BD - Bondage Diary (M/m); Fifth entry B, Jun 4th

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 3

A couple of weeks after Dad had pretended to be a kidnapper and assaulted me in the house I was lying on my bed, scrolling through my phone. It was still quite early in the morning, but it was already obvious that it would be a pretty warm day; the Sun was high in the sky and there were no clouds which could darken it. I read some articles on the internet and left the bed with a clear plan for the day; since both me and my father had holidays that day, I wanted to get roped up by him again. Now that he knew that I loved being tightly restrained and silenced, asking him to do it wasn’t that difficult or stressful. I was already picturing myself getting expertly bound and then gagged when I went to the bathroom and toilet. When I was done with my morning routine I went back to my bedroom to change; I put on a pair of fresh socks, Nike shorts and T-shirt and my favorite TN black sneakers. I was about to leave the room and head downstairs to talk with my father when I heard a knock on the door and after a moment he entered my room. I was a little surprised to see him wear only his military pants with the wide black belt and army boots, but since it was hot I thought it was quite natural to be shirtless.

“Hey Dad, I was just about to go downstairs to talk with you… Has something happened?” I asked anxiously when he closed the door behind him.

“No, nothing, why?”

“You don’t usually come to my room, Dad.”

“Really? Well, never mind that for now. I suspect that the thing you wanted to talk about was me tying you up again, am I right son?”

“You know me too well, Dad…” I replied with a broad smile on my face.

“You are like an open book to me, kiddo… Anyway, if you really want me to do it, you’ll have to say ‘party’…”

“Party!” I interrupted him.

“Not now!” Dad looked at me as if I was a complete idiot, but I saw sparkles of amusement in his eyes. “I want you to decide when you get downstairs.”

“Oh, ok… but can you tell me why?”


Dad ruffled my hair playfully and left the room. I looked at the door puzzled a little bit, but didn’t think too much about what my father had said; after all, there was only one way to find out what was going on, so I followed his steps and headed downstairs, to the living room. When I was on the stairs I heard some people talking and laughing loudly. Once I reached the bottom I noticed two other men in the house; just like my father, one of them was shirtless and wearing their military pants with wide black leather belts and army boots, the other one had his army shirt on. They were very muscular and well built; their arm muscles were huge and their six packs were splendiferous; it was clear they were spending much time in the gym, carving their bodies. When the two alpha hunks realized I was there, staring at them, they smiled and came closer to me to say hello. I suspected that they were extremely strong, but they almost crushed my palm when we shook hands; it took all my will power to not wince or grimace. After all I didn’t want them to think that I was a sissy or something.
“These are my two friends from the army, Bob Hunter and Stanley Lewis. And this is my youngest son, John.” Dad introduced us to each other.

“Nice to meet you, kiddo.” Mr. Hunter, the bearded soldier, said.

“Nice to meet you too, Sir. Are you and Dad going somewhere? Has something happened?”

“No, everything is fine. But sometimes your father and us like to spend some time together outside of work to relax. You know... have a few drinks, smoke cigars, talk about meaningless stuff, watch a game on TV, you get the idea, right?” Mr. Lewis asked.

“Yeah, of course I do!”

“If so, then I guess you also know that this get-together should stay just between us, right? There is no need to tell your mother about it. Women not always understand what men need.” Dad added.

“Oh yeah, this I get all right!”

“Fuck, your kid is smart! One day he will grow up to be a decent man, bro!” Mr. Hunter praised me and ruffled my short hair playfully.

“One more thing, kiddo. Your father and us will want a nice, peaceful and quiet evening, so be so kind and don’t disturb our meeting, ok?”

“You don’t need to worry about it, Stan. I’m sure my son can find an entertainment for the time, right buddy?” My father asked and I saw sparkles in his eyes.
“I’m sure he can… All right, let’s get going guys, we need to do some shopping while it’s still early.”

The two muscular hunks didn’t even bother putting on their shirts; they left the house shirtless and soon I could hear the engine of our car start. I was standing in the hallway, finally fully understanding what my father had in his mind when he had told me about that ‘party’ trick. I returned to my room to think about his offer, but deep down I already knew what my decision would be. The opportunity was perfect; Dad would tie me up in my room and spend the lazy evening with his buddies while I would be alone, mercilessly roped up and silenced. I didn’t know for how long my father and his friends would be gone, but I decided to do all the preparations. I used the bathroom and myself a few sandwiches; after all, I had no idea how much time I would spend bound so it seemed a good idea to grab something to eat before that. Once I finished my meal I heard the car parking at our driveway. I was surprised they dealt with the shopping so quickly, but when I looked at the clock I realized that they were gone for over an hour.

“Hey kiddo, I hope you came up with something fun for the afternoon and evening!” Mr. Lewis said with a smile on his face as he put two large packs of beer on the floor.

“Well, actually I did. Since the three of you probably want the house to yourselves and don’t want me to get in your way, I thought that I might as well go to the party my friend Jack is hosting.” I said as innocently as I could.

“Jack is throwing a party? No way in hell I am letting you go there, son! You remember the last time right? His brothers not only drank themselves blind, but also offer the alcohol to you! Both of you!”

“They did it only once, Dad! And they got punished, you know that.”

“No, you won’t go there, John! And that’s final!”

“We’ll see about that…” I mumbled to myself.

“What was that?!” My father asked furiously and then turned to his army buddies: “Guys, you still remember what to do when we want a man to stay put and don’t cause any troubles, right?”

“Fuck, bro, no way you want to actually do it to your son!” Mr. Lewis said and laughed.

“I don’t think we have a choice here; the kid is apparently going to do something stupid and I’m not in the mood for having my evening disturbed…” Mr. Hunter replied with a sinister tone.

“All right, then! Stan, you cover the front. Bob, you do the middle, I’ll take the back and then move on!” My father said.

“Front? Back? What the hell are you guys talking about!?” I asked, completely taken aback.
The three muscular hunks didn’t bother explaining anything to me, but soon I understood well what they meant; in no time Mr. Lewis was right next to me and clamped his huge palm brutally over my lower face, silencing me neatly. I moaned into his giant gag and tried to reach his arms with mine, but the moment I made my move Mr. Hunter grabbed both of my upper limbs and twisted them forcefully behind my back. Even though I was no match for the two aggressive behemoths I didn’t stop fighting and doing my best to escape their vice like grip. The soldiers just laughed at my pathetic attempts to free myself and forced me on the floor on my stomach. The moment my body touched the wooden surface I felt Mr. Hunter sit on my lower back. I moaned again, surprised by his weight, but there was nothing I could do about it; cruelly hand gagged and with my arms behind my back I could only wait for the turn of events.

“Keep him like this, guys, I’ll bring some stuff to bind him!” Dad told his buddies.


“No worries, he won’t escape…”

While my father was gone I kept wiggling and struggling, but no matter how hard I tried, all my efforts were futile; the two hunks definitely knew how to keep a guy still and quiet. Of course that didn’t stop me and soon I started sweating. After a while I had to rest for a while, which cased the two brutes to taunt and tease me. I got a little angry and I acted before I thought everything through; I bent my legs and his Mr. Hunter’s back with my feet. I let out a satisfied grunt into Mr. Lewis’s palm.

