Tom's Prank and Max's Plan (mm/mm)

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Tom's Prank and Max's Plan (mm/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Summer arrived early that year. The sun was high in the sky heating the streets below. Kids remained locked in their houses, hiding away from the heat, waiting for summer vacations to finally arrive when the public pool would be finally open and trips to the beach would become commonplace.

Staying indoor was their best option, unless you happened to own a pool or, like Tom, had a friend who happened to own a pool. The blonde kid chuckled to himself as he imagined his brother Rick locked in his room-turned sauna while he gently floated on Dylan’s cold pool

A red headed boy charged towards the pool, dive bombing inside. Tom laughed as Max almost hit Dylan “You could have hit me!” Dylan exclaimed swimming away

“That was the point” Max grinned and exchanged high-fives with Tom. The only one who wasn’t joining the fun was Luke. The young boy was sitting under a tree, wearing a pair of jean shorts and a purple t-shirt, he was barely paying attention to them, instead his nose was buried in a book

Tom still felt uncertain about Dylan’s new friends. Max was alright but there was something weird about him, like if he always was planning something for his own amusement, he always had that half-amused look of “I know what you did” even if Tom didn’t even know what he himself did! As for Luke, he really didn’t know what to make about him; he was mostly quiet and shy, blushing whenever Dylan spoke to him and would rather sit calmly in a corner than join their activities, to the date Tom haven’t seen the wild side Max and Dylan always spoke about. It didn’t help that he barely addressed Tom, well, he barely spoke at all! And that wasn’t the weirdest part! Who comes to a pool without swimming trunks? And brings a book to read?

“It’s just Luke being Luke” Dylan shrugged when Tom commented that “He does that”

The three boys kept swimming for a while before Tom climbed out and rushed inside to use the bathroom. He was quite surprised by what he saw when he came out of the house again, Dylan was leaning over the edge talking with Luke, who apparently had agreed to seat by the edge of the pool, dipping his feet in the water. Max beamed at Tom as soon as he saw him and climbed out of the pool, heading towards him

“So, how you convinced Luke to join us?”

“It was Dylan’s doing, he called for him and Luke rushed to his side” Max had a mischievous grin on his face, there was that look again! As if he knew something that Tom ignored. The blonde kid tilted his head watching the two other boys talking. There was a red hue on Luke’s cheeks and he seemed far too entranced on whatever Dylan was saying. That gave Tom and idea

“Hey Max… I think Luke needs to cool off” Max gave him a quizzical look “Take a dip if you catch my drift” Max’s eyes opened wide

“Are you crazy? He’s gonna be soooo mad he’ll…” he looked at Tom with a diabolical smile “...actually, let’s do it!” The two boys walked closer to the pool. Dylan smiled innocently upon seeing them.

“Hey Luke… can I borrow your phone for a moment?” Luke shrugged, unaware of the danger he was in

“Sure…” he got up, put his hand in his pocket and fidgeted for his phone before handing it to Tom “Why do you need it?”

“So we can do this…” without further notice, Tom and Max shoved Luke forwards. The boy let out a gasp cut short before being submerged in the pool. Dylan hurried to grab Luke, pulling him up

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked indignant as he held the shivering boy in his arms. Tom was expecting a wide variety of reactions from Luke, fear, crying, shivering… what he didn’t expected was for the meek shy guy to turn around with a face of a variety shades of red and a murderous expression on his eyes

“I’m gonna kill you!” he didn’t expect him to be so loud either. Tom turned to Max only to realize that the kid was already running towards the main house. Tom realized that his life was probably in danger and started running after Max. One glance behind him and he saw a wet Luke climbing out of the pool, a scene worthy of a horror movie. He realized that perhaps he underestimated Luke.

He kept running, half laughing and half screaming, confident that he would outrun the scrawny kid and get to the main house. He was so wrong! In a matter of seconds, someone jumped on him knocking him down to the grass
“Why are you so fast?” he screamed noticing that Luke was pinning him down “And so strong?”

