Jack's Story (F/M, etc) (updated 03/03/2022 Ch. 78)

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Post by volatiledesire »

I appreciate everyone's patience, here's the next chapter.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 60 - Birthday Presents

I woke up, the pressure of Ollie's limp body made breathing something no longer just an unconscious bodily function but an activity requiring effort and concentration. Ollie's head had slipped further between my legs and I could feel his steady breath warming parts of my body that no one but Polly and my doctor had any business being near. I tried to imagine the situation as an outsider, how could I explain this whole mess to my Mom and Dad. What would they say. "Why did you try and run away from Polly?" Mom would ask. "Why did you get in the box?" Dad would ask, though I knew it would be with a knowing smirk in his eye. He was as helpless before the will of Mom as I was with Polly.

"Why did I get in the box?" I mumbled through the gag, though at this point my taped mouth was pressed against Ollie's latex covered buttocks, at least I hoped it was his buttocks. Not easy to tell in pitch black darkness. "I got in the box because she asked me too, and I couldn't conceive of Ollie joining me in here." I answered myself.

"Which leads us to the next question. Assuming you survive this, would you get back in the box if she asked you to, knowing what would happen?"

Silence filled my thoughts and I heaved a great sigh, great enough to lift Ollie's body with the rise of my chest. A flood of light through the bottom layer of the box interrupted my internal dialogue along with the sound of footsteps. A click echoed through the box and then blinding light forced my eyes closed. Ollie's weight was off my chest before I could tolerate the harsh fluorescent lights. When I managed to squint passed the glare Polly was staring at me her hands resting on the rim of the box. "It had to be done, Jack. You ran away from me, I had to punish you. Ollie too, for trying to ruin this weekend."

Polly spoke as if she were ticking boxes off a checklist. Her hand dipped down into the box and rubbed along the fabric of the dress and slipped between my thighs. "So tell me, are you going to run away again?"

I shook my head furiously.

"Really? You promise."

I nodded.

"If you do, you'll spend more time in this box with Ollie, only you'll both be naked."

I felt my eyes widen in shock and horror while a shudder ran through my body. I also felt a sharp spike of anger, a feeling that there were some places I would not go, even if Polly wanted me to. Polly cocked her head at me as if detecting the defiance. "Enough of such talk. Let's get you into bed, it's nearly morning and we all need sleep." Polly released my hands and ankles from the bottom of the box and helped me up. She then carefully removed my gag and handed me a bottle of water.

I drank quickly as I followed her out of the cavernous garage toward the house. I was silent until we reached the upstairs bedroom where I had spent the previous night. "That was unpleasant, and I ran away because you stopped being my prisoner. Remember?"

Polly's forehead wrinkled in confusion and then her eyes suddenly brightened. "Oh yeah, I did promise that didn't I?"

I nodded.

"And it was to keep you from attempting escape." Polly smiled.

Again I nodded.

Polly arched an eyebrow in my direction and sat on the small loveseat that rested beneath the wide window overlooking the backyard. Pale dawn light filtered across the tops of the oak trees and I realized the night had passed. "You survived, even if it was undeserved." Polly smiled broadly, "Though Ollie deserved it."

"Survived yes, but did my friendship with Ollie?" I responded.

Polly looked a bit surprised her face coloring with confusion. "Why would that..."

"His face spent the last however-many hours jammed into my crotch. It may be a little hard for us to meet each others eyes." I interrupted with a little heat in my voice.

Polly paused. "Get some sleep, things may seem different in the morning."

I looked doubtfully in her direction but could not ignore my continued weariness.

"Let's get you out of that dress, you've suffered enough for one day." Polly said and I was shocked to realize that after the time in the box I had largely forgotten about the dress I wore. I looked down at the breasts pressing against the patterned nylon of the bodysuit and pondered the implications. Could I be getting used to this? I shook my head. No way.

Polly noticed the movement of my head. "You don't want to take the dress off?"

"No." I realized what I said as her eyebrows lifted. "I mean yes I do, that wasn't what I meant when I shook my head."

"Oh, what did you mean?"

"I was just surprised that I had almost forgotten about this costume." I indicated my body with a wave of my hand. "That's all."

Polly laughed. "I guess you can get used to anything."

"I suppose so." Polly helped me out of the outfit and surprisingly handed me a pair of gray cotton shorts. "This is a switch."

Polly glanced toward the window and the light peeking in through the blinds. "You are supposed to be resting and I don't want anything to distract you at this point, so no beautiful clothes for you to sleep in."

"That sounds good."

Polly looked at me and her face softened, shedding the red-haired goddess look as if taking off a costume. "I hope you're having fun. Sometimes I wonder if truly understand you."

I was somewhat stunned by the sudden change in her countenance and I could not really speak. "Uhh..." I said with my usual sage-like intelligence.

"When you ran away..." Polly began.

I held up my hand to forestall her explanation. "I haven't thought about work or school even once."

Polly's face beamed and by some means I could never explain she reassumed her mantle of grace, beauty, and authority. "Excellent, let me remove your additional curves and you can get some sleep." Polly removed the breasts and I rubbed at my suddenly cold chest. I dove into the soft sheets and was asleep before they completely settled about my body though I was not tired enough to forget the soft warmth of Polly when she snuggled in beside me.

* * *

One of the more pleasant experiences in life is waking up in a warm bed and not have an alarm blaring into your ear. The only downside being the absence of Polly. Light streamed in through the windows at an angle that suggested mid-afternoon. The house was warm and after rolling from beneath the covers the carpet felt good on my bare toes. A note rested on the nightstand covered with Polly's handwriting.
Polly's Note wrote: Good Morning Jack,

Take the day off. Watch TV. Hang out with Ollie. The girls and I have gone shopping.

Love you

I sighed with a sense of relief and walked across the hall to the shower. I had no clothes but the gray shorts which probably belonged to April were as close to unisex as I could hope for. I found a large sweatshirt with the logo of a local state college and enjoyed a nice long shower. I walked down the broad staircase which overlooked the main living room to see Ollie lounging on the couch watching television. He too wore a large sweatshirt and shorts that did not look like they belonged to him. We met each other's eyes and were likely thinking the same thing, but neither one of us wanted to talk about "the box". "Hey." I said.

"Hey, man." Ollie responded in a soft baritone. He slid his fingers through his mop of blond hair in a unconscious gesture he used since we were kids. "I thought you might sleep the day away."

"Thought about it." I answered.

"I guess that’s the point of all this. Polly is pretty worried about you." Ollie continued.

I shrugged. "The sleep is nice, some of the other stuff..." I trailed off not wanting to continue.

"I tried man. I tried to get you out of this." Ollie said more quietly.

"I know. The problem is, I'm not sure I wanted you to succeed. In fact it was my fault you were caught. I knew what you were going to do."

"Kristy told me."

"Listen, let's just forget about all that stuff and watch some movies, there's food in the fridge." Ollie said turning his attention back to the screen.

"Sounds good."

We laughed. We ate. It was almost like old times. There was still a lingering tension, but it was like a disapproving sister staring at you from across a crowded room. Annoying yes, but not enough to get in the way of the fun.

* * *

Everything comes to an end and when the sound of a rising garage door filtered in from near the kitchen we both gave each other nervous looks. The girls were back. Both of us sat up and cleared off the messy dishes littering the coffee table and carefully removed any litter. I am not clear on exactly why we did this but on some level we did not want there to be any excuses Polly and Kristy might use to put us back into ropes, or worse "The Box".

The girls entered like the wind, laughter preceding the heady scent of their perfume. Ollie and I both stood while heels clicked on tile as they approached. I opened my mouth in greeting but all words caught in my throat. They each wore long coats that covered their bodies from neck to knee but below this the glittering shine of fine hosiery caught my eye. High heels graced their feet proving that shorts and T-shirts would not be hidden beneath those coats. I glanced over at Ollie and I could see the flash of recognition in his face as he remembered those same coats when the girls had worn them into his own basement. At that time, they were covering beautiful leotards and a surge of hope and delight sprang into my mind tempered by the memory of wearing the same leotard later that day.

All this flashed through my head in the moments it took Polly and Kristy to fully enter the living room with April falling closely on their heels in a similar outfit. From the sparkle in her eye Polly knew she had my full attention. With a coy smile her hand idly toyed with the belt holding the coat closed. "Hello Jack." Her words were teasing with enough heat to redden my cheeks.

"Hi... uh..." I swallowed. "Hi Polly, Kristy."

Ollie had always been better with girls than I, he spoke with amazing confidence. "What's with the heels?"

Kristy frowned a bit at his cool demeanor, perhaps she was hoping to stun Ollie into speechlessness too. "Come help me with my coat."

Ollie stepped forward and slid the garment from her shoulders. Beneath the coat was a red dress so tight the curves of Kristy's modest breasts were ballooned above the sleeveless bodice. A bright shine proved it to be of some kind of rubber or vinyl and it was short enough that modesty would be difficult if she sat down.

I pulled my eyes back toward Polly and wanted to step forward to help with the coat but knew if I moved an inch my knees would buckle. Polly seemed to sense my struggle and her eyes flashed in pleasure while her shiny lips turned up in a smile. She slowly undid the belt and with a sudden motion pulled the coat open and over her shoulders. My world was reduced to nothing but the vision of Polly. She stood there in a sleeveless dress of a bright green color enhancing the vivid red corona of her hair. It too was tight, tight enough to show a slight depression between her thighs where the material worked to compress between her well muscled thighs. She sloughed the coat to the floor and stepped closer. "I guess you like it."

"I..." I tried to agree.

Polly grabbed my hands and pulled me toward the stairs. "Follow me I want to show you more of your birthday presents." She stopped on the stairs and looked toward the kitchen. "April, give me fifteen minutes and then come on up."

I looked over my shoulder to see April nod and if not for the stunning vision of Polly I would have been unable to ignore April wearing a more conservative, but still quite tight, dress in a nude color with long sleeves that fell to just below her knees. She waved at me and lifted her eyes with a broad smile. "See you soon." The Three Dresses

I followed Polly up the stairs and her buttocks swayed back in forth in a sultry dance shifting her sculpture-quality muscles beneath the tight green fabric of her dress. I could have looked away, if someone clubbed me over the head, and maybe not even then. She led me to the bedroom where I had slept the last two days. "Sit on the bed Jack."

I pointed at the bed. "This bed?"

Polly's eyes narrorwed. "I have something to wear you're going to love."

I could feel my eyes widen in surprise so I sat on the bed. "More than that dress?"

Polly shrugged. "It’s not something I would wear in public."

"And April is going to see you in it?" I asked.

"I need her assistance. Just don't move from that bed or you won’t have the pleasure..." She let the last word hang in the air as she left the room.

I was a bit confused and not really wanting her to change. Her departure was like a cloud drifting across the sun with the opposite effect happening within my mind, no longer was I clouded by her overwhelming presence. I fell backward onto the bed and began to wonder what celestial lottery I had won that had given me such a girlfriend. The door clicked open again and I rolled over intensely curious what Polly thought could be more amazing than what she had already worn.

I was shocked again by the vision, instantly wondering how much the male mind could take in one day. If the world had ended in a blaze of blood and fury I would never have noticed. Polly's body was tightly wrapped in a white unitard of shiny fabric that covered her from toes to neck. Her red hair blazed around her shoulders like a mane of fire. I knew my mouth was open but did not care, my body lurched from the bed toward her. The material of the tight body suit was soft and slippery like warm butter beneath my fingers. Every muscle of her dancers body was displayed by the delicate shadows across its surface, a living breathing perfect statue of white marble.

My reaction pleased her, the delicate tips of her breasts hardened beneath the tight fabric and a she bit on her lower lip with a coy smile that nearly drove to my knees. "You like?"

I did not answer, I could not answer.

She let me stare for long moments and then pushed me back onto the bed. "Tsk, tsk. You are supposed to stay put.

My eyes followed her as she moved. I could not believe how amazing she looked. I had seen her in leotards and tights before but there was something different now, something magical. The white material seemed to take all her features and turn the dial to eleven. She took my arms and pulled them from her hips as she pushed me back. Blood had been abandoning the rational parts of my brain since she opened the door but when she straddled my lap, any pathetic attempts to maintain control ended. My face, now at level with her collar bone, was forced into the fabric that strained to outline each of her breasts. With a growl I buried my face in her neck and kissed her with animalistic need I rarely allowed myself to feel.

