Bondage model by choice... (MMF/FFFF)

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Post by slackywacky »

Thanks for the encouragement Ashley.

You'll have to wait a little longer for that answer Ceasar73, as we're heading on a slightly darker side track...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Alicia Middleton looked in the mirror and checked herself over, before leaving her dorm room. The 24-year-old from Dallas, Texas, was in her senior year at the university in town and was working on her paper. The red head of average height was casually dressed, with her hair hanging loose upon her shoulders. She used a little make-up to enhance her facial features, but that was all that she needed. She kept her body in shape by regularly visiting the gym and eating healthy and it showed, as a lot of the male students, and some females, had hit on her during her time at university, but she was not looking for that at this time.

“Let’s do this.” She sighed.

She checked if she had everything she needed, zipped up her winter coat over her yellow tank top and walked out of her dorm room, closing and locking the door behind her. The building her room was in was located on the outskirts of the university grounds and not many people were around on this cold Saturday morning. She was glad she had put on her snow boots, as the sidewalks had not been cleaned yet, even if it hadn’t snowed in a few days. Some of the buildings around her dorm were being renovated and currently not occupied and the university focused cleaning sidewalks on the more populated areas. She walked to one of the buildings that was to be renovated, but due to the weather the work had not started yet. It used to be an engineering building and it was essential just a grey concrete box with windows. It was built in a period that buildings had to be build quickly and people did not really care that all buildings looked alike. She walked up to a small side door and unlocked it. After entering, she made sure the door was closed and locked again.

“One down, three more to go.” She thought.

She brought a flashlight and turned it on before walking down the stairs to the lower floor, as the electricity was shut down on most floors of the building. A door blocked the second set of stairs, but Alicia had a key to open it, so it did not stop her long. After carefully descending to what was the bottom most floor of the building and another locked door, using her flashlight to look where to go, she entered a small hallway that ran the length of the building. The rooms on either side were once used for storage, but that had been a long time ago. The last few years these areas had been empty, and nobody ever came down here, except her for the last few days. She flipped a switch and the light in the hallway turned on, as this floor still had power. She walked to the fourth door on her left and put a key in the lock of the heavy steel door. With some effort she slid the door open and entered the brightly lit room.

“Hi Kyleigh. How are we doing?”

Her question stayed unanswered. The young woman in the room was asleep. Kyleigh Thomson was another student and a roommate of Alicia. She was a year younger than Alicia, had short brown hair and was a little taller than Alicia. They had met during their first year at the university and they got along so well that they moved in together shortly after. Over the years at university they had become good friends, although Kyleigh might have a different opinion now.

“Wake up sleepy head.” Alicia said, looking at the tattoos on the naked body of her roommate.

It took another, slightly louder question, before Kyleigh reacted. Her reaction was slow, and it took some time before she tried to sit up, but finally the girl managed it. Her hands were handcuffed in front of her, with the cuffs locked to a chain that was wrapped tightly around her waist. Leg cuffs with a small chain were locked around her ankles, allowing her less than a foot of space. A chain ran from the back of her waist chain to a big ring in the middle of the floor, set in heavy concrete and impossible to break for the helpless woman. The length was just enough to reach the chemical toilet, one of three other items in the room. The room was 10 meters (30 feet) deep, 20 meters (60 feet) wide and almost 4 meters (12 feet) high, with bare concrete walls and no windows, the lights set in the ceiling behind wire cages, the massive door, the only entry into the room, out of reach for the chained-up woman in the room. A water hose lay out of the prisoners reach on the floor, and a camera was mounted on the ceiling, the only other things in the room besides the toilet. Alicia walked into the room but stayed out of reach of her prisoner.

“What is it?” Kyleigh tiredly asked, her head not clear yet.

“Time for food.” Alicia said, unpacking a meal from the bag she brought, ignoring the futile attempt at communication from Kyleigh.

This sparked a bit more reaction from Kyleigh. With some difficulty she got up and walked towards where Alicia had placed the food. It was just outside of her reach.

“After you have eaten we’ll discuss the information that I need. Maybe today you are willing to tell me the truth.”

Kyleigh did not react and just looked at the food. In the days she had been a prisoner, she figured she only had one meal a day. Alicia was always the one bringing it and she always made sure to stay out of Kyleigh’s reach. The plate with the food, emergency rations from the army, was pushed towards the captive and Alicia allowed her prisoner to eat. It did not taste very good, but it was nutritious and still warm, but Kyleigh could tell she had lost weight during her ordeal. The lights were on 24/7, so she had no idea how long she had been in this hell hole of a prison. Alicia was not coming at regular hours to confuse her even more, but she knew it was at least a couple of days. She had no idea how long she would have to stay here.

“Eat up, I don’t have all day.”

Completely ignoring the other woman, Kyleigh just ate. Alicia in the meantime had maintained the chemical toilet and placed some new plastic water bottles a short distance away, while removing the empty ones. Now she stood waiting for Kyleigh to finish. It took a couple more minutes until all the food was gone and Kyleigh shoved the plate back to her prison keeper.

“Now, tell me. What is the number to the safe?” Alicia asked.

It was the same question over and over, from the beginning of her imprisonment it had been the same question. The problem was that she did not know the answer. She did not even know what safe Alicia was talking about. She had tried to tell her this over and over, but she had been ignored. And when she either did not answer or gave, according to Alicia, the wrong answer, she was left alone again, chained up in this room. Today was slightly different, as Alicia picked up the hose, opened the tap and used the nozzle to create a strong stream of water. The water hit Kyleigh and she tried to get away, but Alicia followed her.

“You have been in here for a while, time for a bath.” The red-haired woman laughed.

The water was cold, but also refreshing. During her days of captivity, Kyleigh had tried to escape, but the handcuffs and chains had proven inescapable. The chain from her waist to the floor was 4 meters (12 feet) long and was bolted to the ring in the middle of the room, so she could not reach any wall. As there was nothing for her to sleep on, she got used to sleeping on the hard floor. Not that she slept for long times, but she dozed off occasionally. The mental impact of being a prisoner was much larger than the physical. Not being able to be comfortable, not being able to move much, as the handcuffs fixed to her waist were a serious impediment of her movements, having to go to the bathroom and not being able to clean herself up, all those things were driving her mad. Also, the fact that she had nothing to do was not helping. The days were long without any distractions. There were sounds, occasionally, like pipes creaking, but nothing that sounded like man made sounds. The constant bright lights, the slightly stale air, the rattle of her chains every time she moved were having an impact on her.

“The number for the safe?” Alicia asked again when she was done with the hose.

“I don’t know.” Kyleigh sighed.

“Shame on you.” Alicia said. “Time to go.”

Kyleigh tried to tell her not to go, but she knew it was no use. Ever since Alicia had tricked the helpless woman in being a prisoner, she knew what was going to happen. The first time had been different. They had come down here together to prepare the room for the study Alicia was going to do. Linda had promised, when they visited the university, to be her prisoner for some time and the university had allowed her to use the basement room as a place to keep Linda locked up, without anybody getting in their way. During the preparation visit they had set up the camera, strategically placed above the toilet, so that the prisoner had at least a little privacy when doing her business. Alicia ran the cable for the camera to the ground floor where it was connected to the university network, so that it could be monitored remotely. Kyleigh had drilled the holes in the floor for the ring that would hold the chain. When they were done with the preparations, Alicia had brought in the cuffs and chains and had suggested Kyleigh tried them out, as to determine if Linda would not have too much play.

“Sure” She had said, and she had tightened the chain around her waist after it was fixed to the mounting point.

Both ends of the chain were locked with heavy duty locks. Kyleigh had walked around and experimented to see how far Linda would have play.

“She can reach the toilet and the water.” Kyleigh had said, demonstrating this by sitting on the toilet and grabbing a water bottle. “But she cannot get to the door, or the camera.”

“Yeah, but will it work with her hands cuffed in front?” Alicia had asked. “I want her to feel like a prisoner.”

Kyleigh had held her hands close to her body to mimic being cuffed.

“It should.” She said.

“Here, let me cuff you and then see if you can still do everything, I don’t want her to die of thirst.”

Kyleigh had held her hands out and Alicia placed the cuffs on the slender wrists of her roommate, making sure to double lock them. She connected the chain of the handcuffs to the chain around Kyleigh’s waist with another lock. She also applied the ankle cuffs, double locking them too.

“Now you have the full experience, try again.”

This time things were a little harder, but Kyleigh could still get on the toilet and get to the water bottles. Drinking was more difficult due to fact that her hands movements were restricted, but Kyleigh managed by opening the bottle with her cuffed hands and then drink by taking the bottle between her teeth.
“She should be able to do that too.” Kyleigh had said, after putting the water bottle down.

“Great, I think we are ready for the first part of the study.” Alicia had said, walking around the room, picking up a few pieces of garbage that were around.

When Alicia walked towards the large door, Kyleigh got frightened.

“Alicia, let me out please.” She asked the woman while she fidgeted with the cuffs.

“You said I could take you prisoner during the visit that Jim and the others made, so that’s what I am doing.”

“No, you cannot do that, I have things to do, people will wonder where I am. Let me out.”

Her voice had gone up in tone and volume. It had no effect on Alicia.

“The camera feed is being monitored 24/7 by Campus security, professor Mosley is involved and has given the go-ahead. Linda was not available yet, so I figured I’ll start with you and since this study involves finding out how people react to being tied up against their will, I figured I do it this way.”

“But you can’t leave me here. Please Alicia, I beg you, let me go?”

“Don’t bother. In the discussions with professor Mosley and Jim, we talked about what the prisoner would do, and begging was one of the options, so they told me to ignore it.”

