Tied up by my cousin Emma Parts I and II (f/m)

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Tied up by my cousin Emma Parts I and II (f/m)

Post by Bobep »

Here’s one of my favorite stories of me being tied up by my cousin Emma. I hope you like it.

Recently you read my account of the first time I saw Emma tie anyone up. She tied up both of our little sisters (aged 11) and tickled them both pretty hard to torture them, then gagged and blindfolded them in a nearby tent while Emma and I used the pool. Emma was a year older than me at 14, very pretty and athletic (green eyes, long red hair) and I really looked up to her.

That night we camped out in the woods and Emma, as promised, showed me how to tie someone up AND how to escape. That night was pretty basic. She brought ropes to tie my hands in front of me and my feet at the ankles, and gave me pieces of advice (through flexing and bending my wrists and things like that) on how to escape. These were tricks she learned in magicians’ books; she was really into escapology and liked the idea of tying people up and having power over them.

While she had tickled our sisters (my sister Molly and her sister Jenny) earlier that day, she didn’t tickle me that first night. She had tickled me many times before just for fun, as she was a tickling enthusiast, and as you saw in my earlier story about “Jamie Gets Her Payback,” I am an easy target for tickle-torture because I am so ticklish EVERYWHERE. But she had never tied me up and tickled me before, the way she did our sisters, and I had asked her not to while I learned how to escape the ropes. She agreed, “At least I won’t tickle you this time,” Emma said with a smile. We practiced for a while and by the time we finally went to sleep in the tent that night, I had gotten OK at escaping.

This next story takes place about two weeks later. Emma and I were camping out in the woods by ourselves and had plans to “test out” my escape artist abilities. I had made some progress, so to speak. Emma would start with fairly easy ties with my hands in front of me and my feet bound at the ankles, and then she would make them harder and harder. She had something like five levels of tying someone up, and I had passed level three, I believe. That was when she tied my hands behind my back and tied my feet while also tying a rope around my chest to hold my arms in place. She promised that level four was hard but do-able, and level five would take some serious ninja-type abilities to escape. Again, she practiced this stuff and really had a think for tying people up. Mostly she used these skills on our younger sisters and a couple friends, but me she wanted to learn how to be what she called “an escape master.”

As I mentioned, Emma was super into gymnastics and was really good at it. While her house bordered on like 10 acres of woods, not far from there through a path was the start of the center of town, and Emma’s gymnastics studio was there. She usually walked or biked there because it was only like a 10 minute walk. And she had a key to the place because she used it so frequently.

So on this night we decided that after dark, we would walk to the studio through the woods and she would go there to practice some moves – obviously no one else was there. She would tie me up and see if I could escape from “Level Four” while she worked out, and if I could and I felt like it, she would then tie me up at Level Five just to see how I could do. I loved it – Emma was so cool and so much fun and I didn’t at all mind her tying me up.

So we set out on the path with flashlights to the gymnastics studio around 10 pm; this was nothing unusual as we’d done this quite a few times. We arrived there and we walked downstairs to the big practice gym, locking the door behind us.

We both wore hoodies and sweatpants because the summer air was getting cooler, and when we got downstairs we took them off. Emma was wearing a short-sleeved Philadelphia Eagles jersey and I was wearing a three-quarter sleeved white baseball shirt with black sleeves that went down to my mid-forearm. Emma kicked off her shoes (running sneakers) and told me to do the same. I did and she took her sweatpants off to reveal the fairly short pink shorts and dark grey athletic knee socks she had on (the kind with the green stripes on top, the same kind she had gagged and blindfolded Jenny and Molly with). I opted to leave my sweat pants on and sat on a large mat in my baseball shirt, grey sweats and white socks.

Emma had brought a backpack with her and she ran it over to the mat and sat down next to me. She opened up it up and she had a ton of white rope in there, the kind used for clotheslines. She also had a roll of grey duct tape.

“What’s that for?” I asked, smiling and suspicious.

“Oh, nothing,” Emma said with a laugh. “OK. Put your hands behind your back.”

I asked her why behind my back because I thought we had moved beyond that.

“Nope! I’m gonna tie your hands behind your back really tight, and then tie your feet, legs and arms. This will be very hard; it only gets harder from this point on.”

I agreed and put my hands behind my back and Emma knelt behind me and began to tie them. I could feel what she was doing – first tying my hands together, then running the rope vertically across them to cinch them in place, then doing all kinds of other fairly involved things with knots. I think she used two or three piece of rope to tie my hands.

“Next, your feet! Put your feet straight out in front of you!” Emma said and I did. She crouched down and tied my feet roughly the same way, and I watched closely to how she was doing it. Tighten, cinch, loop, repeat – that was the basic pattern. She then tied my legs above the knees in the same kind of way, and this took some time because the space was so tight. Finally Emma crouched behind me and took a long piece of rope and tied it around my chest and arms, basically binding my arms to my body and making it very hard to move my hands.

“That oughtta hold you!” Emma said getting to her feet. “I’ll work out while you try and escape. Remember what I told you – the only thing you need to worry about is your hands. Wriggle, flex your wrists and move your fingers. You should be able to get out of it.”

“We’ll see,” I laughed and flopped over to my side, fully bound hand and foot. I began to struggle and watched Emma move to an adjacement mat and practice some flips and tumbles on the floor.

For 5-6 minutes I struggled but then I was able to get my finger into one of the knots that bound my wrists, and I began to work it to loosen it. I did! And that made it easier to get to the next knot.

“How’re you doing Bobby?” Emma called out as she slipped off the balance beam and said, “Dammit!”

“Better tha you are!” I replied, writhing around and working my fingers on the ropes around my wrists. “I should be out soon, but you look like a beginner!” I was just taunting because it was fun.

“Shut up!” she said with a laugh. “Worry about getting untied, not about me.”

I taunted some more. “No reason I can’t do both. I’m making progress here, and it’s a bonus to be able to make fun of you and distract you!” I was laughing.

Emma hopped off the beam. “Oh really” she said, and she walked towards me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, close to having the second knot free.

“It’s time to show you why I brought the duct tape – I’m gonna gag you,” Emma said as she got the tape out of the bag and walked towards me, tearing off a big piece.

“Oh God, really? You can’t take even a little trash talk?” I asked as Emma sat me up and knelt in front of me.

“Not from someone who’s tied up!” she smiled and put the piece of duct tape over my mouth, gagging me pretty well.

“There!” Emma said, running back to the beam with a laugh. “Shut up and don’t say a word until your free!”

I grunted “Whatever” under the gag and pretty soon was able to get the second knot loose, the one that cinched the rope together between my wrists. I was basically there, I wriggled my hands and loosened the ropes, rotating them around my wrists to where I could reach the final knot. In another minute my hands were untied!

“Mmmmm!” I grunted to her, and held my now-free hands at my side as far as they would do, my arms still bound. I waved at her with my hands still close to by body and grunted again behind the gag, loud enough so she could hear.

“You did it! Awesome! Now getting totally freed shouldn’t be a problem!” Emma said, hopping down off the beam and coming to sit next to me.

I wiggled and worked my upper body to loosen the ropes and in about 2 minutes was able to pull one arm out. And then the next. My arms were now free!

“Wow, you’re good!” Emma said, and she sounded genuinely impressed,

I pulled the tape off my mouth. “Ow! Thanks!” I said laughing. “Man that hurts. Thanks for the gag, cuz!”

“My pleasure – you talk too much and deserved to be gagged!” Emma laughed. “Keep going.”

I went to work on the knots that bound my upper legs and got them undone in a few minutes. Finally I got my feet untied at the ankles. Emma’s knots were incredibly tight and detailed and it took a lot of work to get them untied. But she was right – once my hands were free it got a whole lot easier!

“Yay!” Emma said and she lunged at me to tackle/hug me. “I am so proud of you! You are almost a master!”

“Yep,” I said sitting up as Emma sat down again. “One more step go, right?”

“You got it! We have time and I have some work to do on the vault and more on the beam. Want to try now?” Emma asked, looking at me with those big green eyes.

“Sure! Why not! I’m ready!” I said excitedly.

“Great! This one will have a time limit – 20 minutes. And if you get free then back in the tent you can try tying ME up, OK?” she asked.

I told her that sounded great.

“OK. For this one I need to tie you TO something,…” Emma said, scanning the room before her eyes locked across the room in the corner and she said, “Perfect! The parallel bars! Come with me.”

We walked to the parallel bars, which we bolted to the floor and about 5 feet off the ground. There were mats below them to protect gymnasts from falls. Emma had me sit down under one of the bars and she walked over with the ropes and my sweatshirt before sitting down in front of me.

