Cowboys and Indians - (ff/mm) & (mm/ff) - [Chapter 2 Added]

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Cowboys and Indians - (ff/mm) & (mm/ff) - [Chapter 2 Added]

Post by tomato »

I usually stick to fantasy settings, but in request of @tillytimber123, I decided to try my hand at a more realistic setting. Hope you enjoy!


In the quaint town of Westwood, when the sun shone high and the cicadas chirped loudly, time seemed to crawl. It was summer vacation for the students at Westwood High School, so there was lots of time to spend with friends.

However, in the forest on the eastern part of Westwood, a treehouse stood in silence. 3 bikes and a unicycle were leaned against the trunk of the tree, and the rope ladder dangled slightly in the wind.

A friend group of 4 freshman: Alex, Jake, Emily and Mia, were all sprawled around the treehouse's interior.

Jake was flopped over a beanbag, clicking a pen.
Emily and Mia slouched on the couch, absorbing the wind the oscillating fan blew at them.
Alex lied on the floor, fiddling around with a Rubik's cube.

Alex was the first one to break the silence. "Guys, this summer has been dragging on. We need something exciting to spice it up." He declared, frustration evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I agree. We're already 2 weeks in and we've still had nothing to do." added Emily, twirling a strand of her curly blonde hair.

The friend group let out a bored sigh in unison.

"Oh, I know!" Mia exclaimed, and the others turned to her. "How about we play Cowboys and Indians?"

Silence. And then Jake burst into laughter. "Cowboys and Indians? What are we, 12?" He rolls off of the beanbag wheezing, before adding "Besides, we haven't played that since middle school!"

"It's just an idea Jake." Mia responded. "You got any better ones?"

Jake falls immediately silent. "Yeah, I guess we can play that." He grumbled, earning a smug grin from Mia.

"Great." Alex says, getting up from the floor. "We can play right here in the forest."

"Oh!" Mia said as an idea popped into her mind.

She scrambled to the toy chest and grabbed 4 'Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm' blasters that resembled revolvers. "We can use these, seems fitting for Cowboys and Indians, right?"

"Ughh..." Jake groaned. "So it's just a Nerf fight then? That's boring."

"Besides," Jake added. "Your dad's a cop, you got more gun training that all 3 of us combined."

"Jake, are you gonna keep complaining or are you gonna give any ideas?" Mia said, her patience growing thin.

"Actually, I do have an idea." Jake said, to the surprise of the girls.

The chestnut-haired boy walked over to another chest in the treehouse and dropped about a dozen coils of rope on the floor with a grin. "Whoever gets shot gets 'wounded' and taken prisoner. The prisoner is then taken to jail and has to be tied up and kept there. If all players in a team have been shot and imprisoned, the opposing team wins."

Emily and Mia look at each other. This was actually not a half-bad idea for once.

So the quartet of friends all decided that this "Prisoner Cowboys and Indians" game would be what they'd spend today doing, rather than lounging in the treehouse. They all climbed down the rope ladder and hopped on their bikes (Jake on his unicycle) to Westwood Creek.

"It's going to be a bumpy road Jake." Mia warned her friend. "Probably time to give up and lose the bet."

"I'll give up when you grow past 5 feet." Jake snarkily replied, poking fun his friend's petite stature.

"Besides," Jake added. "I've gotten way better at riding this thing: watch." He then proceeded to flex on Mia by easily riding over a fallen log.

"Oh, you are so going down." Mia said mischievously.

When the friends arrived at the clear, flowing waters of Westwood Creek, they split into teams. Boys vs. Girls.

Alex decided to lay down some ground rules before starting. "Alright, so let's review. You get shot, you get taken prisoner. Once you've been taken prisoner, you get tied up."

Emily then chimed in. "How about we gag prisoners too? They might shout to alert their teammate."

"Good idea Emily." Mia said with a devious smile, spinning the cylinder of the Nerf gun before bogarting the revolver shut.

