Never do things by halves (m/mm) - One-off

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Never do things by halves (m/mm) - One-off

Post by FelixSH »

The tears wouldn't stop flowing.

Andy didn't notice the cold, the wind or the darkness. Even the rain went unnoticed, mixing itself with the tears, his whole face drenched. There was just pain, breaking out. He shook uncontrollably, screaming into the night.

He also didn't notice, as the rain stopped falling down on him. It didn't matter. Nothing did.

“You ok?”

A voice tried to break through, tried to reach him. He didn't know it. He didn't care. Not even, as a hand brushed his cheek.

“Come on, at least get somewhere warm. You're freezing.”

Andy shook his head. He didn't feel any cold, just a void. Until a gentle hand pulled him up.

“Look, you can keep crying, but I'm not going to let you die here. Which you probably will, if you keep sitting on this bench, in the rain. Come on, let's go into the cafe there.”

Andy didn't put up any resistance. He didn't react, as a coat was put over his shoulders. All he did was follow the gentle tug, of the guy with the umbrella.

He hadn't realized how cold he was, until the warm, dry air hit him. The stranger led him into the bathroom, drying his face and hair with paper towels. The tears had finally stopped, but the sobbing hadn't. Light sounds kept escaping the boy.

“That bad, huh? You wanna talk about it?”

Andy didn't react, now just looking to the side, his hand covering his eyes.

“Do you want to be alone? I can buy you a tea, and then leave, if you want.”

There was no spoken answer. But the boy grabbed his hand.


It was the first day at school, after Andy had fallen ill. A shame, as he still had problems concentrating. For the whole week, he wasn't able to think of much, beside that rainy night. And the one person, who was kind enough to make sure he was ok.

It was the main thing he remembered, the dirt-blond hair, in the old-fashioned Justin Bieber cut. The brown eyes, full of worry and kindness, and the slightly chubby cheeks. The first thing he saw, after he, finally, had stopped crying. Someone, a stranger, who had cared for him.

As he walked through the hallways of the school, he finally didn't feel so alone. There was still not a single person, showing interest in speaking with him. There were still the hushed stingers, though, loud enough for him to hear every word.

But now, there was this one person who had been kind to him. It had changed everything. Someone had given him worth.

He wondered, if he would see Zack again.

Unfortunately, not everyone was satisfied with harsh words. Lost in thought, dreaming, Andy nearly bumped into another person.

“Hey, look where you're going, fag”, a well-known voice said, directly in front of him. A cold shower made Andy shiver, as he realized what would happen next. This was not the first time. “Turn around.”

But something felt different. Andy wasn't in the mood for a wedgie. In this moment, it didn't matter that Leo was bigger and stronger than him. It might later. But not now.

“Leave me alone. Can't you be a dick to someone else, for a change?”, Andy said. He wasn't even angry. Just annoyed.

For a second, Leo was confused. But it didn't take long, before Andy screamed out in pain, as a punch threw him to the ground. And still, no fear. Now it was anger.

“What's your problem? Fuck off!”, he screamed. Other students had already stopped, but no one would step in. More and more would gather around, waiting for what would happen next.

They all knew Andy, not caring if he would get hurt. And they all knew Leo, not wanting to get on his bad side.

But before the bully could continue, someone caught his raised arm. And Andys eyes started to shine.

“Maybe you should fight someone your size, asshole”, the newcomer said. Dirt-blonde hair, brown eyes, slightly chubby cheeks. And bigger than in Andys memories.

Zacks eyes, full of fury, didn't stop Leo from trying to punch him with his free hand. But Zacks superior speed and dexterity, something the bully didn't need for his weaker victims, did.


Zack was sitting in his room, eyes closed, headphones over his ears. He enjoyed the last of his seven days of his house arrest.

From time to time, his eyes wandered in the direction of his window. Even on the ground floor, he could see the moon rising above the house on the other side of the street. But it was not the moon, beautiful as it was, that he was waiting for.

And then, finally, the smiling face appeared. The long, black, shaggy hair, green eyes, and the biggest smile in the world.

Zack got up from the bed, took of the headphones, and opened the window. Trying not to run. He had to play it cool.

“Hey, how are you?”, Andy asked, while the boys shared a deep hug. “Not yet gone crazy, imprisoned in there?”

Zack took his time, enjoying the embrace. “It's fine. It's not much of a punishment, really, I enjoy staying in my room.” With a grin, he added: “Especially when I get visitors.”

Unzipping his backpack, Andy produced some cookies. “Here, this should help too.”

“Oh, nice!” Zacks eyes lightened up, immediately opening the plastic zip-bag and munching two of them. Only afterwards did he notice his friends big grin.

