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Deleted User 5033

Post by Deleted User 5033 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] right? These folks can be nuts, haha. Kyle is CLEARLY the best option, not only getting to torture poor Hunter, but also pass on some of his alpha wisdom to Ethan.
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Post by bondagefreak »


Our poor, hopelessly mummified prisoner screamed to the top of his lungs, but even his loudest calls for help were being drowned out by the buzzing of my stepdad's toothbrush.
From the way he squirmed, coughed and tried calling for help, I knew we were pushing him to the very edge of what his body and mind could take.

The soft nylon bristles must've been unbearable against the underside of his bare soles, and the toxic fumes coming out of Kyle's battered Osiris shoe were strong enough to crush even the hardiest of spirits.

For someone of Hunter's humble size, the sickeningly potent stench festering in there must've been beyond comprehension. A mixture of blue cheese, mold, apple cider vinegar and musty dankness continued spilling out of huge, size 13 shoe. And poor, little Hunter was right above it.

The tickling lasted for quite a while and by the time I decided he'd had enough, the poor lad was left sobbing and choking on my hunky stepbrother's noxious foot fumes.
"Uggghm! Ugghhmm! Mmmgghh!" came his desperate pleas and cries for help.

Had my stepdad been there, I had no doubt he would've intervened and put an end to our little game.

Hunter's potential saviour wasn't that far away either.
He was sleeping in the Master bedroom, down on the first floor.
The only thing separating us was a pair of doors and a flight of stairs.

If it hadn't been for Kyle, I'm pretty certain Hunter's screams would've woken up the Man-of-the-house by now.

Thankfully, the stupid bully wasn't allowed calling for help or alerting our dad about what we were doing.
Super muscular bad-boy Kyle had done a more than adequate job at taping his mouth and face up.

Poor Hunter.
No screaming. No talking. And definitely no calling for help.

I could tell by the way his eyes were shut tight and by the way his body convulsed that the little guy wanted to be sick. Unfortunately for him, Kyle wasn't the most merciful guy around and didn't appear the least bit moved by our captive's heart-wrenching screams.

In fact, my broad chested stepbrother was enjoying this so much that he reached for the part of the shoelace that he'd knotted around the bedframe, undid the knot and lowered our prisoner down a few inches before
knotting the sturdy cord back up.

Hunter was furious!
He probably thought he was gonna be freed or something.
But instead of being released, he was simply lowered down even FURTHER inside my big brother's giant skate shoe.

However angry he was feeling by that point, Kyle's toxic foot fumes made short of the little bully's temper tantrum.

With his upper body lowered inside the old trainer and his head barely a centimeter above it's heavily sweat-stained bottom sole, the poor guy was reduced to nothing more than a whimpering, choking mess.

Still, Kyle appeared completely unphased by the spectacle unfolding before his eyes.

"Haha. We should keep him like this all night." he laughed, causing me to smirk and chuckle as well.

I was expecting Hunter to scream in disapproval, but the little worm was obviously too busy trying to survive the inside of my stepbrother's foul-smelling shoe.

"Here, gimme that." the tattooed hunk suddenly demanded, reaching down for his dad's toothbrush and turning the dreaded thing on.

BBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ came it's signature buzzing sound.
A sound that would no doubt fuel Hunter's nightmares for the next decade or two.

I watched as Kyle lowered the spinbrush over our captor's feet and watched as Hunter's remaining willpower and strength was snuffed right out of him. Kyle was merciless and the powerful toothbrush performed admirably.

Luckily for Hunter, it was closing in on 1AM and my body was quickly running out of adrenaline.
So was Kyle's.

When it became clear that both of us were tired, my stepbrother offered to keep Hunter in his room for the night.
Part of me was tempted to say yes, but given how he was supposed to be MY prisoner, I decided to decline the offer and bring Hunter inside my bedroom instead.

Mummy-boi was then freed from the hangman's noose and handed over to me.
Kyle threatened the kid and told him that if he gave me any trouble during the night, he'd come over and personally make him pay.

You should've seen the look on Hunter's terrified face.

His watery eyes were bulging at the threat of being punished by Kyle.
Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined ever seeing the cocky bully being brought down so low.
This was better than what I'd imagined.
A LOT better.

