Devotion (M/F) (M/M) - A sequel to Deception (Complete)

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Post by Emma »

Another engrossing chapter! But now, will Steve and Louise have to face off against the police?

I like, Wolfman, how you took in account Louise's getting worn out after all this. Details like this do add to the realism of your stories.
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Post by wolfman »

Everything seems distant, as Louise gazes at the feeds, in Terry's observation post under the hospital. Her eyes moisten, as she sees the faces of people stream out of the hospital at the end of their ordeal. "We saved them." She whispers to herself. 

Her body feels like lead as Steve helps her to sit. She winces as he lifts the armour from her body. Steve says something, but she cannot make out the words. She feels his hands as they tear her shirt. 

Pain explodes through her body, as she feels his touch on her shoulder. Louise does not have time to scream before she is rendered unconscious, by the blanket of agony that envelopes her. 

Steve looks in dismay at his loves body, as he releases the straps securing her breasts. Louise's back is a mass of bruises. Even through the armour and blunt trauma shield, the rounds that struck her from the police weapons had left their mark. 

Over a dozen angry looking small, red welts at the heart of growing bruises. But, of most concern was, the deep purple of the skin on her left shoulder and the apparent tenderness of the joint.

Steve probes the joint, as she lays slumped in the chair. "Damn it." He curses, under his breath. "She must have dislocated it in the fall. The straps must have given her extra support." He takes her arm and thinks to himself, "I am glad you are out for this.", as he wrenches her arm and reseats the bone into the socket. 

Steve tenderly eases her into a tank top, before‎, he takes the straps that pinned her breasts and uses them to secure her bent left arm to her body, immobilising the arm.

Quickly, he changes into blue jeans and a light green polo shirt, all the while making sure Louise is ok.

Terry pops his head around the corner, "Steve. We need to move, the police will be down here soon sweeping the tunnels."

Shaw finishes debriefing the incident commander and lights a cigarette whilst walking away from the mass of officers and former hostages to gther her thoughts. "No civilian casualties, multiple hostile fatalities and one hostile shot up and heavily trampled by the surging of people trying to escape." She shakes her head. 

"Well, he kept his word at least." She draws deeply on the cigarette and exhales slowly, thinking aloud, "How did he get Ryan out from under our noses?" 

"Ryan hasn't been found and there is no trace of him. It is like he was never here." She chuckles softly to herself, "Chasing ghosts again Kate."

Shaw picks up her radio, "242 to control," she begins, "all units be advised, we are seeking former Detective Chief Inspector Michael Ryan in connection with the disappearance of Helen Carter and the incidents in Southampton and Milton Keynes hospital. Be advised, he is to be considered armed and dangerous."

Shaw looks at the mass of people gathered outside the hospital. "Where are you?"

Steve guides Louise's wheelchair through the narrow tunnels following Terry's lead. The dark, damp corridors feel like they are closing in as they as filled with the distant echo of police boots. 

"How far?" Steve says in a low whisper. 

"Next corner, how is she?" Terry enquires. 

"Still out, she will be sore when she wakes." Steve confirms. 

Terry gives a hand signal indicating Steve hold position as he peers around the corner. He quickly pulls his head back and holds up one finger. Steve advances past the man and verifies that there is a lone female officer finishing a cigarette, in police tactical dress. She has her back to him and does not hear his approach. 

At the last moment, she catches a movement out of the corner of her eye and Shaw spins to face him. "You!" She says, in surprise. 

Steve stops in his tracks, "Hello, Chief inspector.", he says in a low Belfast accent. 

He spots her hand inch towards her sidearm, and warns, "You aren't that fast."

Shaw relaxes, "Maybe, maybe not. I have seen what you can do and I think if you wanted me dead I would be." She lights another cigarette and scrutinises the man. "There are a lot of people dead in there, but no hostages. Thank you for honouring our deal."

Steve nods to himself, "I am pleased no bystanders lost their lives. Is Ryan safe?", he asks. 

Shaw snorts, "You tell me, he is no where to be found, disappeared from under our noses."

Steve chuckles to himself, "The old bugger."

Shaw narrows her eyes, "This is not some joke, we have three connected battles between mercenaries, multiple officers injured and dead, a kidnap and a man disappearing from armed custody. I should take you in for this right now."

"I know." Steve replies, allowing some of the tension to leave his body, "I am sorry some of your officers got hurt at the docks, but..."

Shaw cuts him off, "But you needed a distraction and improvised with what you had to hand. Throughout all this, you haven't sought to injure any police officers and I respect that."

An armed officer bursts around the corner out of breath, causing Steve to tense up as he prepares to pull his concealed weapon. "Sorry, Chief Inspector, we have just arrested two of the hostages. They tried to make a break for it and when we stopped them, we found concealed firearms."

Shaw appraises the man and nods, "Excellent work, Constable." She says, turning back to Steve, "Thank you for your time, you are free to go, but we may require your assistance with our enquiries in future." 

Steve raises his eyebrows, as Shaw and her colleague swiftly head back to the makeshift police incident centre. "What the hell just happened." Steve wonders.
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Post by OldTUGger »

Nice wrap-up! (If, indeed, it is a wrap-up) 😉
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Post by Caesar73 »

Indeed, there is still open business, Helen is still on the loose :) Great Chapter again.
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Post by lochness »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Indeed, there is still open business, Helen is still on the loose :) Great Chapter again.
And I want to read about their wedding!
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Post by wolfman »

Louise begins to stir, as Steve gently lifts her from the wheel chair and into the front seat of the German sports saloon, that Terry had procured for them. She feels a soft kiss on her cheek as Steve secures her seat belt. 

"I love you my sweet." He softly whispers, before closing the door. 

Steve extends his hand to Terry, who waits by his own vehicle, "Nice to see you again, we need to catch up over a beer soon."

"We have a lot to catch up on, when is the wedding?" Terry asks, with a knowing smile, nodding to Louise.  

"We haven't set a date, but I would be honoured if you would be there." Steve says with a smile. 

"Count on it. Take care of yourselves." Terry says, his voice tinged with a little sadness.

"You too mate, we should probably make tracks, in case Shaw changes her mind." Steve sighs. 

"True." Terry nods, "Why did she let you walk?"

"I have no idea, maybe grateful that this mess is over for now." Steve offers. 

"Who knows." Terry chuckles, "Probably can't spare the officers it would take to keep you locked up"

"Maybe." Steve begins, "Maybe she is glad that the hospital wasn't turned into a bloodbath. In any case, I am sure she will still come after me."

"Don't let her catch you." Terry says, grimly. 

"Will try not to." Steve says with a wink. 

Louise sits back in the seat as Steve and Terry say their good byes. She looks down at her left arm. "Why is my arm strapped up?" As she twists slightly to get a better look at the straps, a lance of pain answers her question. 

"Must have hurt my shoulder in the fall." She concludes. She tries to stretch a little to ease the aching, stiffness in her back. Despite her best efforts, every time she blinks she sees a moment where she tooks a life. "Is this what Steve feels like after an operation?." 

She closes her eyes for a moment trying to dispel the death on her mind and sees the faces of the people they saved. Her eyes moisten and soon tears flow freely down her cheeks. 

Steve says a last goodbye to Terry as he enters the vehicle. "You're awake," he says warmly, but seeing her tears, his face becomes a mask of concern, taking her right hand he softly asks, "Are you ok?"

Louise squeezes his hand and stiffly turns to him as best she can, "We did it.", she says, with a smile as tears soak her cheeks. "We actually did it."

Steve smiles softly, "Yes we did. None of the hostages lost their lives and we made it out, free and clear. Thank you."

Louise looks confused, "For what?"

"You knew the risks and came anyway, thank you for being there. I couldn't have done it without you" He says earnestly. 

"I am yours in every way. I will do whatever I need to, to be by your side." She begins, "I needed this, this all goes back to my stupid plan to incriminate my sister. I couldn't just stand by and let you risk your own life without at least trying to help. Thank you for letting me do this."

"As you have given yourself to me, I dedicate myself to you and will support you in all you need. I respect and adore you in equal measure, Louise. Your happiness means everything to me."

Louise bites her lip as he speaks, thinking, "I am so glad to have you. Thank you for everything."

"Thank you Steve, you could have walked away at any time and I wouldn't have blamed you. I have been nothing but trouble for you since we met." Louise says, her eyes downcast. 

Steve gentle lifts her chin and turns her face to him. "There have been bumps in the road, but your passion and love give me a life to cherish, where before, I merely existed." He speaks softly, before he gently leans in and tenderly kisses her lips. 

Everything else melts away for Louise as she looses herself to the kiss. Her partially bound body feels no stiffness or pain, she feels no fear, all she feels it this moment and the touch of the man she loves. 

They gaze into each others eyes in the aftermath of the kiss. Neither wanting to look away, but both knowing they had to leave this car park soon.

Shaw walks with the officer who notified her of the arrests nervously towards the temporary incident management post, waiting for a bullet or blade. "I feel like I have just escaped the jaws of a shark."