“What? The're great!”, he said, gobbling up a third one.

“Thanks”, the smaller boy said, blushing. “I, uh, made them myself.”

Zack stopped eating, his cheeks slightly bulging from the fourth cookie. “No way! They are delicious!”

Before Andy could respond, another cookie vanished. “He is right. They are great!”

The voice came from Zacks mother, just coming back from her daily walk. She smiled at the boys.

“You didn't get out, did you? Don't forget, you are still under house arrest, young man”, she said, glowering at her son. The tension of the boys, being watched by an adult, melted away, as both started laughing.

“Not a step, mum, I swear”, Zack said, raising his right arm, while putting the left one to his heart.

She nodded, unable to suppress a slight laugh. “Don't stay up too late, boys. Have fun.”

After she was gone, Zack continued to shovel more sweets into his mouth, while Andy watched him.

“Sorry, this is driving me a bit bonkers”, he said, before adjusting Zacks tie. “There, that's better.” He smiled. “Why are you always dressed up? For me? I feel underdressed, in my t-shirts.”

Now it was Zacks turn to blush, which was all the more adorable, with his cheeks slightly bulgier than normal. He swallowed, under the gentle laugh of his friend, his eyes darting around a bit.

“Sorry, I can change into something more casual. I do have two or three t-shirts”, he said, scratching the back of his head.

Andy shook his head. “No, no, it's fine. Sorry. I love how you look in it”, he said, before brushing Zacks cheek.


“Do I really have to wear this? I just can't get this to work!”

Andy struggled with his tie, undoing his work for the third time. The knot didn't want to look how it should.

Zack laughed, watching the struggle of his boyfriend through the laptop camera. “Yes, you have to, if only so I can see you being adorable.”

Andy ripped the piece of cloth from his neck, holding it in played-up anger at the screen.

“Gah, I can't do this. Can't I just wear the collar open? Come on. Everyone will look at me anyway, with that suit, do I really need this thing too?”, he said, making the cutest puppy eyes he could manage. But Zack only shook his head.

“Don't be silly. No one will look at you, and if they do, they will only think how dashing you are. Promise, you already look amazing.” After a few seconds, he added. “Also, the place where I made the reservation has a strict dress code.”

Sighing, Andy tried one more time. This time, though, Zack showed him exactly what to do, step by step.

Andy looked at himself in the mirror, still not quite satisfied. But when he looked back, seeing the warm smile on Zacks face, the doubt vanished.

“You look so handsome. Thanks for putting up with this, I really appreciate it.”

Andy grinned, tugging at the collar. “Hey, for free food, I'd do anything. See you in half an hour.”

With the warm day, a coat too much over the suit, Andy felt everyone's eyes on him. Not accustomed to dress clothes, made him rush a bit, hoping to get out of the eyes of the public soon. He did resist the urge to pull at his collar, not wanting to ruin the way his tie looked now.

Due to being faster than normal, the boy reached his goal a good ten minutes too early. Which might be the reason, why no one reacted to him, ringing the bell. After some time, confused, he looked into the window of Zacks room. It was empty.

Even ringing the doorbell more often didn't achieve anything. It seemed like no one was home. And calling Zacks phone produced only the voice mail.

There was a tiny voice in his head, screaming at him, that this was a prank. An elaborate, mean prank, just like all the others. This voice had always waited there, and now it had found a way to get noticed.

But he waited, ignoring it. Ringing again, calling again, minute after minute.

Until finally, fifteen minutes later, the door was opened. It wasn't Zack, though, who greeted him, but a guy who was slightly older. Dave, Zacks brother, with the typical annoyed look on his face. Andy had never seen him smile.

“Hey. I guess, you wanna come in, right?”, he said, clearly showing how much he disliked the idea. But he did step aside.

“Yeah, thanks”, Andy said, nodding. “Where is Zack? He wanted to wait for me, but he isn't in his room. And with him not opening the door...”

A weird grin appeared on Daves face. “Oh, he is here, don't worry. Just had to help me with something. Couldn't wait. Come on, he's upstairs.”

It was clear, that no one else was home. Andy could see the empty kitchen, before he walked up the stairs. This all seemed weird to him, but he didn't want to annoy Dave more than necessary.

When they reached their goal, the storeroom of the house, with nothing inside but dust and broken furniture, the suspicion finally got too strong. “Ok, what's up? Are you really telling me, that Zack is waiting in there?” The weird grin on Daves face made the boy uncomfortable. “What did you do to him? Where are your parents?”

