Devotion (M/F) (M/M) - A sequel to Deception (Complete)

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Post by BindPam »

This is really my favorite series, I just love Louise and Steve.

We're finding out more and more why Louise was kidnapped, and of course we now need Steve to be the hero we know he is and save her :P

And Steve needs to show the bad guys the error of their ways, interrupting wedding plans!
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Post by wolfman »

Harris sat in his study with a scotch on the rocks. He reclined in his arm chair and checked his home security system. Everything was quiet, just the way he liked it.

He took a nine iron and sent a ball hurtling out of the window to test the system, as he did several times per day. He rewound the video feed, the ball wasn't on it. He nodded to himself "So much for a quiet evening."

Outside, a six man team dressed in black, armed with silenced sub-machine guns edges towards the house, across the leaf covered lawn.

The lead operative, edges forward, watching the house for signs of movement. He pitches forward as his foot goes through the leaf litter. He barely has time to react as a dozen, thin, needle sharp, barbed, bamboo stakes impale his descending foot. He unleashes a blood curdling scream cutting through the oppresive quiet of the night. 

Harris watches from his study window, standing back in the shadows. Punji traps were used widely by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam conflict. Low tech, effective and concealed, a perfect countermeasure. 

"Good evening, gentlemen." he says quietly to himself.

He reaches behind the wardrobe and pulls out a silenced semi automatic rifle. Taps two buttons on his desk, the first floods the grounds with blinding, strobe lighting. The second locks the study door and activates the secondary camera system.

The fallen man, looks to his colleagues, as the strobes begin. They are scrambling to help him. "Stop." he orders, "take cover." The first man falls, underlining his point as three rifle rounds tear into his chest, shredding the light armour he wears and spraying his life blood across the face of the man behind him. 

The fallen man watches in horror, as each strobe flash, shows another of his men dead on the ground. He struggles to free his foot from the stakes but half have splintered embedded in his flesh, the other half refuse to detach from their moorings at the base of the shallow pit. 

Within seconds he is alone, surrounded by the bodies of his comrades, bleeding and in pain, his weapon out of reach. Time passes slowly as he feels his life ebb away, whilst, unknown to him, the other four teams are ruthlessly cut down.

In excruciating agony he waits, for what seems like an eternity, to bleed out, he looks around him at his fallen team mates, the scent of death permeating the scene. "I didn't think it would end like this." He whispers, "dead in a ditch in the home counties." 

His eyes widen as he sees a figure illuminated by the flashes approach slowly from the house, each flash shows the man standing still, each flash brings him closer. 

"Pick up man." Ryan shouts in frustration at his phone, as he tries to call Harris, to warn him of the impending assault. 

Just as he contemplates heading out in person to warn him, Harris calls. 

"Sir, I have reason to believe you are in danger." Ryan says frantically, upon answering.

"I see," Harris says, "How quickly can you get here?"

"Thirty minutes, maybe twenty." Ryan says on his feet and heading for the door. 

"Excellent, I will see you then." Harris says calmly, "Oh, can you bring a pair of pliers and thirty body bags, please."

Ryan stops dead in his tracks "Sir?"

"My home has been attacked and I want to get cleaned up, before the enemy regroups and tries again." Harris says "I take it that is why you have been trying to call?"

Ryan takes a breath, "Louise has been kidnapped by Lombard. He blackmailed an analyst at technical solutions to provide details on Steve, Louise, you and our client base."

"We will have a talk about why I am only finding out about this now, but that can wait. How is Steve?"

"Lombard want Steve to get Helen in exchange for Louise. He is calm." Ryan says knowing Harris will understand the significance. 

"Oh. Oh dear." Harris says "I will ask him to join us, we three have much to discuss."

Steve moves through the house gathering rope, duct tape, superglue and cable ties, stuffing them into a bag, in preparation for confronting the P.I. McCready when his phone buzzes in his pocket. He pauses to look at the screen. "Harris? Why is he calling so late." He whispers to himself.

"Sir?" He says, unsettled by the lateness of the call 

"Steve, we need to talk. I know Louise has been snatched and there is more." Harris says, evenly.

"Ryan told you, can't blame him really." Steve sighed. "Hang on. What do you mean, there is more?"

"Whilst Ryan found a mole in the organisation, I have spent some time dealing with holes in my garden and the problems are linked." Harris said quietly. 

"Harris has been targeted?" Steve muses. "I am on my way." He confirms to Harris.

"Steve." Harris spoke seriously, "We will get her back."

"Thank you sir." Steve says hanging up the phone. 

Steve drives like the devil's chasing him and arrives with a spray of gravel at Harris' front door, smoothly turning off the ignition, taking a bag from the passenger seat and exiting the vehicle. 

Ryan and Harris are awaiting his arrival and escort him inside. Soft agonised moans can be heard from upstairs as the enter the study. 

Turning to Steve, Harris advises "Thirty of Lombards men came for me tonight. This was a serious effort, however, due to dumb luck, I was able to stop them." 

"When it gets back to Lombard, he may seek retribution. This puts Lou at risk." Steve says calculating the odds. 

"How do you want to play it?" Ryan asks. 

"I think I know where she is being held. Lombard has set up a new contracting organisation, based in Southampton. They have a registered converted warehouse. Purchase ledger seems to indicate a base of operations, given the items shipped." Steve says calmly.

"The man bleeding out upstairs, mentioned a warehouse. This could be the place." Harris confirms, "Count me in. I can't let you do this alone." Harris says. 

"Hell, even for personal projects, you can't go in the field without my support, let's cut out the phone and do this direct." Ryan says, shaking his head with a smile. 

"I can't ask you to do this. They will likely have enough weapons to start a war, when the shooting starts, the police will arrive en masse." Steve says touched. 

