gerberval9 : 08 - Bondage Poker (MMM/FFF)

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gerberval9 : 08 - Bondage Poker (MMM/FFF)

Post by Canuck100 »

gerberval9's stories
08 - Bondage Poker
Story index at the bottom

By gerberval9

This story was found on gerberval9 Deviantart's page

For anyone who just wants to know the rules, you can jump to the middle of this story and find them.

This takes place back when me and my wife were just married. I had gotten a new job that forced me to work closely with several men and women. Because of this, I made several strong friendships. Many of the people I worked with were married, and a few were about my same age, so when they came over, my wife became close friends with both them and their spouses.

Now, there were three men I was particularly close with. I will call them Bill, James, and Murray. Bill and James were about my same age, just a few years older, and Murray was in his late thirties. We were on the same team at work, so we often spent lots of time with each other. We got to know each other and their families, which was loads of fun. Mary wasn't yet pregnant, but we loved playing with James twins when we had dinner together.

Anyway, Bill one day suggested we start a weekly poker game. No high stakes, just a little cash, and we all agreed. So, every Sunday night, we'd get together and play poker for an hour or two while our wives hung out and did their own thing while the kids played.

After a few weeks, we were playing a game, and James spoke up.

"Hey Alan, heard an interesting thing about you and your wife." I knew he was trying to throw me off, since he suspected I had a decent hand.

"Oh?" I replied calmly. "And what's that?" James smirked as he set a dollar down in the pot.

"I heard you two like to play a little tie up games." I flinched, and the three guys regarded me shrewedly.

"Sometimes," I replied, hastily rearranging my face. "So what?" Inwardly, I was suddenly panicking. These men were my coworkers, and more importantly, my friends. I was worried that they would judge me to be a pervert or something similar to that. Ever since that damn book, Fifty Shades of Grey came out, it made those who like bondage look like monsters. Too my surprise, Murray grinned.

"Glad to see I'm not the only one who likes to tie up his wife," he said, folding and setting down his cards. My heart soared as I matched James wager.

"Really?" I asked, and Murray nodded.

"Oh yeah. I usually tie up my wife every other week. Good trust building exercise." Bill nodded as he folded next.

"Same with me and my wife. She loves getting tied up. We actually did that last night!" I grinned confidently at James, who looked taken aback at the sudden confessions from our friends.

"I'm raising it, by the way," I told him. "Two dollars." He licked his lips, glanced at his cards, and then tightened his jaw.

"Match it." We laid out our hands, and he groaned as he saw my three Kings and two aces. As I collected my winnings, he smiled ruefully.

"Wasn't trying to make you feel bad Alan," he told me. "And on the topic of getting things off of chests, me and my wife have been actually thinking about trying a little bondage." Me, Bill, and Murray all grinned and laughed at this. A little digging revealed that Mary had been talking to Samantha, James wife, about our little secret, and she had shown great interest.

Growing up, I'd always thought I was alone with my little fantasy. Sure I knew some kids that seemed to enjoy it as well, but I never expected an actual community to exist. But here, my three closest friends, all shared my love for bondage! The conversation moved on, but an idea had appeared in my head. I talked to Mary about it, and she was all for it.

The next week, before we started playing poker, I spoke up.

"Hey, for next game, I have an idea." The boys looked at me curiously, and I continued.

"Me and Mary thought it might be fun if next week, we played bondage poker." Murray looked curious, Bill thoughtful, and James a little anxious.

"Explain please," he asked. I obliged willingly.

Rules to Bondage Poker:
Each player has to have a partner.
Any Poker game will work.
Each player needs 8-10 index cards. Each player writes either their name or their partner's name on the top of the card. Then write the following on separate cards:
(A decent idea is to make two of each card to make the game last longer)
Crotch (this is optional)
Players are free to create more cards if they should like.

The game begins. Put in the pot one card (I would suggest starting with either the blindfold or gag). The game continues as normal (I would also suggest not raising the pot very high to prolong the game). At the end, the winner gets to use the cards he/she bet to use on his/her partner. He can also use the other cards to untie the other player's partners. He does this by returning the cards. A person wins when their partner is completely restrained.

James inclined his head, looking much more interested now.

"Sounds intriguing," he admitted. "I'll talk to my wife about it." The others committed to do the same, and we had a great night of poker. Fast forward to Wednesday, and while at work, all three approached me.

"Our wives our in," James said cheerfully. "I'm guessing Mary is as well?"

"Yep!" We all instructed James on what to bring with him for the game before moving on with work. Once again, we met up at my home on Sunday. The men and their wives were all excited as we gathered in the living room for the poker game. Mary was wearing a flowered sundress and had her hair down around her shoulders.

"Ready?" I inquired as we all sat around the table. The men nodded while their wives watched eagerly. I placed my gag card into the pot, as did the other three. Few words were spoken in the first round, and when it ended, Murray was the victor. The rest of us groaned as Murray chuckled triumphantly.

"Alright honey! You ready?" Murray's wife, Abigail, was a pleasant looking woman with long dark brown hair and a rather plump figure. She smiled teasingly at her husband.

"That I am." Murray had bet a gag and wrist card, so the first thing he did was bind his wife's hands behind her back.

"A little tighter sweetheart," she said after testing her restraints, and he did so willingly. Next, he produced a red ball gag and inserted it into Abigail's mouth, tightening the strap behind her head to hold it in place.

"Next round!" Murray said cheerfully, shuffling the cards. The next round, I was the victor, and I quickly bound Mary's legs, having bet ankles and thighs. I also forced Murray to remove the gag from Abigail's mouth.

"That's my favorite bit Alan," she complained. "Murray, make him pay for that!" I won another round, binding Mary's elbows and wrapping her chest in cords. But the next match went to James, and forced both me and Murray to completely untie our wives. His wife, Lana, looked cheerful as he began to bind her with surprising skill.

"We've been practicing the past few nights," she explained right before James silenced her with a wadded up pair of panties and a silk scarf. The came continued for almost three hours. All of us, wives included, were laughing and chatting cheerfully, though often the women were only capable of making muffled grunts. I managed to get Mary almost completely bound, with just the blindfold missing, but then Bill, who had been hoarding my cards, forced me to completely free her. In the end, it was Bill who won the game, with his wife Megan lying on her stomach, bound and gagged.

"Great game Alan," Bill said as he tickled Megan's bare feet, causing her to squirm. "We definitely need to play this style of poker again!" The others were in agreement, though Lana said, "Just not every week. We need to keep this special."

Bondage poker became a once a month thing for our families. It was amazing, and it brought us even closer together. Those men became like brothers, and their wives like sisters. Fourth of July, we all celebrated together. And when my daughter was born, Murray became her God-father, while Bill and James were her God-Uncles. I'm not catholic, but I do love that tradition. Sadly, two years after that game, Bill and Megan were in a terrible car accident and both were killed. At the funeral, Murray was asked to speak, and he said that Bill and Megan were "tied" to him and his family, making a small joke about our poker games. I have very fond memories of those games, but have since rarely played poker again. It just hasn't felt the same without Bill and Megan.


gerberval9's stories