Finally he was captured M/M

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

Who or what is your favorite character or thing about this story? You can answer 3.

Dalton's rebellion
Drue's secretive past
The bondage/torture/punishment
The unexpected
The story is different from what I usually read
The interpersonal relationships
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that.kid13 wrote: 5 years ago Hey, amazing story. I've been silently reading but I got an account and am now all caught up, keep posting please!
I’ll do my best (: thanks for replying and coming out of the shadows lol
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Post by bondagefreak »

Still enjoying this, mate!
I voted for the following options:
"Riley", "Dalton's Rebellion" and "This story is different from what I usually read".

Congrats on starting this poll btw.
For some reason, you're one of the only authors using the tools that are left at our disposition.

Welcome on board, bud.
Nice to see you joining the community ;)

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@bondagefreak yeah I saw you had one and thought it was cool. Idk why more people don't use it I thought it would be a good way for those silent readers to contribute some feedback. Thanks for keeping up with the story, I gotta try to be more consistent about posting haha
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Post by LK3869 »

Interesting evolutions here: Our Drue has some emotional control issues and Dalton seems to have lost some of his impulsivity. Even Riley is not as bad as he could be ( been thinking that for quite some chapters now, but that's just me...) Still like it a lot, and we even had a sockgag :lol:

And yes, good idea using the poll. Voted for Drue of course. Confused kid who throw lifting weights at you if you turn him down, that speaks to me...
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LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago Interesting evolutions here: Our Drue has some emotional control issues and Dalton seems to have lost some of his impulsivity. Even Riley is not as bad as he could be ( been thinking that for quite some chapters now, but that's just me...) Still like it a lot, and we even had a sockgag :lol:

And yes, good idea using the poll. Voted for Drue of course. Confused kid who throw lifting weights at you if you turn him down, that speaks to me...
Lol well you should meet my real little brother then. We’ll just say there might be some truth to that weight story. And yes I really wanted to use these chapters to let readers really see the different sides of the characters
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Post by LK3869 »

Thanks for that lunatic bro anectode :lol:
Your story remains rather unpredictible and that's good.
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We made our way back to the bleachers quietly, neither of us spoke. Drue suddenly pulled my arm back making us stop.

“Oh fuck” I heard him say under his breath.

I looked up and around, Riley was standing under the bleachers with the two guards and Cruz from earlier. We couldn’t make out what they were saying but Riley noticed us and shook his head slightly indicating to not come over. I’m sure Riley would be pissed when he found out what I did, it was hard not to fidget while standing there waiting. About then minutes later they all dispersed and Riley walked over to us. His face was blank I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. When he reached us I just blurted out before he could get a word in.

“Riley I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to! It just happened so fast!”

My heart was racing I don’t think I could’ve taken one of Riley’s beat downs right now.

He looked over at Drue but cast him a small smile, he now almost looked like he was, what, trying to hold in..

Then both him and Drue started laughing simultaneously.

“Well you just got disqualified from every race you were in” Riley said.

“And thats funny because?!” I said panicked.

“Relax, I can’t believe you told him off like that, I just wish I was there to watch” Riley said chuckling again.

“You’re not mad?”

“No, Cruz is just mad you beat his best runners and with broken ribs I might add. This was just a preliminary meet, not a big deal.”

“What the fuck?!” I blurted out of confusion for the entire situation.

“Hey! Watch you’re language! And if you ever talk to me like that..” He turned and started walking away while letting out a small whistle, but then winked at me and smiled.

“Common you two lets finish watching the events.”


We all watched up in the bleachers for a few hours until Riley told us it was time to go back to the hotel. Drue was still quiet the entire car ride I couldn’t get a grasp on if he had forgiven me yet even though he was the one who should be apologizing. Once we got back to the hotel we both just changed into running shorts only and Riley sent us down the hall to grab more ice for me. I finally broke the silence.

“Did you really have to throw that weight at me? My side hurts so freaking badly.”

“You deserve what you got” Drue said under his breath but I still caught it. I was so fed up with his shit. I forcefully pushed him against the hallway wall next to us pinning him there.

“What is you’re deal Drue?! You gotta stop being such a prick”

“Let me go!” He punched me hard on the side, I fell and because of the handcuffs he got pulled down with me. I could barley breathe it felt like pain was shooting through my entire body and I felt dizzy. I still got the strength though to get on top of him holding his arms above his head. I also wedged my knee in between his legs.

“Is this the game you want to play?” I warned.

“Okay! You know what, I am sorry. Sorry what I said a second ago fell on deaf ears. YOU DESERVED WHAT YOU GOT!” He yelled right in my ear. I kicked him so hard in the balls i’m sure people on different floors could hear his scream. A few doors did open, Drue was curled up in a ball trying not to cry. Then that familiar harsh threatening voice I’d heard many times before came from behind me.

