College Dorm Invasion (MMM/MMM)

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College Dorm Invasion (MMM/MMM)

Post by JoyBoy »

At MOC University, many students are part of frat houses, they live together, work together, and eat together. Many of them all share similar classes ... like some are for football, some are for engineering. Sometimes, there are feuds over the houses, sometimes one of them will do something wrong, and another house will get revenge somehow.
In this particular case, the house most directed with coding and computer science ... did something wrong. They stole information from the hospital where the med students all have their internships. And unlucky enough for them, the med students are pissed off.
The computer science house consists of about 20 people, all of them guys. All of them are super skinny, and small, and super nerdy at that. More than half of them are out on vacation at the moment, leaving nine or so guys left in the house. These nine people in particular had absolutely nothing to do with the stolen information. But ... they ended up paying the price.

The med guys decided to infiltrate the frat house and “subdue” all of the guys, since most of them were gone anyway.

There were about seven or so med students that infiltrated the house. It was about 1:00 AM

Downstairs, a boy named Kyle was getting ready for bed. He was skinny and average height, a huge, dorky pair of glasses rested on his nose. He was the nerdiest to be ... ... and boy did get a huge surprise.

He looked over to the door, and saw a bunch of guys entering the house. All of them were equipped with huge KN95 masks to cover up their faces, as well as large goggles to ensure that no one saw them in detail. They were all gloved, but not for sanitary purposes.

It wasn’t their intention for there to be anyone downstairs. Kyle watched in terror as all of them ran towards him, lots of bags and things were being carried. They were intending to tie him up and leave him there struggling, and to gag him so that nobody could hear him.

The were on him in an instant, some grabbed his feet and arms, and he couldn’t move.

He tried to scream for help.

“Guys! Help m-“

Just then, the kid with the biggest bag grabbed some sort of medical object. It looked to be like a massive sponge of some sort.

He smiled under his mask as he shoved the sponge into the boys open mouth, and used his gloved fingers to pack it into his orifice, so that absolutely no noise could be let out.

And it worked, the boy screamed as loud as he could, but the huge sponge successfully muffled out hit cries for help.

Simultaneously, all the masked students pulled huge amounts of things from their bags and pockets... they were mad, and they were not screwing around.

. Thick microfoam tape.
. More Kn95 masks
. Surgical masks
. Rope
. Chloroform
. Goggles
. Tight medical straps
. Sponges

All medical stuff

And they all began to get their revenge

Poor Kyle was starting to get wrapped up in huge amounts of micro foam tape.

Since these are the Medical students, they have access to all these materials used for “medical use” but apparently are also amazing for bondage.

Kyle screamed so hard, but no one upstairs heard him as he was being taped up.

Someone taped his hands behind his back, and wrapped the sticky adhesive tightly around his hands, making his fingers immobile and sealing his chances of tearing it apart.

Two people used their tape and wrapped it tightly around his face. They first secured the sponge into his mouth and sealed his mouth shut, his bulging cheeks and lips were visible through the white tape. He gagged on the sponge several times. As he kept uselessly screaming, someone else got a medical strap and secured it tightly around his head from bottom to top, making him unable to lower his jaw at all. His mouth was completely useless now, his screams were barely audible, and he couldn’t open his packed mouth at all, no matter how hard he tried.

And they kept ruthlessly mummifying him.

Another kid got his tape, one much wider and stickier than the others, and wrapped it around his head, around his eyes. He didn’t even remove his huge glasses, he simply kept wrapping, plastering the glasses to Kyles face.

Now Kyles head was nice and tightly wrapped up, the outline of his dumb glasses that were plastered onto his face showed through the foamy tape.

While that was happening, other boys wrapped his legs up, super tightly, they even wrapped his toes together, like his fingers.The secured his two ankles together as well. He had no chance of escaping now.

They all chimed in to wrap tape around his torso, in order to secure his skinny shoulders and prevent them from moving, and his arms were now immobile as well.

Kyle was completely screwed. He was the first victim in their infiltration. And the worst part was that he didn’t even do anything wrong , he was completely innocent. He was mercilessly wrapped up in bondage against his own will, and as much as he screeched for help under his thick gag, no one heard him.