“You’re gonna regret that, kiddo… I was going to tell your father to go easy on you, but since you are so feisty I think we’ll give you the full treatment.” I heard Mr. Hunter’s ominous voice.

“Too late for this, John! Hitting my buddy wasn’t wise…”

I was about to renew my efforts to escape when my father returned to the living room carrying a large black duffel bag. He put it next to my legs and knelt down, ready to start his work, but before he did, his buddies told him what I did and suggested that I should be bound to the full extent, as if I was their war prisoner. Dad agreed and soon I felt him pressing my legs together, parallel to each other. Fighting or resisting wasn’t an option in my position, so I waited patiently and felt the muscular soldier wrap some rope around my ankles, tightly and professionally. After cinching the last knot, my father moved up and did the same to my calves, then right above the knees and finally my thighs. When he was finished I could only wiggle my feet and toes.

“That’ll do the trick for now. Bob, put his wrists nest to each other.”

Dad moved to my side and squatted. I expected him to start binding my hands together, but instead, he grabbed some rope and began wrapping it around my forearms, right below my elbows. At first I had no idea what he had in mind, but soon I felt my elbows moving close to each other and moaned angrily into the humiliating hand gag. Dad ignored my pleas and cinched the knot, making sure that my arms would stay parallel to each other. Soon I felt more rope being wrapped around my forearms, going from my elbows to my wrists. When the last knot was tied tightly I thought that my father was done, but he used even more rope to bind my wrists together.

“Bro, you aren’t going easy on him…”

“No, but he is tough enough to take it.”


When my arms and legs were properly immobilized and there was no way I could escape Mr. Hunter stood up. I moaned in relief when his weight disappeared from my back, but it was a fugacious feeling; My father grabbed several very long coils of rope and his friend lifted me up a little. Dad used the space between me and the floor to wrap the rope around my body at the level of my upper arms, forearms and wrists, pinning my upper limbs mercilessly to my torso. The two of them created some sort of harnesses to make sure that none of the rope would loosen. At that moment I was afraid that it might have not been the best idea to push my luck and kick Mr. Hunter, but it was too late; I was being tied up much more I could expect and I had a feeling that the guys are far from being over.

“All right, he’s ready for the hogtie!” Dad announced when he checked all the knots on my arms.


Even though I tried to protest, I soon felt my legs being bent and pressed brutally towards my buttocks. At that time I was extremely grateful for all the exercises I had done which made my body flexible. While one of the soldiers was keeping my bound limbs still, the other one was connecting my ankles with my wrists, elbows and the thighs. After a few minutes they finished and by the time they did, I was completely helpless. I was sure that no amount of struggling would get me out of that roping.

“All right, time to shut you up, son. I was going to be lenient about the gag, but since you hit my buddy, you’ll get the full treatment. Maybe this will teach you not to be rude to our guests….”

The two shirtless soldiers rolled me on my side and Mr. Lewis finally removed his sweaty palm from my lower face, but before I could utter a sound he grabbed my jaw and pressed his fingers into my cheeks, forcing me to open my mouth. The moment I did Dad started pushing something inside; I didn’t see what it was, but the taste was awful and I immediately wanted that thing out. Once it was all packed in my father took something else and forced it into my yap as well. Now my whole oral cavity was stuffed to the limits and I couldn’t even whimper.

“Get me the tape!”

Mr. Hunter passed my father the giant roll of military grade, super strong duct tape. The muscular hunk didn’t waste the time; he unwound some and pressed it against my mouth. The ripping sound filled the room as my father kept wrapping the ultra sticky tape around my head over ten times, making each layer pressed tightly over my face. When he finally tore the tape off and smoothed the loose end I could only stare at him and his friends. I tried speaking, but only an extremely muffled moan came out. The soldiers seemed satisfied with their work; Mr. Lewis ruffled my hair playfully and they got up.

“All right, let’s clean up the ropes and tape and we can start !”

That was it for me; no matter how much I struggled or moaned into my oversized gag, the giant hunks took no notice of me. Once they made sure I was secured they focused on their own entertainments. The hunks smoked cigars, drank beer, played cards, watched the game on TV, talked about their plans for vacations… all that time ignoring my struggling and attempts to speak. From time to time one of them came to me to check if all the bonds are as secured as they should be, but that was actually all the attention they paid to me that day. Their little get together party lasted for several hours and by the time my father’s friends left it was already dark. I expected him to finally set me free, but he didn’t. Instead he cleaned the mess first and washed the dishes. He came to me when everything was done.

“Hope you liked your day in ropes son. I don’t know if you did that on purpose, but angering Bob came out really well!”


“All right, all right…”

Dad started undoing my bonds and after ten minutes I was completely free. I rushed to the bathroom and then helped my father with the ropes.

“All right, I’m off to bed, John. Have a good night!”

“See you in the morning, Dad, good night!”

I went to grab something to eat and then went to my bedroom. When I was tied up in that cruel hogtie I thought that once I get free I wouldn’t want to be bound again for quite some time. Apparently I was wrong; before I fell asleep I was already picturing myself in ropes again…

@Wedgieboy69 @Bradstick @mig137 @Gaybondage @bondagefreak @Smythdean @RopedBud @Muscle-Flex @Msueta@2 @BDBrit @gaggedfeety @MountainMan_91 @socjuc @MaxRoper @cj2125 @szlm1515 @DomTiesMen @sniffingyoursocks @Bradboi @Xtc @privateandrews @Bondwriter @wataru14 @DeeperThanRed @OrdinaryWorld @NeedControl @harveygasson @dahanband @KidnappedCowboy @Whitestorm @jackroper @Sockbound1234 @Mitchelaiden @Sockgaggedman @TightropesEU @GoBucks @Tsuhaya @Jb99 @ohazut @ShortSocks @Gagster92 @Guardianbound @Radio_Ralph23 @gurisc @noarmgr @Subboi @Ak610 @ChairBoy @abcdefsmith3 @brasileira2 @DuctTapedBoy22 @Stormee @Socksbound @gag1195 @Red86 @The slave @iranian_men_gagged @TieOrBeTied

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Post by socjuc »

Loved that Dad's buddies took full control on John! And how they used their military training to truss him up.

