The Dumbest Thing I Have Ever Done (?/M) Final Part

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The Dumbest Thing I Have Ever Done (?/M) Final Part

Post by flannel teddy bear »

You should always say "yes" in improv right?

"When you get here I'll be sure to tie you helpless, from there you are mine to tickle, tease, and drive insane! Sound good to you?" That is what the stranger promised.

"Tonight at 10 works for me." Say yes, right?

You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. Not the most uplifting mantra I have used but tonight it was applicable. Honestly it was probably underselling it. This was the dumbest thing I had ever done before, but that didn't stop me. After all I didn't really care about much at that time. I was young and stupid. And well... I was horny. If ever I can be accused of thinking with my penis it was this night.

"When you arrive at the address there will be a sidewalk between the diner and the office building. You should see a light lit over a door at the end of the alley. The door I'll have propped open." The stranger gave simple directions and an address.

Well there I stood at the opening of the alley on a quiet unassuming side street staring motionless at the door.

You're an idiot. A chill breeze and a stomach full of butterflies sent a shiver up my spine.

You're an idiot. I took a steadying breath and started down the alley.

You're an idiot. Longest. Walk. Ever.

But strangely also over far too soon and I shock myself as I saw my hand push the door open and walk in. I don't know I guess I thought I would chicken out. Or my rational brain would take over and I would go sprinting away. But instead... I stood at the threshold. And I said yes.

"I'll have you walk in, remove shoes, socks, shirt, anything you want. Then blindfold yourself and lay back on the table. Knock twice on the table when you are ready." Easy instructions to follow.

The room was dark, the only light coming from a dim lamp in the corner and the light over the outside of the door. It was utterly bare except for a large plastic folding table in the center and on the table was a thick black cloth. I stared in disbelief. It was an eternal moment that I could not find my way out of. Am I really doing this? Am I this desperate? This stupid? A total stranger from craigslist answered my ad and offered to tie me up. And I said YES?! I have to go get out of here what is wrong with me. I didn't move.

Run you fool. It was like I was already tied up, I didn't even budge. Just stared at the offered blindfold.

You're an idiot. RUN! A breeze took the door swinging it closed and into my back pushing me into the room. Into the dark. The slamming of the door shattered the last remnants of my rational brain's resistance. The sound seemed to shout at me "SAY YES."

I threw off my clothes in a frenzy. shirt tossed to the ground, I kicked off my shoes and had my socks off and strewn about the room. I unbuckled my pants without thought and dropped them to my ankles. My boxers stayed on. The room was freezing cold and my bare skin instantly prickled. I reached for the blindfold with trembling hands. It was thick and black as night, the large cloth would easily cover half my face, forehead to the tip of my nose. I sat down on the table and centered myself on the cold surface. You're an idiot. Then I raised the blindfold to my eyes and tied it around my head.

Blackness surrounded me. But the blackness was safe? If I can't see anything, nothing can see me, right? The blindfold takes shame away. I knocked on the table twice.


Was that a sound?

That was a footstep. I know it... I think.

That one was a squeaking floorboard for sure.


My entire body is vibrating from the anticipation. Is this possibly a practical joke? In a minute, a spot light will shine down on me as a false wall is torn away to show that I am on camera in front-

A door creaks open with exaggerated slowness. It is like the bad chord struck out in an orchestra that brings the entire show to a screeching halt. The sound demanded attention. It demanded silence. It demanded stillness. I went rigid, a deer caught in headlights.

Then I heard the stranger's voice. A low pleased purr. "I wasn't sure if you would come," I couldn't tell if the voice was male or female. If male it was high pitched and light. If female it would be a raspy voice aged in whiskey and cigarettes. "But I am so glad you did." The stranger came closer to the table, quiet steps nothing to tell me anything about this person. I felt their presence, they were warm and in my blinded and cold state, I could feel that body heat. "Aren't you a delicious treat," the voice spoke. A soft, delicate (feminine?) hand was placed over my heart.

My entire body jumped at the touch. The stranger chuckled in satisfaction, "looks like someone is a little jumpy." The hand shifted and I felt it glide over my chest, gentle almost kind. The motion seemed to say "You're safe." I relaxed into the hand and let out a soft moan. A sudden spark of fire in my nipple as the stranger pinched down with fingernails in a gesture that added "well... mostly safe." The nails began to pull away an agonizingly slow scratching from bottom to tip of my nipple pulling a pleasured gasp from my lips. A warmth spread over me, centering right from my crotch.