Desperate Kyleigh had walked towards Alicia, but the chain kept her well away from each other.

“You bitch.” Kyleigh had shouted, angry at Alicia for tricking her.

More profanity came out of her mouth, directed at Alicia. She knew she had agreed to be a prisoner for the study, but she had figured she would get some time to prepare and would not be chained and locked up in a storage room where nobody would find her.

“During my next visit the following will happen.” Alicia had stated as a matter of fact. “You will be stripped of all your clothes, prisoners do not need clothing, and I will ask you a question. When you give me the right answer, you will be released. That is how simple it is. Provide the right answer and it is over. Give me a wrong answer and this might go on for some time.”

In shock Kyleigh had watched the heavy sliding door being closed and she had heard the lock being engaged.

“Heeeelllppppppp” She had screamed at the top of her lungs. “Come back, let me go.”

She thought she heard a door slam in the distance, but she was not sure. In frustration she had fought her bonds, with no success. Dejected she had sat down on the floor, which was a lot harder now that her hands and feet were cuffed. Systematically she fidgeted with the cuffs on her wrists, but they did not give. Neither did the ones on her ankles. It did not take long before she started crying. She did not want to be here, but she obviously had no say in the matter.

“Let me out.” She had cried to no one in frustration again.

As with the other times, nothing happened. She had tried pleading with the camera, but whoever was watching the feed did not react to it. Sobbing Kyleigh sat down and considered her fate. There was not much to do than wait for things to come. She did not have to wait long, it was, she guessed, only two hours after Alicia had left that she came back. The big sliding door had opened, and Kyleigh looked with renewed hope at the woman entering the room. It turned out to be short visit. Alicia had asked the question about the code for the safe.

“I don’t know anything about a safe.” She had answered.

Alicia had ignored her and had produced a pair of medical scissors and to Kyleigh’s astonishment had cut her clothes away before her mind could even react, as she was in a state of shock. Alicia had left her alone again after that and the irregular visits with bringing food and asking the question had started. That had all been, at least it felt that way, a century ago. Deep down she knew she would be released, but that thought did nothing to help her now.

“See you later.” Alicia said, looking at the wet woman in the room, before the heavy sliding door was closed and Kyleigh was alone again.

She found a dry piece of concrete and laid down, waiting for something to happen, whatever that would be.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, that is a curious chapter ... intriguing - since Id do not know any of the characacters involved ;) I wonder where it is going :D :D
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Post by slackywacky »

> since Id do not know any of the characters involved

Actually you do, see the chapters when the group was at the University: University debate & Challenging students.
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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 5 years ago Actually you do, see the chapters when the group was at the University: University debate & Challenging students.
I forgot that ;) Thanks for the Tipp!
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Post by slackywacky »

Now this next chapter is about people you have not met yet, but it will all become clear soon...
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Post by slackywacky »

Not as planned

At the other side of town, Winona Stevens, 19 years old, long black hair, dark green eyes, dressed in a thick knee length winter coat, got off the 1 PM bus. She looked around to get her bearings and then walked down the street. The neighborhood was mostly industrial, which explained why she was the only one on the bus this Saturday, as most of the businesses were closed for the weekend. An occasional car drove by and the neon sign of a lonely diner could be seen two blocks down from where she got off the bus, but she headed in the other direction. The diner probably did better business on regular weekdays than the weekend, as she was the only one walking along the street. The weather was still cold, but it had not snowed for 3 days and the city was pretty good at cleaning the sidewalks, even in this area, which made walking easy and she made good progress. The paper with her handwriting she had showed her the address and based on the numbers on the buildings, she was getting close.

“This must be it.” She murmured when she found the address she was looking for.

It looked like an old car workshop. Two large garage style doors faced the road with a small door in between them. The building was only slightly wider than the doors. The area between the building and the road was unkept, but at least the path to the door with the word ‘office’ on it was clear. There was a time when the building had neon signs on it above the large doors, probably to promote the name of the garage, but all that was left now was the frames of the light boxes. She walked up to the door and knocked, since there did not seem to be a doorbell.

“Coming.” Somebody shouted from inside.

It did not take long before the small door opened, and a young man greeted her.

“Hi, you must be Winona. Beautiful name by the way. I am Derick, come on in.”

He held the door open and let her into the building. Once she was inside he closed and locked the door.

“We have to be careful around here.” He mentioned when he saw how Winona looked when the door was locked.

The inside of the building was not much better than the outside. The walls were bare, but at least the ceiling seem to be in one piece and it was warmer than outside. Some weeds had gotten hold inside along the wall and some of the concrete floor was cracked. The car lifts were gone, but she could see where they used to be. A dark red car, a late model Toyota Camry, was parked inside facing out, behind what was the left garage door seen from the outside and the right side of the building was mostly empty, with a single photo light on a stand in the middle of the empty area.

“You will have to sign the paperwork before we can start.” Derick said. “We don’t want to break the law.”

He guided her to two lawn chairs and a foldable table that were positioned in between the car and the empty space and handed her the paperwork. Winona was new to modelling, but not new to being tied up. Her ex-boyfriend had introduced her to bondage, and she had enjoyed it, but more and more it had turned into him tying her to their bed and having sex with her, before leaving her tied up alone for hours on end, usually overnight. She wanted more than just lie there on the bed waiting for him to release her. He also started to be abusive and she told herself to get out. But she still craved the bondage sessions, but living alone in a small apartment made it hard to do. When she found the add in the newspaper, she was interested.

“No trouble finding this place?” Derick asked while she read the paperwork.

“It was easy, as you said on the phone, the bus stop was nearby.”

After she had reacted to the add, they had been in contact a few times, mostly by texts, a single time she had called him with questions. Derick had told her what he wanted to do for the bondage scene and it had not deterred Winona, so they had decided on a date for the photo shoot. The story was simple, which most bondage sets were, it was about bondage, not having a Shakespearian book club. Winona was a daughter of a rich family and she was kidnapped for ransom. It was a story she had played with her ex-boyfriend before, so she figured she could do this as a model. Derick had specified in the add that there was no requirement for nudity, but also stated it was optional and left to the model. Winona figured this first time she would see how things went and maybe another time she would go further.

“Here you are.” She handed him the signed papers.

Derick looked young, but he had neatly trimmed blond hair, stood a little taller than her, and looked like he worked out. He looked like the rich kid he really was. Winona appreciated the fact that he had added some background info on himself when they were talking about doing the shoot. It had made it easier to trust him, after all she was going to be tied up, most likely inescapable, by a stranger, but she had not really looked deeper into his info, her desire to get tied up clouding her judgement.

“Ready?” He asked, grabbing some half inch rope from a pile next to the table and chairs.

Winona took off her coat, revealing a light-yellow summer dress, as Derick had requested. The dress had a high neckline and no sleeves. It looked pretty good on her she thought, and she could see that Derick appreciated it too. Her darker skin, her mother was a native American, contrasted nicely with dress and would contrast also with the white rope. Her black leather boots reached to just under her knees.

“You look very nice.” Derick said, while stepping behind her.

She felt how he took her hands, he did not look nervous as if he had done this often before, and placed them palm to palm, before wrapping the rope several times around them. He used up the whole rope, cinching the tie, before knotting it. Winona tried to feel for a knot, but she could not feel any.

“Sorry.” He said when he saw her fingers search for the knot. “I prefer my prisoners to stay tied up.”

They both laughed, although his sounded a bit more forced than hers.

“Can you touch your elbows?”

“Sorry, no, but they get reasonably close. My ex tried to tie them together once and had to untie the rope after a few seconds as it hurt too much. I can get them within a few inches, though.” She said.

“That is a shame.” He sounded less enthusiastic.

Taking another rope, he tied her elbows, trying to get them as close as he could. Winona gasped when he tied the rope off. It was tighter then she wanted, and she thought about saying something. Her nicely shaped breasts became a little more prominent, as having her elbows tied pushed them out. Winona was conscious of the fact that it happened, but she also knew there was nothing she could do about it, she was Derick’s prisoner for the moment. Maybe she should have worn a bra, she figured, he had not specified she should or not when they communicated. She stood quietly, giving him a little leeway, waiting for things to come, as Derick was grabbing another, very long rope. He doubled it up and wrapped it around her upper body, above and below her breasts, making them even more prominent, again pulling the rope very tight. When he brushed her breasts, he did not apologize.

“This is very tight.” She said, while trying to feel for any knots.

Derick just smiled and completed tying the rope around her upper body. It was tighter than she liked, but he seemed to ignore her comments. When her ex had started tying her it had been loose, and she had escaped easily. A lot of coaching from her had made the bondages better and it soon was impossible for her to escape from his later ties, but they were never this tight.

“Prisoners should not be heard.” Derick said, forcefully pushing a bright yellow piece of cloth in her mouth.

She could barely adjust it in her mouth before he placed a few strips of duct tape over her lips.

“Okay?” he asked, seeing her adjusting the cloth, although it did not feel like he meant it.

She just nodded. He kept binding her, a rope around her waist and arms, cinched between her back and arms was next. Her arms would stay in the middle of her back for the foreseeable future.

“The first scene will be in the trunk of the car, so I’ll tie your legs once you’re in the trunk. Okay?”

She just nodded, since he just gagged her. He pulled her over to the Toyota, opening the trunk through the remote. The trunk was empty and mostly clean, so that there was enough space for her. Winona sat on the edge and while Derick held on to her, she swung her legs into the trunk. He lifted her a little and helped her slide in, butt towards the front of the car. Once she was in, Derick took two pieces of rope and tied her legs above her knees and at her ankles. Next, he folded her legs back and rolled her over onto her belly. He used another rope to put her in a pretty tight hogtie, her fingertips could touch her heels. It was not her first hogtie and not the tightest she had been in, her ex once left her in a very tight one before heading out to a football game, so she just sighed and waited. As she expected, Derick rolled her back onto her side, so she was facing the back of the car again.