“You guys have 3 seconds to get your asses back in the room” I got up quickly and yanked Drue up.

“Nice going” I whispered in his ear. When we got back to the room I could tell Riley was furious he was pacing back and forth, sleeves rolled up, already holding his belt.

“Go put your arms up and face against the wall” I moved forward but the handcuff caught my wrist. I looked back at Drue who had his feet planted, he looked mesmerized, there were even a glassy look to his eyes. Riley pushed him roughly though and we lined up against the wall. I looked over angrily at Drue but was surprised. He was now shaking. Riley hit both of us with one blow. It really didn’t hurt that badly I was expecting a harder hit, another one, it still felt like Riley was going easy, I definitely knew what he was capable of. Drue on the other hand was acting like he was dying, he was shaking, tears running down his face, begging Riley to stop. By the tenth hit Drue’s legs were giving out and he kept falling. I was trying to help him stand but Riley just hit my arm and told me to stop. By 15 Drue had completely passed out I knelt down next to him. I looked up at Riley shocked. He undid the handcuffs connecting us.

“What the fuck did you do to him?!” I sat down next to Drue. Riley’s face was calm again, he put down his belt.

“Not everyone needs a hard beating like you do Dalton to get the point across” He went into his room and left us in the living room. Drue was waking up slowly he tried to wrap his arms around me in a loving embrace.

“Ow Ow!” Drue get off you’re hurting my side. He looked at me tears welling up in his eyes again. I could then tell he meant no harm, not anymore. I reached down and pulled his head onto my legs and put my arm around him. I had no idea what had just happened, nor did I think I wanted to know. Drue clearly got the message though. He fell asleep pretty quickly and so did I. I woke up soon after to Riley shaking my shoulder. He was holding rope in his hands. I slid out from underneath Drue and laid his head down gently.
“Go lay down on your stomach” Riley pointed to an open spot on the floor.

“Common, I’m so tired can’t I just sleep on the couch?” I complained. He chuckled softly.

“No, this is your punishment, you and I both know those hits didn’t hurt”

I sighed deeply which in turn just made me cough from exhaling deeply. I lay down and Riley pulled my arms gently behind my back and criss crossed the rope over my wrists. It really hurt laying on my stomach but I stayed quiet I didn't want to give him the anymore satisfaction than it was already giving him. He then pulled my legs up and quickly tightened the rope around my ankles to my wrists.

“How’s that feel bud?”

“Swell” He was in a much better mood than I was.

“Have a goodnight” He said while winking at me and walking back to his bedroom. I tried feeling around for the knots but they were out of reach. I struggled a bit but gave up almost instantly the ropes were too tight and any extra moving hurt so I just lay my head down closing my eyes. The morning came before I wanted it to, I was exhausted, my body ached, and the sun was shining through the window directly into my eyes. Drue was still asleep right where I had left him the night before but Riley was up packing stuff for the car ride home today. He finally woke up Drue, who got up and laughed when he saw my predicament.

“Shutup” I said playfully.

“Help untie him Drue, and go get the number for my car at the front desk.” Riley said.

Drue knelt down and tried to get the knots undone but was having trouble.

“Damn these knots are so tight! Hold on” He grabbed scissors from the kitchen and came back to try again at loosening the knots. He must of done it because the pressure in my back, arms, and legs started to decrease and I could feel the ropes getting looser until I could get them off myself. Drue seemed like he was in a better mood at least he wasn't trying to throw fruit at my head this morning. The hotel was quite large and the valet took awhile retrieving cars so you had to get a number and wait awhile before the car was brought out front. When we got down to the lobby though the line at the front desk had almost 30 people at it.

“Oh fuckkkk that, I’m getting food” Drue said while turning for the buffet. He was right I didn’t want to stand in that line and breakfast sounded good considering we hadn’t eaten anything the night before. We walked down a big hallway when we both noticed a beautiful woman walking the other way towards us. She was tall, huge breasts, big blonde hair, wearing blue skinny jeans rolled up at the ankle with heels and a V-neck tight t-shirt. I looked down embarrassed as she passed but Drue pulled my shoulder and gave me a mischievous grin.

“Hey! You’re lookin’ mighty fine!” He shouted down the hall. I don’t think my face could have hid the pure embarrassment and redness I felt in that moment. I couldn’t believe he did that, oh wait yes I can, it’s Drue…She turned around and smiled at him then started walking back towards us. Oh my god what had he done. She came up and gave him a big hug though.
“Hi baby what are you doing here?” She said.

“Track meet down the road this week, what about you?”

“Ah just a boring conference, you look so grown up and handsome” She ran her fingers through his hair and I was completely shocked.

“Too kind, we’re getting food you want to join us?”

“Sorry baby I’m already late, I hope I’ll see you soon though” She started to turn and walk away.

“Susie!! Hold on, do you have your car slip?” He asked.

