It's Just Business [F/M]

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Post by Lady Knotty »

The next morning went far smoother than the first. Luckily, he had worn himself out during the night. From the wrinkles in the duct tape, I figured he had spent most of the night trying to rid his face from my sneaker. Unsuccessfully, however, as the sneaker was very much still in place.

Getting his wrists bound behind his back had been an easy task. He put up little to no struggle. Especially after I reminded him of yesterday's ordeal.

After getting him some orange juice and oatmeal, which I had to spoon feed him, we tried going to the bathroom once more.

I had given him compliments for learning how to navigate in such high heels so quickly, but he didn't seem to appreciate that.

We were just about done with his daily routine when I decided to reveal my plans for the day. I led him into my dining room and told him to wait for me. Because I didn't fully trust him not to do anything stupid yet, I tied a piece of rope around his ankle and fastened it to the leg of the dinner table. He made a couple of disapproving noises behind his new gag, and tugged at the rope around his wrists. One would think he'd have learned by now.

I went upstairs to my room and picked out a form fitting, strapless red dress, along with a pair of red pumps, a new fresh pair of red lace panties, and a pair of dark pantyhose. Then I went back downstairs and into the dining room where my captive was still waiting, not too eagerly, for my return.

"So I'm having some friends over for lunch today," I started. "And I figured you could participate, seeing as you have nothing else planned."

He looked at me, eyes wide.

"Oh, but I forgot to mention that it's a 'girls only' kind of lunch. That's why I've picked out some clothes for you to wear. See? It's your color!" I laughed. "Now, are you going to let me dress you without any trouble, or do you want to spend the day hanging from the ceiling in the basement instead? I went for a jog earlier this morning before you woke up, so I should have some fresh shoes and socks for you to chew on just in case."

I took his silence as a sign of compliance and began untying his legs. Getting him into the dress went relatively smooth. The heels and pantyhose, on the other hand, were definitely more of a tight fit. It took a lot of effort and a little bit of sheer willpower to get him into them.

"Oh, right. I also forgot to mention that you're not invited as a guest." I sneered and pushed him over the table. "You're going to be the main course."

I grabbed his legs and pulled them up, positioning him flat on his chest. Pushing his ankles together, I produced a piece of rope with my free hand and began wrapping it around them. I cinched and secured the rope binding his feet and then attached another rope to the knot so I could pull his ankles up towards his wrists.

I made sure to keep his ankles as pushed up as he could manage before I began connecting the rope to his wrists. I wanted to make his back arch like the shape of a drawn bow to push out his hips and groin even further. I loved how flexible he was. It sure made our time together a lot more interesting, at least for me.

I backed up a bit to admire his bound form. A part of me wanted to call off the lunch and keep playing with him myself for the rest of the day. But I resisted and pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. After all, this was going to be just as, if not even more amusing.

"I'm almost done," I informed him. "But I'm going to need you to stay still."

I grabbed his sides and rolled him over onto his back. He immediately lost his balance and was back on his stomach in a mere second.

I tried again, this time making sure his high heels were standing on the table before I let him go. "Now stay like this."

I pulled out a chair to stand on and grabbed another rope, looping it through the hook right above the dinner table.

His eyes widened.

"Don't move," I reminded him, as I hopped down to the floor.

With my free hand, I slid under his panties and gave him a couple of quick jerks. His erection was immediate and I helped it stand up. "There. Now keep it nice and hard for me, will you?"

With the rope in my other hand, I began tying it onto the base of his shaft, carefully tightening and removing any slack in between every loop. And when it was all done, his erect member stood beautifully like a candle decorating my dinner table. "And now for the cherry on top..."

I pulled out a big, shiny red ball gag from my bag and held it in front of his eyes. "This will make it easier to convince my friends that you're just another pervy little college kid who gets off on cross dressing and being tightly bound and gagged by an older woman. It's not something they haven't heard of before, and it's not like you'll be able to convince them otherwise with a ball gag in your mouth."

I sneered at the vicious look in his eyes. "Either way, it will be your word against mine. And I think my words are a bit easier to understand, if you catch my drift."

I laughed again. "Anyway, I gotta start preparing the food, but I'll make sure to check in on you before the guests arrive so I can give you your new gag in time."

I put my hand over his duct taped lips and patted the tip of his nose with my fingers.

"Try not to fall off until then."
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Keeps getting better and better
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Post by tpton »

seconded -- she's really showing no mercy! also, really like the perspective shift each time, that's really fun.
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Post by noyoyo »

I almost couldn’t believe it when the doorbell rang. I couldn’t believe this crazy bitch was actually going through with this lunch.

