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Post by RopeBunny »

Blue Sky Horde.

"We're late." Dawn tells the others, staring glumly at a car park, really just a small field, full of cars but empty of any actual people. "It's your stupid cars fault." Koneko points out from the passenger seat beside her, leaning forwards to swat at the faded dashboard. "Hey." Dawn shouts. "Be nice."
"But if your Dads pile of crap had a working fuel gauge...." Koneko starts, whilst Dawn is shaking her head. "Not my Dads, mine now."
"Fine." Koneko grins. "If your pile of crap had a working fuel gauge we'd of been on time."
"I know." Dawn admits, carefully manoeuvring the pile of crap in question, an 84 plate Ford Sierra XR4, patchy with rust, that her Dad never quite got around to restoring, instead gifting it to his daughter as a first car, around the other cars to a vacant spot next to a white Transit van. The four girls had been forced to walk a mile to find gas, which had attracted a great deal of attention from passing motorists given their attire. The girls all get out, and head to the boot to get tooled up.

They've been going to LARPs, Live Action Role Plays, as a team for almost two years now. Friends since school, managing to stay close even through the trials and distances going to separate colleges threw up, this hobby is now one of the groups main chances to socialise with each other. LARPing had been Dawns idea, something fun to do on weekends, and the girls all spent an alcohol fueled evening searching online for costume ideas, alongside purchasing all the kit needed to participate. All the girls are wearing roughly similar attire, since they wanted to at least partially match, to give the impression of belonging together. All four have added their own personal touches to the generally agreed upon theme of a bikini, though they all bought the same knee high black lace up goth style boots, the type with big chunky soles.

Since the whole thing was her idea, Dawn, the oldest by a year at twenty three, is the unofficial Horde leader. Slim and of average height, as are all four girls, Dawns breasts are a pert D cup, which she's covered today with a plain dark green triangle style top, whilst a black tie side thong completes her bikini. Dawn wears a wide brimmed brown leather hat over her blonde hair, which she wears in a loose tail that brushes her shoulder blades. Her weapons of choice are twin short swords, worn in waist scabbards that crisscross, allowing a sword to hang low on each hip. Dawn has only one tattoo. A silhouetted A4 steam train in side view, trailing a rake of similarly black coaches, chases it's own tail around her upper left leg. Dawn is obsessed with steam trains, something she picked up from her Dad, a die hard spotter.

Koneko, despite her Japanese ancestry, doesn't sport a katana. She carries a huge two handed axe, with a handle as long as she is tall, and a single blade the size of her whole arm. Her breasts are smaller, between B and C depending on where she shops. Her bikini consists of white hipster style bottoms and a very small tankini top. Barely big enough to cover her breasts the tankini hangs slightly off Konekos small frame, allowing quite a view from the right angle. Her left arm and shoulder are armoured using a series of shaped metal guards and plates, all strapped in place. Konekos hair is black and curling, though the last half dozen inches are dyed blue.

Most LARP groups, if they play the right games, have a spell caster, and Michelle is this groups. Hers is easily the biggest bust, at least an E, looking huge on her small frame. Perhaps because of this she's the only one to bend the bikini rule. Her outfit is technically a one piece, and blood red in colour. A thong styled bottom and small cups are linked together by two narrow strips of fabric, with a third linking the cups together behind her neck. Thin blood red cords crisscross Michelles upper body, holding everything in place whilst still allowing a considerable amount of flesh to be displayed. The whole thing takes her forever to put on. Usually Michelle would have her normal Wizards kit, a wide brimmed pointy hat, hers is black, and a wooden staff. All spell casters must possess these two items, so that other LARPers know which members of a rival party are magic users. According to Sammie though todays event is non magic, so Michelle is forced to use her backup kit of a simple broadsword slung behind her in a back scabbard, allowing the pommel to rise up at an angle behind her left shoulder for easy access. Michelles hair is dyed white, and long. Three tattoos are visible on her upper body, the first, an analogue clock surrounded by swirls, set at seven minutes to twelve, sits on her upper chest nestled into her cleavage. This, Michelle likes to joke, is her personal Doomsday clock. The second tattoo is a ring of black fire surrounding her right wrist, climbing the arm to her elbow. Finally a huge pair of black skeletal wings stretches across her upper back, from shoulder to shoulder, with a central black spine and ribcage like a smaller version of her own running from the base of Michelles neck down to her butt.

The groups final member is Sammie, who, along with being in charge of signing the group up to events, is also the most bloodthirsty. Sammie loves a good pretend fight. Her hair is blonde like Dawns, but cut short and messy so it never quite touches her shoulders. Sammie is also a D cup, which she too covers with a triangle style top, a black one to match her black thong tie side bottoms. A red bandana is tied around her forehead, and her face is streaked diagonally with dark green war paint. Sammie wears her single broadsword slung low on her left hip in a waist scabbard, which also has small sheaths around the back for four small daggers, which she's an expert at throwing.

Today is hot and sunny, a perfect fit for the girls costumes, but had it been spring or autumn all four would've simply wrapped themselves in robes of varying colour, in the style of an Arabian knight, allowing hints of flesh and bikini to show through.

Dawn closes the boot, giving the front wheel arch an affectionate pat as the girls troop passed. "Don't listen to the other girls." She tells the XR4. "I still love you." Koneko turns around, shaking her head and smiling, even whilst Michelle, in the lead, calls out. "I've spotted the organisers tent, there's still a guy there." All four girls swap grins, and set off at a jog towards the bright yellow tent. Not so late after all.

"You're late." The man they spotted announces, as the group stops at the tents entrance. He steps out from behind his makeshift desk, just a camping table really, strewn with weighted down papers and the remains of a packed lunch, and comes to meet them, clipboard in hand. He's skinny, in his late forties with a large bald spot surrounded by short brown hair, and glasses. He's wearing blue jeans and a black tee, with LARP forever, the name of the company organising this particular event, written on the front. "Car broke down." Dawn tells him, shrugging. What can you do. "Can we still enter?"
"Who are you supposed to be?" The man asks, eyeing up the girls skimpy costumes, perhaps spending longer then is strictly necessary looking from one barely covered pair of breasts to the next. "We registered and paid online." Dawn tells him, tapping at his clipboard. "So we should be on your list."
"Right." The man, who Dawn can now see is wearing an ID card swinging from a lanyard on his neck, his name is Matt, tears his eyes away from the acres of toned flesh the girls are displaying and consults his notes, running a finger down the page. He frowns, looking back up. "Group name?"
"Blue Sky Horde." Dawn replies, leaning forwards, tapping near the lists top as she spots their name, since the organiser appeared to be once again staring at her breasts. "Here."
"Ah." Matt nods, making a mark with a small pencil string tied to the wooden board. "Yes. There you are then." He looks back up at them and smiles. "Last but one to arrive. I see you paid upfront." He adds another mark. "So we're almost done."

Reaching into his jeans back pocket Matt pulls out a small book, it's black, with the word 'Spells' written in gold on the front in flowing script. He looks at the group, frowning. "Oh." He remarks, tossing the book away behind him, managing to land it on his desk. He smiles briefly, clearly pleased with himself, before returning his attention to the girls. "You've not got a wizard."
"We do." Says Michelle, stepping forwards. "I'm the group wizard."
"Not without a hat and staff you aren't."
"You mean." Michelle turns to look at Sammie, aiming her question somewhere between her friend and Matt. "They allow magic at this event?"
"Umm." Replies Sammie, shrugging, looking guilty, whilst Matt opens his mouth, before closing it again, deciding to let the girls sort the point out between them for a moment. "You did read the rules. Didn't you?" Dawn asks, turning to look at Sammie too. Sammie always checks the specific rules each time, the others trust her to only sign them up to events that suit the Horde. "Umm. Sorry." Sammie looks down at her feet, mumbling. "I kind of sped through them this time."
"Great." Replies Dawn, putting her head in her hands. "Sorry." Sammie adds again, she looks up at the other girls, trying to explain. "I had that date with John you see. And...."
"Leave it." Dawn interrupts, waving her explanation away. "It's done now." She shrugs too, before turning back to Matt, still stood waiting with his clipboard. "Perhaps you'd better fill us in then. Please."
"Sure." He nods, turning through the pages clipped infront of him. "Right." Finding the correct one, which he moves to the front. "Here we go."

"First off." He looks apologetically at Michelle. "Magic is allowed here. But, don't worry." He hands Dawn a single sheet of laminated paper, a map, which the group crowds round to see. "This is the woodland behind me." He points over his shoulder, where the field ends and the thick tree line begins. "The whole area is private land, fenced off, and we've got attendants at all the entrance gates. It'll just be LARPers in there today. There are hidden caches all over, half buried crates full of weapons, ropes and gags, wizard stuff." He leans forwards, tapping with a finger at the map, tapping at a particular part of the map. He looks up, catching Dawns eye. "Hidden caches." He nods. "Oh." Says Dawn, catching on. So maybe the guy is a perve, but maybe he's a good man too. She nods, smiling. "Thank you." And then the rest of what he just said catches up to her. "Wait." She holds up a hand. "Did you just say ropes and gags?"
"Yes." He nods. "It was all in the rules which you....Oh. Right." Dawn is shrugging, whilst Koneko punches Sammie on the shoulder. "Ouch." Sammie exclaims, rubbing at the spot. Michelle leans across, and punches her too. "Okay." Sammie holds up her hands, surrendering. "I get it okay. I should've paid attention." She turns to Dawn. "Sorry." She grimaces. "Again. My bad." Dawn shrugs. "Don't worry about it, too late now." She turns to Matt. "Perhaps you could explain?"
"Sure." He nods. "Normally, when you meet another group, you fight or you run. Yes?" The girls all nod. "Right." He smiles. "This time though, we're trying something new. A third option. Now, when you meet other LARPers, instead of fighting to the death, or hoping you can run faster and hide, you'll be allowed to capture each other."
"With the rope and gags?" Dawn asks. "Yes." Matt agrees. Michelle holds up a hand, which makes Koneko grin. "We're not in college anymore." She mocks. "I know that." Michelle tells her, poking Koneko in the side. "But I've still got a question."
"What is it?"
"What happens if we get captured?"
"Right?" Adds Dawn. "Do we just have to surrender? And what can whoever captures us do with us anyway?"
"Hmm." The organiser looks slightly embarrassed, purposefully looking down at his notes, not meeting the girls eyes, clearly wishing they, like every other player, had read this stuff themselves so he didn't have to be the one to tell them. "Okay. Well. It's like this then. Obviously you can just surrender, because." He shrugs. "If they've got a sword to your neck, then I guess they'll kill you otherwise. Right?"
"Right." Says Dawn. "What else?"
"Well. There are spells that will immobilize you, stuff like that, making you easier to tie up too." The girls nod, it sounds logical. The organiser blushes slightly, before continuing. "Also. Once tied up, the winner is allowed to strip the loser."
"We can be stripped?" Asks Dawn. "Yes." Adds Matt. "Stripped naked."
"Oh." Says Sammie, all of the girls suddenly looking down at their skimpy bikinis, then at each other. Michelle grins. "Well." She says, shrugging. "We're kind of half naked already. Huh."
"Mostly. Yes." Agrees Dawn. And then all the girls are laughing, even Matt smiles. "Hold on." Says Dawn, as the girls calm back down. "Nobody gets to have sex with the prisoners though. Right?"
"Right." Matt agrees. "When you signed up it was there in the agreement. Clause 4.2, sub section 8. We made sure everyone was clear on that before they entered the forest." He gives the girls a look, and half shrugs. "Of course that doesn't stop people from touching each other."
"So touchings allowed?" Sammie asks. "Yes." Matt nods, checking his notes. "Sub section 9 and 10. Just no actual...." He gestures at them, twirling with his hand, clearly unwilling to say the actual word, so Michelle helps him. "No fucking."
"Um." Matt blushes. "Right. That. Along with attendants at the gates the whole woodland will be randomly patrolled. And besides which. It's. You know. Illegal. So...." He shrugs, pinching his nose. "It's a trust thing, and we've got all the signatures on file. You'd be a dick to break the rules."
"Fair enough." Dawn nods, satisfied. She turns to the girls. "Well. Girls. What do we think?" She looks at each of her Horde in turn. "We signed up for this, but that doesn't mean we still have to go in. I don't mind the risks. It's only being tied up and fondled at the worst, and if we can get to that cache, get Michelle access to some sweet spells, maybe we can get the jump on another group." She smiles, winking. "Then we get to do the fondling." One by one each of the other three grin in turn as they consider that fact. "So." She asks them. "Are we doing this?"
"Hell yes." Laughs Sammie, whilst Koneko adds. "Sure, why not." Michelle nods, laughing too.

The girls leave their phones with Matt, along with Dawns car keys. He locks everything away in a numbered box, giving Dawn a black rubber wristband to wear, with her number stamped onto it. Then, all set, the girls walk past the tent, and into the woodland.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Blue Sky Horde.

The map proves to be remarkably accurate. The whole woodland has been drawn in great detail, paths are well marked, as is a small stream that appears to run down one side, to the east, turning into varying sized ponds at several points during it's course. Places of interest, cabins to store tree cutting and maintenance equipment, and an old mine, are also shown. Even relative heights are illustrated with lines and numbers. Clearly the work of a budding amateur cartographer.

Dawn and the girls make good time, staying within sight of paths, needing them for navigation, but not wanting to reveal themselves. They travel at a fast jog and in single file. Sammie goes first as navigator, map in hand. Dawn is second, should a command decision be needed. Michelle, constantly grumbling about her staff and hat, goes third. Koneko brings up the rear, her huge axe carried low in one hand, slowing and turning to check behind her every couple of minutes, before running to catch back up.

It only takes twenty minutes to reach the cache.

The girls pause, catching their breath, stood just inside the tree line, taking stock. A small clearing opens out before them, with a slight rise at the far end where two paths exit opposite a third on the groups side. In the rough middle of the clearing sits a wise old oak tree, branches spread wide. Near the base a half buried crate is visible. The cache.

"Right." Dawn points, using her hands to make herself clearer, since she's whispering. "No sign of anyone, so perhaps we got lucky here. Either way, we're too small a force to split. So. We go all together. Straight for the crate. Then. Michelle. You open and check it, hopefully grab the spell kit straight off. The rest of us. Protective formation. Got it?" The other three nod back, Sammie draws her sword, and Dawn draws both of hers. "Okay." Dawn nods, and checks the clearing one last time. "Go." She's running even as she speaks, with the other three moving a moment later.

They reach the crate at a run, Michelle drops down onto her knees, searching for a catch, whilst the other three form a half circle around her and the crate, backs to their friend, weapons ready. They scan the tree line, which is still deserted. There's a dull clunk, followed by a grunt of satisfaction from Michelle. Sammie and Dawn swap grins, then. "Shit." Michelle exclaims. "What?"
Dawn hisses over her shoulder. "Empty." Michelle tells her, not bothering to whisper. The trap has been sprung anyway, as the thud of the crates dropping lid seems to perfectly coincide with Konekos warning. "Company." The slim Japanese girl tells the others, gesturing towards her side of the half circle. Three men have stepped into the clearing. All in their early twenties. One of them, wearing a long sleeved dark blue robe, belted and stretched over an impressive beer belly, has a brown Wizards hat and staff, which, judging by his grin, surely came from the crate the girls just tried to plunder. The other two are slimmer, each carrying a broadsword in a waist scabbard, both wearing slightly varying forms of dull black leather vest armour. All three are wearing old army boots. They look like a rock band, since all have long hair and beards. "Looking for something?" The wizard taunts them, waving his staff in the air. "Jerk." Mutters Michelle, scowling as she finishes standing back up. "What's the plan?" Koneko whispers to Dawn, her axe held ready in a two handed grip. Dawn takes a moment, looking up at the other party, who have yet to advance beyond stepping out from cover. She makes a decision, nodding to herself. "Charge." She gestures at the men with a short sword. "Full attack. No prisoners." And the girls, as one, break into a run.