“I will put the camera in, close the trunk, so that we can get some shots from you close up. Just assume the car is driving. Once we have a few different angles, we’ll get to the next shot, okay?”

He turned on the camera, which had a light build in and pointed it at her face, and closed the trunk. She acted like the damsel in distress she was playing and moved around, looking distressed and helpless, which was not too difficult with the tight ropes around her body. After a few minutes the trunk opened again, and Derick moved the camera for another angle. The trunk closed again, and Winona did her thing again. This happened a couple of time, before Derick took the camera out and placed it on a tripod. Winona’s hair was disheveled from her struggles and covered part of her face.

“I will drive the car around the block and back it up into the garage, opening the trunk so that the tape shows that you were really in the back of the car and not just in there while the car was only in the garage.”

She tried to say something, but the gag prevented it, and Derick did not show an indication he was removing the tape and pull the cloth out of her mouth. The thought of being bound and gagged in the back of a car exited her. It was easy for Derick to see, as her nipples got hard and with the ropes stretching her dress around her boobs, she could not prevent it from happening.

“I’ll be done shortly, just setting things up. Give me a few minutes.” He said, throwing her coat in the trunk before closing the trunk, leaving her in the dark.

It felt like 15 minutes before she could hear the large garage door open and the engine of the car started. The car moved forward a bit and stopped. Then she could hear the garage door close again, before she heard the car door slam shut, the radio was turned on and the car started to move again.

“I am almost out of gas, so I need to fill up. Don’t make a sound while we are there, or you will not like me.”

Winona did not like his tone and she wondered why he went to the garage now. He could have done that before she had shown up Besides, making too much noise was hard, tied and gagged as she was. She slid around the trunk of the car when Derick went around corners, sped up and braked. It felt like he did not really care she was in the back, as he was driving fast and hit several bumps. Luckily it was not long before she felt how he pulled up at a gas station and she heard him fill up the car, which was weird, being so close to the gas tank. It became quiet for a while, she figured he went inside to pay. She could hear people move around her and it exited her that nobody knew she was a prisoner in the trunk of the car. It did not take long for Derick to come back.

“Okay, let’s go for a little ride.” He said, starting the engine.

This was not what he had said would happen and she started to worry, and she cursed herself for not being more thorough in checking Derick out beforehand. Now, lying in the trunk of his car, bound and gagged, it was a little too late. He drove away, and Winona did the only thing she could do, settle in for the ride. She had no idea how long the ride would be, she hoped not too long, as the ropes holding her were very tight, but the fact that she could not do anything about it excited her, even if things were not going as Derick had told her. The ride was relatively smooth until suddenly she felt Derick hitting the brakes and the car spun around out of control. Winona screamed into her gag, terrified, and got thrown around in the trunk. She banged her head, but there was not much she could to prevent her from moving around in the trunk. The car made a few more wild movements before coming to a stop. The car leaned to the left, as if it was on uneven ground. The engine was still running.

“Hhhhmmmpppffff.” She screamed again in her gag.

All she heard was Derick swearing. She could hear him trying to open the door, but it would not go, due to the driver side being in the ditch. Derick turned the engine off and crawled out on the passenger side. Winona shouted again in her gag. This was not what she had planned for today.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Do we know Winona and Derick already? Interessting Scenario ;) Can you tell, if the two latest Chapters are connected somehow?
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Can you tell, if the two latest Chapters are connected somehow?
Nope, other than them being after each other in this story :-)

The next chapter will answer some of your questions. Coming soon to a browser near you...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to it [mention]slackywacky[/mention] ! ;)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Snap I can’t wait to see where you take this and to find out the answers myself. This has been and still is a great story I can’t believe you don’t way more comments from way more readers :)

Awesome keep it going
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree 100 Percent! This Saga is one of my alleine favourites!
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Post by slackywacky »

Knight in shining armor

Robert drove his Grand Cherokee down the almost empty road. They had left the cabin earlier than planned, since everybody was ready early, and they had made good time and were almost back into town. Jim had taken the GMC Safari to bring the CBS crew to the hotel near the airport, while Diana and Linda were sitting in the backseat of the Jeep. The morning had been calm after a quiet night. Daphne had slept all the way through till early morning. When she woke up Jim had been there, and he found there had not been any lasting physical effects from her ordeal. Mentally she also seemed to be doing good when Jim talked to her. She was surprised that she had been tied for only 24 hours, it felt much longer.

“That is what being blindfolded and tied will do to you.” Jim said.

When Cat showed up, she and Daphne had a long talk. When asked how she had felt, Daphne told her she had felt bored a lot of the time, because she could not do anything due to the way she was tied. At those moments she wanted out of her bondage, but whenever somebody came to check up on her, she was exited, but also defiant.

“Whenever somebody came, I said to myself, I will not ask for release. And every time when whoever was there left, I felt so stupid for not asking for release.”

During the conversation Cat had apologized for putting Daphne through this, but Daphne did not want to hear about it.

“Remember, I wanted this, and I am glad we did this. I learned a lot of things about myself that I would never have learned another way. Not that I recommend being tied up for 24 hours to anyone, but if somebody would do it again to me, I would probably learn some more.”

“You never know what the future will bring.” Cat said.

“And you? How did you enjoy your role as dominatrix?”

“It felt like an extension of my regular work. I am always arranging things, asking people to do things, controlling stuff, this did not feel much different. I never dressed up in latex before, that surely helped making it feel more real, but I think I want to do it again at some time.”

“Well, who knows, I might want to do something like I did again… mistress.”

They both laughed.

“And yes, you did look great in black latex.” Daphne added.

“Who looked good in latex?” Jonathan asked when he walked in on the conversation.

“Cat did as a dominatrix.”

“You both looked good and I have no idea how you survived being tied up that tight for 24 hours.” He replied.

“There was not much I could do.” She giggled. “And thank you for filming this. It seems almost like a dream now, but seeing the video makes it real again. It looks easier than it was, just lying there, or sitting in the chair, it really was a lot harder.”

“I can’t imagine how you felt, and no, I don’t want to find out either.” He replied. “But I am glad you got out of it what you wanted.”

“We hope you still want to work with us.” Cat said.

“I have no problem working with either of you, we are a team, and a good one at that. Who knows, I might get some more video out of this.”

They all laughed. Everybody was in a good mood. That was part of the reason they got done packing so early and since they had nothing to do at the cabin and the weather was fine, they decided to leave early. For most of the trip the two cars had been together, but since the airport was at the other side of town, Jim took a different road when they got close to town.

“How are we doing in the back there, ladies?” Robert asked, looking in the rearview mirror at the two women in the back seat, after the GMC Safari had left them.

Diana sighed and looked at Linda, rolling her eyes. She got rewarded with a gagged laugh from Linda. Like the trip to the cabin, both women were handcuffed and gagged again. When Daphne had seen them get into the car at the cabin, she had for a moment considered to travel the same way, but Cat had told her she had enough bondage for a while and after thinking about it, she had agreed.

“Hhhhmmmpppffff.” Diana said in her gag.

Their situation was much the same as on the trip to the cabin, cuffed at wrists and ankles, a relatively small ballgag in their mouth to keep them quiet and the seatbelt keeping them stuck to the backseat, although they both knew they would be able to undo the seatbelt with their cuffed hands. At first, they had disagreed at being cuffed and gagged again, but in the end, they did not really care, and both had accepted their treatment as prisoners.

“I should get a prison van.” Jim had said, before they left the cabin. “We seem to be transporting a lot of prisoners lately.”

Robert was enjoying the drive, the weather was fine, traffic was light, and Linda and Diana had been having gagged conversations for most of the trip. It was fun to try to make out what they were saying, and he quickly learned that they were better at understanding each other than he was. Every now and then they would ask him a question and they giggled if he had to ask multiple times for them to repeat the question. The small ballgags helped, as they all knew that with the larger gags, communication was a lot harder. Neither woman had any difficulty having their hands cuffed behind their backs for a few hours and the seats in the Grand Cherokee were comfortable, making the trip less of an ordeal than one would think.

“I’ll drop you off at your place, Diana, before I get Linda back to our place.” Robert stated.

Diana nodded an agreement. The studio and their living quarters were closer by than the apartment that Robert and Linda were renting. So that made sense.

“What the…” Robert never finished the sentence and slammed on the brakes.

Several deer ran across the road, but they were far enough down the road for him to stop. A red Toyota coming the other way was not as lucky and the driver lost control and the car spun around and ended up in the ditch. It did not flip over luckily, but it was angled in the ditch. The driver could not get out on his side and he had to crawl over the passenger seat. He seemed unharmed but irritated with the situation. Robert parked the car, turned his four-way flashers on, before checking on the women in the back seat, who seemed unharmed. The seatbelts had done their job.

“I’ll go and check. Don’t go anywhere.”

Then he got out and walked over to the Toyota.

“You okay?” He asked the driver.

The driver nodded while he walked around the car and Robert heard him swear when he looked at the side of the car buried in the ditch.

“Looks like I need a tow truck. I have a flat.” He said, letting a few more curse words spice up the conversation.

“Do you have a spare?” Robert asked him.

The driver kept cursing and did not reply at first.

“Yeah in the trunk.” He finally said and pressed the remote to open the trunk.

Robert walked to the back of the car, lifted the lid up and looked at the young female bound and gagged in the trunk of the car.

“Any particular reason there is a bound and gagged woman in your trunk?” Robert asked, switching from his casual behavior to a more serious posture.

