Unknown : The Bondage Aunt (F/m)

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Unknown : The Bondage Aunt (F/m)

Post by Fordman »

Note: If anyone remembers who authored this story, please post so they can get credit.


It all started in the Easter Holidays when I was 11. Well actually it didn't start there. I'd been trying to tie myself up for ages, years even. It is quite easy to tie your legs up, gags and even blindfolding yourself is easy but tying your own hands, that is very difficult, especially if you want to be able to release yourself again. In fact if you can release yourself then you are not really tied up. Well I'd tried everything: toy handcuffs with release buttons, loops of elastic, rubber bands, tying a loop of rope and twisting a couple of times (that was my favorite but I had to be careful of leaving marks) even taped wrapped round myself putting the roll of tape round a door handle or something similar. Every time though I had to be able to release myself so I was never really tied up. Until the Easter Holidays that is, when was 11 and in my last year at junior school.

My mum was away for the day so I was being babysat (I hated the term babysitter when I was 11 but mum thought it sounded better than child minder) by my mum's younger sister Christine or Auntie Chris. She was about 26, 27 or thereabouts and had come over that morning. It was a wet day so I was inside in my bedroom playing one of my games. I was wearing a football shirt (I won't say which team as some of the males here will argue over that and miss the point of the story), and a pair of jeans. My feet were bare as I never put socks on at home until I was going out, and usually took them off along with my shoes when back. It was a house rule, no shoes inside, and mum was usually barefoot in the house during summer (nylons or socks in winter) so I guess I just copied her summer style, but I did it all year round too.

I had tied my ankles together over my jeans with a length of rope then tied a belt round my knees. I had a clean white sock in my mouth held in with a crepe bandage wrapped three times round and in between my teeth, my hands were behind my back, and this is the weak point. I had a loop of elastic I used to keep my long school socks up when I wore shorts. Garters I called them not to be confused with the US term “Garter Belt” but more like the wedding dress accessory only the groom sees or the sexy thing French women are supposed to put round their thigh to hold their stockings up. Except this was plain white elastic and supposed to fit round my leg just below my knee. Well actually I had both wrists in it and I'd twisted my hands round so it was I a figure of 8 with a few twists between my wrists. So I was wriggling round a little trying to look at myself in the mirror gagged with hands behind me or holding my feet up and shaking them so I could see my soles in the mirror and making mmpphhing noises to myself.

All of a sudden the door opened and there was my auntie Chris “Are you OK Paul? Do you want some lunch yet?” She turned to see me. She was wearing a black long sleeved top, with her straight red hair flowing down to just past her shoulders, knee length red skirt and tan tights. Following the house rule of no shoes, her feet had made no sound on the carpet and she had come upstairs more quietly than mum. I had also knocked the door shut with my earlier struggles rather than leaving it a few centimeters open to let me hear the sound of the stairs creaking.

She looked at me for about 2 seconds then burst out laughing. “Trying to tie yourself up?”
She turned me over on the bed and saw me struggling to wriggle my hands free of the elastic. “Oh look this is never going to hold you.” She picked a discarded piece of rope up from the floor, stretched the elastic to ease my hands out then quickly and efficiently tied my wrists together behind my back. “I'll give you half an hour to escape.” she said and went down stairs leaving my bedroom door open.

Well I kicked and struggled and twisted round so my feet were on the floor and I could hop around the room but I could not get my hands free whatever I tried. I had never been truly tied up and helpless before and although it was a little frightening I loved not being able to escape. After about 15 minutes struggling I just looked at hands in the mirror or sat on the bed and tried to look like a kidnapped victim, my bare feet pointing to the mirror so I could see my soles wrinkle as I wriggled my toes. I was properly tied up and loving it.

After half an hour Aunty Chris came back in. “So you didn't manage to escape then?”

“Mmnngg” shaking my head.

“That means your my little tied up prisoner then.” she grinned. “Can you hop off the bed?”