Time ceased. The heady aroma of Polly is something indescribable but I've always translated it into the exotic combination of vanilla and rose petals. I tried to wrap my arms around her but she held my arms out wide sliding her fingers along the inner sides of my arms while I continued to press my lips into her neck filling as many of my senses with her existence as possible.

She tried to withdraw from me and a snarl bubbled to my lips. No way, not on your life. Polly was mine. I moved to stop her but my arms would not respond to my commands. This incongruity yanked me back to reality and though Polly had not moved far, I realized my arms were tied to the bed, one to the foot and one to the head. How had she done that?

I looked around quickly, and spotted April at the foot of the bed finishing a knot. "What? No!" I wrenched at the bonds and though the bed creaked I could not break free. I lunged toward Polly but she slid from my lap aided by the smoothness of the unitard. "Polly please." I could feel actual pain as she moved away, tears welled up in my eyes.

Polly knelt down and thrust herself upon me in a kiss so passionate I again forgot where I was. The heat building in us flared anew and I fell backward onto the bed beneath her, my arms locked rigidly in a vain attempt to hug her. When she slipped back again I was breathing hard the bed creaking rhythmically as I tried to pull free.

Shaking, I struggled back to a sitting position to see Polly standing next to April a few paces from the bed. April looked a little flushed but was smiling and over the shoulder of her nude dress were long loops of satin green ribbon. "Are you ready for the rest of your present?"

Polly smiled at April's words with hands planted on her hips. "Yes there is more, I wonder how much more you can take?"

I shook my head staying silent but wondering the same. I glanced at my wrists and was thankful for the soft scarves used to hold them but still felt welts rising.

The delicate sound of satin sliding across satin pulled my eyes upward. April folded the long ribbon in half and draped it around the back of Polly's neck. With a deft twist she threaded it down Polly’s body between her breasts and across her navel finally pulling it between Polly's thighs. With a few firm tugs and a drool-inducing amount of hip-shifting from Polly she pulled the long ribbon upward. She then wrapped it across her breasts, weaving it around her torso ending in a large bow across her stomach, the loops of the wide ribbon flaring down over her hips. "Here is your birthday present. I hope you like how I wrapped it." April said.

Somehow the green bands of satin made the whole ensemble even more gorgeous, the thought behind the outfit, Polly's beauty, the way it made her wiggle, the whole amazing package. Polly did a slow spin, and when her back was turned she looked over one shoulder to see my reaction to the sight of the ribbon vanishing between her shiny white buttocks. It must of met her expectations as she smiled significantly toward April and nodded.

"I'll leave you two alone then." April said and with steps restricted by the tightness of her own dress she left the room closing the door behind her.

"Are you tired?" Polly said walking closer but not close enough.

"Tired of these." I tugged fiercely at the scarves holding my arms out wide.

"Really. What would you do if I untied those knots?"

"I would..." I was going to say, "throw you down on this bed and let out my inner animal," but that was not really true. I could never hurt her, never even do something that made her the slightest bit scared. "Polly, you are so beautiful, and not just now but first thing in the morning, when you aren’t even trying. But now..." I swallowed, trying to find the words. "You're angelic, somehow beyond, I've never seen anything like..." I pointed at her with my bound hands. "...you."

"I'm just a girl." Polly said. "I don't have extra parts, I'm pretty symmetrical I suppose, but not perfectly, not like fashion models." Polly sat down on the bed and snuggled in next to me her red curls tickling my neck.

I shook my head. "You are more than just a girl."

"You never answered my question." Polly interrupted. "What would you do if I untied you?"

"I don't know."

"Oh come on now, I can see you’re excited." Polly's eyes flicked downward toward my waist.

"You don't want that," I answered softly.

"But you do?" Polly responded.

"He does," I flicked my own eyes downward. "But I've learned not to give him a vote."

Polly laughed. "Do all guys think about their genitals as a separate person?"

"Sometimes it feels that way." I sighed.

"It's all you, Jack. I would feel awful if I couldn’t get your body to react to me, and trust me when I say, you get my body to react too, it's just more subtle."

I nodded.

"So you would take me if I untied you, sexually?" Polly continued to press.

"Not if you didn’t want it, and even then, I am pretty sure I can't do casual." I took a deep breath. "It would mean something, which changes things."

"So you’re afraid then." Polly said. "Afraid of changing things between us."

"Yeah, I suppose I am."

"Than I'm not going to untie you."

"Ok," I bowed my head. "I understand."

Polly got to her feet and pulled a bag from the closet. She withdrew long coils of rope. "I need to do a little better job than April did, something more comfortable and more complete." Polly proceeded to bind me in a spread eagle position to the bed. I could have attempted escape at one point but she sat on my face while she repositioned my wrists so I never had a chance.

She then produced a pair of scissors from the bag and removed every stitch of clothing from my body. "Now I'm going to tease you, to caress you, to give you the most incredible full body massage you've ever had. Happy Birthday Jack, I hope you stay conscious."
Last edited by volatiledesire 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ohBoyNice »

Thanks for keeping this up!
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Really nice! Keep it up!
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Post by harveygasson »

Still loving this bondage epic!
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Sexy, beautiful and oh so caring and true. I remain deeply indebted to you and your storytelling vd. This is a stunning work xx
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 61 - Discovered

I have no memory of falling asleep, just a lava flow of sensory delight punctuated by eruptions of pleasure. Upon awakening though my shoulders and arms burned with muscle soreness usually experienced only after strenuous exercise, I must have pulled ferociously against the ropes. Luckily I was no longer bound and I took stock of a body that had been soaked in pleasure and then sent through a wringer.

Polly was gone. Even before opening my eyes, I knew she was no longer next to me even though my last coherent recollection of the evening had been her mane of red curls covering my chin and chest. I don't know how, perhaps her scent or her warmth, but I knew once I had the courage to finally open my eyes, her lovely visage would not be there to greet me.

Light streamed through the wide windows stinging my reluctant eyes but a few blinks later and I looked around an empty room. The soft white blankets were piled up neatly around my body suggesting Polly had adjusted them when she left. I was also completely naked. Not surprising considering last nights gift, the thought of which began stirrings which would lead to embarrassment without the concealment of clothing. So first things first, find clothes.

I rolled the covers back and stood up realizing immediately the muscles in my legs were in just as bad a shape as my arms. What had she done to me last night? More memories of my body locked into a rigid statue as I pulled with all my strength against the bonds while Polly brushed my sensitive places with her hair punctuated with light caresses of her fingers. "Ah, now I remember." I said out loud.

I stood up and moved to the closet. I opened the door and was sliding the hangars across the bar when Polly cleared her throat behind me. "What are you doing?"

I spun around, startled by her sudden appearance as I reflexively covered my privates. "Uh, looking for something to wear."

Polly looked amazing in dark green leggings and an oversized sweatshirt whose neck opening was so large one strap of a matching green sports bra was visible over one shoulder. "Seriously, you're still shy? After last night?" She said glancing at my hands. "Actually, I like it. You’re so sexy with a little color in your cheeks." Polly reached around my back and cupped my buttocks. "Both sets of cheeks." Picking up a light pink garment hanging over the end of the bed, she held it out to me. "Here's the clothes I laid out for you."

I looked at the garment in her hands and sighed. "Polly that isn't clothes, it's underwear."

"Not so. It's very stretchy, quite long in fact. It's a camisole dress, though I'll admit I never had the courage to wear it alone like you're about to do. I usually layer it with other clothes." Polly let the garment fall from her fingers where she held it by the spaghetti-thin straps. "Now stop complaining and put it on."

"It's pink." I dared to object.

"You know, you're right, it is pink." Polly tossed it into my face. "Put. It. On."

I pulled the garment over my head and was amazed by the softness, it felt like a cloud on my bare skin and I could not help but feel a little irritated that luxurious fabrics were all reserved for girls. I mean do all men prefer burlap? I realized immediately that what Polly meant by "long" was only an inch or two below the curve of my buttocks. If I sat down, I might as well be naked. Pink Camisole Dress

"There, very nice." Polly said. "Come along, it's almost lunch time." She reached behind my back so her fingertips rested on my bare thighs just below the hem of the dress. She then slid her fingers beneath the stretchy material and between my legs. I jumped and stepped forward. She laughed at my reaction.

Every few feet I tugged the hemline down while Polly did her best to tug it up and her freckled face was locked into a perma-smile by my efforts. We eventually made it to the kitchen where I expected to see a stunned April watching us cavort across the tile. I was wrong, she was nowhere in sight. "Where's April."

"At work, of course." Polly reached out and tugged one of the straps off my shoulder though it was only a distraction to tug at the dress again.

"Stop that, if you want this off I'll be happy to oblige you." I said while ducking back and slapping her hands away. "I'm surprised she didn't take the day off?"

"Need to keep up appearances, people would get suspicious if she were away from the office at the same time as you." Polly answered. "Here I made sandwiches." Polly reached into the refrigerator and pulled out two plates.

The appearance of the food reminded my body how hungry it was. Silence reigned until the food was gone. I was about to ask what she wanted to do next but thought my own suggestion would keep Polly's own creativity from coming up with something on her own and trust me anything she came up with would be much more fun for her than me. "Let's watch some television. It would be nice to snuggle up next to you on the couch." I said.

"Ok," Polly said slowly a tinge of disappointment on her features.

Once the television show got going I pulled Polly toward me so her head laid against my chest. My other arm stroked her hip and I slowly moved it upward beneath the sweatshirt until I found the smooth and firm skin above the waistband of her stomach. Polly opened her eyes and looked into mine. "I think I understand why Mom made a certain rule at home. You’re only safe when tied up."

"Says the girl who nearly made me insane the night before."

"I was being intentional, you’re being opportunistic." Polly shot back.

I snorted. "Damn straight, I spend so much time tied up I've got to take my opportunities when they come."

The show was over minutes later but before the next episode could start, Polly stood and stepped toward the stairs. "I'm going to get the ropes."

I opened my mouth to protest but decided that spending some time as Polly's toy would not be all that bad. The sound of the garage door rising interrupted us and April walked into the kitchen her sensible business heels clicking loudly on the tile. "You're home early." Polly said looking at the clock on the wall.

Luckily my body was hidden behind the couch so my clothing did not distract. "Your Mom paid me a visit today."

Polly winced and I shook my head. "Of course she figured it out. Do you think Ollie told?"

Polly shook her head. "They went home just this morning, she likely figured it out."

April nodded and cocked her head in my direction noticing the straps of the camisole. She took a couple steps closer but Polly, seeing the look, interposed herself. "What did Mom say?"

April shook her head and unbuttoned the tan suit coat she had paired with a matching knee-length skirt and crimson blouse. "She said that Mark is desperately needed at work and she was quite insistent." April blushed deeply with that final comment, the memory of it causing her to forget what had made her step closer to me.

It was Polly's turn to cock her head in confusion. "What did she..."

April interrupted her with a raised hand. "Look I'm not going talk about your Mom right now, but if Mark doesn't show up tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock for some big meeting, she'll blow all your plans."

"But..." Polly started to say.

April shook her head again to forestall Polly. "Sorry Polly, he's going to be there if I have anything to say about it. I suppose you two could make trouble but you’re guests in my home and if you want to remain guests Mark will be there."

Polly's eyes grew wide and then she slowly deflated like a balloon, wilting down into the nearest chair. Heedless of my clothing I ran to her. "Look Polly, I'll go to the meeting and leave as soon as it's over, only a few hours out of the week."

Polly took a deep breath. "I better call her first, I should see what it's all about." She turned and ran up the stairs without looking back.

I sighed and turned around. April stood there with her eyes two sizes too large and her mouth hanging open. I immediately pulled down the camisole dress as far as it would go and moved toward the stairs after Polly. April's unblinking eyes tracked me the whole way. When I was half way up, April shook herself. "Jack..." Her voice cracked and she coughed. "Jack, wait."

I stopped and turned hiding as much as I could behind the stair rail.

"I didn't do this." April paused to think. "She was just there at my door, being all intimidating and impressive, you know how she is." April said obviously referring to Polly's Mom.

I nodded.

"Make sure Polly knows it wasn't my fault." April said again.

"She knows, or is about to."

I moved up the stairs holding my hands beneath my bum to keep from being fully exposed. Polly's anger-tinged voice echoed through the bedroom door. "...ruining all my plans." Pause. "Yeah, but work is what nearly killed him. He's doing too much." Pause. "Alright Mom, he'll be there." Polly said obviously defeated. "Love you too."

Polly's head was down when I entered the room. "We'll stop by your house tomorrow so you can get dressed and then I'll take you to work. I guess you'll have plenty of time to escape."