The men appear frozen in place, having clearly not thought beyond the initial moment of 'we got the stuff' gloating triumph. That, and the sight of four very beautiful bikini clad girls charging up a slight hill towards you, breasts bouncing, is sure to captivate and steal the attention of almost any red blooded male. The Blue Sky Horde have halved the distance by the time one of the swordsmen shakes himself, regaining his senses with an effort. He turns to the wizard. "Spells Barry."
"Right." Barry tears his own eyes away from the girls, reaching under his tunic for the spell book, which he drops. "Fuck." He exclaims, bending down. The two warriors shake their heads, and then Sammie throws one of her daggers, slowing only slightly to aim, striking one of them dead centre on the forehead, a killing blow. Sammie whoops with glee, even whilst the guy screams, pitching himself backwards to land on the ground. Dead. The group are seconds away as Barry finally picks up his book, opens it, and casts his staff out towards the Horde. "Frozen." He booms, in his best wizards voice, and all of the girls come to a skidding halt.

"Damn it." Koneko mutters, letting her axe fall to the floor. "So close too." Michelle shakes her head, eyeing the spell book and wizards gear with envy. The girls are all stood still, since the word frozen makes it kind of obvious what the spells effect is, whilst Barry and the remaining swordsman are helping their dead teammate to his feet. "Sorry Paul." Barry shakes his head. "S' okay." Paul shrugs, before gesturing at the spell book. "No healing spells in there?"
"Sorry." Barry flicks through the small black covered book, shaking his head. "Just a half dozen freeze spells." He uses a small black marker hidden in the books spine to cross a page out as he says this. "Oh. And a couple of 'Instant Hogties'. Four more random tie up spells, but no heals."
"Fair enough." Paul claps the other swordsman on the shoulder. "Well, Todd. I'll see you at work Monday morning."
"Sure." Todd nods, clasping hands with Paul. "Take care mate."
"Hell of a throw." Paul looks at Sammie, who grins back, before he turns and walks off down the path, rubbing at the small bruise forming on his forehead, returning to the car park. "Right then." Todd turns his attention to the girls, grinning. "Let's take care of our new prisoners." He pats Barry on the shoulder, the bigger man grins back, nodding. "Right."

Working quickly, because a freeze spell only lasts for ten minutes, Barry and Todd first remove all of the girls weapons and scabbards. "Right girls." Todd shrugs, as Barry retrieves a large brown sack from just inside the tree line. "Strip, but leave the boots on so you can walk."
"Strip?" Dawn raises an eyebrow. "Yep." Todd nods, grinning. He winks. "Or we'll strip you ourselves."
"Fucks sake." Koneko shakes her head, but the girls comply. Aside from Michelle, whose thin cord wrapped one piece is a very tight fit, the girls are all naked within a minute, with the busty wizard only taking another minute more. "Good." Barry nods, trying and failing not to grin too, like the winners that he and Todd believe they are. Barry carries the sack over to the girls, dropping it on the ground next to them. He and Todd reach in, pulling out a couple of ballgags each, tossing one to each girl. "Nice and tight please girls." Todd winks. "I'll be checking." The girls shake their heads, muttering, but they do as they've been asked. Dawns ball is large and red, whilst Sammie and Koneko have white ones, and a black rubber ball fills Michelles mouth. The straps are black leather, with each girl wincing as she dutifully yanks the strap tight, buckling it to the furthest hole they can reach. "Nice." Barry nods his approval, before both he and Todd retrieve a pile of rope each from the sack, and get to work binding the girls.

Todd works fast, mindful of the spells time limit, which must be halfway gone by now. He binds Dawn, Sammie, and Koneko each in turn. Using a short length of rope each girls wrists are tied behind her, together not crossed, with the rope first wrapped around both wrists before then being wrapped between them, tightening everything up. A second length is then used to bind the wrists to the waist. Whilst binding Sammie, Todd notices a tattoo right above the small brown trimmed landing strip she has, the tattoo is tiny, like a smudge, just two words, located where they'd normally be covered by her pants. Todd leans in close, a smile briefly ghosting his face as he reads the words. 'Fuck Off!' "Nice." He tells Sammie, looking up at her, as she looks down at him, her large breasts preventing either from seeing the other clearly. "Not sure that applies to me anymore though. Huh." Todd grins, running a finger up along the line of Sammies pussy lips. Sammie moans through her gag, arching her back. "Maybe later sexy." Todd gives her tattoo a quick kiss, grabbing at a tuft of pubic hair, giving it a gentle tug, making Sammie yelp and buck slightly. Todd stands back up, moving on to the next girl.

Whilst all this is going on Barry is having perhaps a little too much fun with Michelle. He binds her wrists first, using the same technique Todd is employing with the other three, tying them together and then to her waist, but then he keeps going. Using a long length Barry binds Michelles breasts. Standing behind her with the rope doubled, he wraps above Michelles E cups, then reverses through the loop he positioned at the small of her back and wraps below twice. With plenty of rope left Barry runs it over her left shoulder and down into Michelles cleavage, passing it under the bottom rope and then back up over her right shoulder. He ties the whole thing off behind her, having yanked it tight at every chance anyway, just to be sure. Michelles breasts are now nicely squeezed from every angle. Still stood behind her Barry takes the opportunity to reach around and have a fondle, stepping in close to do so, which presses his by now rock hard cock into Michelles tied hands. She gasps slightly as she feels it, moaning almost immediately afterwards at his teasing touch, as Barry rolls her nipples between his fingers, making them hard. Michelle leans back against him, beginning to massage Barrys cock as best as her bound hands will allow, doing this without any conscious thought, her body simply reacting to Barrys expert touches.

"Hey." Todds shout causes Barry to step back quickly, with a guilty grin on his face. "Sorry mate." Barry shakes his head. "Getting carried away."
"It's fine mate." Todd looks around the clearing, amazingly still empty. "I'm all for taking some time to enjoy our victory spoils too." He grabs one of Konekos breasts, giving it a squeeze, causing the naked Japanese girl to moan. "But." Todd continues. "Prehaps we should get out of here first huh. Find somewhere more private. Yes?"
"Right mate." Barry nods. "Good plan."
"Get the stuff then." Todd tells him, gesturing at the sack. "I'll finish up here."

Whilst Barry collects the girls weapons and clothes, piling everything into the sack, which he ties closed and slings over his shoulder, Todd finishes binding the girls. Using three ropes he ties the wrists of one girl to the front of anothers waist ropes, leaving only a small amount of slack, forcing them to stay in a line. Sammie is first, followed by Koneko, Barrys new toy Michelle goes next and Dawn brings up the rear. Todd lastly fashions a noose, which he places around Sammies neck, allowing the naked but still booted girls to be led away.

"Ready mate?" Todd asks. "Ready." Barry replies, nodding. "Come on then girls." Todd jerks on the noose, and the boys set off out of the clearing, heading deeper into the woodland, with the tied and helpless girls, their prize, trailing behind.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Very nice start! Hope you'll continue soon!
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Post by Dpsiic »

I love it
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

Dave and Fiona.

Dave is a solo player. A rich kid ignored by his rich parents, now turned into a young man with a trust fund, never needing to work yet with access to more money then most can ever dream of. He turns up to every LARP he attends behind the wheel of his sunshine yellow Lamborghini Urus. Dave LARPs alone, as a team of one, adopting the name Mighty Steel, having sunk a ton of money into kitting himself out with a custom suit of full plate armour. On days like today it's hot as hell, but Dave doesn't care, because he looks fucking awesome. Or so he thinks anyway. He never wins, but due largely to his armour he never comes in last.

Daves one weakness is that his helmet offers very limited visibility, which makes him very easy to sneak up on.

Walking through the woods, heading, he thinks, towards the old mine, because it sounds like a fun place to explore, Dave both feels and hears a sudden loud clang on his left shoulder. He spins, slowly due to the weight, but sees nobody behind him. Another clang, on his right this time. Dave turns again, doing a full circle, still seeing nobody. "God damn it." He mutters, setting off again. Two paces and there's a third clank, right on his back. He stops, turning another slow circle. This time though, when he comes back around it's to discover the point of a broadsword inches from his helmets eye slit.

"That's far enough." A female voice commands, and Dave freezes on the spot, blinking. He pulls off his helmet, mostly to get a better view of the group that has managed to get the jump on Mighty Steel, but instead he finds just the one young lady. Fiona.

Fiona is tall, just over six foot in the dirty brown heeled thigh high leather boots she's wearing, the same rough height as Dave. She's a curvy girl, with dirty blonde hair curling down around her shoulders. A black leather corset is worn over a plain dark blue tee with a plunging neckline. The corset laces up at the front, and is cinched tightly enough to pull in her waist nicely, making her look much thinner, it also squeezes her breasts, thrusting them out and up, making them look twice the size of the B's they are. Below the corset Fionas tee acts like a tiny skirt, barely covering the short black slip on hotpants she's wearing. Her only weapon is the sword, but a grey messenger bag is slung over one shoulder. "Right then, Mr knight." She grins. "Decision time. I can kill you right here. Or. You can come out of that armour, and surrender." She shrugs, to show it makes no difference to her which he chooses, which it doesn't, and takes a step back, keeping her sword leveled just incase.

Dave's heart is racing though. This event is something he'd wished for on every previous LARP. Dave has always had a secret fantasy about being dominated by a young girl, and Fiona, though he obviously doesn't know her name, looks to be younger then his twenty seven years. This, hopefully, could be his lucky day. "Okay." Dave says, putting his hands up. "I surrender. I'll take the armour off."
"Good boy." Fiona, actually nineteen, smiles, lowering her sword. "Carry on then."

Ten minutes later Dave is stood in just his red hipster boxers, his armour and sword now just a pile beside him. "Okay then." Fiona nods, before she gestures to a nearby tree. "Over there Mr knight." With his heart beating even faster, and a sudden rush of nervous excitement in his belly, Dave complies, stepping over to the good sized beech tree, putting his back against it. Fiona puts her sword away, and digging into her bag produces some rope.

She ties Daves wrists first, binding them tightly behind the trunk, then to the trunk, yanking the knots, grunting with the effort, but smiling as she does. Next up she takes a ball gag, forcing it into Daves mouth, strapping in on as hard as she can. Then she moves around the tree, so he can see her. "Well then." Fiona takes hold of Daves boxers. "You won't be needing these anymore huh." She winks, pulling them down, and tossing them away towards Daves armour. Still kneeling Fiona quickly binds Daves ankles with more rope, tying them to the tree too, making sure he can't escape. Then she stands.

She's still stood very close to Dave as she eyes her prize up and down. Dave's body is quite muscular, with no job he chooses to work out all day rather then be lazy, lean and toned with a visible six pack. Where Fiona has no tattoos Dave has one, a large English flag, the red over white St George's cross, sits on his right bicep. Daves hair is messy and short brown. He's clean shaven. "Well." Fiona licks her lips, reaching forwards to trail a lazy finger down Daves body, starting at his neck, feeling his toned stomach twitch at her touch as Dave strains against the ropes, his eyes fixed on hers. "Hello there Mr." She teases, smiling. "And what do we have here? Hmm." Her finger has reached the thick matt of Daves pubic hair. She tugs playfully at it, causing him to groan and close his eyes. Fiona looks down, her smile widening. Dave is already hard. His cock is shorter then average, but thick, like a small cannon. She leans in closer, allowing the front of her barely covered breasts to brush against Daves chest as she licks his ballgag, at the same time taking his cock in hand and giving it a slow pump, releasing it and giving the tip a gentle tickle with her fingers as she takes a step back. Dave groans in response, his eyes opening again he gives her a pleading look. Fiona giggles. "Liked that did we?" Dave nods sheepishly. Still quite unable to believe he's suddenly living his fantasy, he hasn't even given any thought to the consequences of just what this young girl can do to him. He's lost in the sensation. Right now he never wants to be untied, never wants her to leave.

Fiona reaches out again, gripping Dave's cock more firmly this time she begins to stroke it gently, enjoying the way it bobs and pulses beneath her touch. She keeps her rhythm gentle, stopping to tease at the tip every forth or fifth stroke. Dave's eyes are sometimes closed as he loses himself to her touch, sometimes open, pleading at her silently not to stop.

It's now that Fiona makes her critical mistake. She forgets where she is. Becoming lost in the moment herself she begins to strip too, shedding her bag Fiona releases her grip on Dave's shaft and takes a step back. He moans at the lost contact, having been so very close to climaxing, but she only winks at him, licking her lips. "Just a moment Mr knight." She tells him, wagging a finger. Fiona steps carefully out of her hotpants, under which she's wearing nothing, but she leaves her boots on, unwilling to lose the height they give her. Unlacing her corset she lifts it over her head along with her tee, tossing both away to the side, leaving her naked. She returns to Dave, squashing her breasts into him as she reaches around behind his head, unbuckling his gag, which she casually tosses at the feet of the two new arrivals, who she hasn't heard approach, and is too engrossed in her own fun to notice anyway. Dave too hasn't noticed, despite facing the right way he only has eyes for his captor. Ungagged now he returns her passionate kiss as her hand returns to his cock, stroking and gently pumping it even whilst her other hand feeds him one of her B cups, the nipple growing hard as he nips at it. Fiona moans too, dropping her breast and kissing him again, she closes her own eyes, rubbing the tip of Daves cock briefly against her own pussy slit, letting him feel the wetness down there. Then, out of nowhere, a female voice booms out from right beside her. "Bound together." It says, and her heart drops as she realises the trap she's allowed herself to fall into.

The newcomers are a couple, a husband and wife team, called the Happy Campers, in large part because they always turn up to LARPs in a motorhome, usually laying on a BBQ spread for their ever expanding group of friends once the event is over. Jill, the wife, is thirty, and the groups Wizard. In her twenties Jill was a page three girl and model, she still has the enhanced F cups and toned skinny figure today. She also has her then trademark dyed red hair, which tumbles down her back. Jills custom wizards one piece robes are grey. The top half is skintight, split all the way up the middle at the front from just above her waist, showing off both her toned stomach and one hell of a lot of cleavage. The bottom half flares out, but is slashed diagonally, not touching the knee on the right yet almost down to her ankles on the left. Her robes are sleeveless. On her feet Jill wears knee high brown leather slip on boots. Her hat is also grey, the wide brim slightly floppy, and her staff is pale birch wood, slightly twisted near the top. Her husband, Patrick, also thirty, is an ex professional footballer forced to retire early. His midnight black skin is the complete opposite of his wife's untanned pale white. Patrick also still works out regularly, allowing him to maintain his bodies bulk. His head is shaved, though he still has a trimmed black beard and sideburns. Patrick wears loose fitting dirty white trousers tucked into his own pair of brown leather slip on boots. On top he wears a pale green tunic with a v neck and short sleeves that stretch tight over his impressively muscled chest. Over this he wears a front lace up brown leather vest. Twin short swords are worn at the waist, and Patrick also carries a spear, which he wishes he were better at throwing.