The boys then went to the opposing side of the Creek, and hid behind a couple trees. The girls did the same. "Let the games begin!" Alex shouted from behind a thick oak tree.

The first few minutes was a chaotic foam dart shoot-out between opposing sides. Whenever someone ran out of bullets, they scurried out of their cover to pick up missed darts from the floor, before quickly retreating back to safety.

"Alex!" Jake hissed from behind a spruce tree. "I got an idea, cover me and I'll encircle them."

Alex nodded and began firing foam darts at the trees, Emily and Mia quickly hid before returning fire. In the midst of this, Jake went about 100 feet to the right and carefully crossed the water before hiding behind a tree. He peered out from behind it to see Emily and Mia taking cover and returning fire.

Perfect. He thought to himself. They'll never know what hit 'em.

But suddenly, as Jake was closing in on the girls, he stepped on a crunchy leaf, alerting them of his presence. Emily quickly whipped around and began suppressing fire. Jake was forced to hide.

He also began firing foam darts from behind cover, but all of his shots missed. Pretty soon, he was out of ammo.

His heart rate was accelerating as he felt the girls moving closer on his position. He decided to make a run for it, so he peered out from behind the tree to check if he was in the clear.

Big mistake.

A foam dart blitzed through the air and his Jake square on his forehead. He was shot.

"Yeah!" Mia said enthusiastically. "Come on prisoner, you're mine now."

Jake felt his heart sink. Seriously? He lost already? But, rules were rules, so he came out from behind his cover with his hands up.

"Walk to me." Mia commanded. "And lay down your weapon." Jake did as told, and dropped his gun at her feet in surrender.

"Now turn around and place your hands behind your back. I'm going to tie you up now." Mia ordered, her voice oozing with satisfaction.

Jake obeyed her command, and turned his back to her and crossed his wrists behind his back. Mia pulled out a bundle of rope and quickly began tying his wrists.

She wrapped the rope several times around his wrists, before tying the restraint with a cinch knot.

Mia then took out a bandana from her pockets. "Open wide, cowboy." She teased.

Jake reluctantly opened his mouth, allowing Mia to wad the bandana and shove it in.

"Now you keep that in there, prisoner." Mia said, grabbing Jake's own bandana from his pockets.

She then fed Jake's own bandana between his lips and tied it off at the nape of his neck, securing the wad in his mouth. Jake could only respond with
a weak "mmph."

"Now follow me prisoner." Mia commanded, grabbing Jake by the sleeve of his T-shirt.

Jake was taken a bit further into the woods from where the shoot-out was. When Mia arrived at a satisfactory location to tie her prisoner at, she cleared the base of the trunk from any debris, leaving the dirt exposed.

"Kneel." Mia ordered, pointing to a clear patch of ground. Jake, feeling a sense of submission, complied with a muffled moan.

Mia then tied Jake's ankles together and secured them to the tree with a big loop around the trunk. Another loop around the tree and Jake's torso ensured Jake's imprisonment was permanent.

"Not so funny now, is it Jakey?" Mia taunted.

"Grmm! Ymml pmy frmm thms!" Jake growled through his cleave gag.

"Me? Pay? Oh, I don't think so. You're not going anywhere." Mia teased, reveling in the control she now held over her captive friend.

Before Jake could reply with more gag-speak, Emily appeared with a bound and gagged Alex in tow. Mia looked at her prisoner with a huge grin on her face. "You lose."

Alex and Jake locked eyes for a moment, their game plan had failed horribly, and now they were at the mercy of the girls. Alex furiously tried to shake off Emily's grip, but Mia soon aided her friend in keeping the prisoner in check.

"I got him while he was picking up darts from the floor." Emily said with pride. "Looks like you lose, boys."

"Good job Emily." Mia said happily over the boys' gagged grunts and moans. "Let's tie him right behind Jake."

Alex tried to protest at the idea of being bound back-to-back, but it was no use. He was force-knelt to the tree and tied in a very similar way to Jake. This time, Emily wrapped a length of rope around both boys' torsos and the tree, binding both of them in place.