"You aren't asking, we are offering, besides, I can use it in place of a field assessment this year. As for the police, we will just have to be quick." Harris says with a twinkle in his eyes.
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Post by BindPam »

The men are off to save Louise! ***cheers Steve, Ryan and Mr. Harris***

I hope she's okay! ;)
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Post by Emma »

I'm glad Harris survived the assault on his home. You would expect a man in his position to be a survivor.

I noticed there's no bondage in this chapter, and that's a good thing. Why? It's not just a bondage story, it's an adventure story, with bondage overtones. I'm sure we'll see Louise bound and gagged soon enough. And not just by her captors, lol!
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Post by wolfman »

Joachim approached Lombard's office with a report on the teams sent to deal with Harris. "This will not make him happy." he thought as he knocked the door. 

"Come in." Lombard said with a smile. "Right on time, come in take a seat and tell me how the old goat died. "

Joachim entered the room slowly, to see Lombard in chinos, silk shirt and a cravate, pacing his office, expectantly. 

"The teams arrived onsite and proceeded as planned and then there is garbled chatter on the radios before all communication was lost." Joachim advises, his eyes downcast. "I fear all men are lost."

"What do you mean all of their comms are dead?" Lombard bellows in a rage. "How the hell did this happen? Thirty men should have easily taken that old fart."

His pacing quickens as he pours himself a scotch and knocks it back in one swallow. "Shit." he shouts, "by now they will probably know we are behind it. Lock this place down and secure the woman."

"With respect sir, she is secure, my time would be better spent in preparations for any unwelcome visitors." Joachim says evenly. 

"True." Lombard sighs "she is going no where, lock this place down, I will be in the command centre."

Joachim nods, thinking "This will end badly." As he walks out of the office into the staging area. He barks orders to nervous contractors, spurring them into action, within moments all of the entrances to the building have heavy duty metal shutters locked into place and men are taking position on the roof to identify and intercept any approaching forces.

Louise woke with a start at the sudden flurry of motion, "Something's up in camp." she thinks her eyes widening." Steve!"

She goes to the frosted glass bathroom area removing a diamond earring. She sits on the toilet. "Let's see if this works." she presses the earring hard against the glass and begins scoring a series of lines. Then she lowers the lid of the toilet and the scores a long line from the sink to around the outer walls. "I have no idea if this will work, but I have to try something." she thinks as she puts the plug into the sink. 

"Now to wait, until they are all distracted fully." she thinks sitting on the bed. She looks up at the ceiling and whispers, "Where are you Steve?"

En route Steve pulls up a map of the area, he points out, "There is a building opposite, seems to look onto the target building and we should be able to enter it unseen."

Ryan nods, as he guns the engine of Steve's car.  "We can set up to cover and keep their heads down."

"We have enough ordnance to finish a war, they won't know what hit them." Harris adds

They drive on in silence each immersed in their roles, an hour after leaving, they arrive unseen at the warehouse opposite their target. They quietly disembark and enter the building unhindered and climb to the second floor. 

The three men are scanning the opposite building with binoculars from the second floor. "Well, that is a lot of boots on the ground." Ryan points out, frowning, "I count at least thirty armed operators onsite."

"Look up." Harris adds, pointing to snipers on the roof. "They will see us coming before we get a sniff of the place." 

"They are well dug in, I will give them that. We need to focus their attention to create a window." Steve says focusing. 

"Wait, I see her." Steve says, relieved, "centre of their staging area in a glass box."

"At least she is safe mate." Ryan pats Steve on the shoulder. "We can do this."

"Ground floor access has been cut off, I am seeing steel plates at all entrances." Harris says, frustrated.

"I am not planning on going through the front door." Steve says looking at the large crane peaking into view beyond the target building. 

Steve thought as he climbed the hundred foot plus crane with ease. "Since settling down I am in the best shape I have ever been. I have trained more and harder than ever. Her love makes me stronger."

"I am coming for you, my love." he thinks, as he reaches the apex of the crane and looks across to the target building. "No margin for error." he says, drawing the near recoil-free tranquilliser carbine. He stands tall, embracing the wind, feeling the pulse of the night, visualising what comes next and after a silent prayer, he steps into the void. 

His modified parachute opens after a few seconds of freefall, carrying him towards the rooftop. He spots the four snipers on the roof and targets each in turn. He lands silently and gathers his chute quickly and runs in a crouch towards the roof entrance. 

Harris and Ryan detonate their charges, shattering every window on their building facing Lombard's warehouse. Moving quickly and staying in the shadows, they strafe the warehouse, showering those inside with high velocity rounds and shattered glass. 

Joachim is the first to react. "Squads five and six, support east wall. All units look alive, this could be a diversion." He grabs a large machine gun and begins systematically sweeping the building opposite. 

Harris lowers his weapon and begins throwing smoke grenades down into the warehouse, as Ryan provides covering fire. 

Steve descends the stairs and sweeps rapidly room to room, tranquilising any personnel he comes across. Most are office personnel who freeze as he enters and drop as he leaves. The two security operatives for the floor, don't even clear their weapons from their holsters.

Louise sees the wall of glass fly from the opposite building and crouches on the floor, she pulls the cable attached to her ankle to its limit and then, begins to climb. "I couldn't have done this six months ago." she thinks as she ascends. 

She rests among the pipes above her cell. Keeping the cable steady, she braces, and strikes out at the sprinkler head mounted above her cell. The thin glass smashes easily and a jet of water lances down into the cell. She turns balancing on the pipes and jumps up, slamming her feet down onto the water supply pipe. 

The constant gunfire and smoke covers her actions as the water pipe snaps under her and adds to the torrent from the sprinkler rapidly filling the cell. 

She crouches among the pipes and waits, unseen.

Steve opens the access door from the top floor administrative offices to the warehouse and sweeps the room, "Smoke everywhere, hanging low, one fire team per wall on north, west and south sides, three clusters on east, pinned down by suppressive fire." he stops as he sees Louise's cell almost full of water, his love, no where to be seen. 