"Look, you let me put on something more substantial for the rest of the day around April, and I'll let you kidnap me again from her office after the meeting."

Polly rolled her eyes. "It's not kidnapping if you let me."

"True." I answered. "I guess we'll see how clever you are. I'll just tell your Mom as far as I'm concerned I'll be at work for the remainder of the week."

Polly smiled. "You do that. I guess that's worth some pants."

True to her word Polly let me wear pants, they were matching pink leggings but it was better than nothing. We watched television the rest of the night. Polly was distracted obviously plotting how to salvage the situation. I too was distracted by thoughts of the following day but for different reasons. Only April seemed focused, focused on me specifically. Opportunist that she was, she took advantage of Polly's distraction to catch me in the kitchen, or on the way to the bathroom. Each time she seemed to block my path so I had to force my way passed, which was impossible to do without touching her. She had changed from her work clothing into a revealing yet casual one-piece floral playsuit. "You are so much more fun tied up. Do you think Polly would let me practice?"

I smirked. "Why don't you ask her?"

April glanced toward Polly who was staring off into space deep in thought. "Maybe later. You look good enough to eat though. I thought the boobs were a little much before, you look much more fragile this way."

"Good to know April," I said and sat down next to Polly pulling her against me as a shield against April.

The evening came to a normal close. Normal because we ate snacks, watched movies, and spoke like three normal friends, save for constant innuendo on April's part. The next morning after my shower it was obvious that Polly was irritated by the course of events when I asked about clothing. "Just wear what you wore yesterday." Polly answered.

"Polly please, I don't want to wear that outside."

"We are going to your house where you'll put on your boring work clothes." Polly countered.

I sighed. "Tell you what, let me wear what you wore yesterday."

Polly tapped her finger against her lips. "Ok, but you have to wear the underwear all day, even to work, and I'll check."

I thought I had a work shirt thick enough to hide any obvious signs so I nodded. Minutes later I was wearing green leggings and her oversize sweatshirt complete with the sports bra beneath. The underwear she gave was odd. "There is no way you wore these yesterday." I said pulling at the leggings.

"Not those exactly, that would be gross. Used underwear, honestly." Polly sniffed. "But I did wear that exact style and brand, I didn't want unsightly panty lines with tight leggings."

"I have to wear these all day?"

"Yes, all day, you promised. Lot's of girls wear thong underwear."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, but I'm not a girl."

"Thank God," Polly answered. "How would I make you squirm if you were?"

I did not answer that question thinking it rhetorical. "We'd better go, I want to be at work by 9 to talk to your Mom about this meeting."

Polly drove me to the house and I ran inside to change into work clothes. Mom saw me at the top of the stairs and did a double take. "Jack, I thought you were with Polly all week, and nice outfit."

"Yes, but I have to be at work for something important, Polly is waiting downstairs for me to change. Can I talk to you for a minute, privately."

Mom raised her eyebrows and nodded. I followed her into her bedroom and locked the door. I further secured the room against eavesdropping by pulling her into their master bathroom and turned on the exhaust fan. Mom's curiosity was fully piqued when I whispered just loud enough for her to hear. "I need some help."

"Ok, tell me." Mom answered. "Are those Polly's clothes?"

"Of course they're Polly's, who else's would they be?"

"Well, your closet is slowly changing, I thought maybe..."

I waved my hand interrupting. "Look I'm not here to talk about my clothes." I took a deep breath and Mom waited patiently. "I was joking around with Polly this weekend and somehow the topic of getting married came up."

Mom's eyes shot up. "How's that?"

"It doesn't matter." I decided against telling her of the sexy red dress I wore, nor that Polly was upset because she had not been the one who did the dressing. "But the way it ended up she thinks I proposed to her."

I could see the calculation in Mom's eyes. "Proposed?" She tapped a finger against her lips. "Now you want to make it official before this accidental proposal become permanent?"

"Yes, I want to try." I shook my head. "Though, she is already teasing me about it."

"I don't know, 17 is awfully young to be getting married." Mom said. “And you’re not even 17 yet.”

"Yes, but we aren't getting married, just engaged." I countered. "The wedding might be years away."

Mom nodded. "True. It doesn't sound like you're asking my permission."

I was little embarrassed because I never even thought to ask Mom and Dad if it was acceptable. Since I started working full time our relationship had changed from rules and consequences to advice and recommendation. "No, I need a ring. I was hoping you could help me buy one?" I said finally.

Mom placed her hand against her chest and leaned back against the sink in surprise and shock. "A ring, that's an amazing coincidence."

I was confused. "What? What's a coincidence?"

"The necklace you are wearing is part of a set. You're Grandma told me to give it to Polly as a birthday gift."

I held up my hand. "Wait a second, you said you didn't know where this came from." I said fingering the crystal necklace around my neck."

Mom shrugged. "I lied, we Mom's do that sometimes. Mom, your Grandma, told me not to tell you."

I waved the revelation away. "So you have a ring?"

"Yes, it came as a set with that necklace. Mom told me you would need it eventually."

I was starting to understand Mom's shock. "So Grandma, your Mom, told you I would need the ring?"

Mom nodded.

"And she told you to give the necklace to Polly as a birthday present?"

Mom nodded again.

"And the note inside was written by Grandma?"

Mom nodded a third time. "She gave it to me wrapped, I only saw it after Polly had it around your neck."

"Is Grandma psychic or something?" I asked.

"No, but she's been around a while and she did spend a bit of time with Polly."

I waved the discussion of Grandma and her possible super-powers away. "Ok so you have the ring here?"

Mom left the bathroom and returned moments later with a small green box with a hinged lid. Inside was a ring made of nearly clear crystal of identical construction to that of the necklace except it was rigid instead of flexible. A green gem stone blended seamlessly into the band. "Wow, that's beautiful, but it's not a diamond. I thought engagement rings had to be diamonds."

Mom laughed. "I think she'll like this better than any diamond and there aren't any rules."

I took the box and hugged Mom. "Thanks, this is amazing."

"You know what's even more amazing?" Mom said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That you found the perfect girl." Mom answered.

I nodded with a smile and quickly returning to my room to dress for work. I stowed the green box in my work bag and ran downstairs where Polly waited. She shook her head when she saw my sensible khaki pants and long sleeved shirt. "So boring." Then she slipped her hands beneath my shirt to make sure I was still wearing the sports bra and panties. She smiled then. "I guess you're ready."

I rolled my eyes. "As if I'd try and slip something passed you." The box containing the ring sprang into my thoughts with those words.

"Good boy, Jack. Let's go."

Polly dropped me off at work promising to return at lunchtime. After exiting the elevator I made straight for Lisa's office where she waved me in since her window shades facing the office were open. I sat and waited until Lisa cradled the phone. "Look Jack, I know you deserve a break, but if I'd known Polly was going to pick this week I would have told her about the meeting. It's not even that important, it's mostly just for appearances. My bosses will be there."

"Polly will survive, I'm sure she's cooking up some other adventure." I answered. "I wanted to talk to you about something else."

My roiling stomach must have been displayed on my face because Lisa leaned forward a bit and I had her full attention. If Polly was soft curves over a hard but delicate dancer, her Mom was the same with an iron core threaded throughout. When she captured your gaze, it was nearly impossible to look away. "Ok, this must be serious."

I nodded and took a deep breath, I pulled the small green box from my satchel and placed it on her expansive wooden desk. Her eyes widened as she picked it up and her mouth fell open after she opened the box. "Oh my, it's so beautiful. It's a match to your necklace."

I pulled my hand from my throat. "Yes, turns out this came from Grandma, and so does the ring." I answered. "There’s some mystery with Grandma that I can't quite figure out." I shook away the thought and refocused on the issue at hand. "Do I have your permission to marry your daughter?" I quickly added after a brief pause. "Assuming she's willing?"

Lisa's intense gaze met mine again. "Yes of course," Lisa said much more quickly than I expected. Decisive, very decisive. "But you understand she has a certain amount of hesitation around marriage. I didn't set a good example like your Mom and Dad."

I frowned at her words. Polly would likely view marriage as a bad gamble given her father. "Yeah, I hadn't thought of that."

"I don't want to discourage you, she spent a week with your parents, so there's hope."

"Alright," I said picking up the box. "I guess we'll find out."

"Where are you going to pop the question?" Lisa asked.

"Where we first met."

A few moments of thoughtful frown lines bloomed into a memory upon Lisa’s face. "Oh are you going to be strapped to the bed?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, and there will be fewer threats from her mother."

Lisa laughed. "Can't blame a mom for being protective."

The meeting truly was a trivial waste of time, I sat silently along the wall and shook a couple of hands before it was over just before noon. I made a few phone calls in the office and then ran downstairs to meet Polly who, true to her word was waiting for me. "I need to show you something at your house."

She shrugged. "Ok, I was just going to take you to lunch. Not much of a kidnapping if you get in the car willingly."

I rolled my eyes.

"What's at my house?" Polly asked.

"It's a secret." I answered keeping my face as neutral as possible.

"No tricks," Polly said.

"No, no tricks. I truly have something to show you." I answered.

"At my house?" Polly continued.

"Yup, your house."

"Ok, but I'm warning you, if this is some sort of devious plan to escape me, you'll regret it."

I held up my hands with a smile. "It’s sad to see such paranoia in one so young."

She cuffed me on the shoulder and we drove in relative silence discussing other topics along the way. With my bag over one shoulder I pulled her upstairs to her bedroom nearly knocking her over in my haste. "Slow down, what's so important."

I opened the door and immediately stepped over to the foot of her bed. "Do you remember this spot."

A smile bloomed on her face. "Of course, I'll never forget the day we met."

"I still can't believe how aggressive you were. I hadn't said a word and you were cutting my clothes off with scissors, it was before our first date."

Polly laughed. "You were gagged and the scissors were a gift from your sister."

I smiled letting the memory wash over me. I quickly slipped the small box from the bag sank to my knees holding up the box. I spoke quickly both to keep Polly from speaking and to keep my mind from overthinking what I was about to do. I mean I was only seventeen. "Polly, will you marry me." I opened the box and held up the ring.

Polly became still. Fear bubbled in my bowels as her hand slowly rose toward the box. Her fingers trembled, surprising as she was always so confident and decisive. She made no effort to take the ring but let her fingertips slide over its surface. At that moment I had an epiphany. In my minds eye I saw Polly standing behind a large and imposing wall of black stones. The stones were an edifice between her and any thoughts of marriage and each one a memory of her father. The largest stone was an image of him striking her mother. One of the smaller stones was the sound of dismissive snort he made in response to an earnest question. And still another was the image of him drunk and screaming. Polly was surrounded by this high wall of stones constructed of bilious memory. However it was not the stones that kept the wall in place but the mortar, and this had been created by Polly's mother. It was all the same and it was made of a single thought; a single memory. "He was not like this at first." That was it. A single, simple sentence holding the entirety of the wall in place.

I knew the memories of her father could never change but the lie that held everything in place, the mortar, if removed would collapse the wall. "Polly," I began. Her eyes were pooling with unshed tears and the quiver in her hands made them flutter in the afternoon light. She looked away from the ring toward me. There were no promises I could make to overcome her Mom's words. No assurances. So I told her a secret. "On the night of your birthday, there is an image burned into my mind I have never been able to forget or change. I relive it constantly and the terror and rage flash through me every single time."

I looked down at the floor as I felt the memory surge through me. "I am standing in front of your broken door there is glass all over the deck. The night is warm and I awkwardly fumble with my phone in one hand and that rose in the other while staring into your kitchen. I see you lunge forward and strike him and then his hand flashes out.” The ‘him’ I used in the retelling was her father but she did not react well to him being given that label. Swallowing back the desire to vomit I continued in a weaker voice.“I get to watch in slow motion as your body crumples to the floor just out of sight." Saying a memory out loud made it so much more difficult to deal with. My arms trembled in unspent rage, with a deep breath I walled the anger away and returned my eyes to hers. There is nothing else I can say. No promises, no assurances. I could only share my own pain.

Polly continued her stillness. The war behind her eyes was as obvious as it was unknowable. With a heavy sigh I flexed the muscles in my hand to shut the hinged lid of the box. In the milliseconds it took for that to happen Polly's hand flexed around the ring, the box snapped closed on her knuckles. She slipped the ring onto the ring finger of her left hand and drew in a deep steadying breath as a small shudder coursed through her body. "Yes, I will marry you."