As the notifying officer rejoins his team, she becomes lost in her own thoughts. "I shouldn't have let him go.", she berates herself, "Behave yourself Kate, he had the drop on you and do you really think you could have taken him? Besides there are reports that he had an accomplice, if you had tried to take him, the accomplice would probably have put you down."

Her train of thought is interrupted by Green, who falls into step beside her. "Sorry to bother you, Guv."

She pauses her stride and turns to him, "Yes sergeant. What have we got?" 

"The two guys we pulled aren't talking, the have no identification and their weapons have no serial numbers. We have put their prints through the national crime data base and have nothing. Should we take them to headquarters for questioning?" Green asks. 

Shaw considers the options for a moment, "Take them in, full armed escort and armed officers in the vehicle with them. If you can, get a helicopter to have eyes on for the journey. Don't take any chances. Pull officers from the cross county response if you have to."

Green nods as Shaw speaks, "Right away Guv.", he confirms. 

"Green? Any word on Ryan?" Shaw enquires knowing the answer. 

"No Guv. No sign of him, like he was never here." Green advises. 

"Of course there isn't," she says, shaking her head, "keep me posted."

As Green walks away, Shaw returns to her train of thought, "If I had got him in custody, what would I have done?", she involuntarily shivers as she thinks of her dream.

Harris is pacing in his office as his phone rings. Not recognising the number he answers cautiously. "Good evening."

"Evening, I am clear of the hospital." Ryan says, wearily, still recovering from the drugs in his system. 

"Good God man, where have you been?" Harris asks, concerned. 

"Some artful queue jumping and I got clear, what the hell happened?" Ryan asks, as he eases his stolen vehicle through empty streets. 

"From what we can gather, Helen knocked you out and left you for dead and you got taken to MK hospital. You had an operation to help with a head injury and the hospital was attacked by a group of heavily armed individuals, whose affiliation is unknown. Steve led an assault to take them down." Harris explained. 

"Who did he have with him? I would have thought everyone would be busy with the company change." Ryan couldn't believe Steve would pull an outsider in. 

"That's the thing. Everyone was otherwise engaged. Indications are that his back up was Louise." Harris said, still unable to believe it. 

"Seriously?" Ryan raises his eyebrows and shakes his head, "How?", he asks,  thinking of the delightfully charming girl he remembered from their conversations over the last few months.

"No idea, but, she is good. I watched the hospital camera footage, very impressive. She gave a better account for herself than some we have on the books." Harris nods as he speaks.

"Life is full of surprises. Did they get clear ok?" Ryan asks, with concern.

"Yes, they are en route to a safe house as we speak. Louise sustained some injuries, but nothing life threatening. A medic will be onsite as a precaution. You should probably let her check you over." Harris advises. 

"Not a bad idea to be fair." Ryan says with a smile, "Send me the address and I will swing by for a once over."

Etienne closes the report from the hospital operation and pinches the bridge of his nose. Wearily, he reaches for his phone. 

Two rings later, a voice greets him, "Yes?"

"We lost the team at the hospital, two arrested and the rest dead." Etienne says, bracing himself. 

"That girl and her stupidity." The voice brimmin with the simering anger of a volcano, "First she prostitutes her sister as the money from us wasn't enough, then she disappears and comes back crazy attacking two officers. Then there are the loses, Dicken's and his team, Lombard's organisation, the yacht and now this. She has cost us dearly and the longer this mess continues, the more damage is being wrought."

Etienne is wary, not wanting to speak for fear of unleashing his employers wrath. 

"Do not let her out of your sight. When I arrive, I will be having a pointed discussion with her about atoning for the costs of her actions.", the voice says with quiet menace. 

Etienne hangs up the phone, recalling three years ago, an employee regularly used their company credit card to book rooms where he would host sex and drug parties, after a police raid and several thousand pounds worth of bribes and legal fees, the investigation closed and the organisation was not implicated. 

The man was found days later, having been savagely beaten and hogtied before being thrown alive, into the lions enclosure of a local zoo. 

He shudders to think of Helen's fate, for her cost to the organisation thus far, has been much greater.
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Post by Emma »

Louise and Steve and safe for the moment, but others are not. More adventure is yet to come!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Emma wrote: 4 years ago Louise and Steve and safe for the moment, but others are not. More adventure is yet to come!
I guess so, and I hope so - and Helens fate will no doubt be terrible.
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Post by wolfman »

"Seems to be seated ok." Singer says, checking Louise's shoulder, "Keep it strapped for a for a few days and then take it easy for a week or so." She retrieves Bottle of pills from her bag and puts them on the bedside table, "If the pain gets bad, take two of these."

"Thanks Amy." Louise says, as she puts her shirt on. 

"So," Singer begins, unsure how to broach the subject, "you are a bad ass then?"

Louise smiles weakly, "Steve has been showing me a few things and we both needed me to go."

"You both needed to?" Singer raises an eyebrow.

"Steve needed me and I needed to see this through." Louise hangs her head. 

"This isn't your fault you know?" Singer pauses, "You may have done something in your past you think triggered all this, but, the other people involved are responsible for their choices not you."

"But they wouldn't have made those choices if I hadn't started this." Louise says, exhausted. 

"By that logic, this is Helen's fault then. If she hadn't included you in her plans, you wouldn't have done what you did." Amy offers. 

"But," Louise pauses, "If I hadn't... " she trails off. 

"But nothing, you were in a bad situation to start with and you did what you thought was right. Everyone makes their own choices in life, own what you do, let other people ber the consequences of the choices they've made." Singer says, soothingly. 

"I suppose." Louise says, letting the point rest. 

Louise is lost in thought while Singer gathers up her gear. "Maybe she has a point. I just don't know."

"Amy?" Louise pauses, taking a deep breath, "Have you ever killed anyone?"

Singer stops in her tracks, turning with sad eyes to face Louise, "Yes, I have. I am not proud of it, I did what I had to do."

"Did you feel guilty afterwards?" Louise asks shakily. 

"I questioned myself constantly and regretted pulling the trigger every day. I did a lot of soul searching." Singer confesses. 

"Does the pain ever go away?" Louise asks, hopefully. 

"Never completely, but it does fade enough in time, that you can make peace with it." Singer chooses her words carefully, "If you took a life for a good reason that helps, focus on that reason. If you ever feel haunted, remember why you did it."

Louise thinks back to the people she saved at the hospital, the fear she felt on the boat and the fight for her life at the farmhouse and begins to weep softly. Amy places a comforting arm around her shoulder, as Louise let's the floodgates open as her body is wracked with sobs.

Steve jumps to his feet, sidearm in hand as there is a knock at the door. He checks the door camera and sees a familiar face with two large white bags. 

He holsters his weapon and approaches the door. "Who goes there?"

"Meals on wheels." Ryan says with a chuckle. 

Steve opens the door and greets him, "at your age, you should be getting meals delivered not the other way round. How are you doing?" he asks showing him in, "Good to see you."

"Good to see you too, mate." Ryan says, depositing the bags on the table. "Harris says I should get checked out, is Singer still about."

"She is just finishing with Lou." Steve says looking up the stairs. 

"How is she?" Ryan enquires, concerned. 

"Bit banged up and shaken, but ok. I asked Singer to have speak to her, make sure she is ok." Steve confesses. 

"Early ops can be rough. How did she do?" Ryan asks, softly. 

"Honestly, she was great. The skills are definitely there, with experience, she could be a solid operator," Steve pauses, slumping in a chair, "but she wasn't ready for the aftermath, the death, the guilt and second guessing. I have spoken to her, but, I am not very good at this type of thing. Singer has been where Louise is now. I hope she can help her come to terms with her actions." Steve explains.  

"If anyone can, Singer can." Ryan says, recalling the way that Singer helped Steve after the death of his parents. 

"True." Steve nods, "How are you anyway? What have you got there?" He enquires pointing at Ryan's bags.

"I am ok, just a bit of a headache. I brought Chinese food," he says unloading the bags, reading off each dish as he goes, "Char Siu pork chow mein, Kung Po chicken, Chinese beef curry, chicken in yellow bean sauce, egg fried rice, vegetable chow mein, Hong Kong pork ribs, Prawn fu yung, crackers and spring rolls."

"How many people did you think were here?" Steve says chuckling.

"I figures with everything that has happened, a decent meal was in order." Ryan sets the bags down and sits on one of the chairs, "Also, it is a farewell meal. Let's face it, you, me and Lou are all being sought by the police. We're going to have to clear out sometime, to stay ahead of the law."

"I have been thinking the same thing. Where will you go?" Steve asks. 

"Somewhere hot, maybe the Caribbean. What about you?"

"Not sure yet, we haven't had a chance to talk about it." Steve replies, thinking of the options.

"Sooner rather than later mate. Get yourselves clear." Ryan says, collecting plates and cutlery. "Be nice to see you both settled."

"I will talk to her after dinner." Steve assures him, "Talk of the devil. Hello Lou, how are you feeling?"