Based on John's thoughts, I can imagine he is now likely picturing Dad's buddies partaking in the next cycle of tie ups...? I kind of hope they get even for John's little outburst... :lol:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

I'm really enjoying this story 😊
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 4

For the next several weeks, whenever me and my father were alone, I asked him to rope me up and keep me his prisoner, but he always refused, claiming that tying me up for such a short time wasn’t worth his effort. Even though I begged, nothing budged him, but every time I was talking with him about me getting bound again I had a strange feeling that his eyes were sparkling and a devilish smile was about to appear on his face. Since Dad apparently wasn’t going to restrain me until he was ready the only thing left for me to do was to return to the last time he and his army buddies had me hogtied and cruelly gagged on the floor. And I did that very often; every now and then I was caught absent-minded by my teachers and friends and they kept asking why I was like that. It was quite embarrassing because I had to make up new excuses all the time and some of them seemed really stupid even for me. The only person who knew exactly what was going on was my father ;

After what seemed like eternity, but what really was barely three weeks, me and my father were having breakfast on a very hot Saturday morning. We were both shirtless, because the heat was already unbearable, even thought it was merely a little after nine. I really hated that weather and I was considering ways to deal with it, like going to the swimming pool when Dad suddenly told me that since we were about to spend the whole weekend alone, he would tie me up again if I still wanted to do it. He caught me off guard and for a moment I was thinking to pass; it was extremely hot and I was already sweating like crazy. Spending the day in ropes, covered in sweat wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for at that moment, but after some reconsideration I decided to go for it; after all I could ask my father to go easy on me this time or at least let me have some breaks to take the shower and cool off for a while.

“Why today, Dad? It’s hot as hell…” I asked.

“We’re alone, no one will bother us for two days, so I thought I would use the occasion to keep you in restraints for a little longer. But if you don’t want to…”

“I never said I didn’t want to! I was just curious, that’s all…”

“All right then kiddo. Clean all this mess and then I’ll meet you here.”

“Got it, Dad!”

Once we finished eating I carried all the plates to the sink and washed them quickly. Even though I had some doubts about getting tied up in such a dreadful day, I knew that I would regret it if I didn’t take this opportunity. When everything was done I decided to use the bathroom before I meet with my father and I even took a shower to wash off all the sweat from my body. For a brief moment I was thinking if I should wear a shirt, but I decided not to; since the air was really muggy I knew I would start sweating again in no time and I didn’t want to spend the day with my sweat drenched shirt on me. I also stayed barefoot; the only thing I had on me when I headed to the living room was my shorts. Dad was nowhere to be seen, so I sat on the couch, but soon I heard the familiar heavy footsteps behind me; I turned around and I saw my father in his army pants and boots again. Apparently there was no weather bad enough for wearing his favorite military outfit. His shirtless, muscular torso was covered in sweat, exactly as was mine a few moments ago.

“Ok, kiddo, ready for you next restraining adventure?”

“You bet your ass I am, Dad!”

“Now, watch your mouth young man! ”

“I’m sure you’ll soon find a good way to deal with this problem, Dad!”

“You bet your fucking ass I will!”

“Hey, it’s not fair!

Dad just smiled and grabbed me by my shoulder. To my surprise he opened the door to the basement and told me to go downstairs. I complied with the soldier’s order and soon I realized why my father decided to bind me in the cellar; it was a much more bearable place to spend the time during such an incredibly hot day. It was actually cold down there and for a moment I regretted that I didn’t put on any T-shirt or socks, because the floor was just concrete and nothing more. I turned around to ask the muscular hunk where I should go, but he just smiled and marched me to one of the rooms in the basement. This one was supposed to became the laundry room, but no one ever got around to it. The only work that was ever done here was the electricity: a single bulb hanging from the ceiling. Apart from that, there was also an old, wooden chair.
“Really? You’re going to tie me up here?”

“It’s either here, or nowhere, son. It’s your call, but I guess we already know the answer, right?”

“Absolutely! It’ll be great!” I said and sat on the chair with my arms behind it.

“Stand up, kiddo! We’re gonna try something special today… Wait for me here!”

I watched my father left the room and I looked around; there wasn’t much to look at there, so soon my mind was filled with different scenarios of how would I be restrained this time. Fortunately for me, I didn’t have too much time to think about it; Dad was soon back and when he reentered the small room I noticed he had a huge stretch wraps in his arms. He put it on the floor and left me again. By that time I already knew what my fate would be and I couldn’t wait to be mummified in that foil. My heart was pounding with excitement when the giant hunk was back, this time carrying five or six rolls of extra wide, grey duct tape.
“Get over here, boy!”

When I moved closer to him, Dad grabbed one of the rolls and unwound it a little. He ordered me to show my hands and immediately started sealing my fingers of my left palm together. I asked him what he was up to, but he ignored me and focused on his work. After the tenth’s wrap he tore the tape off and started working on my other hand. When he finished my fingers were already useless to me, but I knew well that it was only the beginning; Dad put the tape away and placed my arms along my sides. I didn’t dare move when he took one of the stretch wraps and unwound some.

“Ready to be properly wrapped, son?”

“Uhm… yes, Dad!”

He smiled at me and squatted down in front of me. He started wrapping the stretch around my ankles and moved up very slowly. At first it was really hard to keep my balance, but after several minutes I got used to it and stood still as the behemoth soldier kept wrapping my lower limbs in the transparent foil. I tried talking to him, but none of my questions got an answer; I had no idea if my father was posing as a rough kidnapped who simply doesn’t talk with his victim or he was so focused on his work that he didn’t even realize I was speaking to him, but that didn’t actually matter. I was really glad that I was getting bound again and nothing could spoil the fun for me. Once my legs and hips were done, Dad stood up and started wrapping the stretch around my upper body, pinning my arms to my sides. He used half of the roll before he was satisfied. I tried moving a little, but it was pointless; I was restrained so well, that I could only move my head and toes, even my fingers were now tightly pressed against my thighs.

“Wow, I am completely stuck!”

“You can’t even imagine how stuck you’ll be in a while, kiddo!” Dad replied and ruffled my hair playfully.

I watched him grab the duct tape and unwind it; the ripping sound filled the small, dim lit room as the muscular hunk started wrapping my whole body with the super strong tape. He started at the ankles and moved up extremely slowly, making sure that every next layer of the sticky tape would cover at least two third of the previous one. Dad used two whole rolls by the time he reached my shoulders, but apparently that didn’t satisfy him; he grabbed one more roll and wrapped it all over my whole body, starting at the chest and going down to my ankles. When he was done I was restrained like I had never imagined I would be.

“How does it feel, son?”

“This is breathtaking, I can’t move at all!”

“Yeah, this is exactly what being tied up is all about. Now, let’s get you on the floor.”

Since I couldn’t even bend my body because of all of those stretch and duct tape layers my father had to help me; he stood behind me and told me not to struggle. He grabbed my be my shoulders and gently lowered them until my whole body was lying helplessly on the concrete floor. Dad move my mummified form to the corner of the room, grabbed the chair and sat on it. He kept looking at me for some time as I tried struggling.

“I hope you like it, kiddo.”

“I love it!”

“Glad to hear this, because you’ll spend the whole day here. I’m having a small party upstairs and I don’t want you to disturb us. Unfortunately for you… or fortunately, depends how you look at the case, this means you need to be gagged extremely tightly. I can’t risk you attracting anybody’s attention, right?”

“What?! Wait, are you serious?! You can’t leave me like this for the whole day!”

