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This story was written for a member of the “Old Site” who used the name “Jason Music”. Having given good background information and certain plot details, he disappeared just before the story went to press. I wish him well and hope that he returns to us some day.

I don’t write American so some of the terms might not seem quite right. Ask me if I care. No, seriously, if there are any unrealistic terms, please let me know by pm and I might need to consider replacing the originals. The narrator, however, will remain British and I have no intention of following Noah Webster’s deliberately corrupted spelling system!
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Lengths. That was the thing. Lengths, lengths and lengths. They’d keep his body toned, his abs tight, his biceps hard and his pecs and six-pack well defined on his slender body. So he kept swimming the lengths. He was as good as any member of the swim team but he just couldn’t be arsed to turn out for competitions. Such a commitment would interfere with his music, but he always turned out on swim team evenings to cash in on the cheap training sessions.

Jason left the pool and showered still in the team costume that some people would consider to be rather skimpy. He showered and thought, “I look good. Why bother to change?” He was like that. He towelled off his fairly short hair but didn’t bother much about the rest of his body, packed his bag and left the leisure centre still attired in only flip-flops and the rather brief blue speedo that marked him out as a member of the swim team. He crossed the car park, slung his sports bag into the back seat and hurdled the door of his drophead.

His journey was uneventful but the air-stream as he drove the open-topped car home dried his dusty blonde hair and most of his exposed skin. The girls looked as he passed, his left arm resting casually on the car door: “So they should,” he thought, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

Jason’s folks were well-off to say the least and the seventeen year old cruised into his home along the curving drive and leapt out of the car without bothering to open the door.

“Find his keys.” said the unknown voice as he was slammed to the ground.

Welcome Home

Lying face down on the drive wearing just his speedo wasn’t exactly the most comfortable welcome home that Jason had ever received. With someone astride his back holding him down in a full-nelson position, he was denied the opportunity to turn his head so he still had no real idea of the identities of his assailants, a situation not improved once one of them had rifled through his sports bag and found his polo shirt. It was clumsily but effectively tied round his eyes.

Jason thought he might recognise one of the voices but why would he want to ambush him and start to tie him up? He certainly could not, however, recognise the voice of the obviously sizeable person holding him down; the one who recommended doing as he was told if he didn’t want to lose whatever clothing he was still wearing. Even Jason wasn’t THAT keen to show everybody what he had and nodded his agreement into the gravel of the drive.

His assailants were obviously well prepared and Jason soon found his wrists zip-tied together behind him and his elbows drawn together by what seemed to be a neck-tie. Jason was lucky to be so flexible and, once he had been assisted to his feet, the bonds emphasised his slender but toned torso. With one abductor on each side, Jason wondered where they would take him. He tried asking but that was the last opportunity he had for lucid speech before what he correctly thought to be a knotted scarf was forced into his mouth, tied tightly behind his neck and twice more in his open mouth.

Prisoner and escort embarked for places unknown, or at least unknown to Jason.

The Trunk

They hadn’t walked far before Jason noticed that peculiar smell that you only get from cooling motor cars. In a very few seconds, it became obvious what was about to happen to him as Jason felt himself hoisted by his armpits and his feet into what was obviously the trunk of a vehicle. All his muted protests were ignored while his ankles and even his big toes were zip-tied. Whatever they tied around his legs just above his knees, at least it wasn’t another zip-tie. The ones already securing him were already becoming painful.

Jason was folded into the trunk and it was slammed shut. The car pulled away. Jason was tumbled around for about half an hour. He wished that his kidnappers had emptied the trunk instead of leaving things to crash into him as they rattled him round the countryside.

Eventually, the car pulled to a halt and Jason heard muted conversations. Now he was sure: even though he was trying to disguise it; that was Austin’s voice. He’d always thought Austin was his friend. Who the others were, Jason still couldn’t tell. He couldn’t even hear clearly what was being said. He heard the scrunch of footsteps approaching and the first clearly comprehensible voice, “If you’ve scraped off that blindfold, you’d better close your eyes if you still want to keep that speedo.” Not feeling brave, Jason closed his eyes before the lid was popped.