“All right! Wasn’t expecting that, but at least we wrapped this dumb nerd up before the others can hear him.”

Kyles mummified body was shaking, where his mouth was had a huge bump in the microfoam tape where he was trying to force some of the sponge out. One of the masked boys grabbed his stuffed face, and shook him violently, and then used his two fingers to shove the sponge back into his gagged mouth, causing him to nearly choke.

“Dumbass little freshman ... don’t you ever mess with us again.”

“Alright let’s go upstairs to get the others”

“Wait, aren’t you forgetting the finishing touch?”

“Oh ... your right ... this is the funnest part.”

The masked boy reached into his bad and pulled out an even bigger KN95 mask as well as a pair of large goggles.

It is tradition whenever they tie someone up, to strap onto them an identical pair of their own mask and goggles, because it makes them look pathetic and helpless, and just so they know who did the deed.

Kyle screamed so hard, only coming out as highly muffled, distant yelling. Even the med students couldn’t even hear his cries. He tried moving his hands and feet, but they were all wrapped up. He tried bending upright and rolling away, but they weren’t done with him yet.

“Alright here we go.”

One of the boys held the pair of goggles and set it around his head, where his plastered glasses were. He then pulled the straps so that they were nice and tight, and made sure to pull even harder after that so that it was tight on his face and he couldn’t get it off. He heard his big glasses snap under the pressure, only adding to his pathetic circumstances.

The goggles were on his face, as he mmmphed, he tried wiggling them off, it didn’t work.

Next the mask, one of the masked boys pulled one of his socks off and placed it into the mask.

“This’ll give you a “taste” of your own medicine ... you loser nerd.”

Kyle could still hear them under all the tape, he was secretly crying ... but the tight goggles and sponge packed into his mouth made sure not to let any of his pathetic whimpers out. He was completely silenced.

The mask was huge, it probably would cover his entire little face. A boy got the KN95 mask and pushed it onto his face, he centered it right over his little thin nose and mouth. He squeezed the nosepiece so that it would be snug around his nose. It touched the goggles, and the underside of the mask went under the boys small chin. It completely enveloped the lower 2/3 of his face

As he held it there, the other masked boys wrapped even more microform tape where they needed. Under the mask, to provide a good seal, and in the back too.

They pulled the straps as far back as possible, pulling it tightly onto his mummified face, and they taped it in the back. Then they taped more layers over that, even getting the super sticky adhesive onto his hair too.

One they were done, they had their first victim.

Kyle had his arms viciously taped back with dozens of layers of tape, his legs were completely immobile as well. His mouth had an enormous sponge packed into it, with dozens of layers of super sticky micro foam tape over it, he had a mask with a smelly sock strapped onto his face, as well as a par of goggles tightly strapped on as well.

He was completely unrecognizable.

The med school picked their scrawny hostage up, and threw him into a nearby closet, then locked it.

Sadly, Kyle would be in there for two days, uselessly screaming into his tightly taped mouth, unable to see or hear, all while having to smell the putrid odor of a used sock.

The masked boys began to climb the stairs.
Once they were at the top, they knew they needed to be extra careful.

The whole point of the infiltration was to silently subdue everybody in the frat house ... separately ... without anyone hearing anything. That’s why they had the medical sponges, that completely block out all sound from someone’s mouth.

Kyle was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and now his friends were next.

The masked boys came to the first door, they decided to split up to tie up all of the people in the house. Therefore, three of them went into one room, and four in another.

In one room, a boy was sleeping on his small bed. He was tall, skinny, he also had glasses which he placed on his nightstand. He was soon to be captured.

Micro foam tape in hand, and a huge sponge in another, one of the boys looked over him. There was another boy, with chloroform in his hand.
The other two med students were on either side, their job was to hold him down.

The boy with the chloroform poured some into a rag, making it slightly damp, and placing the rag inside another KN95 mask. Kyle was not so lucky, because they couldn’t use the chloroform on him. He was going to place the mask on his face while he was sleeping.


Both of them on either side grabbed the boys arms and legs and pinned them against the bed, while the other one was ready to use the chloroform.

