Responsibility Day (m+f+/m+f+, m+f+/M+F+, f/m,...) (Chapter 40 added)

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Post by Solarbeast »

This is an interesting theory and so far you have written it very well. I can't wait to read more of this story and to see where it leads.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Good chapter! It's great to see the contrast between Jenna and Aiden, how each person faces the upcoming dares!
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Post by Beaumains »

This is an interesting theory and so far you have written it very well. I can't wait to read more of this story and to see where it leads.
Thanks a lot! This is a bit of a more unconventional story, so it is good to know someone else enjoys this.
Good chapter! It's great to see the contrast between Jenna and Aiden, how each person faces the upcoming dares!
As always, thanks!

8. The way up

“Three, two, one,” Jenna counted before their phone screens flashed up. A map popped up, revealing the locations of the tie-ups. Aiden saw two were in the high school, one for freshmen and sophomores only and one for juniors and seniors. So he pulled the plaid away and left the car after Jenna. Their goal was set.

“The gymnasium, quick!” Jenna shouted to their escort. She seized Aiden’s hand and ran around the school together with their security. This route was slightly longer but faster and safer than through the hallways. There was no time to waste.

More Riverbend members joined them when they entered the gym building. They wanted to walk directly onto the gym floor but were halted by a game board member.

“Shoes are still forbidden inside. Changing room 2 is for Riverbend. Before you enter, please read the safety rules for this location. I doubt any of you have done that already,” he said.

Jenna sighed. Her enthusiasm had blinded her. Riverbend sat down in their changing room and began reading the description of the dare. To Aiden’s surprise, it involved the forty feet high climbing wall. Jenna would be duct-taped against it, and Aiden would dangle mummified below one of the belay ropes. Both had to wear old middle school uniforms. There were a lot of other terms, but Aiden didn’t bother to study them. He would merely listen to what he was told.

For a long time, Arkalay’s middle school had required its students to wear a uniform. When Responsibility Day was introduced, it was abolished. Now they were often included in the game, and both districts had dozens of them in storage for each gender. For this dare, they were distributed around Arkalay to waste little time to get the duos dressed. Teamwork was key.

Safety was the final part of the long description. Falling from this height would likely be fatal, so there were strict rules. Only three of each district could be on the wall simultaneously, and they had to be belayed. Ten members from each side in the gym was the limit. Mr. Gisborne, a PE teacher, would check their knots and safety harnesses. Finally, targets were safe in the air, as long as they were out of reach.

“Jenna, Aiden,” some girl in blue puffed after storming in with two sets of clothes. They went into the shower area, stripped to their underwear, and put their uniforms on.

Aiden’s uniform consisted of a white dress shirt, a dark blue jacket with the school logo, a blue-green striped tie, khaki pants, and black socks. He had worn this during other dares and always had been content it had been abolished. His t-shirts were much more comfortable and less sweaty. He turned around. Jenna wore the same shirt, jacket, and tie, but with black tights and a blue-green skirt with a tartan pattern.

Jenna blushed while Aiden smiled at her. “Let’s go,” she said, avoiding any comment about her appearance. Joined by eight other Riverbend, they walked to the climbing wall at the back of the gym. Running wasn’t allowed.

Aiden saw that the climbing wall was altered for this dare. It was split into two sides, one for each district and two lines of bright yellow tape close to each other were set out on each. Only the holds between them could be used. The color-coded routes wouldn’t be used, and using all grips would make it too easy. Almost at the top, holds were removed, providing a smooth surface for the protectors to be bound. Jenna’s mouth dropped open, now she realized these points wouldn’t come for free.

Riverbend was the first to arrive and could pick a side after Mr. Gisborne had quizzed them on the safety rules. Both sides looked terrifying to Aiden. He wasn’t afraid of heights, but this made him a little anxious. After half a minute, their team chose the left side.

“Matthew, Tim, Hannah, Jenna, Aiden get in a harness,” a senior said, taking the leadership of the operation. “Jenna and Tim, you go up first. Hannah, you beray Jenna, and Tim, Matthew. Understood? Good. Kim, Frank, sort the ropes and tape we need. Afterward, you could better leave. You can’t belay and are no experienced climbers.”

This sounded harsh to Aiden, but he understood the senior was correct. With only ten of them, everyone had to be useful. He moved away from the wall, awaiting further instructions. There was nothing he could do.

“Have you climbed before?” Hannah asked Jenna.

“A couple times, but never with ropes,” Jenna replied while struggling with her climbing harness.

“No problem. It’s only taught to juniors and seniors, so Northwood has that problem too. I bet that’s the reason this is freshmen and sophomores only. Here, let me help you,” Hannah responded kindly.

Hannah pulled the straps of the harness tight and tied the belay rope to it. Mr. Gisborne checked them and allowed Jenna to go up. Hannah had eased her a little, but she was still shaking.

“You will stay there for some time. Climb slowly and use your legs. They’re a lot stronger,” the senior who took the lead said. “Remember, the rope is for safety only. If it tightens, you’ve to go down. Hannah cannot pull you up.”

Aiden watched how Tim ascended first with ropes tapes and a wooden pole bungling from his belt. He was long, slender, and experienced, but still had problems with the route. There wasn’t much space between the yellow lines, and only a few unhelpful grips remained.

Jenna followed him, but she had already difficulties with the first few holds. She was petite and not very strong. The leading senior recognized this and directed her to go down. This was no use.

At that moment, ten Northwood members marched in. Two schoolgirls walked in their midst: Northwood’s target and her protector. This caused Riverbend to pause, and a nervous staring contest sprang. Northwood tried to derive Riverbend’s strategy and eyed for Aiden. Jenna was on the ground, so they couldn’t do anything. If she scaled again, Aiden thought, he would be defenseless. The dare was, of course, how the dare was designed.

The commanding senior realized this too. “Aiden, stay close to the wall. Don’t drop your guard or hand them an opportunity,” he mumbled.

“Can’t I climb up?” Aiden asked, still wearing his harness. “I’m safe up there.”

“Only two more persons are allowed on the wall. Jenna is one of them, and she needs assistance. Besides, no-one can overtake you since you’ll be in their way. Just stay calm, and you’ll be fine.”

Two more Riverbend members walked in, and they were ordered to put on climbing gear. Meanwhile, Hannah had put Jenna’s hair in a bun to shelter it from the duct-tape. One of the new boys bound a thick rope with a couple of knots to his harness and climbed the first few feet up.

“Jenna,” he said, “follow me. Yell if you can’t get further. Then I’ll assist you.”

“Sure, let’s give this a try,” she said, trying to display confidence she didn’t own at the moment. “Hannah, are you ready?”

Hannah confirmed this, and Jenna placed her feet on the first few grips. The boy aiding her was sturdy, but she still encountered considerable difficulties. A couple times, he had to jerk her a foot up using all his forces. This was far from ideal.

Aiden wanted to watch them, but the senior nudged him to keep an eye on his surroundings. There was nothing he could do for Jenna, just like she couldn’t save him. Both were on their own.

“Block,” Tim shouted from the top. He had achieved everything he had to do and came back down. In a matter of seconds, both his feet were back on the ground.

“It’s harder than it looks,” Tim said to Aiden and the senior. “I put the pole and ropes for her hands in place. If she gets there, we can start taping. There is little space, so it doesn’t make sense to send two of us up. I will rest for a couple minutes before I go up again.”

The wooden pole was taped horizontally to two grips, and Jenna had to stand on it. For aesthetic purposes, her back had to face the wall, a very unnatural climbing position. So Tim also bound to ropes to some higher holds. Using them, Jenna could stand stably in an X-shape while she was taped. In the end, these would be removed because the tape had to bear her weight.

“Good. Well done, Tim,” the senior said. “Aiden, get off the ground for a couple minutes.”

A rope was bound to Aiden’s harness, and he was dictated to climb ten feet up to remain there. He would be mummified on the floor before being pulled up while facing the ground. Until then, this would be safer.

Their opponents, in the meantime, also had sent three of their own up. They were behind and having two people tape their protector would give them some chances. The protector was almost a feet longer than Jenna, so she climbed much swifter. Midway, she got stuck and had to down to get a rope. Even for her, it was too ambitious, costing Northwood much time. Now they lagged behind even more.

Jenna had reached her post at this time. Her helper had climbed under her while she assumed her place on the pole. Tim had left the rolls of tape here, and her left ankle was already secured to the wall.

Aiden was clung to the wall, weighing how much longer he could hang here. His muscles hurt, and this uniform wasn’t made for climbing. His sweat dripped over his back, and he feared he would tear his pants. Then he heard a triumphant scream from below.

“Ella, get down now,” another voice cried. “They got her!”

Aiden looked down. The senior walked away with a girl in a school uniform and a blue garland over his shoulder. From the corner of his eye, he saw her protector was lowered rapidly. She entered the pursuit and walked as fast as possible. Running was still banned.

Three minutes later, their commander returned. “We got her! Now let’s continue. This had bought us much time.”

The disappointment was immense within Northwood when Ella returned with the same news. All their effort had been futile. This was the risk of these dares, and this girl would spend a day as a prisoner. The two climbers from Northwood were lowered. They couldn’t do anything useful there anymore. Meanwhile, Jenna was taped up to her knees.

“What could possibly go wrong?” Aiden asked himself. Then he saw Northwood lingered in the gymnasium, hoping to seize him as well. In that case, they could send a new duo up and claim the points for the photo too. This catch didn’t guarantee any success.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Great chapter! I can't wait to see if they get to kidnap Aiden... or if he somehow gets away with Jenna taped up and suspended!
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Post by Beaumains »

9. The way down

“Hey, skinny one, better drop now. You’ve to either way and then we’ll get you,” some Northwood yelled from below. “You’re only exhausting yourself!”

Aiden heard this, but his experience told him not to respond. His hands and shoulders hurt because he had clang to the wall for twenty minutes. For his mummification, he had to leave this safety. Northwood was right.

“Stay up, Aiden, you can do it,” the senior in charge stated. Aiden looked down. Northwood had a clear majority and didn’t have another duo for this photo. Their sole goal was taking Aiden.

Aiden sighed and waited. He couldn’t do anything else while time moved slowly. Focusing was hard when being verbally attacked from feet away. This wasn’t the first time today, he was questioning his life choices. This was the nth time he was fighting for some district in some exorbitant dare, gaining him only discomfort and the right to stay with them. Otherwise, he would spend an inconvenient day at someone’s house to be hunted down by his previous district the following day. That wasn’t much worse, so there was no short term profit for him. Only his score would go up, giving him a decent job in some far future.

“And then?” Aiden asked himself. That was one day a month while still being on the front-line as a target. Nothing would change.

“I have to discuss this with Lilian,” Aiden’s thoughts continued. Together, they could approach the game board since so many restless months weren’t fun. The front-line could be moved as had done before when a team had gained too much ground. They had been targets for almost three months now, beating the old 37-day record. There had to be something. Even a two-day pause would be great.

“I’m finished,” Jenna’s rigger shouted from above. Aiden refocused on the task ahead of him.

“Good job,” the senior shouted. “I trust you. Jenna, let go!” Jenna opened her hands such that the tape would carry her upper body.

Silence entered the gymnasium while all watched whether the tape would hold. It did. Northwood grumbled while Riverbend cheered.

“Awesome,” the senior continued. “Now, the pole below her feet.”

To everyone’s surprise, this also succeeded, and Jenna was held up by the tape alone. Her rigger removed the ropes and remaining tape around her and hung it to his harness, preparing to get down.

“You forget her gag,” the senior shouted. Northwood laughed while Jenna received a thick layer of duct-tape on her face. She had no say in this. Her rigger was lowered, and Aiden assumed he had to follow him, but that wasn’t the case.

“Aiden, try to move up,” the senior directed. “It’s too dangerous on the ground. Tim will follow you to bind you there as much as possible.”

Aiden sighed again before starting to ascend. His arms were sore already, and he complied because he had to. Enjoyment had left his body. With pain in his fingers, he moved up. It was hard but a bit more gratifying than hanging in one spot. He reached Jenna after a couple of minutes and used her legs to pull himself further up.

“Nnnoo,” Jenna tried to say. Her gag only stopped her from opening her mouth since it wasn’t stuffed.

“Sorry,” Aiden said while looking to her. He tried to conjure a smile on his face but felt he had failed miserably.

“Climb over her,” Tim said, who had reached their position rapidly. Aiden obeyed and noticed there were plenty of big, easy holds at the top.

“Put your feet there,” Tim continued while pointing at a particular broad grip. “I’ll tape your legs now. We’ve to limit the time you’re on the ground.”

Aiden nodded. Tim took a spot next to him and began winding the sticky prison around Aiden’s ankles with one hand. He worked his way up gradually, often taking a break to rest. Northwood still hadn’t found new contestants for the dare, so he hadn’t had to haste.

“Tim come back down,” the senior in charge stated. “Hannah has an idea.” He held the pole with two ropes attached to its ends above his head. Tim went down, got briefed, moved back up, and bound the pole to two holds above Aiden’s head.

“Stay there, Aiden,” Tim mumbled before taping the middle of the pole to his shoulder. While Aiden still faced the climbing wall, his feet were secured to the grip they stood on.