Dad ignored my outburst and squatted down near my head. He grabbed something from his army pants and unceremoniously started packing it into my mouth. I immediately started protesting; I didn’t see what the material was, but judging from the smell it could be only one thing: my father’s sweaty underwear. Since they were huge the alpha hunk needed much time to shove the whole gag into my mouth, but when he finally managed, my yap was stuffed to the limits and I could barely moan; not only speaking was impossible, but also pushing the giant wad out with my tongue seemed terribly difficult. When the stuffing was passed my teeth Dad made me close my lips and took the tape. Once again the ripping sound filled the room as the brutal army stud was wrapping the tape around my head, sealing his underwear in. I lost the count after the twentieth layer and just waited for my father to finish.

“There, those bad boys need some good washing, I hope you can do it for me, kiddo.”


“Thanks, buddy, I knew I could count on you!”

Dad left the room without saying anything else; I thought he would just leave me there so I was really taken aback when he returned holding an electric drill in one hand and a box of huge expansion nails in the other. He smiled down at me and went to the other corner of the room. Soon I heard him drilling; I turned my head as much as I could and realized he was making several holes in the floor. After some time he was done; he forced the expansion nails into the holes and then stood up. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and came to me. I moaned, but got ignored again. Dad moved me to the other corner and started screwing large closed steel loop hook into the floor. I had no idea what was going on, but all my attempts to attract his attention were useless.

“Don’t go anywhere, be right back, son!”

My father grabbed the electric drill and once again left me alone. Soon he was back, this time holding several coils of rope. Now I finally realized what he was going to do; Dad started wrapping the ropes around my mummified body and through the loops, immobilizing me completely and depriving me even from rolling on the floor. The imaginative soldier used all the rope he brought; he even tied my big toes together and connected them to one of the hooks, making sure that I would stay completely still. As a final touch he put a pillow under my head to make me a little more comfortable.

“All right, I guess we’re done here, son. I’ll come to check on you once in a while, but don’t expect too many visits from me. After all, I’ll have a bunch of army guys to entertain!”

I tried moaning, but it was so pathetic that even I could barely hear myself. Dad put the rolls of tape and stretch wrap by the wall and left the room. I heard him lock the door with the key and soon light was gone. I was alone, mummified beyond belief and silenced with my father’s sweaty underwear. At first I tried struggling, but it took me merely a few seconds to realize that there was no way I could free myself without help; I was stuck and was meant to stay that way until my captor decided otherwise.

Just like he said, Dad came to check on me every now and then, but the visits were very short; he just made sure I was still as restrained as I should be and returned to his army buddies, leaving me alone in darkness. Finally, after what seemed like at least several long hours he came back again. When he turned the light on I saw that he was a little intoxicated, but definitely not dead drunk. His whole upper body was covered in sweat and he had a bottle of beer in his hand. I tried asking him to let me go, but he smiled, grabbed the chair and sat on it. He kept watching my futile attempts to free myself as he was drinking the beer. From time to time he placed his booted feet on my chest or even face to taunt and tease me.

“All right, ready to be free again, boy?” He finally asked.


“All right, let’s get you out of these.”

It took my father much time to release me from the ropes and then duct tape and the stretch wrap. When I was free and could get rid of the gag Dad smiled down at me and thanked me for washing his boxer briefs. I didn’t know how to react so I just shrugged my shoulders and we both went upstairs. When I saw the clock I realized it was already near midnight, so I was mummified for over twelve hours. I rushed to the bathroom and then had something to eat; spending the time restrained increased my appetite very much.

“Enjoyed your day, son?” My father asked before I went to my room.

“I really did, Dad!”

Dad just nodded with a smile and went to bed. I did the same and soon fell asleep, dreaming about other days when I get roped up and gagged.

@Wedgieboy69 @Bradstick @mig137 @Gaybondage @bondagefreak @Smythdean @RopedBud @Muscle-Flex @Msueta@2 @BDBrit @gaggedfeety @MountainMan_91 @socjuc @MaxRoper @cj2125 @szlm1515 @DomTiesMen @sniffingyoursocks @Bradboi @Xtc @privateandrews @Bondwriter @wataru14 @DeeperThanRed @OrdinaryWorld @NeedControl @harveygasson @dahanband @KidnappedCowboy @Whitestorm @jackroper @Sockbound1234 @Mitchelaiden @Sockgaggedman @TightropesEU @GoBucks @Tsuhaya @Jb99 @ohazut @ShortSocks @Gagster92 @Guardianbound @Radio_Ralph23 @gurisc @noarmgr @Subboi @Ak610 @ChairBoy @abcdefsmith3 @brasileira2 @DuctTapedBoy22 @Stormee @Socksbound @gag1195 @Red86 @The slave @iranian_men_gagged @TieOrBeTied @BoudBoy22
Last edited by squirrel 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by socjuc »

Wow @squirrel great addition to this tale! I really like the use of the plastic wrap as an initial layer for his mummification. I bet it was full of sweat after 12 hours :x The mummification like that I see is rare in the stories, so nice to read it periodically.

I wonder if his dad getting semi drunk will be a recurring theme? I hope so :lol: Might just make for an interesting scenes of tie ups :mrgreen:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Smythdean »

An incredible addition.
I really wish I had someone who could do that to me.
I’d happily sit bound and gagged in the basement all days.
Great addition and great bondage
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Post by harveygasson »

Incredible story still!
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Post by bondagefreak »

@squirrel Chapter three was very fun and made for an enjoyable read. The little plan concocted by John's dad evidently worked great. Even better than expected. I'm glad John got to experience a long session like that. He must've been thrilled to find himself being manhandled by not one but three burly guys.

On another note, excellent vocabulary choices. This was very well written.
Will catch up to chapter four now.

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 5,
part A

For the next several weeks I was dwelling on the fantastic mummification my father had put me through. Every now and then I caught myself thinking about it. Sometimes my school mates were asking me why I was so absent minded; I had to quickly come up with a good excuse and that not always came out much believable. Of course, I tried to talk with Dad about it, but he was usually busy or was asleep on the couch so I didn’t have too many opportunities to do so. Also, I was under the impression that he didn’t like talking about it; he was the kind of a guy that preferred acting rather than talking. So I was completely taken aback when during breakfast he brought up the topic.

“So, son… how did you like being mummified and left alone in the dark room?” Dad asked out of the blue.

“It was absolutely amazing! I really liked every second of it!”

“Oh yeah? What was your favorite part?”

“Well… I don’t know to be honest, I guess when I realized that I won’t be able to escape without help… By the way, Dad; where did you learn to restrain a guy like that?”

“You’ve already asked this question, kiddo.”

“I know, but… did you have some special training? I always thought that in the army they would teach you how to restrain a man with rope, duct tape or whatever you have within the arm’s reach, Dad. But your idea to mummify me and fasten me to the floor? I really doubt you learnt that in the army!”

“Yeah, you are right about that, John: during the training we were shown how to immobilize a man using ropes, belts, even our army jackets… But our officers kept telling us that the most important thing is our imagination and intelligence, not only while tying someone up, of course. And my father always told that if I do something I should do it right; I simply combined those two pieces of advice, nothing more!”