The lid lifted and Jason felt hands lifting him again and lowering him to his feet. If whoever had lifted him had let go, he would certainly have fallen on the rough ground but, while there were obviously two kidnappers supporting him, there was also obviously at least one more who retrieved his polo shirt and tied it tightly round his eyes once more.

Moving On

This time someone taped the shirt in position and Jason’s “supporters” pushed him from one to the other for a while just to see him wobbling and uncertain about whether they’d catch him in time before he crashed to the ground. Jason decided that his best tactic was to hold himself as rigid as possible.

The sport soon paled for his tormentors and the voice of the large guy that had held Jason down initially suggested that they get him to where he was supposed to be. He was taken and laid on what felt like some sort of plastic seating.

Austin’s voice – yes, now he was sure – gave him the choice. “Either cooperate or the cable ties stay on. I bet they’re hurting already and who knows how long you’re going to be here? Cooperate?”

Jason nodded and felt his gag being reinforced with some sort of tape. The zip ties round his ankles and toes had been replaced by more tape and Jason was rolled over onto his face. The zip tie round his wrists was cut and someone even took time to massage his wrists while explaining that, if he tried anything funny, they’d use another zip-tie and he’d end up lying on his arms. The tie round his elbows was then undone and Jason was grabbed by the arms and hauled to his feet with his arms held to his sides. He was starting to get the idea. He didn’t know how many people were involved but there were certainly enough for some to hold him still while the others went to work on his immobilisation.


Jason felt more adhesive tape being wrapped round his body trapping his upper arms against his torso and his lower arms against his waist. Austin’s voice warned him what would happen if he used his fingers to try to remove the tape before one of his accomplices secured his wrists to his hips and his fingers to his thighs. That meant that someone’s hands came a bit too near his speedo for Jason’s liking but, in spite of the ribbing, he managed to keep still until the job was completed. “Let’s see you play the piano now, Maestro.” Plenty more tape above Jason’s knees occasioned a voice to declare that the task was complete. Jason now recognised that voice as the Captain of his swim-team. How many more of his supposed pals were involved?

“OK, over here!” By now Jason was not exactly stable on his feet and he felt himself being lifted by what he thought was at least three people and dumped on a plastic lounger once more.

“Time to make him comfortable.” Jason was pulled around a bit until his captors were happy with his positioning on the furniture. There must have been more assailants than Jason had thought initially; he felt what he now knew to be zip-ties being used to fasten both arms (where there was no tape), both calves and, more worryingly, his neck to the plastic slats. The zip ties weren’t tight but there was no way Jason was going to be able to leave the lounger.

His polo-shirt was then pulled from his head. Yes, there was Austin, there was the Captain and there were three other members of the team. To add insult to injury, they’d secured him to a sun-lounger next to his own pool!

“Hi Guy! Surprise!” Jason’s attempt to tell Austin what he thought of him was mercifully obscured by the gag. It soon became obvious that the team was going to hold a pool party round him and Jason knew there was very little chance of their being interrupted. They produced the makings of a barbecue, and plenty of soft drinks and even a case of beers. At least they hadn’t raided Jason’s folks’ fridge. The sounds were turned up and the splashing around started.


“Where’s the girls?” Jason really didn’t want to be discovered in his embarrassment by certain girls from the team. “What’s up, Jason? Don’t like girls?” That was NOT the problem!

“They’re all going round Sarah’s for a sleepover tonight. You know: girls’ night in.” There was much eye-rolling as Austin lifted his right arm and made the “yak, yak” gesture with his fingers.

“Shame, they won’t be able to keep our host company.” Jason didn’t agree. He had to watch his team-mates larking around and enjoying their barbecue for about two hours before someone noticed that he hadn’t been able to join in.

“Yay, Jason!” came the cry and the Captain took scissors and cut the zip-ties securing the host to his lounger. Being slim and easily transported was beginning to have its disadvantages as the Captain lifted Jason over his shoulder and made his way towards the slide at the far end of the pool. I don’t think Jason could tell you now how they managed it but he found himself launched down the sturdy slide like a ship down the slipway to a salute from his “friends” and into the deep end of his own swimming pool.