Louise sits gingerly and gives Steve a warm smile, "A bit sore, but ok."

Steve glances at Singer, who gives a subtle nod. 

Steve gazes into Louise's eyes, seeing the warmth he cherishes, beaming back at him, "Love you."

Louise squeezes his hand and whispers, "Love you too." 

Ryan and Singer exchange a smile, while Louise and Steve gaze into each others eyes. Ryan take a plate and begins loading it, a Singer follows suit. Ryan leans over to Singer and whispers, "This will be cold if we wait for them."

"I heard that. Come on Lou, dig in or he will clear the lot." Steve says, eliciting a chuckle from the diners. 

Unknown to Etienne, Helen had heard every word of the call he placed to The Boss and as he busied himself in preparations for their arrival, she considered her options. 

"I am dead if I stay and they will probably kill me if I try to leave." She thinks pacing, the drawing room. 

"Ok, what do I know?" she asks herself, "Louise is missing. I escaped police custody. I was kidnapped and brainwashed. The Boss will probably kill me. Vampires are real." She stops in her tracks, staring at the ceiling, "No, that is not right, they aren't real, the brainwashing forced me to believe in them. Didn't it?"

"I need to get out of here." Helen decides.

She stands next to the door, daring to open it a crack. No one can be seen, she pauses, listening. No footsteps or shouts of alarm. "Here goes.", she whispers as she opens the door enough to slip into the corridor. 

She stays close to the wall, eyes darting this way and that, looking for any hint of danger. Between her and the stairs a door opens and a woman she hasn't seen before steps out in a smart grey blazer and matching skirt.  

Helen ducks behind a plant stand, praying she is not seen, by the woman. She closes her eyes and holds her breath, fearfully. Her prayers are answered when she hears the sharp click of the woman's heels moving away and another door opening further away. 

She slips from her hiding place and begins edging toward the stairs again. Every time she hears a sound she stops still as a statue, holding her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She is close to the head of the stairs when the door she has just passed, opens and the woman emerges once more.

Helen freezes as the woman turns. "Hello, can I help you?" the woman asks. 

Helen is galvanised into action and begins walking quickly towards her, "Actually, yes you can, I am looking for the library?" Helen asks as she approaches. 

The woman appears to relax, turning away and checking her phone for its location, "Down the stairs first on the -" her directions end, punctuated with the sound of a shattering vase. 

Shouts of alarm can be heard from the base of the stairs, triggered by the noise. "Shit." Helen berates herself, turning her back on the stairs and running for the double doors at the other end of the corridor.

Heavy boots stampede up the stairs with shouts of "Stop right there." and "Arrêtez" echoing off of the walls, spurring Helen to run faster and tip over ornamental stands, spilling shattered vases and glasses in her wake to slow any who pursue her.

She daren't look back as she hears the footfalls get closer. Helen feels her heart pumping in her chest, with only a few metres to go. She sees the reflection of her pursuers in the glass of the door‎ and begins to hope, "I can still make it.", until Etienne looms the other side of the doors. 

Desperately, she tears open the door next to her and ducks inside, heading for the large bay windows, next to the fireplace. Men scramble into the room behind her and fan out slowly closing in on her, as Etienne steps through the bay windows. 

Helen snatches a poker from the embers of the fire and waves the glowing tip in a wide arc. "Stay back, please." She begs, "I made a mistake coming here, I just want to leave."

"I am truly sorry Helen. The Boss has specifically indicated, that they would like to have a meeting with you and you will attend." Etienne coolly advises the flailing woman, as he steps forward.

Whilst Helen swings blindly at the man, Etienne steps inside her swing and seizes the poker, where it is still cool near the handle and twists it effortlessly, from her grasp.

The guards sweep in quickly and seize her by the arms and legs and carry her, following Etienne out of the room, "I am sorry Helen, but we must insist that you remain here. " He says, with a touch of sadness. 

"Please I don't want to die." She pleads and she struggles in vain to escape the iron grip of her captors.

As he passes the woman Helen struck with a vase, Etienne looks down t her and says, "Can someone, please make sure she is ok, please?", before descending the stairs followed by the men carrying their squirming prisoner.

Ten minutes later Etienne, closes a door in the cellar behind him, trying to ignore the muffled cries for help from within. He hangs his head, "God help her." He silently prays. 

Inside the room, Helen weeps softly. Her wrists and elbows have been bound together tightly behind a wooden pole. Her legs have been tied above and below the knees and lashed to the pole. A rope is wrapped around her chest above and below her breasts holding her body firmly in place. Her head is held fast by a rope around her neck holding her firmly. 

As she tests her bonds, she cries softly into the cloth filling her mouth. "I should never have thought I would be safe here." She thinks regretfully.

As she stands, helplessly bound in darkness, her mind flashes back to her previous confinement at the hands of The Face and the room begins to churn with the spirits the LSD created nightmares she had in that basement cell.  They dance and cavort around her bound body mocking her and all she can do is watch and weep, knowing that every insult they deliver, every scathing remark they utter, is true.
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Post by wolfman »

After another day in a war zone, Shaw returned home late. Sat down with a glass of wine and lit a cigarette reflecting, "The hospital was a mess, no civilians casualties, but most of the hostiles had been killed. She had reviewed the ballistics reports and forensics. Whoever the Irishman and his accomplice were, they were good. They were fast, precise and deadly. How the hell can you arrest people like that without putting half of my team in hospital?"

She extinguishes her cigarette and places a microwave meal for one on a tray and returns to her glass of wine, slowly, she picks through the meal and continues to reflect.

"The two detained men were not talking, as there was no proof they were involved, they could only be held on charges related to their actions when arrested. So they were cooling their heels on a flimsy terrorism related charge, firearms violations and resisting arrest. A decent lawyer, will see them walk by morning. Along with any hope of getting those behind this."

The meal leaves a sour taste in Shaw's mouth and she pours another wine and reviews the report from Snow on the raid this morning. 

"The Technical Solutions raid was a joke, they ceased trading approximately, an hour before we arrived. They left nothing but dead computers and blank paper files."

Shaw begins pacing her flat, trying to lose some nervous energy. She lights another cigarette and opens her laptop. Her inbox shows, two hundred and thirty five new emails, she shakes her head in dismay, "Should have checked them yesterday."

She sorts by subject and files the advisory messages and the health and safety bulletins and is just about to shut her laptop when she spots a message from archiving. "The list of unsolved murder cases that I requested, after the fiasco with the Irishman at the docks.", she thinks opening the message.

Most of the reports are fairly mundane and she is not sure what she is looking for, but one sticks out.

Margaret and Philips Marks, found dead in the bathroom of their Bedfordshire home by their son, Steven Marks, who had been away on business. They had been bound in barbed wire and tortured to death, the list of injuries was appaling and extensive. The perpetrators had never been caught. 

The violence of this case caught her eye and she looked deeper as she poured herself another glass and lit another cigarette. She took a deep sip of wine as she started reviewing the video interview with the son. 

A moment after the video starts, her glass shatters on the floor, as she finds herself staring into the eyes of the Irishman, she stares open mouthed at his interview. "You poor bastard, no one should have to go through that.", she thinks as the file plays. 

She runs a check on Steven Marks and frowns. "School, college and university records, record of signing up to join the army and then nothing, like he disappeared."

She checks the investigation notes and her eyes widen when, she sees a notification that all enquiries relating to Mr Marks junior, were closed by a cease and desist notice from the Home Office.

She tries to access his records, but each new search is a dead end and after a sleepless hour of frustration, Shaw closes her search and returns to the video of the interview, pausing it on a clear shot of his face. She leans in close to the screen, staring at the freeze frame and whispers, "Who are you, Mr Marks?"


Just over two hours later, she closes her lap and is brushing her teeth when there is a soft knock at her front door. She checks her watch, "Three AM, who the hell is that?" 

She pinches her arm hard enough to produce blooms of pain in her vision, "Not dreaming."

Shaw moves silently through her home, retrieving her pistol, as she approaches the door. She leaves the lights off as she approaches and brings her eye to the spy hole, before opening the door.

"Commissioner? What is going on?" Shaw asks, confused. 

"At this time of night, call me Tony. Can I come in?." the senior officer, Police and Crime Commissioner Anthony Jarvis, appears to have hurriedly dressed in jeans, blazer and shirt. 

"Of course sir, please come in." Shaw nervously, hides her weapon behind her back. "Would you like a coffee?"

"Would prefer a scotch if you have it, no ice." He says sitting down in an arm chair. 

Shaw returns with two tumblers of scotch and takes a seat. "What brings you here at this time of night, sir?"

"I am not here officially. So this is completely off the record." He responds. 

"Of course." Shaw confirms, hesitantly. 

"About two hours ago, I had a phone call from the Home Office to tell me that one of my senior officers was looking into one Steven Marks. A very uncomfortable conversation followed." The senior officer, pauses for a sip of scotch, "I have been directed to end any investigation into this man as a matter of national security."