“I’ll lower you slowly. You’ll only fall two feet backward. This might feel scary, but you’re belayed.”

“Maybe you should gag me first,” Aiden said, still trying his best to let this project succeed.

“You’re right,” Tim said while tearing a long piece of duct-tape from the role. Aiden felt it was stuck to his mouth from ear to ear. More, mostly unnecessary, strips followed that restricted Aiden’s speech and ability to breathe.

“Take my right hand,” Tim said before helping Aiden fall backward, making a 45-degree angle with the wall. The pole poked in his back since it carried much of his weight. Obediently, Aiden held his arms against his body while Tim completed his mummification. For whatever reason, this included taping his hands flatly against his upper legs, rendering them helpless. Afterward, he removed the tape from Aiden’s feet and pulled him back to the wall. The pole was removed, and Aiden stood on his grip while Tim pushed him against the wall.

“Block, Aiden!” Tim shouted.

This was confirmed from below after Aiden felt his harness tighten. Of course, there was no tape around it. Tim let him go, observed how Aiden was lowered a little and grabbed his feet. With one quick movement, he turned him upside down and used a short rape to secure them to his belaying rope.

“Was this necessary,” Aiden asked himself while hanging upside down and watching the ground and crowd tens of feet below him. He was lowered further until his head was on the same level as Jenna’s feet. While he slowly spun around, he noted Jenna wasn’t entirely comfortable. Even without the duct-tape, the smile had left her face.

Tim also let himself go, swinging far backward since his belaying point was the farthest from the wall. When he hung stable, he was lowered to Aiden’s and Jenna’s level and removed his phone from his pocket.

“Smile!” Tim shouted while taking a photo of the two slightly displeased captives. He uploaded the picture in the app and told them to wait. Only when it was accepted, they could be lowered.

Fortunately, this was done within a minute, so Tim was lowered. Another boy took his spot, climbed up, and started removing the tape around Jenna. Freeing Aiden first would have been more straightforward, but he needed his protector with him on the ground. So he waited upside down, unable to move a muscle in his arms.

The tape was mostly torn from the walls, causing Jenna to carry it back to the ground when she was free. Riverbend took their time removing it, and Aiden started to get impatient.

After Jenna had stretched a little, Aiden was finally lowered. With his head down and without the use of his hands, a small slip could cost him his life. Mr. Gisborne ordered Northwood to keep their distance for a second because a brawl now would be dangerous. Safety came first.

Aiden was caught, and with many hands, the duct-tape was removed within minutes. He lay on his back in the gymnasium while Jenna, still in her schoolgirl outfit, held his ankle. Northwood surrounded them.

“We made it,” Jenna said after Aiden stood up. She hugged him weakly, betraying her exhaustion. Hand in hand, they walked to the changing room. Tim and another boy stayed near the wall to clean it from the duct-tape, and the rest of Riverbend followed them.

Aiden wanted to sit down for a minute to rest, but a nasty surprise waited for him. His clothes were gone, and Jenna had the same problem. After a minute of searching, Jenna found a handwritten note in her backpack. She started to read it:

Dear Jenna and Aiden,

We cite section 17 of the game rules. “Targets and protectors should guard their belongings properly. Else, they can be taken when they lie in a public space and are not medical, valuable, or school-related. In consultation with the game board, a small task may be assigned to earn them back. If this assignment is not performed, the items are returned during Responsibility Day. Until then, we will safeguard your belongings.”

Today, we removed your clothes and shoes from the changing room in the gymnasium. Your phone and wallet are in your bags. These are all things we have touched. You can earn them back in two ways:

1) Aiden surrenders instantly to us after reading this letter or is captured already.

2) Both of you wear this exact outfit tomorrow from the moment you leave your homes. This includes your current footwear. During the lunch break, we will return your possessions to you. Since your clothes might be sticky from the tape, you are allowed to wash them.

The game board has accepted our proposal, and you can verify this in the app. These rules are law now, and we are legally obliged to execute them. We cannot alter them in any way anymore.

With kind regards and Aiden, we will see you soon,

anonymous representatives of the glorious Northwood district

Aiden listened carefully and felt horrible. None of this broke any rule. The “blackmail” section was only used two or three times every cycle, and this was the first time he was the victim. He felt tempted to surrender, but the Riverbend members unanimously declined this option. These were his only decent shoes, so he had no option but to accept the task. Jenna made the same choice without much enthusiasm.

“Fine, see you tomorrow in the break,” a Northwood said before leaving the changing room. Aiden’s and Jenna’s fate was sealed, and they had to show up tomorrow in middle school uniforms. Their high school didn’t have them, so this would be humiliating. It wasn’t worse than this dare, but now they were the sole ones who had to
do this.

Aiden stared at his feet while Riverbend identified how this could have happened. No-one had guarded their belongings since nobody had been assigned to do this. All had been blinded by the dare. They had been stupid, and Aiden and Jenna had to pay for this.

In unity, Riverbend left the gymnasium and walked to the parking area where Aiden and Jenny were directed to enter Hannah’s car. They obliged, and the three of them drove out of the parking zone. There were no more photo assignments they could do, so Aiden would be brought home.

Then Aiden felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He unlocked it and saw a pop-up from the Arkalay app.

Lilian had been kidnapped.

Aiden groaned before telling his escort. His time as a target was over for now, but he still felt horrible since he still had to do the Northwood’s task. If he had surrendered, he would receive his clothes back. Captures were official when he was in the house where he would spend a day. Lilian was taken first, so he would go free.

The time between being taken and the push-up notification was often between 30 minutes and an hour. If Riverbend knew where Lilian was kept, she would go free. Many car swaps were standard procedure to lose any pursuers. Then she had to be tied and photographed before the game board sent out this notification.

Aiden sighed. Now he had nothing, apart from the stupid photo of him suspended in the gymnasium.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

Still loving this story! Will we get a peek into Lillians captivity?
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Post by Beaumains »

I am not a big fan of frequent changing the perspective, so there won't be an active peek in her captivity. But I will drop in some details on how kidnaps occur normally, and some discussion afterward with Aiden etc.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Great chapter! I only hope two things:

1) Aiden somehow recovers his enthusiasm for the game and tie-up in general.

2) Even that he is not a target (for the time at least), we still get to see his interactions with Jenna.

Keep up the good work!
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Post by Beaumains »

Great chapter! I only hope two things:

1) Aiden somehow recovers his enthusiasm for the game and tie-up in general.

2) Even that he is not a target (for the time at least), we still get to see his interactions with Jenna.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot! Unfortunately, I am afraid I will have to disappoint you for now.


10. Consequences

Tap, Tap, Tap, Aiden heard next to him. He turned his head and saw an unfamiliar, slightly older girl.

For the last couple of minutes, he had explained Jenna and Hannah how he felt about today. He barely knew them, so he had only told them a watered-down summary sufficient to clear his heart. They had no idea to respond to this and had watched at him with a troubled face.

Hannah lowered the windows, and Aiden knew their conversation was over. It was time to collect himself.

“Hey. If I recall correctly, you’re Aiden,” the girl said enthusiastically.

“Yeah, I’m Aiden,” Aiden replied calmly.

“Great, mind getting Lilian’s overnight bag for me?” the girl said. “Judging by your face, you’ve seen the news already. Oh, and also bring a pair of fresh, warm clothes. She’s got a bit wet today,” she continued with a broad smile, making clear this hadn’t been an accident.

Aiden sighed and left the car.

“Aiden, thanks for today. You did great. I’ll arrange a ride for you tomorrow. That’s the least I can do,” Hannah shouted before driving away.

Aiden turned around and walked together with the girl to his house.

“What’s up with that uniform?” the girl asked when they stepped through the door.

“Long story,” Aiden replied. “I’ll tell you if you say why you need those extra clothes.”

“You got yourself a deal,” she replied while Aiden dug through Lilian’s wardrobe to find a matching outfit. “Have you read the description of the photo under footbridge?”

“Nah,” Aiden replied. “I was a bit busy.” The 8-foot wide footbridge over the Arkalay river connected the town with the hiking trails in the southern forests. Aiden wasn’t surprised it was part of the dare. The Arkalay river was slow, narrow, and deep, while the footbridge was twelve feet above the water. This made it a popular spot to jump from the bridge and cool down in summer.

“I forgot about that. Well, the goal was to hang the target and protector horizontally under the bridge with their arms spread. Then a picture would be made from a canoe in the water to make them look like birds flying above the water. The catch was they had to wear the clothes they had worn all day, so they couldn’t change in swimming clothes or something else that could get soaked. Even their shoes had to stay on.”

“So, she fell in accidentally?” Aiden interrupted while deliberating which clothes he would pack. He knew his sister well, but that didn’t mean he understood girls’ fashion.

“Nah, she did pretty well and stayed out of the water. She loved the sweater she wore. Sadly, Riverbend won by a couple of minutes and got the points. When they got up, the situation got a bit chaotic. That’s where it went wrong.” The girl laughed again. “Lilian received a garland and was asked to step over the handrail and jump into the river. Her protector was too slow and didn’t get her. He jumped after her, but she had already reached a pick-up truck near the shore. She got brought in like a drowned rat, and I bet she would appreciate fresh clothes.”

She told this proudly, and Aiden questioned the kidnapping system again. It was unrealistic to have to cooperate with your captors, but it was necessary to let the game work. In any other setting, Lilian would still be free.

“Your turn. Why are you still wearing that thing?” the girl said, interrupting Aiden’s thoughts.

“Well, it was part of the dare,” Aiden replied, before explaining how he had been taped and the resulting blackmail dare.

“That’s painful, just while your sis is taken.”

“Yeah, it sucks.”

“I’m happy I ain’t in your shoes,” the girl said with a wink, humiliating Aiden a little since he wouldn’t be allowed to wear tomorrow. “Now hand me the bag. I think Lilian is waiting for it after a long shower. Those are plenty of clothes.”

Aiden looked down at the full bag of clothing. He had been unsure what to pick, so he had packed a lot, allowing Lilian to choose whether to wear a hoodie, blouse, or just a shirt. Ordinary trousers would be more fashionable, but sweatpants were more comfortable while bound for a day. For the same reason, he had packed black ankle socks, and a pair of grey knee-long woolen ones. Her pajamas and other overnight necessities stood ready in a different bag, and Aiden gave them to the girl. In return, he got Lilian’s phone and laptop as every captor took it away.

“Oh, can you add her physics textbook. She wanted to study for tomorrow’s test and now has plenty of time for it.”

“No problem,” Aiden said before tossing the book in Lilian’s bag and walking down the stairs. On the inside, he laughed since Lilian had per usual procrastinated her schoolwork. It always worked out in the end since miracles saving her weren’t uncommon. Now she had all night and the morning classes to study without distractions. He knew their mom would have never approved her taking part in the dare if she had a test the following day. Now, everything fell together for her. Northwood would bring to school for the one test before locking her up again. She would have to make up for the time she had missed, so tomorrow, she would likely not eat at home.

“Great, thanks, Aiden. Have a nice day.”

“Bye! Take good care of her!”

“Will do. We’ll make sure Lilian will be treated like a princess. It’s a shame you can’t be there. I’m sure you would appreciate our royal treatment.”

“Good luck with that!” Aiden said before the girl left with the two bags. A Riverbend car stood ready to pursue her, hoping to find out where Lilian was staying. After all, if they discovered in which house she stayed, the kidnap had failed. This was also the reason Lilian’s phone and laptop were seized, so communicating with the outside world would be impossible. Last year, Riverbend had taken Aiden and allowed him to play on an Xbox to kill some time. He had messaged Elijah the address in some game and was released not much later. From then, both districts banned gaming for all abductees, so Netflix and TV remained as their sole entertainment. Therefore, it would take some time before Lilian received her fresh clothes.

“Aiden, are you finished? Dinner is ready,” Aiden’s dad yelled from the kitchen.

“One moment!” Aiden shouted back before changing back in some comfortable clothes and throwing the uniform in the washing machine.

Aiden entered the living room and saw the table wasn’t set. He had fallen for the century-old list and walked to the kitchen with a bowed head.

“Colin and Emily will join us, so we need five plates. After all, Lilian won’t be here. You guys getting kidnapped all the time minutes before dinner is annoying. Now I’ve cooked for six. Next time, simply plan when you eat at home.” Aiden’s dad said sarcastically.

“Next time, I’ll hand Lilian’s portion to the one who fetches her bag, okay? Then she can impress her kidnappers with her dad’s superb food,” Aiden returned while two cars rolled on the driveway. Aiden finished laying out the cutlery when three familiar faces entered the house: his mom, Colin, and Emily.

Aiden’s mom was the youngest of six and a Northwood native, so Aiden had many cousins, all older than him. They all had grown up in Arkalay and taken part in the game. TUGs were prevalent in the entire family, and everyone had embraced Responsibility Day and the abduction game. Aiden and Lilian were the sole ones from the Battlefield while all others played for Northwood.

Colin was at 26 the oldest and had spoiled Aiden and Lilian since they were young. He had been on the youth council that introduced the concept and had aided Aiden’s mom in learning Aiden and Lilian the ropes. He had often babysat them, causing at least two of them to end up tied at the end of the day. Emily was his high school sweetheart and a fellow tie-up fanatic.