"Target the cell walls, repeat target the cell walls." He speaks softly into his radio. "No time for stealth, now son." He thinks as he secures his tranquilliser carbine and unships, the drum fed auto-shotgun. 

Louise watches as the gouges she made with her earring start to grow slowly under pressure from the rising waters. When the rounds from Ryan and Harris connect to the glass, the effect is instantaneous, causing the scratches to become fissures, racing across the cells walls. With a mighty crack, the wall facing the largest grouping of operatives voilently shatters, sending several thousand gallons of water and shards of glass hurtling in their direction, picking up loose debris, desks, chairs and training equipment, before slamming into the men. 

Steve sprints towards the base of the stairs as the glass shatters and is halfway down when the assembled troops are assaulted by the cascade of water. He stops short of the bottom of the stairs to let the water settle for a moment. As the power shorts out, he dons his night vision goggles.  

Lombard was not a happy man, in the space of less than three minutes, his facility had been breached and damaged to the point where, even if they came out of the other side, it was no longer a viable site.

He stands in a sealed room, which serves as a command centre and evacuation point, on the lower floor separate from the carnage unfolding. The emergency power and back up lighting bath the room in a red glow.

Lombard keys his radio, "Joachim prep for evac." 

He accesses the control console on the wall and enter a series of instructions before pressing execute. 

Louise feels the cable rapidly tighten and she is pulled sharply into the air, her head striking a pipe as she is violently pulled up by her ankle, her eyes flutter closed as she is whisked up and across the warehouse and lowered into Lombard's sealed evac area. 

Steve sees Louise fly across above the smoke filled melee below her and he starts running to intercept her course, splashing through ankle deep water as he goes. 

A movement to his left, instantly stilled by the beastly weapon in his hands, without breaking his stride. He leaps onto a table sending a wave of buckshot before him and sails over the bodies the other side without a glance, . Unstoppable, he cuts a swath through the operatives before him, in his inexorable march to save his love. 

Ryan sees Steve's charge and covers him, effortlessly picking of any threat to his friend, whilst Harris lays down a withering barrage of fire, on the hapless men below.

Joachim and the men he is with are swept off of their feet by the wave of water and debris, he quickly appraises the situation and rallies the men, "On your feet, it is just a bit of water." he shouts. 

Following Lombard's order, he takes two men and heads to the command centre, passing an operative, crushed between a heavy desk and a steel plate. The man is pinned at the waist, slumped forward, not breathing. "I am sorry soldier, this was a mess from the start."

He and the two other soldiers, enter the sealed room and slam the heavy steel door shut, as Louise is lowered through a hatch in the ceiling. He takes hold of her and guides her to the floor and notes the rising lump on the back of her head. He quickly checks her pulse. "Good, she is still alive." He confirms. Checking her clothes he wonders, "How is she dry?"

He releases the shackle, connecting her to the steel cable and lifts her into the trunk of the evac SUV. Working quickly, he tightly zip ties her wrists and forearms behind her, then zip ties her ankles and legs above the knee, then connects her ankle ties to her wrists. Before closing the trunk, he eases a thick cloth between her lips and ties it tightly behind her neck.

Lombard readies a compact sub-machine gun as he approaches the vehicle. "We are good to go, the launch is on standby. However, we need to get moving, dispatch confirms armed police units en route."

The two men turn as the hear a thump on the door. They see Steve banging on the door. Lombard smiles, cruelly and snatches up a piece of paper and a pen. He hurriedly scrawls on the paper and holds it up to the glass. 

Steve stands panting at the door to the room holding Lombard and his love. He pulls at the door and strains, but the door will not budge. He looks through the small window in the door and thumps the door in frustration. He watches Lombard write a note and hold it to the window. "4 days." 

He watches helpless to intervene, as the assembled men enter the SUV and slowly drive out of the building. He sees the thickness of the door and knows, he has nothing on him to open it

"No, no, no." He says, snatching his radio, "Lombard is escaping with Lou, get moving, see you out front."

Ryan and Harris move fast, fading towards the rear of their building and descending rapidly to their vehicle. They stow their weapons in the trunk and Ryan takes the wheel with Harris in the front passenger seat, readying a large machine pistol. They peel out, skidding around the corner and sliding to a stop in front of the building. 

Steve smashes through a lower window and emerged from the smoke filled battleground. Racing to the waiting vehicle, he tears open the rear door and leaps in crying out "Go, go, go." 

Ryan guns the engine and the vehicle leaps forward, in pursuit of the rapidly escaping SUV.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow. Lots of action - and Steve does not succeed. Louise is still in the hands of Lombard. How dramatic! Written very well - I so do hope, Steve rescues Louise!
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Post by BindPam »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Wow. Lots of action - and Steve does not succeed. Louise is still in the hands of Lombard. How dramatic! Written very well - I so do hope, Steve rescues Louise!
Steve does not succeed....yet.

He's in pursuit!

Louise will be rescued, and Lombard will see the error of his ways.

I hope.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Me too 🙂 But there may be a long and stony Path till then 🙂
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Post by wolfman »

Lombard guns the engine and the SUV lances out of the building. "When this is over, I am killing that man. What the hell just happened?"

"We were overwhelmingly, and decisively attacked by a well trained force and somehow, they managed to flood the facility." Joachim says, in a matter of fact tone, as he wonders. "The cell must have been filled with water and when it burst it flooded the facility. Why was she dry?"

"Well obviously. We need to discuss the use of rhetorical questions at some point." Lombard says, checking the rear view mirror. "Company. Keep your weapons holstered for now, gunfire will draw law enforcement, before we can get to the docks."

Ryan was not a sniper, like Harris, or an operator like Steve. But, as an experienced counter-terrorist officer, he was an investigator, firearms trained and an expert behind the wheel. 