I pulled her into a deep hug and remained there. She pressed her body into mine so hard it seemed like she wanted us to fuse into one person. We remained there breathing each other's scent until I managed to mumble into her ear. "We have reservations at your favorite restaurant, some friends will be joining us."

Polly pushed back from me and shook her head. "You did all this today didn't you?"

I nodded. "The meeting at work didn't take very long."

She reached up and tugged the necklace at my throat. "It's the same design as your collar." She held her hand up next to my neck.

"Yes, the necklace and ring are part of a set." I emphasized the work necklace.

I could see the wheels turning in her head. "Who?"

"Grandma." I answered.

Polly smiled. "Ohh, she is the clever one."

I nodded.

"I need to change into some nicer clothes and then we can go." Polly said.

"Me too, I've sweated through this shirt. I'll run home and pick you up here in an hour. Is my car still at work?"

"No, we moved it back to your house." Polly kissed me and I left taking the keys to her car.

I turned to leave and stopped. "I love you Polly. Thanks for saying yes."

Polly laughed. "I will always remember you in the red dress, but this was a worthy effort, especially on such short notice."

I rolled my eyes. "See you in an hour."

* * *

I floated on a cloud all the way home. Polly had said yes despite her justifiable fears, she had taken a chance on me, on us. We were young true, but being engaged was not the same as being married, we could wait a while. Besides, how many high school kids were trying to hold down a career like I was. If I could have an early career, I should have an early engagement.

My old Honda was parked in its usual spot on the street in front of the house and since I would not be home long I parked Polly's car in the driveway. A jogger plodded along our lazy street just as I pulled up. As I grabbed my satchel off the front seat the passenger door opened and the jogger I recently passed sat down. He wore a pair of black jogging tights and a tight shirt, typical jogging gear, except for the long black gun with an extremely long barrel pointed directly at my chest. "Sit down Jack."

I looked at the man and then to the gun and back to the man. He was so normal looking, dirty blond hair cut short, clean shaven, dark gray eyes, altogether unremarkable. He was bland in appearance and demeanor so much so I had trouble reconciling the startling existence of the gun he now pointed at me. I sat down though, he knew my name.

"I have searched for a lot of guys in my time Jack," Mr. Bland said without the slightest flicker of emotion on his face. "You have been the most difficult."

I had the briefest thought that Polly had employed Mr. Bland's services to kidnap me but that wouldn't make sense since she always prefered to be involved herself in such a scheme. "What do you want?"

"Just fulfilling a contract Jack, nothing personal. Now go ahead and start the car and leave the neighborhood."

I hesitated, not wanting to go anywhere at gunpoint, and thought perhaps if he were paid to find me he would be reluctant to shoot me. He sighed and pointed the gun at the back of my chair and pulled the trigger. A tiny 'pht' sound emanated from the silenced pistol along with the smell of gunpowder which had me reaching for the ignition and starting the vehicle.

Mr. Bland directed me to a parking lot packed with cars outside a large industrial facility. He reached into a bag slung over his shoulder and withdrew a black case tossing it into my lap. "Open it."

I did and paled at the sight, a hypodermic needle. "Here's the deal, you have two choices.” He held up a single finger.” I club you over the head with this gun, which will hurt like hell and can cause concussion, bleeding, etc.” He held up a second finger. ”Or, you take that needle and empty its contents into your thigh. Either way you're going to be unconscious for the next few hours. If I were you I'd take the shot, getting knocked out by blunt force trauma is nothing like the movies."

I looked at the man but he just watched me with his gray eyes displaying no emotion or concern. "This day was going so good too." I said as I pulled the needle from the case.

"Nothing personal." Mr. Bland repeated.

I plunged the needle into my thigh.
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Post by volatiledesire »

I noticed story tags are now available, not sure what I should tag this story with other than f/m.

I'll take suggestions.
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Post by tklmn »

Well, that was an unexpected ending. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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Post by volatiledesire »

The next chapter deals with the consequences of Jack's actions in Chapter 47. If you would like to review.

Thanks for reading and commenting.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 62 - Taken

The smell of mildew greeted my consciousness upon waking and it was all downhill from there. Fluorescent light illuminated a simple square room. No furniture, no wall hanging, broke up the white squares of vinyl padding covering every inch of wall, floor, and ceiling. A small window with the cross hatching of embedded chicken wire marked the door camouflaged with the repeating pattern of square padding.

"Oh this is bad." I muttered as I tried to raise my body to get a better look. This however proved difficult as my arms were crossed across my chest and held firmly by white material in the unfamiliar but unmistakable grip of a straightjacket. I rolled over and realized my clothes had been replaced by pale blue pants and shirt reminiscent of medical scrubs but they were mostly hidden by the white reinforced canvas of the jacket and a further set of restraints wrapped around my legs and knees connected to the jacket by additional buckles and straps. Flickering fluorescent lights recessed into the ceiling between more panels of padded white vinyl provided constant illumination.

I raised my body and leaned against the wall, with a bit of struggle I got to my feet and hopped to the window but it was obscured with white paint or some other opaque substance. The door had no handle and even if it did I could not use it. My bowels churned like a wet bag of worms as fear and panic began to build. "Hello?" I said my voice trembling, and then louder after the padded walls swallowed the words.

The bag of worms lengthened into snakes as the seconds ticked by. How did this happen? Why did this happen? I reviewed my life and tried to imagine what would cause someone to hire a professional to kidnap me in front of my own house. Polly's Dad perhaps, but he is in prison. This ignited the image of Polly and I wondered how much time had passed. I was supposed to pick her up and go to the restaurant to announce our engagement. "Oh Polly, please come and find me." The scent of vanilla and roses rushed across my memory along with the feel of her hair and the mischievous smile when she is about to make me blush. The panic snakes remained but the memories helped.

Minutes, maybe hours, later the door opened and a man walked in dressed in white medical scrubs stretched across thick slabs of muscle. He could pick me up with one hand. A woman in a black skirt and gray blouse covered by a white doctor's coat entered just behind. She brought a wheelchair. "I know you have questions, but don't speak or I'll be forced to bind your mouth." Her voice was firm with no discernible accent but a tightening in her lips and the corners of her eyes belied a suppressed anger.

I closed my mouth squashing the deluge of questions and demands.

"Put him in the chair." The lady doctor ordered.

Mr. Muscles grasped some straps across my back and pushed me into the chair without a hint of gentleness. He wheeled me into a hallway ripped from the set from of some dystopian movie. Lumber and five gallon buckets littered the floor all liberally coated with dust. Sheets of translucent plastic rippled as we passed and the persistent odor of mildew hung over the entire area. I guessed we were in a basement, the damp smell and the light from high windows as evidence. The abandoned construction was likely an attempt at renovation. We eventually arrived at an open area where an elevator waited, the nicely paneled walls and polished chrome surfaces inside made it seem wildly out of place amongst the abandoned ruin.

The lady doctor inserted a key into a lock below a panel of buttons and my suspicion about the basement was confirmed as I see an illuminated 'B' wink out as she pressed the number '4'. I used the ride up to chance a glance at my captors. Mr. Muscles stood behind me out of reach of my eyes but the woman stood in the corner next to the button panel. No name tag adorned her white coat nor a stethoscope or other doctoring paraphernalia. She caught my attempt at observation with her gray eyes and I have felt more warmth from an icicle. Her face bore a desperate desire to cut my throat tempered by the hope of making me suffer longer than such an act would allow. I looked away and hoped this whole affair was the largest case of mistaken identity ever, though that would likely not improve my chances of survival.

We arrived on the fourth floor and the difference was stark, clean floors and walls are decorated by colorful art. Large potted plants rested on window sills spilling natural light out of open doors lining a long tiled hallway. No other people were nearby but voices echoed from distant halls. We turned quickly into a nearby room where an older woman sat upright in a hospital bed. Her arms and legs trailed wires and tubes connected to equipment beside her bed where soft beeps and displays provided a constant stream of information. A suspended television blared news but when I entered it winked out and the woman's eyes fixed on mine. She had short curly hair gone completely gray and wore a pastel shirt while the rest of her body remained hidden by a thick blanket. "At last." She said with a wheeze in her throat and labored breathing. She picked up a plastic mask from a nearby table and breathed into it deeply for several seconds. "Welcome Jack."

There went my hope of mistaken identity. "What is going on? Why am I here?" I asked finally.

The woman held up her hand. "I can probably answer a few questions with introductions. My name is Evelyn Craddock." Recognition drop kicked me in the balls and by the flared light behind her eyes she noticed. "Ah, good you have some understanding of why you're here."

Mr. Craddock had been a leader in the firm where I worked. I had discovered a piece of software designed to siphon thousands of dollars into a separate account. Turns out he had been stealing for years. I tried to think of something to say to Mrs. Craddock but but nothing came to mind, there was no need to apologize for I had done nothing wrong.

"The money you stole was paying for the treatment of my condition." Mrs. Craddock continued waving a hand over towards the equipment on the far side of the bed.

I glanced around the room knowing the embezzled money had been returned to the company which made me wonder where the funding for this hospital had come from, again I kept my mouth shut as the lady doctor’s threatened mouth binding was still fresh in my mind. "I can see you are wondering how I manage to pay for this." She held up an arm trailing tubes to indicate the room. "That is due to my daughter Connie's genius." She indicated the lady doctor standing to my left. "She managed to have me killed." Mrs. Craddock chuckled her voice breaking into a cough. "The resulting life insurance managed to pay for my continued treatment."

They were a real crime syndicate; embezzlement, insurance fraud, and now kidnapping. I tried to keep as quiet and still as possible not wanting my body language to anger them as they obviously had no problem performing illegal activities. The panic snakes in my bowels began to boil moving upward toward my throat and I silently lamented any chance of a happy life with Polly. Things had been too good to be true, I had wondered when it would all come crashing down. I just never expected this.

"Unfortunately for you." Mrs. Craddock continued not discerning my internal hopelessness. "I wanted a bit of retribution for your meddling."

"Here it comes," I thought. She's going have to Mr. Muscles snap my neck. "You're going to spend the next several weeks alone in the basement until I'm sure any attempts to find you are abandoned, and then..." She held up her hands in a small shrug allowing my already tormented imagination to fill in the blanks.

I dropped my head and tried to keep the fear from tearing me apart. No instant death, a long wait first. Fear blossomed into terror and settled in for an extended stay. Looking at my trapped body not able to lift my head I managed to speak. I have no idea why I said this but it was the only thing I managed to say. "She has the most beautiful red hair."

Evelyn Craddock looked to her daughter Connie and then over to Mr. Muscles. "What?"

The simple sentenced had somehow loosed my tongue. "When you see that hair, you'll know it's over. Look for the green eyes, she'll be looking for me."

Mrs. Craddock laughed. "Haven't you been listening? I'm dead, why would they look for a dead woman? And Connie, well she will be most cooperative with any investigations."

"A week, two at the most." I answered calmly. I hoped it sounded calm because I was desperately trying to hold back the tears. Luckily my need to vomit distracted my tear ducts.

"Take him to the cell. If he gives you any trouble, he can spend the night in the old morgue."

Connie led the way out as Mr. Muscles pushed the wheelchair back to the elevator and we descended again to the basement. Connie led me to a room filled with dust and metal covered panels on the walls. "We are going to take you to your final home. If you give us any trouble you will spend a night or two here." She pulled on one of the metal panels and it pulled away from the wall. A long drawer obviously meant to store a corpse extended several feet into the room.

We continued down the cluttered hallway to a gray metal door. Mr. Muscles entered with me and removed the leg bindings and straight jacket. He kept his hand against my back. With a final shove against the wall he retreated with the doctor who had already removed the wheel chair. A small slot opened in the door and Connie spoke. "If you make excessive noise you will be gagged." The slot slid shut.

I was unbound but trapped. This was a different room then what I woke up in. A small toilet sat in one corner. Mold crawled up the walls in each corner and my bare feet could feel the moisture seeping through the concrete. A mattress rested atop a rusting bed frame in the corner opposite the toilet. Paint flaking from the cinder block walls competed with the mold to see which would be the first to reach the ceiling. The flickering fluorescent light was already annoying, how would I be able to stand this. Those panic snake I had been suppressing boiled forth and I vomited noisily into the toilet.

* * *



The light never changed, it was always on. Always flickering. No clocks, nothing but the constant flicker. A slot at the bottom of the door opened and a tray slid in. "No more food, if any utensil or plate is missing when I bring your next one." Came a voice which I assumed was Mr. Muscles. The slot slid closed.

