Devotion (M/F) (M/M) - A sequel to Deception (Complete)

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.

The quality of the writing is top notch.
Absolutely! The speed, the Drama, the Action - and the grandiose characters!
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Post by OldTUGger »

Extraordinary work, wolfman! Fast-paced, action-packed, and a pleasure to read. Thumbs up!
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Post by wolfman »

Steve kicks open the door of another room and moves in. "Where are you, Lou?" He thinks as his search turns up another unoccupied room. 

Since thwarting an ambush in the dining room a few moments ago, he had not encountered anyone, as he continued to sweep from room to room. "All except the most foolhardy will be trying to get off the ship at this point, should be able to pick up the pace." He assesses.

He quickly begins sweeping the deck, entering and clearing rooms swiftly, whilst he continues his search. 

Louise moves quickly to where she last heard gunfire, she rounds a corner a stops in her tracks. "I think Steve came this way.", she says under her breath, as she is confronted with the twisted and bloody remains of several soldiers. 

She can't take it all in, the looks of pain frozen on their faces, the ragged holes in their flesh, the shiny fragments embedded in the walls and the blood, so much blood. Then, there is the smell, cordite, blood, excrement and something else. 

"I am so sorry Steve had to do this for me. I wish I could have fought back sooner and escaped, rather than have him forced to do this." Louise thought as she stared at the carnage. ‎

She stands frozen, unable to tear herself from the carnage, when she hears a thud, from a little further on. A moment later she hears another. "Snap out of it, you need to move." Her thoughts scream at her.

She steps forward, her foot lands on a shell case, stinging her sole. She looks at her bare feet and then at the path she must take through the blood, gore and shell cases. 

She braces herself as she reaches down to the nearest soldier, quickly removing his boots and slipping them on. "A bit big, but ok for now." She nods to herself. 

Louise picks her way through the bodies, trying not to touch any of them. She holds her breath trying to shut out the smell. ‎

She peeks through a doorway to her left seeing a large upturned table and cabinet. The wall near to a shattered door on the far side glitters slightly. That smell of something else is stronger, as she peers in. Her eyes widen in realisation, "Gas!"

"Go back, or, go forward, but move yourself." Steve's voice echoes in her mind. Louise heads towards the sound of the thudding she heard, with hope in her heart, "Please be you, Steve.", she thinks, as she steps through a bulkhead door and closes it behind her. 

Steve pulls off his gas mask and wipes the sweat from his face. He sees a flash of movement through the smoke to his left, he crouches seeing a pair of bare legs in oversized boots and the hem of a white jacket under the smoke. 

His heart leaps as he holsters his gun and starts running to meet her. "Louise!" he shouts as his eye moisten. 

Louise hears his voice and cannot fight the tears, "Steve." She cries out, as a dark shape emerges from the smoke and takes her in his arms. 

"Oh Louise, it is so good to see you, I am never leaving you again." Steve says, between rapid kisses on her cheeks and lips as he holds her close. 

"I have missed you so much, I knew you would come. Thank you." Louise sobs, as she feels all tension leave her body and is filled with a sense of peace, that only her surrender in his embrace can give.

Steve hugs her tightly, "I feel like if I release her from my arms, I will lose her again." He thinks, fearfully. 

"I was so worried about you, I am so sorry I didn't come with you. Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" Steve's says overwhelmed with relief that she is safe. 

"They treated me ok overall, aside from a few slaps and keeping me tied up. I am ok." Louise whispers, reassuringly. 

Steve releases his embrace and places his hands on her shoulders, as he looks at her with fresh eyes. "You are ok, aren't you? All the chaos of the last couple of days and you are ok. You really are remarkable." Steve says almost surprised. 

"I never doubted you would come for me. I kept you in my heart and nothing that they did or said could touch me." Louise says staring into his eyes. 

He pulls her close and softly says, "I love you so much." His lips, find hers waiting for them, as he leans in. He tenderly kisses her, not a kiss of raw passion, but of love. Louise, melts under the kiss, thinking, "Everything will be alright."‎

After an eternity, Steve whispers in her ear, "Shall we get out of here?"

"Absolutely, I cannot wait to get out of here." She smiles, looking at him, "Are you crying?"

"No, smoke in my eyes." He offers. 

"Soppy sod." She laughs. 

A loud creak and the sound of tearing metal, screeches through the ship and it suddenly begins to lurch to starboard. 

Steve and Louise stumble against a wall, off balance from the sudden movement of the ship under their feet. Steve lands with his back to the wall and he catches Louise, as she falls with him. "That is not good." Steve softly says. 

"What is it?" Louise asks, suspecting the answer, as she recalls, that just after Lombard got away, she heard a loud bang, from roughly where she booby trapped the break room.‎

"I think somehow the ship has a hole in it." Steve says. 

Louise  "Oh. That might be my fault. Sorry." she says wincing.

"That's ok," He does a double take, appraising her, "When we get out of here, I think we need to have a talk." Steve says with a smile.

She smiles at him, "I think we probably should.", she says, fighting back tears, as visions of the past day flash before her eyes. 

"Yes, but first." Steve pulls her gently down to him and kisses her deeply. Their lips become one as their tongues intertwine with a passionate urgency. Louise moans softly as he holds her close. As their lips part, Steve whispers, "I love you, Louise."

Louise kisses his cheek and beams at him, "I love you too, my Steve."

The ship, lurches again prompting them to their feet, as Steve starts to move, Louise stops him, "Not that way. Gas." She says moving in the opposite direction. 

For the first time, he notices the gun belt around her waist and the splashes of blood on her boots. "Oh Lou, what have you been through?" He wonders, before falling into step with her. 

The wall of the break room split completely and a torrent of water crushed Lombard's already broken body, as it coursed through the lower decks. The water stabilised for a moment, held at bay by the door to the engine room. 

But only for a moment, the door holds fast, but the poorly designed wall it is mounted on, bursts inwards and the engine room is inundated flooding the engines and shorting the power to the boat. With this last room flooding, the weight of the boat exceeds it's bouyancy and slowly and inexorably, it starts to sink. 

In the dining room, gas fills the room and the adjoining corridor, as the engine room floods. When the power fails, the emergency lighting blinks into life. The spark from the lights activation, is small in itself, but more than enough to detonate the gas. The explosion punches a large hole in the port side of the ship and causing the boat to tip hard to starboard.

Steve and Louise are shaken of their feet by the explosion and land against a wall which slowly turns in to the floor as the boats turns onto its side.

"We need to leave now," he says looking up, "If we can get through that wall," he point upwards to the other side of a room, "Then we should be able to climb onto the hull."

He takes off his combat webbing retrieving a flashbang, the only grenade he has left, "Damn, this won't be enough." Steve looks around thinking. 

Louise looks confused, "It certainly looks big enough."

Steve let's the tension leave his shoulders, "True, it is quite big, but it is designed to dissipate it's force evenly and we wouldn't be able to focus the blast enough to tear through. We would need something heavy duty to focus the explosion for even a sniff of a chance."

"Could we try to shoot a hole in the walls with our guns?" Louise offered, fear and desperation tinge her voice.

"These guns, would not have the force to punch all the way through, they would make a mess of the inner wall, but not breach the hull." He says deep in thought. "Although..." he trails off thinking.

"Have you thought of something." Louise asks hopeful. 

"That explosion felt big. Big enough to make a hole in the wall that we could use." Steve said nodding, as he convinced himself. 

"It sounded like it came from the direction I smelled the gas. If the gas went up, maybe it used all the gas that was trapped." Louise asks, relieved. 

"This works for me, let's go." He said picking up his combat webbing, before taking her hand.

They quickly jogged back along the corridor, to the bulkhead door. Steve turned the wheel at the centre with ease, but it took both of them to lift the heavy door and step through. 

Steve sniffs the air, experimentally, "Gas is gone.", he observes. "Where did it smell strongest?"

"There is a pile of bodies up ahead, near some kind of dining room, it was bad around there.", Louise says warily, reticent about seeing the bodies again. 

"Ah, I know where, I think this is probably my fault.", he says tearing fabric from his shirt and rolling it into two balls, "For your nose."

"It smelled pretty bad when I came through, I think I will be ok." Louise says smiling. 

"The smell will be worse now, if the bodies are burned.", he advises, knowing that once you smell burnt human flesh, you never forget the scent.

Louise nods saying, "Good point.", as she uses the balls. 

They swiftly proceed and are greeted by the bodies of the men, rearranged in a heap due to the movement of the ship. Louise keeps her eyes on Steve, refusing to look at the bodies. They walk slowly through the blood, to the dining room entrance and look up.

"Looks like there is a hole in the kitchen off to the side." Steve points out. 

"Steve." Louise says with fear in her voice, "I think the blood here is getting deeper."

Steve looks down, and sees red slick coating the floor slowly rise. "The ship is flooding, we need to move. Now" Steve thinks. 

‎"Nothing to worry about, sometimes it takes a while for a body to release all of its fluids.", he lies not wanting to worry her. "Right, if you can jump on my back, I will climb up the floor, when we get to the door, you should be ok to climb in to the kitchen and then I will follow you in." Steve explains. 

"Sounds good." Louise says, climbing onto his back and looking at the sheer surface. "How are you going to climb that?"

Steve draws two large bladed knives, "With these.", he says reaching up and stabbing one knife into the floor and pulling them both up one handed, then he does the same with the other knife. He stabs his way slowly up and across the wall. His arms are burning from exertion they draw level. 

Louise climbs off of Steve's back and into the room before crouching in the door frame itself. Steve swings across, leaving his knives embedded and catching the frame to pull himself up, catching his shirt on the grenade shrapnel on the way.

They crouch side by side looking at the hole roughly two metres above them. "The remnants of the cupboards, should be sturdy enough, we should be able to climb up them." Louise suggests.

"Sounds good, you go first, you are lighter than me, I might damage them on the way up." He says nodding. 

Nervously, Louise says "Ok." and reaches to the nearest cupboard, getting a firm hand hold before bringing first one leg and then the other. Slowly, she begins to pull herself up to the hole. 

Each movement, makes the wood of the kitchen furniture, creak a little more. As she reaches the hole, her arms and legs are trembling with adrenaline as she climbs atop the last cupboard and pulls herself out of the hole. 

Once she is clear, Steve begins the same climb, the wood creaks more desperately, under his weigh as he smoothly ascends. He reaches up to climb out of the hole and as he is pulling himself up, Louise, takes his arm to help. 

They lay back on the hull, breathing hard, Louise has already removed her nose plugs. Steve looks to his side and sees the water rising slowly. "Sorry, we have to move.", he says getting up slowly and extending a hand down for Louise. 

She sighs and takes his hand as she gets to her feet. Looking around, her eyes widen at the closing waters. "You're not wrong."

Steve keys his radio, "St. Bernard to Kestrel, do you copy over"

"Hello St. Bernard, was beginning to wonder if you would ever stop arranging the deck chairs down there, over." Collins says, relief in his voice. 

"Funny guy. Two for pickup, with immediate dust off." Steve says shaking his head. 

"Affirmative St Bernard, we are en route and attending, ETA two minutes, over."

"St Bernard?" Louise asks with a raised eyebrow. 

"Rescue dog and a Kestrel is a hovering bird of prey." Steve explains. 

"I would have called you Galahad, my knight in shiny armour." She says pecking his cheek.

Louise hears the helicopter before she sees it and raises a hand to shield her eyes from the sun, whilst the other rests on the gun at her hip. Her hair band was lost in the climb and her hair cascades in the breeze behind her like a fiery waterfall. 

"Your hair looks nice," Steve's says gazing at Louise, thinking "Even now, after all she has been through, she manages to look effortlessly incredible. I am so lucky." 

"Awww, thank you. Next time can you come to the hairdresser with me, please?" She asks. 