“Still up to your old ways” She gave him a big grin and pulled out the valet number from her bra and gave it to Drue” Don’t get in too much trouble, she said looking right at me and winking. I almost melted right there. We parted ways but once we were out of earshot I finally spoke up.

“Dude you know her? Who the fuck was that?” Drue just smiled and kept walking.

“That would be Riley’s wife.”
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Post by LK3869 »

Didn't see that coming :D Interesting...
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“What? Riley’s Married?!”

“Well Technically yeah but they’ve been separated for about a year now, his loss, Susie is fire”

Drue seemed to know so much about everyones business it was crazy. I was starting to wonder what his history was. I found it better not to ask though, we had just got on better terms and I couldn’t handle another one of Drue’s bi-polar episodes. We got food and headed back up the room. Riley was done packing but seemed irritated we had taken so long.

“Did you get the cars ticket?”

“No I’m sorry they needed to see your ID Riley” Drue blurted out before I could say anything.

“What? Then what took you so long?”

“Long line.” He said nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders.

Riley just rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Alright well lets go, we gotta get to the meet to watch the jackpot”

We went downstairs and stood in the line for the front desk.

“Drue what is the Jackpot?” I asked while waiting.

“Uh its like a big agility race, open to anyone but each team can only have one participant. Only one winner and they win a jackpot of $25,000.”

My eyes went wide.

“Fuck, that’s a lot of money. Did Riley enter anyone from our team?”

“Yeah of course!”


“Your best friend” Drue said with a wink. I wondered if he was talking about himself, he was the fastest person I’d ever met and certainly the fastest on the team. Guess I’d find out soon. We finally reached the front of the line.

“Morning, how can we help you?” The desk clerk said in her perky voice.

“I need the valet ticket for my car, last name Marchetta.” He said putting his ID on the table.

“Oh um, first name?” She said.


“Alright here it is for you sir” He thanked the woman and we walked outside to the front. The car was already parked out front.

“That was quick.” He gave the ticket to a valet and they handed him the keys.

“Hey these aren’t mine” I need the keys to the grey jeep.

“I’m sorry sir your ticket is to a Ford, the keys for that jeep have already been picked up.”

“What? By who?!” He said getting agitated. He turned around when Drue started laughing.

“Drue what did you do?”

“I guess they mixed up your last name Riley” He said still laughing. Just then Susie came out of the hotel. Riley looked like he had seen a ghost, weak posture, mouth slightly open. She held up his keys.

“Are you looking for these darling?” Riley was speechless and looked very uncomfortable. Not how I was used to seeing him. She walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“You take care of yourself baby” With that she got into his car and left. His shocked face quickly turned into anger. Drue quickly walked over to Susies truck that got pulled up. It was a big navy blue Ford F350 crew cab.

“You’re not off the hook for this” Riley said as he got into the truck, pointing a finger at Drue.

It was a extremely quiet car ride to the meet. I could tell Riley was fuming so I stayed out of the whole altercation. It was a bit funny though, Riley seemed dumbstruck seeing Susie. When we got there things seemed to have cooled a bit, Riley even looked at Drue when we got out and quietly chucked. We went over to the bleachers to meet the rest of the team and Riley started talking to Sam not paying any attention to us anymore. There was a huge agility course built on the football field. Everything from tires, monkey bars, rock walls, climbing rope,stairs, fences, mud pits and any other type of agility course obstacle you could think of. It spanned the entire football field. I looked at some of the other teams contestants for the race and they were mostly pretty beefy stocky guys. Arms twice the size of mine let alone Drues. Cruz’s team had a pretty short guy running, probably only 5’7 but he looked like he could climb up those ropes in a matter of seconds.

“Gee Drue you’re gonna race those guys?” He looked over at me with a confused look on his face.

“Aren’t you running for our team?” I asked. Drue responded in his highest gay voice.

“When I said best friend I didn’t mean LITTERALLYYY”

“Well who’s running it then? You’re the fastest person on the team!”

“No i’m not..” Sam must have been listening in on our conversation because he moved towards us.

“Actually I’m the fastest Dalton” He said with a smirk, then passed by me patting my shoulder. He was shirtless but holding our teams navy blue jersey in his hand as he headed down to the field.

“I told you anyone could race, even a few completely random kids show up just for this race, like that group of kids.” Drue said pointing down to a few kids standing on the field.

“They’re not even affiliated with a team.” He was right they were not wearing any of the jerseys of the teams here.

“Alrighty then.” It was kind of a weird concept to me and I didn’t know how I felt about supporting the guy who had constantly been a dick to me since we had met but it was exciting and fun being with Drue in the heat of the moment. They were all starting to line up there were about 13 kids, Sam was clearly the oldest out of the bunch. I still wouldn’t be opposed to him falling on his face but I was interested to see what he had in him. There was a counter time down from ten seconds, the guys all started grabbing each other and shoving to get in front on the starting line. Sam stayed back though a few feet. When the timer finally hit 0 three kids in front of Sam pulled each other down tripping on one another.

