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Post by handovermouth »

Still enjoying this story very much. Updates are always on point and regular which is very nice 😊 a duct tape mummy is another level though - but in the end, he will have no choice but to enjoy it!
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Post by bondagefreak »

This one goes out to [mention]Pup[/mention], [mention]handovermouth[/mention] and [mention]hotgom[/mention]
Hope you enjoy this one, guys!


Chapter 82 - Silenced

I was mesmerized. Entranced by Shawn's sudden and decisive demonstration of authority.
I wasn't kidding when I said that Jeremy appeared as surprised as I was by blond hunk's move.

The kid was still moaning and protesting when the beefy jock's giant hand came up from nowhere and decided to cut him off mid-sentence.

Poor Jeremy didn't even get the chance to finish off his desperate plea.
Shawn just clamped a hand right over his scrawny prisoner's face and instantly took away the boy's right to speak.

Jeremy looked positively stunned.

He was being wrapped up and mummified, against his will, no less!

He cried out and tried getting his Master's attention, but then this big, stupid brute just stepped in and decided to cover his mouth up.

The size difference between the twenty-year-old hunk and the nineteen-year-old boi, was nothing short of incredible. And it was made even more apparent, now that Jeremy's face was trapped under Shawn's enormous hand.

The blond hunk was a HUGE, towering mass of flesh and muscle.
He was built like a brick and had the hands to match.

Jeremy attempted to protest his way past the gag, but found himself being muffled up way more than he probably expected.

"Mmppfff...uugghmph." he cried out, unable to make any meaningful amount of noise from under his muscular captor's giant hand.

Nick and Brad kept laughing and chuckling, wrapping the boy up in a seemingly infinite number of duct tape layers.
They didn't give the prisoner's protests any heed, and probably didn't even hear the boy's latest attempt at getting their attention.

Not willing to give up, little Jeremy cried out to his Master again.
But it was no use. Brad couldn't hear him. Not with the loud roaring of two duct tape rolls echoing across the room, and not with the blond dude's giant hand over his face like that.

It took a while for the kid to finally understand the predicament he was in.

"Mmmggppphh..." he cried out, apparently unwilling to believe that his screams and protests could no longer be heard.

Poor Jeremy.
He was probably wondering who the fuck Shawn was and what right the dude had to gag him like that.

I watched as my young, green-eyed friend angrily narrowed his eyes down at the massive hand covering his face, and watched as he glared at it and starting mouthing off uncontrollably.

"Mmmmpphh! Uuuggghmmphh...uugghhhmmph! Uughp...uuggghmmphh." he screamed, cursing and protesting the hand that was keeping him silent.

He looked furious, and I couldn't blame him for feeling that way.
I'd probably be just as pissed off as he was if some dude I didn't know, came up to me while I was helpless and started putting his big fuckin' hands over my face.

Jeremy couldn't afford to stay angry for long though.

I watched as his facial features quickly went from anger, to incomprehension, and then finally, to fear.
Something was wrong.

He tried sniffing, but he wasn't getting any air in.
He tried crying out, but was immediately overcome by shortness of breath.
Without sufficient air in his lungs, the boy couldn't really make much noise.

I watched he as futilely tried wiggling his head away, and I nearly jizzed my undies when he gave Shawn's hand a look that betrayed absolute fear and terror.

Shawn wasn't paying the captive-boi any attention though.
Instead, he watched the wrapping process with great interest and didn't give any notice to that fact that his puny prisoner couldn't even breathe.

In his panic, Jeremy's eyes quickly darted around the room, and that's when he suddenly seemed to notice me.
The kid's face contorted into a look sheer panic, and his eyes silently begged me to step up in his defence.

I knew I should've intervened, but I was completely speechless and unable to take my left hand away from my tenting crotch. This was just too hot, and for some reason, I really wanted to be in Jeremy's place right now.

The boi had his ENTIRE lower face engulfed in young Shawn's giant palm, from the bottom of his chin, right up to the bridge of his nose!

His legs and arms were being taped down and wrapped up ridiculously tight, leaving him no means to fend off the thick, fleshy hand that was clamped tight over his face.

