Sleuth World (FM/F, M/FF) [COMPLETED]

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Sleuth World (FM/F, M/FF) [COMPLETED]

Post by Fandango »

The following is a shorter story that I've written (as opposed to the much lengthier ones that constitute most of my writing). I want to start posting some shorter fare once a month that might be a little more accessible to some readers. It will also not be written in my usual play script style. It is less than 5000 words total and I'll publish it in two parts. The first today and the second part on Friday.

Sleuth World - Part I of II

Chloe Portman and her partner Sean were in full search mode. Specifically they were searching for a woman that was being held prisoner. Chloe was two weeks into what was shaping up to be the best three weeks of her life. It had taken all of her vacation time for the year to make it happen. And it had been quite pricy, even with her very healthy income. But it had been worth every penny. Chloe was a 31 year-old account executive for a major tech company in San Francisco. However, ever since she was a little girl, she'd openly dreamed of being a detective. Snooping around. Gathering clues. Solving crimes. It all sounded so exciting to her.

As she grew up she realized that the real life version of sleuthing was probably not all that it was cracked up to be. She could have pursued a degree in criminal justice and tried to become a police detective. But Chloe was practical. And she'd taken a different path, realizing that the detective adventures of her fantasies probably weren't awaiting her within a police department or even with a private detective's license. But now that her career was flourishing and she had disposable income... she'd found that Sleuth World was EXACTLY what she had always wanted. It was a competitive three week adult fantasy camp for wannabe detectives. Twenty-one adults ranging in age from 25-35 had signed up and were put into teams to solve a series of complex, highly immersive mysteries. Clues were gathered. Leads were explored. Crimes were solved. And points were tallied. Chloe was totally into it and badly wanted to be the top scorer at the end of the three weeks.

For the first two weeks, the attendees had been divided into seven teams of three. The teams rotated for every case so that you were constantly working with different partners. Cases took two days to play out and solve. A case was finished every 48 hours whether you'd solved it or not. It had been close, but Chloe had solved every one. The first week had featured three robberies for the campers to get to the bottom of. Every two days a different heist or burglary needed to be investigated. Then Sunday had been a casual hangout day before Week 2 had started. Week 2 had also been exhilarating. It was a little more macabre because the cases had graduated from robberies to murders. Sleuth World employed dozens of talented actors to play witnesses and suspects for each of the cases. Chloe loved the improvisation and interplay of interacting with the characters. But the actors were really talented and dealing with somebody who had lost a loved one was something that she didn't envy real police detectives for having to do. And then one of the grieving widows had ended up being the culprit! So it was all a game. And Chloe loved it.

Today was the second day of the final week. For the third week, the cases were all kidnappings. Much better than murders in Chloe's mind. There's at least hope when it's a kidnapping. You're not just trying to bring a criminal to justice. You're also trying to save a prisoner. This was going to be Chloe's favorite week by far. This week was also a little different in terms of the format. They were divided into ten teams of two. One of the campers had left after the second week. They were down from twenty one to twenty. Chloe didn't know why she left, but Chloe would be lying if she said that she was disappointed. The camper who had left was named Ashley. And Ashley and Chloe had butted heads through the first two weeks. They'd worked together on the first murder case and it had been a stressful experience. They both had wildly divergent ideas on how to run the investigation. They both wanted to take the lead. Chloe had to respect that Ashley was smart and successful and driven. But she was also bossy and stubborn and arrogant. Chloe was not going to miss her. Maybe she could only take two weeks off for this immersion.

Teams of two meant that for her current case Chloe was now paired with Sean by herself. And that was the best part. She was getting one on one time with Sean. And it was blissful. Chloe hadn’t had any intention of coming to Sleuth World to find love. But she just might have. He was a dream. They had hit it off. He was funny. He was charming. They shared ALL the same interests. And he was VERY easy on the eyes. And Chloe was pretty sure that he liked her also. Sleuth World had strict rules about not having intimate relations on their campus grounds. But if Sean didn't ask her out on the final Sunday... she would shoot her shot with him.