He takes her gently in his arms, and whispers softly in her ear, "It is so good to have you back, Lou, I have missed you so much."

For a moment, Louise forgets where she is, as the world fades into the background. "I have missed you too, Steve. I never want to leave your side again."

Louise hungrily kisses Steve and he responds in kind as they await the helicopter. He holds her tight never wanting to let her go.

The helicopter sweeps in low and fast across the glistening sea, climbing to a hundred feet and hovering over the stricken yacht. Garvey lowers a winchline with two harnesses. "Kestrel to St Bernard, could you put her down long enough for us to pick you up?"

Steve and Louise are snapped out of the reverie of their reunion, by the radio and begin to giggle, as Steve starts to help Louise into one of the harnesses. Louise leans in to Steve and whispers, "You have awesome friends, no only are they getting us out of here, but that have brought rope and straps."

"You bad girl. There will be time enough for that later, I promise." Steve whispers, softly as he finishes securing her harness and clipping her onto the line. 

Steve quickly dons his harness and clips in behind her. "Are you ready? He asks. 

"Never moreso, I love you." Louise says, warmly. 

"St Bernard to Kestrel, we are ready for evac, can we do a hot lift?" Steve asks with a twinkle in his eyes. 

"Affirmative, evac in five." Collins says chuckling. 

Steve holds Louise tightly pinning her arms to her sides as Collins counts down, and saying "I love you.", as Collins reaches zero. 

Louise screams as the helicopter both accelerates and ascends rapidly, pulling them both into the air. As they race over the sea, her eyes sparkle and she starts to laugh. Steve loosens his grip slightly, "The harnesses will hold us, do you trust me?" Steve asks, softly. 

"This is incredible, Yes, I trust you." She squeals laughing. 

He slowly releases his grip on her arms and placing his hands at her waist, letting the harness hold her. She throws out her arms and legs and screams "WAHOWW!" embracing the speed and the rush of the wind after the cloying confines of the ship.

Steve takes her hands as they approach the shore and holds them across her chest as they are winched aboard. 

They collapse onto a bench set exhausted, when the straps are released. Louise sinks into Steve's arms and rests her head on his chest. "You are safe now," He whispers softly.

He looks up at the helicopter crew and mouths the words, "Thank you."

Steve and Louise, sit wrapped in each others arms, neither speaking, both lost in the feeling of being reunited after what feels like such a long time.

Ryan pulls smoothly onto a petrol station forecourt and turns the engine off. He rubs his face to dispel the tiredness, he aches a little from driving for so long. 

He looks at the back seat to check on Helen. "Still asleep, should be out for a little while more." He thinks, as he sips his coffee from the travel mug and places it back into the cup holder, before unclipping his seat belt. 

"It is a risk leaving her, but I really need a pee." He thinks, suddenly feeling his fifty seven years. "I am getting too old for this." Ryan says as he opens the door quietly and gets out of the vehicle, closing the door as quietly as he is able before heading for the toilet. 

"The orderlies watch me constantly and If I can fool them into thinking I am asleep, I can fool anyone." Helen thinks, her mind clear of the drug induced fog, for the first time in months. 

With minimal movement, she assesses her condition under the blanket that covers her. "Feels like my habds and feet are bound. No gown anymore, feels like working trousers and top, maybe overalls. Feels like identity tag has been taken off too." Helen flexes her toes, "Actual shoes too, how kind of them."

As the door closes, she slips hands hands under her bottom and past her legs. "Ziptie, eh?", she says, before tightening the tie as much as she can with her teeth. She risks sitting up briefly and slams her wrists into her stomach, repeately, until the tie breaks. She then tightens her ankle tie and forces her knees apart to snap the binding.

Now free, she looks around, "I have no idea where I am,  or who my minder is, but everything about him screams cop. Maybe I am being moved to an alternative purgatory, or maybe being served up as a vampire lords breakfast. It doesn't matter, I need to put some distance between me and my driver and get back to my mission." She says under her breath. 

Helen stares at the sun, "I swear on my life, I will atone for my sins, I will find my sister and protect her from the evil creatures who prey on mankind" she pledges solemnly, before her voice takes a darker tone, "and I will find The Face and kill him."

She quickly ducks back down and covers herself again with the blanket as she spots Ryan returning from the toilet. Helen breathes deeply and prepares to make her move. 

Ryan settles back in the drivers seat and stretches his neck. He starts the engine and reaches for his coffee, not finding his cup, he looks down seeing it gone. His eyes widen, as he sees Helen swiftly rise in his peripheral vision. 

He is a split second too slow to prevent the cup smashing into his temple. "What the..." Ryan's dazed thought is cut of by several more strikes from the hard metal cup and he slumps against the window, bleeding heavily from his temple. 

Helen launches herself between the seats as she clambers into the front of the vehicle. She releases Ryan's belt and snatches his wallet taking the cash and shoving it back into a pocket, then she reaches across his body to push open the door. She shoves hard, pushing him out of the vehicle, where he hits the concrete with a wet smack. 

She slides into the drivers seat and slams the door shut. Rapidly securing her belt, she looks at the overalls she wears. "Black. Just my colour." she says. 

Helen guns the engine and peels away from the forecourt, with a squeal of tyres and a cloud of burnt rubber, past an open mouthed attendant. 

Ryan lays bloody and motionless on the concrete.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Helen is on the loose and hell bent on revenge, I guess.
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Post by BindPam »

Ryan is.....dead?


(Maybe not. I hope not. )
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Post by wolfman »

Harris ends the call with Collins. "Steve is on the ground and Louise is safe. Seems like Lombard out of the picture too." he thinks, as he sits back at his desk and has a sip of tea to celebrate. 

He considers calling Steve to offer his congratulations, "No, I will let them catch up first, they have faced a lot and deserve at least a few hour to themselves."

"Just need to work out what to do with the sister and get clear of the investigation." he muses, as he picks up the phone.

Ryan's phone goes straight to voicemail, as the recorded greeting plays Harris thinks to himself, "That's odd, he usually anwers straight away."

At the beep, Harris leaves a message, "Hello old friend, do you fancy going for a drink tomorrow? Let me know a soon as you get this."

He shook his head as he hung up, "Something doesn't feel right."

"Two bloodbaths, one police stand off, two kidnappings and torture of two suspects. Who says the old days are dead?" Harris muses. "Still we need to cover ourselves on this one."

Harris dialled the number for his ex- Gurkha, head of security, "Good Afternoon Magar, I have need of your services."

"Of course, sir, what do you require?" the middle aged man, spoke softly, in a crisp English accent, tinged with a sight Nepalese lilt. 

"Can you please initiate and expedite the Lazarus protocol and prepare the building for a police visit?" Harris requested. 

"Of course, sir." Magar confirms.

"Thank you, can you keep me posted, please?" Harris asks with some relief. 

"Of course, updates will follow as they are known." Magar says, warmly. 

"Very good." Harris says hanging up, reflecting, "He is the best in his field, if I asked him to arrange a coup, he would say 'Of course' and twenty four hours later it would be done and dusted with a detailed report of the actions taken."

Two hours after pushing Ryan from the car, Helen settles back into the drivers seat, in the car park of a supermarket. She moves the car, parking close enough to the building to log onto the stores free WiFi. She empties the bag onto the passenger seat and sorts through her purchases. 

She takes a sip from a bottle of water and takes a bite of the garlic and herb chicken, from the stores hot counter, and thinks "Real food, how I have missed you.", savouring every bite of the first solid food, she has had in months. 

She turns on the pre pay mobile phone and searches for news on Louise. When she reviews the results she is dismayed. "Where are you Lulu? Are you safe? Are you dead? What happened to you?" 

Helen was equally dismayed when she searched for her old clients, most in prison, two committed suicide and one dead from a heart attack. "I cannot even atone for my sins against my sister, by punishing the men who used her."

She then searches for herself. Headlines assault her such as Sisters betrayal,  Sibling madame, Delusional, drug fuelled pimp, attacks vampire cops in Glasgow. She plugs the phone in to charge and  searches deeper, "So they are saying that I was kept locked up and drugged and someone brainwashed me. I could believe that except for the spirits I saw and the ghost of dad. What if they weren't real? What if nothing is real?"

She sips from the water bottle again and takes a bite from a large chocolate bar, she closes her eyes, slowly rolling the chocolate around her mouth. Finishing the four hundred gram bar of chocolate, she settles back into her seat, thinking, "The police will be looking for me, I need to get out of the UK and work out the true of what happened to Louise and I."

She picks up the phone and dials a number, "Etienne, it's me, don't ask, I need false papers and passage to France."

The deeply french-accented voice on the line responds "You must be joking, why would I do that?"

"Because, the police know about my sister and Callard's clinic, but not about our other operations. Besides, I can get you access to the accounts." Helen advises the man. 

Etienne grunts, "When? Do you need a new life?"

"Today, name the pick up, I will be there. I need a new life, until I find out what happened to my old life." She instructs. 

"I want access to the accounts, first." He demands. 

She taps her phone a few times, "Done."

He verifies he has access before saying, "Fine, Folkestone harbour, Ten pm, look for a red car with green wheel rims and blue tinted lights, knock on the window and ask for directions to Nirvana, any tricks or police and my people will come for you." He then ends the call.

Helen finishes her chocolate bar and sets the phone to speech to text mode and begins dictating an email, that she sends an hour later, when she is well on her way to the meeting.

Steve waits in an alley way just outside of Newquay airport. His face is on every television in the country and the police want him for questioning regarding this mornings battle in Southampton and the stand off at the docks. 

Louise pulls up in a rental vehicle, a compact silver, convertible, non-descript to blend in to the local traffic. 

Steve removes his jacket and put their bags in the vehicles small boot. He had kept overnight bags on the helicopter so they could change on the flight in. His cap, shades, cotton shirt and chinos, much less likely to raise an eyebrow than the combat loadout he had worn less than two hours ago.

As he sits in the passenger seat, Louise beams at him, her yellow blouse catching the sun and her shorts showing her legs to great effect. "It is so good to have you back." Steve thinks as he strokes her leg. 

He leans across and kisses her cheek, before softly whispering, "I love you." 

She turns and kisses his lips, slowly at first and then with a passionate urgency, until the impatience of the driver behind, interrupts them with a blast of his horn. 

They settle in their seats giggling, as Louise puts the vehicle into gear and pulls away into traffic. "Don't worry, we have the rest of our lives for that." She says, glancing away from the road for a moment. 

Steve gazes at her and places his hand back on her leg, "Yes, we do.", he sighs, "but first we have to face our most difficult foe."

Louise looks at him nervously, "What do you mean?" She asks fearfully. 

"Cornish, peak season, holiday traffic." He says with mock seriousness.

She playfully pushes his hand away from her leg. "You daft sod." She laughs. 

But it was no joke, thirty minutes later they were just escaping Newquay's grasp and out onto more open country lanes. The sun beats down on the starkly beautiful rolling hills and gorse moors. 

Louise lowers the roof of the convertible, "After so long confined, it feels strange to be under open skies." Louise remarks. 

"I was thinking something similar to be fair, after such darkness, it is good to be in the light." Steve offers, thinking of all he has done to get Louise back.

They exchange small talk for the rest of the journey, but as they draw closer to the safe house, they both feel a hunger rise inside them, as the emotions since their separation and reunion, stoke the flames of passion in their hearts.
Every exchanged glance, every touch, every whispered word of tenderness, feeds the flames. By the time Louise parks the car outside the safe house, their breathing is ragged and there are no words to be said, just unbridled lust and a desperate need for them both to plunge headfirst into their base desires.‎
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Post by wolfman »

As Louise parks the car, Steve jumps out of the passenger seat and races around to the drivers side.  Louise springs from the car to greet him and wraps her arms around his waist. Steve embraces her tightly, pinning her arms to her sides. 

