Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
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Raunch/masculine brutishness
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thursday, May 21 (12:00 PM)

I woke up feeling somewhat well rested and surprisingly dry.
Considering how thick Nate's sleeping bag was, it was nothing short of a minor miracle that I wasn't covered in sweat by that point.

Being a cold sleeper did have it's advantages I guess.

Judging from the amount of sunlight making it's way through the bedroom window, I knew it must've been pretty late already. Which made sense, considering we'd gone to bed at a bit past three in the morning.

I spent the next hour or so dozing on and off, with the thick sleeping bag smothering my face and forcing me back into a dizzying slumber. Nate's manly scent permeated the thing and filled my nostrils up, keeping me aroused while simultaneously shielding me from the much stronger odours that ran amok in Shawn's cluttered up bedroom.

Things changed as soon as the sleeping stallion awoke from his slumber and sat himself up on the edge of the bed.

"Rise and shine, little faggot." he teased, unzipping the thick army bag down a bit before finally unzipping Nate's much thicker winter bag and exposing the entirety of my face.

I wanted to be obedient and start my day on the right foot, but my delicate senses and flaring nostrils were NOT ready for the wave of nauseating smells that hit once Nate's thick sleeping bag cleared my face.

"Uuggggmpph!" I protested, instantly crinkling my nose up and squinting my eyes tight in an effort to escape the stench.

Being even more impervious to my pleas and whimpers than his cousin was, the huge, hairy, blond haired beast yawned and raised his hands up towards the ceiling before standing tall and making his way across the cluttered bedroom.

His socks, shoes and feet had filled the place up with a revoltingly putrid odour, but muscular hunk apparently thought little of it.

Instead of opening the window to try and air his nest out, he simply walked up to where his phone was plugged, removed it from the USB charger and started glancing at his messages, totally uncaring about the fact that he was stark naked and sporting a very serious case of morning wood between his thighs.

Several loud farts escaped from the 235-pound college beefcake's huge bums, but the hunk just strode around, keeping his eyes glued to the phone he was holding, and smirking every time as his gaze came across funny memes on his Facebook feed.

I was still greatly perturbed by the offensive smell of his footwear, but the monstrous size of his tool and the fact that it stood in a perfectly straight horizontal line proved to be an even greater distraction.

The oversized boner that stuck out in front of him, bobbed left and right with each step he took.
I was terrified! Mesmerized even...

Shawn's boyish facial features were a sharp contrast to his older cousin's more rugged ones.
But body hair aside, their bodies were virtually identical in every way!

My captor eventually did take his eyes off his phone and cover himself up.

I watched as scanned the floor and watched as he bent down and snatched a pair of black briefs from one of the piles next to his bed.

The briefs were huge, but the jock still struggled to work his massive thighs and giant butt into the stretchy fabric.

I was a bit apprehensive when he finally sat himself down on the edge of the bed and peered into my eyes with those steely blue orbs of his.

The sight of him eyeing my face up and licking his lips was a little frightening to say the least.
And given how unpredictable he'd been over the past twenty four hours, my fears were far from misplaced.

Shawn's lips curled up into the beginnings of a smile as he lifted his right foot up and brought it down over my flaring nostrils. "Sniff my toes." he ordered, taking full advantage of the fact that my mouth was gagged and curling his fat digits down around my defenceless sniff holes.

The odour emanating from the space between his toes was at least TEN times stronger than I remembered it being last night.

I nearly puked on the spot and went cross-eyed after the very first whiff.

"Haha!" the blond bully laughed, smiling toothily at the sight of me gagging and chocking on his overpowering foot odour.

The foot sniffing thankfully didn't last very long, but that's only 'cause Shawn had other plans he wanted to bring into motion.

I was still recovering from the stench of his toes and struggling to contain my need to vomit when the beefy, blue eyed stallion bent down and started unwrapping the tape from around my face.

The mystery sock was pulled out and my face was once again immediately presented with the bottom of my captor's extremely offensive, size 13 foot.

"Ugggh..." I gagged, unable to hold my own against the smell.

Shawn wanted his toes washed, and he made it amply clear to me that any refusal on my part would result in me getting my mouth stuffed with one of his moldy, cheese-infested socks for the rest of the day.

I spent the next twenty minutes washing and worshiping the brutish hunk's enormous size 13 feet; sucking and cleaning his fetid toes and quite literally EATING the stinking cheese that had built up in between them.

The stud watched me with great interest and ended up biting his lower lip and groping his engorged manhood several times over the course of the ordeal.

He wasn't nearly as verbal as Nick would've been, but he relished and craved control nonetheless.
I could tell by the way he kept smothering my face and clenching his toes around my nose that he had a thing for domination.
He couldn't help it. It was in his blood.

Shawn enjoyed every minute of my ministrations, and couldn't help but tense up and voice out the occasional "fuck yeah" every time my nostrils flared beneath his rancid digits.

