Anomalee : 06 - Story six : "Hanging" out with Michelle (f/m)

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Anomalee : 06 - Story six : "Hanging" out with Michelle (f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Anomalee's stories
06 - Story six : "Hanging" out with Michelle
Story index at the bottom

By Anomalee

Friday, February 27th 2004 - 03:35:34 PM

Story six

It had been 2 weeks since I (age 10), had seen my life crush/babysitter Michelle (age 14).

Prestory quickly: this all happened 8 years ago. Michelle is at fault for causing the bondage obsessions I have today.

The last time I had seen Michelle, she had been over for the whole weekend. I got to tie her up for the first time, and kind of over did it on the tickle torture, so she had vicious revenge.

After that night, part of me never wanted to be tied up again, she tortured me good, but over those 2 weeks, the thoughts of being tied by Michelle wouldn't leave. Her saying she liked us tickling and tying each other, the fact that she had tickled me to the point of non-consentual, and it truly was hell at the time, had given me more courage.

I knew now that even mad and at Michelle's mercy, i have suffered the worst that could happen and came out of it wanting her to tie me up more.
Over the 2 weeks I continued to tie myself up those few times i was home alone. At night i'd stretch out on the bed laying there, imagining being tied up with Michelle hovering over me. I was starting tickling fights with my friends to the point of them making comments at me, so i had to back off. I began directing my attentions of tickle torture at my best friends little sister, which unlucky for her, nobody protested.

My best friend was john - his parents called him johnny. Same age as me, he was the one i'd be spending most of my time with when I wasn't being babysat by Michelle, which I would lie and make it clear I wasn't allowed company after dinner, for I wanted all interaction to be just me and Michelle. I had considered starting tie up games with him, but even at some tickle fights he accused me of being gay, so there's no way i'd bring it up, which was too bad, his parents would be away from the house nearly all the time, leaving john in charge unless they were gone out overnight.

His little sister Amanda, was 2 years younger than us (8), and had a crush on me, which I thought was lame (and flattering in a tiny way), if only I knew what crushes were then. I believed my adoration for Michelle as love or something. I scoffed at Amanda's crush, and pretty much didn't like her or pay her much attention, till around then.

With my friends getting mad, I would tickle Amanda at little provocation. She seemed to bug me into it, and really loved it. The best part was, no one would stop me but her parents, which not being around a lot, was great. John would even hold her down for me. She wasn't Michelle, but at least she gave me a little tickle fix between times seeing her.

Which I would, my mom would be out till like midnight. It was in the middle of the week, my mom was going out to hang out with my aunt. I was liking that she was starting to make a habit of that, and Michelle would be watching me all evening.

I hung out with john and some other friends after school, and as soon as it was around dinner time, i rushed home. Michelle was already there.

"Hi kid," she said with a big smile. I held back a shudder, the image of her straddling my helpless form those evil nails tickling air above me, flashed through my mind. I was less afraid and more obsessive about the whole thing.

"Hi Michelle," I forced to sound normal. I looked her up and down.

This time she had her standard jewellery, with some kinderegg toys added to the necklace, her hair was loose and blonde with hot pink streaks. She had very baggy black pants, i could see a toe poking out from one edge and knew she was barefoot, holding up the loose pants was a bright pink rope, and the pants hung low. She had on a rainbow tube-top with a heart on the front, showing her wonderful belly and that super cute navel, and other than the necklace her collar bones where totally exposed. She was quite lanky so they where obvious, I found I was falling in love with every part of her, first her belly, then her feet, cleavage when i'd see it, those hip bones with her commonly low pants, now her collar bones, the line of her spine, and her armpits would come to mind. All these places pleasant to look at, but also wonderfully ticklish; i had only got to REALLY tickle Michelle the once, when she was tied up and helpless. I would be picturing Michelle when torturing Amanda, and wondered if i'd get a chance to tie her up again.

I was wearing jeans, and a muscle shirt, and socks and shoes i would remove shortly after.

"How was your day?" Michelle asked. She was heating up chili which my mom made last night for tonight.

I set the table and we talked of our days, and the last two weeks. Michelle mentioned a fight with Shelly in which they had made up, but opened up to me about some of the problems she was having with Shelly. It felt good that she was opening up about problems in her life. I was feeling closer to her.

After dishes, which my mom had to fight me to do, but i would help Michelle without a doubt every time, anything for Michelle. Luckily she had been there before I got home, and the housework was done. Her homework didn't take long and she joined me on the playstation.
I wasn't playing as good as normal, but was still beating her. I was distracted, it was a school night so i wouldn't be allowed up very late, dinner and dishes took a while and there was only 3 hours till i had to be in bed.

Michelle was more strict on this on school nights, for if my mom came home early she'd get in big trouble.

"Want to play something else?" i asked.

We were on the floor side by side, her legs crossed one barefoot inches from me.