“He isn’t, you are just weak” Dylan chuckled calmly walking towards them, meanwhile, Tom was trying to protect his body while Luke repeatedly punched his bare back. He had greatly underestimated that boy!

“Ahhgg Get off me! Ouch! That actually hurts! Maaax!” Tom screamed for help but he saw a red-head vanishing inside the house abandoning him “COWARD!” he yelled before receiving another punch from Luke. Finally, the boy relented his assault but kept his grip on him

“Dylan…” Luke spoked looking at him with a distinct blush (did he always blushed when talking to Dylan?) “Do you happen to have any rope?”

Tom’s eyes opened wide and started struggling even harder, he doubted Luke intended to jump the rope with him! Dylan blinked confused for a moment “I guess there is some in the garage”

Luke glared at him with an intensity Tom had never though was possible to come from that kid. He picked up Tom and with Dylan’s’ help he started dragging him towards the pool house. Of course, Tom tried to offer some resistance but when the realized brute strength wouldn’t work, he resorted to begging

“It was just a prank!”

“Well, this is my prank” Luke grinned tightening his grip on Tom

“Dylan?” he made puppy eyes at his best friend

“Sorry Tommy, but I’m with Luke in this one” Luke’s smile grew even wider and Tom expression soured even more

“W-what about Max! He is as guilty as I am!” he squirmed even harder but Luke and Dylan held a tight grasp on him
“We’ll catch him soon” Luke smirked, Tom had never seen him smile so much, honestly it was greatly disturbing!
The finally pushed him into the small building. With Dylan’s parents away with the car, there was plenty of space. On a corner there was a wooden work table with some screwdrivers, hammers and other tools, below was a tool box, a roll of tape and of course, a couple coils of cotton rope!

“I said I was sorry!” Tom begged as he was forced on the concrete floor, despite his struggles, his captors pulled his hands behind his back and wrapped the rope around it, he was specially surprised when Luke tightened the rope and used the rest to tie his elbows together forcing him to slightly arch his back “Ughhh… let me go! I’m serious! When I get out of here I swear I’ll MMPPHHH!” Luke pressed a strip of tape over his lips, adding a few more to keep him quiet. Meanwhile, Dylan tied his ankles together and pulled the roped back, tying the other end to his wrists.

“Mpppphhh!” Tom grunted, squirming helplessly on the floor

“Wow… I didn’t know you could tie ropes like that” said Dylan truly impressed, once more Luke blushed and beamed, nodding slightly proud, apparently forgetting the fact that he was still dripping wet. Although he hated to admit it, Dylan was right. The ropes were tight yet comfortable and he couldn’t move at all! He made a mental note to ask Luke to teach him since he probably would want to apply that skill on certain stupid big brother he knew.

“Say Dylan…” Luke asked giving Tom a glance that he greatly disliked “Is Tom ticklish?” Tom’s eyes opened wide and he gave Dylan a pleading look, slightly shaking his head

“Mmm… not really” Tom would have hugged Dylan right there had he’d been able to! Luke pouted walking behind Tom

“That’s too bad…” he ran his finger over Tom’s bare soles. The boy immediately jolted upwards, chuckling under the tape, Luke’s smile returned to his face “It seems you were wrong”

Dylan gave Tom an apologetic look “Sorry dude, I tried” he shrugged, Tom could barely glance at him before he started convulsing on the floor, product of Luke’s assault on his feet. Tom chuckled and wiggled but the ropes kept him in place, unable to do anything to stop the assault

“HHHHHH! FTHHHP! HHHH! NHHHHHHHHHH!” He screamed, his chest bouncing on the floor, the veins on his forearms popping out as he strained them trying to slip free from the ropes. He shook his head, wiggled his toes and rocked his hips but nothing worked