I was on the verge of being sick. But as the minutes went by and the stench of his feet worked it's way into my system, my senses sorta became numb and seemingly accepted defeat.

After the first ten minutes of my ordeal, I was nothing more than a sobbing, whimpering mess, but otherwise proved fairly compliant by licking, sucking and slobbering my tongue across my captor's meaty soles without any immediate threat looming down upon me.

Satisfied with the growing level of compliance he'd recently instilled in my being, Master Shawn removed his rotten feet from my face and freed me from the sleeping bag cocoon without noticing the small spot of dried semen at the front of the shiny spandex sleepsack.

The flannel lining inside Nathan's thick winter bag was a white, plaid motif, rendering any patch of dried up man-juice virtually undetectable.

Shawn allowed me to get dressed and take my shower, but only gave me a time table of ten minutes to do my business and freshen up.

That hardly gave me time to fix myself up, and didn't give me any time at all to go hunting in the communal laundry basket Joey and Chris apparently threw their dirty stuff into.

Urged by an uncontrollable need to get the taste of my captor's toes out of my mouth, I spent the entire ten minutes brushing my teeth and rinsing my tongue while shampooing my hair and washing myself in the shower.

Not having taken my cellphone in the washroom with me, I had no way to be certain of how much time I'd used up. But I had the distinct feeling that my shower had taken a bit more than the ten minutes Shawn had deemed fit to allocate me.

I was, once again, a bit fearful when I stepped out of the steamy bathroom to find my underwear-clad babysitter sitting on one of the living room recliner chairs, waiting for me.


Fortunately for me, the stud didn't follow up on his stern 10-minute time table and didn't punish me for having spent more time using the washroom than I probably should have.

Maybe he didn't realise I'd passed his time table, maybe he didn't care, or maybe he was so satisfied with my compliance that he simply decided to let this one slide by. Either way, it didn't matter.

Shawn eyed my newly-freshened, hastily fixed up self and immediately motioned for me to approach his seated frame.

Joey and Chris were both in their respective rooms and Big Mike was sitting on the couch, gaming on the living room console like he had been when I first met him yesterday afternoon.

The place was quiet and Shawn apparently had no qualms about walking around shirtless, wearing nothing but his tight-fitting, skimpy black underwear.

I was half expecting him to make me get down on my hands and knees and do something demeaning, but instead of humiliating me, the hunk ordered me to get something in my stomach and get a lunch going himself and his roomies.

Having barely eaten anything yesterday, I could hardly wait to tear the fridge door open and get some food down my gullet.

I grabbed a quick bite, spent a few minutes sweeping the kitchen floor and getting the counter cleaned up. Then I quickly got to work and started preparing an early afternoon lunch that consisted of bacon, eggs, sausage and toast.

As the smell of bacon and eggs began permeating the air, so too did the sound of activity inside the previously quiet apartment.

Big Mike was the first to come snooping around to see what I was making.
I had to stop him from eating all the bacon I was trying to cook and ended up playfully smacking his hand away as he attempted to steal a third slice from off the cooking pan.

Joey was the next one to pay me a visit, and although he was much better behaved than Mike, he too couldn't stop himself from snatching up a half-cooked piece of bacon right from the pan.

Not being as comfortable with him as I was with Mike, I pretended not to notice and desperately tried keeping my eyes to myself instead of fawning at the dark-haired hunk's hot face and musculature.

Once the brunch was ready, all five of us gathered around the kitchen table and dug into the food I'd prepared.
These guys had an insatiable appetite, but being in the habit of cooking for Nick, I was no stranger to their near-gluttonous habits.

Other than a few appreciative comments and Chris throwing a jab at me and saying that he could certainly get used to having me around more often, the four Alphas spent their time talking about sports and pretty much ignored me as I ate and then gathered up their plates to do the dishes.

All in all, it turned out to be a pretty boring start to the afternoon.
And it would've stayed that way had Josh neglected to make an appearance a short while later.

Things started looking up again as soon as he did.
Let me explain.

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Post by Volobond »

Poor Steven, but at least he's enjoying himself. It's funny to see him getting bored. I wonder if he'll ever learn to be careful what he wishes for lol

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Post by socjuc »

Great to see Shawn exercise his dominance in the way he did. I think as time passes and he is more and more accustomed and he enjoys it he may just come over to Nick's and demand more of Steven :lol:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Such a hot chapter . Made me so rock hard when I was reading it .
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Thursday, May 21 (4:00 PM)

It must've been around four in the afternoon when Joshua finally showed up.
He must've thought I was a real bondage gimp or something, 'cause every time he laid eyes upon me, I was either tied up, gagged or being held on a leash of some sort.

This time was no different.