I ate. I peed. I slept. Time slid away. It is not possible to maintain a constant level of terror for an extended amount of time so my mind just drifted back over the years. The memories always began with Polly, first the fateful day in her bedroom, then the time in backyard with her mother Lisa. I cherished every detail replaying them over and over even the embarrassment of the green scaled swimsuit she had me wear.


I remembered Selena Bates, catching her with Lisa, then her extortion for sexy massages. I remembered the dozen's of practice massage sessions with Polly. In the maddening silence I could almost feel her skin sliding beneath my hands.


Had my eyes just been closed? A empty tray of food disappeared and replaced with a new one. I remembered being wrapped to the pole by Selena and Polly while they worked out my fate in another room. I remembered being tied into a box by Selena, a gift for Polly.


I spent a week with Lisa. Polly was going on vacation with my family. Polly’s box rested by my bed and I barely lasted a day before I opened it. I felt weird when Selena came over to watch me. Things were wrong, but I somehow ended up wearing a French Maid's dress.


Then there was Nora, so like Selena, so like Lisa, could they be real? I mean what crazy universe exists where such women become so entranced by a teenager. Who would dress a guy up in a green latex dress like Nora did? I have these memories, are they real?


Ollie, surely he was real. I remember our fun in the fort in the woods behind our house but Polly and Kristy forced us into sexy leotards and then tied us to a pole. That seems ridiculous, who would do that? Great story, just no way that's real.


Was I just asleep? Maybe I dreamt the whole thing. Maybe I've been here so long that Polly is just a figment of my imagination, a character in a story. Could Polly be real? She was so beautiful how could she possibly be attracted to me. I looked down at my arms, too skinny, too ugly. "Oh god." I said aloud to the room. "How long have I been here. Is any of it real?"

The door slot slid open. I lurched forward onto my belly. "How long have I been here? Please..."

A chuckle greeted my query and my empty tray was replaced with a new one.

"Tell me please."

The slot slid shut. How many trays had it been. Flicker. I squeezed my eyes shut knowing I was going mad. Flicker.


I tore at my shirt using my teeth and removed a long strip of cloth. I wrapped this around my eyes, anything to block out the damnable flickering. Darkness was like a cool bath. At least at first...

I slept or perhaps not. Memories flooded in. Stories not memories. Polly stood above me in April's barn. A goddess worthy of worship. I watched April sink to the floor of the barn. I could feel the touch of Polly's feet on my lips. The smell of the dry dust covering the floor.

I ripped the cloth from my face. Flicker. Flicker. "No way. No way that's real. It's just my imagination. Just a story." I pounded on the walls until slumping onto the mattress hugging my knees. “Is Polly real?” Flicker.


Then the door slammed open.

I was so stunned and surprised I leapt from the bed and tried to squeeze into the back wall. Mr. Muscles was there with Dr. Connie just behind. "Hold him." Connie yelled.

The giant man pulled at my arms and I was forced back into a straightjacket. Straps were pulled painfully tight. "Here." Connie said again holding a circle of white leather in her hand. “And hurry damn it, we don’t have much time.” Mr. Muscles pulled the white leather down over my head. Now I yelled. I yelled for all I was worth but I was flipped over and a knee pressed painfully into my lower back crushing my arms while the hood slowly compressed my head until I could barely open my jaws.

I heard more speaking but could not make out the words through the thick leather. I was picked up by Mr. Muscles and though I could not see I was obviously carried over his shoulder. A quick trip and I was laid down on my back. Straps of some kind prevented me from rising. Sudden movement and a quick shuddering stop and everything went still. I yelled until exhausted. Tears leaked from my eyes, the sudden change from mind-killing boredom to sudden explosions of movement and now back to complete stillness was more than I could take and sobs wracked my body.

Time passed, minutes maybe hours, but I heard a slight banging I renewed my screams. Another sudden movement. Hands touched me, soft hands. Tight straps holding me down were removed and fingers worked at the back of my neck until the hood was pulled away. I blinked my eyes open and saw Polly's green eyes framed by her flaming hair. I was still wrapped in the straightjacket but did not care. "Polly! You're real. Oh God, you're here. You're real."

Tears poured from her eyes and she wrapped my head in her arms and I breathed her in. I breathed in vanilla and roses, it was Polly. "We found you, thank God we found you."

"Don't leave, please don't leave." I said still breathing her in.

"I'm not going anywhere." There were other voices in the room, I caught sight of Mom and Lisa through the curls of Polly’s hair and the sounds of other male voices, but I was terrified Polly would leave.

She tried to pull away. "No! God no, don't leave me."

"Jack, look at me. We have to get you free, let us take you out of here." Polly said through choked sobs.

"Please don't leave. Oh God, please don't leave." I said with my voice shattering into a terrified whimper.

"I won't be out of your sight but I want you to hold me and you can't wrapped in that thing you’re wearing. Just look at me I'll keep my hands on your face."

She never left my sight as someone undid the straight jacket peeling the coarse canvas away from my body. Once gone I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face again in her hair. "I'm sorry, I thought I'd imagined you. I'm so sorry." I pushed her back and touched her tear streaked face soaking in the memory of her green eyes.

"It's ok, nothing is your fault. We have to get out of here. Can you walk?" Polly asked.

"I think so."

"Here son, let me help." Dad appeared at my side. "We'll walk with you." With Dad on my right Polly on my left we walked out of the damnable basement. Mom walked in front pushing police officers and other uniformed personnel out of the way. Lisa followed behind.

"I'm so sorry." I continued to say. "I thought you weren't real. I was convinced I had made you up. You were too perfect, too perfect for a guy like me."

"It's ok." Polly said.

I must have repeated this many times before we reached the elevator. In the elevator she kissed me. "I'm real. Remember this." She showed the ring on her finger glowing a vivid green color.

I looked at the ring. "You said yes."

"That's right, I said yes."

"I missed dinner." I answered.

Polly released a half-laugh half-sob, "Yes, that's right you missed dinner."

Leaving the elevator Mom enlisted several uniformed officers to escort us to a waiting ambulance. I began to resist when I saw the paramedics and the open ambulance doors. "No I want to stay with you."

"I'm not going anywhere, we have to make sure you're not hurt."

Every time I closed my eyes I saw the familiar pattern of mold growing in the corners of the room but the constant barrage of sounds and scents battled that image and it was all so confusing. The discontinuity between my expectations and reality was too much "I'm going to puke."

One of the paramedics produced a bag which I filled until my stomach was empty but I could not stop retching and I fell to the ground. "Polly, please be real."

"I'm going to kill that sick bitch." I heard Dad say his voice breaking as my stomach spasms continued.

"We need to calm him down." A voice said. "Do you authorize a sedative?"

I had fallen over just behind the ambulance pulling Polly down with me. "Polly are you real?"

"Yes, do it." Dad said in a hoarse whisper. Another needle stick and the everything was still.
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Chapter 63 - Therapy

Polly and I sat in an ivory too-cushy couch. The kind that suck in your ass and won't let go unless you lean forward and ask for a push. Things had been rough in the week since my rescue from Evelyn Craddock and her daughter. Sleep was the worst, every dream, every damn one of them put me back in that cell with the mold in the corners. I knew things were bad when I started doodling the damnable mold pattern on napkins while eating dinner. Everyone around me knew things were bad, I could see it in their eyes. The worry, the questions. "Would Jack ever come back?" "What happened in there?" That was the problem, there was so much nothing in that cell my mind went nuts. I think it broke something in my noggin. That admission to Polly put my butt in this ass-sucking couch.

"I need to explain my approach to trauma." The middle aged lady said sitting in an office chair in front of us. Her name was Dr. Amelia Lodgkins explaining earlier we were free to call her doctor, Ameila, or Mrs. Lodgkins, whatever we felt comfortable with. She wore a simple pair of dark pants, a pair of flats, and a pinstriped button down shirt with a yellow scarf for a splash of color. She looked like a runner, the clothing failed to cover evidence of thin but well muscled frame. "First we talk through what happened, you can't really heal if you don't light up the darkness."

Polly and I nodded.

"Secondly, we talk about life before the trauma. And finally we try to connect your life before to your life after without the pernicious affect of the trauma. Ok?"

We again silently nodded

"So let's begin. Polly why don't you start."

Polly sat forward or tried to, I gripped her hand, refusing to let go especially now that we were about to let out the demons. Polly had done her best to distract me, she wore a pair of shiny black leggings and a maroon shirt that hung low enough to cover her bum when she stood. She was so beautiful. "Alright, I knew something was wrong about fifteen minutes passed the hour when Jack was supposed to pick me up for dinner. At first I thought maybe he had a car accident. He didn't have his cellphone so I couldn't call. I did call my friend Kristy at the restaurant but they were all just waiting. After half an hour I have to admit I was getting angry, probably just to cover my worry. After an hour well I really started dreading something had gone wrong. I was calling my Mom at the restaurant every five minutes until she finally drove home." Polly took a breath and looked at Dr. Lodgkins "Jack had taken my car home to change into nicer clothes you see. So I was kind of stranded."

Amelia nodded. "What happened next?"

"Mom and I went out looking. We drove back and forth to Jack's house a couple times on different routes looking for accidents but we didn't see any." Polly's hands trembled as she spoke. "We ended up back at Jack's house after two hours of looking. Jack's Mom was there talking to her husband on the phone. Kristy and Ollie were out looking and we were calling in help to extend the search. After three hours we had dozens of people looking for my car. We called the police at that point. I had heard they usually wait 24 hours to do anything but either that's not true or we called in a favor. Jack is kind of famous." Polly favored me with a smile after that comment.

I smiled and continued my efforts at keeping my shit together.

"And then at 9 o'clock about four hours since he disappeared we got a call that my car had been found. Police were sent to a parking lot that was completely empty except for my car. It belonged to one of the major businesses that employ a lot of people in town. The fact that Jack had never been there in the past combined with the lack of security cameras pointed strongly to foul play in the minds of the police. After that a lot of things happened really fast. The FBI showed up the next morning."

Amelia interrupted. "Don't skip over anything. What happened after you found your car abandoned?"

Polly's brow furrowed and she shook her head. "Well, I pretty much lost it. Kat was back from college and I remember crying on her shoulder. That's Jack's sister." Polly said to Dr. Lodgkins who nodded for her to continue. "I also remember pounding my fists on your Dad." Polly looked at me with a guilty crease in her forehead. "He was just being so damn calm. I couldn't understand how he could just stand there being so cool. It pissed me off."

I shrugged. "He can handle it."

"After that I have a suspicion somebody slipped something into my drink. I don't know who, maybe your Dad." Polly smiled.

"I woke up in your bed and the sun was shining. I remember sprinting downstairs into a house full of suits. People were everywhere, they were expecting some kind of ransom call. That never happened, but they wanted to be ready."

"That's when your Grandma Teresa saw me and pulled me upstairs into your Mom and Dad's room. She has a grip like iron."

I snorted and nodded. "She must have driven through the night to get there."

Polly nodded. "She did and she still looked fresh as a daisy. In your Mom and Dad's bedroom she sat me down on the bed with your Mom and my Mom. 'You're wearing the ring I see.' She said to me. I nodded and then she got right in my face all of sudden, it was a bit shocking. 'Close your eyes, girl. And you girls keep quiet.' She said to Lisa and Nancy. Nancy is Jack's Mom." Polly interrupted to keep Dr. Lodgkins abreast of all the names, who continued scribbling onto a yellow legal pad making a rolling motion with one hand for Polly to continue.

"Grandma Teresa became real quiet. She said, 'Ok Polly I want you to think about Jack. I want you feel all the feelings you can.'" Polly stopped at this point and swiped a finger at her eyes. Dr. Lodgkins was there with a tissue almost instantly. "I tried to do as she said but it hurt and I tell her so. 'Good, good.' she said. 'What do you feel?' I told her my guts are all twisting and I felt like puking. 'Ok, I'll be right back, are you ready ladies?' They both nodded and grabbed a couple of suitcases. I heard Grandma Teresa's voice in the hall screaming for Paul, her driver. I tried to ask Mom what's going on but she shook her head and told me to close my eyes."

Polly reached for a bottle of water while Dr. Lodgkins continued to scribble furiously onto her pad. "Alright let me double check my facts here." She said while Polly drank the water. She took a minute to go over the story and we corrected a couple of names. "Alright what happened next?"