Jason panicked.

After a few seconds, though, all his tormentors had jumped in and Austin was supporting him safely and two of them towed him to the shallow end. Jason would have liked to ask why he was so “honoured” as to be the “host” of the event but something was preventing him from asking.

As he was dragged from the pool, it dawned on him that, if the procedure was repeated often enough, the tape would lose its adhesive properties. He was almost disappointed when he was returned to his lounger/jail and zip-tied into place once more. At least there was no tie round his neck this time. As he lay there, Jason could feel that he was now capable of making noticeable movements with his hands and he wondered if anyone would notice his working on it as they ducked one another and grabbed food and drink for the next hour.


Please see @[mention]LK3869[/mention]'s spirited rendering of the scene here: ... 565#p25553 along with more of his work.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent start. With friends like these...

I know you're new here, but we like to gender-tag these things.

And BTW, what's a "trunk"? Is it something like a boot?
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Post by Xtc »

Oh bum! I alwys forget to gender tag. I'll do it now, Sir! :oops:

Yes, in the rarified language that is forming across the pond, a trunk is, indeed, a boot.
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Post by LK3869 »

That pool party makes you wish you were a neighboor peeping through the backyard fence 8-)
Hope beers give them fun ideas later (don't drink kids, unless you got ductape :mrgreen:)

EDIT: is it me or does your title miss a "C"? "reruiting"? :lol:
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you. Yes, the title does, indeed require a 'c'. As I often say to others: you can't proof read your own writing!
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Post by Deleted User 3263 »

My kind of recruiting party! Very well done!
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Thanks. We'll now have to see how effective the strategy was.
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Why Me?

Things calmed down a bit as dusk approached and Austin thought that he ought to explain things to their host. “Well, it’s like this, Maestro: you’re a bloody good swimmer. You always turn up at training but, when there’s a competition, you can’t be arsed to turn out. We’re pissed off. We need you and, unless you commit yourself, this is only the first little social event we’re going to organise. You’ll never know when you’re safe. You’ll always be looking over your shoulder.” As Austin said this, the powerful, swim-shorted figure of the Captain loomed ominously over Jason’s head. It was like something out of a cod horror film.

The Captain explained that he was going to cut the tape holding the scarf in Jason’s mouth so that he could remove it. Then they’d adjust the lounger until Jason was sitting so that they could feed him. Once he had manoeuvred his aching jaw, Jason took his chance. “Supposing my parents come home?”

“Do me a favour, do you think I don’t know that they’re not due back ‘til late tomorrow? After all, I AM your best friend.” Jason was busy reviewing Austin’s status.

By the time he’d been fed, Jason started to be able to see the funny side of his situation. After all, he trusted these guys (or so he thought) and, now he knew who they were, he wasn’t frightened anymore and, let’s face it: they hadn’t seriously hurt him and were unlikely to do so. Nooo! They were assholes! What could he try?

Personal Needs

“Hey, you guys, what about a bathroom break?”

“Yeah, I could do with a piss.” and the Captain headed off towards the house. Jason thought that perhaps he’d not made himself clear and questioned the intelligence of his “guests”. The reappearance of the sodden scarf saw a rapid cessation of the insults. “Please. Boys. Let me use the bathroom.”

“What? So that you can leave this wonderful party? What would we do without our host?”

“Please boys, I’m breaking my neck here.” and Jason wasn’t telling much less than the truth.

“What do you think, boys? Put it to the vote?”

“Nah, make him suffer.”

“Let him go as long as he’s supervised.”

“I’m not watching him!”

“Who’s going to take his Speedo down?

“Not me.”

Things weren’t sounding too good for Jason even if they were to let him visit the bathroom. “Alright! Listen! I promise that, if you untie my arms, I’ll surrender after I’ve done what I need to. Scout’s Honour.”

“You’re not a Scout.”

“Alright then, I swear on my mother’s life.”