Surprisingly, in what seemed like a last, final attempt to cry for help, the scrawny prisoner managed to let out a pitiful yelp and wiggle around enough to draw a tiny filet of air in through his nostrils.

It was just barely enough to keep him conscious, but Shawn's large hand wasn't giving him any leeway.

Jeremy's once agitated protests were quickly reduced to faint whimpers, and he spent the next ten minutes taking in laboured sniffs of air from inside his hunky captor's fleshy hand.

Even after the boy had quieted down a lot, Shawn showed no signs of wanting to relax his handgag.
He just kept his hand tightly clamped over the mummy-boy's face and gave the kid no further opportunity to protest the treatment the jocks were giving him.

I'm not sure what was hotter though.
The fact that Shawn's handgag was enormous and ridiculously effective, or that fact that the hunk was so absorbed by the whole duct taping process and completely oblivious to the fact that his prisoner was suffocating in his hand.

Even now, the massive handgag remained in place and poor Jeremy looked like he was fighting to stay conscious and fill his lungs up.

Unlike Nick, Shawn didn't seem to enjoy doing what he was doing.
The fact that he wasn't teasing Jeremy or giving his prisoner any notice, sorta confirmed that, and at the same time, made the whole thing even hotter.

Using his large hand to silence the boy and stop him from being able to talk, was just a necessity.
Nothing more, nothing less.

And for some reason, I found that extremely appealing!

My helpless friend was too focused on staying conscious and getting enough air in, to pay me anymore attention. And I was kinda glad about that.
Watching his eyes water over and hearing him strain to get small amounts of air in through his nostrils, sorta made me feel guilty about not having intervened a bit earlier.

I was a shitty friend.
There was no doubt about it.

Then I thought about what Nick had told me earlier...about whether or not I thought Jeremy would come to my aid were our roles reversed.
Honestly, I had no idea. I didn't know the kid well enough to answer that question.
It was just easier and more convenient for me to accept Nick's hypothesis that he wouldn't.
The more I convinced myself that he wouldn't come to my rescue, the less I felt bad about being a shitty friend.

The two older hunks spent another five minutes wrapping the boi up, and after lots of laughing and a ton of layers, the mummy-boi was finally wrapped up, from his toes...right up to his neck.

There would no escape for young Jeremy tonight.

In a matter of minutes, Jeremy's head and face was completely engulfed in thick, sticky silver duct tape, save for his eyes, nostrils and mouth.
I was a little surprised about that.
I was expecting them to stuff his mouth up and wrap it shut, but Jeremy's mouth remained unstuffed and only a small strip of tape covered the hole Brad had left over his boy's lips.

It was almost as though he wanted Jeremy quiet, but needed easy access to the kid's mouth.
The gag wasn't quite a effective as I was hoping it would be, but it still kept Jeremy's mouth sealed shut and forced him to breathe through his nostrils, which thankfully, he had no trouble doing now that Shawn's big, smothering hand no longer covered his face.

Jeremy's tightly mummified body was lowered to the floor and pulled right up to the main couch where I was sitting.

My heart started pounding when all three hunks suddenly turned towards me.
To my great surprise though, they just plopped themselves down on both sides of me and kinda forced me to scoot over.

Nick and Brad sat to my right and Shawn sat himself to my left, squashing me between him and his cousin and forcing me to stick my legs together and make myself smaller.

The couch was too small for the four of us, but neither of them seemed to care.
Nick and Shawn both kept their knees spread apart and quite literally sandwiched me like a bug in between their two, massive bodies. They were both practically SITTING on me!

The three jocks were in a playful, joyful mood though, and quickly resumed sipping their beers before planting their giant, shoe-clad feet over our mummified prisoner.

"Alright, remember the deal guys. Ten rounds. One sock per round." Brad said, as the three of them reached for the coffee table to pick up their PS4 remotes and activate the combat-oriented racing game.

One sock per round? I had no idea what Brad was talking about, but a quick whimper from Jeremy seemed to indicate that he knew exactly what was gonna happen. The three Alpha guys chuckled excitedly.
I felt a little lost, but for the time being, I was safe.

Finally, the game was started, and Nick, Shawn and Brad got ready to compete in the opening round.
This was definitely turning out to be an interesting evening.