"Cards, or a boardgame," I suggested.

"No, this is cool for now, I nearly beat you last game", she said.

I couldn't accept that. "You'll never beat me," I said, "so lets play something else". I put my controller down and tickled her foot, thinking she suddenly was winning (it was some fighting game) for i wasn't blocking her attacks i surprised her with the tickle.

"Ahhk!" she screeched, and i laughed at her, with pursed lips and faked angry eyes she glared at me and pounced. Driving her shoulder forward she knocked me on my back, at the same time her fingers danced madly up my shirt along my ribs. I gafawed loudly at the tickling and was quick to tickle back, my hands tickled up her sides causing her to laugh her highpitched laugh, and found her armpits. She screeched at this and pulled her arms back for a second. I was able to wrestle her off me, we faced each other on our knees, hands up at the ready, both giggling and breathing heavy.

"What game do you want to play?", Michelle asked, changing the subject, and ending the tickle fight.

I lowered my hands, YES! I thought, and then my brain moved quickly. There wasn't much time left, so it had to be a game that could decide quick victories.

"Black jack?" i asked.

"Sure, for a bit," she said, got up to get the cards tickling my neck on the way by causing me to giggle and drive my chin in defensively.

I got up, "For a bet? Did you say?" I asked. I was proud on my quick play on words.

"No, i said for a bit", she grinned back. I admired her back and her feet as she stretched on her tip-toes to reach the deck of cards in the cupboard. The cards weren't high up, but she was only 5'tall after all.

"Do you want to make a bet?" I asked, controlled excitement in my voice. I know I was sooooo stupidly obvious to her. I was clearing the center piece off the kitchen table.

"You can't stay up late", she stated, which had been my usually bet attempts before the 'tying up' thing was introduced to me. She sat down and started shuffling. I could see a little gleam in her eyes, I'd see a similar gleam whenever she'd tie me up. Seeing that gleam gave me courage, and I blurted it out: "Winner ties up the loser!"

She giggled, "Sorry lee, your mom may come home early".

"She never comes home before I'm already in bed," I countered, "and it'll guarantee that i'll untie you as soon as you say", I added.

"The threat of mindless tickle torture will guarantee that", she said dealing the cards.

I swallowed hard at that, but her immediate response wasn't no again....

"Ok, so 2 out of 3, winner ties up the loser," I said. I was fighting off the discomfort, the nervousness of saying this so openly.

She picked up her cards. "Two out of three then," she said.

YES!! i was sooooooooo excited, and so nervous as i picked up my cards, cause she said that after looking at her cards.

I forced myself to concentrate on the game.

She won the first game, she had two 10s, and it didn't matter anyway cause i asked for another card and went over. I did that way to often. I couldn't decide if I wanted to win or loose. I had loved having Michelle tied up, but wanted to be tied up just as much. I asked for a card and was at 18. She was giggling at me. I thought 'cause of my hesitation of what to do next, but it was probably cause i was a bit flush and breathing heavier from excitement. Without thinking I said, "hit me".

A five, I forget the suit, it didn't matter, I had lost.

"Wow you suck at blackjack!" she teased.

"You got lucky", I countered, my voice kind of weird from nervousness and excitement.

She just laughed at me. "So how you want to do this?" she asked.

How indeed!?!, but wanting it to be standard that the winner was in charge, I said, "it's up to you".

"Hmm" she said, collecting the cards and putting them away. She looked back. "Go in the basement and wait for me".

"Um base-, ok, um i just have, ok," I stammered, and ran up to the washroom quickly, knowing i'd probably receive some tickling. Heading back down and towards the basement, she passed me on the stairs also from upstairs, poking me in the side getting a giggle. She had the cotton belt in one hand, I was sooooo pumped up!!

I headed downstairs to our unfinished basement. It was pretty much unused, save the laundry room. The ceiling was low, making most adults have to crouch some, there where no blinds but the only windows just faced my backyard.

I heard the door open at the top of the stairs, here she came! I thought excitedly, and was looking around, trying to figure out where i could be tied up. I was hoping it wasn't the floor, it wasn't too dirty (Michelle swept earlier) but i was cold. I looked at the support beams going from the floor to ceiling, the supports along the ceiling, the gaslines on the gas tank.

At the bottom of the stairs she stood with that crooked gorgeous grin and mischievous eyes. In one hand she had the cotton rope, in the other fuzzy cuffs, these ones had thick pink furry like covering, she had bought another pair!

"Ready Lee?" she asked.

I LOVED THIS SOOO MUCH!! i wanted to be tied up, or tie her up, and with little time i was able to make it happen.

"Sure," I said, shrugging, trying to seem calm, which i was obviously not.

"Over here," she said, indicating over by one of the support beams. It was round and metal, probably 3 inches diameter.