“How can they just push each other down like that?!”

“Theres no rules, as long as you complete the course” Drue said.

Sam had jumped over the three kids getting back up. He was behind everyone but easily caught up. The first thing that came up was a tall set of ropes, had to climb up one, hoist yourself over then climb back over the rope. He was like a lightning bolt, climbing up faster than practically everyone except for the very buff kid from Cruz’s team. They stayed neck and neck. His opponent climbed almost to the bottom of the rope but Sam let go of it about half way down and fell the rest of the way. I tensed and grabbed Drue’s arm thinking he was going to break something, but he did a expertly executed barrel roll and was now ahead of the other kid. I was shocked, he had to of known what he was doing. Drue just smiled at me cheering him on. After that Sam just started showing off doing flips off the high obstacles, performing parkour moves etc I was stunned at what he could do. He clearly didn’t just run this for fun on occasion he had experience and practice in this race. The other kid was still hot on his heels though. They were on a small obstacle which was a triangle shaped climbing wall. When they were at the top the kid started playing dirty. He pushed Sam off the top which wasn’t too high but Sam tumbled down and he hit a few of the pegs on the way down. Even I was pissed at that. I kept thinking
“common get up get up!” It was enough to knock the wind of of him I think because he stayed down a few seconds. He got up quickly but it only took those seconds for the other boy to get ahead. I could almost see the scowl on Sam’s face from the stands. The rest of the race was both of them playing dirty, tackling each other, pushing, hitting/punching, anything they could do to get past the other. The other boy had a lot of muscle on Sam but Sam was a lot leaner and quicker than the boy. Both of them just wouldn’t give up even after the hard blows they were taking from each other. It really ended when the last stretch was just a long straight away to the end of the field. They were going to fucking tie neither slowing down but right before the ribbon Sam hooked his foot around the kids ankle and jumped over him as he tripped to the ground, having Sam take first. All i could honestly hear after that was Drue screaming in my ear and jumping up and down on me.

Cruz’s team was definitely not okay with the outcome. They were pissed and we all noticed them started to run down the bleachers towards Sam.

“Oh shit Dalton it’s about to go down” Drue said as he and pretty much all our team started running down the bleachers too which couldn’t be good. What were they really going to do just start a huge brawl on the field? Drue stopped at the bottom of the bleachers and looked back up at me.

“Dalton! Aren’t you coming?!” He yelled.

“Uh no fuck that!” I could see him roll his eyes and run into the big mess starting on the field. I just watched in disbelief as both teams and some others as well just starting going at each others necks. God I hope he didn’t get hurt. A few kids from Cruz’s team stayed back on the bleachers but our entire team except myself were taking on the fight. Typical.. I did see something weird but I couldn’t exactly make out who the boys were. Somebody from Cruz’s team and ours snuck out of the mess together and under the bleachers. It intrigued me enough to get down and start looking around for them. They were under the bleachers I looked threw the panels and I could tell both boys were kissing but I couldn’t make out who they were. I had a pretty good Idea who the guy from our team was. My foot slipped on the last step and made a loud bang. Fuck. The boys separated, the one from Cruz’s team bolting in the opposite direction before I make him out. My suspicion was correct about the other boy though.

“I know you’re up there Dalton!”

Drues voice..
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Post by LK3869 »

All that testosterone 8-) Ninja warrior style race, giant fight and kisses under the bleachers, would definitly make a fun TV show...
Reminds me of those inter-schools sports competitions: the only time I fought as a kid, around 9. Was the tallest of our school then and our 'champion', was fun to beat the other guy and sit on him :lol: ( not :evil: , not that early )
Souvenirs, souvenirs... Thanks for that refreshing chapter.
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LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago All that testosterone 8-) Ninja warrior style race, giant fight and kisses under the bleachers, would definitly make a fun TV show...
Reminds me of those inter-schools sports competitions: the only time I fought as a kid, around 9. Was the tallest of our school then and our 'champion', was fun to beat the other guy and sit on him :lol: ( not :evil: , not that early )
Souvenirs, souvenirs... Thanks for that refreshing chapter.

Haha funny. Yeah it’s funny because in my real life, I’ve been described by multiple people to have a “mean look” on the outside, quiet, angry but deep down a big teddy bear. No one really messed with me though I’m guessing because of my size. My little brother tho who Drue is made after in real life, is gay himself. A very bubbly, flamboyant fun life of the party. He’s also extremely rough on the inside though. We’ve all learned to stay away from him when he gets in one of his moods because he turns into a psychopathic hurricane. My wife and I adopted him when he was 14, he’s 17 now and has been expelled from 3 schools in our care alone. From the outside you would never guess he’s such a little delinquent.
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Your bro reminds me of someone :mrgreen: altough violent outbursts came a few years later for me. But I had a less complicated history, guessing from what you said... (Thanks for sharing personal details once in a while, makes it all the more lively)
And a happy new year to you and your family ;)
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Drue climbed up the bleachers towards where I was sitting.