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Post by ShadowHusky »

Getting all ansty and interested. It's interesting to see the action from a sort of 3rd person view with Steven. He just needs to make sure he stays in line ;)
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Post by Trainedsub »

Excuse me while I umm... Go change my underwear... I got... Umm... White paint on them. It had nothing to do with the description of that hand gag or anything
Please sir... Not that again, I promise I’ll be good-
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Post by Ossassin »

I reckon Shawn could use a little more expirence though it doesn't matter that he isn't in love with hand gags he could at least keep a bit more of an eye on his gagged victims. Still I always love a good game and games with bets and conditions are always my favourite.
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Post by Pup »

I was almost hoping Jeremy would black out and they would all go "Oh shit"... xD

Great chapter as always.
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Oh gooosh.

What a damn HOT chapter!
Would I not be in a challange my Master is controlling me in with no touching my junk that month...I‘d have cummed to this several times.

So I kinda felt like poor Jeremy - but not all covered in tape and Alpha feet, but just denied...

That was really hot...thank you Sir. Can‘t wait for that sock game...
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Post by Msueta@2 »

This chapter was so good can't wait to read what you have next chapter hole it come's out soon
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Post by squirrel »

This is definitely one of the best chapters in the whole story! I can never get enough of hand gags, the sweaty hand blocking Jeremy's ability to speak is more than amazing. Now I want to be in his place even more :)

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Post by socjuc »

Really like how Jeremy doesn't know Shawn but has no reservation in controlling him. And how Steven seems to be thoroughly enjoying the show :lol: Can't wait to read this new sock game... hot
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for the fantastic comments, guys!
I'm thrilled to see that many of you enjoyed this, and in some cases, thought it was one of the best chapters so far.

I'm a huge fan of handgagging, but was never been satisfied by how little screen time this sort of action gets.
Most stories I've read that featured handgags, usually cover the matter in a sentence of two.
I'm almost always irked at how quickly the scene gets glossed over and am constantly wishing there was more.

This isn't a very popular fetish, but it's pretty damn high on my list.
The size difference between the characters is just perfect for this. And much like [mention]socjuc[/mention] points out, the fact that Shawn is the one handgagging and smothering Jeremy even though they don't know each other, makes the scenario even hotter for me. I definitely had "fun" composing this!

Can't express how thrilled I am that so many of you guys are still onboard after all these chapters.
Looking forward to hearing from more of you!

Now, let's move on to the sock game 8-)

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Chapter 83 - High Stakes

The rules of the game weren't immediately clear to me.
From what Brad had said, I knew that they'd be playing ten rounds and that one sock would represent one round.
But I had no idea what the point of the game was, or what would happen at the conclusion of those ten rounds.

All I knew is that Nick wasn't doing so well and that the two other guys were pretty evenly matched.

The actual game looked pretty simple though. It was basically a racing game, with the added bonus of being able to eliminate or slow down your opponents by using weapons, road mines and stuff.

All in all, Nick was doing rather poorly. But in his defence, this was Brad's game, and from the way Shawn and our host handled their controls, I could tell they were both avid gamers.
Nick had a console at home, but didn't spend much time playing games on it. He lacked practice, and for all his cursing and complaining, he only managed to win two rounds out of ten.

Brad and Shawn came out evenly matched, each winning four rounds, one after the other.
I have to admit, the game looked sorta fun and I would've liked playing a round or two.
Unfortunately, none of the brutes were paying me any attention.
Not at first, anyways...

Aside from Jeremy's occasional whimpering and the sound of his pathetic attempts at escaping the extremely tight duct tape prison, the living room echoed with laugher and cheers.

Nick was a bit of a sore loser at first, but when the tournament ended, he didn't take his loss too seriously.
For a guy who hardly played video games, he had held his own relatively well.

It's only when Shawn and Brad suddenly got up and left the room, that I got the opportunity to talk to Nick and get him to explain to me what the sock game was all about.

As soon as the two Alphas left, Nick took his t-shirt off and tossed if over the living room table.
"Fuck, it's hot in here." he complained, pulling his blue trackies down below his hips and sitting himself back down on the couch.

I couldn't believe how positively ENORMOUS his biceps were!
Every time I laid eyes upon them, I was instantly mesmerized.