The streets are quiet, as he wrestles the vehicle through the city like a hawk, chasing down its prey. They round the corner and after a change down Ryan guns the engine closing the gap between the two vehicles. 

"Steady on, we don't know where in the vehicle she is." Steve says anxious. 

"My guess is out of the way in the boot of the vehicle, if she was on rear seat, she could interfere with shooters in place." Harris advises as the SUV rounds a corner sharply. 

"It's too narrow to risk trying a one vehicle stop on these streets, will have to keep eyes on, until we can safely engage." Ryan says dryly, maintaining the distance between the vehicles as Lombard swerve around a tight bend.

Louise wakes in darkness and in pain, her arms are pinned back and her legs forced into a bent position. She tries to move and grunts into her gag in frustration. As she struggles the zip tie around her ankle, digs into the welt left by the ankle cuff, as she was dragged in to the air at the warehouse. She screams in pain, and tears fill her eyes as she settles.

As the vehicle sharply turns she is flung sharply across the boot with her knee striking the side of the boot hard. She cries in pain from the impact, the cloth between her lips swallowing her pleas and turning them into muffled cries, lost beneath the roar of the engine.

She shakes her head furiously trying to dislodge the cloth and hangs her head in defeat when it stays fast. In her mind she is taken back to a bathtub six months ago where she was bound this way, as the water rose. She felt the same fear now, a fear of death unless she can get free, she fervently checked her back pocket, but her file was gone, "I must have dropped it when I was pulled up by the cable." she thought as he blood turned to ice in her veins.

As she twists her arms, trying to free them, she sees the face of Dickens, the man who put her in the tub, who she had to kill. He mocks her feeble attempts to escape as she is thrown around the boot. "Steve was right about being haunted by the faces of those whose lives you take." a tear forms in her eye, "How many faces does Steve carry, how many more will there be by the end of this?"

Lombard, drives straight over the mini roundabout at ninety. The large vehicle bounces from the manoeuvre, but Lombard wrests back control and swings the vehicle hard right, into a tight side street. He accelerates hard before a sharp left sees brake hard and peel left to avoid a late night cyclist.

Ryan keeps pace in the sports saloon, turning hard to keep up, sticking to Lombard's vehicle like glue. "Impressive driving for an SUV." Ryan remarks. 

Harris snorts, "He was pretty useless at a lot of things in the field, but, when he was an operator, he could make a tank pirouette."

"He is heading for the docks." Steve says, pulling down the arm rest and feeding this shotgun and tranq carbine into the boot of the vehicle. 

Ryan pulls his phone and taps an app that shouldn't exist, before handing it to Harris. "That is linked to police dispatch, log on to this area and track units on the move. The police will be rolling by now."

Harris takes the phone and logs in, "I won't ask." He says smiling, as the local police vehicles as shown on screen. 

"Best not to." Ryan chuckles, "Anything nearby?"

"Nothing in immediate area, but four, no, five vehicles, less than a mile out and converging fast. Helicopter monitoring a chase, on M three, northbound."

"That is something, I guess, we need to end this fast, or we will end up drowning in blue lights." Ryan says. 

"We are half a mile from the docks at most, can we head them off? If they get through the gates we have no chance." Steve asks, worried.

"Maybe," Ryan says grimly, as they follow the SUV around a bend onto a slightly wider road. He changes down a gear and punches the accelerator, sending the vehicle surging forward, "I am going to try and get in front on them and slam on brakes. Might force a stop, Lou should be ok if she is in the boot." 

Steve and Harris nod, readying their weapons in preparation.

Lombard sees the other vehicle close the gap between them, "No you don't," He says sharply as he picks up speed and swings the vehicle back and forth across the road, blocking Ryan's attempts to pass them.

Joachim winds his window down, "Whilst they are this close." He says, as he tosses a small canister out of the window. 

Ryan swerves wildly to avoid the canister,  as it explodes, cracking the windows on the passenger side and peppering the door with shrapnel. The car rocks violently and Ryan fights to regain control as it lands hard on its solid rubber tyres. 

"Back off mate," Steve says, placing a hand on ryan's shoulder. "If they do that again, this car won't be in a fit state to catch them."

Ryan looks warily in the rear view mirror at Steve, as he drops his speed slightly. "Where are the police?"

"All within half a mile. This is going to be tight."

"We going to make it." Steve whispers. 

"Whilst we have gas in the tank, we will bloody try. That said, the explosion has damaged the suspension. This isn't handling as crisply, this will be messy." Ryan said, fighting the vehicle to keep pace with Lombard's vehicle.

"Gentlemen," Harris began solemnly, "We need to have a discussion regarding the use of company vehicles and resources for personal business, this does seem to be a pattern with you two."

Ryan chuckles and even Steve cracks a smile as the vehicle rounds the bend. "Shit, they are at the gates to the docks." Steve says as the armed officers raise the barrier allowing the SUV to proceed. 

"Drop me off I will hoof it." Steve says, pulling his tranq pistol and holstering his sidearm.  

"You won't make it. The police are closing in."
Harris pleads.  

"While I have a hole in my arse, I have to try. Drop me off and get clear." Steve says, firmly. 

Ryan pulls up sharply at the gate. Steve jumps out and the vehicle speeds away as blue lights can be seen approaching. The armed police level their weapons at Steve, but before they can call out a warning, they are cut short by matching darts in their necks. 

He vaults over the barrier and scoops up a discarded sub machine gun as he sprints forward. He sees the SUV on the far side of the docks. "Glad I have been working out." he thinks as he charges forth.

The vehicle spins sharply and comes to a halt, propelling Louise, hard into the boot lid of the vehicle. Her tears flow like a river, not for herself, but for what Steve will do to save her, as she weeps, she prays silently. "Dear God, we had found peace, please let this end, so Steve can be at peace once more."