“Hey, Aiden!” Colin said before giving Aiden a huge hug lifting him a couple inches from the floor. I see you outlived your sister once again. Great job!”

Aiden flushed while all five took a spot around the table and started eating.

“So, do you know by any chance how your sister was taken?” Colin asked Aiden. Even after he left high school, he had followed his creation to see it blossom. Now he lived a couple towns over because it was significantly cheaper now but was eager to return.

Aiden repeated what he was told, and subsequently had to explain what was done to him on the climbing wall. Since he appeared on the photo, he had received it too, and Colin and Emily loved it. Conveniently, he left the blackmail part out.

“That was brilliant, Aiden, both how you survived there and that dare. The last couple of years, it got so much better,” Emily said. “What were the other assignments?”

“Eh, I don’t know,” Aiden said before explaining he had just returned home. He took his mobile and started to read them, and Colin, who sat next to him, eagerly joined him.

They saw targets had to be suspended to high branches deep in the forest at two different places, and a protector had to be taped to the city library’s ceiling. Also, a duo of middle schoolers bound to a chair each had to dangle upside down in a classroom. As the cherry on the cake, the last photo had to be made on the scouts’ terrain. Here they had to build two wooden towers and fasten the target and protector between them.

“Those are quite extreme!” Aiden’s dad exclaimed when he was handed Aiden’s phone. Aiden was now quite content with his photograph. It could have been worse.

“Yeah, the aim of the photo assignment is to be bound as no-one has been before,” Aiden explained after chewing his bite away. “This is not always possible, but most pictures are not far away.”

“In my time, it was just being bound to some lamppost, tree, or bench. Much has changed since then,” Emily exclaimed.

Aiden laughed. That would have been so much better. “With all those random tourists
nowadays, we aren’t restrained in public anymore. They just snap pictures and post them on the internet without asking,” he replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Yeah, I know,” Emily replied. “Shame, we need those tourists, but they would come anyway. Better to make a little dime out of it. Each year Arkalay and the game get a little better.”

“It gets more intense every year for me, and it’s pretty stressful nowadays.”

“Nothing different than the weekends Lilian and you spent at my student flat. You two almost begged me to be tied up,” Colin laughed. “I mean, you still like the ties, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Aiden answered not very persuasive while staring at his plate.

“You sure?” Colin said, staring Aiden in his eyes. Aiden knew Colin had worked out his mood.

“Well, the ropes are still fun, but the game is a little much when being a target for so long. That lack of freedom and constantly being bossed around is awful.”

Aiden felt a tear rolling across his cheek. The long day, continually having to suppress his emotions, and the many setbacks had drained him. The four adults around him were his family, and he didn’t care to embarrass himself around them.

Colin put his arm around Aiden. “It’s okay, Aiden. Nothing to be ashamed of. Nobody has been in your situation, and we never intended this to happen. Just do whatever you want and don’t get carried away.”

Aiden tried to pull himself together and explained he planned to discuss this with Lilian. He felt everyone listened sincerely to him and even sympathized with him. The game was never intended to be so cruel, but luckily, he had an awesome family.

After spilling his heart and doing the dishes, all five crashed on the bank to watch TV. Aiden was unable to hold his attention, and his eyes started to close every few minutes. He wanted to stay downstairs but went to bed at nine. He was too tired.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

No, Aiden... =(

Come on: the tying, the suspension, the kidnappings, and being in control of your adult relatives once a month!! Aiden's got to recover that enthusiasm (although I can understand the stress of having to look over your shoulder all the time).

One question: when a child is kidnapped as part of the game, does he/she need to stay tied up the whole day? Or just until the arrive at the house where he/she will stay?

(Oh, and again, very good chapter!)
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Post by Beaumains »

One question: when a child is kidnapped as part of the game, does he/she need to stay tied up the whole day? Or just until the arrive at the house where he/she will stay?
Yeah, I should have made this clearer. I will answer this question in the next part.

11. A pause in the hunting season

Thursday, April 25th, 7:15AM

Aiden turned himself around when his alarm rung. Even after ten solid hours of sleep, he felt tired. Not physically, but the idea of the upcoming morning made him sick. With some struggles, he left his warm bed, showered, and came down in pajamas. There was no need to put the uniform on already. Here, he ate a quick breakfast with his parents in silence.

“Son, cheer up a little. I know it sucks, but you’ve to deal with it somehow. Otherwise, abandon that dare and go to school in normal clothes. You got more shoes and another jacket,” Aiden’s dad said while Aiden had emptied his plate.

“Thanks, Dad,” Aiden replied before leaving the table to go back to his room to change. He knew he had little choice.

“I’ve worn that as well. Everyone did,” Aiden’s mom said when he returned in the uniform. “It ain’t as bad as you think, and if I’m honest with you, it looks good on you. Very formal. I ironed it for you as you might have noticed.”

“Yeah, just rock it, and no-one will care. Don’t do anything else than normal,” Aiden’s dad added without looking up from the newspaper. “And Aiden, you can do this, just like Lilian will survive today.”

“Thanks, Dad, but I’d choose Lilian’s position every day over this. Being bound all day at some strangers house is less embarrassing,” Aiden replied.

“I knew you would say that,” his dad laughed. “Some car is stopping. Is it for you?

“I’ll see you tonight,” Aiden replied after seeing the car was Hannah’s. He was glad she had kept her promise as walking to school on socks didn’t sound very appealing. He sat down on the back seat, next to Jenna. To his delight, she hadn’t chickened out and wore her uniform too.

“Hey Aiden, ready to get your clothes back?” she said with a broad, almost fake smile.

“I can’t say I am looking forward to it,” Aiden said, trying to mimic her smile.

“Me neither. I doubt anyone likes to be the odd duck in school,” Jenna replied.

“Don’t worry too much, you two. We’ve found a way to make sure you won’t be strange birds. Of course, we play by Northwood’s rules,” Hannah added, enjoying her thoughts.

“How?” Aiden replied in disbelief.

“That will stay a surprise,” Jenna smiled while they turned on their school’s parking lot. It still was only a couple hundred yards to Aiden’s house.

From the back, the two middle school students entered their school. Aiden felt the gazes aimed at them while they marched to their English literature class. To his surprise, it was already busy here, despite them being ten minutes early. Eight Riverbend members in middle school uniforms had claimed the left row while saving two seats. This caused the corners of Aiden’s mouth to curl up. He looked at Jenna, who flushed.

“Thanks,” Aiden mumbled to her, feeling more confident already.

“It’s nothing,” Jenna replied. “Only a small gift from Riverbend for yesterday. You did great! It was a bloodbath, and we survived it.” She saw the question marks in Aiden’s face. “Haven’t you seen it?”

“Nah, was it bad?” Aiden replied. Except for reading the dares during dinner, he hadn’t touched his phone all night.

“Yeah, only seven of the ten photos were shot: the five meant for middle schoolers and two for high schoolers. Meanwhile, eight targets were taken. Only four remain all middle schoolers from two neighboring houses. This is a new record, so you should be proud of yourself,” Jenna replied while giving him a friendly pat on his back.

“Thanks, Jenna, but I couldn’t have done it without you,” Aiden replied while they took their seats on the left row. Her face reddened even more, and she tried to hide it by bending forward to take her books out of her bag.

More students entered the classroom, and all were dumbfounded. The blackmail wasn’t made public, and only a few Riverbend insiders knew about the plan. Aiden’s allies refused to tell their classmates what they were doing. Aiden ignored them, quietly enjoying the confused faces.

Half a minute before the bell rang, Miss Hopkins stepped into the classroom. She halted for two seconds and concluded she shouldn’t give any attention to the uniforms. While taking small sips from her coffee, she kept her gaze to the other side of the classroom, causing the left row to giggle.

“Okay, class, your homework was reading pages 78 to 112 of Gulliver’s travels,” Miss Hopkins drawled. “Anyone who wants to report they haven’t read it in advance? Then you have to copy only one page by hand. Otherwise, you have to copy three pages.”

Two students raised their hands, and Miss Hopkins scribbled their names down. Aiden had read them during the weekend, so he would survive any questioning. One more warning followed before she handed out quiz sheets.

“This test isn’t marked, but I’m curious how well you know the book. These are fifty sentences from the book, and I want you to find the corresponding page as quick as possible. If you’ve read it, this shouldn’t be hard,” Miss Hopkins explained. “It will be on the same level as the quiz on the entire book, which is next week. So, if you haven’t done your homework, you might end up following this class again next year with some middle schoolers.”

The class grinned before grunting in unison and starting to work. Within seconds, Aiden was focused on the assignment, forgetting about his position. The test was doable for him, and he could find most sentences with ease. In some sense, the puzzle-like test engaged with his brain to relax him.

After half an hour, Miss Hopkins collected the papers. Aiden gazed at his nervous classmates while the tests entered a binder to be marked later. This assured him. Next, Miss Hopkins described the history of the book and the British politics of that time to provide context. The oddities of the game couldn’t surprise her anymore, yet they still distracted her, giving her trouble talking cohesively.

“What is going on!” she exclaimed after stumbling over another sentence. The left row chuckled while the rest watched them.

“Seriously, guys, what’s up with those uniforms and not wearing any shoes?” Miss Hopkins continued.

More laughing followed before silence fell. A Riverbend girl took the initiative and explained Jenna and Aiden had to wear it, and they joined them out of solidarity. This eased Miss Hopkins, and the classes continued with a slightly less stressed teacher whose gaze often visited the left side of the room. To Aiden’s surprise, he didn’t feel embarrassed. The group surrounding him made him more comfortable.

The other morning classes followed a similar pattern, but now the other students understood Riverbend. The rumor had spread rapidly through the school, so the teachers were also aware. No targets remained in the class, providing a relaxed mood, comparable to the days around Responsibility Day when the game was paused. The uniforms were the only difference, but it didn’t take long before everyone was used to them. All teachers understood they should ignore them.

At the start of the break, Aiden and Jenna got a text with the location where they could pick up their clothes. Northwood thought they would humiliate them by choosing the canteen. Jenna told Aiden she would prove them wrong.

“What’s this?” a Northwood senior asked when ten freshmen dressed as middle schoolers stood in front of him.

“Nothing you forbade,” Jenna responded. “So, can I get my clothes back? Please?”

The senior grumbled before handing Jenna two plastic bags. She checked their content and handed one to Aiden.

“Great, thank you. Pleasure doing business with you,” Jenna said, before blowing him a kiss and walking away. The mouths of the senior and the Northwood members surrounding him dropped open. Instantly, Aiden grasped the power of confidence.

“Aiden!” the senior shouted while the group walked away. “Don’t get to close with them. From tomorrow onwards, you’re a Northwood.”

“Tomorrow ain’t today,” Aiden replied before the ten of them walked away to the toilets where they changed. It felt great to be wearing clothes again that enabled him to blend in with the crowd. Especially his shoes felt great.

Aiden had expected his other classes would be as if he wasn’t a victim. Sitting next to Micheal or Elijah or whoever else if they sat next to each other. Now, he entered every classroom with Jenna, who ended up on his side. Then they left together to end up side by side in the subsequent class.

Afterward, he said goodbye to Jenna and walked home. He had considered inviting her to his house but had decided against it. After two days without doing homework, he started to fall behind, and he had to talk to Lilian. Hence, he started the short walk home on his own.

At 8PM, the doorbell rang, and Aiden knew why. Two Northwood members carrying a heavy cardboard box waited outside.

“Package for Lilian,” one said grumpily, acting like this was an ordinary parcel delivery.

“Great, put it in the hallway,” Aiden replied.

They did so and left. While Aiden’s dad entered the hallway, Aiden removed the tape that sealed the box. In it, olive green ropes ball tied her while apple green scarves blindfolded and gagged her.

“Hey, sis,” Aiden said while rolling her and her overnight bag out of the box onto the doormat. A couple vague grunts followed, revealing her mouth wasn’t empty. He smiled while untying her, leaving the gag and blindfold for last. Years earlier, they had teased each other at these moments, but they hadn’t done that for years. These times were over, but this was still fun.

“Thanks,” Lilian said when the gag finally left her mouth. A green sponge had followed. “Good to see you.”

“Did they treat you well?” their dad asked while handing Lilian a glass of water.

“Not great but not horrible, either,” Lilian answered. “I
was brought
in soaked and stayed in the shower for an hour before my clothes arrived. Good taste, by the way, Aiden,” she laughed, and Aiden was unsure whether this was sarcastic. “I was held by Vera, some fellow junior from geography. She mostly let me alone in her parents’ study, bound to a chair with one free hand so I could study. The night was bad; it was way too warm to be taped in a sleeping bag. During the morning, they let me study too. Vera went to school while one of the parents watched me. Fortunately, she hadn’t gagged me after I promised not to scream.”

“So, nothing unusual?” Aiden remarked. Her deal wasn’t unusual. Yelling would have given Riverbend a slim chance of locating her, but she didn’t want to be gagged all day.

“Yeah, I was visited during lunch to stretch a little and got to the toilet but was alone for the rest. Then I was picked up at three, brought to school for my test, and had to surrender myself afterward.

“The test went well, by the way,” Lilian added with a smile when seeing her father’s face. “Then some more Northwood visited Vera for dinner with me, and they packed me not much later. So it was quite boring for the most part, as usual,” she continued more serious.