Louise feels herself go weak at the knees, as Steve's arms render her helpless and she surrenders herself to his love. His kiss robs her of her speech and she sinks into the sensation. 

Steve lifts her off of her feet and carries her across the threshold of the safe house, as if she was his bride. He continues to kiss her as he ascends the stairs two at a time.

He sets her onto her feet and rips his shirt off, as she tears off her blouse and bra. He slides her shorts and underwear down her legs, slowly caressing them on the way down.

She tilts her head back and moans softly as she caresses her breasts, hungry for more, as his hands glides down her legs exposing her womanhood. She steps out of her shorts and underwear as his hands slowly ascend her body, tracing every curve.

He stands again before her, breathless, as his lips once again find hers. Steadily, slowly he feels a hunger for her rise in him, whilst she fumbles with his belt and trousers. Soon her work is done and he is naked before her. Steve leans down to where she crouches over his discarded clothing and guides her back to her feet.

She moans in pleasure as his lips find their mark on her neck and his tongue slowly teases her soft skin. "I want you." He softly whispers between kisses. 

"I am yours, tie me up and take me." She purrs. 

Steve gazes into her eyes, as he softly says, "I love you so much, you are everything to me."

He leans in kissing her neck, then using his toes. He places a hand on her shoulder and turns her around, guiding her hands up to rest on the wall. 

Slowly he runs his hands down her spine and caresses her behind. Steve leans down slipping a hand between her legs, his feather light touch, eliciting a gasp of anticipation from her, before he withdraws it. 

It takes Steve a moment to tear his shirt into strips. Louise bites her lip, as Steve gently crosses her hands behind her and securely ties them with one of the strips, another strip joins it wrapping around her waist pinning her arms against her back. He removes her sight, blindfolding her with third strip.

He steps in close behind her and wraps his powerful left arm gently around her waist, whilst his right hand caresses her breasts. Her breathing becomes ragged and she leans her head back to accept his lips on her neck. 

"I have been bound and gagged by strangers, but only he renders me helpless. I am powerless to resist him." She thinks, aching for him to fill the emptiness within her since she was last in his arms.

He loosens his left arm from from around her waist and allows his hand to glide down her stomach, his fingers coming to rest on the inviting lips of her labia. He teases them as his lips taste the sweetness of her neck and his other hand luxuriates in the soft, warmth of her breasts. 

Louise's head rests on his shoulder and she feels the world fall away, as if there is only this moment and the gentle cascade of pleasure flowing into her from, his kiss, his fingers and his caress. 

He scoops her up in his arms carrying her to the bedroom and kicking the door open. He strides across the room, to lay her on the bed.

Louise waits breathless, hungry for him.  She doesn't have to wait long, before she feels his hands slowly glide up the inside of her legs, caressing her calves and thighs softly. Her breathing shallows, when she feels his lips tease her labia.

"I missed you so much, my love. I would have torn the world apart to find you. Now I have you back, I never want to let you go again." Steve thinks. 

His tongue slides between her lips and strokes her clitoris, teasing first slowly and then with an increasing speed and urgency, almost as if it's tip is spelling out the thoughts of love and passion, he has in his heart.

A gutteral growl escapes her lips, as his affections awaken something primal within her. She feels so intensely alive, floating on the growing waves of pleasure as Steve's relentless tongue dances intimately. 

Steve slips his right arm under her leg, to pull her close, changing the angle of his tongue and holding her gently but firmly, as he feels the jolts of pleasure, coursing through her muscles. His left hand reaches up and caresses her breasts and teases her nipple in time with the rhythm of his tongue.

Her eyes are covered and her arms are bound, but in this moment, her mind is unfettered. Rendered helpless by her bonds and his touch, she is free to loose herself utterly in the sensations flooding her body, as his mouth and hands unleashing a storm of pleasure, relentlessly lashing her body, punctuated by thunderous orgasms that rock her to her core. 

He wipes his mouth, before lifting her from the bed. Louise wraps her legs around his waist as he guides himself into her. She sighs as she feel every inch enter her.

His left hand slips under her supporting her weight, whilst his right pulls her close to him. He lifts her and turns, before sitting on the edge of the bed. Louise rolls and grinds her hips as Steve slowly thrusts into her. Their lips meet in a frenzied flurry of kisses, as the pace of their hips becomes more urgent. 

Louise is enthralled by the rhythm of their movement and the feeling between her legs. The flurry of orgasms from his tongue fades like a morning stars before the sun, as she feels a climax building that will eclipse them all. She grinds her body faster bracing herself for an orgasm that will overwhelm her. 

Steve lifts Louise and braces her against a wall, with one hand under her. "Please." She begs breathlessly, bucking her hips. Steve slams his hips into her fast and hard. Louise cries out, "More. Harder. Don't stop", whilst she bucks wildly in his arms.

Her arms behind her, cushion her back whilst she rides him hard. "I have never felt more free.", she thinks, her senses flooded with a deluge of pleasure racing through her body, purging everything else from her mind, ravaging her body with powerful tremors and her heart with love.

All of the fear, doubt, pain and hurt of the last few days, is gone without a trace. As she surrenders to Steve and the pleasure he pumps into her, she unleashes an unbridled scream of pleasure, letting go of everything, as she surrenders to this moment.

Steve thrusts harder and faster, pushing Louise to her limits, as her muscles spasm in ecstasy.  He feel his body relax, as he begins to cum, each thrust, releasing more of the tension he has been carrying since Louise's abduction. He breathes deeply as he finishes and slows his hips to a gentle stop. "Hold me." Louise asks, her voice wavering

He pulls her close, he kisses her passionately, not with fervent, lustful intensity, but with slow warmth and affection. Steve wraps his arms around her, like a shield protecting her from the ills of the world. 

"I love you Steve. Thank you for saving me." She whispers, her head buried in his chest.

"I love you, Louise. It is so good to have you back in my arms." he sighs softly, into her ear. They slow their bodies, as they recover and sink to the floor exhausted, in each others arms.
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Ryan's phone remains unanswered as he lays unconscious, he is being given fluids and oxygen, as the doctors conclude their diagnosis. 

"Pupils non responsive to light, reflexive testing affirmative. Blood pressure steady. Physically in good shape for a patient of his age." The consultant says reviewing his chart. 

A young doctor enters the room looking concerned. "Patrick, we have the results of the MRI scan." He says, passing the data. 

The consultants brow furrows, "Hmmm, possible indication of an intra-cranial bleed. Get this man prepped for theatre, we need to relieve the pressure."

The doctor begins preparation with cool, practiced efficiency. The consultant picks up the patients phone as it rings and answers. "Good afternoon, who is speaking please?"

Harris' blood runs cold at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. "Is Mr Ryan there please?" he asks cautiously. 

The consultant confirms, "Yes Mr Ryan is here, he is just about to go into surgery."

Harris presses button on his keyboard rapidly, beginning a trace on the call and rerouting through a number of ghost lines to block a trace from the other end. "Is he alright? What happened?"

The consultant looks at the officer opposite and nods, "He was brought in about an hour ago, unconscious with a head injury, he requires surgery to relieve a bleed on his brain."

Harris shakes his head. "Which hospital is he at? Will he be ok?"

"We will have a better idea once the operation has been performed and he regains consciousness." The consultant advises. 

"I see, which hospital is he in?" Harris asks, wary. "Is he being evasive."

"Oh sorry, Milton Keynes hospital." the consultant advises absent mindedly.

‎"Thank you doctor, I am an old friend of his, any idea what happened?" Harris probes.

"He was left dumped on a petrol station forecourt, that is all we know, the police are looking into the matter." The consultant says as much as he can, nodding to the listening officer. 

"That is terrible, if you can let me know which petrol station, I will get his car picked up. I will be up to visit him later." Harris says speculatively. 

"His car was stolen by whoever did this, sorry, I didn't catch your name." The consultant tries to keep him on the line. 

Harris hangs up. "The safe house confirms he was a no show, now we know where he is, but his car is gone and Helen is in the wind." He thinks. 

He sends an email to Magar, "I need your help urgently, Ryan is down, at the hand of parties unknown he is in Milton Keynes hospital, due for an op on a head injury. Suspect police officers in situ. Can you please set up discrete protection for him?"

A moment later Magar responds "Of course, should I set up extraction options?"

Harris weighs up the options before typing his response. "Please do, but hold option in reserve on my say so."

"Of course." Is the short reply, from the security chief. 

Harris paces the office, thinking, "This is a bloody mess and a half. Steve can rest and  enjoy his reunion for now. I will need him again before this is done."

Helen arrives in Folkestone a little before ten and waits for her pick up. The vehicle parks next to hers and it's passenger window rolls down.

She rolls her drivers window down and turns to the vehicles driver. "Do you know how to get to Nirvana?" She asks, keeping her voice as even as possible, despite her nerves. 

"Sure, get in and leave your cars window open." The driver says, calmly. 

Helen turns off the ignition and exits Ryan's car, stretching, before smoothly entering the passenger seat of the pick up vehicle. The car pulls forward but stops a couple of feet on. 

Helen jolts with surprise as the rear window behind her opens and the previously unnoticed rear passenger reaches across and deposits a small metal can through her rides open window. 

They pull away smoothly and by the town the vehicle exits the car park, the phosphorus grenade in Ryan's car detonates.

Shaw collapses into a chair in her apartment and reflects on the events of the day as she writes in her journal, "My shift started with a small war in a warehouse, so many dead, wounded and traumatised, then a rapid deployment to the docks to confront the perpitraitors." she starts.

"The mess at the docks took well into the night to sort out, multiple officers down, several individuals dead and no arrests." She writes, with a feeling of sadness, "The Irishman is back, half the officers in the service talk of him in hushed tones, like a big bad wolf. Who are you really? How do you know Louise Carter?" she wonders.  

She pours a glass of wine and lights a cigarette. "I hate days like today," She says clicking her neck, before continuing, "If the docks was enough, then, she got the call about Helen Carter disappearing from hospital in a blaze of gunfire and darts."

She drains the wine quickly and continues writing, "Then the yacht of the lead suspect in Louise Carter's most recent disappearance, sinks with some evidence of a protracted gun battle on board as presented by the survivors."

She stubs out her cigarette and lights another straight away. "Then I got the phone call. Former DCI Ryan rushed to hospital, head injuries, main suspect Helen Carter and he got a strange call traced to a Korean phone exchange"

She stares at the ceiling, through curls of smoke, "Darts used at the warehouse, docks and hospital. Ryan used darts that night he saved my life. Tomorrow morning, I will set up the team and pay him a visit."

She closes her journal and begins to run a much needed bath to soothe her exhausted body.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Ryan made it, Thank God, the question is: What will Helen do? Just vanish? Or seeking revenge ....
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Post by BindPam »


I was really worried about Ryan. He should be okay ow.

#teamlouisesteve! The love continues!
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Post by wolfman »

Louise woke after dark in Steve's arms. She sighed and sank back against his chest. At some point whilst she was asleep, Steve must have untied her and carried her to the bedroom.

She relishes the feeling of his skin against hers. "I am so glad to be back in your arms, I never doubted you would come. I knew you would." She whispers

She stares at the ceiling, "I don't know how he does it." She thinks, wondering silently what he must have done to find her. "How many people did he have to kill?" she asks herself. "How many did I kill?" she thinks of the three men that came for her and wonders if any died in the warehouse.

She see the face of Dickens and the three men she killed on the ship. "I feel awful, what if they had families, or children?" Her eyes moisten, as she searches her feelings, "I could have wounded them, I shouldn't have killed them. What have I done?" 

The sound of her soft weeping wakes Steve who jolts to awareness. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" He asks, as he holds her close.

"I killed those men," she wails, "they were going to drag me to Lombard and I killed them."