"So he is untouchable." Shaw says, lighting a cigarette and firing a plume of smoke at the ceiling, suspecting as much. 

"I detest this sort of thing." he advises, screwing up his mouth, as if a bad taste lingers.

"I have met him on more than one occasion and looked into his eyes. He is a beast.", she pauses as a flash of her dream kiss, crosses her mind. "He is at the centre of all this. The Carter kidnappings, Dr. Callard's murder, the warehouse, the hospital and indications are the yacht off of the coast of Cornwall. This man is cutting a swathe across the country and I can't go after him?" Shaw asks.

"They sent me camera footage from the hospital." Tony begins, with a sigh, looking uncomfortable, "It shows you talking to him and walking away. I have been told if you go after him, it will be leaked and it will be implied that you are in league with him."

"So if I chase the man responsible, the blame lands on me and he stays free?" Shaw laughs, coldly, "And you are happy with this?" she asks pointedly. 

"No, I am not. I am bloody furious, but my hands are tied." the senior officer slumps in his chair, downing his scotch. 

"Another?" Shaw asks offering the bottle, which he nods and accepts, pouring another drink. 

"Why didn't you try to apprehend him?" Tony asks, cautiously.

Shaw looks him in the eyes, "given the proximity to the assembled hostages, I was concerned that, if I tried to apprehend the suspect, a further incident may have occurred. The result of this would have been civilian casualties. I deemed it too great a risk to attempt a single handed arrest and came to the same conclusion when another officer came to the scene." She offered, still unsure why she let him go.

"That's good." Tony nods, "Stick with that."

"So how do we end this?" Shaw asks grimly. 

"We hang it on Lombard. No body has been found and even if it is, the outrage from this will have faded." He offers. "I hate it, but it is the cleanest way."

"Cleanest?" she scoffs, "Let a probably dead man take the fall, whilst a bloodbath on legs walks free to continue his rampage?"

She let's the point hang in the smoke filled air between them. "What if I refuse?" Shaw asks, knowing the answer already. 

"I can make it official to cover you." He says, relaxing.   

"No, you can't," She says, deflated, "because that would be put on record and it would show that the UK government suppressed this case." Kate says, suddenly tired.

Breaking the silence, Shaw eventually stubs out her cigarette and with a finality, says "I joined the service, to put criminals behind bars, not comply with conspiracies to see them act with impunity." Shaw says, fighting back tears.

"Kate, no. The service needs officers like you. For Christ's sake, your team has the best Anti Terror record in the country. You are an outstanding officer and I can't lose someone of your calibre." He pleads, "Every single officer on your team has recommended you for a commendation for your actions at the docks and frankly, I am recommending you for a medal. I need senior officers that inspire loyalty and bravery, I need you on the force."

"You need me, but, you want to tie both my hands behind my back to stop me getting a state protected murderer." Shaw says, bitterly. 

"This is not what I want, Kate." Jarvis says, deflated. 

Shaw stares at the ceiling, thinking. "Give me a day to bury it, then hold a press conference. You can have my resignation shortly after."

"I won't accept it. Bury this and take a month off, with pay. Think about this. Don't throw away, everything you have worked for." He pleads.

With a faraway look in her eyes, Shaw softly but firmly responds, "Fine."
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Post by BindPam »

Finally got caught up!

So, Shaw now knows more about Steve, but STILL wants to arrest him? For real? I hope she begins to see things his way.

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Post by wolfman »

Dionne cut a severe figure as she crossed the lobby of the five star Miami hotel. Five feet and nine inches tall, natural ice blonde hair, high cheek bones, thin lips and piercing eyes, the colour of a cloudless winter sky. She looks ten years younger than her fifty five years, her body tanned and toned from a brutal regimen of exercise. 

Her pure white business suit and blouse makes her seem like a ghost as she cuts untouched through the busy air-conditioned lobby to the humid head of a Florida summer evening, as she heads to her armoured luxury sedan and former American special forces driver.

"That stupid girl." she thinks, having just had the call from Etienne, "So much chaos, just because she wanted a little extra on the side."

"I have worked all my life to build this company. A lot of blood, sweat and tears have been spilled to get to this stage and that girl's foolishness, has threatened it all." Dionne reflects. "I will deal with her in due course."

"Adam, can we go to the Office on the way to the airport, I have something to deal with." She asks, in a crisp English accent. 

"Yes boss." He replies, in a clipped tone, eyes on a swivel, searching for complications. 

"Thank you dear," She begins, "have all the arrangements been made for my return to Nirvana?"

"Everything is in place, the flight is chartered under a dummy corporation and we have customs in our pocket, so we can enter France invisibly. A secure vehicle is in place and a discreet two vehicle escort is on standby for the journey to the chateau." 

"Adam, what would I do without you? It is good to know, I have some people I can rely on." She says relieved. 

 Adam makes eye contact in the rear view mirror and give a small nod, as he remains focused on his duties.

She exits the vehicle and strides into the buildings lobby, heading straight for the elevator, as Adam parks the vehicle. 

The security guard jumps up from his desk and chases after her. "Ma'am." He draws a baton as he approaches, placing a hand on her arm, "Ma'am, you need to show me some ID, before I can let you through."

She turns and smiles warmly at him. "Are you new here, young man?"

"I am sorry ma'am, I must see some ID." Monk said, whilst thinking, "I cannot screw up on day one, I need this job."

"Look up." She says, holding his gaze. 

Monk shivers as he feels the confidence in her eyes and slowly looks up to see her portrait hanging in the lobby. "Oh God. I am so sorry." He apologises, removing his hand from her arm. 

She pats him on the shoulder, "It is good to know, my people are being protected with such vigilance. Next time you stop someone, however, keep the baton on your belt, at least until it's use is justified." She says, warmly, noting his name. 

"Yes ma'am. I am so sorry." Monk says heading back to his desk.

Adam meets her at the elevator doors, carrying an attaché case, "Trouble?"

"No." Dionne replies, thoughtfully, "He is quick to act and doesn't scare easy. Transfer him from desk duty to the buildings reactionary force."

He nods, tapping out a message on his phone. "Message sent.", He confirms, as they head to the main administration floor.

The massive open plan office was a constant burble of noise as the consultants fielded calls from across the globe co-ordinating all of the organisations operations.

Everyone fights not to look at her or draw her attention as she strides through the office. She taps a wiry and harrassed looking man on the shoulder and leans in behind him, "Come with me." She softly commands, as she turns on her heel and heads back to the elevator. 

The whispered order, sends shivers of fear down the man's spine. He rises and follows quickly, wary of invoking her wrath.

He enters the elevator with Dionne and Adam, his eyes downcast and swallows his fear as they ascend to the top floor. 

"You were the consultant, providing support to Richards' team on the hospital operation." She says, staring at the view through the elevators glass wall as they ascended to the top floor.

"Yes, ma'am." He mumbles. 

As the doors open, she takes the lead, purposefully walking, as she spoke, "The operation was an absolute failure. The team got bogged down on the ground floor and ambushed by a previously unknown force." She begins, crossing the corridor, "As a result, we have lost one of our top teams and we have two agents in UK police custody."

"Yes ma'am." The consultant breathes hard as he struggles to keep pace. Adam silently walks behind him, just over an arms length away.

She stops walking for a moment and turns to face him, causing him to stumble to a halt, preventing him from walking into her. "Can you please explain to me, why we didn't have access to the cameras of the hospital to provide a warning to out agents that the building had been infiltrated?

The man's eyes go wide and he feels a cold lump in his stomach. He stammers his reply, "Richards didn't request it, ma'am."

"And you didn't think, it would be worthwhile?" She asks in an innocent sounding voice. 

"I didn't think-" his answer cut short.  

"No, you didn't and now over twenty men are dead and two are in custody, whilst a person of interest has disappeared. If we'd had the cameras, our men would not have been ambushed." Dionne says, slowly and deliberately, in a low, menacing tone. "This oversight cost them their lives, all because You. Didn't. Think."

The man stammers searching for an excuse, but before he can speak the air is forced from his lungs, by a lightning fast strike to his solar plexus, by the woman before him. He doubles over, trying to catch his breath as Dionne seizes a handful of his hair and drags him through the doors to the stairwell. 

He stumbles and is sent sprawling on the cold stone floor at the top of the stairs. Dionne drops down planting a knee at the base of his spine. She extends a hand backwards and Adam calmly passes her a thick zip tie. The man on the floor feels his arms pulled back and the tie pulled viciously tight around his wrists. "No. Wait. Please. I can explain." He begs as he feels more tied around his elbows ankles and above his knees, immobilising him further. 

Dionne secures the ankle ties to his elbow ties pulling hard and forcing the man to arch his back. "You can't explain to my satisfaction. Your actions cost many good people their lives, many of whom, died in a stairwell like this one."

His howls of pain echo off of the walls of the heavily soundproofed stair well, as Dionne delivers a sharp kick to his side, "It is only fitting that you do the same." She says as she shoves him with her foot sending him rolling down the top flight of stairs. 