Nick's upper arms were so thick, that I couldn't even wrap both my hands around them and get my fingers to touch each other.

Even more amazing was the fact that this beefy, blond-muscle god was MY Alpha.
I still had trouble believing it.
I was relatively satisfied with my looks, but I knew Nick could easily find himself a much hotter guy if he wanted to. I'm not sure what he saw in me, but tried finding peace of mind by reminding myself of the promise he'd made, about wanting to start fucking me real soon.
The twenty seven-year-old stud wouldn't allow me in his bed, and certainly wouldn't try to force himself on me if he didn't find my appealing in some way.

Without warning, the two meter tall hunk lifted his left thigh up a bit and flexed his abdominal muscles before releasing a loud fart out of his big ass.


I turned my head away and complained, but Nick just laughed.
"Haha. Yeah, must be that fuckin' huge submarine I ate." he said, blaming the lunch we'd stopped to eat on our way here.

Not even caring to apologise for the huge fart he'd just ripped inside the room, the blond hunk just lifted his arms up, crossed his hands behind the back of his head, and plopped his heavy, shoe-clad soles up on the coffee table.

I watched as my sexy Alpha let out a sigh of relief, and I silently took in the amazing sight of his super buff pecs and biceps.

I had a love-hate thing going on with that part of his body.
Nick's entire back and torso were completely devoid of hair, except for his ridiculously bushy armpits, which were now fully exposed.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely ADORED his muscular body, and would instantly JUMP at the chance to worship his giant pecs and biceps!
It's just that...his pits were really REALLY hairy, and I wasn't a big fan of that.

Initially, I thought it was an Alpha male thing.
But then I was almost certain Brad trimmed his pits, and I knew for a fact that he was every bit the Alpha male Nick was.

The fact that my super hunky King had these incredibly hairy pits underneath his massive biceps, sort of grossed me out and attracted me at the same time.
I felt the same way about his crotch.

I was in awe at the size of Nick's manhood and had every respect for the length and sheer thickness of his seemingly-always-hard cock. His member was HUGE, and so was his nutsack.
But the fact that his crotch was so hairy and bushy, really annoyed me and kinda grossed me out at the same time.

I wanted to tell him to shave down there, but I didn't know whether that would insult him of not.

Last night, when he decided it was time for me to suck on his eight-inch boner, the dominant hunk seemed completely oblivious to the fact that I was grossed out from having my nostrils flaring over his giant bush.

His feet were another matter...
They were just plain gross. And as much as I fantasized about them or thought about his socks and shoes, I seriously wished he would consult a podiatrist and get a cream or powder to fight off the foot odour.
I swear, it really was NOT fun having to take his boots off when he arrived home from work, and it was even LESS fun having to endure the rotten stench coming out of his socks and toes.

"So, what's this game you guys are playing?" I asked, using the fact that we were finally alone to try and score some winning points with Nick.

"Haha. You'll see. We're just deciding who's sock your little buddy'll be gagging on first." Nick told me, lowering his left arm down and wrapping it around my neck before pulling me in a tight headlock and smothering my face up against his broad torso.

"You might be next." he chuckled, using his other hand to rub his knuckles against the top of my head and causing me to squeal in pain.

"Awwwhh...nooo." I cried out, quite literally struggling not to get choked out inside the brute's crazy strong headlock.

Thankfully though, the blond giant let go of my head and allowed me to sit up and regain some of my composure.

He had a playful look in his eyes, and I knew that didn't bode particularly well for me.
So instead of going on the defensive and inciting him to press on, I decided to snuggle back up to him and try my hand at flattering his ego.

"You were really good in those last matches against Shawn and Brad." I told him, resting my head against his huge pecs and snuggling my thin, hoodie-clad body against his massive torso.

"Are you kidding?! I fuckin' sucked!" the jock exclaimed, sounding a little annoyed and surprised that I'd bring his performance into play. It's as though he didn't want to be reminded of it.

"No you didn't!" I cried out, expertly maintaining the façade of someone who didn't feel threatened in any way.
I really REALLY didn't wanna end up like poor Jeremy down there. So I absolutely HAD to stay spontaneous and supportive if I hoped to escape the same fate.