This didn’t surprise Aiden. Nothing exciting occurred when detained during a school day. Someone you barely know holds you to make guessing your location impossible. Seldom, they allowed one of your friends to make a short visit during the evening since this carried some risk.

In the living room, Aiden explained what had happened to him after the previous school day. Lilian was less upbeat than usual, giving him courage for the rest of the conversation.

“Lilian, we’ve to talk,” Aiden said. “The last couple of days, I have felt far from perfect. Mostly because I’m stressed from the game. I even...”

“Yeah, I know, Aiden,” Lilian interrupted him boldly. “I have felt like that for the last couple of weeks but didn’t dare to tell you.”

They sat down, talked, and messaged the gameboard to make an appointment before both went to bed. Although this day wasn’t as bad as the previous one for Aiden, something had to be done, and he knew the game board would likely listen.

Aiden checked his phone and saw a message from the Arkalay app: “Tomorrow, there will be a new dare starting at 7:30AM.” He sighed while realizing he would be a target again in a couple of hours. Lilian received 24 hours of safety to give her some rest. Aiden only got six hours. Messages from Northwood members started rolling in, urging him to be ready at 7:15 in the morning. So Aiden went to bed, appreciating his time as a target would be restricted soon by the game board.
Last edited by Beaumains 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Another great chapter!

Once again, something that could be a hard, like being balltied, blindfolded, gagged in a wooden box, presented like it's a child's play. Totally loving that!

And Riverbend showing Aiden his appreciation, despite he's becoming a Northwood the next day, it was so good. I can't wait to see what happens when Lilian and he have the meeting with the game board.
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Post by Beaumains »

Thanks again for your reply!
Once again, something that could be a hard, like being balltied, blindfolded, gagged in a wooden box, presented like it's a child's play. Totally loving that!
Well, that happens when you have been doing it frequently all your life. ;)
12. Bagged2School

Friday, 6:30 AM

Aiden rose early and prepared for the upcoming day in silence because Lilian and his parents were still asleep. The dare meant leaving his warm bed half an hour earlier. Fortunately, it would be smaller than the photo assignment. After all, classes started at eight, and skipping them was only allowed when abducted. So the dare couldn’t take more than half an hour, and one couldn’t be tied entirely and untied so quickly.

Other early morning dares Aiden had done crossed his mind. In middle school, there had been a dodgeball game. The targets’ hands had been cuffed behind them. Their protectors weren’t allowed to stand between them and the ball, so he could only dodge. It had been wondrous, despite his district losing.

Another time, both districts had to pack as many targets as possible in the back of a van. It then drove them over a bumpy gravel road to school. That morning, he had only disliked the inevitable bruises and classes afterward. The atmosphere in the windowless back compartment had been excellent.

Aiden was picked up at 7:15AM sharp by Micheal, Elijah, and their driver he didn’t know. After yesterday, he had promised himself to be open toward the dare. A positive attitude would make it more enjoyable. From the inside, he was jealous of Lilian. She was save for 24 hours after her capture and thus wouldn’t take part.

“Aiden, glad you found the light and left the dark side,” Elijah joked. “I’m your protector today, and it’s a dare-day. You cost us many points the day before yesterday, so you’ve to earn us some back.”

“Then I hope Northwood is more capable,” Aiden replied. “Else, I’ll be again a Riverbend soon.”

“That won’t happen,” Micheal laughed in reply. “Elijah and I stay with you. Well, aside for the dare, possibly. Speaking about the dare, any news yet, Chris?”

“Nothing new,” the junior replied. “We’ve to deliver Aiden and you to the Anderson farm. Leadership has more details, but can’t share them.”

The Anderson farm lay a couple miles outside Arkalay, and it took a couple more minutes to reach it. Then they parked among two dozen cars and noticed the old, back-up school bus. Aiden disliked it. It was uncomfortable.

They joined the half circle around three game board members wearing orange safety vests. Two rows of duffel bags lay behind them, one navy blue and one dark green. They were large, sturdy sacks with an opening that could be closed with a zipper. They were bought from the military on the cheap with one purpose: transporting humans. They were frequently used for abductions, and Aiden perceived he would end up in one. Especially after spotting a paper sign with his name on one.

“Okay, everyone,” the game board member in the midst shouted, and all listened instantly. “We haven’t much time as you all have classes, so we’ll explain this only once. Here’s the dare for high schoolers only. Middle schoolers had to go to the high school gymnasium.”

“Now let me define today’s dare. The bus will bring targets to school. They’ll have their arms cuffed and put in one of our beautiful bags by one member of the opposing team. Only their wrists can be bound, and only with the one rope in the sack. For this, there’re ten minutes, and targets are expected to cooperate. If a target frees their arms during the ride, their team receives bonus points. So tie them up properly.”

“Protectors can stay with their targets but can’t hinder the rigger,” another continued. “Everyone else has to keep their distance while only the rigger can take the target. After the bus departs, you can leave with your own cars. The bus makes a little detour such that you arrive first. Any questions?”

“Okay, great,” the third game board member said when no-one raised their hand. “Targets, please go to your bags. Then we can start.”

Aiden complied, and Elijah followed him to his dark blue sack. To his surprise, Hannah was his rigger. She had helped him during the photo assignment but was his opponent now.

“Hey, Aiden,” she said kindly. “How are you?”

An air horn sounded before he could reply, so her precious time had started. At once, Hannah wasn’t interested in Aiden’s well-being anymore and dived down to retrieve the rope from the bag.

“Get your hands behind your back,” she commanded. Her garland hung around her wrist, so she could hang it around Aiden’s neck with one quick motion. In response, Elijah laid his hand on his shoulder.

“Mind if I take off my jacket first?” Aiden said, without waiting for a response. It was fresh in a t-shirt, but he would sweat a lot in the sack otherwise. Then he placed his hands as directed and felt the rope circling his parallel arms. Hannah worked quick, but her tie was tight. Escaping would be challenging as he couldn’t reach her knot.

“I don’t think I can ask to test my knot,” Hannah smiled before taking the sack and folding it open. “Please, step in.”

Aiden obliged, found the bottom with his feet, and watched Hannah pulling the sack up. It barely reached his hips, so Aiden had to fold himself to fit. She helped him in such that his heels were near his buttocks and his knees under his chin. Then she closed the zipper, removing Aiden’s vision.

“Two minutes left,” one of the game board members shouted, and Aiden felt the stress around him. Hannah and Elijah picked him up and carried him into the bus. They placed him on his side, and Aiden guessed he lay under two seats.

“You okay, Aiden?” Hannah inquired.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he replied. “See you soon!”

“Bon voyage!” Elijah said before leaving with Hannah, so Aiden could begin fighting the rope. He sensed it was useless but had to try. Then, without warning, the bus accelerated, and Aiden flew backward. His shoulder smashed something hard. It didn’t hurt, but he surrendered himself to the tie. Any escape attempt could hurt him while being useless anyway. Without vision or way to catch himself, it was too dangerous.

After ten minutes of sliding, the bus halted, and Aiden understood they had arrived. Their driver had been careful, but the ride had been far from comfortable. Every movement had made Aiden anxious he would be launched in some direction by a turn or traffic light.

Voices entered the bus, and Aiden was lifted up and put down on the ground. He lay on his side on the cold stone while the sack was zipped open.

“Push yourself out, Aiden,” Elijah said. He complied and felt the fresh air surrounding his head. Elijah untied his wrists, while Aiden recovered from the blinding sun rays.

“Quick Aiden, history is in five minutes. Let’s go,” Elijah said while giving Aiden his jacket and bag.

“Good job. Shame, you couldn’t untie yourself, bot nobody did, so it’s no problem,” Elijah said while they walked to the classroom. “Seven targets from both districts completed the dare, and none were taken. That means Riverbend is still in the lead, and that’s your fault.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Aiden laughed. “Today was much easier. Getting out of bed was the hardest part.”

“Same for me,” Elijah replied. “Luckily, I don’t have bruises or rope marks.”

“Yeah, they are a minor inconvenience. The rope marks will be gone in an hour, but the bruises take some more time,” Aiden said while studying the red stripes around his wrists.

They entered the classroom and took their seats on the right row, amid their classmates in green. The class was, as expected, far from the most exciting part of the day, just like the others that followed. Aiden never was in danger, as Elijah stayed close.

During the break, he had seen the game board had replied to Lilian’s and his message. Next Tuesday, they would come to their home to discuss it with them. He hadn’t disliked this mornings’ dare but had preferred not to be a target. He still felt confined with his protector around him, despite him being one of his best friends.

After school, he wasn’t done yet. It was Friday, so he went to their school’s robotics club with Micheal and Elijah.

All three were fair programmers, and here their inner nerd could breathe freely. With only twenty members, the club was small since robotics didn’t have a direct use for tie-ups or the game. Still, both districts had fanatic members in the club. They had experimented with drones tracking abducted targets, but that was banned for privacy reasons. Similarly, tracking devices were also forbidden. No-one used Padlocks and chains during kidnappings and Responsibility Day, so timed locks were also not an option. Now the club helped by designing dares and providing programming courses for Responsibility Day. Naturally, next to playing around with simple robots.

After discussing his next programming class with his fellow teacher, Aiden joined Micheal and Elijah. Their current project was to get an electric car to identify obstacles and find a path around them. They hadn’t been successful so far because detecting objects with a camera was harder than they had suspected.

“Mind getting a few wooden cubes,” Micheal asked Aiden. “Then we can do another test, and you’re standing already.”

“You’re even lazier than I thought,” Aiden replied before walking to the storage room. He felt Elijah’s eyes following him together with the Riverbend members in the room. There was only one way to leave the robotics club, and no Riverbend was in the storage room. Hence, this was safe.

Or at least, Aiden believed so. Without much thought, he entered the room and strolled to the closet with the cubes. While he took them, something slid around his neck. Aiden saw it was blue. He turned around and saw a Riverbend from his class who signed him to be silent. He wasn’t part of the robotics club, so he had sneaked in earlier. He took the wood out of Aiden’s hands and placed it on the ground. Yesterday, he had worn a uniform for him to school, now he tried to kidnap Aiden.

“Out of the window, quick,” he whispered. They were on the second floor, and Aiden saw the window stood open. He stepped over the edge, hung on the window-frame, and dropped himself. It was a six-foot drop, but the grass below made his landing soft.

“Come with me,” another Riverbend mumbled, who had been waiting below. They ran to a red car, where Aiden was ordered to sit in the back. This kidnap wasn’t accidental or lucky. It was flawlessly orchestrated, and Northwood was too far behind to pursue him.

All Riverbend members in the car celebrated their capture. A girl in blue sat next to him on the backseat.

“Your phone and wallet, please,” she demanded after they had left the parking lot. Aiden obeyed, and she put them in an envelope and sealed it before both signed it. Then he was asked to sit sideways, his legs were bound together around his ankles and above his knees. Then she tasked him to grab his elbows with his hands. His parallel wrists were tied together before his fingers were taped to his arm. Finally, she blindfolded him, shoved some fabric in his mouth, and fastened it stayed with tape.

“Yeah, man, we got Aiden,” the boy in the passenger seat exclaimed, and Aiden assumed he was calling a Riverbend leader. “Yep, the plan worked perfectly, although I doubt it will work twice.”

“Aiden,” he continued. “We’re glad to have you back, so we’ve arranged a nice place for your sleepover. I doubt Northwood is following us, but we’ll still swap cars. Luckily for you, it won’t be needed to put you in a bag or box.”

As Aiden was gagged, he nodded to show he got this. Fighting back was impossible. After five more minutes, they stopped, and Aiden was placed in some car’s trunk. Here he was for some time before stopping again. Aiden was wrapped in a piece of fabric, probably a bedsheet, and put in another car.

Aiden had lost all his orientation while his kidnappers stayed silent. This felt like a real kidnapping as he had no idea where he was going or who was with him in the car. Not much later, they stopped again, and Aiden was lifted up.

“She said he has to go to her room. That’s on the top floor,” someone ordered before Aiden was picked up by two people, and brought inside. The door closed, and Aiden was born up. He was lowered onto the floor before everyone seemed to leave him. Now Aiden lay tied up and unable to scream in some unknown location. He wasn’t worried as this had happened many times before. He was only disappointed he would spend half his weekend here.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh my god, that description... it indeed felt like a real kidnapping. Great job!

I think this has been my favourite chapter so far! I wonder whose house is Aiden in, and how long are Riverbend going to keep him bound and gagged.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Beaumains »

Oh my god, that description... it indeed felt like a real kidnapping. Great job!

I think this has been my favourite chapter so far! I wonder whose house is Aiden in, and how long are Riverbend going to keep him bound and gagged.
Thanks once again! Aiden will have to stay bound for the entire 24 hours, that is, if he doesn't escape.
13. Captive

Aiden lay bound, gagged, and blindfolded in an unknown place. Two people had come up and removed the sheets around him, to leave shortly after. Aiden believed they had also photographed him to prove to the game board they got him. The 24 hours started after sending the picture. Now it was silent again, and Aiden guessed he was alone.