Both girls took a step back to absorb the wondrous sight. Both boys, bound back to back, moaning through their cleave gags.

"I think we should have a little fun with them." Mia said, clearly receiving some kind of sadistic satisfaction from the two boys' predicament.

"Mmmmmmph!!" Alex and Jake cried out in unison, furiously shaking their heads. Trying desperately to wiggle and struggle free.

"Or, we could keep them here for the rest of the afternoon." Emily suggested. "Let them learn their lesson to not underestimate us ever again."

"Nmmpmh! Plmms dmmt!" Alex begged through his gag, his blue eyes welling up.

"You know what?" Mia playfully said, toying with Alex and Jake. "I think that's a good idea, let's go Emily."

The girls grabbed their bikes and fastened their helmets. Before leaving, Mia took one final look at the bound boys.

"Ta-ta boys! Hope you enjoy your quality bonding time together!" Mia taunted. "We'll come back in a few hours to untie you. See you then!"

Mia blew the boys a kiss, before leaving with a laugh.

Alex and Jake struggled in isolation, but the ropes held fast. They moaned and muffled to each other, but again, no use.

So as the two bound friends continued to struggle in vain, the girls' parting words had been embedded into their brains: Don't mess with the girls ever again.
Last edited by tomato 4 months ago, edited 4 times in total.
Jeff K
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Post by Jeff K »

I absolutely love this story! Jake and Alex are two lucky guys.
This conversation would go a lot smoother if you just gagged me already!
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Post by johopp »

Great story. I'm hoping for a sequel with a chance to get revenge on the girls.
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Post by JadeAnn »

So good! I loved how they tied the boys. The girls should have more fun with the boys and tie them in different positions. It's great that they call them prisoners
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Post by Helena14 »

Now we need the boys get their revenge!
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Post by jone123 »

Nice, hope there is more
Lady of the Dark
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Post by Lady of the Dark »

This was fun to read! 😄
Nice story. Hope to read more soon
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Post by tomato »

@Lady of the Dark, @jone123, @Helena14, @JadeAnn, @johopp and @Jeff K thank you all for the comments! I'm glad you all enjoyed the first chapter. Hope you enjoy Chapter 2 as well!


As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting elongated shadows through the forest, time seemed to move on. Parents returned home after a long day of work, and neighborhood children rushed indoors for suppertime. But for Alex and Jake, time stood still. They were still bound back-to-back near the tree. The girls had left them with a promise to return in a few hours, but time seemed to stretch endlessly as they waited in the dimming light.

Alex tried to speak, to communicate with Jake, but the tight cleave gag stifled his words, leaving only muffled sounds to convey his frustration.

"Jmmk... Jmmmk!" Alex cried through his gag, his voice barely audible as he struggled against his restraints.

"Whmm?" Jake moaned back, his legs tingling due to the kneeling position he was forced in.

"A thmnk mm rmph im lsmm." Alex said, the cleave gag holding strong.

Jake nodded in silent understanding. He wished he could help, but the thunk of the tree was too wide for him to be able to reach his bound hands around to assist.

Soon, he heard the undoing of ropes. Jake soon saw his escaped friend walk over to aid him.

"You know, I kind of understand Mia's predicament now. I kind of like seeing you all helpless." Alex said slyly. "I'm just joking."

The bound boy's heart rate soared as he thought his friend was about to betray him, but luckily Alex was only kidding, and soon the boys were free.

Jake stood up, and relief flooded through him as the sensation returning to his numbed limbs.

But there was no time to rest. While revenge was a dish best served cold, vengeance needed to be piping hot.

The boys grabbed all of their former restrains and stuffed them in their pockets. They then formed a plan to seek vengeance on the girls who had captured them.

Before they had time to rehearse, Alex heard something, the sound of bikes. Quickly, they hid behind some trees and the girls parked by the creek. Alex readied a Nerf gun that the girls had forgotten to take back to the treehouse.

"Wait, they're gone!" They heard Mia say.

"What?!" Emily replied in shock.