“She wasn’t looking too well yesterday.”


The Captain returned and put matters to the vote. “Undo his arms and let him take a comfort break? All in favour?” Jason would remember the two who didn’t put their hands up later.

Once more, the zip-ties securing Jason to the sun-lounger were cut and he was instructed to stand and hop over to his house. He struggled unsteadily to his feet and, with more compliments to his friends, attempted to bunny-hop across his lawn. It’s a good job that, although he wasn’t too fond of them at present, Jason was in the “care” of his friends and two of them soon came to his side and supported him in his efforts. Coming to the steps up to the back door, Jason asked his “guests” to take pity and he was carried into the house and put down by the cloakroom door.

Just as Austin was about to free his hands and arms, he noticed something which had become even more pronounced following the involuntary jerking of Jason’s arms during his bunny-hopping traverse of the lawn. “Oh look, he’s starting to work himself free.”

“You’ll have to pay for that when you’ve finished.”

“Oh please, I couldn’t help it, it was an accident.”

“Punishment? All in favour?” Once more democracy proved to be the worst possible system except for all the rest.

“Who’s got the scissors?” By the time his arms were free, Jason had been left in no doubt that his future sufferings would be the result of the people’s will.

Jason was shoved into the cloakroom and warned not to lock the door. That warning was completely redundant as he hopped across to the toilet as quickly as he could whilst trying to prepare himself for micturation. He thought that, while he was there, he’d better sit down as well in the light of “the people’s will”.

“OK, that’s long enough. Come on out or . . .”

“Alright, keep your shorts on. How fast do you think I can move taped up like this?” Jason lurched for the door and opened it. Then, as good as his word, he attempted to stand upright with his hands at his sides. “OK, do your worst.”

“Well, since you put it that way.”

“No, not behind him, we can’t keep him lying on his arms . . .” Things were looking up. “. . .for all that time.” But not by much.

Jason was made to grab hold of his opposite elbows so that his forearms were parallel. A whole roll of tape later and Jason’s forearms were comprehensively mummified in three layers of shiny silver tape and his upper arms had been wrapped so that he couldn’t draw them apart. If that’s all they were going to do, Jason hoped he would soon be able to work his hands free. His “friends” escorted him as he bunny-hopped back to poolside.

The Hot Tub

The Captain explained that his team-mates were going to use the hot-tub for a while before going home and that it was a pity that Jason couldn’t join them. If he promised to behave, though, they wouldn’t confine him any more than he was confined already. Jason lied that he would behave.

“Hey! What about the punishment we promised him?”

“Oh sorry. I forgot about that. Sorry, Jase, the people have spoken.” I doubt whether all the team members had actually been born out of wedlock but Jason seemed to think they had.

“What can we use to gag him? I don’t want to keep hearing offensive gynaecological terms.”

“Since when have you been so fussy about foul language?”

“Ooo, about two minutes ago.”

Much puerile laughter followed while the Captain hand-gagged the slender musician and pulled him down onto the lounger while Austin went to retrieve something from the pool. “Here, try this, it should be clean.”

Jason saw the hollow rubber ball being brought up to his face. “You are NOT putting that in my mouth!”

“You two, you’re on feet. See if you can persuade him.” Two of the team knelt and clasped Jason’s bound legs firmly and started roughly tickling his feet. It was a good job he'd just been to the bathroom. He fell backwards across the lounger once he’d been released from the hand-gag and started writhing desperately. The wriggling, giggling, gasping and eventual snorting and squealing proceeded for about five minutes before the begging started between attempts to draw breath.

“What was that? You want us to continue?

“Ah- a, ah-a, no you sssff bastards.”

“I think he does.”

“OK. No trouble.”

After another five minutes Jason could take it no longer especially with the Captain kneeling astride him making any evasion impossible. “OK, hK, hK, I give.”

“Say, ‘Please put that lovely blue ball in my mouth.’”

With the unrelenting attention still being paid to his feet, it must have taken the prisoner nearly a minute to say the sentence to his torturers’ satisfaction. “Ah, shoot. I suppose we’ve got to stop now?”