“Huh ... whaaa-“

He shoved the sponge into his open mouth, and once again used his fingers to pack it in, like he was filling up a cavity.

The confused boy shrieked under the sponge, and on that note, the other boy pressed the Kn95 mask over his face and tied the straps over his ears tightly.

He struggled a bit, but in the end, the chloroform got to him. He lowered his head and his body went limp.

Fast forward fifteen minutes, and this kid is completely mummified in microfoam tape. Unlike Kyle, who was only partially mummified, they used their vast amounts of the sticky adhesive to completely mummify him. They didn’t tie his arms behind his back, but just left them at his sides, only after wrapping his fingers in the tape as well.
His mouth had been packed with the thick sponge, layers upon layers of microfoam tape were wrapped tightly around his head, front to back, up and over, you name it.
And of course, they didn’t forget to leave him with his KN95 mask strapped to his face along with the huge goggles as well, just so it looked more hilarious how helpless he was.

They picked up the boy and once again threw him into a closet, the one in the room, and he would not be saved for another two days.
He would soon wake up to be completely mummified, without seeing anything or being able to scream with the sponge and the wrappings, poor thing.

The masked boys reconvened with the others, they too had found another victim as well. The boy was super short and skinny. But instead of mummifying him, they simply went for something more classic, and tied him up with rope, to conserve their tape. But, his mouth was packed with a sponge, and dozens of layers of micro foam tape covered his face. For this kid however, instead of a KN95 mask, he had a normal surgical mask tied onto his head, and the goggles were strapped on so tight that the hair on his head seemed to squeeze upwards, making him look like an acorn.

“These kids are pathetic” one masked boy whispered to another.
“They’re all so skinny and lame, I feel amazing, wrapping them up and leaving them here like this, it’s so f*cking hilarious how pathetic they are.”

All seven of them entered a room.

There was a boy, still awake, he was listening to music on his chair when they slowly opened the door.

He didn’t notice, the masked boys prepared to capture him.

One of them sneaked up behind him and pressed his gloved hand over the boys mouth. Shocked, he tried screaming for help, but another hand was placed on the back of his head, and he was effectively handgagged.

Two other boys grabbed his hands and feet, and pinned him to his own chair. They were planning on tying him to the chair completely.

“Mmmmmph mmmmmm”

He screamed, but the masked boys had had so much pressure over his face that no noise even came out.

“Alright, tape him up.”

They got to working, wrapping the tape around the arms of the chair, around the boys legs, sealing them together, and on his torso, to bind him to the chair effectively.

The guy that was hand gagging him took his hand away.


The sponge was shoved into his mouth.

“You’ve got a big mouth, hey ... why didn’t we put two in there?”

They all silently laughed.

The boy almost cried as he crammed another sponge into his mouth. One was already enough to completely render his mouth useless by filling it up completely, but for two, the first sponge would have to be crammed down into the start of the throat.

And that’s what they did. After packing BOTH sponges into the poor boys mouth, they began to wrap his mouth as tightly as possible with the tape, a huge bump indicated that the second sponge was not entirely in his mouth, one of the boys used his two fingers to pack the second one further into his mouth, before more layers of tape tightly taped it back in.

He cried so hard. Tears flowed down his gagged face as they kept wrapping and wrapping. He was screaming as hard as he could, and not even the masked boys could hear him. This boy was even more screwed than Kyle, no one would find him even if he was in plain sight.

Then, they mercilessly strapped the goggles onto his face, making sure to tighten it until his pathetic tears couldn’t escape them.

After his arms were wrapped onto the arms of the chair, his fingers taped together, his legs taped to each other, and his entire body taped to the chair, he was almost ready.

“You know what, I have a feeling I want to torture this one a little more”

He was still crying and screaming into the unbelievably thick gag. He could almost not even breathe, and his jaw began to hurt so bad.

They took two socks and placed it inside of a huge Kn95 mask, then put it on his mouth and nose, and then secured it onto his face with more tape wrappings.

He cried and screamed even more, the smell of the socks were unbearable.

“Yeah, that’s what you get, you little nerdy f*ck.”