He could see that the driver, Derick, had forgotten about her.

“Oh shit. I forgot about her. Is she okay? It is a fake kidnap scenario and I was driving around a little to make her feel really kidnapped when this stupid deer ran across the road.”

“She looks fine.” Robert said, and Winona nodded. “Although I suspect she might want to be released.”

This generated another nod from the bound female. Robert got his pocket knife and cut the rope that hogtied her and lifted her out of the trunk. He undid the gag before starting on the ropes around her body.

“Thank you.” Winona said after he pulled the wadding out of her mouth.

“I am Robert.” He introduced himself.

“Winona.” She said, while Robert started to untie the ropes. “That was a little more than I bargained for.”

“Just hold still, I have you untied in a moment.” He replied.

Derick was still walking around the car, more interested in his Toyota than in Winona. Robert could see relieve in Winona’s eyes when the last rope came off.

“Thank you.” She said.

“You are most welcome. You okay?” He added.

“Could you give me a lift back into town?” She asked. “I don’t really want to spend any more time with him.”

“Yeah, no issue. The bag and coat are yours?” Pointing at the stuff in the trunk of the Toyota.

“Yes, he threw it in when we left the garage.”

Robert walked over to Derick, leaving Winona sitting on the trunk edge. He saw that the car had more damage than he initially thought, and it would not drive again without some repair work.

“Did you call a tow truck?” He asked Derick.

“Yes, they will be here soon.”

“I will take Winona to where she needs to go.”

Derick just waved and ignored them.

“This way please, Winona.” Robert said after walking back to her.

They walked over to the silver Jeep and Robert opened the passenger door for Winona. She got in and did not even notice the two women in the back seat, as they were just silently sitting there.

“Linda, Diana, this is Winona.” Robert said when he got in on the driver side, introducing the girls to her.

Winona turned around to greet them and gasped.

“What?” She exclaimed.

Robert grinned at her reaction and explained who they were and what they were doing, and Winona had to laugh when he was done.

“From one bondage scene into the next. What are the odds, maybe I should by a lottery ticket?” She said. “Is being cuffed and gagged a requirement to travel in this car?”

Both Linda and Diana nodded enthusiastically at her remark.

“Yes, but unfortunately I do not have another pair of cuffs or a ballgag, so you are lucky today.”

“Oh, I think I am lucky being away from Derick, not so sure if I am lucky in not being cuffed and gagged, looks like they have fun.” She replied, winking at the girls in the back of the car.

“I don’t think it will be that great an idea to ride in the front seat with a ballgag in your mouth, we might get pulled over. The dark windows in the back hide the girls pretty well.” Robert said, while he started the car and drove away.

“Do you want to press charges against that guy?” Robert asked in a more serious tone.

“No, I should have done a better job checking him out. This was mostly me eager to get tied up again.”

She told them about her ex-boyfriend, her desire for getting tied up, the add and the events from that morning.”

“Just shows you can never be carefully enough.” Robert said after listening to her story. "Where do you need to go?”

Winona gave him an address, which was close to where Linda had her apartment.

“Okay, so we’ll stick to the plan. We’ll drop Diana off at the studio and we’ll drop Winona off before we head home.” He said, which everybody agreed to, although half of the occupants just nodded.

Winona asked all kinds of questions, a lot of them directed to Linda and Diana, so many in fact that Robert pulled over at a safe spot, got out and undid the gags, dropping them in their laps, so that they could have a more normal conversation. He got back in the car and continued the trip and soon they reached the office block where the studio was located and where Jim and Diana stayed when they were in town. It was also Roberts old work location. He pushed the button that opened the private garage door and drove the car into the building.

“You can come up if you want.” He told Winona. “If you let Diana out of the back seat, we’ll take the elevator up to their floor.”

She accepted the offer, got out, opened the door on Diana’s side and undid the seatbelt.

“Do you have the keys to her cuffs?” Winona asked.

Robert confirmed that he indeed had the keys, but that she could easily walk to the elevator cuffed as she was. Winona smiled and shrugged before helping Diana out of the car, grabbing the ballgag while doing so. She then walked with Diana to the elevator.

“We’ll be back soon.” Robert said to Linda, while replacing the ballgag, she had been sporting most of the trip, back into her mouth.

Winona did not notice, she was already at the elevator with Diana. Robert locked the car doors and followed them. Linda saw them disappear into the open doors and just relaxed. She could have undone the seat belt, move her hands to the front, undo the gag and wait for them, but she was fine as she was. It probably took 20 minutes before the elevator doors opened again and Robert and Winona came out. Linda had to grin when she saw that Winona was now wearing the cuffs and ballgag that Diana had been wearing during the trip. Robert walked her over to the rear passenger door, unlocked the car and opened it.

“Here you go.” He said, helping Winona into the car.

After making sure the seatbelt was on, he walked around the car, got in at the drivers’ side and started the car.

“Diana is upstairs waiting for Jim to return, he should be here in the not too distant future, so we can leave. Subtle Leather called, Linda, they asked if you could come earlier, so I told them I would drop you off on my way home. I assume that is no problem? They will arrange transport for you home after the photoshoot.”

Linda nodded.

“And Winona asked if she could come long, which I think might be fun for her, it allows her to see what we do, so I’ll drop her off too. She had to follow ‘company protocol’ on how to be transported, hence the attire. Although she kind of insisted on it.”

Winona nodded her head in agreement.

“I have to go to work soon anyway, they don’t mind if I start earlier, but I still will not be back till after midnight.”

He drove the car out of the building and headed over to where Subtle Leather had their building. It was close to where Winona had been that morning when her adventure started, but with the ballgag in her mouth she would have to wait to tell Linda until they were ungagged.

“You sure you want to do this?” Robert asked Winona one more time.

She nodded her head, she felt a lot safer with these people than she had with Derick and even with her boyfriend in the last weeks of them living together. She still wanted to experience some more bondage, so this sounded like a great opportunity.

“Okay, let’s get the two of you to their building, they are waiting for Linda. I suspect they will have no problem with an extra model.” He said, while navigating the streets of the town.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

This chapter cleared things up! I think Winona was relieved to get out of the Trunk and away from Derrick. The dialogues were very good - as usual 😊 I'm looking forward to the Photo Shoot with Linda and Winona!
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Post by slackywacky »

Vacuum sealed

It did not take long to drive to where Subtle Leather building was located. Winona recognized the diner when they drove by it from earlier that day. The building they were heading for was a couple of streets further away from the old garage she had met Derick at. When they arrived, Robert parked the car close to the front door. The building was small but well maintained.

“Ladies, we have arrived.” He said, opening his door and getting out.

He walked to the back door and opened it up, undid the seat belt and helped Linda out of the car. The temperature had climbed a little, but it was still chilly. After closing the door, he did the same to Winona. He took both women at an arm, walking in the middle and helped them walk to the building entrance. With their ankles cuffed, it was not a fast walk, but they made it without incidents. Robert noticed Sheila and Mike waiting for them.

“Good afternoon.” They greeted the three guests after they entered the building into the warmth of the reception area.

“Hi guys, this is Winona. We rescued her earlier today from a bondage shoot gone wrong. The car she was in ended up in the ditch and the guy driving it was more interested in his car than in her. She asked if she could come along with Linda. If you have objections, I will drop her off at her home.”

“No objections. Hi, we are Sheila and Mike. Robert, did you tell her she will be kept bound and gagged at all times while she is here?” Sheila said as serious as she could.

Winona’s eyes went big.

“Just kidding.” Mike said. “We let you go to the bathroom without restraints.”

They all laughed.

“Okay, I have to go, here are the keys to the cuffs.”

Robert handed the keys to Mike, gave Linda a big hug and kissed her on the ballgag.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, luv.”

With that he turned around and left the building, leaving the two restrained women with, at least for Winona, people she had never met.

“Okay, knowing Robert you have been cuffed for some time?” Sheila asked Linda, who just nodded.

“I’ll let you out, you will have to change anyway, we have a new toy to try out and you can be our test subject. Mike, why don’t you take Winona and make her comfortable so that she can see what we’ll do to Linda?”

While Sheila unlocked Linda, Mike walked Winona to the door that had the word ‘studio’ painted on it. The room was not big, just 5 by 5 meters. Along one of the walls were all kinds of leather items hanging, Winona recognized some of them, but she had never worn items like that, as they had been too expensive for her to buy. There was a lot of photo equipment in the room too and a big rectangle piece of some sort of plastic was lying in the middle of the room. It took a moment for Winona to take it all in and she had not noticed Mike had unlocked the cuffs around her ankles.

“If you turn around, I’ll take the handcuffs off.” He told her.

She did what she was asked and moments later her hands were free. She raised her hands and took the gag out of her mouth.

“Wow, that is a lot of stuff.” She said, walking along the wall, after dropping the gag next to the cuffs, admiring the leather.

“All that you see is made by us. We sell it all over the world. Have you ever been in any of our equipment?”

“Not likely. All we had was a bunch of ropes, some cheap leather wrist and ankle cuffs and duct tape.” She replied.

Mike sized her up, grabbed a leather contraption from the wall and walked up to her.

“Turn around, please, and I’ll let you try some of it.” He said.

After Winona turned around, he strapped a wide belt around her neck. It had a long leather belt hanging down at her back, which in turn had 3 leather straps attached to it at intervals. Mike took the bottom strap from the three and tightened it around her wrists behind her back, forcing her wrists palm to palm. It felt snug, but not tight. He took the second belt and tightened it around her arms, just below her elbows.

“I can’t touch my elbows.” She said, giving him a heads up.

“No problem.” He replied. “Not everybody can. There is a lot less people who can have their elbows tight together than there are who cannot.”

