The Tea Party (Mm/Fmf)

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KP Presents
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The Tea Party (Mm/Fmf)

Post by KP Presents »

“Everything has to be absolutely perfect, Mummy – absolutely perfect!”

Jane smiled as she looked at her ten-year-old daughter Alice, and said “of course it is going to be perfect, and all your guests are going to have an amazing time.” Jane herself was wearing a seventies style maxi dress with a red floral print on grey, her long dark hair falling over the shoulders of the dress and the cream-coloured lace cardigan she was wearing over the top, while her fete were in a pair of cork sandals strapped up her lower legs.

Alice herself was wearing a pinafore dress over a long-sleeved purple top. The dress was one with a brightly coloured floral print on a chocolate brown background, the front panel designed like a cream and yellow brocade with coloured dots. She also had in white knee length socks with a pair of silver sandals, a head band with a yellow flower on her right-hand side in her dark brown hair.

Alice was busy making sure the plates of sandwiches, and the glasses, were properly arranged, humming to herself as her twelve-year-old sister Rebecca looked in. He long hair was straw blonde, with a white hairband that had a flower on the left-hand side, and she was wearing a pink long-sleeved top under a dress that had a white brocade front panel, and a faux waistcoat and skirt which were green with a floral print. She was also wearing purple strapped sandals, and a smile as she shook her head.

“Was I that bad at her age?”

“That was only two years ago,” Jane said as she walked over and hugged her daughter. “Come on, we can go and have some squash in the kitchen.”

The two of them left Alice in the room, humming to herself as the sun shone through the large glass doors that led out onto the lawn.

“So who is coming?”

“Three of her school friends and their sisters – and one brother.”

“One boy? He must ne hating the idea of coming to a tea parry.”

Jane shook her head and said “Well…”


Jane looked at her daughter before they both ran into the front room – and saw Alice standing there, in front of a man who had one arm around her waist as he lifted her up, and another over her mouth. He was wearing a black jumper and pants, and had a stocking pulled down over his head, but he was also smiling as he said “I see Mummy is here – you’re not going to do anything like scream or raise the alarm, are you?”

“Of course they aren’t Bert – she strikes me as a sensible woman.”

Jane turned her head to see a second man standing there, also dressed in black and with a stocking over his head, and he was also smiling.

“What’s going on?”

“Well, in simple terms - this is a robbery, and Ernie and I need you to do what we tell you to do,” Bert said as he held Alice. “It looks as if you are ging to have some visitors, though – so we need to get started.”

“By what?”

“Making sure you cannot get in our way,” Ernie said as he looked at Rebecca. “Are you going to call for help, kiddo?”


“Good – I want you and Mummy to kneel down on the ground, in front of that couch, and put your hands behind your back.”

“And I want you to do the same,” Bert said to Alice. “I won’t hurt you if you do as we say, all right?”

Alice nodded as he let her go, and she ran over to her mother, Jane hugging her before they all knelt down.

“What are you going to do to us,” Jane said as she looked at the two masked men.

“Tie your girls up,” Bert said as he looked in a bag, and took some lengths of rope out, handing one to Ernie before they knelt behind the two young girls. “So don’t move, Mummy.”

Jane could only watch as the two masked men took the hands of her daughters behind their backs, and then secured them together with the rope, the cords going around and between their limbs as they looked at each other. They then took longer ropes and wrapped them round their arms and upper body, before tying those off and helping them both to sit on the couch.

Both men then took more ropes from the bag and made sure their ankles were secured together, as well as their legs below their knees, Bert folding Rebecca’s skirt back to do that before he made sure her knees were covered again.

“Mummy, the tea party…”

“We’ll have to delay starting it for a little while,” Jane said as Ernie helped her to stand up, and then made sure her wrists were secured together behind her back while Bert rolled up a white scarf.

“Open wide,” he said to Rebecca, who nodded before he used the scarf as a cleave gag, tying the band tightly round her head. He then used a second scarf to gag Alice, the two girls looking at each other as Jane said “why did you do that? They would not have called for help.”

