Movie Night with Louise and Rachel (FF/M)

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Movie Night with Louise and Rachel (FF/M)

Post by superduperwaveydavey »

Long-time lurker, first-time poster here.

This event happened to me when I was at university. I was 19 at the time and the story took place around 22 years ago. Compared to other posts on this forum, you will probably find this story pretty tame. However, it is something that actually happened to me and is probably the defining event that awakened my interest in tie-up games. At the time, I was relatively sexually inexperienced and had never played bondage games. I had always dismissed my interest in bondage as being weird and I tried to bury it. However, the experience below started to change my outlook.

I was (and still are) good friends with a girl called Louise. She was also 19 at the time and studied at the same university as me. We had known each other since we were little kids as we went to the same school together before going to the same university in a different city. Whilst we lived in different student flats at the time, we became even closer friends at university than we were at school.

One Friday evening, Louise sent me a text message asking if I wanted to go around to her flat to watch movies. Every Friday night was a big student party night at the university student union. It was near to the end of term and we were both running low on cash until our student loan top-up payment arrived at the start of next term. Instead of going out, we thought it would be fun to drink a couple bottles of wine and watch movies together.

At this point, it’s important to point out that, whilst Louise was tall, slim and attractive, we were very much friends and nothing else. I therefore went to Louise’s house with no expectation other than watching a movie together as good friends.

I arrived at her student flat around 8.30 with a couple of bottles of wine from the local corner shop. Her flatmate Rachel was also there.

Rachel (also 19 at the time) was a stunningly attractive girl. She had the beautiful deep brown eyes and long brown hair. She could easily have been a model. Whilst I didn’t know Rachel as well as Louise, we knew each other from many nights out as part of a larger group of friends. Whilst Rachel was often flirtatious with me, in truth, I think that was because we both knew that she was way out of my league. Her previous boyfriends had always been very good-looking-fit-athletic types. Rachel would often to make suggestive remarks to me and I used to bite despite knowing that she could have any man she wanted rather than me. Deep down, I knew that trying to be flirty and funny with her would never get me into bed with her but I was happy to play along anyway.

I can’t remember the movie we watched but, after the movie had finished and we had drank some more wine, I thought it was time for me to go home. We’d had a fun evening but it was getting late. I said that I was be going home soon but Rachel wanted to keep the night going. I can’t remember exactly how to conversation went but it played out something like this.

“No you can’t go home” demanded Rachel “It’s still early. There’s more wine in the fridge. You can sleep on sofa when you get tired.”

“Come on” I said “it’s late”.

She shook her head “You’re not leaving now. We’ll tie you up if we have to!”

At this point, I thought she was joking. I looked at Louise “You heard her” she laughed.

At that point, Rachel’s face changed and her little joke then turned into a more serious suggestion. It was as thorough she had quickly formulated a plan “Would you actually let us tie you up?” giggled Rachel “or are you too scared?”.

“It might be fun” added Louise shrugging her shoulders while laughing.

At this point in my life, I had never been tied up as an adult since playing tie-up games with friends as a child. I wasn’t sure whether Rachel and Louise were actually being serious and whether they would do it. I didn’t know what to say.

Rachel said “Oh dear, you’re too scared aren’t you? I promise we’ll be nice”.

Rachel was well-educated and had an incredibly sexy well-spoken English accent. In this moment, it was impossible not to agree to anything she suggested.

However, I still wasn’t sure what they had in mind. Were they were serious or did they just want to see how I reacted? If I played along, what would they actually do. I knew there was no chance that this would end in some amazing sexual climax (but I nevertheless desperately hoped it might happen). This felt more like a dare. A bit of lighthearted fun. “Fuck it! I thought.

“Yes. I’ll let you tie me up but please be nice” I said giving in.

“You won’t regret it, actually you might” giggled Rachel. “C’mon Louise” said Rachel grabbing Louise by the arm. “Sit down, we’ll be back” shouted Louise as they both disappeared into Rachel’s bedroom.

Rachel’s bedroom led off from the living room of the flat they shared together. The bedroom door closed and I could hear rummaging and whispering. Eventually, the door opened and they beckoned me in.

As I walked into the bedroom, Rachel and Louise were standing by the bed.

“Lie down and put your arms up” demanded Rachel.

You’re going to tie me to your bed?” I asked surprised. I’m not sure what I thought was going to happen but I didn’t think I would be tied to Rachel’s bed of all things.

“What did you think we were going to tie you to? I thought you always wanted to find your way into my bed” laughed Rachel while ushering me to lie down.