The second strap was tightened, but Mike left some space between her arms. When he tightened the third strap just above her elbows, he did the same. The contraption held her arms behind her back, but it felt comfortable.

“That feels great.” Winona said, wriggling and moving around.

“You okay to stay in this for a while?” He asked her.

“Yep. It is comfortable.”

“It sells pretty good, specifically to people who are both playing, as it can be adjusted to almost any size person.”

At that moment Sheila and Linda walked in. Linda was dressed in a full white spandex body suit. Only her head was uncovered. It was easy for Winona to see that she was not wearing anything underneath.

“So, this is your surprise?” Linda asked, looking at the shiny dark gray rectangle on the floor. “A vacbed?”

Sheila showed and explained how it worked to Linda. Winona was standing along one of the walls, watching intently what Sheila and Linda were doing. Mike walked over, gave Winona a chair to sit on and then walked to Sheila who had opened the vacbed as it consisted of two layers.

“Slide in, Linda, you want to make sure your mouth is where the little hose is, that is for breathing.”

“I’ve seen these things in photos, but never experienced one. This could be fun.” Linda said, carefully sliding her legs in first.

The spandex made it easier to slide in and she soon was located within the confines of the rectangle shape of the vacbed.

“Move you head a little to the left.” Sheila said. “Move your legs apart, same for your arms, straight out from your shoulders and straight up from the elbows, like a stick man.”

It did not take long for Linda to be in a position that according to Sheila was where she needed to be. Slowly Sheila lowered the top part of the rectangle, closing a zipper along the outside of the thing. When she got to cover Linda’s head, she grabbed the little tube that stuck though the material.

“Open your mouth please.” She asked Linda.

Linda did as she was told, and Sheila positioned Linda’s head perfectly for the breathing tube.

“Make sure your lips are all the way up to the plastic and keep your eyes closed.” Sheila instructed Linda.

Once Sheila was satisfied, she closed the rest of the top layer and zippered up the edge. She walked over to an industrial vacuum cleaner, pulled the hose out and connected it to a connector at the bottom of the vacbed. While Sheila held on to the hose, Mike flipped the switch on the pump and the vacuum pump started sucking the air out of the rectangle, which meant that both surfaces were trying to get as close together as possible. Slowly all the air got sucked out and you could hear the pump straining to get the last bits out. Sheila closed the seal of the vacbed and signaled Mike to shut down the pump. It suddenly was very quiet in the room.

“Wow, that is impressive.” Winona said from her chair.

“Looks really good, I have to agree.” Sheila said.

She looked at Linda inside the plastic. With all the air sucked out, the plastic held her unmovable within the plastic. The plastic was sucked skintight all around her and you could even see the wrinkle that was in the spandex at Linda’s left knee. And you could easily tell Linda was enjoying it, as her nipples were poking the plastic. It was impossible for Linda to move a muscle, it was a total encasement with no chance of moving. The tube in her mouth provided air so she would not suffocate, but every other part of her body was held in a tight grip. She could not even open her eyes. It did not hurt, it was just tight.

“Okay, time for some photos.” Mike said, grabbing a camera for close-ups. They had filmed the whole thing, but they also needed some more detailed shots.

For several minutes he walked around Linda, taking close-ups of her imprisonment.

“Okay, let’s see if we can suspend her.” Sheila said, when Mike was done.

Winona thought she had heard it wrong.

“You are doing what?” She asked.

“Wait and see.” Mike said.

Sheila placed a wooden beam at what was the top of the vacbed. There were several loops fixed to the top and they threaded the beam through the loops, then they fixed the hoist in the middle of the room to both ends of the beam. Mike walked over to the controls on the wall, right next to where Winona was sitting, and pressed the up button.

“Hmmmmmm” Linda made a sound when she started to feel she was being lifted.

When the vacuum pump was running, it was very loud, now everything was muted, due to the plastic sealing her in. She felt how she was slowly lifted. The vacbed allowed Linda to bend, but it did not let go of her. After a few minutes, the vacbed was hanging in midair.

“This is a high quality vacbed.” Sheila said to Winona. “It will take several hours before enough air leaks back into the bed to allow Linda to escape if we keep the zippers shut. Naturally, when you open them up, the pressure will be gone almost immediately.”

Mike was taking more pictures, which were going to be used for the catalog of this new item in their inventory. Linda was slowly spinning around, but to her it felt weird. Unable to move even a finger, this was the most complete bondage she had ever been in. her movements caused the vacbed to swing around a little, but to her it did not feel different.

“In contrast to most stuff on the wall, we don’t manufacture this, we buy them and resell them, but we suspect it will be a good seller, although they are pretty expensive. You could do this with garbage bags, but it would not feel the same.” Sheila stated.

“It looks like an incredible experience.” Winona said.

“Would you like to try?” Sheila asked.

Winona was surprised they would ask her.

“But you don’t even know me?” She said.

“Says the woman who is strapped into one of our restraints, fifteen minutes after she walked into the building for the first time.” Sheila countered with a smile.

Winona laughed. She had to agree to the logic.

“Yes please. Although I need some help.” She said, showing her restraint arms.

Mike released her, and Sheila took her to a change room. It did not take long for Winona to return, now dressed in a pink spandex suit. As with Linda, she was not wearing anything underneath.

“I never worn one of these.” She said, stroking the material gently. “It feels great.”

Linda was still hanging around, swaying gently back and forth.

“Let’s get her down and out of the vacbed, so Winona can try it.” Sheila said.

Gently they lowered the vacbed back to the ground, with Sheila and Winona holding the bottom corners and Mike controlling the winch. Several minutes later Linda could slide out of the vacbed. Sheila used a cleaning agent to clean the inside of the bed and the mouth piece, before telling Winona to slide in. The procedure was much the same, Sheila guiding Winona in place and once satisfied the zipper was closed and the vacuum pump was used to suck all the air out.

“That was incredible.” Linda said after the pump was shut off. “I could not move a finger. But it did not hurt, it was just tight everywhere.”

Sheila and Linda talked about it some more, while keeping an eye on Winona, who was now sealed into the vacbed. She reacted much the same as Linda had been when she was locked in it.

“Do you want to be lifted?” Sheila asked Winona.

“Hmmmmm.” Winona reacted.

“What was that? I could not understand that. One hmmm for yes, two for no.”


With help from Mike they suspended Winona in midair, like Linda had been.

“It felt weird being suspended like that without any ropes or so holding me up.” Linda said.

“I bet.” Mike replied.

Sheila had walked over to the wall and picked up a Hitachi magical wand and uncurled the cord. She grabbed an extension cord, plugged it in and walked over to the vacbed. With her legs apart and tightly being held by the vacuum in the vacbed, there was nothing Winona could do to stop her, plus the fact that Winona had her eyes closed, she did not see coming what was about to happen to her. The buzzing started and when Sheila pushed the wand against Winona’s crotch, she reacted almost instantly. Sheila asked Mike to hold on to the bottom of the vacbed, so it was easier to keep the wand where it needed to be. A slow moan came from the breathing tube and the vacbed moved around when Winona’s body spasmed and she had an orgasm. Sheila did not relent and held the wand in place a little longer until she had two more.

“Want some coffee, Linda?” Mike said, while Sheila stored the Hitachi where it came from.

“Good idea. We did not stop to eat.”

“We have sandwiches too. We suspected that if you came early, you probably needed some food.”

While Winona was recovering inside her plastic prison, helpless and slowly spinning around, Linda and the others had coffee and talked about the experience of Linda in the vacbed.

“I wonder how long you could stay in there?” Linda asked.

“As long as you want, but you have to remember that the plastic not only seals you in, it also prevents the body from cooling you down, so it can get hot in there and you could overheat, so the instructions say to keep the time inside to not more than 30 minutes and less when it is warmer in the location you have the vacbed.”

Sheila nodded in agreement with Mike’s statement.

“There will always be people who do not read the instructions.” Linda said.

“Yep, but not us, we did read them, so it is time to let Winona out.”

Several minutes later, with help from both Mike and Linda, Sheila unzipped the vacbed and Winona crawled out.

“Wow, that was fantastic.” She exclaimed. “And I do not just mean your little present.”

Sheila grinned.

“You look like you could use it.”

“It has been a few weeks since I left my ex, so yeah, you could say I needed it.”

“Have some food and some coffee or water. We have another shoot to do before Linda is done. If you want you can help too, Winona.” Sheila said.
Winona nodded, took some food, while Linda walked to the change room for a bathroom break.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

So, tue first shot of Winona went rather well! The Vacuum bed was fine idea! I wonder how the shooting will continue!
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Post by slackywacky »

Back in time

After they had a break, Sheila came into the studio with a bunch of leather and dropped it on the floor. Mike had cleaned up the vacbed while Linda and Winona had sandwiches and something to drink.

“I put some clothes ready in the change room, I suspect they will fit.” Sheila said to the women. “The outfit with the long leather boots is for Linda.”

“Long leather boots… oooohhhh.” Winona said playfully.

Linda almost spit out her water, as she had just taken another drink.

“Don’t do that when I am drinking.” She giggled.

“Sorry.” Winona giggled too.

Both women finished their snacks and walked off to the dressing room. The outfits that Sheila had put ready for them had an old-fashioned look to them.

“Wow, those are some boots.” Winona said, pointing to the leather boots put ready by Sheila.

Linda slipped out of her spandex suit and looked at what Sheila had put ready for her. Her outfit consisted of a black old-fashioned bra, old-fashioned black panties, stockings and the boots. For Winona it was a similar bra, also black, similar panties and stockings with garters, plus black shoes with 3-inch heels.

“It has been a while since I wore something with 3-inch heels.” Winona said, looking at the shoes.

