Tied Twins: Oriental Spice

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Tied Twins: Oriental Spice

Post by OldTUGger »

Tied Twins: Oriental Spice
by OldTUGger

Denise and Elise Davis’ iPhones pinged simultaneously.

Reflexively, they checked to see who might be texting them this close to their bedtime. Realistically, they knew the texts had to be from their boyfriends.

Sure enough, Tim McCloud’s name appeared on Denise’s phone, and Ted McCloud’s name appeared on Elise’s.

“What could they be wanting at this hour?” the girls said in unison.

Such synchronicity wasn’t unusual in the Davis household. The girls, identical twins, often said the same thing at the same time. Not only that, they routinely finished each other’s sentences.

Their boyfriends, also identical twins, weren’t quite as tuned to the same wavelength, but they still thought very much alike. They rarely sent simultaneous text messages, however, so Denise and Elise immediately knew something was up. They opened the text messages.

“O…M...G!” the girls chorused. Wide eyed, each turned her phone so her twin sister could see the photo her boyfriend had sent.

Both screens showed a young woman, dressed in her underwear, bound intricately in what appeared to be miles of rope. Her arms had been tied behind her, and her upper torso had been encircled with a meticulously crisscrossed and knotted chest harness. Each of her legs, folded so that her heels almost touched her backside, were ornately bound with spiral wraps carefully knotted so as not to slip. Each picture bore an identical message: “Want to give this a try?”

“YES!!!!!” The girls texted back, as quickly as their fingers would allow.

“Cool. We’ll talk about it after school tomorrow,” came the boys’ replies.

“Do you know what this is?” Denise asked her sister.

“Yeah. Japanese-style bondage, also known as shibari. I’ve been interested in it forever, but I always considered it to be above our skill level.”

“Me, too. How do you think Ted and Tim learned it?”

“From the internet, probably, but we’ll find out tomorrow when we talk with the guys.”

Sure enough, Ted and Tim had found examples of shibari online.

“We fell in love with the look of it, and the intricacy,” Ted said. “We wanted to learn more.”

“The tutorials we found were pretty good, and we practiced the knots and ties on each other until we developed some proficiency,” added Tim.

“So now, you want to test your skills on us?” Elise asked, grinning. “You want us to be your crash-test dummies?”

“Something like that,” Ted said with a chuckle.

“We want to tie you both up at once,” Tim continued. “Face to face, sitting across from one another so you can see how you’re tied without looking in a mirror.”

“Where are we supposed to do this?” asked Denise.

“Umm…could we do it in your family room?” Ted queried.

The girls exchanged surprised glances. Their mom, Terri, knew the boys enjoyed tying the girls up, but she’d never seen them do it.

“That…could be a little dicey,” Denise said. “I honestly don’t know how Mom would feel about that.”

“We’ll ask, though!” Elise promised.

Somewhat to the girls’ surprise, Terri agreed to the arrangement. “I want to be present, though,” she said. “I know you girls can take care of yourselves, but I’m as curious about this as you are. Do you mind if I watch?”

“We’ll ask the guys, but I’m pretty sure they won’t mind,” Denise replied.

“I’m also going to insist that you both wear leotards,” Terri said. “In a lot of the shibari pictures I’ve seen, the women weren’t wearing very much.”

“No problem,” Elise said. “That’s exactly what we were planning to wear.”

A couple of nights later, the boys showed up at the Davises’ doorstep, rope bags in hand. Denise, clad in a sleeveless navy-blue leotard with sheer matching tights, opened the door for them.

“Wow, you look terrific!” Tim said.

“What am I, chopped liver?” asked a similarly clad Elise as the boys stepped into the foyer.

“A thousand pardons, milady,” Ted said formally, then snapped back into boyfriend mode. “You look fantastic, E.”

The couples made their way to the family room where Terri sat waiting. After a few minutes’ worth of pleasantries and small talk, she turned the boys loose. “Have at them, gentlemen,” she said, gesturing toward her daughters.

Ted and Tim needed no further encouragement. They told Denise and Elise to stand facing each other, about eight feet apart. Ted dropped his rope bag near Elise’s feet and moved behind her. Tim did the same with Denise.

“First, we’re going to tie your arms and torsos, using a takate kote pattern,” Tim announced. “It’s the foundation for a lot of shibari ties.”

With that, each of the boys took his girlfriend’s arms and folded them behind her. “Grab your elbows with your hands so that your forearms are parallel to one another,” Ted told Elise.

The girls couldn’t see what the boys were doing, but they felt a doubled rope being looped three times around their forearms and secured with some sort of intricate knot.

“These ropes are awfully loose,” Denise said. “I could pull my hands out if I wanted to.”

“Wait a few minutes,” Tim told her. “This tie builds on itself.” He passed the free ends of the rope around Denise’s upper right arm, passed it across her upper chest just above her breasts, continued around her left upper arm, and returned it to the center of her back, where he passed the free ends under the part between her wrists upper right arm, pulled the rope taut and repeated the sequence in the opposite direction.

“Oh, I see,” Elise said as Ted did the same to her. “The ropes around our wrists are loose, but the bindings around our arms will keep us from pulling our hands out.”

“Bingo!” Ted said, as he passed the ends of the rope under her arms to cinch the chest bindings. That done, he knotted on another length of rope and applied another cinched band below her breasts and above her elbows.

“This is cool,” Denise said, as she tried unsuccessfully to slip her hands out of the wrist bindings. “A little more of this and I’ll be stuck.”

“There is more,” Tim said, adding yet another rope to the tie. By the time he finished, Denise’s torso was encased in a webwork of rope, with strands crisscrossing one another from her shoulders almost to her waist. To see how she’d been tied, she only had to look across at her identically bound twin, who had received exactly the same treatment.