As soon as I was on the bed, Rachel quickly secured my right wrist to a bar of the metal bed frame with a dressing gown sash. As she began tying my left hand to another bar of the bed frame with the reminder of the sash while leaning over me, I could feel my feet being tied together by Louise. Rachel pulled so tightly on the knots of the wrist bindings that I was slightly concerned she wouldn’t be able to get them undone afterwards. As Rachel stood back and peered down at me, I looked down to see that my feet were tied together with a scarf.

I looked up at the bindings on my wrists, which were tight and secure. I began to struggle to test the restraints and quickly found they were as secure as they looked. Rachel and Louise looked down at me laughing.

“Too late to back out now!” said Rachel “You’re our prisoner now.”

Rachel and Louise stood for a moment pondering what to do next. As I laid there, I realised how much I was unexpectedly enjoying my predicament. At that point, I thought that I better try and conceal my enjoyment out of a sense of embarrassment. But I was very much enjoying it.

“How long you going to keep my like this?” I asked while testing my bonds.

Rachel and Louise looked at each other and shrugged. It was clear to me that this event wasn’t planned in advance and they were making it up as they went along. I was now entirely in their hands.

I continued to struggle against my bonds. Rachel began to move towards me. She reached down, placed her hand on my chest and moved it slowly and seductively down towards my waistline and started undoing my belt.

“What’s going on here?” I thought as Rachel slowly removed my belt. I felt my heart beating so hard, that I thought it was going to beat out of my chest.

“Don’t get too excited” Rachel said grinning. She handed the belt to Louise who then used it to tie my feet (which were already tied together) to the bottom of the bed frame. It was one of those canvas belts that fastened with two metal rings to adjust to any size (which were popular in the 2000s). I felt the belt be tightened as far as it would go. I was now well and truly tied up.

“What happens now?” I asked.

“We’re going to watch TV and you’re saying here” Rachel said.

As they both left the room, Rachel smiled and said “don’t go anywhere”.

As the living room was adjacent to Rachel’s bedroom, and because they had left the bedroom door open, I could hear them whispering and watching TV while I was left alone in my bonds. I couldn’t see them, however, due to the angle of the bed and bedroom door.

I continued to struggle against the restraints although I must admit that I didn’t try too hard as I didn’t want my predicament to end there. That said, even if I had really wanted to escape, I’m not sure I could have done so. Rachel had tied my wrists to the bed frame very effectively and left me very little wriggle room. It did make me wonder whether I was the first person she had tied up!

“Are you ok in there?” shouted Louise.

“I’m fine but how long are you going to keep me here?” I replied.

“Quiet!” shouted Rachel.

“What are you doing out there?” I asked.

“Watching TV. Be quiet!” was the reply.

I continued to try to engage in conversation for a few minutes until they both entered the room. Louise was holding a large silky scarf and said “We’ve decided that you need to be quiet”.

“We’re going to gag you” interrupted Rachel excitedly grabbing the scarf from Louise.

I was so surprised that I didn’t known what to say. Rachel asked me to lift my head up as she wrapped the scarf tightly round my nose and mouth a couple of times, tying it behind my head, leaving me with a rudimentary over-the-mouth gag. In hindsight, as far as gags go, it was pretty ineffective as I could still talk in a muffled manner if I wanted to. But I played along and protested weakly into my gag with a “mmmmmphh” sound.

Louise then handed Rachel another scarf, which she tied around my head as a blindfold.

“That should do it” said Rachel. I then heard Rachel and Louise retreat to the living room to watch TV while I weakly moaned into my gag in the complete darkness and struggled against my bonds.

A few minutes passed and I gave up struggling and finally accepted my position. What had I gotten myself into? Why was I enjoying it so much? I hoped that the girls didn’t realise that I was enjoying it. I was sure they would have noticed how aroused I was even though I was fully clothed. I began to feel embarrassed. But, there was nothing I could do about it. I had been tied, gagged and blindfolded by two beautiful girls and I was helpless and stuck.

Over the next 45 minutes or so, the girls would occasionally shout into the room to ask if I was ok. “Yes” I would reply muffling into my gag.

I also heard footsteps enter the room and circle the bed. I felt someone sit on the bed alongside me and place their hand on my chest. “You know we could do anything we wanted to you” Rachel would then say teasingly.

At this point (and throughout the whole experience), I knew nothing sexual was going to occur (as much as I hoped it would). Louise and I were very much just friends and there had never been any sexual intimacy between us. So there was no chance Louise was going to get involved in anything like that. Whilst Rachel and I often joked and flirted with each other, we both knew she was way out of my league, and our exchanges were just a bit of fun. It was clear that this tie-up game was just a bit of a spontaneous game to her, a silly dare and I had accepted her challenge. She had essentially dared me to let her tie her up and she was now teasing me to show me that she’d won. She seemed to really enjoy teasing me with vague suggestive comments while I was tied up.