Steve felt his heart break for her. "Louise doesn't deserve this life." he thinks, stroking her hair as she bawls into his chest, "What have I done? I should never have taught her."

"Shhhhhh, it's ok, it's alright. It was you or them, they were going to harm you and you did what you had to do to survive." He reassures her.

"But I didn't have to kill them." She cries, "What if they had families."

"They knew the risks when they turned up for work. It was you or them. You made the right choice. If they had families, then they would know that not coming home one day was always a possibility." Steve says. 

"How do you do it? Fight like you do and keep going." Louise asks. 

"Some days are worse that other.", he says thinking of Jill, "There are things I have done in my life that haunt me now and always will, everyone in this business has regrets and doubts. Some turn to drink, or drugs, some have a death wish and seek to go in a blaze of glory to escape the faces they see, some shut down emotionally and detach themselves from what they do."

"What do you do?" Louise asks drying her eyes. 

"For the longest time, I cut off my emotions and felt nothing, ignoring the voices and the faces. Now, I think of you and the love we share. I make peace with the fact that every moment in my life, added up to meeting and falling in love with you. If my life were different, I wouldn't have you. Everything I do is driven by how I feel for you." Steve whispers softly.

He squeezes her and sighs, "I am sorry, I taught you how to survive and how to do whatever it takes, but I never taught you about what comes after, when the adrenaline wears off and all you have is the echo of violence and the faces of the fallen."

"No," Louise says, shaking her head, "Please don't blame yourself, I asked you to. I needed it. Without it, I would probably be...." The last words catch in her throat as she realises how close to death she was again.

Steve places a hand at the base of her neck and massages her shoulders. "You are alive, 'What if' doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are safe and I will do everything in my power to keep you that way. I love you, Louise."

Steve holds her rocking back and forth. "If you hadn't survived and found me on that boat, I would have gone back into a gas filled corridor, with a gas mask on oblivious to it being there and may have been caught in the blast. You saved me again. Thank you." Steve says softly. 

"Really?" Louise says looking into Steve's eyes, as he nods. She sniffs back her tears and lays her head on his chest again, a little happier that she had saved herself and him.

"Yes, I would have walked into it oblivious. You saved me." Steve assures her, thinking, "I hope she can latch on to the positive and let go of the guilt."

She sighs, as she sits up, hanging her head. "But what about the warehouse and Lombard?" she asks, feeling a pit in her stomach. 

"I have to admit the warehouse surprised me, how did you do that anyway?" Steve asked with genuine curiosity. 

"I saw the overhead pipes as I was taken in, they locked a cable around my ankle and I pulled it to the extent of its reach and when it was taut, I climbed up and messed with the pipes to fill the cell." Louise explained, shameful, "How many died because of that?"

"Most likely no one directly, but it made a mess and made my life easier." Steve offered, "Hang on, what about Lombard?"

She explains what she did with the break room and the encounter with Lombard. "I think I may have killed him." She says, finishing her explanation.

Steve tries to hide his surprise. "It may be a coincidence. You did all that?" He reflects on her actions, appraising her anew, "You are more capable than you know. In a bad place that would freeze most, you took action. Have you considered a career change." he asks earnestly. 

She wears a pained smile, "I couldn't do what you do, I am not cut out for it."

"I didn't mean that exactly, you think about things that I don't, you are smart and capable. If you wanted, I could have a word with Harris about a support role, strictly no active duty." He says speculatively. 

Considering the option, she thoughtfully says, "Maybe, can I think about it?" 

"Sure, speaking of support, I am surprised Ryan hasn't called, or Harris for that matter." Steve says with a frown.

"Probably, letting you celebrate." Louise says snuggling up to him. 

Looking at the time, Steve "Possibly, but it is odd not to have heard anything. Do you mind if I check in?"

Louise sighs, knowing he won't rest until he sets his mind at ease, "I need to freshen up a bit, so why don't you call while I am in the shower?" 

She quickly gets on her hands and knees and straddles Steve. Playfully she let's her nipples brush his chest as she kisses him deeply, "Don't be too long." She says letting her fingers, tease his manhood as she rises. 

"What a woman." Steve thinks as he watches Louise retreat to the shower. He pulls his underwear on and quickly pads out to the car to retrieve their bags. After dropping the bags into their room, Steve scoops up his phone and dials.

"Hello." a voice replies.

Steve hangs up without speaking, immediately dialling Harris.

"Steve," Harris says, sounding tired, "I thought you would be celebrating."

"I have just called Ryan's phone and he did answer." Steve says solemnly. 

Harris exhales slowly, "Ryan is in hospital, head injury. The details are sparse, but, Ryan had not dropped Helen off at the safe house, at the time of his attack. According to the police report, Ryan's vehicle was driven off at speed, by someone matching Helen's description."

"Why didn't you call me? Is he ok." Steve asks, shocked.

"You needed to focus on Louise, after a day of warfare." Harris says, evenly, "Magar is managing discrete protection for Ryan. He had surgery this afternoon for a bleed on the brain and the doctors are monitoring him. The place is crawling with officers."

"He should be safe at least. Where is Helen? Did the car have a tracker?" Steve asks, regaining his composure.

"No, it was his personal vehicle. She was drugged and should have been out for hours." Harris explains. 

"She has been on powerful anti psychotics and sedatives for months and she has probably developed some resistance." Steve points out sadly.

"The thought occurred to me, once I found out. I am sorry, this is on me." Harris says pained. 

"Sometimes even the sharpest of us miss things, in the thick of it." Steve reassures him. "I don't think I would have thought of it either. It doesn't matter now, in any case."

"No, I suppose not." Harris sighs, "I have initiated the Lazarus protocol, it is a matter of time before the police show up." Harris advises. "As of tomorrow morning at zero six hundred, we will trade as Advanced Options."

"I am sorry it has come to this, it is my fault." Steve says, knowing the upheaval. 

"Don't be daft, Ryan and I jumped in with both feet. I knew the risks." Harris chuckles. 

"Even so." Steve says, letting the point trail off. 

"Ryan is in safe hands and we will make this police business go away, focus on your good lady and I will be in touch." Harris says, warmly. 

"That I can do." Steve says, filled with warmth at the thought of his love. 

"Take care Steve." Harris says. 

"Thank you sir and you." Steve says hanging up the phone. 

Steve puts his face in his hands, "What a mess." He whispers. 

"Is everything ok?" Louise asks, from the doorway, towel clad and still wet from the shower, her hair thickly braided at the shoulder. 

Steve admires how effortlessly statuesque she looks, whatever she does. He smiles weakly and pats the bed next to him, "That was Harris, there are a few things we need to discuss."

Shaw hears a noise in the hallway as she lays awake.  She rises from her bed silently, dressed in a black silk camisole and panties. She considers the phone but, instead opts for her pistol, drawing it from the holster on the night stand. Slowly, she advances towards the door. 

She hears motion in the hallway, someone big, or at least heavy, trying to be quiet.

"Take it steady," Shaw thinks as she hides on the blind side of the door. 

The door bursts inwards and a tall man steps into the room clad in thick black clothing and a helmet. She kicks the door into him, staggering the man slightly. Shaw aims at his head, but before she can shout a warning or fire, he sidesteps her aim and strikes her jaw, sending her sprawling onto the bed.

"Damn he is fast." She thinks as she recovers. He advances slowly on her prone position and she fires twice, striking the man squarely in the chest, without slowing his advance towards the bed. "Heavy Kevlar, great." Shaw thinks targeting his head, the rounds ping harmlessly off the reinforced helmet. 

He reaches her as she is still firing and bats the gun from her hands before shoving her backwards, hard onto the bed. Shaw twists and rolls away, towards her nightstand. She snatches up her taser and shoots the man in the shoulder. He spasms wildly and drops to the floor, stunned. 

Shaw quickly cuffs the man's wrists behind his back. As he begins to stir, she removes his helmet and balaclava. "You!" She says with venom, as she looks into the eyes of the Irishman. 

She grabs him by the collar and pulls him up to her face. "Who the fuck are you? How many people have you killed? You monster. For all the lives you have taken and for what you have done to the Carter sisters, you are going down for a long time. I will make it my mission to fucking bury you in the deepest darkest cell in the world." She screams in his face whilst slapping him with her free hand. 

"You bastard, you don't deserve prison, for all the lives you have taken I should kill you right now. Like I said at the docks, we have rules and I will exercise every last one, to bring you to justice." She pauses breathlessly panting as she stares into his cold eyes. 

She twists his collar once more and pulls him close. She kisses him deeply, his lips rough against hers, her mouth willingly invaded by his tongue. She moans softly, as she feels his erect manhood, brush her thigh.

Shaw sits bolt upright in the lukewarm bath, spraying the room with water and breathing hard.
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Post by Emma »

I'm just now catching up to all this...what a story! It does read like a thriller, as others have said.

Easily one of the better stories on here.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by wolfman »

Helen wakes in daze, the cars radio plays soft jazz as they meander along winding roads. The rolling hills and vineyards of this area a clear indication that she has left the UK. 

She opens the window a crack and closes her eyes, enjoying the breeze as the vehicle turns off the main road and passed through two large iron gates.

The gravel driveway is long and straight, the tall cedars lining the drive sway in the dusty breeze. Helen stretches in her seat, as the car pulls up to the main entrance. 

A tall dark skinned man opens the car door and extends his hand with a greeting in a mild French accent, "Hello Helen, welcome to Nirvana."

"Bonjour Etienne, thank you for this." Helen says as she takes his hand and shakily exits the vehicle. 

"My God, what happened to you, you are skin and bone." Etienne thinks as he sees how frail she is compared to the last time he saw her. 

"The boss has been notified of your extraction and has opened all of the resources we have to facilitate your recovery." he confirms as he escorts her inside. "The organisation thanks you for allowing account access for us to recover our funds from Lombard's travesty of an organisation."

Helen nods, smiling weakly, unable to shake the feeling that he is a vampire, as he walks her into the chateau. 

He guides her to a seat and pours her some tea, before sitting opposite her and leaning forward. "Now, before anything else, are you alright?" He asks in a concerned tone.

She nods weakly, unable to speak as tears form at the corners of her eyes. 

Etienne stares at the changed woman before him with sorrowful eyes, "What happened to you?"

Helens lower lip trembles as the words refuse to leave her mouth. She starts to rock backwards and forwards. 

Etienne gently touches her hand, "It's ok, you are safe here."

His touch feels like a jolt of electricity, that races through her body and shatters the walls within. His hand the first meaningful human contact she has felt since her arrest. She collapses forwards onto her knees, her body wracked with sobs, "I don't know what is real anymore. I did a terrible thing and am living in my own hell as penance. But I don't know if the vampires chasing me, or the spirits I see at night are real." She wails between sobs.

The more he hears, the more his eyes widen. "What happened to you?" He asks resting his hand gently on her shoulder. 

He continues to comfort her and when the tears fade she stares into space and slowly lays out everything she knows and explains about The Face, her cell, the videos and her escape from her captor after she escaped the hospital.

Helen stares out of the window, lost, searching for something to latch onto, her memories and senses fighting her instinct to arm herself and hunt vampires. Etienne closely watches her as he calls his employer. "She is here." He whispers. 

"How is she?" A voice on the line enquires. 

"In a bad way, physically she is a wreck and mentally, she is not delusional and cannot separate truth from fantasy." He answers, solemnly. 

"Who did this to her?" The voice calmly asks. 

"Unknown, she talks of The Face, the last person she saw before she was locked in a cell and brainwashed. No idea who he is. One possible lead is that, after she was taken from the hospital, she overpowered her driver and got away." He offers. 

"Pick him up, no chances, sent the best. I want to know who we are dealing with." The voice is firm and resolute. 

"Teams en route to hospital for extraction as we speak." Etienne confirms. 

"Very good. Keep me updated, I will be there soon." The voice orders, before hanging up.