I had been tied up on the dining room table for close to hour at least. The woman had spent most of that time in the kitchen. For my part, there really wasn’t much I could do. Any kind of struggle threatened my balance, and any threat to by balance was a risk to my manhood. If I tipped over, I would literally be hanging by my balls.

I decided my best bet was to hope that the woman’s friends weren’t as cruel as she clearly hoped they were, or as dumb. I had never attended one of my mother’s afternoon lady-lunches, but I doubted any of them included a live, bound, exposed centerpiece.

Before the woman had set the table, she had made a few additions to my situation. First, she had blindfolded me with a red silk scarf. “As much as I enjoy your spirited eyes,” she had told me, “I don’t want to take the chance of one of my friends recognizing you. Just in case your picture ends up on a milk carton or something.”

Next she replaced the socks and tape over my mouth with the red ball gag. It was definitely more of a strain on my jaw, but at least it had no additional flavors.

After I heard her setting the table, I felt her use her finger to poke at my limp cock. “What’s the matter, darling, can’t keep it up?” I gurgled something into the ball gag about my situation, but I couldn’t form an intelligible syllable. I was having a difficult time getting aroused in a dress, hogtied with half my weight being forced on to my shoulders and neck. To say nothing of the rope holding my groin tight to the ceiling. The woman used just her thumb and forefinger to gentle stroke me, and I was ashamed at how quickly she succeeded in bringing me back to full standing. “Well I can’t do this all afternoon, now can I? Who will serve lunch?”

I heard her leave for a few minutes. I was alerted to her return by the clack of high heels, so I assumed she had gone to change her clothes. Then she startled me by holding something against my shaft. It felt cold and rubbery. She used some kind of thin rope to tie the device to my cock, occasionally giving me a couple jerks when my erection faded. I tried to focus on my discomfort, think about cold showers and baseball, anything to make this woman’s task more difficult. Suddenly the device began to gently vibrate.

“There,” she said. “That should be just enough to keep you stimulated, without bringing you to orgasm.” I felt her breath as she bent down close to my face. “No climaxing at the dinner table.”

I groaned loudly, flexing against the small vibrator, but there was nowhere to go.

So by the time the doorbell rang I was just about as frustrated as I had been in three days of captivity.

I heard the woman open the door and welcome several other women. As they made their way down the hall, their conversation became clearer. I started groaning loudly.

“… and I’ve been dealing with that all week,” I heard one new voice say.

“Evelyn, what’s that sound?” I heard another say.

“Well,” I recognized my kidnapper’s voice, and who’s name I finally had, “I’ve prepared a special centerpiece for this afternoon’s spread.”

With a final few clacks of the women’s high heels, I heard them come in to the room before a brief moment of silence, followed by a hysterical shriek.

“Evelyn?!” I heard one say, as I let out my best version of “Help me!” But after a pause, the same voice said “This is hilarious! Where did you… how did you…”

“You gotta be kidding me, woman,” said the other. With the clickity clacking of heels, I could tell they were coming closer. I tried to shake my head no, that this wasn’t a joke, but I didn’t have much movement I could make with losing my balance.

“He’s one of the neighborhood kids,” I heard Evelyn say. “Home from college. Apparently this sort of thing is all the rage on campus these days.” The three of them burst out laughing.

“He asked you to do this to him?” one of the women asked incredulously.

“Well, he agreed to it anyway,” Evelyn said, her smirk coming through in her voice. “He figured it would be better than just hanging around all day.”

I howled and shook as best I could, trying to convey that I was not there voluntarily. The blindfold was hiding my facial expression and, as my kidnapper had expected, the ball gag was making it difficult to convey anything.

“Oh my God! Look what she did to his penis!”

“Eve, is that a vibrator?”

“Just a little bullet vibrator, yes. For some reason he was having a little trouble staying hard. I thought this would be more decretive.”

“Are these your clothes?”

“Just the dress,” Evelyn answered, “My pantyhose and pumps are a couple sizes too small for him, so he brought his own.” I tried to shout that they weren’t mine at all, but my grumbling was drowned out by the women’s laughter and chatter. I felt a cloth held over my mouth, muffling me even more. “Settle down there, darling, you’re starting to drool.”

With that the doorbell rang again. Evelyn took the cloth off my mouth and left the room, shouting “Girls, pour yourselves a glass of wine!”

“This is too funny,” one of the women said to the other.

“She’s nuts,” the other agreed.

“I can’t believe she put him in one of her own dresses.”

I tried speaking in a normal tone, sounding out my words as best I could. I shook my head as viciously as I could, risking my balance.

“My my, he’s very spirited too,” one of them said.

There was more laughing and greetings from the front door as Evelyn and her new guests made their way toward the dining room.