“No, take a few seconds more just to persuade him not to change his mind.” Even in the relative cool of the evening (although all the other youths were still in only their swimming shorts) Jason had raised a sweat. Austin announced that trying to sweat off the tape was another attempt to escape and that Jason should be punished for it.

“Watch it, Austin, I know where you live!”

“And . . . ?”

Although the tickling had stopped, the two torturers remained in position ready to resume the torment just in case Jason changed his mind. The blue ball was slipped into his open mouth and another roll of tape was started and applied generously around Jason’s mouth and chin to make sure it stayed there. The guy that wrapped it round him pressed the end carefully into the somewhat smoothed out contours of their victim's face “Just to make a nice, tidy finish.” and patted his cheek humiliatingly.

The taste of swimming pool chemicals seemed to fill Jason’s mouth as much as the ball did and the smell permeated his nose.

“Why stop there?”

“Wha’ d’y’ mean?”

“Well there’s a lot of tape left on that roll and we’ve got plenty more besides.” This was sounding ominous. “Let’s blindfold him as well.”

“That’ll hurt like ninety when he takes it off.”

“What’s on him already’s going to strip his body hair so what difference does it make?”

“Oh, come on. We can afford to show some mercy.”

“Alright then, has he left his boxers in his sports bag?”

“I’ll go see.” Jason saw humiliation being piled on humiliation as the boxer-briefs were retrieved and planted on his head.

“Not over his nose.”

“Oh, OK. That better?” The orange waistband was left over Jason’s eyes with the grey fabric forming what one of the team described as a rather stylish hat. Jason’s slim figure meant that the elastic could have pretty well held the hat in place without help from the tape but, as the Captain pointed out, it would be a shame to waste it.

Jason couldn’t see who was wrapping his head but, by the time they had finished, all that was visible of his face was his nose. He then felt someone fidgeting with his hair. He didn’t find out until he saw the photos later that he had a tuft of hair that someone was presently “styling”, protruding from one leg of his underwear.

Jason was helped to make himself “comfortable” on the sun lounger and the others went to tell unlikely stories and to drink in the hot tub.

It was quite dark before the team-mates decided that it was time to go home but Austin knew how to operate the exterior lighting and Jason’s “guests” stripped, towelled down and dressed ready for their homeward journeys. Jason wondered what was going to happen to him; he even started to wonder whether they’d forgotten him. He didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Time for Bed

“Right Jason, thank you, it’s been a fine party but we can’t leave you like that all night.” The erstwhile host heaved a massive sigh of relief.

“No, you might catch cold.” Now he became suspicious.

“Got another roll of tape?”

“Yup. Plenty.” Jason was suspicious no longer; now he KNEW he was still in the shit.


Still unable to see or offer any effective resistance, Jason was hauled to his feet and threatened with un-specified torments if he didn’t cooperate. His sarcastic reply was totally indecipherable.

Another roll of tape was started and Jason felt it as it was worked tightly round his ankles and then wound gradually up his legs, over his blue speedo to the top of his hips before someone started wrapping a second layer back downwards again which got to just below his knees before the roll was exhausted. One of the other swimmers took over from where his comrade had left off and, once the tape bandaging reached Jason’s feet again, he started slowly back up once more. This time the tape reached to just underneath Jason’s bound arms before the “bandager” wound a few final layers finishing at the developing mummy’s waist.

“OK, who’s turn is it?”

“I’ll have a go.”

“Start there. Not too tight.”

Jason nearly lost his composure as he felt the first touch of the tape on his neck. But, after assurances that not only were they not stupid enough to strangle anyone but that, if he didn’t stop struggling, certain photographs would soon be on their way to certain young ladies and, therefore, shortly afterwards probably to all their friends as well.

With the blue ball being held firmly in place no one had to hear the mangled gynaecological references that time round. To cut a long story short, Jason was soon completely encased in black gorilla tape, three layers thick. Even his shoulders had been included. Jason could hardly bend his legs as he was carried and laid down again. He didn’t know it but someone had flattened his sun-lounger again and that was where he would spend the night.