Fiona and Dave stop kissing, but she doesn't step away from him, recognizing she's now under the spells power. "Good girl." Jill smiles, as Fiona turns her head, finally seeing her and Patrick. Jill shrugs. "No hard feelings, right? Just playing the game."
"No. It's cool." Fiona nods. "I get it."
"It's fine." Dave manages to get out at a whisper, his attention still mostly focused on the naked flesh still pressing into him, still mostly too turned on to speak properly."
"Good man." Patrick claps him on the shoulder, having stuck his spear point down into a soft patch of earth and grabbed up a bunch of rope from Fionas discarded bag. "Right then." He says to his wife. "Let's get these two love birds tied up." Jill nods agreement, putting her staff down next to the spear, and, grabbing up some rope, she and Patrick get to work.

Working together they soon have Fiona and Dave bound together, just as the spell intended. Fionas ankles are tied separately, each to the outside of one of Daves ankles, so that when her waist is tied first to Daves waist and then to the tree it pulls the two together, preventing them from pulling away due to Fionas wrists being tied together around the back of the tree too, so she appears to be permanently hugging Dave. Not only does this tie now mean Fionas breasts are squashing into Daves toned chest, it also, because he already had an erection, means that Dave's cock is sat between Fionas slightly spread legs. She can feel it rubbing against the slit of her pussy lips everytime either of them moves, the sensation will, over time, slowly drive both of them crazy with lust. The two are also joined by a gag, as a final touch. A wide black leather belt is buckled around each head, the belts are joined where they meet, as they cover each person's mouth, connected to each belt at this point is a black rubber dildo, which serves to effectively fill the mouth. One is small, which Patrick ensures Dave gets, more like a normal ballgag in size, the other dildo gag is considerably bigger though, filling Fionas mouth almost as though she were permanently giving a blow job to a very well hung porn star.

The bound pair are already moaning and squirming as the Happy Campers step back, retrieving their weapons, having tossed both Dave's armour and Fionas clothes into a nearby bush, so the whole scene looks nice and tidy. "Well." Patrick gives his wife a hug. "Good work wife."
"You too hun." Jill tilts her head, giving him a kiss. She steps away, approaching the bound pair. "You two have fun now." She teases, giving Fionas naked butt a playful slap, making the bound teen yelp. Jill giggles. "Come see us after the game for a burger okay." She grins, before giving the two a wave. Then, taking Patricks hand, the Campers walk away, off to continue the game, abandoning Dave and Fiona to their predicament, and to whatever any passing players might decide to do with them.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Another excellent story, great update. Am enjoying how this goes, particularly the varied way that you're leaving tied bodies around the arena!

Looking forward to the next chapter :D
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Post by Dpsiic »

Wow what an amazing chapter, this is rapidly turning into one of my favourite stories.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

Quest, part one. Northern Raiders.

Normal roleplaying, the kind with dice and paper, and sometimes a board, has a Dungeon Master. This guy, or girl, is in charge of all the monsters and other people in the game, sometimes called NPCs, Non Player Characters. Unknown to all the groups wandering the woodland today, LARP forever, the event organisers, are trialing something similar.

Down the east side of the woodland runs a stream, sometimes wide and deep, sometimes narrower. In several places ponds have formed along it's course. One of these ponds is large, about the size of two football pitches, and in the middle sits an island. The island is small, about the size of a pitches centre circle. Both the lake and island are the site of todays surprise quest.

In the centre of the island, at its highest point, stands a girl dressed in a white figure hugging v necked dress tied to a stake dug into the ground. The girl is obviously slim and busty, even from a distance, since the ropes that bind her to the stake are wrapped in such a way that her breasts are both squashed and pushed out, her figure shown off to its maximum effect. Arms bound behind the stake at wrists and elbows, legs tied at several points. She appears stuck in place, with a black cloth wrapped over her mouth, and the stake, completing her helplessness. A true damsel. At eight points around the waters edge, on the mainland not the island, signs have been hammered into the ground. 'Save the damsel.' Each reads. 'Rescue the fair maiden, and you shall be rewarded with the helm of Kith Indernel.' Below, in smaller type, is written. 'The helmet provides the wearer with the following abilities: Unlimited knowledge of all spells. Impervious to all magic.' The helmet in question can be seen on the tied up girls head. It resembles a Viking helm, with oversized upward curving white horns protruding from each side. The helmet is a dark gunmetal black colour, with a lighter grey silver swirling pattern worked into it.

There is a final written part on each sign. Hidden on the back, the words are upside down and backwards, and in the tiniest letters imaginable. 'Caution.' It says. 'Losers will be stripped and tied.'

The first group to find the pond is Northern Raiders, a ten strong team of four females and six males, ranging in age from twenty to thirty five. The group all work together Monday to Friday in a large office complex situated in York, doing a variety of jobs from cleaner to head of IT. LARPing is a weekend hobby, an escape from family, or just some fun. After everyone has read the sign Bob, the groups leader though not the highest ranked in the company, because being the boss at work doesn't automatically make you the best with a sword, decides they should do a scissors paper stone knockout for the chance to win the helm, since all the group want it. Vicky wins.

Vicky is a big girl, carrying plenty of extra weight. Overweight all her life the now twenty four year old carries it well, an extra large curvy girl who could easily be a plus size model. Her LARP gear consists of a dirty cream coloured long sleeved knee length tunic dress, this laces up on the top half at the front, though Vicky never laces it all the way up. A waist cincher tucks up underneath her huge breasts, because everything about Vicky is big, allowing them to spill out of the tunics undone top, making it very hard to look her in the eyes whilst having a conversation. Simple brown slip on boots come halfway up to the knee of her thick legs. Her hair is brown, and long, worn in a double plait, one on each side that are forever brushing her shoulders. Vickys weapon is a single large two handed sword, slightly larger then a broadsword, that she wears across her back.

Unsheathing her sword Vicky approaches the waters edge, there's no visible boat, or bridge, and it's impossible to tell just how deep the water is. She eyes the island up, from this angle the tied girl is side profile, her impressive bust appearing to stick straight out. The helmet looks awesome, and Vicky grins, already imagining wearing it. After all, it can't be any harder then needing to swim there and back. Right? She wades in, to shouts of encouragement from the nine Raiders left on the shore, taking it slowly, feeling each step out before committing. The water is cold, deepening quickly as it first pours down inside her boots before starting to lick at the bottom of her dress. By the time she's halfway to the island the water is lapping around her breasts as Vicky continues her slow progress, sword held above her head.

Watching from the shore, the Raiders see more then Vicky of her fate. Three black clad figures emerge from the water in a half circle behind her, all wearing oxygen tanks and masks. The next moment Vicky is gone, dragged underwater. She manages to emerge twice, kicking and yelling, trying to fight the 'monsters' off, only to be dragged back under again. And then, nothing for at least two minutes. Bob and the group stare at the water, unsure of what just happened. A couple walk to the waters edge, prodding at it with drawn swords, frowning. And then, two things happen. Two of the black wetsuit clad diver 'monsters' begin dragging Vicky up out of the water, bringing her onto the island. She's wearing a breather mask, and is completely soaked. At the same time a third 'monster' emerges near the group, standing up and removing her breathing tube so she can address the group. "Your friend is claimed by the island." She tells the stunned Raiders. "You're all free to attempt a rescue. But." She smiles, gesturing behind her at the water, and the island, where her fellow monsters are ripping Vickys clothes off with knives and brute strength even whilst they tie her up. "Any who fall foul of the water people will suffer her fate." She nods at the group, replaces her tube, and sinks back underwater, not giving any of them a chance to question her.

Eventually, after five minutes of debate, the group leaves, abandoning a now tied and naked Vicky to the island.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Where is this LARP and when can I join? :D
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Bikinis, Bondage, RPGs and fantasy! You’ve made my perfect fantasy!! Great story - keep going!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

Quest, part two. Happy Campers.

Jill and Patrick are the second group to find the pond, turning up around an hour after the Northern Raiders have left.

"What do you think hun?" Jill asks. The two of them have read the sign, twice, though like the Raiders neither thought to check the back, and they've spent the past five minutes staring silently out at the island, sharing a bottle of water from the small duffel bag they take turns carrying. "Want to give it a go?"
"I do." Patrick nods. "Just the one thing troubling me though."
"Well." Patrick points at the stake tied girl. "I get her. She'll be the fair maiden. But." He points to one side of the stake, down near where the pond water laps gently at the islands edge. "Who the fuck is she then?"
"Hmm." Jill stares too, before shrugging at her husband. "Beats me."

'She', is Vicky of course, not that anyone except the Raiders would know. Were the pond tidal Vicky would be in danger of getting wet, as it is the divers, or water people for the purposes of this LARP, dragged her just far enough away from the water line, before stripping and tying her in place. Vicky has been staked out on the muddy ground, which is slightly wet, which means Vickys underside, and various points over the rest of her where she's been manhandled or touched, are covered in mud. Laid on her back each of the big girls limbs has been stretched out into an X shape, before being tied off to a strong but short wooden stake, which has then been hammered deep into the ground. Vicky is completely naked, her extra large body exposed for all to see as it appears to puddle slightly on the ground, much the same way that her huge breasts puddle ontop of her chest. A ballgag fitted full leather head harness has been strapped in place to keep her silent. Vicky struggles periodically, squirming even as Jill and Patrick contemplate their next move, not that freedom would do her any good. Having been caught by the water people she's now out of the game, a fact that was explained to her after she'd been tied. But it's hard to not try and escape.

"Whoever she is." Patrick turns to his wife. "She's tied up pretty good, which means she isn't going to be a problem as far as getting the helm is concerned."
"You want to try for it then hun?"
"I do wife." Patrick is rubbing his hands together, grinning, clearly relishing the thought. "We'll make one hell of a team."
"Yes." Jill nods, grinning too. "Pretty unstoppable if we're both Wizards."
"Right then." Patrick hands the duffel bag over to his wife. "Might as well go get wet then huh."
"Just be careful." Jill gives Patrick a kiss, gently flicking her tongue at his teeth, teasing. "That other tied girl is there for a reason."
"I will." Patrick hugs Jill, and then, spear in hand, he begins to wade across to the island.

Like Vicky, Patrick only makes it just over halfway before being attacked. Unlike Vicky though, he almost escapes. Jill watches, holding her breath, as the first pair of water people appear, dragging her husband below. He reappears moments later, screaming a war cry as he thrusts and shoves with his spear, pushing his attackers back under, breaking free. Successful, he takes a moment to wave at his wife, who waves back, clapping and doing little jumps of happiness, enhanced F cups bouncing as she does, which is the last thing Patrick sees, as the next moment five water people all collide with him, forcing Patrick under, their combined strength too much for his.

Like before a single diver emerges beside the shore, to confront Jill. "Your teammate is gone." He tells Jill. "The second to be claimed by the water people, for the island."
"Oh." Jill looks at Vicky, understanding sinking in. "Right." She nods. "And if I should venture in after him....?"
"Then you too would most likely suffer the same fate."
"Hmm." Jill fingers her staff. "I have spells you know." But the diver only shakes his head. "Your magic has no effect on the water people. Any who set foot into our waters become ours." And then, perhaps having said too much, probably enjoying the sight of Jills not so covered breasts too much to shut up and leave on cue, he vanishes back under the water, leaving Jill alone.

Jill stays by the waters edge for another minute or two, long enough to see her soaking wet husband being dragged up onto the island, long enough to witness the water people begin to strip and tie him, which he appears too worn out from his underwater fight to resist. Patrick is being placed into a tight hogtie, with his ankle ropes being attached to the back of his own ballgag head harness, forcing his head to remain angled backwards, not allowing him to slump. The water people leave him laid on his side, about two metres away from Vicky, who has begun struggling again at the site of a new arrival. Patrick begins to struggle too, rolling around in the mud, getting slowly covered in the wet dirt. As he struggles his large semi erect cock flops around. Jill sees all this and shakes her head, there's nothing more she can do for her man. So she blows him a kiss, and leaves, trying to come up with a new game plan, since she's now a solo player.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Another wonderful chapter, not sure who I envy the most at the moment, Patrick or Dave. I think Dave at the moment
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

Blue Sky Horde.

Barry and Todd are not the best of captors.

For them, LARPing seems to be an excuse to get high and talk nonsense to each other someplace other then where either of them live. To Dawn and the other Horde members it becomes increasingly clear that the trap they fell into wasn't planned, more just something that happened. An unexpected bonus of Barrys group finding the crate first, and still being close by when the girls turned up.

The Horde are led around by Barry and Todd for almost an hour, still tied up and ballgagged into a naked human chain, whilst the two smoke and talk, wandering apparently aimlessly around the woodland paths. Either Barry or Todd always has a tight hold on Sammies rope leash, the four girls seem to be the only thing the two stoners manage not to lose. At one point the two captors stop, and Dawn is dismayed to recognize the clearing as the same one where her and the others were caught. It appears Todd has discovered this too, since, having spotted the still unearthed crate, he's put down the large sack the two are carrying between them to point this fact out to Barry. The two share a laugh over how stoned they are, before, with a jerk on Sammies leash, they all set off again back onto the same path they just entered by. Todd completely forgets to pick the sack back up again, leaving it beside the crate. The girls all stare after it, watching as they're forced to abandon not only their weapons, but also their clothes. Gagged mouths prevent them from alerting the stoners, not that any of the four wants to draw attention anyway. Ten minutes into the stoners random wander Michelle had almost tripped over an exposed root, going down onto her knees with a yelp, nearly bringing Koneko and Dawn either side of her down too. Barry, ever the apparent gentleman, had passed his pungent rollup to Todd, and gone back to help. Unfortunately for Michelle his help largely consisted of spending over a minute staring at her rope squeezed E cups, occasionally reaching forward to touch one of her nipples, giggling as he did, before, for no apparent reason, deciding her breasts weren't quite tied up enough yet. Producing an until then forgotten about long length of rope from his back pocket, with a Wizard worthy flourish, Barry then proceeded to bind Michelles breasts with it, wrapping the rope in a figure of eight shape tightly around the base of each, squeezing them both further, making both breast and nipple even more tender as the blood flow became more cut off. Apparently satisfied with his good work Barry nodded to himself, giving each nipple a kiss before going back to Todd, who by now had smoked the whole rollup to himself. Not quite twenty minutes later both stoners disappear into the bushes for a leak. In a remarkable display of clear thinking they first throw Sammies leash up over a high branch, before tying it off where none of the girls will ever be able to reach it. The tied foursome spend five minutes attempting to loosen each others wrist ropes, because it only needs one of them free to liberate the others, but all of the knots are just too tight. Nor does anyone, male or female, show up whilst the stoners are away. So Barry and Todd return to find the girls exactly where they left them. Barry no longer has his Wizards staff though, having apparently left it in a bush, but he's managed to remember the naked girls he kidnapped, because both he and Todd have wide grins when they get back. Both stoners then spends the next five minutes having a good grope of each pair of bound breasts, causing plenty of yelping and moans from the girls as they're manhandled and pinched. Finally, Sammies leash is retrieved, and the group sets off again. At some other point, wandering through bushes instead of sticking to the paths, because Barry 'sensed danger up ahead man' Todd also manages to loose his sword. Rejoining a different path it's simply gone, having slipped unnoticed from it's scabbard.