“I’m so glad you didn’t sit around during those classes…”

“I know you are, son. And I have to admit that keeping you bound, gagged and locked up does have a great deal of merits; I don’t have to worry that you might do something stupid, the house is so peaceful and quiet when you mouth is taped shut and I don’t have to listen to your claptrap all the time, I can focus on one thing and there is no danger that you would interrupt me….” My father said and ruffled my hair playfully.

“Well, since you mentioned that and since we are on the topic…” I started wanting to use the fact that he was in a good mood and that it was him who began the conversation about my extraordinary hobby.

“Not a chance, champ! I know well what you have in your twisted mind, but that won’t happen today; a buddy of mine called me yesterday and asked me to help him with his car. Apparently it broke down again and the guy needs some assistance. I don’t know how long I’ll be at his place, so sorry kid, but you won’t get tied up today.”

“I could go with you…”

“Yeah, and do what?”


“No way, John! As amusing as this idea may seem, keeping you tied up and gagged in my buddy’s garage is out of the question. And that’s the end of this conversation, son! You’ll have to find another way to spend your day.”

“Don’t get mad, Dad! I just thought I would ask, that’s all! I guess I’ll go to the library and return the books. Then I’ll just hang around in the house… the weather is awful anyway.”

“Good idea… want me to give you a lift?”

“Thanks, Dad, but it won’t be necessary.”

“All right, suit yourself, kiddo!”

Once we finished eating I cleared the table and washed the dishes. I went to my bedroom to grab the books and change; it was a rather cold day, so I decided to put on my jeans instead of shorts. The clouds in the sky were dark and heavy, so just in case it started to rain I also put on my baseball cap. I packed the books into my backpack and went downstairs, where my father was ready to go. He was wearing his usual outfit: military pants and black army books. Normally he walks around the house shirtless, but since he was going out he put on his leather jacket as well. He smiled at me when he saw me and invited me with his hand to come to him.

“Last chance, buddy! If you don’t want to get soaked you’d better accept my offer!”

“Thanks again, but I’ll take a walk. It’s not that far and I’ll kill some time this way.”

“Very well then. It’s your call! I’ll let you know how long I’ll have to stay at Mike’s.”
We both left the house and my father locked the door. He made sure I had my own set of keys in my pocket and then he drove off. I look up and suddenly had second thoughts; the sky was getting darker and darker with every passing minute, but it was now too late to change my mind. Of course, I could call my father and ask him to give me a lift, but for some reason it didn’t seem right; I never wanted him to think that I was a softy. Regardless of my bizarre longing to be kept strictly restrained and silenced I wanted to be perceived as a tough young man who can go through any kind of hardship. Just like most young guys my age do. So I just started walking, never minding the strong wind and the small drops of rain that started to fall. I expected it to became a real downpour, but luckily for me, the rain seemed to pass by our town and go the other way.

After half an hour I got to the library; I returned the books and looked around to find something interesting, but unfortunately I failed. Apparently all the good items had already been borrowed. Having nothing else to do there I said goodbye to the librarian and went home. When I was halfway there I heard the phone ringing in my pocket; I looked at the screen and saw my father’s face. I stopped for a moment and picket up; Dad told me that he wasn’t going to be home by early evening and that I can orders some pizza or Chinese food for dinner if I wanted to. Obviously I did; I told him to have a nice work with his buddy and hung up.

I put the phone into my jeans pocket and was just about to start walking again when suddenly a large van stopped right next to me. The door opened and several guys piled off it; they were all dressed in leather jackets and they all were masked somehow. Three were wearing balaclavas and two had bandanas on their faces; the material was covering everything from their noses to the chins, so everything I could see was their eyes. I was shocked and before I even realized what was going on, one of the hunk was already behind me and clamped his huge leather gloved palm over my lower face and his muscular arm around my torso. At that moment I regained control over my body and immediately started fighting with the guy and tried to call for help, but unfortunately for me the man holding me was giant and much stronger than I was.
“Shut the fuck up, kid! And don’t struggle!”I heard the rough voice from behind me.

This made no effect on me and I kept squirming as much as my captor’s tight grip allowed, but the fight was lost before it even started; even though I was terrified I knew well that I had no chance against the group of several grown up men. The leather clad hunks forced me brutally inside the van and one of them shut the door, plunging the interior in the darkness. I was even more horrified now, but soon the light of several small bulbs lightened everything up and I could see once again. The moment I got my sight back I started struggling again, but was soon overpowered without any troubles; the guy who was keeping me hand gagged was sitting and keeping me close to his body with his huge arm. One of the hunks was standing over me, keeping his gloved finger by his mouth, silently ordering me to be quiet and two of his buddies were squatting down by my sides; one of them had a gun. I gulped when I saw it.
“My buddy already told you to shut your fucking mouth and stop struggling! We’re not going to hurt you, kid, but if you put up any resistance you’ll quickly regret it! So how will it be?”


“Feisty… all right, buddy, let’s do it your way!”

I was quickly rolled on my stomach and felt some huge weight on my lover back; one of the brutes sat on me and twisted my arms brutally behind my back. I tried to fight and shout, but the enormous gloved palm kept all my protests extremely muffled; whoever was hand gagging me knew well how to do it. The behemoth just smirked at my pathetic attempts to speak and his buddies quickly got to work: I felt my legs being grabbed and forced together tightly. In no time rope was wrapped around my ankles multiple times before the captor tied the first knot, then the second and finally the third one. I moaned when I realized how solid and neat the rope work was, but no one paid attention to that and soon I felt them bind my calves together and finally my thighs. By the time they were finished with my lower limbs, they were completely immobilized, but my captors weren’t satisfied yet; they took even more rope and bound my feet together.

“You see what you brought on yourself, kid?!”


“Focus on the job, man!”

The hunk sitting on my back made my arms parallel to each other and once they were places as he wanted them one of his buddies started wrapping rope around my wrists, making sure that every single loop was tight and secure. Once the first knot was cinched my fate was sealed, but the giant behemoths were far from over; in no time my forearms were covered in countless wraps of rope and my elbows almost touched. Since I was quite flexible it wasn’t painful or uncomfortable, but escaping such cruel bonds was absolutely impossible. The upper arms were next; they bound them together somehow, making my predicament even worse. Once they were satisfied, I felt the weight on my back disappear and my body being lift up. More coils of rope were used to fasten my already immobilized upper limbs to my body. When they were done I could only wiggle my fingers and moan into the oversized hand gag.

“Sit him up!” One of the behemoths said gruffly.

The hunks rolled me over again and soon I felt several sets of gloved hands grab me and sit me up. I was once again forced against the brute who was keeping me quiet; the only difference was that this time me arms were squashed between my back and his muscular torso. My eyes were running from one attacker to another and I was still trying to beg them to let me go, but the huge glove gag kept all my pleas reduced to almost nothing. With increasing terror I saw one of the assailants get closer to me and squatting down; our eyes met and I was horrified to notice that there was no mercy in his. They seemed cold and cruel, but at the same time it seemed that the oversized hunk was having great time; apparently seeing fear in his helpless victim’s eyes was giving him a lot of pleasure.