After wishing Kyle goodnight and making way towards my bedroom, I walked over to the bed, tossed the little worm onto my comforter and grabbed one of my pillows before lowering it down on top of him.
The pillow wasn't heavy, but it would keep him from wiggling away and it would also muffle his screams out while I went downstairs to put my stepdad's toothbrush back where it belonged.

It's only when I arrived in the washroom and looked at myself in the mirror that I found myself recalling everything that stupid asshole had put me through.

How many afternoons had I arrived home from school and looked at myself in the mirror like this?
How many times had I ran up to my room and buried my face down inside my pillow?

Too many times.

This guy had turned my high school years into a fuckin' mess, and that was something I'd have to live with for the rest of my life.

True, I was getting some payback right now, but how can a day or two possibly compare to three years of constant bullying and abuse?

Besides, I'm pretty sure Hunter was way more frightened of my stepbrother right now than he was of me.
The way he looked at Kyle, I knew he was scared shitless. He looked at him with both fear and respect.

When he looked at me though, I could see nothing but contempt in his eyes.
Even now, after all that we'd put him through today, his eyes betrayed a look of defiance when he looked at me.
The stupid prick wasn't sorry.
At least, not sorry enough.

You know what?
Screw this!
Being afraid of Kyle was okay. But by the end of the weekend, Hunter was gonna be afraid of ME as well.
I was gonna make him pay for all the stuff he'd put me through.
I was gonna make him suffer.

And so, after putting the toothbrush back where it belonged, I walked over to the far side of the washroom, opened up the laundry hamper and grabbed both of my stepdad's giant work socks.

He thought KYLE'S socks were bad? Oh, ho ho was he ever in for a shock...

Deleted User 4525

Post by Deleted User 4525 »

Great chapter! I'm excited to see the payoff to that dirty socks the dad left, the bully is in for a world of agony. part of me still wants to see the tiny man break free and get into some hijinks. lol great stuff so far, this is gonna be fantastic.
Deleted User 5033

Post by Deleted User 5033 »

Good to see Ethan turning over to the dark side :twisted:
Honestly looking forward to seeing how these character dynamics turn out. Kyle is unquestionably at the top of the pyramid, with Ethan so far mostly having power because of his bro, and Hunter, even while being totally helpless, still seems to understand that Ethan isn't the one with the real power. Yet.
And what about the dad? Interested to see how that wild-card will play into this scenario. You know...aside from indirectly supplying torture tools. ;)
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Post by Volobond »

Another awesome part! Really enjoying how helpless Hunter is to resist the torture. Also loving how Ethan is starting to become more assertive, and take some greater control of his former bully.
I also wonder if the stepdad might have something to say (or do) to Hunter if he hears about how his stepson was tormented... just a thought. I can't wait to see where you take us next!

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Post by bondagefreak »


The first thing I did upon reaching my bedroom, was check up on Hunter to see whether or not he was still safe and sound under my thick pillow.

I grabbed it, tossed it aside, and there he was, glaring up at me and looking as defiant as ever.

Satisfied that my quarry had failed to escape, I tossed my stepfather's gross socks onto the bed and walked up to the bedroom door before closing it shut. I was gonna make the little guy suffer, but I couldn't let his screams echo out into the hallway.

As soon as I turned around to face my helpless captive, I was met with a rather amusing spectacle.

Hunter's tightly taped up body writhed and struggled in desperation.
His little feet were wiggling, but the puny worm wasn't making any headway.
Even with over ninety percent of his face taped up, I could actually see him grimacing in horror.

The poor sod was DESPERATELY trying to get away from my stepdad's socks.
Apparently, the smell coming out of those pungent, bacteria-infested wads didn't sit too well with him.

Not that I could blame him. After all, James' socks didn't just smell bad. They positively REEKED!

"Uh uh. You're not going anywhere, big guy. You remember that note you stuck on my shirt and that hole you cut in my gym shorts last week?" I asked, referring to the two humiliating pranks he'd deemed fit to pull on me just before the start of spring break.

Hunter's gaze didn't look quite so threatening anymore.
With this new resolve I'd mustered and my stepdad's sickeningly potent socks to back me up, the proud bully definitely had cause for concern.