“Do you think he’ll be safe there?”

“He might roll off.”

“We can fix that.” Very shortly Jason was attached to the lounger by the selection of belts that the swim-team had brought with them. “That’s better, all safe now.”

There was much somewhat ostentatious noise as the “guests” departed and Jason suddenly felt very alone and he was starting to feel very afraid.

He didn’t know how long he’d been there before he heard the voice.

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Post by MaxRoper »

Wrapped up like that and left alone would be frightening indeed. And now a "voice" is heard? Jason knows if it's a familiar voice but the rest of us don't. Please don't make us wait too long.
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Post by LK3869 »

Whoever came back, hope they like to unwrap things :lol:
"sweating off tape is cheating"... You have a witty bully mind, sometimes. :mrgreen:
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Post by Xtc »

Yes, [mention]MaxRoper[/mention], frightening indeed in reality. I think his mind might have wandered off a bit.

Surely, [mention]LK3869[/mention], there is only one right-minded way of seeing the situation?
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Post by Veracity »

I only vaguely remember reading this before, but gosh, i’m enjoying it!
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Post by Xtc »

I'm glad about that. Thanks.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I like when chapters end on a cliffhanger... curious to find out who’s voice that was.

Well done !
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Thanks for that. I wonder how lucky he's feeling?
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Post by Xtc »

OK. Here's the last part of Jason's ordeal. Thanks for reading it so far and especial thanks to the commentators who have provided such encouragement.

Here we go . . .
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Gone Midnight

“If you don’t stop struggling, maestro, I’m going home. All that grunting and banging around’s keeping me awake.”

It was probably just as well that Austin couldn’t understand the epithets that were being ascribed to him by his friend who was conflicted by between fury and relief. He went over to Jason and placed a comforting hand on his stomach. “You didn’t honestly think we’d leave you alone all mummified like that, did you? Don’t worry, I’ll be here all night BUT, if you keep making all that noise (in truth, even when he managed to shift the lounger, Jason was capable of making very little noise at all), those exposed feet of yours might get a little unwanted attention. Can you imagine wetting yourself in that lot?”

“Mmmmm NgggH erugh.”

Austin sat astride Jason’s calves and carried on tickling and talking even though he hadn’t the vaguest idea what his friend was saying. “No, no need to thank me for keeping you company. No, I won’t be releasing you. Hey, that’s quite impressive writhing from a mummy. Had enough?” Austin stopped his assault on Jason’s sensitive soles. “Had enough? Two grunts for ‘yes’, one grunt for ‘no’.

Jason managed to convey his desire that the tickling should stop and Austin dismounted. “Now, I need my beauty sleep. No, you don’t need to disagree. I’ll only be over here and I’m a very light sleeper. But then, you know that from when you tried to prank me during that sleepover all those years ago. Good night, King Tut.” With a couple of light taps on what was still visible of Jason’s bulge, the baby-sitter returned to his own sun-lounger, the one with the sleeping bag and pillows on it.

Next Morning

Jason had an uncomfortable, hot, sweaty night. Not only was he completely encased in black gorilla tape but the straps prevented him from even turning over. It was the longest night of his life even though Austin stirred very early.

“Time for a bathroom break.” Jason wasn’t going to fall for that again as his friend disappeared out of his hearing. He seemed to be gone a long time.

The sound of footsteps returning didn’t sound quite right to Jason. Surely there was more than one person coming towards him? Then the voices confirmed his thoughts.

“Oooh loooook! It’s just like the boys said.” That might have been the last voice Jason wanted to hear in his current situation.

“Ah bless!” No, THAT was the last one.

Sarah and Tressa ran squealing over to where the boys had told them they would find their surprise package. “Oh look! Someone’s even stuck a bow on where his . . .” That was obviously Austin’s parting gift.

Jason was grateful that what lay below the bow was being kept very tightly restrained at present.

I won’t include all the frequent squeals of delight that punctuated the two girls’ conversations in this account but I’m sure readers will get the idea. “Let’s undo our present.” This was sounding even more ominous to a desperately pleading Jason as the girls un-buckled the belts that were holding him to the sun lounger.