Linda was changing into her clothes and Winona soon followed her example. Once they were done, both women looked in the tall mirror that was on the wall and they giggled. They looked like they had gone back in time, although their hairstyles were probably a bit too modern for the era their clothes represented.

“Ready girls?” Mike asked after knocking on the door to the dressing room.

“Almost, working on the boots. The lacing takes some time.”

“I can help. Are you decent?” Mike asked.

The women allowed him in, and he helped Linda in the leather boots. They were a little too large for her, but nobody would know, and she was not going to walk the marathon in them. The boots reached to just below her knees and had lacing all the way from the toes to the top. Mike had to work hard to get them on, pulling the laces nice and tight. Once he was done, he helped Linda up, allowing her to steady herself before letting her stand alone.

“Those are some serious boots.” Winona said, admiring the boots Linda was wearing, while they walked back to the studio.

The pile of leather Sheila had brought in turned out to be several different pieces.

“Winona, I want you to tie Linda up. Here let me show you what it should look like.”

Sheila showed both women an old Klaw magazine with a set of photos of a model being restrained in leather.

“How old is that?” Winona asked curiously, while studying the photos.

“Irving Klaw was one of the pioneers of bondage photography.” She replied. “There are hundreds of photos. Unfortunately, not many of the modern photographers, including Jim, do this style of photography anymore. We are trying to reproduce some of the older work. It does not have to be exact, were not here to copy it, we just want to give it our own interpretation.”

Both women nodded.

Sheila gave Winona a pair of gloves and told her to lace them onto Linda’s arms, which Winona did, focusing on her task.

“Sit down Linda, I think that works better.” Mike said, while taking pictures of the proceedings.

Linda sat down and Winona started again. She pulled the leather glove onto Linda’s left hand, pulling it all the way up to just below her arm pit. The end of the glove was enclosed, and Linda had to fold her hand into a fist to make her hand fit. Laces ran at the area of her wrist, which Winona tightened, making sure the glove would not come off and rendering Linda’s hand helpless.

“Not too tight?” She asked Linda, who told her to continue.

The same procedure was applied to her right hand and she soon had no use of her fingers anymore. Winona remembered the Klaw photos and wrapped both hands together in front of Linda with an extra lace that was in the leather pile.

“The large leather piece is next.” Sheila pointed out when she saw Winona looking at the materials.

The large piece of leather was a leather sheet that fit around Linda all the way from her ankles to her breasts, it even included a leather bra. Winona opened it up and Linda moved onto the piece, positioning her feet at the bottom of the leather. Winona folded the piece around Linda’s legs and started to lace up the sheet, working her way up to Linda’s knees. It took a while, as there was a lot of lacing to do, but slowly the sheets started to enclose Linda more and more.

“Wow, that is a lot of work.” Linda said, looking at how Winona was working on the laces.

She was sitting upright, holding her bound hands above her head, while talking to Winona. Soon the lacing came to her waist and she had to lay back, still holding her hands above her head, as the model in the photos had done. Winona diligently worked her way to the top of the leather sheet, which stopped just above Linda navel. At the back of the sheet was another smaller sheet and to the top of that was a leather bra.

“Almost done.” She sighed, tying off the ends of the laces.

Linda was completely helpless, but she knew from the photos that Winona was not done yet. She got rolled over onto her stomach and Winona tightened the leather bra over the bra Linda was already wearing. It tightened in the front, so after Winona had positioned both sides, Linda was rolled back onto her back again, so that Winona could finish the job. She tightened both sides and she found the bra pushed Linda’s breasts up, like a modern push-up bra.

“You look pretty good in that.” Mike said, enjoying the view.

“Still more to do.” Winona said, grabbing the next piece, which was a leather helmet.

She helped Linda sit up and started to pull the leather contraption over Linda’s head. There was no build in gag, but other than two small holes at the nose, there were no other openings.

“Make sure you position the nose holes correctly.” Advised Sheila.

“Will do.” Winona said, carefully making sure Linda could breath easily while wearing the hood.

“Oh no, more lacing.” She said with a smile, while she slowly tightened the laces at the back of the helmet, pulling it taught around Linda’s head.

Once Winona was done with the lacing, she asked for Sheila to show her the photos again. After studying them a little more, leaving Linda sitting on the floor, she nodded.

“I know what to do.” She said.

She gently pushed Linda down on the floor and undid the laces she had used for tying both hands together. Not that it did Linda any good, she was still helpless without the use of her fingers.

“I am going to roll you over, Linda.”

Linda just nodded and felt how Winona pushed her onto her stomach. Then she brought both hands together behind Linda’s back. The piece of leather that connected the leather bra and the large piece around Linda’s body turned out to be another piece that could be laced up. First Winona guided Linda’s arms together and placed them on the small leather piece, before wrapping the pieces around her prisoners’ arms. Then she had more lacing to do, although this really looked like the last bit. Using all her strength, she pulled on the laces, forcing Linda’s elbows together. The leather ran from her elbows to her wrists and Winona made sure it was as tight as it would go. That was what she had seen in the photos and she was determined to make it look the same.

“You okay, Linda?” Sheila asked.

A muffled affirmative answer escaped the hood. Since there was no gag, Linda could still talk, but the leather hood restricted the clarity of the speech.

“All done.” Winona said.

“Good job, Linda looks absolutely helpless.” Mike replied.

Linda felt helpless too. It was not uncomfortable, the leather hugged her tightly. It was different from the vacbed, that had been such a complete imprisonment, that could not be compared to the leather encasing her now. This felt different, but still good. Having her elbows touch was not something that bothered her, so she enjoyed the experience. She had no idea what was going on around her, the hood blocked all light and muted sounds.

“Just try to move around a little, Linda.” Sheila said, while taking more photographs.

Winona stood to the side, but Sheila beckoned her to kneel next to Linda and interact with the restrained woman, which she did, while both Sheila and Mike took video and photos. Linda kind of waited for things to come. She had worked with Sheila and Mike before and knew that normally they would only keep her restraint for the duration they needed to get the photos and video they needed and not, like Jim and Robert, keep her restrained much longer and she was right, as she could hear Mike say they had what they needed and Winona could release Linda.

“Okay, will do.” Winona said, before starting to release Linda.

It took less time to undo the then lacing than it had been to do it all up and once Winona had released Linda’s arms from their encasement, she started on the hood. Linda blinked against the light when Winona pulled the hood off.

“That was fun.” She stated when she could see the others again.

“As we said, we like to duplicate the old-style bondages, as it makes us stand out a little from the rest. And they used a lot of leather in those days, so that fits us perfectly.” Sheila said.

Winona worked on the laces of the large piece of leather that kept Linda’s legs restrained. Linda wanted to help, but her hands were still encased in the gloves and therefore her hands were still useless. She just waited and watched Winona work on her bondage.

“Once you are done, you can change back into your regular clothes and we’ll drop you off at your places. I put the paperwork that you need to sign, Winona, on the table.”

“Okay, will do.” She replied, while she kept undoing the lacing she had so meticulously applied before.

Soon Linda was able to move around again, when she undid the last laces. Winona walked over tom the table to sign the paperwork.

“Euhh, you’re not done yet.” Linda said.

Winona looked at her in surprise and then noticed the gloves that Linda held up.

“Oops, sorry.” She grinned, but she did not come back to Linda yet.

While Winona signed the paperwork, Linda walked up to her and once she was done with the formalities, Linda stuck her hands out.

“Maybe we should leave you like this.” Winona said. “Is that not what the boys would have done?”

“Oh no, don’t you start being like them.” Linda said, playing being annoyed.

“Okay, I won’t.” She said and undid the laces.

Once they changed clothes, Mike was ready to drive them home.

“Wow, I get to drive without being restrained.” Linda sighed.

“We can change that if you want.” Mike replied.

Linda kindly declined and settled in the passenger seat of the yellow 2018 Ford Mustang, Mike’s pride and joy. Winona sat in the backseat, sitting across the backseat, as the rear seats in the Mustang were not that spacious. Linda exchanged address info with Winona, and it did not take long before Mike reached Winona’s apartment. They said their goodbye’s, and soon after they reached Linda’s apartment building. She said goodbye to Mike, went up to her door, unlocked it and stepped into the apartment. It was dark, as Robert was out, and they had been away for several days.

“He Google, turn on lights and play my relax playlist.”

The lights turned on, her favorite music to relax to started playing and Linda walked into the bathroom to run a bath. A short time later she was sitting in the bath, a glass of wine and a book keeping her company.

“It is good to be home.” She sighed.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Solarbeast »

Great continuation as usual, keep it up.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Back of the roots, so to speak: Betty Page ... Irving Klaw 😊 Very good! I think, I remember a Photo of Lindas Outfit :) Also the end of this chapter: Linda enjoying coming home, after a longer absence:)
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Post by slackywacky »

Just added a chapter to the Summer Camp story ( I posted as a continuation for the June contest story. And here is a new chapter for this story...
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Spreading the love

The garage door opened, and Jim drove the car into their private area of the building. After parking, he walked by the reception area to pick up the mail. Charlotte was on duty, an older lady working for the same security firm as Robert still occasionally worked for, and they talked about nothing much, before Jim took the elevator up. The top floor of the building not only housed the studio, but also their personal quarters. He opened the door to their studio and put the mail away for now on a nearby table.

“Hi baby.” He heard Diana’s voice behind him.

He turned around and she hugged and kissed him. The kiss lingered for some time.

“Want some coffee?” She asked.

He was pretty sure she was thinking he might need something else than coffee, as she was dressed in a beautiful black lace triangle bralette with semi-sheer lace edges and mesh lining. Not something she would wear on a regular Saturday afternoon. And he was pretty sure it was a new piece, as he would have remembered her in it. She looked stunning and he said so.