Polly took a deep breath, wiped a bit of water from her lips and continued. "I got in Grandma Teresa's giant car with Mom and Nancy. Grandma sat in back with me and Mom and Nancy rode up front with Paul the driver. I was kind of suspicious they were trying some kind of stunt to keep me distracted from my panic but I played along kind of wanting to be distracted, if you know what I mean. Grandma then started talking. 'In my family there are a few of us who can kind of feel the ones we love, even when they are far away. Jack's Mom is one, she knows when her husband Mark is coming home for instance, and when he gets hurt, stuff like that. It's a strong empathetic response.' I opened my eyes at this point and looked at Nancy and she was watching obviously expecting the look. She just nodded and I closed my eyes again."

"Oh shit, this is fascinating." Dr. Lodgkins said and immediately put a hand over her mouth. "Sorry, please continue."

"Grandma scolded me, 'Don't open your eyes again girl, there's only a fart's chance in a hurricane this works and I don't need you cockin' it all up.'"

I laughed. "She said that?"

"I swear to God, I'll never forget that turn of phrase." Polly nodded. "Well after that I kept my eyes closed. It was hard, the moving car made me sick especially with my eyes closed, but every once in a while I had a strong feeling of direction associated with my roiling guts. Nancy kept giving instructions to Paul while looking at the map and I kept giving general directions with my fingers. There were times when it was clear and there were whole stretches when I felt nothing. Grandma Teresa explained. 'Jack has to sleep and so do we, but if you feel anything just speak up.'"

"We drove all day, I think it was Tuesday, no Wednesday, you disappeared on Tuesday." Polly said. "I remember hotel rooms and I woke once in the middle of the night doubled over in pain and puking into the toilet. Grandma Teresa ran up to me and yelled at me. 'Which way girl?' It was so easy that time, I just pointed."

"Amazing." Dr. Lodgkins said. "Please continue."

"I lost track of the hours, I didn't really eat much since my stomach was so upset all the time. I got confused and scared but Nancy and Mom helped me through it. Paul even carried me into the hotel bed once."

"It was Sunday when Grandma Teresa said something new. 'Make the call, it's the best we can do it seems.' I opened my eyes and it was morning. I saw mountains out of the windows. I can still hear your Mom's voice. 'Mark we're near Colorado Springs, are there any leads nearby.' I remember her face exploding into excitement. 'Give me the address.' A few seconds later her face twisted into rage and I figured her husband was telling her to wait for help. 'Mark give me the fucking address! If he's there we'll know soon and get your ass here quick.' She scribbled something down and handed it to Paul who floored the accelerator and in about an hour we were driving around a psychiatric hospital nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains near Colorado Springs."

Polly drank more water. "Grandma sat back and said. 'Ok girl, is he in there?' I had never felt so frustrated in my life all I wanted was to feel something but nothing happened. 'I don't know.' I screamed in frustration. 'Keep circling.' I don't know how long we circled the hospital but the sun was heading towards evening when I finally felt something with my eyes squeezed shut. 'Keep pointing girl,' Grandma says and the feeling was always to the left. 'It's not moving.' I yelled in frustration. 'Open your eyes girl,' we'd been going in circles and my finger pointed right at the hospital.' That's when we all realized Jack was in there.

"Nancy called again and her husband had already made the trip with one or two FBI guys in tow. 'What's the lead?' She said into the phone. 'I don't care how dangerous we are going in.' She wrote something on the pad and we parked the car walking through the front door toward a receptionist behind glass. Nancy walked right up and asked for Dr. Craddock. She made something up about being an old friend. About five minutes later we saw a woman wearing a white coat walk into the lobby. I caught her eye and she stopped on a dime. Not much more than a second but she definitely saw something she didn't like. Then she did an about-face and walked back the way she'd come."

"She recognized you?" Dr. Lodgkins asked.

I had to laugh. "I kind of told her to watch for a beautiful redhead with green eyes."

"You did?" Dr. Lodgkins said.

"Yeah Evelyn Craddock wanted to be sure I knew why I was kidnapped and I was so scared the only thing I managed to respond was to watch for Polly, a beautiful redhead with green eyes. I never saw another human after that until the rescue. Sure glad I did that."

"That's providence if there ever was such a thing." Dr. Lodgkins responded.

"I agree, I still don't know why I said that."

"Ok, what happened next?" Dr. Lodgkins said.

Polly continued. "Well we all looked at each other knowing something was about to go down and we had no idea what to do. We were terrified Jack would be harmed so Nancy called her husband again. Luckily he walked in at that moment with two FBI guys. They don't get access at first since they need a warrant but they made a few phone calls and enlist local police to surround the hospital so no one can leave without being searched. I can tell they are nervous about this lead since they were already here once before. Grandma Teresa pulled me over to a couch in the lobby. 'Sit down girl and concentrate, where should they look first. He's here, help them find him.' It took forever to calm myself down so I could feel anything other than my own terror but I eventually felt a strong desire to get near the floor and I told this to Grandma Teresa. She then ran over to Jack's Dad. 'Look in the basement first.'"

Polly drank more water before continuing and Dr. Lodgkins prodded her along with a circle motion of her fingers obviously sensing that the end was near. "Go on."

"Well it took forever for the damn warrant to come through but once done we found the stairs to the basement and I followed closely behind. Grandma Teresa remained upstairs with Paul. Police officers walked through every room and bashed through doors that weren't being unlocked fast enough. Then we found the cell with a tray of fresh, uneaten food on the floor and they doubled their frantic searching. Eventually somebody called out and I walked into an old morgue to see a body strapped down to one of those drawers where they keep corpses."

Polly stopped at this point. She took several deep breaths and wiped at her eyes. "Take your time, this is important." Dr. Lodgkins said.

"Jack is strapped down to the table and I get there just as the last strap is removed. His head was covered in a leather hood and I thought he had been in that drawer for all those days. I was terrified. But he was breathing trying to yell through the leather. I put myself right in front when the hood came off and his eyes popped wide when he saw me like he's shocked I'm there. It's not long though before we realized something was wrong. He kept asking over and over if I was real, probably twenty-five times."

I just stared at my hands remembering it all.

"We eventually made it to an ambulance and they sedated him. I rode with him to a hospital in Colorado Springs and they eventually released him to our care. Then there are hours of FBI and police interviews. And that's about it."

"Ok good, now we need Jack to tell us what happened." Dr. Lodgkins pointed to me

With a deep and slightly ragged breath I recounted my side of the tale only rarely looking up. It was much shorter. I mean how much can you talk about mind-numbing boredom. "At the end I was convinced it was all a big fantasy I'd made up in my head. It fit well with my insecurities, I mean look at her, why would she date a guy like me."

Polly held up her hand. "Engaged."

I chuckled. "You understand what I mean. I really convinced myself."

Dr. Lodgkins nodded. "Ok you need to understand some things about solitary confinement. It's dangerous, the body loses track of itself, hormone levels get messed up which then in turn alter sleep and diet. It is serious enough to cause brain damage and in prisons where it is employed as punishment there are strict rules about maintaining a day-night cycle and having access to a functional clock at all times. They have done clinical tests with solitary confinement to understand the human body better but no self respecting clinic would allow for test subjects to experience it longer than three days. You were in there for four."

I nodded having heard this all before.

"Alright then. That is step one." Dr. Lodgkins says. "The problem with trauma is that it stops everything, it creates a giant chasm in your life. There was everything you did before the trauma and everything that happens after is tainted by it." She held out her hands separated by a few inches. "The best way to heal is to come up with strategies to bridge that chasm. Understand?"

Polly and I nodded.

"Ok, so what I need next are stories of things you did together before the trauma. So I can form the best treatment plan."

Polly laughed and I felt my ears turn red. Dr. Lodgkins looked back and forth between my reddening face and Polly's glittering eyes and beaming smile. "Oh, I guess these will be some good stories. Why don't you start with how you met."

I hid my face with my hands as Polly doubled over in a fit of giggles.

"I'm a professional. There is nothing you could possibly say that will shock me." Dr. Lodgkins said.

"Polly will take that as a personal challenge." I answered.

I got an elbow in the ribs. "At least we can speak of something pleasant." Polly answered.

"Exactly," Dr. Lodgkins said. "Now I think Polly should start."

"Well it all started when I came home from school one day to find Jack tied to my bed."

I could not meet the doctor's eyes so I studied the vase of synthetic flowers sitting on small table in the far corner. "Wait this was the first time you met?" Dr. Lodgkins interrupted.

Polly nodded. "Yep, sure was. I knew about Jack before, but had not really spoken to him."

"Ok, give me the details." Polly proceeded to spin out all the juicy details up to and including the dress I wore home from her house.

"Amazing." Dr. Lodgkins said as she continued to scribble on the legal pad. "Jack did she tell that right?"

"Yes, except for how much I liked wearing that dress."

"But you enjoyed being forced to wear it?" Dr. Lodgkins asked.

"Well, uh..." I tried to recall how I felt at the time. "I really liked Polly, and she could have asked me to do anything and I would likely have agreed. I don't remember thinking about it in those terms. I was super embarrassed though."

"Ok sure, then do you like being helpless? Or being made helpless by Polly?"

Polly turned her body toward me with her hands on one knee in a posture that suggested she was extremely interested in the answer to that question. I took a deep breath. "I have come to realize that I do enjoy being helpless." I added a caveat. "Around people who love me."

Dr. Lodgkins flipped through her notepad. "Now I know this may be a difficult question for you to answer, but please try. How did you feel when bound by the medical restraints at the hospital before being confined to the cell?"

"Like puking, terrified." I answered quickly and confidently.

"That's good." Dr. Lodgkins responded. "The connection is with Polly."

"Or other women in his life." Polly quickly added. "He seems to draw them like flies and always ends up tied up and feminized."

"Please elaborate Polly." Polly went on to describe the story of Selena, then story of Nora, and finally of April. It was growing late by the time she was complete.

"Alright, this is excellent. I want you both to begin keeping a diary beginning today. Hold nothing back, including dreams, even if they make no sense. Next session we will begin repairing the damage." She handed each of us a small bound book filled with blank lined paper. "Polly I would like a word with you in private." She then turned towards me. "Jack I want to assure you we will get beyond this. There is hope."

I will admit that I had to force down a lump in my throat at those words. Though it had been many days since being freed from the cell, there were still times when I had trouble believing my life was real. "Alright, see you next time."
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Post by volatiledesire »

As you may have noticed the last two chapters have been more about driving the narrative along and thus had few tie up scenes. This is just a quick note to assure everyone that the next chapters will more than make up for that lack.

Comments good or bad are always welcome.
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Post by Canuck100 »

volatiledesire wrote: 5 years ago As you may have noticed the last two chapters have been more about driving the narrative along and thus had few tie up scenes. This is just a quick note to assure everyone that the next chapters will more than make up for that lack.

Comments good or bad are always welcome.
I found this chapter as interesting as the tug parts. Looking forward to the upcoming tug-filled chapters!
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

And there goes my theory about April being evil since I though she was Craddocks wife.
Great chapter though!
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Post by volatiledesire »

Roboticrobin20 wrote: 5 years ago And there goes my theory about April being evil since I though she was Craddocks wife.
Great chapter though!
Damn, wish I'd thought of that. It would have been a cool twist. Ah well...
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Post by volatiledesire »

A quick note, Jack's trauma discussed in the last few chapters is based on human contact deprivation experiments discussed here. Fictionalized yes, but a kernel of reality. Just in case anyone was curious, I did not make it up completely.

Here's the next chapter.
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Chapter 64 - Unorthodox Treatment

I was told by Dr. Lodgkins to arrive at her office a half hour after Polly so we took our own cars. I was armed with my notebook filled with the details of my most recent panic attack and a couple of odd dreams. The required visits to my high school to finish my education a year early consisted of a sit-down with a couple of teachers to go over the results of my most recent tests. My scores had taken quite a turn for the worse since the kidnapping but the teacher's normally routine annoyance had diminished into a kind of pity. Which was worse, being pitied or treated like a curiosity? Early graduation seemed unlikely unless things changed.

My time at work had also changed, I had trouble focusing. Every time the door to my office closed and there was sufficient quiet to get some productive work finished, I would get nervous and twitchy and eventually find an excuse to leave the office to go to the bathroom or chat with Alex. I could tell my visits were an annoyance but I just could not sit still. I'm sure words had exchanged amongst the employees concerning my behavior, "Just give him time, he's been through a lot."

Dr. Lodgkins office was in the bottom floor of an office building. A glass door with "Dr. Ameila Lodgkins" stenciled in white block letters marked her door. Below this were the words "Family, Trauma, PTSD Counseling Services". The office was not large with only the barest of reception areas and no receptionist. Two doorways led from this small foyer, one to a single restroom the other to the discussion area where all the sessions took place. The cream colored carpet and taupe walls along with similarly muted tones of the furniture combined to create a very soft and soothing environment. No flashes of color or overly interesting artworks caught the eye.