Emma held out my sweatshirt and said, “Don’t get nervous, but for this level to work the best you shouldn’t see what I am doing. So put this over your head, OK?”

I agreed and put the sweatshirt over my head so I couldn’t see anything.

I felt Emma going to work tying my feet and legs just like before. She seemed to be adding more ropes this time to make it even harder. Then she told me to put my hands in front of me.

“Really? Not behind my back?” I asked, unable to see.

“No. You’ll see why,” Emma said, so I did. I felt her doing her thing with the ropes and this one took a lot longer. It was really tight and there seemed to be a lot more rope used. After a while she stopped.

“Not done yet. Just hold on, okay?” she asked and I heard her getting up.

“No problem,” I chuckled under the hoodie and I sat there, my hands bound pretty tightly in front of me.

Emma then had me move a few feet away and I shuffled along the mat and did. It felt like she was still standing up.

“OK. This is going to feel strange, but stay seated and trust me,” Emma said. I said okay.

That’s when I felt my bound hands being lifted over my head, way over my head until they were practically straight up in the air.

“Hang on – don’t move,” Emma said, standing over me and I could feel what felt like my hands being tied to the parallel bar. This was going to be tough!

With my hands stretched over my head as high as they would go, Emma told me to wait a little longer and I felt her working again on my feet, which were stretched out in front of me.

Finally, she pulled the sweatshirt off my head and said, “OK! Done!”

My feet were tied to one of the vertical posts that held the parallel bars with a piece of rope running from my ankles to the post, about two feet away, ensuring I couldn’t really get up. My hands we tied over my head as far as they would go and bound to one of the parallel bars – I was lined up even with the bar, facing the post where my feet were tied. I was basically tied up in an L position.

“If you can get out of this, you REALLY are the master!” Emma said. “There’s no way your feet are going anywhere – you’re gonna really have you use your fingers on those knots if you want to get free. Got it?”

“Yep,” I said, squirming a little but barely able to move. “You think YOU could get out of this? Really?”

“I did! Shannon (a friend of hers) tied me up like this and I was able to get out in 15 minutes. She couldn’t believe it! I’m giving you 20. It’s stretch but maybe you can do it,” Emma said, smiling.

“Okay,” I sighed, with no clue how I was going to do this. “You do your thing working out and I’ll see what I can do.”

“Groovy! Emma laughed and pranced off to the balance beam again. “And remember! No talking or I’ll gag you!”

“Groovy,” I muttered, laughing to myself. Hands tied over my head, feet tied to a pole in front of me, unable to move. How was I going to get out of this?

The short answer is I couldn’t, not at all. I tried and tried and tried to get to the knots that bound my hands but I just couldn’t get them free, it was too tight. The ropes were soft so this didn’t hurt, but I was pretty helpless. It didn’t take long but the 20 minutes were up and Emma came bounding over, a little sweaty but revved up after her workout.

“How we doing?” she asked excitedly. “Not too good!”

“Nope. I didn’t make it. This is impossible!”

“It’s really hard, yes. But you’ll get there. We’ll keep practicing. If you can get out of this you and get out of anything,” Emma said with smile, patting my leg and then running across the gym to get her sweatpants.

“What do we do now? Are we going back?” I asked, wriggling a little but not going anywhere.

Emma sat down and put her sweatpants on but didn’t put her shoes back on. She sat in her socks with the soles of her feel pressed together, stretching a little.

“Not yet,” Emma said. “Try a little more. Maybe I can help.”

“How can you help?”

“Do you want help or not?” Emma asked.

“Sure I do. How?” I said.

Emma got to her feet and then crouched behind me. “By motivating you,” she said giggling.

“What does that mean” I asked, trying to look back at her.

“It means THIS,” Emma said with a sharp tone, and started to seriously tickle my ribs from behind.

‘OH GOD NO!” I screamed. “EMMA NO!”

“I’ll tickle you until you get free! It gives you a good incentive to get loose!” Emma said while laughing and tickling my ribs and armpits really hard, making me laugh and scream. “The sooner you escape the sooner I stop tickling you!”

“NO. PLEASE. NO!!!!!” I screamed and thrashed around but couldn’t move. “EMMA PLEASE STOP!!!”

“You’re more ticklish than Molly and Jenny combined, you know that?” Emma teased, now moving in front of me and wiggling her fingers into my stomach and sides from the front.

“STOP! STOP!” I begged!

“NO!” Emma shouted and laughed. “I’m gonna tickle torture you until you get away from me. YOU have the power to make this stop!”