After the early afternoon lunch we'd enjoyed, Shawn decided he'd spend the rest of his day lounging around and gaming in his bedroom. Nick was supposed to be calling in the evening, but aside from that, I didn't have anything special to look forward to.

Naturally, my host didn't have any plans for me and was too unimaginative to take me out or try to entertain me. So instead of treating me like the guest of honour I was supposed to be, the brute simply ordered me back to the confines his smelly bedroom and managed to bully me back into the damnable spandex sleepsack I'd previously spent the night in.

Being perfectly content with just sitting on the living room couch and watching Big Mike enjoy his video game marathon, I was, to put it mildly, very unhappy to be back in Shawn's bedroom, lying face-up on his bed, with my arms pinned down to my sides and my body fully encasedsed in the tight, form-hugging restraint.

I protested, and loudly at that.
But Shawn merely rewarded my efforts by shutting me up with the heavy-duty muzzle gag he'd snatched up from my husbandly Master's bedroom.


I've already flaunted, or rather, LOATHED the effectiveness of the muzzle gag Nick kept in his closet.
But this experience was even more loathsome in that I didn't want the stupid thing muzzling my face up!

Much like the high quality, escape-proof sleepsack Nick had deemed fit to get me, the muzzle he owned was also a top-notch piece of gear. Those ridiculous Amazon imitations were cheap and flimsy by comparison!

Given how comfortable the thing was, I should've probably been a little thankful that my boyfriend wasn't interested in cheap stuff.
Whereas many bondage addicts spent hundreds of dollars hoarding low-quality gear, Nick always favoured quality over quantity.

Unlike the cheap imitation muzzles that were always hard, clunky and annoyingly uncomfortable, this handcrafted piece of gear was made of super thick, heavily padded, supple leather.

It didn't matter if you had a broad chin or a slim one. The hyper-generously padded, soft leather would mould itself under your chin and jaw, and produce an air-tight seal over your mouth and lips.

As comfortable as the muzzle was around my face though, the sheer effectiveness of it proved unimaginably frustrating to my agitated self.

It took a while for Shawn to work the creaking harness around my head, but once the heavy-duty muzzle found its foothold around my lower face, the straps were fastened tight and my protests were cut short.

"Nmmmpphh!" I cried out, attempting to shake my head left and right as the thick padding began taking my freedom of speech away and imposing his rule of silence on me.

There would be no talking once that thing was buckled up, I knew. And unlike those clunky imitation muzzles that were made of cheap, hardened leather, this muzzle was equipped with a really thick, heavily-padded facepiece to muffle out any sound or potential complaint made by its wearer.

In other words, it didn't allow any freedom.

"There. No more talking." Shawn mumbled, using his giant arm muscles to tighten the chin strap and buckle it tight.

The sound of my complaints was quickly transformed into barely audible "mmpphhs" and "uuggmphs" as the fat muzzle gag creaked and strained to contain my uncooperative yapper.

Clad only in his briefs and the same putrid pair of socks he'd been wearing yesterday, the hunk sat on his chair, put his headphones on and spent the next hour or so gaming on his computer, leaving me alone to cry out and simmer in my body-encompassing sleepsack restraint.


After a rather intense bout of struggling and futile protesting, I laid the back of my head down against my captor's bed and closed my eyes in an effort to just relax and catch my breath.

With the stupid muzzle-thing just barely clearing my nostrils, the overpowering scent of leather filtered down into my lungs and prodded me into a state of light slumber.

A knock on Shawn's bedroom door woke me up a short time later, but the gaming brute was far too caught up in whatever game he was playing to hear the unknown visitor's request to enter.

"Uggghmmphh." I called out, hoping that whoever it was would hear me through the leather muzzle gag.

A second series of knocks echoed from the other side of the door, and Shawn finally placed his headphones down around his neck and before bidding the unknown visitor inside.

My senses suddenly went into full throttle when the door swung halfway open and Joshua's cheerful face came poking through.
His features lit up the instant he saw me, and I just knew I was in a world of trouble the moment he walked in.

"There you are!" the excited young man exclaimed, right before swiftly barging in and jumping up onto the bed without offering Shawn an explanation for his being here.

The older jock spun around in his swivelling chair and eyed Josh expectantly.

"Mind if I keep him company for a bit?" the blond beta-jock smirked, pinching my nostrils shut with his fingers before turning his gleeful gaze back to grumpy beefcake Shawn.

The hairy muscle-oaf rolled his eyes upwards and produced a somewhat resigned sigh before signalling his surrender.
But instead of showing interest in what Josh intended on doing with me, Shawn just turned his gaze back to the computer screen and placed his headphones back on before resuming his game.

With my overly beefy babysitter having turned his back to us, the younger student-jock now had free reign over me and didn't refrain from using his curious hands to explore my tightly sacked up, spandex-covered torso.