“You like what you saw?” He said winking then laughing. I let out a sigh of relief because he wasn't angry. When he sat next to me I messed up his hair with my hand in a friendly way.

“So who was that?” I asked.

He huffed, “I’m not gonna kiss and tell” and smiled. I laughed.

“Alright you do you man”

“Hey! Andrue! Get over here and crack my back for me.” Sam yelled. We looked up to see him walking up to where we were sitting on the lowest step of the bleachers.

“Sure thing!” Drue replied in a kind tone towards Sam. He stood behind Sam and wrapped his arms around Sam’s chest. Drue picked him up slightly.

“Did it work?” Drue asked.

“No try it again.” He did but couldn’t seem to get it even after a third try.

I sighed.

“Here let me try, I’m bigger” I said pushing Drue out of the way. Sam turned around with a surprised look on his face.

“Want me to help you or not?” Sam shrugged his shoulders but turned back around.

“Go for it” He said. I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up slightly but also squeezed hard and we all could hear his entire spine crack.

“Ah that felt awesome.” Sam said.

“Yeah that fall didn’t seem like it felt good”

“It didn’t” He replied looking around.

“Oh there’s Riley! Excuse me” He said, and started to jog over to where Riley was on the field. He turned back and pointed at me “thanks man!” he shouted. It surprised me a bit as to why he was actually treating me like a human being but I wasn’t going to object. Things seemed to have calmed down between the teams and people were starting to disperse.

“Hey Dalton lets go back to the truck I’m sure Riley is expecting us to be there” Drue said and we started walking back to the truck. When we got there Riley was already waiting for us sitting on the tailgate.

“Sorry we’re late Riley” Drue said.

“Don’t worry about it, Sam is gonna tag alone with us so really we’re waiting on him.” We had to wait for awhile for him I could tell Riley was irritated. We finally spotted him taking his sweet time walking up to the truck. He had changed back into his black jeans, navy blue fitted hoodie, black aviators, it was what I typically saw him wearing. He climbed into the passenger front seat.

“We were about ready to make you walk” Riley chuckled. Sam set his gun in the center console, it had a silencer on the tip.

“Hey, well thanks for letting me come with, I don’t think I could’ve put up with a bunch of teenagers for the long ride home.”

“Oh whatever you’re only like what two, three years older than us?” I asked rudely. Sam turned around and looked at me and took off his glasses, I was sitting behind Riley.

“Dalton, I am flattered but I’m 33.”


“Do I have a reason to lie?”

“Idunno guess not.. So where did you learn to do an obstacle course like that? You’re really good!”

“I used to be a Seal.” Sam said.

“Bullshit!” I said almost instantly.

“Don’t believe me? Ask Riley, we both were.” My jaw just dropped.

“Riley? Is that true?” I asked quietly. Riley looked over at Sam with an irritated expression plastered on his face.

“Yeah, it’s true. I really do not want to get into this though so we’re gonna drop it.”

“Wait but!” I started.

“Hey! He said drop it!” Sam yelled back at me.

“What the fuck you can’t bring something up like that and just cut it off like that!” I said getting heated.

Sam picked up his gun and pointed it at me. “Yes we can now shut the fuck up” Without thinking I smacked his gun right out of his hand with my left hand. It flew across the truck and hit Drue in the head who had remained quiet through this ordeal.

“Ow! Fuck!” He shouted holding his head. My heart was racing.

“Oh you’re dead!” Sam said furious. He was unbuckling his seatbelt ready to hurl himself onto me. Riley instantly pulled out a taser and hit Sam’s neck with it who passed out. I was stunned myself when I saw Riley do that. He pulled the truck over to a secluded turn off. I was silent. I thought about just running for my life but didn’t think I would get too far with my injury. Riley spoke to me in a calm voice.

“Do you know how stupid that was?” He just stared back at me with his harsh eyes. I didn’t dare say anything.

“Let’s go for a walk, trust me you do not want to be here when he wakes up, Drue go up to that gas station and get ice for your head.” I got out and walked over to the passenger side with Riley. He opened the passenger side door and reached over Sam and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. He looped them through the door and tightened them onto both of Sam’s wrists then closed the door again.

“Common lets go cool off.” He said and we started making our way through the woods behind the rest stop. We walked walked for 15 minutes without saying a word.

“Why does he have it out for me so badly?”

“You guys are the same person Dalton, I’ve known Sam most of his life and I’ve never met somebody with the temper he has until I met you.”