“Is Karen here?” one of the women near me shouted.

“Yes, I’m here Lil’,” an approaching voice called back.

“Wait until you see this,” she warned.

There was a thundering of at least four sets of heels on the hardwood floor of the house before they reached the dining room.

“OH MY GOD!” Their hooting and hollering drowned out mine.

One of the women quipped in a dry voice, “So Eve, you decided to start dating again?” They all laughed.

The same dry voice asked, “Where’d you find this one Evelyn? Tinder?”

“Craigslist,” Evelyn answered, leading to more laughter.

“Who the fuck is this?” another asked with amused astonishment.

I was struck into dumb silence for a moment when one of the other women answered, “He’s one of her neighbors. Apparently it was his idea.”

They weren’t only buying my captress’s absurd lie, they were making it worse. No one had said this was my idea.

There must have been seven or eight of them. Maybe more. Their conversations were loud and mixed. Once the wine started going around there were clinking glasses and clacking shoes too. I continued to try and shout and buck, but they seemed to think it was just part of the show.

None of them seemed shy about poking and prodding me, but with all the commotion they probably didn’t even notice my objections. Mostly they ran their hands over the ropes binding me. A couple of the more forward women took liberty to feel my chest and calves.

“Oh, he works out,” one commented.

I let out a screech when one of them aggressively grabbed my shaft and the vibrator and gave them a hard shake.

“Are you serving him, or is he just part of the décor?” I didn’t find it nearly as amusing as everyone else.

After some more conversation, and my increasingly desperate groans getting me nowhere, Evelyn tapped her wine glass with a knife, or something.

“Ladies,” she began, “My plan was to have lunch in here, but I think my centerpiece is taking up a little too much space on the table. So why don’t we all just make a plate and head in to the living room?”

There was some more bustling around the room as the women grabbed their plates.

“Are you just going to leave him here, then?” one of the women asked.

“Oh yes,” Evelyn answered quickly. “He’ll be fine.” Although I gave a moan that should have indicated I was anything but fine, no one questioned her.

Once the room was cleared, someone turned some soft music on in the living room, making it impossible for me to discern what any of them were saying. I heard the clacking of heels approaching me, “I’m just going to grab another bottle of wine!”

I could hear the cork pop out of the bottle, followed by a few soft steps closer to me. I felt the bottle get placed close to me on the table, and I recognized my kidnapper’s perfume.

I felt her breath get closer to my ear, and she whispered, “Told you.”

I let out what I thought was going to be a groan, which actually sounded like a pathetic whimper.

“No one here is going to help you. No one is going to save you. All you’re doing is proving to me that you still haven’t learned that I’m the one in charge here.”

I didn’t move, or make a sound. She took the bottle of wine off the table and stood up.

“Now stay here and be a good little decoration for me, darling. Try not to do anything to make this worse for yourself.”
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Post by RopingRingers »

You know what? I think they SHOULD recognise him and still not care. That'd ramp up the helplessness to 11 for sure 👍
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Post by Escapee4520 »

What will she do next?
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Post by Lady Knotty »

"So, Eve, I need to know... Where did you learn how to tie your men down like that? I could really use some of your skills."

"Oh, I didn't know you and Michael were into kinky stuff, Jessica!"

"Oh no, it's not for the bedroom. I just figured I could use some me-time. And what better way to get rid of a pestering husband than to truss him up like a pig and stuff him in the closet?"

"Well, when you put it that way, I think I might need some lessons as well, Eve!"

I laughed heartily and took a sip from my wine. Even thought my friends tried their best to sound ignorant, I knew they liked what they saw. Every now and then, one of them would excuse themselves to the kitchen to get some water or a light snack. But what they really wanted was to get a better look at my bound and gagged captive.

It pleased me to know that he was lying completely helpless on my kitchen table, while we were in the living room, having a good time. I bet he had all sorts of thoughts about what he would do to us, had his arms not been so tightly secured behind his back. And not to mention all the things he would say, had his mouth not been occupied by a big, red rubber ball.

"Fine, I guess I'll teach you. I've always thought Michael talks way too much anyway. A couple of hours hogtied and gagged in the closet would do him good."

"Oh, Erica, that sounds like something you should try on Harry! Maybe we could finally go on that shopping date we've been planning then!"

"I agree with Tara. Harry could definitely use a lesson in humility!"

I took another sip from my glass and put it down on the table.

I glanced out the hallway at the door leading to the kitchen. He should be ready by now, I thought, before clapping my hands together. I stood up to gain everyone's attention.

"So," I started, "who wants to play a little game with our... guest of honor?"