“Tap, tap, tap,” Aiden heard after ten minutes as if someone enthusiastically made their way up to the attic. His captor, he thought. The closing door, turning lock, and giggling captor made Aiden anxious. Locks should never hinder an escape, so the key had to stay inside the door. Tape, rope, scarves, and the like had to keep a captive captured. Thus, Aiden deduced, his captor wanted to hold someone out of the room. That was odd.

Even odder was the giggle. It sounded feminine. Traditionally, girls stayed with girls and boys with boys when taken. Parents preferred it this way. Never before a girl had held Aiden, and he couldn’t recall Lilian staying with a boy. Still, Aiden was sure only one pair of feet had ascended the stairs.

Usually, Aiden thought, his captor would remove the blindfold and gag now. Then they discussed what he needed from home and how he wanted to spend his time here. Now, the muteness lasted.

Aiden’s captor interrupted his thoughts by dragging a couple yards for him over the fluffy carpet, breaking the usual routine. She removed his shoes and socks, turned him on his stomach, and bound his ankles to a wooden beam two feet above the ground. His knees dangled in the air, pressing his weight on his arms that were still pinned to his chest.

Aiden felt more vulnerable and scared than he had been in years when something cold touched his soles. A finger. It left and returned with nine others. They attacked his feet, and Aiden was helpless, unsure whether he was still part of the game. Always he had trusted those tying him up, even when he didn’t know them as they were from Arkalay. Now, he was less confident.

“NO!” Aiden screamed while squirming on the floor, but the gag crushed his voice. His captor chuckled. This girl was merciless, Aiden thought, as she started tickling him for half a minute. This left him drained, confused and horrified when she granted him a break.

Aiden panted while the girl removed the rope holding his legs up and rolled him on his back. She sat down next to him and loosened the knot behind his head. She giggled while keeping the fabric over his face. Then, she jerked it away, revealing twinkling icy blue eyes above a warm, infectious smile.

“Hi, Aiden,” Jenna said. “Sorry, that was uncool, but I doubt I get such an opportunity again any time soon. Forgive me.” She grabbed her phone and removed the bandanna keeping Aiden’s gag in place. Two drenched bandannas fell out, and Aiden stretched his jaws. He saw they were alone in a dimly lit bedroom before shifting his gaze back to Jenna. She wore black leggings, a black skirt, and a blue blocked blouse bottomed up, she hadn’t worn earlier today.

“Good, now that’s out of the way, we’ve to discuss your wish list,” she said before Aiden could respond. “What do you need? You’re my first captive, so I’m not very familiar with the typical details of this procedure.”

“First, you’re supposed to treat me well. So no torture,” Aiden replied irritated.

A cloud passed Jenna’s face, and Aiden knew he had made a mistake.

“I forgive you, but that wasn’t kind,” Aiden added, forcing a grin. “I need my overnight bag and history book. My red sweater and the book on my night desk would also be nice. Pass that through. Lilian knows what I mean. Oh, and everything in my backpack, but I don’t know where it is at the moment.”

“Noted and sent,” Jenna responded after typing out the message. She lay her phone on the edge of her desk while Aiden calmed down and inspected her bedroom. It had light blue wallpaper, a sloping, white ceiling with posters of pop stars, and a dull gray carpet. There were two white wardrobes, a desk piled with paper and books, two blue office chairs, and a steep ladder leading to a six-foot-high loft bed. The sloping ceiling transformed it into a little room to sleep. Jenna had bound his ankles to one of the supporting beams of the bed. A couple of colorful beanbags with blue throw pillows lay behind it, creating a sitting area.

“So, what should we do now?” Jenna asked when Aiden had finished investigating her room. “I heard most captives watch TV, read, or do homework. Ask me if you want anything.”

“Freeing me would be nice, Jenna,” Aiden said sarcastically. “If you can’t do that, a glass of water and helping me on a chair would be fine.”

With Jenna’s help, Aiden stood up and shuffled to one of her office chairs on which he sat down. She ran down to get drinks, leaving him alone. Here lay her phone, and with all his energy, he tried ripping the tape around his fingers. To his disbelief, he wiggled his left thumb free, grabbed her phone, and clamped it against his chest. The screen flashed up, and Aiden saw it had a password. He sighed while Jenna stepped through the door. This time, she had walked up quieter.

“Aiden! What are you doing!” she shouted while racing toward him, spilling a little. She put the glasses on the table and seized her phone back. When she Aiden hadn’t unlocked it, she breathed a sigh of relief. The phone entered the breast pocket of her blouse.

“You know I have to escape or show Northwood where I am, don’t you?” Aiden laughed. “Did you think I wouldn’t try, or where you naive?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.” Jenna exclaimed before sitting down. “Yeah, I was naive. Hadn’t I told you this was my first time?”

“Yeah, you did. So what? You expect a warning before I start escaping?”

“Aiden, please, stop this. Or don’t you realize why Riverbend brought you here?” Jenna said in return. Annoyance had replaced her panic. Aiden hadn’t thought of this, and it took a couple of seconds before it clicked. After speaking to Jenna and Hannah on Wednesday, they arranged this. Staying with someone he knew would be more pleasant.

“Sorry, Jenna. I’m stupid. We’ve scheduled a meeting with the game board,” Aiden said. “No need to go easy on me. Keep me bound. I couldn’t care less.”

“You said you disliked the game.”

“Yeah, with the game and dares. Being bossed around, unable to talk with anyone I fancy, and leaving my house when I want,” Aiden returned. “This is okay, and you don’t have to worry about me. I’ve spent bound longer and tighter. Your tickling was rude, but nothing I can’t handle.”

This shocked Jenna, and she took a sip of water to digest this.

“Good. Fine by me. I don’t mind tying you up,” Jenna said with a smile. “Dinner is in ten minutes, so allow me to redo your bonds. A lovely way to introduce you to my family.”

“That’s always a lovely moment,” Aiden said. “Super awkward, but that’s part of the fun.”

“Let me help to get your hands behind your back,” Jenna said without responding to Aiden. “Don’t try to escape or attack me. I know the rules and changing your bounds means no escaping.”

Aiden thought about mentioning the torture but decided against it. Jenna ripped the tape off his fingers and arm, untied the rope around his wrists, and asked him to stand up.

“A little reminder: My mom and dad do not grab the joy of the tie-ups,” Jenna said while rebinding his wrists behind his back.

“Great,” Aiden replied. “I will keep any sarcastic comment to myself then.”

“That would be wonderful,” Jenna responded with a smile. “It would be a shame if I get grounded for keeping an abducted classmate bound in our house against his will.” Both laughed. The jargon of the game was not something they could use outside Arkalay. Apparently, kids discussing kidnapping their classmates and binding them, shocked outsiders.

After Jenna had loosened the ropes around Aiden’s legs, she cuffed him with one foot slack.

“Follow me,” Jenna said before rushing out of her attic. Aiden needed more time, and she waited impatiently near the stairwell.

“There you are,” Jenna laughed while jumping down a couple of steps. Aiden had more trouble. The rope between his ankles was barely long enough to step down. A few minutes later, they reached the dining room with a large, oaken dining table. Here, Jenna ran into her dad, still in suit and with his hair slicked backward. He stared Aiden in the eyes. His were the same as Jenna’s.

“Sorry, dad,” Jenna blurted while leading Aiden to the head of the table. Her dad was puzzled by the bound boy, so Aiden produced a smile before breaking eye-contact.

Jenna’s little twin brothers sat on the couch with wide-open mouths. To Aiden, they looked identical. Both had their family’s ice-blue eyes and white-blond hair announcing summer was coming. Their expression reminded him of Jenna at the start of a dare.

“Sit down there,” Jenna said, pointing to the head of the table.

Aiden did so. He hung his bound arms behind the back of the chair and exchanged nods with Jenna’s mom, who peeked around the corner leading to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Jenna tied his ankles and hips to the dark wood. The two Blue Lacies, Jenna had mentioned, approached him and sniffed Aiden’s pants. He wanted to pet them, but his bounds made this impossible.

“I’m fetching for our glasses. Stay here, Aiden,” Jenna said before running off. Aiden stared at the flowers in the middle of the table to avoid meeting eyes with Jenna’s family. He knew they all gazed at him.

“Hey, are you okay?” Jenna’s mom said, startling Aiden. He hadn’t noticed she had walked toward him.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Aiden replied.

“You sure? You’re all tied up with red strains over your arms.”

“Those are gone in a couple of hours. It doesn’t hurt or anything.”

“I heard Jenna has to keep you like this for the entire day. Is that right?”

“Yeah, except if I escape or someone from Northwood finds out I’m here.”

“I can ask Jenna to release you, and then you tell them you were bound,” Jenna’s mom added after a moment of thinking.

“That won’t be necessary,” Aiden replied. “This is part of the game, and it isn’t bothering me at all. I appreciate your concern, but no need to worry about me. Jenna knows what she is doing and treats me well.” During his last sentence, a blushing Jenna appeared from the hallway.

“Mind setting the table, Jenna? It’s soup and salad,” Jenna’s mom said, breaking off the conversation.

Five minutes later, all six sat around the table. Aiden had Jenna to his right and one of her little brothers to his left. Lily and Jane, the two dogs, had nestled themselves under the table, hoping to catch any dropped food.

“How do you expect me to eat?” Aiden asked Jenna while her mom filled Aiden’s bowl with chicken soup.

“Oops,” Jenna said while her brothers laughed. She released Aiden’s right arm and bound the other to the back of the chair. “One should be sufficient,” she said before shoving his chair against the table and getting a concerned gaze from her mother.

Aiden picked up his spoon and began eating to show it didn’t bother him.

“How were you kidnapped?” the boy to his left asked after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence.

“Long story,” Aiden replied. He emptied his spoon before explaining how Riverbend had captured, bound, and transported him. To spare Jenna, he left out the part of her tickling him. The eyes of the two boys revealed they loved it, especially his descriptions of his ties and gag. Meanwhile, Jenna’s mother seemed less content. Aiden was unsure what to do: assure her he hadn’t disliked it and look like a fetish freak or fear she would assume he was here involuntarily. At long last, he drew a more nuanced picture: It was part of the game, and he had to accept the consequences. Still, missing a weekend day was not great.

“Aiden, you want to try the salad?” Jenna’s mom asked. All had finished their bowl long ago while Aiden spoke. He received his salad and explained what happened that morning as a bonus.

“Can we tie you up too?” one the boys asked Aiden at the end of the meal, causing Aiden to flush. It would be fun, but only Jenna could restrain him as he was her captive.

“You should ask if you can tie your sister up. I will give directions to help a little,” Aiden answered after explaining he couldn’t meet their request.

“That seems fair,” Jenna said with glowing cheeks. “As long as it isn’t too tight or for too long.” She understood she wasn’t in the position to chicken out.

“Let’s tie her legs to her hands. She will never escape,” the other twin said with a mischievous smile.

“You always hogtie everyone, don’t you?” Aiden laughed. “There are also other ways to tie someone such that they can’t escape. If you listen to me, she won’t be able to leave.”

The twins nodded, settling the deal. While the rest did the dishes, Jenna freed him from the chair. With his wrists cuffed behind him and hands taped into fists, she helped him onto the sofa in the living room. She tied his legs together and fastened them, so he couldn’t hop away. The dogs were free to roam in the living room, so a hairy, dirty blanket protected the leather. Aiden didn’t mind.

Jenna withdrew to her room to exchange her blouse for a black-white striped, long-sleeved t-shirt. To Aiden’s delight, she still wore her leggings and skirt. A pile of white rope and bandannas lay in her hands.

“You ready?” Aiden asked her. The boys were energetic and couldn’t wait anymore; it was Christmas morning for them. The two adults had retired to the study as they hoped Aiden and Jenna could handle the situation.

“Yeah, I am. You have a plan?”

“I got an idea,” Aiden said. “Lie down on the rug and listen to me. I promise it won’t be a hogtie.”
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Great chapter! I was kind of hoping it would be Hannah's or Jenna's place since the previous chapter it was stated that it was "her house". Glad to see Jenna and Aiden will spend more time together, if Northwood doesn't find him (hopefully).

And those twins, I hope we could eventually see them using everything they learn from Aiden during the upcoming Responsability Days...
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Post by Beaumains »

Great chapter! I was kind of hoping it would be Hannah's or Jenna's place since the previous chapter it was stated that it was "her house".
Thanks! That "her" was a small give-away, but Aiden had missed it.
14. Captor Captured

"Good job, guys," Aiden said from the couch. One of the dogs lay on his lap and observed his owners from there. "Time to bind her arms."

Jenna's legs were useless already as her ankles were fastened to her upper legs like a frog tie. She lay on her back and watched Aiden's face in anticipation.

"Can we blindfold and gag her now?" the boy with the birthmark right of his lips said. His name was Max. For Aiden, this was the only way to tell him apart from his identical twin, Nathan.

"No, Max, the answer hasn't changed. It isn't necessary. She knows what is happening and won't scream," Aiden answered while observing Jenna's grateful smile. His explanation had not been entirely truthful, but Aiden saw he was vulnerable. Gagging her would set a precedent, and he would be next. Now he had time to get the parents' attention if they defied him.

"Really?" Nathan asked with puppy eyes.

"No is no, Nathan," Aiden replied. "Now, let's continue. Like with her legs, we tie her wrists to her upper arms. So Jenna, please grab your neck with your hands."