The combination of Sean and the specifics of their current case had made it easily her favorite one so far. This had been a crafty one. There had been multiple red herrings. But she thought that she and Sean had done some great detective work. They were finally closing in on the location of the kidnapped media heiress. They had snuck in through the back door of the kayak rental store. Sleuth World had it's own little village that it had set up to look like a seaside town that campers could explore. She was understanding now why the three weeks cost $25,000. They were sure that Denise Dulongpre had to be here. They worked together and cased every room on the main floor of the shop. There was only one door left, but it was locked. However, one of the clues that they found in the previous day's investigation was a key. Chloe pulled the key out of their evidence pack and slotted it into the door's lock. A perfect fit. She and Sean exchanged elated looks as the door opened and revealed a set of stairs leading down to a basement. She felt her heart gripped by excitement. Here she was, living the dream. She was following clues, sneaking into unauthorized places and snooping around. And she was doing it all with an adventurous, charming, hunky dreamboat by her side.

The two of them descended the stairs and cleared the room on their right. There was a short hallway with another door on their left. They made their way cautiously down the corridor and swung the door open. Then Chloe saw a sight that brought butterflies to her stomach. The room they had just entered looked like a small bedroom. There was a desk, a dresser, and a bed. And on the bed was a tightly hogtied woman. It was Denise! They’d found her! They’d solved another case. She was 7 for 7. She was crushing it! This one had been an exciting one. They’d gotten stumped several times and thought that time might be running out on them. But they’d solved it with a couple of hours to spare.

The actress on the bed did not appear to be in a very comfortable position. The hogtie that she was in looked quite stringent. She was clad in jeans and a dark blue halter top. And even though her face and head were facing away from Chloe, Chloe could tell that she was gagged by the energetic muffled grunting that she was doing. Her bare feet wiggled furiously as the two successful sleuths entered the room. The woman on the bed tried to turn to face them, but the hogtie was no joke and held her in place staring directly at the wall.

“Mmmmmppphhhhhhh,” Denise whimpered, wondering who had just entered the room.

“Don’t worry, ma’am. We’re the good guys! We’re here to rescue you!” shouted Chloe with enthusiasm.

She loved this part. Solving the case. Being the hero. Reveling in her success. Finally this time there was somebody to thank her for her heroics. Chloe looked over the poor actress that was trussed up on the bed and hoped that she was getting paid overtime for this assignment, because it did not look pleasant. She clearly didn’t have a lot of dialogue that she needed to remember for this case, but being hogtied for so long could not be comfortable. They couldn’t just guess when a team of sleuths was going to make the discovery. There were camera setups everywhere, but you couldn’t get a hostage ready like this in ten minutes. Denise was REALLY tied up. So she probably had to stay like this all day. Actresses really do suffer for their art sometimes.

“Mmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhmmmmmm hhhhhhhhhmmmmmppppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!” the actress playing Denise grunted at them.

She was still facing away from them and couldn’t see them. But she had heard the door open, knew they were there, and probably wanted to be untied. Chloe figured that they should oblige. Chloe strutted up to her side and turned the poor woman over in order to remove what she could now see was a TIGHT wraparound tape gag. Duct tape had been wound all the way around the woman’s head. Yikes. However, as she flipped the woman onto her side she saw a revelation that made her gasp in shock. She recognized the actress. It was Ashley. Her former fellow camper. The one that she couldn’t stand. The one who was a snooty know-it-all. And if she was being truly honest with herself, a little bit more like herself than she was comfortable with.

“What the hell?!?!” Chloe exclaimed.

“Woah. Ashley, what happened to you?!?!” Sean uttered.

He was just as shocked as Chloe.

“Mmmmmpppppphhhhhmmmm hhhhmmmppphhhhhh mmmppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!” fumed Ashley into the gag.

“God damn it!” shouted Chloe. “This is a red herring. We still haven’t found Denise. I don’t know what the hell happened to Ashley, but we’ve only got two hours and we still have a case to solve!”