They looked at me, some with anticipation and excitement, some with feigned puzzlement.

"What kind of game are we talking about?" one of them asked.

"Well, I was thinking..." I crossed my arms. "As you all know by now, I've made sure to keep our guest fresh and absolutely fucking rock hard for us. And I'm pretty sure he's really just dying for some release right now. So how about we help him out a bit? We each get to give him three jerks, and we keep going until he eventually finishes. He's still young, after all, so I'm not expecting him to last for too long. But whoever makes him finish has to do the dishes!"

"Oh, I like that idea!" one of them remarked, and the others nodded in agreement.

"Me too. It sounds like fun. It's been a while since I used my hands, so I might be a bit rusty still..."

"That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard!"

I grabbed my glass of wine and held it up. "Alright, ladies."

They all stood up and joined me with their glasses.

"Let's have some fun."
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Post by RopingRingers »

Oh, that lucky and yet poor bastard lol
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Post by noyoyo »

This was the worst situation that this Evelyn woman had put me in yet. And that was saying a lot.

As if being turned in to a human-sex-ornament wasn’t bad enough, I wasn’t able to persuade a single one of her friends that this wasn’t a joke. And I tried. Every time I heard their heels clicking on the hardwood floor, I tried to get their attention. Not one took me seriously.

I can’t be sure how many individual women came and went during the time I was alone in the dining room, but I’d say about half the time I would hear them grab a new bottle of wine, or spoon some more food on their plate, and then leave. Sometimes, I could actually feel their eyes looking me over.

A couple poked and prodded me a bit, but seemed oblivious to my garbled requests of help. One actually spent a minute running her hand all the way up my body from my shoe-clad feet to my hair. She drummed her fingers on my chest before leaving me alone again.

Then there was the food. Evelyn had spared me a small bowl of tasteless oatmeal that morning. That was my first taste of food in almost 48 hours. Now I was stuck in a room with the most delicious smelling food, but I couldn’t reach any of it.

I also had nothing I could do with my frustration. I honestly couldn’t struggle very much, for fear of tipping over. And I had no reason to expect anyone would rush in to assist me. Then, of course, there was my erection. I had been hard for a long time. The mini vibrator was stimulating, but I couldn’t call it pleasurable. I kept trying to go limp, hoping the vibrator might fall lose. That was usually when someone would come in and adjust the position on the vibrator. I had heard jokes about the “big head” and the “little head” sometimes having minds of their own, but this was the first time in my life that they had been so far out of sync.

I got nervous when the laughter seemed to grown louder. I hadn’t been able to hear much of their conversation, but I wasn’t at all comforted when I heard Evelyn’s voice.

“Let’s have some fun.”

It was like an approaching storm. A few soft clicks of high heels became many, and grew louder and faster as they neared the dining room. The giggles grew in to laughter. Evelyn’s single voice became a cacophony of women’s voices, with four or five conversations going at once.

I had somehow convinced myself that they were all about to head out somewhere. Then Evelyn’s voice captured my full attention.

“Ok, so the rules are that it has to be three timed strokes. Obviously you can change the rhythm as you see fit…” some cackling and hooting answered her. “… but no cheating. No…” and as she spoke I suddenly felt her grab my member and jerk me off in slow motion. I grunted at this invasion, but it was wholly ignored. “… like this. If you deliberately stall the climax, then you have to chug your entire glass!”

There was a chorus of agreement and gleeful calls for a refill.

“Wait, who is determining what’s deliberate and what’s not?” one of the women asked.

“I’ll be the judge,” Evelyn said. I felt her hand on my knee. “I already had the pleasure of dressing him up. AND preparing the lunch.”

“Eve’s already played this game with him,” that dry female put in. There was another outburst of laughter.

I tried to shout against the rubber ball in my mouth that she had taken advantage of me. The room actually quieted just a bit, then I felt Evelyn’s hand over a napkin cover my mouth.

“Quiet, darling. You’re drooling again.”

The women roared with, I suppose, good natured accusations toward Evelyn. After some more chatter, I came to realize that they were having a contest. And getting me off was the big event. I was completely flummoxed. That afternoon I had hoped, maybe even expected, to have a chance at escape by conveying to one of these women that I was being held against my will. Now those women were using me as a human pinata.

“Do we have to use the vibrator too?” one of them asked.

“I like it.”

“I think its going to get in the way.”

There was a scholarly debate, followed by a vote. A new pair of hands went to work untying the torture device from my swollen member.

“This is some pretty intense ropework here, Eve”

“Oh my God,” one of them commented, “look how red his cock is!”

“It’s the same shade as his dress!”

“It’s all part of the design and service you get with me,” Evelyn joked.