Jenna complied, and both boys snatched a rope and one of her arms. Aiden watched them while giving them directions and hints. The boys knew their knots, but their excitement made them hasty and sloppy.

"Max, don't cross the rope on her skin," Aiden said for the third time.

"Oops," Max answered before fixing his mistake. "Won't happen again. I promise."

"Better do so," Aiden said. "And otherwise?"

"Then I will tie him up," Nathan replied within a second.

"Deal!" Max said. "But if you do that, you will be tied."

Aiden nodded while both boys cinched their knots. Jenna did not complain, so it was alright, Aiden thought. No need to interrupt them. Max and Nathan ended their knots and wound the leftover rope around her wrists at the elbow's side the knot.

"Yep, I ain't getting out of this," Jenna said while failing to grab one of the ends. "You three did a terrific job."

The boys looked proudly at their struggling sister. She seemed to enjoy herself, so Aiden decided to add more ropes.

"We ain't finished yet, Jenna," Aiden laughed. "Help her on her knees and elbows, lads."

Jenna's little brothers did so, and she could kind of walk on the stumps of her limps. Aiden knew her knees and elbows disliked this, as she lazed down on her side after a minute.

"In a hogtie, she could never do that!" Max said.

"That's right, Max," Aiden replied. "To spot the difference, tickle her belly."

Max and Nathan ducked down, letting Jenna twist on the floor. She giggled and did not yell or asked for mercy, so Aiden allowed her brothers about ten seconds of fun.

"Enough!" Aiden shouted, and the boys obeyed. "She is still dangerous, as you see. Let's start with her elbows. Put her on her knees."

A minute later, Jenna sat in front of Aiden. She panted from exhaustion and looked him in the eyes.

"Jenna, place your hands behind your head, so your elbows point up," Aiden said. She complied, and Nathan bound her wrists together.

"Her legs are more difficult," Aiden explained. "Simplest is binding her to a table or other large object. We keep it mild today now and allow her some movement. Nathan, mind binding her ankles together? And Max, can you do the same, just above her knees? Use short ropes and not too tight. That won't be necessary."

Aiden further directed the twins to blindfold their sister and leave the room. The door closed with a bang, and Jenna chuckled.

"Aiden, you bastard," Jenna laughed. "No way, I escape this."

"You have helpful brothers," Aiden said while moving on the couch as if he loosened himself.

"Don't you dare!" Jenna hissed, making her dog jump up. "You won't escape this way. Please, Aiden, how do I have to explain this?"

"Not my problem," Aiden replied without ceasing to wiggle.

"Don't," Jenna begged, "Else, I will scream."

"I knew I had forgotten something. Should I call you brothers? They would love to gag you."

"Aiden. Please. Stop."

The terror in Jenna's blindfolded face told Aiden it was enough.

"Sorry, Jenna, just joking. I can't escape too. We are both stuck here," he laughed.

"Not funny. You almost gave me a heart attack," Jenna said. "Now we have to wait until someone rescues us. Thanks, Aiden."

The two continued to bicker. Jenna bitter and scared, and Aiden grinning and sarcastic. Her words did not reveal this, but her neverending smile told Aiden Jenna was thrilled.

The doorbell buzzed, the dogs tippled toward it, and someone descended the stairs and opened the door.

"Good evening. I'm Hannah and have Aiden's overnight bag with me. Mind if I come in?"

"Hi, they are in the living room. Through the door and then right. Can't miss it," Jenna's dad said.

"It took some longer than intended, but here..." Hannah started before a high-pitched shriek left her mouth. "What's happened here? Jenna, you okay?"

"Quiet down. I've everything under control. Nothing to worry about," Jenna lied before describing what had occurred. Hannah was not overjoyed with this and untied Jenna's arms. An unnecessary risk, she called it.

"And you, Aiden, enjoying your captivity, or frustrated your escape plan failed?" Hannah asked, not very friendly.

"It would have been brilliant if it had worked, wouldn't it?" Aiden replied. "No, I'm stuck here but can't complain. It has been quite fun, actually."

"You sure? Being tied is no problem?"

"Jenna ties are excellent, and that was never an issue. If I wasn't clear the last time, I hate being bossed around and losing my freedom."

"You don't have much liberty here," Hannah countered.

"That's different! Jenna listens and doesn't treat me like a puppet. Yeah, I'm tied up, but despite that, I can do whatever I fancy. Except I don't have my stuff or anything. Thanks for bringing them, but may I ask why it took so long?"

"Northwood. They waited near your house, recognized me from Wednesday, and guessed correctly I wanted to bring it myself. We tried, but couldn't shake off the three cars following us, so I had dinner first at home. Then I sneaked through half a dozen backyards and loaned a bike from a friend. Long story, but I made it unseen."

"No problem," Jenna said. "Please sit down."

The three of them discussed Aiden's capture while Jenna freed her legs. Hannah revealed the plan was made hurriedly around three that afternoon. A Riverbend in the room had texted when Aiden left to the supply room, prompting his classmate to leave his hiding spot and sneak behind him. Everything had gone according to plan.

The choice for Jenna had been made around the same time and was due to Hannah. Ordinarily, she would have been screened and instructed days in advance, which Hannah did now. During the day, Aiden had to be bound in a chair, not on the ground level. At most, one hand could be loose, and all knots had to be outside his reach. The curtains had to stay open not to attract any attention, and visitors were discouraged. Bathroom breaks were limited, and he had to sleep in a sleeping bag.

Hannah kept explaining more rules, boring Aiden. They reminded him of all the standard, uneventful abductions. This one, breaking protocol numerous times, had been so much better.

"That doesn't sound impressive for a kidnapping," Jenna said.

"It's our protocol and necessary," Hannah said. "We have a 97% success rate with kidnappings this year."

"Yeah, and what's the fun in it?" Jenna said. "No risk or chance to escape. I bet Northwood does the same. Why don't you drop the 24-hour rule altogether if no-one escapes? What's the point?"

Jenna exchanged a smirk with Aiden, who found himself an ally.

"I don't think you understand this, Jenna," Hannah said. "Your top priority is making sure he doesn't escape. I've already broken two rules by bringing Aiden here. First, you are not instructed, and secondly, you're a girl while he is not. Jenna, please, keep him here. I doubt the leadership will appreciate it if Northwood gets him."

"Honestly, Hannah, are you surprised Aiden is worn out after months of this?"Jenna said. "The game was supposed to be fun, you know."

Hannah reiterated her arguments. She continued quibbling with Jenna, and they came nowhere. Hannah kept loyal to her district but understood Jenna's case. Meanwhile, Jenna was ruining her Riverbend career if this became public. She wouldn't receive any captives anymore and would lose her role as Aiden's protector.

"Aiden, good luck with the game board," Hannah said before leaving. "Maybe you're right. I will check up with you tomorrow. Jenna, I can't force you to follow our protocol, but it would be desirable."

Jenna let Hannah out before bringing Aiden's items up. Then she released him and let him use the toilet for the first time. She guarded the door, tied his legs again afterward, and helped him to her room where they brushed their teeth. Then a complicated dance started where Jenna released Aiden's body parts one by one, so he could change in his pajamas without running away.

"Mom put that down for you," Jenna said, pointing at the mattress and sleeping bag.

"Great, then I can escape without you looking," Aiden said. Jenna looked with displeasure at him but had read his sarcasm.

"Not sure if us sharing a bed is okay," she laughed.

"I don't mind. I can't move anyway," Aiden said, and both laughed. Jenna helped Aiden up the steep ladder, changed outside his view in her own pink pajama, locked the door from the inside, and came up with the sleeping bag, ropes, tape, and some other items. The sheets and blanket were light blue, and the tiny space was lit by a multicolored strand of Christmas lights.

"Hannah has left some useful things for me," Jenna said. She put Aiden's hands in thick fingerless mittens and fastened the laces. Enabling captives to use their fingers all night was dangerous, but taping them
was too harsh. Now captives could stretch their fingers and form a fist. During the day, mittens were banned as they made holding someone too easy.

Jenna zipped the sleeping bag open, let Aiden with his bound legs in, untied his arms, and closed the zipper. Then she lay a pillow under his head and rolled the tape around him. First, around his ankles, then his belly, and finally his shoulders. Next, she took the two cowbells out of Hannah's bag and boobytrapped the ladder with them. Now Aiden couldn't leave without waking her.

"I should actually blindfold you now," Jenna laughed. "Lucky for you, I am rebellious today." She laid herself down on her pillow and pulled her blanket over herself.

"Thanks, Jenna," Aiden said. "I never understood why it was required."

"Me neither. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so rebellious," Jenna said and darkened the room.

"Sleep well, Jenna," Aiden said. "You have no idea how thankful I am that you stood up for me."

"Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, Aiden?"

"Maybe a little," Aiden said, and both got to sleep.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Wonderful chapter!

I don't know how you combine writing stuff like kidnapping, being tied inside a bag or box (or dog cage like Jenna's mom), suspended like it's something totally innocent (which in real life it wouldn't be that innocent) with other stuff that feels so real like the fact that these games will eventually get someone bored, and all the protocols and procedures Riverbend and Northwood have to follow in order to beat each other.

I loved also the interaction between Jenna and Aiden. I can't wait for the next chapter (and the meeting with the game board eventually!)
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Post by Beaumains »

Wonderful chapter!

I don't know how you combine writing stuff like kidnapping, being tied inside a bag or box (or dog cage like Jenna's mom), suspended like it's something totally innocent (which in real life it wouldn't be that innocent) with other stuff that feels so real like the fact that these games will eventually get someone bored, and all the protocols and procedures Riverbend and Northwood have to follow in order to beat each other.

I loved also the interaction between Jenna and Aiden. I can't wait for the next chapter (and the meeting with the game board eventually!)
Thanks a lot! This is what I try to achieve. Although the dog case and suspension dare were meant as more 'extreme' examples, I expect that when one grows up doing these things almost every week, you get used to it. Then certain things will not be as exciting anymore.


15. A pirate's dream

A galleon sailed at full sail through a cloudless sky. Behind its steering wheel stood a female pirate with a parrot on her shoulder, an eye pad, and loose blue clothes that waved in the wind. She smiled and raised her sword. Not out of hatred or fury as she was festive and innocent as a child. Peculiar, Aiden thought, while he stared down and saw his body was bound to the middle mast. Other than him and her, the deck was empty, as the graphics of a lazy-made videogame.

Then the ship dived down without warning, causing Aiden's stomach to turn. Meanwhile, young pirates in blue flooded the deck with unconventional weapons: broad, short muskets, elastic spikeless morning stars, and butterfly nets.

"My men, my people," the captain shouted while the ship rushed hardly 50 yards above Arkalay. "Today, we fight! Ropes will break, and tape will be fastened! We will free ours and imprison those that have wronged us! The battle is ours, and we will be victorious!"

The crowd cheered their captain, Jenna, and the ship invaded the woods. Children in green jumped out of the trees and entered the deck with grapple hooks. The battle started. Tape and rolls of foil were shot around opponents, rendering them helpless. Nets were thrown, and ropes secured, creating a pile of bound bodies that rolled over the deck. It sickled those standing to the ground, causing a gigantic mess.

The galleon decreased further and pierced itself in the ground, throwing all still standing backward. Jenna laughed while her soldiers recovered faster and finished their remaining enemies with ease. She walked forward and freed Aiden with two swift sword cuts and commanded him to disembark. Together they wandered in silence through the pine forest to a wooden hut. Inside, Lilian hung by her ankles, and Micheal and Elijah sat on tree chunks with rolls of tape in their hand.

Aiden recognized the hut. It was the secret hide-out he had built in 7th grade with the Micheal and Elijah. "What am I doing here?" he asked himself.

"Surrender now, Riverbend!" Micheal yelled before tackling Jenna. They brawled while the others watched.

"Aiden, help me," Micheal pleaded as Jenna gained the upper hand. "Recognize this place? Here, the three of us spent so much time together. Why did you abandon us? Are your old friends any less than her?"

Aiden thought and tried to form an answer while Jenna taped Micheal's ankles together. What was he going doing? What about Lilian? Aiden didn't know how to respond and stumbled, searching for words. He fell, through the ground in black mist.

"Aiden, Aiden," some voice said, shaking his knees. "Wake up. It's ten o'clock already, and I made us breakfast."

"Oh. Hi, Jenna. Good morning," Aiden answered while opening his eyes. He tried to bent himself to look forward and failed as ropes still held him in place.

"You okay? You were shaking and making faces."

"I'm fine. Only a dream."

"Ah, all right. Seriously, how can you sleep like that? I had expected you to complain halfway through the night. Sorry, about the ropes around your legs, they were unnecessary, and I should have untied them." Jenna asked while removing the tape around the sleeping bag.

"Ain't that bad. I can lie flat, and the ropes aren't tight," Aiden answered with a yawn. "Not that I can escape, but it could be worse."

"Honestly, at sleepovers, I've slept with my legs tied and once with my hands cuffed, but I hated it."

"I bet I got used to it. Mind freeing me now? Breakfast sounds like a terrific idea."

Jenna removed the sleeping bag and mittens and cuffed Aiden's arms before him. He descended the ladder with his bound legs and sat down on a chair. She fastened him before he could start with the blueberry pancakes and fresh orange juice.

