Lost Bet with my Girlfriend (F/M)

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Lost Bet with my Girlfriend (F/M)

Post by guardian741 »

I had dated Brittany for about 4 years; she was a cute girl, blonde, 5’10 and kept herself in pretty good shape. At the time of this story, we were both 23. We were watching some cooking competition show in her living room and we were both complaining about how bored we were. She was wearing a tight fitting pink t-shirt that complimented her curves, and jeans that hugged her ass. She was definitely attractive.

Suddenly, Brittany sits-up on her knees and turns to me all wide-eyed and asks “you wanna make a bet?!”

I gave her my puzzled look and asked “a bet? For what?”

“Because we’re BORED!” She exclaimed. “We could each predict who’s going to win at the end of the episode, and the winner gets whatever the stakes are, that way the episode is more interesting for us”

It still sounded odd to me. “What, like, for money?”

“Nooo!” she said with a smile and lightly slapped my shoulder. “Like, the loser has to do something for the winner”.
Between her smile, and the words coming out of her mouth I was suddenly very interested… and aroused.

“So… what would I get if I win?” I hinted

“I don’t know, what do you want?” she asked.

“Well, you know what I want…” We had been dating 3 years at this point, and had messed-around, so this request wasn’t THAT far out – I had been hinting at... other stuff... for a few weeks now

“Hmm… Ok” and just like that, I was on-board.

“But if I win” she continued, “I get to tie you up!”

“What?! Why?” I asked. I didn’t like the idea of being powerless like that.

“I just feel like it would be fun! I could tease you and you couldn’t do anything about it!” Brittany said, still wide-eyed and smiling. The bulge in my pants was doing all my thinking at this point: if I win, she goes down on me, even if I lose she ties me up, but still gets me excited? I bet she wouldn’t stop there! Sounds like a win-win to me.

“Deal” I said, already playing out my winning scenario in my head.

“Yay!” Brittany said with a devilish grin that only made me more excited.

So, we picked our contestants and watched the show. 45 minutes later, the judges made their ruling on the final challenge: my guy lost.

“WHAT?!” I shouted at the TV.

“YES! YES! YES!” Brittany shouted while jabbing the air with her fists. “I get to tiiie you uuuuuup!” she sang at me.

I let out a sigh “whatever”

“Don’t go anywhere!” Brittany said and ran upstairs to “get some stuff”

I sat still and watched the credits roll, trying to stay positive about the future. Brittany came back down the stairs with some off-white rope and a brand new roll of duct tape.

“Lay on the coffee table”


“Hey, you don’t get to argue! I want to be able to watch you squirm!” she said with a laugh

So, I begrudgingly laid on the coffee table that was in front of the couch. It was fairly large, so I fit, but just barely. I was laying on my stomach and Brittany half-straddled me and said “Put your hands behind your back”

“I feel like we should talk about how long I’m going to be tied up for” I said

Brittany leaned down with her face next to my ear and said with a devilish, seductive tone, “I said, put your hands behind your back”. Her breath on my neck gave me goosebumps, and made it suddenly more uncomfortable to be laying on my front. I put my hands behind my back.

Brittany began winding rope every-which-way around my hands. She looped it around one wrist, cinched it off, did the same with the other wrist, then tied my hands together, then wrapped rope the other direction, between my hands. Finally, she tied it off and my hands were securely tied to each other, I couldn’t separate them an inch if I tried.

She was apparently just getting started; She then started wrapping rope around my upper arms and elbows with the same idea – tying the rope around each arm, then tying them together. She took another piece of rope and fed it underneath me (bumping my package on “accident”), fed it through my bound wrists and tied it off, keeping my bound arms secured to my lower back.

“Ok! Jesus! I think you’ve got me pretty well tied!” I complained – starting to get a little nervous about how little I could move.

“Oh, hush! I haven’t even started your legs yet!” Brittany responded. She ripped-off a long piece of duct tape and smoothed it over my mouth. Ignoring my muffled protest, she spoke in my ear: “just relax and enjoy, and you better leave that tape on” and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I just laid there while Brittany tied my ankles and knees. I then felt her bend my legs behind me and start looping rope through the loops around my ankles. I started mmmphing complaints into the tape, but she just told me to quiet and continued feeding the rope through my wrist ropes. She tied it, then pulled the rope, making it taut. She gave another pull, bringing my legs past the “straight up” position down another 45 degrees or so, putting me in a pretty strict hogtie.

