The Rope Bunny V2 (M+F+/F+)

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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 11 months ago more/longer bondage then anyone would probably want to ever experience, to be honest.
Yeah. Probably went overboard there on the timeframe.
BlissfulMisery wrote: 11 months ago And of course Jody is still 'lurking' in the background, pining away for lost love. Something to brighten up the very dark atmosphere in the last few chapters.
Indeed. The once but now lost former love, back in the mix.

More explanation in this next chapter, below, after which we might :lol: just get to see an explanation from Libby :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

Professor Larius.

"So then young," peering over his glasses, over the old books and paperwork piled atop his desk, an actual human skull, at me, "Miss. You want to talk about the old God's?"

Professor Larius. An old Greek man, dark olive skin cracked and weathered, belly pushing at but not straining his blue waistcoat and white shirt, jet black hair curling and long. Clean shaven.

According to my research the foremost authority on ancient mythology in all of Europe, possibly the world.

"Please." I'm seventeen, yet to gain my attention grabbing F cups, and dressed conservatively in blue jeans a plain black tee, blonde hair loosely plaited and tied, hanging over one shoulder.

The money I've paid to secure this audience I could likely hire Larius as a private tutor for a year. But I'd wanted to show my- I might be a young girl but I'm not playing around here -seriousness, to grab and hold his undivided attention.

"Specifically, I want to discuss their association with becoming, appearing, as animals."
"Ah." Taking his glasses off, polishing them. I suppress a smile as he places them back on, only to scowl and go through the process a second time.

"Did you have a particular God in mind? The Egyptian pantheon prehaps?"
"Not them." Brushing the imaginary group aside. "And not God's really. I was." Pause. Swallow. And plunge. "Hoping we could discuss rabbits."

Which earns me a look, not a glare, but not a smile.

I let the silence stretch.

And then he does smile.

"I'm not so old." Hands clasped before him on the desk, where there isn't a computer. "That I don't know about the Internet young lady. Surely, if it's her you seek."

Cold prickle across my spine.

"Then you need only perform the ritual, and ask your questions direct."

"The Rope Bunny." Naming her. Me. Another prickle, feeling the lady herself shift and stretch within, paying more attention, stepping closer.

I can almost, not quite but almost, feel her fur tickling just beneath the surface of my skin.

Her playful mischievous nature, wanting to step forwards and change me into her, wanting to give the good professor a real close look at the subject in hand.

She doesn't, but, she wants to.

"Of course," Nodding, still a small smile as Larius relaxes back, his seat creaking, "that isn't her real name."
"No." Hand over my mouth to hold in a laugh as the Bunny, in a tongue I doubt even the professor would recognise, speaks. Foreign guttural sounds, tumbling out. An old name, long forgotten and now just a symbol.

One I'll, in a years time, get inked as part of a larger design across my left shoulder and arm.

"Lepus funiculus." Larius, serious face, a teachers voice. And this time, hand already over my mouth I'm forced to cough to cover the laugh.

Not her name. Never. Nothing more then words ascribed to her based on a trickster nature and a.

"Indeed." Making my own face serious. "Now, reports say she, apparently, chooses to appear nowadays as a young blonde girl wearing a rabbit costume. However."

Smiling as the professor looks right at me, unable to see the wood for the trees.

"That isn't her true form?"

Rising, stepping to a wall that's basically one long bookcase Larius begins searching. Running his finger across spines, jumping up a shelf, back down. Backtracking. Muttering.

"Here." Sitting himself back down, sweeping papers aside to clear space to lay a thick open book- dark green cracked leather cover -before me. "This is, unfortunately," tapping the left hand page, "all I have on her."

I lean forward, eager and hopeful.

Because bizarrely this is a thing on which the Bunny's as clueless as me. She knows how she most likely inherited the name: ancient civilisations, upon discovering her, deciding how best to name this new thing.

Rope: because trickster, and largely in the form of kidnapping, aiding or hindering people by way of binding and gagging. Doing what she wants, when she wants. Mostly.

Bunny: because, if, when, and mostly when. Because like a pyromaniac she likes to loiter and witness the confusion afterwards. So, normally she gets spotted, and chased. For some reason- inner shrug when I asked why -she chose the form of a small rabbit, sometimes and somehow up to a dozen at once, in order to hide and evade capture.

There is coherent reasoning for her name, but it's the riddle of her current form we're here trying to understand.

Smoke, drifting and insubstantial. Her true form. From this she would take on shape, mirroring and becoming whomever she chose.

Only now she doesn't have a choice, she's me, because I'm already a person and whatever else she can do, the Bunny can't- thank fuck -twist and change my appearance.

Except to put on the suit.

When she comes forward, when I change into her. The physical aspect becomes a strange Kayley/bunny hybrid, like a girl having a lazy day, or someone doing fancy dress.

Surely she doesn't have to appear in a rabbit costume? There's still a memory, standing on a bed in France, scared, determined, ready to fight and for the first time her mirroring me.

Thought and want and need.



And, there'd been no fur, only smoke drifting around my fifteen year old unchanged body.

Surely, we reason, the suit is a facet of the trapping, something we can discard.

Something we did discard, that one and only time.

I'd hoped, expecting no but why not look and ask and see, there might be answers here.

But. No.

Two pages of things I, she, we, already know.


"Could we," leaning back to mirror his pose, trying to relax, "maybe. Could we try and delve deeper."
"Well." Turning to regard his packed shelves. "Of course, Miss. My time is currently yours to burn, however you wish. What did you have in mind?"

"Well." Thinking the words through. "Could we try to work around the issue of her current form?"
"In what sense?"
"Legend states that the Bunny could change her form, assume the shape of any female. So, why now is she."

Stopping to lick my lips. Careful.

"Why does she exclusively seem, according to all modern sightings, to only take the form of a teenage blonde girl with fair skin. And why the bunny suit when no historical account names such? Ever."

Larius regards me over the tops of his thick glasses. Serious face, almost a frown.

Does he know? Such a smart and educated, in things most dismiss as fantasy, man, has he finally looked, properly, at me.

Has he made the leap, a young blonde asking about, kind of, a young blonde.

Nodding, like a decision made, Larius stands and goes again to his books.

I give him ten minutes, during which time various books are pulled from shelves, peered into, tutted at and put back, then I drop my hint.

"What if." Stopping, waiting for him to turn and face me. I offer my best innocent 'I really am just a girl' smile. "Magic were involved somehow?"

"Magic?" Darted glance to his books. "Do you have a theory young Miss?"
"What if...."

Careful, like it isn't fact, like it is something I'm pondering.

"Somone. Some." I shrug. "Thing. Trapped the Bunny in this. Um." Flicking my blonde plait. Quick laugh.

See, I'm blonde too how strange.

"Young blonde."

Crap and- Larius, looking thoughtful, at me -damn, shouldn't of said young.

"With magic. And that's why the Bunny is only the same form now?"

I shrug.

Larius, standing, still staring only now at a point over my head, begins to nod.

"So." Rifling through books, not turning to look at me. "You presume magical foul play has trapped her." Pause. Flick pages, shake head and return to shelf. "Inside a human. A." Tapping the page. Nodding. "Young girl. And you assume too that the Bunny suit is a...."

"Facet. Yes. Good." Nodding some more, a second open book now resting atop the one he's already holding. "The furry suit like appearance being some method to differentiate between girl and Bunny."

Returning to the table, placing both books down before me, spread beside each other on his desk. Larius points at the pages to emphasise.

"Usually. So the Lore implies. Magic can be cancelled out effectively by magic. There are." Moving to the second book, pointing again. "Old and I'm afraid not always proven or verified testimonials towards this theory."