“Mmmmppphhhhhrrrrrrmpppphhhhhh,” growled Ashley.

“I wouldn’t be so sure. Check out the QR code that’s pinned to her hem,” Sean stated. “I think that Ashley IS Denise.”

Chloe looked down and saw the QR code that her partner was referring to. Sleuth World put them on a lot of clues. There were certain clues, like the key, that sleuths needed to take with them. But there were other clues that needed to be left at the scene so that other teams could find them. The game masters couldn’t re-set certain things. So they were tagged with a QR code. You scanned them with your Sleuth World-issued tablet and it gave you all the pertinent information that you needed. It would give you a report as though you’d had forensics done on the item. Sean was holding their tablet and scanned it over the QR code now. It beeped. Then it dinged.

“Yep. She’s Denise,” Sean confirmed. “I think we’ve solved the case. I just have to enter the who, what, when, where, why, how of it all as we’ve hypothesized and then get our score.”

It would take Sean a couple of minutes to confirm everything on the tablet. But Chloe was very excited to have another case solved.

“What happened, Ashley? Did your check bounce and they dragooned you into service as a kidnap victim?” Chloe mocked her thoroughly restrained rival.

“Mmmmppppphhhhhhrrrrrmmpppphhhhhh nnnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!” Ashley grunted at her.

Chloe smiled at her thoroughly humbled nemesis. Her amusement at Ashley’s helpless state made Ashley’s eyes widen with trepidation. Chloe didn’t want to admit to being envious of Ashley. She was pretty sure that both of them thought of the other as their inferior. But Ashley did have a lot going for her. She was smart and confident and cocksure. And she was certainly good looking in a different way than Chloe. Chloe had always found that people had considered her attractive in an approachable, cute, girl next door kind of way. She had shoulder length bright blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, a charming smile, and dimples that had persisted to her current age of 31.

Ashley was something else entirely. The auburn haired beauty was gorgeous in a much more temptuous, sultry, hellraising vixen sort of way. Ashley had immaculate wavy red hair, searing green eyes, and a body that was both stacked and toned in equal measure. She also had a devilish smile and full lips. Not that those could be seen at the moment, behind the bands of tape that pressed harshly into the poor woman’s cheeks, compacting whatever it was that had been stuffed into her mouth firmly back. Her eyes also lacked the “searing” quality that Chloe remembered. They were currently shifty and desperate and pleaded with Chloe to release her. Ashley’s eyes were beseeching her to show mercy, despite the fact that Ashley knew as well as Chloe that there was no love lost between the two women.

For all of Ashley’s pomp and grandeur, she currently looked desperate and tired and utterly helpless. And to Chloe that made her look better than ever. The sense of schadenfreude that was engulfing Chloe was something that was unfamiliar to her, but she was absolutely delighting in her rival’s pathetic, humbled state. And she had every intention of riding this wave into the shore.

“Hey, Sean. Do we have to release her just yet? You think anybody will mind if I have a little fun with her first?” Chloe asked.

“Nnnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmmppphhhhhhh!!!!” mewled Ashley.

“I don’t think you CAN release her yet. She has a QR code. She might need to be here for other teams to find. You have to leave her tied up,” Sean replied.

“Oh. Well isn’t that just too bad,” Chloe cooed to the helpless Ashley.

She saw Ashley’s eyes widen in fear as a devilish grin engulfed Chloe’s face.
Last edited by Fandango 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chloe, for all the head butting, you're double the witch you think others are. Fun and interesting plot on this one!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent - plain and simple!
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Post by gaggedrock29 »

Great read!
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Post by laz »

great part one, well written and enjoyable
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Post by Fandango »

Sleuth World - Part II of II

“Mmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhmmmmmmm nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!” Ashley mewled desperately into her gag as Chloe eyed her like a delicious meal.

“Oh relax, darling. We’re just going to have a little fun,” responded Chloe with unabashed glee as her humbled rival kicked up a desperate but limited struggle in her stringent hogtie.