Rachel’s hand moved slowly down onto my stomach and then my thighs.

She then laughed and stood up.

“I really could do anything to you” she whispered. I then felt Rachel’s hands under my armpits as she gently tickled me. “Stop” I cried, which she did thankfully as I really hate being tickled.

“I’m still not sure you’ve learnt your lesson yet” Rachel said as she left the room. “What lesson?”, I thought to myself but there wasn’t anything I could do.

Another time Rachel entered the room she asked if I wanted to be let go. I really didn’t want to be let out at that point but I also didn’t want to let on how much I was enjoying myself. “Yes” I said unconvincingly muffling into my gag. Rachel laughed and returned to the living room.

The whole experience probably lasted around an hour or so. Rachel and Louise checked on me several times during my captivity. Rachel, rather than Louise, was much more the instigator of the experience and was the one who seemed to enjoy teasing me with suggestive remarks. Louise, however, seemed to find the whole thing very funny but was very much encouraging Rachel throughout. Louise also made comments that I was going to be left tied up all night, which was arousing but terrifying at the same time as I really had no idea of how long I was going to be tied up!

After around an hour or so, Rachel and Louise entered the room. They said that they would untie me only if I promised to watch another movie with them and sleep on their sofa afterwards as it was late. At that point, I couldn’t resist anything they said. It was clear that the fun was over, so I nodded and they both began to untie me. Whilst I would have happily have stayed tied up for longer, I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable due to the angle of my arms and my bonds. At that point, we all knew the game was over.

We stayed up late watching another movie and drinking wine. When it was time to go to sleep, Rachel and Louise fetched me a blanket and pillow for me to sleep on the sofa. I hardly slept, however, as I couldn’t stop thinking about what had just happened to me. The experience had opened my eyes to a new world of bondage possibilities. I had never really seen much porn back then as didn’t have a computer so this was my first experience of how fun bondage could be. I kept imagining introducing tie up games into sexual experiences with future girlfriends. I barely slept because I was so aroused replaying the events in my mind and fantasising about future possibilities.

The whole experience was unexpectedly life changing to me. For Rachel and Louise, I think it was just a silly dare/game alongside a lot of the other silliness that people engage in at that age at university.

When we got up in the morning, Louise made bacon sandwiches for us all. The girls joked about the tie up game but I was too embarrassed to say very much. As I left, Rachel joked about tying me up the next time I visited. That never did happen again with Rachel or Louise nor did I expect it to. That night was just a spontaneous bit of fun to the girls that didn’t mean much to them. For me, I simply accepted that I was very lucky to have experienced it and it began to open up a new world of possibilities in my future relationships.
Last edited by superduperwaveydavey 11 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by rtbw »

[mention]superduperwaveydavey[/mention] You might humbly call this episode tame, but it was many steps beyond what many can imagine experiencing. You were tantalizingly close to something more when your friend's hands reached your waist and thighs. They may have made you even hungrier for more future bondage than if they crossed the line that night. What a great story
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

A very entertaining first time story! For a first post, it is very good. Had to look up middle-English accent; sounds like Rachel was a fan of Chaucer. Despite repeatedly claiming you had no chances with Rachel, I think this story gets across a certain sense of regret on your part [mention]superduperwaveydavey[/mention]. I hope you found a loving TUG play-partner eventually!
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

tiedinbluetights wrote: 1 year ago A very entertaining first time story! For a first post, it is very good. Had to look up middle-English accent; sounds like Rachel was a fan of Chaucer. Despite repeatedly claiming you had no chances with Rachel, I think this story gets across a certain sense of regret on your part @superduperwaveydavey. I hope you found a loving TUG play-partner eventually!
I’ve just looked up “middle-English”. What I meant is “received pronunciation”. Essentially, she had a much posher English accent than me as I’m from “up North”! I’ll edit the story when I get chance! No regrets at all about Rachel. She was a great girl but it never went beyond physical attraction. I was 19 at the time and was physically attracted to lots of girls at the time!
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

rtbw wrote: 1 year ago @superduperwaveydavey You might humbly call this episode tame, but it was many steps beyond what many can imagine experiencing. You were tantalizingly close to something more when your friend's hands reached your waist and thighs. They may have made you even hungrier for more future bondage than if they crossed the line that night. What a great story
I absolutely agree with your conclusion. I think that is exactly what happened! I have another story from not too long after this event with someone else where we went quite a bit further. I hope to post it on here one day when I got around to it. My first story took me much longer than anticipated to write up so it might be a while before I can do it!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great story, it sounds like a really enjoyable experience all round. I liked the reflective tone you took with it, though I do wonder if you were selling yourself short. Did you really know for sure how Rachel felt about it all or was it just your gut feeling? Sometimes things can happen when you least expect it, at least that's what I've learned since my late teens. I'd love to see you write more though, if you have more stories
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Post by Sabrina »