To Free or Not to Free

“Oh look, they’ve left us a sharp knife.”

“Mnnnn!” The pitch of Jason’s voice must have encompassed more than two octaves with the horror of the idea of those two wielding a knife so near to his body parts.

“Nah, that’s no fun. Let’s unwrap him properly. After all, he is our present.”

“Yeah, where shall we start?”

“I think we should let him speak.”

“No, he’ll only embarrass us by telling us how beautiful we are.”

“You’re right, how considerate you are to help him avoid such embarrassment.”

“Mnnnnn!” Jason didn’t agree.

“Now, now, don’t forget we’re ladies. No language, please.”


The girls lifted their gift down from the sun lounger and more or less rolled it over to the lawn while it complained all the way.

“Got any nails?”

“They’ll do. Let’s see if we can find the end of the tape.

“Here’s one.”

“OK, let me in.” Jason didn’t know how he’d cope if the girls kept on prodding him like that and he could even feel the stroking through the layers of tape as Sarah’s probing fingers tried to dislodge the elusive end. He didn’t trust the protection provided by those layers and hoped desperately that they’d turn him over onto his front.

It was as well that Sarah and Tressa were physically strong members of the swim-team because Jason was going to require quite a bit of manhandling before all the stifling black tape could be removed. Once Sarah had undone enough of the first roll of tape to allow her to get a decent grip on it, she pulled. Hard! Jason’s voice showed its impressive range once more. Eventually the girls decided that the easiest way to unwrap the protesting parcel was for one of them to pull hard and the other to help her to turn it over. Soon Sarah had an unstructured and unruly handful of used tape in her right hand and Jason had reached the far end of the extensive lawn.

The two girls turned their team-mate round and swapped roles as Tressa pulled the tape and Sarah assisted her friend to keep things rolling. After quite some time and several remarks such as, “Do you think he’s got any clothes on?”, “Oh, look, he’s got some pretty silver tape underneath the black stuff” and “Oooh! He’s still in his speedo.” “Ah, that’s cuuuuute.” it was time to remove the last roll of tape.

Although Jason was not particularly hirsute, like any other boy his age what body hair he did have was mainly on his lower legs and forearms. At least the more tender area where it was in abundance was protected by his blue swim-suit. As the last of the black tape was pulled, none too gently from Jason’s legs, the girls remarked how fortunate it was that they had decided not to remove Jason’s gag before they started their task as the tape came free but not without a fair scattering of dusty blonde hair.

“Look at it this way, you’d have had to shave down for the next swim-meet in any case. You ARE turning out, AREN’T YOU?” Jason remembered the excuse the boys had used for capturing him.

Appraising the Present

By now Jason was lying face down on his own lawn clad in only his swim-team speedo with his arms secured across his front like an Egyptian mummy and his toes, ankles and legs taped with silver duct tape as well.

“OK. Let’s take a look at him.” As the girls turned Jason over and appraised him critically, his face under the blindfold and the gag went as red as his poor tortured legs that had just been stripped of most of their hair and even probably a certain amount of skin.

The girls awarded marks out of ten for abs (9), pecs (8), shoulders (8) and bulge (Jason thought that score was a bit unfair; the girls had clearly thought out carefully the best ways to humiliate their hostage) but before they could come to a decision about his butt, they needed to roll him onto his front again. Jason rather hoped that he would be left like that before he embarrassed himself even more than the girls had embarrassed him already. After careful consideration, a certain amount of prodding and much technical argument, they eventually decided on a score of eight and a half.

“We haven’t finished yet, lover, but before we grade your eyes and face in general, we think we ought to get you seated.”

“Surely,” thought Jason, “they’ll relent when they see my eyes. They must know I’m already pleading for mercy.”

A Little Lesson in Loyalty

Being unable to get a good grip on Jason’s arms, the girls dragged him to the sun-lounger by inserting a hand each between his calves and leaving him to bounce along on his bound arms whilst trying to avoid head-butting the ground.