I walked over, quickly putting my arms behind the beam. I was starting to loose my nerve so was rushing into it.

Michelle giggled at me, and grabbed my right wrist.


That was the sound. There were many notches on these cuffs and it went through them quick till my hand was secure. She put the safety on, my stomach dropped at the secure sensation.

"One sec", she said, heading into the laundry room. I was looking at the cuffs, pulling on my wrist to get it out. I felt so helpless in handcuffs, once on, only Michelle could free me, me escaping on my own was hopeless.

She came back with a chair and dragged it over to the support beam and me.

"Get up", she said, which i did and she climbed the chair next to me. She pulled my cuffed wrist above my head, looping the cuffs around a sturdy wooden support, holding the empty cuff she pulled up my left arm. I was sooooo excited.

Zip, and i was trapped, arms above head and going nowhere. Michelle set the safety and jumped down off the chair.

She giggled at me as I fiddled with the cuffs and wooden support, nothing would budge. Michelle had me at her mercy.

She then grabbed me around my waist with both arms. I looked down in surprise thinking it a hug, but she kicked the chair out, and slowly lowered me.

She let go and I was hanging from the ceiling, i could feel the weight of my body on against the cuffs, but the material was so thick it wasn't yet uncomfortable, my feet were several inches off the floor. I reached down with my toes and couldn't touch it.

Michelle stood before me, big grin and mischievous eyes. We where eye to eye, me being off the ground as i was.

"Are you comfortable?" she asked. "If it hurts at all let me know ok?" she asked. She was so sweet.

"I'm ok", I said, looking up towards the cuffs, having to squeeze my head between my taut arms to do so.

"Good," she stated and was crouched down by my feet, which playing with her I lifted away, but she just grabbed my ankle and tied the cotton belt around it. She pulled my leg back towards the metal support beam behind me, reached around and grabbed my other ankle.

Behind me, I couldn't see what she was doing, but could feel it. In short time she had my ankles tied together on the opposite side of the pole, my helpless bare soles jutting out, my toes pointing towards the floor.

The slight panic was setting in and I was giggling. This caused Michelle to laugh at me. I noted that the panic was alot less than it ever had been before, I knew the worst that could happen. At that thought a shiver went up my spine and I was more afraid, but relaxed. I knew she would tickle me, but i didn't deserve a vicious tickle torture like she gave me last time. Which is good cause boy did i feel ticklish! ticklish as I was helpless, my body tight hanging from my arms, arched backwards stretching my stomach and frontal body more taught and immobile, my belly button and bellow exposed with my shirt not long enough to cover it, my helpless feet hanging out bare and towards Michelle right at this moment, every nerve alert in the cold basement air. I was wondering what she was doing now behind me.

I realised she must have thought this out while doing laundry one time. It seemed too perfect. There wasn't a bit of my body that wasn't available for tickling. The thought of Michelle thinking about tying me up, outside the games themselves drove me wild! through my naive young mind I imagined her thinking of our tie up games when she wouldn't see me for days, the same as I.

I felt her fiddling with my big toe and started laughing at the ticklish sensation. She had tied something around it like a shoelace or something.

"What are....he ha doing?" I asked between laughs.

I realised my toes were tied together and then to the pole. My feet where now totally immobile.

I heard Michelle getting up. I felt SOOO helpless and vulnerable. I was facing the window, my backyard vanishing in the setting sun. I couldn't budge, the cold basement air setting all my nerves alert, especially my bare arms, armpits, lower belly, and feet.

Michelle walked around to the front of me, with an evil smile.

I was giggling nervously, my helpless body before her. "Hi Michelle," I said sounding very goofy.

She giggled at me.

"Hi Leeeee," she said playfully and started pulling my shirt up, at the same time those nails raking ever so slowly up my sides, causing me to laugh wildly, her nails and my shirt when up my ribs, across my ampits, getting a squeek, up my arms. Then she hung it from a nail on the ceiling, distracted by the tickling, I tuned in to realize I was now half naked, my bare stretched out torso before the tickle monster Michelle.

"What now lee?" she asked. She was looking at her watch.

"I don't know," I said nervously.

"Well i could leave you here till bed time...", she stated.

I tried helplessly to move, to struggle at all against my bonds, nothing, she really could do anything she wanted.

"I could give you a pink belly" she said slapping my belly lightly. I hung silent and helpless, wondering what she would do other than tickle, "Nuggies?" she asked, and I received some, trying to move my head hopelessly out of the way, "Wet willy?" she asked wetting her finger. I stuck my ears between my arms.

She went on like this, both us giggling. I realised it may not be so much fun to be tied up by someone other than Michelle, they could really do mean and gross things to me, and I couldn't stop them, but i trusted Michelle, the worst that could happen..