That is a Great Story, such a awesome experience for you!.
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Great story, it sounds like a really enjoyable experience all round. I liked the reflective tone you took with it, though I do wonder if you were selling yourself short. Did you really know for sure how Rachel felt about it all or was it just your gut feeling? Sometimes things can happen when you least expect it, at least that's what I've learned since my late teens. I'd love to see you write more though, if you have more stories
Thank you! So do I think Rachel had an interest in bondage? Maybe. She certainly seemed quite enthusiastic about it at the time. Whether or not she was really into it or not, I get the feeling she had experimented with it, or at least considered it, before. Do I have any regret that Rachel and me ever took things further? None whatsoever. I never crushed on Rachel and had some other interests at the time. I am also delighted (and incredibly lucky) with the way romance has panned out for me since then!
Last edited by superduperwaveydavey 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

Sabrina wrote: 1 year ago That is a Great Story, such a awesome experience for you!.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Welcome to the League Of TUGs Writers. Your first entry is top notch. Well written and edited, and quite hot (in a sort of low key way).
Thanks for posting!
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Post by Rtj65 »

superduperwaveydavey wrote: 1 year ago
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Great story, it sounds like a really enjoyable experience all round. I liked the reflective tone you took with it, though I do wonder if you were selling yourself short. Did you really know for sure how Rachel felt about it all or was it just your gut feeling? Sometimes things can happen when you least expect it, at least that's what I've learned since my late teens. I'd love to see you write more though, if you have more stories
Thank you! So do I think Rachel had an interest in bondage? Maybe. She certainly seemed quite enthusiastic about it at the time. Whether or not she was really into it or not, I get the feeling she had experimented with it, or at least considered it, before. Do I have any regret that Rachel and me ever took things further? None whatsoever. I never crushed on Rachel and had some other interests at the time. I am also delighted (and incredibly lucky) with the way romance has panned out for me since then!
I'm glad that you were able to enjoy the experience without any regrets, and I'm sure that Rachel's enthusiasm probably made things even more fun for both of you, even if there was nothing between you. That's great that things have panned out for you romantically though, that's something everybody deserves to have in their life!
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Post by Sabrina »

So I can get a better picture of this, what were you wearing while gagged and bound on the bed?.

Do you have your shoes on?.
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Post by joanneb1980 »

I really like these kind of stories, they have a hint of realism to them (not saying other peoples stories are not true) I think most people, have experienced or close to experienced something like this, its light hearted and probably like i said, realistic to most people.

For the story, its quite funny, the unplanned playful nature of it, but what also strikes me about it, and equally funny, a guy has let two girls tie him up helplessly, with the hope of sex (or something sexual), I dont care what he says lol, he wanted something with Rachel. He essentially got teased a little and humiliated.

He got away lightly, if I had been Rachel he would have been begging before I thought about undoing the restraints and I would have had to have taken a photo or two hehe
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

Thanks for all the kind comments! I’ve got one more story that I’m willing to share on here (when I can be bothered to write it up). Hopefully coming soon. See you then!

[mention]Sabrina[/mention] just a t shirt, jeans and socks. No shoes.

[mention]joanneb1980[/mention] Glad you enjoyed the story. I’m so so happy camera phones didn’t exist back then lol!
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

My follow up story is now in the board at ... 6e7ed8b491 .
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Post by Sabrina »

joanneb1980 wrote: 11 months ago I really like these kind of stories, they have a hint of realism to them (not saying other peoples stories are not true) I think most people, have experienced or close to experienced something like this, its light hearted and probably like i said, realistic to most people.

For the story, its quite funny, the unplanned playful nature of it, but what also strikes me about it, and equally funny, a guy has let two girls tie him up helplessly, with the hope of sex (or something sexual), I dont care what he says lol, he wanted something with Rachel. He essentially got teased a little and humiliated.

He got away lightly, if I had been Rachel he would have been begging before I thought about undoing the restraints and I would have had to have taken a photo or two hehe

It was a really enjoyable story, ofcourse he wanted to Sex, but in my view go treated to something better being restrained by two Women for an hour, the suspense and tension is for some better than Sex.

He must have looked quite the picture!
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Post by Lost_the_keys »

Sounds like a fun night! Thanks for sharing.
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Post by AmyRu »

That’s a fabulous story! Well written too!
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Very well written 👏
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Post by Phil000 »

I'm not totally bilingual in English but I really enjoyed your tied up game story. It is indeed well written. Bravo !
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Post by superduperwaveydavey »

I’m blown away by the kind comments on here. Thank you so much!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great bondage story.
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