There was some more negotiating about the method. They put themselves in an order of who would go first, second, third, etc.

I was dizzy from it all. Rules, penalties, prizes, the gag in my mouth, the pain in my arms, the numbness in my legs, the strain around my groin, the fragrance of perfume, the awkward fit of the pantyhose on my legs. Anger. Hunger. Humiliation. Desperation. Perspiration. Confusion. Hope. Despair.

“All right ladies, get ready,” Evelyn called. The table shook as the women must have crowded around me. I could feel one woman’s distant breath and the warmth of her hand beside my pulsing shaft. “On your mark. Get set…”

I lay there, chest heaving, in my own mess. The women had dispersed to the bathrooms before regrouping in the living room. A woman named Erica had been the contest’s loser, but a couple of the ladies pitched in to help her bring the dishes in to the kitchen and clean up the dining room.

But nobody cleaned me up.

The only person who had taken any interest in me after my climax was Evelyn. While the rest of the girls went about washing their hands and refilling their wine glasses, she had carefully reattached the mini vibrator to my swollen, throbbing organ. After turning it back on, she bent down over me and whispered, “You’re so weak.”

For the first time in three days, we were in complete agreement.

It would be at least another hour or so before the last of her guests were ready to leave. The wine flowed freely all afternoon. A couple had been forced to call Ubers. Each one had said goodbye to me before they left. And each one mistook my wailing for me bidding them farewell.

Finally, it was down to just two.

“Are you sure you’re alright to drive, Jessica?” I heard Evelyn ask.

“I’m fine,” the woman answered. “I didn’t partake as much as everyone else.”

“Well take a bottle home with you then,” Evelyn offered. “Enjoy it with Michael. Or better yet, enjoy it without him.”

They laughed. “Eve, you have to let me borrow your centerpiece sometime,” Jessica said, raising her voice to tease me.

“We’ll work something out,” Evelyn told her. “Maybe for your Christmas party?”

“Oh wouldn’t he be a festive addition! With some nice holiday garland around him, and a big apple in his mouth?”

“Mmm, sounds delicious,” the woman named Erica chimed in.

“Let me walk you girls out,” Evelyn said.

I give the most desperate, pleading groan I could make, thinking it was my last chance. But no one acknowledged it. I heard their muffled conversation continue as Evelyn followed them outside. I strained yet again against my ropes, trying to find some small relief.

Then I heard the door open hurriedly and the rushed clacking of heels as someone raced back in to the house.

“Sorry, forgot my phone,” I recognized Erica’s voice. It was slightly slurred. “Oh, come to think of it, I definitely need to get a picture of you before I go.”

I moaned and shook with every ounce of energy I could muster. This was it, my last chance. All I heard in response, however, with the sound of her camera phone snapping a pic.

“Thanks for the entertainment today, buddy,” Erica said. “You were the highlight of the afternoon.” I heard her take a couple of steps and then pause, so I continued my yelling and spastic struggling. “You okay there, buddy? You’re making quite a commotion over there.”

I heard her take a few steps toward me, and I was relieved when she pulled the blindfold off of my eyes. I made the angriest face I could and shook my head viciously, threatening to tip myself over.

Erica looked at me with amused curiosity at first, but then I caught just a glint of concern in her eye. “What is it, buddy. You okay?” She reached behind my head and I felt her fumble with the buckle for the gag.

“Erica!” Evelyn’s voice came from inside the room. I hadn’t even heard her come back into the house. “Jessica’s waiting. Did you find your phone?”

“Is he okay, Eve?” Erica asked, with slightly more than mild concern. “He looks pretty freaked out.”

“Oh, he’s fine, I’m sure,” Evelyn answered in a reassuring voice. “It’s been a long day is all. I’ll take care of him.”

“Okay, Eve. Thanks again for today,” Erica said, as Evelyn took her by the arm and led her towards the front door.

“NOOOOO! COME BACK!” I yelled. But Erica didn’t come back.

Instead the front door closed, and the sound of the door being locked seemed to echo through the house. Then there were soft, slow, steady footsteps as Evelyn returned to the dining room. I was shaking all over from exhaustion. I even felt a tear welling up in one of my eyes. My chest heaved with each labored breath I took.

Evelyn stood beside the table and gazed down at me. Her expression was victorious. She reached out and took hold of the rope running from the ceiling to my groin, pulling it just a millimeter tighter.