The hand returned clamping down over my mouth muffling me. I took my que and quieted myself. The fingernails returned to scratching, not gentle but not painful, making a path from my neck down to the waistband of my boxers.

"Yes," it was not a voluntary word from me.

Another chuckle from the stranger, "oh not nearly so soon." The hand leaves and I am left isolated on my table island again. The stranger takes a step back. "tsk, tsk. Such a mess you made, just tossing all your clothes about. Such a bad boy you are." I am speechless, no one had ever talked to me like that before. A hand smacked hard into the meat of my inner thigh a stinging pain shot through my leg. I gave out a surprised yelp and pulled away from the pain. Yet as the fire from the slap mingled with the heat from my crotch I felt myself stiffen further.

Two hands press down and grip my leg forcing it back down with a cold firmness that radiated control. I could feel the stranger lean down, "we are going to need to fix all this freedom you have. Let's get you tied up."

Music to my ears. The stranger takes hold of my wrist and pulls it up over my head. I smile when I feel the rope begin to twist around my wrist. Within seconds, my hand is bound. I give a pull to test the rope and it holds fast. I assume the end of the rope is tied to the table leg. My other arm is gently guided up over my head as well and spread to the opposite corner. Again a few twists of rope around the wrist, a slight tug and just like that my hands are useless to me. The fingernails return and scratch light tickling trails from my wrists to toes as the stranger moves to my feet. Both ankles get the same treatment as my wrists. Before tying my ankles off to the table legs I feel the stranger give a savage tug.

The ropes left me in an agonizingly sweet tension. My body pulled taut was left helpless trapped. My limbs were splayed out kn a tight but relatively close spread eagle across the table. I was busy testing my bonds getting a slim sense of my vulnerability when the stranger spoke again, "now I had planned on giving you a kind gag with some clean rags but since you were such a messy young man I think I need to teach you a lesson." There was some slight movement and a pause. Then a... sniff? "Oh yes these will do nicely. Now be a good boy and open wide." A ball of cloth was pressed to my lips. This was the last line to be crossed. After I accept a gag I would be utterly helpless. The thought made me moan and I parted my lips.

I realized quickly that the cloth was my socks and judging by how full my mouth was I had both of them in there. Still slightly damp from my feet I had to have blushed furiously at the humiliation which of course only made me harder. The bulge in my boxers was becoming an attention demanding presence. Getting hard at feeling humiliation was a strange new experience that would leave me confused for weeks to come. For now, though, I groaned into the gag as tape was placed over my lips, sealing them shut.

And I was helpless. At the complete mercy of a total stranger, in a dark room I had never been before. No one knew where I was or what was happening. It would be days if not weeks before people realized I was missing should anything happen. And now I was left bare exposed and in a state of total vulnerability to this utter stranger, whom I couldn't even tell if they were male or female.

I did mention this was the dumbest thing I had ever done, right?
Last edited by flannel teddy bear 2 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Nicely told.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Gino »

great Story :D
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Post by flannel teddy bear »

Yes, I do believe I mentioned how dumb this was. Buuuut...

In the moment , I was in heaven. It was living a fantasy and horny as I was the danger was nowhere in my mind. All I had a mind for was the bondage and the stranger, whom of course had taken a step back. Presumably to give my helplessness a moment to sink in.

So I reveled in that moment. The first time I had ever been truly helpless. I tugged at the ropes and found no give. I spoke into the gag and heard hardly a sound. My body was held in delicious tension the cold air making every inch of bare skin prickle. Every action I took just amplified my vulnerability. Like most here I had practiced self bondage but this was different. Before I had always been in control still, always had a release ready to be used at my own time. But now? Now there was no escape and no calling for help and no power. There was only the unyielding rope and the ever present threat of the stranger's touch.

As though on que the stranger placed their delicate hands on my chest and belly. "You seem to be having a good time as my tied up toy." Those words triggered another gagged moan from me. Finger tips began tracing invisible lines over my abdomen, with a particular focus around my nipples. I groaned and used my limited movement to shift in pleasure under the touch.

The stranger walked around to stand at the head of the table I was bound to, up by my hands. They leaned in and hair brushed my face. I felt warm breath on my neck as the stranger whispered, "are you ready for the real fun to begin? Ready to be tickled to insanity?"