He is sobbing as Dionne follows him slowly down the stairs and kick him repeatedly until she is able to use her foot to shove him down the next flight of stairs.

The building has ten floors, each with two flights of stairs. By the fifteenth floor the man is covered in his own blood and all of his ribs are cracked or broken. By the tenth floor, he has bitten his tongue in half and the majority of the bones in his body have been damaged. By the fifth floor, he has breathed his last breath.

Dionne, looks disdainfully down at the man, as she examines the blood on her shoes. Adam calmly opens his case and passes her an identical pair of shoes, without comment. 

"You are a godsend, what would I do without you?" She says as she removes her blood stained shoes and puts a fresh pair on. 

Adam takes the stained pair and puts them into a plastic bag before depositing them in the case. "No problem."

"Why didn't you intervene?" She asks, curious. 

He shrugs, "I am your bodyguard, not his, besides HR is not my department." He says with a slight smile. 

She cannot help by laugh softly, "I like this one, might have to try to keep him around." she thinks, as Adam notified housekeeping of the mess to be cleaned up. 

"Now that he is dealt with, let's go and deal with the stupid greedy girl who started all this." Dionne says without humour.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great story still, you are so much writing the opposite of my stories. So much violence, my stories hardly have any of that. And don't get me wrong, I love reading your stories, I just could not write that way (mostly, I think my John Doe story is an exception to the rule 8-) ).

Thanks for continuing this tale.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by wolfman »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago Great story still, you are so much writing the opposite of my stories. So much violence, my stories hardly have any of that. And don't get me wrong, I love reading your stories, I just could not write that way (mostly, I think my John Doe story is an exception to the rule 8-) ).

Thanks for continuing this tale.
Thanks for your comment on this.
The grime and dirt of the violence I use, is there as a counterpoint to the warmth and purity of their relationship. By the time this tale is done, I want to show how far they will both go for their love.
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Louise wakes slowly, feeling a twinge of pain from her shoulder and a touch of stiffness. She stretches as best she can with her left arm strapped across her chest, with her hand near her right collarbone. The thick white straps securing her arm are snug, but hold her arm strictly in place.

As she drifts from sleep to consciousness, her mind is filled with faces. Faces filled with hope and relief. Faces of those she saved. Faces that will see the sky today because of her.

"There are people alive today because of what Steve and I did." She thinks trembling, "What we did." She sees the deaths of those whose life she too as if in slow motion for a moment, before smiling faces replace them.

Her thoughts begin to race, alternating between those she saved, those she slew and the events of the last few days. As she lay there, her mind does not let her rest and nothing she tries will stop the rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions that she feels. 

Frustrated, she slowly turns onto her side and gazes at Steve. The thoughts whirling in her mind start to fade, as she watches him sleep and her mind is filled with love for him. 

Steve's eyes open slowly and they are greeted by Louise's smile. He smiles warmly in return thinking, "It is great to have you back, I want to wake with you every day, for the rest of my life."

"Morning my love." Steve slurs as he wakes seeing his fiancé watching him. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit stiff but ok, just feel so tired." She replies. 

"We can rest a bit today. It's been a full on few days. We can take some time just for us."

Steve slowly lifts himself before he leans in for a kiss. 

As their lips meet, they are both jolted awake as a hunger rouses within them. Their lips lock passionately and for a moment nothing else matters as their tongues dance in unison.

Steve's hands rove her body and she moans softly as he strokes her thighs. As their lips part, Steve breathless asks "Are you sure you are up to this?"

"I need this, it is just a shame that we haven't got any more straps." she says stretching her free arm.

"We always have more straps." He says, opening the drawer of the bedside table. 

Louise's eyes light up as she places her right hand over her left collarbone and Steve tenderly straps it in place. She bites her lip as he takes a scarf and blindfolds her, plunging her into darkness.

"I surrender to you, my love. Do with me what you will." She says in a husky voice, laying back and surrendering to his touch.

"You are my world. I will take your gift of surrender and cherish it with all my being. I love you so much, Louise."

He straddles her and leans in gently, trying not to hurt her shoulder, as he teases her lips with his. Slowly she writhes under him and moaning softly.  

His right hand caresses the smooth skin of her stomach, stroking her tenderly, while he gently kisses her hot and hungry lips.

She yearns for his touch and pushes her hips up to meet him as he guides himself into her, ignoring the pain in her shoulder and her back to invite the release she craves. 

He rests above her on his forearms as he gently thrusts into her and nuzzles her neck. She moans softly and winces with each thrust, as her shoulder is jarred, forcing a squeak from her lips.

Steve pauses, "I don't want to hurt you."

"Only hurts when you thrust." Louise says in a ragged voice, "I need this."

"Do you trust me?" He asks. 

"Always." Louise responds without hesitation.

"Be as still as you can and breath deeply" he whispers, "Flex the muscles in your pelvis, but don't move anything else. I will slow right down and we will take our time."

"I need this, if the only way to do it without pain so be it.", she thinks, nodding.

Steve slips his hand under the straps holding her arms and rests his palm on her chest, feeling the beat of her heart and the ebb and flow of her breathing, slowing his breathing to match hers. 

"Breath slowly and focus on the parts of your body where I am touching you." He whispers. 

She feels the calming, gentle warmth of his hand on her chest and she feels him inside her, his slow movements a contrast to the normal intensity of their lovemaking. Where normal powerful thrusts provide sensations that she devours hungrily, being forced to take it this slow, allows her to savour every inch of him inside her, every small movement, every part of his hand against her chest. 

Steve keeps his breathing in tune with hers and slowly moves his hips in time with her breaths. Each time she flexes her pelvis, she squeezes him inside her and he moans softly. 

Louise sinks into the their rhythm, as the world melts way and she feels herself being pulled slowly, towards orgasm. Like a planet spiralling gradually towards a star, she feels the heat build and the pull slowly strengthen. A soft, sensual sigh escapes her lips, as Steve slowly rides her.

Steve gazes down at her, seeing a vision of serene beauty under him. He lowers his face to hers and slowly let's his lips merge with hers, and explores her mouth with his tongue. 

Louise's senses are electrified by his kiss and she moans softly as she relishes the feeling of their lips locking and savours the hot wetness of his tongue. Her eyes roll back under the blindfold, as she feels her body pulled slowly towards climax.

Time stretches in their slow dance, the ticking of the clock, replaced by the beating of their hearts, as they define their world by slow sensual movements.

Steve allows his hand to wander under the straps and slowly explore her breasts, gently caressing every inch of their soft, warm skin and tantalising her nipples, with gentle fleeting touches.

Louise gently sways her hips, in slow unison with his gentle, tender thrusts. "This feels amazing." She thinks, "Our lovemaking is always intense, but this is something else." She breathes slow ragged breaths and shivers, despite the glowing bud of warmth inside the core of her being, as the first flushes of orgasm tease the edges of her senses. 

Steve feels her shiver and sees her cheeks slowly redden. He removes his hand from under the strapping for a moment to lift her blindfold. "I had to see the beauty of your eyes, my love." He says, gazing at her, before planting a tender kiss on her lips. He showers her neck with sensual kisses and returns his hand to her breasts. 

The sudden vision of the man she loves and the feel of his lips on her neck, open the floodgates and waves of pleasure cascade with gentle ripples through her body, each wave building on the last engulfing her body and setting her mind afloat in a sea of warm bliss. 

When the waves subside, she finds herself cradled in Steve's arm, her uninjured arm once again free. Louise opens her eyes to see Steve gazing down at her with a smile of pure love for his bride-to-be as he says, "I love you, Louise."

"I love you too Steve." She purrs, "That was amazing." Louise closes her eyes and relishes the ebbing traces of of pleasure as they subside.

They rest in each other arms, their sweat slick bodies entwined, as they exchange and unspoken litany of love between them. 
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the contrast between the last Chapters. Hard, brutal Action versus tender, romantic love. And we learned who was behind the Hospital Raid - and Dionne is hard as steel and equally unforgiving.
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Post by wolfman »

"Everything hurts." Helen thought as she stood tightly bound to a pole after a sleepless night, "I can't feel my hands and my shoulders feel like they will pop out of their sockets, at any moment." 

She tried to shift her weight between her legs but, to no avail. She could find no relief for the cramps that she felt in her thighs and calves. But at least, the cloth between her lips, tied roughly and tightly, sucking the moisture from her mouth, provides some distrction from the pains elsewhere in her body. 

A lone tear crawls down her cheek and she thinks, mournfully, "I am in pain now, but when The Boss arrives, my agony will know no bounds."

She half heartedly twists against her bonds, "I should never have come here. What was I thinking?" Helen berates herself. 

Her mind plays tricks on her, making her imagine spirits dancing around her, mocking her stupidity, taunting her with visions of her fate and condemning her for her actions. "They are not real, just like vampires are not real." She thinks firmly dismissing them. 

"I have met monsters in my life and one comes for me now. I have made so many mistakes, I hope Louise finds peace despite the hell I inflicted on her." Helens thoughts drift through her pain and fatigue addled mind.