Before answering, Dave pushed Andy into the room. There was no time to react, as a sack was pulled over his head, disorienting the teen. “Hey, stop that!”, he screamed, but was too confused to defend himself against the stronger boy. His hands were grabbed, forced behind his back, and put into something that felt like cuffs, out of a soft material. At first, there was a lot of slack, but before he could do anything but struggle, the cuffs were drawn tighter, and his hands were stuck behind his back.

“What the hell? Let me go!”, he screamed, trying to free his hands. But Dave only laughed, as he started to wrap Andys upper body in rope. The bound teen kept on struggling, begging to be freed, but the bully only continued to tighten the bonds, even tying off the slack between the upper arms, and the torso.

“You want to have a date? Ok, go ahead. But you will have it here. I'm not going to let you two keep ruining my reputation. You will stay in the closet. Literally.”

Andy kept struggling, but could do nothing, as a sock was pushed into his mouth, and tape was wrapped around his head multiple times. He also had no way of preventing his feet and knees getting tied together. Once more without any slack.

Panicking, scared, he was forced to move toward a closet at the back of the room. Dave had gripped his right arm, forcing him to make small hops. And, as the two got closer, sounds could be heard, getting louder and louder.

Andy knew, what he would be seeing before the door was opened. Inside, dressed in a red suit with a blue and red striped tie, was Zack. His look was begging, as he tried to get out of the rope, and to say anything over the tape that held his mouth shut. He even tried to hop out, but was pushed back by his brother.

“No, little bro, you two will have your date. In here. And don't worry, no one will disturb you. Mom and Dad will be home soon, but they will think you are on your date, coming back when they are already in bed.”

The prisoners screamed, begged and struggled, but both were pushed back a last time, before the two wings of the closet door were closed, and a key was audibly turned.

“You can try throwing yourself against the door, of course, but I'll wrap some rope around the closet. Just to be sure.” It was the last thing Dave said. Soon, he had left.


While the closet was dark, it did have some holes. Dave had forgotten to turn the lights of, so it was possible for the two prisoners to see each other. And to communicate, if only with nods.

At first, they did try to throw themselves against the door, but as expected, it held. Rope or not, there was no getting out. With the little room they had, there was no way to throw themselves with actual force. Soon, they had given up.

But while they couldn't escape, they still were together. And both obviously smiled behind the tape, looking at the other. There was nothing to be done, so they could as well enjoy their time together. Soon, Andy was leaning against Zack, their heads touching, eyes closed.

The rope was annoying to Andy. So was the sock in his mouth, but also the closed collar. And still, it was worth it, as long as he could spend time with Zack. Who, obviously to Andy, thought the same thing.


Dave smiled, while playing a video game. “I hope it works out this time. Why do you have to go all in so soon, you idiot?”, he said to himself.

He had tried to warn Zack, not to scare away the next guy. But Zack wouldn't listen. What was the point in a relationship, if they couldn't share this very basic need for him? And if the other one didn't enjoy it, they would at least know immediately. And Zack got a nice session out of it. Dressed up, tied and gagged, stuck in a closet, while his parents were there, but unaware, not helping him. And re-imagining this as a date, where he was stuck in there with his dressed up boyfriend, was a scenario he just couldn't pass up.

He just never did things by halves.

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Post by Xtc »

It's good to see a new piece fro you.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks. :)

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Post by The slave »

Awesome stories
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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Post by gag1195 »

@FelixSH I always enjoy your stories! Even this bittersweet ending. Though I hope there is some revenge planned for the older brother. Dave definitely needs some comeuppance!
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

Being tied up wearing elegant suits, thats my heaven. Please, I need a second part
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks a lot for the feedback, guys, I appreciate it.

@BoudBoy22, did you check out my other stuff? Especially Worst Party Ever has a lot of dudes, getting tied and gagged while wearing suits and ties. And it's pretty long. Roommate Wars is shorter, but also has moments were the characters are tied up, while being dressed up. Oh, and The Fraternity, while not completed at the moment, also is about guys being forced (or at least pushed) to dress up, and bondage is there too, of course. You can find all my stories, with links to the thread, in the link in my signature.

This story won't get another part, sorry.

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Post by BoudBoy22 »

FelixSH wrote: 1 month ago Thanks a lot for the feedback, guys, I appreciate it.

@BoudBoy22, did you check out my other stuff? Especially Worst Party Ever has a lot of dudes, getting tied and gagged while wearing suits and ties. And it's pretty long. Roommate Wars is shorter, but also has moments were the characters are tied up, while being dressed up. Oh, and The Fraternity, while not completed at the moment, also is about guys being forced (or at least pushed) to dress up, and bondage is there too, of course. You can find all my stories, with links to the thread, in the link in my signature.

This story won't get another part, sorry.
Thank you, now I have some good stories to read
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