“He’s not exactly the person you want as an enemy though Dalton. What you did back there was a death sentence. Same with your actions towards Mr.Cruz at the meet. I cannot always be there to protect you. If I didn’t have that taser sitting right there he would not of hesitated to break a few more of your bones.” He said reaching over and roughly running his fingers down my broken ribs. I jumped away from him , clenching my teeth in pain.

“You’re welcome.” I glared back at him. Without hesitation he punched me so hard I fell to the ground. Blood started streaming down from my nose. I could feel it in my throat as well. I looked up at him standing over me.

“Just remember who’s in charge here kid.” He said in a authoritative voice. Strong, demanding, but not harsh or angry. He held out his hand to help me up. I looked up at his serious face. I realized something, it wasn't Sam I was nervous about being enemies with, it was Riley. With that I took his hand and he helped yank me up off the ground. I tried holding my nose to avoid getting blood on my clothes but it wasn't working out too well. I also tried to lighten the mood a bit.

“So if you’re not gonna tell me about the Seals, would you tell me about Susie?”

Riley stopped and hung his head back looking at the tops of the trees for a few seconds and chuckled.

“What do you want to know?
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"We want to know everything!" :lol: .... but not too fast. Good pace in introducing new information, interesting background for every character. Soo curious about the SEALS stuff.
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I grinned, “uh how did you meet?”

“The military.” He said. Suddenly cold and distracted by something.

“Why’d you guys breakup?”

He turned around and raised an eyebrow at me ignoring the question, then turned and started walking again. I didn’t ask anything else, he seemed irritated.

“Where are the fucking markers?” I barley heard him mutter.

“What markers?

“The markers on the tree’s Dalton.” He said getting agitated.

“There were markers on the trees?”

“You’re not very observant are you? Again turning to look over his shoulder at me.

“I’m sorry?” I said a bit defensively. What was he so pissed about?

“Isn’t the road just up ahead a bit more?”

“Should have been by now, we’ve been walking too far though.”

Riley turned around and walked past me looking at the ground around us.

“Something isn’t right, I drug my foot in the ground a few times as well and the markings are just gone.”

“What! You’re insane, come on!”

“SHH” He said holding a finger back to me and walking back to where I was standing.

“What the fuck?” I whispered. We stood there in silence for a good minute. He was calm but seemed distressed. I could see his chest heaving slowly. I now started feeling a bit concerned, I’d never seen Riley like this. He didn’t have his gun either. I looked around after now hearing a bit of rustling in the bushes around us. Then to the right I saw a young man probably in his early 20’s I didn’t recognize emerge from the trees, he was wearing a all black t-shirt, military style black pants, boots. He was holding a gun as well. Another one right next to him now and two from behind us and two from the left all wearing the same outfit and holding guns. Riley kept his stance in front of us not turning to look at any of them.

“Riley..” I whispered nervously.

“I know.” He said in a low deep tone, still not turning to face the young men now standing around us. Finally one last man came and leaned against a tree dead ahead ten feet. He seemed to be Riley’s age but was probably the biggest person I’ve ever seen in my life. Probably had to be 6’6 or taller, 250+ pounds, all muscle. His chest and biceps bulging out of his tight shirt.

“Hey Riley” He said smiling.

“Jonathan.” Riley said, crossing his arms.

“I believe you were looking for these?” The man said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handful of hot pink ribbons, dropping them slowly onto the ground.

“Gee thank you” Riley said less tense with sarcasm. He then turned back towards me, pacing.

“And I’m guessing you’re not here to go on a ribbon treasure hunt?” Riley said picking up a pretty big stick.

“Common Riley it doesn't have to be like that old friend.” The man said.

“Is this gonna be a gentleman’s fight Jonny?” Riley said turning back to the man nodding at his gun.

“You know I’m always a gentleman” He said smiling, tossing his gun in between himself and Riley.

Riley dropped the stick but instead of going for the gun on the ground he turned and went for the two men right behind us. In a series of just a few quick moves he had tripped one of them who was laying on the ground and was standing behind the other. Without a second of hesitation though he reached around and broke the mans neck who was standing. My eyes and the shock on my face couldn’t be faked. I was horrified, it was the first time I’d seen anyone be killed. The guy must have been only a few years older than myself. My eyes even watered up but Riley took no time grabbing my arm, pulling me towards the path he just created.

“Get out of here!” He yelled. I looked at him sadly but turned and ran. Two men ran after me but the trees were thick and I felt a deep remorse about leaving Riley. I quickly ducked behind a tree where I could see the small clearing where they still were all fighting. The two men behind me ran right past me not even noticing where I was. My heart was racing so fast I could barley catch my breath, the adrenaline running through me made me completely forget about my side. So many thoughts whirling through my head. I watch through the trees as Riley fought hand to hand against these guys, the best way I could describe it would be a type of Krav Maga. This was no wrestling on the gym floor that he had done with me. It was four against one, the other older man had joined into the fight. He seemed to have superior skill to his men. Riley was drenched in sweat but was keeping up the fight. He could have easily picked up a gun on the ground but never did. Slowly he was dropping the men. There were now three.