Always say yes, right?

I gave a gagged yes and a nod of my head. I braced myself but there was no being ready for the assault that hit me. Immediately the stranger's nails dug into my exposed underarms finding within seconds one of my most ticklish spots. I shrieked into my gag as laughter was ripped out from me. I thrashed around in the limited movement space the ropes allowed.

It was relentless. No matter how I moved or cried or begged the tickling persisted. This was not something I accounted for. I had been tied up before in self bondage so I knew vaguely what the bondage would be like. I loved being tickled and knew well what that felt like. But the combination... well that I was woefully unprepared for.

Just as I felt my body growing used to the tickling in one place the stranger would move just slightly and drive more laughter from me. I would get used to the tickling under my arms just for the hands to shift, one striking for my ribs where the tickling I found was even worse while stretched out by bondage. The other hand found my nipples scratching and pinching and pulling and twisting. My laughs turned to moans turned back to laughs as the stranger dug knuckles into my ribs.

Tears soaked the blindfold as my laughing turned to crying. I howled into the gag begging for mercy even though I wanted no such thing. This was the exact sort of heavenly hell I wanted. My twisting and turning seemed only to spur the stranger on, their hands found every opening in my meager twisting defense.

Breath came in gasps between laughter. My head felt light as my every breath was challenged by the sadistic tickling. A small rational part of my mind could see that I was losing grasp of my surroundings as the ever present tickling demanded all my attention. There was nothing but my helplessness and those merciless fingers.

The stranger dug their nails into my worst (or best) spot. My hips. If I had had any breath my laughter would have reached a peak. The fact that I hadn't passed out told that small fractured bit of rational brain that the stranger was conscious of giving me breaks to catch my breath even if i wasn't. But those breaks were only just enough to keep me from passing out. The stranger expertly kept me in that space. Breathless but awake just on the verge of catching my breath but never quite enough to get me comfortable.

Agonizing delicious torture.

The fingers moved gradually towards my feet. Extra care and attention was given there. I knew from the emails that this stranger had a thing for feet and that shone through now. Every inch of my feet were relentlessly tickled and tight as the ropes were I could hardly avoid those awful wonderful tickling fingernails. Time meant nothing now. My mind only knew the tickling. There were only those evil fingers ripping from me my laughter and any semblance of mental faculties.

Then it all stopped.

Such an abrupt end. My body collapsed to the table and I began a slow process of recovery. I lay on the table a sweaty mess and I started to feel the chill air even more. I forced myself to breathe in slowly and relax into the rest. I became aware of the socks in my mouth and began chew on the sodden cloth. My body was trembling, I was on edge and hyper sensitive. The stranger's hands returned and even the slight touch sent me into a fit of laughter.

The stranger grabbed hold of my boxers and tugged them down to my knees. My cock sprang out, hard as a bar of ramston steel (if you know the reference you're my people). The sudden act sent me rigid. I could tell, even blindfolded, that all attention was on my member. The cold air touched it and I felt that involuntary twitch.

I felt the barest scrape from tip to base that lulled my head forward and dragged out a pleasured groan from my gagged mouth. "I see you are enjoying being my bondage toy." The stranger spoke as they took a gentle grip on my cock. My moaning continued and my hips began moving in time with the slow gentle teasing. Warm breath flowed over my neck as the stranger whispered in my ear again, "but do you want to know something?" I leaned toward the voice, still moaning as the fingers teased the tip of my cock. "That was only the warmup."

A sudden slap on the balls made me scream into the gag even as a wave of pleasure ran through me from the pain. And the tickling struck again. My scream cut into laughter as the fingers hit right for my hips again and spread over my body at random. From toes to arms I was tickled. The stranger introduced some pain into the mix. They would slap my thigh even while they tickled my feet. Another hit to my balls as finger nails dug into my under arms. A pinch to my nipple as fingers tickled away into my hips. All the while through my squirming and struggling my cock would swing back and forth. The tickling to my member just dragged out laughing moans from me.

There was a slight reprieve for a moment that lasted just long enough for me to be given a pair of nipple clamps. This was the start of my love for all things nipple torture. The stranger took the chain linking my clamps and, from what I could feel, tied it to a rope the other end of which was tied up just below the tip of my cock. A hard slap to my balls sent me yelping and squirming, the movement sent my cock swinging which in turn tugged on my nipples. I was really starting to like this pleasure pain mixture. That seemed to be the desired effect as the stranger gave a satisfied grunt.