“Well, it looks as if you have visitors coming,” Bert said with a smile, “and we don’t want to spoil the surprise for them, do we?”

“Hnnhhh,” Alice said as she wriggled round – and then Bert said “And here come the first of them now.”

“Why did I have to come to this Mum,” Joe said as he sat in the back seat of the car. The eleven-year-old boy was wearing a red jumper and jeans with black trainers.

“Because Tonya was invited, and I cannot leave you on your own in the house,” Elaine said as she looked in the rear-view mirror. His mother had long brown hair, and was wearing a white jumper with elbow length sleeves over a log sleeved white chiffon blouse, the legs of her blue pants tucked into a pair of mid-calf brown leather boots with straps on the side.

“But I’m eleven,” Joe moaned as he looked at his sister. Tonya was wearing a red and black checked lumberjack shirt with black pants, hers tucked into a pair of black leather boots, a hairband with a black flower on her blonde hair. “This is going to be torture!”

“Not for us – Alice said it was going to be great fun,” Tonya said as she turned and stuck her tongue out at her brother.

“Stop fighting you two, we are here,” Elaine said as she pulled up outside the house, the three of them leaving the car and walking up to the door. As it opened, Elaine saw Jane there and said “hey – are we first?”

“Yes – you’d better come in,” Jane said as the door was opened and the new arrivals came in – Joe stopping and staring as the door was closed by a masked ma, who pointed a gun at the three of them.

“Hello – who do we have here?”

“This is Elaine, Joe and Tonya,” Jane said, Elaine staring at the young mother with her hands behind her back. “Look, we’ve got some – visitors?”

“Robbers - best to be honest. I’m Ernie – and I need al thee of you to come into the front room, hands in the air.”


“Do as he says,” Elaine said quietly as she raised her hands, the other two doing so before they walked in and Tonya said “Alice?”

“Hllhthnhhe,” Alice mumbled as she squirmed on the seat, a second masked man nodding as he said “so this is the young man we need to entertain. Come over here kid – what’s your name?”

Joe looked at his mother, and then walked over as he aid “Joe – did you tie them up?”

“I did – and you’re the only boy coming here today, so I want you to help me.”

“Help you do what?”

“Tie your sister up – hold this for a minute,” Ernie said as he handed Joe a length of rope, and then handed one to Bert before he said “tell your sister to come over here.”


“Go on,” Elaine said as Tonya walked slowly over, Joe watching as Ernie took the rope from him and turned Tonya round, then crossed her wrists behind her back.

“Watch this,” he said as he doubled the rope over, Joe watching the way he wound the rope around and between his sister’s wrists to hold them together. He then looked over to see Bert had taken his mother’s wrists behind her back as well, as Jane said “I don’ know how long we are going to be like this.”

“You didn’t have a choice, did you,” Elaine said, Jane shaking her head as the longer rope was passed round Elaine’s body and pulled tight.

“Joe – look at me,” Bert said, Joe watching as a rope was passed round Tonya’s arms and pulled tight to hold them against her sides.

“Are you all right,” he whispered as he saw how his sister looked.

“IT’s different,” she said quietly as Ernie helped her to sit on the floor, and then he handed Joe a length of rope.

“Do you think you can do to her ankles what I did to her wrists?”

“I think so…” Joe knelt down and crossed Tonya’s ankles before he passed the rope round them, fed the ends through the loop and then pulled it back before wrapping I round them a few more times.

“Keep it tight,” Bert said, Joe nodding as he did that and then tucked the ends under one band, separated them and took them between her legs to tighten the band, then tied the ends off with a knot at the back of her feet.

She tried to move her legs, and Joe heard the squeaking – and then the squeaking behind himself. He turned to see that Ernie had helped his mother to sit in an armchair, and her ankles were also secured together with white rope. Bert was now securing her legs together below her knees, and he turned to see Ernie holding another length of rope out to him.

“Go on.”

Joe nodded as he secured Toya’s legs together below her knees, as he said “I’m sorry…”

“He made you do this – so are you going to tie him up next?”

“Not yet, no.”

“Butha’snhttfhrr,” Tonya said as Joe watched him gag her with a rolled-up scarf.