Then, one of them noticed that the boy still had airpods in his ears, and saw his phone, and had a marvelous idea.

He jokingly slapped the boy across his
gagged face, and said.

“You know what, let’s torture him even MORE.”

He took the phone and saw that he was listening to a heavy metal song, and a super loud one at that.

He pressed the “repeat” option on the song, and turned the phone at full volume.

They all laughed under their masks, the poor boy was going to go deaf. As they began to file out of the room, one of the masked boys pressed the “resume” button on the song, dropped the phone, and then closed the door.

The poor boy screamed and cried and screeched but no one could even hope to hear him. He just spasmed in the chair, his head flailing around violently. The tape secured the airpods into his ears, and he was subjected to the full volume of the music, meanwhile the TWO sponges packed into his mouth, as well as the two disgusting socks in the mask that was strapped tightly onto his face, the goggles that kept his tears from escaping, and now this torturous music that blared into his ears.

The boy was left there to be tortured. He also would not be found for two days. Approximately three hours after the music started, the phone finally died, and he gave up all hope and stayed taped to the chair, waiting for someone to come save him.

They moved onto the next room.

There was a boy sleeping on a chair with wheels. He was playing video games and ended up falling asleep after dozing off.

The masked boys evaluated their next hostage.
“Okay, let’s go.”

One again, a sponge was packed into his mouth. He awakened instantly, and said something unintelligible into the sponge. But before he could do anything, layers of micro foam tape have already been wrapped around his arms to the chair and taping his legs together.
Startled, the boy began kicking and thrashing.

“Get the chloroform.”

One of the Med students swiftly poured the chloroform onto a rag and shoved the rag onto the boys nose.
He suddenly understood his situation and tried to scream, but the sponge completely annihilated the volume of his muffled voice.

But, he began to subside, and then he was out.

They kept wrapping him up to the chair. Standard protocol at this point, they wrapped his fingers together, they wrapped tape over his packed mouth, and blindfolded him with it as well.

“Ooh ... I have an idea.”
One of the masked boys said.

“Let’s use the pilot’s mask on this one.”

They had an oxygen mask and helmet used for aviation. They had found it in the hospital and decided to take it, since they strap a mask and goggles onto all of their victims, they decided to use it now.

“Perfect idea.”

One of them took the mask out of a bag, and it looked amazing.

It’s goggles for aviation were attached to the helmet and so was the mask. You could adjust the straps and even make it super tight. And the mask had a tube that normally would contain oxygen, but this time ....

They put the helmet on the boy, and lowered the goggles onto his face, making sure to tighten it properly.
Then, the mask that was off to the side was joined with the other side and then strapped on so tightly that no air could possibly get out of it. The helmet was secure on the boys head,

all while he was fast asleep.

They then took the tube and, again, shoved a stinky sock into it and just left it sitting there.

“Hehehe ... he’s going to be so confused when he wakes up.”

They then made sure to tape the wheels of the chair, to make sure he couldn’t go anywhere when he wakes up.

The boy was taped viciously to the chair, along with his legs taped together, his mouth packed to the brim with a sponge, tape wrapped all around his head, and a huge oxygen mask strapped tightly onto his face, connected to a dirty sock.

The boy would soon wake up to be slowly torture at the smell of the used sock, the mask wouldn’t get off his face, he would be screaming at the top of his lungs, but no one would hear him, not even the other hostages.

That was five down, four more to go.

The boys were not done yet. They were walking through the hallways. They now outnumbered the frat kids by a large amount.

Some of them were satisfied with their work, some of them completely enjoyed taping up their victims.
Some of them were just there because, they adjusted their masks and goggles, and kept going to tie up more people.

The fourth-to-last boy was a tall, skinny one. He had huge glasses, like Kyle, and was sleeping on his bed

In short, he was subdued pretty quickly,
Once they were done with him, his arms and legs had been tightly taped up behind his back. They taped his ankles to his elbows, constricting him into a strict hogtie, making him scream painfully into the sponges that filled his mouth.
The outline of his glasses could be seen through the video tight foamy tape, and huge goggles were placed over them, tightly strapped on. The KN95 mask was strapped on as well a few dirty socks inside it to “keep him company” while he lied there screaming for help.
The hogtie was pretty brutal, to say the least, but they didn’t care, they left him like that.