They heard footsteps getting closer and closer, until Mia ran past the trees in front of them, oblivious to the ambush she was walking into.

Now was their chance.

With a silent signal, Alex and Jake sprang into action, leaping out from their hiding spot and lunging towards Mia. Startled cries escaped the girls' lips as they were caught off guard by the sudden surprise.

Jake managed to tackle Mia and use his body to keep her pinned to the ground. Alex pointed the revolver right at Emily.

"Don't even think of moving a muscle Cowgirl. We've got your friend, so best to surrender before we do any harm to her." He said, now assuming the role of an Indian.

"W-What?!" Mia grunted underneath Jake's weight, trying to kick and claw at him.

Mia didn't realize the game was still going, but once she did, she instantly got into character. "Don't do it partner! You'll get us both captured!"

Emily hesitated for a few moments, before submissively putting her hands up. "I-I surrender!" She said in character. "I'm sorry partner, but I can't let these Indians hurt you."

"What? Partner, no-rmmph?!" Mia cried, before Jake shoved a wadded up bandana into her mouth.

"Luckily I brought extra bandanas." Jake said. "Else I would've had to use your socks or something."

Jake brought another bandana to Mia's mouth and cleave gagged the girl, tying the gag behind her head. Alex began tying up Emily.

Mia began squirming and resisting, but Jake had leverage and more strength than the petite freshman. He managed to pull her hands behind her back and tie her wrists together. Not content with just that, he pulled out a second coil and tied her elbows together.

Luckily, Mia was on the Westwood High Gymnastics team, so she was pretty flexible. The position was only slightly uncomfortable for her.

"Ymm dmnn?" Mia asked.

"Far from it." Jake replied with a huge grin on his face.

He then tied her ankles and legs together, before adding a third length of rope and using it to hogtie Mia, further restricting her movement.

The boy stood back to admire his handiwork, Mia was all trussed up in a picture-perfect hogtie. Jake wished he had brought his phone.

He looked at Alex, who had just finished tying up Emily.

The blonde girl was sitting upright with her thighs hugging her chest. Her arms were box-tied behind her back, and a chest harness allowed for a short length of rope to finish the ball-tie.

Her mouth was gagged with an otm-gag. Simple, yet effective.

Alex got up and the boys high-fived. Vengeance had been served.

Mia rolled her eyes at this sight. "Ymm bmys fmmnshd? A wmna gmm hmm." She moaned.

Emily, however, seemed to enjoy her restraints. She was humming a happy tune, relaxing in the rope's embrace.

"I don't know Mia, your partner seems to like it." Jake teased. "Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her."

"Perhaps we should teach this defiant prisoner a lesson." Alex suggested.

Mia let out a high pitched squeal at the idea, furiously shaking her head. "Wmmt, nmmph! Nmm-hm! Mm srrmny!" She protested.

The boys shared a mischievous grin at Mia's protests. Now it was their turn reveling in the power they had over their prisoners.

"Don't worry, Mia." Jake reassured her with a playful smirk. "Just a little lesson in humility."

He knelt down beside her and tightened the hogtie, ensuring that her restraints provided next-to-zero wiggle room. The girl let out a small groan as the hogtie grew stricter. Her flexibility was at its limits.

Alex and Jake were having a lot of fun tying up the girls, admittedly too much fun. However, the dusklight was beginning to fade, and the girls had to be let free. The quartet boarded their bikes and raced back home, after picking up all of the debris of battle.

"That was fun. Let's do it again sometime." Emily said with the wind in her hair.

"Agreed." said Jake and Alex.

"Yeah, yeah it was fun or whatever." Mia said, still somewhat bitter about the boys getting the last laugh. "But next time, you boys better be prepared for some tight ropes."

And as the night enveloped Westwood with its presence, the friends knew that this was just the beginning of many more adventures that were bound to come.

The End
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story, loved it! Always fun when there are turnabouts and promises of further tie ups. Keep up the good work!
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Post by PaulsPerils »

great story! Well done for parts 1 and 2.
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