She tries to retreat as the boot lid springs open, but the big Dane's hands are too fast as he pulls her bruised and bound body, out into the early morning air. Louise struggles as best she can, as he snips the tie connecting her wrists to her ankles and throws her over his shoulder. She fights in vain, as he starts moving towards the motor launch moored there, Lombard already at the helm. 

"Contact." one of the operatives who accompanied Joachim shouts. He takes a knee and raises his weapon, sending a burst back down the dock. 

Louise looks up to see what the man was shooting at and her heart leaps when Steve about a hundred metres away, duck from the volley. Her eyes widen, "Steve," she screams, into the cloth filling her mouth. She feels renewed as she struggles to break the grip of the Dane. 

"Give it a rest." Joachim barks at Louise, rapidly striking her thighs and buttocks as he holds on to her and continues on to join Lombard in the launch.  

Steve peeks from behind a crane support leg and fires on one of the men, grazing his arm. He sees Louise over the shoulder of a big man striking her, as her cries fight the wind to reach his ears. 

"I am coming Lou, stay strong." Steve says softly. He runs to the next crane leg, firing as he goes to keep Lombard's men's heads down. His heart sinks as he hears a powerful motorboat engine start. "No you bloody don't."

He sprints from behind the post towards the two men on over watch. "Fifty metres." He thinks, running hard. The guards open fire as he runs and weaves from left to right. He returns fire at full sprint and catches one man high on the torso with a burst, the other man's weapon, clicks dry. The operative panics and runs for the boat. 

Joachim steps onto the launch and deposits Louise hard into a seat, tightly securing the seat belt around her. He leans in and whispers, "I don't know how you did it, but I know you caused the flood. Some good men, men with families died because of you and I will make you pay for their lives." 

He pauses, his voice wavering for a moment "I had the chance to secure you better, but chose not too, from now on, this is as free as you get."

She stares daggers at the big man, trying to adjust her position and ease the pressure, on her arms as she is pressed into the seat. "I would do it a hundred times over, to be with the man I love."

Joachim turns to see the second of the two men he brought with them, turn and draw his sidearm, he drops to the ground before his arm is straightened to aim, cut down by a burst of gunfire. 

"Go, go, go." Joachim shouts, as he puts his arm around Louise and draws a large revolver and presses the barrel under her chin. 

Steve throws the empty sub machine gun into the water as he draws his sidearm. He takes aim at the big man but has no clean shot, without hitting Louise. 

Lombard accelerates hard away from the dock, turning to give Steve a wave, as the launch smoothly speeds away. 

Louise screams as the boat pulls away, her eyes locked with Steve's. "No, let me go." she screams before the thick cloth in her mouth garbles her cries. Joachim, slaps her hard. "You need to calm down, I was decent with you, but then you forgot your place as a hostage. Don't worry, I will remind you."

Steve empties his pistol, trying to hit the engine of the boat, but it is retreating too quickly. His weapon is spent and he throws it in frustration,as a large group of armed police officers approach with their weapons raised.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by BindPam »

I know this is all going to turn out fine in the end, but for right this moment, yes, I'm worried :shock:
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Post by Emma »

Louise is still in danger, and undoubtedly even more so at this point. Steve is frustrated, while Ryan and Harris can only look on helplessly.

Or can they?

I'm very interested to see how resourceful these men can be. And not just them--there's also Louise, who is a damsel in name only.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Caesar73 »

Emma wrote: 4 years ago Louise is still in danger, and undoubtedly even more so at this point. Steve is frustrated, while Ryan and Harris can only look on helplessly.

Or can they?

I'm very interested to see how resourceful these men can be. And not just them--there's also Louise, who is a damsel in name only.
Everything seems very desperate at the moment. What can Steve do? What will he do? Leonards reminder will undoubtly not very pleasant for Louuse. Her resilience will be put to a test.
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Post by BindPam »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago
Everything seems very desperate at the moment. What can Steve do? What will he do? Leonards reminder will undoubtly not very pleasant for Louuse. Her resilience will be put to a test.

i know! She's strong, now, though, and has faith in Steve, which should see her through all this.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Louise will need all the strenghts you mentioned, Pam!
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Steve hears the quietly and cautiously approaching officers before he sees them. "Ten officers, slow approach, steps in sync, no way they are regular bobbies." He thinks, looking up at the slowly brightening sky "Ten darts in the tranq pistol, I am not that fast."

As he comes to this realisation the first officer rounds the corner. Steve keeps his hands close to his chest, facing away from them as he waits. 

"Armed police, drop your weapons." the lead officer shouts, her voice, strong and confident, as the police firearms team approached with weapons ready.  

Recognising the voice, Steve turns slowly to face them, revealing the grenades in his hands, with the pins pulled. "If you shoot me, these fall, then you fall." he says in a thick Belfast accent. "Assault armour, carbines, sidearms and numbers, I hope this works." He thinks, weighing up the options.

DCI Shaw's eyes narrow under the face plate of her helmet. "That voice, The irishman," she thinks "you have got to be kidding me."

After her tribunal hearing Ryan had met her and filled in some of the blanks regarding the disappearances of Louise and Helen Carter, but had skirted around the irishman's involvement, warning her, not to rouse the beast. His warning echoed in her mind. "He is the most dangerous man you will ever meet, he is ruthless, relentless and driven. If he has reason, he will end you, that's all there is too it."

"Easy there, what is it you want?" Shaw asks, extending her arm with her palm facing down in a calming gesture.

"You in charge here?" Steve asks, directly. 

"DCI Shaw, stop stalling, what do you want?" She speaks, confidently, watching closely, for any sudden movements, she would take no chances with this man.

"Back your people off and let me get out of here." Steve says in a low voice. 

"Not happening, we are responding to the commencement of a significant incident, and indications are from the drugged officers on the gate, the shell casings and the blood on your clothes that you are involved. You are looking at multiple assault, murder, ordanance and firearms charges. You will be leaving this dock with us, or the coroner." Her voice is hard and does not waver. 