"Nick...come on. You're so hard on yourself." I told him. "You hardly ever play video games. You don't have as much practice as them, and you still beat them twice. I think you're the best." I added, right before craning my head up and planting a quick kiss on his stubble-covered jaw.

The hunk scoffed at my comment, but I could tell from his cocky face and puffed up chest that he was flattered.

Mission accomplished!

The other two Alphas quickly rejoined us in the living room, Shawn carrying his heavy-looking sports bag, and Brad carrying just a regular plastic bag.

"Alright guys, let's see what you've got." Nick beamed, keeping me pinned to is naked torso with his left arm slung around the back of my neck and shoulders.

Shawn was the first to reveal the contents of his large gym bag, and man oh man was his stuff smelly!
The three of us watched as the young muscle-jock took out a bunch of giant socks from his sack and layed them out across the living room floor.

My eyes bulged out at the sight of it all.
Shawn's collection of heavily worn, unwashed socks, looked positively PUTRID!


Ok, that just about did it.
There was no way in HELL I was gonna let myself be mummified and sockgagged like poor Jeremy was about to be.
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Post by Pup »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago Ok, that just about did it.
There was no way in HELL I was gonna let myself be mummified and sockgagged like poor Jeremy was about to be.
Yeah unless he starts sprinting right there, I doubt he has much chance of keeping that promise to himself.
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Post by Trainedsub »

Please sir... Not that again, I promise I’ll be good-
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Post by GoBucks »

So hot! Can't wait for those socks to be put to use!
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Post by ShadowHusky »

Yes yes yes yes YES! I adore the affection being brought into play here, the idea of the internal struggle of Steven's attraction to Nick and the all of double crossing thoughts is amazing to read. And I am SO excited to read about the sock stuff, Jeremy should be happy that Nick only won two. Working numerically on the stench levels, the numbers would just grow with Nick. And I also can't wait for Nick fulfil his earlier mention of Steven's turn. Maybe finally he'll see what it's like to huff all their feet at once! Anyway, amazing chapter!
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Post by TiedNW »

Well if Steven isn’t going to get mummified, can I volunteer?
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Chapter 84 - The Game

"Dude! How many socks did you bring!?" Brad cried out, bursting into laughter as he sat there, amazed at the size of the twenty-year-old jock's collection.

"Nick told me to bring my hamper." Shawn answered, blaming his cousin for the number of socks he'd brought along.

"Don't you have a fuckin' washing machine at your place?" our host laughed, apparently as shocked as I was about the number of raunchy socks coming out of Shawn's big bag.

"Yeah, there's a washer in the building, but I hate paying for that stuff. So I usually just go to Nick's place and get my washing done twice a month." he explained.

"I guess you just forgot bring your socks when you came over to wash your stuff last month." Nick chuckled, causing his younger cousin to smirk a bit.

"Haha. Yeah. I guess." Shawn laughed, smirking as he picked out four of the Lacoste socks he'd brought and quickly tossing them onto the coffee table.

"Man, those socks need some serious washing." Brad spoke, eyeing the young man's socks almost wearily.

The blond hunk was unable to hide his growing smirk as the sight and smell of his foul-smelling socks managed to take myself and the older jocks by surprise. Brad and I both shared an expression that betrayed disgust, but that didn't stop the handsome young muscle-man from enjoying his moment.

I looked at the four socks, then remembered the rules of the game.
One round, one sock.
There were four socks on the table, and Shawn had won four rounds.

Then it was Brad's turn to present us with his own socks.

The cocky stud opened up the crinkly plastic bag he had in his hand, and took out four of these really big, black crew socks.

They weren't just your average smelly socks though.
On the contrary. Brad's socks looked positively ripe and filthy!

From the way they appeared to stand on their own, I could tell they were crusty as fuck...almost as though the sexy jock had shot a few loads inside each sock and allowed them to dry up afterwards.

As gross as that was, I couldn't put it past him.
Creaming his own sock and then using it as a gag definitely sounded like something Brad would do.


"Fuck. Those look BAD." Nick commented, chuckling mildly as he took in the sight of his buddy's black crew socks.

The frightened whimper that came out of captive-mummy boy's taped mouth, immediately told me that Jeremy probably had a good idea of just how bad those socks were.
The sound of his muffled crying was enough to make me realise that the kid really wasn't looking forward to facing his Master's socks again.