“Define ‘fun’ for me,” said Sean with a tinge of worry in his voice as he typed their solutions into the tablet.

“Don’t worry. Nothing too harsh,” replied Chloe. “I don’t know where her shoes got off to. We might as well see if she’s ticklish.”

“Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhh nnnnmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!” grunted Ashley desperately as she thrashed as best she could and wiggled her vulnerable bare feet, not knowing if attacking fingers were coming for them.

“Oh. And maybe get a few pictures for the Gram,” added Chloe. “How often does one get such an opportunity? It would be a shame to let it go to waste.”

“Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!!” shouted Ashley into the stifling gag.

“Calm down, Ash. We don’t know any of the same people. Nobody you know will see them. I won’t tag you if you behave like a good girl. Understood?” chastised Chloe.

“Mmmmmmppppppphhhhhhmmmmm hhhhhmmmmppphhhhmmmmmm,” Ashley whimpered.

“That doesn’t sound very ethical,” remarked Sean.

Chloe was hit by a tinge of shame. She didn’t want Sean to think poorly of her. He clearly didn’t harbor the same antagonism towards Ashley as she did.

“I’m not doing anything to her that she wouldn’t do to me if she were in my shoes,” Chloe quipped. “This is a rare opportunity. I HAVE to take it.”

“Alright,” said Sean as he went back to entering their results on the tablet.

Clearly he was going to look the other way and allow Chloe to have some fun. Chloe pulled Ashley up as the hapless girl grunted and groaned unhappily. She laid the girl across her lap and pulled out her phone. She went to the camera app and hit the button to turn it to selfie mode. She aimed the camera down at her and the helpless Ashley. She smiled while she could see Ashley turning red with shame and trying to hide her gagged face from the camera. It was no matter, Chloe simply grabbed her by the cheeks and guided her stare directly into the camera as Chloe mugged like the victorious captor that she was. When Chloe was done she looked over the pictures. They looked great. Chloe looked like a total badass. She flopped the bound Ashley back onto her stomach and positioned herself directly behind her.

“So, sweetheart, are you, in fact, ticklish?” Chloe asked.

“Nnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!” Ashley screamed.

It sounded much more like a protest than a legitimate attempt to answer Chloe’s question. It actually sounded like she would be QUITE ticklish. But Chloe was about to find out.

“Well, let’s get those piggies wiggling then,” Chloe retorted as she dug her nails into Ashley’s bare soles.

Ashley squirmed and bucked and thrashed for all that she was worth. Her agonized grunts into her gag gave way to desperate bleating sounds. And this was just her feet. Chloe hadn’t even worked her way up to Ashley’s ribs yet.

“Well, that was certainly promising,” Chloe remarked. “Let’s see how ticklish the rest of you is.”

Chloe slid up over Ashley’s bound torso and positioned her fingers on either side of the helpless woman’s rib cage.

“OK. On the count of Three…” Chloe began.

“Nnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhh hhhhhhhmmmpppppphhhhhhh mmmmmpppppphhhhhhh,” Ashley pleaded.

Her anguish was music to Chloe’s ears. She was really getting into this whole thing.

“One…” Chloe began.

She never got to two. She had actually planned to start on two before Ashley was able to fully tense her body. But she felt her own arms being pulled hastily behind her back. Before she could even react she felt a pair of cool metal handcuffs snap onto her wrists as she was pushed onto her side onto the mattress next to Ashley.

“Hey!! What the hell gives?!?!” Chloe shouted.

She looked up and saw that it was Sean pushing her down into the mattress. He’d cuffed her hands behind her and was holding a large handkerchief in his hand. She was in shock. Why had he done this?

“Sorry. But time is running short. I’d let you have your fun, but I need to be heading back,” said Sean.

“Fine. Whatever. We can go anytime you want. I was just killing time while you entered our results. Just uncuff me and we’ll head back to the dorms,” Chloe complained.