“OK, ladies, sit down,” Ted said. “Time to tie your legs. These ties are called futomomos, or ‘frog legs.’”

After fashioning a rope cuff around one of Elise’s ankles, he pulled her foot toward her backside and encircled her folded shin and thigh with a spiral wrap that finished a few inches short of her knee. Reversing the rope, he applied a Munter hitch to each spiral as he worked the free ends of the rope back toward her ankle-cuff and finished the tie with a final knot.

“Wow, those ties look great,” Terri observed. “Very neat, very clean.”

“And very effective,” Denise added. “There’s no way I could get out of this.”

The boys applied matching ties to the girls’ opposite legs and stood back to admire their handiwork. Their girlfriends sat on the floor, legs doubled and splayed to each side, torsos almost cocooned with rope.

“One last little touch,” Tim said as he looped a bight around Denise’s chest ropes and secured it with a lark’s head knot. “Tilt your head back, D, and open your mouth.” Working quickly, he passed the doubled rope around her head three times, pulling it deep between her jaws each time, and knotted it off to the chest ropes.

Just that quickly, the girls’ vision became restricted to a patch of ceiling directly overhead. They grumbled garbled protests around their rope-gags, drawing a laugh from their mother and the boys.

“Nice touch with the rope gags, guys,” Terri said mischievously. The boys grinned and, with a flourish, bowed simultaneously in her direction. Denise and Elise squirmed and grunted indignantly.

The afternoon passed quickly as Ted and Tim demonstrated more of their newly acquired skills. They decorated their girlfriends’ torsos with hishi-, karada- and kikkou-style body harnesses. They demonstrated rifle ties, rice-bale ties, ladder ties and hip harnesses. The girls loved every second of it.

“Well, ladies, what do you think of shibari?” Ted asked as he coiled the last of the ropes and tossed it into his gym bag.

Denise and Elise giggled. “Awesome!” they chorused.

“I think we both could get used to being tied like this,” Elise added, grinning. “The ties look great, and they’d be really difficult to escape.”

“And where would you be doing these ties?” Terri asked with arched eyebrows. “Certainly not at school, the swimming pool or the city park?”

“That’s something we’ve been meaning to ask you about,” Tim said. “How would you feel about us having occasional ‘tie-up dates’ with Denise and Elise, right here in your family room?”

The girls’ heads snapped around. The idea, it appeared, was as new to them as it was to Terri, but they recovered quickly.

“Yeah, Mom. We’d all get to enjoy our tie-up games…” Denise began.

“…and you wouldn’t have to worry that we were out somewhere doing who-knows-what,” Elise continued.

“How about it?” they asked in unison.

Terri took several seconds to answer. She furrowed her brow, chewed her lower lip, and rubbed her chin.

“I don’t see why not,” she finally said, smiling as her daughters’ faces lit up. “But there will be limits. Three hours, once a week. And if anyone’s school grades start to slip, the fun stops until they come back up.”

“That’s fair,” Ted said. “Would next Saturday afternoon work for you? We didn’t have a basketball game this evening, but we will next Friday evening.”

Terri checked her cell phone’s scheduling app. “That should work. There’s nothing on my to-do list that would interfere.”

“Oh, you want to join in?” Tim asked.

“No,” Terri replied, laughing. “I do want to be in the house, though. I’ll stay out of the den, but I’ll be around if anyone needs me.”

The girls beamed. The boys stood up and shouldered their rope bags.

“That will be great,” Ted said. “Hey, we need to get home. We’ll see you next Friday, Mrs. Davis.”

The girls walked their boyfriends to the front door and stepped outside with them onto the porch.

“We have a surprise for you,” Tim announced as he pulled a foot-long piece of red yarn from his pocket. He nodded at Ted, who did the same.

The boys tied small handcuff knots in the center of the yarn pieces and held the loops open.

“Turn around and put your hands behind you,” Ted said to Elise, who happily complied. He slipped the loops over her thumbs, pulled the free ends taut and secured the tie with a shoelace-style bow. Tim did the same with Denise.

“Good night, sweetie,” Tim said as he kissed Denise gently on the lips.

“Good night, hunk,” Denise replied. On the other side of the porch, Ted and Elise played out a similar ritual.

Their goodbyes said, the girls went back inside. When they saw Terri giving them an odd look, they twirled around, wiggled their bound thumbs, and headed toward their bedroom.

Terri shook her head. “It’s official, girls,” she announced, chuckling. “This house isn’t a house anymore. It’s a rope lab!”

“Works for me!” Denise replied. “Hey, E, let’s go experiment some more!”
Links to all of my stories can be found here in the Story Catalog: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=6023
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Great story! Looking forward to hearing what they do on their dates. Hope Terri decides to join in the fun at some point.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great chapter. Pleasure to read.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mask6190 »

Nice job OldTUGger! Looks like this is going to be part of the family :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

herdfaninrva wrote: 4 years ago Great story! Looking forward to hearing what they do on their dates. Hope Terri decides to join in the fun at some point.
Terri joining the fun would be nice indeed - as judge maybe? Overall the idea of the simultaneous tie up was very good :)
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Post by Nainur »

lovely, lovely and lovely.
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Post by CapturedKim »

This is just too cool for words :lol: It makes me wonder if that's how a guy might bring this up (a pic on a phone). The whole series is really fun :lol:
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Post by damsel »

CapturedKim wrote: 4 years ago This is just too cool for words :lol: It makes me wonder if that's how a guy might bring this up (a pic on a phone). The whole series is really fun :lol:
VERY cool story! Yep, fun....and original!
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