“Yep, not ticklish at all” Luke grinned stepping back

“Hffhhlm” Tom muttered glaring at him, Luke kept grinning and dug his toe in his ribs making the kid jolt again and crawl away from him letting soft whimpers, making Dylan and Luke laugh

After making fun of his inability to escape, Dylan led Luke back to the house to get him some dry clothes leaving Tom alone in the floor. The boy didn’t wasted time and tried to squirm but soon found that escaping would be impossible! He couldn’t reach any knot and had the feeling that the more he struggled, the tighter the ropes became, eventually he gave up, lying on his side while contorting his face in an effort to rip off the tape from his mouth.

He was bored! The few times he had been tied before usually involved someone torturing him. Not that he wanted someone to torture him, specially not after Luke had been tickling him! But anything would be better than just lying on the floor counting the holes on the wall.

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened and a ray of light fell on his face “Mpphh?” he asked blinking, a red-headed boy peek his headed inside and smiled upon seeing him

“Well, well, you seem to be in quite a pickle!” Max grinned stepping inside. Tom huffed on rolled on his belly so he could have a better view of his bindings. The boy crouched besides him and gave the ropes a few tugs “Yep, Luke’s work, sorry Tommy, I should have warned you about him” he grinned, Tom had the feeling Max did this on purpose! “Luckily for you, Max is here to the rescue!” Tom grunted and wiggled his hands hoping that he would untie him. His “rescuer” grabbed the tape from his mouth and ripped it off

“Ouch!” Tom whined licking his lips “Come on Max, untie me before they come back!”

“Relax my blonde friend” Max smiled happily, ruffling Tom’s hair “I just have to pull a few knots and you’ll be free as a bird!”

“Okay… just hurry up” Tom pleaded while Max whistled while fumbling with the knots. He was far too calm given the urgency of their situation. “Please Max… I don’t wanna get tickled again” Tom begged tugging at his knots

“Yeah, Luke likes doing that” Max hummed “And he is… really…good… with knots” he grunted tugging at the knots around Tom’s wrists.

“Yeah I can tell” Tom gulped nervously “Just hurry up before they…” the door blasted open. Dylan and Luke stood on the doorway. The first still clad only on his red swimming trunks, Luke changed into a slightly large gray t-shirt and Dylan’s old green swimming trunks. Max looked at them and a grin appeared on his face

“YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!” he screamed and tried to run, unfortunately, the only way out of the garage was through the door where Dylan and Luke were standing. Max did tried to make it pass them but both kids grabbed his arms and shoved him back inside “Okay, you took me alive” he chuckled raising his arms. Was he for real?

Tom looked greatly confused as Max let the others tied him up, he didn’t even put any resistance apart from his first attempt to escape, in fact he seemed to be enjoying the attention the others were giving him. Soon he lay hogtied on the floor besides Tom

“You are the worse. Rescuer. Ever” the boy growled, Max stuck out his tongue

“Pfff! I’m the best rescuer ever”

“No, you’re not” Luke said deadpan

“You’ll see when I get out of these ropes”

“No you won’t” Luke sighed as he retightened the knots around Tom’s body, once satisfied he stood up looking down at his captives “Dylan, would you like to be do the honors and tickle Max?”

Dylan, who up to this point had contended himself with standing aside and enjoying the show gave Luke a nervous shrug “That’s dumb” Max laughed “Dylan is such a pansy he would never… HAHAHAHA! I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY” Tom looked at him dumbfounded, Max had to have do that on purpose! Being called a pansy was enough incentive for Dylan to assault Max’s exposed feet! It must have been on purpose! What he couldn’t understand is why he would do that since Max was noticeably more ticklish than Tom! When Dylan finally gave him a break, Max was covered in sweat, his cheeks were red and his eyes were teary

“Was that the best you got?” he asked panting. He had to be joking! The kid seemed about to pass out from exhaustion, Dylan seemed to think the same for he looked at Max worried but Luke reassured him that he could take it “I knew you were a pansy” Max grinned “I bet me and Tom can take whatever you throw us”

“Wait! Why me? I can’t take any…HAHAHAHA! NOOOOOO! STOOOOP!” Dylan started tickling Max again while Luke took care of Tom. Once more the poor kid was convulsing on the floor “PLEASEEEEHAHAHAHA! I HATE YOU MAXHAHAHAHAA! NOOOO! HAHAHAHA!”