I was so distracted I didn’t hear the quiet footsteps walking up to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around grabbing the mans arm, but he was quick and pulled me into his chest holding his hand over my mouth silencing me.

“Hey shh shh it’s me.”
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Post by bondagefreak »

This is getting intense!
Don't leave us having too long.

[mention][/mention] Welcome back, bro 8-)
Real glad to see you back at this.

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[quote=bondagefreak post_id=27248 time=1553708540 user_id=73]
This is getting intense!
Don't leave us having too long. Welcome back, bro 8-)
Real glad to see you back at this.

Don’t worry the next chapter is already written :) thanks for replying man!
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Post by LK3869 »

Yeeea! Fistfight in the woods and a handgag as cliffhanger 8-)
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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I had never been as glad to hear that voice as I was in that moment. I pushed his hand off and turned facing.. Sam. He looked calm, his voice was urgent though.

“Are you okay?!”

I couldn’t speak I just looked at him upset, biting my lip. He put both his hands on my shoulders jerking me a bit.

“Dalton! Are you okay?!” He repeated.

I just nodded yes, clearly not alright at all. He did something unexpected.

“Here, come here.” He said in a calm whisper. Then pulled me into his chest for a tight hug.

“You’re alright.” He said patting my back. We parted.

“I think Riley could use a little help, good thing I’m no gentleman” He said holding up a sniper rifle.

“This is going to be interesting..” He said placing it in between a branch of a tree and the trunk.

I was terrified, Riley was way too entangled in the men. There was no way Sam would be able to shoot the men and not Riley. In a blink I heard the gun and heard Riley yell.

“Are you fucking shitting me.” I heard Sam yell.

I couldn’t open my eyes but when I did the two men were dead, the other older man was on the ground but seemed fine. Riley was getting up, his upper arm bleeding. He reached down and pulled up the older man.

“You’re welcome.” He said.

The man blinked questionably at Riley.

“Why’d you push me out of the way?”

“When I said I would take a bullet for you, I meant it. Just never thought it would be under these circumstances..” He said trailing off.

“Means a lot.” the man said turning and walking into the forest alone.

“You’ve still got it Sam” He yelled behind him. I was still in shock, panting heavily, unable to wrap my head around the situation.


We all walked in silence out of the woods. Drue was just leaning against the back of the truck. Even his grin fell from his face when he looked at us.

“Do I even ask what happened?”

“No.” Riley said sternly pushing past him. Sam grabbed some medical gauze out of one of the bags and helped Riley wrap it around his arm. We all got into the truck and started our drive. Pretty quickly I grabbed the bag of ice Drue had out of his hand and put it on my nose. It wasn’t broken but it hurt pretty badly. Riley could really pack a punch.

“Dude what happened to you guys?” Drue Whispered. I just shook my head at him indicating I didn’t want to talk. He dropped it. We drove for about five hours the traffic was bad and there were multiple crashes on the freeway. Riley finally just took an exit and headed for a off interstate diner.

“Thank god, I’ve had to piss for so long ” Drue said when we stopped and jumped out immediately to relieve himself. Riley and Sam just chuckled at each other, their spirits seemed to be improving. I still felt numb and sick, I couldn't get the sound of that boys neck breaking out of my head. I was awake but leaning my head on the window. Riley must have thought I was asleep because he shook my knee. It startled me out of my state.

“Oh you’re awake, common lets go get some dinner” He said in a kind voice.

“Can I just stay here? I’m not very hungry”

He didn’t even turn back to me just said no and got out of the car. I slowly climbed out of the truck and started walking after Riley, Sam and Drue were already inside. Riley stopped and held the first door open for me but closed it when I got close.

“You’re face looks disgusting” He said. I hadn’t even wiped off the dried blood on my chin and chest. He reached over and wiped a bit off my chin roughly with his hand. I stepped back instinctively. I wiped the rest off but it was still pretty noticeable, I didn’t care. We found Drue and Sam inside waiting for us the hostess didn’t even look concerned when she noticed the blood all over my shirt and the bloody bandage around Riley’s arm.

“Rough night boys?” She laughed quietly, as if she was used to seeing this type of thing.

“You know it” Sam said grinning and giving the pretty girl a wink. We sat at a booth Drue and I on one side facing Riley and Sam. They all picked up their menus and started reading them quietly. They all ordered drinks, except myself and then all ordered food. I tried again to say I didn't want anything when the waiter asked me.

“Dalton eat something, we’re not going to stop again.”

I turned towards the waiter and again told her I wasn’t hungry politely. Riley Kicked my shin.