“Thanks love. How about you change from those travel clothes into something less bulky?” She replied and walked back towards their bedroom with a sway in her hips.

His jeans suddenly felt a lot tighter than before and he went into the walk-in closet and bathroom to freshen up and change, before he walked into the bedroom. The curtains were closed, the room was lit with candles and the air smelt like fresh flowers. Diana was on the bed waiting for him.

“I missed you.” She said and when he walked close to the bed, she grabbed him and pulled him onto their king size bed. “We have not been alone for a while, so I figured I would surprise you.”

Instead of answering her, he took her into his hands and kissed her passionately. The passion quickly grew, and it did not take long for they took it to the next level. He could tell it had been a while, as both climaxed together before long.

“Told you I missed you.” Diana said, enjoying lying up against Jim’s body, while they snuggled.

“Who said we were done?” He replied, before starting to kiss her again.

Sometime later they were both lying on the bed, satisfied and relaxing. Jim could tell from Diana’s reactions that she had not had enough yet as her body reacted to him stroking her, but he knew he could not keep up with her and he needed a break.

“Stay here.” He said, leaving the bed and walking to the studio.

When he returned, Diana was looking expectantly at him. Jim dropped 4 pair of cuffs on the bed.

“One on each of your hands, one on each of your ankles.” He ordered her.

Diana, who was totally naked by now, with the sexy bralette lying on the floor next to the bed, silently did what she was told and closed the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. Jim got onto the bed and started to kiss her again. It was funny to hear the handcuffs rattling when she moved her arms and legs.

“What are you planning, baby?” She asked him.

He did not answer, but grabbed the handcuff from her right wrist and locked it to the right side of the metal frame headboard of their bed. He did the same to her left wrist, cuffing it to the left side of the headboard, spreading her arms above her head.

“Oohh, I am liking this.” Diana said.

Jim got off the bed and pulled her legs to the bottom end of the bed, stretching her, and fixed her legs to the frame, spreading her legs apart. He disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, but Diana was not paying attention, instead playing with the cuffs holding her spreadeagled. Then he got back onto the bed and started to kiss the helpless woman all over her body.

“Don’t stop.” Diana sighed, her breath getting shorter.

Jim had no intention of stopping and he could see and feel that she was working her way to another orgasm. He took the ice cubes, the thing he got from the kitchen, from the plastic container he brought into the bedroom, and started to circle Diana’s nipples, causing an immediate reaction in both Diana and her nipples.

“Coooolllllllldddddd.” She yelled, giggling.

Jim had brought another piece of equipment into the bedroom, a set of nipple clamps, and in between kissing Diana, playing with the ice on her breasts and fingering her between her legs, he applied the clamps to Diana’s nipples. She gasped for air when he applied them. They did not really hurt once applied, but applying them and removing them was always painful according to Diana.

“Hmmm, you mean person.” Diana said, enjoying what he was doing to her.

He grabbed the sexy bralette she had dropped on the floor and pushed it against her lips. Diana wanted to complain that she had been wearing that, but when she opened her mouth to say so, Jim pushed the material in her mouth. She could taste herself, which was not unpleasant, but she preferred clean stuffing.

“Oh, stop complaining.” He said playfully, while putting a strip of tape over her now closed lips.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” She replied, with smiling eyes.

Jim continued teasing her body, licking, rubbing the ice all over her body, fondling and kissing her, and Diana quickly got near another high again. Just when she was almost there, Jim’s phone started ringing, breaking the spell and destroying the mood they were in.

“Hmmmppppppffffff?” Diana asked him, crashing down from her high to reality.

“Sorry luv, you kept my mind of other things.” He smiled.

Diana laughed, she had indeed not given him much of a chance to think about something else then her, which she did not mind, as she needed him to pay attention to her sometimes. Jim answered his phone and they talked for a few minutes, before he hung up.

“That was Cat, they forgot a bag in the car with some medication. They will need it shortly, so I will have to take it over to the hotel.”

Diana pouted and shook her cuffed hands, indicating she wanted to be released. However, Jim got of the bed and walked into the walk-in closet.

“Hhhhmmmpppffff.” A slightly annoyed Diana tried again.

Jim ignored her while he got dressed. He looked at his beautiful wife and blew her a kiss.

“I’ll be back soon. We will continue this when I get back.”

This just caused Diana to grunt in frustration. She had been enjoying the foreplay, the sex and the after play, but she did not want to lie here naked on the bed while Jim was out, but it looked like she did not have an option, as Jim walked out of the bedroom towards the elevator, leaving the bedroom door open.

“Oh, I forgot.” He said, walking back into the room.

He picked up the plastic container and dumped the ice cubes on Diana’s body, which caused her to react violently, which in turn made the nipple clamps move. Diana screamed into her gag, but Jim had already left the room, leaving her alone.

“Hmmmmmppppppffffff.” She made angry sounds into her gag, but nobody heard her.

It did not take Jim long to drive to the hotel, the airport was only 15 minutes away, and traffic was light this Saturday. He knew the rooms the CBS crew were in and walked straight up to them, knocking on the door of the room he knew Cat and Daphne were using.

“Hi Jim, I am so sorry.” Cat said after opening the door. “Please, come in.”

She was barefoot, dressed in a black blouse and grey knee length skirt.

“I really need to get going, I have Diana waiting for me.” He said, but Cat motioned him to come in.

“I think you want to see this.” She said.

Jim walked into the suite and noticed a bound female lying on the bed. Just as Diana she was spread-eagled, however Daphne was not nude.

“She wanted some more bondage, so Jonathan went to the hardware store across the street and got some rope and this is how she ended up. I am pretty proud of myself.”

Daphne was spread out on the bed, wrists tied and fixed to the headboard, ankles tied and fixed to the matrass frame at the bottom of the bed, with not much play in the ropes. A sleep mask was pulled over her eyes and Jim could see the orange color from earplugs in her ears. Her gag was several wraps of tape around her head, holding in what looked like a decent amount of wadding. She was dressed in just panties and t-shirt.

“Nice work.” Jim commented, thinking about his own prisoner spread-eagled on their own bed.

“Jonathan is taking a nap, but his meds were in the bag we left in the car, so thank you for dropping them off. I’ll probably keep this young lady prisoner till later tonight. I wanted to thank you and the others for being such good hosts. I will certainly recommend you for more work, if we have any that requires tying up ladies.”

“It was my pleasure, like I said before.” Jim replied.

They said their goodbye’s and Jim walked as fast as he could to his car, all he could think about was Diana. The ride home took like forever and the longer it took, the hornier he got. Even the garage door seemed to be against him, as it seemed to open way slower than normal. Luckily the elevator was still at the parking level, which was what he expected, since it was their private elevator, but it also seemed to be slower. He started undressing before he even got out of the elevator, closing the outside door behind him and walking towards the open bedroom door, where Diana was lying on the bed.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” She sighed, glad he was back, but Jim ignored her grunts, got onto the wet bed as all the ice had melted and kissed her on her gag.

“Missed me?”

Diana’s eyes smiled and she nodded. Jim played with the nipple clamps, generating a little squeak from Diana. Then he started kissing and fondling her again and it took little time before he entered her and they both exploded in orgasms again.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

One of the things I like especially is the interaction between the characters. And the characters themselves. The regulars and the new ones, Cat for Instance!
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Post by Solarbeast »

Sorry for not responding for a while, but this story has been amazing as usual. It will be sad when this story comes to an end.
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Post by slackywacky »

Solarbeast wrote: 4 years ago It will be sad when this story comes to an end.
As long as I have ideas (and I do), this will not end any time soon.
Next chapter below...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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“Ready?” Jim asked Diana.

She nodded, although she was not sure what she had gotten herself into this time. Or more precisely, what Jim and Robert had arranged for her, as it had not been her idea. But as usual, she went along with their crazy ideas.

“Okay, let’s get started, Robert will be waiting downstairs soon.”

He picked up the black Smith and Weston handcuffs, the hinged model, and placed them on Diana’s wrists in front of her. Using the key to double lock them, Diana knew that she had no way of getting out of the cuffs without the use of the key. And even with a key, escape would have been difficult, as Jim covered the handcuffs up with a cover box, which hid the key openings on the cuffs. The lock used to lock the cover box, also locked the handcuffs to the chain around her waist, preventing her from moving her hands up. Jim kneeled and placed leg irons around ankles. They had a short chain between them, allowing her to only make small steps.

“Not too tight? Remember, they will be on for some time.” Jim said.

“No, they’re good.” She replied, slightly nervous.

With a padlock Jim fixed the chain, that ran from her waist down to her ankles, to the chain between her leg irons.

“Let me make sure everything is packed.” He said, leaving Diana standing in the main area of their studio.

She watched him double check a bunch of paperwork, their passports and some other documents, before he put it all in a travel bag. Jim was dressed in casual black pants and a light blue polo shirt with brown dress shoes.

“Looks like we are ready. Now we just have to wait for Robert.” He said.

At that moment the building phone rang. Jim answered it, listened for a moment and confirmed something, before hanging up.

“Your transport is here.” He said, grabbing the bag and Diana’s left elbow and guiding her to the elevator.

The doors were already open and waiting. Jim let go of Diana when she was in the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor.

“He’s not in the garage?” Diana asked, seeing the floor Jim selected.

“The transport does not fit in the garage, so they had to come to the front door.” He replied.