They devoured everything in record time, as both were starved. Aiden in his pajamas and Jenna in black sneakers, white jeans, and a crimson woolen sweater. Afterward, she led him to the bathroom. Here he showered and changed in more suitable clothes: jeans and the red hoodie from his wishlist.

"You haven't escaped!" Jenna said when Aiden left the bathroom with cuffed arms and legs. She had demanded this. Aiden had tried fleeing through the bathroom window, but it was stuck and way too narrow. He guessed Jenna had heard this while waiting outside.

"Let's return to my room, both of us have much to do this weekend," Jenna continued. Not much later, Aiden was reading his history textbook while Jenna did chemistry problems.

They worked without chattering while exchanging gazes every few minutes. Other captors often left Aiden alone to offer him some privacy. But, Jenna stayed in the room, leaving once to get drinks and cookies, but he didn't mind. In fact, he appreciated it as he got his schoolwork done without being lonely. Jenna's ties were decent. So escapable. She had given him one free hand and knots behind the chair in his reach. When he moved, she looked up, keeping him in check. It was a little game, and Aiden understood she would never let him win.

Minutes before noon, the doorbell rang, and Jenna's mother sent someone up. Jenna had locked to door to keep her little brothers out and saw Hannah after opening it.

"You've guts returning now," Jenna grumbled. She hadn't forgotten their encounter of the previous day. "What brings you here?"

"I'm sorry about yesterday, Jenna," Hannah replied while handing her a pack of Oreos.

"Come in," Jenna said while adding the Oreos to the cookie pile on her desk. Then she hurled one of her beanbags between the two chairs and gestured Hannah to sit down.

"That was not kind of me yesterday," Hannah said after dropping herself down. "I thought about it all night and realized you're right."

"Good of you to admit this, but I hadn't expected you already. Aiden still has five hours to go."

"Yeah, I'm too early but wanted to speak in private. You know, now there's some time. I shouldn't have gotten so hostile, Jenna, and you were correct. These kidnappings are useless and dull, and I should have trusted you to keep Aiden here. If there's anything I can do to fix things, please tell me."

"I ain't angry. Don't worry," Jenna smirked. "Most would have responded like that, and Oreos are always welcome.

Hannah thanked her and calmed down. This conversation had been pleasanter than she had anticipated.

"There's something you might be able to help me with, Hannah," Jenna continued. "It's unusual, but you're involved in delivering Aiden home, aren't you?"

Aiden was as surprised as Hannah, who nodded.

"Great, the frontline will never reach my house, but I'm curious what an abduction is like, and Aiden deserves revenge. So, mind taking me with him?"

Aiden blushed as he hadn't foreseen this and glanced at Hannah. This request had startled her as well.

"Eh, sure, Jenna," Hannah replied. "I'll see what I can do. I can't guarantee we can, eh, transport you as Aiden. A ride is no problem. "

"Great, thanks, Hannah," Jenna said. "Oh, Aiden, forgot to ask. You cool with it?"

"No, no, Jenna, terrific idea. Although you won't have to escape," Aiden laughed. He wouldn't oppose another day like this.

"That's a deal then. I can't recall this happening before, but I like it. You can message Aiden's parents anonymously with the app if you can come over," Hannah said.

"Excellent," Jenna said while Hannah stood up. She had felt it was time for her to go. Jenna let her out and returned with a smile from ear to ear.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

That was one hell of a dream!

Great chapter. I wonder if Jenna recalls what Aiden has told her about his family and how they practice and play tie up games, and that is why she is motivated to spend 24 hours tied at his mercy (also, I remember Aiden's family sleeping tied AND gagged while camping hehe). And since Aiden is clearly more creative than Jenna at tying up people, she may be in for the treat of her life. Wonderful job!
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Post by Beaumains »

That was one hell of a dream!

Great chapter. I wonder if Jenna recalls what Aiden has told her about his family and how they practice and play tie up games, and that is why she is motivated to spend 24 hours tied at his mercy (also, I remember Aiden's family sleeping tied AND gagged while camping hehe). And since Aiden is clearly more creative than Jenna at tying up people, she may be in for the treat of her life. Wonderful job!
Thanks again! Good scenario, Unfortunately, There are a couple bumps in the road, so to speak. ;)
16. There' s no place like home

"Can't I look first?" Jenna asked while Hannah bound a blue band fabric over her eyes.

"You wanted this, and for Aiden, it has to stay a surprise as well. Do you want this or not?"

It was late in the afternoon. Together with another Riverbend, they prepared the transport in Jenna's room.

"Yeah, but can't I know what I signed up for."

"That isn't an option, Jenna," Hannah laughed. "You asked to stand in Aiden's shoes and be kidnapped. Well, he doesn't complain, does he? So why should you?"

"Eh, no, but..." Jenna tried, but a sponge entering her mouth interrupted her. Her muffled voice was mirthless, and she battled her captors, Aiden heard. He was already blindfolded, gagged, and with his hands taped and cuffed in front of him.

"Jenna, please, stop struggling. If you want to quit, make a peace sign with your fingers," Hannah said. "Seriously, this was supposed to be a favor."

As Jenna calmed down and kept quiet, Aiden assumed she had chosen to cooperate. The familiar sound of tape leaving its roll filled the room, as Hannah and her helper stayed silent. Afterward, Hannah's helper grabbed Aiden's shoulder and guided him down the stairs.

"Stay still," another Riverbend said downstairs as he tied Aiden's legs to each other. Next, he helped Aiden sit on his knees, put a helmet on head, and lifted something over him. Together with this thing, he laid Aiden on his side. "Cold iron," he thought. "So an oil drum. How original. But that helmet does not promise much good."

He added a dozen throw pillows to the barrel before sealing its bottom. There was a breathing hole, so Aiden did not worry. In reality, he lay carefree while Jenna stayed noisy. He was quite content with this transportation method. Of course, the backseat and trunk were superior, but worse was also possible. Lilian had once returned in a chest filled with itchy hay. He had been sewed in an old mattress and lain spread-eagled in the rear of a pick-up truck. The transport home risk-free as the 24 hours were over, and bonus points were awarded to creative methods. So both districts did not spare there new members.

Next, two Riverbend picked a side of Aiden's barrel up, lifted it on a trailer, and fastened it. The barrel couldn't roll anymore.

"We want to play a little with Jenna," Hannah whispered next to him. "I stay next to you. If it gets too bad, strike rapidly against the top of the drum. Have fun!"

Aiden sighed and hoped he could endure this longer than Jenna. His captors had likely placed bets on who would tap out first. They wouldn't drive the direct route. Jenna lived in Riverbend, but Aiden had no sense where, as he had arrived and would leave blindfolded.

"That's good. Jenna won't move," one of Hannah's helpers said, and the trailer took off. Aiden was pressed backward, so his legs pointed toward the car pulling him. He pushed his knees against the front of his barrel and his shoulders back, to move as little as possible. At first, he had regarded the pillows as a gift, but they reduced friction, propelling him up in the corners. So he shoved them away, causing them to fly around in the oil drum.

The first mile was a walk in the park compared to the second, as the car accelerated and took sharper corners. Once it stopped abruptly, likely for a traffic sign. It got worse and worse until it entered a gravel road. While bouncing up and down, Aiden pushed the pillows under him, as good as his taped and cuffed hands allowed. The bumps shook Aiden, but his helmet protected him. Next to him, someone shuffled around, trying to keep their balance. Hannah, Aiden thought. He was safe or had at least someone worried about him.

Still, Aiden hated it. The unnecessary blindfold and oil drum prevented him from predicting the shocks. The unexpected airtime and landings were painful yet manageable. It was, say, not as bad as the dare where he had to tie his captor up in a driving van. That had hurt.

Aiden felt somewhat sick, which seldom occurred during driving tie-ups. Quitting entered his mind, but the car stopped before he made a decision. Doors banged, and the suspension shook as silent people climbed on the trailer. Peculiar, Aiden thought. His house was not near any gravel road. After five minutes, they left without touching Aiden's barrel. This time the car drove slow and careful and halted ten minutes later. Aiden's oil drum was loosened, lifted up, and put down thirty yards further on its side.

"Hey, Lilian. We're here to bring Aiden back. Here's his overnight bag, and pass him this envelope, will you?" Hannah said after ringing the bell.

"Sure. Thanks, guys," Lilian's familiar voice replied. Aiden felt relieved. The final part of his kidnap was over.

"Cool, we come back to get the drum later tonight. See ya," Hannah continued, and she and her helpers left chuckling.

The car drove off, and Lilian removed the lid of the barrel. Aiden's feet dropped out, and she pulled the rest of his body out.

"Good evening, Aiden. Dinner is in 15 minutes. So let's hurry a little."

Lilian removed the helmet, gag, and blindfold before turning to his legs. Aiden looked around the porch. "Is there no other barrel? Jenna should be in one too."

Lilian paused a moment from untying her little brother. "Aiden, I've no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, right, Hannah didn't inform you? Jenna was my captor, and as revenge, she would be my prisoner for 24 hours."

"Mom said some friend messaged her that you forgot to tell her they would stay over. No idea it was Jenna. Hannah gave me an envelope, which is odd, maybe it contains some clue?"

Lilian handed it after she removed the tape around his hands. On the porch, he read it aloud.


As you might have noted, we drove rougher than usual. Jenna wanted to be kidnapped, so we decided to scare her a little, to make the abduction more real. She is still bound in her barrel and lays in the bushes near the 'beware of the deer" sign of Kearmont road. Maybe, I bet Jenna would appreciate it, you should free her. It gets pretty cold at night this time of the year. Text me when you got her.

Have a good night,


Aiden ran to his mom to describe what had happened. She chuckled, and Lilian offered him a ride in her old Honda Accord. His mom was unhappy dinner was postponed but not offended. These things happened in Arkalay.

Aiden and Lilian rushed to the car, where Aiden clarified his story. To continue Hannah's game, they determined to stay silent near Jenna.

On location, they got out and sought for the oil drum. Lilian found it in a small ditch under a couple of branches. It did not fit in the Honda Accord, so they removed the lid and took Jenna out. She was trembling, not calm and carefree like Aiden when released. Then she panicked and started hitting Aiden with her cuffed and taped hands.

"Ssh, it's just me with my sister," Aiden whispered, knowing she was in fear for her life, and Jenna ended her violence.

"Let's toss her in the trunk," Aiden said aloud to Lilian, but Jenna shook her head.

Aiden gazed at Lilian's disapproving face. Better to stop now was his assessment too.

Lilian removed her helmet, blindfold, and gag. "No problem, Jenna, welcome back to the world."

Jenna's eyes were bloodred, and she gasped for air. She had cried.

"Thanks," she stumbled. "What's going on?"

"I will explain in the car," Aiden said while throwing her over his shoulder. "Dinner is getting cold."

He laid her in on the backseat and took the other seat himself before texting Hannah.

"This was scarier than what my friends have ever done to me," Jenna said when they entered the driveway. The ropes were gone, and she had gotten her explanation. The initial hysteria had faded away. "Honestly, that was uncool of Hannah, leaving me alone. I had no idea what they were doing."

"That's the idea, Jenna. That uncertainty is the goal of the game. As a rule, I promise myself my kidnapper is from Arkalay. Then I will survive. Otherwise, I will be the most cooperating victim the serial killer has ever seen."

Jenna had regained her smile already. The bumps and fear of being alone had made her cry, but she had recovered. "I should have known what I asked for and underestimated Hannah. It's too long since I was tied up outside the game. Time to change that."

Lilian heard this and promised she wouldn't disappoint her. She grabbed a blindfold and a handful rope out of her dashboard. Aiden bound Jenna's ankles outside the car, hoisted a blindfolded Jenna inside, and seated her in the dining room. Together with the rest of his family, he tied her to her chair. It was minimalistic, as all hurried due to their hunger, but done well as only her toes, arms, and head stayed free to move.

"Bon Appetit," Jenna's mother said after raising the fabric in front of her eyes. A damping plate with pasta stood in front of her that stood no chance against the hungry girl.

Aiden attacked his plate too. Within no time, the pan was empty as Aiden and Jenna retold their story again. Narrating did not slow them down.

"So, you're staying here as if Aiden kidnapped you?" Aiden's dad asked Jenna.

Jenna chuckled and removed the red sauce from her mouth's corners. "Eh, yeah, wasn't that clear?"

"Aiden, son, I won't call the police, but abduction is a felony," Aiden's dad continued with a stern voice. "I can't tolerate that behavior."

He grabbed the nearest rope and tossed it to his wife. In this case, from the drawer near his belly. She got the hint, and Aiden got the same treatment as Jenna, except his hands were bound together behind his chair. His unbound family members ran around the house, collecting more ropes that all ended up around his. At least 50 yards Aiden thought, as the variety of different colored ropes covered his body.

"And what about me?" Jenna asked, unsure what to make out of these events. "Shouldn't you free me?"

"Nah, you get your wish fulfilled," Lilian answered. "Lucky you, you will skip the dishes." Lilian walked out of the kitchen to her and cuffed her hands behind her.

"This is one for Christmas," his dad laughed while knocking him on his shoulder.