“THAT’S for complaining!” Brittany said as she tied off the rope. She gave my ass a playful smack, earning muffled protests from me. She then walked around to where my head was and ripped off the tape from my mouth, folding it and throwing it on the ground.

“Can you move?” she asked

I gave my best attempt at moving and failed miserably. I couldn’t move my hands/arms at all, and while I could move my legs a little, they were tightly tied to my immobile hands. Most of the knots were out of my reach, and even the ones I could feel with my fingers, I would have no idea how to even start untying.

“Nope. What, do you do this shit for fun or something?” I asked – legitimately curious where she learned to truss someone up so thoroughly.

“Well, when we were younger, my sister and I would get bored on rainy days and were home alone. We found a pair of toy handcuffs one day and started playing with those, then with tape, and it just kinda went from there. It’s been a couple of years though, I was worried I got rusty.”

“Doesn’t feel like it” I grumbled, still pulling at the rope connecting my legs to my hands

“Now, I just need to gag you!” Brittany said

“Oh, come on! Seriously?” I asked.

Brittany pulled off a LONG piece of tape, but left it on the roll. She reached down and peeled off one of her white ankle socks, then the other.

“No! Brittany, don’t you fucking dare!” I shouted while squirming more vigorously.

Brittany just laughed while she balled up her dirty socks. “Hey, you lost the bet! And if you enjoy your punishment, it defeats the whole idea of losing a bet! Now open wide!”

I refused. But she pinched my nose shut, and we both knew it would only be a matter of time before I had to breathe again. I turned my head when I opened my mouth for breath, but Brittany grabbed my open jaw with her free hand and held it like a vice-grip. She brought the ball of socks to my mouth and shoved them in, she ignored my groans while she poked and prodded them all the way into my mouth. She used one finger to press on the socks, keeping them in my mouth against my resistant tongue, while her other hand grabbed the strip of tape. She pressed the tape over my mouth and ripped it off. The strip went almost from ear to ear. She then preceded to add like 5 more pieces at various angles over my mouth. She stepped back to observe her handiwork. I tried opening my mouth and pressing the socks against the tape, but the tape held. Her dirty socks were stuck in my mouth. I groaned.

“Mmmmm,” Brittany cooed, “how do my socks taste?”

I glared at her, and mumbled unintelligible grunts. Her socks tasted pretty salty, definitely not “tasty” by any means. Honestly, they weren’t as bad as I thought they were going to be, but I mostly just didn’t like the fact that I was sucking on my girlfriend’s sweaty socks, especially knowing she had worn them for basically the whole day.
“Glad you like them” Brittany said with a grin, “those are going to stay in there awhile!”

I groaned.

Brittany sat back on the couch and flipped through some channels, landing on some show I don’t even remember. Once she chose her channel and adjusted the volume, she leaned back on the couch and kicked her bare, pink toe-nailed feet onto my back, crossing her ankles.

I mmmphed the gag equivalent of “get your feet off of me” at her.

“Shhhhh” Brittany hushed me. “Not my fault you lost the bet”

I mmmphed some more, but Brittany just turned the TV up to a louder than necessary volume. I tried to squirm away, but I was stuck. I gave a big exhale and swallowed my first taste of Brittany’s socks. I resigned myself to the fact, that I was pretty well owned.

The next 20 minutes were pretty uneventful as I remained my girlfriend’s footstool. I had nothing to do but focus on the salty taste of the socks, trying not to think about how sweaty Brittany’s feet must get. Brittany’s show ended and she said to me, “ahhhh, you make such a good footrest!”

I rolled my eyes and gag-talk begged her to let me go now.

“Are you having fun?” Brittany asked, still comfortably reclined on the couch.

“MMMPH!” I shouted and shook my head NO.

“You’re such a liar” Brittany laughed. She used her bare foot to nudge my cheek and pull at my hair, “I think you’re having a great time!”

I mmpphed at her. I started mmmphing even louder when she moved the sole of her foot to my nose.

“Here, smell my feet.”

“MMMPH!” I tried to move my head away, but her foot followed – not that my head could really move that much anyway.