Two rollups later Barry and Todd are hungry. "Man." Barry comments, swatting at Todd as they lead the girls down yet another random path, going nowhere. "I could really go for some of the Colonels finest."
"Fuck yeah." Todd looks down at his arm, wandering why it stings slightly. "Maybe a pizza too."
"Mmmm." Barry licks his lips. "And about two pints of chocolate milk." He holds out a hand to Todd. "Am I right."
"Fuck yeah." Todd high fives him, nodding. "Ain't no golden arches out here though bro."
"S right." Barry agrees nodding, before stopping suddenly. Sammie, half daydreaming, almost collides into the back of him, but luckily stops, as do Koneko and Michelle. Dawn, bringing up the rear, isn't so lucky. She'd been looking at the sky, and walks straight into Michelle. Luckily neither girl falls over. Barry and Todd don't notice any of this, because both can suddenly smell the unmistakable aroma of chicken coming from nearby. "It's this way." Barry insists, pointing. "No bro." Todd shakes his head, pointing not down the path but instead through the treeline. "This way."
"Is it?" Barry sniffs towards the trees, even as Todd gives an over exaggerated nod. "Okay then." Barry agrees, gesturing. "After you."
"Thank you my good man." Todd doffs an imaginary cap, which makes them both laugh, whilst behind them the girls all shake their heads, wondering just how much of this stoner stupidity they've got left before the game officially ends.

A short way through the trees the stoners find a small clearing, not much bigger then the average kitchen. Sat in the middle, on two long ago fallen trunks, are three girls, talking and sharing a meal of pre cooked chicken and salad. The girls, all aged twenty one, LARP as October Dawn, a black clad heavily outfitted warband.

Lily is the groups leader. All three of the girls work together as fitness instructors and lifeguards at a council owned sports complex in South Wales, so all three are skinny, toned, and very fit. Lily squeezes herself into a figure hugging black latex catsuit, the whole body kind where only the head, feet and hands aren't covered. A zip runs from the neck down her front, continuing underneath to finish in the small of her back. Currently Lily has unzipped herself about halfway, because it's too damn hot for black, but a costume is a costume. This has the advantage, for the stoners anyway, of revealing a good eyeful of Lilys D cups. All the girls are a D, it's just one of many things they giggle about over coffee at break times. A pair of thigh high light brown leather boots hug Lilys legs. Lilys hair is dyed blue, and long enough to brush her shoulders. On her left hand Lily wears an oversized metal gauntlet, which climbs up to her elbow, other then that she has a short sword and several daggers slung low on a waist scabbard. Lily could match Sammie throw for throw in a contest.

Jennifer is the groups Wizard. Her hair is naturally black, which she keeps in a short pixie cut, spiking up all over the place. She wears skintight black latex leggings with a wide crisscross mesh running up the outside of each leg, tucking these into old army boots. A black triangle top bikini covers her own D's, with the right cup having a sewn on white patch in the style of the old Japanese rising sun flag. Her Wizards hat is black too of course, and her staff is stained a dark brown. In addition Jennifer carries twin small hand axes tucked into custom made pouches on her belt.

Completing the warband is Donna. Donna's hair is super long, trailing halfway down her back. It's mostly dyed bright red, but streaked through with black and white, and almost always with a small plait at the front, hanging down one side of her face. Donna wears a black latex one piece swimsuit. Of the three she's the only one showing no cleavage, though the tight outfit still shows off her assets. Donna is the only one with any tattoos. A large red octopus sits on her lower left leg, whilst the upper left is wrapped in five bands of colour, two black, then one each of red, blue and white, all of varying thicknesses. On her back is a large black sharks mouth, just the teeth and jaw, open wide and viewed as though the shark were coming straight towards you. This can be partially viewed around Donnas one piece, which is mostly just strips of latex at the back. Lastly, on her left forearm, is written a quote from a Walter de la Mar poem, Donna's favourite. Donna's footwear is black, like slip on ankle boots with a slightly chunky sole, each boot then has straps that climb up her legs, crisscrossing, until they buckle around her thighs. Donna carries a broadsword slung low on her waist, and a large evil looking dagger worn on the same scabbard. She also has a long double bladed spear, with a point at one end and an axe style blade at the other.

The girls are on their feet instantly, weapons drawn, food forgotten. "Whoa." Todd holds up his hands, gesturing for calm, even whilst Jennifer flicks rapidly through her spell book. "Peace. Girls." Barry, hands also up, but still holding Sammies leash, makes a two fingered peace sign with his free hand, getting it the wrong way around. Lily takes a step forward, bringing her level with Jennifer and Donna, who were sat nearer to where the group emerged. "Be ready." She whispers to them. Her friends nod, Donna keeping her spear trained on Todd, as Lily sheaths her own sword. She eyes the newcomers, raising her eyebrow. Somehow, with no weapons or spells, because without a staff Barrys hat is just a hat, these two apparent idiots have managed to capture four very sexy girls.

"What do you want?" Lily asks the stoners, looking from one to the other. "Some chicken." Barry points at the spread still laid out, the girls having only just tucked in. "Please." He adds, smiling his best good boy smile. Todd nods agreement. "Please."
"We should just share with you?" Talking with these two is already making Lily uncomfortable. They're obviously both high, and neither one has looked anywhere except straight at her tits the whole time. She'd zip herself back up and suffer the discomfort of the heat, except doing that would just draw their attention more. She shakes her head. "Sorry boys. We're not open to sharing."
"A trade then?" Todd, showing remarkable brain power considering. Barry manages to understand his meaning, because he nods agreement, jerking Sammies leash, forcing the four naked tied girls to step forwards. "Hmm." Lily makes a show of eyeing up the offered goods, though in truth, whatever she may decide to do with the girls, whether letting them go or keeping them tied and helpless as her own groups new amusements, she knows it'll be better for them then remaining with these stoners. "Done." She nods, reaching for the leash. "These four for our food."
"No no no." Barry is shaking his head, already moving between the girls, untying the ropes joining them together. He grabs Michelle, jerking her a step away from the group. "Not this one." He flicks at one of her nipples, causing the busty tied Wizard to moan. "This one's mine."
"No." Lily shakes her head, putting a hand on her sword. Behind her, Jennifer and Donna catch the signal, readying themselves for the charge. "All four." Lily tells Barry and Todd, pointing to each girl in turn. "All four, or no deal."

Koneko, no longer tied to Sammie or Michelle, suddenly runs left, vanishing into the thick treeline before any of October Dawn can react. Barry reacts though, making a mostly halfhearted lunge for the fleeing still tied and ballgagged Japanese girl. Jennifer interprets this as an attack, with her nerves already on a hair trigger any movement by the stoners always ran the risk of misinterpretation. She darts forwards. Todd cries out in alarm, stumbling away from the attack. "Instant Hogtie." Jennifer shouts, thrusting her staff forwards. But it's Sammie she hits, since, as Todd scrambled backwards he collided with the tied girl, which unfortunately pushed her forwards, directly into Jennifer's attack.

Everybody freezes. Sammie looks shocked, whilst Todd giggles briefly, having dodged the magical bullet. "Umm." Lily breaks the silence, turning to Jennifer. "Just what's supposed to happen now?"
"Oh." Jennifer takes out her spell book, finding the Instant Hogtie page, which she puts a cross though with the small marker. "Here." She traces her finger over the small print underneath the spell. "It says. 'Cast the spell and wait.'"
"Wait?" Donna walks forwards, coming to stand with the the rest of October Dawn, whilst the three remaining members of Blue Sky Horde stand still, looking warily from the stoners to the three Dawn girls. The stoners, having remembered how hungry they are, managing to forget they even had prisoners now, have wandered over to the chicken, and are tucking in. Donna looks around the otherwise empty clearing, raising her hands. "Wait for what?"
"For me." Comes a male voice, as a man clad head to toe in camouflage steps from behind a tree, out into the clearing.

Barry screams, whilst Todd, sat closest to the new arrival, falls off the trunk he'd only just sat down on. "Who are you?" Lily asks. The man smiles. "I work for LARP forever, patrolling these woods, doing small tasks like...." He drops his equally camouflaged backpack onto the ground between the two groups of girls, and begins to root around inside. "....Who was the hogtie cast on?" He asks, looking up. "Her." Jennifer points at Sammie, shaking her head. "Right then." The man nods. "Won't be a moment."

From his backpack he produces a knife, which he uses to cut Sammie free of ropes, the broken pieces go into his bag, as does her ballgag. "Lay down." He instructs. Sammie does so, shrugging at her teammates first, everyone unsure of just what's actually happening. Next out of the bag is a black leather hood, the kind with only two small holes for the nostrils, nothing for the eyes or mouth. Placed over Sammies head it laces up at the back, making it a very tight. Small tufts of blonde hair escape underneath and between the laces at crazy angles. A short steel bar is then produced. Four steel rings are welded to the bar. Two smaller ones sit in the middle, these are for Sammies wrists, pinning them behind her as she lays on her stomach. Pausing briefly the man removes Sammies boots, tossing them beside his bag, then he bends each of Sammies legs back towards her butt, locking an ankle into each of the larger outer rings. Each ring seals closed with a screw, the man uses a special hex shaped tool to tighten everything up, ensuring Sammie is now helplessly locked into her steel hogtie, since no LARPer would ever have need to carry any actual tools, let alone one as specialised as that. Lastly, reaching into the backpacks small front pocket the man pulls out a small pump. He connects this to an equally small valve half hidden on the front of the hood, and begins pumping. Sammie whimpers loudly as the internal rubber ball is slowly inflated, powerless to prevent her jaws from being forced apart as her mouth is gradually filled one pump at a time. The man is clearly counting, having been told how many pumps are required for maximum discomfort. Having reached the correct number, fairly certain he counted correctly, but giving a couple extra for luck, he closes the valve, and removes the pump.

"There." He stands back up, brushing off his knees, and begins cramming Sammies boots into his backpack. "That's it?" Lily asks. "She just stays there now?"
"Yes." He nods, seeming surprised she should ask. "Those Instant Hogties are potent spells, not to be used lightly." He shrugs, and, picking up his backpack he leaves.

"Fucks sake." Lily shakes her head, looking down as Sammie begins to squirm around on the floor. She huffs, feeling her anger building, and turns to look at the stoners, who have almost finished the food. "Come on." She tells Donna and Jennifer, shaking her head. "Grab those two." She gestures at Michelle and Dawn, still stood looking down at their teammate. "Let's just go. Before I kill those two idiots."
"Hmm." Donna looks thoughtful, before, with two quick jabs of her spear, she kills Barry and Todd where they sit. "Huh." Barry looks around, having felt the prod. "What was that?"
"You're dead." Lily tells him, pointing at Todd. "Both of you. So leave already." She throws her groups map at them. "Sweet." Barry grins. "Hey. Bro." He walks over to Todd. "Now we can go for that pizza."
"Awesome." Todd grins back, and the two stoners walk off, out of the game.

The girls leave too. Lily takes point, heading, map in hand, because the stoners didn't bother to pick it up, towards the middle of the woodland. Mostly just headed away from the small clearing, trying to find another safe spot. Donna follows, using her double bladed spear to marshal a still tied and gagged Michelle and Dawn. Jennifer brings up the rear.

Sammie lays abandoned in the clearing, blind and completely naked, unaware that she's now all alone. She continues to squirm and struggle around on the floor, locked into the metal hogtie, completely helpless, like a prize for whoever happens to come along next.
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Post by Dpsiic »

This is getting really interesting :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

The King.

One of the clearings, on the opposite side of the woodland to the stream, but nearer the middle then the woodlands boundry fencing, is more like a field given its large size. It's on this field that the first and so far only major battle of this LARP took place.

In the run up to the event two distinct groups began to form. The first, taking the name Sunshine Empire, was led by a thirty eight year old named Steve, already leader of the thirteen strong Sun Runners. The second group, called The Kings Own Volunteers, was led, predictably, by the King. Of course not all of the hordes, warbands and legions participating in LARP forevers event wanted to join in this battle, but just over two thirds did.

The King, never Keith once the uniform went on, loved LARPing, and loved being in charge. Already leader of The Windsor Royals, from Windsor obviously, he and Steve were old rivals, both keen for one more massed crash. Always one more, until the next one. Both managed to recruit over twenty LARPers to their respective armies, some old friends, some just looking for the kind of large scale engagement they'd never normally find in their own smaller groups. As the day drew near emails were rapidly exchanged, each man doing his best to goad the other as they agreed the specifics of the battle to come, which largely just boiled down to no magic. Both men liked the twist Wizards added to LARP, but for large battles they felt magic would spoil the flow, with people having to constantly stop each time a spell was cast so the effects could be applied or worked out. On the day all sixty plus fighters walked together through the woods, both male and female, heading for the field, talking and joking with whoever happened to be nearby, regardless of teams. Then, reaching the field, each force formed up on opposing sides whilst Keith and Steve shook hands in the centre, before withdrawing to the head of their respective armies.

The resulting charge, which Steve had the honour to call, having won the customary coin toss, with Keith responding once he saw the Sunshine Empire move out, was an impressive sight to behold.

The fight lasted for almost half an hour, with the advantage swinging first one way and then the other, always in a constant shift. Eventually though the Kings Own Volunteers were victorious, with the King himself slaying Steve in a duel that lasted over ten minutes. The remaining dozen Empire men were routed, fleeing the field. Unfortunately for the King though none of his remaining forces were Windsor Royals, and so, with the battle over his own remaining men abandoned him, leaving him all alone in the middle of the hostile woodland.

It's now two hours later.

The King stands on a thick tree branch, hidden about ten feet up amongst the surrounding low hanging foliage, and watches the Wizard approach. Keith, like Steve, is also thirty eight, and stands over six feet tall with a body both toned from plenty of swimming and weights, but also with a slight belly from too many burgers and too much chocolate. His brown hair is shaved on the sides, but long on top, and slicked back, with a trimmed goatee beard. Keiths trousers, which he tucks into black slip on boots, are loose fitting, and look like a patchwork of coloured squares. A white tee is worn underneath a long sleeveless lightweight brown leather coat that hangs open at the front, providing at least some armour. A broadsword and dagger are worn at the waist. The Kings only tattoo is on his left bicep, a now slightly faded black silhouetted monster with equally faded red eyes, all teeth and tentacles that reach down onto his forearm, the longest grips his ring finger.

A plan forms in the Kings head, and he smiles. He's been hiding for long enough.

Jill hasn't done much more then cautiously explore since she lost Patrick to the water people. She's managed to stay out of sight, but is having no fun, which is depressing. The Kings attack takes her completely by surprise.