Then the torture resumed. My mind shattered. I could follow nothing. I knew there was pain, I screamed. I knew there was tickling, I laughed. I knew there was pleasure, I moaned. The laughing, screaming, moaning... they all blended together. It was a guttural sound, feral. I was reduced to a thrashing animal, not even aware of what was happening any more. My only thought was on sexual release. I begged for it. Whimpered into my gag. I had to of been a pitiful sight.

And I loved. Every. Single. Second.

Subspace is a hell of a thing.

It did eventually end. I was a ruin. Breath coming heavy. Body straining every fiber focused on my cock and that need for relief. The stranger's hand returned and I thought that release would come, I was so close a few dedicated strokes would do it. The stranger instead untied the rope from my cock and started rubbing. It was slow, too slow... and I knew with dreaded certainty that it would not be enough. The other hand took hold of the nipple clamps and tugged hard. Pain shot through and mingled with the pleasure in that glorious mix.

"You love this, such a dirty kinky plaything you are." The stranger spoke to me and I barely even understood. So focused on the pleasure.

But then it stopped. I screamed in frustration! Agony!

"I think it's my turn for some fun don't you?" I felt the stranger move toward my feet. Nails lightly traced over the soles of my feet and even that small touch tore out a fit of gagged laughter. But the tickling was short lived, the stranger had a different play in mind. My feet were untied and re-tied together before being bound again to the table. Then I felt something warm and moist rub over the sole of my foot from heel to toe. It took a second to realize that the stranger was licking my feet.

Now I had never had any experience with foot worship before, giving or receiving, so yet another new activity for me tonight. It was... weird. A good weird for sure but... well... in my limited exposure to BDSM, foot worship had always struck me as a distinctly sub to dom thing (sub worshipping dom's feet). Like it's such a power move, a dominant forcing you to sniff, lick and well worship their feet... its such a physical message that the submissive is so much lower (in the context of the scene) than the dominant. Just solidifies the dom's... well dominance. But as I felt the stranger's lips, their tongue, all over my feet, I had to reassess.

It made me feel so vulnerable. Like I was just an object for the stranger's pleasure. Their pleasure came from their foot fetish and so that was what they took from the kinky tied up toy they had in that small dark room. I had no dominance just because they were worshipping my feet because I was not something that could ever have dominance in that moment. I was just a sweaty breathless horny as hell bondage object. I was their toy. So they used me as one.

The tongue flicked out over the soles of my feet and while at first the sensation was ticklish I soon began to moan. I would flex my feet and stretch them out so the stranger took advantage. I felt teeth scrape over the stretched tendons in my feet sending shivers coursing right through body. The feeling of my toes being sucked was distinct and I pointed my feet to give easier access.

As we played our roles in this new play I could hear the stranger begin moaning. I listened harder and heard a slight rubbing and squelch sound. As the foot worship picked up... vigor? So did the new sound. Then the moaning picked up. In my subspace addled mind it took me a while to realize that the stranger was masturbating while worshipping my feet.

I took it on myself to help out as much as I could. While one foot was in their mouth I began to press the other into their face. It worked like a charm and in no time the moaning became a consistent and fevered sound, that desperate raspy groaning of someone getting to the edge. I pointed both feet and pressed forward presenting my toes for their mouth. The offering was swallowed eagerly and the moaning became muffled. The stranger bit down slightly and I felt them shudder with a loud gasping moan.

Silence filled the room for a moment. Our heavy breathing the only sound. The stranger took some time to recover, gently tickling my feet as they did so. "Well... that was intense..." their voice trailed off. "I suppose it's your turn now."

A sudden, albeit short, tickling attack brought my member back to attention. The stranger took a hold of my nipple clamps again and gave a savage tug forcing me to thrust out my chest as much as possible and hold still so as to not yank on the clamps more. Unfortunately the tickling did not stop and those damned fingernails continued to dig away into my hips making me squirm and the clamps were yanked around by my twisting.