I involuntarily smelled her foot. It stunk. Again, it wasn’t unbearable, or even as bad as I thought it would be. But still, it smelled like a foot that had been in socks all day (we’ll call it, a 5 out of 10 on a scale), and I was mostly just irritated at the humiliation of my position.

“Does it smell good?” Brittany half-laughed. I shook my head and mmmphed the negative.

“Oh, come on!” Brittany laughed, now rubbing her foot up and down my face, “they can’t be that bad! I just showered last night!”

She continued to taunt me while I stubbornly kept jerking my head; “it doesn’t make any sense how you think my socks taste good, but my feet smell bad. Maybe I just need to make you taste my feet?”

My eyes got wide, and I begged her through my gag not to make me.

She just laughed and said “haha, I love you too much to make you do THAT. But you better hope we never split up! Haha”

After another 3 or 4 minutes of smelling her stinky feet, Brittany said she wanted a snack. She got up and went to the kitchen. I enjoyed my first few breaths of fresh air, and tried briefly to untie myself. I quickly gave up and just laid there, waiting for my evil girlfriend to return. So much for this being a sexual experience.

Brittany came back with a bag of chips and a can of soda. She opened both and reclined back on the couch, watching whatever was already on. She kicked one foot up onto my back and pressed the other against my face. I groaned as the slight aroma started to make its way to my nostrils again.

“Deal with it” Brittany said, not even looking away from the TV and gripping my nose with her toes.

I once again resigned myself to my fate and just laid on that coffee table while Brittany’s foot rested against my face. Whenever I tried to move my head to face the TV, she would loop her foot around my head so that the top of her toes brushed against my taped mouth and would yell at me, “face me, or I’ll make this worse of you!”
I frowned at her and mmmphed at her, challenging her.

Brittany looked at me and said “If you want I can take out those socks and you can give my feet a tongue bath?”
That was all the threat I needed; I’m sure her feet tasted about as good as they smelled (and her socks suggest I’m right).

I laid my head down facing her and mmmphed a groan.

“Good boy” Brittany said and rubbed her toes across my nose.

I once again spent the next half hour as her foot-sniffing foot stool. I had mostly grown used to the smell of her foot at this point, I was mostly just humiliated at this point. Brittany would taunt me with,
“My feet still smell good?” and
“Nice and comfy down there?”

I just ignored her, and started at her foot that took up my vision.
Brittany’s cell phone rang and she answered it. She moved the foot that was on my back to my bound hands and said “rub”.
I complied, and rubbed her foot while smelling the other. Finally, Brittany got to a point in her phone call:

“yeah, Im just here with John. I tied him up.”
“Yeah seriously.”
“Nah, he’s not too mad. I making him smell my feet though, I don’t think he likes it, but it’s hilarious”
“Well he hasn’t SAID anything about not liking it”
“I gagged him”
“…tape… and you know, my socks”
“No I’m not! They weren’t even that dirty”
“I can, but you have to promise not to show anyone else.”
“…ok, bye”

Brittany aimed her phone at me and said “smile!”
I mmmphed loudly at her in protest, but she just grabbed my nose with her toes. I heard the *click*, then 2 seconds later she had sent the picture to her friend.

“Julie says you look cute” laughed Brittany

I yelled into her foot, mildly irritated that she sent a picture to a mutual friend. Brittany ignored me and moved both feet to my back and resumed watching TV. I laid there for another hour as she watched TV, mostly keeping her feet on my back, occasionally moving a foot to my nose for a few seconds, ordering me to “smell”.

Finally, Brittany got up and said “Well, I have to go make dinner upstairs. Then, I might be able to let you go, I think you’ve paid your dues, don’t you?”

I mmphed eagerly, anxious to be untied.

“Holler if you need anything” Brittany said and laughed as she went upstairs.

I laid another 10 minutes by myself in the lower-level of the house. Brittany had turned the TV off, so I sat in silence aside from the music Brittany was playing upstairs, waiting for today to be over.

I heard the front door open, and a few seconds later Robin, Brittany’s younger sister that had been at the mall with friends, walked in and saw me tied up on the coffee table.

Robin was 17. Younger than Brittany and I, but you couldn’t tell to look at her. She was also quite attractive; she had wavy brown hair that she wore shoulder-length, and was “well-endowed” in the breast and ass categories. She wore a tight black shirt with some band name on it, jeans that were “fashionably ripped” with small holes at the knees, and brown shoe-boot-heel looking things. Unfortunately, she was a little immature, and therefore, a brat.

“Oh. My. God.” Robin said, stifling a laugh, but then giving a full laugh anyway.

I squirmed and tried to mmmph at her, trying to get her to let me go early, but she just continued to laugh.

“I see Brittany involved you in one of our little childhood games, huh?”

Robin walked over and inspected all of the knots, still ignoring my muffled protests.

“Yeah, she got you pretty good” Robin kicked off her shoes, revealing purple Nike ankle socks.
“How long have you been tied for?”

“MMMMPH MMMPH” I wasn’t sure how she was expecting me to respond. It had been about 2 hours though.

“uh huh, uh huh” Robin mocked understanding. “Yeah, one time I kept her tied up for like 4 or 5 hours, she got me back good for that.”

I laid my head back on the table, I was pretty sure Robin wasn’t going to help me out of this.

“I miss the torturing though, that was always the fun part” Robin began, “watching the other person squirm helplessly, hahaha, they always look so silly. Like a fish out of water or something”

Robin pulled off a long piece of tape and put it across my eyes, making a quick blindfold.

“I’m going to take off your gag, don’t you dare make a sound” Robin warned in a serious tone.
I felt the layers of tape come off, then the soaked socks being pulled out of my mouth.

“bleh, thank yoummph” Robin covered my mouth with her hand in the middle of my sentence.

“I said keep quiet”

Robin took her hand off my mouth, and I heard her moving a little. After a few seconds my curiosity got the best of me and I asked “what ar-MMMMPH!”

My mouth was open for half a second before a soft fabric was roughly forced into my mouth. Robin was far less delicate about stuffing me mouth, she pushed violently. Then I feel tape on my mouth, then she wrapped it around my head once, twice, three times.

My mouth was overwhelmed with a foul taste. Still quite salty like Brittany’s socks, but slightly bitter too… and warm. My face twisted up, and I groaned.

“I’ve learned,” Robin said, “that if you blindfold your victim, they don’t know when the dirty socks are coming”

“MMMMMPH!!!!” Apparently, Robin had merely switched out Brittany’s sock for her own.

Robin –painfully – ripped the tape off of my eyes. I scanned her from her laughing face down to her now bare feet – confirming my suspicion that the awful taste in my mouth was her dirty socks. She saw me looking at her bare, purple toe nailed feet and wiggled her toes and said, “hey, thanks for washing those for me”

I mmmphed and struggled against the ropes. The horrid taste of the socks was actually upsetting my stomach a little.

“Sorry, if my socks are a little ripe, but I woke up late and so skipped my shower this morning, and the mall trip probably didn’t help… I bet they taste SO much better than Brittany’s though, right?”

I disagreed, by comparison, I would have GLADLY opened my mouth for a pair of Brittany’s socks.
Robin grabbed the roll of tape and starting wrapping it around my ankles.

“MMph! MMh mMMMMMMPHHH!!” I complained

“Oh, Put a sock in it” Robin retorted. Then she snickered to herself, “heh, get it? ‘Cuz you have my socks in your mouth?”

I rolled my eyes and shouted into my gag, mostly out of frustration. I begrudgingly swallowed my first full taste of Robin’s sweaty socks and scrunched up my face to wait for the sick feeling to pass.

I mmphed in surprise when Robin brought the roll of tape (still connected to my ankles by a long piece) to my mouth, wrapped it around my head, then back to my ankles. She made this loop 3 times. Not only was I even more effectively silenced, but my head was uncomfortably forced up, the tape preventing me from laying it down… or moving at all really.

Robin pulled-up the single-seat chair that matched the couch. She positioned it at the side of the coffee table, right in front of my face.
Robin sat in the chair and leaned back and let out a long sigh.

“Boy, I am EXHAUSTED” she started on, “oh, how are my dirty socks tastin’ by the way? Are they yummy? ‘Cuz I have like, 10 days worth in my hamper upstairs if you want ‘em”

I frowned at her and groaned.

“…but yeah” she continued, “I had stupid school all day, then went to the mall with Sarah and Ashley. We hit basically every store. We were there… God, probably close to 3 hours. Those shoes are NOT comfortable walking shoes, they don’t let my feet breathe, and my feet hurt so bad at the end of the day.”