Jason was quite relieved when he was lifted onto the lounger once more but rather less so when he was turned over onto his back. He frantically tried to think of something boring as he felt what he later found out to be zip-ties being passed between his thighs and used to secure him to the plastic lounger. Even worse was the belt that was used for the same purpose before it was raised from his hips to his waist and pulled to almost breath-taking tightness before being buckled.

“Alright, lover, let’s see those lovely eyes of yours. Shame you’ll have to lose your stylish hat.” At least his hair was (more or less) protected by the undergarment as the girls stripped the tape from round the top half of Jason’s face. At last he could see his tormentors; two by now bikini-clad lovelies. “Shit!” thought Jason, “Why couldn’t they have been ugly?”

“Ooo look, he’s pleased to see us!”

The next exchange between the girls was almost completely disrupted by the resultant attack of giggles.

“Eyes, what do you think, Sarah?”


“Oh, that’s harsh!

“Alright, eight then.”

“Ahh, look at him. He looks so cute like that.”

Jason was now finding it almost impossible to think of anything THAT boring! He tried his best puppy look and whimpered in what he thought would be an endearing manner. Sod it, he had no more dignity to lose and surely the girls would be a push-over if he made himself appealing enough?

“No, eight’s the most.”

“I’m sorry, cutie, it doesn’t sound as if my friend will budge on that.”

“No, eight’s the most. Now we need to have a little word with you before we free you.”

“Don’t forget, we’ve got to grade his face as well. Try to look cute and bring your average up.”

Being slender Jason left enough unoccupied room on the white poolside furniture for the two shapely girl swimmers to sit comfortably (as far as they were concerned) on either side of their prisoner while they had that “little word” with him.

Once he’d felt the fingers caressing his chin, his ears and his chest, Jason did intend to give the girls his best attention. After about five minutes he would have agreed to anything just to be allowed to go and hide his embarrassment. He wondered ruefully why this couldn’t have happened to him in private and without any danger of evidence of his torment being posted on the net.

Jason found himself agreeing to turn out for at least the last three swim-meets of the season and confirmed, also by nodding, that he was aware of the fate that awaited him if he was even one minute late for any of them.

“Oh good, we’re so glad you’ll turn out.”

“Yes, sorry we can’t stay. Have to get to work.” And both the girls jumped to their feet, grabbed their clothes and ran for the house.

“What was that? Oh, silly us! Yes I suppose we’d better not leave you like that.”

Tressa took the craft knife and brought it close to Jason’s trembling body. The tape securing his upper arms was soon lying in a tangle on the ground. Sarah then slit the tape securing his forearms in place and put the knife in his hand. “There you go, I think you can finish the job from there. If I were you, I wouldn’t try cutting yet but you can work your arms until it loosens, you shouldn’t lose too much more hair.”

Jason protested but it was of no avail as the laughing girls made off. It took him a good hour completely to free himself and, thanks to the amount of sweating he’d done, he didn’t in fact lose TOO much hair from his arms.


At the end of the season, his team mates assured Jason that all the evidence of his sufferings would be destroyed and he nearly believed them. All I’ll say about it is that next season, he found himself appointed Joint Captain and at the next pool party he hosted, he was able to circulate freely.

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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Well done, sir. Another fine tale from the master.
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Post by LK3869 »

Aye, good till the end!
Really liked this one, all your usual crafted details and humorous touches, and two hot and playful girls at the end, even a clear morale... This one should be recommanded in progressive high schools :lol: A 10/10!

Hope the guy who inspired it will see it.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by Xtc »

I live in hope that Jason Music will see it.

Thank you for your support. I shall now try inserting that link.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »

At long last: here is the link to [mention]LK3869[/mention]'s fine illustration:
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Xtc wrote: 2 years ago At long last: here is the link to @LK3869's fine illustration:
It complements your story very well!

Now I wish I had been a member of a swimming team and been in charge of initiating new recruits :D
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Post by Xtc »

Yes, as usual he did a brilliant job. It's a pity the inspiration for the story has disappeared.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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