“Now listen carefully, kid. My friend will now remove his hand from your mouth. I want you to stay perfectly quiet and open wide for me. Got that?”


“All right, it seems to me that reasoning with you to be a good boy is not an option here. I don’t mind though, we’ll just do it the old, traditional way!”

My eyes opened even wider when the masked aggressor pulled something out of his pocket. He looked at the guy who was hand gagging me and nodded. Immediately I felt the pressure on my lower face disappear, but before I could do anything with my partially regained freedom, the leather clad fingers dug painfully into my jaw and cheeks, forcing my mouth to open. The moment my lips split up the brute in front of me started pushing the material into my yap. The taste was absolutely disgusting; it seemed that the assailant was silencing me with an incredibly old, sweaty sock. I grunted and wanted to fight, but it was all useless; with my arms secured behind my back I could only watch as the merciless behemoth was stuffing my mouth with the vinegary tasting fabric. When he was done I was panting heavily, wanting this to be over.

“Get another one, man! The kid has already proved that he can’t be trusted and has to be dealt with roughly!”

“With pleasure…” Evil sparks lit in the captor’s eyes as he pulled another sock from his pocket.

Resistance was futile; I gave up and just stared at my assailant’s face as he was brutally forcing the second piece of cloth into my already properly stuffed mouth. Even though only one sock would be more than enough to keep me quiet, the brutish hunks apparently wanted to have some fun and make my predicament much worse than it was necessary. The leather clad fingers invaded my mouth to push the first wad as much against my cheek as possible; the empty space was filled with another vinegary tasting, moist fabric. It made me cough in disgust and moan, but it all fell on deaf ears. After several long minutes my yap was stuffed beyond limits and the giant leather gloved palm clamped itself tightly over my lower face.

“Get the tape, boys!”

Two guys with bandanas over their lower faces approached me; one was holding a thick roll of grey duct tape and the other one was carrying a black roll. They unrolled long pieces of the tape and squatted down. The moment the gloved palm was removed from my mouth, the hunk with the grey tape pressed it firmly against my lips and started wrapping it mercilessly tightly around my head. Every layer was super tight and squeezed my lower face more and more, making the oversized gag even harder to bear. After maybe the twentieth wrap, the hunk tore the tape off and smoothed the loose end over my face. He slapped me and was clearly satisfied; my grunt was reduced to nothing and even I could hardly hear myself. Meanwhile the other brute was duct taping my arms to my torso and then reinforced the bonds on my legs.
“Almost done here, two more things to do and then we can go.”

The guys nodded in silence and unceremoniously forced me on my stomach. I felt my legs being bent and another piece of rope being wrapped around my ankles and wrists. The bastards were hogtying me and they were doing an incredibly great job; when they finished and cinched the last knot my arms were almost touching the heels. Just when I thought that they were done, they rolled me on my side and I saw one of the captors with the tape again. He unwound some and pressed it over my eyes, blindfolding me. He wrapped the tape around my head several times before tearing it off and smoothing it over my eyes. Then I was forced back on my stomach.

“I hope you are tough enough to take it, kiddo. If you hadn’t given us the hard time, we wouldn’t have to truss you up so cruelly. Now you have to endure what you brought on yourself. But don’t worry, we’re gonna be driving for barely four hours, maybe a little more!” I heard one of the hunks; the others smirked and laughed.


@Wedgieboy69 @Bradstick @mig137 @Gaybondage @bondagefreak @Smythdean @RopedBud @Muscle-Flex @Msueta@2 @BDBrit @gaggedfeety @MountainMan_91 @socjuc @MaxRoper @cj2125 @szlm1515 @DomTiesMen @sniffingyoursocks @Bradboi @Xtc @privateandrews @Bondwriter @wataru14 @DeeperThanRed @OrdinaryWorld @NeedControl @harveygasson @dahanband @KidnappedCowboy @Whitestorm @jackroper @Sockbound1234 @Mitchelaiden @Sockgaggedman @TightropesEU @GoBucks @Tsuhaya @Jb99 @ohazut @ShortSocks @Gagster92 @Guardianbound @Radio_Ralph23 @gurisc @noarmgr @Subboi @Ak610 @ChairBoy @abcdefsmith3 @brasileira2 @DuctTapedBoy22 @Stormee @Socksbound @gag1195 @Red86 @The slave @iranian_men_gagged @TieOrBeTied @BoudBoy22 @DuctTapeObsessed
Last edited by squirrel 2 weeks ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by BoudBoy22 »

Wow, I was not expectantes a kidnap scene, but this is amazing. Could be his father one of them?
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Post by squirrel »

BoudBoy22 wrote: 2 weeks ago Wow, I was not expectantes a kidnap scene, but this is amazing. Could be his father one of them?
I know the answer, but telling it would spoil the fun :D

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Post by GoBucks »

Looks like he gets to go visit his father's buddies all tied up after all! At least I suspect this kidnapping isn't so random.
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Post by squirrel »

GoBucks wrote: 2 weeks ago Looks like he gets to go visit his father's buddies all tied up after all! At least I suspect this kidnapping isn't so random.
Haha, you think so @GoBucks ? :twisted:

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Post by Xtc »

It's not what you know but who you know.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »

A brutal gagging scene, if ever I've read one.
Still, John is practically used to such gags at this point, what with the mummification and his dad's socks and all ;)

Looking forward to finding out where these guys plan on taking him!
Hopefully not somewhere too sinister.

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Post by squirrel »

bondagefreak wrote: 1 week ago A brutal gagging scene, if ever I've read one.
Still, John is practically used to such gags at this point, what with the mummification and his dad's socks and all ;)

Looking forward to finding out where these guys plan on taking him!
Hopefully not somewhere too sinister.
I guess we might say that John has already been through some nice tutorial as far as the gagging is conserned, but I doubt he was prepared for such brutal mouth stuffing!

Don't worry @bondagefreak , I think you will find the place to your liking :)

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Post by alkaid_ »

this is one thing what john never expected!!!!!

a kidnapping escenario with cruel and hard kidnapper... i cant wait for read all what that kiddo experiece until he know it was his dad plan
Last edited by alkaid_ 1 week ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by squirrel »

alkaid_ wrote: 1 week ago this is one thing what john never expected!!!!!

a kidnappung escenario with cruel and hard kidnapper... i cant wait for read all what that kiddo experiece until he know it was his dad plan
@alkaid_ , you seem to be sure that this has all been planned by his father... what if you are wrong? 8-)

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Post by alkaid_ »

squirrel wrote: 1 week ago
alkaid_ wrote: 1 week ago this is one thing what john never expected!!!!!

a kidnappung escenario with cruel and hard kidnapper... i cant wait for read all what that kiddo experiece until he know it was his dad plan
@alkaid_ , you seem to be sure that this has all been planned by his father... what if you are wrong? 8-)
in that case it will be an interesting twist :o :o :o :o
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Post by harveygasson »

A lovely kidnapping scene by some evil villains (or maybe his father and his buddies haha) and great bondage and lovely tape gag and blindfold.
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Post by squirrel »

harveygasson wrote: 1 week ago A lovely kidnapping scene by some evil villains (or maybe his father and his buddies haha) and great bondage and lovely tape gag and blindfold.
Glad you liked it @harveygasson ! Hope you will find the next chapter equally interesting :D

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 5,
part B

“All right, I think we’re done here; the kid is ready.” I heard one of the assailants.