"I think i'm going to tickle youuuuu," she sang walking around me. I couldn't see her, which made me giggle even louder in anticipation. "Tickle tickle tickle, i'm going to tickle youuuuu," she said behind me. I tried to struggle and couldn't budge, my bare back, sides, and feet all on fire in anticipation, "tickle tickle.....tickle tickle tickle........tickle tickle....tickle tickle tickle...", she taunted, and the taunting ended. Gentle and super quick tickling sensations exploded on my back as the torment began. She started at the top tickling all the way down, across my shoulder blades, down to my flanks, and back up again in rhythmic motion.


Her fingers danced around my flanks and up my sides, across my ribs, across my armpits, up my arms, then back down to concentrate on my armpits.
I went crazy, "Hahahahahahahha!-scream-hahahaha-mu-er-cy-hahaha!" not being able to see where the tickling would come from was insane.
She stopped.

"Did you say mercy?" she asked while I started catching my breath, "Cause all I heard was: tickle tickle!" she sang, and her furious tickling nails were back on me.

i laughed and screamed and laughed and screamed, her nails danced down my back up my sides, from my armpits, then down my chest. She focused on my super-taut stomach, reaching around me, both hands moved in super tickle mode, fingers moving in her super quick style. She moved one hand across the top of my stomach from side to side, the opposite hand across the bottom from side to side. When they where at each side she'd switch them up, the other hand going across the top the other across the bottom.

GOD DID IT TICKLE, and she wasn't stopping, she just kept tickling my stomach, tickling and tickling, the more she tickled the more ticklish i became and the more i laughed and screamed. I couldn't make out any words at this point, and could hear her taunting. "Tickle tickle tickle, tickle tickle tickle," like some evil playground nursery rhyme. I was exhausted and sweating as she then danced her hands up my chest and to my armpits, her hands left me for a second to get my armpits again as she stood before me. She was giggling and enjoying my mindlessly laughing form.
Her hands attacked, reaching around tickling my shoulderblades across my armpits then back, over and over, then my armpits and up my arms and down, then my armpits and ribs up and down.
Getting nearly to the point of tears, I was having a bit more fun, enjoying the sight of my beautiful Michelle before me, those bare shoulders and that bare belly, her hands concentrating on me in tickling torment.

Her smile was so big, she really loved torturing me.

She concentrated on my sides and hips, the tops of my hip bones now jutting out of my jeans, tickling and tickling.

I screamed in laughter and began to get some fear. She just kept tickling me, what if she wouldn't stop, what if she tortured me like before?!
But she stopped, brushing my sweat filled hair off my forehead, I breathed heavy looking at her before me, matching her smile.

She hugged me. "You're so fun to tickle lee", the hug felt great, my crush. "Ew!" she said, "sweaty," and backed off from me still smiling. "Ready to be untied?", she asked.

I nodded weakly.

"What number am i thinking?", she asked, "between 1 and 10"

"Why?" i asked.

"Wrong," she said, "That's not even a number", and walked behind me.

"Six!" i yelled in fear.

"Too late," she said.

"Four!" I yelled. I struggled but couldn't see her.

"Actually three", she said, and that's when i discovered she was down by my feet.

"Tickle tickle," she sang drawing a nail from each hand from my heel to toe. I yelped.

"Mercy!" I yelled!

But Michelle wasn't feeling very merciful this evening.

"I'm gonna tickle you! I'm gonna tickle you!" she sang, which was strange, for as she did, she was already doing so.

Her hands flew in her superfast method, one hand on either foot.

My screaming laughter was barely human, and i could barely hear her giggling at me over my laughter. She danced her fingers up and down my feet, then in concentrated circles in certain areas. My feet couldn't move! I couldn't wiggle them at all, it was soon tickling and only tickling. I couldn't see her, I just felt the relentless attack on every inch of my bare soles and toes.

My head was arched back in mad laughter, tears were pouring down my face, the fingers just tickled and tickled.

I was starting to get terrified, would she tickle me like before?! It was hard to concentrate though through the tickling.

"I'm going to tickle you!" she said, and stopped.

I breathed heavily to catch my breath. "You should get ready for bed now", i heard her say and she was untying my toes.

It was an insane tickle session, but she had stopped to my relief. I really did think she was going to torture me again, and it was getting very close to not being fun at all.

Untying my ankles, my feet swinging out, i realised my wrists actually hurt, uncuffed i rubbed my wrists.

"You ok?" Michelle asked.

"I'm good," i said, as quick as i could out of breath. I didn't want her to feel bad that my wrist hurt, and I didn't want the guilt to make her not tie me up again.

She gave me a hug once I was freed. "Get ready for bed, I'll clean this up," she said.

I got ready and she got homework out to do until my mom got home. While saying goodnight to each other I asked her, "Can i tie you up next time?"

"Mabye," was her only reply

more soon


Anomalee's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section
Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Lucien »

I absolutely love Anomalees stories, if only he had continued writing.
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