Jumping down from the branch the King lands directly behind Jill, rolling forwards, knocking into and taking her down so he winds up sat on the busty Wizards back, straddling her. Reaching into his small messenger bag the King quickly forces a large red ballgag into Jills mouth, shutting down her shouted protests as he buckles it in place, turning them into a stream of angry grunts. Jills staff was knocked from her hands as she fell, spinning several metres away to land tangled in some ground ivy. She reaches towards it with one hand, using the other to try and drag herself out from under the King, her gag ignored for now, an annoyance to be dealt with once she's free and armed. But the King shakes his head. "Can't allow that I'm afraid." He tuts, reaching back inside his bag, pulling out a short length of rope. After a five minute struggle he succeeds in capturing both Jills wrists inside the loop he fastened, yanking it tight, forcing them together behind her back. Jill yelps, but doesn't stop struggling, so it takes the King a further ten minutes to bind Jill to his satisfaction, immobilizing her to a point where he feels confident enough to climb off.

The King smiles as he watches Jill climb to her feet awkwardly. He's bound both her wrists and elbows tightly behind her, which means her huge fake F's are thrust forwards, erect nipples, a sight which only widens his victory smile, seeming to point right at him through the thin grey of her tight robes. Jill glares at him, stamping her foot. "What." He spreads his arms. "What did I do?" Jill huffs, but doesn't move, doesn't run, though the King can't understand why she doesn't at least try to escape. "Not going to run away?" He half teases, half seriously asks. Jill huffs again, looking left and right, at the still empty path, at the trees on either side, then back at the King. She shakes her head. "You know." The King pulls the tip of a coiled length of rope from his bag, rolling it between thumb and forefinger, briefly imagining it were Jills nipple. He smiles. "I could leash you." Jill shakes her head. "No?" He asks, pulling the rope out slightly further. Jill shakes her head again, walking to stand next to him, making a big show of not running away. "Going to be a good little bound Wizard are you?" The King asks. Jill nods, which makes him grin. "Okay then. Good girl." She shakes her head at his teasing tone, but still doesn't run.

"Okay then." The King tells Jill a few moments later. She'd lost her hat in the scuffle, which he's just placed carefully back on her head, having fetched both hat and staff for her. He keeps hold of her staff, holding it casually in his left hand, keeping his right free should he need to draw his sword. "This is how things are now." He tells Jill, slipping his right hand inside her robes as he talks, fingering her nipple just as he imagined earlier, cupping the breast, enjoying both the size and feel of it, enjoying how Jill moans quietly as he talks, closing her eyes, arching her back slightly. "You're my Wizard now." He tells her. "If I need a spell doing then you can hold this." He presses her staff briefly into her bound hands. "And I'll ungag you. But." He pinches at the nipple. Hard. Making her yelp and open her eyes, making sure he has her attention. "You promise me now you'll be a good little pet spellcaster. If you attempt to cross me then I'll leave you bound naked hanging from the nearest tree upside down with clothes pegs on your pretty little nipples." He pinches again, holding on this time, trying to simulate the prolonged biting feel of the threatened wooden pegs, making his point. Jills yelp has turned into a quiet whimper, but she hasn't tried to pull away. "Do you understand?" He asks, finally releasing his grip. Jill nods. "Good." The King leans forwards, pulling Jill's robes open to kiss her tender nipple, flicking it with his tongue, causing his new pet to sigh with pleasure. He smiles, covering her back up.

"Right then." The King consults his map, coming up with a plan. He gestures down the path. "This way." He sets off, still carrying Jills staff, placing her spell book, having briefly flicked through it, into his bag. Jill sets off too, keeping by the Kings side, following her new master.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Now what is the King going to do with Jill, I know what I would. ;)
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

The abandoned mine, part 01. The twins.

Molly and Danni are identical nineteen year old twins, they're also the last two surviving Sun Runners.

Both are slim, and completely lacking in muscle tone, not skinny to the point of anorexia, so no visible bones save for the hint of a ribcage at times, but neither girl looks like she could finish a whole cheeseburger solo. A cup breasts mean that neither ever bothers with a bra. Some twins, as they grow, purposefully change their appearances to look different, some don't. Molly and Danni fall into the second group. Neither girl is tattooed, and both visit the same hairdresser every three months to have their dirty blonde hair cut and restyled into a messy curling tumble around their shoulders. Both girls also dress the same when attending LARPs. Black knee high slip on boots lead up to a short flared skirt, light brown in colour, that laces closed up one side at the top, leaving a slash of exposed skin and white thong strap. The skirt is very short, barely covering the butt, which also shows off those white butt crack hugging thongs. Up top both girls wear a black leather ensemble that mostly resembles two artfully placed belts. Running over the shoulder, meeting in the middle, then hugging the opposite side just below the armpit, crossing and meeting a second time in the small of the back. Neither belt, or strip of leather would be another good description, buckles, both are custom made to slip on, one after the other, a tight enough fit that a stray nipple sighting is a rare, but not impossible, occurrence. The small swell of each A cup breast is also visible around the black leather.

Both girls carry a single large dagger at the waist, along with a low slung broadsword. Additionally Danni carries a huge axe, much like Konekos, with a long handle and a single massive blade at one end.

Fleeing the battle once Steve was slain, once it became clear they were on the losing side, the twins spent a small amount of time hiding out, looking at the map, discussing and arguing over options. In the end they began heading south west, sure that, of all the places indicated on the map, the abandoned mine shows the most promise of both hidden treasures and fun.

Almost a half hour later Molly and Danni are stood just inside a large stand of Scots Pine, looking down as the ground slopes gently away, seeing the mine spread out before them. Twice on the way they ran into other LARPers. Once the remaining nine Northern Raiders, rounding a distant corner headed towards the twins, who managed to dive off the path into a handy ditch. The twins stayed low, and quiet, staring upwards watching the passing heads of the Raiders walk by, then, after several attempts and plenty of cursing, they hauled themselves up and out. The second sighting was a single young male Wizard, who the twins spied taking a leak in some bushes. They debated both attacking and attempting to join up with him, but discarded both plans, opting instead for a wide detour, which bought them eventually to the top of the slope, and their destination.

The mine is just a ruin now, abandoned and left to crumble. A once tall chimney has half tumbled into the tree line not far from where the twins stand, its dirty hollow inside is now a tunnel large enough to walk through. The remains of three buildings sit in a rough horseshoe formation, all half height dirty brick and snapped wooden frames. On the opposite side of the clearing the ground rises sharply, becoming a small hill, it's into this that the mine entrance has been dug. A forth roofless ruin sits separate from the others, long and low, with a wide entrance, whose doors now sit leaning and rotted. A single narrow gauge track runs from the mines entrance into this building, hinting at its use as a kind of shunting yard, because two other tracks exit, making three side by side, these two form a small curving network around the complex.

"So." Molly turns to her sister. "Looks deserted."
"Let's hope so sis." Danni fingers her axe, listening. She nods agreement, pointing at the forth building. "I say we head there."
"Why there?"
"You'll see." Danni winks, setting off into the clearing, towards the shunting yard. Molly, shrugging, draws her sword and follows.

"Sweet." Molly giggles, as the twins stand just inside the building. "Yes." Danni grins back. "This is what I hoped to find." Inside the long building are ten parallel tracks, running down the length towards a small office at the rear. Several switching points allow movement between tracks, and a wide path runs between the sixth and seventh, presumably for both maintenance and loading. Six wood and metal carts, sat on small dull grey wheels, sit at various points throughout the building. "You think they'll move?" Danni asks her sister, now suddenly worried her plan might just be wishful thinking formed around a cool image in her head, of both her and Molly pushing a cart full of treasure out of the shaft. "Hmm." Molly moves forward, with Danni falling in behind, heading deeper inside. "Well." Molly comments, doing a slow circuit of the nearest cart. "It looks old. And rusted." She sniffs. "And it stinks."
"That's oil." Danni's face brightens. She's currently dating a mechanic at the local Volvo truck dealership, which means she knows all about oil, including the fact that. "Oil means someone serviced this cart," she sniffs, "maybe all the carts, recently." She grins. "Maybe this means they move."
"So." Molly shrugs, not understanding the point. "So what if they move?"
"Why did we come here Mol?"
"For fun."
"And...." Danni twirls her arm, inviting Molly to remember. Molly frowns, thinking, and then her face brightens. "Treasure." She grins, as Danni grins too, nodding. Molly slaps the side of the cart. "We can use this for the treasure."
"Yes." Danni slaps it too, before holding up a finger. "If it moves."

The cart does indeed move. LARP forever, with a view to making the event as fun as possible, carried out maintenance on all six carts, lubricating and replacing certain parts, though not the open wooden boxes, which are still partly rotted, each one gaping open and high sided, about the size of two shopping trolleys. Danni finds the brake, a simple metal lever with a handle at the top that you pull to unlock the mechanism. It takes both girls to get the cart moving, the handle is very stiff, due to the carts weight, but, with a metal on metal shriek, the cart begins to roll, heading towards the buildings door.

Fifteen minutes later the girls enter the mine. The ground may be level, but the cart is very heavy, and there are no horses to help, or big strong men, though given the continued shrieking it's a wonder the twins still have the complex to themselves. They stop just inside, pulling at then locking on the brake. "Fuck." Danni exclaims, wiping her brow. "I know." Molly is lifting each of her leather straps in turn, using an oil stained towel the girls found to wipe the sweat off her chest and breasts, leaving black stains all over them. She looks down, finally noticing. "Fucks sake." Molly flings the towel away into a corner, before pointing a warning finger at her sister. "You can fuck off too."
"What?" Danni finally manages to bring her giggles under control. "What did I do?"
"You could've told me."
"I could." Danni agrees, nodding, before breaking into laughter again. "But it wouldn't of been as funny."
"Fuck you." But Molly is smiling too. She suddenly lunges for the towel, jumping on her sister, wiping an oily trail down Dannis front, as though a snail slithered up the slim girls left leg, before stopping at her belly and finally settling on her left breast. "There." Molly bursts out laughing. "Now we match again." Danni laughs too, looking down at herself. "Fine." She shrugs. "Let's get on then huh."
"Sure." Molly nods agreement, the girls switching their attentions to the mine stretching out before them.

LARP forever have been busy in here too, every dozen metres a dim light has been fixed to one of the wooden posts that march off away from the twins, holding up the long ago dug out passageway. The whole effect is eerie, each light is spaced just far enough apart that a small patch of darkness exists in the space between. "Spooky." Molly comments, giggling nervously, whilst Danni only nods. "Come on." She replies finally, releasing the carts brake. "We can't stand around here waiting for the next group to show up." With a final backwards glance at the cloudless sky they're leaving behind, both girls proceed inside, pushing the squealing cart, suddenly sounding so much louder in the confined tunnel, like a screaming vengeful banshee, before them.

Eventually, after several twists, and two junctions, handily marked by LARP forever with red painted X boards covering the unlit and therefore likely still dangerous passages, the twins reach the end of the line, as the claustrophobic tunnel opens out into a large cavern. "Wow." Molly breathes. "I wasn't expecting this." Danni agrees, shaking her head, looking around. About the size of an irregularly shaped basketball court, and double the height of most rooms, the cavern is lit by a powerful lamp raised up on a tall stand in each corner. The lights don't chase away all the shadows, they remain along the edges, each light is pointed towards the rooms centre, and the two large crates sitting there.

The twins race for the crates, shouting their victory into the echoing space, dancing and grinning at each other. They take one of the large wooden boxes each, kneeling down back to back, pulling the lids off like kids at Christmas.

Molly's crate is full of weapons. She grins, pulling out a shiny new broadsword, a completely black weapon, with an ornate looking blade. "Fuck." She turns it over, then back, wanting to see it from every angle. She's just about to turn and show her sister when she feels a tap on her back, and her sister says. "Bound to wood."

Danni's crate is full of clothes, and leather armour of all shapes in blacks and browns. Digging down underneath though, near the bottom, she finds about a dozen rolled up papers. Picking up the nearest, she can't suppress her grin when she discovers the papers are all scrolls. A scroll is a one shot spell, and this particular one ties someone up. Danni looks over her shoulder, Molly is still engrossed in some fancy black sword. She looks down at her oil stained skin, and nods, time for some payback, so she tears the scroll in half, to show it's been used, and touches her sister on the back, uttering the words of the spell.

Molly turns to face her sister, the sword falling back into the crate, forgotten. "What the fuck sis?" She huffs, looking over Danni's shoulder at the open crate. "You found scrolls?"
"I did." Danni is still grinning, finding her sisters anger quite funny, since there's nothing she can do to prevent the spells effect. Molly stands up, hands on hips. "I'll get you back for this you know."
"Yeah yeah." Danni makes flapping 'you're all talk' motions with her hands. "Just accept your fate like a good girl."
"Fine." Molly shakes her head, looking around. "Where and how am I getting tied up then?"
"Umm?" Danni picks the scrolls pieces back up again, staring at the fine printed explanation at the bottom. "It says." She runs her fingers along the words. "Tie them up to something wooden, naked."
"Yep." Danni nods, failing to keep a straight face. "Fucks sake." Molly scowls, before throwing her hands up in defeat. "Fine." She looks around. "Where though?"
"Prehaps over here?" A third female voice answers from the gloom.

Both girls gasp, taking a step back as a slim middle aged lady appears from out of the shadows, wearing jeans and trainers, with a LARP forever tee covering her modest chest and brown hair tied back in a loose tail. "Who are you?" Molly asks. "I'm in charge of this sector." The lady tells them, spreading her hands out to indicate the whole mine. "It's for the insurance, someone needed to be posted in here, to keep an eye. I've got remote cameras and mics wired up in all the tunnels, a desk over there." She gestures back into the shadows beside the entrance door, where a wooden table and faintly glowing laptop can just been seen. "Right." Danni nods. "I see. "So, you can help with tying my sister up?"
"Your sister?" The lady snorts her amusement, shaking her head. "Sure. Wood wasn't it?"
"Yes." Danni nods. "I used a scroll."
"Wondered who was going to find them." The lady muses. "Some fun spells in there." She looks at Molly. "Anyway. Over here." She gestures towards one of the shadow filled walls. Shrugging, Molly follows her, with Danni in the rear.

Bolted to the wall is a wooden cross. Molly strips naked, tossing her belts, weapons, skirt and boots, plus her thong, off into the darkness, then she stands with her back to the wood. The lady, she'd introduced herself as Wendy whilst Molly was stripping, produces a black ballgag, which Danni takes great delight in strapping on to her sisters face, shutting up her constant muttering. Showing surprising strength, though Molly hardly weighs anything, Wendy lifts the naked girl up off the floor, and Danni uses the built in ties on the cross to secure Molly in place. The ties are like heavy duty zip ties, it's a simple task to loop them over Molly's limbs and pull them tight, at which point the only way to free her will be to cut them off. There are ties at the wrist, elbow, shoulders, neck, below Molly's small breasts, the tops of her legs, her knees above and below, and her ankles. The ties are strong enough to easily support her body a metre off the floor.

"You look great sis." Danni giggles, as Molly grunts back at her, pulling on the ties, a useless gesture, since she's too much of a weakling to effect any kind of escape. "Thanks." Danni turns to Wendy. "Just doing my job." She older lady shrugs. And then both of them turn, as someone begins clapping from the caverns entrance.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Keeps getting better and better!!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »


The abandoned mine, part 02. Tim the Wizard.