Of course not proven, it's magic, fakery and slieght of hand in the eyes of most. No real power when the rabbit- ha -is already stuffed inside the hat.

Damn again.

"How am I-"

Careless. Depression at finding some kind of answer, potential yet impossible, makes me slip. The Bunny's words emerging from my throat before I can slap a hand over her mouth.

"I mean. How is, she, going to manage that. I wonder?"

Larius, staring.

He nods.

Our collective mouths dropping open as he speaks in a dead tongue, perfectly forming those gutteral sounds, naming the Bunny. Saying more.

A welcome, she tells me, wide eyed and amazed. Like an acknowledgement of who she is. Like paying tribute, showing respect.

"How indeed." Standing, coming around his desk to face me. "I regret, Miss," tipping a nod, "Mistress," a complex series of hand gestures, somewhere between salute and wave and tapping the fingers of one hand off against the palm of his other, "that there is no more help I can give."

"I wish her. You. The very best of luck."

I shake his hand, face split into a pure Bunny grin, at which he grins back.

"So." Talking to myself, walking through the city trying to deicide where, what, to eat for dinner. "Just. Go find some magic to throw against the magic I already have swirling all up and down inside me. Of course." I laugh, shrug and shake my head. "Simple."
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago Yeah. Probably went overboard there on the timeframe.
Perhaps, although as I mentioned, it does leverage the setting quite well.


I suppose neither Kayley, given her youth, nor the Bunny, given her nature, are particularly great at subtlety or subterfuge :lol:

Interesting that she was led in the direction of seeking out magic, given what happens over a year later.

A nice interlude - seems that she was doing something other then taking luxurious baths during her travels.
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 10 months ago
Interesting that she was led in the direction of seeking out magic, given what happens over a year later.

A nice interlude - seems that she was doing something other then taking luxurious baths during her travels.
If you're referring to the current Libby situation, then it's purely coincidence. I could, and have considered, writing a chapter of Kayley seeking out actual wizards, but have elected to move the main story along instead.

No need for more backtracking at this point.


Yes, I like my little interludes and asides, this one I enjoyed writing.

Thank you.
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Post by RopeBunny »


I start laughing. Laid on the floor, suddenly aching all over, hungry, tired, thirsty.

As though everything the etched pole and gag held at bay, days upon weeks without, are now piling on me all at once.

But I can't stop laughing.

I might. Might. Be just a small bit crazy.

Seeing my reflection shuts me up.

Standing, legs shaky, drained. I glance up. Eyes darting back moments later to the tall windows, no curtains, no need up this high.

I stare, my ghost stares back. And, looking down at myself. Naked.

Which elicits a small giggle.

But I can't see it. Except then I look back at the window and.


Smoke. Like strung out cloud, orbiting me in a scattered lazy fashion. Coming and going, as I watch, fascinated, a trailing line across my breasts breaks up, dissipating. Only for another to form out of the air spiraling around my left leg moments later.

Only in the mirror though, the smoke seems invisible to the naked- ha, I have another little laugh -eye.

Shaking my head, still amazed.

And then, movement, in the glass off towards the door catches my eye. I look up.

Gaze locking with Libby, frozen a half dozen paces into the room, only now looking up from the wand vibrator held in her right hand, bouncing off her left palm.

Her eyes and mouth go wide. Looking with shocked incomprehension from me to the pole- which I haven't even glanced at yet but can see the broken ruin in the window -to my reflection. Back.

I grin, feeling my lips spread wide wide wider, too wide. Showing my teeth, not caring.

I laugh. At her.

She bolts.

Doesn't even make it halfway to the door.

"Ffgggmm ddggppm."

Of course not. Having lashed out, instinct, no plan beyond stop. Suddenly wrapped to near cocoon levels in thin coarse black rope Libby had stumbled, toppled, landing and rolling.

Writhing and cursing, possibly screaming for help, muffled by, of course, more rope wrapping her face and forced between her jaws.

Lacking strength but not the will, I've managed to get her up onto one of the conference room chairs: plush black leather backing and silver frame, more leather on the armrests.

An easy task, despite her fighting and muffled curses, to bind her in place.

Skinny blue jeans hugged legs bound at the ankle to separate chair legs. Arms pinned behind her, the wide chair back and my forcing her wrists to cross forcing Libby's back to arch, her sky blue tee clad B cups thrusting towards me.

She's still rope gagged.

Glaring across at me as I sit, eating and drinking the cold cuts of meat with cheese and beautifully chilled beer, my second, I've liberated from the small well stocked fridge beneath the decanter stocked table.

I'm still naked, have deliberately parked my still naked butt on the table edge just in front of Libby's chair, plate one side bottle the other. My legs, deliberate again, are spread wide feet resting on her chairs arm rests. The point being my exposed and shaved pussy is spread wide, staring her in the face like a taunt.

Like a display of my ownership of the situation.

It helps, is funny, that my F cups are all in her face too. Bouncing and rocking as I move, my erect nipples, because bondage always gets my blood up, forever out of her reach.

Should she care.

The vibrator, beside me too, says she does.

"Ready for a chat?"
"Yes indeed." Grinning, showing teeth. "However I know. Know." Putting authority behind it the second time, because I've been locked away up here long enough to be certain that. "Nobody comes up here after dark. So." I shrug, take another hit of beer. "No rescue for you until dawn."

Libby struggles some more, stares daggers at me some more.

I laugh.

She huffs. Shrugs.

I assume it to be a yes, vanish the rope gag.

"Want a beer?"
"Do I want a...?"
"Up to you." Grinning at her confused look. "I'm not going to spank you." Sticking my tongue out, laughing as Libby blushes. "I want to talk."
"Just...." Looking at me. "Talk...?"
"Sure." I shrug. "You've lost, I win." Picking up a slice of roast pork, waving it back and forth like a little flag.

Libby cracks a smile, I nod.

"What I want are answers. After which I'm going to strip and truss you to the table for dear hubby to find, then." Another shrug. "I'll leave."
"As easy as that?"
"Why not?"

I stretch, arms wide, not meaning to but meaning to pushing my F cups at Libby.

"I think it's a shitty thing what you're most likely about to do to the family company. But." Downing the last of bottle two. "It's all waaaaay over my pretty little head. You know." I wink. "Human problems."

Which earns me another confused look.

"Are you...?"
"I am." Nodding, leaning, darting forward and in to flick Libby's nipple, poking at her tight tee. She's clearly braless naughty girl. She yelps, I laugh.

Not crazy, honest.

"So. Another breast thrusting stretch. Teasing. Maybe. "What I wan-"
"Can you."

I pause, chest pushed forwards, arms wide.

Libby licks her lips. "Not do that."
"Not do." All innocence. "What?"

Climbing into her lap, my legs wrapping around the chair back. Libby wriggles, briefly, going still as my weight presses on her.

As I, leaning in, brush my breasts across her face. Take hold of one, offering up the nipple, tapping and teasing it against her lips.

Libby's breathing quickening. Gaze darting to my face, back down. Parting her lips, tongue sliding out and across my nipple.

Moaning as I slide a hand down, working her jeans open, slipping inside and into her thong.

Keeping my chest in her face as I use two fingers to explore Libby's pussy. Sliding in and out, flicking her clit.

Helpless, she begins to pant, and rock, trying to move her crotch in time to my teasing fingers as I swap breast for lips.

Kissing her.

With a cry of pleasure Linby climaxes, body shaking, lips locked to mine.

Grinning, slipping my fingers out I climb off and fetch a third beer. Offer it up, letting Libby drink a third down in one gulp.

"Right." Sitting cross-legged on the table now, forearms resting on my legs still facing Libby. "So. Question time."

"Explain the plan to me?"
"Plan." Nodding. "Why capture me?"
"What do you give the man who has everything."

Said simply, she even shrugs. I laugh, Disbelieving.

"Really?" Laughing some more. "I was a. Fucking wedding present?"

Libby smiles, but not too wide. Nods.

"Fuck." Shaking my lowered head. Of all the things.

A sudden thought bringing my attention back to Libby.

"But you couldn't of known I'd be there?" Puzzled, frowning and trying to see how she could? "Nobody knows where I am. Not even...."

Mum. Jody.

Not even Chelle, who I still talk to, knows my location at any given day or week.

"Luck." Looking down, not meeting my gaze. "For me. I'd been planning and making the pole, that was the gift. The implication being he could put it to use as he wished."
"To do what?" Shaking my head. "It's fancy, no doubt, but an empty pole would look pretty stupid in the company boardroom."

"You aren't the only being of power." Casual, she even shrugs. "It didn't have to be you caught in the trap."

"Yeah?" Shaking my head. The blatant stupidity. "You're fucking lucky it was me. Think." Voice climbing, angry now. "You can just lock up a god and not expect consequences?"

I gesture, throwing a point like a stab across the room.

"Ask your husband someday how ships get lost."

Sat beside the old mans desk, a lump of. Stone? The same size as me. Stone, because most people just wouldn't be able to comprehend the sheer scale involved.

A sharks tooth, no doubt the edge still sharp enough to cut steel as though it were paper.

"Tell the Shark I said hi."

But. Don't.

As I remember/learn, I fight to suppress a shiver. Fucking scary fish.

Libby, poor little clueless girl, stares from me to the tooth, back.

I shake my head, laughing, feeling the puddled anger drain away.

"Done here." Nodding, climbing to my feet. "Be a good little traitor and don't fight."

Prehaps cowed by my shouting, by the implication, the remembering on her part, that I am powerful. Could easily do far more, to her, if I chose.

Libby allows me to bind her to the conference table top. She even strips naked upon command.

I truss each limb to a table leg, spreading her into an X, pussy pointed at the closed double doorway in.

Hell of a welcome.

I laugh, mentally flexing, pulling all her ropes tight.

I leave her ungagged, leave the beer bottles beside her.

Take a marker pen from the desk, in a drawer of which I find my bank card and passport.

Thank fuck.

Scrawl a 'come after me again and I'll burn your world down' friendly goodbye message across Libbys breasts and belly.

Look down at her, shrug, grin, and doodle a pack of rabbits hopping down her leg being chased by a too big shark.

Shiver again at a memory.


Her jeans are a good fit, but unfortunately Libby's top barely covers my chest, hanging off the hem just below my F cups.

Blowing her a kiss I leave.

Make it out of the building- lucky girl -without incident.

Slip quietly into the nighttime city.
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Post by RopeBunny »

RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago
"Ask your husband someday how ships get lost."

Sat beside the old mans desk, a lump of. Stone? The same size as me. Stone, because most people just wouldn't be able to comprehend the sheer scale involved.

A sharks tooth, no doubt the edge still sharp enough to cut steel as though it were paper.

"Tell the Shark I said hi."

But. Don't.

As I remember/learn, I fight to suppress a shiver. Fucking scary fish.
Wasn't. Honestly it wasn't, planned.

But, the reference (stories of old, things I've created) slipped out and in, working. So it stays.

And now off the back of it I have tentative plans, ideas, for another team up story. Although whether any of you remember any of my mythical based TUG story characters is another matter :lol:
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Revenge is a sweet thing, although to be honest I expected Kayley/The Bunny to do far worse. But I suppose you wanted to keep it reasonably short and move on rather then getting bogged down in this side plot.

Seems Kayley has inherited more then the ability to use the Bunny's powers directly, but is also inheriting some of her manner. At this rate it seems despite their intentions to separate, they are only growing closer/further merging... That or it is simply the stress of the situation getting to her. After spending that long stuck, she is certainly more then a little loopy...
RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago "Human problems."
Ironic she says this, given I suspect she will be dealing with some 'human problems' of her own soon in what seems like an inevitable reunion with Jody. I doubt that will got entirely smoothly. But yet another example of her seemingly changing attitude - perhaps it would be wise for her to reconnect with humanity a little.
RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago "You aren't the only being of power." Casual, she even shrugs. "It didn't have to be you caught in the trap."
To be honest, I am not sure how many other 'beings of power' would willingly allow themselves to be bolted to a pole and gagged :P I feel like in practice this was a trap that was uniquely designed for Kayley/The Rope Bunny. Lucky in more ways then one for Libby I suppose.
RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago Wasn't. Honestly it wasn't, planned.

But, the reference (stories of old, things I've created) slipped out and in, working. So it stays.

And now off the back of it I have tentative plans, ideas, for another team up story. Although whether any of you remember any of my mythical based TUG story characters is another matter
Seems like we are witnessing the beginnings of the Ropebunnyverse :P
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 10 months ago I expected Kayley/The Bunny to do far worse. But I suppose you wanted to keep it reasonably short and move on rather then getting bogged down in this side plot.
Basically yes. Although I did intend doing more the chapter naturally flowed this way, the back and forth and the simplistic tie scenario seeming to work.
BlissfulMisery wrote: 10 months ago Seems like we are witnessing the beginnings of the Ropebunnyverse :P

I did, some time ago, write a team up containing characters created to that point.

I've always thought of doing another, and now the idea and motivation has presented itself.

So. Yes. I most likely will.
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Post by RopeBunny »


I went off grid.

Three years ago. Sixteen and pissed at a world, my small piece of it anyway, that had shunned me, I pushed back the only way I could.

I left.

Ditched my phone, logged out of social media.

Walked away, no plans on returning.

Mum. Chelle.


I created a new email account, sent them each a postcard when that first plane landed, writing nothing more then that single line, an address.

A point of- should they give a shit -contact.

One of them wrote, still does write, me.

I made rules, a plan to follow. All I had was time. At first, the idea of attempting to seek out solutions to our entrapment came later.

At first I had time. No destination, no need to hurry.

So, I walked.

As much as was possible I travelled on foot, just me and the open road, the world accessible, wherever I wished, I went.

Switching trainers out for sturdy army style boots, replacing backpacks and clothing as and when the need arose. Buying waterproofs, a wide brimmed hat.

A bikini as I trekked south.

I checked the email sporadically, replying to Chelle, sometimes hoping that someone else would....


Day by day and week by month I learned to accept the fact.

Back end of seventeen I was working my zigzagging way across the United States, having flown into Alaska, walking and railroading towards Canada, spending months there, slowly heading south.

Eighteen in New York, backtracking, Chelle flew in specially to help me celebrate.

A four day blow out, money no object, we went everywhere, did everything.

Except drink.

Which at the time didn't bother us, two friends dressed to kill, we giggled enough without alcoholic aid. Instead of bars we frequented arcades, went to an NFL game, paying for a box, the bemused female attendants face as she showed just us too teenage girls into the vast space.

And after Chelle left, high on life, not at all ready to slow down.

I went crazy.

Missing Jody yet unwilling to admit the fact, I had consultations, followed by the operation. Upgrading my shotgun D's for tank canon F's. Daydreaming of a reunion that never came.

More consultations, after which I sat in a high backed leather chair, gritting my teeth, the Bunny hiding under a rock, whilst a young guy with inked spiders crawling up his arm tattooed a custom design onto me.

The Bunny's symbol, her true name: something like pi but with rabbit ears and more curls. Large enough to lay across my left shoulder leaking down onto the arm, across the upper back. Surrounding this are curving spiky lines that extend down to my elbow and half surround my left breast, covering the shoulder blade as far across as my spine.

No ink obscures either of my bullet wounds. Indeed my thinking is almost that of protection.

Because- and yes okay Ted, and Mirriam, helped -without her, my Bunny twin, I'd be dead.

It's only months later I realise the squewed logic: that if not for the Bunny I wouldn't of been there to be shot at in the first place.

The thought, staring at myself in an airport bathroom mirror, makes me laugh.

I like the new me. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to moments of regret, calling myself a fool the belated morning after. Waking alone, again, in some hotel. Missing company, missing Jody shaped company. Knowing as I stared into the mirror.

I do that a lot. Stare at myself. At her whilst she stares back, whilst we talk without always speaking.

Knowing Jody wasn't coming, that bigger tits weren't- of course they aren't -going to act like a homing beacon. Admitting the truth I did, for a week, regret my crazy decisions.

Even the ink, for that week, I hated.

But then. A shrug. A smile. The Bunny's arm around my shoulder.

Let the future take care of itself. We/you/I look great, feel great.

No more moping.


Like now, finally free from Libby's trap. Bank card and passport stuffed in my stolen jeans pockets.

Grinning at strangers I pass. Guys, and some girls, doing double takes, staring. Smiling in open invitation I could happily take up except I need to get the hell out of here, run south like those old time gunfighters.

Across the border into, well, not Mexico of course. But. Somewhere.

Stolen tee a little on the small side, no bra, not that Libby's would be much help, small cups that I'd overflow. With no support or containment my F cups are therefore bouncing as I walk, nipples quite obvious.

It's no wonder I'm stopping traffic.

I laugh, walking underneath the entrance arch to a railway station.

Time to run, to escape. I'm not built or made for stand up fights. Though I have, before.

Standing beside others, fighting for common cause. Or, rarely, even alone.

The concourse is near deserted this late, early. Nothing on the departures board save an overnight sleeper.

Good enough.

Except halfway to the ticket booth someone slams a door, the echoing boom making me jump.

Spin around.

Triggering my nerves, I almost, almost, bolt. Beginning to fret.

Catching myself scanning dark corners, squinting into the gloom, eyeballing the bored looking older man at the platform gate. Trying to spot threats.

I shake my head, laugh.

Which becomes a smile.

A frown.

As, reaching down inside for reassurance, I find nothing.

No Bunny?

No Kayley?

Only me.

The door to the ticket office, which I've reached, is glass. I stare into it now, seeing the Bunny's skin, the drifting formless smoke, laid and swirling atop Kayley's skin, a young girl, busty, tanned and toned from years spent walking, blonde.



Could it be?

My skin laid on top of my skin.

There's no second, different, voice. Only mine. Head full of new/old memories coexisting perfectly: kidnappings from a thousand plus years ago sharing space with standing in front of the bathroom mirror aged eleven, wearing my first bra, willing my A cup breasts to hurry the fuck up and expand.

Is this.

I laugh, shaking my head.

Is this Professor, um?

Larius. Is this his knowledge finally come to pass? The magic pole striking, rubbing against, and ultimately cancelling the curse inside?

But instead of separation, freedom, it closed the seam for good?

I still can't leave Kayley's blonde body behind, because now it's my/our blonde body too.

Two becoming one.


"Ohhhhh fuck." Grinning. Feeling the new/old power bubbling away beneath the surface, like a tap I can turn on or off at will. Things I'd forgotten/never knew I could do.

Very deliberately I step back, away from the ticket office.

Grinning wider, reaching down for the first time in it feels like forever, turning the tap.

I don't need to be afraid anymore.

Although, wave of nausea washing over me as I emerge from the air, from nothing, standing in amongst some trees way up high and still only on the lower slopes of Mt Fuji. Stumbling, hand out to steady myself, the unfamiliar/familiar old/new sensation of flinging my- no longer smoke -body across the distances.

Swallowing. Grimacing and taking a deep breath.

Still worried enough, feeling paranoid enough, to cover my tracks with multiple jumps.

Although how Libby, anyone, could possibly track me I don't know.

Unless she stashed a tracker in her clothes, now my clothes.

I could, cracking a smile, strip.


"Behave." Smiling wider, telling myself off. Wanting to anyway, just for fun.

I flex again.

Shading in, emerging, deep in the London underground, a luckily deserted platform.

Shiver. Hell of a way to return home.

Laugh, why not. If she is, following me, then why not here. I quickly strip, leaving a puddle of clothes. Flex again.

A crowded beach in the south of France. Gasps, harsh trilling of a lifeguards whistle. I give him a cheeky wave.

And. Flex.

Peer out from between closed changing room curtains in a boutique sportswear shop out in California, luckily, my timing perfect despite I still feel like vomiting or at least sitting down.

I spy a young girl, twenty something, dressed in tight black leggings and sports bra locking the front door. Turning the sign over.

She turns, jumps hand going to her mouth not quite able to muffle her cry of surprise.

"Good afternoon." Showing my best smile, trying and I know failing to hide my teeth. Her wide eyes telling me. "I appear to be quite naked. However." Letting the curtain go, kind of on purpose letting her see. Me. I hold out my bank card. "Prehaps you can help me with a new outfit?"
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Post by Switchgirl »

I love the last few chapters - the merging of Kayley and the RB to become one…now the possibilities are endless. And with Jody waiting in the wings….
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Post by RopeBunny »

Switchgirl wrote: 10 months ago I love the last few chapters - the merging of Kayley and the RB to become one…now the possibilities are endless. And with Jody waiting in the wings….

I had a number of ideas for how the curse might end. Could've stretched it out further, a failed attempt or two, but I'm happy with how I settled things.

I'm glad you're enjoying it too.

And yes, Jody is still out there.

Getting closer :D
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Quite the world-hopping tour (pardon the pun) Kayley/The Bunny/Whatever she is now is going on...

Her bout of paranoia certainly makes sense, given both the Bunny's nature and recent events. Wonder if something will come of it, or if it is a passing thing.

Seems she is not afraid to show her powers either. A strange giddy carelessness...

Overall a nice bit of winding down after the last few chapters - a transition to presumably bigger and better things? :P
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 10 months ago
Overall a nice bit of winding down after the last few chapters
How it felt to me too.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Sports boutique 'Death By Running'
Los Angeles, California.

"Prehaps you can help me with a new outfit?"

English posh, and not put on, faked. Genuine English coming out of this teenage- possibly twenty already -girls mouth. Tanned and blonde, tits for days.

Bizarrely sans clothing.


Totally, fuckably, stunning.

I can't help staring, the curtain open. She's got a body most gymaholics, me included, would kill for. Lean, barely an once of fat on her skinny frame. Muscular but not to six pack levels. And those huge tits, round and perky and perfect.

Teeth are fucking weird though, sharp like a horror special effect.

"You didn't come in the back." Facing her, arms crossed beneath the swell of my more modest C cups, half squashed inside a sports bra that's cut fashionably low, showing cleavage. "Because Robbie keeps it chained and padlocked."
"The boss." I shrug. "It's his shop you're stood naked in."

Words thrown out like a challenge, almost, though to what end I'm not yet sure.

"Violating the dress code am I?" Teasing, stepping fully out the cubicle to stand across from me too, hands on her hips.

"Is he here," looking around, interested, "Robbie?"
"No." Shaking my head. "I'm on lock up duty tonight."
"Are you now?" Grinning, actually winking at me like my statement could be taken another, somehow naughtier, way.

"Yes. How did you get in?"
"Flew." A shrug, not interested. "Ditched my clothes in London so the bitch can't find me."
"Sorry." What? "What?"
"Miss Elizabeth," making elaborate waving gestures like swatting an army of flies, "whatever her new name is." A smirk. "She was quite the fan of lock up duties too."

What? Nothing here is making any sense.

I take a breath, try again.

"You need clothes," stupid question, but I've got to start somewhere solid, "yes?"
"Eventually." Nodding, grin spreading. "Unless you need help?"
"Help?" Thrown, confused.

Does she ever make sense?

"With locking up." Grinning wider, kinda scary, yet offset by that rack. Tits like hers are hard to run away from.

"Tends to be a one person job." Trying, really working at keeping at least my half of this sane. Normal.

"Does it now." All thoughtful nodding like we're discussing politics and I've made a really valid clever point. "In that case," looking at me, and I can see she's trying not to smile at a joke I'm clearly not getting, "can I at least watch?"
"Watch." Watch me lock up? Seriously? I frown at her. "Watch what?"
"Watch you lock yourself up."

Deadpan. This grinning stunner somehow managing to keep a straight face to the point it takes whole seconds for me to spot just what she's implying.

I laugh, can't help it. Laughing to hide the bubble of nerves, because whilst I've never done any of that rope crap I can spot a blatant flirt when it's waved at me.

"I." Licking my lips.

And she's still standing there, totally on display with no shame and all the come and get me eyes. Like a dare, or a challenge of her own.

Small inviting smile on that pretty face.

"Well." I shrug, coughing out another nervous laugh. "I've never done that before." Showing her a smile, like a yes. "Locked myself up."

She waves, flicks, one hand. Like a magician conjuring a quarter, or the joker in a deck of cards.

Except she makes rope, a coiled black length long enough to make my chest flutter, appear out of the air.

"Ta dah." Smiling, making it bounce and dance by repeated jerks of her wrist. "I don't do locks," brief flashed grimace like a bad taste going down, "but, I can tie you up?"

She steps closer, and it's a wonder I don't step back, just about managing to stand firm despite she's quite a sight: naked, tits bouncing as she moves, mesmerising. That grin.

How many people that young are this confident whilst naked?

I catch the black bundle she tosses me, semi surprised it feels so real. Coarse. Thinking of it pinching my wrists giving me another happy flutter.

"You...?" Right in front of me now, she didn't stop walking. Reaching out and snaring me with a hand gripping the low front of my sports bra, pulling me- willingly -towards that grin.

Kissing me. Being careful, she is, because on contact with her lips I forget all about those teeth, plunging in.

Fuck it, why not have strange sex where I work with a girl who, literally, dropped out of the air.

Kissing. And before I know it the spandex bra is up over my head and off, tossed someplace, leggings and thong- Robbie hates VPL on his female employees -tugged down as I help, stepping out of each hole in turn, getting tangled and both of us laughing before she tosses them someplace else.

It'll, later, after, take me a half hour to find everything.

Naked, air con chill prickling my skin and thank fuck we're in back, out of sight of the shop proper since I hadn't yet turned out the interior lights.

And despite being fairly satisfied with the body I see in the mirror each morning, I'm not an exhibitionist.

"Kayley." Running long nails up and down my spine, making me shiver even whilst I return the favour, one of her globe like breasts in hand, flicking the budded nipple. "Hi."
"Hi." Smiling. "So. Um."

She's smiling back, small moan as I lift her breast to my lowered lips, kiss the nipple, return my gaze to hers.

"Wasn't there something you wanted to show me?"
"Sure." Moving both hands down to squeeze my toned butt cheeks, pulling my crotch to hers, tingle from the shared heat leaking off us both. "How about...."

Looking around, thoughtful. Nodding.

"That bench."

I lay down. Must be mad and crazy and tripping on a serious deathwish. Letting some grinning stranger bind me, lash me down like a helpless kidnap robbery victim.

I swear if she leaves, if I'm still here- bound and naked -when Robbie comes to open up tomorrow.


Fuck knows. But in the moment I chose, am choosing, to trust her.

Stupid- I hope not but probably am -Elle.

The disabled changing is larger, the bench longer. Kayley binds my wrists together, crossed, pulling them over my head and lashing them to the middle wooden slat.

Each bench top is basically three long wooden slats, all polished up and posh looking. Shiny.

She spreads my legs, binding each ankle to a separate bench leg, forcing them to remain open, my pussy exposed and very accessible.

What follows is absolutely fucking amazing.

Kayley works me over, teasing and exploring my nakedness, her hands and mouth all over me: pussy, breasts, flat stomach and inner thighs. My lips. I'd of happily returned the favour, but she only seems interested in making me climax, which I do.

Three times.

By the end I'm panting, a sweaty mess. Not caring.

Afterwards she frees me.

Thank fuck.

And with the lights now off, for privacy, she makes her naked way around the small store, picking out grey leggings with a white dragon print climbing one leg, a baggy purple pull over hoodie and white trainers.

I, naked too, ring everything through the system, swiping her card.

Let her, clothed, out the front door.

Let out a sigh of pleasure as I sink slowly to the floor.

What a crazy thing.
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Post by RopeBunny »

'From: goth69sub
To: wanderingbunny


Sorry about the address, I keep meaning to change it lol.

It's Jody.

I. Look. I've written you about seven essays now, deleted them all. It's hard to know what to write.

Can we talk?

I'm working in the Czech Republic, for Skoda Rallysport. I get some time off, I could.

If you'd like.

Come and see you. To say sorry. To, talk.


Jody x'
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Day two in Los Angeles, knowledge of my new/old abilities, things discovered and remembered.

Like jumping across the world. Even, not brave enough yet, beyond.

Knowledge of what I can do, now I'm whole, is helping build confidence. I will not run. If they come.

They won't, but.

If they come. I'll make the bitch and her new family regret it.

I am Bunny, hear me roar.


Kayley. Yes, I'm the Bunny, but, Kayley sounds, feels, right.

Is right. I'm Kayley too after all.

So. Anyway.

Camped out in Los Angeles, buying clothes, but not many, a new toothbrush and backpack.

Cursing the lost books, which granted I don't appear to need now, but, I'd gotten used to having them, to feeling them pulse and whisper.

On day two, passing a library I decide to stop in and check my email.

Jody's short message, reaching out across the distance after all these months and years, making me shiver as though the busty schoolgirl of old were actually running those long nailed fingers down my spine.

Seeing her name on the screen floors me.

Emotions warring all up and down me.

Briefest, there then gone, urge to tell her where to get fucked.

Brief, because of course I'm pursuing this.

The only question is how.

I stare at the screen. Get up and go to the desk, paying for an additional hour.

Spend most of it composing and deleting multiple responses and, Jody's right, it's hard to know what to say.

I stare at the message, at nothing, some more.

Sudden smile bursting out on my lips as the plan emerges from deep down. Too good to ignore, too fun and cheeky, no way I'm doing anything else.

Grinning to the point the boy three computers over, happening to glance at me- my chest most likely, I've seen him -as I half turn his way, showing teeth. Gasps, almost falling out of his chair.

Closing my session down I stand, walk back out into the sun.

Plans to make, a girl- with luck still -waiting for me in Europe.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meeting 001.

Sometimes I wonder how different things might be.

Had Kayley not left, had I manned up and stuck with her.

I regret it, the way things played out. That I caved so easily to my parents wishes, abandoning Kayley when she prehaps needed me most, walking away from the girl I was growing to love. The bizarre three way that was, bizarrely, working.

Regret, which turned to anger, at my parents.

It's no wonder I left for college having first spent time working, and went off the deep end.

With Kayley I'd been learning, her too, my way with the ropes. Finding out what I liked and didn't, what I wanted.

Discovering a preference for submission.

Picking someplace far away from home that specialised in automotive mechanics, living in dorms.

Sad, and mad, and angry.

Not caring so much what happened to me, feeling as though I deserved. Something.

I fell in with the weed smoking, ink sporting, black hair and clothing only beyond this point goth crowd.

A month into the first term, at a party feeling the guitar and bass from the speakers vibrating through me, rattling my bones, pleasantly high and buzzing on weed and beer.

Suddenly Holly, who at the time I didn't even know her name, was kissing me, plonked on my lap on the armchair I'd been lazing in. Her hands beelining up inside my black tee, groping my E cups.

Not asking. Taking.

And me too stunned, too fucking horny, to want to stop her.

She'd pulled back, smiled, darted in to lick across my lips before unbuckling the ballgag nestled and hanging around her neck.

Strapping it on me whilst I fought to control my racing heart, letting her.

The following morning I woke up chained to her bed. Naked. Forced to wait for Holly's roommate to wake up, unlock me since Holly had gone to class.

Something, abandoning the girls she bought home, she did often, so I was told.


I didn't listen. I went back. Again and again allowing Holly to lock me up or tie me up, fuck me, abandon me whenever she felt like it.

And after her, a string of dominant leaning goth girls, each only too happy to treat me like a personal bondage fuck toy.

And me all too willing to let them.

And through it all I missed Kayley.

Even after college, lucky enough, my grades high enough despite my after hours obsessions, having landed a job out in the Czech Republic working for Skoda, the Rallysport division.

I still missed her.

Which is why I wrote, in the end.

Not expecting a reply, much less to actually see her. But, at least having written I can tell myself I tried, and, maybe, in awhile I can finally move on.

A month passes, I fail to check my email- must change that address, created back in college, deep into the role -less then six times a day.

She isn't writing back.


Closing my locker, jeans and bag stowed inside, swapped out for the black with green highlights zip front boiler suit. Skoda writ large across the back. Worn on the legs only, top half rolled, arms tied off around my waist, Skoda WRC green tee on display hugging my chest.

Mack. He won't come in, of course, not into the female locker room. But even as I make my way towards the door I know he's smiling.

We're all, the mechanics, on last name terms, at least until an appropriate, or not, nickname emerges.

My last name though, given who employs us all, somehow I can't see myself being called anything else.

"Corporate are sending a potential sponsor over, wants to poke around." Mack, black skinned, shaved head, bulky enough you can easily imagine him lifting the car up without a jack, shrugs. "See what they're buying." He points, huge finger leveled, still grinning. "Asked for you special."

Which probably means. I'm one of two girls on staff at the oil stained end of things. So, most likely it's a guy, or several. Young suits who want some eye candy whilst they view the garage and workshop.

Waste of my time basically, because I'd rather be elbows deep inside car two's engine bay.

Plus I prefer girls.

But. Corporate says smile, play nice and talk shop with these guys.

So. "Sure." I will.

"Should I dress up?" Picking at the front of my tee, not exactly smart given the stains.

"Fuck em." Shaking his head. "They want a greaser not some piece of skirt, so," patting me on the shoulder, one of the team despite my being youngest, having huge tits and no cock, "we show them it ain't all fancy tea and biscuits down on the floor."

We swap grins, part ways.

"Oh." Calling back, half shouting. Mack, turning back around, waiting. "What's the name?"

Not even sure why I asked, because, I don't care.

"Bunny Industries." Shouted back.

The words bringing on a sensation like small feet creeping up my spine, a flutter in my belly. Deep deep down sudden worry that it is her, but that she won't like what I've become.

Suddenly, trying not to run, I care very much.

Around the corner from reception I stop. Voices, both female, one belonging to the receptionist, Viki, the other such a familiar tone, that permanent undercurrent of teasing playfulness. And yet.

I've lived here a year now, doing my best, and I can't manage Czech that well.

She sounds like a native?

Taking a deep breath I round the corner.

She glances up, no doubt alerted by the soft clomp of my work boots.

Stops talking, staring as I stare. Cataloguing the familiar and the changes.

The old scar at left bicep, now surrounded by curving and spiked lines of black ink that don't travel beyond the elbow.

Hair, still blonde, worn loose and long, tumbling down her back. Frame still skinny yet now more so, lean, yet toned. A tan so dark she almost, almost, looks burned.

Chest ballooned out to canon proportions, porn star like breasts, perfect and pert- the sight of them has me fighting not to lick my lips, remembering the aroma, the scent and taste, of her -straining at a black Honda tee.

The obvious tease, knowing I've always, quite aside from my current employer, preferred European brands.

Kayley grins, like the Bunny, the sight like a kick of adrenaline, a flood of memories, helplessness, that same grin looming over tied and gagged me as one or both of them ran hands all over me, everywhere except the one place I craved for her to go.

The one place she never had the chance to go, because I left her.

Then it widens, showing shark like teeth.

Beside Kayley Viki gasps. And I.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meeting 002.

People can change plenty in three years. I'm proof enough of that.


New tits.

Tanned and skinny, more skinny, from time spent walking. And walking.

Not to mention the whole merging thing, my invisible smoke like second skin.

I just, no idea why, but I hadn't expected Jody to be any different.

Yet if anything her appearance is more altered then mine.

She's still skinny, her chest no less impressive.

But her hair is dyed black and cut off the shoulders in a choppy, shaggy style.

And she's inked. A pirate style skull and crossed swords covers the back of her right hand, whilst all up that arm, disappearing into the sleeve of her green tee, green and black rope like vines twist and climb adorned with patches of dark leaves or red and blue flowers.

Hints of the vines can be seen poking from the tee's neckline, half wrapping Jody's own neck.

Her bottom lip is pierced on either side by snakebite style hoops, and despite the tee and bra I can clearly see the ghost of chunky rings on each nipple, poking at the fabric.

I grin, forgetting myself and unable to help it. It's good to see her.

The receptionists- a middle aged lady in white company logo stamped shirt -gasp reminding me too late what my mouth looks like now.


For a handful of moments nothing happens, Jody unmoving, still looking at me.

I briefly ponder what I'll do if she simply turns heels and walks away.

Instead she smiles, steps closer.

"Bunny Industries huh?"
"Yes." I nod. "I'm here, on behalf of. Um." Thinking fast, I hadn't thought on what to say because I honestly didn't even know what to expect. "Myself." Jody's smile widens. "To conduct a review."
"Thinking of investing wasn't it?"
"Well." Her tone is playful, shoring my game of lies up, running with it. "Thought I should at lest inspect the site." Making eye contact. Dropping a blatant flirt because why the fuck not. "The workforce."

"And." Actually licking her lips, standing close now, voice lower like we're sharing secrets. "How thorough might this staff inspection be?"
"Top to bottom." Dropping my voice to match. "Plus I'll need to run some tests."
"Resistance based?"
"Ability to work to a tight." Emphasising the word. Jody's breath catching. "Schedule. She might," being daring, stepping closer well inside her personal space, "even be required to sign a gagging order."

A polite yet firm cough from the desk has Jody and me swapping schoolgirl like grins. Caught by the principal making out behind the bin store again.

I finish jotting down my home address, Mum's address, if she even lives there still.

I, really, don't care.

Collect my visitors lanyard, and away we go. Walking side by side, not quite holding hands, but close enough our arms keep brushing together.

"I'm sorry Kay." Leaning back against a sink in the ladies bathroom, having led me straight here. "I'm...."
"I know." Stood in front, I nod, move to lean back against the sink beside her, arms crossed beneath my breasts. Jody's hands buried in her unzipped and rolled boiler suit leg pockets, staring at the floor. "It hurt, you know, when...."
"I just...."
"I get it." Shrugging. "Fuck, we were fifteen." Shaking my head, sudden smirk.

Give or take a couple of thousand years.

"Nobody defies their parents at that age."
"But." Brief glance at me, back to the floor. "I felt like shit. Still do. I abandoned you Kay."
"Yeah. Well." Kicking nothing with a booted foot. "It's the past, right? Can't change it now."
"I...." Another glance at me. "I'm not sure I deserve to be forgiven."

Staring at the floor. Brooding, feeling obviously sorry for herself, beating herself up all over again when after Libby I'm just fucking glad to be free. To be whole and happy.


"Enough." Smiling at Jody, her so very cute confusion, standing directly in front of her again. Standing very close, my body near pinning hers against the sink. "I missed you Jode."
"I." Taking a breath, shake running across her body. "Missed you too Kay. Um, Bun-"
"Kay." Shaking my head.

Taking hold her right hand I guide it up inside my teasing Honda tee, Jody not resisting as I place it atop my breast, applying slight pressure until she complies, her grip tightening, becoming a gentle squeeze.

Withdrawing the hand I run it through her short black hair, stroking. Feel my legs twitch as she, gaze locked on mine and lips slightly parted, slides her hand down inside my bra cup, finding skin.

Finger brushing the rock like bud of my erect, excited, nipple.

Leaning in, her and me, breath coming in short sharp gasps. Jody visibly shaking.

Brush of her lips against mine like an electric shock, lighting me up. Throwing all the switches, turning every dial into the red.

Not even thinking, nothing coherent.

Just want and lust and need and now now now.

I flex, seizing Jody without actually touching her.

Throwing and flinging us both from her workplace bathroom into my hotel room.

Bump as we land, side by side on the king sized bed.

"Gggfffdddmmm." Jody, blinking, trying and failing to stretch towards me.


Fuck. I went too far. Too horny too keen too fast too much. I tense, waiting for anger, for muffled shouting, for whatever mightve been building to crumble and fall.



"Mmmffgg." Looking right at me, Jody very deliberately shakes her bound chest. At me. "Fffdddmmmmmmggg."
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Been away for a bit, but it seems you have been quite busy!

Quite the unexpected liaison with Elle - not really how I imagine that might have gone down normally, but certainly I suppose some liberties can be taken in a world of literal magic.
RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago Teeth are fucking weird though, sharp like a horror special effect.
Hmm. Wonder if that is a permanent thing now, or just a temporary manifestation of the Bunny''s power (although I suppose the Bunny is no longer entirely a separate entity, so perhaps that answers my question?)

...And I suppose the later chapters answer that... Perhaps I should not fall behind :P
RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago Like jumping across the world. Even, not brave enough yet, beyond.
I had actually been wondering about that - how far can she 'jump'? Some amusing possibilities there, as it seems these powers do not have very many limits, although I doubt those possibilities will actually come up during the course of this story.
RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago Cursing the lost books, which granted I don't appear to need now, but, I'd gotten used to having them, to feeling them pulse and whisper.
A very evocative description of said books...
RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago I fail to check my email- must change that address, created back in college, deep into the role -less then six times a day.
A very amusing line - nice short lived setup with the joke :P

Kayley 'dropping in' is also well done. A great scene - and great chapters as usual :)
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BlissfulMisery wrote: 10 months ago Been away for a bit, but it seems you have been quite busy!
Tend to post them as I finish them regardless of whether anyone's commented on the last batch yet :lol:
BlissfulMisery wrote: 10 months ago Quite the unexpected liaison with Elle - not really how I imagine that might have gone down normally, but certainly I suppose some liberties can be taken in a world of literal magic.
I'd say over half of what I write would never happen in reality. There's no way 99% of people would submit so easily/willingly to complete strangers.

Makes it easier for me if they do though :lol:

It's a TUGs site, which to me says the TUGs are more important then making what happens real, or make sense from a safety first point of view.

Besides it makes them more fun to write too if everyone's up for it :D
BlissfulMisery wrote: 10 months ago great chapters as usual :)
Thank you, as always.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meeting 003.


Kay, she'd said. Correcting me as I tried to name her other, the Bunny.


Shaking my bound chest at her. Kayley. The Bunny, whoever it is behind my ex girlfriends eyes, her new shark like smile.


Offering, not even mad, not anything except eager.

I've missed her.

Kay. Kayley, she'd seemed to insist. But.

Kayley couldn't of done that, not without the Bunny's help.

Seconds. Everything happened in mere seconds, like a whirlwind blur.

Like being dragged, touched but not, moving impossibly fast through a white blur.

And all whilst feeling my limbs pushed and pulled, pinched, bent. Sudden taste of rubber in my forced open mouth.

Sense of direction reasserting as I drop down onto a soft sheet, what had been up is now horizontal. And I'm now laid on a large bed, in an unfamiliar room.

Limbs locked tight by rope.

Breasts squeezed top and bottom, elbows and wrists pinned at my back, wrists held tight to my waist. Knees and ankles, legs bent back, body arched, boot heels brushing my elbows.

Whole body lighting on fire, submissiveness suddenly cranked to eleven as I moan through the large ballgag, wriggle rope pinched limbs.

It's been way too long. Living here a year, still not familiar enough with the language to trust dipping my toe in the dating scene.

And now this. The Bunny, who else, stepping up to grant Kayley's horny wish.

My wish too.

She. Kayley, the Bunny but there's no fur, so, must be Kayley still, is laid next to me. Grin on her face.

"Gggdddmmmm." Trying to wriggle closer but I'm bound too perfectly. I can barely move beyond bouncing my body on the spot.

"Fffdddgg mmmmffffp." More bouncing helplessness as Kayley watches, smile spreading, my pussy getting wetter. "Pphhggmm." Come here and play with me already.

She comes. Stripping me naked as best the ropes will allow, exposing the rest of my ink.

Vines, creeping across the left shoulder to wrap my neck in mock strangulation.

Left nipple surrounded by an eight pointed chaos star with a hollow centre.

Nestled up under my breasts, a large black moth, wings spread wide taking up a fair chunk of flat belly.

On my lower right leg a My Little Pony, drawn in the correct cartoon style, laid on her back, ballgagged, all four legs bound together.

And lastly a large black star centred on my butthole, taking up a good part of both cheeks.

My nipple rings are exposed too. Chunky gunmetal, the same colour as my snakebites. Larger then most rings, heavy duty. Every Domme that laid claim to me in college loved to lead me around by them.

Rolling onto her back Kayley makes short work of stripping too, canon breasts bouncing and settling as she frees them, my eyes drinking in the sight of her as she scoots closer.


"Tell me no." Licking her lips, one hand out, resting on my breast nipple ring held between finger and thumb. "Say you don't want to and I'll take you back." Looking at me with serious eyes but apparently unable to have this talk without flicking my ring.

Driving me wild with want.

"I don't give a shit about before. Okay. I want you." Squeezing my breast to make her point, smile as I moan, thrust my chest at her. "Always you Jode. And we can talk plenty later but," a shrug. "I've missed you. So."

Another squeeze of my breast, what she wants unspoken but clear.

Sex. Me. Her. Now.

I nod, adrenaline pumping- the fast approaching fun times, with her -too hard for even gagged speech.

Kayley grins. Teeth everywhere, which, my submission ruling all right now, her looking like an actual predator only makes me feel all the more like prey caught in a trap.

Turning the dial up even higher.

And in she comes.

Taking charge of my body, enjoying me in a way she never- because we were young -did.

The first orgasm is a blur it comes in so fast. Hard like a missile strike. Kayley, teasing my breasts with her hands and fingers, taking my nipple ring in her mouth. Rubbing her naked crotch up against mine.

Just that. All of that.

Easily enough to have me panting and grunting, crotch and legs spasming as the pleasure hits in waves.

Kayley ungags me, locking her lips to mine, her fingers slipping and trailing long nails down over my belly, finding my pussy slit.

Sliding inside.

Second climax, no less intense but a slower build, Kayley taking her time. Kissing, working me over, her lips alternating between my mouth and breast. Her fingers faster slower faster.