“Like I told Erica, it’s been a long day,” she smiled down at me, a sinister gleam in her dark eyes. “But I’m not nearly done with you yet. Why don’t we continue this little party down in the basement?”
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Post by RopingRingers »

Holy shit, MY heart actually started racing when Erica almost saved you 😭 it's still thumping as I type, I kid you not lol. Maaaaaaan, soooooo close. Though if you're lucky,that picture got taken and someone can help later lol
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Post by tpton »

Echoing that... I really thought he was going to escape. Hopefully Evelyn isn't too horrible to him, but I don't think that's a real hope.
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Post by Reidy »

I was hoping Erica would try to help him escape, then end up trussed up with him.
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Post by RopingRingers »

Reidy wrote: 4 years ago I was hoping Erica would try to help him escape, then end up trussed up with him.
I was thinking something similar lol except mine was more she just asked too many questions or just got the gag out and Eve grabbed her before she could do anything lol definitely would be hot, if not much higher risk for Eve
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Post by Therightdude2000 »

Awesome story, please continue
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Post by houdinincfm »

Excellent collaboration between two great writers!
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Post by Daenarys »

Is this finished :(
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Post by Lady Knotty »

Oh crap I forgot this story even existed hahaha

I don't like leaving things unfinished, but I don't think noyo is around anymore. So I think we'll have to leave it at an indefinite "to be continued". (:
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Post by Xtc »

. . . . or there again, you could always fly solo. - - - Just a suggestion.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by noyoyo »

I'm delighted to have my muse back.

At your leisure, my Lady of Knotty.
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is/was an excellent collaboration. I hate to think that poor lad has been trussed up in Evelyn's basement all this time. I do hope she's kept him entertained.
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Post by jone123 »

well she can kidnap me anytime she want
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Post by Lady Knotty »

"Well that was fun, wasn't it?" I said dryly. "I hope you enjoyed yourself. The girls did, at least."

I didn't get a response this time, nor did I really expect one. He had proven to be a bit of a fighter, and a prideful one at that. But that just made my work all the more fun. Perhaps it was just exhaustion and not part of some careful scheme, but he had stopped his pointless struggling and tugging at the ropes that firmly held him. And as much as I enjoyed watching my victims squirm, an obedient prisoner was much easier to deal with while being slightly intoxicated.

He hadn't put up much of a fight when I untied him and walked him down to my basement. In fact, he had been rather cooperative so far, even when I bent his legs to the point where his ankles touched his butt, he barely made as much of a sound. So now he stood there, on his knees, legs spread apart, arms above his head, wrists behind his neck, and his fully erect sex standing tall and proud in salute. But no matter how much he tried to hide it, his breathing always revealed the frustration and pent-up anger that was just waiting for me to drop my guard. That's what I liked the most about him.

"You look... different." I cupped my chin. "Maybe it's just the wine," I said, shaking my head.

He must've realized by now that my ropes were more or less inescapable, even for someone as well-defined and muscular as he was. Truth be told, his size was more likely to work against him.

I took another sip of my wine and moved over to the hardwood desk in the corner of the basement, following his gaze the very same way he followed mine.

"Do you enjoy being tied up like this?"

He didn't say anything and just kept staring me down. It annoyed me, almost made me want to wrap an entire roll of duct tape around his eyes, just to get a reaction out of him. I caught myself wanting his sexy, unintelligible grunts and noises to fill the room again. I was almost longing for it. But he just kept silent.

"No? Are you sure? Your dick says otherwise," I said, putting down my glass on the desk before moving a step closer to my carefully trussed up prisoner. "Or maybe you just really like what you're seeing here. If that's the case, then I'm flattered. It's always nice to know you've still got it."

He was naked. I was in clad in my newest lingerie with matching heels. I liked it better this way. I was not going to let him win this.

I walked up to him, swaying my hips back and forth, each step followed by a loud, clicking sound that echoed off the walls. I could tell from his reaction that he was definitely not about to go limp on me.

"This is fun," I said, putting my hand on his chest. He shuddered and shifted his body slightly. I went behind him and began exploring his body with my hands, up and down, making sure he could feel my lace-covered chest against his back. Closing my eyes, I held my hand over his mouth and pressed his cheeks together hard.

I pulled him closer to me, my hands traveling down his toned body, hot and glistening with sweat. I tugged at the rope holding his pulsating member in an upright position. He shuddered again. Hot. My hands wrapped around the base of his shaft, I began stroking him, up and down with careful motions, listening to his breathing growing heavier and heavier. I bit my lower lip. My other hand moved up to one of his exposed nipples. Now he could no longer pretend like he wasn't enjoying my company at least.

The bindings became tighter and tighter as he moved his body around. He groaned, loudly, and I quickly covered his mouth with my hand, pressing him against me. He was getting closer now. I helped him turn around, lowering my head. I looked up at him briefly, parting my lips as I gave him a seductive grin. His eyes lit up. He was too damn cute.