I wriggled to the edge as I had done trying to escape then swung my legs round and stood up wobbling a little and gave a couple of hops to steady myself. Aunt Chris leant forward, put her shoulder onto my chest, her arms round my legs and picked me up over her shoulder. She carefully turned round and carried me down stairs like that. Once down stairs she took me into the kitchen and dropped me back to the floor on my feet and told me to sit in one of the chairs she pushed up behind me. I hoped gingerly backwards and sat down. She came round behind me and undid the bandage allowing me to push the sock out with my tongue.

“Are you having fun?”

“Yes Auntie Chris.”

“Good. Have you ever been tied up by someone else before?”

“Not really. Only tying myself.”

“How does it feel?”

I thought hard. “........Wonderful.”

“Good, because you are my prisoner because you couldn't escape. So I can keep you tied up as long as I like.”


“But first food.”

Aunty Chris stared to make some lunch for us whilst asking me about tying myself up and whether mum knew I did it and if I played these games with friends and all sorts of things. After 20 minutes a salad and chicken sandwiches were ready and she untied my hands to let me feed myself and gave me a drink. She said I had to go and wash my hands and go to the toilet if I needed before I ate but that my feet had to stay tied up all the time. I hopped to the bathroom and hopped back in a few minutes later. Next she asked me what I was planning to do this afternoon. It was still raining and I shrugged my shoulders.

“OK. If any of your friends call then you are out with you mum. I have come round to make tea for you both.” well it was almost true apart from me being out, and it was the best just on case cover story. “So hop into the lounge.”

I did as I was told and sat on the sofa. Aunt Chris went up to my room and came down with the bits of rope, crepe bandage, and other things I had been using to tie myself up.

“Right. There is a good film on this afternoon I want to watch and I don't want you to disturb Me.” she said with a smile. “So, stand up, hands behind your back.” I did as she said and felt a rush as she tied my wrists together crossed behind me. Next she took a second piece of rope and tied it around my elbows in a sort of figure of 8. My elbows were not touching but they were drawn together. Next she told me to kneel down and then lie face down. She bended my knees and took a piece of rope to tie my ankles to my wrists. She gave the soles of my feet a little tickle to “make sure I was tied up properly”.

“Now you have to be gagged so you can't disturb me. Do you like being gagged with your old socks?”


“Ok.” She produced the crepe bandage and one of the other socks from the floor of my bedroom (white sports but from the clean draw). “Open wide.”

I opened my mouth and let her push the rolled up sock in. Next she pulled the crepe bandage between my teeth, looped it round my head and tied it behind my neck.

“Let's make sure you're quiet” she said. And for the second time in as many minutes her finger nails scraped over the soles of my bare feet. I curled my toes but it did nothing to help me. I tried to pull my feet away but they were tied too tightly to my hands. I tried to roll to one side but I was tied too tightly. There was nothing I could do to stop the tickle torment on my feet and I just screamed and laughed into the folds of the soft gag in my mouth. Very little sound came out which seemed to please Auntie Chris and she gave quite an evil grin as she sat back and switched the television on.

It was 2 hours of one of the most boring films I had ever seen as an 11 year old. No car chases, no explosions and no flying super heroes. Can films like this even exist? There were a few things which kept me amused during the film. Firstly I was tied up. Up to that morning I had always been able to give my hands a little wriggle or twist and they would be free to untie everything else but this time I was properly tied up. I could not escape and that was a very exciting but slightly frightening feeling. Secondly as I wriggled on the floor trying and failing to escape I would groan a little which would earn a poke in the side from my aunt’s toe. Sometimes her toes would probe under my shirt and she would wriggle them so the coarse nylon of her tights would tickle my sides. This only made me wriggle and groan more. Which in turn led to the “punishment during the adverts which essentially consisted of Aunt Chris raking her fingers over my bare soles so that I twisted and turned and strained and grunted until the next part of her film started again.

Once the film was finished she stood up and went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. Coming back she untied my hands from my feet and let me stretch out. Relief was not long lived as she then sat astride my legs and lifted my shirt up to tickle my ribs and tummy. She found I had quite an energetic reaction to the sticking her index finger in my belly button and wriggling it. I was left a struggling sweaty mess at the end of five minutes. Lying on my side I just managed the energy to roll off my aback to take my weight off my bound arms but without the energy to roll away or move any further.