She bows her head and silently prays, "Dear Lord, I have no right to ask for your help, but it is not for me, for I am lost. Please protect my sister and allow her to heal from the damage I have done to her. She did not deserve what I did. Please keep her safe.  Amen." 

Helen softly weeps and allows her body to rest for a moment. As she slumps, the rope wrapped around her neck, digs into her throat constricting her airways. She jolts upright after a moment, feeling defiant.  "No, I will face my fate."

Harris paces his office concerned. The news was relatively quiet following the events of the last few days. "The past few days, have cost us dearly." He thinks, reviewing the accounts and reflecting. 

"Mind you, the restructuring and relaunch stands to make up for that and then some." He nods to himself as he checks the projections. 

He plays the footage of Steve and Louise's raid on the hospital, shaking his head with a chuckle, "I still cannot believe that is Louise. Steve you did a hell of a job on her." He reflects and stares out of his window, wondering.

Dionne glides through airport customs unchecked and emerges into the cool, early morning French air. Adam walks a respectful distance behind her, eyes constantly searching for trouble. 

They weave through the crowd towards the waiting vehicle. As they slowly work through the crowd, Dionne feels a hand slip into her pocket. Her steel hard fingers, clamp around the offender wrist in a vice like grip and she stares into the fearful eyes of a teenage boy. 

The would-be-thief tries in vain to free his arm as years of discipline and training have forged her lithe muscles into bands of steel. Dionne drags him through the crowd, wordlessly. He doesn't scream for fear of attracting the police. Adam watches this unfold and already feels sorry for the boy. 

Adam quickens his pace and steps past Dionne to open the car door. Dionne throws the boy inside and joins him on the back seat as Adam takes the front passenger seat. 

He turns to the driver and instructs him, "Just drive and forget anything you see in the back seat."

As the vehicle pull away, the boy says, "I am sorry, please let me go, I will not do it again."

"You need to learn what happens when you put your hands in places that they should not go." she says, gripping his index finger and middle finger in her right hand and his other fingers, with her left and pulls hard.

He screams as the skin and cartilage between his knuckles splits and she separates the bones right down to the wrist. When she takes his other hand and slowly breaks each of his fingers and thumb, the boy passes out. 

On an open country road leading out of the city, she pushes his from the car as it takes a corner at speed. The driver is in a cold sweat as his knuckles whiten under the tightness of his grip on the vehicles steering wheel. Adam passes Dionne a towel, which she quickly uses to clean up the blood.

Adam dryly speaks, "Kid's lucky he didn't touch your ass.", provoking laughter from the back seat and a nervous chuckle from the driver.

"Was a nice warm up in preparation for dealing with that stupid girl at the chateau." Dionne says coldly. 

"Etienne messaged me to confirm that she tried to run and they have her restrained in one of the dungeon room." Adam informs his employer. 

"Good, I don't want her too confortable." Dionne says, darkly.

Steve holds Louise close in the aftermath of their love making, gently cradling her to prevent any jarring of her shoulder. He leans down and tenderly kisses her cheek, eliciting a purr from her lips and she settles into his embrace. 

"That was amazing," She coos, "a perfect start to the day."

"It was incredible for me too, my love." Steve softly whispers, "I don't think you know how great it is to wake up and see your face."

"If it is half as good as you make me feel, I know my love." She sighs, "I suppose we should get moving soon."

"Where shall we go?" Steve asks, "Our cover lives are effectively blown and we have no ties apart from my job. Let's disappear for a while. Somewhere hot, where no one knows us."

"Are you serious?" Louise asks, hopefully. 

"We have been to a dark place, I want to live with you in the light." Steve says "I want us to embrace our future and walk away from our pasts. But, the real question, is what do you want?"

"I want a life together, where we are not looking over our shoulders constantly. I want a safe life with you where all that we have to worry about is each other." Louise says calmly, "I don't want to be afraid any more."

"I want that too." Steve whispers, gently squeezing her. "Lombard is gone and your sister has disappeared again and she has no way of finding us."

"Lombard's operation must have cost a lot of money, but where did he get it? Also, we don't know who attacked the hospital. Maybe he got the money from whoever tried to get Ryan." She says, thinking out loud. 

Steve nods quietly to himself, before saying, "You make a good point, if he got the money from another party, then they may be responsible for the hospital. The question is, do we run, or hunt them down?"

"If we run, we would be running forever." Louise says, sadly. 

"If we run, then everything we have done up to now is meaningless and every one who has been hurt or killed, has suffered for nothing." Steve says, as he thinks of Jill and how she suffered at his hand. 

Steve takes a deep breath, "There is something I need to tell you."

Dionne has showered and changed into a form fitting, white trouser suit and emerges from her suit at the Nirvana chateau. She walks alone down to the basement, thinking, "I am coming for you Helen."

Helen flinches as she hears the slow clicking of heels approaching the door. "So this is it." she thinks, struggling weakly. She closes her eyes and nods, taking a deep breath.

As she opens her eyes, the light comes on in the cell and she hears the door being unbolted, she lifts her head to face The Boss as she enters. 

Helens resolve disappears, as she sees the coldness in Dionne's eyes. Helen shifts uneasily as Dionne slowly walks towards her, she tries to plead for mercy, but is thwarted by the cloth in her mouth turning her pleas into muffled grunts and mews.

She looks fearfully at Dionne as the older woman approaches. "Well, what am I to do with you?" Dionne asks, inspecting her bonds, "At least they shut you up. I don't think I could deal with your whining right now."

Dionne removes her jacket revealing a white silk blouse underneath. She hangs the jacket on a hook and stretches her arms, rolling her shoulders slowly. 

"Do you have any idea how much you have cost me?" Dionne asks stepping closer to Helen. 

Helen looks down at the floor. Dionne lifts her chin and grips her jaw. "Do you know how much? Millions in money and so many good people have died because of you. You stupid girl." Helen's head rocks to the side as Dionne releases a lightning fast slap to her face. 

As Helen reels from the blow, she starts to cry, "I'm sorry." she mumbles. 

Dionne's face becomes a mask of rage as she unleashes an onslaught on the bound and helpless girl, "Dickens and his team." 
"Lombard's entire operation." 
"An entire strike team." 
"And all because you wanted a little extra on the side." 
"You stupid."

The final crushing back hand slap, hit Helen with enough force to dislodge the gag from her mouth. She flexes her jaw and feels the burning in her cheeks from the blows and the gouges from Dionne's wedding ring, "Wait, please I'm sorry. I didn't know this would-" Her plea cut short by another blow. 

"Sorry? You're sorry?" Dionne asks, incredulously, "Sorry for what you did to your sister? Sorry for the trouble you have caused? Sorry for the lives that have been lost? Sorry for the money you have cost me? Or, sorry that you stupidly came here, instead of running?"

Dionne unleashes another flurry of blows and as Helen feels her consciousness slip away she begs weakly, "Please. Stop. I can't take any more."‎

"This is for all you have done. I nurtured you and gave you a life and your actions have unleashed a wave of chaos, that threatens all I have worked for." Dionne says coldly. 

"I am sorry, please forgive me, I can make it up to you." Helen begs. 

"Your pain will be my payment." Dionne says cracking her knuckles. ‎

"Please, no more," Helen pleads weakly, crying in agony, unable to escape the onslaught to come, "Mum, please stop."
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Post by Caesar73 »

The end of this Chapter was quite a surprise! Mum? I surely did not expect anything like this! Dionne is Helens Mother???? Wolfman, you are always one good for surprise, but this time you surpassed yourself :)
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Post by BindPam »

Cliffhanger ending!!!!!!

Steve and Louise's current adventure isn't over yet....And now we have another Dionne also Louise's mother?

Can't wait to see what happens next with Steve and Louise, and what other surprises we have in store....

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Post by Emma »

I'm also wondering if Dionne is Louise's mother, as well as Helen's. I can't imagine we've seen the last of them; surely we'll see Helen's fate.
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Dionne's nostrils flare and she becomes incandescent with rage, unleashing the anger she has felt for so long, "You are no daughter of mine. Not after what you did to your sister. 

She steps closer, nose to nose with the bound girl, "You always were jealous of Louise, she was smarter than you, more capable than you, better than you. But you," she scoffs, "you were selfish, lazy and petty. You got all the boys and wrapped people around your little finger."

Dionne spits the words at Helen, "She worked hard and made a life for herself. She made me proud, but you." She jabs her hard in the chest, "You just wanted easy money. I gave you a job, a chance to make something of yourself and this is how you repay me."

"But, mum-" Helen begins to beg.

"But nothing, you have squandered every chance you have ever been given. You have never failed to disappoint me. I wish you were more like your sister. Capable, methodical, smart. She had nothing but love for you and you destroyed her."

Helen begins to weep and weakly says, "I'm, I'm sorry."

Dionne slaps her hard across the face, "Don't you dare! You have no right to self pity!" She shouts, "First you betray your sisters trust, then you profit from her being raped and then when she comes to you pregnant, you not only cause her to lose the baby, but any future chance of having children."