Diana looked in the mirror during the ride down the elevator. The bright orange of the prison coverall she was wearing was not her favorite color, but she could still make it look good on her. It was a little tight around her breasts, but she knew from experience, as this was not the first time she was wearing it, that it made men look at her. Her brown eyes matched her long brown hair, done up in a ponytail for now, and her face had some of the Spanish features from her grandparents, which made her a very attractive to men. Something they exploited on their website. Blue Nike sneakers finished the package. The ding of the bell, announcing they arrived at the ground floor, reminding her about what was coming.

“Nervous?” Jim asked, seeing how his beautiful wife was fidgeting with the handcuffs.

The past week had been a flurry of organizing stuff, and all that was based on a simple statement from Diana, who had said that she wanted to go somewhere warm for a vacation. After the CBS crew had left, it had been slow for business, which was often the case during winter, and Jim had immediately agreed with Diana when she told him she needed a vacation. She had not however expected to travel as a prisoner.

“A little.” She said.

The elevator doors opened, Jim grabbed her elbow and guided her through the lobby to the front door. The security guard on duty had already been informed and just nodded when they walked by. A visitor to one of the other companies in the building looked surprised when he saw Jim and Diana leave the elevator. Jim just nodded at the man, while Diana ignored him.

“This way.” Jim said, guiding Diana out the front door.

A prison van was parked in front of the building and Robert, dressed like Jim, although his shirt was darker blue, was standing next to it.

“One prisoner for transport.” Jim said to Robert, walking Diana to the back of the van, where the door was located.

The prison van could hold 6 prisoners, each in their individual holding area, which was basically a small square room with a molded seat and a window in the door and the outside of the van. The outside window was glazed, so you could not see through and had reinforced glass in it, the inside window was clear, so that the guards could see their prisoners. Robert opened the back door of the van, helped Diana make her way up the few steps that allowed her to bridge the height gap between the road and the floor of the van. Once inside he opened the second door on the left and indicated to Diana that she should go into the small area. Diana looked nervous but did what she was told. She sat down on the molded chair and before she had a chance to change her mind, Robert closed the door and locked it.

“We’re all good?” Jim asked Robert.

“Yep, both prisoners are ready. Linda is in the first one on the right. I figured we’ll keep them separated for now. I put your bag in the rear left one.”

Robert did a quick inspection to make sure everybody was where they should be, before turning off the inside lights and leaving the prisoner area.

“I think we are good to go.” He said, after closing the door at the rear of the van.

Robert and Jim walked to the front of the van and both got in on the passenger side. A friend of Robert, who was working for a privately-owned prison transport company, was driving the van and as soon as they got in, he headed for the airport.

“Think the girls will be all right?” Jim asked Robert.

“It is not that they have much of a choice, do they? Both are handcuffed, both are locked up in their rooms. I did notice that Diana was more nervous than Linda.”

Robert was right. Linda had been relaxed most of the day. Only after she got locked into the prison van compartment, locked in handcuffs and leg-irons, like Diana, did she get more nervous. But at that point it was already too late. When they stopped, she could hear Robert, Jim and Diana and she knew that Diana was getting the same treatment as she had, which made her feel a little less nervous, as she knew her friend was not far away, even if there was nothing she could do to contact her. As with Diana, Linda had her hands restrained in Smith and Weston hinged cuffs and the cover box on the cuffs was also locked to a chain around her waist. The cuffs on her legs allowed her similar sized steps as Diana and the chain from her waist was also locked to the chain on her ankle cuffs. She was also dressed in an orange prison coverall, blue sneakers and had her blond hair up in a ponytail.

“I think it is funny she is nervous, as she lets herself get tied up all over the place naked and now she is all dressed, and she gets nervous. Maybe Linda is more relaxed, as we played this trick on her when we flew to England.” Jim replied.

Diana would have agreed with Jim’s statement, but somehow this trip was different, and it had made her more nervous. Sitting in the moving van, not being able to see outside, did not help her mood. She wondered how Linda was doing, as she had not seen her when they had locked her into the small room in the van, but she suspected she would most likely be locked up in one of the other rooms. At least the driver, whoever it was, as she had no idea who was driving, was a careful driver.

“How long to the airport?” Jim asked.

“30 minutes according to the navigation system.” Roberts friend said, while navigating the roads.

“You have all the paperwork?” Jim asked.

“The transfer papers are all done up and approved, although I had to use a couple of favors to get it done this quick. Immigration services will take hold of our prisoners and verify their paperwork, while we go through the regular channels. Once we are through and there are no issues, the girls will be released to us and we can board the plane once boarding starts. Since they are classified as slight flight risks, we’ll have to keep them cuffed at all times.”

“Something I did not tell Diana.” Jim said with a smile on his face.

“I think Linda figured it out, but I did not tell her either. We might have to keep them locked up the whole time, as they might hurt us.”

They both laughed. Before they knew it, they arrived at the airport. They stopped in front of a gate; their paperwork was checked ad they were instructed to head to a covered area. The van pulled into the area and two female immigration officers were waiting for them. Robert got out with the paperwork and met them. Once the paperwork was checked and handed over to the officers, he opened the back door of the van, got in with one of the immigration officers and they released Linda from her cell and helped her out of the van. Robert was not allowed into the building, so he just watched when the two officers took his girlfriend into the building. After a short while, they came back out again and the same process was repeated for Diana.

“The prisoners will be released to you once you are through security.” One of the female officers said.

Robert nodded; he was aware of the rules. He just watched Diana enter the building, before closing the doors and climbing back into the passenger side of the van.

“All done?” Jim asked, as he had not been allowed to leave the transport van while they exchanged the prisoners.

“Yep. Now we just get through customs, and we’ll see them again.”

The van left the immigration area, dropped both Jim and Robert off at the departure area. Both Jim and Robert thanked the driver, before they walked into the airport and checked in for their flight. They were early, their flight did not leave for another 3 hours, but because of the special requirements for their trip, that was something they took for granted.

“Welcome to Delta airlines.” The young woman at the check-in said to them.

Jim handed her their paperwork and he grinned when he saw her reaction to the tickets, as it was probably not every day she had to check in prisoners.

“Excuse me while I get my manager.” The girl said, picking up the phone and asking for somebody to come up.

The manager, who introduced himself as Tony, had experience with the special process and he quickly and efficiently processed their tickets.

“Any luggage to check?” He asked.

“No, we travel light.” Jim answered.

They did travel light, but only because most of what they needed for their vacation was already on its way by courier. Something Jim had learned very quickly during his travels.

“The flight is not full, so I moved you two rows to the front of the plane, so you can push the seatback back, which is not possible with the last row in this plane. Nobody will be sitting around you for at least four rows.” Tony said when he handed them their boarding cards.

“Thank you.” Jim said.

They said goodbye to the check-in crew and headed for the security scan. It was busy at the airport, but their paperwork allowed them to use the fast lane, and it only took 10 minutes to get through security.

“That went smooth.” Jim remarked when they cleared security. “How about a drink? The boarding won’t start till 2 hours from now and the girls are fine where they are.”

Robert agreed and they had a drink and some food at one of the restaurants at the airport. They waited till 30 minutes before boarding would start, before heading to the immigration office, which happened to be at the opposite end of the departure area compared to their gate.

“We are here to pick up two prisoners.” He told the officer behind the counter and handed in the paperwork he had received from when they dropped off their prisoners.

The man checked the paperwork over, picked up a phone and talked to somebody on the other end. It was about 10 minutes later when Jim saw to orange coveralls being escorted towards them. Once they were through the secure doors, Robert had to sign the release forms and Linda and Diana were handed over to his custody. Robert took Linda at an arm, while Jim took Diana, and they started towards their gate.

“Did you guys have fun?” Jim asked.

“We were kept separated from each other the whole time.” Linda said.

“At least they gave us a drink.” Diana added. “Why did we come up with this ‘prisoner’ idea?”

“After we did this with Linda, I figured we could go a step further and transport you all the way, instead of releasing you when we got to the plane.”

“What? Hold on, you did not tell me that.” Diana stopped walking. “We are to be kept cuffed until we get to our destination, you know how long that flight is?”

“Misbehave and we’ll keep you like this the whole vacation.” Jim said, smiling.

Both women muttered, but since they did not have much of a choice, they continued the walk.

“Why did you not get transportation?” Linda asked when they were halfway through the terminal.

“This is more fun. Look at all the people looking at you two.” Robert replied.

And indeed, a lot of people, mostly men, paid close attention to the two prisoners that were escorted through the terminal. The walk was slow due to the cuffs, so everybody got a good look at both Linda and Diana. They could see people whispering to each other and pointing at them, while they headed for their gate.

“Six more to go.” Jim said, when they were getting closer.

At a certain point, a young girl, somewhere around 7 years old, walked up to them before her parents could stop her.

“Did they do something bad?” she asked Robert, who was closest to her.

“Not really, they made some wrong decisions and now they have to pay for them. Make sure you always make good decisions, all right?” He said to her, while her parents moved her away.

They made it to the gate, boarding was about to start, and they could preboard the plane. The Airbus A330-300 crew had already been informed on the special passengers, so they knew what to do. Mostly it just meant leave the passengers alone and only communicate with the escorts, never the prisoners.

“Welcome aboard.” The senior stewardess said when they entered the plane. “Your seats are ready.”

Two rows at the end of the plane had been reserved. Jim guided Diana into the middle seat on the left, while Robert did the same to Linda on the right. They buckled the seatbelts and then settled in next to them, taking the seats at the isle. The plan was only half full and as the check-in manager had said, people were kept away from their rows, but you could see a lot of people looking at what was going on in the back of the plane.

“Everything all right?” The senior stewardess came and asked.

“Yes, we are good. Thank you.” Jim replied.

Several minutes later the safety video ran, and the plane got pushed back from the gate. Without any delays the plane taxied to the runway and took off. They were on their way to their vacation.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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