“Yeah, the fucking brat won’t be causing us any troubles now!” Added the other.

“You are damn right about that, man! I’ll drive, anyone care to join me in the driver’s cabin?
Asked the third, probably the one who had gagged me with the two putrid, vinegary tasting socks.

“Sure thing, bro! I’ll keep you company.”

I heard the van door open and felt some fresh air getting inside. Before I even realized that that might be my only chance to at least try to attract somebody’s attention I heard the door slam shut. I whimpered into my absolutely monstrous gag; this made the three hunk who remained in the van with me laugh. I wanted to beg them to loosen my bonds a little bit, but none of them paid any attention to my extremely muffled pleas. From what I heard, they sat on the floor and leaned against the walls. One of them was probably right next to me; I could smell an extremely potent, musky odor invading my nostrils and some movement to my left. One of the behemoths suggested to keep an eye on me, just in case I tried something stupid. The rest agreed and at the very same moment I heard the car engine start and we drove off.

Even though I was frightened beyond belief I couldn’t underrate my captors’ roping skills. Although I really loved being roped up and silenced, I never thought I would get kidnapped for real and that my assailants would be such rope experts. No matter how much I tried to move my arms, they didn’t even budge; I could only wiggle my fingers and it was obvious that it would get me nowhere. My legs were equally useless and the unbearably tight hogtie the five brutes had applied on me was nothing I had ever experienced. It seemed that since I didn’t follow their orders, it was a matter of honor for them to make me pay for my contumaciousness. For everyone in the van it was clear that even half of the bonds would be more than enough to restrain me, but that never stopped them from giving me the full, excessive roping.

The worst thing was the gag, though. When I was tied up and silenced by my father I thought that the gags he put on me were tight, especially his underwear forced into my mouth seemed cruel and exaggerated, but that was really nothing when compared to what I was going through at that moment; my captor’s two huge socks were tasting so horribly that I was on a verge of puking and they were filling my yap so well that my tongue was brutally pressed down. Whenever I tried to move it, the sweaty taste was flooding my whole oral cavity, making the whole predicament even worse. My mouth was packed to the breaking point and maybe even a little bit beyond that point. Pushing the monstrous wad out was not an option; the multiple layers of super strong and extremely sticky duct tape were wrapped cruelly tightly around my lower face around twenty times and every next wrap seemed tighter than the previous one. Whoever my kidnappers were, they were incredibly skilled in restraining their victims, to whom they showed no mercy whatsoever.

To my great surprise, after not very long time the van started to slow down and was apparently pulling over. I heard the knocking coming from the cockpit and then another sound that seemed like rubbing one thing against the other. Soon the voice of the driver came to me and the three behemoths who were watching over me.

“We’ve got company, boys…” Said the driver’s companion quietly.

“What the fuck are you talking about, what company?!”



“Don’t panic, you fucking idiot! Take care of the kid and leave the rest to us!”

I felt a faint glimpse of hope in my heart, but it disappeared even faster than it appeared. Being bound and gagged so cruelly, there was no way in hell I could let the policemen know that I was trapped there. Even though I couldn’t utter anything more than extremely muffled whimpers and moans, my captors decided to not take any risk; they quickly rolled me on my side and one them lied down behind me. He clamped his enormous, leather clad palm over my already gagged mouth and covered my nose with the other one; luckily for me he didn’t pinch it shut, so I could breath, but my ability to make noise was now reduced to zero. He also wrapped his leg around my abdomen and forced my cruelly trussed up body against his own, further restraining my movement. One of his buddies pressed me head to the floor and the other one did the same with me legs. With the three giant hunks all over me I couldn’t even move muscle, let alone do anything else.

“Stay still, kid!” One of the kidnappers whispered into my ear.

I tried to nod, but with me head held in place I could do nothing more than breathing in the leathery scent of my captor’s glove. With my heart pounding like crazy I listened to the police officers talking with the guys in front. It soon turned out that it was just a routine control to check if the driver was sober and if he had all the necessary documents. To my great chagrin, everything was in order and soon were driving again. I expected the three leather clad behemoths to let me go, but they kept me still for several more minutes, just in case. Their combined weight and the utter and complete immobilization were driving me crazy, so after some time I wanted to whimper, but the oversized stuffing in my mouth and two huge palms covering my face didn’t allow much. Finally, what seemed like several extremely long minutes they let go off me and I could return to my previous hogtie position.

“Good job, kid.” One of the hunks said and patted me gently on my shoulder.

“Yeah, the hostages are really cooperative when they are cruelly roped up and gagged, right, boys?”

I heard the other guys laugh and then move away from me a little bit, but not too far. The three goons started talking about my kidnapping and I was really surprised when they started analyzing it; first they were discussing the moment they chose to grab me, went through all the pros and cons of it. Next they moved on to the actual attack and they all agreed that they should have acted faster and get me inside the van immediately after capturing me. None of them had any objections to restraining me though; all seemed satisfied with their work and glad to see that I was completely at their mercy. I was listening to all that and I couldn’t help but get the impression that for them it was some kind of a game or a simulation. A very weird one, considering the fact that I was lying between them, all mercilessly restrained and silenced.

Suddenly a quiet vibration and a doorbell sound filled the van. It was coming from my pocket and I somehow I felt that all my kidnappers froze. I unwittingly moaned into the monstrous gag when I realized that it was my mobile phone. Soon one of the hunks rolled my trussed up body on my side and reached into my pocket. He got the phone out and I heard a sigh of relief when they saw that it can be easily unlocked just with my fingerprint. I felt them press the screen against my thumb; I had no idea what they were going to do with it, but I felt a weird satisfaction that not everything came according to their wicked plan. Unfortunately for me, the brutal behemoths didn’t share my amusement.

“Fuck…” Whichever one said that, he was clearly pissed ff.

“Yeah, what a stupid rookie mistake…”

“True, but maybe we won’t have to pay for it. Let’s see who messaged him.”

“Some Frank dude… He is asking if John wants to come over to his place and play PS.”

“Answer him. Then we will shut the phone down.”

After several moments it was done and I heard the melody indicating that the mobile has been switched off. Everything went quiet for some time; the only audible thing was my captors loud breathing. I tried to find the least uncomfortable position, but being roped up as I was, it was practically impossible. I wiggled my fingers a little bit from time to time, and that was technically all movement my strict bonds allowed. The only thing I could be grateful for in my current predicament was the fact that the road was smooth and even; I was smart enough to know that every single bump would be pure torture for me. Almost at the very same moment I felt the van turn and we pulled into what seemed like forest road; it was extremely bumpy and every single pothole made my trussed up body move a little. This caused the dreadful taste in my mouth renew over and over again with each bump we hit. Once we finally stopped I was one more time on a verge of puking.

