Me and My Big Mouth… (6F/F)

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Me and My Big Mouth… (6F/F)

Post by LordNelson »

Ana wiggled to the left. She wiggled to the right. She pushed her feet against the floor. She tried to sit up. It was no use, she couldn’t move, not even an inch. She would just have to wait. She laid her head down and contemplated about how she had ended up like this. “Me and my big mouth…” she thought.

That morning, before class, she stood at her locker surrounded by half a dozen friends impatient with her lack of enthusiasm. It was Valentine’s Day and all of the various clubs and teams in the school had planned activities to celebrate. In the hallways between classes and in the cafeteria during lunch there would be all sorts of quizzes and challenges on the theme of love.

Each successful challenge would be rewarded with a red paper heart. Also each student was given another ten hearts to hand out to fellow students that they are attracted to. At the end of the day the hearts would be counted and for the students that collected the most a King and Queen of Valentine’s Day would be crowned.

Ana’s friends knew that as the prettiest girl in school she could easily win so they were shocked when she announced to them that she had no intention of competing. They couldn’t understand that Ana wanted more than a cheap plastic crown and a meaningless title that would be forgotten in a week. She wanted real romance, not a contrived popularity contest.

Ana was aware that many of the boys in the school desired her but mostly in a sexual way and very few had an actual interest in being an affectionate companion. She knew that she turned heads when she walked down the halls but the looks she received were lustful and not loving. Even the ones who had true aspirations of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship were intimidated thinking that she was too much for them.

As Ana took her books from her locker the encouraging chatter that was trying to convince her to change her mind suddenly stopped. Ana turned her head to see what had silenced her chirpy buddies. Coming down the hallway was the “new boy”. He had shown up a few weeks ago driving a beat up old Jaguar that his father had handed down to him.

Dennis Allen had come to the school mid-semester when his father’s job had been transferred. Dennis was tall and lean with an athletic build. His shoulder length blond wavy hair was his trademark as he often did a little head flip to get his dangling bangs out of his blue eyes. His smile melted hearts and his smooth voice charmed everyone.

He was skilled at basketball and ice hockey and easily mastered any other sport that took his fancy. His marks weren’t the highest but on average he did well. Where he excelled was in entertaining and amusing his fellow students and the teachers. He instantly took over a room whenever he entered it with warm greetings, a well told tasteful joke or an amusing story. He liked to be the center of attention, he deserved to be the center of attention and no one resented it when he was.

Needless to say all of the girls…and some of the guys…and even a few teachers…had a crush on him…Ana included.

Ana surfaced from her blue mood as he approached. For a moment she forgot her deliberate attempt to not enjoy today. She, like her friends, watched as he walked by, making no attempt to hide their interest.

Dennis, totally aware that he was under scrutiny, smiled at them and smoothly said ‘Good morning ladies.’ All of them, including Ana, were truly and deeply immersed to various degrees in desirous thoughts. As he passed by their attention dropped to his firm bum encased in skin tight jeans.

Then it happened. Ana had a thought. One that should had stayed in her head but somehow found its way to her mouth.

‘I could use some of that’ she said in a voice that dripped with lust. There was just a hint of a turn of his head, the slightest variation in his step, a split second of hesitation in his movement. Had he heard her? The moment he turned the corner all eyes turned towards Ana.

‘I can’t believe you said that!’

‘Did you want him to hear you?’

‘Way to go girl, you speak for all of us!’

Now Ana, glowing red with embarrassment, had a new problem to deal with. At they walked to class her overly helpful friends switched from trying to cheer her up to offering useless advice on the best ways to get his attention, how to show him she was interested and even how to seduce him. Ana was never so grateful to walk into a classroom and have their voices go silent.

At lunch time Ana had to stay a few moments in her last class to discuss an assignment with the teacher. Arriving in the cafeteria about ten minutes late her chums were already seated, with a spot saved for her, and they were chattering away. They went silent when they saw her and Ana knew they had been discussing her.

Before her bum even touched her seat she sternly warned them ‘not a word about what I said this morning or I will start cutting tongues out!’ She menacingly held up her plastic butter knife to emphasize her threat.

The conversation quickly turned to music and movies and make-up and other such trivia. There was no mention of any boys, in particular one who was now off limits. As they ate and talked many guys, mostly the creepy nerdy ones, walked quickly by their table and tossed paper hearts down in front of their favorite girls. They each received a few but Ana easily had the most. Then it happened.