Helen cannot speak aloud, cannot defend herself, "I can never undo what I did. I wish I hadn't hurt her." She whispers. 

"If that weren't bad enough," Dionne says lowering her tone, "When I told your father what had happened, he went into a rage. I had never seen him so angry, he went through the house destroying anything you had touched and when he was done." Dionne pauses, touching her wedding ring as her lip trembles. "When he was done he sat in his chair with a photo of your sister and inconsolably."

Dionne has a faraway look in her eyes as she continues, "When I came down the next morning, I thought he was doubled over in tears still,", she waivers, her lip trembling, "but it was his heart. He died, clutching your sisters photo to his chest." She pauses, composing herself and fixing her daughter with a steely stare, "You took him from me."

Helen stares at the floor numb, "I never knew how dad died. Did I kill him? What have I done?"

"Louise pushed everyone away after he died. She wouldn't let me comfort her and since she disappeared, she is lost to me. You took her from me too." Dionne says, with venom in her voice almost palpable. 

"I thought it was a blessing when you went missing. When you turned up half mad, I regretted that you were still alive. ‎I was ready to let you rot in prison or whatever facility they put you in." Dionne finishes in a low tone, dripping with malice.

Helen trembles, flinching at every word as if she were struck physically. Unable to speak. Even if she were not bound so effectively, her mothers anger and presence, would render her paralysed.

Dionne paces the room like a caged tiger, "When Lombard called me to say he had your sister, I was overjoyed, but then he told me about how he would use her to get you back and my heart sank. I ordered him to turn Louise over to me and he refused. I had a team en route to extract her, when the boat was attacked. They got there too late. I lost her again."

Dionne seizes Helen around the throat and slowly squeezes, "Now here I am, with the person responsible for the death of the man I loved, the disappearance of my daughter, dozens of other deaths and a threat to all I have built. What should I do with you?"

"I don't deserve forgiveness, do what you will. Just promise me you will protect Louise from the man on the news." Helen says, feeling hollow inside, still reeling from the revelation of her fathers death.

Dionne releases Helen's throat, "What man?", she asks coldly, emphasising each word. 

"The guy on the news that they say killed all those people in a warehouse. He was the one who took me." Helen says, her eyes downcast.

She focuses again, turning hard eyes on Helen, "I will protect her from him, just as I will protect her from you." Dionne says coldly.

Outside the room, Adam keeps a vigil waiting for his employer. "I hate this job." He thinks quietly to himself, as he stares at a crossword, trying to block out the diminishing screams and piteous wails from within the room.

Harris stands to greet Magar as he enters his office. "Thank you for coming old friend," he says shaking the man's hand warmly. 

"Not at all." the old Nepalese man says. 

"First off thank you for hindering the police during their raid on our old office." Harris says, "The building was sanitised and the police have nothing, thanks to you and your team. My thanks will be reflected in all of your wages."

"Thank you sir." Magar says, awaiting the second thing, Harris wanted.

"Now, this mess at the hospital. We thought, Lombard's crew were out of the picture. I would like you to task a few assets to look into who was behind the attack. They targeted on of our own, I don't want them to do that again."

Magar nods, thoughtfully, "Of course.", he says with grim determination.

"Thank you. I have a feeling we will need to activate all reserve operators at some point soon. Would you be able to double check the protocols?" Harris asks, in a slightly worried tone. 

"Of course. I check the protocols once per month, with the changeover, now is a good time to run it." Magar confirms. 

"Thank you my friend, do you have time for a cup of tea and maybe a game of chess?" Harris asks. 

Magar grins warmly, "I thought you would never ask."

A little before seven in the evening, Ryan steps up to the door of Steve and Louise's room, he moves to knock, but hesitates, thinking better of disturbing them given the noises still coming from within. "Animals." he thinks with a smile.  He turns and heads down the stairs, wincing slightly.

He sits drinking a solitary cup of coffee, listening to the faint soft noises from upstairs. Shaking his head, he thinks, "Good for them." and raises his cup in a toast and chuckles to himself shaking his head.  

His phone buzzes, he reads the message and his smile fades. He is no longer a serving police officer, but sometimes, his when company assets are involved in criminal activity, security give him a tip off when there is something he needs to review.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and checks the message again, feeling the blood drain from his face

After draining his cup, he drops a note on the table for Steve and gets to his feet. A moment later, he dons a baseball style cap and collects his overnight bag before slipping out unseen. 

Over an hour after Ryan slips out, Steve pads downstairs for a bottle of water, whilst Louise dozes in bed. 

He stretches a little and flexes his neck. "What a way to start a day.", he thinks smiling warmly to himself. 

He sees the empty coffee cup and nods to himself, "Ryan's gone then."

He retrieves a bottle of water and spots the note on the table addressed to him. He takes a sip of the water and sits to read the note. 

"Hi mate,

It has been a long road, a with you. Thanks mate. You have been epic, so really epic. Can any body ask for more old sun, not in a good ol' age. A rare friend for a older cock hed. Old copper now signing off. Look me up.  I await now for get go.


He looked at the coded note and re-read it several times before rising from his seat to wake Louise.

Five minutes later they were dressed, armed and on the move.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I wonder what Ryans Message contains ..... So Dionne is Louises Mother as well - and she is bent on "rescuing" Louise from "that man" ..... somehow I see a Meeting in my Chrystal Ball - between Louise and her Mother. They both might be disappointed....
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Post by wolfman »

"Are you ok?" Louise asks with concern. 

Steve is behind the wheel of the sports saloon, guiding it through the warm early evening towards a destination unknown, fully focused on the road. "Sorry?" He asks absent mindedly. 

"Are you ok Steve?" She asks again. 

"Sorry, yes, I am ok.", he says softly as he guides the vehicle around a corner. 

"What's going on?", she asks. 

He hands her the note from Ryan. "It is not his usual style, it's in code. First line 'Hi mate' six letters not counting spaces. Count every sixth letter."

She takes a pad from the glove box and goes through the note and concentrates as she works through it. ‎"Body neverend ongar no cops going" she reads out, "What does that mean?"

"When one of our own is killed and the police are not involved, the body gets taken to one of our facilities for autopsy. The note indicates that a body has been found, taken to the Neverend funeral home in Ongar. Cops are not aware and Ryan is attending.", Steve explains. 

Louise nods, deep in thought as they travel on in silence. "So." Louise begins, "Am I right in thinking, that we are going because of how close it is to everything else that has happened, timewise? The timing of the find is not likely to be a coincidence."

"Absolutely, I would guess that this is likely connected." Steve says nodding with a wry smile, thinking, "Good God, you are even starting to think like me." 

He relaxes and strokes her thigh, "Sorry for the rude awakening.", he says, feeling bad for having to wake her and break up their reunion like this. 

She smiles warmly at his and takes his had, "I understand, this could be important."

Ryan looked ashen, as he viewed the body before him. The man had been handcuffed and savagely beaten. There were signs of severe soft tissue trauma and the examiner advised, that there were more than a few broken bones.

His phone rang again, fifth time in as many minutes, same number calling. Ryan composed himself and answered the call, "Steve."

"Hi mate, we are en route, what have we got?" Steve asked, a concerned tone in his voice. 

"Don't come here." Ryan said, flatly.

"Ryan?" Steve asked, worried, thinking, "That is out of character."

Ryan composed himself before, breaking his silence. "It's Terry.", his voice cracking as he speaks.

Steve pulls the vehicle over to the side of the road. Louise takes his hand and looks at him with sadness. 

"How did he die?" Steve asks, without emotion, as visions of his friend flash before his eyes. 

"Badly." Ryan says, without elaboration. 

"How?" Steve asks with a cold force, Louise wasn't used to. 

"Handcuffed and beaten to death." Ryan admits, surprised at the force of the question.

"Who did it?" as Steve asks, Louise, shivers at the coldness in his eyes. 

"We don't know, he was found at home after he missed a check in, place was for the most part undisturbed." Ryan cannot get the image of the dead man from his mind. 

"We are going to his place. See if someone left a trace behind." Steve advised looking to Louise for approval. She nods and squeezes his hand. 

"Steve, let us handle this, you are too close." Ryan asked, his old friend. 

"In all the times, we have worked together, when has that line worked?" Steve says coolly. 

"Had to try man." Ryan exhales slowly, "I will stay with our examiner, you see what you can find. We can compare notes later."

Steve hangs up the phone and stare out of the windscreen for a while. 

Louise squeezes his hand, "We will get them." she assures him. 

"I know, it's not that, he still owes me a tenner." he jokes half heartedly. 

Louise smiles but sees the pain in his eyes and starts to worry.

They arrive at the house unseen and silently enter. Steve closes his eyes and breathes deeply, inhaling the scent of his friend sweat and blood. With a faint trace of the rubber from the body bag lingering in the air.

He moves through the house silently. Sweeping from room to room. Touching nothing, just looking and Louise follows, quietly behind him.