He wouldn’t be found for, again, two days, all day he kept screeching and crying through his thick gag, no one could hear him, and the tight mask filled with dirty socks almost drew him to insanity. He remained hogtied for these days as well.

The med students were running low on their supplies, so they decided to end it quickly .

Lucky for them the last three guys were all in the same room.

They overpowered them and managed chloroformed them into submission.

In short, they were all wrapped up just like Kyle was, their packed mouths, goggled faces, tight masks, and tape wrapped around their squirming bodies. There was absolutely no escape. They all screamed into their tight gags, uselessly.

And as they strapped the last mask onto the last kid, they went back downstairs and admired their handiwork.

They managed to tie up 9 people, two more than them, and render them COMPLETELY useless.

They couldn’t scream. All their mouths were packed with sponges and micro foam tape.

They couldn’t move. All their hands were wrapped in tape and their limbs were taped extremely tightly.

They couldn’t see. They were blindfolded and goggles were strapped onto every one of them

They couldn’t escape. They were f*cked.

The masked boys exited the mouse and took off their masks and goggles, as they prepared to leave the premises. No DNA was left behind, nothing. Their identities were never identified, the only thing that remained was the pained, unheard screams of the Computer Science kids that never did anything wrong.
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Post by Terry »

Awesome story, enjoyed this very much. These med guys obviously knew what they were doing and planned and executed the capture of the computer science guys perfectly.
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great story! Mass capture like this isn't too common so it's always nice to read about, and microfoam tape is amazing stuff. Great work
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Post by bondagefreak »

Welcome to the forum [mention]JoyBoy[/mention]!
Man, this is a rocker of a story!

I'm absolutely loving the unfair many-vs-one group dynamic the med guys have going. You can feel how crazed and pumped up they are about wanting to take down and stash away those scrawny nerds. The desperation of each victim really shines through. All in all, brilliantly written.

You definitely have a knack for this stuff. I'm really looking forward to reading more from you.
Also hoping to see your name pop up on a regular basis from now on.

Thanks for sharing, and again, welcome aboard!

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Post by JoyBoy »

bondagefreak wrote: 11 months ago Welcome to the forum @JoyBoy!
Man, this is a rocker of a story!

I'm absolutely loving the unfair many-vs-one group dynamic the med guys have going. You can feel how crazed and pumped up they are about wanting to take down and stash away those scrawny nerds. The desperation of each victim really shines through. All in all, brilliantly written.

You definitely have a knack for this stuff. I'm really looking forward to reading more from you.
Also hoping to see your name pop up on a regular basis from now on.

Thanks for sharing, and again, welcome aboard!

I really do appreciate the input! And the compliments lol

I do plan on becoming more active. I can’t believe I never discovered this site before; like not only do I like writing, but also TUGs, and here you can do both and people can see them, etc. It’s a really cool experience for me.

And yeah since this story I’ve posted like two more so if you wanna go check those out, you’re certainly welcome to. :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

JoyBoy wrote: 11 months ago And yeah since this story I’ve posted like two more so if you wanna go check those out, you’re certainly welcome to. :D
Already done! Goggle Boys wasn't up my alley 'cause I'm not into F/M at all, but I definitely plan on giving your latest tale a gander.
It's on my to-read list. Cheers!

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Post by The slave »

absolutely incredible this story and I absolutely want to test this gag with 2 sponges and the micro foam tape lol it looks incredibly effective and its little kidnappers seem really merciless they can come and take care of me too too lol
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Post by Batsox »

What a marvelous story!
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Post by DuctTapeIsSilver »

@JoyBoy This is one of the BEST stories I have read anywhere on TUGS, Tumblr, or any m/m content. Very nicely well done! I hope you continue the story and looking forward to reading more content from you!
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Post by Carnath »

Very good story indeed. Love the dynamic, the use of masks and chloroform too!
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A great story although I'm not entirely sure this is the sort of behaviour we want from our medics of the future! Or maybe it is....
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