Steve smiles to himself. "That's it don't back down." He thinks, "If she reacts like I think she will, we can have a little chat."

"I drop these and we all leave in bin bags, you shoot me and these drop, same result. What do you think is going to happen, here?" Steve challenges. All officers, except Shaw, shift uneasily.

"We will stand off for a while, harsh words will be spoken and you will try something, then two of my people will shoot you in the chest with rubber bullets and you will go off the dock with your precious grenades. They will go off underwater, we will go home." She says sharply. As if on cue, two officers switch to crowd control weapons with rubber bullets.

"One problem, under this dock, is a diesel tank used for filling the many ships that use this port, they are filled with several thousand gallons of diesel. Up here, the concrete will shield them." he nods towards the water, "in there, this close, the concussion of the blasts will rupture the tanks and the tide will spread it quicker that it can be contained. Just one spark and half the south coast wil be in flames by lunch time."

Shaw scrutinised him, "The tanks are down there but, would two grenades be enough to rupture them." she wondered. 

After a long pause, "Gentlemen," she said addressing her team, "Fall back one hundred metres and maintain a perimeter. Sergeant, notify the bomb squad."

"What about you sir?" Her sergeant asked.

Shaw's eye twitched at the use of the word "sir". She had been leading the regional counter terrorism unit, based at Southampton airport for four months and the team still called her sir, despite her many requests for them to call her Guv. "So much for a modern police service." She thought ruefully.

She exhaled slowly, "I am going to keep our suspect company."

"Yes, sir" he said as the men started pulling back.

The sergeant looks at her with fresh eyes, as he and the other men back away and thinks to himself. "We all saw footage from the warehouse on the way in. Looked like an abbatoir. Eight hospitalised, twenty three dead, nineteen recovering from tranquiliser.   This guy jumped out of one of the cars seen fleeing the scene and she is staring him down, like she has ice water in her veins."

His eyes widen in realisation. "The accent. Could this be the irishman, Shaw talks about." He wonders. He shivers involuntarily at the crime scene photos from Dr Callard's brutal murder. 

In hushed tones, he briefed the team. The officers took up position, watching the suspect with a mixture of awe, horror and dread.

When the officers had retreated, Shaw lowered her weapon, "What the hell is going on? We are stretched thin enough without you people waging armed corporate conflicts. You will not walk away this time." She spoke in a low, angry voice, between gritted teeth. 

"Not corporate, personal," Steve said, taking a chance "the building that was attacked, held my fiancé. The man responsible, left the building and came here, where they escaped by boat."

"Then you should have involved us." Shaw asserted.

"I want her back alive, with no more casualties than it takes. You play by the rules. In my world, those rules are a noose." Steve retorted.

"You people are all the same. It's a big scary world and you aren't ready for it." she says mockingly, stepping towards him. "Well, guess what, you are in my world, a world of consequence, where breaking the rules means a price to be paid." She shakes her head and continues, "I see guys like you every day, they think their worldview justifies murder of innocent bystanders, because they feel righteous. You are a thug and no high minded justification will change that."

"My world has consequence too, yours is a cell, mine is an unmarked grave. When my parents were murdered, you people did nothing and their killer still walks free. That is the result of your rules, not mine. And now, an innocent woman's life is in danger and the clock is ticking." Steve says, evenly, stepping back.

"I have seen your face and even if you get away, every officer in the UK will be looking for you." Shaw said, coolly. She thought, decisively, "Neither of us have any cards to play, but I can stall him all day if I need to."

"I knew that the moment I heard your people approach." Steve said. "By now their bodycam footage is on the system and my face is being run through your databases. I know my fate. As long as I can save Louise, I don't care." 

"Shit." he thinks, "Why did you say her name?"

"Wait, Louise, as in Louise Carter?" Shaw asked, surprised, "She's alive?"

"Yes, but not for much longer, I need to get moving." Steve says, kicking himself inside. 

"Louise Carter's disappearance is the my biggest failing. My officers worked against me during the investigation to stop me from finding her safely and when she did turn up, she was kidnapped again on my watch." Shaw says softly. "It was my fault."

"Don't fail her again, let me save her." Steve quietly said with urgency.

"No, tell me what you know and I will save her. Your rampage ends here." Shaw says steadfast. 

"The owner of the warehouse took her and by now the launch that was speeding away when you arrived, will be in international waters," He says, softly, "outside of your jurisdiction."

Shaw turns and picks up her radio microphone. "242 to control. Aerial units in the proximity of Southampton harbour, be advised there is a fast moving launch in the water, heading out to sea, pinpoint and maintain visual over, this time of day there shouldn't be much on the water."

As Shaw finishes speaking Steve drops the grenades and steps backwards off of the dock. As he hits the water, each grenade explodes releasing a dozen smoke pellets. "I thought she would never call the coastguard, still she knows about Lombard now and will tear his offices apart in the UK. That will keep him off balance."

Shaw hears the splash and looks back from her radio into the cloud of smoke. "Back to chasing ghosts again." she sighs, "Why didn't he just do that from the off?" she wonders.

A moment later her team are at her side, scouring the water. She turns to her sergeant, "Lock down the harbour, no one in or out, get me a summary of unsolved murders of couples in the UK age range, forty five to seventy, secure this crime scene and get forensics here as soon as they are clear of the warehouse. " she orders, decisively.

The sergeant looks on shocked. "For all we knew, the suspect had anti-personel grenades, she allowed the team to retreat to safety while she stayed in harms way and walked away unscathed. Now she is focused, in control, and several steps ahead. I need to set the guys straight, she is the real deal. Not many DCI's I know would do that."  