Wendy and Danni turn in unison, even Molly looks up, the clapping distracting her from her predicament. Stood in the caverns entrance is Tim, smiling over at the girls, who he can see, all be it in partial shadow, but well enough illuminated for him to see Molly's cruciform bound nakedness and Danni's non Wizard status. Tim is a Wizard, with no need of scrolls, which gives him a huge advantage.

But. Before we move forward in the cavern, let us go backwards into the past of the last hour. Let us go back outside.

Tim is part of a four strong group, the only male, LARPing with his partner and her three closest friends as The Seven Percenters. Tim loves his girlfriend, and enjoys LARPs, but he hates how she changes around the other girls. He becomes the butt of all their jokes, the group errand boy, too polite to call her out on her shit, too forgiving to mention it once the LARP is done. But today, he's getting his revenge. It's Tim who signs the group up for events, just one of his many 'errands'. Since his girlfriend and her friends never read up on the event specific rules, Tim is the only one who knows about the tie up magic.

All he needs is an opportunity, the perfect spot. Walking out into the open, seeing the mine complex spread out before him, Tim decides the opportune moment is now.

His girlfriend, Sarah, the groups leader, unwittingly sets the perfect trap up for him. "We should split up." She tells them, as they huddle in a defensive formation, regarding the four ruined buildings. Sarah points to each building in turn. "I'll take the low one nearest the mine shaft. Alice, you take that one. Sonya you go next door, and Tim, you take the squat circular looking one nearest the chimney ruins." The two girls nod agreement, as does Tim, his brain already planning angles. "What about the shaft?" Sonya asks, jerking a thumb towards the mines entrance, where the faint sounds of a squealing cart can still be heard, growing quieter. The twins making their gradual way to the cavern. "Worry about it after." Sarah tells them, waving her hand at the entrance, dismissing it. "Meantime. Keep an ear out." She tells them all, before they part company. "Anyone gets into trouble just yell."

Tim walks into his designated ruined building, counts to ten just inside the doorway whilst giving it the briefest visual once over, and then slips back out again, heading towards victim number one. Sonya.

You dont actually have to touch someone with the staff for a spells effect to take place, but Tim feels it can add to the whole showmanship angle. "Bound naked." He utters, tapping Sonya on the back, having quietly wandered into the ruined building she was scouting out, then sneaking up behind her as she stood next to a large pile of straw and old blankets, handily looking the other way. "Huh?" Sonya turns around, so Tim waves at her, grinning. "Did you just....?" Sonya gestures at the spell book in Tims other hand, held open between his fingers. "I did." Tim nods. "You cast a spell on me?" Sonya almost shouts, which makes Tim flinch. Sonya has almost certainly alerted at least one of the others now, if not both, he'll have to work quickly. He shows her the page, before crossing it out. "What the hell kind of spell," Sonya frowns at the page, "allows you to tie me up?"
"It's new rules for this LARP." Tim tells her innocently. He flicks the pages to show her. "Lots of tie up magic this time."
"But." Sonya looks down at herself. "Naked."
"But why naked?"
"Because." Tim shrugs, slightly amused that Sonya is fixating on just the loss of her clothes, not the part where he gets to tie her up. "Makes things more interesting I guess."
"Fine." Sonya shakes her head, beginning to strip. "Fucking LARP magic." She tuts, tossing her clothes and armour into a nearby corner as she removes them. Tim stands back, quite enjoying the feeling of power that watching one of his girlfriends mates strip gives him, knowing he's responsible. Sonya is almost naked, just her pink lace boyshorts to remove, when Tim hears a gasp from behind him.

He turns, catching sight of Alice, stood with a hand over her mouth, taking in the scene before her. "Are you guys fucking?" She points at Sonya and then Tim. "What?" Sonya huffs, before realising how her being naked must look. "No." She shakes her head, pointing at Tim's staff, but Tim beats her to it. "Bound naked." He says again, waving his staff at Alice. The smile drops off of Alices face, to be replaced by a confused frown. "Bound what?" She asks Tim. "Naked." Sonya answers for him, helpfully, gesturing down at herself. "There's tie up magic now." She adds. "Oh." Alice looks at Tim, then at Sonya. "Oh." She says again, as it all sinks in. "Right. Shit." She wanders over to Sonya, and begins to strip too, whilst Tim watches, hoping neither girl can see his growing hard on.

Finally, after what seems like forever to Tim, whose nerves are on edge as with each passing moment he expects Sarah to appear, both girls are naked. Luckily it's still just the three of them, for now. Maybe. Sonya and Alice are stood together, side by side, each trying to cover up their exposed breasts and pussys, mostly failing. Of the two Alice is the slimmer, a size 12 to Sonyas 18, with Sonyas larger size also gifting her a far larger bust, huge E cups which dwarf Alice's B's. "Okay then girls." Tim grins. "Arms by your sides." Both girls grumble, but comply, because magic is a part of LARPing, something you just can't argue with. Tim gets to work.

He uses duct tape. Tim works in the building trade, so the thick rolls of silver tape were easier to acquire secretly then rope, becuase rolls of thick strong tape are everywhere around the site. Tim gags the two girls first, wrapping tape around the head of each girl in turn at least a dozen times, shutting them up. Next he ties each girl up completely one at a time, starting with Sonya. Wrists are tied to the tops of the legs, and along with tape wrapped both above and below the breasts the arms of each girl are now pinned by her side. The legs are tape wrapped together, at ankle and knee. As a final touch, because why not, Tim moves Alice so she's stood back to back with Sonya, then he uses two whole rolls of tape to bind them together, turning them into a single mummy, with only the feet and head, along with both girls naked breasts, left uncovered.

Giving the wrapped girls a push Tim laughs as they topple over, landing with a grunt on the straw. "Have fun girls." Tim waves, wishing he could stay awhile and enjoy the view, but he has to get to Sarah, has to finish taking care of business. As he leaves Sonya and Alice are already struggling, rolling over and over on the straw, grunting and cursing.

"Find anything babe?" Sarah asks Tim, standing back up from the cart she'd been peering under, trying to figure out whether it would move, since it looks ancient. Tim shakes his head, crossing the room towards her, but something about his grin feels wrong to Sarah, he seems all together too happy. Slightly manic even. She places a hand on the hilt of her sword, frowning. "Babe?" She asks, as Tim comes to a stop a couple of metres away. "Hmm?" Tim answers, still grinning, fingering his staff. "What's going on?" Sarah looks towards the ruined buildings empty doorway. "Where are Alice and Sonya?"
"Back there." Tim waves vaguely behind him, giggling briefly. "Oh." He holds up a finger. "And. What's going on you ask babe? Payback is what."

Sarah is just too slow, even as she draws her sword Tim is darting forwards, stabbing at her with his staff. "Bound naked." He booms, causing Sarah to freeze in place, a look of disbelief on her face. "Babe?" She looks at him, then down at his staff. "What the hell did you just do?"
"I just put you out of the game." Tim tells her, crossing off the spell in his book. "Now be a good little girlfriend and strip for me."
"But." Sarah shakes her head, even whilst she begins removing her sword belt and clothes, tossing everything to the side. "Why babe?"
"Why not." Tim shrugs. "I'm tired of being the forth wheel to you three girls. This LARP." He points out towards the woodland, trying to make a point. "This one's for me. The three of you can sit it out this time."
"The three of us?" Sarah takes off her bra and thong, tossing them too, leaving her naked. "You mean Sonya and Alice....?"
"Are already tied up." Tim nods. "Now lay down please. This won't take long."

He uses plenty of tape on Sarah, not wanting her to escape. Arms first, he wraps tape at wrist and elbow, pinning them behind her. Then he gags her just like the other two girls. Finally he binds her legs separately, bending them at the knee, tape wrapping them top to bottom like a frogs. Before he leaves Tim picks Sarah up, dumping her into one of the wooden carts, hiding her from casual sight. "Have fun." He gives her butt a pat.

Tim returns to Sonya and Alice, who've managed to partially cover themselves in straw. The two girls are grunting, bucking and struggling, rolling around first one way then the other as the girls fight the tape and each other, not wanting to be the one with a face full of smelly straw. Each time they roll Sonyas large E cups flop and bounce, a stark contrast to Alice's smaller Bs. Sonya sees him first, her grunts changing to a string of muffled curses. "Having fun girls?" Tim gives them a wave, but otherwise ignores them. Grabbing one of the larger blankets he opens it out, and piles all of the girls stuff into the middle, then, folding all the corners in he picks the bundle up, and leaves, the cursing following him out. He stops back at the forth building, adding Sarah's stuff to his haul, then, dragging the now quite full and heavy blanket, he heads for the mine shafts entrance.

Without a cart to push Tim makes much better time through the tunnels then the twins. He stops briefly at one of the junctions, and ducks through under a red X, dragging the Seven Percent girls equipment and clothes into the darkness, where he leaves it, grinning, almost certain that should they escape they'll never find it. The thought of his girlfriend, and the other two, free but naked, running around the woodland, makes him laugh. He shuts himself up quickly, lest he be heard by whoever was making the squealing earlier, and sets back off.

And now here we are, back where this chapter began, all caught up.

Wendy puts up her hands. "Not my fight, I just work here." She comments, moving away from the twins, back towards her desk. Tim advances into the room, his gaze passing over the crates, seeing the pile of weapons and armour. When he looks back up, Danni is already moving. The skinny girl is running, a lack of armour making her near silent as she charges him. She's fast, and has already covered half the distance. Tim nods, impressed despite himself, and then he spell casts. "Instant hogtie." He booms, grinning, stabbing his staff out towards Danni, who skids to a halt, dropping her axe.

"Sorry." Wendy has wandered over, carrying the necessary equipment to secure Danni. She pats the slim girl on the shoulder. "I'm going to need you to strip."
"Right." Danni nods. She begins to remove her clothes, turning to Tim as she does. "Almost had you." She tells the Wizard. "Maybe." He shrugs, fingering his staff. "But probably not. Not whilst I have this."
"Fucking Wizards." Danni tuts, removing her thong, shaking her head. "What ever happened to a proper fight?"
"Maybe next time." Tim smiles, turning to Wendy. "Tie her up then."

Danni is bound the same way as Sammie. A black hood, with no eye or mouth holes, Danni's long blonde hair appears to explode out from underneath, with a few strands caught up in the laces running up the back. Then the short steel pipe, with its special bolt locking rings to trap her ankles and wrists tightly in place. Finally, the pump is connected, and Danni's gag is inflated to maximise her discomfort. "There." Wendy stands, looking at Tim and shrugging. "Don't forget to cross the spell off." She looks down at Danni, and then returns to her desk.

Tim shakes his head, looking around. He'd really love to stay awhile, to watch the completely helpless Danni whimper and struggle around on the cold stone floor, to wander over for a proper look at the other girl where she's somehow been attached to the wall. Hell, ideally he'd love to have about an hour to play with and tease both bound naked flat chested girls. Sarah is very busty, a D, and slim with it, but Tim quite likes the smaller bust, misses it sometimes. He shakes his head though, not today. This cavern is a box. A trap. He doesn't want to risk being caught by another Wizard, or a group of warriors too large for him to take out with his dwindling supply of spells. Quickly, he loads up the empty cart with everything from the crates, just dumping it all in, not really looking. He takes the two cavern bound girls stuff too, laughing. Just like the Seven Percenters, should Danni or Molly ever get free, they too will be stuck naked and unarmed. The plan is to get it outside, where he can look over his haul in proper daylight, and where if he should hear or see anyone approaching he can simply run, or fight, but at least he'll have a choice. With the crates empty and his cart full he leaves, abandoning the twins to their separate helpless ties.
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Post by Dpsiic »

All these naked damsels tied, sounds heavenly :D
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Post by RopeBunny »


The abandoned mine, part 03. The King.

Tim finally reaches the tunnels entrance, after what seems like forever. Pushing the full cart over such a long distance alone has worn him out, every muscle aches. He leans against the carts wooden side, head down, catching his breath, completely unawares he isn't alone.

"Um. Hi." Says a male voice, behind him. Tim's head jerks up, and he spins around, finding the King and Jill stood about a metre away. The King is waving, a small smile on his face and his free hand behind his back. Tim blinks, taking in the bizarre scene: The Kings crazy patchwork trousers, and his travelling companion, a very pretty Wizard, with an amazing rack, bound and gagged yet apparently not mad to be in such a state. She's stood beside the King, looking around, taking the area in. "A Wizard huh." The King gestures at Tims hat, before looking past him, at the full wooden cart. "Hmm." The King scratches his beard. "Fancy a chat?"

Reaching behind him and grabbing his staff, which had been resting ontop of the loot pile, Tim lunges. The other Wizard doesn't even flinch, but the King is a blur of motion. Clearing the dagger from behind his back he surges forward, meeting Tim halfway just before he can utter a spell, stabbing him in the belly, killing him.

"I'll take that as a no then." The King shrugs, as Tim throws his now useless staff to the ground. "Anyone else around?" The King asks, looking around himself. He and Jill had run across the clearing to meet Tim, having spied him pushing the still squealing cart the final few metres as they cleared the tree line. He shakes his head, glancing sideways at his busty captive, a shame he'd been too focused on Tim to see her running, must've been quite a sight. He returns his attention to Tim. "Not talking to you." The dead Wizard calls over his shoulder, beginning to walk off. "Because you're dead?"
"No." Tim stops, turning to scowl at the King. "I had a perfect plan." He jabs a finger. "And then you went and fucked it up."
"Should've talked then." The King shrugs. "You know. Before. When I offered." But Tim has turned around again, and is leaving in a huff. "Some people." The King turns to Jill, smiling, miming shooting himself in the head. "Am I right?" Jill shakes her own head, walking over to stand beside him, something approaching a laugh coming from behind her tightly strapped ballgag. "Come on then." The King pats Jill's butt playfully. "Be a good little bound Wizard and go fetch your staff." He points back up the slight hill, where the staff is laid halfway between the mine shaft and the tree line. He'd had to drop it as he ran, figuring both hands free would be better for a fight, and besides, no point in the staff when if it did come to fighting he wouldn't have time to ungag his special weapon. "Meet me back at the cart." Jill huffs, but nods, walking off like the good busty captive she's so far proving to be.

The King ignores the clothes and armour, tossing it out, digging to reach the bottom. "Ah." He exclaims, pulling out the first scroll. "Well well well." He holds it out to Jill, who steps closer, having lent her staff up against the mine shafts entrance. "Let's see what we've got then." The King unfolds the paper, allowing Jill to read the spell written within. "You're the Wizard." He tells her. "So I'll trust your judgment here. Just nod or shake." He grins. "Since you can't talk. And I'll pack the ones you decide." Jill huffs, but inside she's touched to be trusted by him, to be treated as more then just eye candy, a walking pair of tits. She nods, to show she understands. "Right. Good." The King leans forwards, giving Jill a kiss on her ballgagged lips. He holds up the first scroll. "This one?"

They only leave three, the rest are placed carefully inside the Kings messenger bag. Picking up Jill's staff the two then head inside, leaving the clothes and armour dumped half on the floor, half still in the cart.