“Oh don’t worry – he is going to get tied up,” Ernie said as he tied the band round her head, pressing her cheeks in,” but I think I might need his help for a little while. You okay with that Joe – stop you being bored?”

Jo slowly nodded as he looked at Tonya, and then at Alice and Rebecca as they twisted round, then at his mother and at Jane as her arms were forced against her sides with more rope.

“So you really are robbers?”

“Oh yes – help me take you sister to the couch,” Ernie said as he and Joe helped Tonya to stand up and jump over to the couch, helping her to sit next to Rebecca before the three girls twisted round.

“Oh god,” Jane said as she heard the doorbell, Ernie putting a hand to his lips and Joe nodding as Bert took her to the front door.

“Lesley – the girls look as if they really have dressed up for the tea party.”

Lesley nodded as she looked at her two daughters. Moe was the oldest at ten years old, and was wearing a dark purple top, with a floral print and a lace collar and cuffs at her elbows, a short purple skirt, purple tights and pink shoes. Her six-year-old sister Mandy was wearing a purple crochet cap sleeved dress over a white top and purple leggings, as well as grey sandals. Both girls also had a hairband in their brown hair, with a blue bow at the top.

“Yeah – sorry we’re a little late.”

“No – you’re just in time,” Jane said as the door was opened wide and the latest arrivals walked in – and Lesley saw her friend with the ropes round her upper body.

“Oh my god…”

“Lesley, girls,” Jane said, “we’re being robbed, and as you can see, we’re all a little -restrained. The bad news is you are going to be as well.”

Mandy looked at Bert as she said “Are you a bad man?”

“Well, I am a robber – but you three should just walk into the room. My friend Ernie will take care of your mother - you girls come with me.”

Lesley slowly nodded as they walked in, Joe looking over and saying “hey Mandy, Moe – they’re going to make me tie up one of you.”

They looked at the three girls on the couch, and Mandy said “are we all wearing flower headbands?”

“Lhkskslkhht,” Rebecca mumbled as they saw the scarf in her mouth was greyer at the sides of her mouth. Bert smiled as he beckoned them over, and said “so, turn round, put your hands behind your back.”

“I’m, sorry, he is making me do this,” Joe whispered as he took Moe’s hands behind her back and started to wrap the rope round them, checking Bert as he did the same to Mandy, while Ernie began to tie their mother up with her hands behind her back.

“It’s all right - I know you won’t hurt me,” Moe whispered as she felt the rope round her wrists, and then looked at her little sister. “It won’t be so bad – we’re all going to be the same” she said with a smile as she saw Mandy biting her lower lip.

“Okay,” Mandy whispered as Joe passed the rope round Moe’s arms and pulled it slowly so that her arms were made to stay by her sides. He looked over to where Ernie was wrapping the rope round Lesley, and then copied him to make two bands around the young girl’s upper body.

“Right – you both need to sit on the floor.”

Joe helped Moe to sit down, making sure her skirt was in the right place as she said “you’re very good at this.”

“I’m not hurting you?”

“No,” Moe said as she watched him cross her ankles and then tie them together.” She looked at her mother, the ropes holding her bare arms to her sides over her brown t-shirt, as Ernie sat her in another armchair and then tied her ankles together at the cuffs of her tight blue jeans. He then looked back, wondering why he was enjoying this so much before he tied the ropes off.

It feels funny,” Mandy said as Bert took the rope round her legs below her knees and drew them together. “Does it feel funny to you as well, Moe?”

“Yes – Mum?”

“Well, we make the best of it,” Lesley said as she saw how her daughters were bound, and then opened her mouth as the rolled-up scarf was pulled between her lips.

“Open wide for me,” Joe said, Moe nodding as she allowed him to gag her, and then Bert gagged her little sister as they sat on the floor. Joe looked at her, and then blushed as she said “thank you for letting me do this.”


“True – but I did enjoy making sure you were safe…”

Moe looked at him, her head to one side as he looked at Bert.

“I know there’s one more family coming – once they arrive what are you going to do?”

“Tie them up, then tie you up – and then Mummy here is going to show us where all the valuables are.”

“And them” Ernie said, “we put you round the house so you have some time together.

“If Kim is coming, she may have Kimmy with her - she’s only three…”

“Then they stay together – and she is tied in a different way,” Ernie said as he looked round. “But once your mum has helped us, you can have a drink before we get you all together, all right?”

The girls all nodded as Joe kept his eye on Kim – and then they heard the car doors open and close.


Kim smiled as she unbuckled the car seat belt and helped three-year-old Kimmy to get out. She was wearing a blue denim waistcoat over a black top with white polka dots, a knee length pink skirt and black sandals, while her daughter was wearing a denim top with pink pants and white shoes, a pink bow on the hairband in her blonde hair.

“Come on you two.”

“Okay Mum,” Kathy said as she got out. The ten-year-old was wearing a blue dress with a floral print, and knee length brown leather boots, while her five-year-old sister Kit was wearing a pink jacket and skirt, and white tights with brown sandals. Both of the girls also had a hairband, a large pink bow on the top of it.

Kim took Kimmy’s hand as they all walked to the front door, and as it opened they walked in, Kathy calling out “Hey Alice – are we late.”


“You sound funny, Alice.”

“Well, we all will in a little while.”

Kim looked at Jane, and then gripped Kimmy’s hand as she whispered “oh god no..”

“I’m afraid so – and you’re all going to be tied up as well.”


“I will take care of you and the youngest one,” Ernie said as he appeared in the doorway, “you two girls., come into the room and meet the ones who are going to tie you up.”

Kit and Kathy looked at each other and walked in, looking at their friends before they saw the masked man and..


“They’re making me do this,” he said as Moe nodded.

“No way – if I have to be tied up, no way he does that to me.”

“Fair enough,” Bert said with a smile, “you come to me, your little sister to Joe, and you both turn round and put your hands behind your back.”

As they walked over, Kim said “please, not Kimmy…”

“We have to – but relax. I want you to sit in hat chair, hands on your head – and Kimmy, you stand and watch what I do to your mummy, all right?”

“Okay,” the little girl lisped as she watched Kat sit down, while Joe gently took Kit’s hands behind her back. “Don’t be afraid – I won’t hurt you” he said quietly as he took some more of the rope from Bert, and made sure her wrists were secured together while looking over at where Moe was wriggling around. He was starting to feel a little strange, but then he caught Bert’s eye, and tied the rope off.

As they bound the girls, Ernie knelt down and put Kim’s ankles side by side, wrapping the rope round them and making sure they were bound tightly together, before he did the same thing to her legs below her knees while Kimmy watched.

“There now”, Ernie said as he turned and looked at the young girl, “does it hurt, Mummy.”

“No – no it doesn’t hurt,.” Kim said as Kimmy nodded.

“Good – now I am going to use some of that rope to do the same to you – but first, would you like to sit on your mummy’s lap?”

“Yes please, “Kimmy said as Joe and Bert made sure her older sisters both had their arms secured to their sides, and then helped them to sit down next to Moe and Mandy. Bert lifted the young girl up, Kim hugging her as they both watched him use more rope to bind Kimmy’s ankles and legs in the same way as Kim.

“Se Mummy – like you now,” she said as she raised her legs up and down, Kim nodding as she looked over to where Ernie was binding Kathy’s legs, and Joe was taking care of Lit, both of them looking on as they did so.

“Now, I am going to tie your wrists, and your mummy’s wrists, so that you have to stay where you are. Ready?”

Kimmy nodded as Bert took another length of rope, and then tied her wrists together in front of her before he tied the ends round the band below her knees. He then secured Kim’s wrists together in front of her daughter, and then to her own leg binding, as Joe gagged Kit and Ernie Kathy with the cleave gags.

“That… That might hurt Kimmy…”

“Not a problem – we have used all the scarves we have anyway,” Bert said as he walked over, Joe watching as he took out a roll of white tape. It made a soft peeling sound as he removed a strip, and then pressed it down over Kim’s mouth as the others watched.


“Hmmfn,” Kim said as she kissed Kimmy’s head and then the young toddler was gagged with another strip of the same tape.

Kathy and Tonya were twisting their legs round, the ropes squeaking on their boots as Bert looked at Jane. “Let’s go for a walk,” he said as he took her by the arm. “Ernie – make sure our young helper is helpless as well.”

“Your turn, young man,” Ernie said as he held up some more ropes,” hands behind your back Joe.”

“Moe watched as the masked man took Joe’s hands behind his back and then tied the rope tightly round his wrists, before he made sure his arms were held against his sides as well. Lesley looked over at her daughters, and said “hruhlrhttmh?”

“Yhssmmhhh,” Moe said – but she was blushing as she watched her friend being bound tightly. She nudged Mandy in the side, the young girl looking at her and then shuffling over as Joe was helped to sit between the two girls.

Moe watched as Ernie then bound his ankles tightly together, and then his legs below his knees, before he left the bound and almost all gagged group in the room -returning with a pitcher of squash and some straws. He poured some into a glass, added a straw, and let Joe take a drink as the others watched.

“Thank you – so where are you going to leave us?”

“Oh, Bert is deciding that now – why?”

“Well…” He looked at Moe and blushed as he said “could you leave Moe and me in a room, to try and rescue each other?”


Joe looked over at Tonya and stuck his tongue out, then looked at Moe before he said “if you want to, that is?” He smiled as Moe slowly nodded, Elaine and Lesley looking at each other.

“Of course,” Ernie said as he put the glass down, and then peeled a length of tape away from the roll. “So, lips together?” Joe nodded as he ft the tape sticking to the skin on his jaw and chin, then looked at Moe, seeing how dark the cleave gag was at the corners of her mouth as she nodded and placed her head on his shoulder.

“Whllthstnh,” Lesley said as Elaine nodded. Kim had her cheek on Kimmy’s head as the young girl rested her head on her chest.

One by one, Ernie went round and ungagged each of the girls, starting with Alice, allowing them each to have a drink before he replaced the cleave gag with the white tape, their mothers watching as he did so. Once he did that, he allowed Jane, Lesley and Elaine to have a drink as well, before he untied the knots in their gags, pushed the scarves all the way int their mouths, and then tape gagged them.

“Ah,” Bert said as he came back in, “I see they are all ready.”

“Just about – so what is the game plan?”

“We get the girls together,” he said as he made Jane sit down as well. She now had white tape over her mouth, her cheeks puffed out, as he secured her ankles and legs together.

“We got one request,” he said as he looked at Joe and Moe. “Consider it a reward for all his help.”

Bert nodded as he lifted Joe up, Ernie lifting Moe in his arms before they were carried out of the room. The two of them looked round as they were taken up the stairs, and then taken into a bedroom, before they were laid down on the bed.

“You two planning to try and escape?”

They shook their heads as Ernie smiled, and then left the two of them there. Joe looked at Moe as she mumbled “mhhhrhh” and then gave him a gagged peck on his cheek.

“Hyhhs – whtthghhtwhfmh?”

Joe blushed and nodded as he kissed Moe back, and they snuggled against each other…

“Well, I don’t think they are going to give anyone any trouble for now?”

Ernie nodded as he looked round the room. Kim was still sat on one couch, Kimmy asleep against her chest, while next to her were sitting Alice, Tonya and Kathy, ropes now linking their arms to each other.

On the other couch were sat Rebecca, Kit and Mandy, the younger girls either side of Rebecca but bound to her in the same way.

On the floor, Lesley, Jane and Elaine were lying on their stomachs, their ankles pulled back and tied to their chest ropes as they looked at each other.

“Well, it has been an experience,” Bert said, “have fun trying to get free, everyone.”

As the two masked men walked out, /jane looked at Kim and said “chnnuhh?”

“Nhchnhsssm” she said as she saw their handbags with their mobile phones on the other side of the room. “Whjhllhjhsshfthwht,,,,”
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Post by Mask6190 »

Great story KP! Hopefully they have a few cups of tea after this.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Love multiples all tied, tightly gagged.
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