Inspector York was annoyed, "Some bloke gets knocked on the head and everyone goes mad." he seethes as he walks through the hospital. His firearms team has commandeered a ward room as a temporary base of operations and the  thirty dedicated Thames Valley officers on shift are crammed in and waiting for their daily briefing. 

York enters the room and goes straight into the briefing, "Yesterday a former police officer was assaulted and his car stolen. Once news of this went up the chain, I received a call suspending normal operations and pulling everyone here to guard him." York explains. 

"Before you ask, no, I have no idea why? All I know, is that we have an officer from down south due here today to question him if he wakes." York surveys his team of well armed men, "I have never seen in all my years this level of focused deployment. Whatever is going on, is big. I want teams of three at all times, if one of you needs the loo, you all go, I want no officers off on their own today" He pauses as the men and women nod. "Settle down. Stick together, watch each others backs and stay sharp."

Shaw lights a cigarette and yawned as she drives on a mist shrouded motorway. She couldn't get back to sleep after that dream last night so got on the road early that morning. She emailed her sergeant with instructions for the day and got herself moving. 

She dressed simply, smart black trousers, white top and a black leather jacket, covering her gun belt. "Comfortable enough for the drive, but smart enough for official duties." she noted as she had left. 

Shaw's brow furrows, as she thinks, "What did that dream mean? Too long without sleep and too much adrenaline? Am I losing it?" She questions herself over and over as she races through the slowly brightening morning.

She sees a sign for Milton Keynes and takes a deep breath, "Save it Kate, you have a job to do." She berates herself, as she pulls off of the motorway.

Richards briefed his team in a car park near to the hospital. "Good morning lads, you made it through the roundabouts. This morning is a simple snatch and grab with dust off from FRV."

He passes a photo of Ryan around, "This is the target, he had head surgery yesterday, so we will need to be careful with transport. Indications are that the target will be protected by two, possibly three officers. Preference is subdue with less lethal measures, but, if it comes to it engage with full force."

He surveys the team of five professional ex soldiers, dressed in civilian clothing and the support team of eighteen, combat ready troops in black fatigues, body armour and heavily armed.

"Civ team, infiltrate hospital and find target, once target located, sound off and we move in as a unit. Support team, stand by, only come in on my mark, weapons hot, secure the building and reinforce ingress points."

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Post by BindPam »

Is there hope for Helen? After everything she's done, can she be redeemed?

There's SO much more we don't know...but at least Louise and Steve are safe....for now.

And Lombard is in hell where he belongs.
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Post by wolfman »

Sergeant Snow approaches the gates of Technical Solutions, with the south regional UK anti-terrorism core team and waits for the guard to exit the gate station. 

"Shaw set this up, she should be here for this instead of up country. Shame she couldn't make it, I know she is itching to kick the doors of this place in." He thinks, as he waits for the gate to rise. He cocks an eyebrow as the door to the station opens.

Magar steps from the checkpoint and approaches the gathered officers, noting each of their positions and weapon load outs, "There are a lot of officers here, if hostilities ensue, it will take me at least twenty minutes to subdue them all." He notes.

Feigning panic and waving his clip board, he exaggerates his accent and proclaims. "No, no, no. You cannot enter."

The officers raise their weapons and Snow shows the warrant. "This warrant says we can."

"Please. We had three confirmed cases of Covid 19 yesterday. The whole building is having a deep clean, if you wish to enter, you need full biohazard protection as a precaution." Magar informs the officer, breathlessly. 

Snow looks at the man, scrutinising him closely, "Fine." He turns to his number two, "Bring up the HAZMAT gear."

Last night all tactical gear was spirited away to back up locations across the country, while operations were transferred to a back up command centre. 

Inside the building, acid is being released into all of the filing cabinets and the computers are shutting down after being wiped. A skeleton team of Magar's men, spray detergent on every surface and all traces of the employees and visitors here is removed.

Half an hour later, Snow leads the officers into the building and they begin to sweep the mist filled halls past the cleaners, like shadows evading ghosts, chasing the lost glory of the buildings past. 

At the new headquarters for Advanced Options, Harris smiles, as he watches the officers sweep the old building. "I will miss the old place." he reflects. 

He moves his attention from the feed, to a stream of progress reports. "Ok, let's see, tactical equipment transfer 75% complete, communications 100% complete, personnel redistribution 80% complete, electronic intelligence operations 100%, good." 

He thinks ruefully, "Only problem is that everyone apart from Steve and an operative keeping an eye on Ryan, everyone is tied up with this."

Mason walks through the upper floor of the hospital as if trying to find a toilet. Richards ordered him to sweep from top down to identify target and report in. He pauses to hold a door for an older lady, who walks slowly pulling an IV on a wheeled stand. 

As he turns from the door he bumps into a frowning police officer who is purposefully heading in the opposite direction. 

"I'm sorry." The officer says, turning to apologise. He freezes, when he sees the bulge of a weapon under the back of Mason's shirt. His eyes go wide, as he sweeps his arm back reaching for his gun. 

Mason sees the officer reach for his gun and spins his body, dropping low and swinging his leg out wide to sweep the officer off of his feet. 

The policeman lands hard on his shoulder and rolls over, snatching his gun and aiming at the now crouched man, as he brings his own weapon to bear. After a split second, that lasts an eternity, both men fire simultaneously.

Across the building, the sound of the gunshots galvanises those who hear it, into action. 

Armed officers converge on the site of the gunfire, weapons drawn and ready. They find an officer bleeding heavily from his neck, another man lays nearby motionless and leaking blood from his chest. "779 to control, MK general, shots fired, officer down. Over", York, the first officer on scene calls in. 

Richards hears the shots from the car park as he watches the main entrance, he activates his comms, "Shots fired, covert status compromised, all units activate. Target to be extracted at all costs. Lock down building and secure all residents. Lethal force authorised."

"Ryan." Shaw thinks, as she hears the shot. She stubs out her cigarette and slips back into the building, seeking out the source of the shot.

Multiple patients start to flee from the hospital from the main entrance. Five SUV's skid to a halt and multiple heavily armed and armoured mercenaries pile out. They draw assault weapons and start pushing the patients and visitors back in firing over the heads of the crowd. 

Richards leads his team in, leaving a contingent of officers to secure the vehicles and exits. As the large armed compliment of men sweep in two pairs break off from the pack and sweep the ground floor closing, locking, and setting explosives at every entrance.

Richards team starts drawin the blinds and flipping gurneys over to provide cover by windows. 

Richards coolly reaches behind the reception desk and takes the microphone for the PA system, "Ladies and Gentlemen, can I have your attention please? This building is under my control, everyone is to return to and stay in their rooms, we are here for one of the patients, once they are secured, we will leave. Any attempt to intervene in our actions will be met with lethal force." He says firmly, before repeating in Polish, Chinese and Urdu.

York hears the announcement and weapons fire from reception. He looks over his men, seeing the nerves and almost smelling the adrenaline pumping through their veins, 

"OK, people." He says, addressing them, "This is what we trained for. There are a lot of people here that need us to keep them safe. Today we are the line that shall not be crossed." He pauses for effect. "Watch your fire, cover each other and only take clean shots. Stay sharp, today, everyone goes home."

He orders half his men to take up position in various rooms on the floor, to trap any offensive combatives in interlocking arcs of fire. The other half he readies, for use as a roving fire team to engage and combatants on the move and to sweep down the building.

As the team gets set, York calls control. "779 to control, we have an armed incursion at MK hospital, unconfirmed number of combatants, automatic weapon fire observed. Additional regional support requested. This is a major incident, I repeat a major incident."

A kindly faced porter in his sixties, slowly wheels his mop down the corridor, he helps an older gentleman to his room before wheeling into a cleaning supplies cupboard. He walks slowly, unshaken by the sounds of gunfire and the panicked shouts of those seeking shelter nearby.

He mops his brow with a handkerchief and reaches into the mop bucket to retrieve a compact machine pistol. He dries the weapon on a towel from the cupboard and slips it into the pocket of his overalls, before checking the two spare magazines for the weapon in his other pocket.  

He takes out his phone to dial a number. "Mr Harris, we have a problem at MK hospital."

Shaw takes out her warrant card as she exits the lift on the upper floor. The corridors are deserted as she slowly walks through the quiet floor. She enters the ward where Ryan is being treated and proceeds cautiously, her arms away from her sides.

She feels a collosal weight strike her back, as she is tackled from behind and her arms are forced behind her back. "Armed police." a voice behind her says as her wrist are handcuffed. 

She is efficiently moved to a seated position, and looks up to find a nervous officer pointing his weapon at her and shouts, "State your purpose, Armed police."

Shaw looks at the officers face mask and imagines the nervous face behind it. "The locals are taking no chances. He is wound tight, take it easy on him." She thinks. Out of the corner of her eye she sees the barrels of two carbines trained ok her from behind partially closed doors. She nods approvingly, "Anyone coming this way gets ambushed by him and then ambushed by them if there is trouble."

She slowly twists her arms and presents her warrant card. "D.C.I. Shaw here to see Inspector York." She says, keeping her voice light.

The officer cautiously, reaches down and takes her warrant card. The colour drains from his face under the mask. "I am so sorry, I had no idea." He fumbles, as he rushes to release the cuffs and helps Shaw to her feet, before returning her warrant card.

Shaw pats him on the shoulder, "No problem Constable, you did well. Which way is York?"

"Down the corridor, third door on the right ma'am." the officer says, embarrassed, shaking slightly.

"Hey," Shaw says gently, causing the man to look up, "Stay focused, breath in count to five, hold it count to six and breath out count to seven."

The officer, looks at her confused, but he complies, feeling his heart rate slow and his focus return. "Thank you, ma'am." he nods.

As she heads off, the officer keys his radio, "D.C.I. Shaw coming to see York." he returns to his concealed position, whilst his two colleagues keep their weapons trained on Shaw, as she slowly walks away.
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Post by wolfman »

Harris stared at his phone, speechless following the update from The Cleaner. 

One of his best operatives was recovering in hospital, guarded by the whole shift of a regional firearms team, whilst the building has been openly assaulted by a party or parties unknown. 

"Everyones committed to relocation or existing operations." He considers, wishing he hadn't been shot this week. "I only have Steve left." He says softly pinching the bridge of his nose.

York greets Shaw with a smile. "Good to meet you, sorry it is not under better circumstances." He says, appraising her figure.

"Hell of a day, eh?" Shaw says with a smile. 

"Yes ma'am, I am just about to send a team out to sweep the hospital, see if we can neutralise the combatants before this goes too far." York advises, sounding hopeful.

"Are you sure that is wise? I only just got in before about five SUV's worth decamped and headed in." Shaw warns, cautiously. 

"My people are the best, I am going to take just over half and conduct a sweep. This will be over by lunch time." York states confidently. 

"Don't underestimate these troops. I say troops, as they are armed and move like professional soldiers. They are not just common thugs." Shaw warns. 

"Thank you for your opinion, I will take it into consideration, now if you please, I need to brief my team." York says, impatiently, indicating the door to Shaw, ‎"Don't worry babe, things are under control. "

She stops and turns sharply, "I am a Detective Chief Inspector and whilst you may not respect my gender, you will respect my rank." she says in a low voice. "I am your superior officer and you will address me by the correct title and show the proper respect." She pauses, holding the firearms Inspector's gaze, "As the senior officer on site, I am taking command of this unit and I order you to stand your men ready, pending further intelligence."

"Michaels." York shouts. A sergeant bursts in to the room in full tactical gear, "Sir."

"Michaels, take this woman into custody, she is interfering with an ongoing tactical operation." York orders. 

"Are you kidding?" Shaw asks as Michaels roughly secures her wrists behind her back with flexcuffs and disarms her.