When the blond lad's fingers finally drew close to my hardening erection, I giggled in delight and immediately tried to squirm away from his digits. Unfortunately for me though, the heavy-duty muzzle gag kept my moans to a minimum, and my attempts to make my voice heard and get Shawn's attention failed miserably.

When it finally dawned upon me that the beefy brute couldn't hear me through the racquet coming out of his headphones, I looked up at my new captor with a sudden sense of newfound fear in my eyes.

The blond-haired beta-jock menace smiled down at me.
He had me all to himself.
Last edited by bondagefreak 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by GoBucks »

Steven may have thought it was a boring morning, but I thought that was a very hot chapter! Definitely one that got me hard. Looking forward to day 2 with the hunks!
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Post by GoBucks »

Wow a second chapter popped up after I posted my first comment. That was a nice surprise!

Uh oh Joshua doesn't seem to be up to any good! Steven is in trouble :twisted:
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Post by Volobond »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] , I have been waiting for the return of the muzzle gag and I am not disappointed! Love the description. Wish I had a boy in one of those things.

And I wonder what Joshua is planning with poor helpless Steven... ;)

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Post by Msueta@2 »

That was another hot chapter . Can't wait to see what the hunks have planed for Steven in the next chapter . Maybe some tickling ?
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Post by NeedControl »

Yeeeaahhhhh!!!! 😃😃😃🙊🙊🙊
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[mention]Arizian[/mention] [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] [mention]that1kid13[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]dahanband[/mention] [mention]sws91[/mention] [mention]Windrunner[/mention] [mention]TiedNW[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]harsim[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]lengban[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Johnsnow[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]gaggedup[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]zzzz12333211[/mention] [mention]george_bound[/mention] [mention]cherryboy[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]beserkade12[/mention] [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]ziptiedboy[/mention] [mention]hb54[/mention] [mention]Harlequinn22[/mention] [mention]Valimure[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Michael-Colin[/mention] [mention]Itsuki Hoga[/mention] [mention]Noidilop[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]5T3V3N[/mention] [mention]Mummyboi[/mention] [mention]Shadesflirty[/mention] [mention]JayMoe[/mention] [mention]Charmides[/mention] [mention]StealthAlex[/mention] [mention]Phoenix[/mention] [mention]Havok978[/mention] [mention]Tickler1079[/mention] [mention]handovermouth[/mention] [mention]Sockboy84GER[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]Blakenome1999[/mention] [mention]Yellow[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Ayu[/mention] [mention]AF1snffr[/mention] [mention]BlueZephyr[/mention] [mention]bluemoon27[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]njr[/mention] [mention]CorbD91[/mention] [mention]FeetSniff2020[/mention] [mention]The WinterShuffle[/mention] [mention]EJTied22[/mention] [mention]PiotrekTied[/mention] [mention]Batsox[/mention]

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Post by george_bound »

Sooo Sir BFreak ([mention]bondagefreak[/mention]), I finally made the time to show you the respect you deserve and read through Chapters 64-100. Wow!!! I don't have time right now to make all the comments I want and should make although many of them have already been stated by the others a year ago when the chapters were posted.

I will say though that the last three chapters were are emotional roller coaster... I nearly lost it when Nick and Steven found the collar in the forest, all the strong emotions I felt "nine months ago" rushed back! What a full circle moment! Just as on the last trip when Steven returned back to Nick and put his trust in him to care for him, the same spot is where Nick's commitment to Steven and Steven's reciprocated trust were renewed. Amazing work of tying that all together.

And finally but importantly... thank you for Chapter 100! I've always had a soft spot for Jeremy since we first met him and, maybe because I see some of my own past submissive characteristics in him (I'm a switch bondage practitioner but not a Dom by any stretch), I've cringed at his brutal treatment from the beginning. My heart was sinking at Jeremy's demeanor through the entire chapter which was only amplified when contrasting it with Steven and Nick's relationship and Steven's excitement that he felt he couldn't share with his "friend". Frankly, I think that made his "liberation" in the end even more joyful. I do remember commenting to you previously about Steven's roller coaster of experiences and also how hard it was for me to read about Jeremy's treatment, your response was as follows:

"If you're looking for those bits of joy I think you are, I'd advise you to push forward with your reading.
I'm not a fan of unhappy endings, and BaG is definitely not about sadness and abuse.
Lights shine brighter in the dark, and what the character went through actually makes the struggle and the end result even more fulfilling."

Chapter 100 certainly brought that bit of joy I was so wanting for Jeremy; however, I don't know how this all pans out but am hoping for the best for his sake...
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Ah, poor Steven. Spending the night gagged after licking Shawn's feet and then the first thing in the morning, he has to lick his feet again. That's humiliating. I'm sure brushing his teeth for 10 minutes didn't help to get the taste out of his mouth. I'm glad to see Joshua coming to Shawn's room to play with Steven. And I really like the look of that muzzle. It's not just plain leather, but it's stuffed so that it fits perfectly around the chin and covers up the face really good.
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Post by squirrel »

This gag looks pretty soild and effective... Steven is so lucky be be silenced with it...