He didn't answer my question. But the guilty expression on his gagged face spoke for itself.

" it's my turn to fool around with you." I told him, crawling over to the bed and lifting up his puny form, only to slam him back down to my pillow and pin him down so that he was forced to stare up at me.

"Mmpphh! " He angrily yelled through his gag, no doubt frustrated at being picked up and manhandled like some rag doll.

It's only when I grabbed both of my stepdad's socks and balled up the huge wadding with my free hand that my defiant prisoner's expression changed.
Suddenly, I wasn't little Ethan anymore. Suddenly I was big, bad, angry Ethan! And I'd come back with a vengeance.

It took quite a bit of effort on my part not to let myself appear bothered by the god-awful stuffing I was holding.
The stench oozing out of my stepdad's week-old socks was beyond belief, and the pungent wads were stinking the room up something fierce!

Fortunately though, I was so focused on making Hunter pay that the overbearing fumes spilling out of the rotten tube socks failed to distract me.

"So, you thought my brother's socks were bad?" I asked, glaring down at my prisoner and unable to stop a devious smile from forming over my lips at the sight of his terrified expression.

Hunter couldn't respond. He tried to, but the near entirety of his face was snuggly trapped and muzzled behind the extreme tape gagging Kyle had imposed on him.

The poor sod simply cried out, coughed and gagged before looking up at the huge bundle of incredibly foul-looking socks I was holding in my hand. He tried to sink the back of his head further down inside my pillow, but he knew as well as I that there was no escape.

"If you thought Kyle's socks were bad, then you ain't seen nothin' yet." I taunted, knowing full well he wasn't able to respond behind his massive tape gag. "Here. See for yourself..." I invited, finally bringing the colossal wad of putrid socks down over my puny prisoner's helpless face. "Sniff my dad's."

Hunter coughed and gagged and squirmed like you wouldn't believe.
The smell of my stepdad's revolting stinkers agreed with him even less than that of my stepbrother's.

I pressed the giant wad over his face and smothered him up real good.
I watched as his tiny worm-like body writhed and convulsed in sheer shock and agony.
Still, I was so blinded and overcome with the need to make him suffer, that I felt no remorse for the little guy.

Instead of ending his torment, I simply grabbed the puny twerp by his ankles and lifted him up off the bed before dropping him head-first into one of my stepdad's super thick, extremely putrid work socks.

The screams that came out of my gagged prisoner's mouth were heart wrenching to say the least.
But I couldn't let them get the best of me. I wouldn't chicken out.
This was the only chance I'd get at punishing this loser.
It was now or never, and I knew I had to make the most of it.

And frankly, I couldn't think of anything worst than being exposed to my stepdad's week-old work socks.

The little mummy-worm screamed, gagged and convulsed inside his putrid, toe cheese-infested prison.
Ignoring Hunter's screams, I double-knotted the raunchy tube sock's opening, and grabbed the second sock before shoving my sock-clad prisoner inside that one and triple-knotting it shut for good measure.

"There. You're not going anywhere." I chuckled, greatly enjoying the fact that my heavily gagged and bound up bully would be forced to spend the night trapped inside both of my stepdad's rotten stinkers.

I placed the puny sock-clad worm back inside the cardboard box I'd kept him in earlier, closed it up, pushed it in my closet and piled a bunch of heavy things on top of it.

Hunter was not going anywhere, and he wasn't gonna be calling out for help either.

I was gonna make him pay for all the stupid pranks and shit he'd put me through.
I was gonna make him sorry he'd ever met me.

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Post by Volobond »

Yes! I have been waiting eagerly for another installment, and you never disappoint! Ethan's really embracing his mission of making Hunter suffer and I love it... his torture is so awful, but your descriptions of his reactions make me grin. Thanks for continuing this story!