Dennis walked by. Unlike the nerds he stopped at their table. He deliberately looked Ana in the eye and casually tossed all ten of his hearts onto her pile. He then, without a word, walked away. This time all eyes were on Ana and not his cute butt.

Ana was speechless…they were all speechless. Each of them wished it had been her...Ana wished it had been anyone but her. The pressure was now on. He had made the first move and now the next move was up to her. She had resolved not to enjoy today and this was making it tough. That pile of hearts was wonderful, she couldn’t think of anything else that she wanted more…or less…right now.

As she stood up she scooped them onto her tray and deposited them, with her trash, into the bin as she walked out of the cafeteria. Had she looked back she would have seen her companions buzzing…a scheme was developing.

Ana managed to get through the afternoon without crossing paths with Dennis again, thankfully she had no classes with him. At final bell she hustled to her locker hoping to escape home with no further incident. To know that he was interested made her feel wonderful but at the same time she was apprehensive. Was this sincere or just one of his displays to get attention? Would tomorrow come and he will have forgotten about her?

At her locker a note was taped to the door. Melissa’s mom was picking her up and had offered rides home to everyone, Ana was to meet them in the parking lot. She stuffed her back pack, slipped on her sweater and went out the side door. She saw the girls waiting by a parked mini-van. She walked over and at the last second she noticed that it was parked beside a Jaguar. She realized she had been tricked.

The girls grabbed her and six school ties soon had her helpless. One was stuffed into her mouth with a second used as a cleave gag to hold it in. Another bound her wrists behind her, a fourth went around her elbows. The final two were tightly tied around her ankles and knees. Then they laid her down on the back seat of the Jaguar.

‘Let’s go before he comes’ they said as they slammed the door and dashed away. Ana laid there and a panic rose in her as she imagined the embarrassment of being found like this. She began to struggle. She twisted and turned. She rolled. Big mistake!

She rolled off the seat and slipped tightly into the small gap between the front and back seats. She couldn’t move her trapped arms…there was no way to get free. She was hopelessly stuck!

Then there was a rusty creak of the front door and a back pack of books was tossed onto the seat where she had been moments earlier. The pack was followed by a Valentine’s King crown. The car shifted as he sat down and then the door noisily was slammed shut.

‘Oh no!’ though Ana ‘He doesn’t see me! I’m going to be halfway across town before I’m discovered!’ Adding to her horror was the knowledge that her friends were somewhere nearby hoping to have a laugh at his reaction to finding her. They would be shocked to watch him drive away with his unfound captive. He started the motor. There was only one thing to do.

‘Mmph!’ in panic.

He released the parking brake and put the car into gear.

‘MMPH!’ in extreme panic.

After a moment of hesitation Ana could hear the ratcheting clatter of the brake being reapplied and the motor was switched off. A head peered over the seat. A handsome face with penetrating blue eyes framed by tumbling curls stared down at her.

‘Oh there you are’ he said unexpectedly ‘I was looking for you after class but couldn’t find you. I can see why now.’

‘Mmph’ in embarrassment.

‘I wanted to ask you if you would like to accompany me’ he enquired totally ignoring her captive state ‘I know an ice cream shop where they make the best banana splits. How about it?’

Right now leaving with him, as awkward as that might be, was preferable to getting out and facing her friends.

‘Mmph’ in agreement.

‘Great!’ he exclaimed ‘but I have one small request. May I leave you like that until we get to the shop? I really do find it rather appealing.’

After a brief pause for thought it was another ‘mmph’ in agreement.

He started the car again and pulled away. As he passed by Ana’s friends he had his arm out of the window where Ana couldn’t see it. He gave them a big smile and a thumb’s up.
Deleted User 93

Post by Deleted User 93 »

That's one way to set up a date :D
Beetle bailey13
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Post by Beetle bailey13 »

Nice way to set up date
Deleted User 186

Post by Deleted User 186 »

Amazing :D
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Post by Solarbeast »

Great story as usual. This time however I was not expecting a boy element to show up, but overall good.
Deleted User 236

Post by Deleted User 236 »

Good set up from some great friends.

And is there a hint that future encounters in this relatiomship might include some ties? One seems to request it the other does not object.
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Post by Cleavegagger »

A fine story as usual. Always Nice to read your work.
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

yes short but very good. I want more like this.
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Post by LordNelson »

Thanks to everyone for their kind comments. I've been really busy lately and haven't been here much but I will return and quite possibly write another chapter to this story...hopefully with some creative input from Ana herself ;)
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