The Reunion (Part Three of a series) (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

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The Reunion (Part Three of a series) (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

Post by Canuck100 »

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
The Reunion (Part Three of a series)
Story index at the bottom

By Andy

With childish indulgence having been taken care of, I somehow managed to survive the remaining week until Gina returned from Los Angeles.

The reunion was amazing; Gina ran off the plane and into my arms, just like the very cheapest of Hollywood melodramas, but we were both so happy that ironic detachment was not a factor. In fact, we were so charged up and ready for it that we skipped the dinner out at a nice restaurant which we had planned, and got straight home to pull each others clothes off and make love like crazed weasels in heat.

After working out the initial excitement over the rest of the evening, we paused to clean each other up in the shower, get some food together and catch up. Gina had had a wonderful time in Los Angeles visiting her mother (an actress, no shit), who always took time out of her schedule to spend some time shopping with her daughter, and she had bags of new threads to unpack. As I've stated, a sharp dressed woman is a very big turn on for me (Ironically, I generally dress like a total scumbag), but due to the lateness of the hour and our strenuous efforts to bid each other a warm and sweaty 'Welcome Home', we were too spent to even think about anything other than falling asleep in each other's arms. At this point, a cunning plan occurred to both of us; Gina agreed to wear one of her new outfits the next day (with an agreement that it would be the classiest, sexiest ensemble she could put together), and then model the rest of her new duds for me the following night.

Gina and I had initially met at work, and as our relationship had grown more intimate, I was living with her more or less full time at this point as well as being on the job together. This is, of course, suicide for a long term relationship, but we were young and full of lust at the beginning of what was shaping up to be a very beautiful thing, and work was almost like foreplay for us. We were in an office setting, so the superbad business attire she wore never raised an eyebrow while it drove me into a frenzy, and our jobs were performed over the telephone, so nobody objected to my punk rock/tough guy attiire, tattoos and shaven head, which Gina claimed initially attracted her to me and was a constant source of sexual arousal for her. This was also a time that both of us could fill with our fantasies about the filthy things we would do with each other. Our work stations were even positioned so we could look directly at one another as we went about our duties. Needless to say, work usually flew by for the both of us!


That night was no exception, and after shedding the yoke of repression that is popularly referred to as a regular job, we dined out and then once again raced home like the devil was loose to relieve each other of all the pent up energy. After catching our breath, Gina began to put away the clothes she had worn that night. With a gorgeous naked woman sitting not five feet away from me, I felt utterly free to express what most 'normal' people would think unexplainably weird.

"I'm sorry to see you putting those away."

"Why?" Gina asked.

"You looked amazing wearing that outfit. All day long I've been dreaming of tying you up in it."

"Really? I thought so. You can, if you want. Should I put them back on?"

I resolved at this moment to ask this woman to marry me.

"YES! If you're into it."

"Sure! I'm just going to take the change out of the pockets, these jeans are really tight." Lord have mercy.

She got dressed again, and helped me pick out various scarves, neckties and bathrobe sashes to tie her with. I had bound her wrists and elbows together and was in the process of gagging her with a black satin scarf when I chanced to catch a glimpse of us in the full length mirror next to the bed. There was something in the look on her face that conveyed excitement, satisfaction, arousal and total confidence all at once. I was so stunned that I stopped and looked back at her through the mirror. There we were, Gina dressed to kill with her arms bound behind her back, beautiful as the day is long, and me standing naked right behind her, in the process of tying a gag in her mouth.

"You like this!" I exclaimed, not just a little bit surprised at the way she was reacting. Her expression was like that of a queen with all the world's pleasures laid out for her to enjoy as she wished.

"So do you!" she retorted.

No denying it. I pulled the knot of the gag between her teeth, bound it behind her head, then brought the ends around one at a time to cover her mouth before tying the gag off at the nape of her neck. I stepped around her to grab my jumprope (I used to box in those days, and carried some training stuff with me at all times. Of course I had fantasised about what I would do with my rope and tape if I ever had the chance, and I'll be damned if it didn't pay off) from the floor and remove the handles. With the length or rope in my hand, I turned back around to face her.

Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how to describe the scene. There was the most sublimely perfect woman I had ever dreamed of, (before waking up in a puddle) bound and gagged as her eyes shone with excitement. At that point, she was controlling the situation as much as I was, and the power radiating from her was tangible. I gathered a handful of her lush brown hair and kissed her gagged mouth. She stepped forward slightly and began to undulate and grind her crotch against my penis, which had only recently healed from my last ill advised adventure. I could have come all over her in a moment, but didn't want to mess up her clothes, and knew that there were plenty more opportunities for us both in the immediate future.

I gently guided her to her knees on the bed, then put my arm around her chest and eased her face down onto the covers. I bound her ankles together with the white nylon jumprope, and drew them close to her wrists secured to each other behind her back. As I tied the end of the rope about her wrist bindings, pulling her into a spectacular hogtie, she shut her eyes and began to breathe heavily.

"Are you all right?", I asked, slightly concerned that I had gone too strict too quickly.

"Mm Hmm." She nodded her head vigorously in the affirmative as she half spoke, half moaned through her gag.

I stood back as she began to writhe sinuously on the bed, tentatively probing the limits of her bondage. With her elbows tied together and ankles tied within eight inches of her wrists she obviously was quite limited in her range of motion, but the sight of her struggling more and more vigorously, gasping and grunting loudly into her gag was more expressive than a ballet to me. After several minutes, she turned to face me and lay motionless, her chest heaving. There was a slight sheen of sweat on her face, and I could see the black satin folds of the gag move slightly in and out as Gina breathed deeply.

"You are amazing," I told her as I moved behind to remove the rope that fastened her ankles to her wrists. She chuckled behind her gag, and stretched her gams luxuriantly as I set her desk chair to face the bed. I helped Gina to her feet, then sat her down upon the chair and made the loose ends of her wrist bindings fast to the uprights of the chair back. I walked around before her, and lay spread eagled on the bed, directly in her sight. She sat with her feet and knees wide apart, arms tied behind and chest protruding. Even with the gag I could tell that she was smiling widely as I began to stroke myself.

There it was, the culmination of all my dreams since I was a wee little shaver. In strict point of fact, I had fantasised about this moment even before I had begun to shave and never had it been more perfect. As I brought myself to a powerful orgasm (it hit the wall six feet behind me), I looked directly into her mesmerising green eyes.

"I love you! I love you Gina," I gasped as I spilled my seed. Once again I was struck by her regal expression. Although gagged and tied into near immobility by my own hand, she sat ramrod straight, feet planted wide apart, arms bound behind her, fully clothed as I lay naked, Gina still let me know with her eyes and bearing that she was the one in charge. I was putty in her hands and would have done anything for her at that moment. She watched excitedly as semen leaped out of my engorged penis like it had heard the ice cream man.

"Ahh lvhff YMMM", she declared in tones no less imposing for her oral obstruction. She watched with glee as I slowly recovered from the powerful exertion. and hauled myself upright. I walked behind her slowly and began to untie her elbows and wrists.

"I love you, Gina. I love you. I love you, I love you." I couldn't stop saying it. She had surpassed all of my wildest dreams. What would you have said, chump?

I untied her gag. "I love YOU!", she said as I pulled the soaking knot from her mouth. As fervently as I had wished to see Gina clothed minutes earlier, it didn't stand up to the passion we both felt as we aided each other in practically ripping her garments from her. Both nude, her collapsed into bed as we kissed messily. After the first several loads had been blown to our mutual satisfaction, we lay next to one another, deep in post coital satisfaction and contentment.

"Hey," I remembered. "I wanted to tape your mouth while we had nooky. I've got the tape roll right here. Would you be into that?"

"Well... sure, I definitely would be, but I'm kind of worn out on nooky at the moment."

I laughed. "So am I, to tell the truth. Well, there's always next time, but right now, since I thought of it, I've got a big painful hard on coming. Plus, since I'm remembering, you promised to model your new clothes for me."

"That's right! You'll like them, they're VERY SEXY! Let me show you this one..." Gina lunged at her still unpacked shopping bags. Within moments, she was proudly showing off one of the many new articles of clothing she had acquired. She swiftly moved from one to the other, commenting all the while on what would look good on its own, with other new stuff, or with clothes she already had. Lord above, have mercy on a poor boy who always try to done his best, but I never thought anything like this would ever happen. My cock became steel hard within half a minute of this activity.

"Let's turn the lights back on so I can see you better," I managed to articulate between gulps of air.