The door to the discussion room was open and I moved inside. The ass-hugging couch faced away from the door presumably to allow the doctor to see anyone who attempted to enter while shielding the identity of her patients. A chair sitting opposite the couch facing the door where the doctor sat was empty. Movement from the couch drew my attention. One bare leg crossed over a second dangling back and forth ended in a pair of simple running shoes. "Hello." I said into the room.

The legs shifted and Polly's red hair appeared above the back of the couch. She pushed herself up and walked around to greet me. She wore a white long sleeved shirt long enough to cover her bum and what I had taken for naked legs were actually a pair of nude colored leggings that flashed with a bit of shine. Once again Polly had dressed for me, or perhaps this was how she liked to dress, no matter, it was gorgeous. Polly's Outfit

"Hey there." She stepped into my arms and we kissed. "Did you bring your diary?"

I waved the book and tossed it onto a nearby table. "Have you seen the doctor?"

"Sure have." Polly said.

"So where is she?" I looked around the room by far the largest of the space

"She is in her office, over there." Polly answered and retreated to the other side of the couch while pointing to a closed door along an adjacent wall. "Will you sit please?"

A hint of nervousness in her voice betrayed something odd was going on. "Ok, but you may have to pull me out. That couch tries to eat me." I quipped trying to lighten the mood.

Polly sat on the glass coffee table that rested between the leather chair where Dr. Lodgkins usually sat and the couch. "Do you remember last session when the doctor said we had to connect the time before the kidnapping to the time after?"

I nodded.

"Well what that means is we have to do the things we did in the past." Polly said.

I laughed. "Did you bring the ropes?"

Polly did not laugh and her eyes darted to the side of the couch. I leaned forward and caught sight of a black duffle bag. A ripple of shock rolled down my spine. "Polly! That's not..."

Polly nodded. "I'm supposed to tie you up."

"Here? Now? In public?" I said putting my hands on the soft cushions in an effort to stand up.

"Damn it Jack, nothing is the same anymore. You are always looking over your shoulder, and you don't laugh and barely smile." Polly said moisture pooling in the corners of her eyes.

"It's not that bad." I answered softly. "I just need a bit of time."

"Normally I'd agree, but it's getting worse. Yesterday at school, I saw you take a deep breath before going into the bathroom. I counted to thirty before you finally pushed the door open . Do you want to tell me what that was about or should I guess?" She swiped an arm across her eyes.

I remembered the incident. It was during classes and I knew no one would be in the bathroom. I would be alone and the memories would come, the mold would creep up the walls and I would have to fight to keep myself together. I was so tired of fighting. "Everytime I'm alone I get scared that the next time I blink or even turn around, this whole thing..." I waved my hand around to indicate everything around me. "...will turn out to be a trick of my imagination. The truth being that I'm still back in that cell. It happened a few times while I was there, waking dreams of us together and then, Bam!, back in the cell." I sank back into the couch with the admission. "I was trying to get up the courage to go to the bathroom alone."

Polly knelt down at my feet and pulled my hands into hers, her skin was warm and soft. "I think we should try this, or we may have to try pharmaceuticals. I really don't want that. I promise you'll never be alone, no blindfolds either. You'll always know I'm here."

"It just seems so silly." I said.

"I think it sounds fun." Polly chanced a smile as I looked down into her eyes. "You seemed to enjoy it in the past."

I sighed. "You know I can't deny you anything."

"I know," Polly smiled. "I try to be careful."

I laughed. "God help me if you're ever careless."

Polly pulled the black duffle toward her. She removed several coils of soft white rope and released one into a long strand all the while watching my face. She doubled the rope slipping the ends through the loop and smiled widely. "Alright then, sit forward and let me have your arms behind your back please."

"I assume Dr. Lodgkins will give us some privacy." I said with a slight tremor in my voice belying my nerves.

Polly ignored the question concentrating on wrapping my wrists behind my back. Only after completing the cinch rope between my wrists did she answer. "I wouldn't assume anything, not sure what she plans to do."

Finished with my wrists she began to wind the rope above my elbows. I had arrived from work so I wore a long sleeve collarless shirt and a pair of khaki pants which would help to protect my skin. As my elbows were pulled closer I thrust out my chest and rolled my shoulders to loosen the muscles unused to such strain. "Did you know the building of the Egyptian Pyramids were as distant in the past of the Roman civilization as the those same Romans are to us?" I said trying to distract my mind for fear it would start to panic at my rapidly departing freedom.

"That's interesting," Polly answered with a tone that meant she was concentrating on something else. Lengths of rope were crossed over my shoulders and chest keeping my bound arms held against my body before Polly reached for additional coils in the bag. "Could you please kneel on the floor."

I rolled off the cushy couch and knelt on the floor. Polly pushed me around so my face was now lying in the depression of the couch my ass had just vacated. My ankles were quickly bound with cinched ropes followed shortly by my knees. She then with little effort pulled my legs up and swung them onto the couch. My body quickly eased into the soft cushions so that rolling over became impossible. A final rope pulled my legs toward my arms leaving me in an inescapable hogtie.

Polly sat down and pulled my head into her lap stroking my face. The feel of her soft leggings against firm dancer muscle felt amazing against my cheek as I waited for some kind of mental freak out. Nothing, just an overwhelming sense of warmth and safety. Her fingers delicately danced across my face and through my hair. If I were a cat I would be purring, as a human I let out a long breath while my eyes slipped closed. The tension created by the tight elbow bonds was easily ignored beneath the tide of comfort. Perhaps my mind would not descend into gibbering madness after all.

The office door clicked open and Dr. Lodgkins approached. Today she wore a tan pencil skirt with a dark blue blouse. She must have a thing for scarves since white silk pooled around her throat adding a shine to her ensemble. Without a word she sat down in her usual chair, crossed her legs and picked up a yellow legal pad. "You are most efficient, I expected to catch you in the middle of the process." She said to Polly.

"Practice makes perfect," Polly said with a smile in her voice.

"You didn't finish though." The doctor answered.

"It doesn't seem necessary." Polly answered and my curiosity was suddenly piqued.

"He must be gagged for two reasons, one it provides continuity to your previous experiences." Dr. Lodgkins held up one finger.

"Wait a sec..." I began to protest but the words were swallowed as Polly's warm hand slid over my mouth holding it closed.

"And two..." The doctor continued, "...he was not gagged during his trauma in the cell, we must keep the experiences distinct. Understand?"

Polly sighed. "Yes, I understand. He's just doing so well. I think he could fall asleep."

Dr. Lodgkins looked me over from head to toe. "The purpose of this exercise is not solely to relax him. It's to cure him. In fact I'd rather he not fall asleep since it might affect his ability to sleep tonight, which is already a serious issue according to his parents."

"Alright." Polly answered as she raised her foot and took off one shoe. She slipped her sock off and sat it on her leg next to my head.

"What are you doing?" Dr. Lodgkins asked.

"I'm going to use my socks to gag him, they are clean and these shoes are new."

"Nevermind that." Dr. Lodgkins picked at the white silk scarf hanging around her neck and pulled it free. "Use this instead, I have a thing about feet and imagining those socks in his mouth makes me shudder."

Polly shrugged. "Fine with me." Polly wadded up the silk scarf and replaced her hand with the wad of silk. I held my lips closed but Polly was patient and it was not long before I either had to accept the scarf or bite her fingers. The scarf was large and my mouth was forced open wide. "Would you get me the white wrap out of the bag?"

Dr. Lodgkins rummaged around in the bag retrieving a self-adhering bandage which Polly proceeded to wrap around my head keeping the scarf firmly in place.

"There that should do it." Polly said as she again pulled my head into her lap.

I grunted in irritation during the process but bound so completely there was nothing I could do. Surprisingly this did not prompt a surge of fear or panic, I just continued deeper into a zone of calm and quiet. I could not do anything to change what would happen until I was released and I was completely at Polly's mercy. It felt so good to let go.

Polly and the doctor began a discussion about her dreams and other concerns. I let the words hit my ears without processing their meaning. I felt so good, so warm, so comfortable, so peaceful. Polly shifted in her seat after what seemed like minutes had gone by.

"Jack, you've been tied up for a couple hours now, I need to speak with the doctor in private for just a couple more minutes and I'll be back to release you."

Two hours? How was that possible. I quickly nodded my head and did a quick inventory of my body. I could feel all my body parts, how could it be two hours. The time had simply melted away as if I had warped into a corner of space where time moved differently. I let my head sink into the couch where Polly's warmth still clunk to the leather. The ache in my arms and shoulders did speak the truth of the passage of time, but despite the discomfort I was not ready to be released.

Polly returned resplendent to my newly relaxed consciousness, her beautiful legs gleaming in the shiny nude colored leggings. She made quick work of the knots electing to free my arms first. I groaned in relief as blood was forced anew through tired muscles. However disappointment shared space with the sense of relief. "Alright then?" Polly asked as she wound rope into neat coils replacing them in the bag.

I looked up from my contemplations. "Yes, I suppose I am."

Dr. Lodgkins sat in her chair observing.

"Do you feel better?" Polly asked again. "Or were you scared or anything?"

"No I wasn't scared." I answered not wanting to explain how much I had enjoyed it while the doctor was watching.

Polly nodded. "That's good. Are you ok to drive, I'll be following you home."

"Yes I suppose so." I walked outside with Polly feeling like I had just been given some kind of medical treatment or deep tissue massage. My body felt soft and spongy. It was pleasant though and I was shocked to see night had fallen. Time had really flown by. "Did I fall asleep?"

"I don't think so." Polly answered. "Why?"

"I lost time somewhere, I must have fallen asleep."

"I suppose it's possible, though I kept an eye on you. I guess we'll find out if you have trouble falling asleep tonight."

I drove home with Polly following closely behind. After parking in my usual spot Polly met me on the sidewalk to escort me to bed. "Try and sleep, Dr. Lodgkins said you were having trouble sleeping."

"Yes, I wake up all the time." We had reached my bedroom and I tossed my bag on the desk.

"I'll stay in the guest room tonight so if you wake up, come and find me."

"Why are you staying?" I asked her.

"I need to talk to your Mom about the therapy." Polly answered.

I frowned thinking about that conversation. "I wonder what Mom will say about the doctor's treatment plan. It's a bit unorthodox."

Polly shrugged. "So are we."

I nodded conceding the point. "You look really nice."

"You are a sucker for spandex." Polly smiled. "Would you like to wear them?"

"Uh, what? That's not what I meant...they look good on you."

Polly wrapped her arms around me and pulled my hands down to rub across her thighs. "If you wear them you'll be able to feel this all night."

"That's ok, I'm pretty tired." I tossed back the sheets on my bed to emphasize the point.

Polly stepped forward and helped me pull my shirt over my head. "Leggings or my shirt, I want you to wear one of them. Maybe sleeping with my scent so near will help you make it through the night."

"Uh..." I began not able to respond.

"Leggings it is then." I watched in motionless fascination as she stripped off the nude colored leggings revealing her thin thong panties that hid nothing of the ripe fullness of her bottom. "Here you go."

"I'll wear your shirt." I managed to say finally.

"Oh you are a sneaky guy, you just wanted to see me in my underwear."

I smiled and expected to have the leggings forced on me but Polly stripped off her white long sleeve shirt revealing a matching nude bra beneath. "Here you go. Put it on and crawl into bed. I'll tuck you in."

I pulled her shirt over my frame and realized it hung lower on me than on her which was likely due to Polly having breasts. The material was soft and surrounded me with Polly's warmth and scent. I shucked out of my pants and sat on the bed. Polly covered me up kissing me softly on the cheek. "See you in the morning."

I felt quite childish. I had just been tucked in and kissed. Had I really been that bad since the kidnapping. I tried to remember the days since my rescue but the memories swirled together. The only thing I new for sure was how good it felt to be tied up and cared for today, the memory was enough to carry me to sleep.
Last edited by volatiledesire 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Windrunner »

Had been away for a few weeks, preoccupied with work and such. Was such a great surprise to find a bunch more chapters - with several unexpected twists - awaiting my reading pleasure. Thanks so much, volatiledesire - you're a gifted writer and damn, you know how to find buttons and push them quite well.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Thanks for the comment. Preoccupation with work is my excuse as well. More is coming soon.

All the best...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Indeed! :)
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 65 - Medicine

I woke to a bright room, and unexpectedly bright room. It felt odd, and when I noticed my clock showing it was nearly eleven o’clock in the morning I closed my eyes again to make sure I was awake. Confusion transformed into shock as I tossed back the blankets. I was late for work, hours late. I stripped off Polly's shirt and tossed it on the bed pulling on the same pants I wore the day before. Deodorant and a quick comb through of the hair would have to suffice as I leapt down the stairs two at a time into the kitchen.

"Whoa there." Mom said stepping from the living room into the kitchen. "Did you just wake up?"

"Yes, I don't know what happened, my alarm..."

"Was turned off." Mom finished.

This revelation caused me to slow down. "What?"

"Polly did it." Mom continued.

"Why?" I asked.

"To let you sleep, she intended to be here, but when 9:00 came round she had to leave. You slept for thirteen hours straight."

"No way." It seemed absurd though the clock on the oven agreed with her assessment.

"You haven't done that since before..." Her voice trailed off obviously not wanting to mention the kidnapping that tossed us all into upheaval. "Which means," Her voice gained strength. "The treatment worked."

"What treatment?" I said knowing full well what she was referring to.

Mom clucked her tongue. "Oh please, you know what I mean. Now sit down, you aren't expected at work 'til noon."

"You called in for me?" I asked.

"Sure, I kind of know your boss." Mom smiled. "I pulled a few strings."

I sat down at the table as Mom pulled out her phone. "Who are you calling."

"Your therapist wanted to know the minute you woke up." Mom whispered while holding the receiver. "Hello, Dr. Lodgkins, this is Nancy, Jack's Mom." Mom nodded and listened. "Yes, he woke at about eleven this morning." Mom looked at me with a smile. "Yes, it seems so." She listened for a few more seconds before handing the phone to me."


"Jack, that's really good news, it seems the treatment might work."

"Because I overslept?" I said with obvious skepticism.

"Yes, good sleep it essential to healing and you haven't been getting that. I’ll speak with Polly but I expect you to continue this treatment for at least two hours per day."

"Two hours a day? How? Who?" I said trying to wrap my head around being tied for two hours everyday.

"Let me speak to your Mom and we'll get it all worked out." Dr. Lodgkins voice responded.

"How long would I have to do this, assuming I agree." I responded with no small amount of irritation.

"I don't know Jack, but this is my preliminary recommendation based on the trial yesterday. It's my professional opinion this treatment will get you back on track, and I will be giving both your parents and Polly's Mom this same advice." Dr. Lodgkins said with a clipped tone.

"You don't know what you're doing." I responded thinking of the squeals of excitement from the various people who would be learning of his treatment.

Dr. Lodgkins voice became harsh. "I'm curing you Jack, I'm helping you put your life back together after extremely severe trauma. I understand this is all a bit unusual, but I think we've found the best option. I'm quite good at my job."

"That's not what I meant." Jack sighed unable to explain how he was not questioning her skill, but concerned how delighted Polly would be with the added responsibility. And now that his Mom knew, the other members of the Mom's club would soon find out. From their perspective they would be helping, even healing, but secretly they would be delighted to have him dangling on the end of a string. I slid the phone back to Mom and slumped into the chair. I definitely did not mind Polly keeping me tied and gagged, but what about when Polly was not around. She had her senior year of high school to finish and it was full of dance trips, senior parties, etc. I listened to Mom's side of the conversation with the doctor consisting almost entirely of "I understand," or "Of course, doctor."

Mom set the phone down and looked at me with a small smile. "I hope this works. And since you like being tied up, it won't be a burden."

I sighed. "I don't always like it."

Mom shrugged. "Alright, if you say so. Doesn't really matter, doctor's orders and all."

That was it. Right there. I would never be able to offer any excuse to avoid the ropes. I would be seen as a kid avoiding his medicine. "I don't know how I'll find the time. I'm already so busy."

"We'll figure it out. Now off to school with you."

* * *

As it turns out, solid sleep is really beneficial. I pushed out a paper for one of my classes with little difficulty, and managed to make progress on a floundering project at work. I would keep these facts to myself because most would assume my sleep had little to do with it.

That evening while finishing a project at my desk in my room Polly entered. A flash of green caught my eye in the mirror and I whipped my head around to see Polly wearing the most amazing dance costume I had seen, well since the last time she had worn one. The leotard was shiny green with traceries of rhinestones rising from the navel, the sleeves were translucent black nylon speckled with the same rhinestones. She paired it with a shiny pair of nude tights and a matching green scrunchie holding her red curls in a loose ponytail behind her head. "Whoa." Polly's Dance Outfit

Polly smiled and did a twirl. "You like."

I swallowed. "Wow yeah, very much."

"This is what we're wearing for the competition." Polly sat on the bed near to the desk. "I think it looks too much like a gymnastics leotard."

"When is that?"

"Next week." Polly answered quickly.

"So you'll be gone..." This realization drained some of the excitement created by her beautiful body hugged by the tight leotard and tights.

"We leave Sunday and return Friday night."

"Wow, that's a long time." I answered looking down at my feet with a feeling of genuine dismay. "I'll miss you."

"I doubt that, you'll be busy." Polly answered.

I shook my head. "I think about you all the time, I only get my fix at night."

Polly smiled. "I'll miss you too. Now let's get you tied up."

The rapid topic change jarred my focus. "Polly, I'm feeling fine, that's not really necessary, not every day?"

Polly stood with eyes narrowed and hands on hips. "Doesn't matter, doctor's orders."

"Polly..." I started to protest while at the same time trying to figure out why I felt the need to object at all. I knew I would enjoy it.

"What's with you? You know you like it. I like it to. All tied up and helpless, can't stop me from doing whatever I want." Polly said while trailing a finger across my shoulders. She stopped suddenly and looked intently into my eyes. "If you recall, we are connected somehow, some sort of link. I bet I can figure out why you always put up such a fight."


Polly placed her hand over my mouth. "Hush, let me concentrate."

If Polly had been paying attention she would have noticed my willpower drop by several notches when her warm hand covered my lips. As her magical scent filled my nostrils the corresponding groan was hopefully assumed to be a failed attempt at speech.

"I bet you feel the need to put a fight, however useless, just because you still think your desires are weird." Polly stated.

I tried to mumble through her tightening fingers but made no attempt to remove them and had no real desire to do so.

"No wait. I think I've got it. You want to be forced. You like it best when I'm being dominant. Like the time at April's when you kissed my feet." The memory flashed through my mind and I could not deny the strong sense of warmth and desire it produced. "Or when you pissed me off that one time after coming home early from work and I had to tie you to the bed to keep from running off to rescue Alex." And again the memory reinforced the feelings building within.

Polly stepped around me and straddled my lap the slick tights felt amazing against my bare legs below the shorts I wore. "That's it, you like powerful women. More importantly you like them to show how strong they are."

Her new position made it difficult for Polly to keep my lips closed with her hands so I was able to talk around them. "I like you Polly." I answered around her fingers.

Polly's eyes narrowed. "Nice try, you like it when I take charge."

"You like it when you take charge." I answered back.

"Of course, I don't deny it. I know what I like. Stay here." Like a whirlwind of green and black Polly stood up and sprinted from the room. Moments later she was back with my Mom following behind. "He's being difficult." Polly said. "He doesn't want to be tied up like he's supposed to."

"Polly that's not..."

"See." Polly interrupted pointing in my direction. "I need your help."

"Jack," Mom shook her head. "Like it or not, this has to happen. And we all know you like it."

"Exactly," Polly said before I even opened my mouth to respond. "He's being ridiculous."

Polly stepped toward me and pulled me out of the chair. She wrapped her arms around me and proceeded to give me one of the most aggressive yet passionate kisses I'd ever received. By the time she was done I was seeing stars and my legs were unstable. In the moment of disorientation Mom had moved behind my back and wrapped my wrists with soft rope. By the time I could think or feel of anything other than the warmth and softness of Polly’s lips Mom had cinching them up tight. "There you go Polly, need any more help?"

"No, thanks." Polly smiled stepping back flushed from her efforts.

Mom kissed me on the cheek. "Why do you even bother? Have fun."

I twisted my arms but Mom knew what she was doing. Polly meanwhile took the moment of distraction created by Mom's quick kiss and moved behind me where she easily pushed me onto the bed. Her weight settled onto my back and her hands slid around my face carrying with them something soft and silky. "Open up, love."

It was useless to resist so I parted my lips to allow her to press the silken wad between into my mouth. She was ready with a wide bandage forcing the silk deeper while multiple turns covered my lips and chin ensuring I would not speak with anything other than useless grunts. "I'm sure you could free yourself eventually but since this is for your own good so let's make everything a bit more secure."

Ropes wrapped around my stomach and over my bound arms pinning them to my back. More wrapped around my elbows drawing them closer. "Still a long way to go here." Polly said pulling on my elbows eliciting grunt of discomfort. "Oh well, plenty of time."

More ropes encircled my shoulders and were somehow prevented from slipping downward. Polly rolled me over onto my back making me thankful for the soft bed my arms were pressed into. In her hand she she held a pair of ropes. She gave them each a quick tug and I felt a corresponding tug at my bound wrists. "I think it's time for something new." She pulled each rope between my legs and up through my crotch before working them though the ropes encircling my waist. As she pulled downward the ropes dug between my legs pulling my shorts and underwear deep into the cleft between my buttocks. She split the two ropes to either side of my groin stretching the fabric tight over the top of my obviously excited privates. Only satisfied after several more sharp tugs she knotted the ropes which created a triangle with the waist rope and the two crotch ropes with the center being an obvious bulge containing my genitals.

I looked downward over my body, my shirt bunched up beneath the ropes. Polly sat back with her buttocks resting on my lower legs. "Now that does make an interesting picture." Another rope was looped through the crystal necklace, whose existence I only noticed when Polly was using it as a collar, she stood up and tugged on her rope leash. "Your legs are free, follow me downstairs."

I pulled back and shook my head violently.

"What? Your Mom has seen you tied up before, even in a dress." Polly said.

I shook my head.

"I want to watch a movie, now come on." Polly ordered with another tug.

The mention of the dress was a potent reminder there were worse things than being tied. I followed Polly to the living where she pushed me onto the couch, more ropes were produced from a bag and my feet quickly joined my feet in a simple hogtie. Polly seemed to prefer the position. I could not comfortably see the television a fact which did not seem to concern her in the slightest. Her hand rested on my buttocks providing a constant reminder of the crotch rope as her fingers plucked at it like a guitar string.

Mom walked in and sat on the easy chair. "I guess you managed."

"He's so goofy sometimes, he loves this and yet always tries to avoid it."

"That's why we love him."

I caught the hint of the smile Polly sent toward Mom. "Can you get me a sweatshirt, this leotard is not very warm." Polly asked.

"Sure thing." Mom answered.

Moment later Polly tugged a sweatshirt over her head. With my head in her lap she could not pull it all the way down and did not seem to care that it covered my face. I did not really care either.

Time passed as I settled into the warm embrace of Polly’s lap. Enveloped by her scent I settled into the inescapable ropes made more noticeable by the crotch rope. My journey into my own personal serenity was continually interrupted by the arousal created by Polly's fiddling with the crotch rope. At some distant time she shifted and stood up. "I better get home, pretty busy tomorrow."

"You should bring your homework next time. He's not much for conversation." Mom laughed.

Polly joined her mirth. "Yes I'll do that. Do you want me to untie him?"

"How long's it been."

"I came over about seven o'clock but he was being difficult so I'd say seven-thirty."

"Go on home, I'll take care of him." Mom said, a statement which perked my ears to say the least.

Polly left, the flash of her headlights though the living room window announcing her departure. Mom replaced her on the couch and slid her finger through my hair in the exact same way she did when I was a young boy. It stirred further feelings of comfort despite the situation. "I hope you know how lucky you are."

I did of course, I could only nod.

Mom began to release the knots leaving the crotch rope alone since I would be able to take care of that myself. "Off to bed with you."

Once in my room, showered and divested of my clothing, I stared at the ceiling finding it hard to sleep due to the stimulation of the evening. My phone buzzed on the night table and I pulled it off the nightstand.
Polly wrote: Good to have you back, Love you.
I sent back a heart emote and with a deep sigh fell asleep.
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Lovely work as always. It’s always excellent hearing from Jack and Polly.
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Post by harveygasson »

Another great chapter
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Post by Canuck100 »

I like how Polly takes the treatment recommended by the therapist so seriously. Lucky Jack! :D

Well done, once more!
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