Poor little guy.
If only the alternatives weren't so bad...

Four socks from Shawn.
Four socks from Brad.

Nick had managed to pull off two decisive wins against his opponents, and therefore had the privilege of adding two of his own socks to the mix.

"Well...I went through my hamper and took all my socks out before leaving. But since I'm only getting two points, there's no reason for me to get my bag out." he explained, causing me to gulp in fear and make myself a bit smaller.

"Might as well just use these socks." he said, calmly lowering his feet the floor and reaching down to pull his bad boys off.

A sickening, wet 'plop' echoed across the room as the blond hunk pulled his giant basketball shoes off and exposed his enormous sock-clad soles.

The big muscle-King just pulled his huge stinkers off and put them on the coffee table, before quickly slipping his naked feet back into his festering basketball shoes.


Brad's reaction was priceless, and so was Shawn's.

"DUDE! What the fuck?!" Brad exclaimed, simultaneously laughing and coughing from the smell that was oozing out of the blond god's giant socks.

"Bro, those look seriously toxic." Shawn commented, sounding noticeably calmer than Brad.
The younger Alpha's own socks smelled of rotten cheese and fermenting potatoes, so it was only normal for him not to be as "impressed" as Brad was about Nick's overpowering raunch.

Brad had strong smelling feet, but he was WAY out of his league here.
Nick didn't just have smelly feet.
The blond Alpha actually had some SERIOUS foot odour problems, and so did his cousin.

Brad's black socks stank to high heavens, but the cocky jock seemed genuinely grossed out by the socks that the two beefy cousins had thrown onto his table.
And I couldn't blame him.
Nick's giant socks were FILTHY beyond belief and just looked plain ROTTEN.
Shawn's socks were just as revolting!

The mere sight of them made me sick to my stomach, and things only got worse when the stench coming out of those socks started filling the room up.


I kept my mouth open to avoid breathing in the combined stench of the ten socks sitting on the living room table.
But then I thought of poor Jeremy, who was lying on the floor with his mouth taped shut and his nostrils flaring open.

The poor kid had no choice but to sniff in the UNBEARABLE stench.
And to his great dismay, things were about to get worse. A LOT worse.

I watched in silent apprehension as Brad quickly drank the remnants of his beer and put the bottle down, so that it was lying flat, right in the center of the large coffee table.

"Alright guys, get your socks lined up." he told Nick and Shawn, who both seemed pretty eager to follow our host's instructions.

All ten socks were aligned into a perfect circle around the bottle, and at that point I was expecting this to turn into a simple game of Russian Roulette.

I wasn't far off. This would indeed be a game of chance, but with an added element.

"Alright kiddo. Down. On the floor." Nick suddenly ordered, placing his hand on my back and prodding me off the couch.

I knelt down in front of my Master, and offered up a look of fear and confusion.
But Brad was quick to step in to soothe my worries.

"Since you're his friend, we thought it would be fun if you were the one to spin the bottle." Brad told, looking straight into my eyes as I knelt next to the coffee table and glanced down to see a struggling Jeremy.

I was about to object, but Brad carried on with explaining the rules of the game to me.

"The rules are pretty simple." he explained. "You spin the bottle, and chance will do the rest. Mummy-boi over here, can refuse the result of the first and second spins. But if he refuses the second spin, he'll have to accept the third spin and won't be able to go back, even if the third result is worse than the second one. Got it?" he finally asked, making sure I understood everything.

I did. Not that it mattered anyway.
I mean, all I had to do was spin the stupid bottle.

I didn't know why they were making me do this, but I'm guessing Nick and Brad thought it would be fun to make me play a role in my own friend's demise.

They knew it would make me feel guilty, and maybe even anger Jeremy a little.
Whatever their intentions, I really wanted no part in this. But it's not as though I was being given any choice.
It was either obey, or face the consequences.

"Any last words, mummy-boi?" Nick chuckled, scooting forward on the couch and giving poor Jeremy a gentle kick.

"Mmmpphhg. Uggghmmph..." the boy cried out, causing all three jocks to burst out laughing.