"Good idea. Now I'm all excited!"

We clicked the switch back on, and Gina continued to go through a tour of her incredible wardrobe. Leather pants, mini skirts, silk and satin blouses, jeans, boots, it was all on parade, with Gina providing a running commentary on how sexy she felt in this apparel. This quickly became too much for your humble narrator. I felt that I would either explode on the spot or abruptly ascend to join the heavenly choir. Gina, of course, not being a blind, retarded deaf mute, picked up on my excitement and began to sashay about the room in a seductive manner while holding up some of the articles of clothing before her.

I nimbly manouevered around the gigantic obstacle that my cock had become and tore off a length of the elastic advesive tape that I used to tape my hands.

"You don't mind if I... I've just gotta... you're so fucking gorgeous!" Transcendant, no? Look out Bill Shakespeare. Gina, miracle that she was, turned to me and stood with her arms beside her as I sealed her mouth. When I finished, she put down the hangers in her hands and turned towards the mirror again and regarded herself as she smoothed the tape over her lips and face.

"Thmmzz cmmmn!", she opinined.

"That's cool? You don't know the half of it, Sister!", I stepped behind her and we took in each other's reflections. I ran one hand across her pebble hard nipples, one down to the moist, downy hair at her groin, and began to nibble her right earlobe. "You look like a movie star."

"Whmmnt whmmn?"

"Which one? Shit, I don't know. Victoria Abril."


Who? Who was Victoria Abril? "Victoria Abril, you know, she was in that movie 'Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down'." Gina didn't really physically resemble Victoria Abril, the situation just made me think of the foremost tape gaged woman in my mind. Gina actually looked a lot like Marisa Tomei, with a bit of Angelina Jolie thrown in (Of course, nobody knew who Angelina Jolie was at this time).

Gina shrugged. She was practically melting against me as I continued to massage her nipples and clitoris as I smooched her ears and neck between words. "Well, I'll definitely make it a point to see it with you. I think you'll like it. It's a sweet movie. Plenty of bondage." Gina laughed into her gag. We moved with each other for a few moments more. "Let me see the rest of your stuff."

I sat back down on the bed while Gina continued to model her considerable array of clothing. Full length silk skirts, slick slacks, vests (my favorite), a mind boggling variety of shoes, t-shirts, fabulous dresses, leather mini skirts, suit jackets, and enough scarves to immobilize the entire cast of Charlie's Angels including that stupid movie, (Sure it was stupid. I loved it anyway, so screw you) all with her mouth taped securely shut. I was in paradise.

It took a while, but I didn't mind a bit. She eventually put the last of her stuff away and sat down next to me, and our naked bodies quickly warmed each other up. I kissed her taped mouth (I'm a fiend for that, especially when they kiss back through the gag, as Gina did) as we entwined our arms about one another. I looked straight into her eyes and told Gina how much I loved her, then gently peeled the tape from her mouth. She immediately dived in and engaged me in some vehement tongue wrestling.

We eventually drew back slightly. "Was that OK? I mean the tape. Did it feel all right? Did it hurt when it came off? Did you like that?"

"It was fine", she reassured me. Gina pressed her hand against my shoulder to guide me into bed, and we wrapped ourselves around each other once more. We made love one more time, slowly, as both our sensitive areas were by this time quite sensitive indeed.

"You didn't tie me up while we were having sex," Gina remarked, "I was looking forward to it."

"Oh, man, so was I. I'm sorry! Still, I had a wonderful time tonight, and there's always next time. right?"

"There's always next time", she agreed. We lay together for a moment.

"I love you, Andy."

"I love you, baby."

"Goodnight," Gina said. She may have said more but I was already asleep.


So, folks, that concludes today's exciting, all true love bondage adventure from the strange life of Andy Excuse, Divinely Appointed King Of The World. I have to say I was glad to tell this one after the sordid nature of our last installment, and relating this tale made me reflect upon what a lucky so and so I am. There have been hard times, but overall life is sweet and The Lord provides.

Thanks for reading and feel free to contribute your comments. I'd LOVE to hear other TRUE stories of bondage adventures from the rest of you. It's easy, fun, and surprisingly liberating. Let's all thank Mason for providing us with an outlet.


Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Stories retrieved from Restrained Tastes, on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine