Mummified by a Goddess (F/M) Final Part Added!

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Mummified by a Goddess (F/M) Final Part Added!

Post by The WinterShuffle »

This is a story that I wish I could be writing for the true stories section, but it seems like fate has once again intervened to relegate this to just a fantasy. Essentially this is a planned session that had everything set up except for a date, before circumstance intervened. Naturally some dramatic storytelling liberties have been added in since I’m basing this off of those plans and how I imagined them to go. There is still the potential that this story gets remade in the true section one day, but for now this is where it shall remain.

Part One

“Thank God that’s over with”

I dropped my work bag to the floor and tossed my keys on to the small table I had in my landing. I had just finished my last shift of the week at my minimum wage food service job, and to say I was grateful to have two days off would be a tremendous understatement. I was looking forward to a nice shower, grabbing a snack and then either diving into my favourite online naval warfare video game, Netflix show, or even just taking a big fat nap, I hadn’t decided yet. Little did I know, something far more, shall we say, exciting awaited me this evening.

The quick shower I had planned ran for 30 minutes. What can I say, I like to put on a full concert when I'm in there. The world might not be ready for my vocal “talents” but the soap bottles would not be spared. I was pulling on my relaxing outfit, an oversized pyjama t-shirt, some sweatpants and a pair of thick comfy ankle socks when I heard a knock at the door. Now having been raised in the early 2000’s I operated under a very simple rule, instilled in me by my parents who often had to leave me home alone. That rule being: For the love of God, don’t answer the door under any circumstances.

My typical reaction was to freeze, then try and sneak to a window so I could see who was at the door. I wasn’t expecting any package delivery, so in all likelihood this was someone trying to sell me something, which I wanted nothing to be a part of. I pulled my bedroom curtain back very slightly to peer out, and noticed an unfamiliar vehicle in my driveway, a black Cadillac Escalade. I typically associated these types of cars with the government, or soccer moms who went to the dealership with the search criteria of ‘I want the biggest civilian vehicle you’ve got’ and nothing else.

Part of me was concerned that this was the government. As a classic overthinker I began to wonder if I had filed my taxes correctly, or if I had missed a bill payment. But then my brain kicked in and remembered this wasn’t the 20th century and they would have emailed me or something and would not in fact send an enforcer to my house to collect what was owed. Plus tax season was in April, it was now October, and any discrepancies would have been noticed long ago. The knocking came again, causing me to lock up again. I swear there is no more unwelcome sound to my ears than someone trying to summon me to the door of my home.

Exasperated, I sighed and approached the door, thinking to myself that I’d just tell them I wasn’t interested, or whatever would get them away from my front step so I could start to enjoy my weekend. Opening the door I was incredibly surprised by what I saw.

Standing on my front step was a beautiful woman, and calling her beautiful might not be doing her justice. She was about my height, maybe a little taller at 5’9” and she seemed to be young-middle aged. The way she carried herself had an air of confidence and self respect, so maybe 33-35. The first thing I really noticed were her eyes. I’d say they were hazel but with the cool fall sun illuminating half her face I noticed that they could adopt a silver like shine. She had applied a light layer of eye shadow, further bringing out her piercing silver eyes. A matte pink lipstick adorned her lips and she had long, straight, light brown hair that fell down around her shoulders. She wore a luxurious thigh length black fox fur coat, which practically made my jaw hit the floor on its own. Underneath she had a grey wool turtleneck sweater, while black leggings adorned her legs. On her feet were a pair of semi faded white Nike Air Force 1’s, not filthy by any stretch but they had definitely seen plenty of wear. Draped around her shoulder was a large black duffel bag.

Something about her combination of a coat that was so expensive my minimum wage earning mind couldn’t comprehend it, paired with such traditionally “not trying” clothing struck a chord with me. She was such a picture of beauty that I didn’t notice the gun she had discreetly pointed square at my chest.

“Hey there handsome.”

Her voice matched her beauty, it was smooth, seductive with a distinct undertone of authority. Her voice was almost enough to distract me from the panic in my gut as I stared at the handgun. A confident smirk spread onto her lips.

“You’re mine”
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Part Two

I was in shock. First of all, this woman’s beauty alone would have had me tripping over my tongue and stumbling over my words. Then again, her choice of clothing would be capable of doing the same. The fact that she had a gun pointed at my chest only ranked third on my quick list of reasons why I am speechless did raise some questions in my mind, but those would have to be stored away for later.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

Still speechless, I half raised my hands and began backing away into my home, slowly so she wouldn’t think I was running to the phone or something else that would get me shot. She followed, stepping into my home and gently kicking the door closed behind her.

“Nice little place you’ve got here. Should I be worried about any other company?”

“N-no, it’s just me here.”

I had managed to find my voice again, shaky though it may have been.

“Good, I don’t want anyone to ruin our fun!”

She spoke with more than a hint of glee in her voice, I couldn’t help but get Harley Quinn vibes from the energy she had while she spoke.

“Listen, I don’t mean to order around a woman with a gun, but please just take what you want and go, I won’t tell anyone you were here.”

“Oh sweetie…”

She set her bag down on the floor, never taking the gun off of me. She approached me before continuing, caressing my face with her free hand. When she spoke it came as a whisper in my ear.

“What if you’re what I want to take?”

There went my voice again. I was surprised she didn’t make a comment about my heartbeat, I’m sure she could hear it from how close she was standing. I started to try and stammer a response, before she cut me off with her laughter.

“I’m just kidding! God, you put a gun in front of a guy and suddenly everything is taken so seriously.”

Her voice took on a mock pouty tone as she said these last few words. She skipped back to her bag, still keeping the gun on me. She unzipped the bag, reaching in and revealing a roll of pink vet wrap.

“I do however have to make sure you won’t be getting in my way, or sneaking off to call for help. Now please, give me your hands.”

I did as she asked, reflexively almost, hands in front of me, wrists together, and hands balled into fists. She took hold of my left hand first.

“Good boy. Now keep that hand right there, no funny business while I get to work.”

I kept my right hand in place, while she set to work on securing my left hand. Taking the vet wrap she carefully began wrapping my hand in the self adhesive material. She took her time making sure every part of my hand was covered, ensuring each pass of the vet wrap overlapped the previous one. Once she was satisfied with how the hand was wrapped she made some extra passes up and back down my forearm, before finishing the wrap off with a criss crossing method that further limited any chance I’d have at using my hands to free myself.

She grabbed a second roll from her bag, which from the looks of it was stocked full of the pink binding material. She repeated the wrapping process on my right hand now, using up the entire roll to ensure my hands would be completely useless in any escape attempt I might make. As she worked, occasionally her luxurious coat would brush against my exposed arms, and the feeling would send a chill down my back. Soon enough, my captor took notice.

“Oouu somebody seems to be enjoying my coat”

Again that devilish smirk crept onto her face, and her eyes danced with a mischievous fire behind them. Figuring I was already at this woman's mercy there didn’t seem to be much point in denying her observation so I responded honestly.

“It’s a beautiful coat. I’ve always found women in fur to be extremely attractive”

This caused her smile to grow even wider.

“Then maybe, if you’re a good boy, I’ll keep it on for you. Sound like a good deal?”

Once again my voice abandoned me in the face of her sultry voice, so I merely nodded the affirmative which caused her to giggle with glee.

“Oh my god you’re blushing, you are so adorable!”

God it seemed like everything she was doing was causing a swarm of butterflies to go wild in my stomach. I should have been scared. This woman had invaded my home, held me at gunpoint, and was now actively restraining me. Yet, seemingly without even trying, she had overridden any sense of reason in my brain. A thought occurred to me that hadn’t before. Maybe I wanted this to be happening?
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Post by Canuck100 »

Loving this so far! The mysterious woman is a very hot burglar. If they were all like her, alarm systems wouldn’t be required nor popular!
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Post by charliesmith »

I agree with [mention]Canuck100[/mention]. Eager to
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Post by Rtj65 »

Really interesting first couple of parts! The woman is a very intriguing personality and I look forward to seeing more!
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Post by Mr Underheel »

Yes! Great job so far! I look forward to the next chapter!
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]charliesmith[/mention] [mention]Rtj65[/mention] [mention]Mr Underheel[/mention] I honestly thought this story had flopped lol, but thanks for the support guys! Here's the next chapter, it's a little longer than the last two, which hopefully makes up for the wait. I'll get back to work on completing this one

Part Three

“Do you have a bed around here? I know you swinging bachelor types tend to take liberties with what qualifies as a bed but I still have a lot of work to do with you, and a bed would make it easier.”

“Yes I have a real bed, it’s just upstairs”

I ‘pointed’ with my useless stub of a right hand, which elicited more laughter from my captor.

“Well lead the way handsome. And don’t get any ideas, this is strictly to keep you out of the way and make my life easier.”

She picked her bag up and grabbed her gun as she followed behind me. I led her into my bedroom, which wasn't anything special. Just big enough to hold the queen sized bed which was pushed into the far corner, across from it my work desk for school projects and my writing hobby, and the small closet at the end of the bed.

“Ok, sit on the end of the bed for me”

I did as I was instructed while my captor set her gun down on my desk, and her bag on the floor.

“Are you sure seeing my room doesn’t make you rethink your whole ‘rob the poor college boy’ plan?”

“Wow, first he’s got a real bed, and he’s funny too? You must get all the ladies on campus”

She matched my sarcasm with ease as she pulled more rolls of pink vet wrap out of her duffel bag, dumping them onto the bed beside me. She picked up the first roll, found the edge and pulled it taught in front of me.

“Let’s get started!”

She began wrapping my ankles together, her meticulous, at times excessive style of overlapping the previous pass of wrapping was once again on full display. To her credit, by the time she had used the first three rolls to wrap from my ankles to my knees I knew I wouldn’t be escaping from her bondage on my own. That likely wouldn’t stop me from trying however. As she continued to wrap my legs together with the vet wrap I figured I’d ask her a few questions, maybe make her lose focus and leave me an opening for my great escape later.

“Are you always so thorough with your victims?”

“Well, sometimes I change up the positions, and I don’t always use the same materials, but in general yes. I am especially thorough with the cute boys that I want to keep completely at my mercy in the event they don’t have anything I want to steal.”

She winked at me as she said this, and I could feel my face flush red again. She smiled up at me and continued wrapping. I looked on as she did, everything below my waist was slowly but surely disappearing under layers of pink vet wrap. Once she had finished wrapping my lower half from my ankles to my waist, she turned her attention to finishing off the first half of my mummification by encasing my feet in the binding material. She used an entire roll following a similar pattern to how she’d wrapped my hands, giving extra care to overlap the foot wrapping with my ankles, ensuring there were no exploitable gaps. My entire lower half was now a solid mass of pink vet wrap.

I looked over her handiwork as she began digging through the duffel bag, pulling out several more rolls of vet wrap. I subtly attempted to pull my legs apart, testing to see if there was any give in the wrap, but my captor had done an extremely good job, the wrapping showed no mercy.

Once again, when she finished digging through the duffel bag, she dumped her haul onto the bed. I raised an eyebrow, she seemed to have an unending supply of the stuff in her bag. She caught my look, and seemingly read my mind.

“A girl has to be prepared. Like I said, I really don’t want you running for help. Just keep cooperating for me and you’ll be a pretty pink package in no time.”

With that she began the process of immobilizing my upper body. First, she helped me to my feet which I was admittedly very nervous about, bound as I was. However, she took surprisingly great care to ensure I was stable standing on my own, greater care than I felt a run of the mill burglar would take. I’ll spare the more tedious details of the wrapping process now. She followed the same meticulous and thorough methods that she had established from the very beginning of our encounter. Soon enough I was completely wrapped from my shoulders to my toes in her pink vet wrap. Even I couldn’t ignore the fact that she had in fact turned me into, a “pretty pink package”

She helped me lie back down on my bed, gently lowering my helpless form down and centering me in the middle of the bed, so I wouldn’t be in any immediate risk of rolling off onto the floor. I set to struggling in my mummification almost right away, which elicited some more laughs from my captor. She suddenly straddled me, sitting on my chest, knees on either side of me. I stopped struggling immediately, she had grabbed my full attention.

“What now? Are you gonna go looking for my 10 dollars in life savings?”

She laughed again, before she leaned over me, caressing my face with her right hand, almost lovingly. I could feel the fur of her coat against my face, I unthinkingly leaned my head into her hand before snapping out of it and looking back at my captor’s face. Her blonde hair was falling down around her face, further bringing out her stunning eyes.

“Now, we come to my favourite part. See, you can’t run for help, butttt I also kinda can’t have you calling for help either.”

As she was saying this she had reached down to her shoes, and slipped them both off and removed her socks. She now had both socks balled up in her left hand. They were ankle socks, not unlike the ones I was wearing actually, thick, with light blue on the toes and heel. With an evil grin she gave her next command.

“Open wide.”
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great chapter! Really enjoying your story
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Nice story! Keep up the good work.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Incredible story as always! Cant say Im not a little jealous but Im excited to see where the story goes from here. Keep up the great work!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

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Part Four

I looked up at her incredulously.

“C’mon, you can’t be serious! I’ll be quiet, that’s really not necessary.”

“Oh I believe you’ll be quiet, you’ll have my socks stuffed in your mouth to make sure of that, now open wide.”

That devilish smirk snuck back onto her lips as she dangled her socks down towards my face. I shook my head back and forth trying to avoid them as best I could.

“Listen, if you absolutely have to gag me I have clean socks in my top drawer over there.”
I tried indicating with my eyes to my dresser, but she wasn’t going for it.

“That’s a very tempting offer, but I’ll feel much better knowing you’re chewing on these bad boys. After all, I wore them special, just for you. And honestly, you’re in no position to negotiate.”

Suddenly she reached down with her other hand and pinched my nose shut. I wasn’t expecting my air supply to be cut off so suddenly, so I instinctively opened my mouth to breathe, which of course was a mistake. I was able to get maybe half a breath before my mouth was invaded by my captor’s worn socks. The thick ankle socks immediately expanded as they were forced past my lips, filling the space quickly and completely. They pinned my tongue down, making sure any attempts at dislodging the mass of cotton in my mouth was a hopeless effort for me.

I attempted to voice my displeasure with my current situation but all that escaped my mouth were heavily muffled ‘mmmphs.’ The socks weren’t unpleasant by any stretch but there was the faint taste of sweat that added further motivation for me to want them out of my mouth. My captor had already moved towards grabbing more of her bottomless stash of vet wrap. Unable to push her socks out of my mouth, I tried my best to squirm away, but my attempts to remain defiant to the end were made thoroughly negligible by my mummification.

“Awww you’re so cute when you try to struggle!”

Her tone was mocking, and she laughed as she spoke. She resumed her position straddling my chest, peeling the starting edge of the vet wrap off the roll in front of my face. She quickly pressed it down over my lips and began to encircle my head with the wrap, ensuring the socks really wouldn't be going anywhere until she decided. She expended the entirety of the wrap on my gag, wrapping around my mouth, then under my chin and around the crown of my head. As she worked, the sleeves of her fur coat continuously brushed against my face, again sending near constant shivers down my back. Not only that, but she was so close now I was picking up on her perfume, which I couldn’t quite place but definitely had hints of peaches and vanilla.

Once again I found myself not putting up any struggle against her as she rendered me more and more helpless. I was relaxed, I didn’t feel like I was in any danger even though she had invaded my house and held me at gunpoint. I wondered silently to myself, not that I could’ve wondered aloud at this point, but why was I so comfortable? I had to revisit the idea that maybe I really did want this to be happening.

“Ok, last roll! Then you’ll be my completely helpless mummy.”
She walked her fingers up my chest as she spoke those last three words, booping the tip of my nose when she got to ‘mummy.’ Her eyes had a fire behind them, a fire that said the fun was only beginning. For her at least. My current position aside, she had certainly captured my full attention.


I tried to ask what this last roll could possibly be for, I was already completely helpless. Naturally this only elicited more laughter from my captor, which she quickly followed by applying the wrap over my eyes, robbing me of my sight. Once again she stuck to her thorough wrapping style, using up the whole wrap, ensuring I couldn’t see, and even adding some additional layers over my mouth, reinforcing my gag.

Now I understood what she meant when she said ‘completely helpless.’ My nose was the only thing exposed to the world at that moment.

“You’re all mine now. Completely at my mercy.”

I could hear that wicked fire in her voice, she was speaking in that low seductive tone again, the one that could immobilize me without all the bondage.

“What if I were to do…this?”

With that, my airway was abruptly cut off as she pinched my nose shut again. I immediately began attempting to struggle again, but I already knew I wasn’t going to be successful in getting her to stop, especially not with her still straddling me. That didn’t stop me from straining as hard as I could, pushing into the mattress beneath me in an attempt to buck her off. All this did was cause her to laugh at my helplessness, and tighten her grip on me with her legs. It felt like she had been controlling my breath for at least two minutes, but in reality I doubt it was more than 30 seconds when she released her grip on my nose and I greedily began sucking in deep breaths of air

Unfortunately for me, this played right into her plans for me.
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Post by slackywacky »

Very nice update, enjoyed reading your story.
Patiently (somewhat) waiting for the next chapter.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I want her to kidnap me too :D

Loving this
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great stuff, love the playful tone you have going on here, keep it up!
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Post by jone123 »

I love the details in the story
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Part Five


I attempted to shout my displeasure with her treatment of me as I tried to catch my breath, but her socks were doing their job of shutting me up. I felt her adjust her position on top of me, she wasn’t straddling me any more, but felt like she was sitting on my torso, as if I was a park bench. It seemed like she was fiddling with something, but it didn’t sound like she was rummaging through her bag.


I tried to voice my curiosity to her, much to the same results as my previous complaints. I heard her laugh again.

“You know I can’t understand you with my gym socks in your mouth right? Keep trying though, I think your moans are adorable.”

She kept ending her sentences with that sultry low tone of voice, that sent chills down my back even under the layers of wrap, and silenced me even without her socks stuffed in my mouth. I could feel my face flush red, thankfully hidden under the wrappings. This wasn’t just a matter of did I want this to be happening or not, now I had to wonder if I was catching feelings for this woman? Before I could dive further into my confusing headspace, my captor continued;

“But since that last one sounded like a question, let me just tell you that you’re gonna love this next part.”

I suddenly felt her fingers pinching my nose shut again. With her sitting on me the way she was, I hadn’t yet been able to really catch my breath, despite my best efforts. I tried to shake my head free of her grip, but her fingers held tight, moving with me so I couldn’t free my airway. As the seconds continued to pass I tried to squirm free, but I knew it was hopeless. My captor only laughed, her playful but tauntingly evil laugh.

Just as sudden and unexpectedly as she had seized my lone breathing passage, she released it, and I again began to try and suck in as much air as my desperate lungs would take in. The first breath was fine, but my second breath was polluted with an unpleasant odor, one of sweat and cheese, a far cry from her perfume.


Any amount of struggling had long since proven useless, I couldn’t physically get away from the smell. Worse still, I couldn’t help but take long deep breaths as I needed to catch my breath. After every inhale, I’d let out another tirade of muffled protests, before unfortunately taking another forced smell.

“Oh wow! I knew you were gonna love them but look at you! I’ve never seen someone so eager to inhale my smelly shoes!”

This naturally caused her to start laughing again. Her shoes were decidedly worse than her socks, I had to imagine that they were older than their relatively good condition led me to believe. Suddenly her socks didn’t seem so bad. It drove me wild that she was taking such joy in my suffering, but oddly enough, not in a negative way. I couldn’t believe it, but a thought invaded my head; Yes I do love them Goddess I can’t get enough of them!

That wasn’t me. That couldn’t have been me. She was a home invader! She held me at gunpoint! I was a completely helpless hot pink cocoon, 100% at the mercy of this woman for crying out loud. And ‘Goddess’ where the hell had ‘Goddess’ come from? This was crazy. I didn’t want to be in this position, I wanted to be a free, unbothered, an ungagged man, enjoying his weekend off! Yet, as I caught my breath and the need for the long, deep breaths faded, I found myself instinctively taking those deep breaths regardless. My grunts of protest had receded into moans of, I don’t want to say pleasure, but they were definitely content.

My captor had picked up on my change in tone as well.

“Oh my, are you enjoying this my helpless little mummy boy?”

She shifted position again, it felt now like she was lying on me, as if I was a body pillow. Which I suppose for all intents and purposes I now was. I couldn’t see her face but I could practically hear her smiling as she said this. Her voice was close again, right next to my ear, more chills.

“I’ve had these bad boys for 5 years now. I wouldn’t want to have my face buried in them personally. But if you enjoy them so much, maybe I can help you a bit.”

With that she was off me again, rummaging through her duffel bag, quickly followed by the sound of more vet wrap coming off the roll. Her shoe had temporarily been taken away from my defenseless nostrils, but was soon back in its (rightful?) place, and she had set to work making sure it stayed put, expending the entire roll of the adhesive wrapping around my head and her shoe.

“Perfect! You look so good like that! My little shoe sniffing slave. It’s too bad I didn’t bring some more gym socks, I could’ve stuffed them in there for you too. Maybe next time, right?”

She gave me a couple playful light slaps on my chest, eliciting some muffled groans from me as my only resistance, and more giggling from her.

“Ok, you just enjoy yourself, I’m gonna go looking for those valuables you claim to not have. Be back in a bit!”

Her laughter trailed out of the room, and I swear I could hear her skipping, not just walking away. I tried shaking my head to get the shoe off of my face, and attempted some more light struggling as soon as she left, but nothing was budging. I resigned myself to just lie there until she came back. I really didn’t keep money around my house, so I hoped she wouldn’t decide my Playstation or tv were convenient thieving options.

All the while I took concentrated breaths out of her 5 year old sneaker, like a good shoe smelling slave.
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Post by The WinterShuffle »


Hey everyone, first off I wanted to thank all of you who have been following along with this story and commenting, I always appreciate the support and it's helped me keep this story rolling.

Now for the matter at hand, as I've been writing this story, two different endings have been rattling around in my head, and I haven't been able to pin down one idea I like more than the other. So, I'd love to hear from you guys, now our protagonists' fate is in you, the readers' hands! The endings are still a surprise, no spoilers here, but should he get a Good Ending, or the Bad Ending?

(I should also clarify, nothing crazy horrible happens in the bad ending)

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]charliesmith[/mention] [mention]Rtj65[/mention] [mention]Mr Underheel[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]DallasNotAustin[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]jone123[/mention]
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Amazing! I usually avoid burglary and/or kidnapping stories as they are not my cup of tea, so to speak. But your writing style and ability to keep the reader's interest, is just superb [mention]The WinterShuffle[/mention]. A riveting story and eager to see how it will conclude!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]The WinterShuffle[/mention]

I suppose that would depend on your own personal definition of "good" and "bad."

Usually would leave this to the author but I if you are asking for opinions I am going to go BAD!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great update, I love the internal conflict going on in the protagonist's head at times! As for the ending, I'm not sure which I'd prefer, I'm sure either will be good! If you're really torn between the two, then you could write both and use one as an 'alternate' ending? Just a suggestion though, it's your story after all!
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

Well the Votes are in!

I want to say a quick thank you to everyone who voted, and it seems most of you wanted our protagonist to recieve the Good Ending! How very generous of you all. To show some additional generosity of my own, the Good Ending of this story means there will be a sequel to this story! So I'll finish this one up and then get started on the continued adventures of our mummified hero and his stunning captor.
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Post by captainrex »

Will we ever see the end the anticipation is killing me
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

Part Six

I don’t know how long she was gone. With all my senses hindered in some way, the passage of time was impossible to keep track of. I didn’t have the biggest house so even if she was really thorough in her search she wouldn’t have been gone more than an hour. Besides the fact that I really wasn’t hiding any significant amount of cash just loose in my home. Maybe I could make some headway on escaping while she was gone. Despite my conflicting views on my current situation, I was starting to miss having access to unrestricted movement, just a little bit. Also, despite the fact that I’d had her gym socks stuck in my mouth and her smelly sneaker affixed to my face for a relatively long period of time, I wasn’t getting used to either the flavour nor the smell.

I started by trying to sit up, which from a prone position and bound as I was wound up being a far more difficult task than I anticipated. I quickly found myself rocking back and forth to try and generate the momentum to sit up, which was of course quickly causing me to take nice deep breaths of my captors sneaker as I exerted myself further. I laid down and tried to rethink my strategy. I thought maybe I could pick my way through the wrap near my hands. Until I quickly remembered my fingers were currently not available to me at all, thoroughly wrapped into fists under the mummification.

I went back to getting into a sitting position, maybe if I was sitting up I could shake her shoe off my face. I know she’d been exceptionally thorough with all of my bindings thus far, but a man can hope. I swung my legs off the side of my bed and worked my way into a sitting position. In all honesty I was annoyed with myself that I hadn’t done that to begin with. I was just begrudgingly catching my breath when her voice cut through the silence I had become accustomed to in her absence.

“Going somewhere?”

I groaned in annoyance at her reappearance, which of course elicited more giggling from her. God I could just imagine her, probably leaning in the doorway, arms crossed, an amused smirk on her lips. Had she actually left? Or maybe she feigned leaving, and had just been enjoying the show I was unwittingly putting on for her.

“So you really weren’t kidding about having anything good for me to steal.”

I heard her footsteps approach me, then a solitary finger on my chest pushed me back onto the bed. I didn’t resist.

“Mmmph! Nnngh pfffm mmpphh gmmff”

I tried to convey that no, I wasn’t kidding, and that this whole experience had been largely unnecessary so she should just let me go. I wasn’t surprised that her response was just to laugh at my garbled gag speak. I felt her sit beside me on the bed.

“It sounds like you want me to let you go. Are you sure you don’t want to keep smelling my shoe? It looked like you were really enjoying it.”

I grumbled angrily into my gag. I knew she was just digging at me for a reaction but it was still frustrating, and I couldn't help practically giving her exactly what she wanted to see as I shook my head trying to dislodge her smelly footwear.

“Well first things first, I gotta get my shoe back from you. Which I’m sure must be very upsetting for you.”

She laughed at her own joke, and I rolled my eyes. Thankfully they were still hidden behind the vet wrap, as there likely would’ve been some form of unpleasant repercussion for my ‘attitude.’ I lay still as she set to unwinding the vet wrap, it seemed as though she was intentionally unwrapping it slowly, making sure I spent as much time as possible with my nose buried within its sweaty confines.

Finally, after it seemingly took her 5 minutes to do a 30 second job, I felt her shoe shift as the last of the wrap came off. I decided not to shake it away immediately, waiting instead for my captor to remove it.
“Oh look at you! Being such a good boy and waiting for me.”

There it was again, that conflicted feeling back in all its strength. Why did she have to call me that? Why was I suddenly so eager to remain her ‘good boy’ as it were? As she removed her shoe from my face I quickly tried to fill my lungs with their first taste of fresh air in what felt like forever. But my captor wasn’t feeling so generous. Her fingers quickly snatched my nose shut before I’d even gotten a quarter breath in. I began to squirm and struggle desperately for air.

“Ah ah, you should be grateful I’m giving you fresh air again. Say thank you.”

She released her grip on my nose so I could actually make some noise. Still trying to catch my breath, I figured this was it. These conflicting feelings, they weren’t an accident. Deep down, I liked what was happening, how this scenario had played out and realistically I didn’t want it to end.

“Mmmmpff oooggm gggmmfff”

There it was, as best as I could manage given the circumstances, but I’d tried my hand at actually saying ‘thank you Goddess.’ I waited tensely to see if she caught it.

“That sounded almost legitimately grateful. And there’s a hint of something else there, I want to say… enjoyment? Are you liking this?”

Her tone, it was still more amused than anything else, not judgemental. Almost as if she understood where I was coming from. It was her tone that persuaded me to nod my head to the affirmative. I was liking this.

“Huh, well unfortunately, I do have to be on my way, but I have to take care of something before I go.”


I began to struggle again. Truthfully I didn’t want her to leave, but if she was, was she going to leave me wrapped up like this? I didn’t exactly have anyone coming over to check on me if I went a few days without replying. My struggling and mmmphing didn’t seem to be getting her attention and for obvious reasons I couldn’t communicate my concerns to her. And what did she have to take care of while still in my house?

“Here, since I’m a woman of my word, I’ll leave you with this for now while I get what I need.”
A short, confused ‘mmph’ escaped my gagged mouth before something dropped on my face. It was warm, and unlike the inside of her sneaker it smelled sweet. Hints of peaches and vanilla. And even though just my nose was exposed, I could tell it was soft, very soft. It had to be her coat! I couldn’t believe it, I was suddenly so comfortable, under these circumstances I could stay here all day. Something about the combination of the softness of her coat, the smell of her perfume, it made me feel… safe. I was in the most helpless position I had ever been and I felt safe.

Suddenly a new resolve hit me. This couldn’t be a once off thing, I needed to tell her… ok admittedly I wasn’t sure of that much. I mean could I really say “hey this has actually been oddly enjoyable, same time next week?” I couldn’t just let her go, but I also couldn’t break free of the obnoxious pink wrappings keeping me so thoroughly mummified. I heard her footsteps approaching, and I began mmmphing desperately to get her attention.

“Aww did you miss me? I’ll be out of your hair soon, thanks for taking care of my coat while I was gone! You’re such a good little cocoon.”

She patted my head as she removed her coat from my face, and I continued to try and get her attention, squirming as much as my bondage would allow. But it was hopeless. Her excessively thorough wrapping held strong, not giving me an inch, and her damn socks continued infuriatingly hindering my speech. I felt resigned to my fate, she’d be gone and I’d be stuck, facing the follow up to this sudden awakening alone. Likely chasing this feeling for a long time afterwards.

“Ok, there we go.”

Her voice snapped me back away from my self pity, back into the moment. Not just that but suddenly there was cool air on my right hand. She had picked away at the wrappings around my right hand and was setting to unwrap it from its own personal cocoon.

“Alright, I need you to listen to me now, ok?”

She grabbed my jaw while she spoke, even though I couldn’t see her given the circumstances, she ensured that I was “looking” right at her.

“I’m putting this pair of scissors in your hand so you can cut yourself loose. If you drop them, you’ll still be able to tear through the wrapping with enough effort. Either way, I’ll take the extra time to escape.”

“Pmmph nnnngh gmmmph”
I tried to plead one more time. If she’d just ungag me I could ask her to stay, or let me explain myself. Hopefully she wouldn’t think I’m a complete freak, but given the position I found myself in, she had to at least find a little enjoyment in doing this. But it was all for nothing.

“You’re so cute. I hope you’re still enjoying my socks. You can keep them by the way. I mean imagine how embarrassing it would be if you decided to rat me out, and they were the evidence you presented.”

She planted a kiss on my gagged mouth. Fireworks went off in my head.

“Not that I think you’d rat me out anyway. I’m gonna miss you, you make a very adorable mummy.”

I moaned into my gag one last time. Her hand dragged across my chest as she left, I listened after her longingly as she walked away. For some reason I didn’t even try to escape until I heard my front door close, maybe I was still entranced by her kiss, or her perfume, or that feeling of closeness that she brought. Part of me was still lost in her eyes, captivated by her wicked smile. When the thought of catching up to her crossed into my brain, I nearly dropped the scissors off the side of the bed, but by then she was surely long gone.

When I finally cut myself free, the sun had long gone down. I must’ve spent at least 4 hours wrapped up. My body felt strange, having been compressed for so long. When I got up to stretch my legs and turn on the lights I had all the grace of a newborn giraffe. I stumbled on my way to hit the lights, bumping into my bedside table as I broke my fall.

Once the lights were on I looked back at my bed, the remnants of my pink cocoon now mangled by my one handed attempts at freeing myself. A pile of papers was strewn across the floor as well, they must’ve fallen when I hit the table. As I set to picking them up, I noticed a cue card lying face down on the floor, which was decidedly out of place among the rest of the pages. I picked it up first, curious as to what it was doing there.

I couldn’t believe what was written on it.

‘I’m a little disappointed that you weren’t lying about not having anything worth stealing, but if I haven’t completely scared you away from me, you can make it up to me over dinner.’

Beneath her note was a phone number. I practically dove across my room to where I’d left my own phone after my shower. A million thoughts of how to message her raced through my mind, how does one even begin under these circumstances? And what if the number was a fake?
I finally decided to just hold my breath and sent off ‘Hey, you left your number at my place today, I’d be happy to take you to dinner, it’s only fair after all.’

With my heart preparing to erupt out of my chest, I jammed my phone into my pocket and set to trying to find things to distract myself while I waited for a reply. I figured I might as well head to the kitchen and grab some food, and I needed water. I was halfway through downing a bottle of water when my phone pinged out the single most anticipated text notification of my entire life.

‘Hey there handsome, can’t wait for dinner ;)
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Whoa, I'm not into straight romances, but a bound (or mummified) and gagged man is a bound (or mummified) and gagged man!!!! :D

Nice tale, @The WinterShuffle.

Can't wait to see if there will be a return performance after the dinner date! :)
The WinterShuffle
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Centennial Club
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 10 months ago Whoa, I'm not into straight romances, but a bound (or mummified) and gagged man is a bound (or mummified) and gagged man!!!! :D

Nice tale, @The WinterShuffle.

Can't wait to see if there will be a return performance after the dinner date! :)
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! I’m working on some follow up tales, I’m thinking of making these two my first real recurring characters, so they have a few fun adventures coming up!
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