"This is my unit and my operation, you will not get in my way." York sneers, turning to Michaels, he says, "Secure her out of the way somewhere and shut her up if you have to."

Michaels takes Shaw by the upper arm "I am sorry ma'am, please come this way."

Shaw is incandescent with rage, "You cannot do this, you will get you men killed, this is...." Her words are cut off by Michaels' hand over her mouth as he leads her away.

She bucks and squirms in the officers grasp, trying to free her mouth to warn the officers of the danger. 

Michaels pushes her into a cleaning cupboard and forces her onto the floor. 

"What are you doing? Don't do this." Shaw commands as Michaels flexcuffs her ankles together then secures the ankle cuffs to the wrist cuffs.

"Let me out of these, you have done nothing wrong. If York sends you guys out as he plans he will get you killed. I have to stop this." Shaw says as calmly as she can. 

"I am sorry, Chief Inspector, this is a live operation and I have my orders from within my recognised chain of command. You are part of a different service, so cannot assume command." Michaels says wearily, whilst searching his gear furtively. ‎

"My role has national jurisdiction and I can take this unit under my purview under article..." Shaw is cut off by Michaels filling her mouth with a rolled up bandage, sealed in with medical tape from his first aid kit. 

As he leaves, he looks down at her, defeated and says, "I can't go against him, when you go, I still have to be a part of this unit." He closes the door and walks away, his head hung in shame. 

Inside the cupboard, Shaw thrashed futilely against her bonds, as her screams for help are swallowed by the bandage in her mouth.

Two mercenaries dressed in civilian clothes hide in a side room on the top floor watching Shaw's arrest and the teams preparations. One of them crouches and activates a concealed radio.

"Richards, we are on top floor, eyes on a large blue wedge that will be sweeping down shortly." he says quietly. "I count about thirty officers total, half dug in on this floor, protecting the target, half looking ready to move out."

"Where the hell did all those cops come from?" Richards asks himself.

"Thank you for your update, please confirm when they are on the move." Richards orders.

Louise reclined on the sofa, resting her head on Steve's leg as they watched a program set in a bridal shop where brides to be choose the wedding dress of their dreams. 

The program is interrupted by a news report. The anchor sits confidently and begins, "We bring you a report of a suspected terror incident at Milton Keynes general hospital. Witnesses report seeing multiple armed men storm into the building a with unconfirmed reports of shots being fired. Police firearms units from the surrounding area are converging on the area." 

Steve mutes the volume on the television "That is where Ryan is." he says quietly, as Louise looks on horrified.

She sits silently, lost in thought as Steve makes a call to Harris. Louise stares out of the window, "This is my fault. If I hadn't cooked up that stupid plan to frame my sister, Steve wouldn't have been involved and Ryan wouldn't have been a part of this." She cries softly and goes to the bathroom, to hide her tears ‎.

As she dries her eyes, she hears Steve on the phone saying how bad it is and that if there is no one else, he will resolve this. "Once again, in harms way because of me." She thinks sorrowfully, as she brushes her long, fiery hair.

She recalls the news report, "So many police outside, plus God knows know inside." She winces as she snags a tangle in her hair. 

"Whatever happens, promise me you will look after Louise for me." She hears Steve say. 

Her eyes widen, "He doesn't think he will be coming back.", she realises as her world stands still. "To save his friend from a situation of my making, he will sacrifice his life or freedom. I can't live without him." She thinks as she ties her hair into a ponytail. 

"The warehouse was one thing, but this is much worse, I will be between those who have taken the building and half of the nations firearms officers, alone." Steve speaks quietly, but Louise can still hear, as he pauses, "He would do the same for me, besides, without him, I wouldn't have had this time with Louise. She gave me my life back and he helped me to get her. I have to try."

Louise stares into the mirror, whilst she listens. "If I lose him, I would never forgive myself."

"If the SAS were involved, I would stand down, but, if I am right, the police have no idea what they are getting into." he pauses, "They will try to negotiate, but the hostiles have a building full of hostages, medical aid and food, no interest in money, they will just want to go and depending on numbers, they will do that when they are ready. The longer this goes on, the more the bodies will pile up."

"How many will die because I got Ryan involved?" The question hangs in her mind, as she stares into the mirror once more. 

"It has been a privilege, thank you for everything." Steve says, hanging up the phone.

Louise dries her eyes and splashes water on her face, as Steve knocks on the door. "Lou? We have to talk."

Louise takes the scissors and cuts off her ponytail, "It will get in the way." She thinks nodding. 

She breathes deeply, bracing herself and opens the door. "I know. I am coming with you." She says resolutely. ‎
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Post by Emma »

I know I'm repeating myself here, but this is one of the better stories on the forum. If this was a book, it would be one read on a beach.
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Steve stares at Louise, taking in, first the shock of her dramatic haircut, then the assertion that she will be accompanying him. 

"I am sorry Lou, this is a one way trip." Steve says, his head bowed, "I couldn't bear to see you in harms way."

"If I hadn't contacted you to get you to help me frame Helen, then we would not be here, Ryan wouldn't have been involved, he wouldn't be in the intensive care unit now and Milton Keynes hospital would not be under seige. This is my fault." Louise says, fighting back tears, "Every death is on me."

Steve saw the pain behind her eyes and pulled her close. "She will never forgive me if I don't let her help, I will never forgive myself if she gets hurt.", he thinks, "She will blame herself for every death and it could crush her."

"This is not like training or even like the boat," he starts, "There are two opposing groups, who will think we belong to the other. In the middle will be scared people, who may panic, hide or try to intervene. I am not sure you are ready for this."

"I know, I will probably end up arrested or worse, but I can stand by and watch from the side lines." Louise whispers. 

"She is everything I have ever wanted and while my head says to keep her safe, my heart cannot deny, any request she makes of me." He realises with a nod.

A moment, of unspoken promise passes between them as they seek solace in each others arms. Steve kisses her deeply, her lips hungry for his, greet him eagerly. Desperation drives the passion of their embrace, neither wanting it to end. They sink slowly to the floor, to the sound of tearing clothing as they prepare for a final moment of intimacy, before riding into battle.

York, moves in a combat crouch, at the head of the line, leading from the front, weapon raised, years of training and response ready. "Two floors cleared, with no resistance, probably three or four guys at most."

His team, follow closely, single file, each officer's weapon searching a different firing arc as they proceed. All officers are dressed in dark blue fatigues under heavy kevlar vests. The light glints of their helmets as the team snakes through the hospital, efficiently sweeping and clearing each floor.

The patients and assembled medical staff break into tears of relief as the officers wordlessly pass, sweeping for targets. 

As they reach the final corridor before the next stairwell, York notes that the rooms are empty of patients and quickens his pace, not noticing the trip wire until it is too late. 

The partitions either side of the group, erupt as the anti personnel mines concealed in the rooms detonate, instantly filling the corridor with shrapnel, glass and debris. The officers fall, with no time to react, their armour no match for the weight of projectiles, that assails them.

Less than two seconds after the trip wire was snared by York's boot, the corridor is in ruins, eerily silent save for the moans of the few men not killed by the mines. 

York watches helplessly, as a man dressed in a black shirt and jeans emerges from the stairwell, pistol in hand advancing towards him slowly. 

He cannot feel anything below his waist but the rest of his body wears a shroud of agony, from the dozens of fragmentation wounds and pressure injuries. 

The man stops next to him and lifts York's faceplate gazing into his eyes. York's last thought  "I should have waited for...", is cut short by a single gunshot.

One by one, the man gazes at the faces of the fallen, before he executes each and every one of them, ending any threat they pose.

He activates his concealed radio as he unfolds a large collapsible holdall. "Action complete." he says softly, whilst he begins loading the officers weapons into the bag. 

Sergeant Green stumbles as the floor under him rocks with the force of the explosions two floor down. He crouches and keys the closed comms for the unit, struggling to hear over the cries of panic from the patients and medical staff. 

"Housekeeper to pathfinder, come in over." He waits, nervously for a response, a moment later he calls again, "Housekeeper to pathfinder, come in over." Each tick of the clock, widens the chasm of dread in his stomach. 

"Housekeeper to roamers, come in over." He switches to try to contact the team, already fearing the worst. 

Over and over, he tries to raise the fallen, desperation slowly creeping in his voice, the floor falls silent, every officer praying for a response. 

"Sarge. They are gone." One officer signals, breaking the cycle. 

Green nods, solemnly. "We have been hit hard. I know what you are all thinking, there will be a time for recriminations in due course. Our duty now is to stay safe and save as many lives as possible. Check your gear, check each other, we will get through this."

"Time to do the right thing." He decides in the silence that follows. He rises slowly to his feet and returns to the cleaning cupboard. He opens the door to find Shaw, still hogcuffed and gagged on the floor. He steps into the small room and closes the door behind him. 

Shaw stares at the man, waiting for his next move. The cold of the stone floor has already leeched through her thin clothing, imparting a chill. Even her constant fight against her bonds have not been enough to warm her.

Green lifts his face plate and crouches beside her. As he begins to remove her bonds he speaks softly, "I made an error in judgement, I should have stood my ground against York and deferred to your position. The men and women who died were my friends, I could have stopped this, but now they are dead." 

He pauses, while helping Shaw remove the tape and bandage from her mouth. "I hereby defer command of the remaining officers present to you. I will submit myself for judicial review of my actions and accept any penalties levied."

Shaw appraises the contrite man and lights a cigarette, "I need everyone on task, we can discuss this later. Better introduce me to the team." She says, rising.

The cleaner watches the hacked security feed from a secluded corner of one of the maintenance tunnels under the building, shaking his head critically, at the execution of the officers. 

"Barbaric." He says, shaking his head.  

He snatches his phone from the table "Mr Harris, I am sorry to bother you again. There has been a development."

"Proceed." Harris replied, knowing this man would not be able to speak for long. 

"Approximately half of the firearms officers onsite, have been lost to ambush. This situation threatens to escalate with each passing moment." The cleaner explains. 

"Support is inbound, but will not be available for three hours." Harris confirms. 

"I will send details of possible ingress points." The onsite operative affirms. "I fear that this situation will escalate before support arrives."

"I need you to stay out of the way, in the mean time. Have you been able to determine numbers and load out for combatants?" Harris enquires, seeking to understand the scale of the forces aligned against them. 

"Police down to approximately fifteen, torso armour and helmets, sidearms and carbines as standard. Combatants approximately, twenty confirmed, however indications are that they have concealed personnel in the building, numbers unconfirmed. Assault armour and heavier weapons loadouts than police, they are well equipped."

"I see, once reinforcements on site, I need you to monitor cameras and feedback movements as best you can for as long as it is safe to do so." Harris requests, knowing the risks. 

"Affirmative sir." The Cleaner responds without hesitation. 

"Very good." Harris says, nodding as the cleaner ends the call.
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Post by BindPam »

The romance lives, the danger continues, and the final battle (I think) is near....chilling! Thrilling!
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Post by slackywacky »

Good read, great detail. Thanks for continuing this.
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Post by wolfman »

Louise activates the cruise control of the rental vehicle en route to Milton Keynes hospital, via a drop point on the way to obtain tactical gear.

She and Steve are lost in thought, contemplating the conflict ahead. The silence in the car is deafening, as they drive ever onwards.

As they pass the junction for Swindon, Louise breaks the silence, "If we make it through this, I am worried about the faces of those who fall  haunting me like the others." She confides.

Steve was worried about this too, his life had seen many other ended by his hand and he saw them all. Knowing what lay ahead, he had been thinking of how Louise would cope with her own tally rising. 

"I will do most of the actions, I need you to watch my back, if all goes well, the blood will be on my hands." Steve pauses, "If you have to kill, remember the faces around you, the faces of those who live, because of the life you have taken. This is not a fight for our lives like before, it is a fight for theirs."