He pauses in the bedroom, spotting Terry's medals and wedding ring. He points to the medals and whispers to Louise, "He was a war hero, many times over. This country owed him and all he got was a small pension and a skill set he couldn't use to support himself, until he got a job with us."

They leave the room and Steve whispers again, "He was in the SAS and working for the security services during the troubles. Terry taught me spycraft and a made me a better soldier. I owe him."

Louise hugs him with her free hand. "We will get whoever did this." She assures him softly, before they resume their sweep of the fallen soldiers home.

The bathroom is pristine aside from a few splashes of diluted bloody water around the sink. As Steve turns to leave something catches his eye and he leans down, plucking a single, long brown hair from the carpet, which he deposits in one of the freezer bags he collected before they left.

Louise follows close behind and keeps her eyes open. She softly touches Steve on the shoulder when the enter the kitchen. 

As he turns, she points to the broken glass on a lower pane of the back door. He nods and quietly opens the door, he reaches through the glass and moves his hand towards the inner handle from the outside. Finding the angle too sharp to reach, he carefully withdraws his hand. 

He moves to re-enter and close the door when he notes small scratches around the lock. He points to the lock and whispers to Louise, "Lock pick marks. Glass broken as a decoy. Most burglars in this country don't use picks."

She nods and follows as he exits the kitchen and enters the living room. Where the rest of the house is neat, this room bears signs of a struggle. With books and dvd's pulled from shelves littering the floor, an arm chair over turned and a slight crack in the tv screen.

He stoops to pick up a picture frame, the glass cracked, the photo showing Terry with his dead wife, just before she passed away. "Rest well with her now mate." He whispers.

He turns to the chair in the middle of the room, showing some staining in blood and some scratches in the wood. 

Steve imagines his friend in the chair, fighting back and scratching the chair with the handcuffs that restrain him, bleeding from various injuries. 

Louise heads into the hallway, to escape the strong smell of blood and sweat in the room, leaving Steve in the room. 

Steve stands still and looks around the room, for something out of place. His eyes narrows as he spots an ash tray with half a dozen cigarette ends in it. He steps closer, examining them, noting the faint trace of lipstick on them. He takes a freezer bag from his pocket and deposits the cigarettes.  

Steve spots a dark shadow under the table and reaches down retrieving Terry's wallet, confirming the cards and cash still present.

He examines the chair and notes, some damage as if a strike or two, struck the chair and not his friend. He examines the marks, thinking, "Metal, thin and rounded, dark paint."

With grim realisation, he understands what happened here. He pulls his phone and views a person of interest file. 
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Post by wolfman »

Shaw's phone rings as she is driving back to her home. She doesn't recognise the number, but then with everything going on, she has fielded a score of calls this afternoon from unknown numbers. She answers answers the call on hands free, "Good evening, DCI Shaw speaking."

"Good evening Shaw." Steve says in Northern Irish accent, "Is this a bad time?"

Shaw maintains her composure, and speaks softly, "Good evening Mr Marks, how can I help you?"

"I knew you would find out eventually, bit quicker than I thought." Steve says dropping the accent,  "We don't have long, so I will get to the point, a friend of mine was killed today."

"Right?" Shaw says questioningly. Suddenly feeling nervous, she checks her rear view mirror noting that there are two cars behind her, wondering if one of them contains Steve. 

"His home was staged to look like a robbery had taken place but, nothing was taken. He was handcuffed to a chair and beaten to death with what I would guess was a police extendible baton."

"You think a police officer killed him?" Shaw asks, a concerned tone in her voice. 

"Great, more bent coppers." Shaw thinks recalling her old sergeant and chief superintendent.

"He stopped smoking years ago and yet, there were six cigarette ends in it, the brand you smoke, with the lip balm on that you use." He says without emotion. 

"Hold on a second, what are you saying?" She asks nervously. Noting that one of the vehicles behind her has turned off and another still follows, she slows down and takes a right turn checking her mirror to see the vehicle following her. 

"One of your hairs was in the bathroom." Steve adds, guessing that the hair was hers.

Shaw shakes her head, "No," she says under her breath, "I didn't do this."

"You have been a cop for a long time, seen a lot of crime scenes and I am fairly sure, you would set one up better than that." He begins, "There was no smell of smoke from the cigarettes, the broken glass pane in the door couldn't have been used to access the lock. You would not have washed your hands upstairs, you woud have done it in the kitchen on the way out. You were set up."

"What?" Shaw asks confused, "Then why are you calling, if you know I didn't do it?"

"Someone wanted me to think it was you, to lure me into the open." Steve says, "If I came to you and confronted you, we would be up to our ears in hostile actors." He pauses for a moment to let the point settle. "Whilst it was tempting to see you and spring the trap, I am not keen to risk your life to prove a point."

"Don't want to risk MY life. Arrogant ass." she thinks as she takes another turn leading the still trailing car behind her. 

"I am touched by your concern." she sarcastically responds, "What happens now?"
She asks as she gets turns on to a dual carriage way and guns the engine taking off at speed. 

"For now, do nothing different, go about your business as you normally would and I will be in touch.", he says calmly. 

Shaw checks her mirror, seeing her pursuer, keep pace. "Nice car, by the way." She says with some annoyance.

"Beg pardon?" Steve asks. 

"The Volvo. Nice car." Shaw sharply pulls off of the dual carriage way and screeches around a roundabout. 

"I wouldn't know." Steve says, sounding somewhat confused. 

"So it is not you behind me then." She nods. 

"No, it isn't. Where are you?" He asks. 

"Northbound on Cloister avenue." Shaw says, taking a chance. 

"Can you head towards the business park?" Steve asks. 

"What will you do?" Shaw asks, considering Steve's help. 

"Stop the pursuit." Steve says with conviction.

"I cannot sanction your intervention. It would raise too many questions." Shaw replies, knowing the implications of his intent. "I will head back to the station."

"They may be waiting for you." Steve warns. 

"And who exactly is they?" Shaw asks, impatiently. 

"That, I don't know, at a guess same group that attacked the hospital." Steve offers. 

"Your help at the hospital was appreciated, but, now you need to let the police handle this." Shaw says with authority. 

She glances into the rearview mirror, to see the car behind her struck hard, by an SUV, streaking from a side turning and hears a loud bang over the phone. 

"Duly noted." Steve says breathless. 

"Bastard, he played me." She thinks. Shaw slams on the brakes, bringing her vehicle to a screeching halt. She rams the vehicle into reverse and spins the steering wheel hard. Once the vehicle is pointing to the crash site, she engages first and guns the engine.

Steve's stolen SUV hit the pursuing car, showering the interior of the Volvo with glass and crumpling passenger side doors. He quickly exits the vehicle and moves to the drivers side. He pulls the door open and the driver falls out of the car dazed. 

One glance tells him the passenger is already out of the picture. He reaches down to pick up the driver, when Shaw's vehicle slides to a halt and she jumps out weapon raised. "Stand down, Mr Marks." She orders. 

"Walk away Shaw, you don't want to be a part of this." Steve warns her. 

"Not happening." Shaw says, calmly. 

"You going to shoot me?" Steve challenges her. 

"Only if I have to." Shaw remains resolute, not noticing the German sports tourer pulling up behind her vehicle.

Steve lays the driver down and straightens, before raising his hands. Shaw throws a pair of handcuffs at his feet. "You know what to do."

Louise quietly opens the window of their car and takes aim with a tranq pistol. 

Steve slowly bends down as Shaw feels a sharp pain in the back of her neck, she spins feeling groggy and sees the car parked behind hers. She aims her weapon and squeezes the trigger as the drugs take full effect. 

The bullet strikes the head rest, an inch from Louise's ear. She sees Steve start to run over and shouts, "She missed, do what you need to do."

He hesitates for a moment and returns to the striken driver. After tranqillising him, he duct tapes the man's hands into fists and zipties the man's wrists, elbows, ankles and knees before shoving a cloth in his mouth secured with several wraps of tape. Steve, then tapes the man's eyes and throws him over his shoulder in a fireman's lift. 

Steve deposits him in the boot of their vehicle, as Louise slides into the passenger seat. "You were right bout them monitoring her phone.", she says through the open window. "Where are you going?", she enquires as he walks back towards Shaw.

"We can't just leave here her. What if his mates come looking and find her.", he responds‎, as he jogs to Shaw's side and crouches, removing her gun and taking her phone and warrant card. "She will be pissed." he thinks as he carries her to the car. 

He quickly zip ties her wrists and elbows, before folding a cloth and tying it in place over her eyes. 

"Sorry Shaw.", he whispers under his breath. 

He gets into the drivers seat and realises Louise is grinning at him, "What?" He asks warily. 

Louise chuckles, "You never apologise when you tie me up."

He gives her a wicked smile, "That, my love, is because I am never sorry when I tie you up and given the noises you make, neither are you."

They both laugh as he puts the vehicle into gear and pulls off into the night.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

Great chapter again! Especially the finish! Lots of action :)
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