The torture seemed to last forever, not only his feet were tickled but also his ribs, stomach., thighs and neck. Max didn’t fare any better and soon he was begging for mercy. If someone hear them they would think a murder was being committed in that garage! By the time they were done, they might as well have been murdered. Both kids lay motionless, heavily panting while sweat and tears ran down their red faces

“I think we went too far” Dylan looked at them concerned

“Nah” Luke smiled resting his arm over Dylan’s bare shoulders “They are alright, right boys?” Max slowly nodded, Tom merely rolled on his back letting out a moan that told Dylan he would survive “See? Perfectly fine!” Luke grinned, if something good came from this in Tom’s opinion was that Luke seemed far more comfortable around them, he wasn’t blushing as much although his smile grew even more when Dylan playfully ruffled his hair

“Hey…” Max panted glancing at their captors “Aren’t you gonna gag us?”

“SERIOUSLY?” Tom shouted and angrily rammed his head against Max’s arm, the red-headed boy seemed to find that hilarious, unfortunately, their captors heard Max suggestion and pressed a few strips of tape over their mouths.

“Hey Luke, wanna race you to the pool?” Luke smiled at Dylan

“Loser gets tied up!” he giggled and ran way

“What? No way!” Dylan chuckled and ran after him leaving both hogtied boys alone in the garage, soon they heard the familiar sound of water being splashed. Tom once more tested his bonds but they were as tight as ever, Max was happily humming a song

“Thnf Hmf nhhr fhhlt” Tom grunted, Max merely shrugged

“Hm'tf fhn!” it was something in his blissful joy that made it impossible for Tom to stay mad at Max, instead he burst out laughing and shaking his head “Fhn?” Max asked raising an eyebrow

“Fhn!” Tom chuckled. Perhaps he misjudged those kids, Max and Luke weren’t that weird after all. And if hanging out with them meant being tied like a hog, then perhaps being tied up wasn’t so bad either!
Last edited by cj2125 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FelixSH »

I disagree with Tom, Max and Luke are totally weirdos. Coincidentely, they are also some of my favourite characters from the TUG stories I have read so far. Especially Max, who never fails to make me laugh.

Thanks for these stories, seriously. They are so lighthearted, a joy to read.

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Post by harveygasson »

Your stories continue to amaze me and you seem to get better and better! Kudos to you and your fine characters
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Post by Canuck100 »

I would have done goofy stuff like Max if I had been in his place. Great story!
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Post by Chris12 »

Max is always good for a chuckle ;)
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Post by LK3869 »

It IS funny and full of nice details. Well observed and realistic reactions, little allusions here and there...
Agree with everyone: the different caracters have a life of their own and last paragraph is a little treasure in itself.
"Fhn" !
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Another really great and fun to read story!

Max is surelly one of my favorite characters on this series! He makes me laught a lot! Posing as a cocky hero just for let himself be catch on the next moment without fight xD! Maybe because he just enjoy being bound and gagged? I guess so! And I love how he is defiant towards his captors, always getting himself (and other around him) in trouble XD! I loved how he also asked to be gagged! What fits him very well! Trouble boys like him definitely should be kept bound and his smart mouth definitely gagged with some duct tape! Definitely one of my favorite characters!

I also liked how Tom was bound and gagged too because the troubles that he and Max made together, good punishment for him! I am loving to see the dinamic between the characters! It's very fun to read your stories!
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Post by Coricrying »

:shock: ;)
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