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Post by george_bound »

OK, I'm rolling now Sir BFreak ([mention]bondagefreak[/mention]), advanced 20 chapters through Chapter 120 this evening! I must say I'm happy with how things are slowly turning out for my boy, Jeremy, although I'm fully aware things could shift at any minute due to his instability. I think I found the following lines the most touching of what I read tonight:

"Brad would've NEVER allowed him to sit on the couch like this. Yet here he was, sitting between two dominant Alpha-studs, neither of them having any reservations about sharing their space with a mere sub." (Chapter 118)

"Zack grabbed a plate and opened the first pizza box before grabbing two slices and licking the pizza sauce and melted cheese off his large fingers. I have to admit, I was more than a little surprised when he handed the plate over to Jeremy and told the boy to start eating." (Chapter 119)

I've actually gone from being horrified for Jeremy to being supremely jealous of him - come on, Zach flirting with you and holding you tight - I'd melt like butter, he's so my type. If you happen to know if he's looking for a regular boi to tie up and torment, could you kindly direct him my way; I'd be forever indebted to you, Sir... not that I want to be a wedge between him and Jeremy, heck I'd be completely down with Zach tying Jeremy and I up together... 69 or otherwise... we're both of the same svelt stature ;)

And don't think your Canadiana is going unnoticed... apart from the obvious use of kilograms and metres instead of imperial, I've never ever heard anyone but a Canadian use the term "all-dressed" - for pizza, chips, or otherwise :lol:

Finally, in addition to the magic of Zach's bondage skills, I loved the tickling scene. In the instances when I switch and tie a boi up, I always ask the usual questions about favourites, fantasies, hard limits, etc. but there's one question I never ask until the boi is fully bound and at my mercy... and I don't ask the question with my mouth but rather with my hand. I always instantaneously know the answer - yes or no - without a single word being uttered :twisted:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thursday, May 21 (4:00 PM)

Joshua spent the next half hour pinching my nostrils, tickling my ribs and making me squeal beneath my gag.
I tried getting him to stop and tried getting a hold of Shawn's attention, but the heavily-stuffed, leather muzzle gag stopped me from opening my mouth and getting the tiniest of peeps out.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when the young college star ran his fingers up and down the outline of my very much engorged, spandex-clad erection.

The thin running shorts I was wearing inside the skintight restraint provided very little protection against the blond stud's nimble fingers.

Joshua's sexual orientation finally came to the fore when Shawn placed his headphones on his desk and told us he was leaving to take a dump.

Still dressed only in his tight briefs and rancid size 13 tube socks, the towering giant warned his younger counterpart not to remove my muzzle, before quickly exiting the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

"Pheww...isn't he looker or what?" Josh suddenly smiled, his blue orbs beaming with an unmistakable sparkle of attraction as he watched the much beefier hunk's rear end disappear through the doorway.

Still a little uncomfortable with publicizing my attraction to the male gender, I rolled my eyes and refrained from adding a comment in my gag.

My silence apparently didn't sit well with Josh.

"You don't find him hot?" he asked, eyeing me down with an incredulous look on his face.

I tried responding beneath the fat leather padding that entrapped my face, but all that came out was an unintelligible garble and a series of muffled moans.

The athletic young man snickered and ruffled my hair up before lying sideways next to my body and running his fingers across my defenceless stomach.

"Shawn's so hot. It's kinda too bad he farts all the time and stinks so much, isn't it?" he commented, speaking more to himself than for my benefit.

I moaned and groaned in my muzzle, flaring my nostrils open and crinkling my nose up.
The fetid aroma floating around inside the bedroom was rather extreme, and Joshua reminding me of the fact that the air smelled unnaturally stale and cheesy didn't sit well with my senses.

Unfortunately for me though, protesting my fate in front of the slightly sadistic, playful teen-jock proved to be a lot more trouble than it was worth.

Instead of sympathizing with my plight and attempting to help me out, the 5'10 dreamy-eyed steed used my muzzle to his advantage and forced me to sample his secret crush's pungent shoes and boxers.

"Holy shit! Get a load of these!" he chuckled, bending over to pick up the pair of absolutely massive black briefs that were closest to the bed.

I saw the Diesel waistband and instantly grimaced in fear.
These weren't just any briefs. These were the same briefs Shawn had peeled off and tossed onto my face last night!

Josh eyed the enormous boxers with genuine admiration, probably caught somewhere between awe and dumbfoundedness because of how big they were.

"Fuck...these are huge!" the jock giggled, holding them up with both hands and quite literally marvelling at the fact that the older hunk's boxers could engulf our heads two to three times over.

I cried out in apprehension, knowing full well what my captor had in mind.
But my insight into the future provided me with no means of escaping the predicament now found myself in.