Clearly enjoying herself, grinning as I pant when she picks up speed, grinning wider as I moan when she slows down.


Taking easy charge of my body in a way schoolgirl me could've only dreamed in her wildest fantasies.

Whilst I wind down from that second screaming plunge Kayley rolls me over, removing both ropes and my clothes, properly, freeing me to nakedness matching hers.

We collapse together, side by side her laid facing the window clear blue sky and muted traffic sounds, me behind her, breasts pressed against Kayley's back, arms around her fingers idly tracing patterns on stomach and canon breast alike.

Pressing her butt back into my crotch as I plant soft kisses on her neck.

"Wha...?" Voices soft, lazy, arousal gently sloshing back and forth inside.

"I'm the Rope Bunny." Turning herself in my loose embrace, coming belly to belly, kissing me. Smiling.

"You ask. I do." Kissing me again, making eye contact, mischief and want in her gaze. "Remember."

Lick my lips. Remembering.

Submissive for so long, an easy hole to fall into, near impossible to climb back out when it just feels to damn good.


I remember times past. Orders given and obeyed.

Like- well, she always insisted it wasn't but it always seemed like -magic.

"Tie yourself up."

I scoot back, only slightly, watching eyes drinking it in as she, swallowing like suppressing her own adrenaline surge, complies.

Wrists pulled behind her by invisible string, pinned. Legs drawn together, coarse black rope appearing around her ankles, wrapping and cinching tight.

Kayley licks her lips. I shiver with excitement, and unable to stop now say.


Chest thrusting forward. Elbow tie? More rope weaving into existence above and below her knees, whatever tie was around her wrists grows, rope looping Kayley's waist, constricting like a snake, taking an inch or two off her measurements.

Gazes still locked, too much charge jumping the gap to look away, she wriggles. Breasts shaking.


Opening her mouth, a long moan escaping as her legs are pulled and bent around behind her, chest pushed out yet again even as rope wraps her canons above and below, looping a figure eight around both breasts.

Crotch rope burying itself inside her pussy.

"Jode." My name like a plea as she lays completely.

And yes I get it, she can make it come she can tell all the ropes to fuck off again too. But, right now appearances are what matters and right now she's completely.


"Fuck." Words like breathing out, the sight of her literally stealing my air. "Me."

My turn to torment- in a fun teasing way -her. And like me Kayley doesn't last long, her first climax arriving through nothing more then eye contact and some gentle tugging of her crotch rope.

I make her work for the next two.

More crotch rope combined with plenty of attention to her fantastic chest. Kissing. Licking those rock hard nipples, taking small bites across her neck.

Kayley panting and moaning and please more more more.

Her third climax we share. One hand tugging her crotch rope the other sliding in and out my pussy.

Talking dirty to her.

I make a fantasy up on the fly, describing abandoning her here, tied and gagged too. Letting her stew and wait on my finishing work.

Coming back to have my fun.

And her, picking up my tale and twisting it.

That's what gets us both over the peak, Kayley, helplessly bound yet promising to bind and gag me, to lead me back through the hotel corridors and out the front door, to walk me through the town naked, collared and leashed.

Recalling the time she kidnapped me, years ago, lifted from my own bed and waking bound, gagged, in hers.

Except this time around she makes the tale adult, adding made up details.

Making it tonight, that she's going to come for me, take me away. Describing the jerking of chains attached to my nipple rings, each run up to the ceiling and through hoops, back down. Weights on the ends tugging and pulling, stretching. And me trussed to the bed, helpless.

Lips locked as we scream together.

Feeling her arms around me moments later as the ropes vanish, hugging me tightly to her.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meeting 004.

"Take a look."

Back in the Skoda bathroom, both of us dressed, the low buzz and happy tiredness of good sex running through me, I gesture to the mirror behind Jody.

Take a mental deep breath.

She needs to see. I don't want her to see, because seeing might be the final straw, ontop of my teeth, ontop of the various explanations I need to give: what I am.

After everything, me not being, me, anymore.

Whose to say that won't be a deal breaker.

"Ooooh kay?" Giving me a small smile, a secret: that we snuck off base and fucked during work hours like two naughty children, shared. Jody turns. Looks.

Looks some more whilst I, seeing her face in the mirror, the smile becoming a frown becoming a smile becoming. Something.

Suppress a shiver.

"There was a." Swallowing, looking at the floor and shaking my head. "Thing."

A kidnapping, and not the fun kind. Time lost, my body on display like a trophy. Trapped and lost, the Bunny separated.

I'll explain. I'll tell her everything, just. Not right now.

Bringing my eyes back up, meeting Jody's concerned gaze. Making a smile for her.

"We're one now." Holding up two hands, shaking each in turn. "No more Kayley. No more Bunny." Bringing my hands together. "It's like I've always been both, what you're seeing, what any mirrored surface shows, is the truth. The Bunny's true skin overlapping Kayley's."

"No seam. No visible join."

"And you picked the name?"
"Trust me." Smiling, wanting to step closer, to hug her, touch her, bind and gag and screw her brains out all over again.

And again and again and again.

But I have to know she's okay with this.

"You wouldn't want to use the other one."
"No?" Turning now, raised eyebrow and a cheeky tone that lights a small spark in my heart. "Mangle it would I?"
"You'd." Shiver as Jody reaches out to take my hand, pulling me closer. I shake my head and smile. "It's a dead tongue, old words."

Holding my breath as she runs a hand through my hair.

"You're happy though?" Eyes on my eyes, checking.

"Yes." A nod. "I feel whole. Kayley and the Bunny, the two halves of me, they lived together, sharing, for over three years. Growing close to the point you'd never see the seam. This." A shrug. "It feels right."
"Feels right." Sliding her hand down off my face to cup a breast, her other coming around to grip my butt, holding me against her.

Kissing me. A proper kiss, long, deep.


"Ask me." Breath quite uneven, Jody's eyes half closed, happy smile on her face. "Ask." Looking at her, serious face so she knows I mean it. "And I'll say yes."

She looks back, smile spreading as my words sink in.

Kissing me again.

"Stay." Hand up inside my tee now, my own doing likewise, gently gripping each others breast. "Kay. Please." Planting a soft kiss on my lips, small flick across my nipple. "Don't go. Be with me, here. I don't want to lose you again."

"Yes." In case she needs to hear the word, I nod too though, moving in to kiss her.

Jody kissing me back.


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Post by BlissfulMisery »

RopeBunny wrote: 10 months ago I'd say over half of what I write would never happen in reality. There's no way 99% of people would submit so easily/willingly to complete strangers.

Makes it easier for me if they do though

It's a TUGs site, which to me says the TUGs are more important then making what happens real, or make sense from a safety first point of view.

Besides it makes them more fun to write too if everyone's up for it
Fair enough - and I would question their good judgement if they did!

As for the chapters...

Quite the reunion for Kayley and Jody.

A good bit of tension with Jody not being exactly sure who she is spending time with, and Kayley being hesitant to tell her the whole truth (unsurprisingly, it is not something you would spring on someone who you have not spoken to in years).

And of course, passionate words spoken, although I suppose time will tell if it will last, or if it will end like last time for one reason or another.

I suppose we will have to wait and see...
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 10 months ago
I suppose time will tell if it will last, or if it will end like last time for one reason or another.

I suppose we will have to wait and see...
Time will indeed tell, though it'll have to do so in the new story I'm starting to figure out and write.

The 'Bunnyverse' :lol: :D which I might just steal the name.

So. End of this tale.


The Rope Bunny will return.


Thanks all for reading :D
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Post by tickletied84 »

An excellent end to this version of the Rope Bunny. Glad she's got a happy ending (for now) and we can resume with the next edition :D
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