"How do you mean?" Louise asks, curiously. 

"There are hundreds of people in that hospital, that could lose their lives, if the combatants within have their way. If we stop them, people live." Steve explains.

"If we fail people die as well." She says softly. 

"We won't fail, we will do what we have to do and worrying about the rest later." Steve tries to reassure her. "We have a way in, we know where the combatants are based, we assault them and avoid the police and we should be ok."

"Is there a back up plan?" Louise asks, nervously.

"Yes, but it could get a little messy." Steve says watching the hacked video feed, when he sees a familiar face. 

He smiles, "I have to make a call." He says with a wicked smile.

Shaw looks at the phone, she doesn't recognise the number, so sends the call to voicemail. The number calls again straight away, after batting it to voicemail two more times before answering. "What?"

"Hello Chief Inspector." Steve says in a Northern Irish accent. 

Shaw's breath catches in her throat. "The Irishman? What the hell?" she thinks, remembering her dream of him. 

"Good afternoon. I think we need a little chat." Steve says. 

"I'm listening." Shaw says cautiously. 

"I know you are in a tough place right now. I am looking to provide support and thin the field so to speak. While you guard Ryan, I intend to infiltrate the building and engage some of the hostile forces." Steve pledges. 

"My priority is the safety off everyone in this hospital, not just your friend." Shaw exclaims.

"It is not unreasonable to suspect that they are there for him. If your team there holds the line, they might ignore the bystanders." Steve assures Shaw.

"Whilst that may be true, I cannot sanction a freelance operator. At the same time, I cannot stop you. Know this, regardless of what happens, I am coming for you." Shaw pledges. 

"I know." Steve says thoughtfully. "Just so you know, there is at least one of the hostiles in civilian clothing in the building, might be an idea to check some of the people you are protecting, just in case. The one we have spotted is in all black."

"How have you spotted someone?" Shaw asks, pointedly. 

"We have access to the cameras." Steve explains, before pausing "We saw what happened to your colleagues. I am truly sorry." He says, with a tinge of sadness. 

"So they are all gone." Shaw says, her voice wavering. 

"I am sorry." Steve confirms. "They didn't suffer." He adds.

"I had a feeling. So many good people." Shaw hangs her head and stares at the floor. "We will check the people here, thank you for the intel." Shaw says nodding. 

"You might want to warn the officers outside, looks like bombs have been rigged to all entrances. If they want to come in, hole in a wall would be best." Steve advises. 

"I will pass that on. Don't think just because you are assisting, it will buy you any favours. Once this is over, I will see you in handcuffs." Shaw says, seeing a flash of her dream, where she kissed the Irishman. 

"We shall see." Steve says, "I have no interest in seeing innocent people hurt. I will do what I can to prevent collateral damage, but I will not hand myself in like a meek schoolboy, when this is done."

"I would expect anything less. I will find you." Shaw says in a low voice. 

"Until then, stay safe, will be there soon." Steve says as he ends the call.

Louise had bitten her tongue during the call, but now she wanted answers. "What was all that about?" She asks pointedly. 

"Shaw knows what I can do and will not look to set any of her people in my path, with luck, this means we only deal with the hostiles and can get clear before we are neck deep in blue bullets." Steve explains. 

"Will there ever be a time when we will be safe." Louise asks, her eyes moist as she fights back the tears. 

"Oh, Lou." Steve says, softly. He places a hand on her leg and squeezes gently. "We will get clear of this and disappear, we will go somewhere that no one will find us and have a long and happy life together. I promise."

"In my heart, I want to believe , but I just don't know." She thinks, sorrowful. "I knew the risks of this life, but it almost seems like fate is against us."

She forces a smile as she tries not to let her voice waiver, "Where will we go?" 

Shaw hangs up the phone and shakes her head, "I am going to bury that guy." She says, as she lights a cigarette.  

"Sergeant!" She calls out, rising to her feet. 

"Guv?" Sergeant Green says breathlessly, when he enters the room. 

"Can you arrange for all civilians to be searched? I don't want any surprises." Shaw says, bracing for push back from the sergeant given how many people need searching. 

"I will take two officers and leave the rest of the team securing a perimeter." The man says, "The rest of the team are in groups of three, should I them to rotate two on, one off, in case this is an extended deployment?"

"I like this one." Shaw thinks. "That is a good plan, make sure you rest as well."

"Will do, Guv. I will get cracking. Do you need anything?" Green asks as he prepares to leave. 

"No, but thank you for asking." Shaw says. 

He nods, "I am sorry I detained you." He says, regretfully. 

"I understand, I am guessing York didn't tolerate dissent and would have made your life hell in the aftermath." Shaw assures him. 

"You are not wrong. He would have triggered a professional conduct enquiry, doctored the evidence and run me out of the force. Wouldn't be the first one." Green explains.

"How did he get away with it?" Shaw asked, dumbfounded by the allegation. 

"He had dirt on half the officers and politicians in the area. No one who could challenge him wanted to be exposed." He confirmed, his head hung low. 

"When this is all done, it would be a shame if that dirt got released, exposing all those people and their complicity. Wouldn't it?" Shaw said with a raised eyebrow. 

"A terrible shame, indeed." Green says slowly as it dawns on him, the potential clean up he could effect. He smiles, "But first, I will get searching."

Shaw smiles as the man leaves, "Sometimes, even the best officers need a nudge."

Three hours later, Green leads is search team to the final room to be cleared, "If you can cover me, I will lead the search on this one." Green says as they enter the side room. 

The two mercenaries in civilian clothing regard the officers, coolly as they enter. 

"Good afternoon, can you please stand and face the wall?" Green orders as the other two officers cover them with tasers drawn. 

"Why?" The taller of the two men says.

"You are going to be searched, one way or the other. Strictly routine." Green watches the men closely. 

"Fine." The tall man says as the two rise and turn. 

Green begins to pat the man down, as the mercenary spins, tryin to wrap an arm around his neck and spin him around. Green thrusts his left forearm up blocking the incoming grab, and drops backwards, kicking the man into the wall. The other officers, taser one man each dropping them. 

The taser wielding officers, flex cuff the men, before they have a chance to recover, whilst Green gets to his feet covering them.  

When the men are secured hand and foot he orders one of his men to cover them, whilst he and the other officer search the room.

"Guv, we have two men in custody. We have recovered an automatic pistol and a communication unit from each man. They are keeping tight lipped." Green reports over the radio. 

"Very good Sergeant, any ID?" Shaw asks. 

"No ID and they are not talking." Green advises. 

"Fair enough, post armed officers with eyes on. Don't take any chances." Shaw orders.

"Affirmative." Green confirms.

He and his colleagues, secure the men to two chairs, facing the wall, with their hands behind them and their ankles secured to the chairs. "I know you aren't going to talk, so we are just going to sit on you and keep you out of circulation." He walks over to the sink and fills a glass with water before taking a long cool drink. 

"Watch them closely, if they twitch taser them." He says heading for the door. "That was too easy. If I am going to keep searching, I will have to thin the perimeter. It is too risky, I better find the Guv and come up with a new plan."

"Chief Inspector, we have a problem." On of the officers radio's in. 

"Shaw here, sitrep, over." Shaw responds. 

"Large group of civilians advancing towards our position, with hands raised. Please advise over." The officer responds. 

 "Shit. I actually hope the Irishman shows soon, this could be a bloodbath." Shaw thinks, as she weighs up the options.

"All teams fall back to secondary positions and secure doors, they are trying to advance behind human shields." Shaw orders.
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Post by Emma »

Nicely written; it does seem the stage is set for a final conflict.

No one gets tied up in this chapter? That's fine, no one needs to!
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Post by wolfman »

"This is surprisingly comfortable." Louise reflects, as she follows Steve into the maintenance tunnels under the hospital. 

She looks down at her black fatigues and body armour, wincing for a moment at the memory of strapping her breasts, to ensure the blunt trauma shield under her armour fitted correctly. 

Over the armour is a tactical vest with ammunition, a bang stick, grenades and a knife. Her right hip has a sidearm strapped to it, in its holster, as a back up, should her silenced, compact sub-machine gun fail to be an option.

Ahead of her Steve, moves cautiously, checking every shadow and corner, dressed as Louise is, except for the sidearm at his back and the tranquiliser pistol at his side. And of course, he has no need to strap his breasts.

They walk cautiously through the tunnels, silently approaching a small oasis of light. Steve knocks on the glass panelled door, making the kindly face gentleman inside, turn with a start. 

Relief covers the cleaners face, when he sees Steve lift the faceplate of his helmet. The man beckons Steve inside. As he enters, Louise silently sinks in behind him. 

"Terry! It has been a while, how have you been?" Steve says warmly, extending his hand.

"Too long, old friend." the cleaner says. He spots Louise and turns to Steve and enquires with a raised eyebrow, "Harris said you were coming alone."  

"I think this is too much for me alone, so I reached out." He offers, turning to Louise with a wink. "How is it looking?" He asks, gravely. 

Terry raises both eyebrows and leans back in his chair, "Bad. In a word, pointing to the video feeds, "The hostiles have the ground floor locked down and all exits primed. By my count there are eight armed men there. The plain clothes guy who took out the police team is hiding on ground floor among the hostiles, dressed in black. Approximately ten of the team is driving non combatants up the north and south stairs to overwhelm the police bedded in up there."

"Well with a bit of luck we can get in there first and take the legs from under them." Steve says, thinking out loud.

"Look, if you need help, I have some gear." Terry offers. 

Steve cuts him off, "No mate, you have given enough over the years, stay hands off for now. If we need you, we'll call." Steve says, thinking of the older man's arthritis in his hands. 

"Ok mate, the offer is there though." Terry says, with a pang of regret, that he is not rolling into battle one last time. 

"Thanks mate." Steve says. "Hey do you remember that time, we stole El Presidente's convertible and raced his guys for beers."

Louise listens intently, "Is this what every operation is like? Not knowing what you face until you face it. How does he do it?" She thinks looking at Steve, as he calmly discussed the situation, with Terry like two old friends catching up over a pint. 

Louise stares at the video feed for the foyer, seeing the hostages zip tied tightly hand and foot, trying to comfort each other as best they can, which the man in black sits, unbound in their centre. "We are coming for you." She thinks. 

She takes the time to check her gear and make sure everything works and all her weapons slip effortlessly from their respective holsters and sheaths. 

Steve places a gentle hand on her shoulder as she is checking her spare ammunition is secure and easy to reach. "It's time to move out." He says calmly, prompting a nod from Louise.

As they depart the pool of light, Louise begins to focus on the task ahead. "So, what's the plan?" she asks in a low voice. 

Steve stops his advance and turns to her. "We will need to take out all hostiles on the ground floor silently and then take the teams pushing the hostages up into the police."

"Sounds easy when you say it like that." she says, trying to sound brave.

Steve stops and turns to Louise, lifting his face plate, "Louise, you are better than you think you are, I believe in you. We can do this." He wraps his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides, as best he can given the equipment that they are carrying. 

Louise breathes deeply as she feels the world around them melt away and she surrenders to his embrace. Steve whispers in her ear softly, "There is no fear, there is no pain, you are amazing and you can do this."

His words cut through her doubts and fears, like a hot knife through butter, piercing the heart of her being. She nods, thoughtfully, "I can do this." She says firmly in a quiet voice. 

Steve slowly loosens his embrace, "Follow my lead and keep your head down. When it starts, it will be fast and we will need to keep moving. We clear the ground floor group first, we need to hit them fast, we can't let them signal the other groups." He says, pensively.

Louise nods, grimly, "What aren't you telling me?"

"We will need to take out the stair teams, simultaneously." Steve begins, "We would need to split up."

Louise felt cold inside, "Can I do this? What am I doing here?" She thought, trembling slightly. 