"Mmmmhhh. Mmmhhhh." Brad moaned, mimicking his helpless teen prisoner before chuckling cockily. "Pathetic! Alright, let's get this over with." he ordered, rubbing his hands together and scooting closer towards the table.

Against my own free volition, I took hold of the empty beer bottle and spun.


The bottle must've spun close to a dozen times before it started slowing down.
I watched Jeremy's eyes betray a feeling of pure fear and dread as the bottle starting slowing down and eventually came to a halt.

The tension in the room was palpable as Brad's beer bottle stopped spinning.
And it ended up pointing directly towards one Shawn's enormous Lacoste socks!

"Yeah!" the blond jock exclaimed, closing his right hand into a fist and nudging Nick's similarly extended hand, in a show of solidarity.

From the looks of is, the young man was starting to take a liking to this stuff.
At first, he was a bit cold and distant. But after breaking the ice and actively taking a role in silencing little Jeremy, the jock definitely appeared to be warming up to his role as an Alpha male.

I thought I'd only be spinning the bottle, but apparently the three studs had other plans for me.
"Come on! Pick the sock up. Come here." Brad barked, ordering me to crawl closer to him and take position close to Jeremy's gagged face.

I picked up Shawn's rotten sock and held it at arm's length before slowly making my way over to where my friend was lying.

The young jock's putrid stinker was HUGE!
There was no way that smelly thing could end up fitting inside Jeremy's mouth.
Surely they all realised that?!

"What are you waiting for?" Brad hissed, apparently impatient to get on with the game. "Come on! We don't have all night. Make him sniff the sock. Now!" he ordered, looking none too happy at the fact that I was reluctant to play a part in all this.

I sat there, looking down at my poor, pleading friend's pitiful expression.
I was absolutely heartbroken that the three hunks were making me do this stuff.
Poor Jeremy cried inside his duct tape prison.
He shook his head and gave me a pleading look, begging me not to go forward with what I was being ordered to do.

He must've realised I didn't have a choice. He must've understood that none of this was my fault!
But right now, he didn't seem to accept that, and that made it extra difficult for me.

The way he was looked up into my eyes, made me feel as though I was betraying him.

But I couldn't disobey Brad's orders, and couldn't go against all three jocks.
This was survival of the fittest, and as much as I felt bad for what Jeremy was going through, the LAST thing I wanted was to join him and give the dominant bullies another victim to fool around with.

I looked down into my friend's terrified, pleading eyes, and gave him an apologetic look.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, forcing myself to ignore his frenzied cries for mercy.

Without saying another word, I bunched up Shawn's giant, incredibly putrid Lacoste sock, and slowly lowered it over the gagged boy's face before smothering his nose up inside the super cheesy wad.
Last edited by bondagefreak 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ossassin »

And people say biological warfare is a dead art ;)
Honestly games and bets with interesting outcomes are exactely what gets my attention and this is most certainly an awesome outcome. Great work Bondagefreak keep the good times rolling :D
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Post by GoBucks »

Love to see Shawn becoming more comfortable as a dom, but I guess that isn't really a surprise considering who he is related to! Poor Jeremy. I would just hate to be in his place :lol:
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Post by TiedNW »

My underwear is as creamy as Brads socks right now!
Wish I was in Jeremy’s place
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Post by Trainedsub »

Steven sounds like he realllly doesn't want to be Jeremy right now, but with socks like those I don't really blame him....
Sidenote: I wonder how many of those socks belong to our favorite author....
Please sir... Not that again, I promise I’ll be good-
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Post by Msueta@2 »

I want to be jeremy right now but instead of socks I would love crusty unwashed jockstraps and or underwear as my gag
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Post by squirrel »

The best game ever! I am more and more envy of Jeremy now :)

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Post by socjuc »

Well that was super erotic [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] The fact that Brad exercised his domination to force Steven to be a 'mini alpha' and enact their will is too much! incredibly HOT. Maybe Steven will start enjoying this and perhaps exercise the same kind of dominance over Jeremy when the alphas aren't around too!

Only thing hotter would be if one of the alphas would grab the sister Lacoste sock and force it over Steven's nose.... :lol:

Your grid has a character similar to me! go figure.... lol
Last edited by socjuc 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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