"Dad, please, no. Otherwise, I will remind the family about your April fool's prank."

"Aiden! You promised me you wouldn't."

"Oh, no, today you dug your own grave," Aiden laughed. "No way grandpa will have mercy with you this year."

"What are you two talking about?" Jenna asked, interrupting the quarrel. She was confused and unsure of what to make out of this.

The rest laughed, making Jenna very uncomfortable. They gawked at each other until Aiden dared to provide an explanation. "Oh, my mum's family. Every Christmas, grandpa dresses up as Santa. During the afternoon, each family member has to sit on his lap. Then they open their presents with anonymous, embarrassing stories about stuff they did in the past year. Naturally, they have to read these things aloud. Then grandpa decides whether they have been nice or naughty. In the last case, he picks a punishment for them that his elves carry out. So many spend Christmas tied in some way. Nothing more than an odd family tradition. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I think so," Jenna answered in shock. "So, who are those elves?"

"Some of the teenage kids," Lilian replied from the kitchen. "Yeah, before you ask, Aiden and I have done it too and had to wear the stupid costume."

"You guys are weird, but I don't dislike it," Jenna replied while Aiden's mom finished binding her arms to the chair. She wanted to say more, but a grey rubber bit gag entered her mouth.

"And for you, your own gag," Aiden's mom smiled. She pushed a black, medium-sized ball gag in his mouth and fastened it behind his head. Aiden turned his head to Jenna and winked, and received her cheeky twinkle in return.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

That was a great chapter.

For a moment I thought Northwood was going to appear and do something. Man, poor Jenna. And I must say, although I was really hoping for Jenna to be at Aiden's mercy for the next 24 hours, I don't know if it's better for her that she is now at the mercy of Aiden's family.

(And is it weird that I want to see more of that Christmas tradition? Hehehe)
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Post by Luyan »

This is a cool story!
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Post by Beaumains »

Sorry for the wait. Exams and some other things are keeping me busy.
That was a great chapter.

For a moment I thought Northwood was going to appear and do something. Man, poor Jenna. And I must say, although I was really hoping for Jenna to be at Aiden's mercy for the next 24 hours, I don't know if it's better for her that she is now at the mercy of Aiden's family.

(And is it weird that I want to see more of that Christmas tradition? Hehehe)
Thanks! Remember that Jenna made this decision herself. I expect her to have known Hannah would play a little with her, making her a bit scared. I don't think I will write a lot more about that Christmas tradition but will try to keep adding typical Arkalay anecdotes.

This is a cool story!
Thanks a lot!
17 What time brings

“Sit still,” Aiden’s mom warned. “If one falls, there will be consequences.”

Aiden and Jenna wanted to nod but were smart enough to keep their head still. Otherwise, the beanbags on their heads might drop. They were in the garage together with Aiden’s mom and Lilian and had a couple more beanbags were stacked on their shoulders against their necks. Both were still gagged, so they did not respond at all while a local radio station played in the background. After the dishes, Aiden’s dad had driven them here on a hand trolley and sat them directly in front of each other with their toes inches apart.

“We’re back in 30 minutes. So it isn’t that long, and we keep an eye on you.” Aiden’s mom continued and pointed to the CCTV before walking away.

“Nah, let’s make it more fun,” Lilian laughed. “Not the one who drops it, but the other gets punished. Not sure yet how, but staying gagged all evening or a rather uncomfortable night are options.”

Her words and subsequent departure enraged Jenna, judging by her screams in her gag. Yet, Aiden knew she consented. Lilian had taught her the family’s safety signals, and she had not made circles with her head or the hand signal. So Jenna was either playing along or too proud to surrender. Aiden hoped for the former and feared it was the second. Challenging yourself and expanding boundaries was important, but not stopping yourself was dangerous. Aiden was unsure whether Jenna knew this.

“What am I worrying?” Aiden asked himself. Jenna was spirited as good as her bit gag allowed reading her expression. And otherwise, he was stuck too. By punishing him, his dad had taken responsibility for Jenna.

Aiden focused his gaze again to a motionless Jenna. Usually, he would rest or enter his subspace now. The blindfold, radio, and beanbags made this hard, which his family understood. These 30 minutes were meant to last long. Aiden’s second tactic was saying a mantra or explaining himself something to kill time. Often a plot of a book or some concept for school. Now, this was troublesome too. Aiden knew his head moved without guidance when he was in thoughts. Only one option remained: focus. Look forward and keep your head straight.

Aiden sighed internally. In front of him, Jenna’s face was at the correct height. What could he do? There was nowhere else to go, and blurring his own vision would not help. Too risky. So he looked at her forehead. Yes, that was a safe choice, as Jenna stared at him. He blushed. This was, of course, his insane parents’ plan: How to embarrass your teenage son in two simple steps. Step 1: ropes. Step 2: awkward silence with eternal lasting eye-contact. Or well, more like 30 minutes, so still forever.

“Good, concentrate, Aiden,” he told himself. His eyes moved downward, to Jenna’s ice-blue ones, and taking his focus was once more. “Torture!” he called this himself and started counting. From 1 to whatever number until his awful family freed him.

Aiden made it far, up to 651, when Jenna tilted her head too far left. A beanbag fell, from the pillar stacked against her neck, but landed on the tip of her shoulder. Aiden had lost count and restarted.

His breath slowed down while they waited, unable to stop watching each other. Flushing, deep concentration and the radio’s catchy pop songs alternated. Cramps in their necks and jaw developed, but both continued.

“292, 293, 294,” Aiden counted when Jenna’s beanbag fell on the floor. He was shocked, but not mad or bitter. Her puppy eyes made sure of that.

“Jenna, you got Aiden in major trouble,” Lilian chuckled, stepping into the room minutes later. “He will hate you for this, but times up. You can move your head again and won’t be punished.”

Aiden questioned this. He expected Lilian to have waited until a bag dropped, so she could issue a punishment.

There was little time to speculate as Lilian collected the bags, turned up the radio, and blindfolded Aiden with a bandanna. Then there was silence. Aiden thought he could hear ropes, but was unsure. His imagination was quite familiar with the sound, and it could be his expectation instead of reality.

Then something was pressed on his lap and fastened. It was soft and covered his upper legs. Peculiar, he thought. But Lilian did not keep her plan secret for long as someone climbed over his lap and sat down, facing him. This person was light, so he suspected it was Jenna while her ankles were fastened to the rear legs of the chair. Aiden could touch the knots, but a roll of tape ended his illusions. His sister was not stupid and taped his fingers while warm breaths hugged his face.

Then Lilian removed their gags and Aiden’s blindfold. The little light in the garage did not blind him, and he stared straight in Jenna’s face, at most ten inches away. She beamed while sitting on a cushion of a garden chair with her hands still bound behind her back. Aiden was more than a foot taller, but this leveled their eyes.

“After watching each other from a distance, I thought you might want to see each other up close,” Lilian said. She turned the volume of the radio up and steered the CCTV away. “If anything is wrong, scream. See ya!”

“Sorry about the beanbag,” Jenna said when Lilian had left and closed the door. “I tried, but my neck...”

“No problem,” Aiden interrupted. “I was getting stiff too. It could have been either of us.”

A short silence followed where they studied each other’s eyes.

“Well, this is a little suggestive, isn’t it?” Jenna said.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, yeah, us sitting here together. So close.”

“Eh, Jenna. You have to be a little clearer.”

“Aiden, sometimes you can be so stupid,” Jenna laughed. “Your family put us here, after letting us stare in each other’s eyes for half an hour. Haven’t you wondered why?”

“Eh, no. I mean, my family let us chat in private without an escape route. They can’t keep us gagged and blindfolded all night, can they?”

“Aiden, you completely missed my point. Why did your lovely sister put me on your lap with our heads less than a foot apart?”

“Eh, dunno. I mean not to embarrass us. It’s no problem. I’ve been bound to my lovely sister many times.”

Jenna giggled, and her head was tinged with red. “Oh, Aiden, seriously, haven’t you noticed anything?”

“No, Jenna, what’s going on?” Aiden replied, who felt more and more uncomfortable. “Can you quit your games and tell me?”

Silence fell, and Aiden could hear the radio in the background. Jenna straightened her back and aimed her eyes at Aiden’s.

“Eh, Aiden,” Jenna stumbled. “I’ve got a little crush on you.”

Aiden tried to make a smile while processing these words, but his poker face cracked. It all made sense: Jenna desired to be his protector for months. Jenna listened to his complaints about the game. Jenna arranged he would stay captured at her home. Jenna stayed with him all day. Jenna invited him to sleep in the same bed as her. Jenna asked to be kidnapped for another 24 hours by him. Yeah, there had been some signals, Aiden thought. Everyone had noticed it, except him.

“Eh, I never thought about that,” Aiden answered, unsure if Jenna was asking for a relationship. “Like, now I see it, but I haven’t been thinking much about a girlfriend or anything.”

He looked at Jenna, whose face expressed this was not the desired reaction. “So, you don’t like me, Aiden?”

“Eh, Jenna, you get me wrong. This weekend was amazing so far, and I like you and enjoy spending time together. But love is something else, and I haven’t considered that.”

“Thanks for being honest, Aiden,” Jenna said after ten seconds. “I should have been clearer.”

She smiled, and Aiden answered it. The cold air left the garage as they entered less tense topics: how Jenna had felt in the barrel and with Aiden’s family. She had enjoyed it, despite it being a lot more intense than her usual adventures outside the game.

“The lack of backrest is annoying,” Jenna said, doing a sit-up. “How could anyone come up with this?”

“It works,” Aiden said. “It isn’t the first time ropes forced me to stare at a face from this close for a long time.”

“Tell me,” Jenna said before approaching his face again.

“Well, I was nine or so. Lilian and I had fought like all siblings do, and mum was furious. She forced us to stare into each other’s faces in this way. Not sure why, but I suspect so we would appreciate each other more. It didn’t take long before we were gagged to prevent us from spitting. She tied our arms back, so we couldn’t headbutt each other. Well, her method backfired as we hated it and aimed our combined forces at mum the rest of the week. So, it was also a success in some sense as we stopped arguing, but I doubt mum liked the outcome of her experiment.”

Jenna laughed. “Okay, my turn for a story. Last year, a friend of mine invited me to a sleepover. She picked me up, but her parents had not brought her to me with a car. Odd. While we walked to her home, me carrying a heavy bag, she admitted forgetting to ask permission. So we had to climb up to her room where she tied me up to hide me. She gagged me with my dirty socks, so I would make no noise. As you might expect, her parents found out. They were totally okay with me being there, but my friend refused to untie me. That was one of the few nights I slept with cuffed wrists. Luckily, she removed my gag.”

They continued exchanging stories until Lilian and Aiden’s mom untied them. Jenna was relaxed again and not sad about the rejection. Everything seemed back to normal.

Aiden was sent to the bathroom on the second floor and told to prepare for bed. It was only half-past ten, but he complied. Then his mom gagged him and blindfolded him with a sleeping mask before laying him on his bed.

“Now should be the time for the talk, but it won’t be necessary tonight. Please cooperate.” Aiden’s mom said before mummifying him with a black piece of fabric. It was a little flexible, like a wetsuit, but thinner and more breathable. She fastened it with safety pins such that at least three layers covered his whole body, safe for his feet and head. Escape was impossible. Together with her husband, she carried him downstairs into the living room. Aiden exactly knew what was happening when they lowered him on a mattress in a hole: The secret basement.

Aiden’s captors left him for a couple minutes to fetch Jenna and placed her next to him. The room was the size of a mattress, so she lied against him. They removed the gags, tucked them in with a thin blanket, and stepped out of their sleeping compartment.

“You two sleep here because Jenna dropped a beanbag and have to stay tied. That includes your sleep mask,” Aiden’s dad said firmly.

Lilian chuckled while closing the hatch. “We stay with you for another hour or so, and there is a baby monitor down there connected to my room. If there’s something scream hard enough to wake me, and I will get to you. Good night!”

Aiden’s family left them alone, but the laughter of late-night TV and the sound of crisps being eaten told him his family had not abandoned them.

“Where are we?” Jenna whispered after several minutes of shuffling between the padded walls and Aiden. “They cuffed my wrists and tied my ankles together. I can barely move and wear some stupid mittens.”

“My life is not much better. I am mummified and can’t move at all,” Aiden murmured back, hoping his family would not overhear them.

“I should have known,” Jenna giggled. “So, what is this place?”

“Technically, the living room. You know the Persian rug under the coffee table? We are under it. It was part of the crawl space, but we built a room there for prisoners. It’s only two feet high but quite pleasant. I’ve spent many nights here, just like some problematic guests during Responsibility Day.”

“Cool,” Jenna said before getting silent, and Aiden closed his eyes as well, trying to get some sleep. Both had their own pillow, and the room had ventilation, so their heat was carried away.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh come on! It was pretty obvious that Jenna has feelings for Aiden. How could he reject her? I understand he is stressed by the game and maybe only sees Jenna as a friend but... Come on!

Having said that... I loved that chapter.

It feels so realistic. The descriptions of each position and tie are great, each conversation... even the fact that Aiden rejects Jenna because his mind has been basically thinking only about the stress of the abductions game, it works perfect because it feels natural... It's really, really awesome. Congratulations
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