"If you really don't think you are up to this, I will work out a way to solo it. But, either way, we need to get this show started." Steve says gently. ‎"You are better than you think you are. I believe in you. I might be able to do this without you, but I know I can with you by my side," He pauses and shakes his head, "I need you Lou, but, I don't want to see you get hurt. This is high risk and may not go our way. If you need to step back, I understand."

Louise nods, and takes a deep breath, before speaking with conviction, "I need to do this. It's my mess and I can't stand by. I have to at least try. If I step back now, I will never forgive myself."

"You have given me so much, I cannot stand back and let you stand alone." She thinks. 

Steve releases her from his arms and squeezes her shoulder before lowering his faceplate and advancing towards the maintenance entrance to the hospital.

Shaw looks across the small ward to Green who is securing the doors with handcuffs. She looks at Ryan's door, "You had better be worth it." She thinks out loud. 

She nods grimly, knowing that the doors will not hold for long agains the massive press of people against them. She addresses the officers, nervously training their weapons on the door. 

"Listen up." Shaw begins, "We all know those doors aren't going to last long. When they fail, we will have no clean lines of sight and no way to ensure that any shots fired will not injure an innocent bystander. When the doors open, I want you all to stand down, lower your weapons and fall back to Ryan's room. We need to preserve life today."

"I really hope the Irishman is true to his word." She thinks, hopeful.

Steve and Louise look at his phone viewing the camera feed for the foyer, a small group of hostages is sat in the centre of the area, their hands bound in front of them with zip ties. They are clustered in a circle with the man in black at their centre. Three hostiles cover them with loosely held carbines, two are either side of the entrance, the other three are keeping watch out of different windows.

"I will take the guy in black, if you can take the guys covering the hostages, then I can the two at the door we mop up together." Steve suggests.

Louise quietly nods her agreement and readies her sub machine gun.

Steve squeezes her arm. "Whatever happens, remember that I love you. You make me the happiest man alive. You are my world and everything in it with meaning." He speaks softly and warmly.

Louise, wishes she didn't have the helmet and face plate, preventing her from kissing his in that moment. "I love you Steve. I am complete in your arms and you have shown me what love really feels like. Thank you." She whispers. 

They risk a moments, silent embrace, before‎ Steve activates his throat mike and whispers, "Cleaner. Sweeper team advancing. Over."

Louise breathes slowly and surrenders herself to Steve training once again.

Steve and Louise stood with their backs to opposing walls either side of the entrance to the foyer.

They quietly open their respective doors and advance weapons ready. Louise raises her weapon and takes aim at the first man as Steve, drops his gun and allows it's sling to catch it. 

Louise's weapon softly coughs twice, sending two tungsten coated, steel, armour defeating rounds through the heart of the first man. 

Steve draws his knife and sends it in a glittering arc towards the man in black, as Louise double taps the second man in the chest. 

Steve snatches up his sub machine gun and takes aim at the minute to the right of the entrance, whilst, Louise sidesteps and hits the third man in the throat severing his spinal column, as Steve's blade pierces the man in blacks skull.

Steve squeezes off two armour defeating shots, entering the first man's eye and cheekbone, robbing him of the rest of his life, whilst Louise takes aim at the man to her far left.

Steve takes aim at the other entrance guard and sends armour defeating death through his heart. Louise pulls the trigger twice, lancing the man to her far left through the mouth, before shifting her aim to the man on her near left. 

Louise double taps the man, hitting him in the left cheek and just above the left eye, before shifting her aim to the last man, whilst Steve also aims at the last man. 

They fire simultaneously at the last man standing. Steve's rounds strike in his upper chest, whilst Louise tags his jaw and neck. 

Steve sweeps forward retrieving his knife and recovering a pistol and suicide vest from the man in black, before quickly gathering up the weapons of the fallen men and depositing them in a cupboard, then snapping off the door handle to keep the weapons out of the way.

Louise gazes at the faces of the hostages, looking up at her and Steve. She sees the looks of hope, gratitude and relief on their faces and chokes back the tears, "We did it. These people will live because of us." 

Steve places a hand on her shoulder, snapping her out of her reverie. "Are you ok?" He asks, concerned. Louise nods and gives the thumbs up. 

He turns to the still bound hostages, "Please remain calm and quiet for the moment, someone will be here soon to release you. We have to move on, but you are safe now."

The hostages nod and several mouth the words, "Thank you", whilst other softly cry. 

Steve turns and nods to Louise and they exit the room sharply, less than a minute after they entered. 

"Why did you use the knife on the man in black? Show off." Terry asks over the radio. 

"With these rounds, if I had shot him, the bullets would have gone straight through and into the poor so and so the other side." Steve explains. "How dare you accuse me of showing off." He adds with a touch of mock outrage. 

"I am soooo sorry." Terry responds jokingly, before a serious tone creeps into his voice, "You guys work really well together. Your friend is very good."

Louise blushes under her face plate, as Steve steers the conversation back towards the job at hand. "Thanks mate, so where are the remaining hostiles?"

"North and south staircases, five in the north, six in the south. Both teams are on the second floor, driving people in front of them and keeping a flight of stairs between them and the civilians. My guess is when they can't push any more, they will move through the crowd and up to Ryan. If that is the case, you don't have long."

"Understood." Steve confirms, turning to Louise, "I will take the south if you can take the north. I believe in you."

The faces of the hostages, spin through her mind, "There are people who may die without me, I will do this for them" She thinks, turning to Steve, "and for you, I won't let you down. You gave me my life back, I will always be there, when you need me." Louise nods, before confirming, "Let's do this."

"You have got this, trust what I have taught you and what your gut says." Steve softly assures her. "Let's do this."

"Which way?" Louise asks, whilst she reloads her weapon.

"You go left, I will go right, stairs are at end of corridor, break a leg. I love you." Steve answers, whilst he refreshes his weapon.

"I love you too. Break a leg." Louise says turning to head down the corridor. 

Steve watches her walk away for a moment, thinking to himself, "You really are a remarkable woman." He takes a deep breath and heads off to search for his targets.

They enter the stair wells simultaneously and begin to silently climb. Whilst the door behind Steve closes softly, the springs on the door behind Louise close it with a soft tap, which can barely be heard above the sound of the crowded stairs above her. 

Richards commanding the smaller team, hears the faint knock and peeks down the centre of the stairs over the open stair rail, seeing nothing. "Clements. Check behind us." He orders, before turning back to drive the mass of people forward one flight above him. 

Clements, shoulders his weapon and heads down quietly and slowly, as Louise reaches the first floor. She hears the scuff of a boot above her and ducks through the door, she sees the man heading down the stairs and holds her breath as he glides past the door.

She let's the sling hold her weapon as she draws a knife thinking, "The sound of a silenced shot will alert them, I have to do this silently." after a silent prayer, she slips through the door, a moves behind the man in a combat crouch. 

Louise, feels her body relax and allows herself to surrender to Steve's training. Moving close behind the man she places her left hand over his lower face and kicks the back of his knees. The man barely has time to realise what is happening, when she pulls his head to the side and inserts her knife into the base of his skull, severing his spinal column. She leaves the knife in place and lowers him to the ground, lifeless.

She retrieves her weapon and begins her ascent anew, trying not to think about what she had just done. 

On the top floor, the doors give way in the intensive care ward. "Ok people, fall back." Shaw orders. She is the last to enter the room and she closes the door behind her and watches the crowd surge in.

"Guv?" Green asks. 

"What's up sarge?" Shaw responds, focusing on the crowd. 

"Where is he?" Green asks. 

She spins sharply, seeing Ryan's empty bed. "How the hell?" she mouths. 
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

In two stair wells, on opposite sides of the hospital, Steve and Louise, brace themselves ahead of their assault. The flights of stairs are steep and someone approaching from below is afforded some cover as they ascend.‎

"Stay safe Lou." Steve thinks, ‎as he finishes disarming an explosive device attached to the exit doors and readies himself. 

"I love you, Steve." Thinks Louise, as she retrieves and wipes her knife, from the skull of the man she just killed.

As if on cue, Steve and Louise, begin their charge simultaneously. ‎

Louise surrenders herself to Steve's training and sprints hard. As the first man comes into view, she raises her weapon and puts a three round burst into his chest. She is already on the steps above him as he falls. 

Steve charges forward, towards two men on the lower steps, tagging each with three round bursts to the neck and lower face. 

Louise takes the steps two at a time and draws level with the remaining four men, she drops prone on the stairs, letting the armour take the brunt of the impact, sweeping a ten round burst at ankle level, as she lands.

Steve climbs the stairs keeping low in a combat crouch as he goes. The men on the stair above are moving to greet him. He fires rapidly, striking three of the men, with headshots in rapid succession and rolling to the side as the last man returns fire. 

As the men before her fall, Louise plants a three round burst into one of the prone mens skulls, whilst two of the other men are moaning in pain, she sees the last man pull a grenade. 

Above his head, Steve hears the panicked screams of the fearful human shield that these men have been driving. He fires a blind burst over the cover of the stairs and stands weapon ready. The last man falls as Steve's weapon barks again. 

Richards holds the grenade with his right hand and pulls the pin with his left, launching it toward the stair well where his attacker is taking cover. "Three." Louise thinks, as she sees him throw. She watches and sees the bulb overhead. "Two." She rolls backward putting a burst through the outer window of the stairwell and lands sitting next to the grenade, grabbing it and throwing it out of the window. "One." Louise raises her weapon and gets to her feet. 

The shattering of the window alerts the police outside and many take aim through the broken stairwell window. The detonation and shrapnel from the grenade shatters half a dozen of the windows on this side of the building, the surrounding officers, they take aim at the three men on the stairwell and open fire as Louise stands. 

Steve turns and runs as he hears the explosion and the volley of gunfire from outside. "Lupine, come in." He says, activating his throat mike. 

Louise pitches forward over the stair rail as multiple rounds slam into the armour on her back. The rest of the rounds find their marks in the hostile men above her. 

She lands hard, two floors down, managing to roll, but stopping hard against the wall. Dazed, she crouches against the wall, panting. 

Steve slams through the door, nearly tripping over Louise. She shakily gets to her feet and Steve sees the back of her armour. The fabric covering is shredded, and a dozen rounds are lodged in the vest. "Are you ok?" He asks, concerned, as he spots that the emergency exit door has been booby trapped.

Louise nods weakly. The armour and blunt trauma shield did their work stopping the bullets and reducing the force transferred through to her body, but her back and ribs feel very sore.

"Steve, you need to move mate, the officer outside are mobilising and the people forces up the stairs are starting to come back down." Terry warns. 

Louise walks slowly, unable to run. Steve grabs a wheel chair and helps her sit. He pushes her through the doors as he hears the approaching crowd. He spins, grabbing his weapon and puts two bursts through the makeshift bomb on the emergency exit, destroying the detonator. 

"Hold tight." He whispers and begins to run, pushing the wheel chair in front of him. ‎Louise reloads her weapon and as they approach booby trapped exits, she shreds the detonators. 

A contingent of officers in heavy gear approaches the building, weapons raised, scanning the windows for trouble. They see the shadow of a man pushing a wheelchair at speed, but hold their fire, until they can confirm a target.

Steve and Louise charge through the hospital back towards the maintenance exit, as they hear the foyer windows smash, followed by the heavy thump of boots. 

"This is going to be tight." Louise thinks, as they push through the doors and down into the bowels of the hospital's maintenance tunnels below. 

The police assault team enters the foyer, avoiding the doors. Half of the team step over the fallen hostiles and spread out to secure the area, whilst the other, half rush to the aid of the hostages, untying them one by one.

At the same time, the people used as human shields pour out of the exit doors at the base of their respective stairwells and run towards the waiting officers. Led by an older black gentleman, with a bandage on his head.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

How good are sequences written!!! This is outstanding!
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