"Haha! What's wrong, mummy-boi? Want a sniff?" Josh teased, hovering the funky cloth over my heavily-muzzled, grimacing face.

I screamed and shook my head, but my rowdy protests were of little help.

"If you insist!" the lad cheered, turning Shawn's massive Diesel briefs inside out and wadding them up into a huge ball.

I cried out and turned my head to avoid the cloth, but Josh was faster.
The hefty bundle easily caught up with me and clamped down over the front of my muzzle, burying my nose and covering the rest of my face up in the process.

The familiar stench of Shawn's ripe buttcrack invaded my system and sent me into a state of panic that bordered on hysteria.

"Ugggmmmpphhh!" I screamed, desperately trying to get a call out past the smothering bundle and futilely attempting to voice a protest out through the tight leather muzzle gag.

I wanted Joey, or Chris, or Big Mike to come and save me.
But even though the three of them were in neighbouring rooms, the stupid muzzle wasn't letting me alert them to what was happening.

Joshua made me sniff the older college hunk's boxers for an entire minute before finally deciding that I'd had enough.

My torment didn't end there, however.

Instead of letting me rest and recuperate, the excitable golden-haired Barbie-boy tossed the oversized undies down to the floor and reached to grab one of Shawn's big, worn-out running shoes.


I was still dazed from having survived the extended encounter with the college beefcake's putrid underwear when the shoe came down and swallowed my face up.

"Yeah, get your little nose inside there." Josh gleefully chuckled, pressing down on the ratty old sneaker and making sure the contour of it's opening was snug against the outline of my muzzled face.

With the opening being so large and the blond kid pressing it down with so much force, the tip of my nose was practically touching the rotten thing's bottom sole.

With most of my face either buried inside the shoe or stuck beneath the smelly tongue flap, I couldn't see my captor's face and couldn't properly communicate the level of horror and disgust I was currently experiencing.

As intent as Josh was to make me sniff the inside of Shawn's revolting trainer, I ended up choking and coughing so much that the troublesome teen-jock was forced to cut my torment short.

I was terrified at the prospect of having my face in there again, but the episode with Shawn's shoe abruptly came to an end when Josh caught a whiff of the fumes coming outta there and threw the nauseating thing across the room.

The kid coughed and gagged, protesting the stench and frantically waving a hand in front of his face to try and dissipate the must.
He couldn't stomach the smell of Shawn's footwear, and unbeknownst to him, his lack of endurance in that regard would eventually come back to haunt him at a later time.

It's like they say.
What comes around, goes around.

In any case, the sound of a flushing toilet soon alerted us to Shawn's imminent return, and as you might expect, it instantly incited Joshua to be on his absolute best behaviour.


When the hunk returned, the blue-eyed teen-devil pretended to be taking care of me by petting my head and running his fingers through my hair.

My eyes shot daggers at him, but the fat muzzle gag prevented me from protesting his sudden change in behaviour.
And so I just lay there, fuming beneath the padded leather and staring up at him with vengeful brown eyes.

Joshua remained with us for a good half hour after that.
But he eventually lost interest in me and opted to leave the smelly confines of Shawn's bedroom, no doubt hoping to garner attention from one of the other jocks sharing this apartment.

As soon as the young steed walked away, Shawn closed his bedroom door and sat on his bed, right next to my cocooned form.

"You calmed down?" he asked, placing his large hand on the top of my head in an uncharacteristic gesture of affection.

I gave the hunk a fearful look before finally breathing out a sigh of relief and mumbling unintelligibly inside my gag.

"Mpphhhgggh pphhhgg." I tried telling him from beneath the thickly padded leather that covered my mouth.

Shawn gave me a somewhat soft, meaningful look, and I immediately knew that something was wrong.
His features were still as neutral and as expressionless as ever, but his eyes...his eyes were different somehow.

"I spoke to Nick." he told me, keeping his hand on top of my head while placing his other hand around my left shoulder.

"I told him you were here, but I think it would be a good idea if you'd call him." he added, pretty much confirming what I already suspected.

I took my babysitter's words in and allowed my gaze to sink downwards as he sat there and tried to comfort me.
Something had happened to Nick's aunt, and although I didn't know her or any other member of his extended family, it pained me to know that my boyfriend was going through something and that I wasn't there to support him and comfort him.

Shawn unbuckled the muzzle straps and undid the heavy-duty sleepsack zipper before helping me out.

The stud put some shorts and one of his many sleeveless basketball jerseys on before lending me his cellphone and offering me the privacy of his bedroom. Apparently he thought it better that I be allowed to speak to my lover one-on-one. A benign decision, but one that I appreciated nonetheless.

"Take the time you need. I'll be in the living room. Come and see me when you're done." he instructed, before slowly making his way into the main hall and closing the bedroom door behind him as he left.