"Yes Guv." He confirms. "Anything you need." Nodding to the team, who chorused. "Yes Guv."‎
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Post by Caesar73 »

What a Drama! And things seem desperate. Steve got away. But he no step nearer saving Louise .... a very tricky Situation, you sent them in Wolfman!
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Post by lochness »

I wonder if Steve's accent sounds like Brad Pitt in Devil's own?
Secondly, the sergeant working under DCI Shaw reminded me of one PC Nicholas Angel.
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Post by Emma »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago What a Drama! And things seem desperate. Steve got away. But he no step nearer saving Louise .... a very tricky Situation, you sent them in Wolfman!
Yes, Steve "got away", but now the proper authorities know about him. He's still going going to have serious trouble, even after he saves Louise.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Caesar73 »

Absolutely, Emma - even if Steve rescues Louise, there is still trouble ahead. But I think Steves Boss, Harris, has ways to ensure, that Steve and Louise can ride into a glorious Sunrise :)
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Post by wolfman »

lochness wrote: 4 years ago I wonder if Steve's accent sounds like Brad Pitt in Devil's own?
Secondly, the sergeant working under DCI Shaw reminded me of one PC Nicholas Angel.
His accent is more like James Nesbitt as I see it.

It was actually, Shaw who gave the rapid fire instructions, I have edited to clarify. My bad

Nice catch on the Hot Fuzz style, that is what I can aiming for.
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Post by wolfman »

Thank you to everyone, who has commented over the course of this story so far. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy what it to come just as much.
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Post by BindPam »

Emma wrote: 4 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago What a Drama! And things seem desperate. Steve got away. But he no step nearer saving Louise .... a very tricky Situation, you sent them in Wolfman!
Yes, Steve "got away", but now the proper authorities know about him. He's still going going to have serious trouble, even after he saves Louise.
This is what I'm worried about.

We know that Steve will save Louise. He has to! But what then? Will Mr. Harris give them fake identities so they can go off somewhere for their happily ever after? Great for them, but what about us? What about our Team Louise And Steve fix?

First things first, I Louise, then deal with The Law.
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Post by lochness »

wolfman wrote: 4 years ago
lochness wrote: 4 years ago I wonder if Steve's accent sounds like Brad Pitt in Devil's own?
Secondly, the sergeant working under DCI Shaw reminded me of one PC Nicholas Angel.
His accent is more like James Nesbitt as I see it.

It was actually, Shaw who gave the rapid fire instructions, I have edited to clarify. My bad

Nice catch on the Hot Fuzz style, that is what I can aiming for.
After that I began wondering if Steve has been a member of the IRA and that led me to this videoclip:
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Post by wolfman »

Steve swam under the unseasonably warm water, as smoke billowed above the surface. "That will buy a little time, but I need to get moving." he thought, rapidly shedding his tactical armour, strapping his go bag to his side.

As the armour slowly sank behind him, he kicked towards the hull of a small boat, his lungs were burning, but he was still too close to the officers to risk surfacing. He kept close to the harbour wall and pressed on, knowing time was short, before he would not be able to fight the instinct to breath. 

As his hand touched the hull of the boat, his lungs were on fire and he risked a breath. He came up just enough for his nose to clear the water and breathed deeply. 

Two hundred metres away, officers were smoothly moving into action as Shaw barked unheard orders. "I didn't like telling her, but she will stir the pot and prevent Lombard mobilising his people effectively. One less problem to deal with."

He ducked back under the waves and made his way to the blindside of the boat, so he could climb onto the deck unseen. He keeps low as he enters the small boat. A twenty foot boat with a low open rear deck and a small cabin. The seats on the deck indicate it was likely used for sight seeing tours of the local coastline.

Steve slips into the cabin and catches his breath. "The police will be sweeping soon, probably locked down entry points already."

He searches the cabin, to find a tool kit and a snorkel and swim mask. "Probably do their own repairs." he thinks. 

He removed his boots and ties the laces together and loops them over his neck, before donning the snorkel and mask. "To risky to swim out of here."

He takes a flashbang from his bag and tapes the spoon down with electrical tape, before pulling the pin. He drops the grenade into the fuel tank and slips back into the water. "The diesel will dissolve the tape in about an hour, should be in position by then. "

He begins swimming back towards the officers.

Lombard pulled the launch alongside the yacht and turned to Joachim. "Get Miss Carter stowed below deck and make sure she can't get into any trouble. We will set sail within the hour. 

"With pleasure." Joachim responded with malice and an evil grin. He releases Louise's seat belt and scoops her up, despite her protestations. He throws her squirming body over his shoulder and heads up the gang plank.

"Oh and Joachim," He says, causing the big Dane to pauses. "When this is all over, and Steve is dead, she is yours."

Joachim nods and smiles darkly as he continues up the gang plank. "You will pay for all the lives lost. No one is coming to save you." He says softly.

"Shows what you know. Steve will save me." She thinks as struggles, the zip ties biting into her cruelly.

Louise twists her body as best she could in the large Danes bone crushing grip, but she is powerless in the face of his might. "Save your strength, for when it counts." Steve's words echo in her mind. 

She stills her fight and starts to look around as she is carried onto the boat. "Where did the money for this come from?" She thinks as she moves through the well appointed, large, luxury yacht, past the gym, dining room and crew quarters, as they travel deeper into the bowels of the ship.

Joachim opens a heavy bulkhead door, stepping into the cold room. He sets Louise down on next to a pole in the middle of the room and cuts the zip tie binding her. She reaches for the cloth in her mouth, but is too slow. Her arms are wrenched behind the pole and tied roughy with coarse rope. Joachim, grins with malice as he cinches the ropes tightly between her wrists. 

Louise is forced onto her knees and Joachim pulls her ankles behind the pole before crossing and binding them tightly. "You are going to pay for what you have done. Why couldn't you just be a good hostage and sit in your cell?" He sneers, as he wraps a rope around her chest tightly, pinning her arms and body to the pole further. 

"Just because I am a prisoner, doesn't mean that I am yours to command." She thinks, squinting defiantly at him, growling angrily.