"Wow." The King whistles, walking the caverns outer wall, doing a lap. "Afternoon." He nods to Wendy as he passes, she gives him a smile, which fades into a look of slight confusion as Jill passes her too, nodding her own silent greeting. "Hi." The King nods at Molly, patting one of her flat chest topping nipples. "Comfortable?" Molly grunts down at him, straining against her bonds. "Right." The King nods, as though her grunts were an answer he could understand. "Hmm." He stops next to Danni, still trapped in her rigid blind hogtie, still wriggling her naked body left and then right on the cold stone floor, roughly in the middle of the open space. "What do you make of this?" The King gestures down at Danni. Jill steps close, looking down herself. She knows what this is, having read her spell book in detail at the start of the day, just to make sure she'd know at speed the best spell for each situation. She grunts at the King, then shakes her head, realising any attempted explanation is useless. The King smiles at her. "Talking time is it?" Jill nods, standing very still, looking at the King, the man who caught her, wondering. The King smiles. "You could always write it down?" Jill attempts to laugh behind her gag, shaking her head at the stupidity of the idea, of trying to write whilst her hands are behind her. "Don't worry." The King steps in close. "I was kidding. Here." The King pulls Jill's robes to the sides, freeing her breasts, which bounce slightly. Taking one in each hand he begins to squeeze them gently, flicking at the nipple of each with his thumb. Jill moans, arching her back slightly. "You see." The King tells her, keeping up his attentions as he talks. "It's all about trust. Now. I might've tied you up. But that's for me. Because." He shrugs, a cheeky grin appearing on his face. "I think you look damn sexy as my little Wizard pet." Jill sighs, nodding, enjoying the feel of him. Being his tied up companion is actually the most fun she's had on a LARP in quite some time. It's been a strange yet fun experience having to follow the King around whilst tied and gagged. "So. Anyway." The King continues, letting go of Jill's breasts, making her moan at the loss of contact. He reaches around behind her head, to unbuckle the gag. "I trust you to not zap me. Is my point. But I'm not untying you, because I think you look hot, and I like having you this way." He leans in, replacing the gag with his mouth, kissing her. Jill kisses him back, feeling his tongue flick out, meeting it with her own.

"Hi." The King says finally, stepping back, a cheeky smile on his face. "Hi back." Jill is blushing slightly, her mind still on the kiss. "So." The King asks. "Comfortable?" He laughs, realizing the appropriate answer given the tight ropes binding Jill's arms behind her. But the busty Wizard just nods, smiling. "Yes. Sir." She blushes again. "Call me King." Says the King. "Oh." Jill honestly didn't know, Keith being one of the LARPers she'd not seen before today. "Okay." She nods. "King. I'm Jill."
"Jill huh." The King smiles. He steps back close to her again, reaching forwards with one hand and beginning to tease at a nipple again. "Are you sure?" He teases. "Don't want these covered up?"
"Mmm." Jill does her best to focus. "Um. King. If you could. Yes. Please. Mmmm." She moans again, as the King leans forwards, taking her nipple into his mouth. "Of course." The King stops, replacing her robes. "Until next time sexy." He gives Jill's now barely covered breasts a pat, making her blush. "Right. Jill." The King gestures down at Danni. "What's up with her?"
"It looks like an Instant Hogtie spell."
"It does?" The King hunkers down, pushing at the steel pipe, rocking Danni. Blind and unawares she even had new company Danni believes Tim to still be here, that he's now toying with her. She moans. The King stands back up again. "It looks nasty."
"It is." Jill agrees. "Check my spell book out King." She nods to his bag. "Have a read."
"No." He waves the idea away. "I believe you." He looks down again at Danni, then back up at Jill. "Can't we help her?"
"Hmm?" Jill nods again at the Kings bag. "Show me the scrolls please King."

"That one." Jill tells him, as he opens each scroll in turn, letting Jill read. Of course, she muses, this would be much quicker and easier were she untied, but, as she admitted to herself earlier, being permanently tied, yet still trusted to do magic, is fun. Right now she'd actually be mad if the King did untie her. "This one?" The King turns the scroll so he can see it too. "'Metal tie melt." He shakes his head at the random naming, before nodding. "Yes. I guess so. Hey." Raising his voice, waving towards Wendy, who looks up, then wanders over. "Will this work on her?" The King asks, showing Wendy the spell. "I can't comment on this stuff." Wendy shrugs, but she smiles too, winking, feeling bad for Danni's predicament. "Right." The King looks at Jill. "Shall we then?"
"And when she's free what then?" Jill asks, looking down, frowning, suddenly slightly worried. "She could just kill us both."
"She could." The King agrees. "But I'm willing to take the chance. "Besides." He shrugs. "I can always tie her up." He gives Jill a kiss, flicking her nipple yet again. "Make her mine, just like you."
"Mmmm. Yes." Jill nods as they part, smiling. "I guess you can be quite persuasive." She nods down at Danni. "Go on then, your highness." She smirks giving a small bow. The King bows back, playing along. "Let's recruit another member."

The King tears the scroll in half. "Okay." Wendy nods. "Good work. Hold on a moment." Digging in her front jeans pocket Wendy produces the special tool required to both tighten and remove the bolts securing Danni in place. Danni whimpers as her arms and legs are freed, although her wrists are still rope tied together behind her, something the King did just before activating the scroll. Producing another tool Wendy deflates the built in gag before unlacing and removing Danni's hood. Picking everything up Wendy walks back to her desk.

"Thanks." Danni tells the King as he helps her up. She stands, stretching. "Oh?" She exclaims, craning her head around, moving her tied arms, trying to spot the rope. "But....?" The question dies on her lips as she spots Jill, who grins at her. "Hi there." Jill steps forwards, so the three are forming a rough circle. "What's your name?"
"Cool. Well. I'm Jill. And," she nods, "this is the King."
"The King."
"Or just King." The King shrugs, smiling too. "Hi Danni."
"Hi." Danni looks again at her ropes, then at the King. "Um. Did you free me from that god awful hogtie thing?"
"Good." She nods. "Thanks."
"Welcome." He gestures at Jill. "I had help."
"Right. Course." Danni nods at Jill, who nods back. Danni flexes her arms, turning again to the King. "Um. One question though?"
"Hmm." The King asks, tearing his eyes away from Danni's oil stained nakedness to return her gaze. "Yes?"
"Why am I still tied up."
"Call it a precaution." The King waves his hand, dismissing the point as though it weren't important. "I'm putting together a team. Of sorts. And I'd like you to be on it. But I couldn't have you killing Jill and me before I'd had the chance to ask could I?"
"Oh. Right." Danni screws her face up slightly, trying to find a hole in his logic. She shrugs, not spotting any. "Sounds fair." She nods at Jill. "Is that why she's tied up?"
"No. It's because I captured her." The King says, at the same time as Jill answers. "I like being tied up." Jill shuts her mouth with a snap, having not meant to admit to such. She blushes, whilst the King gives her a thoughtful smile, and Danni giggles. "Fine. Whatever." Danni shakes her head. "Sure." She tells the King. "I'll join. You seem like a fun guy." She looks down at herself. "Could do with some clothes though. And a weapon or three I guess. But." She shrugs, doing a couple of jumps, making her small breasts bounce. "I guess I'm your prisoner right, so clothes are optional until you decide?"
"Right." The King agrees, nodding, smiling at the brief show Danni just put on. "Come on then." He gestures towards the tunnels. "Let's go, before anyone else arrives."

Danni doesn't mention Molly, and the King doesn't offer to free her, so Danni's twin sister is left crucified to the wall, all alone save for Wendy, whose under company orders not to talk to any LARPers unless the game requires it.

They exit the tunnels into sun filled daylight to find everything as they left it, and nobody around. The King and his two bound companions still have the mine complex to themselves. "Good." The King nods, looking around to confirm the fact. "Ah." He points to the pile of clothes and weapons around and in the cart. "We'll kit you out here Danni."
"Excellent." Danni has just spotted her skirt. "Suits me."
"Hold on." Jill has walked several paces away, now she turns back to the group. "Over here King. Danni."
"What's up Wizard?" The King asks, as he and Danni walk over. "I heard something." Jill begins walking again, towards the long shunting yard ruins. "In here." All three pause at the ruined entrance, crouching behind one of the fallen doors. The occasional bump can definitely be heard from somewhere inside. "Right." The King draws his sword. "I'll go first. Here." Her hands Jill her staff. "Take this. Remember any spells?"
"Yes." She smiles. "If needs be I can help out."
"What about me?" Danni asks, flexing her bound wrists. "Sure." The King nods. "But I'm binding you back up after. Got that?"
"Right." Danni nods. The King quickly unties her, letting the rope fall to the floor, before handing over his dagger. Danni stares at the weapon, then at still bound Jill, who grips her staff behind her due to her bound wrists, even now following the King into the building, apparently happy to be his tied up bitch. She scratches her head. He can't be a bad man when Jill seems so into it, and he'd trusted her with his own weapon, which she could right now be sneaking up to stab him with, pet Wizard or not. She shakes her head, but smiles, Jill was right before, in the tunnel, maybe you do grow to like being tied up. Standing, she follows the other two, jogging to catch up.

"Well." The King comments, as the three peer into the wooden sided cart, inside which Sarah has ceased struggling or moaning, instead staring back up at them. "And who might you be?" Sarah grunts at him. "Right." The King looks thoughtful. "Anyone coming back for you?" Sarah shakes her head. "Oh." He shakes his head. "That's a shame."
"Can we keep her?" Jill asks. "Hmm." The King muses, scratching his beard. "Well. He turns to Danni. "What do you say?"
"Sure." Danni nods. "Four got to be better then three right?"
"Good logic there." The King smiles at Danni, reaching across to pat at her small well formed butt. "Okay then." He looks back down at a Sarah. "Want to come with us?" She nods. "Okay then. Hold on."

The King hands Danni his sword, then reaches in, managing to pull Sarah up and out of the cart, lowering her to the floor. It takes time to unwrap and remove the tape Tim used, but eventually Sarah is standing, bound only at the wrists and elbows. Sarah looks like every movie depiction of Cleopatra from ancient Egypt. Twenty two and dark skinned, with long black hair that's perfectly straight, Sarah is skinny, but with more of an hourglass figure, wide yet toned hips and butt to match her pert D cups. She has a single tattoo, a black supergirl, which is the same as superman's but she insists on calling it supergirls, symbol covers her right shoulder and bicep. Sarah loves comics, and cosplay, owning a very expensive new fifty two Supergirl costume amongst others, which she wears with an equally expensive very long blonde wig. "Thanks." She nods. "But. Um. Why am I still tied."
"Don't worry." Danni answers, beating the King, and Jill, to it. "It's kind of fun. And." She winks at Jill, who giggles. "It's kind of the way the King works."
"Oh." Sarah turns to the King. "I stay with you I have to be tied up?"
"Maybe." He shrugs. "At least for now." He looks her up and down, smiling as he takes in the sight of her. "It's my rules here. And these two." Pointing at Danni and Jill. "They're on board. So. Yeah. Tied up and with me. Or." He points at a random post. "We'll tie you to that post and leave you for the next group."
"And you'd help him?" Sarah looks from Jill to Danni. "I'd do the spell to put you there." Jill nods, already remembering the correct one from her book. "Yes." Danni nods. "I'd help my King tie you up for whichever kinky grope happy fuck comes along next." The King smiles, even whilst Sarah turns to Danni. "But." She points out. "You're not tied up." She points at Jill. "Her I get. But you. And you're armed." She points at the King. "And he's not. You could kill him now, and we'd all be free."
"I couldn't." Danni shakes her head. "He freed me too, back in the tunnels, some fucking boy Wizard had me locked into a hogtie, and the King here got me out. And besides." She shrugs, smiling. "He's tying me back up, soon as I get dressed."
"A boy Wizard?"
"Oh right." The King nods, as does Jill. "Yeah. We saw a Wizard before we came into the mine."
"Oh." Sarah looks around, half expecting Tim to step out from behind one of the carts, grinning. "Where is he. Do you know?"
"Probably halfway home by now." The King shrugs. "You killed him?" Sarah asks, a half smile beginning to form. "He did." Jill confirms. "Why, was he coming to rescue you or something?"
"No." Sarah shakes her head. She smiles, moving to stand infront of the King and bending down on one knee, old world style. "Your highness." She says in a serious tone. "I accept your terms. I wish to join with you. Please."
"Excellent." The King smiles. "Come on then, let's get some clothes and weapons for you and Danni."

At the cart the King frees Sarah's arms, then both girls dress and arm up. Danni puts her thong and tiny light brown skirt back on, finding a pair of black knee high slip on boots too. Picking up her chest belts she tosses them to the side, spying something new. It's a black sleeveless leather jacket, cut very short so it barely covers her small breasts, and styled in such a way that it can't actually be closed. She wears it over nothing but her skin, liking the teasing effect of her A cups being more of less permanently on show. For weapons Danni selects a broadsword and dagger that she buckles around her waist, to which she adds a large two handed axe. Sarah slips on a pair of tiny black latex shorts, pairing it with a dark blood red tiny triangle style bikini top. She grins as she discovers some thigh high lace up boots in amongst the pile, spending the next five minutes sat down putting them on. Sarah kits herself out with twin short swords, and, following Danni's lead she picks out a long two handed weapon too, a twin bladed spear in her case.

Taking the two long weapons, the King uses Danni's chest belts, which he wraps into smaller loops, to hold them in a loose bundle with Jill's staff. "Right." Turning to face his three female companions, smiling. "It's tie up time." Sarah huffs, shaking her head, but she allows the King to bind her wrists behind her. Danni grins, bouncing in next, putting her wrists behind her and giggling as the King adds rope. "You know." Sarah comments at the group, giving her wrists an experimental tug, finding no slack, as she expected. "The first group we run into, we're probably fucked."
"Hmmm." The King appears to give the matter serious thought. "Probably." He nods, before giving Jill's breasts a squeeze. "But you all look damn cute."
"So that's it?" Sarah asks. "Fuck it." Danni shrugs. "It's only a game anyway. And besides." She playfully bumps shoulders with Sarah. "This is the most fun LARP I've done in forever."
"Yeah." Sarah smiles, realising Danni's right, she is having fun. "Fine. Shall we?" She begins walking, with Danni bounding after her.

Jill hangs back. "What's up?" The King asks, sensing she has something to say. "Could you. Umm." Jill starts, deliberately staring at the Kings small bag, where he keeps his dwindling supply of rope, and where he put Jill's gag. "Really?" The King's surprised. "You want me to put it back on?"
"Please." Jill blushes. "Only. I was kind of enjoying how it was, before."
"Oh." He shrugs. "Okay." Pulling the ballgag out the King straps it back onto Jill's face, taking the opportunity to have a fondle of her E cups as he does.

"Great idea." Sarah calls out, as the King and Jill walk towards where her and Danni are stood waiting. "What?" The King raises his arms, smiling as he does, knowing what Sarah is going to grumble at. "Just gag the Wizard huh?" Sarah smiles as she says it, because as Danni said, it's only a game, and turning into a fun one too, now that she's joined the Kings merry band of prisoners. "Well." The King shrugs. "She asked me too." He pulls out two more ballgags, grinning. "Anything you want to ask me?"
"Nope." Sarah shakes her head. "No." She says louder, realising the King is advancing on her, gag held out. "Fuck." She shrieks, starting to laugh as he lunges at her, running away into the woods as the King suddenly dives left, grabbing Danni, who bursts into giggles of her own even as the King straps the gag over her mouth.
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Post by Dpsiic »

The King is certainly having a good time :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

October Dawn.

