Chloe unexpectedly.

Chloe had ceased the tickling on Damon’s neck and the prisoner now found himself in catching his breath in exhaustion, he really wasn’t made to be tortured in this way.

- Well.... - Emily struggled to reply.

- What is it? - Asked Chloe - I thought you knew how to solve this without torturing him?

- Well I just think there can be another way! - Said Emily - Not that it would work after what you did to him anyway.

- I see - Said Chloe - You really like him don’t you?

- What? - Asked Emily as she blushed - No! It’s just that I don’t think we should do this to anyone!

- What about your ex? - Asked Chloe - Do you think we should do it to him?

- Don’t bring him up! - Said Emily offended by Chloe’s comment.

- You’re actually into Damon aren’t you? - Said Chloe teasingly.

- I’m not! - Shouted Emily - Quit it with that already!

- Come on, tell him - Said Emily - What is he going to do? Reject you?

Claire and Chloe were laughing at the whole situation but Emily was not having it, she was visibly embarrassed by her friends comments.
Damon had just surrendered by this point, he didn’t wanted to be ticked but he was too exhausted to think of any idea to save himself that in the end he knew to be useless so he just laid back on the chair, hoping for his treatment not be so harsh.

- Calm down Emily, we’re just teasing you - Said Claire.

- Well it appeared you were just trying to make me angry - Replied Emily.

- Don’t get out of control though - Said Chloe teasingly - Otherwise you would end up like him - She pointed at Damon.

- Huh? - Emily looked worriedly at Damon.

- Just kidding - Said Chloe - But hey, if you want to...

- I’ll pass on that - Emily was quick to respond.

The three girls turned her look toward Damon.

- What are we doing with him then? - Asked Chloe - Any ideas?

- Well if we’re going to tickle him we gotta change his position - Said Claire - You know, exposing his armpits and such.

- Good idea - Replied Chloe.

Damon would like to say that he couldn’t believe his luck but he actually could, he knew very well Chloe and he was very sure that the light tickling in the neck wouldn’t be enough for her and he had already gotten a clear picture of Claire, and it wasn’t better than Chloe’s.

- How were you planning on doing this? - Said Chloe.

- I was thinking about tying his hands over his head - Replied Claire as she roughly mimicked the pose in which she wanted Damon - You know, exposing all of his weak spots.

- I was thinking the same - Said Chloe - Let’s do that, keep an eye on him while I untie him.

Claire looked down on Damon smugly as Chloe untied his hands, Claire was so menacing to Damon that when Chloe finished untying his left hand he didn’t moved it, not even to rub his sore wrist left by the tight grip of the ropes, he just laid his arm on the armrest and waited for Chloe to put it where she needed it.

- It seems he’s becoming more compliant - Said Claire, noticing Damon’s docility.

- Good - Said Chloe - Mom should thank us if he remains this way with her.

Chloe tied Damon’s hands together, parallel to each other, behind his head and the back of the chair through a gap in the back of the chair. The restraint was secure as were all Chloe’s restraints, he couldn’t move his hands other than up and down a few inches which wouldn’t do much for him on protecting his now very exposed weak spots. This vulnerable position made Damon feel weaker than ever, the fact that he was so thoroughly exposed at his captors and the fact that he had offered no resistance at all made him feel the greatest submission he had felt since this dreadful night started.

- Look at him - Said Chloe - He looks like he’s about to shit himself.

Chloe’s friends laughed at her remark, even Emily who was somewhat uncomfortable about what they were doing found it funny.

- By the way, Chloe - Said Claire - Why is it that you need to torture him?

- Oh, remember that I told you that I used a sock gag on him? - Said Chloe.

- Yeah and for some reason you wont let us do the same - Replied Claire.

- Well I wanted to make sure that he’ll keep quiet about it - Said Chloe ignoring her friend’s remark - I really don’t want to mom to find out.
- What happens if if she does? - Asked Emily curiously.

- I’d rather don’t tell you - Said Chloe.

Damon really didn’t knew what to think about this, he had already told Catherine that Chloe had used a sock gag on him but it wasn’t like she knew because of him, she already knew previously. So Damon didn’t really didn’t knew what to say if given the chance, complying sounded like the best option but he didn’t knew what to expect if Chloe find out that his mother knew what she did and what she’ll do to him when she took notice of it.

- So Damon - Chloe bowed forward to get face to face with her prisoner - Are you going to talk about it?

Damon shook his head, if he wasn’t going to be given the chance to speak he’ll just comply and maybe his treatment wouldn’t be so bad, or at least he hoped so as unlikely as he thought it to be.

- Can I trust you Damon? - Asked Chloe teasingly as she smiled smugly at Damon.

Chloe’s expression and tone made Damon angry but he knew that showing her that would get him nothing but more torture so he just kept complying, he nodded in response to Chloe’s clearly bad faith question.

- What do you say girls? - Asked Chloe as she turned to her friends - Can I trust him?

- I think you can - Said Emily casually.

- Nah I don’t think so - Said Claire - Has he ever lied to you before?