"Still got some fight in you eh?" Joachim observes, " We will see about that."

He attaches a rope to her ankle bindings and feeds it through the back of the ropes binding her chest and pulls hard, causing her to lift her feet off of the floor and balance all of her weight onto her knees, forcing a wince of discomfort, from behind the cloth in her mouth. 

"That should hold you, miss Carter," Joachim says coldly, "when I return, if you are lucky, you might get fed." He laughs to himself as he slams the bulkhead door closed. 

Louise explored her bonds, finding no slack. She breathed deeply, feeling the pain in her knees. She stares at the opposite wall and focuses her breathing, as she breathes, she allows her body to relax, allowing the pain to fade, as she sinks back into her thought and away from her body.

Helen sits in a common room at the facility, the drugs in her system, doing their insidious work as always, preventing her from linking one thought to the next. She rocks gently, trying to reach some distant memory high above her.

The room is quiet, with few other patients here at this time of day, two men play cards by the unlit fireplace and another searches for his dead son at the bottom of a tea cup.

Slowly Helen stands and on unsteady legs. She walks to the window, her steps like a new born foal, standing for the first time. She likes this view, the trees, the grass and the birds. Simple pleasures, to block out the turmoil in her mind.

The orderly takes her arm, "Now, now miss, where are you running off to?" he starts to guide her back to her seat. 

She sighs, powerless to resist herself being turned. As she turns, her eye is drawn to the television in the corner of the large room. 

Helen stares at the image of a man's face, taken from a police body camera. Helen freezes, her body shaking. The orderly attempts to move her, but she is rooted to the spot, staring at the screen. Her face is frozen in a silent scream as tears flow freely from her wide eyes, at her feet, a pool of urine slowly growing at her feet. 

"He is real. I haven't imagined him. The Face is real." Her thoughts race, like pollen in a hurricane, impossible to catch. 

She slips from the orderlies grasp and falls, her body spasming violently, as her eyes roll up. The orderly steps back, hurriedly trying to clear chairs and tables away from her flailing limbs, but he is not fast enough to stop her striking her head and opening a gash on her forehead. 

As she lays thrashing on the floor, spraying blood around her, the orderly calls for assistance.

Steve emerges unseen and unseen from the water, fifty metres past the officers and hides the snorkel and mask under a traffic cone. Smoothly and silent he skirts the command post they have establish and he draws the tranq pistol from his go bag. 

The officers still seem on edge, Shaw is near to where he entered the water talking to someone in a paper coverall, "Forensics on site, then." Other officers appear to be moving in the direction of his original escape, weapons drawn, checking every shadow. 

A lone officer, emerges from the command tent and wanders to a sheltered corner, out of site from the tent. Steve closes the distance, by advancing on the blind side of a shipping container, behind the officer. 

As he peeks around the corner, he sees the officer, with his back to him. His helmet is removed and he is smoking a cigarette. "There is always one." Steve thinks with a smile. 

Steve advances to within touching distance before the man turns and finds a dart in his neck. Steve catches the man and drags him into the container.

Steve puts on the officers equipment and uniform. "A little snug, but ok." He whispers checking the fit. Clipping on the radio and weapon holsters. "Large capacity handgun and a nice little SMG, shame I haven't got a part to go to."

He checks the officers pulse. "Slow and steady. He should be out for a couple of hours. I will be long gone by then. Sorry for the headache mate." 

He places the tranq gun back in his go bag and then takes out an evidence bag and stuffs his bag in it. After donning the helmet and gloves he emerges from the container, walking decisively to the waiting police vehicles assembled at the edge of the dock. 

"All ok?" a voice behind his enquires concerned. 

He turns to see a portly constable in white shirt and stab vest. "Yeah all good," he says, holding the evidence bag up, "Shaw wants a rush job on this so I have to take it to county."

"Seems a bit daft, sending one of you boys to do donkey work." The kindly officer says, warmly. 

"Normally, I would agree, but given the profile of this case, Shaw is taking no chances." Steve offers, sounding tired. 

"Aye, it is a bad business." The constable sighs, nodding. 

"Do you know which of these, has keys?" Steve asks, changing the subject. 

"Ooh, take the unmarked blue, more discrete, than one of the liveried vehicles." The constable tosses him the keys.

"Appreciate it, watch yourself, he is still about." he says to the constable as he enters the unmarked car. 

"Will do, you watch yourself too, son." The constable, says half to himself as Steve closes the door. 

"Amazing what you can do, when you look and sound the part." He thinks as he smoothly guides the vehicle past the police checkpoint at the entrance and merges into traffic, as a boat explodes in the harbour. 

Ryan and Harris, pull into a supermarket car park after having torched Steve's car on the outskirts of Southampton, and taking back roads avoiding traffic cameras in a stolen car. 

"What a bloody mess." Ryan says as he reverses into a space.

"True, but the police chatter indicates that Steve is evading capture." Harris says as he wipes down the dashboard, to remove any prints.

"That is something, but his face will be the most recognised in the country by lunchtime and Lombard still has Louise." Ryan points out, as he begins wiping down the drivers side. 

"Steve will go to ground, he won't surface until he has to. He will contact us in due time." Ryan adds. 

"Interesting," Harris says in deep thought, "the sister, has had some kind of seizure and been taken to hospital following a minor head injury."

"Lombard wants her. Steve could get her at the hospital, softer target that the facility she is normally held in." Ryan notes.

"We have no way of notifying him and no guarantee that he will be in touch before the window closes." Harris sighs. 

"Seriously?" Ryan asks with a wry smile. "He is probably on his way there already. Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

"Yes. We need a cooked breakfast before we steal another car, we can get him a sandwich on the way." Harris said with a twinkle in his eyes.
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Post by Emma »

Louise's peril is getting worse, but it does seem like the heroes are getting closer to her rescue....

Good writing, Wolfman!
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