It was under those conditions that my handjob was resumed. A stroke along my cock. A tug on the clamps. A stroke. A savage burst of tickling to my underarms. A stroke. A slap on the balls. A stroke. The nipple clamps were twisted. A stroke. Another Slap. A stroke. Tickling. Stroke. Tickling. Stroke. Slap. Stroke. Tug. Stroke.

I gave out an animalistic scream into the gag and went rigid as finally the stranger allowed me the relief I had been begging for. Every fiber of my body strained against the ropes... against my own skin. I felt needles all over as the pleasure washed over me. The stroking persisted through the orgasm drawing out the pleasure for an eternal moment. But all good things must come to an end, and as I began drifting down the stroking eased up. Finally when i had calmed and lay breathing heavily, the slight stroking began to get annoying on my over sensitive cock. I tried to twist away and grumbled into my gag.

Then I heard the sadistic laugh from the stranger, "now its time for my favorite part." I whimpered. The stroking ramped up again at a smooth and wicked pace. The stranger didn't rush to max speed, oh no they were ramping me up again. Easing me into pleasure again, on my hyper sensitive cock while my mind was a goo ridden mess, more sex driven animal than man. It was a lovely delightful nightmare. Post orgasm torture is one of those things that sounds amazing until it happens. And then? Hell.

But such a sweet hell it is.

I screamed and writhed and uselessly fought my ropes. The stranger just laughed and laughed and stroked away. There was nipple clamp tugging, tickling, slapping, licking? Honestly it is here that i truly lost all track of what was happening.

Subspace is a hell of a thing.

I know another orgasm was forced out of me and I know that as it ripped through me, those nipple clamps were swiftly removed. That post clamp burn rushed and mingled with the orgasm to create a swirl of pain and pleasure that drowned me.

I didn't notice the stranger untying me, I hardly registered that my gag was removed. The next thing I really could process was the utter weariness in my body. I felt like I had run a marathon. Every muscle was drained completely. The next thing I noticed was the stranger giving me a gentle massage and helping me come back down from that high.

"I am going to go," they said to me. "When you hear the door close you can take off the blindfold. There is a towel and water with you clothes and a bin for the dirty towel and blindfold. I hope you had as much fun as I did."

"I did." It was all I could manage in my state. I heard the door close.

I'm not sure how long I lay there. Maybe a few minutes maybe an hour? Who knows. But i did eventually stand and pull the blindfold off. It was sodden with sweat and tears. There was a laundry basket beside the table now. It had a crumbled towel and the ropes in it. A note on the bin said "Dirty." I dropped the blindfold in there and looked around a bit. My clothes were folded and placed by the door on a chair, there was a folded towel as well and a bottle of water. I took a deep drink and patted myself down with the towel.

I picked up my socks which were soaking wet of course and decided to drop them in the dirty bin too. Probably a silly gesture but... well they really enjoyed my feet, right? I was not thinking very clearly. I got dressed and left the room. By the time i got to my car parked 2 blocks away, I had collected myself enough to start thinking.

I concluded two things.

First, I just used every bit of my luck to get out of this unharmed, and I used every bit of my family's luck for the next three generations that this night played out exactly like the fantasy always said it would.

Second, I was indeed an idiot and my next step in this journey into kink would be a safer and smarter next step.

Next step? After brushing so close to disaster like I just did? Well of course. But that hardly needs to be explained to anyone here. We all know that once you get a taste of kink the only way is forward and deeper in.
flannel teddy bear
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Post by flannel teddy bear »

Gino wrote: 2 months agogreat Story :D
Thanks! Glad you liked it.
Xtc wrote: 2 months agoNicely told.
Thanks for the compliment!

And thank you everyone who read the story hope you all enjoyed. I am planning on writing more moving forward.
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Post by rtbw »

Wow. I can't believe you did that. But what a story to tell
flannel teddy bear
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Post by flannel teddy bear »

rtbw wrote: 2 months ago Wow. I can't believe you did that. But what a story to tell
Yeah not my best moment of decision making. A fond memory to look back on but can't say I'd ever try that again.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I must say, you're one lucky guy!

It's always better to be safe but there's something special about the encounter you shared with us.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by flannel teddy bear »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 2 months ago I must say, you're one lucky guy!

It's always better to be safe but there's something special about the encounter you shared with us.
Definitely a fun memory and story but yeah like you said. "One lucky guy." Of all the ways this could have gone, actually having the fantasy fulfilled doesn't seem real.
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