This went on for about five minutes and I just screamed and laughed and begged and couldn’t get loose. I was starting to panic that this would never end.

“Welcome to level five, cousin!” Emma giggled, tickling my upper legs and stomach and ribs from every angle. “Where the ropes come with tickle torture for those who can’t do it!”

“GOD! SOMEONE HELP M…” I screamed but Emma put her hand over my mouth and came behind me.

“You be quiet!” Emma whispered in my ear and briefly stopped tickling me. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll stop tickling you in five minutes if you don’t say a word! You can scream and laugh, but no talking. Do we have a deal?”

I nodded, panting with Emma’s hand over my mouth.

“Good! The tickle torture will now resume!” Emma said in a really evil way and started her torturing fingers all up and down my defenseless upper body.

“AHHHH!!!! AHHHHHH!” was all I could scream because I wasn’t allowed to speak.

Emma just giggled and kept on with the tickle torture all over my upper body. She was tickled me hard, really digging her fingers into my ribs and armpits.

“This is what level five brings, Bobby! You get tortured until I think you have earned your freedom!” Emma teased while the brutal tickling continued.

Finally she said, “OK, time’s up. You’ve had enough tickle torture,” and she wrapped her feet around me from behind and kind of hugged me, and then put her hand over my mouth again. “Calm down. You’ll be ok.”

I just panted and giggled into her hand almost uncontrollably. This was pure torture.

“I’ll take my hand off your mouth when you calm down, and then I’ll untie you from the bar and we’ll get out of here, OK?” Emma said behind me, her hand keeping me quiet. “I won’t tickle you anymore while we’re here, I promise.”

I nodded and about a minute later I was still nervous and jumpy but I had calmed down. Emma took her hand off my mouth and started to untie my hands from the bar.

“Emma, you are a total sadist! That was so cruel!” I said, my hands now free from the bar but still tied as Emma worked on my legs and feet.

“It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish” Emma laughed. “You make it so much fun to tickle torture you!”

Emma got my feet totally untied and I flopped down on the mat, exhausted. She went across the gym to get her shoes, my shoes and her sweatshirt. She came up, sat down, put her shoes on and then put MY shoes on for me. She put her sweatshirt on, piled the rope back into her backpack and said, “OK. Let’s go!”

“Um,” I said, holding up my bound hands. “What about this?”

“No way! You’re still my prisoner,” Emma said with the grin. “In fact…”

Emma pulled out a piece of rope and looped it around my arms as I still sat on the mat. I wriggled away quickly and said, “No! You can’t do that!”

“I’m going to tie your arms and walk you back to the end like this. If you resist me I’ll start tickling you again!” Emma said as she came behind and she crept her fingers up under my armpits.

“No don’t! Please don’t tickle me!” I begged.

“Then don’t move!” Emma said sweetly and she tied the rope around my arms and chest. She then put the sweatshirt over my head and put it on me, the arm holes empty.

“OK. Back to camp. Let’s go!” Emma said. “You failed level five, and that means I have more work to do with you!”

I sighed, still wiped out from the tickling, and got up and walked with her towards the door, Emma’s hands clutching my sweatshirt so I couldn’t get away. She was laughing and I kinda was too.

We got upstairs, turned the lights out, locked up and walked back towards the path, Emma’s flashlight lighting the way. My hands and arms were still bound and we walked back to the tent, as I wondered what Emma had in store for me.

To be continued. Part 1 was long I know, I will write more later.

Last edited by Bobep 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

This is sooo good! Everyone should have a cousin like Emma! :D
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Post by mrskeletor »

Love it! Cant wait to see what happens next :)
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Post by TightsBound »

I wish Emma was my cousin. Can’t wait to see what she does next!
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Post by Lucien »

Excellent story. Would love to see some foot tickling, tied toes, longer time tickled, that sort of thing.
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Post by milagros317 »

Great story! Eager to read part two. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Bobep »

Here is the second and final part of the story with my cousin Emma.

Emma walked me back through the woods holding her flashlight in one hand and the back of my sweatshirt in the other, guiding me along the path that would soon end and we would spend the last few hundred feet making our way through the trees back to her home campsite.

My hands were tied in front of me in a way that I couldn’t get loose, and Emma had tied my arms together around my chest to hold them In place, again pretty tightly. My sweatshirt was over the top of my body with the sleeves empty and Emma clutched it and guided me through the woods. She had now shifted in her demeanor. When we started out tonight she was cheering me on to successfully escape. Now she seemed to be kind of gladly playing the role of my captor.