Then Robin’s eyes got real big and she smiled, as if she hadn’t planned this from the beginning: “HEY! Do you want to smell them?!”

“MMMMMPH!” I mmphed the negative. I attempted to shake my head, but the tape held it in place.

“Hahaha, well, your funeral!”

Robin then sat up a little and extended both feet toward my face, her heels resting on the edge of the coffee table. The pungent smell hit me immediately. Her feet were very smelly. If Brittany’s were a “5 of 10” Robin’s were an 8 or a 9.

“MMMMMMPH MMMH MMMMMMNPH!” I shouted in protest, hoping Brittany would hear me upstairs. But between the excessive use of tape, and Robins foot pressing against my mouth, hardly any sound at all came from me.
Robin rubbed her feet up and down my face, flexing her toes over my nose to taunt me.

“Trick or treat, smell my feet!” Robin said, laughing.

How could such a pretty girl have such smelly feet? I fought violently against the tape securing my head, but it held tight, give Robin’s feet free-reign over exploring my face.

“So, do they smell like flowers?” Robin asked with her toes scrunched over my nose

“How about lavender? That’s the scent of my soap… oh, I guess I didn’t use it today though.”

Between the disgusting socks in my mouth and her horribly stinky feet, I was in agony. Eventually, Robin lost interest in taunting me, but kept her feet squarely in my face while doing whatever she was doing on her phone.
After 2-3 minutes of just staring into the soles of her feet and being tormented by their odor, I mmmphed at her.

“Shut up” Robin said, annoyed.

I mmmphed again. Robin lifted one foot slightly and pinched my nose with her first two toes. For a good 10-15 seconds I couldn’t breathe, and starting to panic. She finally let go and pressed her toes to my nose while I took deep breaths of air, half gagging at the stench.

“mmmm, how’s that smell?” Robin asked

“Now be a good boy, and smell my stinky feet. No complaining!” Robin rubbed a foot up and down my face a couple of times for good measure, then just rested them both on the table, pressing them into my face.

“ahhh, we should do this more often, I think. What do you think?”

For 10 more minutes I just laid there quietly smelling her awful feet, annoyed at Brittany for leaving me for so long without checking on me, and missing how less torturous it was to have HER feet in my face.

Robin put away her foot and looked and me with a mock-pout and started rubbing her toes on my taped lips.
“Does the poor baby not like how my feet smell?” she taunted

“Oh, I know! I bet he wants to suck on my toes a little, huh?”

My eyes got big and I mmmphed the negative.

“You do?! See? I knew it! I gotta warn you though, if you don’t like how my socks taste, you probably won’t like this next part…”

I was mmmmphing like crazy. I definitely didn’t want her sweaty toes in my mouth!

Robin reached for the tape that was wrapped around my mouth, and said, “oh, and you better keep quiet! If you bite my toes or try to call out, I’m shoving my panties in your mouth!”

“Robin! Leave him alone!” Brittany shouted from half-way down the staircase. My hero!

“Oh come on, sis. I was just having a little fun. He was basically BEGGING to smell my feet!”

“I doubt that he said that with my socks in his mouth” said Brittany

The two ignored my desperate, gagged pleas while they argued:
“Did you add more tape?!” Brittany asked
“Just a little, to hold his head still, he was squirming!”
“Gee, hard to imagine why. He’s been chewing on my socks for the past 3 hours! Wait, you didn’t take out his gag, did you?”

I tried to answer her, but no one was paying attention to me.

“Why would I take out your hostage’s gag?”
“Because you think it’s funny to watch people suffer with your disgusting socks. Like you did to me after you went to the gym that one day!” Brittany shouted.
“’Cuz it IS funny!” Robin retorted with a chuckle, “and what, like your socks are better?”
“I only use mine when they’re not gross. I was just around the house today and didn’t wear shoes, so I knew my socks wouldn’t be bad”
“Whatever, no, I didn’t take your precious socks out of his mouth”

I mmmphed.

“Where ARE your socks, then?” Brittany asked.

Robin, still standing, gradually moved her foot to push the wet ball of Brittany’s socks under the couch, the whole thing hidden by Brittany’s point of view. Robin covered this movement by making it look like she was walking back to the chair and plopped down into it.

“I didn’t wear any today” Robin lied as she kicked her putrid feet back into my face. The horrid smell renewing my struggling efforts.