- Hmm, let me think - Said Chloe as she turned back to Damon - Have you ever lied to me Damon?

Again Chloe’s rhetoric question only angered Damon and it was clearly meant to do it, he had lied to her in the past and he remembered very clearly what doing got got him, and it wasn’t a very pleasant memory.

- You don’t rember Damon? - Asked Chloe as she bowed to get closer to Damon - Really Damon?

Damon was scared by the prospect of receiving any torture so he nodded meekly in response, hoping that his answer would please Chloe.
- At least he’s honest - Said Claire mockingly.

- Like that’s gonna save him from something - Said Chloe - I need to make sure he wont do it again.

Chloe started to encircle Damon who’s tension grew with every step Chloe took, not knowing when she will begin her attack was extremely scary for him.

- Are you really going to do this? - Asked Emily - He said he wont tell her.

- Do you think we can believe in him? - Asked Claire.

- I don’t see why not - Replied Emily - He has too muck to loose, I don’t think he’ll risk it.

- Yeah I don’t think so - Said Chloe as she faced away from Damon - A picture of him kissing you spreading should be enough to get him to keep his mouth shut - She looked at Damon over her shoulder - Is that right.

Damon nodded frantically, he couldn’t believe that he was going to be spared the torture.

- Really? - Asked Claire, bewildered by Chloe’s words.

- Yeah, I won’t loose time with that.

- Are you okay? - Asked Claire - This is very weird coming from you.

- Or course I am - Replied Chloe - Let’s get to other things, we can leave him here for.

Claire looked at Chloe in confusion but she did as her friend told her and just went back to the couch, followed by Emily.

- Well Damon, I hope you’re happy to spared this torture - Said Chloe.

Damon nodded in reply, his response was as truthful as it could be since he was indeed very relieved about being spared.

- Well Damon...

Chloe faked to turn back and then Damon watched in fear as she directed her hands directly to her armpits, without him being able to do anything about it. Damon had not prepared for this, not that it would have done much, he genuinely believed that Chloe will spare him this one but it seemed she was merely playing with him. He should have expected that from her he thought, but the endless tickling on his sides and armpits didn’t allowed him to think much, he could only think of when this would stop.

- Hey you said you would spare him! - Shouted Emily from across the room.

- To be honest I fell for that too - Said Claire - But I knew something was off with her plan.

- Stop it Chloe! - Shouted Emily as she stood up - He can’t handle it.

- I know - Said Chloe without stopping to tickle Damon - That only makes it better though.

- What are you going to do? - Asked Claire - Stop her? Good luck with that.

Emily stood without doing anything, not daring to approach Chloe in the middle of her torture.

After a few minutes that Damon suffered like if they were hours Chloe ceased the tickling and laughed at Damon, who had been left red, struggling to catch his breath with and nearly in tears.

- This is even better that I remember it - Said Chloe - Don’t you think so Damon.

- Fphhh mphh - Damon tried to insult Chloe but his gag wasn’t helping, he had given up on trying to comply in hopes of getting away with less of a punishment, ha had just been shown that it was of no use.

- I didn’t quite got that Damon - Said Chloe - Maybe I should help you speak up...

- That was enough Chloe! - Said Emily as she interposed herself between Chloe and Damon.

- Says who? - Replied Chloe.

- Can’t you see it? - Asked Emily - He seemed like he was about to die when you tickled him like that.

- Good - Replied Chloe cynically.

- I get that he broke up with you - Said Emily - But he doesn’t deserve that.

- Do you really think I do it because of that? - Asked Chloe.

- Why do you do it then? - Emily asked back.

- Well i would be lying if I said that him breaking up with me doesn’t give some extra pleasure - Said Chloe as she moved Emily out of the way to face Damon - But I need any reason to do this to him.

- That’s cruel - Said Emily.

- That only makes it better - Said Chloe - Are you going to keep defending him?

- You really don’t think this is bad in any way don’t you? - Asked Emily.

- What do you think? - Asked Chloe.

Emily sighed, it seems she had no hopes on convincing her friend.

- Well I think that was enough - Said Chloe as she turned back - But just for me, any of you two want to have a try?

Damon tugged his restraints in anger to no avail, now they were taking turns to torture him, he couldn’t believe it.

- Well I don’t think Emily wants to try - Said Claire - What do you say Emily? Want to kiss him again?

- Shut up - Emily replied lowly.

- I get it, I get it - Said Claire as she stood up and went by Chloe and Damon - It seems it’s my turn then.
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Post by Red86 »

Damon can't seem to catch a break. I mean yeah he did manage to untie himself, only to be caught by Chloe, Claire and Emily. At least Emily seems nicer of the 3. I'm still hoping Damon gets some sort of revenge. It'll be even better if he's able to get it with both Chloe and Claire. I guess we'll see how it goes over the rest of his weekend!!
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Post by houdinincfm »

Excellent story!
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Post by iliketights »

I'm liking this story a lot! I would kind of like switching places with Damon for a day. 8-)
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