“Actually… WE can’t go back to the dorms. I’m afraid that I’m going to have to leave you here,” Sean corrected her.

Chloe was in utter shock at Sean’s sudden, mysterious betrayal. She didn’t understand it. How long had he been planning this? Why? What did he have to gain?

“What do you mean?!?!” shouted Chloe. “Sean, this is not OK. Let me go right now.”

“I’ll explain in a moment. But it’ll be a lot easier if I don’t have to talk over your arguing. So could you do me a favor and open up,” he asked politely.

Chloe saw the handkerchief and now knew that he meant to put that into her mouth. Ashley’s tape gag had a sizeable bump underneath it, implying that her mouth was thoroughly stuffed also. But Chloe had no intention of letting anybody put anything into her mouth.

“Sean, cut it out. I’m serious,” Chloe demanded of her partner.

“Chloe, don’t make this any harder than it has to be. I feel awful as it is,” replied Sean.

“YOU feel awful?!? You’re the one double crossing me!!” fumed Chloe.

“Technically I think I’m just crossing you. There is no double cross,” retorted Sean.

“No. We are partners. This is a betrayal!!” shouted Chloe.

“Technically… we WERE partners, Chloe. The case is over. According to the tablet, we’re now rivals,” answered Sean.

“What?!? What does the tablet say? I didn’t get to read the tablet,” Chloe inquired.

“I know. You were so busy having “fun” with Ashley. And I didn’t want to interrupt you,” Sean replied. “Now open up. The rules are clear. This has to go in your mouth.”

“No. You’re not doing that,” Chloe demanded firmly.

She pressed her lips together and refused to let him stuff the handkerchief in her mouth.

“Here comes the airplane. Weeeeeee!!!! Whhoooossshhhhhhh!!!! Whhhoooosshhhhh!!!!” said Sean in about as condescending manner as one could.

He was making airplane noises and flying the handkerchief around like she was an infant and it was a spoonful of pureed beets.

“Say… are you ticklish?” Sean asked.

He dug his fingers into her ribcage and she couldn’t help but cackle autonomically. However, this was a mistake.

“Sean!! Stop tha-mmmmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!” Chloe exclaimed.

As soon as she had opened her mouth he had stuffed the handkerchief inside and used his nimble fingers to press and prod it into every recess of her oral cavity. Her mouth was now thoroughly stuffed.

“What a dainty little mouth you have,” remarked Sean. “One handkerchief and it’s already brimming. Now I have to use this to keep it in.”
He held up a roll of duct tape and Chloe started thrashing.

“Nnnnnnnnnmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmpppppphhhhh!!!! Nnnnnmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!” Chloe protested as he peeled some tape off of the roll.

He pressed the tape to her cheek and began to torque the tape firmly but smoothly around her head. She bucked and kicked and squirmed for all that she was worth but he had a firm and steady hand and eventually after five rotations of the tape he appeared to be satisfied that she was thoroughly silenced and ripped off the roll. She glared at him with rage in her eyes and tried to kick him while shouting muffled obscenities into the gag. Sean seemed to take little heed of her discontent and pathetic struggles and proceeded to brace her body with his powerful leg and flip her onto her stomach.

“Mmmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!” Chloe grunted.

She was curious at his sudden betrayal. But she felt herself getting goosebumps as her treacherous heartthrob leaned down close and pressed his body into hers. Forcing her down firmly into the mattress. He put his mouth so close to her ear that she could feel the warmth of his breath. He then proceeded to whisper in her ear at a volume that implied that he was trying to hide his words from Ashley. But Ashley was so close that she almost surely had to be picking up clips and phrases.

“I’m going to need you to calm down and behave, Chloe,” Sean whispered. “Believe it or not, this is difficult for me. I think you’re a really cool woman and I don’t like seeing you upset like this. But I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do. I’ve got places to be and this is going to take all night if you struggle around and act like a brat. Now the tablet said that I was supposed to gag you by wrapping the tape around five or more times. I opted for five. But I still have a full roll left. I can go the ‘or more’ route if that’s what it takes to secure your cooperation. Do I make myself clear?”

“Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh nnnnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!” grunted Chloe.

Sean stroked her cheek and whispered again in her ear.

“Now can you be a good girl for me, Chloe?” he asked seductively.

Chloe didn’t know what came over her but she felt a jolt go through her body at his words and she allowed herself to relax and gave herself over to him.

“Thank you, Chloe,” Sean responded.

He then proceeded to take rope and tightly restrain her in a very similar way to how Ashley was tied. She had no clue how he knew how to do this, but he was an expert. And he did appear to be consulting instructions on the tablet. Her every limb and joint were bound and trussed. As he was finishing he pulled her into a tight hogtie also. Her fingers wiggling uselessly into the direction of her bound feet, pulled towards them but unable to reach them. He removed her shoes and socks as a final indignity, just as somebody had done to Ashley. Was it him? Her answer came almost immediately.

“So, Sleuth World has little twist for the kidnapping cases,” Sean began to explain. “Apparently a member of the last place team from each previous case gets to be the kidnapping victim for the next case. I guess Ashley’s team finished last in the final murder case and her partners decided she’d make a good prisoner.”

“Mmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!” grunted Ashley.

“And apparently we finished last this time. All nine other teams have already been here. I know. Kind of embarrassing, right?” Sean continued.

“Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhrrrrmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!” Chloe fumed at him.

She was furious. One of them was supposed to be the next kidnap victim? Why did it have to be HER?

“I know. I know. We could have done it democratically. But I’d have voted for you, you’d have voted for me, and I’m pretty sure that Ashley would have voted for you also as the eventual tie-breaker,” Sean quipped.

“Mmmmmmpppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh,” Ashley grunted in her gag. Chloe could see a sparkle in Ashley’s eyes. She was clearly thrilled that Ashley was being laid low.

“Look on the bright side. You’re getting the full sleuth experience. What famous sleuth hasn’t found themselves captured and restrained. This is all part of the game. You’re a real detective now,” Sean chided.

“Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Chloe grunted.

“Apparently it was even in the waiver that you signed if you read it closely enough. Somebody will be by to pick you up. You’ll be fed three meals a day and they will give you a $2500 rebate on your payment for your troubles,” Sean added. “That’s 10% of the cost of this fantasy camp!”

Chloe had apparently not read the Terms of Service closely enough.

“Now, I won’t untie Ashley until we’re out of here so she doesn’t get any ideas about toying with you,” said Sean.

“Hhhhhhmmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!?!?!” complained Ashley.

“Hush, Ash. You can play with her when you find her. You have to earn it first,” replied Sean. “Now… up you go.”

Sean lifted the hogtied Ashley like she was a sack of potatoes and hoisted her wriggling form onto his shoulder.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!!” screamed Chloe as Sean turned to leave.

“I’ll be looking forward to the next case,” quipped Sean. “I can’t wait to be reunited with my favorite damsel in distress. You look REALLY fetching like this, Chloe. You’re a great conversationalist and I love talking with you. But there is something about a tight gag that looks so cute on you. We both live in the Bay Area. If you ever see it in yourself to forgive this little indiscretion, I’d love to take you to dinner sometime. See you soon, sweetie.”

He gave her a cheeky little wave as he hauled the bucking and grunting Ashley out the door. Chloe was in a state of shock. Things had been going so well and now she had gone from a soaring high to a mortifying low. She had no choice but to accept her fate as there was no way that she was escaping before somebody came to collect her. This ignominious twist of fate had soured her a bit on Sean as a potential romantic paramour. She wasn’t sure that she’d even want to accept his date invitation. But she had the sinking feeling that she’d have a full two days to think about the offer.
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Post by GreyLord »

Outstanding, @Fandango, this begs section III to your II part story. What happens to Chloe and Ashley and even Sean?
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by laz »

great well written story
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Fun and well-written conclusion to an interesting tale. :D It's going to be a bad time for Chloe :lol:
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