“Good my coffees cooled nicely now.” said Aunt Chris as she sat on the sofa and rested one foot on the floor next to my face the other one was by my exposed tummy. She began to flick through the channels as she sipped her coffee. Every now and again she would lift her right foot up slightly and her big toe would find my belly button. Giving it a wriggle she would send me into a fit of hysterics with the slightest movement. In the periods between her tickling my tummy with her toes I lay on the floor trying to be ignored. Right in front of my face was her other foot. I had a good close up view of her bright red painted toes under her sheer tan nylon tights. She would occasionally spread or wiggle the toes making me flinch just thinking about her other toe finding my tummy again.

After about 20 minutes she had finished her coffee and turned back to me. She rolled me onto my tummy and untied my wrists and elbows, leaving me to take my gag out and untie my feet.

“We'd better give some time for those rope marks to fade before your mum gets home.” Said Aunt Chris. I looked and saw the indentation of the twists of the rope on my wrists.

I sat watching TV whilst my aunt made tea and my mum came back from her mammoth shopping expedition. The marks had faded from my arms and neither I nor Aunt Chris said anything about me being tied up. We just said we'd watched television and played some games.

A few weeks later Aunt Christine was sitting again. It was a Saturday and Mum had gone away with some friends for the weekend. Around 6 o'clock we had finished tea and I was sitting on the lounge floor watching television whilst Aunt Chris cleared up. I was wearing a blue t-shirt with jeans and was barefoot. My aunt was in a red top, jeans with black tights under her jeans and had no shoes on. I can't remember exactly what, superman or batman but there was a scene where the heroine got tied up, blindfolded and gagged and put in the boot of a car. She was wearing the typical secretary / damsel in distress kit of heels, tights, skirt, blouse and jacket and she looked beautiful all trussed up. I was watching intently when suddenly I heard aunt Chris say “Exciting program?” she'd walked in in her stockinged feet and I'd not heard her, partly because she was so quiet and also because I was transfixed by the gagged girl on TV.

I grinned and said “She's been kidnapped to make (the hero) do what they want.” I really can't remember what program it was. I grinned and turned again to the TV, holding my hands behind my back then sitting back against the sofa and sticking my legs out in front pressed together as if I was tied up. She gave a little giggle and said “Shall I fetch some rope.”
Very enthusiastically I said “Are you gonna to tie me up?”

“If you want.”

“Yes Please Aunt Chris.”

She left the room and came back a few minutes later with some rope and a scarf. When the next advert break came on she told me to stand up and put my hands behind me. She then tied my hands behind my back palm to palm then my elbows. She got me to wriggle down onto the floor sitting with my back against the sofa then as the program started and the adverts finished she tied my ankles and knees together, wrapping the rope 3 or four times before cinching between my legs 2-3 times.

When she'd finished she sat on the sofa behind me and pulled one of the scarves between my teeth tying it behind my neck.

Over the next 20 minutes or so the woman was tied to a chair then rescued whilst I stayed tied up on the floor. When the program finished my aunt took the gag out and asked if I needed a drink. She then told me she wanted to watch a film and didn't want to be disturbed. She rolled up the scarf she'd used to gag me with earlier and pushed it into my mouth then used a second scarf to tie round and hold it in place. She rolled me onto the floor and went to get herself a cup of tea to watch her film with. When she came back in I'd managed to roll onto my tummy (no closer to escaping) and got a very good look at her dark painted toe nails in her sheer black tights as she walked to the sofa and sat down. She flicked through the TV channels till she found what she was looking for then said “A couple more minutes before the film starts. Let’s make sure you'll stay quiet.“

With that she wedged my lower legs between hers so the soles of my feet were pointing straight up at the ceiling and she began to use first her finger tips then her nails to tickle me. I thrashed around a little (well quite a lot) but I did not manage to break free from her leg lock. When she finished she said “Well that was OK. I didn't hear a thing from you.” I knew how effective this gag was then. “Oh one more thing.” she said as the titles for her film began to roll. “The woman earlier today was blindfolded.” With that she took a third scarf, folded it into a band and tied it over my eyes so I could not see anything.