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Post by GoBucks »

Glad to see the stepdad's nasty socks finally put to some good use! That'll teach Hunter to respect Ethan!
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Post by socjuc »

I am still hoping that Ethan's stepbrother has had something spark in his mind, and that he and his dad impart their own style of domination on Ethan! lol
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Post by ShadowHusky »

Gotta love some DILF foot odour
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Please release the next chapter
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

That chapter has a very dark undertone. Ethan is taking revenge and it seems nothing will stop him from dishing out the most terrible punishments to Hunter. This is different from the way Kyle treated him. Poor Hunter...
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Post by Fessel-Fan »

I like this story :) hope it continues :)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Fessel-Fan wrote: 4 years ago I like this story :) hope it continues :)
Welcome onboard, buddy!
Hope you decide to continue posting now that you've broken the ice, so to speak ;)

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Post by harsim »

Love this story as well bondagefreak. Would love Kyle to come back and shrink Hunter down even more and torture him by putting him in his stinky Osiris sneakers as he works out.
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Post by blackbound »

harsim wrote: 4 years ago Love this story as well bondagefreak. Would love Kyle to come back and shrink Hunter down even more and torture him by putting him in his stinky Osiris sneakers as he works out.
Now I'm imagining him as a phone charm :D

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Post by NeedControl »

What an interesting storyline! So hard for me to identify with, but apparently I'm intrigued enough to be following along. 😆

And then I got to this part and just laughed and laughed:
bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago I watched as my big brother absentmindedly placed him face up on the sofa-bed, right between his HUGE, beefy thighs.


I honestly was far more interested in observing our little mummy-boi as he eyed the tattooed hunk's COLOSSAL thighs with both fear and apprehension.

Kyle moved around quite a bit while gaming, and became so absorbed by his need to win that he sometimes forgot about the puny little gagged prisoner between his legs.
Suffice it to say, Hunter came within a hair's breadth of being crushed and smothered to death by my distracted stepbrother's giant thighs-of-thunder.
First of all, excellent placement of the twirp! And then the last sentence had me rolling around in humor: smothered to death by his thighs of thunder 😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂
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Post by bondagefreak »

Didn't receive a notification when you posted your comment last year, mate.
Haha, glad you enjoyed that bit ;)

I had a lot of fun writing this story, and it's still on my to do list.
I definitely plan on completing this one.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I would love to see the picture of kyls in his underwear .
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A fun little story although it appears that Hunter has now been stuck in the sock of Ethan's stepdad for over a year now! Ethan is definitely getting his revenge!

The shrinking potion is a step outside your normal realism based approach but you've explored it in some very fun ways. The mummified Hunter hung upside down over a stinking shoe being a particular highlight! The potion might be pure fantasy but the footwear is very real!

Great work as always [mention]bondagefreak[/mention].
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by bondagefreak »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years agoThe shrinking potion is a step outside your normal realism based approach but you've explored it in some very fun ways.
Indeed it is!
I'm glad you enjoyed this silly snippet-of-a-story, Pup 8-)

Yet another one of my (numerous) unfinished tales.
I'll have to come back to this one at some point in the future.
In any case, thanks for the comment! Very much appreciated.

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Post by Bradstick »

That was a great story! I’ve read some micro/macro stuff before but this one was amazing. I really haven’t seen anyone combine this much bondage with shrinking which was amazing! I hope you continue it at some point. Granted you have many amazing stories you are currently working on so no rush at all. I’m glad he decided not to hold back in the last two chapters. This bully put him through 3 years of torture, about time someone dishes it back.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago That was a great story! I’ve read some micro/macro stuff before but this one was amazing. I really haven’t seen anyone combine this much bondage with shrinking which was amazing! I hope you continue it at some point.
It was a nice surprise to see this little tale being bumped back up into the active topics.
Thanks for the comment, mate. Glad you enjoyed the start of this one ;)

Unfortunately, I will not be continuing this. There was almost no interest in it at the time, and almost all of the comments you see on this page were posted many months after the latest chapter was published. The last two chapters garnered three comments each, which IMHO is abysmal.

Many authors here stubbornly bring their tales to completion and keep posting chapter after chapter even when no one appears to be reading. I, unfortunately, am not one of them. If a story fails to garner sufficient traction, I simply ditch it and move on to another project. I've cancelled many of my stories for this very same reason; insufficient interest.

I'd like to tell you I might revisit macro-kink at some point in the future, but aside from a few exceptions, the guys here have voiced very little interest or support for this particular concept.

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Post by The slave »

I absolutely want to be in this slave's place lol
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Post by Batsox »

OMG… you just HAVE to continue this story!!! I really enjoyed reading it and I look forward to receiving new chapters to read 😊
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