I could tell that he was trying to jerk himself forward as much as the ropes would let him, as if he was urging me to take him in my mouth.

When my breath was close enough to graze the tip, I glanced up at the boy. He was almost ready to burst.

I grinned and got back on my feet, quickly grabbing his face with my hands and giving him a hard kiss on his gagged lips.

"Good night, sweetie."
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Post by noyoyo »

“Well that was fun, wasn’t it?” the woman asked rhetorically. “I hope you enjoyed yourself. The girls did, at least.”

I kept my eyes locked on my devious captress, but I gave her no other acknowledgement. After two days, it had become obvious that she was enjoying this. Wanting to loot my family’s bank account was bad enough, but she wasn’t merely content to leave me in tied up in the basement as her hostage. No, she was tormenting me for fun. So I decided that I wasn’t playing her game anymore.

And honestly, I was exhausted. I was still recovering from the women’s luncheon. Plus, this Evelyn woman had left me tied up each night with something disgusting stuffed in my mouth and a shoe taped to my face. Consequently, I had not enjoyed a decent night’s sleep in two days.

And things weren’t looking any better for tonight. I had hoped that “playing dead” would have earned me some leniency. It hadn’t.

Although, at least I wasn’t chewing on anything disgusting. While I was still tied up on the dining room table, she had swapped out the huge red ballgag for a much more tolerable napkin, folded up and taped inside my mouth. I wasn’t happy about another gag after having one for almost the entire time, but it was better than used underwear.

She had retied my arms in some brutally uncomfortable position with my hands behind my head. She left me on the table, anchored to the ceiling, while she did so, stifling any protest I might have been tempted to make. Once the woman marched me down to the basement she had tied some elaborate rope belt on me, from which she was able to rope up my ankles, calves, and thighs. The job kept me bound securely on my knees.

Up until now, she had been content to go about her work securing me for the evening. But now she was toying with me again, and I wasn’t having it.

“You look different,” Evelyn said, “Maybe it’s just the wine.” I was suddenly acutely aware of how thirsty I was, as I watched her enjoy another swallow of wine. She gave a soft moan of pleasure, rubbing it in. I meant to look away, but she kept her gaze fixed on me. Despite myself, I followed her as she crossed the room.

“Do you enjoy being tied up like this?” she asked as she drained her glass. She raised her eyebrows, inviting an answer. I snorted and turned away from her. If she wanted a proper answer, she could take the napkin out of my mouth.

“No?” she teased. “Are you sure? Your dick says otherwise.”

I looked straight down. God, this FUCKING boner. The woman had kept that damn vibrator on me all afternoon, I hadn’t been able to fully go limp. And I had tried. “Baseball, cold showers. Baseball, cold showers.” Six hours now of near-constant erection. I was so red I was nearly purple. What was turning me on at that moment, I had no idea.

“Or maybe you just really like what you’re seeing here?” I threw a glance her way. Think again, lady.

“If that’s the case, then I’m flattered,” she continued as she started walking towards me. “It’s always nice to know you’ve still got it.” Don’t flatter yourself, you crazy… I mean yes, she was an attractive woman. Gorgeous, even. But she was also a criminal, and obviously a sadist. As she stepped closer, I caught a whiff of that flowery perfume she wore. And that lingerie, clearly visible under her short, open silk robe, did accentuate her stunning figure.

I stirred. Damn it, no. I needed a break. I was tired. I was sore. I…

“This is fun,” she purred as she ran her hand over my chest.

Oh God, what was this now?

Evelyn started running her hands all over my torso. She gently, sensually, caressed my neck. Without realizing it, I relaxed my muscles a bit. She reached forward with her left hand to massage my thigh, pressing her breasts against my back. Ever so slightly, I allowed myself to rock backward. My neck rested in her bosom, like a pair of overstuffed pillows. For a moment - a brief moment - I experienced something tranquil. Her fingertips gently stroked my cheek, and her warm breath washed over my other cheek. I was so entranced that my eyelids started to flutter…

I was roughly shaken out of my fantasy slumber when her caressing hand suddenly clamped down viciously over my mouth. With her new grip she shifted my head against her shoulder so that she could peer over me as her gentle caresses grew into more forceful groping. I tried to follow her hand with my eyes as her probe moved closer to my groin…

… and I squeezed them shut with an involuntary groan as she gave the rope tied to my cock a short, vicious yank.

I felt the woman chuckle softly beside me. She reached around me with both hands and began undoing the ropework around the base of my shaft. In only a few moments, the binds that had uncomfortably been with me all afternoon melted away, replaced by the woman’s warm fingers. Gently, slowly, purposefully… maybe affectionately. She gave me a few soft squeezes, familiarizing me with her touch.