During the two hours or so of the film I stayed on the floor in front of the sofa, rolling over from time to time, getting a poke in the ribs from my aunts toes or having her rest her feet on my chest from time to time and in some of the adverts breaks she'd tickle my feet again. I could hear her film and tried to follow the plot but it did sound rather girly (a bit like the last one I'd watched tied up with her).

When it was finished she untied me and said that mum had told her Saturday night was bath night so I had to have a bath and change to pajamas. I had my bath and washed my hair, changed into PJs which were basically a pair of red trousers which came half way down my lower leg and a blue top with a white front with a picture of a jet airplane on it. I came back into the lounge where Aunt Chris was reading a magazine with the TV on in the back ground and asked if I could stay up later. She said it was late and she'd promised my mum she'd have me in bed on time and she'd already missed that target. I begged and eventually she made an offer. We'd play one more tie up game tonight if I promised to go to bed. I jumped at the chance so she told me to go and brush my teeth then we'd play the game in my bedroom.

When I got out of the bathroom and to my bedroom Aunt Chris was there tying ropes to the bottom of the bed. I looked and saw there were two ropes already tied to the top.

“OK.” She said. “Final game. Have you been to the toilet?” I nodded. “Lie down then.”

I lay on my bed and she lifted my right arm up, tied a scarf round my wrist ten tied the rope tied on the right top corner of the bed to it. She did the same with the left hand then each of my feet. Each time she tied a scarf first then tied the rope to the scarf. I asked her why and she said the scarf would leave such a bad mark as the ropes would. The marls from earlier had faded in the bath.

Once I was tied I realized it wasn't that tight and I could move arms and legs a little but couldn't untie myself. She said she was not going to gag me overnight but tied a scarf over my eyes again then I heard her turn the light out as she left.

I woke the next morning with an irritating feeling in my left foot. I kicked and stretched but I could not get away. It got worse and worse. I was awake now and kicking both feet. I tried to call to but couldn't. I could see nothing as I thrashed about the tickling, yes tickling continued. It was awful. I tried to laugh I tried to call for help but the tickling of both my feet continued. “MMMmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrr.”

My blindfold came off and Aunt Chris was standing next to me. She reached down and tickled my feet again. “Wakey Wakey!” She had, without waking me, managed to stick some medical tape over my mouth then began tickling my feet until I woke up. She untied my hands and told me to come down for breakfast when I was ready. I untied my own ankles and peeled the tape off then ran to the bathroom before going downstairs. It was about 9 0'clock on Sunday morning and it was pouring with rain. The air had that humid muggy feel. Aunt Chris was still in her pajamas which were a white baggy top with pink flowers on and red checked trousers. Her feet were bare and she had perfect red painted toenails.

We had breakfast then she asked what I wanted to do. “It's raining I said. We could stay in and play some games.”

“Really? Like Monopoly?”

“What about the kidnap game.” she grinned at me when I said this and almost breaking onto a laugh said.

“OK. You go and get changed for a day spent kidnapped. And don't forget to brush your teeth.”

I came down stairs 5 minutes later. I was wearing black shorts, a red t-shirt with bare legs and feet. Auntie Chris was still in her Pajamas. “Give me a hand clearing the kitchen up please.” We loaded the dishwasher and she wiped the tables etc. then asked “Have you ever been tied to a chair?”

“No” I answered.
“OK.” she said help me carry this chair into the lounge.”

We carried one of the Kitchen chairs in. It was a wooden chair with an arched back with three vertical rods running from the seat to the arch.

“Sit down.” Aunt Chris said. I did as she said. “Can you reach your arms round behind the back?” I tried but could not quite reach. “Put them through those rods.” she said. I reached my arms between the arch of the back and the outermost two rods then brought them together behind me.