I kept asking Emma why I was still tied up and she kept telling me to keep moving. Finally not far from camp I asked her again and she put her hand over my mouth and said, “Ask me that one more and I’ll gag you again!”

I nodded and we made our way to the tent in silence. Emma turned off the flashlight and turned on the lantern inside our large tent – we both slept in there on opposite sides and had room in the middle to talk and hang out – and told me to sit down. It was an old fashioned tent with no “floor” to it, so we slept on the ground (which was all grass), but we each had pads to go under our sleeping bags.

I did, I had no choice, and Emma took out some rope and brought my feet together and started to tie them up at the ankles. I didn’t really try to resist because it didn’t do much good, and plus we were having fun.

“Really? Again” I asked.

“I’ve got you now, so why bother letting you go. I might tie you up for the whole night!” Emma laughed and then pulled my shoes off, leaving me in my socks. I was now bound hand and foot all over again.

Emma pulled out the duct tape and tore off a piece to gag me.

“C’mon, why? I’ll be quiet,” I said.

“I need to run to the house, and this is just to be sure. Hold still,” Emma said and gagged me with the tape. She then grabbed the flashlight, turned off the lantern (leaving me in the pitch dark) and scampered out to the house. “Be right back!”

I sat there bound and gagged in the dark and tried to wriggle free but it wasn’t happening, I was tied up too well and couldn’t see a thing. So I lay back and waited for her to come back. She was probably going to tickle me again, which was pure torture but again, it felt like fun. I could get her back tomorrow anyway!

A few minutes later I hear rustling outside and saw the hint of the flashlight and Emma soon enough was back in tent with me and turned on the lamp. She sat down and pulled the tape off my mouth and I again winced – it hurt! Emma apologized and showed me she brought a shopping bag and a tool box. I wondered why.

“Some treats for us later!” Emma said as she sat across from me, pulling some cookies and sodas out of the bag. “My mom was up in the kitchen – I told her were going to have some snacks and then settle in. But I grabbed this old tool box from the garage after she went upstairs and told us to have fun.”

“Why the toolbox?” I asked.

“I figured out on the walk back how to tie you up for a while,” Emma said, and she showed me what was inside – some old tent stakes, the kind you hammer into the ground, and a hammer. “I’ll hammer these stakes into the ground outside the tent, tie ropes around each and run them under the tent into here. Hang on!”

With that she went outside again with the flashlight, hammer, stakes and extra rope and I could hear her hammering outside (we were far enough away from the house where no one would hear it). I looked behind me on the far side of the tent and saw her feeding a rope through, under the tent above my pillow and sleeping bag. After that I heard her move to the other side of the tent, the door side, and she the same thing, hammering the stake into the ground and then snaking a piece of rope under that side of the tent, at my feet.

Emma came back in and looked very satisfied, smiling and nodding her head. It was probably around 11:30 pm now. She sat down next to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

“OK cuz, here’s what I’m going to do,” Emma said, kicking her shoes off and then using her feet to fling them to where her things were across the tent. “Both of those ropes I just put under the tent are tied to those stakes outside. I’m going to tie your hands over your head to that rope, and then tie your feet to that one. This way you’ll be all stretched out on the ground. Like this.” And Emma demonstrated, stretching her arms over her head and her feet out while she lay on the ground.

“Jeez, that sounds pretty crazy,” I said. Laughing. “Any reason why? Other than you are a total sadist?”

Emma laughed. “This is your new Level Five test. If you can’t get out you stay tied up and sleep this way,” and we both laughed. Then she untied the rope around my arms, leaving just my hands and feet tied.

“Good God,” I said. “You’re nuts!”

Emma giggled some more and took her sweatshirt off, and then mine (it was warm enough after the walk back). She told me to lie down and put my hands over my head and I did, and she used the rope coming into the tent to tie them over my head, stretched way out like I was on the parallel bars earlier.

“Now stretch your feet out,” Emma said and I did, and Emma tied the rope coming in the other end of the tent around the ropes tying my feet. When she was done I was completely stretched out.

“Level Five once again has begun,” Emma said, crouching alongside me. “I won’t gag you as long as you stay quiet.”

“And no tickling, right?” I asked, starting to wriggle around.