“Well, maybe that’s why your feet stink all the time!” Brittany shouted, coming the rest of the way down the stairs.

“Eh, John seems to like ‘em” Robin said as she rubbed her toes on my nose.

Brittany reached over and pushed Robin’s feet off my face, and said “Go upstairs, dinner’s almost ready”
Robin walked halfway up the stairs (behind Brittany) and mouthed the words “enjoy my socks” and blew me a kiss, then ran up the stairs.

I groaned.

Brittany apologized to me, “awww, I’m sorry I didn’t hear her come in, baby. I know she can be kinda mean sometimes. Hopefully you weren’t suffering for too long.”

I mmmphed, moved my lips and looked down towards the tape on my lips, pleading with her to take out my gag.

“I know, baby. I have one more thing I want to do for you, then I’ll take out my dirty socks. They probably don’t have much flavor left anyway, right?”

I groaned and exhaled with disappointment. Brittany’s socks WERE out of flavor, but they were under the couch.

Robin’s socks, however, were still disgusting salty, and apparently, were staying in my mouth a little longer.
Brittany got up, walked to the door and came back carrying one of her tennis shoes.

“Ok, I’ve got a little good to go with a little bad”

I didn’t have any choice in the matter, so I just waited for her to tell me what her plans were.

“Bad news is…” she said as she walked towards me, “you have to smell my shoe!” and she suddenly pressed the opening of the shoe over my nose and wrapped tape once around my head to hold it in place. Thanks to the tape hold my head secure, she really didn’t get much of a struggle from me.

The shoe was not pleasant, but honestly, after smelling Robin’s feet, the tennis shoe was a nice break. It distinctly smelled like Brittany’s feet, but again, nowhere near as overpower.

Brittany laughed and took a picture “sorry, I had to. You look ridiculous.”

“The good news, though, is I feel like I should reward you for dealing with my sister.”
Brittany rolled me on my side, pulled me towards her, then pushed me over onto my back… still on the coffee table. She slid her hand down my chest and stomach and towards my pants, then undid my belt, button and zipper. She placed her hand on the outside of my pants.

I moaned in a mix of pleasure and disgust as I was enjoying the sensation down below, but was disgusted by the smell of the shoe.

“shhhh” Brittany said as she began to work on the "pleasure" portion of my "pleasure and disgust"

After a few minutes I was taking deeper and deeper breaths of her shoe begrudgingly. Finally, she was finished and I was worn out and breathing heavily thru the shoe, not even bothering to mmmph my disgust.

Brittany then used scissors to cut away everything, the tape, the rope, she left my gag for last, and I was SO relieved when I could spit out Robin’s disgusting socks. Brittany saw that the socks were purple instead of white and shouted upstairs, “Robin, you BITCH!”

“I’m so sorry, sweetie, I didn’t know or I would have ungagged you sooner”

Still pretty worn out, I just shrugged it off and attempted to make joke: “well, I won’t complain about your socks anymore”

“I wouldn’t go that far, I was taking it easy on you!” she laughed

I feigned seriousness “you keep your nasty socks out of my mouth!”

“As long as you don’t lose any more bets, you won’t have to worry about it!”

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Post by Gagfan »

Great story, I love the level of detail you put into your stories. The victim is quite lucky
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here: https://gagfan.wordpress.com/
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Post by bondagefreak »

Cool stuff, mate!
In case you haven't already thought of doing so, I'd encourage you to add "Lost Bet with my Girlfriend", "Amelia" and "Tricked by Brother's Girlfriend" to the Story Catalogue section.
Your stories deserve to reach a broader audience. I'm sure they'd benefit from getting their own ads in the Catalogue ;)

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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent story. Well written and fun to read. I'm wondering what he'd do if she offered another bet with the same stakes. I imagine he'd take it in an instant.
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was a great story. I'm hoping we get to read more stories that involve these three characters.
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Post by David Han »

Amazing story
Tie me up and have fun with me
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Post by harveygasson »

Seriously brilliant story!
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

This is one of my favorites
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Great story. Loved that he was tormented by two sets of bare feet.
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Great story. Loved that he was tormented by two sets of bare feet.
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Post by jone123 »

great story, fun to read
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Post by jumanjipr »

This is a very very good story. It should have more parts.
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