“That's good” Aunt Chris said as she began to tie my wrists together, palm to palm. She tied a few turns round the middle of the three rods and then moved to my elbows. Not really tying them together but wrapping round them and making sure they were held tightly to the outer two poles. She then wrapped multiple turns of rope round my chest and tummy holding me against the chair back. Next were my ankles then above and below my knees before she lay down on the floor next to the chair and tied my ankles to the cross bar running under the seat so may ankles were pulled back, my feet under the seat and only my toes touching the floor.

“How does that feel?” she asked me. I tried to pull my hands away, kick my feet forwards, lean forward, wriggle around but it was useless. I was well and truly tied tight.

“I can't escape.” I said.

“Good. I just need to make sure you can't call for help.” she left the room and I heard her run up stairs. When she came back down she was carrying a white ankle sock and a roll of flesh colored medical tape. She held up the sock. “Don't worry it's clean. I was going to wear these today but I've got a better use for them. Open up.”

I opened my mouth and she pushed her one white socks into my mouth then took the tape and peeled off a strip pressing it against my lips. She did this two more times so my mouth was sealed around the sock.

“OK. Don't go away.” she laughed and went upstairs. I gave a wriggle, a kick and pulled my hands but not surprisingly I could not move. It was the first time I had ever been tied to a chair and compared to previous times (OK mostly tying myself up) this was far more restrictive. I could usually roll over or even stand up and hop about but I couldn't move at all. I carried on trying to pull my hands free or move somehow for about 5 minutes but then just gave up and accepted my fate, or pleasure, of being tied up.

I listened to the shower running and Aunt Chris moving around up stairs. After about 15 minutes she came back down stairs. She was wearing a loose white shirt, black leggings which came to ½ way down her calves and had her hair tied back in a ponytail. She was still barefoot.

“Still tied up?” she joked when she saw me. “Hope you’re having fun there.”


“Sorry can't quite hear you.” She said as she went to the kitchen and I heard the kettle filled and switched on.

She left me tied to the chair struggling. I tested the ropes holding me but everything was tied tightly, but comfortably, with the knots well out of reach of prying fingers.
She returned a few minutes later with a cup of steaming coffee and a croissant. She sat on the Sofa and flicked the TV on going through the channels until she found a beauty shopping program. Then she put her bare feet up on my knees, crossed her ankles and wiggled her toes.

As luck would have it the beauty program was about skin care and featured two women talking about expensive creams either side of a third, who sat quietly on a couch in a dressing gown as the other two applied the cram to her. The third woman's feet pointed straight to the screen and although cameras were often focused on her face or on the two women talking often her bare toes would sneak into the bottom of the picture.
Then there came the moment when the other two women came to foot cream and began to have close ups of the third woman's bare feet. At this point Aunt Chris started to wiggle her toes, point and flex her feet, examine her own feet more. Between the feet on the TV and aunt Chris's feet on my knees I was getting very excited and Chris noticed I was staring intently at her feet.

“You like my feet?” She said pressing her soles against the side of my face.

“Mmpphh” I replied.

“Let’s just sort something here.” She said. She nipped quickly upstairs and returned with as scarf which she quickly tied over my eyes. The last half of the program I sat blindfolded and gagged as the women talked about skin care and foot cream, I knew there were shots of the model's feet but could not see anything. Instead I was occasionally subject to my Aunt's bare foot in my face, her toes tickling my neck or tummy and her feet rubbing my bare legs. When the beauty program finished and turned to DIY tools she undid my blindfold.

“Do you like bare feet?” she teased.


“OK Let's see what we can do.”

15 minutes later I was no longer tied to the chair. I was lying on the floor, my hands tied behind my back crossed and a rope wound round my stomach pinning my hands into the small of my back. A second rope wound round my arms above my elbows tying them together but not touching and the loose ends of that rope round my chest arms pinning my arms down.