“I didn’t say that!” Emma said with a sparkle in her eyes and started wiggling her fingers over me, then very briefly tickling my ribs.

“NO!” I said in a loud voice but Emma put her fingers to her lips.

“I’ll gag you if I have to. I brought socks, because they worked so well on Jenny and Molly last time,” Emma said and reached into the bag to pull out two pairs of those same kinds of athletic knee socks, one white pair and one red pair. “Plus, it’s easier than gagging you with tape, which hurts to take off. So keep quiet and work on getting loose, OK?”

I nodded and went to work while Emma took the lantern to her side of the tent and laid down reading a book. She was wearing her Eagles jersey, grey sweatpants and socks. I had on my baseball shirt, sweats and socks.

So you know the drill by now. I struggled and struggled but just couldn’t get loose. I was all stretched out and was going to have to apparently stay that way, although I doubted Emma would keep me this way all night. 15 or 20 minutes later Emma put her book down and sat up, knees folded in front of her, and looked over at me.

“I don’t think Level Five is for you,” she said with a smile.

“I am dying to see you get out of this,” I said back. “This is impossible.”

“You’re doing too much wiggling around. I told you the key is to start with one knot. Your fingers are long enough to reach the knots – you use your fingers to work that knot and once you get it untied, everything starts to loosen,” Emma said.

“Easier said than done!” I said, still struggling a bit and trying to work the knots but it wasn’t happening. “Are you really going to leave me like this all night?”

“Why shouldn’t I?” Emma asked, stretching her feet out and putting them up on my legs while leaning back on her elbows.

“What if I have to pee?”

“Um..” Emma said, and then smiled. “Shoot. That’s a good point. DO you have to pee?”

I decided to be honest. “No.”

“OK good. But I guess you’re right. It’s probably not smart to leave you like this all night.”

“So when will you untie me?” I asked.

“Hmm,” Emma said, getting a thoughtful look on her face. “Let me think…”

She took a few seconds and said.

“What’s it worth to you for me to untie you? What’ll you give me if I, say, let you go in an hour?” Emma asked.

“What’ll I give you? I mean...um…I have like 10 bucks in my duffle bag? How’s that?”

“Not enough,” Emma said, sitting up and sitting with her feet pressed together. “How about this. I’ll keep you tied up for two more hours. With 15 minutes to go I’ll tickle you and keep tickling you for the last 15 minutes. Then I promise to untie you!”

‘No way!” I said. “That will kill me!”

“Well, I LIKE the tickling idea, because I love how ticklish you are,” Emma snapped back with a grin. “So let’s negotiate. What do YOU want me to do?”

“NOT tickle me, that’s what!” I snapped back.

Emma came and knelt beside me. “That’s not going to happen, unless you want to me to keep you tied up and gagged all night. So like I said, let’s negotiate! Name your price – when do you want me to untie you?”

“Now!” I said, laughing. “When do you think?”

Emma sighed, “This is getting old. I’ll start. I’ll untie you in two hours if I can tickle you for the last 20 minutes!”

“Two hours? I don’t want to stay like this for two more hours!” I replied. “One hour, tops!”

“Well,” Emma said with a bigger grin. “One hour requires me tickling you for longer. Maybe…35 minutes?”

“Oh my God NO!” I said. “5 minutes! And you have to swear it won’t go a second longer!”

“Five minutes? That’s crazy,” Emma laughed. “25 minutes!”

“10!” I said. “No one can take 25 minutes of tickling!”

“That’s not true. Julia and I tied up Shannon a few weeks ago and tickled her feet for a half hour. She was SCREAMING!” Emma said. “20 minutes! See? Now we’re negotiating!”

I realized I had no choice so I said, “15 minutes. AND you have to give me 10 dollars! It’s worth it for having to suffer being tortured!”

“You know I COULD just start tickling you and do it for as long as I want, right” Emma said with a really mean look, and started wiggling her fingers over my body again.

“Please NO!” I said, now kind of scared that I had really messed up. “Emma PLEASE!”

Emma kept wiggling her fingers over me in a tickling motion but then smiled a little nicer and said, “You’re lucky I’m so nice! 18 minutes and you’re right, you deserve to be paid for being tickle tortured. I’ll give you five dollars!”

“How about…” I said, but Emma cut me off.

“That’s my final offer. Take it or leave it,” she said.

I sighed and just said, “OK. Deal!”