Finally, some alone time.

I looked down at the phone in my hands and instantly tried going through the DCIM folder in search of those photos he'd taken yesterday morning. But the photo evidence had either been erased, downloaded onto an online platform or moved into another device.

I couldn't find them, and after a few minutes of futile searching, I simply gave up and navigated my way into the beefcake's phonebook.

Time to call Nick.
Last edited by bondagefreak 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Damn, Joshua is a sneaky and sadistic boi isn't he? 8-)

Quite interested in hearing the phone call with Nick, even if it bears bad news.
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Post by Volobond »

I wonder if Steven may end up developing a jealousy of Josh should the sadist end up captured himself, in the same vein as Jeremy, or if he'll be happy to see the torture.

And poor Nick. I hope he's alright.

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Shawn has a human side and now he shows it to the fullest: giving Steven the privacy he needs to call Nick and giving him the time he needs to do that. Shawn isn't all evil. Sometimes he might be mean or indifferent, but now he is clearly thinking about what Steven needs and what Nick needs.

Bondagefreak, you just left enough clues in this chapter to make me really interested in the next chapters! Something is going to happen with Shawn's trainers and Joshua, so it seems. And I really liked how Joshua tortured Steven with the putrid shoe. It's a good thing the muzzle is preventing Steven from complaining about it.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Joshua is a sadistic guy . I wish that was me in that chapter instead of Steven.
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Post by GoBucks »

Love that Josh used Shawn's smelly gear to torture Steven. Would love to be in Steven's place.

Ugh it sure sounds like Josh IS going to take on a Jeremy role and steal some of the hunks' attention. Boo I'm jealous already!
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Post by socjuc »

Very interesting chapter [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I loved how Joshua used Shawn's gear to torture Steven. That in my opinion is always hot! I think there will be a rivalry, perhaps an ongoing battle between Joshua and Steven... :lol: Though i think Joshua would dominate poor Stevey again. He is just so much more sneaky. :P
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[mention]Arizian[/mention] [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]that1kid13[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]LK3869[/mention] [mention]dahanband[/mention] [mention]NeedControl[/mention] [mention]sws91[/mention] [mention]Windrunner[/mention] [mention]TiedNW[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]harsim[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]lengban[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Johnsnow[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]gaggedup[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]zzzz12333211[/mention] [mention]george_bound[/mention] [mention]cherryboy[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]beserkade12[/mention] [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]ziptiedboy[/mention] [mention]hb54[/mention] [mention]Harlequinn22[/mention] [mention]NotRowan[/mention] [mention]Valimure[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Michael-Colin[/mention] [mention]Itsuki Hoga[/mention] [mention]Noidilop[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]5T3V3N[/mention] [mention]Mummyboi[/mention] [mention]Shadesflirty[/mention] [mention]JayMoe[/mention] [mention]Charmides[/mention] [mention]StealthAlex[/mention] [mention]Phoenix[/mention] [mention]Havok978[/mention] [mention]Tickler1079[/mention] [mention]handovermouth[/mention] [mention]Sockboy84GER[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]Blakenome1999[/mention] [mention]Yellow[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Ayu[/mention] [mention]AF1snffr[/mention] [mention]BlueZephyr[/mention] [mention]bluemoon27[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention]
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Thursday, May 21 (5:00 PM)

"Hey, what's up?" the sound of my boyfriend's gruff voice greeted me as I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

I was a bit taken aback by his morose tone, but then realized that I was using Shawn's number and that Nick probably wasn't expecting me to be on the other end of the line.

"Hi. It's me." I answered, curling up on Shawn's bed and speaking in a soft tone while hugging my knees close to my chest.

The instant Nick recognized my voice and realized who was calling him, his tone changed.

"Babe! Hey! How's my baby-boy doing?" he asked, suddenly managing to put on a joyful-sounding façade.
Don't get me wrong, I knew he was genuinely happy to hear the sound of my voice.
But I also knew that his cheerfulness was only an act. As usual, he wanted to keep me out of harm's way.
Which inevitably meant keeping me in the dark and pretending everything was okay, even when they weren't.

"I'm okay, Sir. What about you? Are you okay? How's your mum?" I asked, feeling too sad and too apprehensive to ask about his aunt's condition.

There was a short pause and then I heard him sigh.
A definite indication that he was the bearer of grim news.

"I'm okay, don't worry. My mum is just shaken up. Hum...yeah, my aunt passed away during the night." he told me, speaking slowly but keeping his voice steady in an effort to have me believe he was okay.

It was very hard to get a glimpse of his state of mind over the phone, but I knew my boyfriend well enough to know that the loss was hurting him more than he was willing to admit.

You remember back at Brad's cottage, when Nick had tied me up, blindfolded me and driven me out into the woods at night?