My legs were tied together at ankles, above and below knees and mid thighs. My aunt’s clean sock was stuck in my mouth with multiple tape layers over it. My knees were bent so my wrists were tied to my ankles with about a foot of rope joining them, so not tight but enough to mean I could not stand up, hop around the room or roll over easily. I was lying on the floor in-front of the sofa which my aunt was sitting on and I had a very good view of her bare feet. She was watching a film and resting her feet on me. I was on my side and she would pinch my nose in between her toes or rub her sole over my face, occasionally she would poke my in the tummy with her toes or wiggle them to tickle my tummy. If I rolled onto my back she would rest her bare feet on my chest and face and if I rolled away from her or turned onto my tummy her toes would tickle the soles of my bare feet.

I absolutely loved being her bare foot slave and she seemed to love teasing me like this. Eventually her film finished and she bent down to me.

“So how do you like your first hogtie?”


“Oh I think you did. Anyway it's time to untie you now and have lunch.”

It was a shame to be untied but I did like being able to spit the sock out of my mouth after the hours it had been in and I gulped down the water she offered me (before untying my hands and arms.) I did have some quite obvious rope marks on my arms and legs but after an hour or so they had all faded.

I talked to Aunt Chris about liking her feet, and being tickled and being tied up but she said that game had finished this weekend.

Mum came back about 4 o'clock and asked if I'd enjoyed having Aunty Chris over. I said yeas and Aunty Chris said I'd been no bother at all. We'd played some games but most of the time I'd been lovely quiet and well behaved.

Mum and Chris had a cup of tea and chatted then Aunt Chris left. Mum came to me and said: “How would you like to spend half term holiday with Aunty Chris?”
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Nice story but. I kinda wish I'd written it and kinda don't. I had a similar experience about the same age as the charachter. My mum would have one of her friends look after me in school hols but at her house not ours. She caught me playing self tugs one day and helped to tie me up . Well actually she did tie me up and tickle me. Of course I loved it. I now wonder was it innocent for her or did she get aroused tying the 11 year old me up.

Therefore. Was I abused by her?
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Post by Fordman »

This is the danger of applying today’s attitudes and perceptions to the past. Your mum’s friend participated in one of your games, perhaps she enjoyed a tug or two in her youth and was sharing the fun she had with you.
Deleted User 236

Post by Deleted User 236 »

I fully agree with Fordman's thought that GnB's mum's friend may have enjoyed tugs. I'm probably the right age if not older than said friend, and I enjoyed Tugs growing up in the 80s.

Be wary of using the past to justify things
In the past it was acceptable for directors to "couch test" actresses and to grope women in offices. and if not acceptable at least accepted and overlooked or even covered up to abuse children in care.

I share GnB's dichotomy of it being a well written story , the premise of which I can relate to, being tied up by a helpful older player, whilst having reservations on her motives.
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Post by Gaggedgeekgirl »

Its odd. You might write about children tied up specifically as it is innocent with no sexual overtones. BUT as soon as you mention children immediately we, as adults, all think of the possible abuse angle.
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Post by Johnsnow »

Not a bad story and I’m not sure where this goes but to be on the safe side I am moving this to the archives for adults section because of the child/adult tie and a few other details about the story.
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Post by Scaevus »

Do you have the other part of the story?
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Post by harveygasson »

It's a great story, potential issues aside, is there any more to it?
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Post by Seankinkaid »

Great story. What a lucky boy! I played games I'm my day as well but not with an Aunt.
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Post by Redman »

I remember this story from lurking on the old site. There was a sequel that I don't think ever got finished. Its a great one
I'm always available for roleplay! Message me on:
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Post by Naughty Boy »

I always loved this story!
Interested in chatting with mature women who love to tie men.
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Post by petkata41 »

Great story. His aunt is very kind.
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Post by sensitivefeet »

When I read it, I totally embrace the point of view of the main character. I take it as the realisation of a boy fantasy, as he is the one asking for it.
Remind me: once hogtied, just before I placed the ballgag... you said:"Please, anything but the feet"?... Good...
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great bondage story with your aunt.
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Post by mig137 »

The next part of the story "half term holiday with Aunty Chris" unfortunately disappeared a long time ago.
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