Emma clapped her hands softly in front of her and giggled and said, “Goody!” And then she looked at her watch, which was sitting by her sleeping bag in the tent. “OK. In 42 minutes I get to tickle torture you for the rest of the hour. Starting now!”

We laughed and spent the next, well, 42 minutes talking quietly and laughing and stuff. The only difference between this and any of our other conversations was I was tied down and she was holding me hostage!

Emma checked her watch a while later – she had put it back on her wrist – and said, “We’re almost ready for the torture to begin. I better get you ready.”

I began to ask what she meant but then I saw her reaching into the bag and pulling out the red pair of socks. She unfolded them and then straddled me.

“I need to gag you, otherwise you’ll scream too loud and they may hear in the house. Open up,” Emma said, holding the sock in front of my lips.

“Mm mmm,” I resisted, clenching my mouth shut and trying to turn my head away from her, though not very well.

“You know I can get you to open your mouth,” Emma teased, and she started to tickle my neck. “Gitchy gitchy goo – open up!”

“Mmmmmmmmm…” I said trying to resist with my mouth closed but couldn’t take it anymore. I gasped and Emma stuffed the sock right in. It was a long sock and it was pretty well in there.

“Try and scream,” Emma said.

I did, and nothing really came out. The sock really muffled the sound.

“That’ll do,” she said. “Don’t spit it out or I’ll have to use the duct tape too. OK, here we go. 18 minutes of the dreaded tickle torture!”

I braced myself but once Emma began softly tickling my neck I was done. I giggled helplessly into the gag as she looked down and smiled and tickled my neck and face and back to my ears.

“Tickle tickle!” Emma taunted. “You’e SO ticklish!”

She then moved down to my armpits and I went berserk, screaming into the gag and begging her to stop in my muffled, helpless way. Emma kept tickling me really fast and hard and then down to my ribs. I was going crazy!

“Shhhh,” Emma whispered and briefly used her hand to force the sock into my mouth again, after it had come out a little. “No noise, Bobby, or the deal is off and I’ll tickle you for as long as I like!”

I gasped and panted and it actually felt like I was starting to cry and Emma tickled my whole upper body with her crazy fingers. She stopped briefly – thank GOD for a tiny break – to check her watch.

“Still have 11 minutes to go, Bobby,” Emma said and she got off me and crawled down to my feet, which were also crazy ticklish. “I need to tickle your feet!”

Emma held my feet in her lap and began to tickle my feet over my socks, but after about a minute she stopped. I was in such agony! I kept gasping into the sock.

“It’s better with your socks off,” Emma said, and I tried to scream “No!” but couldn’t, and Emma pulled both of my socks off.

Emma started to tickle both of my feet by running her fingers up and down from the toes to the heels and back again. She was really good at this! I just laughed my head off and felt tears in my eyes.

“The big baseball hero has such ticklish feet!” Emma teased as she tickled them all over. “I should tell people that! Better yet I should tie you up in the girls’ locker room and let girls tickle your feet for a minute for a dollar! I could make some good money that way. Gitchy gitchy goo, Bobby!”

Emma laughed and kept murdering my feet with her fingers.

“HOW LONG???” I screamed into the gag. “HOW MUCH LONGER???”

Emma understood.

“How much longer?” she asked while checking her watch and then going right baclk to tickling my feet. “Six more minutes. Do you think you can make it?”

“No!” I screamed, muffled of course. “NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!”

Emma just giggled and held my bare feet and said, “Hey! Remember This Little Piggy? Let’s play that!”

“NO!” I screamed again and the sock came out again a little, so Emma frowned and put my feet down and walked up to my head. “We need a better gag!” she said, forcing the sock into my mouth. She then grabbed the other red sock and tried to shove it in my mouth too, but there was no room so instead she tied it around my mouth and around my head. That would hold the sock in place just fine.

“That will keep you quiet, Bobby!” Emma said, and walked back down to my feet where she sat down, put my feet in her lap and started again. “Where were we? Oh right! Five minutes! This Little Piggy! This little piggy went to the market…”

She started doing the whole little piggy routine, tickling one toe at a time starting at my big toe and working her way down, tickling each toe as she said the line. It was rather awful!

“…and this little piggy went WEE WEE WEE WEE all the way home!” And as she said that Emma wildly tickled the soles of both my feet all over while I laughed like a maniac and prayed for this to end.

“Let’s do the right foot now,” Emma said and she did the whole little piggy routine over again.