“Sorry for this little break, kid, but we need to take a leak. You think you can be a good hostage and wait for us here?” One of the goons asked and laughed.

“You go ahead, I’ll stay with him, just in case.” The other one replied.

“There is no need for that, but suit yourself, bro.”

“We’ve already made a mistake today, I’m not going to make another.”


“Shut up, you fucking brat! I’ll say this again: if you hadn’t given so much trouble you wouldn’t have been trussed up so fucking tight! Now be a man and just take it!”

I felt a hard slap at the back of my head and I moaned into the freakishly oversized gag, which made all my captors laugh cruelly at me predicament. I could only lie there, blindfolded and mercilessly roped up and wait for the huge behemoths to do their business. The only good thing about the little stop in the woods was some fresh air coming into the stuffy van; instead of smelling the sweat and scent of my captors I could finally inhale something much less musty. I tried to change my position a little, but was almost immediately stopped by the guy who had left with me. He kicked me at my side and told me to be still. I had no choice but to comply. After ten, maybe fifteen minutes we were driving again and I was grateful when the van reached the normal road again.

As I was lying there, surrounded by the three ruthless blokes I completely lost the track of time. Suddenly we swerved and were driving on a bumpy road again. I moaned as the taste of the two sweaty socks were flooding my yap over and over again, but no one cared about it. Finally we stopped and the van door was opened. If I understood correctly we finally reached our destination and my heart started pounding in my chest; wherever we arrived, this place was probably supposed to be my prison for the time being.

“Ok, kiddo, listen carefully now: we’re going to undo your hogtie and untie your legs. You arms stay tied up as so do the gag and the blindfold. We’ll help you out of the van and march you to the house. We’re in the middle of nowhere here, so don’t even bother trying to yell or escape. If you do, however… you’ll regret it much more than you can imagine. Got that, asshole?!” One of the captor’s whispered into my ear.

His rough, cruel voice made me whimper in fear, but after a moment I managed to nod my head weakly. The assailants seemed to be satisfied and after a while started to get rid of my bonds. After so much time spend in an extremely tight hogtie it was an unspeakable relief to stretch my legs. Once my lower limbs were completely free, the goons made me sit and move me to the van edge. They helped me hop down and when my feet hit the ground I felt two huge palms on both shoulders; apparently the hunks didn’t want to take any risk and decided to keep me under total control. They pushed me a little and we started walking. Soon we climbed a few stairs and I heard the door being unlocked and open. The behemoths marched me into the house and probably into the open living room.

“Welcome to you new place, kid! I hope you like it…” One of the assailants said and laughed.

“Stop fooling around and bring a chair!” Snapped the other one.

“You got it, man!”

“And as for you, kiddo… Now we’ll untie your arms for a short moment. The blindfold and the gag stay and if you do anything stupid, you’ll pay the consequences. Got it?!”



Soon I felt the knots on my upper body being undone and the rope loosen. It felt so great to have my arms free again, but it was extremely short lived; the moment the last piece of rope was taken away two of the muscular hunks grabbed my arms and held them brutally. I didn’t fight; outnumbered and blindfolded I was no match for those huge brutes. After a few seconds I head the guy come back and place the chair next to me. His buddies pushed me onto it and twisted my arms rapidly behind the back rest. My legs were kicked towards each other and I was told to stay still. I hung my head, completely defeated. The five goons worked fast and very extremely careful to rope me up to the chair as tightly as possible. I no time my arms were crossed and my wrists were bound. Then my forearms and upper arms were fastened to the chair, so once again they were immobilized perfectly. My legs were roped up together at the ankles and calves and then right above my knees. Thighs were fastened to the seat and my abdomen and chest were tied up to the back rest.
“Fucking awesome… a properly restrained hostage!”

The guys laughed again and left me alone for some time. I heard them bustling around the house as I was testing my bonds and trying to find a weak spot. After barely a few seconds it was obvious that breaking free wasn’t an option for me; I was supposed to stay in that chair for as long as my captors wanted me to and there was nothing I could do about it. I moaned into the gag, but had real doubts that my pathetic, barely audible whisper would reach anybody’s ears. I let out a sigh and wanted to try to relax, but I heard the heavy footsteps; the guys came back to me and, if I was correctly, were now standing in front of me.

“We’ll take off your blindfold now.” One of them said and without any further warning started unwrapping the tape from my head.

It was quite painful and when the final layer was unwrapped from my face I blinked several times to adjust my eyes to the light. When my sight was back I looked around and my jaw would have dropped if it hadn’t been so neatly taped shut; in front of me there were five muscular hunks in their army gear; apparently they changed when we got here, but that’s not what attracted my attention. One of the guys seemed familiar and after a short moment my eyes widened when I remembered who he was: Stanley Lewis, my father’s military buddy. I started whimpering, but soon realized there was someone else with the soldiers: a tall man dressed in army pants and boots, leather jacket, leather gloves and wearing a balaclava on his face.
“Mission accomplished, boys!” One of the hunks said.

“Yeah, there is just one little thing to do, right?” Mr. Lewis added and looked at the masked man.

The giant behemoth came closer to me and with one swift move removed the balaclava from his face. I couldn’t be more shocked when I saw Dad standing there with his muscular arms folded on his broad chest and smiling down at me. Sparkles of amusement were clearly seen in his eyes as he was walking around me and inspecting my bonds. Finally he stopped and stood in front of me again.
“Hey kid… you like my birthday present?”

@Wedgieboy69 @Bradstick @mig137 @Gaybondage @bondagefreak @Smythdean @RopedBud @Muscle-Flex @Msueta@2 @BDBrit @gaggedfeety @MountainMan_91 @socjuc @MaxRoper @cj2125 @szlm1515 @DomTiesMen @sniffingyoursocks @Bradboi @Xtc @privateandrews @Bondwriter @wataru14 @DeeperThanRed @OrdinaryWorld @NeedControl @harveygasson @dahanband @KidnappedCowboy @Whitestorm @jackroper @Sockbound1234 @Mitchelaiden @Sockgaggedman @TightropesEU @GoBucks @Tsuhaya @Jb99 @ohazut @ShortSocks @Gagster92 @Guardianbound @Radio_Ralph23 @gurisc @noarmgr @Subboi @Ak610 @ChairBoy @abcdefsmith3 @brasileira2 @DuctTapedBoy22 @Stormee @Socksbound @gag1195 @Red86 @The slave @iranian_men_gagged @TieOrBeTied @BoudBoy22 @DuctTapeObsessed @LittleGagged13
Last edited by squirrel 1 week ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by alkaid_ »

i know it!!!!

it was john's dad plan!!!!

very cruel but amazing plan!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
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Post by GoBucks »

Earlier in the chapter, I was actually thinking it seemed more like an authentic kidnapping even though I had thought dad's plan all along.

What a birthday present! Just look at those men!
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Post by Socksbound »

It was his dad all along. Great work I’d started to think it was a real kidnapping for a moment
See all my written works here :

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