“Order something.” I asked for a order of fries. Riley’s bad mood ended after that and started cracking jokes with Sam and Drue about totally irrelevant subjects, completely ignoring what had happened in the forrest. When the food arrived they all started to eat and talk about the meet or the trivia game that was sitting on the table. The situation was just making me sick and angry. Riley finally looked up and noticed I wasn't eating.

“Am I going to have to force feed you?” He asked under his breath going back to his own food. His head shot up when I pushed my plate loudly against his almost pushing his off the table. Everyone went quiet. I looked over at Drue and pushed him slightly telling him to get up which he did. I walked out of the restaurant angrily and kicked over a plotted plant outside. It took me awhile to calm down but I finally just sat on a curb nearby. I was able to mooch a cigarette off of a stranger. It didn’t take Riley long to find me as he came and sat down.

“You smoke?” He asked calmly.

“Ever since I was about ten.” I replied. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

“Don’t look at me with that judgmental stare” I hissed at him

“Im not judging” he said pulling out his own box of smokes lighting one up. I had to refrain from letting out a chuckle.

“I know why you’re upset Dalton and I promise you we can talk later about what happened but right now just isn’t the right time or place.”

“It’s as if you don’t even care, you KILLED someone, a kid, with your bare hands! No Hesitation.” I said getting upset. He looked over at me his strong face looked sympathetic but also sad in a way.

“Dalton, I knew that kid longer than I’ve known you. You were my priority in those few seconds, nothing else could have mattered. Walking out of that forrest though felt as if I had 500 pound weights dragging behind me. I learned a long time ago to not let weaknesses affect my actions.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes, I realized Riley really would do anything to protect us.

“I’m sorry for being so emotional it’s not a big deal.”

“Yes it is and I’d be nervous if you were not acting the way you are. I think you’re actually being pretty calm all things considered.”

“Why is Drue so calm? He told me Sam told him what happened while they were waiting for us”

“Drues been through a lot, seen a lot, and has been with me for a very long time, you should have seen his temper tantrum the first time he watched someone die and for a lot more justifiable reasons than today.” I looked at Riley and we both laughed, Drue could be quite the drama queen.

“Well what was with you taking a bullet for that guy?”

“Dalton I’m not explaining my whole life in this parking lot, I do promise to answer your questions at a later time. We should get back inside, please do eat something, I know you’re hungry.”

“Yeah I am.” I said and laughed again while getting up.
Deleted User 2786

Post by Deleted User 2786 » wrote: 5 years ago
LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago All that testosterone 8-) Ninja warrior style race, giant fight and kisses under the bleachers, would definitly make a fun TV show...
Reminds me of those inter-schools sports competitions: the only time I fought as a kid, around 9. Was the tallest of our school then and our 'champion', was fun to beat the other guy and sit on him :lol: ( not :evil: , not that early )
Souvenirs, souvenirs... Thanks for that refreshing chapter.

Haha funny. Yeah it’s funny because in my real life, I’ve been described by multiple people to have a “mean look” on the outside, quiet, angry but deep down a big teddy bear. No one really messed with me though I’m guessing because of my size. My little brother tho who Drue is made after in real life, is gay himself. A very bubbly, flamboyant fun life of the party. He’s also extremely rough on the inside though. We’ve all learned to stay away from him when he gets in one of his moods because he turns into a psychopathic hurricane. My wife and I adopted him when he was 14, he’s 17 now and has been expelled from 3 schools in our care alone. From the outside you would never guess he’s such a little delinquent.
oh I'm the delinquent? Speak for yourself pot. But hey those kisses under school bleachers does sound pretty familiar haha
Deleted User 2786

Post by Deleted User 2786 »

LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago All that testosterone 8-) Ninja warrior style race, giant fight and kisses under the bleachers, would definitly make a fun TV show...
Reminds me of those inter-schools sports competitions: the only time I fought as a kid, around 9. Was the tallest of our school then and our 'champion', was fun to beat the other guy and sit on him :lol: ( not :evil: , not that early )
Souvenirs, souvenirs... Thanks for that refreshing chapter.
Hey lookup “tough mudder” it’s a race my brother and I used to do. This part of the story sounds exactly like it minus the mud haha
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Post by The slave »

this story is really excellent i'm really too impatient to see more
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Post by rotkaepple »

This story was one of my favorites on the old board. So I'm really happy that there was some new chapters. Looking forward for more!
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Post by LK3869 »

that.kid13 wrote: 5 years ago
Hey lookup “tough mudder” it’s a race my brother and I used to do. This part of the story sounds exactly like it minus the mud haha
You sound quite like Drue, indeed... Nice to see new faces on this topic (so to speak, your pic stops at a nice smile 8-) )
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Hey guys thanks for reading/responding I'm not ignoring you I promise!! Just a bit busy, I'll post the next chapter tonight :)
[mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]rotkaepple[/mention]
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