When she finished the right foot she checked her watch and said, “Three minutes. Where else are you ticklish, Bobby Oh that’s right…EVERYWHERE!!!”

Emma put my feet down and tickled my knees and thighs really hard, and then sat on top of my again in a straddling position and tickled my sides and stomach. I was in all out hysterics and could barely breathe! (not really, but it felt that way!)

“This is what happens when you can’t escape Level Five. Pure tickle torture from the master tickler!” Emma said with a huge smile.

I was whimpering now into the gag, exhausted and tickled out and in absolute uncontrollable laughter. Emma kept laughing and tickling me, with very little sympathy.

When she checked her watch and said, “Only 30 seconds left!” I was relieved. She stopped and quickly got off me and crawled over my head, sitting on my bound arms. “Let’s finish where we started! The neck! Tickle tickle tickle!!!”

It was only a few seconds more but once her fingers touched my neck I screamed so loud that the gag came loose and partly out again!

“SHHHHH!” Emma said and held her hand over my mouth, tickling my neck with her free hands and counting down with her eyes on her watch. “Six…five…four…three…two…one…we’re done!”

Emma stopped tickling me right away and I kept screaming into the sock that she now held in place with her hand. She looked down at me, upside down.

“Just like before,” Emma whispered. “I’ll take the sock out when you calm down!”

I nodded and pretty soon my screams just turned to moans, and I felt a couple of tears on my face. Emma noticed.

“Oh God, I tickled you until you cried! That’s a first,” Emma laughed, taking the sock out of my mouth and taking the other sock that cleave gagged me out and letting it dangle loosely around my neck.

“Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Enough!” was all I could say, panting and trying to catch my breath. “You’re crazy, Emma. You are crazy!”

“Hee hee hee,” Emma giggled in a really sinister way, like a villain, and she sat alongside me and started to untie my hands. “I should have told you at the beginning. Level five means I tickle torture you if you fail!” And then she laughed as she got my hands untied.

I sat up and rubbed my hands and wrists, which had some pretty serious rope marks on them, while Emma knelt down at my feet and untied them.

“I hate to let you go, Bobby! It’s fun to hold you hostage and torture you!” Emma said, getting up now that I was free. “But I think you’ve suffered enough.”

Emma crawled outside with a flashlight, to untie the ropes and get the stakes out of the ground, while I sat up and kept laughing a little and finally catching my breath while I massaged my wrists and feet. I lifted up my shirt and so red streaks all across my stomach!

“God Emma! Look what you did to me!” I said while she was outside still.

“What?” she asked through the tent.

“My stomach is covered with red marks,” I said, putting my socks back on. “You are a total sadist, that’s all there is to it!”

Emma crawled back into the tent laughing, holding the ropes and the stakes and the flashlight.

“I don’t fool around when I administer tickle torture, cuz! You should know that!” she said laughing. And I laughed too.

“Crazy. You are crazy!” I said as she put everything back in either her backpack or the toolbox.

“And YOU stlll need to master Level Five!” Emma said, jumping on top of me to half hug and half play-wrestle me. “Oh well, maybe tomorrow!”

I reached up and tickled her ribs for a second or two and she yelped and jumped off me over to her side.

“You’re ticklish too, Em! You know that! I’ll get you back for this!” I laughed.

“We’ll see, we’ll see,” and we both laughed for a while and then talked a little more. It had to be nearly 2 am by now and we were both wiped out. Me from Emma tickle torturing me, Emma from DOING the tickle torture!

“OK, that’s enough for today,” Emma said, climbing into her sleeping bag and turning out the light.

“Good night, John Boy,” I said, our usual joke.

“Good night, John Boy,” Emma said back and we both laughed a little. I got to sleep pretty quickly. This had been one crazy night!

That’s it for this story. Hope you enjoyed it!
Deleted User 3595

Post by Deleted User 3595 »

Amazing story , thank you for sharing it , i think a lot of people want a cousin like Emma , lucky you.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story! Hope you’ll write more about your tug experiences with Emma
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Post by milagros317 »

Part two was even better than the first part! :D
How I wish that I had had a cousin just like Emma.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Lucien »

Superb, would love to see some follow ups.
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Post by rash357 »

Fantastic story! That was quite the experience!
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was a good story to hear, I loved every part, and I wish I knew your cousin Emma so that she could do this to me/ I would be a willing victim.
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

I loved it with all,the tickling. Especially when she took your socks of at the end.
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