"Right." Lily says, turning a full circle, eyeballing the small clearing they've wandered into, having followed the map for a short time. "As good as any." She shrugs, before turning to her teammates. "Donna, Jennifer. Keep a lookout. You two." Pointing at Dawn and Michelle. "Over here." Lily walks to one side of the clearing, where a couple of tree stumps jut from the leafy ground. "Have a seat." She gestures. The two bound girls nod, complying. Lily walks behind them, removing each ballgag in turn, dropping them on the floor, but leaving the ropes on for now.

"Thanks." Dawn tells Lily, flexing her jaw, as Michelle nods her agreement, doing the same. "Welcome." Lily smiles, checking briefly on her two teammates, who she spies just outside the clearing, walking the perimeter. "I'll get your ropes in a moment." Lily tells the two girls sat with her. "I assume you'd like to join up? For the rest of the LARP anyway."
"Sure." Dawn nods, answering for Michelle too since she's still technically group leader. "Strength in numbers I guess. We'd need weapons though."
"And clothes." Michelle adds, looking down at her naked body. "Oh." She adds, as an afterthought. "And some Wizards stuff would be great."
"You a Wizard huh?" Lily asks. Michelle had been naked and already tied when October Dawn had found her group, so her Wizard status was not obvious. "I am." Michelle nods towards Jennifer. "See you've already got one. But." She shrugs as well as the ropes will allow. "Why not two."
"Why not." Agrees Lily, smiling. "Okay then girls. Well." She spreads her hands, to take in the two other girls still patrolling. "We're October Dawn. I'm Lily, that's Donna. And our Wizard back there is Jennifer."
"Dawn." Says Dawn. "And this is Michelle."
"Okay. Cool. Well girls, here's the plan. I'll get you untied, and we can share out the weapons until we find a cache. Hopefully it'll have spell stuff for you Michelle." Lily grins. "Hopefully clothes too. Fair?"
"Fair." Dawn nods. "Sure." Michelle agrees. Lily stands up, and then Michelle dies.

He's called Silent Death. A male team of one. Dressing in loose fitting black, like a ninja assassin, he tends to spend whole LARPs climbing about in the trees, hiding, only to drop down from above to attack groups at random. He'd been shadowing October Dawn as they wandered the paths, waiting for them to stop, and now they have, he strikes. Dropping down behind Michelle he lashes out with his curved short sword, slashing her across the back twice, before stabbing down at her neck. "What the fuck?" Michelle exclaims, turning to look even whilst Silent Death rolls to the side, slashing even as he rises, killing Dawn too. "Fuck." Lily points, shouting. "It's that ninja guy." Most groups know of him, by reputation. Nobody knows who he is underneath the black, since he's never been seen half in uniform, and his face is always wrapped in loose black cloth with only his eyes visible. Jennifer surges into the clearing, staff thrust forwards, a look of victory on her face. She's already picturing the bragging rights that will go with being the first person to actually kill Silent Death. But, somehow, the ninja manages to perfectly throw his sword at her, it spins through the clearing, striking Jennifer in the belly, killing her too. "Shit." Lily is already running towards Donna, the two of them taking flight together.

As Jennifer picks herself up she discovers both the sword and Silent Death gone, no doubt in pursuit of her teammates. "Damn." She comments. "That was unexpected."
"I know." Dawn shakes her head. "First time I've seen that guy."
"Hold on." Jennifer wanders over. "Let's get the two of you untied, then we'd best head back to the carpark."

Donna runs, dashing through the trees, jumping logs, getting whacked in the face and stung on the arms by low hanging branches. She looks around, checking that Lily is behind her, but the next time she checks over her shoulder, slowing only briefly to do so, she's all alone. Donna stops, bringing her spear up into a two handed guard. She does a slow spin, seeing nothing but trees in all directions. "Lily?" She calls out, quietly, feeling a tingle of fear run down her spine. She shakes her head, taking a breath. "Lily?" Louder. "Here." Comes the reply, muffled by distance. "Where?" Donna calls back, looking, still seeing nothing. "Back towards the clearing, to the right." Comes the reply. Donna sets off.

She finds Lily, after a couple of wrong turns, and some more calling out from both girls. Donna is constantly checking her back as she moves, which slows progress down even more. She knows the ninja guy is still here, that creeping tingle is confirmation enough of that, she also knows it'll take a miracle to live through whatever ambush he's currently preparing to spring. But she has to try, so she proceeds with caution.

Lily has been tied to a tree, not excessively, only her wrists are bound, but that one tie is enough. Lilys arms have been pulled behind her, around the trunk, and then tied together at the wrists, pinning her against the tree, holding her in place. She isn't even gagged. "Thank fuck." Donna breathes, dropping her axe, going to help her friend. "Behind you." Lily shouts, far too late, as Donna feels herself grabbed from behind and dragged backwards. Silent Death wastes no time binding Donna to the tree next door, making Lily and Donna bizarre neighbours. Donna is bound in the same fashion as Lily, just her wrists, but behind the tree, holding her firmly in place. "Fucks sake." Donna curses, already fighting against the rope, hunting out the far too well hidden knots. "Hey." She says, as Silent Death wanders around from behind the tree. "Hey." She tries again, as he sets about removing all of hers and Lilys weapons, unbuckling scabbards, tossing everything into some nearby bushes. "Hey." Frustrated now, Donna attempts to kick out, but the ninja skillfully steps back out of range. "Don't waste your energy." Lily tells her, shaking her head. "It isn't like a kick would kill him anyway. And besides, we'd still be tied up."
"Yeah." Donna slumps slightly. "I guess."

Silent Death, having finished with the girls, stands and bows to each of them, hands clasped before him, as though acknowledging a game well played. "Yeah. Sure." Lily mutters. "You're welcome." Donna only laughs, both girls watching helplessly as Silent Death jogs over to a nearby tree, before climbing up into the branches. Within a minute neither girl can see or hear him.

"So." Comments Donna, perhaps five minutes later, both girls having tested their ropes enough to know neither can get free, confirming their helplessness. She smiles. "At least he didn't gag us."
"Hmm." Donna smiles too, trying to look on the bright side. "Or strip us." She looks down at her clothes, and across at Lily, whose zip may be slightly undone still, but not to the point that anything is exposed. "Well." Lily thinks. "I guess we're stuck here?"
"I guess."
"So." Lily shrugs. "What do you want to talk about?"
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

The King.

The King peers around from behind the cabin again, just to make sure his eyes aren't deceiving him. The scene is still the same though, and he smiles, slipping back behind cover, turning to address the rest of his party.

His three bound companions regard him expectantly, not having seen what he's seen, and besides, if they had peered around the corner the exact meaning of what the King just saw would be lost on them. He fills them in. "Alright then girls." He rubs his hands together, grinning. "It's payback time." The girls: Jill, Danni, and Sarah. Can't answer him of course. A ballgag is strapped tightly into each mouth, by choice in Jill's case, whilst Danni and Sarah didn't exactly protest, but nor did he really give either girl a choice. He shakes his head. "Hold on girls, and I'll remove those gags, because we need to strategise."

"It's the Basingstoke Brawlers." The King tells the girls, after each of them has been ungagged, and has sneaked their own look around the cabins wall. He shrugs. "What's left of them anyway."
"They were on your team." Danni nods, having been a part of the opposing army. "Yes." The King nods. "After the battle all my Royals were dead." He jerks a finger over his shoulder. "Those lot, along with a couple of others, just upped and left. Now. In reality I don't care. But." He holds up a finger. "This is as good a fight as any. What do you think girls?"
"Yes." Danni nods. "Let's kill them all."
"Sure." Sarah wriggles her bound wrists. "You're going to be untying us first though? Right?"
"Of course." The King waves the comment away. "In a minute." He grins, winking, and Sarah huffs, but grins back. "Fucking Kings." She sticks out her tongue. "Right." The King darts forwards, tugging off Sarahs bikini top. "For that you can fight topless now."
"What?" The King is all innocence, stuffing her top into his bag. "I don't have anything of yours."
"Honestly." But Sarah giggles, then squeals as the King gives her left breast a squeeze. "Stop that damn it."
"Make me." He says it teasingly, even Jill and Danni are giggling too. "Right." The King steps back, looking at Jill. "How about you, up for a fight?"
"Sure." Jill nods. "Saw a Wizard though."
"Yeah." The King nods. "Dont worry." He beckons the three girls closer, hunkering down to draw in the dirt. "I've got a plan."

Fifteen minutes later the King steps out from behind the cabin, with a now untied Jill and Danni right beside him. Jill hadn't wanted to be untied, which was unexpected. The King knew she was enjoying the whole experience, but still, everybody wants freedom eventually surely? Apparently not. He'd been forced to promise her a return to the ropes as soon as the fight was over, which suited the King just fine, he just hadn't expected to be able to actually keep Jill bound for so long. Up ahead sit the Basingstoke Brawlers, the remaining seven men of a once ten strong team. One Wizard, the rest are all fighters. All seven are heavily armed. Right now they're all sat around on and beside the path ahead, forming a rough horseshoe shape, eating and drinking, joking and talking loudly. The King and his two strong force are able to half the gap before one of the Brawlers looks up and spots them.

"Hey." The Brawler calls out, pointing, managing to grab the attention of at least half his teammates. "Hey. Isn't that whatshisname." He snaps his fingers. "King."
"Yeah." One of the others. "What's up King." He shouts, waving. The King smiles back, neither he nor Jill and Danni have slowed. "Wow." One of the others elbows the Brawlers leader, who hadn't been paying attention. "Look boss. You can see the skinny ones tits." Which is true, as she walks Danni's jacket flaps open, giving the Brawlers a casual flash of her A cups with each step. She grins, and waves. The leader shakes his head, trying to clear the alcohol fuzz. He looks, really looks at the King, seeing the way his hand holds the hilt of his sword. His mouth drops as realisation hits. "Ambush." He bellows, turning to the groups Wizard. "Ben. Take the Wizard girl out."
"On it." Ben rises. Just as, with an angry battle cry, Sarah explodes from the bushes behind the Brawlers, which she'd spent ten minutes quietly circling around to reach. She flings her spear, hitting Ben dead centre, killing him.

Sarah whoops with delight, drawing her sword and charging in, unsupported D cups bouncing as she does. The King, on the other side of the group, draws his, and Danni brings her axe up into a two handed grip, they charge in too.

It's a classic pincer movement, the Brawlers don't stand a chance. Sarah and Danni account for four more between them, in large part due to their exposed breasts completely destroying their opponents concentration. The King kills the sixth, which only leaves the leader. Jill strides out from behind the King and Danni as they charge, staff levelled. "Mummified." She shouts, thrusting the staff forwards towards the leader, ending the fight.

"Yeah. Damn it. Well played." The leader admits, rubbing the back of his head, watching all his dead teammates walk back to the carpark. "Thanks." The King smiles. "Just need to tie you up now fella."
"Oh. Right." The leader grimaces. "Hadn't thought of that." He looks at the King. "Am I naked."
"No idea." The King shrugs, then he winks. "I imagine you'll want to be though."
"Because." The King points over at his three companions. "Those three are tying you. And." He points at the leaders crotch, grinning. "If it were me, I'd find the experience much more fun were I naked."
"Right." It's as though a lightbulb has just gone off inside the leaders brain. He grins too. "Thanks King. Hey." Patting him on the shoulder. "No hard feelings?"
"Course not." The two shake hands, then the King walks off back to the cabin, sitting down on a wooden bench at the front, keeping his girls in view and his sword out, just incase.

The leader strips quickly, throwing clothes and weapons all over the path. "Right girls." He grins, arms spread wide. "I'm ready."

It doesn't take long for the three of them to mummify him, the Brawlers Wizard has several rolls of black tape in his abandoned bag, which they wrap the leader up in, leaving only his face and cock uncovered, though his mouth is wrapped up too. The tape forms an effective cocoon as it crisscrosses it's way up and down his body. The girls then spend the next several minutes taking it in turns to tease him, tickling the only part they can now reach, rubbing and jerking, giving his balls the occasional squeeze just to see the leader flinch, giggling and shrieking with joy each time the leaders cock begins to pulse, each time his groaning becomes more eager as an orgasm builds, giggling even louder still each time they leave him hanging. Eventually the King is forced to wander over. "Sorry girls." He smiles, peering over their heads. "Hi." He waves at the leader. "I need to take these girls now." He pats Danni and Jill on the shoulder. "Come on girls, if we stay much longer then we risk being caught in the open. Best we leave."
"Do we have to?" Sarah asks, pouting slightly. The King shrugs. "No. Of course not." He looks to each in turn. "You're not mine, despite all the ropes and gags. I've had fun though. And. I'm going off to pick more fights. I'd love to have you with me. All of you."

In the end Sarah decides to leave the Kings group. "Tim and me need to talk." She tells them. "And until we do I can't focus." She gives the King a peck on the cheek. "I had fun though, Mr the King. Thank you."
"Hey." The King shrugs. "Best of luck." Sarah hugs Danni and Jill, and then, with a wave, she leaves.

"Well." The King comments, with an arm around both Danni and Jill as they begin walking. "I do remember one of you begging to be tied up again, and I quote, 'as soon as fucking possible'". Jill giggles nervously, and the King gives her a squeeze. "But." He turns to Danni. "What about you?"
"What?" Danni hadn't been paying attention, she'd instead been watching a couple of dueling butterflies. "Sorry." She looks at the King. "What Mr King?"
"I was just checking that you're happy to stay with me and Jill?"
"Yeah. Sure." Danni nods. "I still owe you for the rescue."
"We're all square on that." The King replies. "But I'm glad you're staying. I'm guessing you don't want tying back up though like Jill?"
"You're getting tied again?" Danni giggles, giving Jill a playful shove. "Yes." Jill blushes. "I kinda like it."
"Fair enough. Not for me though." She looks at the King. "If that's okay?"
"Sure it is." He nods. "I mean. I'd love to have the both of you tied, all the time ideally. But, next time we meet anyone we might not see them first. And." He grimaces, imagining a worst case scenario. "If you're tied then we're probably fucked. Jill here can spell cast just fine, she'll just need ungagging...."
"....You're getting gagged too?"
"As I was saying." The King holds up a ballgag, dangling it infront of Danni, who shuts her mouth, zipping it up. "Better." He smiles. "I'd hate to have to tie and gag you after all. Anyway. If we should...."
"....Thing is...." Danni purposefully interrupts again, grinning. The playful side of her coming out. The King shakes his head, reaching into his bag, then he lunges. Danni squeals, laughing, going down.

Around ten minutes later the party sets off walking. The King once again has Danni's and Jill's long weapons, along with Sarah's spear, for himself, wrapped together for ease of carrying. Beside him walks Jill and Danni. Both are ballgagged, both have wrists and elbows bound behind them. Danni is dancing around the other two, still feeling playful, finding the whole situation, even how screwed she'll be if anyone with a sword appears, kinda funny. Jill walks beside the King, smiling behind her gag, happy to be retied and still with this interesting man.
Mister The Edge
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Post by Mister The Edge »

Loving this over the top story.
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