Part of me wanted to resist even this. That small part of me knew that it was a mistake to give in to the temptations of this woman. But my sore body was relieved by her tenderness. My mind was muddled by lack of sleep, and by the pleasure suddenly coursing through my body. I had been physically restrained and humiliated for two days, but it had felt like a month. And I was unexpectedly content to lose myself in the sensual embrace of a beautiful woman.

I utterly forgot about the vow of quiet disobedience I had made only an hour ago. I bit down on the cloth between my teeth and breathed deeply, exuding some low groans from the back of my throat.

With one hand the woman began to stroke me. Despite the aching pain, somehow her rhythmic caress was soothing. And soon it was better than soothing. Gradually, knowingly, she quickened her pace. With her free hand she massaged my thigh. Progressively she moved upward, using her fingertips again to tease me around my abs. As she picked up the intensity around my now fully erect member, her free hand moved further north as well. She dragged her palm up my torso until she found my nipple. With her thumb and forefinger, she traced around it for a moment before giving it a little pinch.

I let out a louder groan than I had intended, and the woman used her free hand to muffle my sound more thoroughly than the gag alone. She pulled my head against her shoulder again. When I opened my eyes I found myself staring deeply into hers. We remained like that for a few moments. When I let my gaze begin to fall, she pulled slightly tighter on my mouth, bringing us into eye contact again.

It was too much. I was absolutely losing it.

Then, without warning, her stroking stopped. I was so lightheaded, it took me a moment to recognize that the woman was trying to turn my bound form to face her. I growled softly as I attempted to move with her. I was so close. I tried humping the air, imagining that I could get there myself. But with each passing moment deprived of the woman’s touch, the climax retreated. I hung my head to look at my throbbing erection, trying to will myself to completion.

A fingertip beneath my chin brought me once again eye to eye with the woman. She gave me a smile so provocative I actually whimpered. She had her palms against my torso, with her thumbs gently resting on my nipples. She began to lower her hands, slowly, down my sides. As she slid her hands lower, she lowered her body too. I tried to stifle another whimper as the anticipation grew. I threw my head back and stared at the ceiling as I felt her breath at my navel, just above my groin, and then the tingling at the tip. I waited…

And waiting, I realized that hands were no longer on me. I didn’t feel her at all.

I looked down and found her gazing up at me. Grinning. But this wasn’t the titillating grin from a few minutes ago… there was something devilish in her eyes now.

Without any explanation she got to her feet. Before I could comprehend what was happening, she captured my face in both of her hands and pulled me forward into a kiss. Except that all I felt was a dull pressure against the tape over my mouth.

“Good night, sweetie.” And with a hard pat on my cheek, she turned and walked toward the basement door.

For a moment I was too stunned to react. Then the ache in my groin started to throb again.

I howled after her. Things it’s probably best that I couldn’t enunciate through the gag. But there was no mistaking my tone. My plan, to quietly deny her the enjoyment of her petty torments, was utterly forgotten.

The woman opened the door to the basement. But she stopped in the doorway as I screamed after her. She didn’t turn around. I cursed and shook viciously, trying to find some satisfaction after being so cruelly denied. But she didn’t turn around. She just stood in the doorway for a minute. By the time I realized what she was doing, it was too late. She had had her fill of my desperate, gagged groaning. Without so much as a look or a word, she flicked off the lights and left the room, locking the door behind her.

It took me forever to fall asleep after that. Once my raging hardon finally went away, which was really a relief of its own kind, I was still tied up and gagged on a basement floor.

I nodded in and out of sleep for a while.

And I was stunned when the basement light suddenly woke me. I hadn’t woken when the evil captress unlocked the door.

For her part, she wasted no time. I was still squinting into the light as her heels clicked across the basement floor. Before I knew it, she was upon me. When I raised my head I was immediately assaulted. Without warning she brought the panties down over my head, quickly positioning the crotch over my nose.

They were soaked, and her familiar scent flooded my nostrils.

“Thanks for earlier,” she called, already heading for the door as my eyes just started coming in to focus. “I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

I started to yell after her, but the moment she flicked off the lights and slammed the door shut, my voice trailed off. I remained still for a moment, listening to the faint sound of her heels as she climbed the stairs. I shook my head to try and move the panties from my face. The wet crotch rubbed against my nose. Instead I just hung my head, allowing the wet garment to hang loosely from my face.

What a twisted bitch.
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Post by jone123 »

Great work both of you, really enjoying the story

Damn I wish to have similar experience with a women like her
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Post by antoinedt »

Such a fantastic story. I'd love to be kidnapped by this woman.
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