He left me in his truck and set his tent up without my knowing.
He wanted to surprise me and take me away from Brad's cottage so that I could get my first fucking, outdoors, under the stars.
He wanted to make it extra special for me.

But when I broke down into tears and revealed to him how afraid I'd been and how I thought he was just gonna leave me tied up and dump me somewhere, I'd inadvertently driven a dagger through his heart.

Nick didn't say much.
But he didn't need to.
I knew him so well.

What I told him that night must've pained him a great deal.
And he was going through something similar now.

He and his aunt weren't that close, but I knew her passing would still leave a void and pain my lover more than he was willing to admit.

"Nick...Nick I'm so sorry." I whispered, holding the phone real close to my left ear and curling sideways so that the opposite side of my face was resting on Shawn's pillow.

"It's okay, Steven. She's been suffering for a long time. It's's actually better this way." Nick spoke, no doubt trying to make sense of all this and attempting to see his aunt's passing in a somewhat positive light. "Wherever she is, she's at peace now." he added, before quickly changing the subject and focusing his attention back to me.

"Babe. Are you okay if I leave you with Shawn for another day?" he asked, this time speaking in a slightly less subdued tone, as if trying to regain his composure.

"Yeah...I'll be okay."


"Nick? I miss you." I whimpered, bringing a hand up to my face so that I could dry up the set of tears that were welling up in my eyes.

The sound of my boyfriend's smooth, masculine voice was like honey to my ears.
He had only been gone for two days, and already I longed to be back in his arms again.

"I miss you too, babe." he sighed.
"I uhm...I just need to stay with my mum for a bit longer. She's gonna some need help getting through this." he continued, my acute hearing quickly recognizing the sound of mental fatigue in my hunky man's voice. He was exhausted, probably as a result of not being able to get much sleep over the past two days.

Poor Nick, I thought to myself.

"I know, Sir. I understand."

"You looking forward to seeing your little friend Jeremy this weekend?" he asked, instantly causing a sparkle of joy to light up inside of me.

"We're still going?" I asked, genuinely surprised at the fact that Nick had no intention of postponing our meetup with Zack.

"You bet we are! We might be a bit late, but we'll be packing up and leaving to join them as soon as I get back. Alright, boi?"

"Yes, Sir! I can't wait to see you again, Sir." I answered, positively thrilled and greatly looking forward to our upcoming camping trip with Zack and Jeremy.

As much as I loathed my boyfriend's sexual stamina and feared his seriously oversized manhood, I couldn't wait to crawl in that crazy fat sleeping bag of his and spend the night safely tucked underneath his powerful torso and huge, muscular arms.

Nick and I spoke for a good ten minutes after that.
I didn't have much to tell him and he didn't have much to say. But that didn't matter.

He inquired as to whether or not I was okay with Shawn and asked whether I was getting along with his cousin's roommates or not.
Of course, I told him everything was fine and purposefully left out the part about Shawn having blackmailed me yesterday morning.

I wanted to tell him what his cousin had done, but given what my boyfriend was going through right now, I decided to remain silent.
News about my altercation with Shawn would have to wait for a later date.
And even then, I was still unsure about whether or not I actually wanted to tell my boyfriend about it.

Knowing Nick the way I did, he'd probably be infuriated at his cousin and ban him from ever seeing me again.
And while such a strong reaction from my lover would serve to flatter my ego a bit, I couldn't help but wonder;
Is that something I truly wanted?
Did I truly want to bar Shawn for the rest of my life?

Sure, I didn't particularly love the guy. But I had grown at bit fond of him over these past two days.

He was very different from Nick, and yet, so very much alike.
I couldn't quite put my finger on why, but Shawn reminded me a lot of his older cousin back when he and I were not romantically involved.

He was perhaps a little less extroverted and less socially confident than Nick, but the college jock's personality still bore a striking resemblance to that of my lover.

The fact that I found Shawn's physique a little alluring and the fact that I enjoyed the sight and company of his muscular roommates, also acted as a sort of clouding agent in my decision-making process.

As much as I abhorred what he had done to me, I guess I sorta liked him a little bit.
I was definitely willing to consider brushing the blackmail episode under the carpet if he provided me with a heartfelt apology.

But until I made my mind up and until things started settling back down with Nick, I'd have to keep Shawn's misguided behaviour a secret.

The ball was in his park.
But for once, I was the one who'd have the final say.

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Post by Volobond »

Oh, little Steven... so willing to forgive after he's gotten a taste of the feet lol.

You have succeeded in even further humanizing Nick. At times he seems (through Steven's eyes) so infallible and such a dominating presence, it's really beautiful to see him so vulnerable, even when he tries to hide it. And how Steven is so much like him, hiding his own discomfort to protect Nick the same way his dom did for him.

And of course, I'm almost as excited as Steven to see Zack and Jeremy again!

Another enchanting and emotional installment in your epic work. Thank you very much!

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